INIEM MEI MU j. .14T13RDA11.14-011111NG. FEB. 10. 11138. - grTasptiteti;pfaik;tiait4:4lU, Otiaixi:dirgt : - : MW v iie ff itrysteier — iptuni,neatlypritaccialthisQf fes t knoest ea ilk irrecto!. , nicking of-Coal Dealers and o-' ; aqrs infeli in the Construction of, a L-Tillti,cjguMuKths*Aer accommodation of,L,tins peal trade atTAndiadelphiii; Ice Aiebtfins evening at I o'etocicat the • Ve The press of advertisements has apiin,. crowded maven our . miscellarieous artitjes. ...*rijct of it Letter; dated ' , . v . . . Fle:eitnisimo, Fix 7. •SCEs les frailey is one half ofbie time in 111010 us- Of II epremintatiies. electioneer ing:in favor of the Orfermart Mining Com• 1 " l "/' - - Another Batch eS,Coai Companies- The Senate 114 at length re-conside ihe• Bill to incorporate the -Buck Ridge 14i1,Road and Mining Company, and for neter.,purpOsee, which had 'been vetoed by thiVevernor, and negatived the saute by a .- • , s' nib olio to 6. This - Buck Ridge-Com pany:itur readers are aware has atainthiust itself forward with extraordinary eff. emery and passed ;,the Senate tinder the title of the Offertnan Mining dorepany. The plan • atilt: monopolists is to pass their bills so Pataioly, if posstble. 'Having ascertained that they Cannot conquer in one way', they are determined to try another. Defeated in solid' rallnum, they hare returned to the • attack severally, in order to divide the at tention and elude the vigilance of their rip portents, each one playing off all the arts of etiatagiete and surprise that ingenuity can invent or fraud devise. Eves' in this region We 61141 them playing pranks on the . people ini reference to memorials, ass: municatiens frnin temers'in another column ; will sboW. IV,, can name six Coal C panes r4ently reported in the Sen , viz: • TheStaffurtPCoal Ceant . The-penesylvania C i pal Company, The West Pennsylvania Coal Go. - - 'The Washington Coal Company.. - ' The Plymouth Coal - Company. • ' . - Besides ;Itliese there are several others tha We cannot at pre, , ent enumerate. It is eve dent tby efure:tlrat the period has arrived when tastruggle on the part of the lane! it Inr exttsti.tice itself, Aft he Companies are deittine4 to triumph, then - we in I bid afi nal fareitell to individual livery , r,ty, enter• prise and industry. The wlitile cu 11111 l on. wealth frill reap the consequences. , • Mos 4 of all the above bills have been reported. in the Senate by Charles Frailest, Esq. This gentleman, was but a short time since One of the movt violent and noisy tip. ponentit Of Coal Companies in our county. ws wales all'tnbe• species of Inueopolit a He wag regarded as one of the great chant !pions of Individual Enterirnse anti Indus . try. - Lie iv perfectly well aware that nine tenths :ref the people of this county are still as.mueli typeset' to Coal Companies as ever he hialarelf professed to be, t tumuli they .• have nut made quite so much native on the --. atubjecit. What, we ask, has - wrought se sudden and miraculous a change in thiS • :gentleittan? We curivar to misWer—Wg war nOt upon private elm :icier— For hi s sake-We trust thit the disgraCeful rumours ',. afloat ton the subject areton rue. But tlfis we du assert, and we think that carer) , mart of honorable feeling-pill agree with us in • , opittign, that the.said Charles Fridley has, . • by becoming th e champion of in polies, betrayed the dearest interests of his caw - stituents, violated his most solemn pledges 'publicly given, and therefore is recreant - to hidyty as a Representative of the Peop e. i n $a ce the-above was in type, WO find An folk) ing vote on the rectrnsideraiion of th e '..;..111am nth Coal Bill, in the Senate: . -.- "Y AS—Messrs. OCT F RAI LEY, Lan , (Schinlkill;) Kingsbury, Miller, (city.) 4 4 Ragars,Sangston, and Burden, speak e r; 6. • • • 14.NYS—Messrs. Barclay, Carpenter, "ctitel Cosset, Darragh, :Irwin, James, Kay, Levi, Miller, (lierkv;) Paul; Pear son, Peitz; Penrose, Porter, Purviance, IlleAtar,Sterrett, and Strohm; 19. . ~,.... ABSENT—Messrs. Caldwell, Fraley, (eity t , - ).11 taper, Fuljerton, Michler,•M'Com key,l:Myers;.and-Snydet; 8. - • at e Wive ihoug,l scareely worth while to state 43 fact so welt , kOolvo to all who have made therneelrcs in any i desree acquainted with the coal trade, Matt:the individuals _stow engaged m it are fully comPeten( to supply the Marker with Any.uaty of coal trait inept* iequit ed, end that the market is now overskelted by ifliei einEtions. There is not, ilterefore ; ..endtCannnt he any preteition. the ithint ,o 1 supidjiitthe market, for the incorpura of omniea, especially triten it ie well • .kn*a Oat.companies are flu lesacapable. of4o4l.ithis, than ,individual.. The truth . ... a . ,,,tillet nil the expeysive %yolks below the ttilric ki level in our region, Except in two in -84 ocuOtove•beeri prosecuted and perform ed y individual capital Ind enterprise. _ - Bitlite 'real object of new emnpattiest is i n pri ata_guulopon,; 1 4 fc,g l ,iirlyiiduals par. as„ a .4‘51 y.i•rlauds,-*