The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, August 17, 1839, Image 4

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!'sTairT-' -
eep - for 9cio i d children obato:;
Tb blood, •billirideh-filarions "lord,
Tends bot its ay iolicarenoin
'For vengence °ashes thorieror's head.
Though high the warm red torrent ran
9 Detlimen . the tames that lit the sky,
Yet,lift Bite: drop , an armed man
40 stse, to free the land, or die.
Vit" at each corpse, that in the sea
Was ttiimsin, to feast the scaly herds,
Allmrldresi ofthe;iiie shall be
A hangnet,for the mountain
•lLn; rites andsadr shall - Greece ordain
Tolheeplhat day. along ber shore,
lasflink of slavery's chant
Is dhivereii, to be worn no more.
The celebrated substitute fur
C .1 i IL 0 .11 E L.
WitlE prOprietors of this article having de‘ottsl near
-Iy. @eye.. years, and expende , i a large amount Ol
money, in experitnenting upon the r species of
the laura4o, (Solanum L,lcupercicuin at last suc
obtaining fo
sses That vegetable a principle
which ass medicine poses al the beneficial prop
ernes of calomel,and yet incapable of producing the del
eterious effects aornetunee resulting from the use of that
drag. This principle (impatine)ni n mild and efficient
cathartic, land, as compoundod. Lao acts as a tome tit
:Wet:4th, and thaphurt4c. kS:en direct tuns ack.ompa
the medicine )
.Its parfiraar artion oral 1,1.14,
• lts netiOn upon the system is very general, no part
tesCaping its influence; it is. however, upon the serreto
"ries and etfcretorirs.•that its great power is pa•tirulariv
manifested ; from this ii will he seen to have a three
effect upon the bdiary organs. and in he I.lrileularlv a
dapted to the treaintent of biffous Jr.err other el.&
-eases where a torpidity or cootie:omq 01: the hr r and
pQrtal enitie prevail; hence the great success that has
attended its adtminstration in hoer affrenons. (Iv spepsi.
and diseases of the stoma, h anal b one b, generally. Be
ing diffusible in its operation. It ',minces a free circular
lion in the vessels en the surface of I hi. body. aerom
panted hi a gentle perspiration. It does not exhaust,
like drastic purges; sill its action is more limit v'ersal,
and at map be often repeated not merely .woh safety.
but with great benefit ; this hecomes o.d.saeasably ne
cessary tai cases of long standing. for m them inte nse
'temporary IMpt , alliinila made by .tn•ng meow ties sel
dom. if good, and tend to more the stamina of
Ie constiliTtion
lac clarets.
'e proprietors de n..t claim fir it ono rerstilay i e.
"that wsll cure all diseases, nor, 01. Inirtxhienon ...•
ao a fanliiiy, should the
,i,hymearra to. dlsmisB.4l: no.
they would advise all to heve A faintly physician. and
the more orpirir.rucedAynl . fir he b iter. . they de however, that a /Laxly resort to this ined.cot , .
may in a great many instbrires save the expense and
tremble orcallmg the aid nisuch ; hysielan. n . ra
trable of 'producing the effect desire u in the prseer•a
stages ofia majority of disvases trit.dent ut this count
In many long standing, 01 C ht. 41114: (11.10:181.8, sine h as .11
condntonyed deem amid the ri.i to diseases or the
it may bei taken by persons of ...num.! , j u d 6 tlnent t.-
out medical adv. e
PIWI))141 (1411X/Ii II) LI tV , if a '5.4././(d.
Noi only arejamtheo adv . ised in ado, t it no a fano')
'medicine. but those who are labouring under disease
that enionsei has failed to remove: those who have seen
and felt the deleterwus etfectent as welt su those who .
esteem calomel to he the best of all inemcines ; and those
too, who have tried "every thing." (from the boThaed
tore all riortrumo purporting to have emanated Iron/
peat for e ign eallreges or siortrties down in humble quack
tnedleitte of Dr. A. B. r. to Z l all are invited to try this
simple .Aneekan article.' It is not tne inlenoon of the
proprietors to sustain this medicine by eertihea tee and
ram& bin by way of intrnduct ton in those places where
It has not been known. it is deemed proper to show
what is apid 01 it where it has been known the past year
'The following editbrial articles and extracts iron/ let
tete by physicians, and others are gin on for that purpose
The following is an ellitortal from the Cm , i nuati
egrah. edited by Bishop Purceti:
" Jctroet of Tomato, a admit! ale for ( . ai .I." —The
Injurious and frequently* destructive consequences that
have often resulted to the hum in frame from the ne
cessity of having recourse to a drug of no powerful. an-1
on the aside time, cif sri. rleletertout; a nature. aatinkinei.
reduce 11 4 in welcome the annoueeement of a safe, and
what is tiontideutly stater: to be. in most case.. an .itre,
oat substitute for it, w loch. while it possesses, if not all,.
at least a great portion of
is tree from
its most objectionable ones. Every discovery iu the vir
tues onlie vegeta ale kii.gdoin roust have it,. infancy. and
its period of nroliation We are ineltru dto think tins
will stand the test of send my. and he a most desirable
acquisition to the world, and particularly td the people
.or this country. We have heard it highly spoken of.
and we believe the result of every investigation of its
tUllefultiess, yet made. has been Livorable.
. _
• The pray,' telOyS of the C!otupound F trite t itil'onariln
tatilkC CO secret au,: eoto,.osaion. bgl rev it to every
In ellidaltrian who dedires to kti.,w t (
The fullcomm; in eitractc.} from a letter to one of ihr
cropriet4rs I y the llo r n I. Bornett, formed) mlyor l Vl
the city edCiocitilietti
DR. %Las .
Dear 4;ir.—• • tr: • • • • I hnre teed your f'outpound
F.atructef Tomato dune the past summer and all and
have nohowtation in nette ,, :na It has saved me lev,rat
medical: bills. Four of ply fin - nig - during that uertod
wereindisposed,and eihtbded the usual symptoms of 3
'bilieas attack They were la every instance relieve
by the tOie 01 your 'lomat° pas I rournder them a vat
stable mpdicine.. They are oerfeetly safe. and f heilev
as efficaPtous as enteral In correcting a bilious habit.
/ have Axed them myroffwitla great benefit.
Tatar Bt a lKP.'rr.
The 11.illossing is from Robert Piinchnn, Egg who to
made die seterree of men,cole hos parucutar study
emetrinattr. Frhrnary, 138
DR Mtt.r.s •
Dear! Sir,—lt is with nittch pleasur ,, that I boar tea
ttmnny to the efficacy of the 7nmarti p 11144 in affect lons o
the Beet: from its operation which I have witnessed it
my owe case. I am read) to conclude the you ha ye Ills
covered the long looked fnr oesideratitm• a suhatitut.
for callmel e ditteaaett of the laver. Accept, sir, m
gr,atefu acknowledgments. Your obedient servant.
The °flooring is extracted from a letterer a highly r
spew' e physician to friends of his in Cinrcinnatti, wh ,
had Roli cited his opinion as to. the virtues of this median
4""renceburgh, January 26th, lEr3B.
Genii/siren.— • • • I have Used the article ( M lea
Compoland Ixtract IA Tomato) somew ust extensively . It
prescnption for some months pant, in many of the al
most numberless manifestation, of hepatic
. derangenirn
particularly in infantile cases, and although I canno
say that it is in ALL eastw a substitute for meieuria
tnediciktes, yet the striki .2 analogy in Its therKplitiC e
feEll 111 such its to i.ect 1111 l nelirl at favorably to my m ~,
as an agjatand to must into:omen to the exhibition of cal
omel and where an immediate or speedy tibernative e
feet is ltot indinpen able.l
e.t may $0 p.' fled Cll 6 line a I tegel 11
er 1 4 general IKIII.IIICCS in which an anti imashy or pr •
jedte be
e aminfe mercurial remedies existed, I bare pre
scrt it with mart/ good effect.
I au ,gentlemen, etispectfully yours. S:c .
J.ll. ilitury ER, M. D.
The{ following, is a voluntary statemen• made by
highlrespectable and scientific PhysuAan. and appea t
ed in he -Jeffersonville Courier, - hat w uner .
701 CILOSIML.—Having . tnad a a trial of the aboveari
cle, I reel was ranted ,m recommending it as a usethl m
seine.' The pills poaless all the pure,ive and amts-bi
ions piropertses Of cabomel, without any of Its inturiou
tendencies. Persons who are addicted to liAbinial )01
poro the liver, aid consequent accumulations of Gill
and he have been eninnellod to have rettburse to vh
differ nt prep a of mercury for relief, will fin
Mil Pills. safe and convenient substitute.
j NKr L Fl E,1.1),M. O.
Nunnerens other Testnnoniqls from Physicians an
others in its favor can be ixamined as this office
'lshie subscriber has been appointed Sole Agent for th
sale I' this Medicine in Schuylkill county, who par
fumilth it wholesale to all 'those who ma_y wish to.
base to sell again B BADMAN. 1
Alto fQ sate by Vy•Illom T. Epting, Pottsville. Jac
Huntrzinger, arwnsburg Bennet A Taylor, Mine'
111 and thigh Kiasley, Port blunter
=: l r2B ua- st/ •
lIIr Sato and Par r tan Cheese, for sale by
J iztic 22
e I taannatie. January 6(11,183S
1 1"
, I . • •
. -
. '.r 4 ou whiff tevialteure riffistia • ', he sidvinedlo ,
iwt: - "I Powie! it:roar* '
S RSAPARIL _ , 7.A.,1a ,._.
of I• :- • . , . _
, r ation to Oisterit. one bottle ! ( Whit!! !loosing
o e douojgrebikequal to onexallon of;lttit
a ity_proparedln the - shoptouid lipid to two brittle;'
o any other extract.l , Dr-Leidy beZli v iev :m e tomato this
himself prepares it, and can co antly - vouch for
i 'strength. Numerous Physiciansthroughout the U
vs led States. give it the preference °vier another prepa
ti .ns of Sarsaparilla. both from the fact of its superior •
ength (consequently efficacious when emploied) and
f .tn the circumstance of its being pre pared by a regular
.thecarr and Physician, ane by Drs. Physic,
. man. Jackson, Homer, Gibs° . Rewceiti James,
• . le, Stc• &c.
It is useless here to name the nemerous affections
herein Sarsapanlia is considered the. sole specific--
. . like it to say. it is recommended by all Physicians
1 ,
t roughout the world, in diseases of t e Skin. Bones Liv
&c.p.nd particularly all diseases rodoced by -impu
r ties of the blood and animal fluid As 3 purifier of
t e blood. it is at all times (aud parucldarty in the Spring
d Fall) invaluable. In warm chmaites, throughout the
ummer Season, no person should neglect using it occa
ionally. Numerous certificate. and retommendations
vim Physuuaus, and others accompany the directions.
-For pale by 11 BANNAN,
Sole agent for .ichuylkill coon t
Mny 11
Pills! rill
safesi, the beet, mast efficactous anp truly vege
table PIRO in exAstauce are
A component part of which is Sanspparilla. and known
• . be the roast effectual and I homugh ipurifier of the blood
nd animal fluids ever discovered. lAs a gentle or ac-
;i re purgative. they are equa Ily efficarpous-- w hilst taking i
'hem no change of diet or restraint from occupation is
.ecessary. They may be taken at times and under all
/ ircumstances—they will not reduc or weaken the slat- i
em by their-effect as most purgahres do—much C . 0171.
ent upon their virtues is unneces—their reputation
a well established, numeroure i prolls of their efficacy
aving been published at different imes. Suffice-it to
:y that in addition to their efficagy sn diseases of the
:tonsach, liver, intestines, &c., theylare the only pills in
• iistence that cleanse and purify ?fie blood arid' animal
Lode. removing all noxious and dm ased humors there
tiin, and thereby removing all erupt uns from the skul—
ry and watery pimples from the' ce, neck and body,
et ter. rash. or breaking out of the in, and all cutane,
sous affectioes whatever 1
They are prepartill from vegetal* extracts. (warrant
. free from mi-rutoy and the minerals) and by a regu
ar physician. attested by Drs. Phv iii', Homer. Gibson.
ack son, James. Hew eels, Hare. Coate, Arc. besides nu
- emus other physicians throughout the United States,
who duly employ them in their practice. administenng
them to their patients in preference to all other purga
tives, and in preference to all other': preparations of Sari
»a parilla, in consequence of their Inassessing the com
bined effects of correcting the dm ased humors of the
bliod and Nods, and by their put ative properties, re.
moving iat carrying err the same In m the system, with
out producing the Slightest 'inconvenience, or requiring
rest rictions. ek.c..
Numerous testimonials. ce - imEmates and recommenda
tions of those Pills. from physician and others, accom
pany the directions with each Isn, Dr N B. Leidy's
signature accompanies the.genuinei on two sides of each
hot on a yellow label.
Prier Torrey-fineers/a a Hot.
For saly by
Sole Agent for F., hoyik ll County.
Alm for mile Itv J Taylor 64 Cu ,
Klubley, Port Carbon.
May II
t, Sallirefly, r.OV. Nl 1d37,
N UNDENI ALE FACi.—Healtli is the
source of liappiness.—Disetase is the effect o
-nine irregularity in the natuital or healthy (nue
noire. Nl,l products great ends by multiplied and
extraordinary measures, but nature aceomplished
her works by few and simple rpe ns. In the cure
of all II timan maladies, the relief of irritation is the
c rent object of medicine, the ntfiee of the physician,
is to deliver his patient from all! that is noxious and
debilitating, so that the constitution or nature will
he enabled to perfect the work or restoration. Here
kiie„ would commend the adinimatration of a remedy
calculated to tul.fil the preceding indication, which
I believe may justly say o! Dr. Wm. Evans' cel
eh; ated Camomile Tonic and Kiimily Aperient Pills
See the many undeniable tests rif their astonishing
efficacy in aiding nature to subvert disease.
The 'office for the sale of Dr; Wm. Evans' Vege
table P , eperations, well linowni and celebrated for
the many unprecedented and esinnish cures they
have iffected in Dyspepsia, Nervous, Bilious and
kinsuundive diseases. is at No. 119th, north Bth street,
opposite Filbert street, PhiladelOia.
Sole Agent for *eliuylkill count?.
Jan 12 2—if
Lumber ! Lumber ! !
12000 i,•ei inch Seasoned %%Win Pine Hoard;
1511u0 An. inch Poplar Boards,
20000 :ihingles 18 anck2o inch,
Cherry Ilnard , ,
Plank and S'cantlinz,
Shingling arid Plaaterinp Larh, for Pair hv
Fehritnry 5
Tile soh...ember thankhil for the patronage received.
informs the Public that he has pun received and
opened at his Cheap Store in Market street. a a•cond
supply of Spring Goods, to which he would invite their
a opinion. EDMIUND W. EARL.
May 25
M-AM 1, cassinwrea. rislired Satin Vestings, Marseille' ,
4 do ..iloskin Gloves, White and Mixed llose. Pun
gee liars., dx. E. W EARL.
May '25 21-tf •
BLE ACITED and 17nhleached Unmest , c Muslin
C'hecks.Chnitzeo,Cinshams,llosiery. &c.
May 25' - 21.-tf W. EARL
LA DI E'S White and Black Silk Huse. Green Gangee.
Ve,ls. C•ittibric Hdkle., Worked Ruffles.. Fancy
tires* fidkfa.. E. W. EARL. I
1 OW Summer Stocks. Bosoms Collars. Embroidered L./Supenders, just free ived and for sale cheap.
May 2 25—if E. W. EARL. •
Bonnets ! Bon i nets • •
1j f; Split S , raw, DoubleEngltah Donate
1241 ble, Florence Braid, Leghorn, Oriental, Bol
and, SWISS, Italian, and vu. 'Qua Giber kinda.of Ron_
neta, for-aale very cheap by tiNIOS LEWIS
april 37 17—tf
Valuable Real Estate
• THE Subscriber offers for sale that
as valuable and well known property called
• •Brunswick Forge," yituate in East
"_ Brunswick Township, Schuylkill Coun.
ty, consisting of about 563 acres of land, the greater
part of which is arable, and some of the best in the
neighbourhood. on which there is plenty of Lime
Stone, and Iron Ore, of an excellent quality, which
has been found, and used, and no doubt there is a
large quantity, The improvements are a Forge with
the necessary out buildings. a Saw Mill, a fine
:Mansion House, Ave Dwelling Houses,
4pc• a huge Switzer Barn, and a Thriving
Artiik Orchard The Little Schuylltvir
l• River and Rail Road both pass throne'
the premises.
1237 acres of Wood Lind. situate from 2 to
miles from the above, is also offered for Pale.
June 15 24
rublic Notite.
THE undersigned, has given a special and limited
pow 6 of Attorney to Mr. William F. Dean, of
Pottsville, to act, in reference to the Valley Furnace
binds iu Schuylkill county. Any person wishing to
transact business relating to that property will be
s trewn tits authority by applying to him.
t April 62 F. W. GPSSENHEIMER.
Ground Jruts.
50 Bushels Alrican and Cht i rtendon Groundnuts of
good qUality. just iebeived a d for sale by
301 - 44)1 S. C. MARTIN.
Boats for' Sate.
4.m; for tams apply to
March 2.
• Line's.
L INEN Sheeting,, Irish Linen,Bleached and
Unbleached Table Cloth, !Napins,' B ud Eje
Diapers, [toad, Diapers, Criiih, &c.
aprd 15—tf E. W. EARJ..
a.- . .
P • TENimirrit-,_, xIi6cIIITWW.
"rierpelOtaitimed siudenc..
• • --
Soak, Bride. Afttittfasterer,
. .
ESPLVTFULLY lode» %hi iineerelHbaiks to his
gni It
Onstomera and the Public in general for the a*
liberatmeaurageneut— , t he has received front them. He
now , infonnethenithat be -hat an improvement in the
construction 'of Saddles, for *hick he has a ;patent
right, and recommends them to the.Pnblic as being far
soperiorAn durability. ease, and comfort to the rider
than any other yet invented, and be recommends his
Steel Spring Cross-Strained Saddle to the notice of the
public, with confidence. He therefore respectfully in
sites the public to call at his shop next door to Mr.
Herct's Store ,nearly opposite the Exchange Hotel,
Centre street. Pottsville, and examine for themselves.
He also keeps constantly on halal' a ienenil assort
ment of al kinds of work. such as Saddles, Bridles, Pat
ent Fly Nets. Coach, Gig. and Wagon Harness, Trunks,
v a ti cec T, ave gi ag Bags, Gig and Riding Whips. Sze.
Every description of work in his hoe will be made to
order, on the shortest notice, with neatness, durability,
and on terms as low as it can be done elsewhere.
May 25 • 21-tf
,DE equal to any that can be procured elsewhere
.1.V.1..and as cheap, by RICHARD D. SHOEINER,
May 45 21-
THESE Packets sail from Philade!.
t s? 4, phia the 20th .of every month, except
• AI. the First Month (January,) and from
Liverpool the Bth of every month
throughout the year.
Ship Algonquin, Captain Albert Turley, 206
of Fourth month (May.)
Ship Pocahontas Captain lames West, 20th of
Twelfth Month (December.) . . _
Ship Monongahela, Captain Mierkin, 20th of
Second Montli,(Fihnuary )
Ship Sui.qiiehanna, Captain John W. Mierken,
20th of Third Month (March.)
'('he owners have spared no expence to render
these ships safe and .commodious conveyances for
passengers and merchandise, avid can confidently
recommend them in these respects to the patronage
of the public.
They are towed op and.down the Delaware by
steam. and are thus enabled to go to sea the day
they leave port.
Charge for passage Ao Liverpool, in the Cabin,
8135—in the Steerage, $2O; trom Liverpool in the
Cabin .C 35 sterling. Apply in
Walnut street wharf. or.
No. 14 Chesnut street.
13-1 - The subscriber has been appointed Agent for
the Messrs. t'ope's Line of Packets, between Liver
pool and Philadelphia, and will receive the passage
money from those who wish to send for their friends
in the uld country.
The rates of fare will be made known by applying
at the office of the Miners' Journal.
AFEW elegant Fire Place •icrecnsjust received
and fur sale by B. BANNAN.
may 4 18
SUPERIOR Fourth Proof Pale Brandy, Holland
Gin, Frmitignac, Old Port, and Lisbon Wines,
and Sperm Candles, jmt received and for anle by
may 4 18—tf HUNTZINGER & KREBS.
THE Port Carbon Saving Fund Society, is now .
open every day from 9 to 3 o'clock at the Of.
five of Discount and Deposit, for the purpose of re-
ceiving deposits to any amount not exceeding $5OO,
from anyone person, upon which an interest of 4 '
per cent will be paid on every iss and upwards, but I
no interest; will be allowed oh any fractional parts
of $5. _ The whole
,or any part may be drawn out
on giving notice, from two weeks to three months at
the office on Mondays. The bovines of the Society
will be conducted by the following . ,offieers and man
agers, until the first Monday in May next.
Article 3d of the Charter. "No emolument what
soever shall be received by the President or Man
agers for their services, nor shall any 'Manager
become a borrower from the institution
oct 3
Fire Fire !! Fire!!!
To Old ConnOwmen.
Fire Place Screens.
Saving Fund Society.
Joseph Carroll Samuel J. Potts
Edward Itughes E. S. Warne
Jacob Bnll Jesse Turner
L. Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer
New ,Gheap Cash Store.
HOLESNLE and Retail Dry gond, Grocery
Tra, and L:quor Store, cvner of Centre and
Cal Ina , bill Street, next door to tee Exchange Hotel
.11Izio Cash. Store.
l ier t TIE Subscriber begs leave to in'torrn his .. friends
• and the Katlic in getierak that he has ripened
a New Cash . Store in the Town of Llewellyn, Schuyl
kill county, consisting of
Dry Goods,
Ilardvre, •
~Glass and Queen ware,
Cedar. Wai-e,
Which he intends to sell for cash a s low as
any other place in the County. Country produce
will ha taken at blarket<p"ricee.
Llewellyn, May I I
there anycure
iiJJ for that easing disease is the echo from
the echo from thousands.' Read the many certifi
elates 's( cures performed by- Dr. Win- Evans' Cam:.
omile Tonic and Family ,Aperient Pills. The
following certificate moat certainly convince every
person of the great efficacy of this invaluable med.
Dr. Wm. Evans—Dear Sir.-1 can never •be
grateful enough for the cure I have received by the
use of your invaluable medicine (t.'AMOMILE
PILLS.) I was for five years very seriously
troubled with Dyspepsia, which , caused a nervous
sensation throughout my system—so much.. that 1
sometimes shook as if I had been afflicted with psi
sy ; dining ell this time 1 :took many medicines.
but none would cure mar!' At last my physician
gave me up; but fortunately one day as - 1 was
speaking to a t friend on . the-sUbject, he told me that
Dr. Wm. CVll, l lollCamemile Pals were the only med
icine that would cure me ; of which I purchased
some, and the result is that. I am now enjoying per.
feet health. Any person wishing to see me can call
at my - house, No. 365 North Front street, Philadel
Observe—The General Office for the sale of this
Medicine is at Nb. 19, North Eight street, Philadel
phia where certificates of thousands may be seen
Sol by _JOHN I'. WERNER,
Sole Agent - for Schdylkill county,
Choice old Wines ir • Li,nors.
MILLER & Hogrerty hove on hand
S'operiar old Madeira Wines in Wood 4 Bottle,
do. do. Pale and Brown Sherry do.. do.
do. do. Grape Juice Port Wine,
do. 'do. Royal Company do- do.,
do. do. Cognac Brandy' of the following
Choice Brandi, Ottard it Co., Commett, Pinet, end
Saperior old Holland Gin, Henry Lelar and B.
kJ. Bohlen importer..
Pico Madeira, Sicily Madeira, L. P. Teneriffe
Old Pile Lisbon, Dry and Sweet Malaga Wines,
tire. 4.c. may 11 19—tf
fnoa,lo caste to $1.25 per sheet, just received sid
for ace' by' B. BANNAN:
/1 11 17 / 8 . ' 20
d[rami - Wtstales - '1
. _
Ni. 774 bi" '4.` , .1 ? i,: . : - Ii
I\ mitor Woks
'.-- -
_,_-` - ''
' 1 -.-14'''*7';'..--r-%: - . is:' ,- '..
.111 s ,•• `. :,-' , , is
isos Fon , . , i!••-.,,,...
.m. Grates, F:'?' - :" - -: 'l_
ers .Perpetual iiiiiNa , ANC. rooght Iron
Tube% for Sttallliit . iiiiiilic.
gt..v*zen; , :
si t e.t
Havr iii dt
le iv irA i mps
of the )iest . aietitr‘tion.
Patterns for the i'ounarit received, and castings
delivered at the Warehouse, Third & Walnut St.
September 26.1838. , 75—,tf
Insurance Company.
AKE both limited and perpetual Insurances
£ on Brick, Stone or Frame Buildings, Stores,
Hotels, Mills, Burns, Stables, Merchandise, Furniture
nod Property of every description, against losaor dam
age by FIRE
- -
The Delaware County Insurance company will also
insure against lose on all kinds of marine risks and a
ga:net the damage or loss upon the transportation of
goods. wares. and' merc,indise by water. or by rail way,
upon terms as favourable as any other institution.
For any further information on the subject of insur
ance. either against Fire, marine or inland risks.
Apply to II EN G. 11081 NSON . Arent.
July 15 34-if it Schuylkill Haven.
A t Orwigsburg.
Fire Insurance Company.
MAKE both limited - and Jerpetual Insurances on
Brick. Stone or Frame Buildings. Stores. lintels
Mills. Ba ens, Stables. Merchandise. Fern Pure. and. Prop
erty of every description. against loss or damage by
The subscriber has been appointed A (MST for the a•
bone mentioned institmion and is now prepared to make
INSURANCKS upon every description of property It the
lowest rates. BENJAMIN BANNAN.
Pottsville. Feb 27. 183fi 15
Acomplete assortment of Rail Road Iron from 2.ixi
to ixi inch.
RAIL ROAD TIRES, from 33 in. to 56 tn. exter
nal diameter, turned & un
turned. ,
RAIL ROAD AXLES. 30,3 in. diameter Rail Road
Axle". manufactured 'from
the patent EV Cable Iron.
RAIL ROAD FELT, for placing - between the
Iron Chair and atone block
of edge Railways.
INDIA RUBBER. ROPE, manufactured from
New Zealand Flax saturat
ed with India Rubber. and
intended for lodine Plane*.
Just received a complete as
sortment of Chains, from a
in. to I in proved A: man
ufactured from the beat ca
ble Iron.
of different sizes, kept con.
milady on hand and for sale by
A. 44.. RALSTON, & CO.
No. 4, South Front Street.
Philadelphia, January-18,1
• Wetherili & Brother,
White Lead dry and t Calomel.
ground in Oki, i Red Precipt,
Red Lead. - White du
Litharge, Vitriol Mb
Chronic Yellow, Snip. Quinine
do Green Tart. Emetic
do Red Ether Sulph.
Patent Yellow do Nitric
Sugar Lead do Acetic •
Copperas Lunar Caustic
01. Vitriol Cnm.: do
Aq. Fortis Acct. Morphia
Muriatic A ciff Sulph. do
F.psom Salts Lac. Sulphur
Tart Acid Opt. de Narcot.
Sup Carb Soda I.: prima Mineral
Corms, Sub. Marc. Ethiops do.
-Refiners of Champnor,Sa I N are. Brimstone. Borax. &c.
Offer for sale the above mentioned a mcles.together with
a general assortment or Paints. Drugs and Dye Stuffs.
and every other article in the Chemical and M k edminal
Reing manufacturers of all the articles enumerated un
der the above head, they pledge themselves to supply
their friends and the public on the most reasonable
Window and Picture Glass. from 6 8. to 24'30.
Oct 21 1837 ' , 48-
. Rodger's Pen Knives.
AN 'Decant assortment of Rodger's Superior Pen
Knisem just received and for sale by
WILL be sold at private sale, the Fot t ndry
pleasantly situated at Port Clinton, Sehuy lk ill
county, on very reasonable terms. This Foundry
is at the commencement' of the Little Schuylkill
and Susquehanna Rail Road, now making, and
will in a short time be one of the Seat situations
in the country to do a large business For terms,
&c. apply to PARKE & TIERS,
[ron Founders, Philadelphia.
Port Clinton,
—63 t
TO DR. WM. EVANS.— Doer Sir: It is with
pleasure I take this opportunity of returning
you my sincere thanks for the benefit of your in
valuable medicine, the Camomile Pills. Having
been afflicted fur several years with dispepsta, my
very being became almost loathsome to me. 1 suf
fered severe pains to the side, was afflicted with
fainting Spells, great debility, want of appetite, ina
bility-to rest at night, frequent sickness, and in short
all the symptoms of Mat distressing disease. 1 had
tried several skilful physicians, but with no success,
my imbecility of mind and body gradually- increas
ed, still I strictly abstained from using any of the
nostrums and 'certain remedies' with which our
newspa'prs daily abound, and for winch 1 enter.
tamed a horror and contempt. At length through
earnest entreaty of my friends, and especiatlp my
wife, I with great reluctance consented to try your
celebrated Fills. The effect was wonderful, and as
tonished even my moat sanguine friends. I had
used them but a short time before I rapidly recovers
ed, and I now enjoy excellent health, to which I
have been a stranger for mote than two years. I
cannot sufficiently express my heartfelt gratitude to
you for the advantage 1 derived from your mcoi•
tines, and I earnestly and c incientiously recom
mend all suffering under similar complaints. fa use
your CAMOMILE PILLS. Althmigh with'some
diffidence. I cheerfully desire thatseo publish this
testimony, if you see proper, and remain
P. 5.-1 f any person desires to see me, I shall be
happy to rive my residence. W.B. T.
The Medical Office is No. 19 North Eighth
Street—where the afflicted can' be, speedily-mired,
and depart rejoicing. .
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county.
• Jan
is DiNi ill
Port Clinton Foundry
• ,
• - sly - `M.RSTO
gratefisi acknewl-
J edgemisstr. to the tams= of Pot ihs -and
'others, who stepPed:forwaid to his assistance fitter
the •Jitm of liis,property hy. fire in Deastnber last,
Wud- would also acquaint them and the public gen
)isrally, that he hai -again commenced the Drug
•Business in the house formerly occupied lsy Charles
W. Clemens, in Centre Street, to the borough of
j Pottsville, where may always Are had a general as•
sortment of
Drugs, Medicines,
Paints, Oils,
Glass, Dye Stagily
And every other article in the above fine, which he
is disposed to sell, on very low and accommodating,
113'Phylilciana prescriptions carefully put
up at the shortest notice.
Pottsville, May 30, 1838.
/VIM Subscriber!' have just received a general as
sortment of Cutlery, Hardware, Pamir, Oils
and Colours, also an assortment of Nails and Spikes'
which they offer cheap for cash, •
may 4 18. If HUNTZING ER & KREBS
For Sale, or to be Rented
Fr HAT valuable tract of Land enliedlhe
ton Tract," belonging to Elizabeth Spohn,
situate on the west Norwegian Rail Road, next
north of, and adjoining the Peach Mountain is of
ered for sale on accommodating terms; Or the Coal
Mines will be leased severally or together to an ap
roved tenant. Apply to HENRY MORRIS,
& Walnut Street. Phileidelphia.
riIIIE undersigned cautions the public against
purchasing or, leasing the tract of land called
Clinton Tract, on the East Norwegian rail road,
from Elizabeth Spohn, 6r Henry --Moi•rid for her,
89 he the undersigned claims title thereto, and
will institute a suit against any person attempting
to take the possession them&
Manheitn,April 28, 1838
.21Iercers Jr Tailor%
INFORNI their friends and the public iin general
that they !lave removed to theirtorrrier.stand in
Centre Street, (opposite to Miller & Heuzgerty's
Store,) where they have on hand, a general assort
ment of superfine Broad Cloths and Cassimeres of
the most fashionable colors, with an elegant assort
ment of Summer Cloths, Satin, Silk, Valencia,
Marseilles and Velvet Vestir7s. Linen,Cotton and
Chintz Shirts, Setir 5 .1 4 .d Ekimbazeen Stocks,
Linen and Chintz Bosoms and Collars, also Linen
and Chintz Bosoms without Collars, SEIk, Cotton,
Thread, Braver and Hoskin Gloves. Linen and Cot
ton Hose and Half Hose. Fancy Linen and Silk
Handkerchiefs and Gum• Elastic Suspenders. They
also have on hand an elegant stock of 4entlemen's
and Bny's wearing apparel. such as Frock and
Dress ('oats, Roundabouts, Vests and Petaloons,
made after the latest fashion and the best work
manship, which they intend to sell et reasonable
P. S. Wanted two or three good Journeymen
Tailors, to whom constant work wdli be given
throughout the season.
Pottsville, Sept. 15, 1838. r . 72
A etc Goods.
JUST received and now opening—a large assort
ment °lb amiable •
Dry oods —Groceries,
Har and Queensware,
Fresh Mackerel No's. 1 2 4. 3, in
whole, half, and quarter Barrels. .
Salt, Plaster, kr, 44-e.
all of which will be sold at Philadelphia priceit.
Country Storekeepers arid others will find ft to their
advantage to call befbee purchasing elsewhere.
Mount Carbon, Deft. I . 2
Grocery Store.
THE subscriber having lately returned from
Philadelphia, is now largely supplied, with
Groceries, Cheese, Codfish, Wines, Liquors, &c.
1500 Hams, a supply ofDrftd Beet, several bar
els of Irish Herrings, 60 barrels of Whiskey of
a superia - guality, suitable for tavern keepers, a
supply of domestic Dry Goods, an extensive
supply of Winter Clothing, suitable for the
region, also Roots and Bootees of various sties
and qualities, all of which he offers fur sale at low
prices for cash or country produce.
Morris' Addition, Dec 22, 1838. s—tf
subscribor has now on hand at his Store
and Storehouse on Centre and Rail Root' streets,
a full assortment of Goods suitable, fur the coal to
'ion viz :
Barr Iron of assorted sizes,
Band and Hoop do do
Nails and `pike Rods do do
Steel, Round & Square do do
Nails and Spikes do do
Coal Shovels do do
Hardware, a general asssnrtment.
All of which he is selling at reduced prices.
Jan 13 2 • J CLAYTON
New Establishment,
Corner of Centre and Market Streets Pottsville
T HE subscribers respectfully announce to their
friends and the public generally, that they
have taken the store Formerly occupied by Jacob
Bull & Co., corner of Centre and Market streets,
where they Are now provided with a Choice assort
ment of
Dry Goods,
Groceries, •
Liquors, /Lc. • ,
which they arc determined trisell at the very lowest
N. B. All kinds of Country yroluce taken at
the highest market prices. ; •
April I 2.G.-
Franklin 'Rolling hill,
On the Little Schuyilid Rail Road, near McKean
burg, Stfuiyaill count 4.
THE subscribers respectfully announce to the
public that the Rolling Mill is now in the full
tide of successful operation, and art prepared to
furnish Irun of a superior quality, of all the sizes
n ordinary use. Also, Rea Road iron, of every
kind, at the shortest notice. Address}, -
Port Clinton, Schuylkill Co.
Pottsville, tab: 9, 1839. . 6—ly"
- - - - - - - -
NEW 11108
& Hardware Store.
THE subscribers would respectfnlly announce
to the public, that he has adde4 to his fortnce
stock. Iron and Hardware, consisting in part or
7 .
American and'English Bar Iron, H pa and Band-
Iron, Round Iron, assorted' sizes; ast, Crawly,
Slicer, German and English Blister nd A. M Steel
Vices, Mouse-hole anvils. Smith's 1 Bellows, Cast
Steel hand, choping and Broad axes, nails and
spikes, together with a general assertmen of Iron
Ittiingery, all of which will be sold at reduced
prices. by JOHN CLAYTON. ..
April 22 I . 32
Stone Ware
THE subscribers, respectfully nuance to the
Inhabitants of Pottairille, and it vicinity, that
they are thwart prepared to serve t em In the se_
!action of slags end complete two ment of Stone
Ware, of alt kinds mud varieties. They likewise
keep amitatiOy on hand, a suppl of Fire Brick,
warranted lid all cupola purposes , hich they offer
at wholesale and retail at low pricey!, and on accom
modating terms. W ELLS 4. - WHAM.
Reading, March 9th. 1839. . I 10.-ly ,
woAlOitrAlthaa commencedillOolt %W
n ay
o *nection 'with hia Bookeetore. where
all kioa. or uliika Will be Bound at the *haat
'aotiwks.t low rites. ~
lllank .Hooka, /Lc.
orevery description made to order at thelowestlates
the trade supplied wholesale atThiladelphia
• april 11
AGLOSSARY of the Terms tried in the Gre .
Man, Roman, Italian and Gothic Architectm:
second London Edition, exemplified byTuut ban
died.cots. Also •• •
Or the Merchant's and Mechanic's complete Guide
to the Iron Trade, with practical remarks and use.
cut observations, including a new and camprihet.
sive set of Tables, arranged in an approved way and
order, arty( containing the weights of more. than
MOO bodies and sutances of Iron, ,to which are
annexed the neares tproportioned number of feet, equal to a ton in weight of each of the dif•
ferent bodies and sizes, arranged and compiled from
the best English authorities, Just received and for
sale by • B. BAVNA,N.
March 2
H AVE on hood •
Bar Iron of any size drawn to order. Nails End
Spikes of all sizes, for sale at lowest city prices.
All 8 izeq land Road Iron, punched and. cnunte
sunk, and cut to angles.
911 H E present term commenced on the 7th Met
noder the direetlon of Mr. Chariot. W. Pam"
There will be four ternisin a year, each con.
aiming of twelreweeks. • Pupils entering at any time
after the commencement of a term,and previous to
the expiration of the first four weeks of the term,
will be charged for a whole term.
Pupils entering after the -expiration of the first
four weeks, and before the expiration of 8 week:. of
theterm will be charged for two. thirds et a term—.
and pupils entering after the - expiration of 8
weeks of a term, and befine the completion of the
terra, will be charged for one third of tho term•
For instruction in reading, writing, / and arith.
metic, $4 per term.
For all or either of the aforesaid branches, with
addition of English Grammer, Geography. Mathe
matte:R. Geometry and Book-keeping, or any of
them; $F per term.
For all or any of the aforesaid branches,with the
addition of the Latin and Greek languages, or
either of thein s et 8 per term.
Jan.l2 2-
Glossary_ of Architecture,
Jan 5, 1839
Pottsville Institute.
Port Carbon
TORIAS FI. Wintersteen and John Brown, re.
spectfully informs their friends and•the public
that they have entered into copartnership undei the
firm of
Wintersteen 4- Brown,
And that they Piave opened a Foundry, Blacksmith
and Fitting up Shop. in Port ('arbor., where they
are prepared to receive all orders tor Axles, Cast
ings, Smscns, and every k ind of Iron Work connect
ed with the different branches of the Coal Trade,
and which they promise to execute with fidelity - and
Poet Carbon, aprtip
Philadelphia 4 Reading
FROM Reitding, at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M.
From Norristown, at 7 A. M. and 5 P. M
These sours are arranged to connect with. the
Rail Road between Norristown and Philadelphm,
the hours of sturtifig trom the :latter place, being 5
A. M. and 3 P.
- Between Reeding and Norristown, First Clan,
Cars. $2 second Cliss,
The , r u ing Train from Philadelphia, will atop
for Bre . fast at Piittlown
Re mg. Mare 30
AGENERAL as.ortment, or New and Fukien
ble Prints (latest pl.tternsi) just receive() by
may 4 la tf tiUNTZINGER & KREBS.
T HE Subscribers respectfully- annoeice to the
public that they have taken Vie well knows
stanil in Centre street, next door above the National
lately occupied by Mr. Joseph C. Ketn,where
they intend to keep a large and general assortments.
, 'Dry Goods,
Groceries, 4.c.
Which they will sell on as accommodating term
its any other Store in the Borough.
Oa' Their elegant assortment of-Spring Goods
will Se opened in a short time.
april G 14—tf
New Goods.
zenrral assortment of fresh and seasonable
-ca. Goods, just recei ved— part of
Dry Goods,
,Groceries, .
Salt, Plaster, &c•
which will be sold low for cash. The highest price
paid In caslifor all kind. orrountry produce.
Mifunt Carbon. • 2
XITIVI.f. for coughs. colds, asthmas, influenzas, ca•
orrhs, whooping cough. spitting of blood. shortness of
breath, pain of the breast. till affections of the breast and
l o ngs, and arrest of approaching consumption, is fast at
mining the ret.utatinn throughout the United States, that
it 'possesses throughout Germany. where it is the only
medicine in which confr'ence is placed for the above af
fections. having.been there employed for(ifty years past
by phykicians and others with unetimpled meets*
Certi6icatea from Physicians and others accompany the
directionl, many having been published heretofore in vi
sions newspapers.
The composition.of the above medicine is entire vege
table and balsamic, easy and pleasant to take, and may
be used by bid and young, without any tvatraint from diet
or mem utiOn. It is warranted free from memos", and
the minerals, and prepared by a regular Druggist Ina
Physician, attested by numerous Physicians. among
whom nre-41rs. Physic, Chapman.. Gibson, Home,
. wees. James, Cole, Gibson, &c.
Price. fifty cents per bottle.
For Sale 4 B. BA N NAN,
Sole Agent for Schuylkill County ,
1111,y 11, 14-4 f
A. GENERAL assortment of Fresh and Seasons ,
able Goods, just received and now opened fot
gale, consisting of , -
Goods, • •
• Groceries, '
Glass and tineensitare, •
111;ickerel and. Dry Fish,
Salt, Piaster, dicc. &c.
Which will be sold gown: WIT low. for cash or in ex
change for courrtavi produce. The citizens of the
Borough, and4publick generally are respectfully in.
• vited to call and examine for themselves.
A. A. GIL.E.
, .
may 4