POTTSVIL SATURDAY MORNING N Our Borough.—Some of I phis friends seem to be ext least our Borough should and ruin herself, and :have. tfie world that her probabl like that of Lisbon or Cata, would inform them that ou built their town on the r the sand, and that Pottsvi sense of propriety that ski% undermined as to produce true we live in an lige of when the towns on the backsliding into its water low suit, and As wreath of snow from; mo . tain's breast Glides from the rock that ga a it rest, so might Pottsville, with p , feet propriety, rrecipitate herself into th• .Schuylkill.or Norwegian.. But from th i• most: authentic sources of information we can gain, we feel constrained .to protest f gainst the pro pagation of suchsnictdal :Tutors. What ever the lassitude of las( summer's lleat may have-decasioned, we 'e,confident she' has now recovered stre gth to support herself, and trust in future that hbr citi zens will' live rent free . Seriously; the operas ns under the I s thickly settled part of our orough are not of that. magnitude to OCC slot' permanent alarm. Several buildings ave been effect: ed, and the handsome throe story building of Mr. Offerman will ev+tually have to COMP down, but we incline to the opinion expressed by able enginee rs , that the ex treme drought of the pay il summer had it.i full'agency in the disasteil: There is but one vein of Coal worke under the Bo _r_ottgh, which is only fiv feet thick, and :the width of the working which crosses :under Cehtre- street -e.et is nok more than 116 ri feet. A greater part o 4 this is filled op with refuse dirt, and wh it does settle, will hardly occasion an disaster as seri ais as has already occur ed. The reme dy will be in future to k ep the breast at such a distance from the Surface as to pre: vent accident; and thisi,may be effected 6 without detrirrient to the !pining operations, and will prove an .efftictinal check to any fears on the subject. ' rr T .4 The official returns df our - Govertior's ' election are not yet conalitlete: the noise of the recent pokitical strife i has not yet ceas en to vibrate iu our eat's, when some of our tee-totaller editors are already girding on the -armor for another contest. The editor of the N. Y. Con4neieial, who has, we all know, a clean of Stone, has unfurl. ed the amber banter of (;ofee, and friend Chandler has raised hi ".Te Deum" in favor of Tea. They are{ both evidently in their cups, and teeming with their favorite potations. The qommekcial is commenc ing a second revolution by throwing the _tea overboaid, and the azette is rebel hously inviting all to j, in its standard in j favor of T. , We are neutral on, the subject, or rath er ambidextrhusL in the morning a hot c(iffee main and in the evening a strong Tea man., In the clock work of the hu man system, the coffee is the weight, and the tea the key to wind it up; =the loss of each is equally felt, and welear we should be in the asinine situaticp between the two bundles .of hay, were iwe compelled to make an election of either oriel° the ex clusion of' the other. ;We however re commend this natural; mode of settling the question, let the mfirrang papers ad vocate Coffee, and thp evening papers 'take , their Tea, while! the hebdomadals and monthlys ca.) effe c i such a balance of power as to prevent ah open rupture.— How say you, belly gerents, shall our me citation be accepted ? 1 New, York Election. --'the Returns ofl the first and second city's vote from the City and some of the Tiler towns have, been received. In the cityi on the first day 16,404 votes were ed-13,445 on the second, not so large a 4 number as wa4 an ticipated. In Puughepsie 1300 were polled, the W higs 50i ahead. Dutchess county will probablyl go for the good cause. Albany stars firm, our Whig friends there anticipate 150 majority in the 4th Ward, , and "a 4 the old 4th goes, so goes the State," has! been the Regency Motto for years. Judge Dougherty —lt All be remembered that in'July last, Judge Doug erty, of St. Lewis, was found murdered liter tht, city. The editor of the Repuolican has rem -d the following letter from the probable murder r, which was unsealed and in a disguiser: ha Perhaps this very braggadocio of his will ptpve the cause df his de tection • " Nertszl Miss. Sept. 24. "Messrs. Editors: "Revenge is ewes ' On the 'night of the I I th; 12th, arid 13th, 1 4ade preparations, and did, on the 14th. (July,) II a rascal, and only re gret that I have not the , privilege of telling the circumstance. I never il aa be identi fi ed; and further, I have no com unctione of conscience fur ! the death of Thomas M.' Doughert )1." Post marked Natchez, Mi.-Sept. 24. Directed to.ithe Editors of the Missouri Republican, Saint Donis, Missouri. •i . _ .`Rotation in Office. —The Loco office holders approve of rotation in office, bit of a different kind from that we imagibed. The.offices them selves are to L iptatc, not the hO/ders, so that a lucky. piilitician can begin ht One spoke of the wheel, and' have a grah.at each a. it passes, each one being better. and fatter than the last I This rs the true loco 'Coco principle, and we need dot go out of our owu county . for exampleis, need' we, MT. won't individualize. Mercury.—A rein of mercury, 15 feet thick ha■ been die/severed at Marengo in Alabama. Grease.—The country, oice the seat of - science - and the arts, the land of love and song, of poetry and philosophy, is now, as, ,)affier _denominates the situation of the ,Yenitiala conspiracY, "in a d—d condition." Accrinots say, that the Niemen is in a perfect state of anarcliyouid high. way robbers so faihionahly prevalent, that a French consul, who had his place of residence changed, was afraid to journey from -Trfpolotzi to Nauplia, only six hour's journey. A disturb. ante among the- troops hen taken place at Messi. na, and the government detested' in its attempts to quell it. The Greeks Save very little love for . their Reyes lac ruler and his friendi, and they in their turn have systematized their mode of plun- der ; the English have hecoMe restive under their exactions, and now they are commencing with the Russians and French. Froth all.ap pearances, King Otho will soon be kicked out; and some other puppet kicked in.,Oh Greece: Greece ! how thou art melting away ! ill V. 10, 1838 r Philadel• mely fearful lake a slip, • roclaimed to fate will be ea. Now -we wise founders k and not on le has such a cannot be so er fall. It is ands' ides,. and ississippi"are r ' we might fol- A Printer's Bull.-oyr ingenious type stick ers in our last Journal uccasloned a bull, which nothing but the Irish subject could, have inspired. They caused our friends Miller & Haggerty to advertise hiah Whiekey.made at the celebrated Pennsylvania Pennsylvania distilleri. Now every one knows that the preteen sheds its choicest deivs about the famous stills of Pennybarn, and there our devils should have located the 'birth of this. But no matter where it comes from, it is a first rate ar tide, as we can vouch from personal experience, fur as a matter of taste, we have a warm attach. ment to hot whiskey punch. Butter.—We all remember the defy of the young country man, whowent courting, and took a pound of butter with him as • present to his sweetheart. ?loving no better place to carry it, be put it in his hit, elk soon affixed at the door of his fair one. The mother was opposed to the match, and no sooner bad he commenced a con: versation, when her returning voice was heard, w hats to be done 1 up the chimney he goes, but. ter and hat & all. I'low tbe'old lady being chilly, made a fire in the room, and soon poor Hodge!, was ',molted down, and Mr visit of course smoked out! What a doleful plight the poor fellow was in when lie descended, the butter had all melted and he was dripping :iktra roast turkey; love's gifts, if not love's course, run smooth enough on this occasion ! ?lodge faced it out like a men, told-the olti woman he loved. her daughter and lever would have any but her; poor feller he had butter enough on the occasion - We were reminded of the butter story by a circumstance which occured this week, and whichWe hope.lo see followed up. One of the venders sold a light pound, and was immediately taken up on a warrant, made to pay the difference, and the expenses of the suit. Let every one who catches a delinqnent, serve him the same way, ?ut a warrant on him, and we woman! our friends, they soJn shall have no•cause of complaint. elle.rico.—On the 6 ult. the Garrison at Tampico rose in favor of the federal constitution of 1824. Gen. Piedras was deposed . from command, and Cu!. Montenegur clultien temporary governor. They are in league with Gen. Urrea in the west. If thia plot has not exploded too soon, before its maturity, there is every reason to believe that the preset.t government of Mexico moat fall, as the invasion of the country by France will mate rially favor the plans of the insurgents. Congress.—The customary nnticp has been prOclaimed by Coy. Ritner, announcing the members of Congress tlect. Mr. Naylin is re cognized from the third district. Richard Hur'dis.—The new novel, by an anon ymous, American author is worth reading. It display' • intimate knowledge of human natnre, nd an eye poetically alive to the beautieiof earth. The reader who expects from its second title 'ttthe Avenger or /flood," to find monks and dungeons, poison and mitten', will be mistaken. The scene' is laid in Alabama—the stoiy, natu ral, and well drawn, and the it.cident strikingly narrated. We observe it has been dramatized al ready at the Walnut Street Theatre. The Ladi c riflitothe November Number of this work haireached replete as usual, with originality. mterest end beauty. The tale of "Temper" is peculiarly fine and the Ediiresses have likewise contributed to the general excel lence.. It is the best and cheapest work in the country, and the ladies who superintend it, are untiring in their,.efforts to render its improve- ment commensurate with its high reputation. We should like to know who wrote that pretty gem of ptirtry in it; the person who did so, has soul for Melody, and a pen o: fire. Miss Shirif.—This -lady has set' the wits of all the New York Editors going double quick time! they have all become sharp on the occasion, without a single flat tone. These little sparkles of wit are very appropriate appoggiaturas to the running accompaniament of a' newspaper, and we trust Miss Shi'riff may continue her captures, and the editorii their endorse. ments of her talent. ' The rich and silvery cadence of her voice has called out all the fashion of New York to support her, and she 'receives notes for notes, a fair-ex change t She is they-key note of every pa per, and we only hope her profits and her patron's gratification may be trebled with out encountering any check; may their happiness ever be crescendo, misfortune never make them doloroso, may they al ways be ready con siiirito to repeat a good action, without rest; and when in life's grand finale, the pulse shall have uo more beats in a bar, may they all be prepared vo/ti subito to the Space above. But to shoW how " Wit has walked the round"- of the New York editors, we make the fol lowing extracts. The Shiriff last e7Oniuk wrested a wholt au dience and kept them• thr three More. and die ratified them on their min recognizinces tosppeiti4 again the NationaL4-N, Y. Stec. , Not so, Mr. Star, thUShinff gave her etch note. tirsecure their re-appearance.— Daily W ig._ So decided a bit has, the new opera made, that the State Manager of the National kta been . bowed over•to keep the piect.—Eve Jour. THE MIN Absence of Afind.—A friend of oat; ad it . fine change to shoot a noble buck on - the Err d hloun twin, but unfortunately his gun missed, t Oa in spection he found be has put his fur cap on the nipple and the percussion coypu his Own bead Connect iset.—By an amendatebt t • the Coo etitutioo of this State, the Sheriffs are o be elec. ted by the voters of the respective Co , sties. :From the New York Express: THE WHIG CREED. The restoration of power to the peopie. The restoration of Government to its trueisafe, and legitimate purposes. The rescue of the Government frodt the grasp of demagogues. plunderers, and spoilers. The dissevering of the mum* power fiord poli tical power: The restoration ors sound and healthy currency. The curtailment and regulation of the inora nate patronage, of the government, by niffne of which the aertions have been eontroged, ab d - the public liberty endangeted. Rrraancurarer of extravagant and overgrown expenditures. Estottuaaommorr to American iLasoa, and re. spect to the rights of American iiitduatry. The wresting of the Public tends from the grasp of Government speculators and land cum— punies—and the distribution of the income of those lands to all the &Mee, tfre4WhOle -people in. equal and just proportion.. An IiND, a ',native gni, EO.lll -readers Ezperi ments upon the birainessi, the turreney and the enterprise of the country. A RICTURN to the old and safe paths of-honest sincerity, patriotism, and:public virtue.. POLITICAL PzasEctrilon.—Robinson, of Court landt street, had the- contents of his. store seized fur rent on Saturday. The rent was due from ■ former tenant, of whom Rubinson had lured the eture, and was amply secuied. In addition to thiV the agent of the orrginal landlord;who is a CUS TOM HOUSE OFFICER, had previously de. eared in the presence of two witnesses, that he did not hold Mr. Rubinson responsibly for the a mount-for which' he has now distrained. The. officer who, made the seizure admitted that the object was to close Pia store during the election. That object tailed, hbwever.—Two gentlemen, strangers to Mr. Robinson. volunteered as his se. rarity, or to pay the cash If necessary. The. mediate cause of this persecution is the caricature of THE BAMBERS. The whole affair will be shown up in a hew carricature to-day. So much for endeavoring to fetter the predi.—N. Y. Times. Mr. CALHOUN moat now feel; 'sod. if 'he .has a beat t, feel deeply and bitterly, the losa oLhitlpow• et over the people of South Carolina, 4nd thence over the whole South. He has succeeded in ejecting one member of Congress only, Mr. Legare, while in Georgia, where he thought he carried a strong force, ho has lost all. We expect to bear nothing Irian him next winter but the raving-a of a disappointed wan.— Wheeling (Va.) Tunes. YIISCELLANY. The Reed. Dr. Carroll, froin.•'Yirginia, has been installed Pastor of.the First Presbyterian -church of the Northern Liberties; Wholesale Business.— A vessel recently clear ed trout Detroit to Buffalo, with 2752 bushels of wheat, 513 barrels of flour, 15 barrels fish, and 1000 bushels of wheat. Sub Tr easury.—slo,ooo of ths specie stoles' torn Fort Crawford, has been found buried near the garrison. Stewart, the Parracide.—The trial of Stewart has terminued at Baitimore, and a verdict- of murder in the second degree brought in by way of compromise. This is a matter we dont under stand, how can a jury avoid a direct verdict of either guilty or not guilty, or how can they. if divided, make a compromise 1 is it be the spirit of the juror's oath ? The Devil hissed l--Noah says Mayberrie's Opera of Robert the Devil has been perflirmed at Algiers, and hissed off. The devil it appears is not to play there. Girafficide.—The male Giraffe in New York is dead, supposed to be poisoned: We hear no more of the she. Giraffe, Fenny Wright, as one of o ur Philadelphia friends calls her. Trifles, light as air.—Two thievei were ap. prchended in the feather store of Finley & co. Walnut street, Philadelphia. In Europe for this crime, they would have. to learn tu 'feather an hour in the gallies, but now they will be pinioned, and sleep on straw instead of down. • Dartmouth College.—There are 378 students in the-alma matte of New Hampthire. While Abolitiori,--The act abolishing impria. onment for Debt aka into operation in England on the lat of October last. Look oloft.—Eilke's comet was seen at Liver pool 27 Sept., looking like a hazy star of the tenth magnitude. Robinson the Curricaturist.—They have tried to shut Robinson up—his carricatures were too pungent for the locos iu New York, but he only answered them by publishing another. Quick Work —Rags, by the power, of steam, can be made into paper, dried and printed on in less than five minutes. Suite's Evidence.—A man was tried for horse stealing, and it being supposed that he had a gang of cunfWerates, the jury were instructed to bring in a Verdict of nut guilty, on condition that he would not reveal 'therd. After his acquittal' he said, "I have never had any accomplice but the devil; and you may hang him if you can catch him ! Will; c l,—Seflon.—This gentleman. an actor of con derable talent,: died at New Orleans cm the r 24 ult. of yellow fever. migration.—Fifteen hundred ernigrinto ar rive daily on an average hi the valley of Mimic Navigation.—ln England, as in Ameri ca, the , communication by steam ships between the two countries, is deemed conclusively estab; :tithed. The Great Western Company of Bristol publish in their advertisment, with all the exac titude of' astronomical calculation, the devil of departure up to Janubry; 1840. A late ! l iver- Pool paper thus notices-it : An advertisement in enother'part of our paper announces the arrangement made by the Bris tol Company for the next year—to January, 1840 indeed—whereby 'this eprinfied vessel will, du. ring the period named, cross the, Atlantic four teen times. lt has been atatedoand we believe upon good authority, that the•last wryer, real ized .C6OOO ;roriaming therefore' at the comp* MI JOURNAL. ny Will continue te.receive the same patronage which their spirited enterprise 'deserves, the , e normous slim of eighty-four ttiouiendyerindi wid pus into their treasury fur the misaing fele. The exact eipensei of this, stupendous -under taking can scarcely be known, bet tbdt the vend experiment has met with signet. yeconiary.iitc ceas cannot be questioned. : - They hive also ail their t geete regmlarly.de= signaled at Paris, boodow;Glaagow. 4irk. The Liverpool TiMisatiantic 4taseciatione (cap ital ,E 500,000) haver, as, is. knoWrsi, piirchabed the LiVerpool, 1050 ioniroird have tivornorediudding each of 1250 tons, to be readrthe ensiling yegt. 74.4aiu go. - On slocilay Iniorninki. sth init.. by'Reir• W. II- Farcieps, Jltais,M. SiNikintos. to AMELIA& ANNE, daiighter of .4 . 4uk Ourns, 0.1 ~ o f disc city; In Pottsville, Nor. 2d, 1038, Sarah Elizabeth, daughter Of - Richard and Isabella Lee, aged oho year and 10 mnu r tga. • ' - -errI3O.RICIAR Sehiaylkill Coal Trade. . . Sttpinenta of Coal for the week, ending on Thursday:evening last' ( Shipp•d Ly Beata. Delaware Coal Co 24 S B Reeve & Co 18 Bell 4 Bolton 15 Stockton& Stevens - 14 G Bast 13 S Hetlner 'l3 ' 659 Steinberger 12 • 684 Charles Lawton 11 - 629 Hodgson If co 9 518 George H. Potts, . 9 ' • • 405 Michael Murphy 8 431 Milces & Spenccl ~ 8 • ' 436' J'Setyill •8 438 StlOntan & Nice 7 .4112 A S Nichols 7 . 462 . . C. Ellet 7 '399 Putts & Bannan 6 377 Bennet & Taylor 324 Davis & °lrvine R c: Lelar L Chapman Rickert &. Co. 5. ' 294 js. A Coal Co ' 5 ' . 275 J. C. C7II . IIOVIUP : . ' 4 228 Wm WallaCe & CO . !. 4 . 216 C M Hull. - 3 ' . 170 . . J Stanton . 3 :, l5B T C %V alliarns Co R Kimr - • Palmer & Gerriguee ' Tonep &•Ulhorn S Brooke 3 • 160 Martin Weaver • . .1* . 157 Sundry Shippers 37 .1961 090 . . 15.966 Per likst report, 6901 380;598 7191 306.514 Little Schuylkill 239 . .19490 MOLT CARBON RAll, ROAD. The following is the amount of Coal transpor ted on this Rall Road, fur the week ending on Thursday evening . 2.602 per last report 69,928 32,530 NATHAN CLEAVER: Collector. Tota l MILL CREEK RAILROAD. . . The following is rite -amount of-Coal trn nspocted on this road for the. week ending on Wednesday evening last,. . -. , 1316 tons Per last krort, .1,634 .. ' OE sCUUYLJLL VALLEY RAIL ROAD. The following is the amount of Coal -transported on this Road for the week endivg on Saturday evening last, 3.123t0ns ' Per last report, . i .67,1'12 .. • WEST BRANCH R IL ROAD. The following is the amount ! of Coal transported on this Rail Road for gm week ending on Thursday evening last, 6.075 too. Per last Report 1 138,282 Nov. 10 REVIEW OF THE MARS ET P ottsvine,. November 10, 1638. WHEAT FLOUR, by the load was worth on Fe.). day 25• WHEAT 1 65 per pushel, in demand. RYE FLOUR 2 tO per cert. in demand. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 3 25 per cwt indemand RYE, by the loud 95 cents! uy the bushel—ready sale RYE CHOP 90 cents peribushel in demand. OATS 53 cents—ready sal. POTATOES— -.75 cenui her bethet.indernand CORN-90 cents per bushel in demand. CLOVER SE-F.o—s9 00 per buibel. TIMOTHY SEED-4112 50 per bushel. FLAXSEED--S 1 45 per bushel ;n demand. WHISKEY-45 cents per gallon. BUTTER-20 cents per pound—?in Kegs 17 cents EGGS--12 cents per dosen. _ LARD—III cents per pun id. t TALLOW— lOcents per pound. • • HAMS 131 cents per pound. CORN CHOP 85 Cents per bu4el ind emand. • BACON-13 cents per pound, 1410 BEESWAX-20 cents per pound. FEATHERS-62 cents"per pound. COMMON WOOL-40 cents peir pound MACKEREL. by the bbl. No I, 012 00 No 2, 011 SALT-2 50 per bbl-775 per bomber- - PLASTER worth 750 per ton. HAY $lB per ton. Miner's Bank of Pattavi November 6th, 1/1218. HE Directors have this day declared a div. T iderid of three per cent:payable oiler the 16th Signed CHARLES LEOSER, • Cashier. 51 inst. Nov. 10 The Works ofCharho Lamb, JUST received and for sole 11 B. BANNAN. Nov. 10 51 1!!!5!! DIED. Tans 1358 1005 821 723 705 6 . 340 5 • 213 5 290 3 . 174 3 175 407,004 8430 .40,32 g GEO. II kDESTY, Collector 70,235 H . ' OTTS, Collector ELIAS DERR, Secretary. 51 . AlijOUrnied Court o f 'API • lOtIHE: Field Offieeti of the 30th Reginien r ,t, §d Brigate, 6tb- Midden, V. M. witl. hold We Adjetiri)ed.COurt of Appeal and Exoneration 4r. ins, - it iteuse - Vithitel ,Grseff; in . e borough of Prwigsbarg,haylkili comity, qo Satnrday the Roth'day yr 'November, tween the liouni.bl4 t end riteeleek„ P:1111. • 41:1`Collectois and other's Concerned will goaie~n then:mikes accordingly., for all , ttho dish and th)s LAST notice will be dealt With -aecordingAd -By Order or. •-: . . - Elii Eltl IA - H APP F.i,L;:Brtg itutpt'r; 2d Brigade;ffitl Die. P. AV Brigade,. Inopectozweii Office, Windsor; Nov: 2. 1838. ( Nov. 10 , • Will be Sold at PIBLIC AUCTION - A T the house of HENRY STAGER. in .the 1-1 0.. Borough of Pottsville, on Saturday the 24th day of November ihat.:•tne following properly, lately belonging to William Revely, and ,takn by virtue of a domestic attachment, viz; One Bi. ble, a lot of Yain, Blankets, Mir;iliti, Cloth; Shar iop Apparatus, Tajw, Chairs, Coats, Vesta, Pau. tali:tons, „Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Table Cltults, Merton, Caverlids. Bed-Tick's and Other bdtl _ding, Knives and Forks, Women's wearier Ail pare!. a lot of Books, and sundry other article too tedious too enumerute. Salo to commence ,at 2 o'clock P. M.—Terms Cash. :ANDBEW.RUSSEL. ROBERT WOODSIDE,' 'MARTIN WEAVER. 7rumees, Pottsville, Nos. 10 1818. ' 51-1 Pi Public Sale. PURSUANT to an order of the 'Orphan's Court of Schuylkill county, on Saturday the 'First day December,. 1838, at Two lock in the afternoon. George Hill, Administrator of the e state of Daniel Habestine, late of East Stuns. wick township, deceased, will expose to sale by Public Vendue on the premises!, a certain Mes. suave, tenement, and' tract orland, situate.tr East Brunswick township, Schuylkill county, coptaininv Two lfundmi acres more or less, Juiunded by the lands of Jacob Kleckner, John Kleckner, 'Jones Kleckner, and others, with the a proutenances,. consisttng of a hem -e barn, A, c. Late the estate 01 . said•deceooad. By Order of the Court, Or. wigburg,Nov. 2 1t+:18, Genre Hill Adm'r LEWIS XHHENRIED Cle TR, Q. C. Nov. 10 51 . • • Song noo ks. • BURTON'S comic Songster, Singer's Own Buok, Turkey, Morrocce, end Gilt, Do. Plain, Western Song:ter, • 'Universal Songater,. Downing Songater, Naval and Patriotic Songster, Parlour Companion, 2Dohan Harp, Nickerven's Songster. Ace. &c. boat received and fur sale cheap, by B. BANYAN - Nov. 10 51 Potatoes and Cabbages. 3500 'Bushels Prime Potatoes, 7000 Heads of Cabbage,Just received and for sale in lota to snit. purchasers at the Lower Storehouse, by JAMES DOWNEY. 51-301 Nov. 10 • Cheap Books. DON Quixotte 4 vole m-F Scottish Chichi 3 Do. Children of .the Abbey, 3. Do. 75 Thaddeus of Warsaw, 2 Do. 7 50 Doc. Sebastian, . 2 Do. 50 _ Opie.iin Lying, ' . 25 2 Life of Franklin, .5 Pilgrim's Progress, . • 25 Liella.Rookh,24 Buegmes Holy War„ _25 . . . - . Milton's Paradise Lost, - . 25 Thompson's Seasons, . '2s Burn's Works, 2 vols.- • 50 .Junius, - . 2 v 015.50 :. Together With a variety of other very- cheap books, just received and fur sale by EkBkNNAN. Nov. 10 50. Circulating. Library. R ICHARD Borth; or the Avenger of: Blood, 2 vole. Woman of the World, 2 vole. Merchant's Daughter, 2 vols. &oil Slick.. 2d.series, • Clement Falconer, , 2 vols. Pieciota, or captivity captive, A Romance of Vienna, by Mrs. Trollope, 2 vols. Duty and Inclination, lon, Athenian Captive. Just received in the Circulating Library. Per sons retaining &mks out of the Library over one week, will be charged accordingly. Nov. 19 51 Juvenile, Works, For Jong Winter Evenings EVENING'S at Home, or the Juvenile Bfitig• el, opened by Mrs. Barbanld and Dr. Aiken with 100 plates, 1 vol.. price C. The Good Aunt, by Maria Edgworth, price, 31 cents. Peter Parley's Ticture Book for Children, price 374 cents. The Youth's Bocilt of Seasons, or Nature fami liarly developed, price 75 cents. Peter Parley's Present to all his little friends, With 220 cuts, price 3Tlj cents. Youth's Own Book, or character essential to success in Life, by.leasc Taylor, price 374 cents. Diversions of floilyeot, 'or the Mdther's Mode of Thinking, price 50 cents. Sunday School Teacher, price 31' cents. Memoir of Charlotte Hamilton; aged 10'vears, who died at Somers, Coon., illustrating the re ality and power of Godliness in -Childhood, price 374 cents. The Clarri Book of Nature, comprising Les sons of the Universe, the three Kingdoms °Ma ture, sod the Structure . of the Human . Body, il kuttrated with numerous cuts, price 624 cents Nov. 10 51 Books dr Stationary. B BANN •►N has just received a fresh sup ply of Books and Stationary, which be will sell at very low • rates, wholesale • and re tail. Nov. 10 51 'the Young Houle Keeper, OR thoughts on !Food and Cookery..by Alcoa. price $l. Also Miss Leslie's Coma plate Cookery, price lit Just received and for' sale by B. BANNAN. Nov. 16. - POSTSCRI Ch ERRING NEWS FROM R,RW,'YuRM • CAMBRELEVG LEFT - AT 11001 ; The Mail last night brought _pleasing Intelligence that the whole Whig Congressional and Representative ticket had been elected by 1400 majority 1 Th", News from the gayer Counties are - equal. ly flatterin'g—wer have so far it is believed a gdiri of soma members. of Congress and - Et al no losi. j • t • A Ibitoy City 000 W hig majoiity, and the county 500 to ..ihe hack ofSO much fur the Head quarters of the -Etegency. .4'04 ..art Seasoned timber, now lyine at C7O titti- i bia. Pa., and will be delivered at„ Philadelfitma early in the Spring. pplt , to .. /CHARLES STORER. Wanted 6 Boat builtlent, to whom constant ern,. ployment and /Metal ovagas will be given until' the brat of April next: Apply as abtote. Nurtliumbeil.ind, Nov. 10 1835. 51—St Backkaminon Boards , ViERY cheap , and Chet* Bourns, jnit re. - ceived andlup sale by B. BANNAN. Nor. 10 • 51 The Young Lady% Y Mrs. John Ferret, Just received and Sot' sale by B. BAN2II/I.N.' Nov. 1U • 51 List of Letters. ill EM A INING in the Post Office at Pottavills' . 0 .-w November I ld:311. Anderson Robert Klopp Daniel 2 Anderson Joshua Kceman Francis Acker Mai. Joshua bulb John Allison John Kee4r Catharine . Alshuler Jacob 2 Kennedy Andrew Beyel Lewis Kudy Josiah . Bean Henry Ken Thomas . . I'odaniel Sabilah Kisling . Israel Bowman David Kitchen Elizabeth' Blake H W Lewis John E • • Burnham Joseph Layons Luke ~ Bodleman Miss Sarah Lykens Isaac 831011 Sarah Lloyd Thoinai Bosbyshell James E. Lyons Joseph Baker Wm Leader Charles . Bogtiano Joseph Luiz George ~ -• -Brown William Lewellen David' . Buckley James Lmidtitick Julian' itrObst Perry 2 Leavy Mr. Burell John Lemon Mary Boras Joseph Leraa Jackson' ' Bough Mrs • Lerihard lotto . Betron John, Mann Peter - Boridgh M rs Mar y Mohr Joel . • Bunininghani Patrick Montgomery R It' . .. Carlton Alatliew , Mason Miss. Cantner Mrs Hannah Marsh Mr - Connelly John Metz Jacob Chadwick Sager ' Murphy PatriciZ ; Crew Robert • . Moore Mrs E • . Clock Alva F, - Alalooney Mr • . . Clintichi Robert AI Mick Mrs Mary Christian Jacob ' _Mintzer Englebort . Cash Wm M Al e Dona Id -Peter . Cuvman Sarah McKuley Neal Monalid‘ Connel John ' McGregor Alexander Coburn Timothy Al cK a lye David 'Duffy John McDonald Jeremiah' Day is Aaron lll Bernard 1)41 il ( 'ailiarine ' Al cClellan John. Donaghy John- • Mcßanon John David_ Rees- • . McGarry Jamey - - Deals Andrew AltGarath Patrick .. Dunkin Richard' . Nigar'd Philip Davis David 2 Nice John • / , .• Davis David ' Norsengang . Dani7 Booty, Sacati Nicholas Francii -Eckert J acob Nancarrew Williams . Evans Miss Mary - O'Stelmein Ernst Furst 'Joseph . O'Keffe JoI4 Fenstermieher Hester Oster Samuel Fereburn John O'Brien William"' Ferting John E • Pwen Mordice • Ferting . Loretta, Powel Lewis Fijian Thomas Reilly Patrick Frank & Kremer 3 Rice Warren Framer John . . Richardson Wm ' Feag Geo , Reed Maria Friest Frederick . Richert Richard ' ' Garret Robert. Beerier Joseph Giles Edward Ritter David. Grier Samuel - Stapleton, Patric k - -Goyne William Schmeck Daniel . . Gilmartin Peter • • Shalon Thomas . . Ililltiush•Heney Sennett John • Hinders Garret II • - Strbep Mr. Heckman Jeremiah . Shartel Adam Harris Henry 2 . Steel Wm 'I • - Hagan Thomas - Scott Jam . 1101shue Daniel Stinakey Mathias Hatchet Patrick Snakier Miss Sarah Hews Thomas G Spohn John v.. - - Hist Christian • Sperman F Hackwalt Joseph' Simons Miss . Hasler Samuel &rouse Siman Houselarnes* Symons James. s, • Hallacker Miss Mary Shaffer Abraham Hutcheson David- Spade Squire Hopkins John . Bennett John Hulszer Jacob Taker Philip Heafner John . Tate Win / • Hanley J H II Tulby Myles Harris John Task.n & Morris • Harvey Thomas , Thomm Daniel. • Hillbnah & Diebert Tomlinson m at iii m 't Harris William Tonrthart Thomas . Henricheen ES' • Thornton Michael Jones*Rees Trowlons Bennet Jones John' ' Thirlwell John . ' Jones William • Wright Joseph r- Jones Thome' B Wilion Andrew' JoneaThomas Watts Thomas . Jones J ames Williams John . 4 • Jimes John H Warren Samuel' Jefferson Mrs Well George ; , James Henry Ward Thomas` Dinkins John Willie& Robert s Jones Isaac .. Yahn Israel At' ' Knoche Anthony Yundt Isaac • . ' .E. CRICI-Ibla ks.R.T. Ms .. 9 1 75 cte 3 Tolls Sasgars. 10 lUD'S. Porto Rico, _ 2. 5 do St.Croin;‘,.. . 20 Bbls. do. Aid,. . 50 Boxes Brow,, Soap„ -;•42 50 do Yello do—for . sale by MILLER & B AG . Pottseiller, Sept; 26, 1838. 11 D NM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers