ME . , vot 'i. PRINTED AND PUB I ""13Y 1101t.T AS IN HI • 103211:14171311 'tuata DemAas awr-Fury zii'ra per annum, payable semi-annualll in adyanc .. II aot paid with in.the, year. $1 will be charged t. all those who re edit the paper free of postage. Tb malt subscrihors IMAPiinnum. If not - paid within the year, 50 ceats. willbe added to the price ofsnbseriptlon.' : ' • ' - _. , 'WEEKLY, 1 .• - i Two Do Ltarts per annum, peY ablle semi-annoall in advance. If - not paid within die pear, $2 50 will be ehirged I I Adverthiernents not exceeding twelhve lines will be charged $1 for titre* insertions—and 50 cents for one insertion. Larger ones in propolion. . All advertisements will be in cried until ordore I out. unless the time for whi ih the are to be aontiaue is speciged.and will be charged a cordingly. Yearly advertisers will be ehatedr,per anneal; including slibecriptionto the papeX— ith the privilege of keeping one advertisement not Oreeedfng l 2 squires standing during the year, and the !insertion of a smell er one in, each pa r for three suCceisive times, • All letters w addressed to the edit a tr Must be post pit id, o therwise no attention will be p id to them. . All notices for meetings, r and other notices - Which hive heretofore been ins' tee gratis. will be hariul 25 cents Qeh, except Ma riages and Deaths. OH! STEAL THOU NO' . AWAY. I Oh! steal thou not my faith away i i g '- Nor tempt to doubt the trusting mind; Let rill that earth can yiel decay, • But leave this heavenly ift behind. Our life is but a meteor gleam. Lit up amid surrounding gloom, A dying lamp; a fittul be m;. Quenched in the cold a d silent tomb. Yet if, as hot . ; men has !said, There lie beyond that drcery bourne Some region where the tao.liful dead - Eternally forgettto mocirn— Welcome the scoff, the sword, the chain, The burning wild, the black abyss: I shrink not from the path rif pain, Which endeth in a world like this. •But oh! if all that nerves us here, . Wren grief assails and am row stings F.zist but in the shadowy sphere Of Fancy's weak iiesginings— ir hopes, though cherished Jong and deep, . Be cold and baseless mockeries, Then welcome that eternal :sleep Which knows net dreamii lute these• Yet, hash, thou troubleaf Wean! be 'stall, Renounce thy vein philosophy: Like morning on the misty hill, The light of truth will break on thee. Go, search the prophet's de"stliless page ; •(fib question thou the radient sky : And learn from them mistaken sage, The glorious words, ' , thou shalt not die!' From the Baltimore 'transcript. CITY LYRICS—(New F mica) No. 2 Air—"Sume love, to roam." Some love strong rum or the ales white foam, When the bung-bole whistle, free ; And for right good cheer some tipple beer, taut the limpid stream for me. To the forest shade or the mountain glade, So cheerily forth 1 go, To drink my fill at the gurgling rill, ,When the sun is sinkiugi low, • In the stream I dip my glOwing lip; 'And the cooling draught pciurs in; I task no spring of brandy fling, • 'Or toddy made of gin. For what Nature gave I only crave, , .The fount that gurgled Oee; The greenwood trees, a cooling breeze, ' • And a limpid stream for me, Panline, the Peasant Girl . A THRIL LIAirSTOR Y. After a season of festivity and dissipa tion, the very enjoyment pf which satinies, Moos. and Madame Vslleret came down to a retired village in Fiance, to taste fur a few days the hifly influence of nature and solitude: It was in t 4 e summer time; the country -us! pit:lures ie and beautiful, and they .atill retained a portion of that early romance whichs.en inherent in our nature, and which leads. •s hap( with a syren smile and a charmed vidltivin the pleasures which - delighted our childholni, and makes us love to sit under old t rees,ltp 'listen to the voice of birds, and to gather wild flowers "others . yet the same," as t(lse which , we have plOcked and wreathel i into chaplets in days of yore. - i During one of their solitary rambles they came suddenly lip . 4n a young peasant girl drawing .water troryi a well; hertback ' was towards - thengr'ilmt they - paused fur a moment to admire the simple ' and classi. cal eledance of the young cottager.: Her dark shining bait/ was gimthered up in a low knot at the back of her head, and confined Withii.eilverplii,Whlch was the only orna ment she wore, theel of her dress being composed of the-sii I scand coarsest i ) ma terials. Though la or and exposure had • somewhat - -stained ., thek whiteness - I,a - her hands and arms, their 'beautiful symmetry • . could neither be altered ribr concealed.— She appeared thoughtful, and leaned a . ,gamst.the.side of the . vvlall in siient,abstrac lion. Unwilling to diritinb her, they were ' turning, into another path,When.their steps were arrested by a strain of rich uhtutored melody, which arose in a still air-like en chantment; -the -words were simple; but the sweetness which thrilled through every note; surpassed any thing they bad ever before heard. "Mon Dieu!" excleimed Madame VII. farm, "it is the peasaht girl; she must be • ours. Such • a voice,} with a cultivation, would bewitch all Paris, and make ohr own and the girl's fortune.''' They returned and tintered into censer. whin-with the piling villager, the result of which it is not difficultlto ,gtiets. ft .. Pauftne • Durant wSs poor, blit , innoseatisott-happy. She only felt sad when she looked on 'the i • • . 7111Ilt '`.. lab. A OM -. t ---.„---- . . —' ' -.. P .4.4.-444- ' 4 ' 4 ' 4 -4,4 s --",' t - , . - I • `....,-- 0 .--- . - -A , 1 - ,--4.-0,;1: ,t, 4-.5. 4 . ~,,, -:: „ fi: 4 ", !..- •• - " 4 ' 44-- -:' •-• -4-- - --- 0- 4 -. - 4- .. ,t ",t -_, -- - --": 4 .1 - :.• - • - 1 44 -` --- -44- """------ 4,- - - 4 1' ' -4 -"--- "- --- 1 fi , a a - 0 , ,• . C t , , • at , , • 1 . . - N a l f, 1 I it - I ' . '4-. •••-. , v 0 . A ... .. f ..,,, .. - . r ,;.. . , i - , , • Isliertiktz „.. ocill A • . t f _.,, ,.. • •- i ~ ,--„,, r., .-; gr,4‘,... A IT - ) -,„2 '' . 4114tatIVIIMV A ik,k i .' '' '' .4- -4 .-. 4.1...,, ,1 .•ftit o h an 1111k . 1 4 .4M' ik4r/lAt *F-4,, - Ibilie. ..4.- ,. ‘ r - isft i t .- I . - ti ~4.:4".../41. 1 4 ... , brter - m-ittev's 'f . '*•'"' • ''' '"' ' ... ,, t1 j... . .... .... , i . ., t t- , t.. 0...,,, . , . Sid ~ . , ;., ~.....,... A -, . v . - - • a. ' , ir!!ou Tprizicas Tit 111 booed font of ht ed upon_hei owfi the evident love it parent, that Mad represented to he -the exercise of 1 that gift of song Moo* bestowed enabled to raise h nence so one of I comfort, and Pau persuaded. During their nterview at olc cottage, - there' • .6 one among who stood apart lib his-arms ci his lips compre ed: He Markt passed with a" a ern•and vigilal listened to the a ecious•argum , lady with a contemptuous st watched the sir ggle between 'visions Of grandeur, and . deep rooted 'dye of her own simple ho e and habits, Which rent the breast of ' auline, in eilnce. He -longrif to speak, but did not; hei was deter. mined that.she a ould speak fa herself.— Slog did so. and adame triutn mil , in the success of her oratory. But he young girl turned awa from her'con ratulations and premises, nd for the Wm time per ceived who had lade one of th audience. "You here, An re," said she, "oh! I am so glad!" and t ten she 'pans for there was nothing in he expression f his coon tenance to mak- her glad. " int think I have dune wro g," she eagerly continued,, "I know you do and are.angryith me.-- But it is not to • late; only sc yt he word, and I will not g o." "And coo you stay here and share My honest pove ty,.after all the golden prornises that have been_ made to you?" asked the young ma , doubling ly. She leaned her head upo' his should er,) and look s d. up' silently in o his eyes; there was no need of words; h felt the de vution of that look, "And y 4, Pauline, you would like to go!" - "I confess II should. Only dre, in a few years I should b enough for our happiness. I turn and liveith you forever it" Let us CO, e i nt to her dep. M. Durant, 'esen in the 'g where she isining, the reme father's love. Sad the lessons mother, will 6lneld her from grey head wilritot be bowed it sorrow to the i grave, but I sl rect, and-while listening to hi her triumphs, remember wii -glory it is ply daughter of speak!" With a full' heart the you down to receive her father's' blessing nut of his lips but 01 Andre.was moved against his better Fodgement, to consent, his boa upon tier white brow, ate tendernest E he said in a s ble whisper: ' 1 "Pauline, a other kiss m , list, this pu n pledge of our Lion, until w 'meet again."' The blush ng girl wept premises u "Pauline, a bosom. Three daya after, the chat laret was again to let, and in the woods) and vales, thro peasant girl'w voice wont to singing of biilds. Months rolled on; and ' confinement of a crowded c iootense, C 4 RI ifie of study thra was Obliged to pass as a pre) the triuniphst Madame Villa for her, found a sad cha thought of her pld father, a hapPine , s she was preFiarin • loved, buoyed her up; and t colour faded from her ch pale and Wan, as the face the city usually is, the jo spirit remained all unquencl en. Monsieur and Madam both kind to her; but cher - ness in their fondness, a hot love, which'formed a paint the' affectionate friends. al and she could only regard meats by means of which si a path to wealth, happin- Ludolph. ' 1 The Cline now approac Was to make her first ap. a public ; audience. Much from a- pupil of Madame V anticipatiodisappointed. isi a splendid ebut, her patry satisfied, arid the simple r_ bewildered[by flattery an 'gat to think it was a bt the French lady paused' eis ; she'sat siniog by , the ter a ahoit and highly M. Villaproposed a . where he r id accepted* I meatin th ;saute orbit p made-no ojectiop; she on they shou t . make- the . cc then in th route. The a her with rapturoaa deii younger a d better than St The cotta. -was- simple, comfortab y furnished, ti gland a nd her, shalt ri cornarts s ii had already '`IS " RD; itlt!LN,.. MY FAITS! BENEDICT -.............--- . ...4 .4 ~ .r.. E 3 ,4 ,A , ,,,, , ,,,it IV 3 A:thl.}:l:Vg (-V . ..* Ca `•r ' ' , - - .,.. -4, ... , .ei , 4 ,4.4 4004'.14.14 4 4wii-Lure „t 1.14 ~i,,'. , , i - . li 7.. t i v.' c , . ' ~s+ .. '-' ---•• '-; :ti '`.' 4. ''''''''''' l 4 '/ Ariti punta °wry/cur Tee cA_vmumor.Ttis uotnivans.arsv.r. i r...m AuLGIVSTItIiNCTIITO Oull Ron. mu, E viuscrAL i eon TO oge on ankrurairite.—Da-To . • a . i . 9 - , w , sl 3, , Eict Er tpitya &Aix ,9 ER - $. 4n1,4i: 04 1iAt,,1 ,4 .4 -, 4 .( 4, .i . ,...1... , E , 4; .^)tr "Nip , Ifvo,r, unc't ' --..:, t; w p I, 4 , tiLi .`t . '. k‘ 1 4 si ' 4- . .4. ,,- '! ' . .r...a...24 ,111OWALS or 7,11,1 c, rtifle6t taittakron tidi aged Red': she • tune, by hinting so oi -1 mild be i • of ndtg ence aid ithan half .!eMialber; I helrilespese •.hiCh she'. bete' me Villaret iv in how shell . er talents in which - God ha -on her,-.she I 6 im from a Mal omparit ive- of ine - was-more Durarit's he group •-sed and d all that 1 t glance, •nt of the e'er, and think, An quite rid ill then re rture," said eat city to ibrance of a f a stainted harm. My shame and all hold it e 'r praise, to h pride and whom they g girl knelt blessing, a (the heart.— feelings and and pressing ith aictly audi- st efface this utual affec- er TOWS and !au of M. Vil ' II was silence gh which the echo like the ger ' 7 i" :aulitirrthe ty, anit in the gh which she ;minary step to it anticipated lot- But the d the ultimate for those she lough the rich ek, leaving it !I a denizen of lowness of her ted and unbrok- I.Villaret were , was a worldli- I, wiress in their I contrast with 'e had quitted, them as instru e was to work and Andree ed when ohs arance before Ik• • as. anticipated ' larot, nor were Pauline made nese was quite !int, dazzled and 4 adulation, be- 1 .. , .. day when o listen to her, uined well. Af essful .season, isit tip *Pie?, cmtiVo engage ; otege. Pauline stipulated that .ttige of her fa. ! d man received ht• ' 'he looked g • ealney ,parted, buuneatly hand ' .. • its Psalm° i r , .tvibenol-thelo raiitielltgrar UM /m i st " 3 . • . . . _ r v 27""-61.79 5 L." ~•• •, pat ltd. 'Aridtd vine iitonefitil*Tratib'l6 tholtiiind . kindinpeltitgeti ftit'him hfher Tither; irtnelold' her that fier'famtt . 'had atrendy teanhed this . refficitis formed h theme or worider and lawyers*. lion amongst her old'eampanicins,,,but that sueh‘reperts had only served •to render Andre more 'than usually' gloomy 'and dis. pirited: "He had not yetlearned to trust me ! 'then," thought Paulinti.' "Well, nn - mat. ter; 'another year and - all thiif-dotibting and fearing will have fanned away, and I shall be all his own." 'Alas! who shell-dare to sty 'what one year may produce--tcrwhet age of sorroat it may be the forerunner: God only knotie the futbre! The visit was necessarily a brief one, but her former companions all' followed the carriage for some distance on its route, offering their simple. flowers, 'and thei'r heartfelt wishes for her speedy and happy return. Affected• by their love, Pauline leaned • back in a corner of the carriage, and covering her face with her hands, wept long and silently; such tears shed for such a cause, were indeed a luxury. . 1 A lapse of several years must intervene before 1 again commence my narrative, nor will we inquire what were Pauline's pursuits in the interim: It is a painfnl task to. trace too- Minutely the progress of demoralization and vice; 'to mark . the plague spot of sin and misery, gradually deepening and spreading over the once in nocent and young heart, until every trace of its early purity is efliceti. I shalt ab stain from doing this, and return to our heroine, who is now in full career of what men call glory, and angel's sin! I On the evening to which I would refer, she stood before a crowded and enthusias tic audience in the theatre at Naples, and their tumultuous murmurings of applause flushed the pale cheeks and kindled the bright eyes of their universal favorite.r— That night she had been more than usual ly effactive, and the people held their breath lest one note of that sweet melody should bn lost. Suddenly the songstress paused, and the air was abruptly termina ted by a shriek; there was music event in that shriek; it was the voice of human ag ony. Many thought it but the startling effect of premeditated art, but those who were near enough to mark her- livid brow and shuddeiing_ frame, felt it to be the lan guage of irrepressible emotion. - She was borne from the stage to - her own dressing room,' where she soon recovered, at teast the outward appearance of composure.' "Vanvitella," she said in a whispei to the handsome young * Neapolitan, who as bending anxioquily over her couch, "return instantly to the theatre; and seek out' the young man who wore a green jerkin,:iind scarcely took hie eyes off me the whole evening." "I saw that you noticed him." - "You must bring hirti:tdme; I Weuld speak to him in private." - 1 The Count hesitated;- and Pauline, iper ceiving the frown which gathered over his - brow, laid her whitejewelled hand up -4 on his, and added a ith a persuasive - ,i; ile— "lt is an old friend , a country . it of mine, 1 would ask if my poor. father is still alive." I , Subdued - by the tears which dilmed het beautiful eyes, the Count bowed and withdrew to fulfil her request. i b j i The following morning, as Pauli sat sad and alone in her desolate, yet spl ndid apartment, the door ;Vas suddenlyfl ung open, and the accents of a never-to- -for gotten voice thrilled to hes very soul "I have brought you the strange, you wished to see," said varmitelli, anddraw ing nearer he added In a whisper "let your conference be a short one; I will re turn in an hour." I She did not look up—she dare not.' The door closed, and ,she was alone with her first love! Neither spoke for several min utes: and wrapt in gloomy abstraction, the young man was unconscious that the gifted, the beautiful, the idol of Nlaples, was kneeling at his feet. • . "Pauline!" he said at length, a n i the memory of early innocent days cam back upon her with the sound °fille t voi e. !'llPauline, mine own love! why t is po. 4', sition to met -Itis I. who ought t kneel fo, having dared to-doubt your purity and truth. But fearful rumors -- reached me in mY far off borne, Lind - alpiost' dr e me mad. I have travelleekiindreda o miles to hear them contradicted by yo z own limn - and - now I ask not one-'word : It is enough to 'ear on thy yiningface t know shat there ii no shatle,of sin Oli Ot-nigh pure broiv." - lie bent over fier•-;with all i •the long hoarded ' affliction AI years. .but - T aulioe .. . sprang from the ground tusk . avoi ed his embrace. ; .... A ... r : ~, ~. ..,. -.. .; . . "Oh do not, do sot curse me:" he ex , claimed, wildly, - i "lt is all true t at - on ' beard of me, all! :I am Indeed ! ,• en-,,1 am unworthy of you!" . - , 1 "And this pilizzor ask .. Andre,.. ga zing around the splen , • , • apartittent with .the bewildered air . .. -*he dreapss. , 'ialltelonge teo • ..ntAittsitellirtvito brought you . her." , 1 '`` ; rdittluliiieeitllt ivifl4—blir:endhless.r God grant lhant , ifiti , lovic may heath to , 'iechritpentilt :friilditbar'whieh.- yotrhsve •Wolti'll and des' pitied."' ' - ' -' *""*" ' ' . AIN tieno,r4t nterrupted the it gotiized girl, 1 while a timing blush 'criinsoneci her neck 'and 81 1. owf "it is worse, even • worse than i Vial. '' 'Although the Inistreis of this splen. did mansion, I am only Ptiuline Durant, if one so lost dare assume 'it name until now unsullied. • The young man =rudely snatched, his cloak from her frenzied graip, but she flew to the door, and extigoded her Snowy arms to prevent his , leaving her, exclaim ing,'"tut ono word! Oh; in mercy, An dre, tell me of my father." , "He is dead! Return'thanks to G my girl, that he lived not to see this day." The heart stricken Pauline uttered one low cry, and fainting fell on the ground.. In the delirious fever which followed this sudden shock, Count Vanvitelli sent fur Madame Vilaret to take charge of j heir late pupil, and their united care and atten tion in time restored her to health. But a change seemed to have passed over her, the still small voice of conscience, had been I -awakened, and refused to slumber again. and both the- caresses'of Madame V illaret and the love of the young Count were be come hateful to her. Alter a long interval, occasi..ned by ill health, the re appearance Of Pauline Du rant was announced to take pine& in tam days, and a crowded audience assembled to welcome back their favourite. But they came in vain! After waiting s.tme time, the manager made his appearance before them, and informed them that there were reasons to believe that Mademoiselle hid recently quitted Naples. Vanvitelli was like one distracted. tie offered rewards for any intelligence of her, and despatched metvengers in -all directions, but without success. Pauline was lust to him and the world forever. • it was at the close of a beautiful Sabbath evening, concluded in a way which may appear strange to our ,English prejudices, .by a dance on the green turf, that a female form lies discovered moving onward with feeble and tottering steps; it paused repeat edly, as if overcome with fatigue, and drop. ped down at length, with a heavy groan.— The-dancers suddenly paused, and gather ed anxiously around the stranger. "Surely I should know that face!" ex claimed a young girl, presing eagerly for• ward; "can it be Pauline Durant?" "Fauelton," said the wanderer, in a fee ble voic4"flo not forsakeinel You all loved -Pauline once; for the memory of those hap py days, then, do not scorn me." Her young companions wept, and kissed her pale, emaciated hands in silence. There was but one sentiment in every breast—Pit• ty for the unfortunate: and they-taid among themselves, '• we all know that she was once innocent and good; but we cannot in ourig mirtineegthaairorld, conceive the power of., those temptations which havelerltier to fall. God forbid that we should judge harshly of her, or scorn her, now that she is ill and un hapP9•" This was simple reasoning: but it was the language of the heart, and worth all the philosophy in the world. At her request they bore her in their arms to the cottage of Andre, and laid her un his rude couch. , Life was ebbing fast— she could no speak: but the heart of her. lever-was not proof against the mute elo quence of her looks. Ile supported her head on his bosom, and wiped away the damps which gathered over her pale brow. At that moment years of past sin and mise ry were blotted out, and she was again his own, his pure—and first and only love. Suddenly Pauline lifted up her pale,:ran face from his bosom, and shook back the damp dishevelled masses of hair which had half concealed it. her mind was evident ly wandering , in the past, her eyes shown with intense Instre, and she sang. 'lt was ani air from the opera in which she should have made her re-appearance in Naples. The notes were beautifully, touchingly sireet, and the peasant girls clung to each other, and, listened as though under the in fluence of steel'. The attain terminated abruptly, and a thrilling cry from Andre proclaimed that the soul of.the vocalist had passed away in swedt but. melancholly moody. ENGLAND. • - Exchange et New York; • London a 8+ - per cent. premium . : • .• . .CBANCERY. In the 'Via°, Opt lees amid. on Saturday last, Mr, Bothell • peered in wipppit . cif a petßiun reseirthirty. • nary legatees claimmg under the will ora • denladynamed Katherina Barfoot, prayin . have certain soma of stock transferred in . • e nium of the AmmontantmGetteral tq the dit of the.catise. Among the numerous be. uastiVicsitalned- in the will of, th elestatrix;vu Inanity Of SIG emend one som of sloe* mto provide a suitable income for the life of a Sivorite Aqui .cat. . , named' Blutchee'r(Lnughter.) The dividends bad been icplar)y, appropriated from time to ate* thrtruttees to theiriiintenitice en - d enopert for thilinnultant - mitillher period-of his death, which occurred a few deputes. The esuttitttherafore having fallen inOlie present Petil"lVlV4o,3° thckAtock. tranferred — ITup in triiiitireerrhat iwidence the od~tiuda i . to offrei,tO thiti COUrt of the ennui-, 1 testa . ;r l -44pgb,;): ,0, • .• Afr Hi) hell said, a cortifiCite of the ~bbrial of, 'thedeceased which was the usual evidence q uailed by theCourCeoufd not be pindutbd; tikit Etc Wasted - ander *et peculiar 'circumstantial of the case, his Honour would• confider an affidavit .of the fact hyix i disintcrespd,pariy. sufficient evir deface that the annuitant, was dead. The RegiStrar (Mr. "Colville,) suggested that the affidevitftroold not jostafj the Court *making'''. the ortter,Mastituch , aa it only deposed to the tact, of a single death, wherceisa rat was proverbially I known to have nine livre.--fLaughter„). it war also a very nice question, whether the language of the will did nor create a tenancy in tali. The next of kin of the inteatatel were also said to be extremely numeroos, and it-was notalledged that any one of them had been, served with the pe tition.—(Laughter.) Mr: Jacob thought that thr court ought to pro ceed to adjudicate with artreMe caution on a case supported by such slender evidenci„ and before the suthdrities had been looked into. Ile remem bered a cage before Sir Joho Leach which wee all fours with:the present:'-- (A laugh.) The Vice Chancellor felt the weight of the first objection taken by the registrar; but observed, that the cat having once third, must. tie held for ever eiafliter mortuus, and not entitled to gieater privi leges than a Christian —Much Laughter.) There are in London and its immediate envi cons the almost incredible number of 667 Licensed Victuallers' houses having only ten different names or signs. They ire as follow :—Queen's Head, 46 houses; the George, 572; Coach and Horses, 56; the Ship, 61; White Heart, 67; the Grapes„ 69; King's Head, 70; the Crown, 71; Red Lion, 8 - 1; and King's Arms, 90. . The Hon. George C. Notion has again publicly advertised his wife, and states, that after deposi'- Ling £4OO a-year in Coutt's bank for hes use, he will pay nu debts she, may contract. On Easter 11onday. the parishoners of St. Mary-le Strand elected as their beadle, Mr. West. ,the rate master of their poor-honse; and strange to. record, Mr. Caren, the purchaser of the wardrobe • of William the Fourth, has sold to the parish au thorities the Lord High Admiral!s hat, with- its gorgenos gold face trappings as worn by the king, so that the hat which once graced and encircled the brow of majesty .will in future bedizen the sconce of a matropolitan pariah-beadle. Sunday, Monday, end Tuesday night, were in tensely cold days at Lincoln. On Monday, we bad a fall of snow; and on,Tuasday morning, ice of the thickness of the eighth of an inch 'was found in earthen vessels which had 'been left all night in exposed situ one this on the 1 5th of, May !—Recoln Meretßy.] Mirecuidas Escape.—On the 11th inst. as Mir . Lenten, jun. of Abbotsley, was out rook-shouting, he assisted 'a boy to get up a tree, by the buttend of the gun, which caused it suddenly, to go off.— The principal part of the contents lodged in his pocket and against his witch, bending two half sovereigns; chipping off pieces Rem the edges of some halfpence in his pocket, and much indent ing his watch, pasied in a slanting direction into his thigh; notwithstanding which, we are happy to say, he has since been able to leave his house. , Some of theilhot glanced off from the watch, and. lodged in his uncle's leg, who was not far off.— fiCambeidge Citron.] . A larger quantity of Salmon hal been caught this season in the Exensar Salmon pool, than for many years past.—lbis. The ner'eotnage of Queen, Victoria. has been irmed, the effigy of the Queen is quite republican; being without any emblem of sovereignty, and considered a good likeness. The coinage is stated not to be as rich or tasteful as was expected. Government have given a proof of their dispositon te'recognize the claims of old literary servant sof the public, bjCappoiuting one of the sons of Mt.. Leigh Hunt, and the eldest son of Mr. Sueridan- Knowles triclerkships in the General Registers office. Steaming fxhisordinary.—Thursday Idler. noon, Mr. Hancock, the enterprising riage engineer, accompanied by Leo friends. rode from Stratford and through the principle streets of the city in a steam gig. Mr. Hancock remain. ed IC-considerable time with this novelty of sci ence in front of Guildhall. , now and then gliding it adroitly round.the open space. ' • Iron Trade—lt is stated that orders were given out lest week for 12.000' tons of iron rail-10,000 for export to America, 'and 2,000 tong foi eon. gumption at home; and' that several other eaten: sive orders are About to be given for iron rani and ehaits for railways now forming in this.conti. try—(Birmingham Advertiser, May 20) Railroad v. Canals.-The proprietors ofthe Grand Junction Railway have.made offers to Magmfae. - timers arLd ethers to carry goods betimen Birming ham and Liverpoolat Is 6d:a cwt. being exactly the sum charged by the,Caoal, the trade of which must beoperseeed if' tonnage dues are not i 1 isiered.- 2 ( Woreialter Journal.) i Enal / e. diatelv - The ' eke of Sussex' and the' Bible.— short time ago. a deputation of clergymen f in Scot. land, witted upon Lord Melbourne nd his col the subject orchard; eitetsiim; among. others they visited his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex. Mho after h nig and conversing with than freely on i object of their mission i 5 addresa them in arlythe following words;— ' , Gentle en. l' ' nearly sixty-five 'years old. thirty-6 eot lei I :have. passed in indispost i Lion. He emen;thiembers a man—thia Makes , himth; "and correct many an opinion he miy hat e rtained in (firmer years. It has dote with me. lam geAutitotned to read the bible a two h'oeirr every morning before bretikfut; - sed. gentleen,ltirmatrrqurda. that book as he °ugh.' ' to read " lie will himself be itssome measure in:. read linked y it."*.' .tills Royal Highness then vtenlftw' to (mot several imagages. of Scripture. end, Ma king's ell comments on them is proved him ie. be ( - mei iarly teequitinted biith with the letter and the A spi it of th d e eot llib ill l . e „ .. Iffe , int, is oi a 4 n . I : 2.oun llen_ ce t .4 ::oi , guild, inbiii.ltbreipatlcensingtortnere nohow. 11 er th 15,0Neopies of the Bible, of different lam Inag,ea and: differing Widens. eitimaled cost of " which' i i el was, , .640.090 -os, s(,—[Liyorebol, phrou . a. NAM 26 . - - ' , . v i, „or itals.ltailedyltf rm. ganna-ACJiillks, an ZPOn .its c o ing nom Iliticow, *ill increase thaviidan. ,tity o butt e[ , hstatialtleorpereent , ..(Batly •Citron ek4 '. ' I,' 1 -ft ' - o , .1 •-..... ,',l .4 ., F Bitter his heen.hellibigi atteriokbowsk . at the . toksotpkics.or ofisk.A..l4o.,,Otr l tr --..A. - ..- . - . :0-4,—, • - ':oll'lN9o l o4 l Lewlis it.ltroPertit-of , e. M ar ea; 4114 4jililgitivirlik‘lhaS Iftlall . with two,. .tatte.,.pi'9,moniliii.bit• only two Ow, who Vie livlitt.atitadiiii MitiorTA 1 t c 111=111!El= -'l;f 4 tljilf+4- 44- 4 .44.101 + 44 -16 1 X '1749',!,15!Frr-Jr9rMrT:74L 1 I. N. • 4•44.7 e. Aga I WSESii4 I O 4I , " 0914t,g N - } • - • • **, , , , ouw.:*' 0404-!*- - ,_._ ~.,.. ; W: • 4 'ES; :„..,,- .-;.1.- 11, • 0tr,„. , ";, ~...,i ;...4' li Liaillbrlan ‘cullArymen iv in mans • with pleasu ethat, thelliutt''Ati3.zgazentik. o 'Cyniiiiiir. ydeiti 'iftwfihteilit'addithisiiiiitiht!ininerniiiAlis. : iinkii edtertainigeitholulie litehOff4itg*eir. rilu,d B 'lilt .-Pr,lnel.P. beiVoltliii ,o ll.**fgd orith 1 Tristram of-severnLoobletlEtreloil..4ffea• 'pi : as . 84 at tho '.fittiii . if raniifice";iif .Killiii_ :flea, tlte4i i tVptlf iled bAli !" - 4:l° rto i ; i ii ik s ' Phil! pe, as-the represe !i talivetriof Stitztikt on . As -that- - e - Weththotatotaltat-everoVibth, ill-hel,l itith prititia,oppir4(4ol7`;itic newirrg• with this interesting , branch t4 4 .the ,An cient; British rime, tbaf' friendly • fideritkettse which , has been'interropted for so • imatifeltelatu rice.7!-Precon Gazette, May 303•- ,- ,i v...,...1- ?, - ,v. aCti r itiirtioli Arir,-(3'hisi-fiiir. belie held - 4 the tithe lot' servants thanging,.sithationsomakinuy thickly attended by that class of peoplevbuk-on the Whole much less drunkenness was „witness ed tlian on any of our former hars: c 'The." - ,ptipp,ly of horses was very indifferent in niiinbei end quality with very few exceptions.' Thosittlew sold, well, at £is. The inferior kimdsweie-Offer. ed how, but Very four changed owners.. The. fat cattle brought in fetched good prices. •COWs or heifers near calving, met with ready purchasers, id Orme% varying from .ftl to 12, inferioiiittle were of heavy stile. Pigs were in great , reque st: small at from 9s. to 13. each, iarget kind varying ' upwards to .Cll 10s- each Potted butte,,. lc pls. Id. per lb: Cheese 6d. flacon 51 2d to 64,4''--• CEEII Pottsville Water CotnpatiV. r fIE Bsird of M attigcrs have tbus'tikc.Velllar. a- ed a dividend of three per cent thridirelast six months, on the Cash Stock of satiirgdiiiiany. payahltttothe Nockholeerl or their legal repre sentatives after the 1. !h inst. at the. office,,e£ A. Grahain,Titasurer, corner of Centreanif tango St.. ANDREW R UERELT4 . Presidtnt: Pottsvililtuly, 2, 1838 • _ . • . El ricks i Bricks t; .100;000 Bricks will be ready forlitle at the Kiln , on the Port Carbon road. on ttiafi: inst. Pereons wishing to buy, will apply, W.,: l MOTH Y COBURN, at the Kiln; or HIRAM PARKER; Pottsville.. N. B. Two other Kiln's of the same numb er each, will be reedy—one in Angled and-one' in October Pottsville July 4 Caution. THE undersigned cautions the publicnainst purchasing or biasing the tractor JEW called Clinton Tract, on the East Norwegian. rail road, from Elizabeth Spohn, or Henry Morris'ior her, as he the undersigned claims title thereto, Auld will institute a suit against any person attn tipt. big to take the possessing thereof. . . JOHN POTT. Manheitti, April 28, 1838. PARKER at.- CO. , r::.. .-. MERCERS it TAILORS,' " . 4 - (Formerly Parker & • AilliaMs,)''.' SAVE removed on the opposite aide tof Centre Street, a few doors above Norwegianareet where they offer for sale • select mawmeet o, Superfine Broad Cloths and CaBllllll ,df,the e f t most fashionable - colors. with an elegy t - smort. ment of Sommer Cloths, Vesti nye., Line aid Cot. ton Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Stocks. GlirvesiSue. ponders; linen and cotton Hose, and at kinds of Gentlemen's wearing apparrel, whip will_ be made to order in the moat approved styl as to the workmanship, and warranted to fiteq alto any -vim i f • situate in Centre street, Pottskille, • ' .pro perty ...• of the undersigned, together with ne• other tenements in the rear of said build' ,snikho lot of ground_ whereon' the Whole ds. The brick building aforesaid,. contains_thF4 „feet in front—ilnished from the baseinedt Army to the garret in the besf style of workinalushp,and both as a business stand and a residence; s most fa vourably situated. The foregoing ptoperty will q _be sold on low and ace.oinnodaUnf tevssei Put. ,cif the may teniain, In tbiugop-. arty for a few years, it desired. ' TitliOdittinte.. ble, and posseta!ion can be given iftirdity—. aPiair to • G. lit.; JE NINGS. - Aprll2232—tf : , .1 1i sit.hri, fille. .:a iitil vr: . lC JE 2 4 ' , : 1.,, , ,-- , ,--• ~ .5 , ..,:7. 1 „ CALL' AND • -1- wusTREpEIVED, a .apic'tidid::, , a, - ~,!,pent of 0 . Spring „and Summer ; GtiMie . .: sting in tar t o t • .-.. P, .......i- ,,, 3..Cik` , 7,:r . ... CI ' - Dry Gloofllse - i-.1, -., - 6 ' - - ',--,.' OrOceriets,--' ',.-. --- - • -•...." - 4• - •• Allilfte . - aft - VI•8111PC4,": • ••' '• s, • ' • --.' • Liquors; &c.': ''.-- .-i—. ii i is ,Ividchlll•am ' prepared pi:sisll:chei Aniniltver, offered in,,this market for cash.'-imti ...,4m4an griT7 tiruountry produce, at tfrliiiiiiiet _ tt& rice.. v. i - N. t i t . ). :I; It E A. D'ILN . _ , -• , • NAIL AND. IRON MP HAVE on hands '• . 7. ~,,.....- -,. --a-m/10/L,VR IR ON, • ' SHRED o. . -.. • IQUND IF• SQUARE IRO ' O , - , •• • • - '1 ,, 1 ~,... . COAL SCREEN • .... ‘ .,..itdk ...4 , 4 ,1i- • 4 , i ,, , 2.-44 , ROAD ~ LAi i4P*, 4 .'• s 4 s .; , ilar . Irperof ,soy it* drirtt.zla. le. i. Nails la' iPikel orial rises. tar satelie ' kiveol City . .onceo. - Kttsis, wail.: it* co. • r Riiidint, - May:22,18.38, , ;,-'-'• 'A : . .4114011,?, .., ' 11l . EN rano AM.. t 4 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers