‘: , i " - i- .•• -.-,-,.:.' ''', -- nS''':" . - -- ' , ' - • '''.., l, .... ~.. ••,.. ..,,, 'O."- , - , ~... .;, ~.,,., T. •.:-: ' :-s.';'t. 'j,,,.. : ~. r.., ",, .... . , s t -1.. , 4? ~z . ; ~ ,' ,: ,•,... , .,.:">,,P-1 . ,..t. (~../‘ i'' :,„, • . ... ~ .. ,'' ~ 44 ' ‘'• ' ; ',...'4":1':' .1. tt . ' ''-''. i• - , ~ 4 , 4 ..,"•,; I .. ,l ' C'r - f - t t . 4 ,- 4 :-. 1 '.!,;:r !...,.' ,' ;;,•- ' ~ s . .q.-m-, . r-an, ,.............-_____ _ ...,,,, •-.1, ':•-., ~.-`,, ,‘ l -7.i. 'L- :„ -i,` ' ;''J ‘; '' •, 1 - ... '' - .'' '-i ' ' wsbili:PWlS",-RY.-411ELEGRAPH:`-''''''e6MAtEllA.t.i.,,,....,____ ‘,---,, f- - ‘..... - • . .' : .." --- ________ v.. ' '''i.'' .. .„,' .. "1 - . '' .-6 - '- . • •'' ;' ' itpolted lipreastftir thrihrily 11l orn ing Post itTatitittUltGil itailltD OP Tlititildr. &Kb ~:z..-•!tr,,.1.--%sa,,t-,7x,„-•.-,-4.-.',,,;. ~ w .igaa,:, -a t ' •i. ~,' t 4 • -t ~ ~t-c; . - -- . -, .. - .4 , ... - ..- - -;'4f, -, ,---=. - ---.-..= ... 4- ! = , ; Ell 14ttelf.Alt•XfP lif.X - Cliiiisei eel '• ••` ,- i..e•"i`N•kVi'•,•••••;7...K•0. , ..°4• , , ,, cc.:,`!.• - t• ~ .• - • •,..,' - 111tiasf 'tenni Gattstiiitts. OITIOItnEt ~,, ~,,, ~,,4-. - t,. - 1-* r‘t i t 4.o i.. 1.." ••*' . 4 ° I ' ''' 1 Nuw Vomit, Ootebet 3D. ,4--The U. S. Mail jt,,e;11,,t. - k etu wila,sAlt_Pf. :-:e•re •• :.:• .• • 1•,. •:',•".- , !'•;.,••;.1 4 11:%.„ [ '"1i. r p , "••4'.'et-',.,i''''"•••'' ; , ..".'t ' i '. 't'' . 1 T 8. amts. • • • • •',,,,'• !' '.'; - :l- , -••• ''.'''' , ll't!'''' ' -"'"% 6 '..... ii,T.r;;;, t ,'," h f.• 4,.'hr, :, .‘,..., 1 steamer Getorge-Law arrived this evening at, six . &cond. " ' , AI- . "-:ffro. W. Oast • • • t;•• - '' . ..".•.•,7:-...'• •• :i!,i'0.+ , ,t`,4 1 `!..,:'4114 - :i ....!- tI . N. It , ~" - , i . .. o'olealri front AsPin wall,:bringing 550 passengers • 21.ecuttrer--44. ileum ; Jr. . :',1i?"•:::-:,.. t - , , N , .!:,.'s •'* -, ;i;•' ' . '7''' 4 - 3- " . ',.7: "t.. and 57 0 (leo. 1 . 1 4 stt e- ' The cleotte"LbSr B, crdarti - Juns I"- Ruin- --- • ,0‘.. 1- tr:;. l ' --' '''• .• V:l.....'''L i'...`', 4! " - "'" • '". •, '" :-..,''..:.;*"., i, • an A ' '' .:-.- •1 3 "• r ' ' - ' -'-'l. •-•,... . j Oil l ertnitn,dent-19. T.,tiosynatt, de. --- i ,-:.,,, , ,. ....?5 , 1iji , i . , !. , !.. !,I, „,..,,:i - p:ii,,,,, , „ 4,..r , ,,p: , : , , : ., ~,,...., :.,, ~, .. br( l lo.Villifernia. ;etateti to .the 6th i;if.,:'.ooloyer , umunategf. 42te mtion tO, ocuvr_ozo. W. 0,69'‘,-. ;!..... { ,4: i..: ".4471 : •.V V .;.t e1_ 1-Z :, ' ,;4:: " :,•e 4 4:' , •• . Y ti • L' ;;, "6 _,; • •, 4 '''' '• 1 -' ' .' , '--, .... ` ' Elbe , :niirtileeted sat".4.hb Italians with tlieete.stlsr P, ; Willi Lamar, T. B. GONNA , BAHL 1 EVVOILIII, J. E. '•,' •••• "64 4 ;i --- 4; ' ,1 jf `";•!...4 -, 1 ,;' •: • v.: . . '- '' ''' ,:•. ~ • ''. ~'• '-', Joh11• 1 4. Stefilierie,•lthibii ',brought:At:lin 4 - 014.1,y gasrue.b. ' ! ' .; '" ' . ,- "' -q',C 4,' ..•U—' '1.1.-''", ',, '''', + _,‘‘ l. r., "".\ !;:s"? . .i ,, $1,90T000 fitiatuire ":-., The John .. : 1 4A 34 4 11.013 tki .r- li' "'“'l' Z' ''' P:! 111 I,a . ': S' ''' '''A;'‘ ' i 7 -"I '''' '' - pattattd , the.:kitoldeit Gate on thol.ltW.ittni:....brit, ,i -0 '.;.1. ,- $ 1. t , ' . ..i,-,t , % ''`:::- :--. Pl '4 1 ••• s t - ''" %; , - .."7 4 . ~.•'•.:,' .! . . Ott t ' - ' ••,-t - .-" •,...., • lt ' 4 .. b. • t t• ' - t. • ..e, CdrtimMti thenth;both . bennd up. The urinal- i '..„-•••, : ••< ,, e• • ...i.: ' •werti:. i'li . - th'i•i • 1.i 4 .,r . ,,, -; a, • par 4onsignees' are: .Diexell & Co., $ 350 ,00011 •i -- t• • ' ' ••' ,. 4 - ,• 1--1.,, i. .... t •,, . a .- ' .L: A ;.,..' ...c..1 . .;. '- hr:,:" ', . i ,0:1'.. ''' 4.. .. '''' '''' : 4.r.'''..t. , .' , .s' ' Metropolitan Bank, $200;000; Wells, Fargo &il ,`t,.;„."' „ /,';: ; :,.., - ; • :".,•;;;;,'41• : :‘. , ;.! i11'..,'N'.'',... , ...:1,%""; " i ,", • ''-' - ,i, - r , :i.: C 0 1 . 5300 . ,00ct; Wm. liege $ lOO , OO O. • T.' :7" ;•? , .." --t,i, : - -ttf i- 1... : - - i,..` , !';`..-' ! ',..."'5••;: 4,4 ., , "a - 1 ,r. \ %.--;‘, - • ',`• , The' news from California is unimportant , • i... -,-, ' ;11 •rik"`l,• ..r,,f .1”4_• - 4'. - ..i..tetn,.".:t - .J "I '"..'.." +'..,•• .1 ".... '•• All the turns of the election had been received, • tiL.t. tr,.., „,ii- , i• , ....,. , ..ik,ii„,...5.,,i, i .,, , •• i ,•• K .t-ee e - ,' • • , • le 1'',"..,„ t ,' - ' 1 •1-1.;'7 - ,,,.i'i"ir.i.•,„.it.. t let but 'had not been officially counted. The within • - ''...ii lL rei,..'''-1"-s•-q / li'' - '4•:Vg tt'.i l 74 , V; r -':;-"-_ , ' Li - ",,'" • •• %; •.. r. " . " '". K. * X. -. Sbite ticket was elected ; Johnston's - ,ma-i ;',-;;;;; t. - I,„" v :dc,' 4 . 4 "..e c i . :; t 7t,i' .4 : • Vii. c , ,i4'4,- - 1 .." ",- -..". „,..,:., 4 t , -.,,'! jorliy for Governor was over 5.000. The whole 1 1.''',;•;:'r,";`,..."`,....‘ f,.',: •,',',„ t .' ., ;;:e,,li t. e' : . !•.tt-Ii ;', ! O. -,'• ,-'. : :' . nuftiber of - totes polletl was 96,000. The Legis• tt,'" 4 * ' ,r 1..4".41:t' 5 q.,”".,,,' ~.:- c r.;;;'', . .• . : ii ":•°• - d- :-,;,:,;,..`- istca- is competed of 72 Know Nothings, 89 `l•.", , lfs' ',, - ,` 4 ','„ , t ', - i,il . ,,t , '„r' t t 2 'yky. •••.:: i N . : ,1 '. . ..- 7: ' • Democrats, and 2 Whigs. The Prohibitory ;..f!rt: 14 ,; 4 `" , 1.:%%i.r. 4 '.' , isi . 'l4i kt.v:),o i.)•',..:!.:- -.•••-• ~ '.,t '•,,,' ... '.• Liquor:Lys - y - 6s, defeated by 6,000 majority- '..t . ,1.•'•v„.,,"•:,.•, -t,, 1 t , y,;.:,...„ - ,...,•: , ~.y... ,-, ..,, „••i i e•, , .. e,„ ~ ',.. Ex-G o verner Foote, Kr-Congressmen Marshall ,;t4:1,1ititt..14.4.;,"t 1 -'1 i ,1;,4 ~...;il,‘. i tr . ::,... ,.. n.1 .: -: , and Preston, are the prominent K. N. candidates •1e,,„, 0- .-1,!:,. ',..,"•1,„:1 a il) i'••••tiatfer t,,••.,„•: , „?,:. -- • , -, '•,,: , ~ • for 11. 8. .Senate, to succeed Mr. G witm. I ''il. Z . .'.:" P ' ~ 1! '..i7t,714 4 ' ',.%. *" ''. ' ...a:4 ....',2 - 31 %. '. 4 4 .'„ . , ... . ' ant Denver, Seoretary of State, had left for " , •,.,, 4 ,t, , :el t -4. , 4 „J....,.• i I. ..-" * „,17: - ... -;• ' 0 1 4 ; 1 ,-, - i ,' ; '': ''' .. -i . l the Atlantic States • he intends to claim hie seat • , ,ri •,,,•-i.. , ;iv, t ii,".1..,-. t d,f ~,I,Y,i t...' .1 ~„ ~,., ..,,,' . •••• ~, , !k. ~ •- ' . .., .. ' p .t;;.,... 40. 4 .1 . t . ,.•, , . 4. ,N, t*: ~,, ‘... •t i . 1 ;.. , ... • .` ~ y ~„ t ~,2 • •,.,` in the - nottse of Representatives of the next Con - 1 tutio';:ili."3 •''-i I.'l l lir' '•• ,'' ' ...h,• ;.-• • •c''%-• •• -*.. geese. - „,,.t. , •ttt .. •„, ey„,,,'“ . .t, IL .4..N* •-* ' . ''' ~.,. 4 li ' .”. .• 4. 4. • .. ". '. ..,.. i;',i . Wo ;* k;"4 , ..: '`::':' '''.•••• .... f;, '' .' ' fek • ' '37' , •J. -.! , " A party of 120 recruits left San Francisco with 1,0 4 4 ::;' , „Z0 4 ;;.,:t. , ." - ,;'41.!..-t:•",‘!": . ",.,•`1 ‘ ,...t`ili i . =-• ,'"' k',.. , ,•„ . - the - steamer Uncle Sam, to join Col. Walker's WV 9 , `;,•'"iti'..•kt, ..! fl it,'4.''''.''.. t t.'..,`...1!..`..-5.,•::,..-.',.it ,•; i, . erpodition at San Juan del Sad. Another patty 1 .v , ..:4.•1_.;',-Tii-4;:ea. i,":. , k s i,`....'L •• : c 4... :'ci ';', ,i' ..; •••• .1 4 1;.4, -, ,, ...! was to go shortly from Nevada. , ti.i.fr,4• ,- A* . rei‘taf - tv..riet., l'..`• ',- .f , ,e • •,. •',. - set - '. Judge Nortonha d'd d that the sale of . ..therJ r 7 ~,tVe.4P , ' ;,..... 4 ' , -,- ~ P . .. 4 ..,.! ~ /L I ~, e. t t .. 4 ; ,_ s. ea t e . p,;•,l . y,Writi c iv.v,„t'„:', ', 1 , 1 1.0, :..t.i. r.n.,.., '••••••• t , '.. , , •; ,,,r, % , ,t , ' :, ship.property Made by the invalid in December; .-`‘•;"" - tr.ccit.Aii....,.,:k . !..'...!'!..i. 4 ,t,. i ,' 4 ..1.1..••• 7 - ,;,,, i' -' , „ ' •, ,'-', ; 1863, for $1,000,000, was invalid. ..if , 41f:"," . 1,.. t ur v .,. , t ri e. ,_,e.t 4 . 1 - 4 -,./: , 1 cr: ', • •-: a , il A destructiVe fire bad occurred at Jamestown, t . ,,,, ,,ii ..tA - .7 5 ,4‘ 4 . - '.it5 , '.. t. t!i 4. 0 r ;‘ , . 1 , 7•,,, , i.:4, , ../. 1,444, " ,s 4 . ' f , Z ,. .- , ',... "e:.;.-' . ;;;;','.;' , F.i i, ...„; causing a loss of property to the value of $76,- (ietrp., im., , t, ,.. ., ,, ,,„ i,' . 4 I :',...•-,,,..'<,,;* :...' 'I . 1 ' I ','... t ,.,=' ,', ' 1 000. The principal sufferers are Dr. Dodge, i'eciotivc , vtdi.,l„':w,:' ~ 1 ,•••f,. 1- s t 'l ' '' ,if ‘L' ''." ' •-• --' '' . ' 4 and Messrs. lieffernon and • " ti t'•" --o 'illill' r *:••.` . -:• * ;<:".J r- --,- -; O. J.,t- it ':i. ' i' ''..druggist , • •Donovan , . . 11.4tif k ah.:C," :11- 4 1, 4 n p...,.. ..•,il",'''"ii -.., i t . -e.:4,fh ~",' , , ... BatterSelid. merchants. Among other buildings ,tf, 4 tf....L1.,,:-. 5 .....;•;,..,3:. 1 .4. 4 :.i. i?„.. 4 .•, 4 L i 1,,,,, I. ...,..'• 1, ~ i , contemned was the Masonic Hall. 7 4 1 i.iYi.„,;"‘.:!‘4 t 4,•,t,11„..!f.1)4;ffi . ,k.',"„e"";t:i.*".. "....I,k" I. ‘`. : '... •• Advlem from Oregon announce the safety of svit't 4 tS'l..:4miS'....P k-1 1 :, - 1 "-% 4 o‘ t i• - ;1'; ' .: * - - •`7, ' 1. 4 Gov. B Orme. ~ ..:e, M /, , :g- r .4.4, , ,ft % ,„_7 ,,,, 1 • ',.....,, ....;: - „ ,t ~..,... ,i, •il The English steamer Bolivia bad arrived at `.. .;'44.:,•!* . f, , ,, , iti t 1.f1i.' ,: ;; 1 i,fr.i.;•••.,.- , :t:Ait.,..1 . ;...;.1, 4 ,. 1 , :;,f1,,...., , ', c :!.,,,' i !•?.:-...; Panama,- bringing dates - from Valparaiso to 5ep ;,..(..&,,„''f,17„n1-,./".7,,....,„,...i,,t!‘,..:.r.„,',.,4, ti„ , •• , c...-::'.,ii....:#44 1 - i .,, z „ . , i,,, • ~... .• , t ember 148 i; •aiid - Callao tai-4he 25th. •:, , 0t , ;,,1• 4 ,,c't , f;', • t r t :•';': 0. - 4,, -,, ; , ~, ~.-. Ez-.President, Balsa wattpassongor on board 4.7..fteci•-.1.i,4,Y% . ..4_ 1 •1;tti; . 41. L ...,1 .2,k %,,, i , 1 1,4 a i r.: , .:1 -.... . the steamer on his way to the United St.tes. r611 44- ... , E t.,5 t - ife..-t0... •, '"' , .: ,- - , ,1 - -"-t-, tz, ft. ...:, -, :,':, '''• (' •: , The &Waft:out Australia are to the 26th July; V,14;),.,,,,:`' . 4 4 .,• 4 4111%;P„,° ,, ,".•:':::'4i7..,qt i.' 4 t,„' - '1: tit -i .` ' i il .. . ,' '' ' 'P"' "'" 14' n F'`''''"4-J.:1=''0.".4.-, ~,-,-;. -,....,t. -,,. t Hazen. dour : sold to Melbourne, on the 7th, for ltit2 %/tett .1 -4 :',,,,_:*in;%*s Z.r:it'4.. - 'r,.,•,Yt,•`: ••'.l - •:: i.,, • . £ 5O Vten• 4 . t, ,--e.„...,,,,,:,„:.—„,-..„..„.„-i_,,,,,,d,.V. '.. !. It 541 .. , Fttiatoisco bleaturrs.--Considerably so i,tc•„%ttit..;& ~N ., , frfa,, ,i t t r,"0";:t.1, ,, „•3;,- , ;7 ` L( ..' , ,,• •,,(.,•","" ~',l tivity has prevailed during the last fortnight and -'. '?,....;,,', , „,...231diti'fi,1,, - , , , v 4:47::::.;., 1 ,1t‘,.,;f t ;,.1-`, i -,. ',,.; ~,..54 ; 4,,,:4 4 : i in many articles a material advance has taken. i6 0 15.c4Vi5it.4,.Wc r ,,:,tr...- , '0r...4.:.; !,. s• .. ,1 t „lf:l,,si,;',r - ; 4 place. The market was buoyant at the close at ~Itf i..fstitc,i i „,o l Nl l ,•?:t ' •, • `; ,. ,: . if. e . 4 i:,(Zt";••;:y. ff.:', 4 ; 4 -ea, , ii•z•'-',.-'.;," : 1 1{,::‘ ',l the following rates : °allege and Hasa!! Sour " ,„,,,, t ra,, 44' e ,--- tai 1 t , * ;qr.,i 1 .1:! 4 :, ‘ . .t1!..‘.'e4 ,- , - .,,,q, .:,,,,,,,-;:. _.:,4:;ni•_<!- $14014,25. Clear Fork 4122,50 7p? bbl; hams d - •.... - '4.00,',4'.k1: : 3 44 , ...41..,:, .i. , ...„. e,, - ? . ..i1- , :', , i• ,•• •t•:%;. i' I -. ; , ,-*': i n brine $2l, and bacon, extra-clear - , $24. New ww , im.5....• • .,.P.o" ,, isiti N C.' 4....,•••"...9.0.,::4\L.• 4 j•.-- 'k,. ' t: h4q,:f.;,,i4 , NT.v.:‘,i,0,:,•,,,r,.re0 c. ,c.:R, 1 ,..4.0. ~. , • ~ ) , ,, u, i-,..„ ; ,,t,i ,:,- . . Butter GO. Crushed Sugar 14. •• Turpentine t!i t „ , iiCat...l'i‹.,tiz.tir... 4 - 4k., y i5,,r,„"1.14i: c‘i.j." 4 ' , '4-;1'• • ;,:•:;.' $1,06. Syrup 76. f . . 1,1 5..v r k%.!?! . ti.;y4"..0 - F ,,,, itlLO‘di`ei•.• r.? . .4,i , , -- ---- - - , - .4 ,, e„'4 ,1 / 2 t hlo o ;iriN t •.l4i> h. , ,". - veliliti'l ,, .: , siNf...4,f, f . 4 ip -t,,, ere.; ..•._ er.f :: - ,9? . ..4,.. , ,e 5 oto -7 .C., .q . , j.. • • :5. 4 . ..r-tica,'•• • •• - , • 4,.."1- From Washington City'. 6;. aq.ri, pi:l:i Si iii• , ,i'-, - . , •-,.... - ::•••• 4 ,„c ; V:nri..7„,;; • t ll - . ., , i4...4 1 ,;..z; , .tt. WABIII24OTON Curl . , October 30,--The aru i4T:i1ar4,,,,.1.7,4.:::?4•1i1<,,"-.."'.."..•;ttnii...1.,;',•. •;,i.',,..i:...;.*::;••„=-;•:-..-,1,•:-,„.7"-, ment in the Florida oases Vas continued in the . ..id: l ! ,t c! ` „?,lMti7 , l- , ~61',t50,,..14.- g'..% 1 1:e ~'' /,! ‘,' ~!,, Court of Claims to-day by Mr. Sherman, a:icily :fittia1 . ..431.,,•:!,,, , teq, , ,,,i.,t,.,.,_g•'",,•,,,.r,!:...t1 , y, ilt'4" - ir..:' ,. :4,••, • i,:i..:;t; in support of the claim for interest on damages i„l‘yat9A&C;i7.V4Tt-Itt.rt:,7;d:•.itt-i..rifi•.`r„;,.!liteci cN,i.,;,...f. demanded under the Spanieh treaty. Q.- , 74 - .':,54.1:faq, o , ,rriTis ,, l c ., -v, 5 . Y 4 1,1 -, `, , Ci!, 7 ;` ; -:1;-!,-i., The President has decided that the Resolution 4,1,,,, ‘ -% < ,,- q . ,,, 4 1 ,' .i,,:ii•-, r ,&„ii„N:l.,h , r4l'.?,G•l: i lb'it''''',:::;;;':.,.,%",l.". , 4 . ; : ,"'N of F . ° bruary, 1855, providing for the brevet - t71 4 ,i•':.,.. t i0,„,.... 2 ' 4 ,'•:tA.i1t . ,,...""4'•••.P2, - .1.,T, ":4,„ , it: ~"•:;:ki.e2"- t lic.--, -- ,- 1.,.t: e,..-,i- , rank of . lie in. General, under which ;4 I :C . " : ' ,7 q i i" - .1,Z :4 ;• , 7•:". ,1 .X , '" - .1:'1 , 4,:t7.4;•.'-'..i..!,1ir,,1 3 t:f;"? .. V.:' - •::•1•.i'lil . ` , „ received that appointment gives him additional tic,Vot,v 4- . t.,1--,,.jp0,4,4,‘"t1,%_', 44?.:.c: . 61:,1 tiV. 111 ,,:l .; ,pay and allowances, and that it is retrospective : I " i `ii" 4 ",•- 4 •?er''''P f tl: - • d 4 -fk - ...;.- 4,- ;-: -- ,,, eP5' ,. .t . :7 ls•-i: - ....: 2, --.: t• iin its op eration from May 29th, 1847, and which 1 .1 4 :-1 .., - r -._;ll' " .-', ,, '1,- ,.ql . •' .q :• , "' •''zi,iiti'<„4 A ! li.i.li_ll ri . a .4 2t‘ ' '''. - v • . „,,,,, z `--; .1 - 44/4"*.7,Vt:' , 4... - „ftr •- ;c;;;;n - air , u .4 .1.ik , tili.r• - .,„, ' , -: ; ~.-,,., • eciaton has been communicated to Gen. Scott. q..,,.,..ek-ti..,.„ ... ,k_e..! L e., •ir,•,1,..„ , i it r .. , ..;„...i : .',, , .... :1 . ci..,,if..11.ii ° . 1 ,4, t ,' 1...).0.7 : 4"..e' t n t George H. Fairfield has been app oil: ted Consul q!.."Cky.:A!g , ' - ':::: . ::' -''fl 4,2: -` 5, - I.l'T..t;:' or the port of Louis 1 ale, Trance. V ,430 1 4 .4 -:,4l: cliV4,;Thi.t. i i 4 l,• ll :; -: ' ,e ` - :: 1 :eg g ':; , A. - - .: ;;%. , ;:;tC1t. ............_ 141 171' : .* - 4,, ,` .;7.1.:41i,..:ie01{"•7, 1 f, -- 1, 1 1;n,.."‘. , .- 4.••••-••'. DOS true rive loiret A' r . ... 4 4 t , * • '014.4 4 455 : Hy{ ' F, •••;.' ~ , ••• fA c , , ,.+ 4 , i.,......"1..,, , , , ..1, 4 ylf ~.1r q, Se 40,701 4 . ~,c r ,p, ~t , ;, 4 - . vt , ,....4-s h r..t.t 4:, ~,e ., i p, , , 4 , ,, , . ..,r, 4 t,614 - 1-..t.ti-C•;sr-.! ;:r !-# 42.,,1t.P.r5ri-4 ,, 7,d ?A.Zgitteq ,, .tf'i*gCi,*Sie4' I`,7t,t't ;.:•gai,.e?f-t4l:7'ii I 04g4V, ,k'ViiFl; , l74l,N,' -4 , A.. , ::. , , c .- ,..z . 4 ',., ~,,,,,,,,.; •.,, - (=Z i ;dcgr ,,, .?F L 'M:,;c=• •. , I4T+ , - 1 ,1.4 1 , * 4 - :‘, .• ° ,•!T. 1 : : q imq .,, , , . o , i-'s ;1 19 , L e.. ' 00 ' 1, 0 4 ,i! 4 1 . i . :.:V.:; K.: ~...a- , s. i '':l 1-411:,kei`1 3 .:1' 447. 4. •J%-•-:? S' . ' , . ; ~.'L.'ii'.. .-.•.= 1 A.:4.. , , , , , .. , eitr-or,-1, , :44- g - i•P-e1 14 % ,. % \'l, , i l et - ;? iv e..; ..r :, i., '-,,., . , - ,,, t. L ti , = -4 1,4r N• i Tt . t.. t. 49 , ...7r,10;;; : t:‘. = , , ',. ''''. -'' ' . " --1 - N i 'i • 0• - •• , ' 4 '` V l, o,44::lit u t t..1)76.ii.?@ , '- - '' ' '' , •;s :!, - . 1 l . '•: • ' = *- i * R4 ,,,, 0ear4.1 , :rfip..14 , "4p..i ti 11•::;,t. , ...." -, ; , !:ftvi',.i. , ry - 1 ? = , ...n%(41, , 0. , - ri.M,PfTly AZPI:TIIPM,t. , II .• golj , 14, 1 ';t , ‘ ,Z. ' :ii ' .4.l L '' ,A . 1' 11' . 1 V ‘.:, tt. 4 .1 3 4 4T 4 V - 4. l ll: , ;;ti ' F'? .i..,,,Z.? t t:7:;i3 1 . i . 1N :t i . S'i 'Kr, 11 Vtle-f4.41; 47L 1 4 . t t .,, 1 3 . 't1 4 ::.'. r t1 1., e iti,itii r ki ; P . l...i."::; ; Z q:-.;' 1 - : ....&1,,:c.4'..,7414:44: 4,. , ,.•41 . ; - .1..c ; .;••;,!: 4• ..1 , 1 ' , '- t 4 '. • '; " „: - , ' ' ' ,- 4.., 4 4 , , 5M•ry .4. ,;, 4 4, ' c 1 `4 -1- i ‘;`..ktf.. 4 '..-1•4 Hit 1 . .:,; .` 4.%1.,.,,, try ' ; ;, 1 •,; r.:1 ; , - .1 ),:, ,, ffr , en' ? ,: , '•‘ 1K ; 4 4 1 P ;:44- ti l t , ' :• ,, i: , PPx!-`,•: ,• . , 'v",•• tf 1 72.4,4-%3',Ptit ..i..14,5"b43q,it%:fr•11P.../t:..ifi F4l4t-Crt--r' r'7 4 ‘..?61 - 7 , V4Nr'e•,, 4 „ • ~. .,'L i :T...,PI- ' ,,rir,, i •:14,:::? ; 4'4 c:1. 1 ., ~,,,.' -J '''4,;,4 4 74 4• T 0' 44Y4V11-1,'.:1,.,5..,?..Lti`4,1,,,*,!!i fi)littfl--,1..*t.1J..,.-'i:..1;.1.1 ;•, 44 • ,1 , :f'.4 ,- * ,• *":4;14!!!!;4:e• INti i-e-i..!11-4,-''-•^..31;:•'-•.,i in Anlni .i• ••I,i - itt• - • lc , ct, 4 , , ,e 4:444 1 ci '... , r, t 4•16,? . ..i., NI .=4:4,1 i : ..;. , i - ..i.., niii.4 4-4 , , < 14..,' 1 ,6 4 - .l4,tiilr' , '=xi... .1 - ir,..- ~ it. , ;..e.1 . . ~,, ,„„ - i I*44' - 4, -- it'd• - r.-v , tikli9 • ; cI,.N :4,..h•1 1 i' Ti1.,.•;•( • t:1,,,,4 0- • • .,.• . ,, y, 1. 4 44 t"1 •1 -. ..r^ 4 tCk:ttfel•; - '414 ' ,t4'.14:f.,,, •6 3 - , e"..•`• (: ; :',7q.._;. 1 - , o• • . ;1 4,T 0, a 4 4.17.4 i 5 if .' .l#l ' . e l' Ci l` • '' '.4• 7. ,' ' ....tl 6;4;11V . " A ',4' el.ll,VsT .' ,, ,' ;', rr. z,Nz-i-‘ Z > : ; , -t ., w 0 1, ,,,, ' ,:. ;'' , • w-.4.l?ili.bAt'. .`„ ; ki... f ..;1 , .fi1; ,, , , '-i1;)1- r tt ; 1 -"' .. 4 1 : -. ...- - alt r,, , A5.4.,1 •. ; ; ;a2;1 10 , ii , 4ii:•% • ki . ;;x:..l%.:' -4.4,w , - •;ilk ; k4, , --.';- -, 4n:,% - ; , :!-,.- t ie,...v4.47.„.,„,,0"4-'re _,' •-: .61:1 . 4 4.... 4, - - • -tecii•••l• -,. .; • et. ,•,4 21..t4.1 -/•:-.., p.oe'e• - 7r.tc L•.r.. Arrival or the Grenada. .L k.G NP.,..-•• ' ' P r .. 4 .4 1A .' 4 li ' e, "- , i *•.4t-,'' tf.,i,.. e ' ' ' ,e" :AS'.l 2 rP' • 4l l '' • ttr ,, g411,4 ' ,. ` L L O -r f;:' , . ,-`lr, -, ~, ' .4' ‘i :' es' '4'l t • • T .''• • • •' l' New ions, October 30. The steamship tet.-P . 1 l"t • ;.l.lgAt?..r• -• ..if . :C.,.f..•14 ntrft ,i , „,.. - .:(tr•it4c. 1 ,,,;- . ...,7;1'.1.,.-' Ir•-••*4444'4,,l,p i .. ! 14 9; . ,;.t . „ • •g • ;' - &.• (4 „,,,z , ..,, iiyrrfoiNy.kiri...4,4l) . .b ..,-, renatla -arrived from Havana. She connected - 1"1 4 s t l i j la..P cl 1 , .: 7 ..t'', il l h i t .-. .i,:1t , •,,„cii.;„ '%..;11.,11,„,rt•-,., here w i th 't.samer El Dorado from As ia '47- Vt.,....,;?..?,,,,1,',t t eye ,?*•l 4. 4,/ 1.1 , • , .. - c.i.Zel:pri`ei-lii-1:-.i: all and brings California dotes to the oih. 41„, ~. 1„- I-, 9 •0 4 41•• it '' ` T .Pt 4" 1 i .4, l i ''' 4. • .t. , 5,1, -i 'l -4 7 j.. - ' 7 4 1 , 0 - zi„, , ,coy - 4 . 47,...;: , ,,,44, th , ,,„4 . ....„..f ri t. : zi.,c 4.4, ; c . „..,,,,,,.„ __ _ . 11, % 410,ae ti th, tyr 2 '4 . •• -. ..'1Z.1 4 '.1' , -, 3 1 1 1: , 4; trt-ii , „,:y e - 4 4 , ••• , ;:i‘b ,;,‘,-. ;) 1 ear Travelers along oar Westoru v. xt...1., sh.'t.o,l .j.15 ,1 14 / Ct lig - „,;, , r.rOti Nr 4 t , 1 ' '' irF ; , ,,,,... , 1 4.7i ,,,,:,,,,,,4- , °3 V jk . „ '"'lr 1 1 :97ill g 4t e kt-tf P = t= l /172, " 11 1 1i V rt 7:l. h ts: it i ,,:azi.., 7l - 1 -t34, 1 ;;;.2,05.14... 'Z., x.:•,.-c- ,-; • ;- , :5.1.,:- tre.iflt 9 ,4 ,1,c.1.1 by all who hare tried tlv a 113 mina GI. mntieine, ' eta,._ 11n..4,i 41.,-i,lot '4'` ea l , t, ; ,-N, ,,,,, ,--- ,. ,-6 . - 1.4 ,. . , 4 A'. 4 at they illi„ regulate the stomach, if used as per Joe , • 11 , , e . -- , -• , - •-•-• •t . LI nog on be bottle, and carry a traveler safe throu g b Ali ~.1,4 1 1 & 141_0'lle, 2.4Yer111:4.6..1 uN-4•‘' . ,t 2 ii' q'VO'd 4.4: - '- t tr. -•• - ti A Ve l reLe4.e.t.-4 1e.,,L ; e ,, .. 4 t iV . ,,,t , „ . wev,„2, ~..,t1 :... 4, ,i,.L .41 . f f , ,v ilhe varloueshanges . of diet, a. well as water. w . t,tieh. a ale 1 .4 , el: s 4' '• l 4.'''-''''''' - - c ''' .. -d•er44 4 :141 4 --- , - ,/1- , 1 A. •• • ..or II"' ._ - - 4 . , ,__„, , ,,, k i, ~ ~,..., ~,„ 1... - P .5... - : .3- ~,.tilh of, will often spoduca sickness and death. limn,. one Ile -G- rqqa," ' ai.e'r;= '4. i l l' ' Vl:f . ' r k . :" l :l 4 ! "7 374,Yd'l -- "le3eßo*". =-, eloce of preventive i 3 worth a nod at cur For nal b ii e. :"",:le" - i l ia/1 4 4,,,..„..80,,,,,,K.e...i......,e,70.3-''orilifilgL"-.7"4.1..a.'3,... 43 „ . .,,. 4 , * ` . ; 1 .1,...i11t.. 1 ` 4 ,4% * ruggists and hotels gc Decal I y. F* ' ' Y 'VII 1 3 61 1 4111*- 4 ' ' 4 " * " 'i• p 1 ,, ' , = - 'si 1-0 4 ' 4 . .i.'',4.-"' t .i . 0... c 'E1it.0.,"' 1 IiuSTETTRit. SMITII A CO , o.air,s.,sf" 314.1. 1 ",,e3-0 /mi., ~ ,ii:P* 4 .74-3'43ei' '• 4- I , * / Li/ si: s - "c:,i,t' "' 9 ' oct2Oolkw ' Sole Proprietors, 267 Penn et. Zg-14:iyil:reeNi:Uveti4:4 iiVa,"l - P1..,% 57 ! 4 5...0 .;/... ~N ,,ri t -:„.. 1 ,,,p4 ,/, -i s ' a 4 . 4 "f :. ..,t,„,1• ,v ;ri*Q l ; ( ;?:..., t ;.: ;Pi:, ,---, ' RIO & PENNSYLVANIA '''''' .. ( 1 4 A * aga t ' t• j/444117' , fW.I --,,,'4 4 `?:1 , -- ,. '" . 4, 11?:I: - • ' '=• -'1' ' '' F ELK ONLY RAILROAD 4 ~,...1 . 0. ~ ,, , . „4„ . 1t,r!..r,„.....v.......„........... ~. .ttr . .:l w4, ‘ ,...,,,,,. 4 ... ~.0 4 ,,„_:_b _ ., , ,d„,„, , , . .,,,,,,..t.....1 i u., NINO WEST PROM pyrrsteuitc H. 1 . 44, ~..„, . l. alter „:,t, A....ft.,. Leh ~,, 3 0• if? as.. se'', _ ten.l. t ?an'i N i .. ' S''ti e ,esf ,ie.,317„ 6 - swil;"ts .ka f t pi, .",.,,.. fl Tan Fast Tashi leaves at 2A. M.. throng - 6 to Oinclanatl ' . ..cw.3-e_Ri.s p , ‘Ssi il g4 - . 4 ' , 411 .1 1V;,, e it - 3,,a .4. 1!‹., 4.1 12 hours and 40 miuutes. 4 " 1 141.3 . ;Thi .. .444Vi• .4 , „t-,. , •"i `i-n v. .'l sr - is'''i , c., II I: , r - , - -, t' 4., ' y , :z• 4....;,....,• = . 1, , ,-1 4 r.„?-Qt:,,, , 1 , 4 - ,1.7 .. ....,1„,11, MAIL Teats canvas ir BA. M. i-3'lB .. ai t t.F.tAi iihtlVa-ii 4 P a11`r:.,... - i : ~,-. ~ ,1 Kr,n9Doxiwn ~ A't 3P. hi. rir`jetrilr4, 4 l .l :4,l„l, ~...%t r ...,,T.,h . 1 aelpL'447i.Cttlis,7:oe , 4 ' These Trains all make close connections at Crestline, end wri ft.lrt,, , lii& i tirt eie.4444 4 3.,...... se kri,/3- -it, ," 37, . e brat two connect at Alliance. The direct route to St 6. ris a fe.l-1,1 4 , • 4,1,W,,,, 7.. e 5..,,c„..a ~ ( i t 3 . . . oda .„...,7ttal.3 2 .oeicot.Liefa - T 3 4ig t LOTv it i. , -3- , ..,2- ' 3o " -.1' 4 3 Ws is now open, via. Crestline and Indianapolis, 100 ',/,..„ eet.'1T,,7_ ... „, .„,..4.7.1 6 , -31: 4 14 1 t r ,t/te fr t.lili .s:4'l'. - ',. 1, ::: `",t * .l, Pi' this shorter than via. Cleveland. Connections are made 4 .... 4 ,,.., - ,k,,,,,,r .. k.0tr• r it, t th ik , f ... 4 , 1 - 11% -, ,g --- ,to , ' ••,!' i , ~,,,,. Mansfield with the Newark and Saniusky City road; c› ,.. "7 : 10 4t . r ‘4313-Lti74.1 ‘4 3 43..,,,.. ;'!",..;'1,1.: - :;! ' ,f,a dat orostline with the three roads concentrating there ~.. I 1 4,5 tt - 77p,.. Y l % "+" , N-if. cr , eT.i. 4 .' 4 P s- w- , i , ••• i . ,v.' r artisulara see handbill', No t al r. • tbFok,„•• $ . 4 . 4 .,,,..; rt . ,:v„,,7.. 4 .. v. ,,, -, A. ,+. s. P. r isto min on Sanday. .4:70 . 1. „?tg f.orp ,•• '',-- r. , tto - ,4.1,5.,51,g 4s•,h r,..fc. • ••• , 1 Through Tickets sold to Cincinnati, Louisville St. 1 .4.14 A, ril ' l, _I. •4•41 ,4 ,••,: f t • 4 4 4 % ,, , e p , 1R-F•';. 4 q . c :. . 5 ,Ilanapolts, Milano, Rock IsliniJ, Fort Wayne, Cleveland, '.r . • •-r.a.,, - . ..- - A3; :; - ,.bt„, ,- 11-;141.,,„(4 , N. t • - •, t 2 ~,1, ,1 1 , .1 ctlf,L th,‘rtiti„4ll,ielkkeilstaapi t '. 4 43' va..3l,r . 'r . .li e '',/,. * ,..P 3 i''',, " 1 the Ftheltilell-Towlei and Cities In the West. -1-°-,JNA3 ne). 3 .1., -41 ..'1,V“tire.."3 , ik 1 :3 - ilni , -`oi. - .,.+' h I . The NEW DRIUUTON ACCOMAIODATION TRAIN will ' t g P.l7teir,:a..l/4,,_•"1S / -. 4 3 -.34. I,a-• , H ., i. e.'s, ~.,, ~.41 . 4.1tiV5.r.h..32 - '-i tie 3e, l* er ~ .i, er - a ' . ave Pittilhargh at 4.45 P. M., and New lirigh ton at 7.30 I , 3 ,. / ~.... "$ 0 '''' ' 1. 0.31 P4 r r1F .4 . /;;.cr,;-41-'.: rmiie - ;t..:...y . : ,:1.1 4- IC +-4. rzt, ..74.',,411 - I:key: . 4 ."..i.. ~..,,,., ,„ aa; , . - • 4 ?..... __,„,„.. ~44 , ,,,i , > . „.,, „,,,.,,,...„, ....,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,, ...d...,,,,,,,, :Nor Tickets and further information , apply to -.7 . ,, tak5--All me 4 . ~. 43,,,,' ' ill. ; q, '3:2,,..,ti,".114'..-;Pio'reit..4l-3%0 I' t e Ji 7 4 - 41 '4'& - iiir . " ,.. . r . ,e, J. U. CIIIIR 1", ;(IEI. FLEMThra 'S. -tq. e ifl..t.) -- i,.. , i,Q . Ai i '.,%:.n; - i 4 .,t4i0, .1.,. , 44„ , .i, c . ,....z.,:/3 i . .2 ... „:"-,-. di. At the currant office, under the moan.. r.. 1,, lieu,. - 41 . 1gN s t,_ . ni: 4 1.)-0% ,2 c•;,:r 4: '. `!:1 1 i.4. - .1 ...`" t ,:' 4 ' I Or, at the Federal Street Station. to 6.r,, , ,.. / .iistr je ":43,*,/,, ,, ...Vii , .."3,,0.5vi1i5e It i: ;c,',/ls e -4,,i7,. 7.3:"1", 1 42.3 A 1 e. , fr i g - ,0,,- - e.,.." . ; ,,, ' 41Ti1itki.;.,,67:,,,,,Liy,ft;.,,,T, ,, „: Pittsburgh, a y , 866. toy 24) • ' , 3 , 4 '"3 - e • $ .C- 4 - 1:' , .: 4; r - UStiV..'",•l treq3r. li'l3t. 4' o, 4A rlk: - . *° * l4 l/ .. .:r . e ..4 0 ' , r. k.`io . e3 t A 4*-: ”* . ' ' F" Y 'T`' HI 0 AND INDIANA RAILROAD ~ ~ -:, v4i. ,, , ,, i7 , .-i!. , N. , ,,!.,t eq B BIN 0 Tli 5 "b•••4`.1 4 411 4 "•„1, _CZ ' l P•i!,ate ( iti1,.,.,4.kw• .; .rih l iM 4B .' 44 - LO, T ,42 1 / 4 ei., .. 8 4 041r .. 3T • aht, , k.,,e . :1 '" '' erf.,4„:"lcri? - ,L 2 k,, , , ,, , rfP 4 74 VW' 4-1/isseTo . 4 ntinuation of tho Ohio and Penna. It. It 1t,A,:gE54,4 1 ?,;1 7 1 .HP.4,3..4ra5T , ....t.•,:q: ; ,; - 12iIrir,t1.0j.11 ii 2 's' -- gi - I-„iri„, ,1!•r,.`1,,,Aw.;Thfe,,,.13•T,,',4.'4 "ZtC41 1r .1 4 7,-Z . 4 (4. 11 . i , •:•••• :,-- ; 4".,..'• . ..: ii s4 }',.:4_, :1 4 f• i 4 a i ..*..... ~..,31, - .i; ~..;,.•••••- .., - 4.=. ~„.1- . ., • • , ...._,N •i+s , ,! pooii-, F ,, 1 ---4 _ , Al • _•=v ~,,,-_,...,,,,, 2 , Sri fle +1:1',..0,`.1v. .1.. 0 ..,1 , 1 3 % t . tk•-kck . ,_ 0 v !,,..: v :';; i l l .. !;.". ' 4y?1 4 1 • ' 1 4 Vte ' ; .. ! . 1 f....e af t lf.„.-1,0,i ...,,'-", ;..,‘,.: ,f• _,,,„. A I - ~..., t - x . ,. 1, -,. .- . ?.,:.•••,,, ,,, rw. , .1, 4 1.1i4.•:...4i1 d,_4:s • = p4 - 7 , .....,4t,v,t4p . 4 .1 tri : 7. 0 .. ,-. ...., ,-4- . 4„ afit: ,,,, :: , ., ,,, ,,: ' r , " - ---.:."1:1 T . 4:- .4' ' 4 4 F :s4.( 4. c; ' `'. ) 21' •L' el . ' j 'i r qt.f"?i : it•l'" : •4h.'i••9 Tif L._ -4. ern !Zzt, -1 .,04',5e- LVig: e f ~..,‘T-4 ,2 >v,° t 4 . •11%4...fr., , ,,Att0..4.; ?.,N, ,, N,f it.;ti.ta..o,': , 1;,4•1 .•!„•:14.44 - 4.!C•Z...:i.c 4 _•'•• ~. , •• .,i•r'•.•:;-•, - ".;;;.4474 t t 1 e1%;."'. Q4-:•11a44.„7.3.11€;11'74i--"P44-;.i. t t•- •;; 1 ,,i *K P •';7ll klNif4il:: V 1 1 .. 4 ' ; g , ! ‘ l .- ;''c' l4 ; 'l 44:ildi ;t • - • ai.3. 4 r Ni,,l4, . ‘ /,‘• ll t P-1 1 1 :' 4 •,0 t..lC'; , ib• l 'YY , ' V 4 . r' , q 4r,li . i 7• ,1 i tt.4' t ,4•41r.i. . , X 4,7:1. ./A ' tiA4 t,,' ;? .,'. .r , :ti l i,t:s' it `Y.Ni-ofai* - : ft ' s•A J . • .‘ r •fl . stri''p% . :;' - • - 'SI.I O :OL' ?:4:1•• "- .. --1 1 - ',f O f :,,,;., ~7;, I r 4 ' ". 4.- PAIIT-*.g . i,4 7: 1g - r 4 '; 2 Fr."' . I ; '4( i 4 VA' t4 q , k 4 1,..03.7,1 - 4.4 v i.,,,t..t:--,i:•,•,:;•;.N. 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T t ..rY ,~.,.._.1d1...~+. ~~ BOSTON, Ootober 30.—At nine o'clock this ..orning, Sanford's cotton factory, at Co r daft • •iile, near Worcester, was destroyed by fire, to ether Avith the ont-bnildings containing a con • Adorable amonnt of cotton.. ,Tne loss is about •00,000, which is mostly covered.by insurance. • female operative perished in the flames, and w a o ther personswore injured. When - the tram eft, the fire was still ragtag, and much further &mak - a - Wes feared. From T a .1. ag Nay 03/LEA3B, October 30.—8 y an arrival to ay we , have later advives from T(.1119, stating hilt GOV. Pease favors Capt. Callahan's proceed ngs, and refnaoa to issue a proclamation agaiosi im as desired by Oen. Smith. Moro Rangers are gone to the frontiers. Maryland Agricultural Icx iktlottlon. Bat:ramie, Oltober 30.—Tho Maryland State grionitural Exhibition commenced to day and ill oontinne for four days. The display is very reditable aaets attracted a large number or ieitors. The city is thronged with sirmtgere TO FORT WAYNE, !SEW FICSIDLID AND IDGENTEIDN MUM TROD PITTSECRG Tralna eannect at Crestline, without detention. with the Trains on the Ohio and Penna. Road, and al.) at .rest with Trains going North and South, oil the Mud .ver and Lake Erie Railroad. ,• or Tickets, apply at the Railroad Offices of the Ohio d Pennsylvania Railroad Company In Pithiburgb, Xll e• erly City, or at any of the following points: Port Wayne,. ilellstontaino, Cincinnati, Urbana, Dayton, Springfield, Lndlanapolis, Richmond, Tif ll ey. 'amoral desiring desiring Tickets 24 adll be particular Fi ndl tal to k for e • et by thal3hio and Indiana Railroad. J. R. STRAOGIIAN, Bart. Important to Farm e rt.-ft e sv Discos.- les.--VMETABLE CATTLE POWDEIL—Theie POW re are put up In one pound packs, and are really a Bond ' fele, not only for the diseases Incident to hours, caws, , and other animals, but they are likesriPe an excel' t article to Ithprove the condition of the animal. -, Mich Onos, they not only Improve the condition of •; eb mows, hue they increase the quantity as well as im• iee the quality of milk and butter. The proprietors eey at it Increases the quantity cf butter from half n pound a pound s week to each cow, while Liam , persans -xi n 4we tried it eay a pound and • half to two pond.. 1 .1- k, with the same kind cf feeding as before. Of cue ring we are certain, all who use it once will use it all O n re, and save money by the operation as well es Imo ror , F e appearance of their .took Price 25 Ms a paper; 5 I a Ire for $l. GEO. II KEYSER, Corner Wood street and Virgin alley, ' i. tl2 Wholesale and Retell Agent . _ _ idEir Bmtcbalor's Hair Dye.--Do riot let the II effects Or other Dyes Later you from relying ou the • t origlnsi, ;V sananren safe, sure and satisraetut y and sold, or applied, (In nine private rooms,) at TOHXGOR'S Wig Factory, 233 Broadway, New York. , Bold, wholesale and retail, by Lr. GEO. IL KEYBER, 110 ood street octWudaw r Acidity or the Stomach, and Uli t •atlon.—“/ can eat anytlday Vier taking your BA." 5," is et remark frequently made to us. o persons trim led w.th acidity of the stomach, Inclines -1.15, or any disorder the stomach, We would may say, It IL Its world-wide reputation has been establlsted .ne by the many wonderful cures It has effected. Irl.n • for Dyerpapsla, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Weak ness any kind, Costivenees and riles, It should be taken in 11 down—say, half a ay, before meals, tesapooaful, regularly three times sAUTI. fION I—To prevent Itopoultico, be careful to ask Wr I W 'aye's Hol land Bitters. . . it ad at $1 Far bottle, or sir bottles for $6, by the prot rl - BENJAMIN BABE, Ja m A CO., Manufacturing armacentists and Chemists, Pittsburgh ; R. E. SELLERS 00., oonter of Wood and flooond streets ; and Druggists nerally. 00126 .q - Stocking WannonVe-- O. DALY'S Stocking Cory, where everything is made In the HOSlliity LISS, et the corner of St. Clair and Penn streets. U. le M nally turning out every variety of Hosiery, well mode d Suitable to the sessop.whieh May be always obtained ,corner of M arket alley riVoiLitillanirßotil e arge t Trun dtul mi 'vv ag e s, ll . ee m lec ptha ted• n e g to n cit i o th f . D . ress,... bohemia and Retail at his, ki re d Fifth street. Don't forget the name—O. DA LY and set styles and met feehloiieble colon, received by 20. oP2t ' oet72 AL.A.iII.II3ON-4-00., 1.0 Mt, et. =ISE lions—Wan - OPliattOlt='•Ttle 15iliatille:rournal ay.» thvt ontvoritti tank boast' firitts Bola to an fiaglich packer, :0,000 hogs, at 56; 'from the hooka. dm average of 200 nat per hog, would make the aggregate amount involved .ha the transaction, $62.10,000. This le the largest tratamotlola that hall ever taken place in that market. Allegheny Cattle Illariset. ' • • ' Atria TINT, October 29.1455. 4. 1 /411VP . 3—These ere sold by the head or by weight on foht. When we t-ey lire weight or gross, the weight As about double and the Pril33 half whet the animal would be nett, or when the animal le dressed. Prices to-day Will Renege $2 75: extra qualities $4; fAr and prime POO@ 3 62; medium $2 75; common 71; Inferior $2.. The following are the ozact number offered and sold up to 12 o'clock. WILLIAM rum (veacrem) CATTLE-713 offered, 449 sold ; 244 to city butchers and the balance to country dealers and eastern drovers, prh4- cipally to the former. 110US-123 offered,, the . greater part of which - seers sold principally to city hoteliers at prices ranging from $5.76 to $3 00 for thorough corn fed, and miles of a few inferior still and mast fed at from $4 80 to $6 60 per owl Ones. Of! ERP-427 offered; 350 sold at prices ranging from $2 40 to $3 31 per cwt gross. ALLYCIEII , T DMIOVZ CATTLE-160 offered and nearly all sold at prices fully equal to the obove. " 11008—A few lots offered and disposed of meetly to oast= era buyere, at Tainez ranging' as the above. 8118 EP—There were some of these offered and 1 refight full prices, principally deshmed to go east. On Thursday Of last week there were sold at Yeach's 68-20 of whirl were owned by Gray, and sold to Freitag OD Priday at $$ 60 —weighed et Allegheny ecelee. They were a fair lot.— C hreniclo. Money Matters. • •—• • • ••• [From the New York Times, Monday.] . _ The Money Market through the week WWI fairly supplied with means for discounting business.psper. The Banks took a large share of tho short hMe °Mirk by their nterean• tile easterners, at 7 cent-, and the 8111 Broker,. were hay - era of three and four months' dates at 80 101'1 cent. We heard of some transactions at six months, stl2 '5B cent. The sculdemfalkin prices at the Stock Exchange brought in a chniiderable amount of outside orders on Friday and Bat urdne, though not eutilicient to cheek the deprras.on at the very close of the week. Domani Inane at banks were not readily had, net were the leading outside lenduraprepared to do much for tho Brokers. The foredo houses, that geto • orally have ma'am plactd In tbls way, find thatr calculations partially disturbed by the stringent turn in the London end Paris markets, and have resented to. larger shipmellta Of gold than they had expected to pie In 'October. The Foreign Trade returns, fbr the - week, at the port of New York, are twain favorable in the export mbleinent:of Breadstuff's, which reaches $969,721, against only $158,1171 same weak last year. The exports, exclusive of sports,_ amount to $1,785,176, against $1,562,876 same weak-lust. year. For the calendar year to the present date, that total 553,902.0001 i against $02,1491,000 to the corresponding date 11,1654. The a eek's import of foreign merchandise, Ina e ding the dry goods tab , e in our last paper, is considerably.' sad of last year, being $3,560.820 ogaiustsl,973,6lo.4The total for the calendar year is $136,936,000 arnd05t51.5141,340,4 000 to seam period in 1854. The direct specie exportuf the week wee only 91 1 494?, as entered at the New York custom house, against $152,8!7 Met year. But More was sentfrom. New York L's Boaton, and shipped from that port on Wed reslay, 6766,600 against s22ti v ooo la the same wayiestyear. Per the calerklai year to the present time, the tail dirict export of e peele is $25,514,000 against $33,263,000 to.corres tionding time In 1854. From the ports of New York and Button together the total Is 539,182,000 against $39,964,000 to same period In 1854. TTLEORAPH KLUE:STS New Pose, October 50 —Stocks unchanged; Sterling Rxchenge steady. Cotton quiet, and salve tot/Obelus: flour drooping; saes 1700 bbls at $9.12 for straight State' 59,57 for good Ohio, and 59,07 for Southern. Wheat haad4llued; sales 34,900 bag. Corn lower; mice 44.000 bus. Pork ac tire: Pales 1100 bble. Deaf dull ; sales 200 bldg. Lard Jun: active; sales 150 bldg. Whisky firm; sales 800 bbl 9. Cot. fee quiet; gales 850 bags Rio Sugar dull; &Ilea 1100 Mule New Orleans; hlolasses declined; Plileql 100 bbla Orleans at 3tin, Linseed 011 and Lard 011 quiet and steady. Iron. de. elloed: /ales 100 tong Or deli Pig at $35.50 r ton.. Tobace.) Oros ; sales 50 hints. freights unchanged. PIIILADELPI.II4, October So.—There is a better demand for cotiao, as 1 prices are firmer. flour has undergone no' change; there is a waterer. export demand, and further sees of WU bide standard brand have been made at $9; sales 1000 bble for November delivery, on private terms, and 1000 bile extra at The demand fee Wheat is lair, and prices are steadily maintained; sales 10,000 bus Southern and Penne at $2 per bus for prime radontd 12..414 for fair and prime white, inch:Wing ti carp of 3&0 IRO at the latter figure yesterday afternoon. Oro. cot len and Provisions unchanged. Whisky gales In bbls at 419#41;4, and in biota at 40., LiALTIVOIt, October 39—F$Par aeLfro ana pricey firm: mote Howard e'ree.t nod City MILS nt $9. 'Whew sotivo and firm. with an advance of $0).1.e per busbei Corn un eboxiged and dull. 'NOS, PA ILAN isTTAS, de.—A. A. Masers Co. have now on Maid the moat extensive and varied ai• •urtmeut of iinis Goo Is to be found, comprising ?react end rnglieli Morin., Penn.( tee, Alpacas, plain and tigtmai De Lri ve. , Dr., Pk ids, do• , .4 every grade, and the moil fushionable et) lee. oci2g IN KC BOBS X-1000 lie, just reed and for eats by i. r et•? 9 F • I AC DYE-1 bbl .0;0 rtcrit rd and tor Pale by. tetf.9 VLESITINiO 'MOB USTA HD— English, in this—joss _reed •nd for eats by I!1 ocr.!9 N'Llfhlf NO BROS. d. IW\ Ite—too Ito j not tv,tr,l aureor sale by' not*.:ll PLEMIN4 JIRO& t , INIYA MON-1.50 164 just recelvral and for Bale by 1, ) oet29 FLEMING BROS. . r .. _ I i ll li.t!•;'f PU1 , 11 . :1-, JU. rt, 1, , ,t and 6r sal. by ____ C, .2:1 FLEMING BROS. toN 5 grr" , s Inat evcetrial and for 10cr29) _ . FL fe.MING BROS. • Kln by W Xl3 bide, for sine by 11 A. FAIN NSTOCK 8 CO_ cortior First and Weal eta %TEN 'TIAN lib —lOO bills for Rale by cg•L29 B. A. FA TIN CROCK I CO. lYtk)De•— 300 Dble for kank , by • B. A. PAIIYBBTOOK & CO firt/UsE.ltlifligNit UtititiS—A. A blazon A (..b. have re ceived ;mother lot of Linen and lloneekeepinti Goode Their rtnek be f .und to contalo a fall oesortment every ortirle in hi% line. otit2.2 ult V It G Llt aima l i alitltS—llobieson's bin glieb nar. V moray (I the 1,01.4. Ce Analytical Hebrew and Obaklee Lexicon. litoeuilleld'a re,a Testament; 2 vole. . , . The Epbeopate of the Protestant Episenpal Church in the Unlced Stets of America—an es ,, sty by H. D. ilvsna, L. D. Dr. Watia Plain and Easy Catechism. 'fb. Church Cittchisiti broke into Short Questionsoutt Auswertt. Mks lilclntoah'a nom JUVPnlles—Cirsto and Chan, Blind Alice, Florence Arnoit., and Jamie Graham. For Solo et DAVIdON'd Tbeutc,tictd Bookstore:1;a Min krt. ti.r Hour th etrr.t, oct27 UN (Mit Oillltre AND ItAWEliii—On hand, a goad kook of Silk, !dater Wool, Merino, Ribbed Ecntch Wool, Chomols, !to , Ac, of ell colors and cites, et the Var. nlAblog etore f LCRIRSOFIELD A SON, ore'!" No. 70 Wood street. ALPtwBE—A flue !lAA/I tment of all colors of Marino, Scotch Lamb's Wool and ‘.ltahmeren on hand at oct27 L. HI 2811PLELD h BON'A. Li HlhTk , --J.c receiving the faetory, another lot of 0 thome flub l'rench Shirts and Collars, at oct27 L. LLIILSHYLTILD a SOWS UPPL KILO ak) bliAWL&—Ohenille t Oashmere and every description, at cr . 27 I. II IRSIITIELM k SON'S. M the popular Patent Medi -1 einee of tL« day can be Lad at I ptAit'o tilL—A gentile« totioie, highly perfumed, for sale by ;Getz; I JO& PJAAILNO. A . F:NII.LA tiew and veluabls preparation for the j.l I reservation of .be tee.h and gums; sold by rt 27 JOB. W I NTA WS Co LUZILN.G Eli—A certain and lippedy rembtly for coughs, .Ids, haluenzt, Bore threat, &c. B.,hi by 0ct271 JOS. FLNIii I NO. "AY ktUril—A very superior artaris of 'West India Any " Rum just reoeirstl and for sale by JOS. FLIOdING. I)ALM FOAY—..I err received, a heal oupply of genuine P;rlm Soup, made of pure Palm Oil. oct27 • 30f 1 . FLPAIIN.O. • UH SINA, or souuiue leso3 Grease, for do - growth, bon uty sna Inn.rvation of the hair; sold by ulti27 JOH. FLEMING. 1 )10 MISTAI,-50 tons Junt—nas,alourDenigreacel) 100 do No 2 Antbutelto; 50 do Coke; 48 do No. 1, hot blast, flanging Rook, for foundry ; for tole by oct27 D L0U514-76 tone Juniata; lOU do Lake Champlain; for saloty JOHN BIOCIMINAD. .1.31L/Ne;—'2.a boxes prime Malaga Lsixions just recall , and for rale by RIMIER ANDERBON, oct27 3l) Wood street. RANG bie meet, inet received and for sale by R SYNE d & A NDZItS ON . _ octe7 2b do Jujube Nate; just recelved und for ovule by locrt27l MINER tr• ANDERSON. I it. SPILINU's LAST WWll!—Just published, Th e 1_„/ (.ootrn.t Good and 4lud Men, ttlustrated by the bb , gral.by and Truths Of the Bible; 2 vole For Italy by JOHN 8. DAVISON, or 27 (15 Market street, near Fourth ‘l7 Ot. more plow of those splendld stylee of Wool Plaids, in eight yard patter/20i opened this day by A. A. MASON & CO oct27 28 Fifth etreet. xrEW MUSIC—J oat received, per express, by ell Alt. .111 LOI'TE BLUM e, No. 118 Wood &limit— Hazel Dell; 13 mole Kitty ; Old Bob Ridley ; remit Mazurka; Rave you seen Sam Champagne SchottLeh; Snow Fluke Polka; Newport Waltzwi; Paisley &bottled' ; Schoapps Polka; Bye and Bye—Wursol; Young Aticerica Schottisch; Trees of the Forest—companion to "Studio of the Ocean ;" Mother's Prayer; Pay you lore me—Rontansa; My Old Virginia Ilouto—new song: Le Tyrol, with verlatione—W. V. Wallace; What shall ha my Themet—G. W. Warren; Moonlight on the Ocean; Oh, fare thee well, my own lave; My Bark iP Gaily Dancing; 3 , ulnae Maiden—S. O. Foster; Come where my Love lied Dreaming ; "Gems for Guitar Players,"—a collection of twelve beau tiful mehalles for the guitar, by V. Kruger; " Poster's Alelndles," arranged for guitar; " Solent of Melodies," do der by Edw. Pique. A NEW STOOK OP PIANOS Will arrive and be open for - Inspection this week. 011ARLOTTE BLUME, No. 1.113 Wood at, Bealndicloar above Fifth. OWL-20,000 the at Tub, Pulled and Pleeee Wool wanted by BPRIZIONg ILA RBA UG H, 0Ct.24 • No. 295 Liberty Areal ITTNII-30 k;gs prime Western Pennsylvania Butter In store and for sale By oct24 ClUlt bales Curled Ilak in store and for pals by [oot24J 9 SPRINGRII HARBAUGLL I_l OPB-304:ales /kw japt, recalvedsuad.for Isle by 1 - 1. oat% , SPHINGES -BARBA UG 7 , • , • t.. Syr, ' , , . . ~ . . . . , .„- .. ~,.,. l.l--, .„'=... , : r t.-- , ',-;, --- - 1 ,,, - , ., --- , - ,'" ...,....-", , .. 1.'r , ~.4 1 1 v -t x, " *V- 4 :4 , .:. . , * .,,-. ,-,,.-" "...,. ' i, - 1-,,, 1 , ~,,.*,,,."?-. - -2„, ?. ~,- ~;;:-.4.....-.-..-^---- -..-,. ~.- . , . • 1 0- ''''' . ' - '-- --"' - --- t 7-=.l4'-`,"“L -1 - 1,, A. * --;.!‘ 41- '-v- - ...--'4 , ' .-,-`''.!'-', x""it'l::.-•'o.--- ' - ' -&---- - , z.:-.!zz'.,lr'--.:.- , -:- 4,..-Z-L. 4 .-:L- - ' Z - . ---- z:"1:%;;;.:i.f.4.;-'1=:; - ; --';..17.Z.',T.' 1.z.::..-_:::.,,...;.,....:::...C.1Mf4r,4, -4:-...4-.---:-..1trz.t..,-::,,,•,,,-,, w,....,,..-0,9-,...--.:=,-`',-,--,-.":-W":4..V*W. T4314000-text.lnurnal," Cnpi.J:AiBlDlle 1§ the ergttlar Wheeling-pielot this Eiorning; :rho leayeiat 10 chltick• Taaatoatner "Mora," *Wel"' i.eave,thia morning coriCliriniiiutail.., bri44ever! tiOrnin modal* thatapasiertger 'Could &take, and thus traveling to di; Queen clty cannot ticket al . otter boat. Tar Oftisider .4- P.clipSe'' trill leave-for Nashville to-day, Sheen - ere .a duci Opportunity ,to travelens going direct to 'the lidarbleeity, as her nocenunoddtions for passengers are hy. , an TholiititustitigSh iportZgive her acad. F i ' O .9 3I PC , P4?•+7P 2 O Tie iltdattief , Rellanee;. 6 Ciapt. Si C. Veen& .sras - Junavoldably detsined yesterday p ehe will positively leave this diorninefoi the atove port_ She le :cf light draught, and has ertorpr ttit43l:9:nolations for pas sengers. dive her a call IN bar unties yesterday of the new steamer "Eunice," we omitted to mention that she bed two rooms furnished in the ladies' cabin, expressly fur families, with dressing bit ruins and every convenience to make thetravelor at home. She la also provided with a seperate throttle-valve In case of accident to the steam-pipe. She'velll leave to-day for St. Louts and St. Paul. tier as commodetions for passengers, both for cabin and deck, are excellent, and those traveling Weet should give her a mil. Our friend, Mr. W. Collier, will be found In the clerk's Office, ready to superintend all Initinese connected with his department. igStit The Captain T. A. Boots, and the FYhiltiT' CITY, Captain B. War, will run as Inning , DAILY PACICINIS, between Pittebargh, !Reuben.'he and Wilesling, dripping et all intermediate Porto. The LORNAi, will leave intisiorrgh onhiceadaya, Wed. ttesdaya and Fridays, at 10 o'clock, A. Al.—Retorming eke a 111 leave Wheeling oli TUecdnya, Thilradala and Ella ord. aY at 7 1 ,14 o'clock, A The FOR RST CITY wilt al RO lonvoPittaburgh on Tocadaye, Thursdays and liaturilays, at 10 o'clock, A.M.—Returning, alio WheelinzetrliollilOYOViittiesdays rind INS .days, at 7 o'clock, A. Id. Yor freight or puvt.ge , spilp-oti-bitatd Or to J. D. COLLINGWOOD, Agent, oorla . . • No. lab ?root street Regnietr W heeling, Marietta and inalllopolia. Th. anti Wand]; roamer CONVOY, Jona %Voir, dr•.,.kleifter, Dana/on, Clerk, will leave for the above frodiotermedlete ports every Tuesday, at 4 o P. M., positively. For freight, or pagrouto• 4)07 on bonne to jy23 ! y: M. UARI'O N , or C. BARNIti, Agento. For Cincinnati and Loula•ille: The Rteuraer rAnty_ QUEEN, Captain J. C. 11.Z.ND ; Clerk, I. niOtainr will leave (or the apt'''e and intermediate porta bn WEDNIC.I DAY, October digt, at IC A. M. Ynr Ireight or pHOFfigO apply OD imam!. Tbe steamer CLA Ito DEAN, Captain J. D' Rico: Clerk, Jas. MELLON: will leave for .hr r .10.‘ uth.ltuturrantinto ports on W DN SWAY, Ochthe, 31, at Is it'eltttak A. M. Vett . Ira4oll r 1.a.„ - L attge apply on board.. l'Or Loyd av 1 - 11 — e The eLonmor 3ACOU PDX, Captula A. Fro 4 „.„ An?, Clerk, U. %V. 13.t0.31.L.N ; will leavo for the .lgnboso nod IntOrthOdlnie pOrtk4 on THURSDAY, Ziorein r lot, at 10 O'ClOok A. M. Yor trvivlit or painnwo apply on board. Thn steamer LIF.IIitY UNAPT, Captain . • m•Gu„,,,c. ; lawn and J. E. 82tAnT; will leavo for t. 65 above and Inter media'« parte on BATUItIMY, November t, et lo A. M. Vol- I rrizl,l or pa...to. Apply on hoard. loc.Bl Hteamer I 1.4111. A, DBAN; 0,1,J lAyoNy.,will Ivave G,r the Owl,. and intennotileat. port., %V rDITESD A Y, t.k.tobrr 21, For frai4ll or passage apply an board, or to ortlD 41 BAK:its or G. M. BARTON, Agents. A'o r At. Ikietdemet..p.ald illtbutsitti - • "TlYik tfexide. 1151 PI RAS CITY, Choc. damn kffigalS. Y.Snr , Mtdrr Sant- Rana; rill lease for the aturo and internnell de portA on 'WED NESDA Y,t , etoher Met, at. /0 teelfw.lk, For trrieht er pa.ssage apply on beard. For %t. Louis, Galena, and bt.FeLOI. 'I Or steamer SAINT 14.)U1d, Ctkpittin 1)E..0.; CI, h. W. C. Walt: will lest.' for the above and intermediate ports on TII ()ENDA Y - Norember 1.4(.1.1 1.1 A. M For pasgage apply on board. For Blnatanatt The Learner IttLIANCE, Cant U.O , Cl•ork, 1 .10,D0UV.1. Rlll leAve for the abore and intermediate ports on WEDNESDAY, Ot. at IP A. M. For freight or pinemp, apply on board, or to FLACK A DARNER, Adonte. For St. Louis, Gal Ana, Keokuk and St.. I'aut. The steamer EUNICE, Captain P. Rottelee, Jr., Clerk, W. Courrit; will lease for the nhoro find all intermediate ports on WED NEeD.I V, yetober 3)10, at to.'ntoek A. M. Nor treig lit or passage arply on beard, or t.. °err,' FLACK A BARN KS, Agents For Nashville. 'live steamer ECLIPSE, Captain 11008 BC TLI. rI,F., C. 0. Una.: a 11l Irate for tt,. close and Intermediate porla on W Eine ED) I', Unto bar :31n, at 10 A. M. For frolght or paseepy nplAy on boor], or Ed onP24 itAIiNES A COLLINGWOOD, Agent a. -- - - Wilt/LES ALE 1)1LY UOODS. A A. A1a...30N - it C. bare now 1,/ hand ptobobly the lartioot and- moat inmplete stock of Oot de to he found in the country, to istlati they Invite the attention of earth and short time buyers—aasuriog them that rinse the Wilily or communicAtion established by t h e P,musyl,.ol. Railroad, no goods hove been or ran be mold at lets rates than the came coo be iurnitthed bl. here_ Met.hant! , from sfl part. of the country are earrnstly Solicited to roll and teal the truth of the above statement orti24 Atil W LY INVENT E D NEN , <i nu eutlriqy heir Kind and aLerul qualities. TLe advs tai.e4 of tbk pen sre I Nt. ot lett 21 near II MIN ( . nig pen will hold Ink enough to write a WLole page tai llifa f. en T IP on constructed as to hav e a goal spring the point. sluallar to a quill. The points cannot lap, and the pen will always write hly. ith. It le gold, and consequently cannot corrode A trial of those peon still prove their superiority over. any fountain pen made. For sale by W. H. HAVEN: Market t treot corner rif Second. ilk rPA PLR—Paper to nits h.:. ~ ,.ring 111, I.,re putting down carpets. For mile by the yard at W. S. II A V Paper Warehouse, .Market .trerit, riorririr of gorlnted. 0,126 r P DO 200 000 Torperioria; boars Fire Cris keret Just received and for sale by III.:MS.11'110-2W box,o extra twoied orw Herring, jut rocelvoo and for sale by . )AITS-16 zu Lei t"I L niea 10 110:ineu r pms ; tIX t rei,dveal and for sal. by RtYM kit & A NDJRBO Y. Oa/Tell SNUFF--(lorrelVo---3 wake just reeeirod and 0 for pale by I oetial FLEMING BROS. Ann OlL—Winter 81A - slued—to bble jut received and 4 for hale by (mai] FLEMING BROS, A i r AOASSAR 011 e—A supply of the genuine Macameir Oil, for beautifying and promoting the growth of the hair, just received by JOB. HLX?dltvo , Get 2 corner Diamond and Market at : JOIIN 6100101 - 6 A El Amitov . rus—Gq pples fur Salaby oct9 lIICNRY 11. COLLINS. DLYTASU-10 cask s priwe for salt, t,), mto lIILtvRC 11. COLLINS. ALVJLATIIB-25 n pare balenstus far sale by netl • FINNItY II COLII3IB (111.E118K-440 bevel [llia day received nod (or sa.B; -- 4 exp2l ELEBILY U. OULLINS. 1 )ROMINE-125 ounces for Rale by not 9 B A. NALINESTOOK & CO. T Asp Ott,--22 bills No 1 limiting and for sale by not 9 B. A. FA lINESToCK A CO. yOUATT UN THE ISTRUCIUtieI AND DESEASES UN tUE ILORSE, with their remeillss; also, Practical Rules to Boyers, Breeders, Breakers, Smiths, Se.; brought down to the present Uwe. By W. C. Spooner, NI 11.0. V. e. To which is profited, an recount of Breeds in the (alted &alto, by H. B:Raudalf. For sale by oet24 B. T. C. MORGAN. H OUSES TO LET—Apply to S. CET/INERT a SUN, (0 Market street. A new Brink Dwelling House, just tinlehrd, nootaining nine rooms, situated on Decatur street. Also, n now house of ulun rowan, 1.0 linucccic streut, near Christ Church. A Room In the Poet Building% Fifth etreet, suitable for an office. A large Office en Third street A fitoie Room. No. 61 ➢farket street A Warehouse on Water street. A ROW° of nine rooms, arui two anres of land, with fruit roes, &r. Will be lensed for ova years. Also, good throning [louses for sale_ Apply r6t the oflico of S. OIITUBERT A 89. N, not 24 53 Markr.t attest. H,iIGHOI I'm off to the Nnterprbe thllery—only Utty cents for a neat Octant No better in the city. oct24{ WIL6-0 bbLls prima Li. O. sugar Lor sale by Ci oat?. BLUTH, MAIR et 111.INTHR I►si'A&MOTU LIGLIT—Osauo, ;a Fourth street, Ls •nL• AIX hied by superior arrangements and facilities to eel is fy the most fastidious. 00t24 NEW (IT 1 LE OF GOT lIIC CLIIMINEY TOYS just r' 'd by lott2ll HENRY R. COLLINS. TOTTER.--1 boa prime Boil Butter received on consign. meat and for sale by 0et.22 I'IOVW.III4-160 bogs prime Itio Coffee just rv.crivect sod for N„..) gale by I 0zb221 ATWIeLL. LEE & CO. rtAItIIONATE AMMONIA—WV Itos Just rocAred end for NJ Arlo by 1,1221 ?LEMING BROS. I. NIifiTANDB--A grant variety of plain and ornamental Pattern. just received ty ' 0ct.15 I WI A. HAVEN. FLAXlMW—Heenived and f.r saki by i his' HENRY H. HOLLINS -5: • „ 1 TUX ' & 114-:-Tmet, evening at dusk there were d feet Water, by the pier =AN, snit risiWireither warm, with f PORT OF PITTSBURGH. 4 UST U INtulLy WATZii IN till CISANNNI.. IMM tee mar J•ti,eon, Woodward, Brownsville. Le :erne, Benuott,llroarnsville. . 'Bayard, Peebles, Elisabeth. " SJtl n, LiOnyterickson, Wee; New ton Ayotlla, Thelcson, West Newton. " Mirligen No. 2, Herst, Wellsville. •• Geo. Lerimor, ---; RoohriatOr, • " Dlnrnsl, Shoals, VTbseitng. " Clara Fisher, Gordon, Steubenville. " Clara Dean, Reed, St. Loris. " Jacob Poo, Stewart, Louisville. " Fain , Queen, Reno, Louisville. DEPARTED. fteamer Jefferson, Woodwqrll, Brownsville Loserne, Bert nett, Bro WnST le. Bayard, Peebleit,Elizabeth. " lioli,n, lienderickeon, West Newton Squills, Dickson, West Newton. " Michigan No. 2, Horst, Wellevillti •• tieu. Loritmer, 'Rochester. Forest City, Moore, Wheuling. " Clara Fisher, Gordon, Steubenville. " Argonaut, M•Lean, St. Loafs. Convoy, Wolf, CfßlapOßw Hunter, Lotdsville. I re ne.,Davie, CI ncitmati " Emma Graham , Ayers, Zanesville. STEAMBOATS, For Lout vlllO For At. Loui; For elneinigau. RHYMER A A NDRIISON, No. all Wood xt.teet. REYM ER A ANDERSON ATVnLL, LEE Z: CO ' , rIIIIIIC.A.TRI3.J. sole,,Lesene„.nn*rens.. cer; IL Pain, Btiiie -marmot °MAIMVOSTig dining Manager., Taman:7ol, V. Bonerrx. , 'sl raiccif or tarinFILON: Bowe and , PerquOtte.. „ZOO: I Private boxes; largo-- .00 Second Tier Private Boxes, autall......sbmi Boxes for coltte ;parsons ......25 cents. ilt - Certillcatey securing serits,.l.2% cents want.- . 11M-Saccees of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 111,9RENOR1 ••• WEDNINDAY EYItNINO, Corozal 31, 1806; • • The Irish E.ralgrant--4YBrian. ttifi W. J. Florence. After which, • Illiaohlevoua Anne —Anne, manning four 'chino % ters. with a Dance, an i songs, one dr. which ir.hoh-f I hio Amami," hire: W. J. lelorencto Tim Sauna; RD% W. J. Florence. 07, To conclude with OPFlannersan and the Fatrfes--VFlanclitent I!dr.. W. J. Florence. Flar Door. open at 4 to T ; MASONIC HALE, MLLE, THERESA PARR ' III WILL GIVE A GRAND CONCERV • 6.43113T/31 BP • MADAME ASIELIA PATTI BTRARDSOII,;- SIGNOR BERNARDI, and MAURICE STRAKOSCII; ou4nu for About the 6th of Noventbli. „ octZT:tf t?, - r p H y• JOHN W. M'CAR. - 11111 _rosier and IThistribneviri . *Jr- Whit attend to the Footing and Distritnitllok of kinds of BILLS FOR CIONCLBRIII, LECTURES, EXTII.BITIONft, ka AU commtuaisationn—either by mail, telograrih,Or of pr, wise—directed to the office of the Morning root; will 're-' eeire prompt attention. , ftla . . SPECIAL NOTICES. Bank of PI ttabiargb, October le, 1850. A N KLECTION fa Thirteen Directors of date Dank, tot: the miming year, will be holden at too bon fiottoo, on MONDAY, the day of NoVietater next, tie. (wenn the hours of gA. M. and 3P. M. • _ elao,a general meeting of the /Hock/Wiles 'Of Urellitdo of Pittsburgh will be holden on TUBSD.ityohePati.duy No vem bee next, at theliankinefloftee, lb imoiditneg tijth the provisions of the charter. . oetlßtdlwrwlm JOHN SNYDER, Ottelildr. Meets ttnlcril ElarLIS: Pittsburgh, 0418, 1E53. t. AN ELECTION for Thirteen Directors. ti) serve fernier. ensuing year, will be held at the Meoliattiea. ihttejl'Og Pittsburgh, on the third Monday of Noverntirfr next; at thir Boating Hours on Fourth street, totween ttaShotietrottrii. AL and 3 P. Alw, a general meating of the Stockhollera will be held on the first Tueligy of Narember, at the came plan, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al. OHO. D. !ULM'S IV, oath MECHANICS' BAN& Or Pl i t15.11111(CII, ' A ugtAt 31:1165: Sirkikt STOCKHOLDERS of the hischatties' Kam of burgh me hereby notified thnt the thiratifisito $12,60 per eh:ire will bikina on the 10th of Urtober.ip,:lcon, and the fourth and lest inetaiment of 110,5 . 4,1 yd; tharcron the :oth November following, peynble at tho :11.terl king House, on Fourth street, as per restitution o f the7pro Directors. sepli 0110. D Met/REF, ."Pllhrt. !Merchant* and rdeainfaeturevetdll ank,ry Pittsburgh, Ostobrt 19, 1850.. A N ELECTION for Thirteen Directors of this lianicisilk. CI be Lead et the Bunking louse, on MONDAY, the 19th: day of November next. oet2onlim W. U. DENNY, Costlier. AMEETING of the Stockholders of the 219eperaneetvez. and IVobleslown Plank Bead Cbmpany, fit the purpose of choosing officers to serve for the eneninglyear, *riff be' held at the office of the Treasurer, 112 Yourthsltriffit, Cu the FIRST MONDAY of November next. By order of the Board. °et° AUSTIN LOOMIS 'Vette orer. •-• /Faction notice. -- • /1 1 11 E Stookbobiers of the Penneykrauts Inffitranre Cont.' pang, of Pitteborgh, are hereby notified ilmt the Al, nual Election for Directors for wild OompanjoVvilt:be held • at the Mlles, corner of Fourth and. Smithfield streets, on MONDAY, the 6th day of November, 1165, at 10 o'clock A.- M. footaktdl A. A. OA ItßOda, K.. 'y. Plank Road Et•ction. , • NOTICE to hereby Oven, that the An maid liicellon for • officers of the Allegheny and Perry evil le Turn pike and Plank Road Company 111 be bold nt the house of llngh' Dalzell, in lane Township, 011 MoNDAY, the 6th day of November, A. D. 1655. .lAIIIIB A. GIBSON, octitbdawtzt 'President:. , Notices. . k: Stockholders in the Allegheny and Ntitvluou Plank ROC' Company will 'reel at the bow. of A. flartmau, Wcods' Run, on MONDA V, fuh November neXk.' betw.ves the hours of one and Ilre o'vloek 4M..„ for the pu - poae t r 000 PreaiJOIII, Ova Mt134140/1 and tins. TriMPUrtr, to servo fur ono your. By order. Dissoiution of Partnership. qiiiE Purtnerstiip termed by Out undereignetiand JANIS iniati, in currying on '• the Camden Coal Morka,"- under the name and style of JUNE, O'NEAL &MILLER, 13 ,, ,r dimeolveaL 1H.1.1U JONES, July 7th, 1855. JOHN D. DULLER.. 1,1L1341.1 I.OIUSI.I.M—A very large 4r:A floe aeapxtu D .ur o r r rimb broahea, obabrwiug every vnr iy, JtiAtmt'd to , c.,t/ JOR, FLI24I.IIV(t. IDAIULtsI.OI.C.:S RAM D11.',.--Arknowte,l4,l to h• tt I_l best Lialr Dye iu the wor:d. Twelve reeetveg by loct2j JOB. U. A.CW—Tb This lareale by • • ..:•• "." Jtirainik. - 41091, _ bap Jars and 2007+mge 7310, fur Pile by ` sepl9 8311111 4111.1.A.4,11k1NTE.11._ („:.% la.bdm prink. N. CCuad 'lilt) bbtacruali..t, lor Clsale b 7 (a. 0 0) frOIITL2, .51.11311. a LIONTFIX. • . , TAILS2.SO Lege us carte If Miff, for sAle by ox•f119 133.11T11, DIAIR k nuniat, NIONS--9 bbh. °atone, rot 'phi'? by opl9 SMITH. HAM a 1/I.ISTEIL _ . N IfA A - 3a LS bilm for Brilichy • se p. 24 moat u. COLLI 3 ellBryallillB daily can he attended to withearls .1 Ca MAYS two tlkyllitht:(laLlorlea, tt Fourth t•tree , moderate. -wife - . „. ir r 11 13, 11.1 ElT ti t P i t r f la tt aill/SA KATIIa RON 1, the greatest Witlo KATIIA RION Renders the Ilan foreland cdoßaY• For sale by KRYBNR, HAFT, SOOFT I PA S BLUNTS. et 115 vents. aeon; OLISICI3 BENNO 1.100D3.—A very 114, sod vaTird sortroent of every descriptkm Of tiorta.lreeviog Opals just received by lootl2j A. A: MARIA a (O. It_ BROWN sontinuea to be tou ulted tor the cure of BROILET DII3RABER. Rh emcees in long standing cases is unequalled. The afflicted are invited to out delay. Persona afflicted with Venereal Disease,, Rbsuroatirol, files, or Seminal Drbility, should not delay to get hie col v toe. Letters containing a fee Unmediated), • Oifiva and Private Booms, No. 41 Diamond alley, Pitta• burgh • DULLitUTTRII-2 halls kerb Itoll nutter - suet receive, and for ode by 10ce2.3) HENRY 11. 001.1 IN., NOW ye not Mat ()AlititYtt tinlteny td at 76 Nourtb et.„ 11, and that he tatva Mott:tree lathe boacsty le for $1 and yworde. ort2h I 1P) NlNti OF TALltArl Ati.D 01.4.0 Andi, au Wfalneaday J and Thursday, the 2.lth stud 2fdla of October, at A. A. MASON A CO.'S, 23 - Fifth street. Too hundred Moire An. mg..., Velvet and Cloth Tama. and Cloaks, of the latest Paris styles; also, tan sextons of Misses' nod Children's ' Talmas, richly trimmed. .not2l 11.iliKS—We have just opeoso a tlm, ss ,, ,;ittuotit of Blurt. Cloth Cloaks. NIItAIKS Sr CtoJPNR, No 711 Market et. CT KEEN APPLE'S-10 bbls tbis day ...dyed F.mi forAlale, Ur by [octZl IigNILY 11. COIXIXF,.., AMES' FARECLONI3-41adey: for .Novernbc:; in IN 20 con CA. Halloo fn November; price 10 cents Leslie's New York &nuns!: price IS rents. London Illustrated News atmpllal weekly fur .0 eentarpin copy. The above just received by eTyreto, al Leuritays Itookittore, No. 20 Fitch sbeet. oat:4 L) A LSA 51 Ylll--60 Ibe just receivedand for IRMO by oct22 ItLkal INO BROS. U .111 CK ErtniE— lb just nom FLEMINO 1111..1k. VlSlti l iLLlUA—Trtrstr-200 lba just receivoal and for rain by 10ct221 FLYMING Milt& IBl.2 . lol , Adb—Cooper's bb red -1 case jUr.t. retsofv.dand for sale by roet2'.l YLEMING min.,. PALM SOAP—e good article-3UI lbe julit rerdvtd and for .le by (oetr2f WANING BROS. ONToriti-2 bble for elan by . oat= SMITH, MAUI A lIUNTISIL 9110031 C--140 boded prime Chot+so for by ect22 91IITA, MUIt d LIUNTER pl./IABU-8 wk. No. 1 for sale by oot2 5b.1111.1, MAIR A MINTER IIODYIBII-3,000 lbe CaWish for solo by lJ oct22 BM tU, MAER & 1/UNII2II A A. MASON a CO. will open on Monday, October 1..21, 60 more cases and packages or Calicoes, Chin Giughams, Bleached and Drown (Thecko, Tick i ngs, Plasmals, Housekeeping Goode, do. oct22 A A. fd AVON a. U 4). are staily reeedviog sod opening rt.. eases and packages of BEMs, BBswle, Dress °sada, Embroideries, Domestic ilapds, ac., of evarrdescription. oet2o FIRY OAROO, 76 Yount' atrast,,for liketiorta. 1 moderato. ect.W I 11V.EST RALF A DOLLAR Ita a Likeness, at o.ll7oFer 1 prize Gallery, 74 YourCh street. oc.R.M GNN IS' THAVNLINU ritietWLti--A fultassortme7U. hand ; also, Norse superior Bay dims kilankels. at. L. 11112IIIFIELD A SON'S, No. 711 Wood strout. AMANUAL OF TOPOGRAPHICAL DRA WING, by Lieut. R. 8. Smith, 0.0. Army, AotArtant FrAfosoor rl Drawing In the U. S. Military Academy, Wool Point, N. P. For oalo by B. T. C. MORGAN, ANTED—OIty Warrants. Apply to WV octlB BLAKELY A 11.1C11111" WANTED—Lund Warrants. Apply to octlB BIAILFILY A 11.1011 EV ;0111UMA1I8211 AND NEURALGIA.— Dr. BROWN hereby inform the afflict.] that his remedy for 1110 above mentioned diseases Is one that will cure. lie will warrant a cure In any case of this kind. This remedy was never known to fall when properly persevered *kb: Many suffer the torture of thiscompleint forporthe sod years, when a few months would procure tv rertain, aafo and speedy remedy. (Aloe and Private Consulting Rooms, No. 41 DIAMOND alley. lola BJuKS R 000 F SR will receive dully during this week and next, their second supply of 111 0 1JItNING and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, embracing a large lot of Black and Second Mourning Dregs Goode, Shawls, Cloaks and Talmas. In Donsekeeping Goode their stock cannot be rivaled In this market. Call and 801 l theca. oetl9 NO 76 MARNKT ST. VLOWSit ROGTII—Uur stock of Imparted Garman ilia - r ci nibs, Tulips, &e., is unpacked, and ready for delivery. Early planting will secure a stare blocm in spring. Demo JAMBS TYARLROP. WEW:I ANTD— for Ave pears; on which a liberal pre• mium wilt ba paid, in addition to the regular cuter eat, well seemed on productive real estate. Apply to °MIA DUMMY A MOREY. UTTBR-20 kegs prime Butter fur ante by mai HENRY H. 'COLLINS ratouts or MAJOR ROBERT STORO, oLthe Virginia .IXI. Regiment, with Introduction l y Neville Craig, Esq., end Stobo's Plan of Fort Duquesne. Price only ZS cents Published and for sale by J. & DAVISON, octls 0.5 Market street, near Fourth FODDICH. CUTTERS—BeeIre Patent Straw• Cutters: a constant supply In store. Orders trona dealers and merchants (Moopromptly, on liberal terms, at 47 filth st., by roct2o . l JAMES PialtDROP. • C - . , 4 + t to '9..1144 7,7 4°4. ti ..' 1 (leonine:tea fo Being pnipsced under Ale immediate supervision of an eminent Chemist, uniformity of strength may always be rolled ou. 1M UOKIX4d6III4 JiManct„ . and .thalhousude of t}-timonlolu from erpiaenG i'hysicians, and others who hsv boon thori4hly sumo!, aro a sufficient guarantee of 12 emperiorlty ovsr all other proparstlona. W,e, can Only add, jn conaluslon, ifyon are suffering from Yoser,iiisl46l.le, My if and .e mired/ _- - ./tisr A Substitute for the Near Liquor Levrt—Dll. URBAN'S ANTI.II/10011AN ALLAN ELIXIII, a safe and sure remely for the cure of • 1 liTb M RANCE. A cencentrate] ,yegetaolo, extract, and as a tonic is one. quailed. For the following cum plain tell lea most valuable medicine;,Pga ycpsta.72.regr Cbstplamt, Epilepsy, ticuralgta , firs, &amnia?' klncts Delirtum Trentem. General mt 4 loti*fil titortfiell; to amouco a asap in the sys temiand a dististe foralcohalic drinks. Porkral instances where we have salteit, we hate. had the most gratifying results; co, to persons who are really desirous of breaking uts the indulgence in intoxicating baverages, this oliair pill be a great heap. Sett! at $1 par battle at the Drug Etore of OttO. ii. KEYSER, Nit, 110 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley ' sign of the Golden Mortar. ap2stdaw tteleted-les.— tr. iteysere Pectoral Symrvelli cure you. Dr, liey.er's Pectoral tlyrup will curwitronelltis. Dr. lie) .r'n Pectoral ,yrup r.llt curt, Laryngitis. Dr. lieysor'o Pedlortil Syrup wilteure Infinensa. Dr. lieyeer's F.:aural Syrup bill curse erild in the Dr, Koyerr',, PRet.ural iiyrup Will care Incipient. Cote inimption A moat latter from Mr. J. W.Tenteb,bflitSkebSlOhlo, rays: " I want you lo wind me two beitilel tiflour Pectoral Syrup by mail. There in a lady here who haw n cqugh and the tfiattore mat cure her. 1 wan in the Ramo Way, and .trtod everything without benefit, until t got a bottle of your pectoral Syrnp; I took it but twice and It cared me 'round anti-well." Ark for Dr. Ilknrve'e Prom.DAL 13nuP nndlAtto Co other. Price, 60 cents. Sold at Mt. WEYFltarit, r:o.:130 Wood ntrt-et, nod o .1. P. FLEMINU'i, Alleghttny. ap2.salaw JAM ES OGIDPAR. eficsetery - - - 44.4 r. Marsh's _Radical Cure Truss will cure „nearly evcry.cake of rednintable Trusses al various prices Itartl7t4 on hand. Uhlidren'a True a ea orditteraut retake and strength -for salt. • -. .lntsmitle fitnettlngs fur varlsrle, or sulltrgod reins. A bdomnial Supporters-A dolezi different kinilt. Pile Props for the support nud cure of Piles fi hnulder Braces to relivres oroohnd and deformed . condition of ,tittitifie,t, and many dinesniic of tbil'arkkAt. Suspension Bandages. All cuson urticles.lnkt Dlt. }TRY. SEWS slid - Retail TRUSS t/108.', 'l4O Wood 'emit; sign of tho Golden/ Marna: or will be twat to may pert . of the country by seuilingd.bo money and meaauro. E.E it IF A R 41, IYvirtue ot at, ordes of the Orphans' Court. Atiegheay titmlity. the undersigned, Administrators of the late Lurid Greer, decease 4, will expose to Public Bale, ou the premises, ou TUESDAY. November llith, at 1 o'clock P. M., tharvo Inside k'dkidl in NUM WW1:1114, pounded by the Allegheny rivery Plum creek, and lauds of Michael Bright, containing about 170 ar•res. '..The above Parra will be subdivided into Lots of .Tet to Twenty Amex, offering un eccellent opportunity to many who Imre long wished for a country Bite embracing so neat a.lrantageo to lo ration and fertility. The Lote are laid our lo front on .be Allegheny river and the Allegheny Valley Railroad, by which 11 is within a few minutes' rile from the city. This property id tisautifully situatod, commanding splen did views of AlleghAtiy river Fernery, and lo the WOE de. nratlaforecuntry I.l”tnea offered in this cou..ty. Cars win leave at o'clock on day of sale, from Law tn convey purcticoary to the grounds. and further uf..ratatio., can bo .btalood of R.P. MOND aftklklt, 'Nu. 134 Vat r street. or at the Auction Rooms. 'falves—Ono-ttard cub; residue la ono and two years, iW lutarest. EDMOND GREER ' Administe.tonf. I.+OPIILA GREER, ne 1.2.3 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. • 5 , ❑l"aaolutloss of Co-Partmer•lftp. Partuareatip herelotore exieting between the under / .Iff.t..Uteler thanarne and style of SPRINGIER IA d a Qtr., 4 diawnvol. by mutusl cement The Mist ime a of L Le final will be settled to either of the andentlemed, at their o.d •Gm I, o. t`4.5 Liberty street. The busineas 11111 eo r eutotued au formerly by npringer flerbaugh. SPRINUEIt ALEX: F )ftSYTtI.• Pittsburgh, October 24, Libh. Springer Harbaugh, AIGIteRANT, Dealer an Wool, Pr:l-hems G and PoAduee generally, he. 296 Liberty street, Pate burgh, Pa. . WO Wholesale Grocers, Liquor llealara and Manufacturer*. SußalßlliElt le now importing a superior quality '1 of OIL ON 00thtlAgl, of which % of an ounce with 1,0 gallene pure Spirit will prrelace a line Oognao Brandy. Llis RBfIIiNORS OF ROCIEELLE cal MAIM'S BRANDY; of d AMAIOA and BT. CROIX. 11011, ARAO. OIDSR and PRAM - . BRANDY, ROLLAND BORE IMAM rOLIN A PPS and BOOTTIBIL witleaY, are acknowledged by the Ness York faanufitoturere by the groat demand alter them. Di rectionafer tree aill Invariably be given by 1)11. LEWIS YEUCHTWANGRR, 141 Raid.. Lane, New York. • '. P. Pe—lmporter of Paguerreetype Chemicals, Platius. Bismuth. bleingaueae; Thorn's kit. Copal ,a, Sulphate Am moot), de_ deal:is tf B. .10iss 4 . 0 N 111 N I.St. DENNY, orwarding, and Commission Merchants, RATA! 01 WATNR STRKNT. PMTSRUIIOII Ltoys and YOQ the C 111111010. ilißde Boots. ALllll.lit, Ns. 71, corner ,-t Wood and Fourth kff siveats, would invite the aitunti,,n tt tinoiliel and others to the folios lug, named, articles, a hush have tern mannfuetured to his special order, and are—au rcgorde ma terials, workmen hip, t . tenixlii and style—as perfect no stn Is, found io any eataldishment, and superior toe any he hen heretofore in troduci,d Itoys' heavy two solid Muter Boots; , Youths •' . P. Calf , Youths' `• . Childs'" " Nos. 8, 9 and 10. Alan, Boys' and Youth' ouporior tw o soled Brogans. Childran's sett Morocee'Sesfed Flotitees; Ladles' nod Calf, NZ* and Goat Boots: Gentlemen's super;or Tot oof French Calf Roots. a A Ism, all kinds of seesmitible:l3ooTB and 8110E2, made lion/ the best materfalß fop ilurnhility. oe 8:101 nod 1.) F Knua.arr ILL la coLLIC cor-o, of Third and Aiirrkertrras. Incorporated by Legislatlib Charter. IVI ARLY 3500 bTUDRNTH hove been educated in 11 this institution. • rJ. ÜBLE ENTItY BtlOii•KEBPINII, in Stn applicltion to every branch oft ommerce. DOUBLE ENTRY VLEANIBOAT BOOK BFlfsklNti t : e 8 practiced upoz,the NVesteru s and I.llilnn., • LUSiNESBANTrOBNAMENTAL PEN dAynH[Pfnngbt by ikTr. J. B. Wtilianti the beet Penman in the IJultdd No 104 Wool et COMMERCIAL LAW AND POLITICAL ECONOM Y, by N, B. I lateh , member of the Pitt eburgh liar. MATIIMMATICS. CLARaffIA I, AND MODERN LAN• OUAG KS, by P. 11a)den, A M., and P. L. Apal. For Dill partieulars, rail for a eirentar, containing the Report of a epocial Commit Cr,- of the Chamber of Cocameree dr New York, and a reennimeudation from upwards of ta Ittandredltlerchants, Bankers and Arrountanta. octLS:tfaw CATUPETINGS. ()'ASSOCIATION, COUNTYOAitP.ET MAN UFACTUR I NG on the Chester Plank Road, two miles below the city line, otter to buyers thin stetson, AYDIN'S TER, TA PESTRY,IIIIUSSELA 3-PLY INGRAIN, DAMASK and VENETIAN GARP ET I N 0, at very redueed prices . for cash or city ac , eptance, (interest added.) The stoek, comprising aloe IMPORTED FA BRIGS or every variety, aan be entrained at the Factory Warehouses, Darby, or at the Btorea, Noe. 18 end 20 N.SICOOND at .PEILLADELPRIA. Wool bought, Spun, Dyed or exchanged for Clarpete. J. SIDNEY JONES. N. G. MURPHY & BRO., NO. 57 WOOD STREET, Hove now fu atom a beautiful assortmrut c f DRY GOODS AND SMALL WARES, DOUGIIIT within the tart two weeks at the very lowest pill,rlpelfig- piker, first which. they will sell at a small ad vance Div haste= coat for mos; or to good prompt ela mouths purchasers. • All purchasers are invited and desired to make an exam ination of their stock. ost I m AJ' WILSON & SON, No 91 Wo,d street, would lovae attention to their large and elegant assortment of Cloth, Otothand Plwhliimmocloitd Plush-0A PIA of AU the new and desirable patterns for the Pall sales. Abu; et)arge assortment-of Black and Brown BATS, new styles, together with a great variety of WOOL LLITO ; all of which will ho eold low for CASE Oer26 ~~ •Ara—qpecrptglhis Opitrautnai Etneiess.mWittp lc gratify hig for ttetroAittllkitlilto:-.tb.e-liebiteittfat the utility of 64ti&liitia , --vikteCe.4-141kow lioeiperi• umutv—tbetts IrotdEttlidriffeds 9raftolnitigitially:2o:Utel khow ledge of the proprietore, -- Ettwlge as it may Ream, it iu true, that Speetaolyitliatiiii4eAliiiettpre4Atte.l sight restore 4 to Ita•ortitinalipvier.-i l heaa culla are sitttPlel yet philosophleaL .They era used without pain or the least danger of thitrt. Below wilLhe it and 141leh ' , peak tditly in .theitia,Vol. I Prom the, New - York blvangelish I IA vase melte° vet ohilor.ophiesi-inntrumeut, ho , ‘ 1, 00 -Invented by Jabal! 3. Co thieuity, by the' applietitlon wall the cornea of the o is gradhally raised to its origi ndl tptoteqty,A73tutrg the fires to troplnge op the cello! plt bout ibbe.hidf eciurel..leneiv. Tine byen 015 . 4 pm** 'Tons who hove slottestrov e yvars liv23 cookie,! to I dropense with the ' " • he °DMr of tho Peuneylvaltia. Democrat mates as fol. larra ceelwetilut lb:, cure of Aire. 'Jurelend, of tiulontowu -Deprelyl vau 2 . . . Thinoitrowk, Pa., August 1.15 R. ft-eitig well aaqueintod with Alta. Ourstead, 1. know tha : before she lazed "Ueda Patent EywOupeetit wav Imposed• WO for tier to teed without the nos of speetantes, and that b eight has been mitered by the use-of the Cups, en ,thst Ad* now reads print with her naked eye without difficulty:. Joui F. Beezai.c., Denzotrrat.o., • BatotizaroWdiJune 1.1854, pear ~Yrr—llaring lost my eight by old , age, I waeln, Aneed to purchase your wonderful lustrutconsta,mul by *log the same according to your directions, I nocceoded in teitoring my elgtit an that I can Mad by night or day :with, ouk spectra:lot I .Dave not wed toyapectsolas forthnhlt flared or four months, which showelhat.the restoration is ; not a temporary ono, but a valuable and permanent ours. auvicus. /imam, •_. . _ Of the arm of Snell & Ifiothero;lfitiltilelo;lastus. *IL By remitting five deflate,. a pair will be rent, peet - paid, with full Allvitreit;e; Lo &pi i , cat of the dhuntry. AS., drips DR. GEO. .1.1. iceyskaf, corm: of Wood Afoot and: Yit lip alley, Mahan:B..l'e. eeplirdve A Faat, wOrt.by of Etacord nod Attest-, 'Lion .-WRIGTIT'S TONIC mixruno, a gueiranitnl and ' . 6,trlorn cure for FEVItIt Awn 'A OUR. Thld preparation for re treatment of theatiove dfseaten, and poroteVxtraullts) do of the cause, is ono of the In?at.ittiportall!, .Ditloveriesi:o; tbu3fititi[bentury.7 .- Xlif ne4tfilArni on the poistialawait'iwutew are inetantaneoWth chaiatmpott the whole Nervosa and muffeurar Oystemoi 'a ateiing the tone of the Btoutaoh, and Invigotatlag tha con-, 14like the general remedies resorted to for Its treatment, ouch on Quinine, arsenic, de., which leave the system worse than they found it, It Improves the, general health, fattriftes the blood, andatimnlatea the different organs to a regular and b. aithp action: ii P.1..71411. T. IVAIGIIT di 00, . . • •141 Merited et., kthiledelphle. • &add reapecte hie Vruggiste throughout the United tutee and Camden. tt. side bp - 0/10. 11. 4111.YSER, No. 140 Wood street, , ../I.3IELWIILs, Plttsburlth. ep7PdatrBm IA - ___ Orphans , Court Sale CV 3t CUUNTE Y RAs. I=l Fall Tr•de-1555 - • XdoUtUikbrAti,3. .'` pf , • -" MAR LLYirataMPLAM,VDTEIMPSIA clAlitandlkw 1 Pironfo or iii.erloukß9.l446l,. ...PatrAte*Btic Phthe dridney3, and An a ismos finuf3l , firil 4 tusanwrA Der or .Edrmtact,., as aonstipos, tiara, Ititeird PiLek •-" r Ptildeasor Bloodlothe . • fiend Acidity of theStaMich, . tieuseoilfaintburn, DisgastAap , 003 .? . 'ltnine,s or weight - i ll:, alp Stothirih;FAit - ', Eructations, Sinking, or It i lutbiriiiir titr - Pit Of the Stomach, Pwbacalog oi Col florae:a andbitileult Breattgn,Viutl.riry; ileart, Moak.- tag orSultboating tioups.tton'when in lying Posture, Erimucal of Vision, Dolo of 'Nato ,Leforo ttio royal. and, Dill' Pairrin'the Dslic l oncy,:q Perspiration Yellowness of Um 8 1 1111 mad I° the ! • Able, Back, Vivian, Limbs, de, Sodden Pi unites of Hoot Binning in the , Float; Constant 'lmaipAn• flogs onivii and great Depression of - Oie,propriator, In 4 11 ing 8 th Pfr e ita tittontion.of the public to this preparathin, doc 4 so wit • a Meting 011ie mined coral. depce in tb virtues Akrat'adat an to the alseaseepr. which. it to recommended. , •-: theit le no dastard tinia•itsi ‘article,,but onelhat Ilse afco thin of a tem.laarti trier.before the 'American . and its nyttiatlon and male is unrivalled by any eigiflar pi, • 1,-0000 eatanL:lbd ttotirtiony in its favor given by the o,oegvemajn e nt and well known Phytdriane and [militia fits, 6t tittattrot the country . is lmmenae . Listening en; who msy detibLforny " hfemorsbilla,"or Practical Itessipt - Dock, for formers and Families, to be had gratis, of all th Agents for the germanDittuffi, • RAfttipsil- 011114 .. siipiali519'tf 67 1 , 120 Arch s treet, PhDs. ' tr' ta" - Dr;Criss..t. iteryeeto4o Wood`ctries • AT Ps Talottlx, h Oct. Nil' 6 Mod' efteet;,'Pleming Brothers . Wt 64 attOrt ri. P. and J. P. ilempv, Atte)fhin9 dmidslanly la • /LTA 114.00 - Itka 13t4f3T1TUTii4 - siren, (tout/ side,) letioten Penn drat and the River, P LIMBUILGEI s . - PA.e %OCTOR 'DUDE, Oralluate- and Practitioner In the Ohl j Schools of M.elleine, Allopathic an.l. - :Efomceopatble, on >j for the past ten you a - incease Elyirqatble, hie opened aWATEIt OUItS In the above leention. The perfectly sale, direct and immediate eat this aye. ten Ime on all , Proem, and all diseases Anne and chronic, while itts miblopratelkd and invigorating to the weak and tenders it peculiarly desirable in families, who xDI be treated at thole homes. Allopathic andllommopattle treatment will .be adminie• feral where desired; but, after long anit thittetigheXperi eme, Doctor hula gives a decided preference to Ilydrope.% thy, which-has, throughout the old and new storld,provant ' eo eminently antressfcl in every farm of disease; including Incipient Oonsamption, Bronchitis, DySpeptia 'haulm& tory and Chronic Rheumatism, Asthma, Outalteons,' h i ghly us and Liver Diseases. Testimonials of curse from highly reputable. citizens - of .nearly every State in the Onion, can be examined at Dactor Baelee office. The Bev. Clergy are invited to-oonsult him gratis. Warm water being used In the vom.mencement,and often througuout the treatment, it Is a I ustu7 instead of tinplate .cant, es those unacquainted might suppose. ' hermatricis—tdeterre: Charles Brewer, Waterman Palmer, W. W. Wilson, W. U. Williams, Thompson - Bell, J. R. Wel din, D. T. Morgan, Wm. B. !?mimes, E. U. English, B. Al. Herr..... • The undersigned, having visited Doctor Baelz's institu tien, and altu&sed suceeesful treatment, cheerfully recommend /dm a, ii thoroughly educated and skillful Physician: ' • Charles T. Russell, Jos. David Litrnt, John 0. Curtis, Robert Patrick, Sohn B. !Adaptor, John Wright, W. W..Palck, Moses P. - Eaton, 0. Ormsby Oregg. 0,0(V...taw - - . Wona EIABIiPPOItf & CAMPBELL, ' LAtL oP Tax clan OP lIMPIROI.4, WILB-33 A cO) • WOLESALE IDEALISES DI ALEN'S AND 130VF' CLOTHINO, adapted to the Western Trade, 821 Third street, between. WM and Market, Pittsburgh. Amongst our stock. which is the targeor and moot cum plate lu the .country, will be found, at low prices— Alen's Clothing, (if everxdainxipPioni- •- Bays' do do A great variety of Undershirts and I rawers; Full stock of liandkerchiers, Cravats, Neck Ties and ElL , oks; A solendidassortmant of thispendere ; • • do do Dien's Winter Hosiery; do • do Boys' do • • Llatunamilluslin Shirts-and-Drawers; Canton Flannel do do Gum Elastic Goods: - -- And a fall stocked goods adapted to Ellneys andffittinera' Wear Ac. Also, U mbrellas of all grades. . We Invite our old acquaintances, and all dealers In our line, to call an 4 rcamitia for themselves. 'We are now oning our third snooty, and oar ElOcklaltill and corn. pleb.. Warehouse on Third street., half way between Wood and Market. ootlihdaw CITY COMMIE. ttGlitie COLLEGE; OF WEBTRUN PENN-RU.I,MA, N Inctitettion to educate the ECUSISESS SIAN. Col. Li loge open Day and lirrn o o ing. from ,8 A. AL to 10 P. 11.. It Stddenta and npwarde have matriculated at tills School of Practical Arts, taught In a practicn4 manner by instructors of practical experience in. the bucineas with Which their arts are connected:- 0011318 OF TUITION: Book-keeping—full mqoantiln donne, time [Loft. lied, ni ed, including come , reta ostentatious, elf lee, . „„ tures and Practical Penn:ditto/11p, - , ; 4445, 00 &mecums for Ladle4(apirtnient eepara ' te.,) - 2%60 Penmanslitp -,-- praellool—tiduitullmited, ""y 10,00 Hume ['MIR, for Ladies, (apart/Mint separa(e,) • .6 00 Penman hip, per month, • • - - • • 4,00 Arithmetic, • - - _ • - 4,CK) INttma whip and arithmetic,' par month, • - 6,00 Higher mathematics, languages, surveytnwpgineettng.„ drattingonerhantrat, atoDitectiiritt anti i.....anitintsi duly. Aug end - ametraction-- pet agreement. X 3-. Those that can attewl only in the evening, bays all the advantages of the day student In lectures and instrue tion. . 4- ettit o ii . e`o lo, oP o tner:or - Wood and- Fourth-- Boon Coll.-es oppoalte the Poet Oftlre. eep B -- . WP. JENEIL.IB-,Prinelpsl. Pol ytec tint° Department TI.LE littEl CITY COLLEClP—.Commencing MONDAY NiTaIINCI, October 8, et Zo'clock. A Session of Twenty !mein% Students can attend every day wad evening to phicti e, but are charged for only fear lessons per week. C. liehTfillallEff, Teacher of Architecture. I. Elementary Drawing and Shading. S. Regular course in Descriptive Geometry. Part L Line and planuni and Intersections. Part 11. Cylinder, COOP and sphere, with their inter. sections. with line r phuium, Part 111. Perspective. t. Constructions in different building materials, stone, wood, brick and iron, etc. Foundations. trussing, rooting, arching and vaulting. Furnaces, ventilation and heating. Lams and locks, bridges. . 4 Designing of public and private buildings, in the dif ferent styles of architecture, w thleeeuneontheirorigin,A.c. F. MOM KNROTH, Teacher of uroamental Drawing, adapted to the business of the warble curter, cabinet maker, ornamental p ,inter and carer, ke. Mechanical Drawing, applied to machine building in all its brunches. Prof. P. If,OSTRON, Teacher of Modern Languages. Instruction given day or evening, Individually or in ein sea. Separate apartulente for Ladies. 43T For fermis, &e , calf at "College I.lall. TM oppopite the Post Ofti..e. i0n.51 E. W. TEM:MS, Principal,. COTTAGE IIILL ACADACDIY. A Classical and Collegiate Coarding Beheol; * FO 2i BOYS. rill= TWELFTH SESSIOit or this Invtitnfton"will cam manse on TUESDAY, the lath of October. This Sehnoj Is located Di the pleasant; beldtbfal and eon:wide village of TURTLE MAIM, distant twelve miles from pit tqbargb, and Is of easy access, several times a dry, Ly railroad. Those who have children to educate, are melted and °salons° the arranderaenta maddror tho'acootiortiodi. Lion of wholara L, CATON, Principal Turtle Creek Allegheny Co., (it mber,18.56. Fa-Circular; containing terms, and other information. may be had at 'I. 71. 31011.'0, B. T. 0. Morgan's nod J. 8. Ilarlson'a Bookstores, Pittabargh; or apply to the Princi pal, at Turtle Creek: • A BARGAIN OFFERED. rllllll undersigt.ol offers ibr •aale SIX LOTS' of. ground fronting upon and adjoining the Depot of the Pitts burgh and Conneihmille •Stailread, in the growing end thriving Borough of hrIiENSPOBT. Pour of the Lots - are f7 l , feet in width by about 126 in depth, fruiting at one end ou the Depot, and at the other on Sinclair street: and two of thou tronting for their ',whole- length -on other etreeta Also—TWO LOTS, 37% feet in width, fronting the other aids of the Depot, and in depth 121—ono of the Lots bor dering for in, tr hole length on Jerome street. No bettor property e.so be found, and It will be sold low. Part of the paymeut token In stook. of the Oonnelleville !teamed, IC dernred. OliO. P. 1311.1.510111 , „ 'Office of the Morning Poet. PI t tabu rgh, August 81, DEME:I2I DR. BROWN, No. 41 Dientond Alley, 'de. -4,‘,,y votes his entire attention to annffice - practice: Ills business is mostly coltOned to Private Veuereul Dismar-t, and such painful affections, '' brought on by imprudence, youthful indulgence and excess. Syphilitic Eruptions, gonorrhea, Gloat, Stricture, _ rethrel Discharges, Impurity of the Blood, withal! Disea- Bs . , or the Venereal Organ. Skin Diseases, Scorbutic Snip tio,A Totter, Ringworm Mereurial Diseasei, , Seminal r, Wea °els, Impotency, Piles, Rheumatism;-Female Weak ness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of the Jointa, - Flatilli in Ana, Nervous Affections, Pains in the Back and Ulna Irritation of the Bladder and Kidneys, successfully treated. Cure guaranteed. Twenty years' practice (ten hi this city) enables Dr. Brown to ...Der assurances of a opacity cum to all who may ekes. under his care. Ottlze and Private Consultation Rooms, 41 Diamond alley tilpderate. nov6:dawly lttiiLll civy COLLEGE: Opening of the New Hall. /AN PRIDAI isvENINO NEXT, October 5, at 7 o'clock, J Andresen,' will he delivered by JUDGE WILEXNB and others, adapted to the accsislon of the opening of th'e new "College Ball," which bee been fitted up for the permanent location of the Iron Oily et the &roe? of Fifth'apd SmithOeld streets, opposite the Poet Office: entranest'iin rittls-strnet. The public—to the Indies and gentlemen— orer,,pectfully invited to attend. • cool , P. W. JIMICINI3, L. 11 tr s 4X- Non IXTUOLESAIIi AND nerALL-beAtas IN GENII? TT Ft/ Itl`i ISUI NU U001).4, and SUIRT MANUFACTU RERS, No. S 0 Wood street, between Fourth street and Dia mond alley, have resolved their snack of Full and Winter (heals, which they will sell at satisfactory prices, embus slog— FhirtF, Hosiery, Scarfs, Moves, Crave t l ii, Dialers, Works, I. , Pocket ildkfa, Bareling's Shawls, Rubber fii.cala. With a general assortment of goods adapted to the Tarnish. fog busitiese, oetl:3m - . . . . _ TUE highest market price paid for 40e 80 and 120 Lists Land Warrants, of the late issue. Ate, for SO and 160 acre Warrants, Issued under the law of 1850. Apply to sep2l:.faw Watch.. and Watch Repairing. WW. WILSON, Market street, corner of Fourth. • bold end Silver Watches from 810 to SZOO. Bole agency for role of Charles Fredaham's unrivalled Time_ keepers. Watch hop/thing attended to promptly, and done In n superior manner gar Jewelry, gliver Were and Military Goods atßaeteni prices.-VP sepl3 NisOUNIT ELAND el&NUrt.—Ooe 6?, , ,',, octave Piano torte ..-• in elegant Engelwood C 13 1 ,0, with carved moulding ood iron frame; c arrented to be In perfeet order. .11=5. One 'IY., ovtare Piano Porte, in Mahogany ease. $ 175 . One 6 " .i $125. .. i' One 0 .. ,-, $lOO. 14 " one li c ~ 75' For sale by 01:1/1RLOTTE BLUME, oetl2 .No. 119 Wood street, 24 door above Filth. _ Iv r A if) N'B . IS i; lb ii - itvG-IsTorted—Just recolved and for 11'1.r•ale. by loct22J PLEBI , NO EROB. _ _ ~_ NUTTIAR-50 bbla N. O. Tar, (large bbly to at rive, on . co aaigtonent and for rale by ort 2 2 ATW ELL, LEE A CO. Pr/ vats Diseases. 13313=e13 BLARELY A 11:1011EY. mrner of Seventh sod Smithfield eta 1 ..a. •' 11 14 '..k. 1 fr.. LV I , itoElll}l4Vialgi 111 sOLLAtlik 611 Tg IFILIEOPRO-OHEMISCHE'AR MA OF .Echt Hollandsch Kawiden, • 'KW° YEARS have elapsed mine the LutrodacOairof this valuable medicine Into the United ;States. Atisilig, th tor time It tuut gained a.valiscrsal popularity as a 115=0 Fora and Ague, Dytpepsta, bulfgedion, Headache Lau of Appotate, Debity, Manta:as, , Mind and Reeding Peke. , Many of our most Worthy citizens testify to iEs Wonderful. efficacy In all affections of the stomach and liver..: da ft -tonic, it never has been equalled, for the affords t. all cases of debilitror weakness of any kind la almtelt. the etantaneous. In nervous, rheumatic and :neuralgia affecet: tionr,it Malin numerous inateneeaPreYed and in others effected a decidarenre. When eminent phyeiciana prescribe, andtheir. pationtn so unhesitatingly recommend, Bored,' we may, cans to.. Manta, and eagerly test its virtue:34or ourselvea. FEVER AND AOIJIL. , - A Clue of Eigbe Mond& Standing cured by ,florrhaves 'Holland Biziol. — Mizintel Kelly, N0.117-Orant,neer fatithe -Sold street, sayer" Last July, while running on the river, on a canon boat plying between Natchez and New. Orleans PrOas taken with lever and ague.. For, eight long bratilhe leuffered with this dreadful disease. The greeter part of , thik time I was unable to work, and sprat at Imistfiftydel. , Tara for different medicines, butfound no peruuttemt.reLef. 'Three. weeks ago, one of my trioxide initiated up c, lnyteying ilcarhave's Rolland Bitters, saying that a cursmasguarcrp teed. After taking It for one week, I must andel was a sound man. I have barn at work now.fer two weeks, and have ho return of too chills and Sorer whatever.. • certify the above etaternentis titre; • Teas. AnAlta, Diamond II • Or at R.Ohesterre, getble READAOIIE'AND DEBILITY r - t Mr. Silts Liscomb, of 131rtuinglimn, says: to Rairhave's falters a reined, for heatill*raliddeblKlZP' i hlylvlfa tAi4foo used it *tulle Matest benefit" • hve. 411:,Nfetuttsert, of Plttebtugh, also frauds Ilutthenr , , s, E=. hes - experienced mucbcrelierfromitettse.forduantacheirw::qf-,r4e, READ TIIISI , A Hollandoes Tistisnony.—Jacob Einakea, living in thewr.- Rolland eettlement of Sheboygan, WISCODAD, says: "After atrfferingThr some 'time the inleary attending Cu uttei-Pnie trillion Of niket 'and laxly, I have 'peen restored, by using - Itoettuive's Hallam! Ilittere; to: perfect health.' The fact of thla remedy being in such high repoteanimsg: • the Hollandersla Wistanalu, Michigan, New Yorke-infect, in. every Rolland settlement fa the United'E ates—azgoor 'much mite favor. STRENGTH AND HEALTH RESTORED. - Mr. John Davidson, living ten miles above Pittsburgh, on the Penntrylvanlatlanal, says: " When I commenced taking Boethavolt Rolland Bitters, I could hardly walk—now, L enjoy excellentbeallti." . WEAKNESS, OF TILE BTOILWII , AND INDIGESTION.. - Abe/Air Groat Cure Fifeetert by Boerhaves Heihind.EfEere - 6 The wife of Peter be Witte, living in Rolland 'Edina; Rinet‘4 , ." boygan connty,Wiscotedir, suffered ranch frontaveaknessof. the stomach and indigestion. She had been under a PhF• . tician's care for fume time, but the disease seemed to bait% even his skill. She punmased BOZO Rollend Bitters at our office, which had given tone - to her : stomach, her appetite and etrengthare returning, and we firmly believe that this is another great cure effected by your medicine. We have still to record many wmalerful cures effected by this remedy, but must wait another opportunity. One thing you can rely upon, what we have published are trout.. , persons much respected in our community, and are literal-:.,1 Iy true. Editor Sheboygan Nlenwbode, Shetnygiun, A Case of Two Months' Staudz ng AvAari : kfaland Bitters.--Cleorgejfetideroon,orPlMe orsknays: - "After t alibiing for threemoitthaviltlitheinnatistue lan*, .., of the time so oevertly as to nonttretteld, my .bel1;-1. 1 qvo beementliely cured byAmingl3oerhave'll Holland Efttnia. .. Ihete h&cteneittank faef4,bntiountlairtast instantimmeas Ist . ..the'mune Itls,, my` opinion, a sure remedy far rheumatism.. - • This AND. anNtratAno AFFECTIONS.' • This chroiguble weather is MeV' to predate ugreat deal of Matinee. To persons troubled with nerrouit'or ?hands , tic affections,, we' would recommend Thatirhave'e Holland - Bitters. On referring to our column:soon wstltind.cortLe. eatea from ROMP of our first Ommumand English rantryfrottio 4Mo:a Zeitung. TB& WORfiT FORM of PILES CA/f We are at liberty to-refer to SeiCial„Welr;Bripw,aliengo nuan;who have need, 'thoroughly tatted,* and isow recora.. meta Dcerhave's, Rolland Bitters as a remedy for piles. We are not at liberty to publish their names, but will take pleashre In referring my person to them who denies statement - . - • For this affection, onetutif ef the prescribed dose altonld be taken--lay half teaspoonful morning, noon and tilgst, otittitoar before meals. :The great popularity. of, this delightful Aroma has in. •• dared umoy imitations, _which, the public should guard against purcbmlng. Be not perenaded to buy anything Ass until you have given Boorneve'd Lipliand,Bißets a fair.., trial. One bottle wilt crutvliate you hew, infinitely eupotior It is to all these Imitations. • Sold at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the. rale Proprietors, BENJAMIN PACIE,'Jmi k • Manufacturing Dbarnaceutists and Chemists. • corner Smithfield and Third ettraFittelturgh. • •••, -11.1&,./34 aßliftr.atf4Drhggletai. , '• . artier of Second and Wood streets: And all Druggists in flttettorgh,Allegheny,Birmtraihattl e , Marteben6r and Tamperandeville. 'acp29slaw/9. DR. _MORSE'S • n 4 trioRATINQ - ',' CORDIAL, PitiENOXVION IZEr Warnahlt • ' Llita4o ftertored 'tad Lite Lengthened BS MORBB!S INVIGOICATIIIM ELIXIR TT will rtplareweeknme with ,strength, incapacity wit efficiency, Irregularity with unite' rza and naturid eAl tivity, and this not only without haterd of reaction, tint with a happy effect onthe general organization. //4- Beer In mind that *maladies, wherever they begin, finish with the nervous system, and that the paraltration of the nerve of motion and sensation le physical death.. Bear lupin:4: also, that far every kind of neryoua dise*se;the dial is the onlyzellable preparative known. CURE Of NERVOUS MagASIP. No language can convey an adeettete idea 'of the home date and almost miraculous change which it occasions in the diseased. debilitated and shattered nerrotas..- whether broken down by nxcess i weak by baturekorlopo r , ed 63% elekneSs—the unstrung and relaxed onganktationie at once braced, revivified and - httlit up. The mental wnd physical symptoms of nervous disease vanish togelher an derite Influence. Nor Le the effect temporary for thelkdk. dial properties of the medicine reach the constitution itsielf,' and reStareit to its normal condition. ' . LOSS OP hiSMORY, Oonfrudon..giddiners, rush or bkod to the headonerans choly, debility; hysteria, wretchedness, thonghtaore6lt detraction—fear of insanity, dyipepsia t geneini prOstrit don, leritalality, nettommem, tuatillity to sleep, disease incident to rules, decay tittle propagating limetions, hya tette, monomania, vague terrors, palpitation of thetheart, mpoteney, constipation, etc-, from whatever muse anteing It le, if ,thera be any reliance to be planed on hi:Wan - testi may, absolutely infallible. . . . A 011.11 AT BLEDIOINB YOB IiMMALSa t The unparalleled effects or this great restorailre in all complaints incidentto females, mark a nevi era in the annals, of medicine. Thousands of etlmulante have been Ifirented=—. tlmtucuuts of ineigerants concocted—all curporthlg,to,"tre epee:Med in the various diseases and derangemehts to iitieh . the delicate formation of woman render.her able. . . . . , . lIVERY WOMAN OP UN A - Who enliere from en3altness, derangement, nerirononete, tremors, pains in the hack, or any other disorder, whether peddler to her sex, or commoir to both.oexee—to give the Invigorating Cordial a trial. MARRIED P1111,20N11, . 'Orothers, will find this Cordial after they have-need a but. Oa or two, a thorough regenerator of the Eystem. in all directions are to beton/ad the happy parents of healthy off. spring who would not have been so but for this extraordi rtary.ireparation. Andit Is equally potent for the many ale. vane (or which it le recommended. Thousands of young men have been restored by using it, and not in • elagielh stance has It fatted tc benefit them. PERSONS OP Midst 0011PLZYION_ or consumptive habite, are motored by the one of a bottle cr two to bloom anti vigor, ehangingthe ettin from • pale, ye/- low, Moldy Color, to a beantifhl florid complexion. TO THE ItELSOUIDBD. These are some of the mid and melancholy effects prodn• cad by early habits of youth, viz; weakness of the -back and limbs, pains In the bead, dimness of sight, loss of moo. solar power, palpitation of the bears, dyspap.-da, nervous Irritability, derangement of the digestive functions, general debilityisymptoms of consumptions, etc. Blentally, the fearful effects on the mind Are much to be dreaded. Loos of memory, confusion of Ideas, depression Of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to misty, self-distrust. love of solitude, timidity, etc., are some of the evils prod! ! cad. All thus afflicted MOBS (101MULATING BYartni4al should reflect that it sound mind and body are the most tee• emery requisites to promote Connubial happinese; Indeed, without these; the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage—the prospect hourly 'darkens the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the ham:dotes n 1 another be. comes blighted with your own. ' • CAUTION Dr. blorse's Invigorating Cordial boa been counterfeited by some unprincipled pcisons. In future, all the gentdue Cordial will have the proprie. .tor's facohnUe pasted over the cork of each bottle; and the following words blown in the glees: , Dr. Dormer In.vigorathelg CartMa, 0. H. BING, Proprietor, N. Irt The Cordial h put up, highly concentrated, fn pint Um—via' three dollars per bottle, two for live 'dollars, - for twelte dollars. 0. 11. MO, Proprietor, 192 Broadway, N. V. Sold b Druggists throlkhout the. United Ohms, Genii and the y West Indies. AGENTS - • . Pittaborgh ----Da. GEO. 1.1.. KEYSER, No. 140 Woad et Do. .FLEMINO, BROS., No. 60 Wdoi it. Do. --IL E. SELLERS, Wood ete.et. Allegheny CR.y...BECEII&M & APKENNAN; Do. ----JAMES T. SAMPLE & Do. --....J. P. FLEMING. Agent or Ohio—J. D. PARK, (Nocturna repli:dawly F. 'Brown's Essence of Jamaica 451inser. Esaeuce la a preparation of lantana! excellence. rln ordinary diarrhoea, incipient cholera, In short,in all eases of prostration of the digestire functions. It is of Ines. tunable value. During-the prevalence of epidemio cholera and summer complaints, it is peculiarly efacaclocui; no feral y, individual or traveler should be sylitiontit: 041/TION.—Be sure to get the genuine P./nonce,- *bleb In prepared only by F. DROWN, at blo /Mug KEKVeitfillklit Store, N. S. corner of awl Chestnut streets,. waw a i,. phis, and for sale Vail the respectable Apothecaries in the United States, and in Pittsburgh by E. A. PAIINESrON. & SCULLY & CO.' Ana in Allegheny by u. 1308WARTZ, LEE A. meicami. sepailmdim Paimor's Veto braved M.ptoititaatt nano*, STANGS PREEM IN ENT fa flaming 6511 p9 t °rooks, Fhb, Meat, Game, he. We advice - all good ticusawifee to try it. Price 26 cents per bottla;at all 0 rocary end Fruit Stores In the United States end Cacodne. For Bale by ISPOLIIRO and Q. li. HEY4,F.B., Pittabutilb . • T WRIGHT 141 Ifizicatatre.t. Phillublobts isnlikdawly is CCASSIM.EtthS, 40.--.l* large and MO *elected *dock of Broad Cloths Illa*k and Fancy C8z1141301:1313, Oinninette, Tereedß, Jews, &e., just rezeiced by • • oclB A. A. LIABON d CO, :... - .;...;%,1 ,-7 ..: . f: - 7 , :i': - .:::i:::,:.: ,-,, ,,..,, f _ : E== ~;r:' i- ~,~ ~,
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