- -... , - „".. •", -, .;,` c i •.. -. • , " ' u - . • - ' • •"! . . 6.- `.. .• -, , . ~, „-•,', •,., , • x.- ~ -.„ .• p.'s It 44, r ...t:,- , ^l , t t , ~ , +.,•,‘„,,,,,, ~,,„,,, ..',,,,,, • • , !;,,, ,•••••• ‘ 44 ft I'l I" 1. • . ~.. ~1i.„ 4 4 ' .r 4 '' . ', 4, ,.,. ' ‘3- • ‘... . ~ , ••', !,.'• ..‘ 4 ' ‘` ' ' . - .' '':; ft. It• , c , t ~ ,f, 4 . ' 4 1. Ai. u 7 f'• ' '4 -.. ' iri 6 , '.. ",r, ? ••• ''', ..,,' • -' .. '.', ".. 6•• .!•-•-•,; - 0 - -4 ,k 1 f . ~. .... .. 1 " .t :. ": • . 4 t .r .‘. ., 't e.l DI Y . 4 .; ; 4 4 4:‘ 'll .. • i ' •. 1 4 . ..:: '.t 4; u l Ml' '. 4 t ti • #' - 4. 4V ' : ' , ' .I*. .1 % ' ,t ? ' ‘ ' • ' ' l ' ''' 4Y‘ Y` "1 •• .:40-`4 ', . ''' ‘t• co' .': -,_ '` 1 . 6..... „, . „ II ,s''',l ;: - `,0., !Itt r :' 1 , ..: 4 i't -4 ' :".. 4 ", 4 It / If .. .. Z ' 4 , ..., •4,,, 4 t ~ ..t ., ..,F.t. 1 . s , At ~ .... „ .:•••,., .• ~, I 4 - I . 3 ff: s.; . 44 . V '' . :,." i . • • .f.- . 4 1" . . 1 4 , ..„ , / .... 14, . • ,„ , ~L * :;.‘=, 4 . ',^ ? - 4 .. • , , '''' ~,. ..,4 ,- . . .,;;*,.„ N •,.. : ~, 1 , ~ . ....,zi, c ,_ $ k.,,:4 ( : ‘• „ 1. • 1, 4. 3 "' ‘.., ; :' 4 4 ... ••'' ' .. 1:',..:',,,:.t ' A i r. l -,i t , I ; .- t ' :' . .'' ' ' 7 '' ',.,♦ ,!V 1 , .1 ' ' i* . i' s* u ~,,,, - : 1 1 ,,, , 4,is: , F t - s -...., •,......:-„ ~f , , 1, „ , - ~ • - • ~ 4 .. • .. ..t.h t r... ft 10. tt.'... 4 • I-, • ...0 • ''• ''' .. ' 4.3 '. . 4 -' I' S - A • • Sum= Cotter :- Court met :-Preseet Chu. • ' 4 :64. •,, 4. '. , t` a t 4. -. ' Z • . ,t.- ~F r . k , , • *• ", .• ' - '4 , -I.* ,;f.. 4 ' •• 4 ••••, ~.,... e k i ~•.. .' Jetstice Lewis and Judges Lowrie, Kil? . .. sad ;'':'"""' ' !., -`3.,a.1,. I' ~ :. ..... :' ':. Z :'4 ..,' .4 , •••,-. ; • BlWA cki+r`l.,l';'•,:,..-: ;";.5.'":',,.17 iNt `I.-.. .*'.., •. ... :..;..--,..... -` t'' : , , ..- • TIIIIRSDA7, November 8,1855. 4 1, C , - 0.; • • •*,‘ "?, t ;.,..`"- ,!4 "1 . "' : •?:t 1 .:4' 1. ;i - '-' :: ''".. '' t : -2 ','''t `',; ‘ .',... ' MoOorMick vs. Russell ; error to the Court of ~,:e••• , ...` 54 ., •' • '". a . '-'.i 4. "' . . '.''. ' ; '; . Common Pleas of Warren county. Judgment ;,..,,,,,,, ,e, , 5 ,;.[,-,. , '';. -. r..„, • •... f , c6i ti; r . • • .4..* * 1 . 7 l '''''' '. s 'l-;',J t t'tir :'. , . . 4 .,,t• t. .` 'affirmed. Opinion by Knox J. .7,5 a ~.$.,44 • 1a... "0-iii '*,.:',•:,,,,.1,,r, , .: I :, . 4 ...4.," , 4 .. _.„.. Anderson ve. Hamilton Township ; error to .1 vt'„:"!,5,1:r , P,1 ~,..' 5, 4 , 1 ,1 .._,•,t `'• 03 g",,!' , :,:t''...",,_ re" , .;.!.,",e,O , r ''' ' - the Court of Common Pleas of M'Keen county, I"s' :' "" *L .. . r te., f. , •:..4 4:." . 4 r,',,. • • ~,„ '',.' .4 1 ' `,.,- - • „.... T, - Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Knox T. ..** 1 '.5"""4 ,1 5 , " •I; V.'" n 0 ,••" ' '' ''' f." • • 4 4 OViMpling'S vs. Colgrove ; error to the Court • * .:14.;,5 . • , t , '" ;,•.; f' :', t•.' '', '. .. ._7l ' ..! •, - ' ~• - 1 1 6. , t , , .., t ` ...4: - 4 ..• •,.:4 • i pt -7 4 f.,•• )1 ''", '`,. .. f•''it ,' , I of Common Pleas of Erie county. Judgment 4.i '''• "'• •. 1 *•'''''..; '''' ' 1 , ~..eX' • ''' ',' • .1• t . ! reversed and venire de note; awarded. Opinion 4-" a 0 k ,, !:': . tf.ftr... 4 4 " ir''.,t :4 i• ••• 1", • .... ' ::. ''''' - ' ''' 4 . • ..? by Knox J. * •.,';,•, • .*.,,,5: a ,„, ~I , ‘, "••4• ~.f,„., h e ,••• , ... • . l • -.., • Morgan vs. Brownfield; error to the Court of ,7„,•'" 0 ;', n.. 4 , 5.`," 1 •5a I, I- ......1;'',,, 1 .., ...".: •- . , .1.*,.• '4 , . ' '• Common Pleae of Fayette aounty . Argued by t 5 . ,„`"1 et • '*:,"..* 4 •-": / : .0 `,..."`‘,.. ': ',.`j . .V . •,s -- „,, , ' :-, ~s. ,Deford for plaintiff in error, and by Patterson k•,• „' ,f„,e,' 4 e•• • • 4 ;,,i't4 t. ,,,4 a. A 7,' ,Z ~ LL . i , . , J ','. ,' • -..,' Tor defendant in error. 0 ," 4-5 .:` , ,,""..4)-%'•, 4 5:1,.'`' i 1%., % ~'' 4 1 ~ . 1 - ," `....1r • ). 1 '''l '' .3. .; • - BhOw Ye. Irerin ; error to the Court of Com ''',ss t" . .5 t .s,Lti re t' 4 N:i "LA L A P , , I4 PL :, ,L• ~ •-•`,' '..'"' 4 ..• "t ". 4 Pleas• 7 , 4 1„,.. t ..., 0 ;. fiL .4. ~.0 , ~., ~, ,,, ,,,ta I ~,,. „. .t , r , •I It • - ?,..:, ~ r 4 Mon Of F ayette county . Argued by Do. " 0. r.,1_,.1,.,, ,,, „ 4 4 5,„,5 4 •,„• 4. ...,,, , g ~,,4 5 ~ ..4 " ,, ~,: 1 , 5;,' ••,,,/.,-,,',..! t. . .' lord for nlaintiff in error, and by Patterson for ..-4.„ , 4 „,,• 2 ,,, ~.., „, ,t ~. ~., q• i ~ _• 4, ~ „. ;. c ~ defendant in error. Itl 4. '.F f'i : ; - ..." ' ;t.!' ' ""' .'„. . -t, ' ~. 1 . %'• , t„1.1 1 -..., ...,C,,,, - „0" ,„. :, .:..' . "0, . ~ : F . , ‘ ~ , t Filby ve. M i ller; error to the Court of Com -1,,V•7:41 5., 4 .,tr:4 - .;i s ii •tt. 4 3 / 4 ' t "..,-. ~.. . 4 :. 4 ,1 0..' . .. .... y .., - , , . 4 [mon Pleas of Greene county. Argued by Parmon ',..•.4t,7 4 .5, "5 4 ~ ,. .e.- ~'„- , -, 1 , ' • •e' ,, ,r; . •,, ':.,, .. r,.., t , 1 foc plaintiff in error, and by Lindsey for defen -414.,.,,k,,15 t„"',....e irlt 4 lk .i. :: 1 4 2 3 ,t 1 " 4 .,"/ t,..',. r 5...,; .'s' 1 "-:, , dant in error. $ 0, .,.;41t,•-c„.'tl'ettkle.." ÷ -eip A .c,,•64 1 t r , ..-. , - L4, .- .. ~, Francis vs. Trilky ; error to the Court of COM ..n-'44nict...+o.V:;:ti.,,; to l 'ic, .`:... ,Al,,.'''',k-' •,/,_;,, ••„ t„,••-• 4.‘" ~. • • € non Pleas of Fayette county. Argued by /Caine ;,Wri',;',.. , nirv,,,,l;• , [ r ",.;5 •4• 4 ""e,„%t*,;.•,,r . „ .f, ~P,.t . ; 0 ~.1,`. . .t , , ,~ -, 0 for plainti ff in error, and by Faller for defendant 5115.1 ..e„,,e4,',,,„'`',,P , f t ~e' i '', ''''',s.•..,' "J .- -'..,' '' • I 4' -i is error ' , 441tzt.31 , %,P,dt - J.4' , ; ~,--;-_!,, , ~. i.. 6 6' t“ t. ~" •,•• s• ' . Dunes et al vs. The Commonwealth ; error 'lT '' ltil ti i4 P. , ‘ , . o', .." sl s; 4774 ' f d*;*l';''Oft * l i rti ''''. '..%. •-* ', ' * -k , to the Court of Common Pleas of Greene caner y. A"' it' ' ea' p , 0 - " ‘., " .c• '• s. '.=•:. ''' ..- ": t. ✓ • f ' aumittsd. • ...;.-t t 0 4 ,k .1,-'....f i i.... ,It , :i .••••• ..._.' .-‘,.' •^' {, a '. ..0 .` , , '. • ;0;,44: 1,1 `.;,..:4e..74,:1 - 4 ., ,, c , ; , .1 , 4; ; 1 It .d , 0 , ,i „it. ~ ~- A .1,, ,; ,..) %, Page vs. Dennison; error to the Court of Corn ' r - i-' 7 =-4f .,,' .4. ,.c , ~-. , ‘4" . 4X` . .t!: ` ,4 , ,- , 1. , e-- ,•- ; , t,j '" 1 ` L • ~ ' 'FlloliTiottoif Pa ye tte oonotY• • i Argued by Heine :41'It0It '''4. , rierirt',.,d‘el'‘''''%' - . 1, > ..,,, , . 4 . ' t '.,. t , '''• plaintiff in error, and by J Kennedy Ewing 4t [ o "..i.'" ) I , o' r " --,1 re , iv? i'" t , ' • .."' = ~ -4 . , •.- , 5 ` ,5 -' 'I for • defend nt in er r , 0 1 ,, ~.i ... ....., ,..T .4 ~ A AL- 7 . G ~, - , ‘,.. ~... ‘ , ~ ..r. . , a re . ~t, t....",,, t;',,,, - 37 t •,,,•e - ,„,,"•..,,,,, , •. o .' ~ ' N.f 0•" , ,! 4 ' ~ ~ i Fullerton , vs.. McArthur; error to the Court of ' - ar,tl' , 4 * ,. k' 00 - I , r t *.,.•. .:A`"' ''''''n. t.r.. '„„ 1 • ; -, '. - Common Pleas of Crawford county. Judgment • ,P CAetetSt• e .I.*%'; Clf t , s 4 , ' z,,. 1 ',k k e'.•, 1 5 , 4t ° Li-, 1 • - ' • .1 reverse d, and • de awarded . * ft 5 0 505, ‘",,;•:', w ,G , - ,, .-c ~ ..,55,,t ; ~‘ ~, h t. L ,,,,, ,!'"( , .,aj,..,,% - t,t en 4 3 .,."-C 44 't- , "-;z•••.; ," ," 9 `,%. , / , t„te :L t .. z., •` `' ' 1 " - , Pitinaaka.-J• tr t q 4 4.4 . . . ; 4r e ",tite,r ,- - / i'llt4;l-,,1- , -,•::%:,*?1 r ) ,Y,. k r ;‘ ', '-' t , ziaore appeal from the decree of the Or to,gii,V- 11 vfltile:41 4 7 , -4 - e " 5- „ tt 4„. 4. ..,'_:'-' `,:, \-: - ,,,i,- . '(i ,' ‘, ' line-Com of Washington county. Argued by Tak," l :l ~ •_.4.8• 0 t, , q.,3p;;',..5 "e,le•tr,".; 10e, t 1 , ••• 's ** '- ...r.. ' 5 : Sidgetnery for appellant, and by MoKennan V * ••l'it'qn` r t/.'14 4 4,f '... t tl 4. 6'.:" . i'• '. c -•;;'''" :` %". ").; •! '' ' : or the appellee, , i , r1.5,,,5„'..,,A,- , ..ta a'44..N.144.,„% . ,, , s•`',.'!"e,t. t. , 1, ~;" a' -,' 4..".72 4 ,‹ ,: , 1 . sFisher ve. Wborliery ; error to the Court of 1.50;V4 . `1 -h,t' e: l4 ,,,D•j'i:tt.* - 41 c,... 6 -:",= , ` v i• f '-' ti ' • ' ' l ' ''''''' ~, • Common Pleas of Fayette county. Argued by c , .p.,,,5,54t. 4 ; 4 ..c. - 4, 4 ,14,44 . , e . ... 4 • ~',.,.,:, ; ..f. s :., e it-.., , , 1 . . .... zite c.t.ti, tt*...,4;s - '5t...,,,f: , , , v ... 4 4 t. •, ..' t . i .t.s, ~:, ~' 4 -...,,* ) „.P ibford for - plaintiff in error, and by Panhall for , a •=,p ri az.t a; o4-e, ai v e r ti ,,,,,` ~, 1 - '. 7 il4 0 Vt . i' t . .'"r . 7 , , t. k . -' ‘ r . 5,. C ' *,. defendant in error. V5,1'4„„ri.,4,?.... fr" , ; ,5- ; , ..? „ " -52 4, 1-4: ,•' - ',„ti - ' rs ir-:1 4 ,, * ;:$,;,f , •,„0......••4`,"?- 1 ,t, r .,;" l Common Lattemore vs. Chalfant; error to the Court of t...oe'crtle•M•-i,, - 4•t4.` , :•01.1,""t:':4,•t- '''' I t ' .h. I T .' cr' (.' .4- '.? ' ‘• . - Pleas of Greene county Argued by •" t* 5' <' - v"s 4 ktl t v,t. e , r;' , or. i tt `•:. `' 7 '' - ' l t b ;'''f 'ts i " 'l' .‘; ~ - 1 4 : -> i.' e ' t OC, , ,,T. i"f;'' 0 ot,p, z , , ""• - gi, ' , ,•:•',Ap.- t , ,c j r,3,1,. tik ,l Deltbey for plaintiff in error, and by Black for 1 5 , "•44... - 1 , r k: ..0. ~,Nt0.,445,1;41i: ?f tiir, i±a} ' defeadauf In enor. ,4 5• ~ , 5,•,, , ..5 7, •,,",•ti,t 4 1. , . , . 0 a , t , ,,. .I ,[, ''' , Strewn es Hook ; error to the Court of Com i-161,54,,ii;e4--,qj,,1,1, 4 . :•,? , '.,.. c V „ft',;•,': , , t'e ' C,, , ,4 ,1-,,,,,.,,,t.1iiji'l . ,;.‹,21.4.t.!,-, , b ,1 4: . ,.a v e.ti.f .c uah . „k , , ,, , c 1 7 ,.. x. ,f..., 4 : ti" , ,, • ' 4 . :. , • ? . . , „ . e. -.. '',,., , 4. Meg an d a Greene asounty. Submitted on pa l'tr,..' at a 7,•'P!, epl,t „ 5 1'1.:,Vig‘txt c , ,<; . 4 1 . - . , ;',A,.,•?‘1, ; ,= 4 , , ~,, l a ~ bar book .an reply. j• 1 p5,• f ;;.1e + t1it.5.0e , i . " 4 , ,, ,1,./. • ,•5; .4e, [5; i e ( ' ‘. , ...; ‘,.,, , n'. ... , ..,,., ..• t-Waters Yll. Hixeribaugh's administrator , error , „ 5 e1W'4 1 „ 1 .. ,,, ..,•„ 1 ',, -5 ;„ -* ;?' , •••. * *. 1 25':' , ,..v. * -`,, 1 *ti. 1 .'e , ',„,"•' \ I „, • • ' ~"- ' ci....;. to, the Court of Common Pleas of Greene county. '- 4 4;Tv't,: ,- " "‘C s' ~ --' y"= 4 '" - q-' z." , `• - *`''' , .. 4, ' Aigned by Downey for plaintiff in error, and by 5 ,1,''',.. 4, , 'Ck.l,•. ll s‘ 44 tb•l io i s'it 1". 5 , t, ', . '' ',: i 4 '' , l ‘- '1 ' '-' t 4. i ', 8 t•' - ` 1 ",, ,0 41-5,„„,•evt,",p.. , .. , . 4 . 1 ,n.., e ..- v r,,,-..d, lc, )4 , ,..c, ..,,I t .. .t , , c , layers for defendant in error. `'.,.., 114 ,, 1 r 4 „ , , ,, 41 1 - 5 , , i,'.1 , ,:,6 4 ,..... 0 .-,, ; 3 F. , , -1 , - '1...' ,,- ~- , ,.K 4 ~`• I , s -Elptegg et al. vs. Shrlver ; error to the Court toceir› ''' , .`ri.„ , r„'. s -.5,,, „..• •--,' , - i4 4 . 5`," ~•• ." ' g,'",-." - ,„,...•ci•.. , ,,'*,, ". ,/,.. ` of Cotnmen Pleas of Greene county. Argued by eiftrel l- :`.l. ,, s*'''r.t r Vf * " • •;',./'i0.1"./ '," ~ .-'q..r, C , ,,1 r "--- .., Downey for plaintiff in error ttv, 5"„ i5 r .i .4 '!?..“ !14,,c,• ;:‘,.` , 1T1... ,1 ;47- , - . ;r5 '' ,'',. . I "b4 I '4 ' ' The Court adjourned until tide morning at 9 d' i' r' ' - lt ' Tt., f ; t). * '' l \'` -a ‘ *? " 2 ' c, ,-..T . *t. t i. ll l F,l . ' l '''''.4'..', i u r- •, oVeek. V'ci1A.1t4 . . , 41. * ,,,,,,,,,L t -,,c., 4 51.,•5, 5"4...5ic'45 , -;,-,t, [ 1,,. 4. ,f , • ~. t '-o s. V: i .h ifIL 4 , 1 , ~ /..., ~ . - 1 ....., , ,,..- 1, ,....,,i ~.,„).,,-,i • t _, , , ~.., linTß.ter Cotter -Hon H. W. Williams on the , ~,,,.. ~,,,,,,,,,, „ 41 , , 5...,,.., 47 ,„ „ . .5 , ;„,,,5,1 4 ,1T , - `{ l t, ', 4l ' Eriit:4s- I -A': 1 , 1 t•-n . ~ t. •• '. 4 .., t,,•7 se 4 :. - •:. - 1,{-;.. 1 . , •t''' i "I,i'vt.+., i e.1:1.. 4 ;1,,t 4 '. , i . ... - -. 4. , r. . ; -. _ .-- i." J .t. ..i.- 4,, ,se•c , .. TBURBDAY, November 8, 1855. ~./A nz 1„-, ,, .; ,:':', : - .!, ',. ' ,t. ,5 , :j i,i ,' ` .'. ....k ',',' ': ' • ,a-. PA the ease of M'Coy vs Dr. Crawford, the r--"s4it:, ---. 4` e gr. , " 4• "j-i:9 'l - -., , 1te-.7 0 , 4 0,,,„ Tqt t l . Jury, after being out about eighteen hours, failed ,•,.) -4.5,1n-4,-5 .1%, ~^[-.,! .•;.,,_;, ,: t -t- fa te••,.,4t . y!.7:-Is -; • . agree, and were discharged. r . 4 444.....,4170.45.,_..,1.17../,,..,....„..,:, ,r'l'i‘ . 4••tt , ,' - ';. , ‘'. /bean VS• Beetle et at Jurydischarged, and ~,,, 5„, ;1 4p,:„,,,,, e,{l_4 4 - l' ,- ,,,em...- ---, ;, It [- o, • , r , : , Z ., •,..Yrt4,5*,"; • 1. , .; '4 , :( - • . • 14,ft4 -- It e .:;;,,t_tfr , A,k - ,.... , ',,' , -:„; , -..,.,"t-V z . „A„ , -.4.', ,L s f „rt „ ; ~, ~ t • e withdrawn, each party paying their own 1 -,':.. 1 ' . t ,5 . !.. . 1 5 *' "4 , P1t4** l ' l*'* - 1 ~.?1 , ;1 ' ; ',.. - 1 ' , .. V 1.: 4 5 , L, , ::t," 0 : 4 5 ,1,`, ',,_ tnesses, and half the costs of Court pt 4 ''' ' 4* e •' : ' ' " `-. '' ~,,,,,,, . ^ ;.?„ 1 . ,,, r,tegr.. 1 ,4 , ',„.*1•e-ti , , i,,..•.;,.., ;t„i ~ ~; ~*,', 1- • ; Taney 's administrator vs. George Weyman. 4. A 4 . Ht ,rk, ,% , t c ',...' r ,' , .::y tt i , , i 1t.."' - 0 , c, -;t i f st ,.' , • lt c. e, , ,,` , '"••; ‘ -, ', ,, '•': ,4 "‹,, t - ",s:- , 0 1 „t-i. i s ~.'::,*1 , ..:1=- 1 ., -1 1 ohb & McCOanell for plaintiff ; Woods for de „,..c.,;',.,54.,'",,-, .71.,,,,, , , ";_*;,,4,1 t' ,),45 4 , , C,•-,,‘ , 6, . e7r.‘, C..' i ~, r c , +:, T ,L , ,,,, andant e Action to recover the value of sundry ,-Ikffel 4 .t4-rs , ,.. , ipt , ''.•‘i4, r,.. ,r - ' F'+• , !, -I % * :, Eil l :4OP t .; - '‘i.'zl'4l • of stock in the Monongahela Nevi e'', ~ ,t,Q4,!,'„'55m„,t , .?„1. 4 1* ; ";,..,., , , ,v t ; 4 ,,,,' --- `s4 s tt`s"i,ec, , -,- ,z.s.' N.,i',,',.: _i. - 1 , , ~, eompany, assigned to defendant by Tease'', in ,! - ; ,4• 4, ,, .1•0. 7 .;t).?; , ...11 : tc - ,„ t- , 41?,_ti., ~,..:...•,.-,,,,;‘,..:.,,,,,,-, ~ ,, L , , . • 4 kife time, as collateral security for the pay ,t`;llt 40-"i''.:-'" , ,j'Nvi'";,...47..,, C;;A: ''.:,*:5,7*, - -:;*..”, , ':',-,;":4' - ; I ' 1: ,-,, ,• ant of a debt. The administrator paid the -p11.47.14_ft,„f•-lii,i,• ei-r,,,e,,,,,;.--,,,J.-5-,-,,.!'"-, .... v, kt,t4,,r;f5,." , be, and demands a transfer of the stock. On 4 °' l : t e ''f ? ''l t e''';rl r, . ,c ,.! . ", C ,• ''' , ; c* ,et * D•''.:'P,'".l';. : :-'' ' 1 : : t •, ,,_,...A.,.., ,,i, 4,1 i ,, ), , ,,, ,t..„- - ,,•••,,, , ‹ ,i, i,.L.,,i, , ,,-;:•tfl f,‘ , .4 '' / 4 ,', ' t d.f•.• . '" . . L. t . , - . ',- f .._ L f 4 4 .*4 . 2 1,..' , .."::',,:1i la lz. - * . ..1 4 1t , , , ,,'' % ~,..,. ','.' t - r. r, ;',' /AM B. 8. Panama, traveling agent of the sig= -, .41,11 . ,t . i .taa j.,;„:: t4? .. 4`,,,,, ‘1, ? . p. v r,41 it.? :: :', , ' - 'l*, - ,:iir'':',.. ''4,,._:- - %. ' . tern Farmers' Insurance Company passed i ' lts •"-t, l 4 . .l s ggre_C', r iri.,`' i„,,,.. ,14 .11 , c,, i7 :; , t;'1't1t t ...,;. ;Fil *- 0.•,.. , ,t,-.; 4" - ..4 - ,.„ - , . . ugh this phase on Thursday last, to East ~ - . ,f41 -- e.:44 - 1e,4,.- , ?,."*, , , , - ; . ., 4 t it'v i t 'r t. :7, - , - , , ,,,,,, , ,, 5.,'-c-, ~. .„.5• 5 ,,i- , ":12, tnepool, to make payment ou a heavy loss a0.a„.4v,.X.,,5e5 ..,-,„,N1.["tr,...,t,",4"',.•,,,,1icei:',•.,'t1...--,.0 tA, ''',,.': *-'„ blob the Company recently sustained in that r 4bh, r 4 4' ,-114 „;,''',rtli7Pts•` 0 c-" J . 1',7" , .." - 5 • ' sl, 0" 4 .- ~ lace, although the payments were not yet due 1,e5:10n t s., , '„ ' O . 00. 9 ";:,i , , C, ' f 1n1e. 4 i 4 4:1' 'es ) 0?t ef ' ' 1 ,, , •1 - , z , r T".:7 7 - 77 .6 i -rt. 4 .ld,t'-' ..1. , Q"'" .1 ,h,.. % c ~ ~ , : v,A - . : 4 . ,.., bc,, ; -,., t, •, ,sy Dome e y days. This is certainly an act of ; ' ::ft:;'-'-w1," 2 - 14 4.' 5 :0&-, :: . r:cr'l-; . *:1- e g,-: . Z. I t e;,t,-, 1 1:1 . -iPIti - ..n ~.!`k,1,,-1 -;:f :,.,':- enerosity on-the part of the Company, which T;r , r.it 7 3i 44..t1 .. '/ . 5'. 4 . .„;. - Jr 4 .l.',q-‘, 4 15T,e : , ;( 1 ,-,1;r,,(. ~,, . , , . ass who were insured and the public will be r : L t-e,.M41 . ,!7",-;"‘O + 0.. ,* ; 42 7 - f..1•!,_-•-', ~ ‘.. 4. f:; - ‘''.',„F r i -, ,,.. No S. ‘:*;\ r:I tempt in acknowledging and slow in forgetting ... ' C' ''' T ' . - o''' . ' 4- I I ''''''' ‘. .; : •V i f - r e r" fr ... ;"..' f''7-" V t - t. ... 4 ` , .ri,s/ 4c.. "), - . •- , he ;policy of withholding losses by fire from t5.„,.„ 4 „..4ity,„,.;i4,45,j;-„„ ~$ , ,. •, " • •' (1, V .,e• ,` ,.[";•:-, 5 --a ee".. , -..,',' ~ • ' 41'i. 4 .T.,44,,- , -•.....r.„.:„.1a;•; e, .t.. , ..4 !-- 4 t w0 , 4'.1,,, , , ~ . e onfortunate far sixty and ninety days, ie no ,:,,d1c.,4:4„1e,,,,;„ h7e,,`":7t. ,- ,r,,.,,!,•••,"4-:; ;,,e"g+l ,„„ rri „,,trt.,_"r 7, ',' , .tibt a good one In many respect', and gives [l.''/ , .•• t r45'5 ~ if rot 4: „, 1, , I• -, y , s,; •,,, ,q ~, 3r, , 4 : 1- wAj.1 , 0,F!...;;;,- .--,' . selenium companies „ time to breathe and make 4' 01 ,„,, 1 1- ' t° lll k i. 4 ;N:!`.. 4, 1,_;-"Ks.l . ' 4 'l‘'": ,l. • C'iac` i' :' ' • 11 at" a." yet we cannot but believe that were . '"'..76_',,1 1.- '31 1 ',..il ti! - :.Z4,.; , ..,..qr - ".' b.; F1...4•:1 , 1 t• ~.vi.,p,:_, -; : , . e t°l ' ' 42- 4..4. 4 -50 if `t,lt• {1,1",4 I,t , 4,1 • if,' .. -, ~.,,,f^jf.,`,,,:t. ‘ll. tt t;f.,,.!--;- 1 insurance oompanies to not to the Western gt,ea..,4,-. 3 N- ,, , , ,, t ; u' , ,. E .r., '5 5' ',- • I +,--- 1 ~ :5 e-.4.4,14.4-,.54,• _, [ armors' hoe acted in this thetance, much need •' el".""til e'''-1•04 41 1 4 ', 1 t'u"i'vP , s -i i l, - , ) - • - I ss ..-, , I, ..,4 ,ips„, , frot ~t d ,e •, 4_ '**,, .=; o.,tr. c ‘, 4 N.,. .p.,n‘ ;;,:..,..= ~ , ets suffering would be averted fr 3m those who t . .4,. 6 ,„,f..1 n'4 - 44' 1.1.. f 4 „.... ~, ~,, 4.3.1: -3 , 1" . t i , 15F,C4 41 4444 2, e 2 Crt . 4 . 4 . i. ,-'t ........“-r,,,*.T R M.,..,,,e t : FI-`1 , ,1 , , „ many Instances lose their all by the devouring i5.5;* , 0" ) ;." v. 5 :NY, r'o q -- 4 . • , - - --.W.;% . ' , '- , ::: - , "":. amain. We take pleasure in recording this 4 1 .,.,Ner,1441,f;4 , 7 7 _ „404,„4 - 1, r„T„,.,,,, , - -.-., , 4, r-mir.411.• 1 : .- - , - .e1r."'" •0 4.!,"i.1. -- .,,,„-1N.i . ..0-`1" a i;+ ,1 ' ,4 ',',2: +- ....' fr q . z, 1 11,. -. 4 -^ ~-,., ~ , erous act of this model company.- Trumbull s-fie,.l-li, , ,re k A .N....,..0' ~,fr i : % {.3.rt 1 .. , ..S - ,47...11.11, /•,....: . 1 !1. " ; Ship) Transcript. 1,44,0 fLttekit',.;'b,7•„tv.'TA:', LZ,!'.'1r"..0,45;0‘.ti ,_;,.„..__,,, ••U ',O; N•I 4 L ,).;' , ni 4 , is t ,.. '- a . e i , , .> ' 1 e...arinerell ROBBeRy- Montana flutiDnen 41ebi t , :,„..p......,.....,,=.4,. ~,.„...i,.., .P tr. , v -44 9 . ..t ei . "- . 44.4 „.1.14,„„ '144.r--.4---• .I;a4-.. , -,-1 . ),h. 4 , , , , ,r3-..44. ~.. 610 V. t 75.1;.., is EXOHANOB DANZ Notes Bro Len - t °44 , 1' 4 t . .er4.Z- I '-..- , 1-iV` r.. ,- ;*3;6-f . ..° 441, ...'1.:.ttt!‘ 1 ; : ti 1 ,... °",;.. extensive robbery was perpetrated on San '';•s..'lN '''A •I tV•Leti'''r;','•• , ""` * *‘2.;'* 4 - e* .l ' ,, t'- , *: 4 * y . "*" . ". *se , r l t.*:-1."'" - v'n near Florence Station, on the - 41,4 1V"' e.. d, ,, 3 41,-.,,t0,...2-;4‘,..,,,,,,4,--.0 ,_•_;-.. Y w ewl .E;' . •"`" • 51r 11 -°`o *. 51' ',•5 t 5. :',4",...5,;•/..e.0.t ",,,_ 5' V. , 2--LTA, , art--. 1, lvania Railroad. Time house of a man 1,,.,,,Avett5,retjf,..,,11t5.i11',44.1,4„1-0a.,,454.4,;itt•-,J,J01,;c4,121.;,..i„,*-51,..,.-4,., e , t ,,, ,,...t'`',1 me te d Hoover, partner in a large iron eetablish , ~h,,,, , , i V11,M1L4 . . „I,t- 4 .ftso t re 4 ,` t• t t, A •+;" , „ ~, , ,,p1;,,, d ..,;1-t,„ ‘ ,.._1. 1 ":. Ett, was entered, and robbed of about Xl6 - »t ~ ,;.:;; t1 ,44,4 .. 1, 15 1-,,.,1, notes of the Exchange Bank of this city - 4p.F.65.,: '0, 4 4,•.< 4.-4,1 4,-..,, , 54A5.p.-1015cit;;`,..„ ~,,.., 7. 1 - ~,,1 . Hoover, received the money at the Bank on a1it.V 7 .„„:4, t p ? ,..`;P,4 . .. g ,,,, 7,, 1 04...14„.:.,,t , i;,0 - ,,-kf.,1.- , 4-' , . --- ,.-.'..,,, 4 Saturday preveding, and on his return home , ',..., -I " a itc * ". , 'W r rift • 4‘ -* " , bLak'T,E l '_•te7 . •l- i r„";ll7 , ' ' ',lti`o' 4 ll .",s`'/- ,t .., 54 . 1 ,7 ~ .„ , - ,° l -:'„ posited itln a bureau drawer, in his bedroom "..;"•:„,•..„,•;' - ',c" • -g4 ,- .4,_ ' ' e,„ 4, ~.„_. . .,,,ki, ~...ni.0 , ;,'.., ''.. #l ‘ 0,.. , :r--; r.*Ti r entneansans not known,the thieves effected an "" 6 e,,'" "v• %•,.°•-4.•,•"--7.1 er s - 1- "J- 5 '..1 ,- .1e••5-Net?[-v , p. 4 •4•30-.5 4- 5-54' .I=.` muse into the house, and without disturbing [ l ' l7 er...4q1411•1 .... f t ' l' l l .',t i., % 'Z:l .l^ ," C rtitill;a ttn t i t t e, , , T t , ;,, t * . ;s4C,n•v..\ . t =; e r* -7, - .., 4 i-'7 4 '4 . 7 of the inmates, who were asleep in the ~- I :__Mez.,___,,,,:g4,t%.=, c ilar,,, -- ‘,.•14 ; , t ..i.nktf , ;, ,,, 4 , t. - ..:.: . taci ,thocari. where the money was secreted, elev. 7, tiZttettOft l- Zr?,••;,1•,..,"V-gW5 14 1: 4 , 0 ' ... -.„,:_• 4 , , • 1 2 i . 5.,,. ~- 4 y abstracted the contents of the drawor evae.,o*Fi.,.,,,-:4v.3A;_,,,; :0 0. „; ,, t., ~,,. 6 r.: ~..,-,. robbery was made knayn here on Mon day ~,aal. - 7 -frne*.ol7e ~, " t1 1 ;•4 * ro‘,4 . 4 • A' ,,t;‘,.., ~, ~", '•-•' 4 .,' ",,,e ' t, and one of oar bast.,poliee officer,' wont 0 ••5.,.,1;5' 4 , .r.,',ltor '•,'". , 4 -1 , gi,..-41; ,- -:„.70.44 1. 4,...% 4 , 45' 4 .. r ,* ;I . ' - .„ 1 to ferret out the peerpetetters, but yesterday ;aiNtat - i" ' A At . 4 '1 , 11",41'..t.' , ..4` f.'.,- , ` . 4..i.' - .1 . 4 7j ,,,,,,' returned without being Ale to discover any ..s3,llt,e, ~i . , fLfir.„,4,4l 0'1r0.„‘".a,,f,';5"";,"", ‘ 117,, , , t- - 4 , ` , .' , r*" -- r , nutliat would lead to the detection of the %.,,, 5.,,,,..., .--.,,.tre: , 0 41tstn ' ,ll- ''.li'l l t-L'l' l eti .* •"ia t' ' '' *l -5'; ' 5 ' °555": , ben, or the recovery of the money. ~,.,1 4.' 4 1 ~_.• '' 1 11'51'5. 44,51karVia.ti e. ee u' 4 ,- ni t, , ; r l,c o tV i il ,, , ~-I L - P., = , • tr..-u-,2,..,.1 , ttr,3 IV VP,,, ,1 1 .P_V• t•-• , 4C',,.: l ' i ,4 - ... 4' ,-.14. DRSPIOABLE 800IINDIter..-Yesterday after • 0•fr',44,,E d , :, ', N 5 ? , ; i ' • 4 •- 4:? , 5 , Y , J7 , .*;i1.F . ;4_ , f1.,,,""1,71'4 , ".. 5 r;.,'''„e,it *, f ~..; , k 7,._ n, a follow welt known as 1 ' Loafer " Bell, [ r eS 7 r."_-4 .1 4.• - "a ll . (''Cil: l 44 / 4 -4 1;',.; 5 5 7-t ",4---''' ~. , g with two °Duna of the xamestripe as him -14 -,,, ~,,e,',l l' ,r ! ••„„ 1 ..-.'-. , ,gt„;-P.,.... 1 > 4 ..p. 7 . , ,,,-,.., 1 ...; 51. 4.t., 4 6. 5 • .. ',„..t,'L madam' unprovoked attack upon a farmer ''`7l' ,J jfif ,3 •1., ` "',,,,.,2 4 ,14 . / s ",'Nt`lfi,..Vel • ,l',l• i* 1r t t. ;:;„) * 4,1 4-7 .„,, f 5,.._' ' • 7 [1.,' I ,,' * _:. ' • in up Federal Street, Allegheny. The poor i t 0 ., ,t."4.4,etAX51.,,....,.:1-..4,1:41t,r01,,r."1,4,3,114:',Zeui- r.4...4..*':.4 4 . ."-v 'ltt Aria for his life, jumped out of his t„.5 - ',, , ,,i - PLAT,I•__.I44Pg,t,I6IA - , : 4 4.,.5 . :15:c;' , 15 f4 , -7,51::.^".,.•, 'lc< 7 - 4,„, on sad ran off ; the fellows pursued him for f55etr:41.1 4 5 4 C. - f`Ne - ',00 4 . * ".q - -"W,,'"'''' l''' 1-;•••! * ,-f" . :',"','",--1--;','-1,v e time but finding they could not catch him, ',...t1iqe.1.e4,,.Y..P,V;`'.5.',.,e,,:!?, ~r, • 4.- -„ ,- . 11- 4 .0.4„.5,51",, , ,"2 , -11,1"„:„F , -„,,,,t 4 0 , -;',...f came back and wreaked his vengeance upon I''':le k. " '''' ( `- -- A .47 0 * 2•„,. , ;,111 ,, 1d1t.?"11 . ,"''Ate 5 , - .4 -r is r- 4 r , ,- -,- .1 1 4 - 1 horse by analog the animals throat. High r•"•-,4: *c”. 4 . 1t ...,= - 1=z;&,..,, , , - . -.7, ,,, 4 , 0 ' . ;•,„ 4 11 , 4:*.Vtrr ° ,,, , t, t ' - ;',1: ble Scott observing the occurrence, at " • 4.,"' ' "aU.*a, v. 5 - ` "--'''` f ' T l er, ' , '„ - ' 4- "'.E , _*:5'",154.1 - %,... 54 1 el'' '' ' • , la' r plod to arrest the seoundrel, but after kn0ck "k.1'15`41.,,,t,1,,,11,-,,A',i,.c,,,%§.,,1'C4,..%tr,'-," ii`.1 4 ;§5 7 ?„,.....,.. 2 .,'74.11t ,4 1415i•1 *4 ,5 - 557. , -r7.17 . .„;,..; him down four or five times with his mace, etts(i i ... ,N• 4 •,t5 3 4,„,.-" 1 , . z e,`...4 4 :•155. , ; 4 , ;:i. r .; ilitrj, to. ,?,1 4 ? . .;•t.,,, ri,r 4 reluotantly compelled to let him go, ?wing -tz,3 l -,„ ; r5 1 , 4 - '", ,: t.. 11 p., 5 :?..v r ..,, , e,1 , ,14 8 37. 4 , , c',,i- 1 ,:•?... / Y0",;,•q , -p-T.--- ,- .,.. i ne interference of some of the fellow's friends. , -*--''''./ l" - • "*"5,e 9 '%.- t ",e''''r. U•; ,,, t" " ''' ' 4 " ' l-t , e;" • 3 rt ' 4 ''''' V ever , there is no doubt the dastardly reseal ,N,F,,,.. , +,1-520,4t , > 4l .5,,,. • , a , a-.4, "-•,_. ,o '4' l, "pi . ~,, ~ , lz„.--,, c t , ,r,v,...-*: , ,, ,, , , ,, , -.0......r 2 ,3 %.- 4 .w.....,,.,i ~. ~,,, 4 , be caught, and ramie to suffer for the inf0,V''*},%,,,,.,,,i21).,•;-&.....?".. ,V''*},%,,,,.,,,i2 1) .,•; - &.....?".. ell,j:•• -• E , 4 „,,," 1 *1,,,,"';-1 r i.". 1 , t, s Ottlne• ~,Ac i e'er „W ~ ,_4 ' vsl", '''...j' tf ,;`,',.4*: • `;`.."-N . ~:111 , n,t11 0 1,-,E , " . ,,5• • ,,,Z. suareate ART.-Generally It ia true that I 114, g 13 v., ,p,' Se kv - 1. 4 r1;. 4 : 4 g. 4 ,, 0 ,, ,,, ,.;14,',' , .7" , „ 5,) a,..1,,,-„.f.„" ; ---, ~ 115 L ...T., titan. art, to not patronized as it should be „ltig , 4 Z,..° ~ ..-1.- 1 .,,,%f 14 1 :4 4 .,C4 1 4'4"4;, ; P:;; .. et, Pt''..,.' ii l Z4',i.f: gh there are some honorable exceptions .121" - ir - t.• A.,... -..) ' 7 1"•;`..."';' 4 0,',: , ".."''.i . ""• , 1••`"P c 7,' ,!•':-:,, 4' •-•,.. instanee, Mr. Bullard's Panorama of New . 6,7;ttft e Te:,,e ~, . ND,I 4 : - '':iV-,'.4. 4 .-%=4' ,, ,, , ;kraf., 0 4.4,'•,"‘",„,,'41',i city hit had wo want of patronage since it 1 1,004 e ' "1- ,";4*,4=- ; 111,--;: " 0, 4 •7 1 , ; '- '4 - 1.' 4 ,-_ , „'''' ,4 't = 2 . . 1" • cm''' , . came before the American public. But Mr. ' ' (557:.,, ' , •=l ,l ' - "a ` .- -:.'1,- , --e• ~. 1"-; 4 , -` , .N''''4 u" .-. ..1 .1. 4 . r. d f rtionate In - the selection of his nib- Nigkil.lble:t•',`.t 7,."41;,15,e;1ere.;11Ci,•;4,54'Ea11r0a'' ? '•il, .% -•.' or Irlie o sz 4 ,"r'A 04 - „,n„L"::*,',' , „` 5 {1,f01.%N. 4 ' 4 ,4, 1 , ,tr.,....t..,.04,_,- ,:,, L 0:.,.... • tiake up any newspaper you please and you ;E t c." - a-lEe-5 - -. N.." -- . ''- ** ---• 4 'r a ,t l - 1. '..:vt-' - is'‘. , v , =- 4 ''', 4. ..-v: 'find the 'words " New York City " men tioned ' •-• C f.t 4V-P-•' " , " • ' - ` --At al l " '1- 5•• •5 • , V 4 ','' 1.4;0 •,'Ecc.' , t , ",; 1 ' *" - 4 ), al et, other word Is men -4.„,15_,:1r ~ r ,•* , ,. 1 ,. ~.,..;.,0 • •...,,, 5 -- •:.e.... 5 .1.5-eill- , zar, ,-,.,. --.; ~„ tintee W ere mo any -... 45,, t "' -!9 in.. -- 4,5....r .**4 . 4 " - -• ;* -4;,,S, ,'''''•"°., ~r ` l''.'''',`":o2 - 1"- . - c ?, L.,.`-‘l, once, _The youth or man who sees But. -4. kl - 1 1 "4"X'' '`'''' -,,'• '"`"•'••• E r.- s'-"Z *.7 4 4 ,V 1 1 4.- ,.:,,.-11 a werit-never forgets it. Go and see 1 ., iralf •~ t, ,;!. ..tqTr.4" -....."..:. e Panorama. andou will find it le time and F ~ ..; •T e'r , " F• 4 ' .. {".; c . 7 .VF.!k.V.g t % 4.-'"I"' 41 4' •-• veil expende d It exhibits at Masonic tile , ''ff'd 's l--,._"‘Z 3 l s ,'"tr'4'v'es •-o• 'f 1 ",0' 11 . rr---. l "'s' 4- , e, ~ * v-. •-•1••• 4 %i*,,,,, ,, •,:a 3 . , . V-6 ', '''',4 , Cl' ' .6 ' -2 •4".;:r4- 1- ; every evening till next Wednesday ; also to -• 4 ive,s:`''''. rtTP',, t ';'„f - 41"5,":4;•",.f...t4iti 5i[: , ;•1 ,,, -;;;I:ts •er afternoon at 8 o'clock. It drew a full „.,,* "•.4:O P4Af k V•• i l.';' 4s:4 ,: -7 t! ** cY'' 11 ;<'5 q -rs- t t r .: 1 4.:.:•;7,..; , t . , a bat evening. ~,,,,::„..„,,,,,„.....„..,„:„,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,:.,,,, roatasnos WANTBD.-A young man named l e • ' 4 "?- 7 . I t , '',-'-;A,'q,/.'Fj:?..','-jqtt?4,'A.'4:VQ.,,Vj.'fl:i::;W:!;z,%' Bennett, residing on Marlboro street, Ken l' *.:; ‘' . r a* "' - 471. '' r '' '-' ls :::., " ' ' tl .7 l^' . - i , ', C :;:lt. 6 1L - tt.` : ' it 5 Z,1 , ?., 1 5' OD District, Philadelphia, left New Al bany, el t, 1. 14 ' ' . 4 ; • ' , .....'.= i Ir -1 r e,,.., u *-- " .. ...1 5- t.e.1.t , "•.:.;:: 0 •c 5 ;n_ . •:";., , \91 4 I on Sunday, October 28th, for home, ul‘tWr„t,„ ote- '415,''',•511:4*•••1"-•1"-t.,' 1a."•, 4,7- t 5,- - - 5-' , ' tzt"'` l7 ''' A hie!' nothing has boon heard of a101 4 ,,,t:-, 1 "... „I,e'z ' 4- ;'s z-` **,....." [:•-•r" c 5.5•,..,15,r- , ' shoe * ' ~'• "'"'"•,..._•". 1, "•.'t • e .f. ";•-• 7"... 4• 1 1 :•-' 2 ,ty .-- ,0•..., ,,, f...21'.:.• He is about 21 years of age, and had on 4 .4.• g :-.: ?4 , : , -", •••'''' ...:.• ,i'' ," -' 4 .- t` ' ' d - - , 14 4- ' " pantalooos, blue silk velvet vest, short Leerre,s„„ ~- 1. , ,, 'c'....;•.1z,T-'k;:,.'-'''. 4 ;''7,1.,11,,,,L2f;-•,,-11.tiVz 4 , / .-', 4 t lined with scarlet, and an overcoat. He tea` ss • , ,l_it-0Ve.,10',.15.. , Arai.."..:. 1,;1-t4,,, .. '4 ;,LiY - " t •,,.,' . en in the employ of Thomas Hemphires, r 41 1 ,..'vEn.rEk,,, f'";•4 . ;C„,r7llq 4 ‘ , .' - = ': 31.,. "',, , .,:tr`:.• ,i f Albany. Hie friends are here, and in 01 / 4 ..w4.1 ` 4 ilvresr,Lt s,--... - 4. , 1., , ,t,, , d4v.-ti",- , t,,,,... I' l N 4 . ildt sof mind. Any information c0n ',54.,1' ft-55t1, 1 -V , .-d:4:.,,= : ‘ f - ' ,,,,,- ‘ , k.. 1•,4 7,_itt5,X,''.,::,... 4.- 43 ,'''''',. stree i i r•-$ WlW "t' aeir ' - " *. ;*s 4 t r . .' `: .. t !v; ..'''''''''''..,,s'S 7 sl.• k) 4 , .. 0 , A" , eig him will be thankfully race ve at the 4141 6 1 ' 11," Par r r ' . '. I '-''.'-'.' ' ''' ''''ft •.V . s6^'. ' • eil Office. ir 611,k,,t,.. F. 4 ; , -it - (1 , 1 47.. ii.,":.. 1 ,; . 4',„;:' , 0 ,1 1'.1.J.A . C...., t , -... ~ .s : „`„,.. I- -...,V2- . i '' 2 ,,,, r , ;., 11 .. "-; - `'',l/!`",.. ' 1; f : 'I 1 ` c' '..1. 4 ,.'"0 ,- .,,' f.'7- ... -,„ ~. "; -. you see a successful agent in any bud "'St* .1.1.' "4 a -.r C ' '. ' *-- • lt .7 ' '' '' '' '' o" 4 i 4- ".' ''' '- * e ybe sure he advertises extensive ••et•§; I" 4 kr.. - A 1 ."45 4, 45 1 ;•••• ' a . 5-' , "l - 11 • 7 11 -.. 4 1N•D 4, "'''?'"'" :-.. 1 .4. ' ' '' ell Ina I W re sure this ap lies to r . ,:t ' l ' n, ,1 1 /§. 4, p:,;1.:11, 1 '.1.;',1 4 E, 4 ,4,''.5 4,,0q, t ,', E ti 7. reVer;:l Ot.P.:', 4 ~; -,.., d judicious y. e a r the m oa t r i t6_ 5.114 ' ; i.• 1. 1. v 'el rseQs(i.Z l* E 5.. tr- , ,, --5 % . • «. .F - i 7,:r'' A. llf '• '3 ~. ntial In the Salted States, the agent o .44,.."A r • t 0 "e5.".&74- *** tee -„, , Z*,' -' - ',..„ , 4 . 1.- ....cz.,,,r ,, N e t,..; .;:.„:- „,-* v - 7. - 1 - . .. bH, B. Tentyck, whose pleasant face f''....1.0.,.. * ' , A5-E,":` ''"1 , ....."t 1 1-4 1 Ac5i 4 ,"••.„ •:-=', 4 k;:',/..••''"‘E"' A l,";."- - ,• •• • , ' • ''' - `..1- - p . 'be seen daring daylight at the corner of ;k a., t"fet , ktT v eZ",i l 4lsl"74.,e - c 2 -N2 ,4 ';". ,, 0..1 , 1.v‘i . 1 ',..;,“,: ~,"" ''.'s: and Wood etroet. He tub left in our count • - • ' '''' ,'t s ...-44 c i Z 1 :4,,.".1-t , t,,.;%,; 11‘ ..... i„ j ,Q,tt.. -,, - 44 ,., ,, rat ," "' ',_, '. l-' ' , tam a handsome lithographic card e1ver ,15t5.14%-Irine[atcEr,,s%'"-,.1_5, ' ''''" ' T•e.2 , 1 ~,tt , •t,,e5t.,,,-4%, se.l - ,11,. • ••••,:"c."t.. , 5„ . 4 ,.44.7- 1 10 ~,, 4 ,7 - 'l s i - •c• 'Ls. :'--„ ,1 r o the oomftnY• r* - 45 4 , r •tr. l "-• ) • 4 1r••• - • ,- gi'•••.:1 , -C• 1-tte,l•. - c - ':,••?.. z. rt. When you. want to get your money ‘" a "`"..r..1 6 ".0.,L4 , 14.C......k.',...; . ..:z.A., , ,, i)... i .„ q- . ..; - '1 7..t.7-,-,:f ,r . * l oon Teneyck of the /Etna. Nfsi- , , , v,,,....4 , 1., 47 1 ; 4 ' tff.T,iff .ifr •', : , 1-.F. -,1: - 6..,i6 ..,,51 . 4 ' ~,‘ , „,,,t-, f ,..1' et,.. , •,,c.,„::::,:• . , a. ,&.f - L.,,:;;', 4 , t ,y aa _.ry , :: , :?..re,,;,44-,St•- .? . : , ;,. , j,,, ,- ..,, , 4•7„c 4 , B maim Atm Ftww•--Taera was a fait° .. . 7 .,. 1 ..,...,.,,,,V,T- 2- ; - CfPr` 1: 1 "• 0 1;"• - •, ; . , Ni JC . t:':".",-, - •,•/?,., 4 ~,'1.1.,....V l .. ' ... of tire at 11 o'clock on Wednesday night ; .1 , .., , ,.,,,,,r t ,: - _ - : il• .„,,,J,,,,',,,,5-4:1:r,„..,,,,,,,-.,•,,,,i,,,--L5r,,..,,,,,...,,,,15z1t;,.--t,--....614 ~ ,':.••„,-, t 8 ablook on Thursday mornin f g s th h e flames 2-!5,-•,- - ‘ l5- •' , :••••”' •-• II , *1- s"'” •0 • ” oc s"' I ''''',- 1 h, 4 3: '''''' ' r ' bunt forth from the ruins o o oonnia -Vt ' ... -:T'I'FI--‘ Z''`.F° : t,i,p.' , . w .. . X.. ~ - ::fii - -td el - - . v ..' _.-,-,-, ----, '',`-' - Z, LK' J;rt.' ~ : - ' l 4: -.4.-"...5. .4.4 7,,* . t.;1...t .t . / 2 ..4.) ~-"-'' ^s, ' "' t ea se d Store. Considerable difficulty was .: I*,r tF 7- e,t-:'4';." 4 .•;,, 1- ~3 ;, 1 0. ;..T5 */, l* •' -,,r -" .11. 5 •4 -,.." ,-,t5„ 1 ,;,:c v•-'•.,„_ s ',_`_:' .; 1 "';•• by the watchmen in arousing the * •_Thl"';' , 3 ,l ": - e-';'V - 5" ":, 12 :4- 1 ", t' - ., * •s•'''' '. •• - -:. 5. - ' -4 ,. * '.. :::•i• n and ' procuring their atten lance at this ;• - 5-ii.....1 1 ;',,..-.1.,:. --, a...11,-," -1. ..;;• * " . , - 1 - 7 `,1,r,,,',`".,„,"' Z - P.l. ‘,..4,t, Th e j;soqneene and Vigilant hose, were re„ -- i -, L s* ,. - :,..,::,,,' ,, t 4 r ,.• „, , '45;', / , ; •- , f ' in..„- r l'•-; :: ;••,„• * :; ,, ,, 4 * . 1 5 : i 5i"‘ , 5 : , ,, i ?4 L t i : ,. r .,,: 41: :;. -. ..,:, , , t ti .,. l 1 . wth' inea ta w k e e re n o to gaiti , tho etur fire, el and after rams time e...„. .5,,0c5a, ,-;''*,- „"--:,.,,, 'IP • ~ , ..- - , ..,t .:. ~., • .r. - -.,.., ,-..--' ' 4W , `':i-r , n .- *•i,..L 4 ' , ' - t.t-„ • . •; j ; , • ' =, -. 4'..,•;'• , ;.'',.1,\ c:- c*',,,, -,, 1;, f :;;d4 sm. B mni cre, gumbos 8: Co will , take iv' , 7l • 41 '.•••••1i". , : 04 '4'..a` 1, - -- ,- '......` , .:T0•,-, `.:411...--,-,..1,.. , '..,4. o f OtWor Phillips to-morrew, after having !4,..3.---.-"..l;-',"41,14.5•5-5"---': ;, ' - - ''' ',''''' e %'- 4 4 l .. ''': .'" 4 ""• .1 - fth ISM - AST -daYl 110 '5,,..e . ..0 , C.N• P 24 ..•"0'6, -"4 6 ....`,.liN 4.".1t4 6 . q , ... ,. .6' 3 1 ' r%-' .. (It -time or 0 . +, r4' '''''''''' . "` t " ''''' T-- sfiv'' 4 " , i t -',', "•• •• =re'-"" c ''' . • - •el• - ce'''' ,, -il '''' y ` Iser Tub been vindicated, and the, [ ate= IAWBI 4 and Pleurte """'"'"i, ee ,f1r 1:: 4 1 . 4 ';, , v Yt'. :3' 7 ,7 ‘.. - :' d . '-!'‘.. V ..- - L- 1 0 1 ' ' ,.i(* C " 4 ';'3',,-,tift-':'•• ° •--a li t ,havemnelilluutaimerlor, in 113 E CTKET serldta . 4 bi o , k aao4,o, - ,,,,,. i '''V:l;.' ' * '' ; ' ' ' ?l '' l4l' ''''‘ '' ' '' '''' '4 '4 : - - ''' i ' le fe elt - -Bali - tonfidimene, latt'd 1 lentedroi% evaporart?Tabi eolinaerineenunenkear ''' k '.,'''' I. T` '0 , ...1"'":.1 . i'., ".r..?*;- .4 14 , ;-41 ~.'- t •V.,,a , ''Tt- 12 40 - VIIS tali .el ass level, or In =weed= writhes --. r! ,,'... ,',, ' '/. , 4 ,_.,• ,. ., 1 •••ri'. • 'ril ‘..*; f'''t r 4 4 .1'..:P . i. 'i, r =.l - 1, 1 1 br i o lLuc r i t tp i irraorgApio• some °l,,be„ ward , knave, t o a leve li ng and pi bxd; and :.:14. Y.,%.'."1 A ."6 - j`t' - 6. er'...CF 6, !,t , ,tr` \ ‘, - ."',..•'.' t. ,. 6 , '. l ( 1r.i . .% I- Oa' Votita 1 . I_64 l Aleel! . .tf` ht e rt:'i 51'0.... , •• , .•••••••=6.- 0...66•, ~mte ,44 4.vi11 y 0 l e ve l In , 1- 't , ' l l!. ';': ..''''''. 5 ; 3 t`j." F . . , `'' , .'--- . 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P;=MI •FRIDAY MORNING -;;::: Dan Men giving the name 01 O'ldeatly, and dabbing to have some &vale. tunes with o priest of that name, entered the residence of Bishiip O'Connor yesterday morn ing, and proceeded to the bed-room of the Bish op, who is at present absent from the city, opened a With= drawer, and abstracted a heavy gold cross and chain usually worn by the Bishop during service. The police are °paha alert, and will probably nab the scoundrel. Ili a Dalmatians Coanrnoa.—The bell on the Duquesne Engine House is said to be in a very unsafe condition. The members of that com pany:complain much of the insufficiency of their bootie. Heretofore fire companies plead in vain for now houses as long as one stone stood upon another. The fire department of this city is in a deplorable condition for want of support, and always will be while the same parsimonious policy is practised towards them. NOVE ABER 9 DAOIIIIISZOTYPU.-Mr. Joseph Williams, the daguerrian artist, will be In Thompsonvilis, Washington county, on the 12th, prepared to no. oommodato all with a Leona terteit presentment" of themselves. Our subsoribers in that region will please make a note of this foot. TIM MS for the Little Miami Road can be procured from J. G. Carry, Monongahela House. Mr. Carry will take pleasure in giving every information to travelers. His good - looking face is always to be seen at the corner of Water and Smithfield streets. BETACILAIIY. - Yesterday morning, between three and five o'clock, a felonious entry was made Into the blouse of Capt. David Campbell, Water. Lane, 48.11eghony,..and- property.-to- the amount of $BOO or 400 carried off., The proper ty consisted of sliver tea andiabtehigoons, forks, fruit basket, clothing, Sth, The..rasoals got in through a front windoW. . TEL Sronn.—We call the attention - of house wiyea_, to the superb Tea House of S. Jaynes, iffith - stre.et. This establishment is one of the standard tea depots of the west, carefttlly super vised, and the entire assortment selected with the greatest care and tact. For family groceries call at Jaynes'. Drvinexins.—The Exchange Bank has de °tared a dividend of four per cent., on the capital stook, out of the profits of the teat Mx months. The Bank of Pittaburgh his also declared s dividend of five per cent., out of the profits of the last six months. ADIIITTED TO Tin BAs.—Mr. Gao. Shirag, 11108 yesterday admitted to prattioe in the carious Courts of thin oounty, on motion of Judge Rey" burc. Mr. S. is a young man of aonsidosrahle talent, and passed bie examination in to ex tremely creditable manner. ilturn —Ainoug those killed at the late acci dent on the Pacific, Railroad wee the Rev. 2,1 r. Teesdale, formerly of thin city. He preached for a number of years in the Grant street Bap tist Church. Tulsa appears to be any number of thieves in the city at the present time. Housekeepers would do well to lock all the doors at night, and pot away the spoons carefully. A revolver would not be out of place. Moue persons applied for admission to the Panorama of New York City last evening than could be admitted ; 1,100 were present. It et hible again this evening at Masonic Hall. ARRIVED LAST EVENING.—MIIe. Parodi and troupe wired last evening in the eastern oars, and put up at the Monongahela House. CITY Mowraure —The deaths in this city lest week numbered twelve—all white. Of these eight were children and four adults. 'NEUT.'S /19 A NAME, ? —LOVA' Williams was seat to jail, yesterday, for drunkenness. ArracrioN is called the advertisement of Dr H. J. Borrette, In another oolamn. hip- A good article .111 always, triumph over any pretended imitation. It has been said that every city if II paradise of lunbuga, but let a really meritorious article, capable of dolor all that is promised for It, and it's!!! stand the test of any o position dependent upon inflated notort. ty ; and t Asa Stomach Bitter, bear evidence of this, for it bas been taken hold of by tbepett i ly tried , wanting in cueing any cam of psis, in any form. When these facts are known, .by should it net be appreciated, and and by everybody? For tale by Drug gists and dealers generally. '"At Last Coravwlaaaeaa.rr.e"Bo.rMx•r HaYznd Bitters has done more good in one mouth than all the medicine I took daring the whole of last winter. I am now able to rise with the family, at six in the morning; my strength Is retanthts, my appetite Improv ing, and I have every reason to believe myself at last ton. valeeeent" CAUTIONI—To prevent Imposition, be carehol to ask for Ikerhavrea Holland Bitters. The great popularity of this trledieal6 loss induced many Imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Sold at $1 per bottle, or eix bottles for $6, by the propri etors, BENJAMIN PAGE, Ja., A 00., Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists, Pittsburgh; B. B. SELLERS A CO., corner of Wood and Second streets; and Druggists generally. novii Kgs- Clark's Elton:inch El ttttt aro acknoledge by all who have tried them to bee f the best family me w dicine d of the age, (or the ettre of Dyspepsia, COMITEIMS, sod • dis ordered slate of the Liver and Stomach. They have no rival. The proprietors do not pretend to caution people from using other preparations that are palmed upon the public under the name of Stomach Bitters, far they have found that only one trial WU neetted to render ouch caution unnecessary. For sale, wholesale, by Coils& & No. 22 Market street; QV). IL Kassa, 140 Wood street; and by Druggists generally. AUCTION SALES. • _ Auction—Salsa Dally. _ A T the Ootemerclal Sales Roams, corner of Wood and 21 . Fifth streeta,at 10 o'clock, A. di..„ a general aesortment of Seasonable, Staple and Yang Dry Goods, Clothing. Hoots and Shoes, Elate, Cape, de., A t 2 O'CLOCH, P. ILL, Groceries,Queensware, Classwiuw, Table Cutlery' Looking Glasses, Newand Beoond Hand tbdtutehold and 8141 ten Stu nitrite, ae., API O'CLOCE, P. hi., Books, Stationery, Fancy Articles kinaleal Instmeeents Hardware and Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Goode, Gold and &leer watches, de. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. Llugldtt P. IL DAVIS, Auctioneer TRUSTEE'S HALE OF A VALVAD FAIIAL—On Wed. needs! evening, November 21st, at 2 o'clock, at the llerchantie Exchange, Fourth street, will be sold, by cuter of Thrums Mellon, Esq., Trustee of Oen. Wm- Larimer, Jr, —That valuable Farm situate at Dam No.l, on this Youghi ogheny river, about four miles above AllEevapor - ., bounded by said rirer. by lands of John Christy, Coulter, and oth er,; containing one hundred and twelve acres of choke laud. with two good dwelling hooves and other improve ments. The above is a very desirable farm, and fn a short time Till tte in dose proximity to the city by the Conocoarsine Rai !road. • Trunn—Gne-fourth cash; balance In three qua! pay manta at 0,12 and 18 montha, with interim. nova P. Id. DAVIS, Auctioneer. PSALIS.—On, Monday ntornln&Povember 12th, 1 - at 10 o'clock, at the residence of Divid M. Rarbour.cri ttaelett's Farm, In Root Township, About, two from Alleghmitity, or' the Bat her'eltun new ?leak R e ad, will be sold-1 valuable Draught Roues; 1 Dna Ball: 12 excel lent Mitch Cows; 10 stacks Way ; " y stacks Oats; 7 wires pilau Corn ; le y scree Corn Poddas In shook; theirs Poll. toe,; Rye and Oat Straw: 2 tWohorse Farm Wager's; I Milk Wagon ; Harness; Plows; Harrow"; Sled; Rolla; 2 cedar Churns, luau mounted; a gene al assortment of Dairy Utensils; laroWittle, With' forgers grate, and a number of Othar vdeles. Termaariala. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. T ARDILICR WARM AT EAST LIDAISRTY AT AUCTION .1.4 — On Wednesday sweater, November 21, at 7 o'cicok, at the hiercbante Fax/bulge. Fourth street, will be sold, by order of Thomas Mellon, Req., Trustee of General Lartmer, that floe Farm In Collins township. near the East Liberty Station of Pennkylvan a Railroad. It he, been subdivided into lots of from five to thirteen acres. affording some of the most beautiful country, sites now offered for sale. Plana can be obtained at the Auction Rams. Terms—Onetearth cosh; balance in three equal semi annual papnente, with interest. rune P. M. DAVIS. Ann oneer. SUPERIOR BRICK DWELLING, Manufacturing Bum, and Building Lots in Birmingham, at Auction —On Thursday evening, November 16th, at 7 o'clock, at the Menshanue Exchange, Fourth street, Plttaburgh, will be sold—Late Nos. 61 and 63, at the corner of Carson and Oli ver streets, having a front of 64 feet 8 inches on Carson street, msi extending back along Oliver street 100 feet to Chestnut alley ; on which is erected a very superior new three- tory brick darellleg, with exterudve back buildings, with elate roof and' best modern improvements. Alan, that large and valuable Manufacturing Lot, having a front or 91 feet on Water street extending back along 61'Kee street 290 feet to Bingham street, on which it has a front of 93 feet. Alen, Manufacturing Lot adjoining the above, baring a front of 48 feet on Water street, extending back along Form dry Lot or Bollmane 8 Garrison, 390 feet to Bingham at. Also, Lots Noe 131 and 132 having each a front of 24 feet on Carson street, between Gregg and Joseph streets, ex tending back 100 feet to Walnut alley. Also, Late Nos. 209, 210, 214, 216, 216, 717, 218 and 219, having each a front of 28 feet on Washington street, ex tending back 100 feet to Pumice alley, being between and Craig streets, near the glees works of C. Ihmsen, Bad. Also, several other Lots in different desirable locations In this flocuiebing Borough. r iums _w ie fourth nigh; remainder in taro years, with interest, payable Beni -annually. Title indisputable. Plans can be even, and further information given, by calling at the Auction Booms. Pehata DI . tigDß.. BROWN, No. 41 Diamond Alley, de- rotes his entire attention to an office practice. :el_ His business Is mostly confined to Private ', Finffeal Diseases, and arch painful affections, " brought on byredcaps, youthful indulgence and enema. Byphilis, 13 tic Itraptions,flonnrrhea,Oleet, Stricture, - tethral D lmpurity of the Blood, with all Dim* talaf the Venereal Organ. Skin Diseases. Scorbatic Drup. dons, Tette?, Ringworm. Mercurial Diseases,Seminal Weakness, Impotency, Piles, Rheumatism, Pantle Weak. :mess, Monthly Suppression, Diseases of the Joints, Fistula in AnO, Nervous Affections, Pains In the Back and Loins ; Irritation of the Bladder and Kidneys, sumeasfully treated.• Cure guaranteed' . • • - - Twentyyears ' practioe (ten in this city) enables .7:h. Brown touller assuranees of a speedy:care, to all The Maj. . _ come under Menem - . Oftireand TiivideCobsultstini - Rocrms,lll Diatiiimid 8)14.. _t!111. Mantel). ituxhwato. • - titerfedawlY LIOSTWITER, BMW/ /I . CO., hianntactums, 267 Penn et. P. M. DATA Auctioneer. MIME - .._,..,,,, ,, , , ,, ,, - •;.:t.... , ,, , , , c i .... „ ,.. ~,,, ....,..,. ~,,_ . .. ,:.... , ~....._.„ ''''''"'" ....".'...*"•.; ..., ''''' ^-- ',.'.... ~.'" :4" ' '''' . ' • ~,,,,,,,.._.. Cie..l., p -- ' (/'<, ..) ‘,,, :9 , • WEEKLY MONEY ARTICLE. The money market during the put week has been with. out change. The usual demand for rands to move fetward western produce at this season contributes to render the money market rather stringent Three of the city Banks have declared their sembannual dtvtdend, via: Bank of Pittsburgh, 6 per cent; bier chants' and Manufacturers' Bank, 6 per Dent; Ezebange Bank, 4 per cent. The money market In Phila. and New York dill continues excited, commercial paper selling at from 10 to 12 per cent. The general impreeekm, however, in the East, appear, to be that the money panic in England and Prance ought not to be regarded wi h any alarm in this country. It must, we think, eventuate In a vast benefit to the manufaottuing Interests of this country, in which we of this section of country are so much Interested; as the want of banking facilities in England will oblige manufacturers to curtail their operations, and testrlat them in a great measure to home market. There was some activity In the Philadelphia stock mar ket on Tuesday, with somewhat irregular prices, but the closing rates for the leading active stacks, generally show ed an improvement as compared with the closing rates the pgivioue day. Reading, under salmi or 2000 shares, fluc tuated between 40%0)39%, and left off at 89g. Long Island closed at an improvement of %--sales 1400 shares. Par Morris Canal 11A was bid, without sales—an advance of %. A few small lots Pennsylvania railroad changed bands at 41,54. The business In loans was only about $16,. 000, audit a Mullion decline In prices. The London Economist in an article on the oast of the leer, remarks: " To those who doubt the ability of the country to carry on a war at the cost of £80,000,000 or £90,000,000 a year, as long as shall be necessary, we would observe that If iinaland could bear taxation to tbeextent of £72,000,000 in 1816, it would not be too much to say that we could with euttal ease bear taxation now to the extent of £100,000,00e, when we bear in mind the increamd population, wealth, and trade of the country. In 1816 the income assessed to the property tax was .£170,000,000 a year, now, computing It upon the same basis, it cannot be 10118 than £200,000,000. Again, with tespt. r d to the extant to which It is possible to sbarset from the capital of the country, we have had ex perience in tba construction of railways during the last ten years. When, therefore, we speak of our ability to con duct the war, it is obvious that, whether we loot to doing so by mans of taxation or by loans, it is ample" WBEICLY lIEVISW OF PITTSBI7BOH Orrin or rus DAn.r MOANING per, I Friday, November 9, 1860. f The foreign neve Is depressing on the article of Bread. stuffs, and shows; a decline. It hes not yet had time to effect a lowering of the price here, but there are not those wasting to predict a material fall in the article before long. The [allowing are the imports of some of the principal a r ticles this is compared with last week : Nov. 3. Poi, 27 Appl es, barrels ... 1 734 324 Basle r, bu5he15........._4210 2 554 Coffee, :Wks 1.384 Floor, barrels-- .—......12.081 18,414 Hoge, heat. 700 1,445 bierchatell. 4 4 Packairks-------•• 3 333 8,395 Molasses, ba ?ale 312 187 Potatoes, hart %is-- ..... ------ 1,143 960 Pig Metal, toes 1,777 4,687 Rye, bushals--- 32,250 14,616 eager, httde............. 33 69 Sugar, barrels 133 116 • E. 640 717 Wheat, bushels ...... ........ ........ ......47.936 38.900 Dry Goods, packages .------.. 6,9::, 6,939 Groceries, packages--.—.--...---. 1,850 1,767 Powder. kegs-- 1,780 The river has raised so that the Largest ohms of bowts can run, but the rate of freight Le nno.hangui Sere Is the • Tb ClRri nisei—Heavy freights 10mg012,%; Dry Gosd 20. Lommille—Deavy freights 12 1b; Dry Goods 26. SI Li WS —Deny freights n 6410 ; Dry Goode 40. lie/dark—Henry freights 40046: Dry Goods CO. Gale na and 9 aaa2nr. — Han•Y freights 76: Dry Goode $l. Aluhrille—lie,vy freights Zs(o3s;Dry Gads 60 New Orleans—Heavy freights 60; light 4244- ASHES—X. have no chimp, to notioe Bode, which meet, with 'ready sal. of Bi/A1.3.4e for coconion. Pots are not so Orm; sales at 6.4 e, cash, and 5%e, time. Pearls fide Baleratue 6X®ll BUTTER AND KOGB--Holdere Sr. Orm but peace re main unchanged. Common to good parked is worth 13(4, 16e; Inferior roll 15017 e, and choice roil 18340200. Eggs sell readily at le@dbe. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—A rale on Monday of 1200 bLls B KBSWA X—Sales on arrival at 23(4:2b0: and from store at 23402te_. BAoo2llB—Comm^n Ohio, on arrival, fells at 1142,60, and from • tore at 12,76(.3 Prom store, Eastern at $2.60:03,25. BUCKETS AND T l 3ll—flockets from stole $2®2,1254. Lana Tuba, from store, $7,50@158 70 dos.' small do $6 60. CHEIEPII—SaIes are occasionally made at 03,44310, for Western Beams CANDLES--sales of Star during the week at 213a27ii yt A: yipped worth 14(j614)4, and Mould 16.0 144. Soap UNA- P/Slie—We quote at r'Atil44 each and time. 0011.DA011.—The following are the ratas now astahlbhda Manilla Bops toll 17 Ib. Cut. ...... ..13 11 lb, White 14 " 16 " Tarred 13 •• " 14 " Packing Yarn, f1ne...12. " 11 " BID $2,26, $2,3704,10 11 dm do 111 coil 16 cta $1 M. Hemp, 11,31, 2 ,7603.76 la dos. do 11 coil 11 ets $1 Di. PLO Wki 67%c Dm* $1 11 doz. DUTTON YARNS, Ac.—The following are bow the ruling rates: Poona Yw. 6to 10, Inclusive—Wei/ ID No. lA__ 13 - "1 " 18___ 14 .22 " " 16 - " " ..... Dow w. No. 600 9 p D No.lloo. _7 lit lb 7 " 700 7 1 1 " I " 1000 .... ...... -7 " Carpet Chain: whits 194421, colored 2.3024 . Cowerlet Yam, 224@1.25. Candlewick, la. Twine, B Betting, No. 1, la. No. d 12; gamily Batting, lg. Cau !king 16. CRACKERS-The following are manufacturer prices: Water Creckers, p bbl ..... . ............. -........... Butter do ...-.._ ..... ....... ...__._ .... 6.76 Pilot tirrad do ................. 6,75 Sugar L Sala .lo Boston du do Pic-N in do do 9 " DRIED FRUIT-New Peachae era beghuain g to 11111.0 hot not In large quantities. The ruling quota' don le $1,26 ft bushel. Apples $1 do. WISH-The nominal quotations are Clad '3 Idte Fish $9.50 per bbl; half bble do $5,09, large No. .5 Mackerel $9,60; medium No Xi 5 0 . 5 0. FLOUR-Prices close slightly higher then at the begin. fling or the week. The 1 , 1111.2 bare not been h eery, nor have the receipts been equal to last week.. We al mend the salmi, as reported on 'Change Friday-tie bbla and extra item wharf and raffle •t $8,35@8,76 fihrweday DLL auperthie and extra from wharf at 5 8 8.65. .Mor.dav-190 bble extra from wharf and store at $1,75.1$ 8.87. hiresday-4.31 bble supertMeand extra at $3,61, 18,82, $8.76 and 98.80 Wednesday-761 bids superfine en d extra aft,7s, 98.87 'Lodge. Thursday-109 bbla extra at $9,30 @8„76 GRAIN-Wheat-Only three gales of Wheat bn a been reported, els: On Saturday ROO hos Tetinealwe from wharf at $l,BO, and on Thursday 1000 sacks Tennessee red at 11,87, to anise; also, NO bus do do do at $1,136, to arrive. Own ...Same few tales to the ear at wharf at 46. Rye... The range darlog the, week was tram 17S§ to 90-elating a t SO. The Bales were large. Oats Deng from 31 to 33. 06.00:1111, 1 / 6 13-fteles to the city trade of Hagar at 7A418; to the country from Bto 8 hew Orleans Molasses, - od Ir., I. selling at 43 rents per gallon. Thle is the only quality of which males are reporteL HAY-At scales sells for $14a.18. HIDZS-Dry are held at 16c In the regular way; Cretin Beef Hideo mall at tN. HOPS-Wes from store at 23;f40. IRON AND NKILS-Salea of common paddled bar at We, and in nail. 10d. and upwards at 8 3a55 4 c. Louisan Iron 4X. The MILLI are all la salve operation and the do mind l. good. - . LARD—We note tales of mall lots No. 1 at 1234@18 mot& LBATRETt—The store rates are: Red apanlith Sole, per lb, 20024; slaughter Sole, Upper heather, per .. 3 / 4 @igri; Bridle do. do. do.g3nl4ll; Oonotry Bch'la. .. owl; Skirting Leather, per lb, 28630 cents. L A PIPE—The fbiloaring to the List of pricer, ma rt. ported by .1. W. Butler * Hydrant pipe, ,11c ..... -..:keL (q...‘e Sii !b. do to Untie/ants-0 " Aqueduct, by reel net. 9 1 4 do to tranalents.-...9 " A quednet, by f00t....._.. N ineh....--....-6 VI foot_ do inch ...-- ..... .7 do inch ...._.......9 " do 4 inch 11 " do elnch...-... 17 " Sheet Lead .......... ----net ........ -........ eryi , 4 do to transients.- 9 MST4I.B-01; Tuesday there were sales of 900 and /76 plga m at 75i, Interest added. A lot of I. C. tin la reported at to/ . MitBB PORK—There pre no operations reported of an moment, A small sale Is oemsionalb made at $2O, which is the ruling firma POTATORS—Prom wharf and depot, 30e for Reds and 400 for Neshemlock& PIG hißrAL—The only transaction was a small sale or Juniata Blooms, on Tuesday, at $7O, six month'. BALT—There wete on Thursday Wes of 600 bbl, No. 1 at $1,62; also 70 bble extra at $1,75. BREDB—Flaxseed 10 firmer and selling at $1,6601,68. EMIL —Spring /Reel, Pitts burgh manufacture, 6%0 VA; Pion do, 7ein4; steel plough wings, 8; do, rut to Rattan. 8@l034; A B steel, from rolled Iron, 5%; trona hammered do, 64'• Roe steel, 734; Pork do, ; Bhovel do, 8 ; steel dandy tire, 7: Rliptle 81Prings, 10%; seat do, 13414; Culti vator teeth, 13.X.5, 82@.36 do, 18X53, 504:4)55 II tooth. TALLOW--Salee of several small lots were reported at 1034@ille. WHITE LEAD—Is firm, with a very active demand, and steady sales at $2,60'8 keg, for pure in oil, and dry Sc WHISKY—BaIes of raw are made at 36 and Rectified at Lk TELEGRAPH MAREETI. New Yoax. November 8.--Stocks advancing; Erie Rail road 46 ; Canton Co. 20,k6; Cleveland and Toledo 66; Reul ing 83 1 4' ; Illinois Central 943:; Galena and Chicago 117. Cotton dull; sales 800 bales. Flour declined ; gales 7000 bble at $B,Bl f r straiebt Ftate, and $9,31 for p'W Ohio. Wheat quiets Wee 80,000 bus. Corn firm; sales 67,000 bus Western. Pork firm; tales 600 bbls. Whisky droop ing; sales 800 bble at 40% . Sugar arm ; sales 600 hbdr. Molasses quiet ; sales 150 bbLe at 37. Line, ed and Lard Oils quiet. Iron declining; sales 60 tons Scotch pig at 84. Tobaoeo firM; sales 60 hhds at SOIL Irehrb's on Cotton to Liverpool lower; Flour to Liverpool 2e 6d: Grain Punanxtrine, November B.—The Asia's advises have flattened the market for all descriptions of Breadstuff', and there Is bat little disposition to operate unless at a ColleeE aion upon rates demanded yesterday. Flour to exceedingly quiet, and shipping brands are freely offered at $9,50, with out buyer", except to a small way for home consumption, and better brands and extra at $9,02 1 / oslo. The demand for Wheat Is quite limited, and crime lull 6 to 100 lower; choice Penna. white at02,20@2,26, which are extreme rates; prime red held atV,lO; 300 bus nr4l sold at $2. In Groceries sod Provisions but little doing, and prices tin. ML Whisky firm; in bble 41@;,41 for Reston, and. Ihr prison. . Oneriturert, November B.—Flour is considerably lower; sales= bbls at $7,30, which te the outside rate. In Grain nothing done. Whisky Sales 600 bbls st 82%®82%. Su. gar better ; gales 40 Wide good Mr at 7@7y. Coffee—Bales p. bags fair and good Rio at 11.",giL2. Listrinomi, November B.—Flour bas declined 1236,cents, cad Wheat from 4to 6 cents. Corn imehanged. Writing Olostmee...Deilni Claillego . . riT144:17 t: :6 r. • :O• :..r. *: e 'r ' , . • l•ii0 EIMBLIAMENT IN Tim WEST has the .in. For Fa,defang Washboards to Walla. . lacil/Iltss Sas teaching ell the branches of this art. PATENTED JUNE 6, 1866. WILLIAMS' skill as a Business and an Ornamental NO O , DOD BUILDING should be Dabbed without using Penman Is unrivalled. Gentlemen and lady tear-here in. three Pasterdriga. strutted In all the ornamental branehes of the art. Ladies MOSES V. EATON, Agent for Patentee, taught In a separate apartment. A class of Lady Teachers, 80 Pomth street, Pittsburgh. Ikul young ladies who are engaged In ether studies durb4 ,11.4. y to toUovbseArclOort4-AprnakA , l .-1... W. 4r+r -.or ::, , ZZ,...'''.4 .- -4-4.. .. , ,- ,-- I ` , " -, •.'• -. ••'- ''' - ."-- ^ -'" .. -- e " ''''''' ' e" ''' ; ''' • t . , 5 • •• j.; 4, 4, f'5.551L" kt t'ss • ' -~~~ `. ,~ • • .Tha!l=FitUc November 9, 1855 lieWitalkr j_Ektrultis y Partatett for vinteidang, arion& WWI 13kaltiaptatlire - Tba our and splendhl strum CONVOY, o>7ll Woo, Jr., Muter, E. Diriautia, Clerk, lil lean lot the above and Intermediate ports erery Tuesday, at 4 aelner. P. M., Toodtirely. Por freight, or passau * oply an burd to 1723 U. M. EtAkTON, or C. BAttlk}Ml, Agents. For St. Loofa. The neer steamer BURNAM:IO, Captain p lait. faun; Clerk. C. U. Wrtuas; .111 leer. r the above and intermediate ports, MON LAY, November 11111, at 10 o'ckek A M. for freight or passage spit: on - board, cr to no.P FLACK 1a UXINGSTON, Agents. gam .25 4. The regular Sunday packet, BUCKEYE nets, captain Bakithoovra ; Clerk, Wu Mau; will leave for the above and hautraa, dime porta an aUNDAY, 11th last, at 10 A. H. Por freight or plump apply on board, or to nn“ , FLOAtit‘ & LIV/NGEITON, Agent.. IPor St. Louts. !MEI The steamer (MEAT WEST, Captain S. M'COl.lO2OO ; Clem, A. ArEati t ; will leave for the shore and Intermediate porta on SATUIt. , November 10th, at 10 A. M. For freight or paaaage apply on board, or to nov2 I.IV I t. GSTON a FLACK, Agen ts. For IN aahvil le . The steamer CLIFTON, Captain JAIUM Pot; erk, id'Carfcs: will tears far the above and iliarlittermedtate ports on SATURDAY, Novem• ber 10th, at 10 A. Al. For freight or passage a, For Louisville. The steamer JAMES PARK, Captain Rowe. Lisa, .111 leave for the above and Mien.- late ports on SATURDAY, November 10th, at 4 P. Par fralett or plumage apply on board, or to trot 9 C. BARNES, Adent. For Zanesville. The fine steamer MuNuNGARBLA BALLS, ptain Jens LTOM, win leave for the above and intermediate porn on YAIDAY, Novena bee 9, at 10 A. M. tor freight or peerage apply on board, or to nove 0. BARNES, Agent. roe C Ina inn atk The regular packet PiTTSBUIIGH, Captain JA aki O'Ntn., Jr.; Clerk, A. Biala t Will leave r tits above, and intermediate porta on BAT• LUIDA Y, November 10th, at 10 A. M. .Yor frklght or passage apply on board, or to nov3 YLACK A LIVINGSTON, Agents. • For fttamptsla and al 4aesr 15rleanst Ttts tine new steamer lOWA, ()amain W. A. !Loss; Clerk, D. Moons; will-leare far du) stare and intermediate ports on TIIII.III3DAY, 10 2 445, at In skim& A. M. noso FLACK & DAILN.SB, Agents. For freight or wasp apply on board. Loose The otraurtor OUIOAOO, Captain 0. L R&M ex. .W kayo for the atova and intermediate .? port on FRIDAY, 9th tart, at 4P. 4L 'or • • t trpwm•pply coa •bohed, or to noel VINGEIVN & MAIM, Airento. The steamer J. 8. PRINGLE, Captain Wm. idgiaToon ; Clerk, Jona Pi n nasin; leave for the abora and Interco ...Rate parte qn A 'November, 9.11, at 10 A. 11. Po i rplext or passage apply on board, or to II &FORA & FLACK, A: nts. For SG Louts. The steamer DINENDIILI, Captain Jorn L tunas; Clerk, R. Slums, will leave for the ore lriterinedlate Porte on BATCH. DAY, 10th lag ,iat and 11. For freight or pnts* apply on board, or to nova C OO WOOD BARNES., Agent& For Mew Orleans. tThe steamer WASHINGTON CITY, Capt W. Elmer/ ; Clerk, S. PaPPEID; w 11l leave for he above and Intermelk te porta on BAT• lISDAY, November lOth, at l o'clock For height or passage apply on board, or to nova JOHN PLACH,Agent The steamer GIIANITIC BTAI E, Capt. M. FonD; Clark, LW=• will leave Ihr the above latelZitedlete ports on FRIDAY, Novem. Der 9th, at 10 A. For freight or peartigoa,pply on board, or to nov6 FLAWS., BAKNEB & LIVINGSTON, Agents. .For ettoogkqe4l. The atettMarAS ALLNOGENV, Captain L N. LOOtiv.; Clerk, Ones. cur; will leave for the bole and totemsGlate ports on TONSDAY, November 13th, at 10 A..kr. For freight or paasaga apply =hoard, or to novb .flack); B LIVINGSTON, Agents. Di EVA FIA•NTS A.ND BIACHANIOS , Mutual' Insurance Company, No. 80 littinut greet, second door from Yburth, PIIILADBLYItIA. Authorised 0ap.t1a1.....-- Capital paid in.-.......—.... Chartered by the Legislature of Penn's, April 2, 1843. rruns COMPANY is now prepared to Mane Policies In I Fire, Marine, Inland, Navigation and Railroad risks, at the current rates of premium; and having the security of a cash capital, it also affords the Insured an annual par ticipation in the ,troate, without any liability whatever. DIRECTORS. Henry L Ste venson, Stephen Toram, John W. TiMad, John Al. Guntmey, David B. Taylor, Alexander Murphy, Thomas D. Smith, H. IL Richardson, William F. Boone, John N. Genin, N..Y Y. William Morris, Jas. W. Weston, N. Y. HENRY L. STEVENSON, President H. H. 11.10H611.140r4 Secretary. THOS. J. HUNTER, Agent, oda No, 90 Water at, between Wood and Market. Direct from the Staffordshire Potteries.' A LATE AII.I3IVAL OP QUEENS WARE. AT THE OLD STAND OF HENRY RIGBY, No. 122 Mod street, AV:burgh. THU assortment embraces mote NEW and ' MOM VELEZ et Vnatb Breakfast, Dining and Toilet Bets, of ,brilliatit 'whiteness, from one of the first 'unutufsettlrent&less& Also. A r ltrifinl Blue and Whllo Iron Stone Ware* fOr Delete, and a eery etteral and Cope rior varlet* of all'artEles of Man GLASe, and other war ea adapted to the wanteof city-and country trade; all of which will tadliposed erlOw‘prices. nog •."" C , . • J 6 Flf FOR Rift Ell JIM A. Taw 'Uri:lL—Last evening at dUsitAttere : were 8 feet 8 inches water, by the pier mark, and thing aldwly. hunt the bent latbrmation we could gather we havino doubt but there will be more water from the rain on Wednesday and Wednesday night. Two pair of ooaLboata floated past the city yesterday. The tow-tugs are alsomaklng preparations to leave today—there are ten now ready, and win take out on an average 40,000 bushels of coal, which will 1a enough to supply the market below for some time to come. Tam steamer " Diurnal," Capt. LI A. Eihoala r la the regular Wheeling packet thin morning; she leaves o'lo o'clock. T/31 regular Ointlar.atl packet "Pittabur&h," Capt. Jae . O'Neal, will lean hereafter on Saturday, and not }friday, as heretofore. TIM steamer "Granite State" will leave this morning at 9 o'clock for Bt. Louis. Three taking passage on her should be on board early, as she is now loaded and will positively leave at the hour advertised. Tom steamer" Chicago," Capt. C.L. Brennan, is the regu lar packet for Louisville to-day; she leaves this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Those doing business in or traveling to the Palle City, the " Chicago " is the boat for their selection. Tam !steamer "J. & Pringle " is now loading, and will leave today for St. Louis. Her capacities for 'passengers, both cabin and deck, are equal to any other steamer running be• tween this city and Bt. Louis. MB steamer "Great West" arrived yesterday, from St. Lords; amongst her frieght were 1428 Able of Solar for the eastern market, besides she dieehargedlBlB ibis of flour at Wheeling. She will leave again on Saturday for St. Lona Carr. B. B. PowOn's new steamer, the Rho:tango," b now at tho wharf, destined for 13t. Louis. The enrionat who wish to tee a well. finished steamboat stated for the Ohio and ilissisaippl rivers, should call on board. There is alto a splendid painting fn the lady's, shin reptVaext.ting Old heave; with a frill view of Hewer Shoals. She is Adver tised to leave on Monday next. Deoweavitta has already achieved an enviable reputation In the boat building line, and the akUl of her msclutuics bid fair to extend it. The new steamer " Defendor,e front the above named place, reached our wharf stew days since, and will leave for Bt. Louis on Saturday morning. The hull of the " Defender" measures 155 feet ort clock; beam 40 feet ; depth of hold 0 feet. Engines built by Snow . den k Bona—which le a superior piece of ,workmaaahlp; two cylinders 22 inches In diameter with* 5 foot stroke/ Three boilers 25 feet In length and 40 Indies In diameter: The cabin is a very neat after, and the paintings remarka bly well executed, which were done by Moles * Dugan. The " Defender " L commended by Capt. John L. fthodts, an agreeable gentleman and an old boatman. Dick Evans to d. rk, and with his pleasant words and Smiting counte nance will welcome all who may patronize the "Daondar.' PORT OF PITTSBURGH. 0 rim? 0 umuts wivu vi THIS CIWSIIIII. DEEM Steamer Jefferson, Woodward, Brownsville. Luserrne, Bennett,llrownsville. 001. Bayard, Peebles, Blisebeth. Ronan, lienderickeon, West Newton. " equine, Dickson, West Newton. " Michigan No 2, Henn, Wellsville. " Gen. Latimer, -, Rochester. " Diurnal, Shoals, Vi " Clara Fisher, Gordon, EitenbenvElle. " Clifton, Poe, St Louts. " Great West, APOnlbnagb, 8l 4,onb. DEPARTBD. Steamer Jetieradn, Wood - viard, * Brownsville. Luzern., Bennett, Brownsville. " Col. Bayard, Peebles, Illludoth. " Mien, Rendarickson, West Newton " AquiUs, Dickson, West Newton. Mich No. 2, Herat, Wellsville. Goo.-, Rochester. " Venture, Gordon, Steubenville. " Clara Blither Gordon, Steubenville. " Lucie May, Robloam Clomonati. STEAMBOATS. Pittsburgh, Steubenvill tse end Wltareling Packe. lag The PIORNAL, CaptaiCaptainA J . A. 13, 0 , x4 run tb ion SST CITY, 13. Wet, twill es reclaim . DAILi PACKJITS, between Finsbutsb, gt eu b,,,gl e prb„,,,Jvig, stopping at ell Intenneditie ports. The DIURNAL will Isere Pittsburgh on Mondays, MA nanlaya and Prtdaya, at 10 : 0 01ook, A. 11.-12earrning shs w ill l ed ,. w... 0 n" on Tuesdayk,, Thursdays and ban:trays, at 7 54 o'clock, A.M. Its FOREST CITY sin also lease Inttsburgb oneesdays, Tbnredayi and Hatunlsys, at 10 o'cinta, A. M.—urrting, she sill Jesse Wheeling on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri. days, sto'clock, A. M. for fr 4.. ~t or passage apply on board or to . . _ . J. D. COLLLNGWOOD, Agent, No. 15.5 Prtnat street For Clinoinuatt .ply on bawd For Louisville, or Bt. Long. For et. Louts , • . t , ; 7 " kf.t.; ~~~- -- '~ ~_ t .,t .. AIdIItEMENTS. TCL PORTA, sole Lessee M. _L. On Wkt. Hum, Stage edanaor ; Cleanse Fenn, actleg Manager. Treasurer, J. V. Bearers. PRICZS OP ADMITIELON : Bosse and Parquette..,...6oe. I Private Boxes, 1arge......48.00 Second Tier Private Boxes, .0.00 Boxes for mitt 1 tecrroos 26 cents. Jitif- Certificate, seaming mite, l2k, mate extra. 11S.. Benefit of Mies MATILDA HERON! IfiftDAY &VINING, Normans 0, MA, ter performed, for the last time, the popular Trlgic - Play, entitled, CAMILLE, br Li Dame aux Camelia. Camille. Miss Matilda Loma ; Armand, Mr. O. Poster; De Varville, Mcßride; Dnvall, Cunningham; Gaston, Dubois; Nanlnno, Julia M. Cooke. N. B.—ln consequence of the extreme length of the play, no other piece can be performed with It. air Doors open at 14 to 7 ; performance to begin at 73:. MLLE. TE'RESA PAR OBI'S GRAND CONCERT! UNDER WU DIRICEION' 01 nikunioz STRAIKOSOII, The Orate Pianist and Composer. On Prldnp, November 9th, 1855, AT CITY HALL. PROGRAMME. PART I. I. (Nankai Ooncert Stack, by Weber. . 2. " I dreamt that I dwelt la marble balls," from " Rohe. Wan Girt"- .... * IllaEkrme Patti BtrakosrA. 8. 'Val/ mon Pile," ..... Lb; Prophat,"....ll/4. R.rodi A. Grand Aria, from the " Barbfere," by Ravin), Signor Leonard!. a. " Caste Diva," from Bellinre opera, " Norma," ilk Parodi 6. Qnstner, from "I Puritans" by Denial, tran erfbed and performed by 7. Daatte„froni Weber's grand a era, "Der Prayahutir. Mlle. Puma and dada oe Patti #tralosch 8. Kathleen naTontneerif ballad by QepueL, ira tanarfigti Sli'akoach. 9. Tie stiparbdtiettino, "Laid derem la mum," froroillo aart'a chef d'oeuvre, "Don Giovanni," Mild. faro& and Signor Lemont!. 10. " Within a mile of itainberei" Scotch ballad, Madame Patti Atrakeseh. 11. Aria from Lucia di Linaamonoor....—Signor Lconardt. J 2. EMMILIVB Drumm...ma VAILLVIIMM, DIOHAVAIIRA ? sung ....................Mlle. Them Perreds 12; The Nightingale, a woodland mane, composed and per. formedSfrakosch. 14. A brilliant now &Milo called "Love's Approach," composed by Wm, V. Wallace. saw by Perrodi and Madame Entft Stralosch. no *fend Piano need on [big =melon la Of MMUS A Clark'a make, kindly tarnished by IL Metier k Brother. vs. Admission, uno Dollar. Dawn open at 7: to com mence at .8 o'clock. Principal ticket office at H. KLEBER & BROTHER'S Mamie Store* where seats may be procured In advance - with out atly °WS charge. neei) EXAAJESION TO NEW YORK OITY NEW YORK CITY AGES the eptotator over idx piles through the streets j_ of New York city, faithfully showing the 8UE036.53, num' and OuNITSION of city life. He has a view of over wen hundred Horsed and Carriages, and upwards of MON THOUSAND OF ITS PEOPLE 4 MMiliaiMME=l At each ex.hl. Rion nnExplanatory Lecture will be given by Mr. Doer, one of the proprietors, or Albert Norton, or It M. Spaulding. giving much valuable knowledge of NEW YORK AND ITE PEOPLE, Of great importance to a stranger, and of general and In structive intormation to everybody. Will exhibit at Eitte. burgh, in Dlasorille Hall, THURSDAY EVENIMI, November 1, at 7S, o'clock, and each evening to November 14, Inclusive_ Mel, each Wesineeday and raturday own, from November 1 to November 14, at 3 o'clock. Alir Admission, 26 dente; children 16 cents. Parties of flee person', $l. nova:tin% JOHN W. M'CARPHY, Bill Poster and "Distributor, sa-mr.r.tt.nd to the Posting and Distributing of 41 kinds of RILLS FOR CONCERTS. LECTURES, EXIIIIIITIONS, &c All rommunicationr—either by mail, telegraph, or other wise—directed to the office of the Morning Post, will re odes prompt attention. ap7 SPECIAL NOTICES. Prresamion, November 6, 1666„ frHE President and Directors of the WEBTiCHN .1.21811- I BANC& OthIiPANY have this day declared a dividend of /Oa DOLLAIL9 rya mum on the capital stock, payable to stockholders on or after the 16th inst. no, 8 F. M. GORDON, Secretary. Prmsal.llloH, NoTemtsar 6, 1gf..5. rrTZB EXCHANGE BANK Or PITTSBURGH has this jA s ; denlare4 a dividend of POOH eon COM on the pirsdta out of the profits of the Last six months. Th e ojcejthoOßPS or their legal representatives will 4e attar attar the !Oth lnat. g,s m Pi B. MUELtAY, novTodav2, Cashier.. Tr..,actor. of e nn • - PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE aIPANY OF PlITL .1511 "R" b*ve 1118 dB, &dared a Semivinunal Dividend 0,.. Hit PER " NT - payable to the stsekholdera, or their legal re. .pre.ntativeti, on Satanlay, December lat. 1855. A. ,A. CARRIES., Secretary. November 6th, ltr.s. [nov7:lm _ ___ B„K Ol PlcresonOn. hate ,hi. Aber 8 ,1886 j Nosea, t riling President and Directors cf this Dania ` Le ' I declared a dividend of viva Pea ester, on the ca p ital d atock for the last six months, payable to rock!. olers, or their legal zepreeentatives, on cr after the 18th Ina. ' uov; atawst roux BNYDISH, W n InstiranCo company, Pittsburgh, November let, ISA& AN N ELECTION tar Thirteen Directors cftbi, Comp4ny, to serve for the ensuing year, mill be held at the airy of the Company, on TUESDAY, the lath hut., between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. At. notNidtd • " •Y. M. GORDON, Pecretary. Eureka laainsanows Company. A N ELECTION for lhirteen Directors, to sown for U e /1 ensuing year, will be held at the office of the Com. Nosy, on 'TUESDAY, the 13th day of November next, be t green the hours of 10 and 13 o'clock A. M. nor irdid R.. PINNET, Sem.Miry. Dank of Pittsburgh, t October 19,1845. A N ELECTION fa Thirteen Directors of this Rank, for Ti the coming year, will is holden at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 19th day of November next, be tween the hear k IL and 3 P. M. Abo, • genereng of the Stockholders of the Bank of Pittsburgh will be holden on TUESDAY, the 6th day of Nowamber next, at the Baoldng Home, in accordance with the proneintes of the charter. °nig:tiles/elm JOHN SNYDER, Cashier. illeentstales' Bank. Pittsburgh, On. 18, 1895.) AN ELECTION for Thirteen Ilireetere, to Irene for the ensuing year, will be held at the liechankss' Bank of Pittsburgh, on the third Monday of Normsber next, at the Bs Slug HCNIE4 on Peurth street, to:wean the honte of 9 6. rd. and 3 P. ht Mao, • general Cleft tug of the Stockholders wi3 be held on theft's! 1 'lmlay gt November, at the Faille place, at the hoar of 10 o'clock A. .51. GEO. D. 110011.1/19, cetlft Caehler. Flacuanta Kama or Frrrautusast, Angina SI, AIMS. NHS STOCKHOLDERS of the Sischanics Sank of Puts - ,1 - burgh are hereby notified that the third haste. men t c t $12,40 per 'there will Leduc en the lath ot October prlttmo, end the laurth and last instalment of F 12,10 per share on the 20th fl..•ember following, payable at the Banking Hones, on Fourth street, es per resolution of the ward t,f Directors. l sepll OEO. D IteGREW, airLirr. Merchants and Illanntainurars. Dank, t Pittebargb, October 10, A N ELECTION for Thirteen D.rectore of this Bank wit! It be bald at the 'tanking House, on MONDAY, the 10th day of November next. ort2o;dlm W. N. DENNY, Camille% Dissolution of Partnership. MILE Partnership formed by the undersigned and 'EYES O'NEAL, in Carrying on *the Camden Oval Works," under the name and style of .14)ZiE8, O'NEAL 11 MILLER, Is non dissolved. ISAAU JONES, July 7th. 1865 JOHN D. MILLER. Orphans , t.ourit Bade — Ol TIIS GREER FARM, DY eh-toots orde, of the Orphan.' Court ot Aueglieny County, the undersifroed, Administritors of the late David Greer, deceased. well execs° to Public Sale, on the premises, on TURADAY, November 13th, at 1 o'clock P.M., that valuable FARM In Plum Township, bounded by the Allegheny river, Plum meek, and lands of Michael Bright, containing about 170 anres. COUNTRY BEAT& The shore Farm will ba subdivided into Lots of Tat to Twenty demi, offering - tin ar,callent oppurtunity to matey who have long wished for • country site embracing so treat advantages In location ably fertility. The Lota are laid out to trout on the Allegheny river and the Allegheny Valley Railroad, by which It is within a few minutes' rile from the city. This property is beautifully situated, commanding splen did views of Allegheny river scenery, and is the moan. de sirable for Country Nome' offered in this cou c ty. Cars will leave at 10 1 A o'clock on day of sole, from Law. renceville, to convey purchasers to the grounds. Plans and further nformatlon can be cbtalned of ED MOND ORELR, No. 184 Water street, or at the Auction Rooms. Tiara—Onelbird cash; residue in one and two yeare, 'with interest. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. rpRE Partnership heretofore existing between the under signed. under the name and style of BPRINGSIIIIAR. HAUG lit A (X)., is dissolved by mut 11,1 consent The buel. nets of the firm will be settled by either of the undersigned, at their old stand, o. 295 Liberty strait. The business will be continued &El formerly by springer Harbaugh. SPRINGER lIA RDA EGLI, ALEX. FORSYTH. Pittsburgh, October 24, 1865. 500,000 .62000190 Springer liarbatigh, CONIMISSION 1511411011 ANT, Dealer iu Wool, Provisions and Produce generally, ho. 295 Liberty street, Pitts burgh, Po. oct24 GARTLEY 6 FOX'S . PATENT FAIN BLOWERS, .Fbr Fbundnes, Rolling Mills, anlth Ara, PASSIM= JULY 17, 1855. THRBE FANS an made on an entirely new principle, and will run with less power than any other Fan now in we. The blowing wheel is much lighter and stronger than that of soy other, and from Its peculiar construction is less liable to get out of order. The shafts are made of cast steel, and the journals are parallel running to gun metal MOBEB B. EATuN, Agent for Manufacturers, No. 80 Fourth et., noel:Miai Pittsburgh. Our Ehderwor it to Please. LOWRIE'S EATING HOUSE, - - - . I% ALL PERSONS fond of GOOD LIVING will please call and judge for themselves. dlwaye on band, the beat of Oysters Meats, Ceftee,, Tea, home made Bread, Pies, bustards, warm Corn Bread, Mush and Milk. Fried Mush, Waffles, Buck wheat Cakes, ao. The cooking will be such as will gratify tiehaaredlies sopped with Oysters at reasonable rates. NEWI—A Pocket Aunarten,'Ompasel:4, 0 s metal pielte about the site of a twenty dolhti gait; coin: films iiroHAttree, one haring the numbers of tWer. month in parallel columns, ie rotary, and is fastened by e centre pin to the permanent face, on which le lettered the days of the week. A small projection in the rotary face allows It to be turned by the thumb nail till the date of the month correeponds with the day of the week, and three • 4 1 / 2 - , ... .~~ - ~ :...tom ._(``~ n - Pia? IL BULLARD'S PANORAMA BD!dOND OREEll,,L Administritora. L SOPHIA (MEH P. lif. DA q, Aucttonfer. 108 WOOD STREET MEDICAL Air Effects:Li:4o find Scsr:glin!sl Opernittons Bee,, If la &atilt lag for tin to Le libioo6o2l ' ooilColo the public that, the utility of BALM' PATENT EYE ' OBPB . IS ass t}orett went,—their wonderful' effects are coming dilly to the knoWledge of the proprietors. Btrenge as it may teem, It is true, that Bpectee l es may be dispensed with enthelS , and eight reamed to Its original power. These cups are althple, yet philosoptticaL They are used without palo or theleast danger of injury. Below will be found several o:rdelcatm which speak highly In their favor: (Strom the New York Evangelist...l A rim' simp's vet philosophical Instru ment, hat been Invented by J. Ball di 00.. of this city, by the application of which the cornea of the eye is gradually raised to list:alai nal convexity causing the Lam VI impinge on the mina without the aid of convex lenses. Thee by arrea . y proctos persons who have used glasses yea: e ate *enabled - to dispense with then. The editor of the 'Pennirilvsnis Demount writethg,.(ol lows, respecting the lure of tytra . Onrstend Uniditerten. Pensurylvatile: • UzionrrOww, Pa..,1, galit Reins well acquainted with Urn Chireteitt,T. kw* tha before ahe U. ed "'Bali's Patent HieOuper it was. Igapowl ble for her to read without the use of apectaclea, end"tha hoteight lure been raitored by the niolheCapa,.ao,lll she now ?coda print with her naked Cue without 4111101111,7 'Joni( Y. 81=10441X ; ND&.l),euitc.':rat. , Brinmenrawat; Janet igk. Dear Sir—llaving r loetbi , eight by- old , age, ',Wm'. In duced to purchase pule! wonderlulluktrimienta r and by tieing the came accent,* to your areetions. Teacceeded, In metering my eight nO, that can rend 'with out 'pentacles. I Have not .dsell myepeotsclee fakkr.Blast three or four months, which 'shrive that' the - riestontraii net a temporary one, brit a valuable "and permanent_ cure. -M-f4AILLI Of the firm of Snell/ larintiefi,"Fiekdale,-/fett . , fib. By remitting Ave dollarEtrEtPdr will be - Ecuti Post paid, with directione, to aty . pere dle t te coOniTy744. dr pu. GEO. It • AEYB fig; catiiek.pri Stiedriting .V 404 alfeh " AtAbUight PS. Boo9ihir Odliiurtettat tat PitiktaarierNeigrifillimitWe orIesoe—IfEGETABLE CATTLE POWDER.—Thtow - Pius dersAriv t upin one poind packs, and are - really iiip l d article, not, only for ttie dlseaseaincident to lunuari.antri , swine, and other animals, bat they are lent article ta improve the conditionof the animal - • /iiich (beat, they not only Improve the cOnditlorrof mil& cows, but they increase the quantity as well as Irre prove the quality of milkand butter. The preptletcps:Say that it Increases The qiuu3tßyof butter from hall a pound to a pound a week to each cow, while those periondirio have tried it Say a pound and a half to two pepti - daPer week, with the same kind cf feeding as before. Of one thing wedire cattalo, all who use It once will uselfrdf the lime, and save money by the operation se wall as huttove the appearance of ;heft itock. Price 25 eta. ri;Paper p6.pe pars far AL Ono. H. WEEPER, Corner Wood sheet and 'Virgin allay, ' ` octl2 Wholeaald and Retail Agent &Er Cough flontedies. r. limner's Pectoral By rup will cure you. Dr. Keyreec PeotoralSyrup will curs Bronchitis. Dr.lleyeer's Pectoral Syrup will cure Laryngitic. Dr.lieyeer's Pectonallyrup wilt cure Influenza. Dr..Heyeer's Pectoral Syrup will core a cold in the head: Dr. lleysor'e Pectoral Syrup will cure Incipient Con. compact'. A recant letter from Mr. J. W. Vesta, of Rokeby, Ohio, says: "I want yort to send me two bottles of your Pectoral Syrup by mall. There is a lady here who has a cough and the doctora.can't cure her. I was in the same way, and tried everything without bentiAt, teaks bottle of your Pectoral Syrup ; I took It but twice , and it cured me sound and well. ear for Dr. Extern's Protoret. Stave and take no other. Price, co cents. Sold at DR. KNYDDll'd,..lio, /40 Wood street, and at J. P.'fitilldttill',sl, Allegheny. np2sll.aw ' AS- atierslirs Itioneal Cure - Trims win cure nearly every ease of zedtweable Hernia. Trusses at various prices always on hand. Cid Ldrenili Truss es oftliderentforms and strono for sale. Elastic Stockings for varicose or enlarged veins. Abel/mutat Supporters—Adana different kinds. Pile Propi for the support and cure of Plies. 8 boulder Brasses to relieve a crooked and deformed condition of the Chest, and many diseases of the Chest, Suspension Bandages. All these articles may be had or applied at DieSSY. SEWS Wholesale and Retail TRUSS DEPOT, 140 Wood street, sign of the Golden Mon= ; or will be sent to any part of the country by sending tho money and measure. ap2bstaw tea- A Substitute for tile New Li= Laws—DEL. URBAN'S ANTIASAOCIIANLLIAN X a safe and sure remedy for the cure of INT.EMPEILANOI3. A concentrated vegetable extract, and as a taiga Is une qualled. For the following complaints it is a most valuable medicine : DlesPcpsfa,Liver CM:giant, Zpiley..Veurdkaja, 15.2 a, Aral' of all kinds, ikisritms Tremens GatoolDsbasik... This medicine is intended to produce a change 111 thesys tem, and a distaste for alcoholic drinks. Several instances where we have told It, we have had the mast • g results; so, to persons who are really desirous o breaking oft the indulgence in Intoxicating beverages, thiselisir will be a great help. Sold et SI per bottle at the Drug Stem of DLL OM- U. KEINSIII, No. liO Wood asset,. earner of Virgin Ailey. sign of the Golden Mortar. asi2Ecdew DR. HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERXANBITTERS , PSEPAILBB BY DR. C. M. JACREON, Philadelphia, Pa., .. WU& MIKITOALLT COLS LIVER 00.11PLALVI', DYSPEPSIA JAUNDICE, Chronic or Xermut Debality; Dimazza o the ridneys, and oil &ways arising from a disordered ver or Saluda. Such aeConstip.• tion,Lnw-ard Paw, Fuiness,or Blood to the Mad, Addity of the Stomach, ii . useisilleartbuna, Disgust the Food,: Ituiness or weight in die litanuoitti hour 11,.. tie t a tio na , ;gel or Flattering at the-Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the sad, Hurried cm,DilDettlt nredtiing, fluttering ainuiHeart, Choa a leauttiratitig gmsation when In lying Posture, Dimwits of Vision, DPW of iPsass before the Sight, Waver and VI hap fa late h rd , De:Money of Perspiration _ ' , /lowness of Shalt EYeSi Pain In the Sideßack,AorSudden Amebae of Hear the Fifth, Constant jr,z4n. ino. of Xril,and emit. -Deka-Woe of Spirits. TLe pro r m e tz r ,.th taltirl the attention of tie pttlio te leis ,_ pA t i a boj o i y, doottoo wit o feeling of the ittneost toile dance In IM virtual] a]..^ l &dot Mien to tho tii.ne.ei for w Web it Is recommended. IL L . no only awt aa td eu , article, but one that hakeofat. the test of a Len yeard trial before th e Aincrioun poop e, and its reputation aralsale Joni:rivalled byanyearrdlar pt. • par.tiow, extant . Th. t,iguayaray; In its favor given by the moat prominent and well kritont .Physicians andlnditridn- s . ale, in all .parts of Lhabarintryisambaense. .. , Iteefeterititriny who may doubt, to my . ..IldemmithOiaPoir ?ruction Roc•lri Book, for Farmers and. Families, to,,tb. had gratis, qt all th Agents tot the tlerr...ast Bitters. Principal and Manitractoriiiiii.itratkate l l hils, dolphin, Fa.. Sifr• Sold by Dr. Cleo. li., lieyser,ll4o Wood.: atntat ; B. A Bahneetock A Co., 111n.. , 6 Wood striset; •Flothing Droll:are 60 Wt.:dot:oat; a. 2. SwartaamiJ.".P.iiieraing,Aileghlin9 decaftalluely is OHIO ANO MISSISSIPPI - RAILROAO jiirzt's* • • BROAD - GAvar.,.. THIS SHORTEST, QUBMWST, CUR StREST . AND 0N1,4 ROLIT.E by width Passengers can have all lialirota to St. Loris. Time to St. Louis, 27 hours, from Pittsburgh. The Eh Feet Gauge of this Road accommodates oldircara• —eleven feet inide--eith roomy Boats, unattainable on • narrow gurigo.roads. • By the Ohio and Pennrylvanis Railroad from Pittsburgh to Crestiloe, panengers connect with Railroads for Indian. opolia—connecting there with Terre Beate and Richmond , Railroad Lar_Vincetactes. No change of care at Terra Banta.• Baggage clinked to Indienapolls, thence to Si. Louts. Trains leave Pitteburgh as follows: The Fast Train leaves at 2 A. M. Mail Trail leaves at 8 A. Ai. Express Train leaves at 3 P. AL Passengers make chase connections at Oresliine f r In. dianapolie, and there make close connections with quit , . road for Vincennes, 'without a change Cf tars, and at Tin. names take the Ohlo and Mississippi Railroad direct for St. Louie—through in 21 hours; connecting at Sandorainith. the Illinois Central Railroad for Cairo, where first clam - . Stammers can at all times be bad for Memphis, Vicksburg,: New Orleans, and all points.on the lower AUWasippisiVer.. Passengers can always. And et St. LonKsteamana.for the Upper Miseissippi, Illinois anctAlissoarl rivers. This is one hundred relies the shortest route to St. Louis. risk. To St. Lode via Dallefontaine and Union $lB 80 To " " Columbus, Italia and Dayton 18 30 To " " Columbus], Uhl Sanaa and Lawrence. burg 19 30 Passengers autyllepage ,transferred from .:spot to depot free of charge. • For through tickets or further .loommAtlon please apply to J. G. CURRY, Itsket . Agent, 0. k P. Railroad Company, corner office. Monongahela Howe, Pittetturgh, or- to GEO. PARKIN, Ticket 'Agent, Federal Street Station, Allegheny City. JAMES M. WARD; • Superintendent 0. St M. RailrotaL ' F. KNOW .. .LAND, Passenger Agent,•Pittebargh, Pa. octl9 To Wholesale Grgeers, Llgnor Dilaters and Manufacturers. TIIR SUBSCRIBER le , now importing a superior quality. of OIL OP COGNAC, of 'which "elofrn ounce with 60 gallons pure Spirit will produce a GniCognao Brandy. Ms RSSBNOES OP ROCHELLE and °TARO'S BRANDY; of JAMAICA and SD CROIX RUM, ARAC. CIDER and pgAoil BRANDY, HOLLAND SCHIEDAM SCIINAPPS and SCOTTISH. WHISKY, are acknowledged by the New York mannfacturere by the great demand after them. Di rections for use will invariably be given by Ult. LEWIS PEUOUTWANGER, 141 Maiden Lane, New York. P. B.—lmporter of Daguerreotype Meningitis, Pietism, Biamuth, Idanganeve ; Thorn's Ext. Copeiva, Snip Nate Are onia, &a deerlditf J. B. JOHNS ..... ...E. D. DgNNt JONES & DENNY, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, apl9l 6 1 WATER STREET. lITTSRURGH. Boys sad Youths' Custom Made Bootee. • ALI3RNN, No. 71, corner of Wood and Fourth. la" streets, would invite the attention of families and others to the following named articles, which have been manufactured to his special order, and are—as regards ma - lariats, workmanship, srength and style—as perfect c an be found in any .tablishment, and superior to any he' has heretofore introduced Bop? heavy two soled Winter Boots; Yo tbs. " 411 11, Boys' P. Calf Youth? " lThttds'. , u:Nos. 8, 9 and 10. Also, Hopi and Youtheemperfor two soled Brogans. Children's wafuhlaroccti easo Bootees; Ladles' arid ?dime-Calf, gamer.° and 430 at Boots: .• Qentlexedn'ssatotior water proof French Calf &ctn'? 4 leo, all kinds of seaeonablaßOOTS sad' Bffoinctes4Y. frees ths9tult mould! far!ddesblllty.? ; - ,-, • - _..- -., gifittlerso .. .. .. TN oaDrim-* lin,: While:l3, No. 187 /Erg street, iii: t e ll, , o n opeCNNT tighlicc4bo,pob,lio.th.G thoybove tooth - ; - tint!' a lotiO' itufwily"OrEAliMEAN/LLe; I,EIN WATER, ALE end PORTER; of - thii - Nes" I Oil; Ity. . . . . . The attention of families Is particularly directed to the fact that they bottle WiaI9ERIBT'B ALE in its purest state. Physictens , retxunmenct it to families on account of its wholesome and strengthening quelitiag, loctaely 4,1114Yr 08 , • . 0, :177,. . • .• •Yom. EMI= qt ntc misuze 6`taecvbg._ZbeTkivea Holland Matra—George Hendetion; or Pat&Mg, ale "After sufferinglbr lbreepout4amiqi rbetmisttim—A put of the time so acitrroli as to +MOM noltk_nly_..btliirre been entirely cored by using' Souit unou How Sitters. I have hod one attack since, but ialtdmrst laeea „ hnr ,g st. relief in the same medicine. itis;•in my opthimks Nara NEIWOUS AND lainflfATlC APPECTI* Thla changeable weather is toprodocen eirat deal of Maness.: :4•0 persona troubled with nervous or rhe um aifectioos,. we would recommend ikeirhavele .lionead Bitten 'On referring to our colony:4,lmi wdl `ftriffitertlB. cams from some of our &stemma rad - English. eitizen4" Parary/acmia fiZzalsZeiftung. THE WORST BOHAI OF PILES CAN BB We cue at liberty to refer to several well known gentle. men, who have used, thoroughly tested, and now cocoon. e , end Boerhavefei Holland Bitters as a remedy Am Vise. We an notat liberty to publish their names, but will take pleasure - in referring any person to them who denies this statement. For this affection, one-half of _the prescribed doss should be iakan--isy half teaspoonful,' morning, noon and night, one hour before meals. CAUTION! The great popularity of this delightful Aroma has tn. deiced many imitations, which the public atipuht guard against purchasing. li e not -parec r ded.ro bny anything else milt )on hove given Boernave Rolland Mama - lair ttlal. Qua bottle or ilLoonv Moe you hour Inthately ft is to all theseimltatione. i. Eiold.at $1 per bottle, or six bottles fce tb, hy the sole Proprietors,, BENJADUN PAGE, Ja., 4.10.. - blanufactur Pharmacentisisend Chet:Mats. . corner Smithfield and Third etsy Pittehargh. -LI. R. liELLlthlt h CO.,Drugglite, - •corneior SeeSnd'andiVooditreeht.'; And all Druggists in Pittsburgty Allegheny, Bituninghtun, Manchester and Temiterattentlle. sepOkdasrlf Heart) ikeletered wad Life i.isiewtll4lllll44, or 810R1311 , 8 INVIGORATING RLIXIff. 1 I T will 'replace weArows with Aiianath, Incaperity" lili -I- 'Me*, el, ix : regularity with natforni and liatlualiaor deity', and this not_orily without /learnt of renetittnehnt with a lutpayelfeet on the general organlssUon:. GIT-NeslV In mindihitallvoal .M. wheiroirertheybetair, linieneildi the nerionerryklnn,And that the paralization of therterve 0 1.9 ,0 tIrelandsgAitipli 11l lIIG*III 4, 4 1 .--iP.u4t eullufs „ ~ elm, that for every ichataf - runworat disasaei the Nark Out; dial la the Onlirelleileifiermerenirs'knewn,' - ,;' , 4„, CUE 'OP - NERVints - pllil „..:- ~., , - • language= Convey an adequate Idea of the Inatte f t " -lost tatraeulaue change which It te,naeloruilyi 1 11 4° 481 1 "- t_. " , Ated' and . shattere d nem* Wheari itta.fgeeaad 41.e.Wis.- , - - c at a r a ct , •eat,iiiijji, 'VII, weak by .• whether Iskenpan bra,. --s- • -•— WI byaickner t uie .. i.w_y ; Sad ~.b, , r ia l nftatioi le : Pt'OncrhreeeA, retia4 Brio hats op:,,.2*tgitak plush:at eymptonte of Aerstoitee,y4ulaki togetria , 9s7 . der Iteinlinenea.4blorla the eSeettimpoinry I Fir hieto24-, gibirtavinvuel . Orptictoffleinetdch tt.tqpuatitilti4l444.: 64 restore to . it7lp.Orksa w/hdithiii. -- 080 "QY ,14RitOP.P, clonfoilicra, glddlners, matt of blood to the beadPilinlainr' ohollfdelAlityi hyinntia, wretelledneerwelf aestractlon—Gar of insanity, dywfwprlcirilerli non; lerfintibity, terionannes, it:mining to Aleep; - 4lhrearar: incident , .1:0 redo, decay if the ProPermtintliatlailtAill la, monomania, watttatarrota, rialpltatiolfrefAeltrilit 4 F Z tepc Yr t 11t1 = rVta Wrerri st_tgl,4ir.c..ed. _ra, taatt twiny, absolutelyhtfinnao.. _,,. - , fs , r ,- ~,, ~_ „_„„ .! APPAL Mille= Tgla .PpmALia,,, ..L. ..,, i _Mb 411, 1 4 rallefixrellects of thli'great 'restorative In elk ~ weataiintalatidiratterfairialesonatk a new era in the Wade. of itata. Thinveareloof atimuLantshowaboonitre!mt4—•:- tteMesitatalif invigorante 'concocted . .a.ll putOo• nice : to bicz ameba:tin the Tabus ytteataaw and deramrentratte . tole/doh ' toe deileate formation of Wculen'render Ler liable. NVIZEIV WOMAN OP B.V.NRR, Who antress:fnuct. wlealacen, derangement, nerrointicasi tremors, pains In the book, or any other dlenfiler, Whither penller WWI aer,hi , obnunon to both seise—to Aye thy invigorating Oorrtial a trial. --, , , . ,- ,; , •... MARRISJ) PPOPONS, , ~: , . • . Orothens, will flotilla Cordial aftevlbei have Gird whist. , t: tie or two,n thorough regenerator of the system. !nail cilreetloneare lt, be found the happy.assents of IlelktlbY.,or'' epo.nt,'whe'reotildhot hate bearcao but ferthiltl,Z, 4ftrippiptistion, Audit hi siltrally - tatatit for the xerintdlet:.;) awe for "whirl . it la reitommended. Tronosp4l4 or yorroi, „ - lAan havo biftineadvrid bilzßitglt, end pot • , a r alitglaltt• Astance Milt fallatc• benefit Ulna. 1 -, ' • ~I GIREONS' OP PALO clomp-um. • ~ - Wir csakenuottirihabits are 'restorer/1T thanes of ihottleoi tiro total:v=6nd almrriAlantring the skin 'Gem e try!, Lila aiokly =IA to:there:Ma florid complexion, ' • '- . These 'rewire of the sad and melanebelyernsttocW” tedig-sarly , habitv _ of_youthi.visi - *-- of yont weekwes o back end lunbs, paints in the head; dlmnese ofeigliti lose am*. cater. power,' pa l pi tation of the heath dyepeisalsourvetter iirllebffitr„derengement of the digestive f debility, symptoms" of ammunitions, eta. NooWjy ,thelberfnl effects on tbe• nand arezinehla be r. dreaded, .Lom memory, nonfosion of. Wes, &punka of spirit - 6,6,11 forebodings, ateraloe, soalety,eelf-dletetelt: lave of solitrula,ftimldity, eta., are somant t , evilssprodu. oed. All thus afiliated Bzio?l. 3 s,PDlVE3>P4=o4tAlir Aait should reflect that a gonad mind mai body anthem:mot aviary reoltites to promote corial:4a happiness': indeed: - without them,' the_foussusy through Ufa becamea a weary pilgrimage--the 'prospect hourly derhens the viessi..the mind becomes shadowed with despair and fi ll ed with thia melancholy redaction that the happiness of SitOtheeir onnes blighted with you:cram._ OAUTION. Dr,morsysys z rang Cordial has been by some unpri persons. n future, ell e genuine Cordlal wilt base thopropells‘ feoettaile pasted over the cork of each bottle, and the following worde blown In the glaze: • Dr. Morsels Imitgorailiag Cordite', O. U. UNS,yrornistor, The Cordial !abut up, highly concentrated, in One , ties—pries three dollars per bottle, two for flee dollars, . for twelve dam C. 11. BING, Tropdaor. 11:2 Brwaway, N. poll - bi_Dreftlstathronshont V!Ildo:1•_ endllte , • - AGINTBi a si ESTEDES,No.I4O Wee ; , • ,Do. Dlloll,No•te'WtO4 11• - • Do. - E. SELLP.se. Wood etr.et. ' A u r e ml , ch ar _Dzacmaht WSZNNAN; :•- ' e Do. ...;..IAMES T. BASIPLS 4 CO.; 'Do. ' iIdIIIING. • , Agent or Ohl - O..;X:D. PASS. Cinsionati. 0. Brownrp_loiibittiiit J 7 Lit a pritatitiona2t 11111131Thi Ia ornnstidlitrrhoes,lncipletanboletkin shottiln ease. pradriktionvf lbo dlitestirs..fubetlonnittb JEW' tunable. balmy .4traing tbb v.:wanton:a bpbtorgo ebbing .snd istantlia complaints, It is ptenlintly eiliestitinb; tnra. Zuni y. tboulllte.wltti*lL CApnoll.—BC.7,surei . fkkir. thd Dinka_ Eileicei 'which ,&" pripired,o6ll;byt.;:-.1:041% it Vs -Drug and Mendell, &bre, - 7 —cortuanr-Mat,:vint Obattnntitreds, kblhdakrr Ibbt, and' tor-iikityallispedibliikpillif.Au?n to A . : United titatnsonlin:,Ptly " FAI/NP 3 / 1 4-04 ..• 71 1 mamma , 5,03 t ,"- = • And In Allegheny by yc _ _ t•jy. p. 5° ,...r 4 44 1 t15 . „.c AZI!XCKff.4S si a I:NDS PRllRMUlPST , feerlierartaft'Saulak"Otilb 4 l-1 ' glaftaatiatanattelte advise all goad houallatel to it. Price 25 cents per boUle, at allatoce37itintlrun Stores In the United States and Caned= Par sale by bPOLURG and G. U. lESYBFS3.. Pittsbrirgh. P. T 0R6)..0. 041 'Ainrkat J.nlo-d.vl♦ I. RPM S.F + ' L ~ ''c~ mkmo,o4 -77 1114iiNa4jTTEIS • .& ht RollandBcC'Odor:l3llkm. ti two YEARS have elapttedsinco...thelnirodeOlort e$ this I valuable medlelne,/eito this timitit has gained/it 'ruielett;.-po_pgratgr asemedy for Fever and Lou of" Appetite, &Way, Lau4anckElteding Many of our most viettLiVeltiletut teituryt atikarporllll efficacy In all a ff ect i on e the' iittantelLitlikilisf.ffAss tunic, it never has been equalled,..for tl,t:atittitialta - all tares of debility or weakness of anikindiaioutestha etantaneous. In nervous, theuntatleadiCistualltitriS//00' Ron., It basin numerous irustanceapto_yeigdgtdy. and in others effected a decided cure. When eminent; Rhy.tloistat,lttttsettbes 'so iiiilieskitliigtk leconiratiod,eurel,l,lVo.tea y ; osaso to doubt, and eagerly teat De vitteteator,outse' Ives.4: l - -, 5 . .L.P. • REM . AND" AQUA, A am .trolafgrEg4rii— .ffi.i.4.7;j44l7Cfri.o.lPrieutittp• 'act Ann' t;lidyfit: , nap con the steer, on a =Pun botl4l.l44PetWie*A26l4cs Ileattakediviitltiever.4llll.4uta; Toteight.,-catrAttputhe I Buffered w i th tabs. diesindi Tbegreuktee'pari of this dine I was unable tiseroxii; it 'pent at Wart fifty Ow. ! tars fur different inedfidb - WlllttTottlatt tcrparmapept Three weeks agq;wcitivirleilds Insisted ROOlO trying B-eibrifeelloltaiiir Bitters, saying:that curematfitgrays. ••e4 taut 'as scend pun ,I hunter's. atiwork , noir Leitats 4 , ,Wrellat tui/AllniltllOsitahilltiandfaarst It/nal/Set - 1A / cart* the 3 helboveetaiementis ltue.,—..•:.z,slA tiJ Diamond A Hana,,P;vl.l • • Cr at It. Otteater's, GotidetsH. Mr „ . SILO ascointS efgl#inin g e ra eayar.„l!lliatettatind in Bei ithaveli ' tterir aremedy forliefridad4i debl4t9• My wife has also It with theitteatiabkii9ll.o: - ..,, ,, ,,-:. - s Mr. A.:Kthliihnialti, - of Pittstngtr, aim remarks -that he has eipithincedninell-relief.frousitatheepteW,.- - t.A., ithfliendesoat Teginibast.Tacoli .Elzinittit,lhOiirin tie Holland settlement of , Shetteygerii•Vilihnisirr,'Siiirr "After eaffe.ill4 far some time the misery attending an utter Dm' tiatlett'uf Mind and body, I have becu..zsatorat i , let "DR ,Boerhava'a Holland DitterirtoDerfert healllo— , t Matte* -of•thlaremeddt : being insuclibigh .repataimiing tie 'Wanda= ia;Pitgeeesie,AUChlgan; Ealr'YOr4,4lllll6; In every Holland settlement in the United d atesfantree much In its favor:. STRENGTH" AND HEALITI RESTORED,. • bhr.JohlsDlivldeon„ living tett miles above Pitiaturßhi - 011 the Pennsylvania Canal, asps .",tiyhertl eturemenced,taldrog Boerhave's Holland Bitters, I could -hanfltySealk.—noW, I enjoy excelltmt health" W KiESB TIM STOMACH T STOMACH ANDlNDieltktori. Anot /M Aer Great Mee iffected by Boaltaids Heltasaillitters —The. wife of Peter he Witte, living in Holland Town, the• boygen county, liffecorudn, suffered much, from ereakneatof tbottomeoh and indigestion. She had , beenninder A Vbs. olden's care for souse:time, but the disease Beamed tablas even his eldll. She porchaeedllolZWElnllatul Birters-IWOUV tarn, irbieft has given tone' to her ,stomach hat appetite and strength are returning. and!. mound-J."4w*. that h nother 'great cute effected 13enr Mettleine. 'we have atillio l tecoid Many "'wonderful tura effected hy thi s - remedy; bin moot 'valt .tinother""litiportEtnity.,.; due thi n g you can' rely ; upon, what we Wats published are Rota persona much respected in our Coramdnlt3i, and are literal ly !gm •- , • • J. Mita Sheboygan.Menwhodey Shehoy l4l l=3. • ' bbintgriVenint.- DR• MO IitSEIS It teIORA.TING CORDIA.k A FIFEBIONENON IN NEDICINIG EMNIII EME '. .'•".:'. :.. l'' 3 '' ,- ' ,: €''' ...): ~.2! .)t=t';*: i, , •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers