Ii :11.11.ASSACRE :AT 'SCIO. lEEE !'sTairT-' - eep - for 9cio i d children obato:; Tb blood, •billirideh-filarions "lord, Tends bot its ay iolicarenoin 'For vengence °ashes thorieror's head. Though high the warm red torrent ran 9 Detlimen . the tames that lit the sky, Yet,lift Bite: drop , an armed man 40 stse, to free the land, or die. Vit" at each corpse, that in the sea Was ttiimsin, to feast the scaly herds, Allmrldresi ofthe;iiie shall be A hangnet,for the mountain • •lLn; rites andsadr shall - Greece ordain Tolheeplhat day. along ber shore, lasflink of slavery's chant Is dhivereii, to be worn no more. The celebrated substitute fur C .1 i IL 0 .11 E L. WitlE prOprietors of this article having de‘ottsl near -Iy. @eye.. years, and expende , i a large amount Ol money, in experitnenting upon the r I..us species of the laura4o, (Solanum L,lcupercicuin at last suc „oeeded ino, obtaining fo sses That vegetable a principle which ass medicine poses al the beneficial prop ernes of calomel,and yet incapable of producing the del eterious effects aornetunee resulting from the use of that drag. This principle (impatine)ni n mild and efficient cathartic, land, as compoundod. Lao acts as a tome tit :Wet:4th, and thaphurt4c. kS:en direct tuns ack.ompa the medicine ) • .Its parfiraar artion oral 1,1.14, • lts netiOn upon the system is very general, no part tesCaping its influence; it is. however, upon the serreto "ries and etfcretorirs.•that its great power is pa•tirulariv manifested ; from this ii will he seen to have a three effect upon the bdiary organs. and in he I.lrileularlv a dapted to the treaintent of biffous Jr.err a.id other el.& -eases where a torpidity or cootie:omq 01: the hr r and pQrtal enitie prevail; hence the great success that has attended its adtminstration in hoer affrenons. (Iv spepsi. and diseases of the stoma, h anal b one b, generally. Be ing diffusible in its operation. It ',minces a free circular lion in the vessels en the surface of I hi. body. aerom panted hi a gentle perspiration. It does not exhaust, like drastic purges; sill its action is more limit v'ersal, and at map be often repeated not merely .woh safety. but with great benefit ; this hecomes o.d.saeasably ne cessary tai cases of long standing. for m them inte nse 'temporary IMpt , alliinila made by .tn•ng meow ties sel dom. if etter.do good, and tend to more the stamina of Ie constiliTtion lac clarets. 'e proprietors de n..t claim fir it ono rerstilay i e. "that wsll cure all diseases, nor, 01. Inirtxhienon ...• ao a fanliiiy, should the ,i,hymearra to. dlsmisB.4l: no. they would advise all to heve A faintly physician. and the more orpirir.rucedAynl . fir he b iter. . they de however, that a /Laxly resort to this ined.cot , . may in a great many instbrires save the expense and tremble orcallmg the aid nisuch ; hysielan. n be.ng . ra trable of 'producing the effect desire u in the prseer•a stages ofia majority of disvases trit.dent ut this count ry In many long standing, 01 C ht. 41114: (11.10:181.8, sine h as .11 condntonyed deem amid the ri.i to diseases or the it may bei taken by persons of ...num.! , j u d 6 tlnent t.- out medical adv. e PIWI))141 (1411X/Ii II) LI tV , if a '5.4././(d. Noi only arejamtheo adv . ised in ado, t it no a fano') 'medicine. but those who are labouring under disease that enionsei has failed to remove: those who have seen and felt the deleterwus etfectent as welt su those who . esteem calomel to he the best of all inemcines ; and those too, who have tried "every thing." (from the boThaed tore all riortrumo purporting to have emanated Iron/ peat for e ign eallreges or siortrties down in humble quack tnedleitte of Dr. A. B. r. to Z l all are invited to try this simple .Aneekan article.' It is not tne inlenoon of the proprietors to sustain this medicine by eertihea tee and ram& bin by way of intrnduct ton in those places where It has not been known. it is deemed proper to show what is apid 01 it where it has been known the past year 'The following editbrial articles and extracts iron/ let tete by physicians, and others are gin on for that purpose • The following is an ellitortal from the Cm , i nuati egrah. edited by Bishop Purceti: " Jctroet of Tomato, a admit! ale for ( . ai .I." —The Injurious and frequently* destructive consequences that have often resulted to the hum in frame from the ne cessity of having recourse to a drug of no powerful. an-1 on the aside time, cif sri. rleletertout; a nature. aatinkinei. reduce 11 4 in welcome the annoueeement of a safe, and what is tiontideutly stater: to be. in most case.. an .itre, oat substitute for it, w loch. while it possesses, if not all,. at least a great portion of is tree from its most objectionable ones. Every discovery iu the vir tues onlie vegeta ale kii.gdoin roust have it,. infancy. and its period of nroliation We are ineltru dto think tins will stand the test of send my. and he a most desirable acquisition to the world, and particularly td the people .or this country. We have heard it highly spoken of. and we believe the result of every investigation of its tUllefultiess, yet made. has been Livorable. . _ r • The pray,' telOyS of the C!otupound F trite t itil'onariln tatilkC CO secret au,: eoto,.osaion. bgl rev it to every In ellidaltrian who dedires to kti.,w t ( The fullcomm; in eitractc.} from a letter to one of ihr cropriet4rs I y the llo r n I. Bornett, formed) mlyor l Vl the city edCiocitilietti DR. %Las . Dear 4;ir.—• • tr: • • • • I hnre teed your f'outpound F.atructef Tomato dune the past summer and all and have nohowtation in nette ,, :na It has saved me lev,rat medical: bills. Four of ply fin - nig - during that uertod wereindisposed,and eihtbded the usual symptoms of 3 'bilieas attack They were la every instance relieve by the tOie 01 your 'lomat° pas I rournder them a vat stable mpdicine.. They are oerfeetly safe. and f heilev as efficaPtous as enteral In correcting a bilious habit. / have Axed them myroffwitla great benefit. Tatar Bt a lKP.'rr. The 11.illossing is from Robert Piinchnn, Egg who to made die seterree of men,cole hos parucutar study emetrinattr. Frhrnary, 138 DR Mtt.r.s • Dear! Sir,—lt is with nittch pleasur ,, that I boar tea ttmnny to the efficacy of the 7nmarti p 11144 in affect lons o the Beet: from its operation which I have witnessed it my owe case. I am read) to conclude the you ha ye Ills covered the long looked fnr oesideratitm• a suhatitut. for callmel e ditteaaett of the laver. Accept, sir, m gr,atefu acknowledgments. Your obedient servant. • ROBERT PUNCHON. i The °flooring is extracted from a letterer a highly r spew' e physician to friends of his in Cinrcinnatti, wh , had Roli cited his opinion as to. the virtues of this median 4""renceburgh, January 26th, lEr3B. MESSES. PECK & Co ' . Genii/siren.— • • • I have Used the article ( M lea Compoland Ixtract IA Tomato) somew ust extensively . It prescnption for some months pant, in many of the al most numberless manifestation, of hepatic . derangenirn particularly in infantile cases, and although I canno say that it is in ALL eastw a substitute for meieuria tnediciktes, yet the striki .2 analogy in Its therKplitiC e feEll 111 such its to i.ect 1111 l nelirl at favorably to my m ~, as an agjatand to must into:omen to the exhibition of cal omel and where an immediate or speedy tibernative e feet is ltot indinpen able.l e.t may $0 p.' fled Cll 6 line a I tegel 11 er 1 4 general IKIII.IIICCS in which an anti imashy or pr • jedte be e aminfe mercurial remedies existed, I bare pre scrt it with mart/ good effect. I au ,gentlemen, etispectfully yours. S:c . J.ll. ilitury ER, M. D. The{ following, is a voluntary statemen• made by highlrespectable and scientific PhysuAan. and appea t ed in he -Jeffersonville Courier, - hat w uner . Ml ES' EXTRACT OF TOM A TO--A at; RSTITUT 701 CILOSIML.—Having . tnad a a trial of the aboveari cle, I reel was ranted ,m recommending it as a usethl m seine.' The pills poaless all the pure,ive and amts-bi ions piropertses Of cabomel, without any of Its inturiou tendencies. Persons who are addicted to liAbinial )01 poro the liver, aid consequent accumulations of Gill and he have been eninnellod to have rettburse to vh differ nt prep a of mercury for relief, will fin Mil Pills. safe and convenient substitute. j NKr L Fl E,1.1),M. O. Nunnerens other Testnnoniqls from Physicians an others in its favor can be ixamined as this office 'lshie subscriber has been appointed Sole Agent for th sale I' this Medicine in Schuylkill county, who par fumilth it wholesale to all 'those who ma_y wish to. base to sell again B BADMAN. 1 Alto fQ sate by Vy•Illom T. Epting, Pottsville. Jac Huntrzinger, arwnsburg Bennet A Taylor, Mine' 111 and thigh Kiasley, Port Carban.ir blunter =: l r2B ua- st/ • lIIr Sato and Par r tan Cheese, for sale by J iztic 22 e I taannatie. January 6(11,183S N. N ATH ANS. 25-tf -- 1 1" , I . • • . - . '.r 4 ou whiff tevialteure riffistia • ', he sidvinedlo , is', DR MN* MERICA• :V EXTRACT _1 . iwt: - "I Powie! it:roar* ' S RSAPARIL _ , 7.A.,1a ,._. of I• :- • . , . _ _pr!'. , r ation to Oisterit. one bottle ! ( Whit!! !loosing o e douojgrebikequal to onexallon of Symp.mr;lttit a ity_proparedln the - shoptouid lipid to two brittle;' o any other extract.l , Dr-Leidy beZli v iev :m e tomato this himself prepares it, and can co antly - vouch for i 'strength. Numerous Physiciansthroughout the U vs led States. give it the preference °vier another prepa ti .ns of Sarsaparilla. both from the fact of its superior • ength (consequently efficacious when emploied) and i f .tn the circumstance of its being pre pared by a regular .thecarr and Physician, ane by Drs. Physic, . man. Jackson, Homer, Gibs° . Rewceiti James, • . le, Stc• &c. It is useless here to name the nemerous affections herein Sarsapanlia is considered the. sole specific-- . . like it to say. it is recommended by all Physicians 1 , t roughout the world, in diseases of t e Skin. Bones Liv &c.p.nd particularly all diseases rodoced by -impu r ties of the blood and animal fluid As 3 purifier of t e blood. it is at all times (aud parucldarty in the Spring d Fall) invaluable. In warm chmaites, throughout the ummer Season, no person should neglect using it occa ionally. Numerous certificate. and retommendations vim Physuuaus, and others accompany the directions. -For pale by 11 BANNAN, Sole agent for .ichuylkill coon t 19—tfy Mny 11 Pills! rill safesi, the beet, mast efficactous anp truly vege table PIRO in exAstauce are DR. LEADY'S BDOOD PILLLS, A component part of which is Sanspparilla. and known • . be the roast effectual and I homugh ipurifier of the blood nd animal fluids ever discovered. lAs a gentle or ac- ;i re purgative. they are equa Ily efficarpous-- w hilst taking i 'hem no change of diet or restraint from occupation is .ecessary. They may be taken at times and under all / ircumstances—they will not reduc or weaken the slat- i 1 em by their-effect as most purgahres do—much C . 0171. ent upon their virtues is unneces—their reputation a well established, numeroure i prolls of their efficacy aving been published at different imes. Suffice-it to :y that in addition to their efficagy sn diseases of the :tonsach, liver, intestines, &c., theylare the only pills in • iistence that cleanse and purify ?fie blood arid' animal Lode. removing all noxious and dm ased humors there tiin, and thereby removing all erupt uns from the skul— -1 ry and watery pimples from the' ce, neck and body, et ter. rash. or breaking out of the in, and all cutane, sous affectioes whatever 1 They are prepartill from vegetal* extracts. (warrant . free from mi-rutoy and the minerals) and by a regu ar physician. attested by Drs. Phv iii', Homer. Gibson. ack son, James. Hew eels, Hare. Coate, Arc. besides nu - emus other physicians throughout the United States, who duly employ them in their practice. administenng them to their patients in preference to all other purga tives, and in preference to all other': preparations of Sari »a parilla, in consequence of their Inassessing the com bined effects of correcting the dm ased humors of the bliod and Nods, and by their put ative properties, re. moving iat carrying err the same In m the system, with out producing the Slightest 'inconvenience, or requiring rest rictions. ek.c.. Numerous testimonials. ce - imEmates and recommenda tions of those Pills. from physician and others, accom pany the directions with each Isn, Dr N B. Leidy's signature accompanies the.genuinei on two sides of each hot on a yellow label. Prier Torrey-fineers/a a Hot. For saly by Sole Agent for F., hoyik ll County. Alm for mile Itv J Taylor 64 Cu , Klubley, Port Carbon. May II t, Sallirefly, r.OV. Nl 1d37, N UNDENI ALE FACi.—Healtli is the source of liappiness.—Disetase is the effect o -nine irregularity in the natuital or healthy (nue noire. Nl,l products great ends by multiplied and extraordinary measures, but nature aceomplished her works by few and simple rpe ns. In the cure of all II timan maladies, the relief of irritation is the c rent object of medicine, the ntfiee of the physician, is to deliver his patient from all! that is noxious and debilitating, so that the constitution or nature will he enabled to perfect the work or restoration. Here kiie„ would commend the adinimatration of a remedy calculated to tul.fil the preceding indication, which I believe may justly say o! Dr. Wm. Evans' cel eh; ated Camomile Tonic and Kiimily Aperient Pills See the many undeniable tests rif their astonishing efficacy in aiding nature to subvert disease. The 'office for the sale of Dr; Wm. Evans' Vege table P , eperations, well linowni and celebrated for the many unprecedented and esinnish cures they have iffected in Dyspepsia, Nervous, Bilious and kinsuundive diseases. is at No. 119th, north Bth street, opposite Filbert street, PhiladelOia. Sold by JOHN T. WERNER, Sole Agent for *eliuylkill count?. Jan 12 2—if Lumber ! Lumber ! ! 12000 i,•ei inch Seasoned %%Win Pine Hoard; 1511u0 An. inch Poplar Boards, 20000 :ihingles 18 anck2o inch, Cherry Ilnard , , Plank and S'cantlinz, Shingling arid Plaaterinp Larh, for Pair hv SAMUEL HARTZ Fehritnry 5 BARGA.INS: Tile soh...ember thankhil for the patronage received. informs the Public that he has pun received and opened at his Cheap Store in Market street. a a•cond supply of Spring Goods, to which he would invite their a opinion. EDMIUND W. EARL. May 25 M-AM 1, cassinwrea. rislired Satin Vestings, Marseille' , 4 do ..iloskin Gloves, White and Mixed llose. Pun gee liars., dx. E. W EARL. May '25 21-tf • BLE ACITED and 17nhleached Unmest , c Muslin C'hecks.Chnitzeo,Cinshams,llosiery. &c. May 25' - 21.-tf W. EARL LA DI E'S White and Black Silk Huse. Green Gangee. Ve,ls. C•ittibric Hdkle., Worked Ruffles.. Fancy tires* fidkfa.. E. W. EARL. I 1 OW Summer Stocks. Bosoms Collars. Embroidered L./Supenders, just free ived and for sale cheap. May 2 25—if E. W. EARL. • Bonnets ! Bon i nets • • 1j f; Split S , raw, DoubleEngltah Donate 1241 ble, Florence Braid, Leghorn, Oriental, Bol and, SWISS, Italian, and vu. 'Qua Giber kinda.of Ron_ neta, for-aale very cheap by tiNIOS LEWIS april 37 17—tf Valuable Real Estate FOR SALE. • THE Subscriber offers for sale that s. as valuable and well known property called • •Brunswick Forge," yituate in East "_ Brunswick Township, Schuylkill Coun. ty, consisting of about 563 acres of land, the greater part of which is arable, and some of the best in the neighbourhood. on which there is plenty of Lime Stone, and Iron Ore, of an excellent quality, which has been found, and used, and no doubt there is a large quantity, The improvements are a Forge with the necessary out buildings. a Saw Mill, a fine :Mansion House, Ave Dwelling Houses, 4pc• a huge Switzer Barn, and a Thriving Artiik Orchard The Little Schuylltvir l• River and Rail Road both pass throne' the premises. 1237 acres of Wood Lind. situate from 2 to miles from the above, is also offered for Pale. DANIEL FOCHT. June 15 24 rublic Notite. THE undersigned, has given a special and limited pow 6 of Attorney to Mr. William F. Dean, of Pottsville, to act, in reference to the Valley Furnace binds iu Schuylkill county. Any person wishing to transact business relating to that property will be s trewn tits authority by applying to him. t April 62 F. W. GPSSENHEIMER. 14—tf Ground Jruts. 50 Bushels Alrican and Cht i rtendon Groundnuts of good qUality. just iebeived a d for sale by 301 - 44)1 S. C. MARTIN. 52- Novl7 .... Boats for' Sate. 4.m; for tams apply to .4A, ES. M. BEATTY. 9 March 2. • Line's. L INEN Sheeting,, Irish Linen,Bleached and Unbleached Table Cloth, !Napins,' B ud Eje Diapers, [toad, Diapers, Criiih, &c. aprd 15—tf E. W. EARJ.. Mallit,o4lol3llllAL. a.- . . MEE P • TENimirrit-,_, xIi6cIIITWW. "rierpelOtaitimed siudenc.. • • -- RICILIERIYD.' EA; Soak, Bride. Afttittfasterer, . . ESPLVTFULLY lode» %hi iineerelHbaiks to his gni It Onstomera and the Public in general for the a* liberatmeaurageneut— , t he has received front them. He now , infonnethenithat be -hat an improvement in the construction 'of Saddles, for *hick he has a ;patent right, and recommends them to the.Pnblic as being far soperiorAn durability. ease, and comfort to the rider than any other yet invented, and be recommends his Steel Spring Cross-Strained Saddle to the notice of the public, with confidence. He therefore respectfully in sites the public to call at his shop next door to Mr. Herct's Store ,nearly opposite the Exchange Hotel, Centre street. Pottsville, and examine for themselves. He also keeps constantly on halal' a ienenil assort ment of al kinds of work. such as Saddles, Bridles, Pat ent Fly Nets. Coach, Gig. and Wagon Harness, Trunks, v a ti cec T, ave gi ag Bags, Gig and Riding Whips. Sze. Every description of work in his hoe will be made to order, on the shortest notice, with neatness, durability, and on terms as low as it can be done elsewhere. May 25 • 21-tf ENcourf AGE HOME DIANITFACTERES BUCKETS AND HOSE, ,DE equal to any that can be procured elsewhere .1.V.1..and as cheap, by RICHARD D. SHOEINER, May 45 21- PHILADELPHIA AND LI% ERPOOL PACKETS. THESE Packets sail from Philade!. t s? 4, phia the 20th .of every month, except • AI. the First Month (January,) and from Liverpool the Bth of every month throughout the year. Ship Algonquin, Captain Albert Turley, 206 of Fourth month (May.) Ship Pocahontas Captain lames West, 20th of Twelfth Month (December.) . . _ Ship Monongahela, Captain Mierkin, 20th of Second Montli,(Fihnuary ) Ship Sui.qiiehanna, Captain John W. Mierken, 20th of Third Month (March.) '('he owners have spared no expence to render these ships safe and .commodious conveyances for passengers and merchandise, avid can confidently recommend them in these respects to the patronage of the public. They are towed op and.down the Delaware by steam. and are thus enabled to go to sea the day they leave port. Charge for passage Ao Liverpool, in the Cabin, 8135—in the Steerage, $2O; trom Liverpool in the Cabin .C 35 sterling. Apply in 'HENRY & ALFRED COPE, Walnut street wharf. or. JOHN A BROWN & (0., No. 14 Chesnut street. 13-1 - The subscriber has been appointed Agent for the Messrs. t'ope's Line of Packets, between Liver pool and Philadelphia, and will receive the passage money from those who wish to send for their friends in the uld country. B. BANNANI MEI The rates of fare will be made known by applying at the office of the Miners' Journal. AFEW elegant Fire Place •icrecnsjust received and fur sale by B. BANNAN. may 4 18 SUPERIOR Fourth Proof Pale Brandy, Holland Gin, Frmitignac, Old Port, and Lisbon Wines, and Sperm Candles, jmt received and for anle by may 4 18—tf HUNTZINGER & KREBS. THE Port Carbon Saving Fund Society, is now . open every day from 9 to 3 o'clock at the Of. five of Discount and Deposit, for the purpose of re- ceiving deposits to any amount not exceeding $5OO, from anyone person, upon which an interest of 4 ' per cent will be paid on every iss and upwards, but I no interest; will be allowed oh any fractional parts of $5. _ The whole ,or any part may be drawn out on giving notice, from two weeks to three months at the office on Mondays. The bovines of the Society will be conducted by the following . ,offieers and man agers, until the first Monday in May next. President—AQUlLA BOLTON Managers Article 3d of the Charter. "No emolument what soever shall be received by the President or Man agers for their services, nor shall any 'Manager become a borrower from the institution oct 3 ME EMI Fire Fire !! Fire!!! To Old ConnOwmen. RIM Fire Place Screens. PORT faRROA' Saving Fund Society. Joseph Carroll Samuel J. Potts Edward Itughes E. S. Warne Jacob Bnll Jesse Turner L. Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer New ,Gheap Cash Store. HIATZINGERS KREBS, HOLESNLE and Retail Dry gond, Grocery Tra, and L:quor Store, cvner of Centre and Cal Ina , bill Street, next door to tee Exchange Hotel Pottsville. npral .11Izio Cash. Store. l ier t TIE Subscriber begs leave to in'torrn his .. friends • and the Katlic in getierak that he has ripened a New Cash . Store in the Town of Llewellyn, Schuyl kill county, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceriett, Ilardvre, • ~Glass and Queen ware, Cedar. Wai-e, Which he intends to sell for cash a s low as any other place in the County. Country produce will ha taken at blarket