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' ,t' t - At :, - .4:4;t4;-: 4 4 -` ,....,..- -- ;,- 1 -- --i L-k'i - t.11t.44.7-trst *t r,,tt , f; „..;,-,..„ , r. , 'i t,irlr„,.,=7. xF MORNING POST and.pagabetiocry mow*/ (6teadaYs eimegia, UV Oliaaftwr, O. IMONrkGOBIE,ILY, OD, NOWIII-Wlffi COMM OF WOOD 1777:11 MEWS ar aBB if Lf.-111ve Dollars • year, payable strictly In I trance, Bin Dollars will invariably be required If not paid within the year. Al. Single copies ewe mart—tor was at tb• anuitar In the Once, and by the Pews Boys. • THE SILTIIRDLY MORNING POET Pahlltlied from the same MU., on a Large blanket else a`s•et, &VIVO DOLL/JIB a year, in &drama. Single copies PI YI ems. x 6, No papa will be . omenttaned unless at tits &pew on of the Proprietors,) until all arreeliages ere pill, sir . No a tt en ti on ',Ai be paid to any order anl4lB mom- Ima i o 4 , b o the wormy, or alltfactory referents in We city. zer "&anoed erith the ifciablitAment qf the Morning Port is one of the lityy eet ob Prenting Offices is the city, where ail k,nde of work A dace on the ehortest notice, and mod r GUM. a,ble terms. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Aobt. C. G. Sproul, IVORNirit AND 0013rNanLaH AT LAW—Ofltee, No —, Fourth street., Ptttsbuegli, Pi dectlay Jamas A. Lowrie, A TTORNEP AT LAW--irlce. Fourth etreet, Pittsburgh, „ti between Smithfield street and Cherry alley. rdeelLly JOHB BA.B.TOIST ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, OClce, corner Filth and Grant eta., Is3ayal PITTSDITB9II. Yd. ' Si. P. 'Loma, A TTORNRY AT LAW—No.IO9 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, 11. Pa., fourth door below Dlr. Italy Pattersout Livery Stable. jela Patrick iticHearia, ALDERMAN OF THIRD WARD. OE corner grant and Fifth streeta (formerly Deco. pied by Alderman Lewis,) where all bnalness pertain ing to the °eke of Alderman and Junto@ of the Peace will be promptly attended to. febialm William Willson, A/derma-a.. 4 ekBPICE No. 447 PENN street, - between the modal and °Tiara street, Bifih Ward. All business appertaining to the office of an Alderman or Justice of the Peace, will be promptly attended to. • Dal' Roads, Hortgages, and other documents, drat& with neatness and despatch. fehlB:tf H. A HI., BUttci EON DENTIN'', Ow. oesßor to G. W. Biddle) No. 144 SMltheolcl sheet trtA a~AirOftlee hours, from 8 to 1 o'clo6k, and rom 2 to 6 o'cloc a. fettlikly J SQOTT, D.ENTIST, fourth street, nee donne weztof Marke • s • Orrias Ileum —from nine A. M. Ito nee dee2Ety BUSINESS CARDS AL.FIIID D DIFEI.I3O !soma!! 7.01R828011. •ZDITAILD DQE6IDGB nerrbr L. BLIGWALT. Curling, Robertson & IUFANUFAOTWIIitiB OF CUT, PRESSED Co. ,D LAIII LU. PUNT GLASSWARE, warebouso No.ll Wo street, corner of Front street, Pittsburgh. 114'4 All other kinds of Glageware and Window Glass, at low market priors. aplinztly Jacob 111. , Colliet•r y MrHOLEStLIS and retail Cigar manufacturer, add deal grin all kinds orTobacco, snuff, and 2b Fifth attire% Pittsburgh, Pa. veer- Keeps constantly on hand a large supply of all the various brands of Imperial Clears • ..1c 3 4 John Moorhead, WII.OLESALV. OBOCES, AND COMMISSION AMR CELANT, for the sale of Pig Metal and Blooms, and Produce generally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. [ap2-1 PHILIP ELETHSR..— BOHM' 3. A.SHEEZON. Rayner G Anderson ' (Successors to Joshua Rhoden S CO.) WHOLESALE dealers to foretell Fruits, Nuts, Splices, Confectionary, Sug-ins,ac., No SA Wood street, oppo alte the St. Charles h otel, Pittsburgh, Pa. 4 Henry U. Collins, WORWARDING AND COMSIISSION MERCHANT, sod X Wholes/Ile D.oler In Charm, Butter, Seeds. P sb, and Produce generally. No. 25 W 0,41 str.t. Pittsburgh. 'lmsrd LI 'l' C. Morgan, BOOKBELLER STATION/tit—has always oa hand a general rosortmant School, lillsrellanesus and Blank Rooks, Printing, Poet and Oa p Paper, lee., wholesale and re. tail, No.lolWoo I street. Filth, Mast side, Pittsburgh. Ares Wanted, 'tags and Tanners' 51,8.D11. aptb:ly Irittlsn anti ra Ph ON aearrson, Plttaburgb. Miller 4b. Itiakelson, WHOLESALE 1313-0 C RR S, 1 tußdrte. of Brandies, Wines Walt ee3ers—Nos. 171 and 174. corner of Irwin and Liberty street, Pittiburgh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Ynrus, /to., ooradantly on haul. /9'20 Wm. Garr & Go, (19fh. Carr, tett of the firm of J. Parker & Co.) s o ng: a le:l..ln Pora tin igL Wiles Liberty Areal, Plttahurgh, P.• . F. IL - t3 , rav Diamond, Paishargh. Pa. DEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCK, offers D - r pie a chalwatoak of Groceries, smoke t far family use. Spires of every variety and the purest..rtnality, ground at his Eltsom Mills. Also, Dried Fruits, Fored)n and Domestic. Produ. taken In exchanam for mnrchandina. P. H. D. h.. protored a Intl assortment of Landreth's warranted Garden t'..eele, and invites the attention of ell In terested in rural affairs. W. B. ILSOLUIII x. RICUARD , O7 , J. /. 61111:11517 English .56. , Richardson. COII3IISSION AND FORWARDING MERCLIAN'III, and Wholesale Dealers In Fish, Bacon and Oil, and Prod ace generally. Warehowe formerly coca ried by Borbridge & No. Ho Water and /60 ram street, Pittsburgh, Penns. ob 3 Vous nallaalithe House. Tsubscribera have opened a house for the above put pose, pose, at No. 17 /Smithfield street, four doors above the Monongahela House. We will purchase, or receive, on corn• mission, for eats, consignments of Flour, Baeon, Cheese, Corn, Oats, Barley, Flax Seed, °rase Reed, Baled Hay, dc.,, upon which we will make advances, or purchase at the beet Market rates for cash I novel ALOE) Zt CO. James 11 , 1,sughtln, TIBALRB. IN GROCER' eei, PROtoUCR, FLOUR, BACON, It:., No. 10, corner Smithfield and First street_•, FRC. bunth, Nn. cool loaf n. TOC MMEMIIII T. B. Young t. Co. No. 88 Smith /kid rend. epporge City Hotel. Air AN UFACTUREII.9 OP CABINET FUISNITURE AND 0 EIAI ILS, of every deecription. Materials and work minehip warranted, and sold at reduced prices. Care taken In peeking for land and water carrinen. saga' Wm Digby, Jr., ritalln - NO AND FUHNL.SLIINCI STORE, ?Ltssonic Filth atret, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order, in gnodittyte, and at moderate rates. aug9:tf MII=XM:MMI WHOLESALE UROC PALS, and Dealers in Produce, For eign Wines and Liqoora, n•d Monongahela and Rec tified Wilixty, No. 291 Lin.rty Ft- 19ttoburch. Pa. [Jrny A. 'Bindle, WUOLESALN. and Antall Saddle, narness „,ant:„ Trunk, Valise arid Carpet Bag manufacturer, N0.10f3 Wood at., Pittsburgh, Pa. J U. Mellor, WIIOLSBALBand Retail Dealer In Magical Inrtrnmen te, Pianos, Music, School Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood etrrpt. )aril John W. Butler & Oar MIOIINVARDINO AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS— Dealers in all kinds of Pittsburgh manufactures, Lead- Pipe and Sheet Ltul, 67 Front street. aop2S irstaterprls• Works. 130 Wood street Vain/ door below virgiaarky. DOWN A - UTLEY woad call the Attention of Sporting jDj nienlo their large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Re volting Pistols, the largest and best selected stock e'er opened in this market, together with a general assortment .of Hardware, Cutlery, Toole and Flaking Tackle, all of which 'We ogee at Ahe lowest possible prices to cash purchasers, cc [cis good Approved paper. marlB Copartnership Notte• I'HAVE THIS DAY April Iltto associated with me. Moser, F. STEEL TLRBETT and BASIL. 0. ()LANEY_ both of whom have been for many years in my establish ment, and are already extensively and favorably known to. my customers and the public generally m superior work- I men and of correct businem Wo hope by this anion of experience and artistic In the watch de pertinent; by keeping e lards end well selected stock of goods; by !telling at moderate prices, and by close attention I to business, to merit a liberal share of pationage. To my - Oldsfrionde end toe public in general, who have for many , littlreplat PO liberally patronized my business, I return my ; -theintreand malt for the Di A - firm a continuance of Mail. f lar favors. W. W. WILSON. Piitabnrgh, April 11, 1665. Wllsort,Tarbett G. Chaney, WATOII MAKERS, JEWELERS and savEmnirras. dl fitment u,reet, corner Fourth- mv New Coach and Carriage Factory JOHNSTON RHOTHEB.I3 & CO., army Rebecca and &tenon( tercets, ALlegheny City. WORLD respectfully inform their friends 4 ~ 42-1"...7 4 „, and the public generally, that they have _ . ..h.=;-•"1c, commenced the manufacture of Carriages, ' Retouches, Rocket ways, Buggies. Sleighs and Chariots thallthelevaMous styles of finish and proportion- All ordure will be eioouted with Strict regard to du-cabal ty and beauty of finish. Repairs will also be attended to op the moat reasonablo terms. UtiMMC in all their work for beet Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel stuff, they feel confl- ' dentthat MI who favor them with their patronage, will be. perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. Purchasers are.requested to give us a call, before purchne sing.elsewtuire. octAl e ' J. T. JOHNISTON -D. T. MAIM:MN 1. Metal. Racelsior Carriage Factory. TOHNSTON, BROTHER CO., priecTicAL coeca tf 141AHERS, corner of Rebecca and Belmont streets, Alle gheny city, Pa- have on band and are manufacturing an eilanalve assortment of Carriages Lockawaya, Buggies , Ba Cars, Ice , mode in all their various styles, with. - et regard to durability and beauty of finish, using in ail their work the beet Juniata Iron and eastern hickory. He pairs attended to on the most reasonable terms. They feel confident that all who may favor them with their patron are, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass every teen minuted during the day. oct2stly PITTSBURGU COA.CLIFAC.'rOKY. - /LeiCaLOW...-....-.MAILTLY L. EITZVXM GIOROII ALBCIIT Bigelow es Co., BIICCEB3OII9 TO E. Rt. BIBELOW, Do. 46 Diamond alley, near Wood arrest, Pitts. _ • !*. burgh—Coaches, Carriages, Theatons, Dug • glen, and every description of fancy Yell t to order, and finished In a manner unsurpassed t or beauty of design, elegance of Ilnlah, skill of woramanehip, LLnilflllrability of materials, Sir All work vairantact. 00.9 14XLS „ Jo-area ULASI. Lcdlle & Uleasn (Successors to Mulvany d Lodlia.) IUgANTUFACTIIII.ESJ3-of Cut, Moulded and Plain, Flint and Fancy Colored G43SSWARE, and dealers la sit kimie guirstideteplrutiOrlaelre, Vials and Battles. Ware house corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. rutdhdly 00., '...s'''‘ '. O ....ca and COMXIESIOD . : ,0 ,- lbargh Manufactures; ^-' .6 P 3 \ \ oec Front streets, Pitts, aniB , - il , • _.O- , ~xv,,h. c , \ .. ~;..,..or ~,1i.<47:4<,,e,-..5•v.,,,,°., z, 9 -.lOBEp LI L. truants. 4 1; • 0i5.4 . 0 .1 . le' ej;a:?diu Co, J. 7 , .... , . 4 , R Go ~.30. 1. s . .ioN . \4sc..Pir.c.timtand Arusrhous Phi• , ~,A, _ ,., ..,% Pittsburgh. ir u• ii.• - so ' - ‘9..../ p.S 2' .4st r ated Man lahtctu red Of / 46 &P 4' 0. ,d 5 0\ ~. War 0' 0 ,9 - # . v? . 4 doe .4r 00 4 , : 0r d • 4.. s.''' s o ..s, • o.\ s , N o . e - e.4 °-‘ 0 0 44' s is'f:X' 1 5 1 . p • - kk . 2- PUBLISHED DAILY, BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," OORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT $6,00 PER ANNUM, OR $B,OO WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE VOLUME XIV. BUSINESS CARDS Joseph Fleming, itmocassas so t. wucca a co.] COIINER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of Drugs, Medi. eines, Medicine Mesta Perfumery, and all articles pertain ing to his business. WI" Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. je:Yy JOHN nionso... . .00,011HAII Fleming Brothers, 2, 110018 DORS TO J. KIDD • 00.1 -vroBALE DIIGGIBTB, No. CO Wood street, Pitts burgh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. irLane's Celebrated Vermlfuge, Liver Pilie,Ae. Jalo 817130183011 TO JAIIILB TrOOTFIrT. WHOLESALE' AND RETAIL DR0G.314, and dealer In Paints, OM, We Stuffs, 4t0...11.1 Wood street, three doors Valor Virgin allay, Pittsburgh. apr4 ndel y AMY,HOLESALR DEALER IN FOREIGN WINES, BRAN. DIES, eas, OLD MONOMIALA _AND RYE crm LS/I MY, Ac., also, Rectifying Distnitrr, No. 8 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Ph. Wines, Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, Bt. Oroti and New England Ruin, °Butts, Claampaignes, Scotch Ale, London Browneeitont, Irish, Bcotoh,,Botirbon, Old B.letroUgaheis Rye iteetilbel Whisky, Apple, Beach, WildElherrtank.Diavitberry Brandies; imported Savans, Big". and Prinetal Ctrs; itaLtaikpi . and Common Cigar, en at each -low pt eeteir tb competition. Palmy Beillege end Labelled Bottles Of every style and Deinljtatts of all sizes, I respectftilly invite . an 14111111iDt1- Non of my stock, at No. 8 WOOD streei, Dittebargh, apr3:ly amen !Mellinger, ONONGAMILA PLANINO MlLL—Would respectful = ly Inform his friends and the publlc,:ttd his new es tablishment is now In full operation, and that he Is pre pared to furnish Boat Cabins, and 1111 ell orders for Planed Limber with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board and Plan, planed on one or both sides, constantly on hand, Bash, Doors, and Mouldings of every description, made to order. . BniMars and Carpenter!' would dud it to their advantage to give him a call, as he can now tarnish them with planed stair suitable for every description .of work. ' - Herron dlr. Vir *err,' DELL AND BRASS POUNDERS, and Manufacturers of D .11 kinds of Brew Work, Locomotive Steam Engine, Plumbers, Ac. Also, Cotton Batting Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny city. (MDce and Store No. 12 Market - Btu:mt., Pittsburgh. .glirOld Brass and Copper taken in exchange for work, or cash paid. Orders ffilVat the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. , tfeb9:l y B. D. 111111INOTIL... ........__....T. J. 1111APP. Graff, bleleinger& Oraff, ESTERN FOUNDRY, No. 124 Wood rtreet, Nut« Vlf burgh, Pa. Oooking Stores; Plain and Fancy Grates, Coal and Mod Storoa, Plain and Fancy Fenders, Parlor Stoves, Sad and Dog Irons, "lottery Ware, Portable Forges, Sugar Kettles, Tea Kettles, Stove Kettles, Wagon Boxes, (cabin Blakely A. Richey, DEAL ESTATE BROKERS, turner of Seventh ant S.mithlield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa Farms, Houffee, Lots, Mills, Purnstes, an., bought and sold on commies Ton. Land W strums, BIN, Bonds end Notes negotiated. Lep. clal attention grant to subdividing Farms and chap:eine of theca. Terms reasonable. Foot° - - cr LIE OLD PRINTING ESTABLISIL3ISNT, (late Jobe ' Bton d Stcoltton,) and Blank Book and Stationery Waraboune, in prepared to execute every style of lagaL Comtnercial, Canal and Steamboat Job Printin r and hoes Darling, and furnish glory article In the Blank Dort, Paper and Stationery line, at the shortest nodes and on the moot reasonable term.. 131Ank Book and Btaticn.ry Warehouse. Printing um,. and Boot Bindery, corner of his.rket and Pertmti MP twelti North. Western 'Police Agency, N O. SS WABIIINETON STREET, corner of Dearborn 011102030. tuaDlos. ==l Pinkerton & Co. DIVOT!. VIM LTTPXTIOIII TO TUE TPLANEACTION OP • GEMPLAI DETECTIVE POLICE BUSINESS In the States of Illinois, Wisconsin, bilchigan and Indiana. rr HE late firm of JONES t QUtOG, baring been dlasolv 1. ed by the death of John P. Quigg, on the 27th loot, bueineas of said firm will be settled by the undereigued, at their Office, earner of Ross and Viral etreets. ISAAC JUNES, Surriring Partner. Pittabargh, September 00, 16,61—toctIty ,A/I ANITTACTUREEt of Baling and aliatar Steel, Plough Blab itjel steel Plough Wings; Oonch and N.llpdc Springs, Brass Nut Taper, half patent. &ra., Stan-end hammered Iron Ades.--corner of hoes and That greets, Marin:x.4h, Pa. 19610 ....... _ D. ICtIC,Gra-a- D. B. Rogers & Co., MAIMPAOTITRE ItS of IWO It Rl3' pate t Improved Steel Cultivator Teeth. GEtiu, corner Rosa and litratltroet. ocrllv eittateurght tiding School. tt ROBERT lL PATTEILSON, Proprietor, corner j". 1%... Diamond street and Cherry alley. The su oscrlber ILO^ respectfully announces to the Laulies and Gentle. men of Pittsburgh, that he has recently erected a RIDINO. SCHOOL, which in point or site, commodiouances and adap tation, undeniably excels any similar establlalunent in the United Staten. Its location Is accessible from all parts of the city, while its high and airy eituation renders it espe. chilly suited to the promotion of health, by title most •gree able exercise. The Hones are docile and well troined, an] theproprietor pledgee himself that no pains or expense wt!! be spared to make this .itablishroant the Bret In ter contelenc e of the public oct42 tf " B"k"Ig LVF.II MIA x 8 £ A DPUN i g, " 711 1 :4118f?, " 1 r 0:11T 13 12. 1 TRAIT AND pie. Tilt 'MAIMS, Nall] and Ornamanted. No. 21 St Clair street. All kinds of Composition Ornaments, for Stem• boats, Ao. All kinds of Gilding and Be gliding, to order. Idouldin,A for Vrames , wholesale and retail. Varnish for Chi Paintings, Engravings and Lithographs, fir sale Oa' Impaired or defaced 011 Paintings restored in the best manner. All Frame. and bionkUngs znannfastared In thin esteb lishment may be cleaned without injury, with ooap and water. Call and eta. N 0.21 St. Clair et. Pittfiburrgh. (mh2Ml7tf VENETIAN BLIND SIANURtiarIIIIIIII, has recovered hie health so as to reertune hb old booboo., an d h►e opened his BLLND MANUFACPORY, at N 0.66 Vifth atreot, neer the Post office, between Wood and Smithfield, Is hero he has an assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and fancy worotod and silk trimmings, and is prepared to 611 any order In his line, on (he most reasonable terms. Hie work is warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. /Ur Old Blinds repaired. M;MON!ini T HAVE mold my interest the batch:win on Long, 11111er I d Co„ to B. A Long, Who, with John Phillip', will con- Unite at the old stand, No. 109 Front street. I cordially re commend the new firm to the patronage of my friends. Pitt.burgh , J uly 19 , 10'54. P. H. MILLEN. DELL AND BAAS& FOUNDEBB, AND GAS FITTERS, invite attention to their stock of Chandeliers, Bra k• eta, Pendants, and other fixtures. We tit up houses with Gas and Steam, make Braes Castings of all kinds to order, furnish Railroad Pampa and Tank Fittings, sad keep A o ti- Attrition Metal conetautly on band. .1,31 NOTICE. DALY'S STOCKING MANCTFAOTORY. No. 20 Fifth street. ,ftrst corner above Market street, PITTSBURGH, Pa., WEI= will be found the largest and beet assorted stock of 1103168 Y ever offered for sale in this city. Pur,hasers will find It to their advantage to call at this establishment and examine for themselves; It Is all I need to insure their custom. 0. D kLY. N. B.—ltemermber the OEIAP STOCKING COMER Consume the Smoks. IIHR onbecriber having the exclusive right to manufac. tare and sell SWEENEY'S HOT AIR AND 8510 RE CoNSUJIHNO VVItNACE, is prepared to receive orders, and contract for heating Minding. with the moat economical Furnace now in use. ne attention of those interested Is s e lisitetL Inv information can be had of A. BRADLEY, Not. 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BARNDOLLAR, dec2htfl Lrou City Stove Watchoose, No. 184 Wood et. Dissolution of Go-Partnership. HE CO-PAILTNEREMP harotofora existing between T Jp.SHIJA RHODES and PHILIP RETALER, in the iNnoleonlo Fruit endConfentioriary Business, is thle day diasolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm sill be settled up by imbue ithodex wbo is authorised to re ceipt for all debts due said firm. JO3IIIEIA ABODES, lierch lath, 1866. PHILIP ItErMilli. rd- The undertlgned have this day formed a Partner. 'hip, under the name, firm and style of RSYMYII & AN• Da:MON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and Confeotionarj business, No. 39 Wood street filfral CR. ROBT. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1855. ..fijir In retiring from the Confectionary business, I cheer fully recommend Diessz - e. Reymer A Anderson to my friende had enstotnere. JOSHUA RHODES. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1855 FULTON CAR WORKS, VOUNDRY ANDM[AOHINE SANDUSKY, 01110. ait subscriber baying moved into his new Works, ree T c vastly erected, corner of Water, bioDonough and Shelby streets, fa prepared to contract for and execute all orders for PASSENGER, BACKIAGE. POST-OBVICE, HOUSE NREIGHT, PLATFORM, GRAVEL, HAND, and all other descriptions of CARS. Also, for STEAM ENGINES of all eines, GEARING, RAILROAD CASTINGS of all descriptions, and all other worts appertaining to a Foundry and Machine Shop. The Foretaen of the different departments are scientific and prnotioal men—mostly from Eastern fpanufactories— who keep dm ueelvee informed and adopt atl yaluable mod ern improvem ants. W. W. WRTHERELL. ang2Szif Grottos 61.13z82..- • - - BIGELOW & CO., (SUM 3680101 TO B. U. BICIRLOW, Na 46 Diamond Alley, near Wood sired, PITTSBURGH. • coAcaßg, C.A.II,4IAGEB, PELETO67B, II UGGIEB, and every description of Fancy Val:doles built to order, and finial:tad in a me miler unsurpassed for beauty of design, 'elegance of finish, skill of workmanship, and durability of nutterlas. work arlutaptea. : rangl3:ly WANTED—A pu rubaser for 87, acres of beautiful land, situated on fhi Youghiogheny river. B. CUTHBERT & BON. HEMII=3I prZ:-40 Ealnson ; bbls aatd PAH bbl White irer ^6o' do do Trotrt rfor'mair by nov4 .IiNtIBY H. OOLLINS =MEM a=zl=Ml R. L. Allen, MANOYACTAIIIIXIII 07 W. 8. Haven EZ= Isaac Jones, J. W 111TJEG, Notice- Long a Co.! PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. MECe.= MMENCJESE PITTSBURGH, S A_TURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1855 BUSINESS CARDS J. 1.. Marshall, e.j.ocossor to H. Lee.) WOOL DiALED. AND OOKaiDiSION KBROILANT, No. 129 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Reference—W. APClintoolt A Bros.; Kramor A Hahn; Brown A Klrhpatrlak; Murphy, Tiernan A Co. Pittsburgh. May U., 1856—(my213m*) Dissolution of Co-Partnership., TIIE OF LIVINGSTON„ROGGEN sCO., Proptie tars of the PITTEBITEGII NOVELTY WORSE( wee dissolved by the death of Mr. Joan J. Iloaosn, on the Ms or Marsh last. The bustnes.s of the NOVELTY WORKS will be continued in all Its branote , s by the surviving partners, under the name and otyle of I.I.VINOBTON, COPEL&ND & 00., who will also settle up the attains of the late Brat. L. A. LtVrNOOTON, CALVIN ADAMS .1. K. MOORBECA, Pittsburgh, Pa., May 4,185 A 1 W. B. COPELAND. JOIE* IteCIPSK BY ...- CO 4PMLIIIB Zohn. .111 , Closkey Ca Co., 1101.E13,M 4 E AND tusrreiL CLOTHING MER CHANTS, No. 88 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Tba subscribers respectfully inform their old customers swishy public in general, that they have this day asttO9ll,.„ tell themselves in the above business, tinder tbq artirtir JOAN 81'OLOSFLI1( A CO. They respectfully solicit a shit* of public patronage. Th. previous business of each will be settled by them selves respectively. feb9 Boots and Shoos JM'LAUGUUN, No. 95 Fourth street, nearly opposite . the Mayor's office, is manufaeturing Gentlemen's drat lioots LOW Bhoes, ties and buttoned; Congress arid Button. ed Gaiters; Ladles' Boots, Half Boots, Jenny Linda, Blip• pert, and French Lashing Gaiters, of every color and shoo.; fancy BIJ and Satin (Inhere, of the best materials; Misses and Ohlidren's dn., of every variety. v. B —An kiwis mode to order, on abort notice. lanl9 siindlers , nounty Lands nd Claims against tiovernment. T WILL procure Bounty Land Warrants for Soldiers, their I Widows and Mum. Children, and attend to busluess In the" Court of Claims," reoeotly cstablishod by Congress. Office, ti0...1.18 Third street, mad door above Smithfield st. March IS IS6s—Ainh2l3) CIIARLE2' 3 NAYLOR.. CE=ECI:IMEI ES WARDROP off-,for sale 'CANARY BIRDS of LT the moat improved breed, being very hardy, and fine singers. Bert 8415th—Cs la ry , hemp, Millet., Rope and mix• ed Seed. Bouquets will to furnished composed of the finest FLOWERS, viz tiarnelins, Bose Buds, Heliotropes, de. Evergreens (in pole) for Christmas Trees, from the Seed and Horticultural Store. No. 49 Fifth et, near Wood. dee/1 Bounty Lands. TULLY; undersigned continues to obtain Bounty Land War. I not., The present bill gives to all who bare sorted In any woe since 1790, 160 acres. Terme moderate. LUKE CUCKEHOOT, 37 Llamond alley, between Wood at. and Diamond ?!ew KottHug ILaLeablitslunen4 DOYD S AIORTt—N have aoteresi Into co-partmerehip to 1) transact the b•.tatneas of BOTTUM), in all Its branch ea, at 68 Liberty street, Neville Ball. They hare eoustantty Oil hand a superior article ';of INDIA ALE, out up in pint bottles. Ceders and families will find It to th-lr o leßntage to glee ua a call, end exam lite for themselves. We also battle a superior article of PORT ER, SARSA KILLA and :?FERAL WATKEL T.rme az favorat,:a a, orl , other tune in the city. All , - ,rdort put up at aunt notice. BOYD 4 lalo6iON, J.lttra No 68 Uhnry at., Neville flail. 15X1111.111 . 11.0111 ROOM FOR INVENTIONS AND PATENTS, And Agency for the Purchase and Sale of Patent Rights and Patented Articles. mosmi P Ag.nt. /Vo. 6U Fourth area, Putsburgh. r' M. II ul.cribers hay e long been acquainted with Mo. Ititnigli F. haToN. and have no hesitation in recom• wonting him, to all whoia,y w loh to employ his services, a ~EI t. I 01114 V 4 t I I: cA,,t.i....1 toiozrity and indefatigable In. d uoi ro . in w trat• r ~.;:i.... 4 , rrry 1,11 a,,, may be placed. a polite B Craig, W Robinson, Jr, W 11. Lin os, J R 112.19 Wood, 11 thilcLo a P. it Friend, to Holmes a Co , BOS, K nap a Wads, Kramar a Ilatim, Wm. Phillip, L. K. Livingston. Wllant )I'Caudlent, Wm. Y. Johnston, A W. Loomis, Andrew Fulton Flttshurnla. November - 27th, 1554 nor:X:111f r I Elias I assail.— Ci glint' Gentlemen and undies' Day and Evening Writing Cint.3s WLLI MT.' in L. open during the rummer under Mr J. D. Wllhame, chose earfulua sty/ca tient:et:l:ma and Ladies' Writing are ant vernally admired. No specinseua of Perim.. n =hip are e, ib,ted at the dour but there executnd by the Teacher In the Ina:nation. The Principal claims no mouepoly " eor •• pate- t " 1.,r LID butdnesi, nor did be get WA load taloa charteratai to aril out, as has been repeatedly done In tide city tientlemen and Lelia' Visiting Cards written in Mr. Villliams' unNualled r.y le. All alm.te of Ornamental Pere &orThip execut.d to order. mytt4..daw ~ 111.asm Its t• 1 Itr r e=oss Oince. T.EM anbsertowe has just npwned an INTELLIGENOR °Mali. at No 410 Liberty 5tn....7+44h. w w t w o ew of John t Clornry... a.... r eay..1.0., and---, lo KarAering Agent ho [h.. ) nanit Men's Evrote Society of Pitta burgh for e eariy me years, be batters himeelt that his attowledge of the city nod it, citizens elves hint vest facil I. tivx in furnhMinz houeekeepory vice help, and el., in Led log places far beqs,eirls anl a!I otb era ,weling employment. The planner, or the public in ,M,ci:ed. Terms easy, and every effort usoJ to give general eatviraction. jet l.tf 11 t BRIM. RAWL .- X - .7 - fliiiiiiiesa iii; Co. _. --_. _r AVE ON LiAND. at. Itoir extausitt OABINET and II un 41 C.. MANI4ACTNNIY, Nn n.iiinlithflald et.rvet, a tarie a.. .:•,metr, or Fancy anni Flaw Yurnitura, whinit they will , e , : 15 1 , -.r neut. belnw rn,tomary rste,k. Tenna--00 eh r• n 1 T. ,I,=:ly . . ._ .. _ ... ?illW m. E. Stevenson m , OIitIONI to ausnufne tore tiABIN ET IVARE of ernry tlatx• - Iytion, at hia oil MAO I, com, or I...lhArty l• Ild ,o, .0 tla Atreetb Uri9EXTA}3.l:54.i 4ltt.6ed to, in a!1 to branches. inyil Churl ea Barnett, 1 -I OM B SLIOEIt I) BLACSEMITII, hal erected a new and commoctioug Brick Shop on Cherry alley, between. Third and Fourth ntreete, where he t pre aced to 'o an work in hie hoe wiLla the utmost promptitude. liallog 'dad looj.rapariance lo the Int.hdeloa he reenentfully eoliett, the pooronein tl bLa yll oinnoraers and the public generally. .1121 GRAND PIANO, MAI , E DY NUNNS & CLARK, NEW YORE.. PUBLIC of Pittsburgh and Allegheny is respect. I fully Invited to cull et the Maxie Store of the eutse.rlbent, No 53 FIFTH ST. , end GLIM] i Ur If EU prgl .1 . Full Grand Plano, price etooo, 11 1 From the Paekory of NUN N 8 t CL4isli , Neer York. Thie el...,ant Instrument it. made In the ELIZABETIIIAN 8t YU," the orootnnute, front plows and lege being elabo. ntelveervr' our& SOLID ROSEWOOD. It to full nevem octevee, of the lergust dimension., nod, In point of volume, power, and Ittuld, sweetness of touo, le pronounced slut. gether uovdtpaftiablo The autiSMl. here will be happy to reeelre the visite of their friends and the public In general, rod ehow them through their elosaot new eetabllehment & SRO., 81go of the Oclden harp, mylB No. 53 Fifth Street ..•;',..^”7..":>*- ‘.;'.l';‘:34-",1"1-*".-V1*.41 t: ~... - ,t. ....,......, , .. e ~.42 t • !, 7 , f„:4 . ........„ 5 „,_ or ~.... :g .„. „,... CHARLOTTE BLUDIS; A L TO. 118 WOOD Just ra. calving a large ittret of PIANOS, of the late& e:yles. from the Factories of BAUMO ARDTEN A VEINS, Hamburgh; II As.LET, DAVIS it CO, Roston; lIAINES, BROS. di CUMMINGS,New York; A. B. REICLIENBACH. Philadelphia: Together with those of other makers, at prices from $225 to $1,000: including every variety and style, from the plain but substantial iron francs Plano, to the most elegantly carved Louis XIV. style., Square cud Grand Mum Arrangements have Leen suede with the manufacturers, by which their Instruments are sold lower by their exclu sive agents hers) than In the Na.t, end without the addi tional cost and tick of transportation. Every Piano sold by the subscriber is warranted perfect in every respect, and a written guarantee will he given it I J ItIANUFACTURBD BY MICK SHINN h SONS, Boston, In and for sale b 1 JUAN BIBLLOR, No.Bl Wood street, hetaven ilinPaCalli alley -4vr• and Fourth street. Just received from the- - • manufactory or Chickerlng it Soon, 1100.0t1 G ! and for Bale invorialily ni Noit••n yrtcu— Two of their flret class Seven Cietave Pianos, look XI V. style, wilt carved robes. legs, lyre, desk, Ac. ac.; fin ished batik sod front Alia°. This Is comddered by pereene of taste to be the Most beautiful pattern I.ow made. Price $5OO each. T wo fi rw t class Seven Orlove rlllllO6, with carved can*, lyre, new style of fluted legs, the lyre nudism's of beautiful Barr. d tracery work; tiniehed back an,itrobt. alike Price $450 each. Three elegant Roaewood,rtain doable round corners, Seven Octave Nance, finished back and front alike, and with Chickering's Plitcnt Trenl;:aine. Price $4OO each. Two carved Itosewnr+d VY 4 octaZe Pianos, with new style thatxd legs, carved cam. datkaLwitif'-4., ,and the uaual openings beautiful.'-jarved tre.cery work; finished back and front min $420 each. Three siegant Rosiirwood, pluin doubt* , round corners 0!.4 octaves, ft nkuad btie and front alike, and with tlitiekering's Patent Iron Frame. Price $,575 each Seven Rosewood and Black Walnut Six Octave Pianos, s❑ made as well and with the same care as their first class Pi. twos, and with Chicksring's Patent Iron Frame. . . GRAND PIANOS One of Chicicerlog & Sons' New Reale, full Feven Octave Grand Name. of immense power, brilliancy, and aweetnasa of tone, with their New Patent Action, which renders the touch so light and elastic that 11 can LAI played on by the moat delicate band. Price $760. THE NEW PARLOR GRAND PIANOS. Also, one of their new Parlor Grand Pianos, an entirely new invention, and particularly ado. tad for Parlor use. Price SB6O. PIANO STOOLS. A new lot of Piano StPrils Jnst Fur sale by JOAN 11. MELLOR., SI Wn d at., between Diamond alley and Fourth carve; Bole Agent for CIIICIRERING A SORB, for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. Platform Scales OP EVERT DESCRIPTION, suitable for Redheads, Ca uals, Ate., for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and itterau dies generally. Purchaeers may feel assured that they can be supplied with a superior end reliable article, and run no risk. Each Scale Is guaranteed correct, and if (after trial) not found satisfactory, can be returned without charge. Factory at the old stand, estatiliebiet for thirty yearn, OCT. nor of Ninth and Melon streets, Philadelphia. ABBOTT A CO., Mast' ) dam 21100600213. CO 141110017 di /aeon., MEM CIIARLUTM 13LUME, No. 111, Wr.ot otnmt x.-.~ a rl'. ~; . ~. :._ Eiffel MISCELLANEOUS WOODW .g EL'S FURNITURE WHOLESALE• AND RETAIL, Reatuoura ivrEßy STYLE OF P UILNITUREI ROSEWOOD, HiDUNI AND WALNUT, SUITABLE FOR PARLOR-s', r• CEA NBERS, AND DINING ROOMS. EQUAL TO ANY 0.1 NEW YORK OR PHILADELPHIA, AND AT LOWER PRICES. air Every article made by hand, IS warranted. • „ L. ' Cabinet Makers ajiPigied ,instb any quantity of FURNTTURE and OHMS& on reasonable term. ..• __ ; _Hotels and Eiteam . boau • FURNISHED AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. WararDSHls, Nos. 77 and 79 'Third street, sug 2 Pr/I:WU/IGS, F.n. P 1 NOS ! PIANOS ! MANTMLOTIMID DT NUNNS & CLARK , nrw to AND AND POtt ALLA st H. KL & ER & BRO., Po. 53 .1 1 1fth street, a few door, from the Ant Office. aar JIM asetivan, the first few of a large invoice of Nanne & Ofark's unrivalled Pianos. This choice lot-will comprise— ..hcii.ac4V.,*rill 6 Octave square corners, rosewood, over • • etrbogs, At. 1 • 4 . 6% Octave, do do do -6% Octsve,,round corners, rosewood, mrved, muslin r.ck and lyre. 6% Octave, double round corners, tinkled all around. 6% do do carved legs, Nlizalst hien I; t.. 634 do Semi-sespentine, very elegant. 7 do do do 6% odo Full Serpentine, splendid pattern. 7 d - do do The above will positively be sold at New York lc dory prices, without addition for freight, de. H. KLEBEN,4e 850, Sole Agents for Nouns d Clark, forTitteburgb and Western Pennsylvania, BMA 63 Fifth street, near,the Post Ollirs. — WILLIAMS & ALLEN, ARNOLD & WILLIAMS, won Furnaces, Wrought Iron Tubing, AND FITTING OfINILFULLY, For Warming and Ventilation :IL Building,. Eir w. aAL will contract (or Warrant e nd Ventilating 19 , • Sulam or Hot Water, Pipes or cote. hunace, Olburchea p acarceole, Hospitals Fuitoriea, Green trounce, Cant tit Owitta, Jelin, Llot4a, or 1) - wellluEpt. No t MAILKICT Wait Ilttaboreb. ..p.16 11.. J. CMCKUIS.-I. O. CYJNIMBS...a. C. 1111.10... W. U. 4000W1 Co AMERICAN. PAPIER .111A"CilE ILS.III7I 7 ACTIMING CORITANY, NO. Z 8 SEVOND STREET, PITTSIIL AGE, PA. M ANLIFACTUILERSOF PAPIER MACIIH ORNAMENTS °burr-hoe Houses, Steamboats, At.; Miry"? and Pieter. Prattles Window and Door Heads, Brackets, Trusses, Conalma, Ventilator. and Centre Pieces (or Callings, Ro. settee and Monldlngs of every description ease and design, Clllsnat and warranted More durable flail any Miler article now in use. (fir t `Tien ezeouted on the shortest nOL{re. N. B -A•tentlon of liteamtxtat Builders is especially di recto I a the article, on account of Ito IWit weight. CUMMITA, TUNKB & CO, No. 78 &wood et, between Wood and blarket .to, Jeci Pltteburgh. S. 11.1'KEE Sr. CO., IL,SUPA.CTOUIP OP M'KEE'S PENNSYLVANIA GLA33 I=l WINDOW GLASS, &Ora, Doubly Strength, hnitattnn erveru and Ruby Vials, / hake, Yiukw end Preserve Jinni; Wine, Partin. nod Mineral Buttlfts ; Telegraphic & Lightning-Rod Insulators BCOUti D, P.Ell WOOD A M.AIIIIST JEITS, PIPLUCLCIEL, PLY3II4. But • short distance from the Steamboat larollga,dtio4 JOHN COCHRAN & BROS. DI A NUYACTURERS OE IRON RAILING, IRON VAULTS VAULT DOOLLS, Window Shutters, Window Guards, ego Xos, VI Second street and $5 Third st TTTTT WOOD ♦io Pll TSBVBG 14, nave on hand a variety of new pattern, &coy an._ Plain, suitable for all purpocea Particular attention paid to enclosing Oreve Lots. Jobbing done at ebort notice. i min C.ool Works for Sale QIXTY!BRE ACIMS OR LAND, with 250 acres of Ooal 1.„7 attached, and all the Improvements thereon to encoce. fat op. retina. Maid /arm to ntue:ed en the It nungeheta river, ht =llea shore l'lttehergla, and to euppllal with a Bum Howe, Barn, Tenant Donato, Orchard, nallro.l, and an excellent barber. The vein of Qoal is Era feet thick, als.l cannot be surpass• ed to Quality. For further particulars apply to NIONOLPON al PAYNE, ' No. 235 Liberty street. IL, Jr, Agent, . rr Braley, • e following very choke art! JOUR LITTL 2441. 201 • HAB JIIBT BSOIII7ED BRANDIES. • oak, t mate Brandy, (very tine,) Lisbon e turd Dupuy 3 Oa. (super.) Marrett d Co. Jamaica, Bazaar- Santa Gras 818 WINE& Barcial Madeira, I BoVet, Elowattl March & , ....I'.;: , „;l'ra , London Cordial, 1. .- But 1_7...,,,.... ,, ,- tr 'TabIe'SUNDILLVS. Amoy Atothatfori's Book!. Ale, Man' • Barntare London Porter '14.• _ -: - e li'lltleherry Brandy, Cc ''.-- , Absinthe, lY Anisette, e . . Curium, Sardines, d Jays, , • t_ • ' ', ' :,.. Young Ilya. and Black Teas, i -1. -:. 4., ".' ~' % 1:1811121 Bronson Cheese, • .O-t In:ported rtavata Clgara, of ~,.. e , - • , • . , ...41. %rims brands, • ,!• ., ,liononitithela Whisky, of i* . .' ,1 grades. 're connected with the i . mr2n7dcw ''i : 4 — iiintlEiGi' C .- , • ^2- • .. ..i., 4 ', :,,7 fat. , Charter. been educated in its lis , it !La application to orery branch of Comriteme. "-- DOUBLE ENTRY 6TRAIEDOAT BOOR-HREPING, as practiced up= the Western Parent and [Atm BURNERS AND ORNAMENTAL PENMANSIIIP taught by Mr. J. D. Willlunn, the beet Penman in the United Etats& C.OMIDIROTAL LAW AND POLITICAL COMMIT, by N. B. Hatch, Esq., member of the Pittsburgh Bar. MATHEMATICS, CLASSICAL AND MODgBN LAN• GUAGES, by P. Hayden, A M., and Y. L. Apel. Yor full particulate, call for a circular, containing the Repeal of a Special Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of New York, and a recommendation from lapwarde of two hundred Merchants, Beakers and Accounteuata. octilhdaw WIG MAN UFAC . FO V. MRS. RENTER, Six door. from the -Aqueduct, oppuOis QUI =rotor': Office, 611.1011171 T OM. IPREPARED TO Ii LL ORDERS POs WIGS, and all kinds of Ornamental flair Work. The bast quailty of material is furnished, and entire satisfaction guaranteed. my Illuteu y D EVuLVERB I REVOLVER. SI l --Just reoeived, by Itx n press, direct from the =make furore, a splendid assortment of Cote's iIk:PRATING PISTOLS, four, Ate eiz inch barrels, all of which we will sell for cash at tos low priced as they - can be bought in the city of New York. Persons going to Australia and California will find that they can do better by purchasing their equipage at home, than they can among strangers—as we give persons a.ohance to try any of the above Pistols before leaving the city, and iu case or a fell. urn we refund the money. EOWN TETLEY, Beni 138 Wood sheet, Pittsburgh. MILE w. w. 131211th, may' a. BOW= (Late Smith k Bloclstr.) VITEIOLESALE DECODERS, PRODUCE AND 001dMIS. VT BION Id-ERCIIANTS, and Dealers In all shade of Pittsburgh Idanasotures, 122 Second and 161 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. febt 13= E=!MMI SALSAS IN REAL )38TATS, tor. Mimosa FAU44 D Minnesota Territory. Lind bought and sold through• out the Territory. Money loaned, investments made to the hest advantage, and Land Warrants located. Also, Agents for the sale of Lots In the town of 13T. CLOUD, OS miles from 81. Anthony, and head of navigation above the Yells, The survey of the great Pacific Itailroad crosses the !Mesh, hippi at this point, and the.numerons advantages it me. Passe as a place of brudnasa, will make It one of the largest cities in the Northwest, Ells. RlAgovernOr Ramsey, Minnesota. Hen. Wm. IL Welsh, Chief Justice ot Minnesota. Ron. J. Meeker. Ron. H. H. Rios, Delegate to Congress. Rice, Rollingsttes4 k Becker, Attorneys at Law. Messrs. Borap A Oaks, Bankers. Re.. T. M. Fullerton, Register of 11. R. Land Moe. sepal estorn and B have arrangements with gentleman of expo:L.l.nm VT In the different Western States, by which choice lands tun be located at Government pica. NIZEOne desirous of locating lands, either for epeenlation or for actual settle. went, will end It to their advantage to give no a call. One of our correspondents in lowaluta spent the lest el: weeks In ethically esaratniog the lands in that State subject to entry, and writes no that. halms aeleeted over 20,000 scree of.ohoine lands • BLAKELY di WORM, sepittalaw comer heeenth and Berdthheld sta. • , t", *". • EINE MISCELLANEOUS RHODES' FEVER AND AGUE CURE, FOB, the Prevention and Care of inviaanvnirr and lia• ammo: Faunas, Yam and Amin, Omu and Fran, VT= AGUI, Glaammi. D 1111111; Pima= Swim, and all other forme of disaaae which have a common origin In ..11a/arta or This Is a NATURAL ANTIDOTE, which will entirely protect any resident or traveler, even in the most sickly or swampy localities, from any Ague or Bilious diatom what ever, or any Injury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma. It will instantly check the Ague in persons who have suf fered for any length of time, from one day to twenty yearn, no that they need never have another chat, by continuing Its 11/313 according to directions. The patient at once begin to recover appetite and strength, and continues until a perma nent and radical cure le effected. One or two bottles will answer for ordinary cases; Boma mey require MOM. Directions printed in German, French ag e ,arninti, accompany each bottle. Prise One Dollar. discounts made to the trade. JAMES A. RHODES, Providence, R.I. SYLDRNOE OF SAFETY. NiW 'lrma, June 11, 1866. " I have made a chemical examination of Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure" or " Antidote to Malaria," and have tested it for Arsenic, Mercury, quinine and Strychnine, but have not found a particle of either in it, nor have I found any substance in its oompceition that would prove 'Marione to the constitution. JAMES IL CHILTON, H. D., Chaplet." EVIDIKNOB OF MERV'. LEWISBURG, Union County, Pa., May 2, 1866. Mr. J. A. Maltz—Dear Sir: The box of medicine you sent me was duly received on the 11th of April. I have sold about one-half of it, and so far the people who have used It are sailatied that It has cured them. It has certain ly stopped the Ague in every one who has used it, and six of the cases were of long standing. My sister, who has had It for five or six years back, and could never get it stopped, except by Quinine, and that only as long as aloe would take it, to now, I think, entirely cured by 3 our rem edy. C. R. Mc2INLT." CAUTION TO AGUE SUFFERERS Take no more Arsenic, Mercury, Quintne,,Eltryclanine, or Anti-rerloclics, or medicines or any Mid, the virtue of which is owing to such poisonous drags The most they can do Is to " break the chills" for a abort time, while they are eare to cause constitutional maladies that cease only with life. Remember that the only Fever and Ague reme dy that is harmless as well as sure, lif Rhodes , Fever and. Ague Cure. Or. For sale by JOUN MITCLIELL, and Druggists gen ramify. augl4.daw _ Notice to Whom It Any Concern. 1111 X PUBLIC SPRING SALES of Real Estate at Bo cheater are now closed, and the Bufiding .Seaton has fairly commenced. Every citizen of Rochester is busily em ployed. Even 30 or 40 new families who hove become clti- COUS the present Sprln. And constant employment; and in a few days a hundred ramifies more will be required to =t ry on the work of the present season. The air Buildinp SaantuArnent is now near completion, and will be In full operation In June. Several Cars will be ready for delivery, by contrate, the let of July, 1/355. Two or three new churches, In lloch•strr, will be con• trac:eci immediately, and numerour other improvements will be commenced, requiring a greet amount of mechanical and other labor ludepr;iident of the Car Retablishment, which will pro - ably employ frog:none to two hundred. A prowl nen t brickamser from Pittsburgh has jag pur• chnlerti nine large lots, and con iracted to make upon titers forthwith 500,000 bricks. Two gunge of hands commence work the present week, besides the other yards; heretofore established in the neighborhood. Our ?one Quarrel are already Mire with workmen, and the rand leatitiq to them lined with team!, Lumber le hemming abundant and Ch Lay, end tenements will soon spring up to relieve eon:, or oar houses, which now bore 5 farolliem, 4 tramiline, 9 fnmiliee, and dozens of them 4 families each Any who d d not buy cheep lots m the (our public sales last season, or the tour public sales the preeent spring, ran still secure good bargains at private' "Le by calling on the subscriber in Rochester. Tertutt— duet, in one year and In two yea®_ M.l`. O. GOULD. P. c.—A few lcth can yet be bad at $OO to $lOO each; If applied for before the 2011 May. These lots are twice as large . usual city lots, viz: 40 feet by 126, and the price uuly from $1,50 to $2,60 per foot front. The present reser,. el homestesdand magnificent profit of Uebi Pinney,4 acres in the centre of the borough of Rochester; also, the beauti• ful 20 acres, building, orchard, to., of P. Reno, can be bought through the subscriber at great barged., cud there are not two ouch bargains within a hundred miles. 0. y 6 CARPETS-CAR PETS! AT McCALLUM'S. J L a nEolli leD, AND DAILY COMING TO U IND.. large and choice arnortcueut ut Uoads iu the above line, incloding Velvet and Tapestry Brussels Oarplit, Threoply Supr r9ne hlrdium and Lon priced Ingrains, witionWiaLAßQ:apostry 'lngrains, (• great rartety o mind Venitian Hail and Stair ALSO—BeadttrllT puree.— _ ties and vridths,) `adao ao.l Linen Crnm - 6 tifottiN Cocoa Matting, lint and Rug Carpets, Freuch Embossed and Victoria Piano and Table Covers, Hearth rings-and Door Mats (a great variety) All other PrAclee uaasily found in Oarpat Marra constantly on band at No. ST FOURTH STR EF.T. near Wood. W. D. it it M'CALLUM. NEW STORE. MOURNING & HOUSRISSEPINti DRY GOODS 1131100 KS & COOPEIi WOULD respectfully Inform the public that they have taken the Store Room, NO. 75 MARKET STSitirt, and have now open a meet complete assortment of the above good. Ely giving our hoc attention to ;11,a , e branches ct the buttinees, to the ex.et tnion of fancy goods, we think we ran perm tultantagen, tnth in amortment,quality end price, not to he fundin stores keeping the usual Tit, iety. TDn IIOUSEK KEPI NG DEP ARIA! ENT embrscem nJI eta. pl• articl,3 In Dry Goals usrl in (urn:shit:lg and keeping Lours. sep2ll,l3m Bargains In Wntokes, Clocks Gs Jewelry ROBERTS Sc BROTHER, A.IIE now telling their large and carefully sleben :U.., led stock of Floe Watchee, Clocks,andrich Gold Jewelry at greatly reduced pricer , to make room for as entire new dock, which aril/ be received di net from the Eastern manufactories in a few weeks, for the Fall trade. Purchasers detdring to buy good goods at low prteea, should cell immediately and examine oar stock, as we are determined to clote it out without regard to cost or former prima. Don't forget the place. ROBERTS & BROTHER, Al Fifth street, neat door to Wood. Watches, Clock, and Jewelry repaired in the best manner, and warranted. jr2lly Mourning and House Furnishing Store, No. 75 Afarkve Strut. E give our entire attention to this kind of stock, to y y the eget uaion of fancy goals, in coosequence of which our assortment to both branches is most complete. We have just received our SECOND SUPPLY OF GOODS, And can guarantee persona wanting goals in our line, to be pleased both in quality and price. Call and see us. /U. Please note the location, No 75 Market street. ect.so BROOIKB A COOPER. J. J. Gillespie & co., IOOE.INCI GLASS !Safi CIiteCTUEIGLIB, and Dealers ia ij Looking Olasmi Plates Plato Glaba, Engravinga, Combs and Fancy 0001,, No. 7b Wood teat, Pittsburgh. On hand and made to order, Gilt Pier and Mantle Glseaes Mahogany, ltosewood, Walnut and Gilt Frame.% or Mond log, of every dearripton. HTEAMISOAT G4HINS Doweled amt .:Mt_ toet4 Valuable fearea foraale, ITU ATE IN ADAMS TOWNSUIP, BUTLER COUNTY, containing 141 acres ; 115 arr.; of which aro under col. tivation. The pr , prletor, about to decline !arming, will dixporre of all Me Stock, Grain and 11ay on hand, 1f detdred. Enquirt of JAM ES DUX...ELY, , angl t corner of SeePuth and Smithfield at. LAND WARRANTS W ANTI:IJ -4 0 , SO, I 6 0 ACRII WARRANTS, by' AU/EITIN Loomis, Deelar In Worrente, fltenet/a. de 92 Itnorth John Oroutt, MPORTER. OF BRANDIN& GIN, WINN& go.—Dealer In tine Old Moriongslisla ab•lty, Peach Brandy, Ate. Also, Rectifying Distiller, corner of Onaltlatleld and Front wrests, Pittsburgh Barris Intelligence °Mee ET °TELE, house keepers, Manufacturers, Merchants and MeCllll , lioll are invited and solicited to call and obtain Choir Ilelp and their Apprentices. Also, the working Cilfteßef t both untie and female, ;hell be attended to, and business found for them on short notice, at BARR'E IN. TELLIGENCE OFFICE, No. 410 Liberty street. No answer returned to applications by moll, unless ac companied by a postage stamp eeplo VP anted , A PERSON COMPETENT 10 KEEP BOOKS, and who Et can make himself generally useful in a manufac turing business. Persians applying will please give refer. once, state salary, and address Post Office, rox 377. Pitts. burgh. °did Thomas Oliver, ADDLE, TIAENEr43 A ND TRUNK MANUBACTUaER, 0 No. 4 St Clair great, Rbnburgh. Honin Clothing. Whipa, Spars, An. (oct.s Penrhyn Mantels A FINE ASSORTMENT of those durable and beautiful Imported Mantels will be opened for inspection, lot the first time is this city, at the PAIR GROUNDS. After the dose of the Exhibition, they will be found at the Man tel Rooms of WILLIAMS .4 ALLEN, corner of Second an. Market streets. octld FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. A BUILDING LOT IN ALLEMIENT CITY, 24 feet by 100. A good bargain Can be had by applying soon at the office of the MORNING PORT. Jyl2:t Lot for Solo. A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 21 feet front on Gerson street 11, by 100 feet in depth, in Birmingham, will be sold cheap. Enquire of GEO. F. GILLMOKE, rl.B at afire of the Morning Poet. Watehert Watches 11 Watches 111 THE largest, finest and cheapest stock of WATCHER ever opened in Pittsburgh is now being sold by the undersigned, whose long experience, close attention to the business and superior facilities have given him an estab. lisped reputation in this branch of trade. A beautiful ea ,ortment or Ladies' Gold Watches from $2O to $lOO. Rail road Watches, Ac. flii - Only agency In the State for the sale of the celebrated and unrivalled Charles PrOdeham's improved Series Chronometers. Watch repairing done in the best manner. W. W. WILSON, cella 67 3larket street, corner Fourth. •moval. SOIITHBRIIT A BON have removed their Real Rotate , end General Agency OM& to No. 53 IdAt.ll3lT BT., tome Third. saga Go-Partnership. WALTER P. MARSHALL associated with him, oh s the 2.1 day of July, JOS. R. lIIIGHES, In the Ivan Paper business, War the mama W. P. MARSHALL 6 00. 1,.: ..•,i i,.:-.z:K•.•:-..7_:.:er-:,*;•;.,;1 811 - _ - WATER CURE INSTITUTE, Hand street, (south rklej txtuyedus Penn street and th 4 River mu:Burt/Hy 24. DCIOPOR BAIELZ, Graduate and Practitioner in the Old &boola of bledaine, , ,allopathic hid lionaeopathic, and for the pea ten years a surcessfill Hydropathist, has opened a WATER the above location. The perfectly sate,direct aral lamellate died this sys tem has on all Fevers, and all diseasesacute and chronic, while it is Mid, grateful and invigonsting to the weak and debilitated, renders it peculiarly desirable In femllies, Who will be treated at their homes. Allopathic and Honaeopathle treatment will be adminis tered where desired; but, after long andObsrout expert mete, Doctor Beals gives a decided preference to ydrops. thy, which has, throughout the old and new world, proven so eminently successful in every form of disease, including Incipient Oonsumptbsn, Bronchitis, Dyspepde, Inflamma tory and Chronic Rheumatieni, Aithma, Cutaneous, Ner vous and Liver Diseases. Testimonials of curestrom highly reputable citizens of nearly every State in the Union, can be examined at Doctor Bash's office. The flee. Clergy are invited to consult him gratis. Warm water being used In the etrameneentent,and often throughout the treatment, tons &luxury insteaduf unplea sant, as those unacquainted might suppose. Itzrzazacts—idestrs. Charles Bier, Waterman Palmer, W. W. Wilson, W. H. Williams, Thompson Bell, J. H. din, D. T. Morgan, Wm. B. Holmes, E. IL Hagfish, B. M. Kerr. The -linden:4llod, having visited Doctor Beelz's Institu tion, and witnessed his eadasseful treatment, cheerfully recommend him as a thoroughly educated and skillful Physician : Charles T. Russell, Joe. M'Oonnell, David. Rant, John 0. Curtis, Robert Patrick, John R. Vringerton„ John Wright, W. W. Patrick, Mom H. Eaton, 0. Ormsby Gregg. octi&da• HAMPTON & CAMPBELL, WWAIT r amagoNidgPir A C NVBOYS' CLOTHING, adapted to the Western Trod; BB Third street, between Wood and Market, Pittsburgh. Amongst our stook, which is the largest and most coin• plots in the oountry, will be found, at low prices— Dien's Clothing, of every description; Boys' do do A great variety of Underahhts and Trowels; Full stock of Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Neck Ties and Stock', A splendid assortment of Suspenders; do do Men's Winter Hosiery; do do Boys' do Linen and Muslin Shirts and Drawers; Canton flannel do do Gum Mastic Goods; And a ftdl stock of goods adapted to Miners and Fanners' Wear, do. Also, Umbrellas of all grades. We invite our old acquaintances, and all dealers In our line, to call and examine for themselves. We are now opening our third trapply, and our stock is full snd nom. plete. Warehouse on Third street, half way between Wood and Market. octiftdew lIW (ATV CODIDIRELICIAL GobLzoir. .. . OP WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA, N Institution to educate the BUSINESS MAN. Col C 1 lege open Day and Ermine, from 8 A. Si. to In P. M 2 0 0 Students and upwards have matriculated at this School of Practical Arti, taught Ina practical manner: by instructors of practical experteuce In the business with which their arts are connected. Book•keeplog—full mercantile comma, lime unlim ited, including commerchl calculations, all lee- tures, and Practical Petuninship, - • • $35,00 Sams course for Ladies, (apartment eeparatej 20,60 Penmanshlp—practios.l—thne unlimited, - - 10,00 Same course for Ladles, (apartment separate,) • 600 Penmanship, per month, • • • - 4,00 Arithmetic, • - • ..... 4,00 Penmanship and arithmetic, per month, - 6,00 Higher mathematics, languages, surveying, engineering, drafting, mechanical, architectural and ,:....mental draw ing and construction—as per agreement. oa. Those that can attend only in the evening, have all the advantages of the day incident In lectures end instruc• non. sir College (now) corner of Wood and Fourth—soon in " College Hall," opposite the Poet Office. aeon P. W. JltNFUNS.Prtncipal. Polytechnic Department r\F TUE IRON CITY COLLEGn—Commenchig MONDAY ll ETIMAG, October S, et 1 o'clock. A Session of Twenty lemons. Studenta can attend every day and evening to practice, but are charged for only four lessons per week. O. iIARTBERGER, Teacher of Architecture. 1. Elementary Drawing and Shading. 2. Regular course in Descriptive Geometry. Part L Line and plenum and Intersections. Part 11. Cylinder cone and sphere, with their inter section, with line, plenum, Ac. Part ILL Perspective. • 3. Constructions In different building materiabs, stone, wood, brick and iron, /to Foundatione. trunsing, roofing, arching and vaulting. Prirnaeakt, ventilation and beating. Dams and looks, bridge/. 4 Maligning or nubile end pz State balldingn, in the dlr. &rent mine of arehiteernre, E. 1114ACIENROTH. Telsche mmultin6th-wtrtea;-ebuntlcti%"inbinel" Prof. P. KORPIIO3, readier of Modern Instruction given day or ensuing, individually or in cla=ses. Separate apartments for lad ies. AU, - For terms, he , call at .. Cedleige Ha 11.." opposite the Post Mice. ioct.s] F. W. .111NEMS, Principal COTTAGE DILL ACADEMY A Classical and Collegiate Boarding School, Pod BO la nth TWELATEI SESSION of this Institution will l.com mence on TUESDAY, the lath of October. This School is located In the pleasant, healthful and romantic village of:TURTLE CHEM distant twelve miles from Pittsburgh, and is of easy access, several times a day, by relined. Those echo have children to educate, are invited to call and examine the arrangements made for the accommoda tion of es:Molars. L. CATON, PrinctpaL Turtle Creek_ Allegheny Co., October ISM. re,. Circulars, containing terms, and other information, may be had at J. 11. Mellor's, B. T. C. blorgen's and J. S. Davison's Bookstores. Pittsburgh; or apply to the Princi pal, at Turtle Creek. con A BARGAIN OFFERED. THE undersigned offers for sale SIX LOTS of ground fronting upon and adjoining the Depot of the Pitts burgh and Oonnelbrrille Railroad, In thegrowing and thriving Borough of SPRESSPORT. YourOf , the Lots are 37;4 feet in width by about IRO In depth, fronting at one end on the Depot, and at the other on Sinclair street ; and two of them fronting for their whole length on other streets. dtao—TWO Dna, 27% feet In width, fronting the other side of the Depot, and in depth 121—ono of the Lots bor dering for its whole length on Jerome street. No hotter property can be found, and It will be sold low. Part of the payment taken In stock of the Connell/nine Railroad, It desired. GRO. B. eimmoar, °Moe of the Morning root Pittsburgh, August 81, 1852.—fdawtf CITY (30/.I.3iIGJE. • Opening of the New Hall. ON FRIDAY if VINING NRYT, October 5, at S o'clock, Addresses will be delivered by JUDOS WILKINS and others, adapted to the occasion of the opening of the new "Ooliege Eel," which boa been fitted up for the permanent location of the Iron City College, at the corner of RUM and Smithfield streets, opposite the Post °Mee ; entrance on Filth etreot. The public. -to the ladlei3 and gentlemen— are respectfully horned to attend.. • coif, F. W. JRNIIINS, Principal. r - irshfiela ISOri WHIUSSALE AND DitTAIL DEAALI3 IN GENTS' FITD.NIBI3ING GOODSiand SHIRT MANUFACTO RXII2, N 0.761 Wood street, between Fourth street and Din. mond alley, hove received their stooir. of Fall and Winter Goods, which they will sell at satisfactory prices, embra cing— Fblrts, lloalery, Pcarts, Gloves, Cravats, Motions, Stocks, Tlea, Pocket Hdkfa., Bareling'a Shawls, Rubber Coda. With e gnueral assortmaut of goods adapted to the Purnieh ing octl:Sm rintE highest market prise paid fur 40, 80 and 120 j. sere Land Warrants, of the late issue. AII3O, for 80 and 180 acre Warrants, Sawed under the low of ASO. Apply to BLAKELY A RICKEY, . sep2Leaw earner of Femmth and BildtWield rte. Watt:nee' and W Kith Repairing. 'VAT - W. WILSON, Market street, corner of Fourth: • Ookt and Silver Watohet. from $l O to $3OO. BOW agency for vale of Charles Frodsham's unrivalled Time keepers. Watch Repairing attendedlo promptly, and done In a superior manner. A@' Jewelry, Silver Ware and Military Goods et Pastern prices. — lELL eepl3 J. SISN &R & 00. bare removed their office to No. 28 illb erect, oppcelte klason'e, In Dr. 0. witlitt) office. where citizens will find the books opt n ~ iptiOnS for IRVINWC liWb OP W. 8.811 I ate nnb'in.TMne ' Till. 'BROWN continues to he arnanited ft.2..the cure of 1.3 SECRET DISEASES. Ells success in long - .tending cases to unequalled. The afflicted are invited to call with out delay. Persons afflicted with Venereal Diseases, Rheumatism, Piles, or Seminal Debility, should not delay to get his advice. Letters containing a fee immediately answered. Oface and Privato Itooms, No. 41.,illinciond Pitta burgh. , . 028 Er MINER & CO., No. 32 amlthfield street, hare ro ll, calved the following new Books and Magazines: he Old Homestead, by him Ann B. Biagi:one ; The Wager or Battle, by Henry W. Herbert; Winnie and I--a novel Beechcroft, by the anther of ":Heir offtedcliffe Braces in he Practice of a New York Burgeon; Marriage a Loktery, by Mrs. Grey. Im:lmm FOS 710,111113.11 t. The Panorama of Life and Literature ; garner's Magazine; Paheam'a Magazine; Leelfe's.Gazette; Leslie's Journal ; tri.cley'e Lady's Book ; Graham's hi ; Petereon's - gisine ; Halloo's Magazine • nortanholn Wor ds; Knickerbocker Magazine: Chambers' Joanna; The Uortkulturiat; Yankee Notiow ; Thompson's Eeporter. Blackarood's Magazine and the Art Journal for October. The illularaied London Nests and Punch received weekly. nos 3 B. MINJsR & Brelthtield it. NB • Be R. r.,Ew :to Minnie and I; Glenwood, or the Pariah-13(T; lowa es it Win /856: Marriage a Lottery, by litta. Grey; he Hidden Path, by Marion Harland ; Atone, by the author of "Hidden Path;" 1WB• China and Japan, by Bayard Taylor; The au flonleatead, by lira . Ana 13.. Seas ; 1Z be DeVerted Wife, by Mrs. E. D. N. Bouthiroith Which ?Mho Right or the Lear Hager of Battle—Herbert. Jug receded and for vale by W. A. RILDEMEN:NEf CO:, nova Fifth et., appetite the 'Distrait _ `, .-,.- 3 1 ~~4~ is ~ +" 's x ~o _. , . NIMBER 42, MISC.bbLiLNEOUS !MIMI OP TI7IIION r=Xs:=Ei Removal MEM " ~:at'{: ... ... DATES or AovEaTESING IGNSID UPON BY PIM PITTBBUNGE tBS LIBIBBOITRABBIL, OS um: Ice spume t one Inantion. " esch addlticmal insertion, " "746 " " "ir 00 " " three weeks..... 400 " " Lao months. 700 three montbo...- ..... ..... ........ 9 00 " " four months ....... 10 DO " oil ....... ............... 12 00 " " one _„„„ .... „18 00 3tandlug Card, six linea or lees, per S2II2IICL-............ 10 00 ar PLIA5011,11: One aqua', pert annum, (exclusive of thy paper)_...... 2A ( 0 GROCERIES, &C G ROCERW--50 bilds N. 0. Eager, 40 bble N. O. Molasses; 00 half bide do 200 begs Rio Coffee; 30 pockete Java Coffee; SO bbl, large N 0.3 Mackerel ; 310 b ;tee ss, is and pound lump Tobacco various brands, 160 half chests Young Hyson, Imperial, (1 P. and Black Tea; 40 boxes 40, 5a and is Btu Candles. MILLER & ILICKETSON, 201 and 223 Liberty et. FURS - BPIO.IEI-2.10 bores pare Pepper ; 60 do Malabar do; • 60 do pure Cassia; 60 do pare Allspice ; 500 pure Mustard; 100 do Mustard; 60 dozen. l 4 lb eons do ; 3 bbls pure Cayenne Pepper; 30 do Ginger; 60. boxes do, to lb patents I !write the attention of iyholesstle dealers to the above. 'tepid P. R. DRAVD, No.l Diamond. Il attlgett NITTA_ ittErifi NUTS -53 bags filberts; 25 bags English Wall:kola ; 50 bags Brasil Nuts; 50 bags Ivica Almonds; 10 bags Bordeaux Almonds; 20 bags Sicily Almonds; 15 bags African Ground Nuts 5 bags Grenoble Walnuts; 1000 Cocoa Nuts; 15 boxes Shelled Almonds. Just received and for sale by BETHEdt 4; ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street BAGS AItRICAN PEA NUTS; '01..) 150 ragslerinessee do 5 bales Soft Shelled Almonds; 2000 Cocos Nuts, fresh. Just received and for sale by 8EY11.1.5111 ,t ANDERSDN, No. 30 Wood Street. FREBEI FRUITB— boxes Rabdos ; 10 mats Dates; 200 drums Pigs; 6 CAMS Prams; 2 mu es Preserved Ginger; 5 casks Ourreots; 20 kegs Seedless liaishss ; 20 boxes Lsmons; Just received nod for sale by RHYMER k ANDERSON, aep7 No. 39 Waal street • 11 BOXES DIAOOA-110:11; 10 do Vermicelli; 60 Ms French Kiss Paper Just received nod for siile by REYHER h ANDEIL9ON, No. 39 Wood stri,t 1,311.Z811 loctifittr-1: doz car, Strawborricc; 3 do bottles Petrolv, ; 11 do do Proxe; do do Plume; 6 do Resorted Preeervee; 10 do Blackberry Broody; Just rocelved and for sale by sepl2 REYIO3II d ANDEMON TOMATO KEIOHUP-20 dozen runs; 10 do Quarts; 15 dozen assorted sixes Oliva 011; 20 boxes Citron; • Just received and for sale by eepl2 RHYMER k ANDY/I,IBON ClAtlith "Thomas'" superior (Mewing Tobacoo, in. 9 - lb boxes; 5 gross " Mrs. Miller's " Flue Cut Cheiriag Tobacco; ; do "Goodwin's" do do do S bbis Scotch ihiall'; Just reeelyuil and for sale by REYILBII & ANDMRPON, No. a Wot,d street. GUM 1:11,0k'n-000 Zs Lemon, in b boxes 200 do Raspberry, do 200 do Vanilla, do 300 do Rose, do 200 do Liquoric., do Just received and for sale by sepll REYMER h ANDERSON UND.3.1.60-60 boxes Herring; 11) bbls pleated Herring; 35 bbts No. 3 Mackerel; 30 bbla sugar-house Molasses, for sale by SMITH MAIR 6 ELUNTEIt- 1011IITTYCH-7 kelp fresh for Fate by octl I BMITII , HAIR h BUNTER 010 Mli/AL-125 on Allrgbeny ;or subs by L octlo 8311TH, MAIR a HUNTER I lANNKtIe 011-10 DUB No. 1 Bank Oil for sue by octB 831ITH, kLiSift it HUNTER OAP-200 boxes No. I Ittoon soap for rale by 01 ode: • I : . : VINE 'OLIVE unr---12, doa received and for sale ay _r FlinfiNG "mos .1,1b1:16--25 boxes M ft. Raisins for sale by csfiTHMAja cic;t6 TATILILE OIL-10 bble beet Minter :leached for,sale by VV oet6 SIELTII, RAIL & HUNTER. MOLASSES -76 bble New Orleans, oak; 80 do Bugat Muse; For aisle by foetid SMITH, MAIN & HUNTER. B LOtslii--1130 tons Lake Champlain; 75 Juniata; for sale by JOHN MOORILILAD. pie METAL SCALE—Two second band Pig Metal Scales la store and (r sale by ATWELL, LEE A CO. P1t1111111,13 taken at CA.lti3o'B GA GLErIiY may be leftto be called for. ta. Prices to suit all, at 76 Fourth et. oath W ILL YOU PAY MONIIY for Worthless Picture..? V Try the ENTIIIIPIIIF.E. GA MYRA; 74 Fourth street. oetB siisl3 bbl bougherty a Woods': 20 do Harrison A Newbold's ; for sale by octB 3.N 3 . . et ."3 FLOUII-6 obis Eye Ylour received on conalgtunent end for sale by [oct4] ATWELL, LEE & — 7,ld. liul I'm oil to the .Entarprim liallery—ortij lirty NUL centA for a neat picture. flo better in the city. oct24 GAIL-40 hide prime 2.1. U. eager tor Dale Dy ocC22 SMITEI, MAIR k HUNTER- AIIIIIO.CH LlGHT—dJeaao, id Fourth street, ie ena- AL bled by superior arrangements and facilities t 9 eerie fy the most fasddions. oct24 NEW STYLEGOTHIC CRIIJIINEY TOPS just reed by f0ct.241 HENRY H. COLLINS. Bomit-1 box prime 801 l Butter received on consign. went and for sale by oct22 f 'loYYkil-- • . bags prime Wu ()dirt }net reuivad and for ._,) sale by 10ct221 ATIN ELL. LES te CO. INIS.BTANDS--A. great variety of plain and ornamental patterns just reoefved by [(wall ] W. 8. HAVEN. • F LAXSNISD--Nscelved anti far sale by oeU2 HENRY IL COLLINS UTILE.] ACIIO-7b b 4 Mr mile by sepl3 OFFRE-30 nap Java and 200 bags Rio, fur Babi by C enact L!UGA.II.B-75 blade prime N. U. and 100 bbla totushed, tor 0 sale by (sepl9) SMITH, DIAII A 8UNT.3511. I\l'AlLS 290 kegs assorted Nabs, for sate by •• sepl9 12•111T61, NAIIt & HIINTEIt. ONIONNS-2 bble °Loons, for sato by repl9 SALITII, MAUI A HUNTER.. Vj1Z4143 Alt—lb buts for eillu by V . 3 P 24 HENRY H. COLLITfB 150 GthaJb LEltti dully CHI be attended to with ease at CARGOS two Skylight (Idioms, id Fourth great. Prices moderato. 6ctt 7HIGHT'S KATI:LIMON to the greatest Bearditier of the age. WRIGIITS Pn11.1111:11.1 HATEARTON Benders the Bair soft and glow)._ For sale by KEYSER, RAFT, SCOTT and SELLBES, at 24 cents. OUSEKEILII.NO GOODS.—A. very large and vertkal eortment of every description of Boue , keepingfloode Just rereived by lootl2J A. A. DIASON• a CO. )OLL bIITTIsa-2 Wits tees , std for sale )y to,:e.ni Tr NOW ye not toot Cetittitre Gallery lent 7d fourth rt., EL and that he takra PletuA lathe tunt,atyle los.sl and tuerAtde. oct2d LOAE.B—We have just opened a Sue assortment of stack Cloth Moak& 1111.00 ES h COOPNff, oetZt No. 75 Market aL bbls this day rscshred and for sale G by "oet2:11 UENIiY IL COLLINS." r FASHIONB—Godey for licvemb 20 cents. Balton for November; prlee 10 rents. Leslie's New York Journal; price 18 cents. London Illustrated New, supplied weekly fw2o cents per cop Th . e above just received by eafress, at L4,llpgjavB Bookstore, No. 80 Fifth st:eet_ vel23 UNION bbl. for sale by 00t'22 SMITH, mAini uuxxxa. boxes pthuis ltheem fur toile by oct22 eaIITH, HAIR & lIIINTE DineBll-43 casks No. 1 for salts by oct22. 9NITQ , M AIR & nuNtga. ODFIBH-3,000 lbs Codbeh for sale by KIM. IdAIR & HUNTED.- TABlibi LIN BNB— Bleached Cloths from TxB to 10'10; Unbleached do do do ilalfbleached do do do Table Diapers; Snowdrop Diapers ; Damask. Just received at Ito. S 5 Market street. nov2 BILOOKB A roopEß IHISAP fiCOArib-4.100d Brown nui,rBr et 8 cents El ID, by retail. Loverlng's Double Relined, Cruz.bed and Pus. varized Bugara 11 cents 'f lb, 8t the nova PEKIN TEA PTCKI V, 88 Fifth Bt. rt i ,V ANr BlTUATfunn—Au a,eo VYLL4Le artuatton as hoagie-keeper; a young man as bar-keeper; a clerk; a porter; a laborer; a boy to learn a trade. Can all give good references. WArrrso—Two Blacksmiths, a Protestant Gardener, a good Moulder. Apply at BABB'S Intelligence Office, 410 Liberty street. noel EMPTY BAGS-200 Empty Bags lot tulle by novl RHYMER. & ANDERSON, 39 Wood t. LIAB.P.IIII'B, PUT:IA.3I'Ii, awl Mi [hal Magortnes for November, for sale - by if. 511NRE, a rxl3l Nn 32 Smirbtielri street. Aa. 11,1a.0N a tk. will open on /Monday, tsclober 124 . 60 more cases and packages of Calicoes, Ckintora, Olngbams, Bleatthed suit Brown Mains, Okada, Tickings, Flannels, Housekeeping (bale, Aa ':00 A A. mason k CU. are dally rcuirwg owl opeoPg •"lb *. cages end packages of 131 Its, Shawls, these Gcls, Ernbroblestios, Domestic Goods, etc, of eTei dtecripttala• 0b1.217 iI==MWS 1 A slOr smdmaW '% -, ',':. - _•:j.' : :; - .i::;-';' .„- ~ i, _:~ ATWELL, 1,E13 &, CO Roll butter just , received HENRY IL COLLINS 5~ ~~ ~.. t .... i . .-.. 4 6 ~ i l
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