121 EU inyiap he &lent, and my y riven hair • Shtharek hinvTrora the runbearria Love !, 5110 i num tali bilzkacir? • ' ' • - rlven'= ItickF. with ire, I•or'he'nit im tlicir)trrsac.s! • • • •'And illey:VfQ C..o.i 4 rtf r!d 1))! VCCUR ." 1 .» 5 . 7 -.Drectea•ii,thict(Floii: We- fatini;t: hyhlt:v i resie•ecz..2.snry :raven hair • Ahelt•ettrillivrars-4-IM'ailnlif:J/ins there. ahltll-V3valitiltintio au? if ite knew; • -- This trikt mine hi flii-42 L Crl'4nut arid his decay. then he (1;.4 TQ 104:144%kv hire he ahr r pt., and 111 V 'raven hair lihnfter'd itinVront the au u nen ma-there. : ' , rouse hint and tell Mtn au? A.• •• 0 nnt:o - • . A BtaGo. • L ;31i. er.r.,l:llllaTKD efiARACTLII.-.. : ' lit a feCetit numbir-of the.lie'vue des 0001 . Mon ' ilea, we ft id the f.illowlpz• ace )(Mt of the' tie Of Mr. Btlifut• the authur . of the, Bible' its Spain, ar.d the Zit esti: ... . . , ~ , s : `'Mr. BoTiewt,"says the writer, ar i as origlnaly II horse j rcldey, ur s i oructittPg of that kinl ; Ninon i luau, I purit'alni..-a . der .ttm navnig i seizA him; .he liaa'travelletbevha:d t.yiread go,:pel i , ht 1 among the reeks, Papi;t4',-o‘lo2nalts, Satharistie: l and &malt. To gmi souls , cu r e,lvin,)o con-, quer liar. l .-• and trifile;s, andil'a wander over platc.s,. tusrahes sod foists, are his, favorite i.letniures., Al bonfiatiotte of the tif.h century, sad. an Eng ; - -. itch Flon.Qmstme the travel) d as a coliwieurla- , mono the Alpujarras, at • Gimp, Ceuts o Nle , ida, l upon the hanks of - ilie tigutl•titiq r svit', •and, thel Dluro, w,ta a cargo Oi 4 I.o.tuleil - solo) inrabic: r. othe to the' lloband in ton pie,--IMt that of 13u= ik hernia, but that of Hin.lotr!io. . 1 • With a vigorous na - ure, a well 'temrirred . 664. MI uncommon courage, rt..d a lnit.itioli ciirt”itty' mingled with a lively lice fei al , entutes anl evert , fordangers, a 'pot ) 6;14 mod auk the 'gilt of to il 0.1. Mr. Bon ow untkrbt :tuts' Ptt:i so, Aratoe l . Gertusn,D.,teh, Itit,staa, P:,:t,it, talk-twat), Purtt.L, $ oese, Sweedish, Josh; N ,r,v tom, end the ol, r l . iticandloaetao, uot to =audit - Umie, Kyuati 01, . . - z Welsh„ Ssus4r,, and 7 1 malt, the litigu ge of:tbe E 131 0 ,1110 gyp'etea. lie to ao athletic matt, thirty= fa •eot,sia ye!tra Old, witha bight back eye, his ' hiow-already covered with a tweet of rematOte • white him, aad art olive com i d zion, aid - he b e - lunged lunged onginally-to that lnd.au race- of whew h i e lie the chronicler at d Ir i tatid. , • - • • • Ha was b...rai at Norfolk, auti.foulul himself, no one knows how, and he dot a n A tell, in the midis , of gypco3, blacksoft:hti, fortunetellers, rope un eirik-, horse itokeya,teld _chimes metcnants and beg gars flow Zgypt p litio inhabit London end,us tn. - vitas*. 'From ileac hanotab le mistructors, he re• - teivid at an earl y' age hate fiat , ' knowledge nI gat). berish, the tudi : ntntii if the Z ncall hognage. and hiratary receipts fplatiao to the tearing and pert art houca.• Aetna' grew up, tie went w Edw. -- bilighi4ent . thrdugh the uniceisiti eourae, : ated,d Ha . brew, Gre,t and re.,de frequent excurouno into the high.au,la to ieaiu . Gettig tiloruutOlg. - , Wtf-13,cause him • • wards ISTo hoe • I kau P. Hid it lelidd lod) be soared his wild octal `Some pretend that the toil snd the oceupioions of a . j,ckry never h d a rune heAlous sets-mat. He . hought.abd sold horsre, - Tret, wori; lust, arid prob ady ran at N,i.ve,8:16 or D. 14. by. Tow pacim inc Iva ;11. !peel-ha1e... 1 7 •HB attarweda re-aPpeafed, and we fi.ld burn and. treuly: converve and tugeged in We pervice of the • '.,lilbfa hioci iy, c...nirt3y urgitnz , l . . iiagatiou cl the ti die lie andiedv.d i . ?.s rou-e th. •4lrbraise t.ad het :// as a nd .i.r ~., •Wu ihatSairit land iii r tw, ratit•i ptirtsof ,itrzo gal! ill li Ncl a. C i • 'Min to trudit iiv pout2c.a ya. 1.115; Bible In nand, en I 4., :du, 0) 11 persists, lives in too woods hp.allit, m c,r• etas, with gylisies,ka garrtii wituvcnrus, the Alt:skits, stiowrs his e,.tetnei la curates, clocks at tinuisiers,, Irsgu a :.1.11.e1f .11h ttle.leices; offers his band to it's! Arsba,le neither he.iten nor hung, eletracle„ and ttter having livid :through the-Lust cuti9tis romance of adventures which could he im'aji,ied, this uon.Qu•xotte with _ phi a squire, this F4vpigoodist without fanaticism, comes back of lorid,direfr white, writiklcd old ehd"bronzid' a. • ,Clisonirig in one of Wle , teit addresses, said with as uanch beauty es f r ee, .....71,itat the grand end of society is to placiS within' • the reach of ill its members, the mi_aus of !in -00•00301:11, of elevsti in, of the Pus hap i iness . of man. There ie.a lyglier i.loty Manic) bui:d house. for the po tr, and that Is to save men trom degurded in the blighting inficenee of, an almshouse. 111.,n has a right to something more ,than bread to keep him frAm starving. Fie has a right to the aids and eacouragements and culture, by which he may fulfill the de•itiny 'of* a m a n and until saciety, is broug'it to rec.,guize and'rev . enin:e thil,"it will continue to gr , an. under its present IMAterled. \ ItTE . otacii. sum se.—The exidtence' of ttfii singularenoantly in the him of truite, may be doubted by many ( but inceziatence can now be elearirestabliabed, and not as an exotic,' es .has probably been supp Ihe Nlacon (do.) ;Wenner says it is a genuine native ofthat butte, =fed growl in Monroe county, ,pear the .ocniul l pe river. As yet it bas been 'seen but in one field, where there are a considerable number of bushels: The fruit is very white and tra4s i pa- . rent, and of gaud cra end quali.y.—Binkor . ELICTIO36IIIING stoT an Ben.—Tbe Plttablirg:Monitn4 Nit has the following story •in tofetvice to the present emir:tiro) for S..eriff . that istirter, whore the cOnt2,.t iii-pOcoliorly ani— mated; - In' epeJki• gof yhe an'irlia•ronic date; ash:3 - ta••sportedl•l he 'tido3,; the cooky ~.on two homes, the Poet any.: • "Thu only it.m •Ne have is !hat he esided at the house of. an old :wiz n who happened ti absent. at the time. The o d wife, suspee mg that he vele on electioneering huainess:asked him to a light and w iiil her tit,b,nif cam at the t.me r•ii,3 what .‘ti:n h« was f !Innis foi.r. When told,.Sllenifi' she hrt .htenetl: up, up h=r with much ear. neat:tom, .1 do %vie% yon -uron'il;,,e'oit: nil my cAJ rain comes. hetne.; ..:3!c 'he'll romine to 'lroto torsion—lb. he p , o„i-•-J tie wh.l:l6lndidatea for hatertfrihat wereli, i .o?,vote for hot') 0 41 1 4 :11 :. .dani,' seict tlie'candidate .—.rist tinny I c...tittW —an I‘ .. v i roy scampered the two hlrses as if \ltsaivonews was withm Irlibt , ed l ' thrp cipr c tel niaver.oke Storm - honoi of Rollo bs rt spoken, •t icole of i 6.. fo. caootri4 La. - Enrisit wheta' p serer ina.litad . nor ktrkea npon . with I.; '..zEge,n at an inn, the permtnla never epurdctS frcm the dour, and not lc 3 ;iodised wordi; and consigned to rhidlinorciesof God. Tins ie as it slimed le. 1- . 4 . lttzh 'et the-; :try, - and preju dice of Spain; I 6111,4 1 . the Lutuelty end ferocity which have cast a state . oi.etern si infamy, on her historyt - but I wilisi.ti`for i the Span'irds i that in theiesoe:l4l 4 friterenorie; 2ogoplein the world ea ` }Aire - Seater feeliniof Q . 41 , 1i: is due to the dignity - er human or bette';''utiii, , taland the t belts tritit which it iidhqves !van - to adopt. kiei towarlii his fillell" bang.-->Borrotris 'Bible in Spetin. - EZEIZEM .Searpa'* Compound Arms° e Acbgatte 011, . want the can of DEA.FNESS, pairs, and the . dir'eharge of matter liumlhe ears; also all hose , disagreca,ble noi,-es, buzzing of in sert, falling or water, blizzing of sinaio;.Stc. ialuch are Tr.} mptrat). of areaching deafness, e" and alio attoriait. .withi po he 'd" isease. CEP, 11F The following Editorials 'and certificates wall be read with tiprest setheY.;speak facts which are " stubborn things." i • MO's? EXTILAOII.DINAITY ceRE :-11 any, have iiinubts they may now dimfilest them, and the most incredulous may Consider Deafness as curable. 'Numerous cases of cures, rind many of tht ve Ty . remarkable—by the .use of "Scarps.'s hird been, published, but , this," caps the climax." •Ydung or.old may yet rscMter,hetiring, A lady in StnithOld, Perstssylvinira aWat. years of age, bad been gracivatly getting deaf more than 40 years. so,:tha it4:was..next Bible to make her heariconversation in the loud est tones 01 voice;. Loa winter she was in!ineed to try "Searpit's Oil for Deafness." -11 ." isonly necessary to a ) cld that shethi`s,used two ta•tlies, and feat her hearing is perfectly restored—she is cured, b• The follbwing extract from ' I.)k:A FNESS CORM.— ___ , _ ~ a letter written by Mr.. JohnsOn of But•tml, to a friend in this city, is iniptirtmt.• " The b...tt c of Scr.spa'slOi for Deafness, that you sent roe,' with tire wish that •rnv datoAter would try ii,ltas been. used, •and in ii.s effects, have astonished all; you know how very deal she , has been since she was three Years old—she now hears quite well, but as the medicine has all been used, I wish you to send Me another bottle, which. I have_cvery reason to-believe will cure her en. tirely.'—f Times. 7 - r.' . 'For sale by B. B. GUAIPERT;No.I2O North Second Street, Philadelphia, and bf . EICHIIOLTZ -6t. SANDERSON, ~ I "k Agents, Pottsville, 30'— :July 22, 1843 GEOII.OE Her re.rommericed.ll, Manuftuture of SOAP & CA.NDLESt . • .I . largurettf: :Stfet, five doors 0.663 , Sweet, beta+ti : Ca/bac/sill and Willow Street tail rJud, PO LAD LPIIII. I .41 Ns. 12 UM %'HERE he offers for Sale, on - !Tai - mat& farina, wholeaskaini retail, first' qoaliti ,Yellovi Soap, common ph/ 4VII . (10.. Whit: do.. Palm do, Castile do), Fancy Shuring; (to. Atigdi-t 1:2, 1 i : 33-11* • Cl.o'l'll liEIALI24I§ • IAIOI,F.7 4 ALD AND RETAIL - A• N .457 Nortlt.Secwid Sr., af. w di rs bcloW Arch, I I hl atlcipha. • 'Ft FIE aubseritiers . are tr. f lw receivinz and tct i ll 14 - eouttooe to reretve in t ; I.e , eap.on, ce,a .1 English French[ni.d American C 11;:, ,Co!4inderea',4l(oin thcl 'pricad to the fie eov . )r.colz tle laid steles from the mu:4 ap oovt-d tn.tou!ae:ottrs, sorted to:he coon: ' in and cdy . trado, . Rouble . .11thad fi,orid and phin Bea. veil and Pitt Cloths, &e. for trip ; 1,1,00000, 1.4 ave r . Blur...end Nltxt 'or cc;u11 1 , N ool'ett Cloak lA. hinge; new rtyle dark figured Verdiags, Silk IVelvets,. Velveiteens, Tabby arid I , Voollent,Yel, vets, Bombazines, Black s Siiiin and leashThritittte .Vestings, Extra fine Instil Linen, Brown and Black Holland, Silk and Verona Serges, Silesia, 'Casbans ' Paddings, Canvss, -Buti l ms, Sewing Silk and Scarf Twist, tnielber, with various o , titer trimmings tised in wear, The above_ goods will l;te'r offered at the It c e market prices, and warranted as represented.. • LIPPINCOTT & PABR Y, bucklers' and Dealers in Clotbs,Caiteireerm. Philadelphia, September if, 1843.36 • I pis :oLiv t loN. T"E partnership her'etorore existing between Nicholas Fox and Oli i 'ver Dubson, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. All pert•ons having claims against said fi in, a'relrecie.sted to present their accounts foi• settlement and all per— .ons" indebted to said firm ere requcited to make immediate payment ti either Of satif;firm. • NICIIOLAS FOX Of e llitß iDOBSOIN Pottsville, August 31, 1e43• The business will be' hreafter' conducted at the old °stand, (Centre third. dDi,below streebt,) by Oliver Dobtini, where he hopes to re ceive a continuance 'of parr -nags. , - NEVI BOOKS. • • . - 'Mary &Martha. by Mrs. Ellis i • • 12 Bernardo DSlCar t iie. by J. G. M - vin , . 2:4 Village D6ctors, by I`., S.' A rill 1 , • 11.4 Lintel) , of Life, by the - sof Blciaingtoot . 121 Letters from the f3altic. . , . lith Nina. biMiss Bremer (a fresh Supply) i • I2A Windsor Castle. by Ainsworth " . ! • , - 1 2 Philo in search of a wife. (a fresh supply) 'l2 Ten Thousaud a Year, • . do 0 Change for American Notes de , - 12 The Attache s I do • • 12. :Muck is the Mother of Money . .57 Smith's Productive Parming,_bound. ' 50 .Mite Leslie's Magazine. for Sept. single Nos. :16 lust received and fcirsale by • LI—BANN - AN. Sept. 16, - • . ' .• ad---:•- , . . . No. 41 COURTLAND STREET, YoRK. , subscriber 'ret:pcetfully notifies : pit -IL' friends-and utherti,t Mit he has recently opera. ed a new and conveniently furnished Hotel,; at 41 Cmirttand st., a short distance above ma 'old stand, and nearer to Broadway. e will be better. able to accomodate his yisit. ore as his house 18 larger. and fined up with 'bit. tine parlors in modern Fstyle, and seventy lur ni.-lied Bed-rooms. He hopes his customers will continue their patronage to the new establishment, and N:duld inform them that lie bag reduced nis pricti of boarding to one dollar per day. CHARLES WYCOFP. Philadelphia, April 21, 18-- HOUSES S LOTS •-r„ • FOR ALE, pi "- A l • • , L Fo, a are number ot ltiolgiy Buiirtinka and! out tots. of various ;sizes, on the Navigation •tract, lying priiici-, palty in the Borough of Pottsville.. Apply to !LEWIS; Rea 1 l estate agent, Centre St. - • July 16.29-t1 Dale's PatentPlatirm and Canter: Scales. • firiiLATFORM weighing from lib to hi 2300 lbs. and counier scales in every in. eiv, superior to any 'acalecbefore invented; for Astlq_by-the-agents - GPAw & PENNETT, I 42 .Wahath itreat, Philad Iphia.. Jima 17, 1843, 25=tf - - . • WELSH FAMILY BIBLES. ~ 11UST large,Qoarto illelah Family Bible. printed in 117nglbili and WOO, which wit be OW ehesp - by,lbe„subseiriber. • - Septediber 37-JI 13. BANNAT.d. B®®® DAILIIIELS SALINA sAlfr,— Constantif on hand, a full supply or ,t he above superior article in barrels, 4 44 bushels, whieh •will be sold our, low; by .1 • • . . • ,GRAY d REA NETT, N 0,12 Sti clout. SC, and 2nd.w hurl below Locust,Sl., Schuylkill,Philadejohia June 17, 8143. ' I • IHMEMII 111ERCHAllir,S lipTEL, PIWCLAi!AI . . ErZNOW nil .men kivitlier.e' prer• ii" I .I.IVPINCOTA:.' I ' YCOR, co :Ind llnhaniungn St., ha li te jiist ri l e c z, chins of PhilJadiMia add New Y splendid asi;ortmcint of lfnlibionab e anildiap:itnikpasbiantreti, tilio fltiAn milled elOtli,of every Oseription. l ,. Just :revoked front their Nwliolqiii foiltionable clothing kinrei No., F 1 Philadelphia, a new et-ieh of reail; hoz, of which, they iiff.n. lat pria timee r an'd guarantee tu l , give entire all that may favour us 'wth a tall, time: i , d 11; IC, Summer Cloth Frock do Dress I !do do rectei, g ;do °ids 1 1 Fine Frcie4 Coatt do Dree& do I do-Linen Itoun4t's Jacket • do' Nom; ; :do do Park GapbruOn Pala . do I,ii du Alga a handsome; assoitotnt I Drcts and Frock Coa(a..Gray,t; 1 r • i 111 In proportion to pr i ices its thpi ' , tortety ot.:iregti'and ivestiog.whic, ' low at Vie'r"oid" estalithdliocut .4. and Mahaniangn Street' ' P. S.-,:. , l)nn't,. forgei,ic Calk a doll - lea for it 3 00: PotescilleiJune , To nimiLi Ls I. • fivrandla [lmprv,edi:Tonitl filillOSE who would , ha've reco, Medicine for Filmic! AND and Nervous Weakneases.:tiliouldl twgen the 'thousand and due" re! ly heralded forth tu,.l j .lie pnblic j ll universally buccesslul preset it,t.q Rottnind'e (Intpruyed] 4 mix,,44. A few remarks will s e rve teitlillostrate the 'dif. ferenee. 'in, the find place; the operettoh of the t 'runic' NI tat ure In the dote of Fl kree and Ague to upon entirely new arid pectiliar Vrt, toiler! Ortnei plea. ' Secondly : It t.ot Only pi 1 , npilyari',Ealathe eoorsh of the chills,'ieirlien punch .:liy - 11 ii d perbe. vcringly I used, but ~ it 'auxin ri:i/orei thetvanted fuhiranns c:f the general :s3o-tittli to a Oral:ay - 7 ticlat:ty state; whenlrelap , es n! ' 3 no more liable to 01541e' ihat an atioeh of the rit i lea.:e in one who hiss never 'had it I bt - tfort Thirt ; l'he,:sirstern, during the adminlig'rittion (AO ' I . inprovdd Tonle Nlii . iiire,'springs up!al once uqler it's be;rign in fluence, and gives forth tin •in•nest of returning iMalth and rigour: FOtirthl3llProducing mole or less effect on the IMWels, thuleause of the di..!. ease passes cli' , in the w`ay_rnost n'hongly, indica:- ted 'by nature. Ftftillit I. Its etree.ts on the eye. . tern are uniformly mild'and ad:fe;as well as OE ' etetit, and it is as well adapt“llhi the foible:4 in latit,,siniply by a' Morlificationiol, the duce, as'to I. the must vigoionsadn't. , • Il ' 'foe abovelnadich.e into be i hail in Pottsville at the Drug acid •Chemie.ll tt.,4re of • i JOHNS. 0. 11,1A11'1 1 ,114 ., ' -- Arr!,4o for Sal itylltill county. P ttsville,July 2;1,1813; i 31— VHOLLSA4I: AND 'VHF: subscriberlis iiiducsd •/ 3 -! circa( enconragriniet.t he ‘, also from Ilia ncce . Fsity of Ili + I:•.tail slur, in Or., part or ti cured arid R ill 'mei) conriarril sdii, Tea, Sugar, C. free, Cote. r.rdr,,„&c., &c. wiiiirli in come ;Lint sinek of flame. 1- hoillder ring nail Cod - frili, Brown I' ,Soap: Al-cr a eery' superibr l'Ath, Almond and Fancy Si 1 - iillow . • Candlur-LIW inter an S'piiini Oil, &c , & e , &c , ,AI s Al l at the loyc,t Caen Retail) latiiilie. or thnse .terMg to Fel (' f doer ion will be in4di:, in propi l tity taken. 1 . 1 "EDWARD P. S From the faer . ol in) to the Cite, whose pine and utt to the seleptton of the Ili-ticks I iilve no Itent.riton thinly rig t rni cheap, nslarly in Pot j .dge for yourselveß. Pottsville Sep. 2:3. 480. -4- • • I %V E have l ,,jastke. r rtvoil a Intl SailsOnable.Goods consist Clothe . C.litisat4re'!,, Sattitu , Prints, checks, Flati Uingliams,CambriCkk Cotton F L Lineup; Silk, Cimlirick, and tiosiery and Gloves, Fu lansf:vs ; &c., and wit•ll a sinall advance 'on' cost .and want ; of any of Ilienbovelir any l i ly kept in our Borotigh Stores al vitcd; to call on' . E.i Q. & A.' II Septeniber 2, 1 ; DB. STEELILL. ''G'S • • IPULMONAIIY. - VICUP, • ng the heat art'ele that can !le proeureo fnr Cat./4,'Coughs, Asthma, I itrima, Coneutrip 7 tian and all disease Slot the Organs. ' It has been tried by thousands and can produce the very best reecommendations ci t. supply of this . Medieine for nt . jOHN 1 4 ..e.'1N1 A RTOPS, • - '1 •: Drug Stoic, Pottsville. Price 50 cents a' bottle. Seteenthert .H iil.lS HAMS!' &C. rl E. subscriber lanneunces i the public that he a - has on hand a ' , rge quantity t well cored Danis, Dried Beer, Torigutia,.&c. A c., Which lie will sell at itErtv LOW RATES FOR ICASII, at. his eitand ,in Centre Street, opposite the Town Hi11..1 AA stdokrd meat. which on trial should Prove not 1.0. be good, will be th4en beck. - I • . 1 ' I ! te always keeps for, sale all kinds 'of Fresh Mear -41, wh . ch wilrbe Bola at reduced 'priaer,,andgelpectftn 1y notions the patronage of the public. IJOtiN Pottsville. Feb.ll j , 7 , -- , Office of the Uhiladelphia and Reading • Railroad Company. I • I - Philadelphia. Julyl24. 1843. I The Phil*lpliia and Read leg r...,iFp , Q,.. t . Itairoad. Company ,hereby give l''' - - Lotice tint iherateeOffreighl un coal 'and ‘iill cciutinue ns follow. 4: • • From' iPuttsvil!a i in Richmond oil PTh)adelphia. 1 i _' 1 181 40 per on t IS V 0 per pan. V From Schuylkill Haven 1 , ."1- ..- : I ' " - ! • iS.BR A DFQIII3; S , ratify. ' Phil. delphia , Jul. 29. 1843 1 31— I ; iiiiiiTAND s`=l.rEtt.' t ,l --• . , • JAMES !., STENC 111;' JR., , i • • • ' h .11'u. 53. North ,Watir Sfrett, , D uoa i AA ' • ' A b L O B ELOW "RCN. ,. ..??.,1 Philadelphia. 1' .j 1 1 . 1 - 1 I , I Ecn, AS constantly nn hand, a full ait,rtment o • .2'..!' I RON ..5 2 STET.L . , nhi,h M'ai 'tie • bad 01 the most reasonable terms. ‘ ! . Sept l l ember 9, 07 Prints: p i - RUST receiyeilind for eni ber