IMMIII Y. • tr NJ i -.,v0 rzl Teresa Do iwYable semi I itelve4he papa . $3 per annum. will be addcid Two DOLL In.advance. I be charged Advekisenit. t charged $1 for tnaertton. La All advents' m. out. unlassthn it as sp ecied ,an Yearly aive tier per-annum; including sniss.,4 r thentivilege of keeping on -. • ? ng Ypiptares standing durin t on aim:nail er one in each z riq times. Ail letters a .. 1 be post paid, otherwise no ~ c nxi. All notices :ft other notices which have h:i I _ _ _____ A gratis, will be charged 25 ce . is each. except Oa , : . gen and Deaths. MATT: AS; THE .IMPOSTER. The . lowing communication from Louisville, ame to us anonymously, but we doubt . ! of the truth of, the narrative, having ' .` , :ived a letter alfew days sine.: fiom a cl rgyuien in- 111hiois, informing us that M: thias had ieceittly paid him a visit, and ' , , ssed some hinus with him. His ccindu.t is much# the lime ail when in this city; ~ i d our opinion that he is par tially de ..ged—afflictet . ith monomania —gathers strength- . from Section. The incidebt h re related is q ite romantic. • ' - -- 1. ; Neu . ork Com. Adv. THE PROP The close of of December ne, on foot, a• .s which are in .per region of e cantle of a Tower. the middl neying al. vast Fair but the u' reached t either aid the circr, ceding w and afar the shad°, breeze s••', long g pleting a as the i While sublime v 1 the prospect g tiorizon. B. lands were fa if onward mi n y outline of a pt over the pl , ens which nty ge of the ocea , ' I moved along' ew,'and atmini ated object for pujd occasi , : ch, and after . , nae of utter , some ant lied :dem my appr. = a dismal again rec At len. tention. scribed a be elowl curious i oiled int.. inighi , an ,' mingled son was' have th a new objee Far ahead mi, . dark speck, w ich appeared to approaching. watched it with tensity, until it gradually devel. the form of a ' man. He drew •as ive - met I g.ted on him with rprise and GU osity. His per. I strikingly sing' lar. . He might • the prime o tfe; his form was .f the medium height. A long --. rd enveloped ' is breaSt. There thin and grizzly was a 8 featut4 expressi , which • • He wo which titroat;,. around , indica new or about it round h . Hea • compit was fro were at ed his q I had once in he, "I years nge wildness,,in 'his eye. His ere regular; and there was an in his cadaverous countenance trayed the durance of misery. an• did dark ablOred camlet cloak, . Ristened'w4h -a clasp at the er his beard, and- hung loosely" m. Otherwise, his dress was of style, though ^ not particularly entity. All that was remarkable as a sash of scarlet silk tied a waist. . .me with an air of well bred hey, and on ascertaining that 1 . 'at. Louis, he inquired if "there ny Jews in that city." I answer , tion, and then rematked "that ,- iftression pf having seen him ew ik." "IVitry likely;" said raised a great beise there, some " . "Your name, I think;" said 'rig, "is Paine!" Matthias!—l round—no living , thing watt to be d there,' on that lone spot, 1 was !. ft, ng with that , strange imposter, perhaps, besid sat 'maniac! "0, Bard of you;" iddl. ", Yes! you I suppose' , t islander thst has mulgatett alinuf rho. They have ush me by misrepresentation. I he only true religion! • word religion Means 'to relr-4, e immaculate troth, which never f you have to journey along the slippery bill, With -but. a narrow, foothold, you will retilthe the ap of a staff; and , if you can throw ight securely upon it in every y. it is good-lryou.can rely upon `all emblem ofltrue religion-;-but not support You—if it snaps or e Mciment you depend on it, then last—it is falseihreligion, and can. Thee •lied on. is much preach e world, but it s deceptive. True is that wbfelki“alculated to pro. . largest sitin bf human life and I inqui looked seen confron who w- - • acceded in thia4in s unipmforAmme wit t ic much 'earnestneac . - of, — ,man• with such a iprOling oreenie and , . . • -if: .." . . . , h ru "T : - • , .• .1 4; • . • ,q I 4 •' * ii ;; A • •-• • st: D • A Ala vision, 4". M=i:in= l • WILLTZACH V OM OM it7rltont •VI o 'rimell_ 2 4 Ali 4 .111* Was skimpily itifatu ted.,Stritia lettelliqy imieua to Prolc4g the ,• disionfae, but)tty curiosity being ;sufficiently tratißilpluld baying, a dos* "path , to partite .bekk night, 1 took leave. of thePEpplietilikkrbe went peaceably r -his way . .-T ' 0.11 Louisfille, Ili:J*4lo43S. ' Our attetitioniao 'Call cit, %t ' ' etfi . kiores communication by ihe'following . perigraph sent to us bb tb4 editor's otthel St. Louis Bulletin, and which is co'Fiee•fioin, the Fort Madison Flstriet of 24th'e(illiic.h: ' "The Pinphet Mathias visited ibis vi cinity it:few:weeks since. At iti ireqtrltuk the rcy• Indians ha libeiv srb`til it) SeiVlhim. Some wag Stitt them'htid come to steal thei horses; they quickly said to him ' p4i-a/640--which in the Saukee tnngue ,net ethil begone—arkthe quickly obeyed then -iiikitlate. -He. ° :)ffiso. visited Black Hawk. Mrs: Black Hawk imagin ed; by his l'ong 1 beard that he Mutat be a spirit—and in Oder to prove that be was not an eV - it! onti, she cooked some cern very hastily; ane placed it before him; he ate it heartily-4'nd she concluded he was not an evil one Ignorance, any rate, in which she showed much lgnorance, in our bumble opinion. He ehdeavored to make Black Hawk understaild that he must haie de scended from Biome. of the loft tribes of A K. per annum. e paid with me, who sobscribexs 50 cents mpannnally $2 50-will nes will be ate for one ordered be continued ~ Israel. üßut it •Oias pretty much all Eng lish to the r chie—and - lib did not under stand. . enough . tl' what Matthias said, to make any unpoitant discovery in- relation, to the Hebrewpedirvieir ~ At Eta' f rjThe Withington concern dent of a fla t o ~ paper, Of the 7th hat. gives the following d iption of an elopetnent. A gentleman alid a lady, accompanied by e blagk-a-moor, *ho "grinned horribly • ghastly, smile," and dishethrough the avenue, arrived M k in S city it n ig ht , all of a "white heat," and toolctime to bteae at one of the private lintels. Thelady and i gentleman were . not on lx a hitle dusty, but a little the worse for thetirldet and it an opinion wild Se based on the appearance of the *fries, I letwitid say that they had been ea gaged m a foi chile. - The lady was young and beautiful, searlAyg sixteen; the gentleman was five-and twenty, end both were very anxious to get' into the Ehatator Maryland. They hastily partook of a iiukittea -and toast and as stew as their paddies Werelrnbbed down and baited, the happy and rafigued pair, accompaniedby their sooty enque, put Ours to-their animals, end pro. ceeded to Mailyladd to tend the pantie. The le vers had acardely j derparted ?refine the brother and the guardian apt the lady made their appearance, and aoxiouslyandeavored to discover which mad the gay Lothariojend his blushing Calla* had taken. The ' adyl, at whose hotel Lothario and' Calista had teMpo arily ttoppedfor refreshments, being a woman o feeling and compassion, end withal, strungdyst dieted troths canes of tine love and wedlock, iinrcillmsd the pursuer, that - the ob jects of their', search had -fled to Montgomery county ! It Waal whipper—but what of that? The landlady take she was always of opinion that "The course oitruel love always should run smooth." notwithstanding ilhikspeare has said that it is . always impeded by embarrassments, shoals, and quicksands, idad di she was of opinion that the la. dy loved the gentleman, and the gentleman hived the lady, she-,Was bound to aid the cause, and as in duty boun, she put the burburoul Mime" , t° use a barbarons eipression, on the wrong scent To all of whin)) dliferuce, I and all the inmates of -my hotel, nude tell female, said ditto. . The story - el' the lovers Is short and sweet.= They are mama of yirgiiiia L l am told. And have beenbefitalirta i year and upwards. The lady is rich in wooly hada, 'lands and stocks, and the gentlemaili is poor.lnt worthy. respecta ble, and lideidted.) He asked the consent of the lady's , goludetn; A "No." - was-the - gruff reply ! "Well. iiiiMyou) ay no !nexclaimed the gentle man, "then: i sayiyes !" "Exactly so." ejacula ted the lad y '"iiiid me we will _nsal, , th e caw* our own y r 4 ,...,iv So said, so (imp : Palfriev we' put h reqfiisition, and the' hippy pair mounting th it steeds, ordered their 'coque Tho. nooko to I d the. way. They wets off in a 4, giffin ; gaily ' ;; hevgdashed over the mountain and hill, blessingitheitl kind stars, whilst i their mums kept op the ',real singing, as he. dished after them, ' ; '' ) . • - "A maid 4ivedia lad in ii hamlet below. And large:wasthe Estate she offered to bask* . ,n the youtg eon of chliiilry." To bring thistrek to-a close. it it enly neces sary to say, that il happy re till Mary landmbilcilx in utility, Jind with Ant . iinent. - and this morning wet* "married • th e 1 at the eighth hour,"byrnewslairy lt.l May 'the Holy Prophet bir them a thousand years.— Enclosed I hand ) sowtheit nemetriviluur own use. : z 1 . - - •••t' - • t- drizzly day, i. t, I was jour one of the :aspersed t h ro'. llinois. 1 had ild solitude; on as bounded by 'hind me the re ing into gloom, t be - discerned rove. A fitful to,. sway ing the .tion, and COM apcy recognised gazing on the g my sight after to relief, a star , 14y - bound of at atebing its fleet k N in the distajce, oneliness would arrested my at t be faintly de . . .Exchaxo4 New 4 Yerk, oi , London, 41 a q , per eel!. premium: -- . i A •,vpirtaim , Trefe..4L-At the -,lhnby Sint Ball, the yoon t Marchioness Of s lastirip tito • peered in a !rnairlsificent arson' *I filet velvet triansnett^with-Mtatterntientidrp — fotie "which had fallen Ithelloruideof the gallant Mar. . guess. , ' . iinfiitiii i ral l e itoit of 16 tweeteikieW , ro 'WV. -',Ucw'bi ' 'ress.iti prieoia-pialAyage4 ill opWi .It ' tt!p;tn Plilless a*Viiiif , ;: • reT23 rair 4 tens iiie , ittrherFont at Liverpool for in . 1400 fir cihoatieg the "%Icy of the! ma itt a t o . < wiihnst int ing with the., 4 0 arriaßesi---.:Tak, Wahine i s sFifla bait ~- Y e.eY4 O O OP l O kikiPl o ,4 ll egiose a t e and ar..,the Brps sari eficaniatt: 4 ‘Tlii,jian _bee been .010 iils . a swill ica l l4 44trl 3 nad Junction'Aßlnrithirsta: s ` ', iirwithii Cionnsichr. , .? ••,. 1 ..,!!: .,, '1: 1 ::1:-.7. , 2 , : :. +.;,., A dissent, eg ifittin deltrii-lelettei44l4. I ht on'llanday; . t iffrg*lliiiiiiiret hole are tindmients . • : 4 11iw r idtais - thirmitetf tint iintoci hmkccur `tOillitniria_;ltaikittir ..: o4 1 0, ace bits 'bpi ihni j!:Oilt a M. wry* Hoose, on emu* Of her!, Lendint hart Exchange OW meriwedli . ' :- RAO: 1 • WWI Eit. l ! , _ 4447.- Ili_ Vf •, t El PCVIWYELLEf PA W IV ES . i 1.1 • -v.- Extrasstibeent Peniiiihig--411ratawlings. ,, , of &money; Somerset; bail Sews 'that produced .six lambs arid all Skis; thf.jaer the same ewe 'ptbducedjleslimbs, but ell of which ie well as the ewe died. 7 r - " ,• . , . ,aheekint died !gateway morning, Al a countryman • was Meting a , 'lnm from Hircesniugh tolreirton.the.ardmil on apygoachieg, ;ri towards the tO became gaits firions. and rett dismay person A voniafir'stis slightly' injured' lb the thigh- -ti the infiliiiiteditemit,' end a poor trishriair was* dreedrull4 iii in toted: 14 cause his death ahne4 iinmed"l ly. , •-•'-Prestirrfiht. icuonllg *cargo of , Attie.. "frOm Hasa . ol' telMftlfkilit - we cseum4ftumt . Imn_ , week. ' we oiler* ohs bask Of Minxes teeth !—Lieerpool . . Pilfer*. - ; . ... Tkettnilf , 062nnt, the : in:den ;Meer. died r : 4(l6"Y' n t" tiE th 'le ss l r his age. This IS" possessed' est* . at!. x' e', . ' ester. and at .Brlghtlingsee, ides money in the funds, yet was his appeatatice thit of the commonest mel. .divest. Mbar he wentitMondon to receive - his dividends, he deed tobegjiie wayto town, and his wretched squalid-ap_peatilheeheldont tailed to ek cite compulsion. He bad a great number of 1 guineas about 30 years ago. and so great was hii love, of gold, that be would not part with , them, although offered a vary high premium; be told a friend some months ago that be then had them by him, but they have not, been discovered on a oearrlt`roade since his death. He continued to go out :iv begging excursions, -bringing, home ' with him old' clothes, money. end broken victuals. until shortly , before his 'death. He never but i !once acted with 'the smallest liberality. when be I 'laid ant few ;pounds for presenti to a decent female. who -wal cook at en inn at Colchester, to whotii fie offered marriage, which offer she re (Used. ileum' never forgave himself for the above act.--Essex Motet. • • A chard-rate has beeht refused at Milden.hall. Suffolk, by a ailjority of 183 to Mi. The oppo. sing party offered by way of accommodation, that if the friends of the establishment would agree to defray : by entecitption the expenses of sacnmental wipe. ; washing the surphces, and other items conhected *Oh their form of worship amounting by their own calculation to about .£22, tba piriotoonera would • conauit to allow ovate suMeient for the repairs of the church. The proposition watejected. Au Uxeriass;Lawyer.—The Bury town-council having requested Mr. Eagle, a barrister and kr rough magistrate. to make ajopmey to London for the purpose of obtalningthe opinion and advice& tba Attornet to eml us tome point of import ance, Mr le replied. that if he had stop some time in don. Mrs. ?agleam:et *a with him, and the borough must beer their joint as penaca. The council were too gallant to refuse their assent • toithis condition, and it was agreed to allow Mr. Magle three guineas a-day during his sojourn in town. • - On Sunday morning. if shock of an earthquake foal felt et Tynehead and -its- neighbourhood, which shook the houses. rattling the thine. glass, kc. in the shelves. On Monday. a rest was seen in the earth at Tynebead Fall, which ex tended for upwards of half a mile, and which wall caused by the above pheneuron..- Tyne Mercury. 1 d. Bitter Jeks.LOn Christmu day, "three young men at Denby, near liarrhiy, as a proof of. the "mildness of the season ^ stripped them-. selves to bathe near the roadside; when • wag. gish friend, thinking they ought to pay thr the experiment, ran away,,with their clothes. The bathers andin4 punnet hopeless, clubbed op in. to a tree to avoid obeervalion by; pimple who were passing thus elinrchst the Uute.—Dences ter Gaulle. 4 There is at this time a yam' 1/0/11 . 1111 a ged 18, residing at. Nendbirwonby new St .. ass il'intar , who. has been lin • tranticiair sleep for twelve days ;—.he kreiii quite warm, except her feet, and they ire 41.k01d add me Last week her father braigh' her down m -a stain into warmer room thinkin g it it might be the means alarming her, but it had not the _desired area Oa Mon day she °pencil her eyes, anti made • Motion with her hand la eanething to drink, which be mg given heat g 'axiom convulsed for a time, and then sank ' her &g ta mate of harper, in e t, which she ii ' contiguid ever since.—Cent. bap Mean* , The Board ; tif Guardian. Mike Axminster U. 'pion inade„iri tinier that all aged. paupers of _good character ;nightlife out of.the Union Work house as:fle ' Year's Day, and - for the Were receive an al aims of two shillingssed a pound hied readt wink& OR IItiOnIIIIIIVInIn i bead lr even - 9M' a timatee of, the workbags, k l o every one tai ir m' *sill olfcred, 'refined to -u. Mid it!-&terheneexariec. . . On Mondlyra:_ikrood,ll.who resided With her husband, 0 mechanic, at Yeovil o - remoristra ted with.him *ir.usirirthe 'only needle she had in. the bodse for greasing tbe. saes pf his. boots. The poor woman's cemplainlng put Stroud into a violent passim, indite beat her on ,tbe hind with the -botitiontil she died: The above lets were gives- hi ieridenee before • a. errimar's-jay, who returned ii. verdict of manamitrinnt- Maud Strood,-wbo was iminaliatisV. committed to 11, chaster geol. l Br ererllying Pie.. . AseilCamlisidia - Divetweredj—We have new before us a piece of muslin, which', animist pot into, the dams of a eandl;, or thrown into the ihscilerely.cer without Rind* é that An/ 4 0 ,1111111 4: nin*iin,ll4erilk: act prepared.. "mit% ha ,. :fig s any it. Oise nl* o = l by le% whist .St and 'area - 104i chtia. - the mat " " 'drithe. TheribleCeolorrare exit af. :acted by . the '' ~ It , is cape* igialeada to every %Nei *examen of:a ship at. ,war to the ..-bins,: for ninlnnul,9f *so th e: sol familiars of ' the isiveriiitti or id: 4N and thole material isideliaten'aitme ititillirritiOn. - it wise prevents' the inset' of Mililkier. tapirs subjected to Treat limit only carbotilseomirave . 1 the writingog-the aninhors and value of bank ' -aitendegibie4The reveni'ltitHity of this dieser. nit 4 /lllVlselnlnsrid letheithie: We • understand :thetiiiloreigiv&eremint b* oniniendeilliti tee% ag*tbatii elempiiiY is forming lidre *rite ininvidide ielrodocties; :The - proms, like all Wreflil Marty is ample-by tivi.extreme,' and sr , boot as a:peonies u starching t dna': -4,, ,, a ki r li t i f d jr: 2441 . 1 * -- W a i mololninn O rtat, ilii:tmerni liiirrews, e son,of St . ' AusWifiiii: -0 0 74 foe, '.71r 8 6 11 the.* method of, yolimi ilia 'Mann*: Art no& Folllnnuff4nlllisva rt*Pdmi, filth to-.ooeigi.49.l::_hum!uoo44.. *lait. i n thi:aui *2innitrigidni .; e op. '•Aiiiinti.000010110:10#0.1i,;01,0,01-theins and I :IOOOFAIIPPILIMIt i rt i r 0 4 testi fifa list*. ~_ Vai Owni 'o ng In MailOWlalbeiC i nniAniintina . *TI I .O. ild ilat: • • 1 ' . ' . . iniiLourillritKOTllTO ova suaidiatio VIIILMOT 4.1. , 1 1 1•19111TO OUR OUR Assulusastrits—irs4oussos. I. , YMOiLNINI6, IS. :1838: , ... , . .:: Sr • ate Canadian Aibel.L.lie inhabitantslof the Sriotch village of Alytti have 'indigbantly 'rdpelled the statement that Machanzie, the Canada rebel, was Nair! ranorigst-thenilt arid if learns ,to be itatierilly tanderetood that a native-of Dundee, id the vicittity of which teem fits roother wee well !tow)" as an itinerant deal. er in crock 'ry ware land rag collector,— "Dal. Billy with the big head," as her son i i was then c fled , biaian, aunt still Habig ,in Dundee, and iiiirieirdy told the old w 9 -. man, that her nephew bad become a greet man. and was corilasponding with Mr. Hume andr. Roabbek. The reply was, i ti "I ken naehing abobt - Meister Hume - Ai Meister R buck; but they haternn correspond ace wi' our Willie, it's a attire sign ther'e g great g entles." - . r : . Scotch Paper. A Wager Won'.—+A young woman laid 1 a wager she would d4cend into caulk in the middle of the niht, and bring from thence a skull. Th person who took the wager previous), hi d himself' in the vault, ! and, as the girl select' d a skull, cried in a hollow voie, " Leate me my head !"= "There it •• ci s," said - the girl throwing it down, arid etching dp another. "Leave me my hea"said Alit+ same voice. "Nay, nay I ," said itie hero last, "you cannot have two h ali;" so frought the skull, and won the wager.—D , fries Cour. pleyely, frozen over, ly of a field of [ , and in sYme places me of the deer Otan i fromibeer star-' Lochlornnd co and let the reader o ice 30 mded'in lengtl nine in breadth I S. doted their island h ration ; bulgy as they slippery a board, th taken and 'l3 condu , they .artt now reola 'many. a Highland suffered as much as mild not travel 'on so y were ally over led to spoil where y fed with hay. In r ild, deer must have he sheep Statue oil Sir W , dell hesplaad in the' lisbutent. 84 Andre bls statue or sir Wal, er Seott.—Mr. Crt vestibule of his estab. Square, an admire er, executed in free. anions Mr. Green. stone by the late in shields. "Itis, nitho must perfect likeness minted. countrymen seen.—Ediitburg t any excecption, the of our great and la that we have ever AL . E. fw; Pradi Hods. -1.- A person, represent: ing himselfito be thri, butler of Lord Port man, lately addressed a letter to Mr., landloid of White Hart, Cross, desiring f him to send three p irs of post horses to Highbridg and toh ave three other pains ready to e the fa ly to view Cheddar Cliff; also' orderin dinner for' fourteen, ten - for thin - first tab e, and four for "my self, lady's !Maid, and two others." , The landlord pirated his purses and prepared the dinner, as requested, for his expected' i f , guests, wh we need hardly add, never ar rived.T "butler," in addition, desired that seven eal cheddar cheeses should be d ii provided f r his lord4hip.-- Bristol Paper. Roger opkins, Ipsq. the- manager , df the- Monmouthshire - s iren and, coil corn- Its, at Lower Ebbw Vale, hall ivered on !the compan'ye land, %rive ' one orthe finest veins of o coal in the South Wales; it is hick, andiwithio a few yards of i in• Papal. -1 Thiel'. -and the great i the supply ilf coal From Back- cion lowali the price in this city. • 1 .lirisio/ hfiiewi r i A qua? doctor biting spread the alarm s= I of the'l-pon ragidg in the Isle of Nan: has ind.. , the parents of 300 children in the parish $f St. Petrie to allow thereto be inoculated for that complaint; the treatment of all the patients was ezactly the same, and fortunately perfectly- innox ions, the cheathavicirpsed only butter, in-' stead oft 'a 'wires.. Hiving filled hisAteck , eta, the. qua ck abitconded..llfaez:fibut: .., ' Apsisia,/ Curio - sitia.. 2 —Tho. •Siluxiin states theta gentleman in the town nitre...". con, bat in his-possession a epaniel of.the 'Blenheim and 149r(01k bieedoringhingintly forty-tuitti ouncei7l 'Mitt curiosity 'fins. beettalieintfed. Op Wednesdavevening how Mr.JohnT.e , watchmaker, •oFthis le city, ght an ile resting ittirtrioint rilittle ani al of the rdelllintheita Breed to our .of whichle en -prpap the. isiiiiii: ll nil eta ..,70 4 ___,. 8 f_ i f... ~ , • 2 ::,4 ~ - t• ' irstorn• stemma;. , .; • -ARO' meetinmathe inhttbitants* th e Warn ad ' neighboilihtnid A . ,- r r ,e,itt*lll, at isbiett-J n Willtains, IN-p... tnayorpresi. - 41ed; r ilt'it - uM,Klo6'ltst , Ynett i :enllleted . , 1 fdtAbstt id Or titMrtctt; , iti:4o - tioncio . ,a, r l Allberdipttr lov. supplyipg iiiix paw l /kb •Atinup,mbia amonPts. to , f301.12a.f3di- 7 71 [Feb. 2.1 _.,,..) , , .... _' __S - . 1 .4. , • '-'" ; Mill; .. tri ' Eira ' ts:ildcivr, aged , .69; . iiii.., I - tiring, br, slithli ' 2 . gliii r fiir.,Seieth Viles;i4itliefig, iiirie - #iiiiitionie t ` .41dovid free thigh 0 1 : npaiiii; 0 1 ' io rdividoto Mrioksi *Ili) , ' alif-ifai , Nei. depth in &few . hop --If 43.1 • [., . I , .. - pany's w lately di- near 'Abe larii3 threeleat the Newt. ieereitse , i well, will ' •,..1" , ^ - , .... 0,4, 3 451: , ,344,-•,- , -' 3.- 1:,,,,- .13.-,-,. ;,,A4---Z,...3-- • ' 3" , .,.! ' 1 , ii' •- 3 .3 •. • • . „ , . i llll, 1,, h[tie 4.3. .3- I:Ai I'. l' .. ' .3. f -, : , . 1 , • .. . , : • . : --0.-- - , q. ....` -•-, .. . I t.t•il. BNANI:' ' Tilit SMO , "VtORIIII; Feb: 20. ' liiitrictios ii jaappi4 at , Ceite.—r Cave, may,—Wilii i iii i t theme ' rjr„of dip oldest inhabfirkats,:rici", such g al as thlsl4Jai l t, night,Alien place., commenced at 5 in_thOriall*, i and nes y every ',offset 'in port zjoidiirak in shore, or. received darnage_,:and ' 'citric re a tots* lost. That danage-.59,,the Coist must be greet., #e g plid of the ,wtiarvea aad heupee are dama 1 , •.. 1 Aivreeicii,- gaturdey.-r.tiler _a dareaul a night f iniense 'bard fr ost, sad pierciag ; cold win ,on Thu ay morning,Aetween 10 and . 1 o'clock, , e perfect- stout boast th ' city. - he lamps were extin- guishecl ))y the vielence of the find, The lamps wkd re extinguished by the ifioience_ jw f it of thew ind. The ateraof the canal ros e . almost a, love with ,the baxtkir, over which t spray as dung. The city arid county ail, hoop tale, houstiof industry, j lunatic glum , ind the barracks, were, paitially stript o their roofs, and many panes o glass wee brokeo.. W erd, Satuday.—Within the me mory of ithe oldest inhabitants, this coast" did not perience so dreadful t v a. hurricane that' hich prievailed from Tuesday evening rail yesterday. The e l't tsey, film Liverpool, bound for Carnary n, generel ;cargo was wrecked off'Howt, in the g ala of Friday night, and' every pe- i i.son on baud' perished—there-is no. mean of ascertainer the number. Two i of the grew have b een washed. ashore-j The bodp of a woMan was seen floating i the watT, some distance from the shore';', but dip h several attempts were made, they prove d unsuccessful in bringing, it to land. iren bound casks, a Urge sealed hamper, some boxes of snuff, ike'. were piked up by one of the harbor boats. i • . A collier, endeavoring to get out, was' seen to under ofiTemple bridge,.at half f a past twoclock. ' All board perished. The show storm sp rs to haverbeen ... eneral tthreughout -I land. The Pro vincial papers contain Ccounts of its se verity, tind the stoppage of all communi cation. 1 . A woipani perislied fritke snow between Castlebeir and. Weetport, on Thursday' night. )34 dro...pOW off a cart en Width she wastileatedi retiiireing from the-market; and was not missed by . her company nictif , an hour! afier. .4111er a search , she silt found quite dead.. - 1-, • The .aiitle at Abbeyskle, Waterfor d,, was biodyn down during the.storm, whie,b *as le' selierest ever witnessed in that . part of the-country. . On Sunday last the body of Ai man was brought into Clonmel, having been dug out of the snow at Lisronagh; he was a clerk in the employment of Mr. *ilsOn, of Fethard,land wasen his way home the day before on horseback, but was unable to keep his seat from the intense cold. £36, was got oath person. On Thursday last, J. S. Mandeville, Esq. of Ballina, Tipperary, was out shoot tug with Arne:of his men, whom be sent howl!) with his gun, when the dreadful snow storm, that, raged on that came on, since which timeno acF.onot of the ma dras bad until Saturday last, when his body wasdiqL up near Kilsbeettn.' A-„vnan in4hq employment of .Hadfield' Distillery,•Clonmel4 fell from his car re..- turning from Mullinahone, where a re had',... been with mita-other - carriers with - vlkita- I key; his body was dug up on Sunday last:: A niantiamed Nock Tobin,Trom Car vickphilipOiWate Frani, - anotherman\ from! ! the neighkarhood of apnea,- and a lid,' named Giant, -frtip Aglishcotitity iKil keitts.yelost their lives in the late show: storm. I A. ~, i 4., ,•i r - 1 „During !the. g ala on Thursday-UW . ore JohnOlipp,-fratnflionibarto - Liverp6Pl, Irehnigittg, toAew 'Castle, went .to - piece* off the coast of Newry. , . Twentrooe 1‘0! . .., ..a Crew were.-ei -board; nava of ' whom' *era- dro*netip, '' Theiloop Hope. of Catil, ; Wetmore, (rem , Dundalk, laden . 'lath' , barley, f and the ertrioner libetnaa, in Ballast, were ,, both briny. wtecked, l * knil# 1118 : ' .' /1 ' ' =,_ • ~ames Tobin, a`farnah'itililitehebto*l, is no* in - cnatodt co SX2Bri itthlifind, costs--tbo -original iiitt(beitt 7 g 311i.`enly , I/ —to the-lite!, .` Ottliva i parochial it. . egmbentrOf Linterierhatlitkßeil Mess*, Blt t pl e iend Joy c lila ste ii' a na dealers, or 6 hug* jcillte itity;iyere _latent, coniitied i iii - the , - . penittY or Dr•ott,ib the. - .Eiehtigeer;'rer'breiri of revenue Jiitii, : ~ - ;' 061#1t4ti0.: , 4 -, / 01 4:PiiIiiciThe it Londip 4 diirY, Subifillird IPIli *.f‘. l i' coin. 2 i0 1 , 14 . 'hi suspend one pOl!cali o P. IP- VIP l'ffNl4 from,what it terini:the present quiet- Iptictizt*/#!cr9f - the printinktrade.l'f. 1 -1 7 ;Th e e: - ' r 1 4:AV:1 14 •-• : PePLAt-r , GIIii' wives.. . Ittitaeittit, tieeli mode !ktitimi 'hie. 7 that Heat - yew* stebleinanabei a* etArraiti:intesided to make - tssunders*it: Ailittiiiiiq . . - iirilldOWitird' Oil itroipaiitpti `-thelite s panai improve ments w ere iiiii4 , - -iiiiithe* / the 'eatile l .7"On• 'lltesday'rdA Vredn )+, nearly two thatiiiiildlif4o hhardy,l $7 Ol t-hearted ; . and intelligent;. =Ell • • ITN= , • ,jr r•• IMRE Parts of thethilind ito ai ll"d1 4 1 1 .-44ANIt _thistfth. lo!uqi !a,ltaire." ; tafily waefor about _sixty, ac meenecithetre ork, imptstiehmen to. or that:ltapare.- fact..kiiiiitoieditable to Dor 411101091 and grateful peeple ',Lit-UAW, ,thegi nobleman, who= hoklik aw d' , essis place in their:: ornate teem.—Wial - ladelietait4:l . 4, Olot ' Svpircseitti of botuageirkfillitte - the court of Qtteen's limiteDl oll Wednesday; the kvst.of sitty4l,ll - brought by the tiat keliwits,fulmilly , lators in provide , .- , ! ,:, • r,agaiestAldietteiti Mod" put an end whit said (airily) , MirfisfoL thorityasloid mayor last2year;itnert 9 Itteecupiiii - all Monday, to alate Uteri the Queen's Be 'eh, anteing-retelling' thattday, wheti the juryfoundit: for the • lord Ina or, therebwiniiket tually putting etriingoiiher ter iN other trialeor the lake &tietirtittip. actions by. Mr. adders, the • the fair and - its u natty proktablettal4 , against the ba ddepdayttilniiihittit -1 41 depriving him, y putting dotrikAW of-4001. pet'- a m, emjoyed wider a tent, will come on at the pmenksisira sittings. Mr. Sharman Crawford, in hii ,-; letter on the high 'poor lawitili'lloi, that in some l patits the people art NO' • „ tharthey are ohliged to chart/o'odt ''' to go out irfaltefnate suecessioti tet places of worehi , '.- I .Xitierfek Pniiii,,... - Galivay ea mu—A. It:rolitiis4:;l Emil been recd • member for uratirry, 11 a great midolity - ,-. 40 IS ti ti , Ho*. • . ' . (in !I We rov in many lands, , .' - , And many f'- . I've met, Not one fair see or kballY ift ..____. • Can thin kind rt forget. .. But I'll confess leaving them, No morel w' I, to roam ; OW steer my . . to Erin's tide. " ' For atm Is mots If ExoLLIa. w . my moss of birth; I'd love her . imtui shore; --- • And if Co . , . vete my Weft . Her freedom d adore' ' -4 --,., Though plenum days in 'both to pas - '_, I dream of da ato cow,— -44 • 1 Oh! steer my . kto *Ors tide, For Ebel is tone .•• ' • - w • • -- ' I .. , f . .. . i .rims removed iii to Ceatill posite the Br i BEd glifGaiiiiii,llL: ', ,Ding.. where he 11 at nd tifiillf.' :traded to him in lineloftilsiiiortedow . , l ~ , 0 0t 21 • i • 1 • "'• ' T. nAVt. juin rice •Capt. John M J. Boat ( I veep", Canai . 1144 Adven Cropland. 'duvet thie ivrt York. 35 casks dar cheese, 20 boxes pin apply, do 1000 lbs. super r smooked beer s do 1000.1bs. ' Lard, „1600 lbs. codfis , • • ,- . r =7,5 bbls. sa for shad, •1 i ;10 tibls. No. Mackrel, • ,-. 20 half - do 3 bbls. star h t , _ ... 25 bones ma r gruel* and Idiudi-• ; *U1. nov 25 ''- ' , ' ' ' - • ItTew . Goods. . A general assortment of Creek and se Goode o _josereoeiveil , —eonsiethrtle, Grocerieso • Quffiumut, 'Mackerel,. • ,Salti-rlahteri T lich will be KIK lo* Set week pnee-paid in caiiifiket JIMEPH WHY "lifinint - Carbinr; - Dee e- NeWallid , NATHANS dr,. Co. hatteje , o r .„ `offer for ask", . mcriaos, fioni peg Soper Free - 4W: do , at ii 50 perrA:; , ' Tartan; merino, tiorated,sillt antifinton . -Redollinnos yellotr• green anitaentl4 4;114 1 104nd ungegebed Centcet; - • 10 to 13.e6 per d: Siorited Printk gloves; - pittot,tilta andloidalag at 61 - 31sisiesto Ara: ... Hz a ilbileii • - 'haosii*iiirgillit ', ',' t ~. .. tad 4 Sioretiiise , on' C,estrurviilP:.. - . Wee% a NIX ailinigmentorGoodi4 - . ' 21f°4 region v*: ‘1.'•, , ,.N11... i'• *. .ilfil.i. liitf licliii of. p10_014 1 .11 ~.,.,', , Sand iiiieeitioitdos• . -. :',' llti -, ! . f:'‘Cirl'i . ..v.. ' Milli andtzpi*Oltiiiiilik' - 740 : _*li Sleelii4ad#Miviatelit4o*.f:, : '' 3 Naili and. Spgiur., 40 , ;,i7, ri , dos.ii::o: ~ 1 - .OW Shovel i 'dOi , Ao.'''-.. , -- , -: ... liiipiliire, - ilifiiiiiid opainiiiiii. -,- - 1 . 'An 'or iiiiiiVlifiliiiiillifitillilikiiii7. i, 'k..,-,thii la- -..0.5.i%...4,44!.. •,-..:1 1,1. - ,:p.014.10EA , -,-1 ~...,*, 1.11---Nil - earn esi atili 1 -44 P • „ 4-4-4 1 :-. ...,. . , ii , cry lecornsetion v!th:firi,_,, ~, ~, ,- 1 irhi,i4 l 4l;kilialg ' lloo . l i . *JP ‘k. :,9 1 f. 1 iviiinitiltiltilaiaticiw-rattat.'-y-'7... ,-.4.f..!,:t7,!'4. SC,‘ -- ; - 1 - , ' - ', ..hiiiii k -solplitz . ,. ' .-1.. 4 I ,tif i4iiidefietloooo- 1 0 6 1 1 i' . - ' li* -{ iiiteiNfond' tbs. : ..IPPPI,PIk._._'. - .diapips,piiceit:'l; . . p. -- ;,1-...,!.''' . '1j,.g.'-1$;i 4 14,-ti 74:04,11t,;.it.,.;i., 'an aiiiiiiit. : . ,_ ~,,, . •-,„ ..,', ~ '..l..dab" t" c7 : ' - --- , - . •., . t -,... ,, • , . ,=.--z:7k ..,:4ra';,: - 0 pi !,-?t, ,-.i.,,,,-1.1-tg...1,k,.1,-.-'.-;-,--. . )---,- ...'..5. , ,* . ' • 0.,. 41- 111 1- • ..,.:. - . El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers