The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 10, 1838, Image 2

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j. .14T13RDA11.14-011111NG. FEB. 10. 11138.
grTasptiteti;pfaik;tiait4:4lU, Otiaixi:dirgt
: - : MW v iie ff itrysteier — iptuni,neatlypritaccialthisQf
fes t knoest ea ilk irrecto!.
nicking of-Coal Dealers and o-'
; aqrs infeli in the Construction of, a
L-Tillti,cjguMuKths*Aer accommodation
of,L,tins peal trade atTAndiadelphiii; Ice
Aiebtfins evening at I o'etocicat the
Ve The press of advertisements has
apiin,. crowded maven our . miscellarieous
...*rijct of it Letter; dated ' , . v
. . . Fle:eitnisimo, Fix 7.
•SCEs les frailey is one half ofbie time in
111010 us- Of II epremintatiies. electioneer
ing:in favor of the Orfermart Mining Com•
1 " l "/' - -
Another Batch eS,Coai Companies-
The Senate 114 at length re-conside
ihe• Bill to incorporate the -Buck Ridge
14i1,Road and Mining Company, and for
neter.,purpOsee, which had 'been vetoed by
thiVevernor, and negatived the saute by
a .- • , s' nib olio to 6. This - Buck Ridge-Com
pany:itur readers are aware has atainthiust
itself forward with extraordinary eff. emery
and passed ;,the Senate tinder the title of
the Offertnan Mining dorepany. The plan
• atilt: monopolists is to pass their bills so
Pataioly, if posstble. 'Having ascertained
that they Cannot conquer in one way', they
are determined to try another. Defeated
in solid' rallnum, they hare returned to the
• attack severally, in order to divide the at
tention and elude the vigilance of their rip
portents, each one playing off all the arts
of etiatagiete and surprise that ingenuity
can invent or fraud devise. Eves' in this
region We 61141 them playing pranks on the
. people ini reference to memorials, ass:
municatiens frnin temers'in another column
; will sboW. IV,, can name six Coal C
panes r4ently reported in the Sen , viz:
• TheStaffurtPCoal Ceant .
The-penesylvania C i pal Company,
The West Pennsylvania Coal Go. - -
'The Washington Coal Company..
- ' The Plymouth Coal - Company. •
' . - Besides ;Itliese there are several others tha
We cannot at pre, , ent enumerate. It is eve
dent tby efure:tlrat the period has arrived
when tastruggle on the part of the lane!
it Inr exttsti.tice itself, Aft he Companies are
deittine4 to triumph, then - we in I bid afi
nal fareitell to individual livery , r,ty, enter•
prise and industry. The wlitile cu 11111 l on.
wealth frill reap the consequences.
, • Mos 4 of all the above bills have been
reported. in the Senate by Charles Frailest,
Esq. This gentleman, was but a short time
since One of the movt violent and noisy tip.
ponentit Of Coal Companies in our county.
ws wales all'tnbe• species of Inueopolit a
He wag regarded as one of the great chant
!pions of Individual Enterirnse anti Indus .
try. - Lie iv perfectly well aware that nine
tenths :ref the people of this county are still
as.mueli typeset' to Coal Companies as
ever he hialarelf professed to be, t tumuli they
.• have nut made quite so much native on the
--. atubjecit. What, we ask, has - wrought se
sudden and miraculous a change in thiS
• :gentleittan? We curivar to misWer—Wg
war nOt upon private elm :icier— For hi s
sake-We trust thit the disgraCeful rumours
',. afloat ton the subject areton rue. But tlfis
we du assert, and we think that carer) , mart
of honorable feeling-pill agree with us in
• , opittign, that the.said Charles Fridley has,
. • by becoming th e champion of in polies,
betrayed the dearest interests of his caw -
stituents, violated his most solemn pledges
'publicly given, and therefore is recreant
- to hidyty as a Representative of the
Peop e.
i n
$a ce the-above was in type, WO find An
folk) ing vote on the rectrnsideraiion of th e
'..;..111am nth Coal Bill, in the Senate:
. -.- "Y AS—Messrs. OCT F RAI LEY, Lan
, (Schinlkill;) Kingsbury, Miller, (city.)
4 4 Ragars,Sangston, and Burden, speak e r; 6.
• • • 14.NYS—Messrs. Barclay, Carpenter,
"ctitel Cosset, Darragh, :Irwin, James,
Kay, Levi, Miller, (lierkv;) Paul; Pear
son, Peitz; Penrose, Porter, Purviance,
IlleAtar,Sterrett, and Strohm; 19.
. ~,.... ABSENT—Messrs. Caldwell, Fraley,
(eity t , - ).11 taper, Fuljerton, Michler,•M'Com
key,l:Myers;.and-Snydet; 8. - •
at e Wive ihoug,l
scareely worth while to state 43 fact so welt
, kOolvo to all who have made therneelrcs in
any i desree acquainted with the coal trade,
Matt:the individuals _stow engaged m it are
fully comPeten( to supply the Marker with
Any.uaty of coal trait inept* iequit ed,
that the market is now overskelted by
ifliei einEtions. There is not, ilterefore ;
..endtCannnt he any preteition. the ithint
,o 1
supidjiitthe market, for the incorpura
of omniea, especially triten it ie well
• .kn*a Oat.companies are flu lesacapable.
of4o4l.ithis, than ,individual.. The truth .
... a . ,,,tillet nil the expeysive %yolks below the
ttilric ki level in our region, Except in two in
-84 ocuOtove•beeri prosecuted and perform
ed y individual capital Ind enterprise.
_ - Bitlite 'real object of new emnpattiest is
i n
pri ata_guulopon,; 1 4 fc,g l ,iirlyiiduals
par. as„
a .4‘51 y.i•rlauds,-*<or lay new wlO.,
- smite on old titles;) then sell it to a dutipe.
' ,- iiY,itafishith theymitt-i he principal ,itia
bo) ri,! at an advance of lour or fire lin ..".
~. 'Err cent OD the, coat; the 'Adele FS - Cle
A.Atentinally wurth.:lo:o3a share. and,
to 'Wile-PUY worth IQ cents. soort.sell out to
- j , Alia t ' 4 4tutilg,!‘ood'iblia . the public la theateil
'' 04, — ` , plishibifed. ' - -
iF .
• •
4- 4 - Atx,
.COK_ 1 PORMIO -111 trilINT'P
of the liii iiiiipptileclioebatratjleogth
been sett! ~ The Beuse has to mined
that with i Alltisra.-ChdhoimelaoLGbel -r
son, nor P,lrgcnts* Ltd Word : aiei ent'ktlea , 1 , 0
ii . A
seats 'iis'tcliigieka; "and!hitt a tie:
'election - 41st be itekl far etitweeeidet ,
from Missi l es ipoi. The vote_Stood 11,7%11..!
117; and ;Was determined - by lbe leading
tote-of the-opeakeretheesh-laikilddiliew*
trotetaiintikkittatanitotis: r-455, 4f! „,... ,- 1
- A new [ treasury plan-bastbettßeee.e. lea
wili e -s e t4tei% by :bialiliejoil'illse Pia
cipal refit.e 4 e . itlerA lli )! 1011ntYikvf
-leutlie ftepailtrurietr" 'Of the :public - atoUgysi
which balilki Wit to receive...elmlt suttees
Papery * l O to be retelesed 4 "10'4 !e*
strietionii -Mr. - Alyea. has beet) edprrting
kits plan lin - ti vetV trindand able 'ol:petit.
The Ods.treaskry, argots: )tas_, been is
operation now, in point of fact, for sassy
months-I It- Inns - prodisced tutting but
nfischiet to the counby. . ia i iris. region
the effects of ii have'. letkar:lr.iereiy felt.
The embarrotainuants-ilk bush u- the stop.
pages of! snatiufactUriee,.the tredection of
Wages, die kg the . coistiequerieles of the
suls-treitiury systems Almost any system
therefore is. peferuble to this4-4iid the
sootier Some good - system is adopted, the
better ' , ill it be for-‘the interests of the
count rYii When we `speak 4 the' sub
treasurt system being in o peration, we
speak Of it as an illegel system. The sub
treasury• system beforrs Chingress is the.
in substance/as that which is now in,
operation; that is, the ollic.e-helders are to
keep all the moms! Now we say that the
workieg man is deeply interested in this
matter., Big waiver. depend oh the prott
peritv4if trade. wag
hen this isdiniiiiithed
or *destroyed by the improvident end min--
outs sets of government, bie r a g es area* ,
go &Wu with every tiling' else. The
working men of New York are fully alive
to the importance of this subject; they
*have already held a very large meeting,
without regard - toitarty, end have denoun
ced the sob-treasnry itcherne in no mes
What has produced the present stagna
tion iii the coal business? What has Aimed 1
such l Aarge piles of coal to ve.rinain on hand
in ot# cities this season? W hat has thrown
the Oilier and the mechanic out of ern
ployyaent? What, 'but the elects of the
sub-treasury system! But' the best evi
dence of the really pernicidus character
of its system, is the fact that &member
of t e leaning Van Buren papers find it
impois.sible to give it their support, and eon
:sentiently are furred to denounce it.
Ihe following is Mr. Clai's opinion of
the Lill of abuininations, l i called the Sub-
TrAitsnry Bill:
"D. 'till ;dace at the feet at the Secreta
ry t►l` the Treiksury. a power equal to the
comtkined power of the 8 or pOO banks die
periled throughout the Union; and super.
added to this. the whole potter of the late
Bd:k of the United Statee.!
!t' am/ Cmantissionrrs. Goy. R rrsER
baCom . ied :Most:. Set.L tvA, N. of Roller.
EtitJAII F. PE7iIcYPACHEtt, 14 * Checter. and
JOHN TAH6MIT. ofNorthunibrrland,tCaual
Ctithinisslotiers l'or the enstiinff year.
*ems. Pnnltypacker . and Taggart have
belitt oppnintell in the place of Meters.
-.LiVergood and Winner, resigned.
The Non. Maattsw DlOstssow has re
ingeed thaelliee of Secretary of the Nary
letter from Washington, in the Anie
richn &mine!, of Wndnestlay last, says— .
The flom'. Heery A. Muhlenberg has
bflim nominated Minister tit Austria, and
understand l e x iII accept the appointment.
10 twill, therefore; he with drawn from the
giibermitotral canvass in I°'ittknsylYnnia.
, Ryne.• cif the. County of Philadel
p.gia, has o ff ered preamble and reaniti
tilus in thie'llithie . , at Italteisburg• opproV
itig of Senator Wright's Sub-Treasury
,iLittaberman'aßitnk.,--ißy tbe Western
0011etin and by private tadvicea received
litre, vie are - inflornied ritiO an eznanbiation.
has beenliad into the nil4lB of this inetittt
ttost by a 'commit tee of twelve disinterested
tillizens. of Warren. Whet report that the
liirans.of the Ba t t,k -n r e•ptrYre - t ruin agrrie to
*I the redemptitin of all its notes. TIM the
,1 3 -charge Of all its" ritlikrthabitittes: It it
also reported that rieW itnd more faitl4l
idneerPhave been placed-in charge-1g the
-cfpficern.—KrAtatone. 1.•4
it! James-Trotter, AA'. Oar' Boren) hap
been elected to thie.P.. i s. Bennie by the
legislature of %mean
ry ocailentili by the stighitilitik Oil
Moe. Johnillack.
4 3.
3 Plow, at Dayton, Oitin, on the,3olla plt.
*aa doll 'al s4.7kto 418 g.. Wheal.' B'4
:ileitis per bushel . , ' ill --• ....:.,
The Alton rioters, se iwe learn from the
itelepraph of the 24,th 011.„ have had their
before the City oOuri; 'Mil 04e se.
iterally acquitte‘.
I'. : A :441tti*.-=..A. . ; a' .re .1 .Of Val
:flurenNitiainOXll,.. 141. - R ;I 4r•NU l
Not bid. -.• ,-1,-,.., eo .. :;-• ---.- ~ ..-t
-;i r •,-, oi, , ,_. ,
Another Su& Tree_
. /c.fkige . k Sone.—
im uf,z Praohtent4V,ll . oiiitste_ei:s iittlA'rea
,•*eries. a Post illastpr it Mistereneil cove •
. .1
ty,, Ohio, lies ,lately iile4un' iled•isith tlu
ilS:posittli 'nal onl:y_;901.1 ( 404:e . Aui also
-,ieith the glepo,ites .of *deli:Ad:4ls Lcte2
yeee:friesehip Wins 'ltere -Ailing the "id
tried expuriasesietufliinifiiug - theikfuodist •
Aube ortrlMeglitalife*: - '` ''''' •
•,,,,, ..p. t .....,5, 4,„ , -,
' 17,11
..VSW- , 0a • " - •
~..p., . r im
. 1
-144aalinie - ...T-iir.
-'flr - WI 41The41
T neOlog=ll.44,!**--Agoills-illitliu. I
— rimurrpill. • '
r• • I
sub. I)v;.leii --A greakteeeting i tti the
without regard to pity, Ind
helt. etb
rs reek _their dieenruhation_ of _Senator
of V irginia were(ilinat -to eionYen•
tine- Since itsteaOceived their
proceedingszfrdnewitieli s yst - v.i+,f the ;al
lowing eccelleut,reaelutkiruOishapt i 014
that body :—Taliv.Rean.d. c.
" Resolpgii, Mist all sateryipal?o,o
shall hereaft4JaeAcwaidered oitrOcuilad
and dui in ailitaike, end for a yearta publi
cation, unless spacially ordered alaharter
time, when so ordered.
"2. That-no .puldwation shall' be sent I
to the ardor of any new and uohnown soh-1
scriber, unlearn paid in advance. fbr satis
factory reference be-Inade to ramie hnown
and accessible perironin regard,•toAlie sub.
writer or his payment. Bull!) case of an
order fur a pubUrilion, wittiatif Oaymeat,
from a new subscriber. ho iw unaequaint
ed with the conditions, a single' number
may be sent, containing, sir accompanied
byi' a eopy or this regulation.
" 8. , That, the names of. all subscribers
whose ability to pay may be uaitnown to
the publisher, and *lto may remain indeb
ted on open account at tbp end of two years,.
from the time wheal' rite advanced pay
ment was doe. AO , tie erasedi trona the
ist of autweriberit.'
The following, cmununicatitms, from
Miners in this region, show that most foul
means are retorted to fur the purpose of
procuring signer• to the Memorials in fa
vor of the OfEtrman Miniog Company.
We hope forthe honor of those concerned,
that the accusatiens.may 'prove unfounded.
Si TIM UMW' ratrafist.
BAsxml;-1 have been informed
that tlierir are petitions &n circulation in
this region, purporting to be against Coal.
Companies; whereas, their real ohject is
to obtain signatures fraudulently, and lo
attach them to petitions for the (Merman
Mining Company. :11
MR. BLlMAN:—lntrigue, bribery, and
corruption, and what nor. appears to be
the order of the day among some persons
who Weetn to exert eireiy nerve in farcir i wf
the", notorious Ofrerman Mining Company.
A-specimen of the wretched intrigue and
dishonesty they are- pnwitising. is the ob
ject of Ms communication. ^ An effort is
making to prepossess the minds of the un
wary among us with the idea that Offer.
man a Bill has already pasted troth Houses;
and, oT course, say that it is of no manner
of use to sign memorials in opprwitiotrro
it. fly so doing, they affect considern
blWanxiety for the gentlemen " who
done so mush tri:anielionne The condition
of the suffering poor in the large rities;"
(whew !) and wind up with some displays
,a certain kind of Ingle, ,reprobatrid to
endless nonentity' by men iii their right
minds; and then, lo! out comes a petition
pnper, for signatoresfor tltcineorporstins
ccateght. - Such characters ought
to writhe in Milton's "Erebus," until hey
are drenched of their intoxicating (trims,
which have already levelled somw of them
in the mire with the brutes:
Mr. , Editor,. you are expected to speak
not in thil war, whilh is now raging With
fury. in behalf of the Miners and Lrtbor
ers. Let the tuns-Coat Ffaitey, efil his
congitors feel the weight oitur arta, err;
we'll furnish Ammunition 4tough; and let
the cannon, of §chuyiltill fyuoty n'ir in
the ear of every Despot..
Ma. BArirtsm—ls atit the God-father
ofAil t t9trerman CoarA,_l4ltltY 9, / h4' me
gcntletnars,.john` C. 'Otkritian, ; alto paid
one hundred•dotters, of *of three hu, , red
Subscribed by a few - indkria i *S,. to the au
thor of • the .pamphlet . printAd by yr tt,'in
1E43, entitled, . Effect o Incorporated
rind Companies upon the Anthracite Coal.
Yricip'.of Penneylviinier ' If I Tete!
tighily, that Mr. Offgianan was th e one
of the most zealous end alleompro ing,
opiKkilegitqot id Woo( (.7onixtnirs, Or=
neurally. of ; 14C two still oPeratitir. a utag
011.1. ,
..- • .::.• 4 Siebieri .
h im
tEPierNis - 410-4uOttirt.lhi.. bi the me
or'olo l 9.a Oa that tip. opetholic*:lo eblu
,paniea-attut.tien,merikitter atult trio, et.
Dr. Butbertimil used to saY, that " vs
a roan of principle according to his ini
:rest, r z .,....04Pi4 1 : - PitOttitne shift" be id
M r:olFermani
• este suesse Jointea t i
- iiast inoiittrice Oar's tiob
itte.orporiiiii#ef corwall'it. for It, oni
, I C Ro peL t,44stiiirions to tka ioiker4 inlerf
orthe whole district in which they rote k
lipinftOtt trrpie labor-
il4 ;a l ;r 4JIL the* : SliliKALthuith
tbrir dependsur v il t gpts.ithn ger rs
towk to intrittr‘theinsePreniwith t to
rectors and oAtig_sthiCe l ompan
give Shea to*ffig#4pl i t r e I?we
wagelio thrupritlith tn
894 T h P 4 4Mieldt,afrAll
whisuer are *Omen
. 1. '4..f . : . ,' ~.'
na Till NDIILIte JecramiL.
:Fpx ? ..Fmt atprrie "Jotiaalsj-
l et
reter;iddL... _
, itms - ' imd'•tride:iir thei place; *item
grown_ up altngMher tram individual
raters, isim, reside here and give mitt.
i ina,:empfoirtien't g , sappOrt4o otlie' il, tUntlrMi !km httlo I
direct wives and AliPense• for: Millie
e —Ws Companies- never do, at t •
it tholders are always hen -residents .
plate of the operations $f the coupe
a , and Ppend AMAIN ,profitii ef the C, -
t off, is other places k # . s di s
us, and tir-no benefit to. us, or o [
f rends and neighbors beyOndAlM to
i t
l ag t o 5....
at. - 11 id I ici 1 lheirAgents can 'est . 1
r same: intorimmai. Favrturratsz.
The• Rt. Roy. , Bishop - Onderdonit,. w it
Pi each in the Episcopal church to-morn • w
Morning anti. alleinooth The service. in
Ihe morning, will commence afthm es 01
car; aatlia the afternoon at half pas 3
Minersville Meeting.
At the largept •and Most .respi.cta,l
imeeting of the Citizens, Miners., end
iborers, of held at Thirw II
!lintel, on Sliindav, at . S. o'clock. P. !V
SAMUEL HEILNER was called to tli
Vice Presitients; JANES tV.'ScHIIRCE. at
EDWARD A. litizzzrzst. Secretaries.
The'President rose and in an eloq
address stated the objecti of the meeti g
On motion, a committee of fire - e
appointed to drall regototions, expre
of the sense of this meeting in ;vial n
the inct.rpocation of the ,Offirnuta 111 nil
Company. - The following gentlemen, e
appointed , on the committee—D. ' tei
berger, Joseph Taylor, Robert P to
R ober!' J. Lelar, and Edward A. Ku
The committee Withdrpw, and rot
the following - resolutions.
-ith - - '
ifseciLvEo, lint it is,with Wont
we notice the passage', of , a Bill, n
genate of - thia 'Slate, - purporting t
ro incorporate the Offerman ins
Company; which bill, (among utile 11
may have been,of importance,) was t,
by our worthy and patriotic chief a;
trate. •
Risen Lynn, That we the Mine
Lobsters in this region, do, witho
lotion, join iu expressing our diva ,
tiun of incorporated Coal Compai
the Companies• already innorporat
instead of being a benefit, resulted
sequences total to ourselves and
Rosin:se% That from expert ace
has bei'm fully determined, that in. ivi
enterprise is adequate to the wan of
country in regami. to the supply f c
and it is evident that the opetasio of
-companies have not had the elfec of
clueing coal at a lower rate to th- cot
iner. than individual4nterprize.
- On motinn—Messm. Rohl. P too
David Lewis were appointed t .
signers to a remonstrance again- th:
corporation of the ORttiman Mini g C
RESOLVED, That the proceedi o
meeting be publishedi, in the 34i -rat J
I nal.
.SAM'L. 13g1LNV.R, •
JAIL W. SenEsc*
' Seer!.
Scbuylkill'iliven NI
At a large and respectable i evil
the citizens of se - hi:OIEIP
. Hav —in
County, held at the, house of fr. l
on Tuesday evening, February ih, I
Pi eselent . and Meaty SAYLOR, rem
The object of thirineeting b +rig he.
stated, it was tinnnimonsly—..
SzaciLvv.u, That the Legislature of the
Commonwealth of IPermaylvata be re
spectfully requested:uut to gran any char
tent or ems of incorporation' for the esta
blishment of any coul compaMes within ,
the borders of 'Schuylkill, or any other,
company tvbrise trade or occukatitin may ,
interfere with individnalAbiterOlise.
Rzentrzio, That we , rettpectfelly, lemon
sushi against the ;eel iiicorpnraling the
offerman Mining Company, inasmuch as
it is tine called for . i 9 the pubtii„ e and only I
asked for by ens er tiro individuals. •
Risomm, That the remonstrance a
greed upon ki• itourfrellow; citizens, at the
__ - ineel l ing held at the Pennsylvania Half
t r . in , ?..ittiville, be adbpted by thii meeting..
`,. signed . .by , ; every pinion present,,and for ,
°' warded to Curr_reprelientatives in the Sen
ate and ElMnie - of Rtiintintunitlntr%
•ItasoLy • Thatiour representatives be
the requeetg 3 4 btill . 44l.. nt! in Ilieit P°wer , to
ez stop' fbither firoce . dirittsAiiiiiiioni in rel.).
as pest to the Ofettnin Mining Company,
ki ' not only to , opprise' ,' ibis, bat: all - ober
utpin*srafa siniilar nature; ~,-
--ititior.vali, That Mr.. Lebbium: Chap.
i.. inaitiiiiippointethOlittiesatollserjahuri .
illy to represeol,the'intereste of litishnineling,
~'ltieippitro, Thnt these pineeedingi he
'tin signed by ihe'President and SeCiiitikaind:
-tb rwatel f rlt o rt i r r i,9wrptativett .
In k tit ilig).44fdret I,' '. • .
Oh ~,, RannLY"
.thit -41i*, <1iin,40641 be
!lie fruited- in:Fatma. ia.atitaaltp - T
a , 1-•.,-,. . 9 1. •DENGIEiti Pseat. ,
air 3- 7tri s ihlr Ailtl* &ley. ' li,--
1 ••• •
.l =rte*- - diiiiir4prri;tion l iiii - ii:Yra.srs. theStatcto th e
kg 'lt t 4 its 6j - Schluytklii Pihritt'l,..: .
1 lese. 18*. .1838 18 V_ 3 0'ziai.
~'ll'9sii . iti*&:—jffiiss!' - icji 45 350 30 ipl -- ay.ay. 'F '''';- 1 , 16 , s - 137125'• 479- 60 - ' 137 15 . 789 86
trig, (W,.) ,- . -d0v..4-: -411,17:e F L P 8494 .044,-4L , Pg-g 4 - 102 4 Eirl
,Ilu belga, Paid ' . Paid Rd . Paid ~ .304 93 304 93
ra 'ordongo,(ll.) Forfinted '4l 58 158 , 61 554 25 158 61 - : 913 03
la outattitai,(‘),_ -. Aat_„...-i--..41 _04.,i ~4.07.i,3 ‘ . . :.#4 9. :7 - 1,_.;, . 0R §?%... 905 90
14) "JON -- s _o ;- P1!..41:-.i. -,- - 4- ,, i Pala ' ; ~g ii.1',4,t „ ,., ~-;k4A-3 543 88
)g igkiknig- i : ,'643.,,,....': tro,;„.. t . do. . A1f5..._.;..7 'y: 11 6 : 5 3 ,- 116 53
'i grrieit,,..._ . 3 Forfeited... ,43.145 4 _. 195 52 683, —.195 .1127 79
ravine, !. • Paid I- - ' Paid: ..1 raid - . P 41,7,, : :::04 : .ge - '475 23
Iby ' t: ' 4 : -F4feite& •14-',24-i 54 38' 1-90 63: • ---." 54 38 313 03
k uylkill, Paid . 2ir 861 11,0 94 ' 30'210 -.. 113 -. 94 655 90
F magus i Paid .:
_.. Paid . Paid. .:: Paid 4 , -400 35 too 3 5
U ion, ' I _ Forfeited, -20-71 i 72 51 3175.99 ' --• - 72 - 51' 541 72
arm, ' ' 1
do..- --- 48 3if 164 44 574 61 -464 44 - 951 93
- ,
eat Pens, do.-, „. 48 53H 185- .. 16 .647'0P„: - :183,161 1065 86
Th. p cohiroini Statement exhibit* trot only the
dshlends of State approurtatiun for the fif th
mmen.Schnol year - (ligil.itYiable onor idler
1 e first latinday of June , 1313, when - 111st Aar
e mmenees ► to - 41 the OA rie.4:. iti the, coot
t abo:theire , for the 14. Vitt: 4 . anti . dth school
y 'art. (*it: 1835,1836 1837 anil2lB3Bd - nou,dds to
ali .distriels as tiavi - Cither pot accepted err mot
et applied in the proper mender fur then' mopey.
' he wholeammint of Mate appropriiiifonjet!dne
" ach district, sine° the fi rst yeertrithe system, is
I. xhibited in the teat column, , '
e The Stateappropriation for 1635L0r, the first _
i hoed year, was $75,000; for 1836, or the second
v 1,5,000; Mr 1827, or the third,Mo;ooo: for 18 38
j ' r the foarlh and, preterit school year, $700,P09,
RI including the building Fdnd •of ssoo,ooo;)jand'
Or 1839, onthefifth year, it will be 8200,000' if
dt he law remains unaltered, but if the 'Legiala
,, ture add $lOO,OOO it will lia,$3000100; Making an
ggregate giveh by tbeState since thecomMence.
re ' ment of theaystem of $1,250,000 without, Citi Mr
re 350.000 with the expected' increase. " ;
to Uudrawn 'dividends of the 'two first- years'
rig appropriation ate to be received trout t h e county
Treasury. .
re . .
The dividends ofsabsequent years are pay.
1.1- able by theetate Treasurer; on application to
,a, the Superintendent. The following is the form
;tr. of the necessary certificate, which should be
e d forwarded to the Superintendent, in every' ease,
as noon as the facts will justify* it,t
4 1 District 'fax for 11.13 . (Date)
M 1 "To the Superintendent of Cominon Schools.:
he "S te—l do hereby certify that a school lax
13 a - Tounting to . 1 dollars cents. has
In" beets regularly kried and assessed. fur the
, school year 183 :. upon .-district
3 " county; that ii *arrant for the collection thereof
led ha. been detiaated to the District Collector ac
rig- cording , to, lisq . and that the aformid sum is at
least equal to this district's annual ahem of the
State appropriation.
and "1 do further certify that .. ; of
est- Post Office, county, is the
,ba• lawfully appointed Treasurer of this District,
as "Attest, Signed,
• President.
" Post Office, —' county.
--- Post Office. county."
By the next mail idler the receipt' of the fore
a t icing certificate at tlus depertincrit.: a warrant do
, Studs Treasurer for the appropriation of the cur •
t rent year, will be sent' to the District Treasurer,
the 'together with similar warrants for .11 undrswn
:oat, dividends of farmer years, ternsioing • in the
coo l 'State Treasury. TO obtain the latter tio addi.
Pwl tinnal tax is necessary, so that one tax.' far the
entrant year, equal to the Diets let's share of the
lieu" ordinary annual . Stale appropriation (0200.000)
will be auffsdient to enable it to • receive all dor
and idendt of former 'indrawn appmpriatiods.
icure, As soon as a Diittigt, previously non-acceptn
na • g, accepta the system end receives Aii. money
E' n" from the State l'ressurvs it is thereby; entitled
OM- to all money rrint.ining fruits use in the County
. Treasury; provided it accepts -before the Ist of
rihi s .November, 1838. In that case it to the duty of
[our. the Cennty Treasurer to ply over inch - money
forthivith to the District Tteasinrer, on the order
of the Board of Director's. The best; proof of
t. ' such acceptance and of the receipt. of the money
hem the State Treasurer, is the circular which
' accompanies the warrant of the'' Superintendent.
t. on the produelion-of which the County Truitt'.
ter will be perfectly safe in paying over the diVi:
dcndi in his hands. . .
derrpfeene of the Com Mon §chool sistem, dn.
' der the present lairs, can only take plaice by the
' rote of il majority of Filch citizens oreach non
lg. ; accepting District, as assemble on the day of
.. , s e electing Directors, being in most casai the third
I ff., Friday in - March. The citizens then assenibled
this have two acts to podium, Ist, hi elect ;Directors, '
lons, Which must be done whOlhei the systdm is to; be
838, put :in operation or not; arid W. to !ilecidc c ihe
inted onestion whether the system shall be accepte or
not.' This last question 'is only "Au belaubmithed
in such Districts uspreviausly rejected the systems
'lintpot in accepting districts, and may* decided
;in t 4 affirmative by.a mere majority Of the votes
, pot .--See the 13th Settler) Alf thd 0101111011
,Schonl Law if 1836. , .
_' ,-.'
1 , flaying thud eseplaindethis condition's of fhe
State approptisitioke„,.theZ,Manner 4 obtaining
(hells), and the morie • ofacceptine The siystem,Ahe
'SuiWrintendent would , Iresprtfully address •
Word of infisrmatiun and adstreeto lbeteiriten of,
•sif shell tanewslaikap, wards and burortihs sit live
„ I ,
got yet tit:weed it. 4 ` lirilisitig Ibis he has tie rah
"officially to becomet„the advoesite of the system.
butlsolely promote the interests raf thOetfititti6s,
by explaining their present situation:du relation
Arai to
By the first Cocannon , Sehoollins kthai.of Ist
'Ail ii, 1834.) if may numb er of A Diefrient ih a
county—even iiim.--aceletited Ai itinfili;lfiey be- •
earearentilled to the
,receipt ofAt).ol)4Statealk
propriatiow intentied. &rill! the ,diatticii„inlthe
eosiett :for`that germ.: 4 Thia harsh prouSion Wee.
-repel ed by .thveoppleinent, of Atfrik-14 1433;
isbiela enactesithat non-aceeptinr Matt* should'
{aye two years, (which -of from
that dice of the
,stOldttTelits) Mtlft ; Which time
- they rnight - aieeptAtrlt4liit it isliiifeiture of
the nedraWn divideride.:;.! - Jlakirk,tifig passage of
'thihruPPlioneltioilmirellekthlt, .ftirfeatura contem
eived by thurstetrof - 4111134.Ated taken place in
teieral countiel. aulikite , rehited . Mac ippro
I prip_tiortlifthelifinedlitibl year (1835.) -
-- Thus the lairLlerniieed fill the palmate of the
;coitimon &hoer law of :lane 13. Nth end ! the
deft:ignitor:A. : rasitdagoo of 27th4farc
. 1837. rre.
!attire tealhdraer.baiencesiti this, School Fand.".
fl the jolint operation of these ads the pericid of
reltellefejont-forthertpostpOned till - • the let ef
'tember„3B3ll. (next lgovenab‘vidith thie dif.
.fe i reptte;that the forfnitiOrridends arilint to be.
`dearibßood among • the ttaiiiitii'o Dritriets ca the'.
s i owe r nty. but are to be adde to the:principer
- -olliboreneral Common School indlin the r- -
Ti tular y, thislittitittihetwthieb• Ili ts anal
dijatrihotalblo , e , . co ..s. - ii, , .g,.... 7 : 1 ,..45. , , „.„:
... m.L . ;.
ilkisttlOugh t h e law teettli ttiii(legia
. ,ar=!P la.nei n riiw i , i fi i i 4 44.'....''
ISJ.9 4l ,tiFtio -
„ .• , ..71 .. , 1 .-
30t9 . 92'
Wing. law eon:accepting.. dhiltiete can only adopt
the sOtent hy , thei nE-the citizens . asscitthied
to elect piteet" -whieltArt. iron eases lakta
plape on the iliitirPtiday, lo s !Natoli.' Vence it
fellows that thinsjh 'the campleticin . of the ter.Whore does net like -tilacetilt Nove.totie*, ho
the act oraceeptano. sti_hich eon aren e . prevent it
• front allanhinavtin 4;khopernwined.fos townships
in March. and Mars-wards and boronaltn, at Inc
time •netts - sprinritheit they _elect their pewter of.
kelt. Nor is thert*eiittion of this forfeiture
confined ii! the Ittieijii!latiroit tf the -curreiit Tear,
year. iinc ih imm•
uteneehient of ilierfikkin+See the lit and 13th
This Lain , ~
&lune cau d b ~.
proper to at le fie , •- , t
tion.• • • . ,
Acceptan a of di, System rri;xt 'Spring will
not fasten iterr•the I 'strict forever, but'only till
the Spring of ISA% , fu two years at •the end
of which time it may , -discontinded by the vont
of a majority -Of ilt I qualifikil voters -pi the
District. if thnexperi " rt should uprose mit
ctory.Sce Sec. 1 . ( 1 • ' - •••? •••
Present acceptlin., 4 , JL event" 'the , - Torfeittire
not of one. but , 'four dr - ' , . yaais"Staterappro.
prietion. Joel tug that of next school year, a.
mounting in e 4 4 iiggreg-ale to,aboot -11•1' to each
"taxable tub , haat. nrins2,oolo. ini 'District con
taining 50 , ' taiabk% with out counting any tiling
' on atArrh• ble initease of aproxrpriatton by the
. oreiient . Isidore. ' ,
Acre. once next SpringN, and thej-, e, onscquent
receipt 4 the above aeCurnttlatql„ilirlifcadv, will
only burl on•eatti 'Distriet,''nexe year, .with a
school tax equal -hi elicents-- on each" taxsbf4.—
This Via, however, is not lobo paid in that pro
portion by each taxable, in the Manner ot• a poll
.tax. but wilt bo assessediwthe -pniiiertyi. Millet'•
shuns, and persona-that pay• County Sates, and ea
Such personal ropeny as paid State; tax, The
'choir! tax no a township having 5110 taxablar,:and
receiving 52,000 of State appropriation, would be •
something less than $125. • - • er•- I , •
But in crafty. acceptance will nohadd much .
if any thing, to-th e burthee of taxation, in the
most populous counties. • It;is kilobits that no me.
ne Districts thelexteolleerM by tbe.ebromiapion.
era for the cdocation•ofpoorrhildien,,tia equal to
the rim which would be.neceimary to entitle those 1
Districts tii tlio.keeeipt of the Common Schook
Funds, if they :should adopt the sylitem. Nor
would it-bender:sea' I.Y•irt most cases,,lo levy a tat'
beyond the lowest amount necessary to secure the.
Suite old, bccausethiur aecumulatedlitate appro.
priation of four or five years,: will- bu.suiteient to
build or otherwise *Wide Roil' school Images,
thus letivjokthekeurrept-Acaqstaksodsoppropri
o n
tio, whidly •applieable .to instriteltori„for which
pu-pose it tyliuld lie 'nearlyintliefent: - . ..
If the ay‘ltitri he adoPted rfall,c•Spring,;. only
one 'othei tax, ificithet of next - icor, are nee.
issivily•bn'paid- lily , ' the
_Dian , bets,•,befoici• they
: lave an - cintiertenity'or i _diticontintrin the .
System it the tri.enilril electron' MI ih first
Tuesday 0r1day.,:'114 . 49. • The litiyinent f this
tax, rquario'64l cents for'eirelt • naiad , will
probably entitle ,ilient, • bestilts'reffevingii them ,
from the pooi setteel ter, toe Wittrieppropfiation
imial to 111 for cacti idieldisToriliilsecniut year.
So that the payment Coffll - 31:1firVerieli tszartle, in
two sears, will .. cnahlu tilde:V.4oMS leicceive
$5 for each taxable,'firoris the State, iri the same
time. _
}fence it seems• to be for the Jitter"lof the
non-acceptiniThstrichr, to take this'.' eiteiveri
°oily intriltelibma . tion; independent.° Of Olinsid
erosions othsinit front 'the merits or',Ventgiti of
ther.orrimou . School System, :- • • ' ••• 'I" •
Tlinuehilni s7itenCiii'
,Te.:t 1# • iis sill - Cy' , it
haw pradubed, Intrioleaidet authialiith'it' ' angcs
in 4he, District/ . riihieh hove ado Med ii.
The Scheel Rouirs are genet ally mud i mpro.
verithelog,el2 ties/ A sir wiel4mstiend - 'II more
equallyiunT• Venieritly liwiletifitin`t frier's.
The compeisaiiii of 2eitelkralarreiita tufty
one third, and titer professimp•livrapfilly a d 4 00.
Iportirmattly tisingf in usefulness eta irrleyked
: The,ssisiter. of Children taught= iti . lhe Coni:
'mon Schools,lirat•learit•doublo•thirofth4 schools
which preeedeethem in the same districts.
The drriutien , cf itssih'ingin eimb earths about
oho same. ---.-, . : • .;.144T4 ,-• -ot 0:7 .' 1„ -,
• 'The itlad . ohlsoruelpiv*ln akeases es geed.-
•I• add in•inest , ` , better , thinitririllrlablalechcmile.
The cost aAtiNc4o,6,;npitiokitat.din g t the in.
.eicased , conipensatiop of the teacherm ko
proied mindltion'tif tli.e - lio t Orig, E nd rho Um-for
:der and - kiettifiqiiitruideO, is only Oil ;half or
what it-'7iernOiliitO . lpit.iiiilerip sLient,idth epers.
rim; , rOinki•filturria 'V '25 on an urge over
the Ste, 'new lit.. is Si 1 1 3 . fur clic ffuPil per
quarter;' " •-•'''' •
••, _
. ' Iri t thirefir 'salamis some. paid for ihik-:.iiiitti
• edlitatart; snd'soma were edneatedet2a expense
• 'firth'', c o unty . • Thle unpleasant 4i. 0 .0. is
' not,found .in Cite Common Schools.
.2,A , :4-ii i . e ,„
Ili .
• the i!ami .
kindlif instruction , pe# Ai t , " - t the
; ` - p a n ic common stock. 'eher r is:litoir,t • ; • ''' 7 4 c ere.
tore,i for 1:m41111110 on the Yrai l eifiltUe• ' are 1a
. , ...
.wards, particular Roads, or of tlistiiist . ,
.4 - iiiiiint
the selioliki rlf .• _ „ gi n , ~.
~.-, 7.,
~... -
' Botiiititt4p4ibfitTiftheaftl ~ Valabls
rtsaitst,:tat Mie .-- ninr:Sitteitineiiiiirieter '-' 7 ciiove
addrew‘M. -14 theso Teets lade alluded - hl . rely to
shokittieftliceirit lAllinieic in 'nets 'stater.[: •
The object of the Supirintendent. is'- 'biz the •
whole matter....tiefor4fjtbireitfill - t4 , + the/
may ait
.',ila4v,statiiitokli -P ol : ir:Aitii t; When
Oley, snake , - VipPfiniit Pion V iiiF . e'sfrig4 .
Aii.i.t.iii4Aw#,Saibri.i'ot t 0110044, the.
,S, yatemffnit!.,l3l3 o ,4-lealy; .beolieltwir *}:the
( 44.911*t ,l ltt:ll . e4.ol l oAieSettliOltertif gime
ititollicient f , le the meantime the acemnit/ared
: \ funds.utWeyitarti will tic.secyged. and cue be
I _,. . 14 4 *1 •.*:A t tSit•keittlebee).LTMPeoVealf4t of the
n"-Ct i ri l - 141 -' l4 " c t i Ak i tt letfleltka, it•trisl or
4the • inti l 9 ":** l OA 444;1041 ' 4Aohe
cad or 4)tiCi4:00.41 - 4ct eysitork lio dis erninued,•
self Airy *IT • iripiihelsion ogg . *chi*
' 1 . 1 .-Oti.tkiF.; , ':!kf,ittO,Ork„...f&Miodoxiterlenee- _the sal~
-jeer of insloitt_srlti*M t . , ', ly worth
7 11 10s t ir.t. 11 4.3.4,.. -
4 .; *41%.4.1 • M t. .1 1 4# 1 ? ; : -Al r 44, . Oa IP*
rt of
tL manner ansiAct of the foy.!
ecktintied Alectam. it becomes
^onsctiti'gracimi . .of picsent