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Biz Dann *tit invariably be rewired notOLT "Oda theyew. • 'ASir ainirDiee anns- , tot ate Intim monitor In th e ward the Fewa Boys. .. _ MIDWAY NOBSINO POST eatifebed• from the tame aoe, Oil a large bleakettse • sh* , attlacrpOLLAßS a year, In arenas. Slagle esMoal tiffs emeta: TRi piper win itisooattaal - anklet at the 111Jeeta. • bet of the Pt.,l4.aAtietn ST No attention will be paid to any ardor, anlooo-- Lootalo patded 1* the money, or botigfbobrry rethreheein thleettcr. • gar Connected' with ihe detablithelintaf Ois Marrtilig Post lime Of Th. lomat Job Priodirsgediffcbtil titti; - where all k outs of work t done on tit shorted holier, wed matt Mutt* O Qs Grew. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Xixibt.43‘ 0. Spray.lt TTOHNNY AND COVNSELIAD. AT LAW—OlDne, N a Yoarth,fftreet.: Ptutzburgb. Ps. dealltly 4.ianss A. I.ovrriei, . 'rI'OUNSY LAW—Offl Ce, Fourth street, Pitts - burgh, befercenßmithflold etreet arviCherry , alle . rdee.„ll:ly JOHN BARTON ATTORNEY ANIFOQUNSELLoR AT 'LAW Olifaq eorn•r Fifth and Grant. 'eta., j.a&1731 . PITLADD6OII, PA. N , P. ILoas, ATTORNLY At Liln-N0:1539 Fourth street, Pittsburg!, Ps., fourth door below Mr. Italy Patterson's Lively =tables )4123 Patrick fdlaii.onna, ALDERMAN OF THIRD WARD. OVFION corner Grant and Fifth streeft, (formerly men. pled by Alderman, Lew%) where all buAneat pertain ing to the aim of Alderalin and Jaßlite of thel'eace be'promptly attended to. -fibltZm IlUsin Wilson, Alderm W. ' rilriilolllUn - 4.117 r ri street, _between the canal and •NJ Ours street t wara. AU badness appertainin g taiga gage of en At 'Errin'idor 3usttee or the Peace, Wi igtfrt4lttitly attended to. Bends; Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with "teatnissand despatch. feblaat H. AUL, BUaq ON.DENTIST, (op moor to G. W. tqatue,) Np. 144 Smltt.B. 1, 1 a a a • - 43-otem hours, Leo= Bto 1 o'olpok, gilt t 65 o'clock. rcusap, - • _ J BOOTTDIMITIBT,Poutth street., flee doors -e! !dit. 'g wad ime.. Orrin H ouse—Prom m nine A.. M. to tire P. M.. dec2Orl Ststuto n custom .- ....... iten 1/23Wa1D......._.»--Qan6 7 L. RINGWALT. Carling, Robertson & Co., IUrANUFACTUftIittS OVCOT, PILESSED AND PLA.tfi FLINT LASSWAILII, warehouse No. 14 Wood street, corner of Front arrest., Plttstaugh. FOP AU otherklods of 131.11151 rare and Window Glans, at low tairket VW& .• J scot) ffl'Ool lister, `street, " tIOLNEI &LE and - retail Cigar manufacturer, and deal - f `et to all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, No. 26 Itreeit„, Pittsburgh, Pa. Air 'Keeps constantly on hand • large supply of all the Tarinas beanie of Imperial Cigars dc4 r7/111P .. .... Rymer & Anderson, (Bat tom to Jcsthus Rhodos & Co.) • 11.01.N.5501 S dealers in foram Fruits, Nuts, SPlues: Confectionary, Sugars, &c., Na 39 Wood fareot, oppo site the St. Chariots Botel r Pittsburgh, Pa. Usury .11. Collins, WORWARDING AND 00112.111181.0 N hiIIIiCUANT, and je Who !haler in Mena Butter, Seeds, Nish, and Produce gemetelly, N 0.25 Wood Area. Pittsburgh. intsr6 D. T. 0. Morgan, TJOOKBELLEIL AND• STATION Ittt—has always on hand Ut • general Pos t grbool, litacelianeena and Blank Books, Printing, Post and Cap Paper, ee., wholesale and re. No-104 Wood street, below filth. East side, Pittsburgh. • air Wanted, hags and Tanners' &raps. apia:ly mna.za, luerwusott, Pittsburult & Itlcketson, °WOW] 0 ItOGEBB, Impactors of Brandies, Wines rtyeami Piegars—Nos.l7l and 17.1, earner of Irwin end street, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, &e., constantly on hand. /Y2O & LlOziesari late of 9200668, and of kulteiegWbies and Brsodias, Old Monongahela and ftectilied Whir- Isio. 329 Commercial. Pow, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, : 4 04. jat3.7_ F. s. Lltreevo, Diamond, PULtburolt, Pa. SAL IN OCRINT/tY 'PROMO?, offers fnr sale a j eholatiltook of° rooertea; talectelforlatatly nee. Eplette of ertrYlrttdet9 and the pureet Gjittaity, itrouhd tt hie Stettin. atilA. Ala>, Dried Fruit's, .Y . 4t7Fetitit rtvatted taken la exchange fat nietellaUtPe. P. It. D.-Las pnuare4 a rail asiorttitent of Laiuirethli ‘_araccntail Oardealletalsoinaliottffit the attention of an in' tereetal tu.raral. affair& , w. a. Ju5atten:.4.:4i......-n: taatuantalef...,..l ..... Ant'dso aiterantr, .-ilattglfilitt'-&- Rich t , CAAND-SORWASITING bl FACIE AITTS, and -Virholettale,Dealere lo Pleb, Bacon and Oil, and Produce gen;trally,, _•Werettoase formerly °wooled by ,linrbrialge & Lughrtatt, - *Nti: 110 Water and 110 Arm street, Pittabotglt, Penns. feta John W.'Untlor a. Go., UORW ARDING AND COMMISSION tdfIitCIUANTS - 1....-Yealare in allitinds or gittehurgh maw:Ash:Lon, Lead ,giroslnd Sheatitedik 67 VtrO4o.*t. sera - c_e. tor pilste - WOr -- No, 186 WoOd Street, third dos* below Virgin alley. • 1100014,14-k,TiftLICY would call the attention of Sporting J.." Ulna to their large assortment of gunN.ltilier And he- Pistols, the largest and in , C:Jt , llt' 4 -.__Vthrok ever °Fr 1 0 01)amatitei+Ogaiher with a one ameorUnent est idwara,ChitLary, oolstid'Whing' Tickle, all of which an offer at the'loefeet possible prises to cash puriiinoera or merlS .for goad approved paper. , ~. .k~ IM=E BUSINESS CAR John Aloorhood, ELOLES&LIL GROCER, AND COMISIBBION ,Mllll- OBANT, fox floe ma* of Mg Meted slid Blooms, and ueogoneristlx, No. 27 Wood street, rithitnirgh (gat Gomaniasion House. Anbantiboro hare opened a house for the above par. pose,at No. 17 Smithfield street, four doors above the tmhela House. We will purchase,or receive, on Com mission, for sale, oonrignments of Flom Sawn, Cheese, Corp, Oats, Barley, Flax. Seed, Orate Seed:Baled Bay, ke., upon which we will make advances, or purchase at the bre market rates for cash (nor6l MAW) A CO. James BALER IN owe...mute., PHODUCW.„, PLODS, BACON , D, No. 10, corner Smithfield and Finn streets, Pins bar,gb. Pa. nove Janie n. --VIM ll. Young-. ....raeitus I_ rUUeO. T. B. Voting & Co. • r . No;•38 Saffe fi cid 'Credo - opposite City Hotel. Alf AtitiPACTOILEBI3 OW (AWN= FOILNWrUBBnd wor AN k. D OiLAIRS,of every description. Pdateriala a manahip warranted, and sold at minced prices. Care taken in packing for land and orate/carriage. aual • Wm Difgby. CIATIIINCI AND VORNISUING ATOKA, Masonic Dal hill street, Pittsburgb. Clothiog made to order, goal style and at moderateArste.. segiktf IL.Is A. C. I:Panealat urnoutud.r. wad Doslora In Produce, For y eigb 'Wines and Llgoora, Old Monongahela and ILK:- tilled Wblaky, No. '4l Liberty at, illttaburgh, j9.:71 A. TI natty WITOLESALV thd Italian &Odle, llamas Trunk, Nallse and Carpet Pag manufacturer NO,lOB Wood at., Pittsburgh, P. irAtY Mellor ROL/ESAU. sod Etatail Scalar In Dtualcal laatrantentr, Pianos, bluelc, School Books and 8t81.1013421, janl Vopertnership Notice. HAVE TUN DAY (April 11th) associsted with me Ilrgark Y. BTL Vll.l.llStr arld PAM. C. CLAN EY, i YDI th of whom here been for many years In my establish. merit, and are already extensively an d" favorabl knowno t my customers and the public generally as superior work • Men, and of correct busiiiegg habits. We hope by this union of experienoe and artistio skill—especially in the welch de partment: by keeping a large and well selected stock of peas; by selling at moderete prices, and by close attention to business, to merit a liberal share of pattonage. To my old friends end the public in general, who have for many years past So literally patronised Lay Widnes/1, I return my thanks, and solicit for the new firm • continuance of simi lar favors. W. W. WILSON. Pittsburgh, April 11, ISE4. Wilson. Tarbett & Clancy. "A2Oll idAtiItItB,JEVi'ELESB and fIILVRESBITTIEB, A 7 tilarket r.reet, corner Vonrtb. invs Si a - yrCorso ti and Parriag• Factory t JOHNSTON, BROTHERS & CO. Corner BAccos and Beisiont streets, Alleghen; etty. WOULD respectfully inform their friends =alba pubile generally .. th at ; they hare Commenced the manulentoretif Carriages, nelms,Bocimwaya, Buggies, Sleighs and - MARA In all their venous styles of finish and proportion. All orders will be executed with strict regard to durabili• ty and,beenty of Snish. ,Repairs will also be attended to on the moat reasonable terms. Using In all their work the teat gastereSbafts, Poles, and Wheel stuff, they feel confi dent that all Wl/9 favor them with their patronage, will be perfectly saddled on trial of their work. Pore are requested to give us a call, before purcha sing elsewhere. • , 0ct.5.1y J. T. Jpnnrron.,..... swizz. ICleulalet Fracteoiy- TOELNBTON, 0114 1 CO, NIAOTIOAL POACH. kf AR:BRB, fawner of BsbecCs. and Belmont strode, Alla.; ghany elty, Pa., have on band and ar manufacturing an exteredve assortment of Carriages, Rockaway', Buggies, Baggegeeara: in, made In all their vaributretyles, with strka regard to durability and bokuty of finial. wing In all their work the best Juniata Iron andosetern.hickory. pairs attended to on the most reasonable terms. They feel confident that all wha may favor them with their petnire . sure. will be perfectly eased on trial of their work. TO Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass ever yy y or. teen =Mutes during the day. •• • 4.7.. W HITE, "TrIiNSILA.N BLIND MANUBACTITIIRB, has recovered • •..iiisitealth en este resume Ws old bnalnwai and hea opinion We BLIND t&A.DIBBABTOBN, at No. fib 8188 street, near tba Piet office, between Wood and. iiiraltiotieLL here be bre an awortment of BLINDS, titiruned.withplain and Yawl : worsted and allk trimmings, and to to 011 any order bolds line, on Abe most reasonable. Lerma cad Ole work Li warranted to give eaticiaction or money refued. Aar Oldillinde repaired. ..gurNiesse give blot a call, ILO he can't be beat my7:l In work y ... : . Loddio & .IFresm =ato .gietTs=7,-* itedlle.) t orwt, Moulded end Meth, !nine idateiteirglotered tILAEStr AZ!, end (Ware lk all ot,Wradowlllaas, Flasks, villa and gOttles. Ware. ratitorter of atartat and Water greets, Vittsbntse , • tattbaly • - • .tn I C Thinufaett; r orß lack everipvpiierty.anVie • *AAR - Batley; Dew and and Carboyo; also, flint Gl.. e Ineiqrvarety. tVirigrebotuse, Noe. 1.04 emeand, sod 133 lin* street, Pfttztrargb -Pa. • n 31524 Vhatsolek, 711 - ‘ ll / 1 1.111t IN Korrucss LEAP TOBAOOO, RAGS' 11_, AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood 'street, below sl.l.th ,P 111.3%; Target. Pa. fir The highest market % 0 MIL!, paid far 'RAGS. • ' 1,00:1Y1 °•''lptleriga .L. " ' . J.Lil.. ....... '' ''' ' ' Atwell, Lee A CO., 11117110LBSALZ GROORAL Ilrodtice Attd, Cepuniado_n VT. ,tdelsbinte,end Deal efl in Fittsbangh MILD, re . • /I°.sll224s.hrhP,Sweast Water and plant atrcedlit E,,,,,, 1 4 5 " 14 411, - , ~ . r• '' ' r /4 A.... , ___ -mint at MOUE. W, P. felarsh - all & Co., BIPOSTEB.B and Dealers hi French end AIIItrIGILD PA- P6B HANGINGS, 87 Wood street, Pittsburgh. ems Agents for the celebrated mantlfuoturee of mss. babas" a 00., Parts. *us/ BEM= . , PUBLIEBED DAILY, BY OILLMOItE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OP FIFTH AND' WOOD STREETS, AT $13,00 FEB ANNUM, OR $5,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XIV BUSINESS CARDS ataisia Flaming, 8130,31.5130• TO WILCCS • C nORNI:11. 11.2.11.X5T STIIIIBT AND D IAMOND, keeps conataol. on hand Jafttll assortment, of Drage, Medi nines, Medicine Okada, Benow', and all - nrtioles pertain tni to Ida baldness. Air Pb,ysielanst Prescription carefully oomponnied all hours. e Jiro), -AMMAR /LIKING. -2DED VIANDEI...ip.ing Brother.. J. KIDD 6 00.1 HOLE E DEOGI to. I" '3° 382°" :o J. No. 60 Wood drag. PI WSAL bomb; Pak Proprietors of Dr. BPLapo's 00ebroteed VerrAtago, Liver Pills, ho. jsi Jr. , JohuJohn a c , Tueossma To rams IT'aorwrr.] WI LS AND RETAIL DRUOG IST, and dealer Irrin paints, Ma, Dye Etbllhote , 141 Wood street, three door, below Vlrgin fey, nirg y IL. L. Allen, ArIIOLBSALE DEALERIN FOIINIGN WINES, DEAN. 'DI114,1?IGANII, OLD 'MONONGAHELA AND EY 8 w LIIHRYc; 'Rectifying Dbitlliee, No.B Wood street, Pittsburggh, Pa. Wines, Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Jamaica BPifies, Pt • era.% and New England Rrua, Clarets, Httampalitnes,B o oteh Ala, London Ikon, Stout, Irish, Auoteh, Bourbon, Old Monongahela Aye and Apple, Peach, Wild Cherry and Blaekbeery Neatulles ;Imparted Havana, Regalia, and princlpp,Olgars; Iblff3panish and Common Cigars, all slouch lost iiirloes as to challenge competition. lam Bar Rep and Labellefi Bottles of every Ely's, and Doteajohns of all eisei, 'S fesprottully Wefte an elamira- Mon of iny . stock, 'a No. 8 WOOD street, kittsteargh, Penna. pr3ily Jame Mel Hagar, AtONONOKBELA PLANING ktlbb —Would respectful y Inform Ms Mende and the public, that hls new e& tablishment Is viols tolnll operation, and that he is pre.. pared to tarnish )3oateablue, and till all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and at the lovrest rates. Board end Plank, planet on one or both sides, constantly band. bans, and Mouldings of e►erldeamiption, made to order. Builders and Ciarpenteniwottla find it to their adventage to give him a call, es heeati now furnish them with planed atuff suitable for every descriptlou of Fork. Ilerron Q. Criswell, DELL AND HEADS POUNDARD, sind Manufacturers of 131 all kinds of Brain Warty Locomotive Steam Rllgine, An. Also, Cotton Batting Manufacturers. Foundry on &abeam street. Allegheny city. Onicif sraDrinelin.--I.2D;srliet street, Pittsburgh. Oldltraseand Copt* oaken in erchauge for work, or cash paid. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly atModed to. febA.ly at. caur Graff, & Graff, WitTEßli FOUNDRY, No. 1?. 4 Wood street, Pitts rgh, lILMIZACTOain UIRA 01 Cooking litovert Pl and Fancy Orates, Coal and Wood Stores, Plain and Yancy Fenders, Parlor Ware,Stove Bad and Dog Irons, follow e , Portable Forges, Sugar Kettles, Tea Kettles, Stove Kettles, Wagon Boxes, Blakely & Blakey, R e4U MCA" ,naPlivasv.vrper lacmoh anJ sniitheem stroebi, rttuhurg artoa, Boozes, Lots, Bins, Furnaces, &e., bought and sold on commis , lon. land Warrants, Bills, iton& and Notes negotiated. tape vial attention given to sabdividing hams and disposing ot them. Terms reasonable. seVin W. 8. maven. /FUR OLD PRINTING ESTADLISIIMINT, (late John ston." Stooktan,i and Blank Book and Stationery Wla prepared to execute every style of 1 , 01, =, Canal and,Steamboat Job Printin.: and Boos Rinding,and fatodult army artiste in the Blank Bock, Paper and Stationery Una, at the ahastest wilco and on the most reavnabla terms. Bleak Book and Btatienary-Warelnage, Printing Miss and Book Bindery, corners( Market and Second ma Ino 16 . . , North-1N n Police Agency, No. VIABIMIGTON STREIT, corner of Dearborn CHICAGO, ILLINOS. Pinkerton ft Co. ATTE7TIO3 TO rat TOJJEL•C1101 1 07 • OLOTILAL DIMPSOTIVZ POLIO ÜBO ICSB In the States of Mimi; Wintonein, Michigan and Indiana. tohlihdtf ti oItCS. rtillE late firm of JONES QUIGG, baring been dissoir I en by tnedeutb of JobnP.Quigg. on the 27th !et a , th bon:nese of sill arm will be settled by the underaigned, a their office, earner ofds ansiatrat sweat. A 0 JONIta, BUrtiVillig farmer. Pittsburgh, Beptember 80, 1851—toet2y Immo Jones, ltir ANIMAL/TUBER of Sprlog nod 131leter Steel, Plough In Blab steel, steel Plough Wings; Coach and }Hintle Springs, Brass Nut Taper, half patent, Screw Mall and Hammered Iron Mies, — earner of Rona and First Welts, Pittsburgh, Pa. oet2ly 9110 /OM D. B. Rogers IL Co., AMIVACTURERS of WARM' patent improved Ste. 0.1. Cultivator Teeth. Mee earner Rosa and First atroet. oetld - - Pittsburgh Aiding School , . A BORERS U. PATTlifiliddli . Proprietor career Diamond street and Cherry alley. The stibecrilier tfully announces to the Ladies and Gentle toeu of 147n c rgh, that he has recently erected s RIDING BCUOOL, which in point ot Mu, commodiouirnesaand adap tation undeniably rush any broths establishment In the United tithes. Its location le accessible Erma all parts of the city, while its high and airy situation renders it espe cially suited to the promotion of health, by this must agree able eternize. The horses are docile and well trained, and the proprietor pledgee himself that no pains or exponee sill be spared to mate tub establishment the drat in Er, tonMenoe of the pithile nev tf ~ latia Inward a.. Bucking, N i A NU PAOTU all R OY GILT, SILVER. BRASS, BRONZE, LoOKINOATILASS, PORTRAIT AND PIC- Tt It PRAM/8, Plain and Ornamented. No. St Clear street. All kinds of Composition Ornaments, for Steam boats, An. All kinds of Gilding end Re-gilding, to order. Gilt Idouldines for Pace, whOlaasie and retail. Varnish fur Oil Paintings, Engraeings and Lithographs, for sale la' Impaired or defaced 011 Plilllll4ll restored in the bait Manner. Allidtareumated Mouldings manufactured In this sedan tishausnt may be cleaned without Injury, with soap and water. Call and see. No:21 St. Clair st.. Pittsburgh- inah26l.l Nottee. I DAVE ■old my Interest bathe bnidnees os Long, Miller st Co., to IL A. Long, who, with John Phillips, will con tinue Millie old stand, No. 109 Front street. I cordially re commend the new Min to the patronage of my friends. Pittsburgh,July '29,1E64. P. D. MILLAR. B. A. LONG.... rutu_irk. S. Using - Ss DELL AND BRAES POUNDERS, AND OAS IiVITERS, IP. Write attention to their stock of Chandeliers, Bruit. ete, Pendants. and other fixtures. We tit up boluses with Glui and Steam, make Rims Castings of ell kind. to order, fur.ish Railroad Pampa and Tank Fittings, and keep Atle;- Attrition Metal ooneumtly on hand. :1731 _ _ X 07 MK.. DALY'B tITOCIfINO MANUFACTORY. No. 20 Fifth greet, first corner above Market street, PIITEBUND 11, PA., WII stock ,NAill be found the largest •nd beat assorted of w lioBl-I.IIY ever offered for sale ha this c ity . Paramus will And It to their advantage to call .t thl. utablistiment and examine for theuwelees; It te all I Deed to insure their custom. , N. 8.--Remember the OEMP STOOLING COVISA. %blip O. D. Co*sumo arm [imot S. TRU subscriber having the 01LC1115116 right to roanufac. tare and sell SWER,NRY'S UOT AIR AND 8110 K E costlaptlllo YURNACIS, to prepared to receive orders, and contract Or lteiding OlL:Lingo with the most economical Purtuice now in use. ne attention of theca Interested le solicited. Any information can be had of A. BRADLEY, Nos. 2 and 4 Wood street, or or .1. BARNDOLLAR, Iron Clit7Btcm Warehouse, N 0.131 Wood et. • DramOltealore of c o ..p.rtn.,,tifp. in COTARTNERSLIIP heretofore existing between TJoBIWA RHODES and PLIILIP 1111411 ER, In the noleftaleliruit and Confectionary - Rusinets, Is this dx7 dissolved by mutual consent The business of the firm will be settled up by Joshua Rhodes, who is authorised to re ceipt for sit debte due mad arm. JOSHUA ILILODIiff, March 27th . , 185 b. 1111Lir REVILER. PARTNEREMP NOTICE. ta- The nndersig - ned hays this day formed a Partner shin, under the name, Arm and style of &RYMER A AN DERSON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Bruit end Confectionary business, 1i0.39 Wood street REMER. ROST. J. ANDERSON. Pittetrorgh, March 27th, 1855 Arir- In retiring from the Confectionary taishuna, I cheer. fully recommend Messrs. Itsymer A Anderson to my restate and customer. J081:11JA lIIIODISS. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1856. •P 2 FULtON , CAR WORKS. FOUNDRY AND AR USSR, EP M.A.014131.F.. snop, S OHIO. 'rag subscriber having moved into his new Works, re, 1 .molly erected, contact' Water, McDonough and Shelby streets, le prepared to mitred for and execute all quiets for ..PASS.Ro:GiiIi, RAGGAGE, POST-GYPICE, HOME 1,1341:14,..k,LATEGRA1, GRAVEL, NAND, and all other deseiintione of OARS. Also, Tor STEAM ENGINES of all-etude, GEARING, nitAtosv cAsrma of all de.ripuono, and all other work appertaining to &Foundry and kUo.hine•Shop. The Yoremen of. the different departments are scientiflo '`IIdITITZSL6P:7O/0417 hog s, Emden manufactories— ee liefinfoitand ylid adiffff 1 'valuable mod. arniniproveinenhs. W. W. WETRERELL. ang2:lf 11.1.41Mina1...1. 0. 0131110=9.../3. C. TOIRILO...W. U. WOODWARD AMER I - 0 A N PAPIER MACI4 E • MAIPTIACTUBJMO COMMIT!, NO. 78 SECOND starsr, PRINBL ROB, FA. iti-4.lru4earucxas or PAPIRB ottoessiaiatiT PI for Cbc6rbeti, times, ReamboarA, az.; litirrpr and picture Frames, Window andßoor Ileitis, Brackets, Trusses, Cornices,l7erntltators anrOantre Pieees Ins Ceilings, 8,0-settee settee anad'HOtildings of eVerydesmiption, else and; design, mimosa end 'warranted mote durable than any other [Miele note in nee; s , ilgircOniers exertntaton:tbaninutollt noise. -Attention of Steamboat Builders is aspechily di I recto ' o thin article, on actoccant of its light weight, CISPITM, TIINIIB 4 GO, I _ No. 78 Seattulat.,hetweea Wood end Mast its. Pitt*burgli. oneS. Allyn,- Wl.O. l 1 41.NTIYACTORY • ,Bilia4losllTE It, isai dbon fress lha 4qtoftiget th 4 aver. 4144. , l ~, ausogerf cas t 8 PREPARED TO FILL Oltlntßa 1013.1511:63, and all, I Muds of Ornamental Bair Work. The best quality of material la furnished, and entire satisfaction goarantood. my =Si IN= r t 4 ' . 4, 4 . h= :F.' 14- ...,.. . . ..,.. ~..: .. . • •6' . --;-,-,-,• -.:,,,,.-_-.:::•- . • . • ..., .. •., . . ;... q- .1 , 7,, . ••••• . . .• .. , , , • BUSINESS CARDS I. L. Harrah&lL ;.tccessor to H. Lee.) IitOOL DEALER AND COMMISSION ' MERCHANT, No. la Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. erence—W. WOlintock a Bros.; Reamer & Rehm; Brown a Kirbpetrick; Bittrphy, Tiernan & 00. Pittabmigh, May 24, 1855—(my2L•3m•) Monolsation of co-Partnership. FLEM OF LI VINGSTON;ROGG EN & Proptle j_ tors of the PITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS, Was dissolved by the death of Mr. Joint 3. Rodent, on the I ltn of Nia•sh last. The business of the NOVELTY SCORES will be continued in all Its branches by the surviving partners, under the name and style of LIVINGSTON, COPELAND & CO., who will also settle up the affairs of the late fir L. R. LIVINGSTON, CALVIN ADAMS., J. K. MOORHEAD, Pittsburgh, Pa., May 4, IM5.] IV. B. COPELAND. /OLIN ...... ....... IrCLOSE.IT. john B1'0i0Sk•I & CO., W ITOLESALE AND BIITAIL CLOT li rgh, P. ING EII (AUNTS, No. 88 Wood street, Pittsbu The subscribers respectfully Info= their old customers and the public In general, that they have this day associse tea themselves in the above business, under the arm a .101118 2d'CLOSELBY CO. They respectfully solicit a sham of public patronage. The previous business of each will be settled by them. selves respectively. fob° - Boots and Shoes. LAUGULIN, N 0.95 Fourth street, nearly oppo J site ItC e. the Mayor's office, is manufacturing Gentlemen's first Boots, Low Shoes, ties an buttoned; Congress and Button. ed Gaiters; lAuties' Boots, Ralf Boots, Jenny Linde, Blip• pess, and French Lashing Gaiters, of every color and shaoe; fancy Kid and Satin Gaiters, of the beat materials. hilutes and Children's do., of every variety. N. It —All kinds made to order, on stort notice. Isul9 ltiOlttlera' Mount) , Lands and Claims against Government. I WILL procure Bounty Land Warrants for boldiers, their Willows and Minor Children, and attend to business lo the "Court of Claims," recently established by Oongress. Office, No. 148 Third street, one door 11150 Te 860111601 d et. March 19 1355—(mh20) ClIditLES NAYLOR Blew Seed Store. TAMES ADROP offers for sale CANARY BIRDS of Jth mo s t i mproved breed, being very hardy, and dot singers. Bird Seeds—Otioary, hemp, Rope and mix. ed Seed. Bouquets will be furnished composed of tile burst FLOWERS, vie: Camelles, Bose Buds, heliotropes, do. Evergreens (in pots) for Christmas Trees, from the Seed and Horticultural Store, No. 49 Fifth el., near Wlll4l. I.lete,h ) Bounty Lands. TINIER undersigned continues to obtain 'Bounty Land /War rants. The preseot bill gives to all who have served in war since 1790, 160 acres. Terms moderate. LONE OOCKI3IIOOT, 37 Diamond alley, between Wood Ft and Diamond. r0h12.7 tYasv Bottling le.,stoblishmeint. C/ID AIORTON fusee entered into co-yartrsbip to Btransact the busiDeo2 , of BOTTLING, In all its branch es, at RS Liberty street, Neville Ball. They have corunantly on hand a superior article 'of INDIA ALE., put up in pint bottles. Dealers and families will Enid it to their advantage to give ue a call, and exam ine for themselves. %Vo afro bottle a superior article of PORTER., SARSAPARILLA and MINERAL WATilit. Terme as favorable as any other house In the city. All order• put up at short notice. BOYD & MDR tON. No 6.9 Liberty et., Nevin., Hall. EXIII I till'FION 1(0001 FOR INVENTIONS AND PATENTS, And Agellty for the Purchase an Bale of Paten Rights and Patented Ar d ticles 110812 f. Ltrov. NO.su • Faura 'tree, rittsburgA rIITTE subscribers have long been acquainted with Mt J. MOSER F. XATON, and beer no hesitation to recom mending him, to all who may wish to employ his services, as a gentleman of undoubtwd integrity and indefatigable in. dustry, In who* exertion! , every relinnee may be placed. Neville B. Craig, W. Robinson, Jr., W. H. Denny, John (lrabana, James Wcod, 11. Childs A 00 , P. It. Friend, N Mimes A runs, Brian A Wade, Kramer A Kahn, Wm. Phillips, L B. Livingston. Wilson M'Clintiless, Wm. Y. Johnston, A W. Loomis, Andrew Fulton Pittsburgh, November Title. MI i --- iii - iiiiidg — C3l;:iiiii--buirt i i - tio lie g e. 'UBE Gentlemen and Ladles' Day sod Evening Writing i Classes will continue open during the rummer under ;1c J. D. Wilma., who. Talisini, styles of Gentieinen and Ladles' Welting lire Co universally admired. No specimens of Penmanship are exbileted at the door but thoce executed by the Teacher 1n the Institution. The Principal claims no . monopoly " nor •• pate. t" for his business, nor did he get his Institution chartered to sell out, as has been repeatedly done In thin city. Gentlemen and Lathe.' Visiting Cards written in Mr Wiliam.' unequalled style. All kinds of Ornamental P_ _ en manchip accented to order. uay2-I.tiew __ _... ._.__ fil way Intelligence omit*. rplIE subscriber h. Just opened an I.NTX.LLIGENCE 1 OFFICE, at No 410 Liberty street, in tha weltwe known °Mee of John I bompson, thilp Agent; end ne a tern Exploring Agent far the holing Men's Bible rociety of Pitt, burgh for nearly two years, be natter, himselt that lais knowledge of the city and its citizen • glees hint great fa.-vi ties in furnishing housekeepers with help. and also in tine!. Ing places for boys,girle and 011 others seeking employment. The patronage of the public is Fol kited. .rerm• . asy , and every effort used to give general antists..ti .11 Jell.tf IiABBIXI. BARR. .. --. . A. s mitiikeri & Co. _ -- ATP.. HCHAIR MANUFACTORY. No Si Rentraneld street, a large assortment of Fancy and Plain Furniture, which they will .. I 111 per cent. below eu.,[ollll cry ratio. , trlite!- - -ea Sh only der:: 1 y skiW Eft• K. Stevenson exintinties to niaoutc, tore OAISINXT WARY of every des, ipttno, at his old staled, Cotner of I,lbent y cot Serenth streets UNDERTABINti ationdvil to, in all it, brunches myll _ _ Sarcl•l Mr...1.dr., flogoet, Howard, ',tweets St a,..lilaril'es . London Cordi•l, Earn trona kledeir•, I Schnapps UNDRI FS Table to S Amontillsdo Cherry. , Rotherford's Seotch Ale, HZDIA ntlie,ull Ilarclay's London Porter, do Table i - WilsiCherr. Brandy, Cooling ,8, Absinthe, Dowsing Porr, ' A nieethe, Pure Juice do ! Curare., Ordinery do Sardines, Bt. Julien Claret, Mocha and Java., Malaga Dry, . Young lips. and Black Teas, Do Sweet, 1 Knglieth Bronson Cheese, Ckerrupague., , Import...l Ilarana Cigars, of Anchor. • various brands. Yerseney, ; Old Siononindiela Whieky, of lieldereek. all grades. Together with .11 other articles connected with e boalnes• m v2aulaw th D IU 10 Fin 201 I.l.l.illikaT IL tr. COLL EG E, (Aware of Third and Ifdrl , l trews. Incorporated by Legislative Charter. i ‘TEARLY 3500 2,TITDENTS have been educated lo 1 .111 this institution. DAT ADD ITEDLITG CLAESES 11l D utiLF. ENTRY BOON RILE.PING, in Its application IGIIAND PIANO, to every bran c h of ~ OOKA. VDTO DOUBLE ENTRY bTEAMBOAT BOOR:KEISPLING, as MADE BY prarticed upon the Western Rivers and Lakes. NIINNB Sr. CLARK, NEW YORK. 1 BUSINESS AND ORNAMENTAL PENMANSnIP taught Till PUBLIC of Pitteburgh end Allegheny is respect• ; I r Mr. J. D. Williams, the beet Penman In the United fully Invited to call at the Music Store ~.,.., ..... . Slater , of the subscribers, No ts 3 VI ETU ST , and iurr...''''''''',.:',..Plb`c: 1 CUMMERCIAL LAW AND POLITICAL EO3NOMY, by etamine • superb ‘,---- ~".. -1- ; N.ll lia,h, &y, member of the Pittsburgh Bar :!, 1 . ' Gu id A il o T its, Hg b kf y A l Tl .. ICSI,,,y4C.m.LAASSmICA..I..dtigN.Di, A B.i p.. O I DERN LAN' Pall Grand Piano, prio• VlOOO,l •. From the Yactory of NUNS... , A CL ditll, New York. For full particulars, call for r,f a circu . la m r,..co r n a taining . the elegant Instrumerit Is made In the •• ELIZA ItETII T I AY fie SI YLK," the ornaments, front pieces Arid legs being elabo. Ila , tort of a Special Committee . 1 t he from upw ards e5e,..7, :: fatale earred out of SOLD ituaxwooD. It hi full seven of New York, and a reorum. re e on octaves, of the largest dimensions, and, In point of volume, hundred Merchants, Bankers and Accountants. power, and liquid sweetness of tone, to pronounced alto- , . 1 . 1 . 8,, Di. . _ _ ____ ___ gather unettrpassable. l ga 101,1,1'81w-I nrikoLV alta I I —Just received, ley Ex The eutrecrtbers will he happy to reeeire the e bits of JR, press, direct Dom the manatee- t . 5 . ,,,,. re.,. :7 . 7.77::::t , i thar Crk.DdS and the ptiblie in general, and rimy them turers, a eplendidaersortmento(Cotes ~:i...'t • •' "" thlrough &lir. elegant new estabibbtneut. REPEATING PISTOLS, four, five and .',.r.:':,• Ow , S lii it a Ma, 611 loch barrels, all of which we will `.4ti., , thin of Ike Grldidi Carp, cell for earth at as low prices as they ' No. b. 3 Fifth street. can be bought in the city of New York. Persons going to ------ l Australia and California will find that they can do better by purchasing their equipage at home, than they can among strangers—as we give persons a chance to try any of the above Pistols before leaving the city, and in correct a fail. ' ore we refund the money. EGWN &TETLEY ~ 136 Woo/ street, Pittsburgh. D t ROA LDS Charles Barnett. HORSE 811081 l AND IiI.ACKS3IIT II, has ererted a new and (.001510,11011M :Shop on Cherry alley, between Third and Yourth streets, where he in prepared to eo all wort in his line with the utmost promptitude. Raving had long •sperience in the bustles:ea, be respectfully solicits the patronage of his old customers and the public generally. rs, , ,f " I % 4 CHARLOTTE ist.tnE, TO. ism WOOD STIIIIICT, PITTSBURGH, le dart re. 1.1 retying a large stook of PIANOS, of the latest styles, from the rag*orient of DAUSIGARDTKN A lIHINS, llamburgh; liAnLET, DAVIS A CO., Boston; HAINES, DSO& Cl/tIIINGS, New ork ; A. 11. SKICUENBACII,I Philadelphia ; Y Together with those Mother makers at prices from $225 to $1,000; including every variety and ' style, from the plain but substantial Iron frame Piano, to the moot elegantly Mulled Louis XIV. style, bquare and Grand Pianos. Arrangements here been made with the manufacturer . , by which their instruments are sold lower by their each, aloe agents bete than In the Sae!, and without the addi tional coat and risk of transportation. Every Plano sold by the subturiber le warranted perfect In every respect, and a written guarantee will be given it required. CIIARLOTTF. BLUME, auftl6 No. 118 Wood street. PIANOS t PIANOS! MANUFACTURRD BY CHICSNRING A SONS, Brenton, and for sale by JOHN IL MIILLOR, No. 81 Wow.' street, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. just received from the, ; 6 •6••• I manufactory of Chickering A Sons, torten,' and for sale invariably at Bolton phut Two of their first class loan Octave Pianos, lonic. XIV. style, With carved ranee, legs, Lyle, music desk, de. ; tie lobed back end front alike. Thin is cons idered by permits of tante to be th e most beautilui pattern now made. Price $5OO each. Two first class Seven Octave Planon. with carved rase ; lyre, new etyle of tinted lege, the lyre and ends of beautiful carved tracery work; finished beck and front alike. Price s4so Three elegant Rosewood, plain doable round corners, seven Octave Pianos, fobbed back and front alike, and I with Cblokering's Patent Iron Frame. l'rice $4OO each Two carved Rosewood 6:y. octave Planes, with new style fluted legs, carved can must: desk, and Ude usunl openings Stied with beautifully carved tracery work; finished batik and front alike. Price $426 each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round cornere, 614 octaves, finished back and front alike, and with Chickering's Patent Iron Frame. Price $276 each. Seven Rosewood and Black Walnut as thetae Pianos, all made as well and with the same care as ei firet clam. al l fined, and with Chick-tines Patent Iron Frame. GRAND PIANOS. One of Chicks/lug & Sons' New Beale, full Seven Octave Grand Pianos, of immense power, brilliancy, end sweetness of tone, with their New• Patent Action, which renders the eo light and elastic that it can be played on by the most delicate band. ' 'Moo $760. TUE NEW PARLOR GRAND PIANOS. Also, one of their new rstior Grand Pjancts, an entirely new invention, and particitlarly adscled lot Parlor IlAe. Pries $B5O. PIANO STOOLS. A now lot of Piano Stools just received. For sale by • JOGN U. MELININ, ill Wood nt., between Diamond alley • ithd Fourth street, • Side Agent for OBIGKBRING A BONS, for Pittsburgh and Western Penn. irenll su ----------- PLattlirm Scales 1 7 EITINTY DESCRIPTION, suitable for Baftroads, Oa. OnalN Art, for weighieg Hy, Coal, Ore, and Merchan dise genera ll y. Purchasers ma y feel enured that they CUD be supplied with a impeder and reliable article, and run ne risk. Each Bode le guaranteed correct, and if (after trial) not found satisfactory, can be returned without charge. Factory at the old Mend, established for thirty years, ,X,r nor of Ninth and Melon streets, Philadelphia ABBOTT E 00, auglextlint &tweezers to Sugar? a Almon. =EMU '~" ~ ~~ =NS =MI Z.-Zt lViri• 4 ' 2 ; 3 l .l +,l , S " t 4, - 4 ^ * - 4 1, 7e e 14'; W M=IIIINIM " ' • u AY, N9VENI MISCELLANEWS. WOODVVEGIA'S FURNITAIRE AND CHAIII“ , ..' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, EMBRACING EVERY ITTYriE OF F UIiNITUSE, , 1N ROSEWOOD, MADOGANI AND WALNUT, SUITABLE FOU. PARLORS, CHAMBERS, AND DINING ROOMS. EQUAL TO AN,It LN NEW YORK OR PHIISDIMPHIA, AA'D AT LOWER PEW& ler Every article made by band, and wesranted. Cabinet Makers Supplied with any quantity of FURNITURE and OEM ItS, on reasonable terms. Hotels mod Stelimboste FURNISHED AT TEE BHORTEMISOTI9a , „ Wareroome, Fos. 77 and 79 P Third ORG str H aat, sog2 aTSB _ _ PIANOS ! PIANOS ! MANUFACTURED BY NUNNSa A wn & yo CLARK, new voii, u askew H. KLEBEB & BRO., No 53 Fifth sired, a lets doors from the RAU o(lite- Jusi arcluvlo, the Brat few of large invoice Nouns as Clark's unrivallrl Pianos. Whitt, choke lot will comprise— • --• Octave square corners, rosewood. fittings, do. 61,4 Octave, do do itiN 6 7 , Octave, round corneir, rosewood. caryed, muslin reek and lyre. 6 7 .,, Octave, double round corners, finished all around. IP' do 'X do caned lege, Elikabethian et y I 6'- a do Smni-xerpentine, very elegant. 7 do do do 6 , „ do Full Serpentine, splendid pa ttern. 7 do do do -The above will positively be sold at New York Ireton, prices, aid/Lad zuldatun for freight ilk 11. icutnza & into, sole Agitate for Nunns d Clark, for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. . 6.3 Filth street, near the Foist Office. S. M'KEE & CO•+ CIANOPACRUBVILB Or M'KEE'S PENNSYLVANIA GLASS ALL 1112.13 Or - - - • - WINDOW GLASS, Erin. Double Strength, imitation Crown and Rub) Vials, Sleeks, Pick Wine, le and Preserve Jars: Porter and Allneral Bottles, Telegraphic & Lightning-Rod Insulators. SEOOND, BETWEEN WOOD A MAILKET STS., rrriessuaan, rearm. But a abort distance from the Stremboot lending, end from Id otionzatiel • House, St- Charles, and Oily lintel. I apAl _ JOHN COCHRAN & BaO. A RS IRON RAILING, IRON VAULTS. VAULT DOori,S, Window Shutters, Window Guards, dm. Xoli, til lisoosid street an a 46 Third st, foirs'iss sroon tin iiiitirt,) PI rramil Hws oc. land • vsristy of sew patterns army an_ Pain, euicable for all purpoeon ParticaLas - atlantlon paid to enclosing Grave Lotet. Jobbing done It stem notion: lin.% Goal Works for Bale. IXTY TOKEN ACtiNS OF LANA attiv "..0 acres of Coal CI attached, and all th« improvements thereon in sumer ful operation. Maid Farm L. situated on the wit river, '4l mites above Pittsburgh. and la toopplied with a Farm I WWII, !tarn, Tenant houses, Orchard, haling& and an exc.:41..1A harbor The vein of Onal le flir fret tlklek,atid cannot be eurpacs ed to yomltty. For further pertkutthre apply to NIJII.OI.F.A)N a P No. ZS Liberty street__ .• Jour , " LiT'lldr , ,, Jr., A g•nt, No 20 1 Louisa! &m.:, HAS 31;ST RIMMED the. folln.rlin vrry ebotce Nati tialro:— BRANDIES. °tote Eraudy, (very Doe,)Linboo- Otani Dupoy I G. ((flop,) 11.111 d. 1 J am Niarr*ti I On ides, 8...r0c. I Clout. Cru.. ___ .....“ ITN. w W. Biala— Bmttli, Nair & Ifanter, Nnalth t Sinclair.) WII(ILKI6ALE PILODUOM AND 00?dMIS BION IHNILCIIANTi, and Deal., In all Linda of Pittsburgh MSClufacturre, rn FOCOIId and 161 Ylrat rt me nt) t, Pltt.pbanch, Pa. fe a P. !MOTT Broil At Curtis, IRALSRB 151 RKAL ISSTATE, tir.• A.OIMIONT FALLS, _LJ Minnesota TernMry. Lipd bought and sold through out the Territory. Money loaned, (Sweetmeats made to the beat advantage., and Land Warrants haute& Also, Agents tor the sale of Lots In the town of ST. PLCUD, 65 miles from St Anthony, and need of navigation above the Valle. The survey of the great Pacific Railroad mama the illasiee sippi at this point, and the numerous advantages. largest allies in the Northwest. F.t Clovornor Ramey, Mlonectona lion. Woo. 11. Willett, Obtof ahlßliee Of Minnesota. lion. J. dictator. U. 0. Bice, Delegate to Congress. Rice, LlMlluitolootul Al Rector, Attorneys at Law. Messrs. Borup t Oats, Bankers. limy. T. M. Fullerton, Register of U. S. Land Office sop2o ty rt Lands. Whi have arrangements <with guntiemem of experience in the different Western Btates, by which choice lands can be located at Government prim. Persons desirous of locating lands, either for erpeculation or for actual settle ment, will find it to their ads 'outgo to give a call. 'One of our correspondents iu lows has spent the last elx weeks in erirlcally examining the lands in that State subject to entry, and writes no that he hes selected over Ikkooo a c res of choice lands. BLAKBLY d 111011EY, sep2lxleer corner Seventh end Smithfield OM Proclamation. Y VIRTUE of a precept under the hands of Wm. B. BMcClure,President of thu Court of Common Pima, in and for the lLifth Judicial , District oC reprisylvania, and Justice of the Court of Oyr 'and TeMiner. and General Jsil Delivery, in and for mad District, and Willteht Burgs and Gabriel Adams, Berra., Associate Judges el ,t,he same Courts, in and for the County of Allegheny, dated the 6th day of Nerreniber,ln the year of our Lord one ttmoromd eight hundred and ftfLy.fire, and to me directed, for holdings Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, at the Court Donee in the City of Pittsburgh; off the ftoirtti Monday of December neat, at 10 o'clock A. M. . Public notice is hereby given to all Justices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables of the county of Allegheny, that they be thentind.thare, in their proper persons, with their rolls, records,liniuleltions, examtnetione and 'other redn Frances, to do those things which to their respective nthexo -uN in their behalf, appears to be done—wed also those that will prosecute the prisoners that now are or may be In the jail of wild county of Allegheny, to be Wen and theta to prose cote against-therri thin be Jost. r. Given unlit* my hand in Pittsburgh, this fffth day of Be. vet bar, in the year of oar Lord one thousand' eight hun dred and fifty-five, and of the Comnoen,eealth, the 78th. !MDT PAIT.ERSON, tibsalif Second Arrival of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS I AT L. MARSHFIELD SOWS, No. 'lO libod Wee- AYING part returned from New York, and received all Ja new styles of goods that arrived by the last steamer, we offer the following for inspection : Gloves, Gauntlets, Cravats, Scarfs, Opera end Oxford Ties, Cambric and Silk Handkerchiefs, Undershirts and Drawers, • [duffles* and Shawls,. :Traveling Shawl& Shirts made - 00 •erlsr,l elPoforrery style on hand. To. gather with a felt luisiwtottenetatgoode in *Saline. - New styles of goods received by each steamer from En pe• L. RIGGSGIFIELD & BON, No. 79 Wood et., m novlS 'between fourth at. and Diamond alley. MN= ,•t I , • •••••• a • ."P r-~.- _.._~:::~-_~ .:. RHODES' FEVER AND AGUE CURE , LIOB the Prevention and Ours of livratotirrider and lli t =rant WWII, Psyna. and Anna, Collie and Firm, Duna Anus,,(lintaast Danaint, Nit= Swears, and all other forms et disease which have a common origin In itaitekitor This is 'a NATURAL ANTEDOTB, which will entirely protect any resident or traveler, even in the most sicalY or swampy localities, from any Ague or Bilious disease what ever, or any in from cOnstantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma. it will instantly cheek the Ague in perilous who have suf fered for any length of time, from one day to twenty years, so that they need never have anotherthili, try eoutihrdngite use according to directions. The patient at ante - begins to recover appetite and r w s:73lth,and continue' until a Mnn , Dent and radical curs is ected. One or two bottles ninnirer for ordinary cases seine may require more pirections printed in German, French and Spanish, accompany each bottle. Fria, One Dollar. Liberal discounts made to the trade. JAMBS A. IttiODEB, Providence, IL L SITIDENOE OP WIWI. New Teak, June 11, ISM. " 1 hive made chemical examination of "'Rhodes. Pever and Ague Cure," or " Antidote to Malaria," end have tested 4t.fize Arrant; p MereteXY.Q.elithie and Strychnine, but have not found a arader:A either In it,..not.lieren found any substance in Its compositlolithat'WObid 'prove inittritrOd to the constitution. JAMAS 11:CJILLTON, M. D., Chemist." mtorson or mnyr. ulxlnsinza, thISWIrOOMity, Pa, May 2,180. Mr. J..A.Shodes—Dear air: The box of medicine you sent me was duived Ytti theAD - I have sold about ortelyltalfrcOe of aoind ed farnth M the o penple who have used It are satisfied thatithens cured them. It bas certain ly stopped. the Aitrie in.every one who has liked it, and viz of the cases were of !Ong standing. My sister, who ties had st.for free or six years back, and could never get it etoPped, except by (Whine, and that only se tong as the would take it, is now, I think, entirely cured by your rem edy. C. E. MOGINI.Y." ommos TO AGUE BOVJERRRS. Take no more Arsenic, Mercury, Quinine, Strychnine, or Anti-Pei:Wire, or medicines of any lard, the virtue of Which is owing to such poisonous drtigs. The most they can do is to u bitak the chills" for • short time, while they aro sure to cause constitutional maladies that cease only with life. Remember that the only Fever and Ague ream• dy that le harmless as well as sure, le Rhodes , Fev•r and Aga.. Cure. For gale by JOHN MITCHELL, and Druggists gen erally. . augl4.daw Notice to Whom 11. May Concern. PUBLIC SPRING BALES of Heal Estate at Ro l_ chatter are now closed, and the .Sea.leting reason has fairly commented: Every citizen of Rochester ie busily em ployed. Even 30 or 40 new famlllea who have become citi zens the present Spring, And constant employmerfi and in a few days a hundred families more will be required to oar ry on the monk of the present eettapn. The am Etaildirtp .isiornaii is now near completion, and atlrta in full operation n i June. Several Cars will be ready far delivery; byViontract, the let of July, 1866. Two or three nett churches, in Rochester, will be con tracted for immediately, and numerous other improvements I will be commenced, requiring a great amount of mechanical I and other labor independent-of the Car ltatablishment, which will pro 'ably employ from one to two hundred. A prominent briclunalter from Pittsburgh hen just put , (honed nine large tote, and contracted to make upon them forthwith 000,000 bricks. Two gongs of hands commence work the present week, besides the other yards heretofore established In the neighborhood. Our Stone Quarries are already alive with workmen, end the road looting to them Sined with team, Lumber is becoming abundant and cheap, and tenements will soon spring up to relieve some of our housea, which' now have 6 families, 4 families, 3 families, and dozens of them 2 families each Any who d d not boy cheap lota at the four public Wes last mason, or the four public sales the present spring,non still secure good bargains at prirate usle by caning - on the subscriber in Rochester. Terms—% dosertin one year oral %, in two years. P. n.—A few tots can yet be had at $6%41.00 each; if applied for before the 20 b May. These lobe ate twice on large os urinal city 1° 50 via 40 feet by 126, and:the price o J nly from 81,60 to 12,50 per foot fr ont. Thapreamtreserv• homeetead and magnificent profit of Ovid Pinney,4 acres in the centre of the borough of Rochester; also, the bettutb lul 20 acres, building, orchard, do., of F. Reno, can be. bought through the nubecriber at meat bargains, and there are not two ouch barman , within a hundred miles. G. • my 6 ----- - CA it PETS—C AIIPEINI AT hioOALLUM'EL FIST REGEIVRD, AND DAILY COMING TO El ND. Inrse sza choice nastirtment of Goods In the above line, Inclndmg Velvet and Tepe4l7 811361.4111 Carpet, Thresply Superfine Medium and Low priced Ingrains, Medallion anti Tapestry Ingrains, (a great variety o petterne,) Brussels, Damarks end Vanitian Mall and Stair Carpets. ALSO—Beautiful patterns of Oil Clothe (various Vali ties and widths) Wof len and Linen Crumb (Intim' liaises, Come Matting, List and Rug Carpets, French Embossed and Victoria Minn end Table Covers, Hearth Wags and Door Mate (a great variety). All other erticles usually found In (Nirpet stereo onrutantiy on hand at No. 14 7 FOURTH FT R EFT.. near Wood W. D. A El WIJALLUM. M=lll mirELVICr9 =EMI MISCELLANEOUS NEW STOR E. MOURNING & HOUSEKEEPG DRY GOODS. BROOKS &. COOPER. WOULD rmrpectfully inform the public that they have Wren the Blare Room, NO. 75 )IA.ItE.GT STREET, and have now open • most complete assortmentof the above goods. By giving our whole attention to three branches et the business, to the exclusion of fancy goods, we think we ran Om saleantages, both in assortment, quality and price, not to be found in stores keeping the usual variety. The 110US1Klt KENN() Db.P AitTNI ENT embraces all I.tre pie articl, In Dry Goods used in furnishing and keeping house. sep2ll.ll3m Bargains In Watches, Clocks & Jewelry. ROBERTS Si. BROTHER , MLR now selling their large end caretully seta ted stock of Fine Watche+, Clucks, andricti Gold Jewelry el greatly reduced prices, to make room fkr „ for as entire new stock, which will be received di rect from the Eastern manufactories in a few weeks, for the Fall trade. Purc.basers desiring to buy good goods at low prints, should call immediately and examine our stock, as we ire determined to clog.. It out without regard to cost or former prices. Don't forget the place. ROBERTS a GROTTIER, 41 Fifth street, next door to Wood. GIP Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in the best manner. and warranted. Tiourning and flons• Furnishing Store, eVa. 5 Market Street. VETE give our .afire attention to this land of stock, to VV the °actuator, of fancy pole, in consequence of whip b our aasortment in both branches is wont complvto. We have just TrfrlV..? our SECOND SUPPLY OP GOODS, And can guarantee persons wanting goods to our line, to be pleased both In quality and price. °lan and see us. 4 Please note the location, No 73 market street. octal) BROOKB & GOOPER. J. J OILLWII... P 1111.1.41/. .3..3. Gillespie Q co., LOOEII 4 O WASS MAN 151? aCTURERS, ant Dealers in Looting Dias, Platea, Flare Olass, Engravings, Oolnbe and Fancy Goods, No. 76 Wood Bisset, Pitfiburgh. On hand and mode tovwder, alit Pier and Mantle Glasse. Mahogany, Rosewood, Walnut and Gilt Frames, or Mould ing. of eVert deAfription. BTRANIROAT OARING Decorated and Gilt. [cell Valuable learnt for tieJa, STTUATE TN ADAMS TOWNSHIP, BUTLER COUNTY, containing 141 acr,e; lib acres of which are under cub Ovation. The proprietor, about to decline farnalu , will dispose of all his Stock, Grain and flay on band, if de ,,, sired. Enquire of JAMES lILKEELY, anal 1 corner of Seventh and Striltbeteld ate. LAND AVAItti.ANTS wANTED— 40, 1 00 ACHE WARRANTS, by, AUSTIN LOOlll IS, puller to Wart-smut, Kooks. la 92 north • John Groutt, l AteORT&B. OP lIMANDIES, GIN, WINES, so.—Dealer In nue Old Monongahela Whisky, Peaoh Brandy, Sc. Also, Ramifying Distiller, corner of Smithfield and Front street., Pittsburgh* aprl3 Barra Intelligence 0111145*. ITOTELS, Mouarekeepers , Manufacturers, Merchants and ja Mechanics are invited and solicited to WI and obtain their Help and their Apprentices. Also, the jut wo i rki ni n! clasees,.both male and female, Flinn be attended to , a nd V&A fouadCN Ort gN em , N o o n . 410 short notice , c*' ' street. No answer returned to applicatione by malt, unlese no. compaaied by a postage stamp septa Wanted, A PERSON COMPETENT 10 KEEP 1300K8, awl sell > can make Maisel( generally useful In a meant.- luring badness., Persons applying will please give refer• en., state salary, and address Past OM., box 77. Pitts. burgh. .09 Thomas Oliver, SADDIX, HARNESS AND TRUNK MAKUPACTURE, R No. 4 Bt. Clair street, Plt abuse'. • um.. time Olotbluis. Whips. Spura.des Ponrhyn Blanton. FINE ASSORTMENT of these du:treble and beantlhl arr9lll7lol ig?o , -- titl..,.ylt:7ov=z)g, After the dose of the Exhibition, they will bo found at-the Men tel Booms of WILLIAMS 3ALLEN, comer of,Eecond an I:locket streets. °eel:C. • FOR SALE VERY CHEAP: A BUILDING LOT" 111 ALLEGIIENY CITY, 24 feet by It 100. d good bargain can be bad by applying soon at the °Mee of the xprisrNo EQBT. yyltt Lot (or Bale. GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet trout on Carson street by 100 feet In depth, in 'Birmingham, will be sold enp. Enquire of GEO. 11. GILMORE, at offic e of the Morning Post. • Watches! Watches 11 Watchas TILE Largest, finest and cheapest stock of WATOMitS ever opened In Pittsburgh Is now being sold by the undersigned, whose long experience; cßoe attention to the business and .superior racialism have given him an eatab. lisbet reputation in this branch of trade- A tsatutlfUl , aliment of Ladies' (maid Watches from $.20 to $lOO. ' Ret read Watches, kc. Only agency In the State for the sale of the celebrated and unrivalled Charles Frodshain's Improved Series Chronometers. Watch repairing done in the best manner. W. W. WILSON, 67 Market street, cornea . Fourth. • e moval. CUTHBERT A SON have }entered their Real Estate S. and Generel Agency Nice to No. 55 MARKET ST., near Third. enei Co.Part.tsershtp. VITALTEP , P. 11AlISHALliatnoclatesilt12.11111, on the Pi' 2d day of July, JOS. A. HP4M.SB, In the Wall Peg business, under than of NC. P. HARBHALL & 90. =MB Pi - UMBER 45. ISMC.r. , NEOUS —• • WATER. 1311111. E Muni sired, (sorsaside,) petweca .rears strut and the River, mpustrium, PA. OCTOB BAELZ , Geminate and Practitioner In the Old D'Schools of hiediclne,:Allopathic and, ilamasopathic, sad for the past ten years a Successful IlYiropathist, hue opened a WATER COGS in the:shoe location.. The eefeellY eafe, direct and immediste e ff ect. this eye,. tem has p on ell 'Pesci% and allydimnsestente and &ionic, while itisimild,stafed and bayigsintiiP4o4 the weak and pectillarlY deka:llle in families, who ,i7ni be treat ed at their homes. • -:Allopathhs and.flomceopathia treatment will be adminis. htr ittf 1 , 1 ,t x desired; Just, after long and thorough expert. 'once, r Baits Oreg . ' decide? preference Ilydrope -1111, Yea, has, throughout the hid and new world, proven 4944mb:tautly aucceanfaListerery form of disease, including Consumption, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Islam ma tory and ebroaio Iheninallsos, Asthma, Cutaneous, Nee vans and Liver Diseases. Testimonials of cures from highly reputable citizens of Awl, ererT,Btete in the Union, can be hrnmined:of Doctor lades office. The Rev. Clergy Ire invited - Pi =snit him gratin. Warm triter being used in the aomnaencerment, and often thisougeout the treatment, it is a luxury instead of unities sant, asthma unacquainted might slippage. Rxritzlicas—biengra Charles Brewer, Waterman Palmer, W. W. Wileon, W. 1.1. Williams, Thompsortßall, J. IL. Wel din, D.: T. Morgan, Wm. B. Mimes, R.l.l...Engihh, B. Kerr. The undersigned, having visited Victor Baeles tionv and wittimpsed -his sraccsasfuljoatznonts cheerfu tu lt.L. epd Aim as a thoroughly educated and skillful' • • ''''' • ..... • • • • I. Rangel 1, Jos..l!Vionnell,.Dereid Hunt, John C. Curds, Robert Patrick, John B. Vringstort, John Wright, • W. W. Patrick, Motes P. Eaton, 0. Ormsby Gregg. octi.noikw WADI HAMPTON- .......... -.-...- ... . ... Campeau .llA_ELPTON & CILEILPIi ELL, (WS op ens Mat OP tten - Pron, wllant a, CO.) XU , lIOLBBALE DSALititti MEN'S . AND DOSS' CLOTHING, adapted. to Abo Wageon Trade, 82 Third strtetirbetwesn Wood and Market: Pittsburgh. AMOngst, our stock. which Is the largest and most com plete In the country, will be found, at low prices - _ Clothing, of every do dercrlption; Boys' do A t great variety of Undershirts and Travers; 'YOU stock of Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Neck Iles and Stocks; A splendid assortment of Brom (Eden ; do do Lien ' s Winter Hosiery; do do Boys' do Linen and Muslin Shirts and Drawers ; Canton Flannel do do Gum Elastic Usaxla; And a full stock Of goods adapted to Miners and Farmers' wear, Ac. Also, Umbrellas of all grades. We Invite our old acquaintances, and all' dealers in our line, to call and examine for _themselves. We are now opening our third supply, and our atoekis full and coin plate. Warehouse on Third street, half way between Wood scat Market. oetlikdikw IROM CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OP WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA, N Institution toedatate the NOSINESS - MAN. Col- Alege open Day and 2 E.lllilnyfrOla 8 A. M. to JO P.M. 01) Students and upwards have matriculated at this School of Practical Arts, taught iu s practical uttanzter by instructors of practical esperience in the business with which their arts are connected. rmmeorrmnoti: Book-keeping—fall mercantile , i)oursie,..time maim. ited, In-eluding, commerci ceiculation‘aill lec tures, and I'l-acting Rentaaniddp, • • - $35,00 Same Mine for Tidies, (apartment Separate,' • 20,00 Penmanatiip—practical•—•ttmannitmlted,, • 10.0 &me course fan. Ladles, (apartment separate,) - Petumerwhip, peitnonth, - - - 4,W Aritluneiler - - ; • • - - 4,00 Yetusteurhip and=throttle, pernuantb, - - 6,00 litsher mathematics, latignagniirimr*EilrixiS. engineering , &ening, mechanical, architectural and Gl...mental draw , Ingamleimstauctien--as 011.11greemard. Sir Those that isen-ilttartonly to _the evening, have all the adirmatages of therlautudaut to imtures and laetrile . tfon. air College (naw) , enrnappf Wood and Foartb—soon College Ilan," opposite the Post Office. N. JIMHKiK9, Principal. Pollitsurtlulo.Lne.p a r tntent THE ISOL4 o.lTif COLLSOn—Commencing Mount! li'vestrto, October 3, at T o'clock: A Session of Twenty lessons. Btaidents can attend every day and evening to practicesbutsre charged for only tour lessons per week. 02 DAlrrillifEtifiltD, Teacher of Architecpure„ . . vaidentietoravingliiid Shading, 2. Ilegular comae in DescriptivatleoMetry. Partl. Maenad roan= and intersections. Part 11—Pylindero cone and erhens,,with their inter "Soitidn.r, Wlth 1111Cpbtlittni,ard.,.' Part 111. Perspective. 3. COM tructioge fn different building materials, stone, wood, brick and iron, do Foundations. trussing, rooting, arching and vaulting. Furnaces, ventilation and heating. Dame and locks, bridges. 4 Designing of public and Ovate buildings, in the dif ferent styles of architecture, th lemons on their origin Dra , he. E. ISOROMUOTH, 'reacher of Ornamental wing, adapted to the Laciness of the marble cutter, cabinet I maker, ornamental printer and career,' Sc. Mechanical . Drawing, applied to machine building In all Its breaches. Prof. P. KOSTI3Off, Teacher of Moderm• Languages. Instruction given day or evening, individually or in ela-sea. Separate apartments fa Lades. .67r For terms, t ate , call at F College Hail," oi Post Office. oad] . W J.IgNKINS4 COTTAGE 11l Lb AC &GERI Y. A Classical and Collegiate Boarding School, FOR BOIS. HS TWELFTH IMMAION of this lintitntion will cam- MeDOOO on TIIDA,Y, the 16th of October. This School ia local& In the pleasant, healthful end romantic village of 7 LifiTLE ChM., distant twelve mike from Pittsburgh, and to creasy access, several times a day, by Tho railroad. se who have children to educate, are incited to call and examine the arrangements made for the accommoda tion of scholars. L. CATON, Principal. Turtle Creek. Allegheny Co., Octal:est, IES. na.Cirmilars,.containing terms, and other Information, may be bad at I. IL Menses, B. T. 0. Morgan's and T. A. Davison's Bookstores. Pittsburgh; or apply to the Princi pal, at Turtle Creak. or t 3 A BARGAIN OFFERED.. TILE undersigned offers for tale SIX LOTS of ground frontingupon and adjoining the Depot of the Pitts burgh and Oonnelhville, Railroad, la the growing and thriving Borough of IA'fiRRSPORT. Four of the Lots are 37 1 ,4 feet in width by stoat 120 in depth, fronting at one end on the Depot, and at the other on Sinclair street ; and two of them fronting for their whole length On Other streets. Ata,—TWO LOTS, 37 feet in width, fronting the other side of the Depot, and In depth 121—one of the Lots bar. dering for lie whole length on Jerome Anat. No latter property can be found, and it will be sold, low. Part of the payment taken in stock of the Oonnellsville Railroad, if desired. 13E0. I. GILLKORe, (Nice of the Morning Post. Pittsburgh, August 31, 1355.--I dawtf tuurra ctiobLiW.Gio. Opening of the New Hall. 1i FRIDAYg ISVaI.DIO NEXT,October 5, at T o'clOck. OAddressees will be deltverod b. 79001 3, WILKINS sod others, adapted to the oecs.don a the opening of the new - College Hell," which ban been fitted up for the permanent location of the Iron City College, et the corner of Sifth and, Smithfield sheets, pp the Poet Office; entrance on Filth street. The public—to the Indiesend gentlemen?. are respectfully invited to attend. octf, P. W. .71tHICANB, Principal. . _ • L. II ruttlkela Q. d 031, " VATLIOLESALE AND Radii,. DBALDRS IN GENTS' yy FODNLSIII.IIO GOODS, and 'DUET MANUFACTO. REES, No. TO Wood etreet, between Fourth street and Dir mood allay, have rewired their stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which they will sell at satisfactory prices, enthrw. clog— FlUrts, hosiery, Scarfs, Gloves, Cravats, blathers, Stocks, Ties, Pocket Hdkfo., hareling's Shawls, Rubber G• oda. With a gourmet assortment of goodandaptect to the Furnish ing business. notl:3m Land rpliE hiLAW. ghest market price paid for 40, SO and 120 acre Warrants, of the late issue. Moo, Or 80 and LBO acre Warrants, issued under the law oflBso. Apply to BLAIIELY & sep'/Wsiw earlier of Seeenth and Smithfield stn. • Watches arid • Wateft Repairing. wW. WILSON. ' , Malta! strati, corner of fourth. • ()old and. Silver Watches from $lO to $BOO. Sole agency for lade of Charles Prodsham's unrivalledTime keepers. Watch Repairing attended to promptly, to in a superior manner. air Jewelry, Silver Ware and Military Goods at Raglan prices:VS sepl. Itemovat. ru J. EISNER & have removed their Mlles to No. 28 . kifth street, opposite Mason's, in Dr. G. E. taw's uculitt: °Rice, where citizens will And the books op( n id cc iptions for IRVING'S LIFE OW WASII • NG. mtg. ~.. ate oablitmt ions DB.. BROWN continues to be consulted firthe cure of SECRET DISRABBB. His success to bang standing cases is unequalled. The afflicted are invited to call with, out delay. Persons afflicted with Venereal Diseases, Rheumatism, Piles, or Remittal Debility, should not dela; to get Ills advice. Letters containing a fee immediately answerlid. Oahe and Private Rooms, No. 47. Dish alley, Pitte• 148 burgh. 14 MINH tt a CO, No. 02 dadthtleld street, have re relied thrtfulldwingideve Books and Magazines: The Old Homestead, by Bore. Ann B. Btetibens ; The Wager of Itattle; by Henry W. Herbert; Winn% and novel; ileecheroft,`by the author of Heir of Bedell& Hienes in he Practice of* New York Burgeon; Marriage a Lottery, by hire. Grey. N1114111N19 1/011 30 , 7131131 R. The Panorama cliffs and Literature ; Harper's Magazine ; Putztam'a Magazine ;. tealle's Gazette; Leslle'e Journal ; Galore _Lades Book; Graham's M ;gashoe ; Peterson's Magazine; Halloo's Magazine ; Hoticshold Words; Knickerbocker idaazignet , Chambers' Journal ; The Horticulturist; irsi*Tl.No.tions • Thompson's Reporter. Blackwood's Magazine and the Art Journal for October. The Illastzntod London News and Punch reached weekly. noTS am ' " I ' 4 ll MIN ER thfi • • I`4lW BOWLS I Minnie and I; fliehefood,in , the Perish Boy; Inatalta It le In 1855: Marriages Lottery, by Mrs Grey; , The Hidden Path, by Marion Pad; Alone, by the author of " Hidden th:" Indla;Chlna-and'Japan,AY BayardiTaylor The Ohl Houtetead, bY.Bite. Ann B. Stephen. ' The Deserted Wife, by !dm R. D. N. Houttenortl: Whirl? the Slabt.or the 144. t I , Wager of Battle—Herbert Just received end for sale by W. A. onansNysikai a co., Blftb st., opposite the Theatre Y'~i~ K~'' l ~-(': ,g *, • • n ^ ~y ; . .'~ i#.t~ 4i,~ - •* - ,t`,47-3 Buena or Areviltvrisma •ORLID UPON LIZ TILE FITTBDOB9I.I Pitlee IfEl UMW scrauzia, oa rase One eqnsre,ooo ,6 if inch widitlonal 23 17t .." two 8 00 O three 00 O u Due •00 • u two 100 three 0 00 " " four 10 00 " n - tix 12 00 18 00 Mantling Card, six lined Riess, per 10 00 av iszestin: One square, per annum, (enteltulive of the p5pe5)....... 25 00 . . . . GRoc - gitiEs, svc. . ~. - G - ROOERISS-60 bhds N. 0. Edruir 40 bbls N. O. Molasses; 60 hal f bbla do 200 bags Rio °ogee: 30 pockets Java Coffee ; • z 0 bble large No. 3 Mac kerel' s 200 b nos se, Be and pound lump Tobacco, various branch; 100 half chests Young Ilynoty Imperial, C. P. and Black Tea -40 boxes 4s, ba - nil& fis flair Candles MI WM.& ILICHETBOII, 22.1 Mid t 23 Liberty nt. Li URI: 6PIONO-290 boxes pure Pepper; , I 60 do Malabar do: 60 do pure Cassia; 67 do pare Allspice; ~ 500 pure Mustard; 100 do Mustard; . . 60 down% lb G&W do ; 3 bble pure ()avenue Pepper; 10 do (linger • 50 boxes do, InV ‘ Lb papers. I Invite the attention of Wholesale dealers-to the above. eepl2 , F. It. DBAVO„ No. 1 Diamond. 1 ILOSSIL NUTS - 63 begs Filberts; :15 bags English Wallas; 60 hags Brazil N tits; 60 bags Ivies Almonds: 10 bags Bordeaux Almonds; 20 bags 81C117 Almonda; • ..... 16 base Aldan Ground. 5 bagel Glienbble 1000 Coosa Nuts lb boxes Shelled Almonds. Jost received sad for see by ENSURE & ANDERSON, !.ao. SO Wood street R 681016 AFRICAN PRA NI1171; • - it./ 160 . age Tennessee do 6 bales Soft Shelled Almonds; 2000 Cocoa Nuts, (reap. Just received and for sale try IaYMER & ANDERSON, N 0.39 Wood swat. FRESH MILD US -200 boxes Raisins; 10 mats Dates; 200 drams Figs; 5 cases Primes; 2 cal es Preserved Ginger; 5 casks Currants; 20 kegs Seedless Raisins; 20 bores Lemons; Just received and for sale by . 11.50(MBIt ANDEasoa, , . No. 39 Wood street. 10 BOXES MACOAKuNI ; 10 do Vermicelli; 60143 French SIT Paper ; • Jtiat received and AN 1 for acts by I.EY BIEB. At D,P38.011, No. n Wad atri3et. FICESII FitUlti- 2 dos C3OO Strawberries; 3 do bottles Peaches; , 2 do do Pears; 2 do do Flame; b do assorted Preserves ; ' lo do Blackberry Brandy;'' i J ost rocelond and for sale by A RETSIIIII 'ANDIPI&N. sopl2 riVILATO O.ItTOIIOY-20 !Wren Pints ; ; A' _ - a A. Vt • : 10. do . Quarts' •., ' 15 doreo'assorted 'sizes OliTti* . , Wl:esas Citron; , r ; . . ~.94, Just =dyed guy! for side by - RElnnill - 'AMMON Thogitue" superior Ghenvin,g Tobecco,, to 3I 0 boxes; :6 gross " Mrs. Miller's" Fine QM tlteiiitig'Tobaceib; -35 do "Cloodn'e• do do do 2 bble Scotch Sn eri uff; " Past received and for side by =Malt et IiNDERSOIII, bi0..4.L9 Woad stroet. G UM Lkillrri--zOO IN Lemon, in 6 15 boxes; 200 do Rio , ' rdrerry, do , :I 200 do Vanilla, do 300 do Rose, 260 do Llquorles, do . Just received and for sale by sepll • BEVIS= &,2INDBIittON u rble " pi n en z el n i 35 bbls No- 3 fdlekerel r '', , 30 bble sugarkwaee Itrohnt. 'for sale by amine, Idlatti,krticriserra. BUTTE 8 , -=7 hogs freelts ,a for sale by,a4 , .ti , o'r mat BeSITU, MAUL & MINTED- I )1G con, Allrghonynfreisale by _ _ It *en° BMlTAlalit 4.RUNT'ER - - - • " tI : 1 LEE WAVE 0.11,--1:2 doi ro?4Tetlond tor male by al l - FLEMING ENOS I) . arel Irt —25 boxes M Itadzislor sale by. NI, °eV, 91Wr/14 14 4TR a BUNTER. ji Eciii.LNLl-44 boars waled, for sme.by . JUL oclo ENITJ.I; *Alla a MINTER. 'IIALIS OIL-1U bble be§t.Winter Blear -hell rot Bale b; MU OSSES-75 bbls.Nesr orimits; oakv- , 30 do Bogor Haase; • For male by [octEd MAILL.k.III:I*F..FR. 1005115-100 tons Lake Champlain; . 75 " Juniata; tor sale by " JOHN MOORHEAD. .poette the nethel YMISSAL SCALKI—Tivo 'mond gig: Metal I Scales fn more and for sale byeoctll 'WELL, LEO a co, Pousoata taken st.(l.l.Ratra ClAbt•lSßY.zotkp be left to be celled tor. tklb Prices to atilt all, at 7p,Frrth St. oat, . . . ILL YOU PAY MONEY for WorthleCi Pictures/ W Trythe ENTERPILIBE GALLERY, 74 Fourth.streot octb sfisUPls-1.5 bbla Dougherty et Woods'; 20 do LI2 L 1130.11 Newbohre ; for sole by a SNIPTLf, MAID. k Uhrtlgll i,~LUUli=b oble Rye near received on ootielgumeat an r for eileby [cold] ATWELL, LEE A CO."' I'm off to the knarrpriee tiaLlery—Wily fat 11 cents for a neat pieta.. rio better la the thy. octal 42 leOA-13-410 hbas prime A. U. zinger for dela by. oce22 Ali Amm o LIGHT—Waco, 76 stree Is roe- BM bled by superior arrangements Fourth mod feedlitfes t, sad& b. the most lbaUdiousi- - Ge l 27 • • • 111,1!SW UTILIS OF GaIIIIO CHIMNEY TOPS Jost res• 111 by toet2il inal'ULY U., OULLIN S. DUTTER-1. boa prime 801 l Butter receliecl on consign .ll9 snout and for milt by 0et.22 60 bags prime isto Coffee just remind and fo octi2 I ATCY ELL.t LER- d CO. ~? - iIIiaTANDS--A areal variety ofplot]; and ornamenta patterns just received by ioctilsl el. 11AVX.N. m 'II.2OIBBED-11-eeived eel Om see by octl.l ILISNItY 11. C4314.1N8 Intl° AUID-76 tbs tor Palo b y 8,13 • BA. VAIDIBBTOIN CO OFNEE-30 baggliva acrd 7.00 - IJBpr Rio, for Hale by k r. sepl9 aIIITE4 LIIINTICIL . . UOeNS---15 'Obits prime N. U. and 100 b.ll Urruitted, tor salw.by (appl9) AILS-250 liege amrted Naito, for sale by 1. 1 1 sepl9 13311T11, Pa &IR dg 111INTEIL (ANIONeI--"2 bbls Onions, for sale by ' sePl9 salmi, NAIR* XiißfrElL /Nrd3dt--16 bb! for sale by IT sep24 ENRY Ii: CQLLIP& 15OOUST ,mititS daily can be attended to with ease at OA.WATS twa Skylight Galleries, 76 Fourth street. Fares moderate. • st reet. 11rRIGHTS , PR133111151 RATHAttION la the greatest TY Beautifier of the age. WRIGHT'S PaENHIPSI HATHARION Renders the Hair soft and glossy. For sale by KEYSER, RAFT, SCOTT and SELL - ERR. at 25 cents. anal° 110178MEEPING 0001*.—A very tarp and , vari.l.B - of every descrildlon . ef Bouv.keeping Goods jest received by toctl2J A. A. MASON CO. 'DOLL BUTTES-2 bbls mesh Roll Butter just-reedv 111, and fot sale by loct23] EIRNR? 11. COLLINS NOW ye not that WILLOWS Gallery is at 76 fourth at., and that he Mars Pictures in the beekotyie for $1 wed upward& C LOAKS—We hare just opened n tine aasortment of Black Cloth Maim 8.8.001P3 & COOPED., 0,323 10,75 Market et. (11113,101 AfTLltti-10 LW this day reer' dyed and for sale 'Ur by rect24 HENRY U. COLLINS. ONION6-20bfor sale by. . „. oct22 & lIIINTKIL •IiXISBIS-150 boxes p.ime thmese Mt sale by oetta • : OTBII-3 IMAM No.l for ea. by oet'n SMITEL-MAIR & 11.1INTETL. CIODFIIBII-3,000 lbe Codfish for sale by .oat 22 SMITH, HAIR & HUNTRII. fIIABLE LlNlOlB— Bleached Cloths - from 718 to 10x10. . • Driblearlied no do do tlaltblesched do do do Table Diapers; _ Snowdrop Diapers; Damask. • . J ma received at No. Vi Market street. nov2. BROOKS to COOPER f illeal" Sal Alt ood Ercaru Bugerat 8 emit, VID by ki Loyadng'a Double Refined, Crusbed.aul Dui, yerized Sugars, 11. cents Vlb et the noi2 PI,E.LN TEA, FITDUR,B&Firth VvANC dITUATV:46—eu seed sad) ...4a .Assituatson as home-keeper; a Jonas man ea ger:keeper; clerk; a porter; ei laborer; a bop tolcarcra Arles. Can allglnugoodrefereects., WiNteta--Terb IllaeloneftM, a Precedent' laardemer, a good Moulder. Apply et DAIIR'd Intelligence Office, 410Lttieity street. DOTI • .0 L •- Impri BA4B-20015mM Bags foe , novl. IttlYMElt .1 ANDERSON, 39 Wood at. iTAMUCIAI4 PUTNAM'S, and un- thek-BlAtesises lc rl November, Isr.sMaly /4013.11,4 CO., octal NA. 32 TimitlieMd dreet. A A. IdAtiON VO. !ill open on Mogee ndayi - October 22d, gita 6°. m lil r es e rerarßi P ol ka n ‘ l ll,z,i;„„' Flannels, tionsekeeping Goods, 40. ; e 0e1.24 A A. ZdAS .e. 07 1 ea daily . reeetirtog ang opening .Eml:torlerita i rDorrte n atia a s atd r Goode, $ ll / k i. o.; - 0 . 1 fp - a --- cora I moderate. nlll§lB 00131/B.—A. A. f i lAgo.l4 ------ :41 (10-11191 to attention 1.1 to the large and elegant stock of Dram Goods they have 7 ostreeelvo4l; Oetnprlangtbo thost rabionat) l6 40485 of .Frenah ,Alerinos, Parstnetess, Plain end ingFed Wool De Laines, Wool Plsida'ac IipLANNE "haveid-a.received a very large easortment of Wite, Red and Yeller, Fianna+, of every grade; arao, alit oflo4 Okitlingrannete. sep' 'a~- =REMO ATWELL, LSD & CO 8 koortb istrell,'Eu a lltallefe: oetlo Prlces
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers