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'. o t--.• ".,,... a.t • "1.. ~ . ,- t„ 4 " ~ ~ ~ , st s '",_. r . • - s." .• "i 4 4ti•' - 4 tt •*,,t` , , . -;" *-- •••• ;• ' ' ..... ..o. s '0 •-' -47 - ' -''„" 4 • .,r_." s' '„. ... - 4. O. t" , t nos -st I ' se ' * - '''' * Pe.i . ""<.# l° ' - '•' , -,- , ". ' d i . oe .. ' r i,!';fl - _ , ', ~ , , _ mot ~ t '' , • • ' 'l. -- 6 . i ,1. ' .! 4 ' , , • ‘r 't ,;`. • , 44 4,, . Pt-: , "1,44,-.. • DAILY MORNING POST: hirsted and pubatthed event moraine (Sundays excepted") •-• • A3Y GILLDIOR isr. MONTGOMERY, (MAWR NOB2B-WEW, 038.111 M 01/ WOOD AND ■LRM 81/MOS. zrir S 6 S.—Vita Dollars a year, payable strictly tn. a trance. 1317.' D 0111 1 .13 will Lerratiably be required If not paid within the yeas .t:;p' Single cows ewe oats—tor •ale at the counter In the 0 Rice, and by the Yews Boys. Pohl/ 41.1 from the moil office, on s large blanket dee •et, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In advance. angle poplin? WI fll3/111?8, sir No paper will be discontinued unless it the disorep Oe of the Proprietors,) until all arrearages are pail. ilQr No attention will be paid to any order unless 'mom• pintail by the money, or satisfactory reference In thli city. tar emulated wWI the littablalonent of the Morning Port it one of the Largest Job Printing Offices in Me city, allure all :kinds of nark is done on the shorted notice, and most recta:n ig bla arm. . . . PROFESSIONAL CARDS Robs: C. G. Sprout ATTORNEY AND .C0DN84.1.19.a L AW-43111ce,, No —, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. deethly Jame, A. Lowirrke, A TTORNEI AT LAW—Office, Yourth street, Pittsburgh 11.. between Smithfield street end Cherry alley. fdecntly JOHN BARTON. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, corner Fifth and Grant •ts., jx.3:101 PRISSUROU, PA. Thorna• Means, A TTORNIfir AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CTILANCIIRY. AIL Mee, next Joor to the Poet Oftigei Steubenville, Ohio, my 4 8. P. Hoes, A 'MENET AT LAW—No. 100 Fourth street. Pittsburgh, fourth door below Mr. Body Patterson'', Livery dtnLla jeTB C. Orlando Loomis, A MANE'S AT LAW—Ottioe, lourt4 Rtreet, above Wood. /7473- R. B. Carnahan, A. TTORNIIY AT LAW—Office on Fourth etroot, between Oherry Riley and °rant street. Je2:y J. N. lll , Clowry,, A TTORNTET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Omen in A Bakewelrf Buildingq, on ()rant Rtivot, jot A TrOIINEY AT LAW—No. 127 Fourth f•trt , et, &born and A near SmithtL,ld. marlr:y Patrick lilcsELetutzt, ALDERMAN OF TRIRD WARD. OFFIOE corner thant and Fifth struutB, (formerly ocru pied by Alderman Lewiej where all buAinem pertain ing to the &nee of Alder - noun and Justice of the Peace will be promptly attembal to. tobl:3m ISlTlLFuckmmiter, Alderman. 4)PNICII, Gram street, between ktJurt,lt at and Diamond att y. Convoyanciog of all kla , ls dons with the grrat. Aast care and legal accuracy. Tales to Real Hlitate examln ete. IFFICE No 417 PENN :.tree[, 1,t,11.,a the canal and Vl °Mara street, Ithlt Word. All bur•in,, , to the oinco of on Alderman or Jurdtce of the l'eace, will 3.4 n promptly attended to. Si- Bonds, Mortgadeo, and other doenmenta, drawn with nettnecs and despatch. fent 11.1. f 11. Alit., SUttO EtlN UM:NTIST, (r.uc• •-•- ceosor to G. 'W. lfiddlej . No 114 Smithfield 4-4 - .../111, Loom, from S'to 1 o'clock, and ram 2 Lo b o'clook. J SCOTT. DESTIsT, Fottah rcr,t, LI • do, et, ~„„• west of Market. / Am:: OFFICE llootts —From rine A. Pi. to Elv P. M. Curling, itobartaon ofk.. Co., ANUFAC'rUiLhlitii OF Clll'. PhES: , hi) N D PLAIN FLINT G LASSWAR trearliou No. 14 00l corner of Front street, Pittsburgh fierAll other kinds of Ulan.. or.. and WindoV , Mass, at low market prices. Jacob MlCoillailer, WIR-XS& LE and rotall Olga; Lunt iliacturftr, azaiJ er In all kinds of To'bacoo, Su idT, and Gists, Fifth street, Pittsbur,rh, ra. conatuntis on band a large supply of all th. variow bran-is of Imperial eigk, jrM John flioorhen.d. WIIf)LESALE (IROCER, ANP COMMISSION MER• CRAM, for the self , of iti; Metal and sod Produce zerierally, No. 27 Wood et r,t. tt.hurgh Iftp24 _ neysnar 4a. Anderson, (9un•.caeore to Jonhns Ithod,is .t Co.) WI - MLR-SALE in foreint Fruits, Nuts, Spices, Confectionary, Sugars. Ar., No. Na W0,...1 street, oppo- Bite the St. Charles Hotel, Pittshurch. np2 Fleury R. GolUna, VOIIWARDING AND COIIVI.OOIJN DIERCIIANT, and Whole.eale neater in CheeFe, Itu.ter, Seeds, Fish, and Produce generally. No 25 Wood etre t. rittsburgh Leas r 0 B. T C. ,ittorgina, BOOII3BLI.Bit. AND .ST VIBON elie--hs- al w•y no hau I a geuentl tiaiOrtment achOol, nal fil•u k Books, PH ritua4, Coat wad Cm,nnd 140.104 Woo I stres.t, Et.t. •tnl, L'lt.L.l.4.lrg Wante-.1, It.ace and Tnrineni berso,. apltEly WILLIdaI KILLEN., l'ania Wm. alcirr , JUN, I'.tcsbur;ll. railler Ct Itick.stuon, WII.OLESALIt 01.1,X71711S,lutps•tur,"( Lirandiett, icten acul ettgars —Non. 172 arta 171, car n,r or I, s du and Liberty otrest, Pittsburgh. Lou, Nulls, Cutork Yekrus c gro tan tl y on hnn , l. iY2O Wm. Carr C. Cu., (Wm. Carr, late of t to. srm of J. P.vt krr d Ca.) NIT !SOLI:SA ORI SA Denkr.lu Forri f m V and Brariviirg, Old Monon, r -vvtleta ml.l ky, No. Commerclul Itmr, Libor ty tlrevt, Pe. j..t; v - _ TARALER IN O.3I:NTILY PRI/DI:Ca, olers t r 'toe!, of ;;rwer,,, ,ele.a.o I fig family u I. 4 every variety an.l ~•oLtil I at St.aam AI-, Dried Frua, , , t , orei,a and Don,.a.k. Prue-are ta4.en in eictiane fnr met-6%nd,', .C. it. D. hai pro^are I a fall of Lan Ireth'd Warrlit.t.,l Garden wed;, and atlentloo ot all I, tare.ted in rural affairs. pull EMIZZEM • . •. . English. a. I.4.lchardson., CIOMMIS.iION AND YDrIV:A.I:I4 NI; 11 FACLIA NT?, end Wholesale I , ,s!er , in F.b, lisc. n ,n I On, and Pre 111, generally. Waronou, formerly ar , ,• ied 6r Iturbry•lg.• loghram, No. Ho Water and 11,0 I+lm sure;, Illtabnrgh, Penn, few (..;onami.sion runt E subeerfbei , hnte opene...l a bonito for tbe whore po-te, xi NN. 17 :;sinitbtleilil atre t, four door,. above the Biononzaheila Ilouen. We will purchwi, or receiTe, one, minion, for asia, coni.iii, - nment.i of Flour, ltdeon, Cheei.e, Corn, Osta. Barley, Flax Seed. Gra, Semi. Ruled Hay. kr . upon which we will !wake adv or purettitee at the beet market rates for r i aeh novel A Lii Et) d CU. .Jannea (11 , Laugikiin, I) I.ILLEI: IN UIII I / 4 .113K110:1, P11.1.1t,L..11t. F 1,01711, HAWN, No. 10, corner Smi aud 1 , ,,t street., Pitt.. btireh, N. novrt - LI YOUNG T. U. Young G. Co Y. 39 SAW /Plll erect, tpposile etty MANOFACTDIIEIIS OP CABLNET Vl;l:m . ruKt: AND CHAIRS, of every deKriptiom Materials and work. manship warrantsd, and sold at reduce !prir,s. CNI.•• tO,, ttn packing for land and wet, onrilwe. aug3l Wm Vag by, Jr., CILOTELING AND S!'011E, Fifth atreot, Pittsburgh. Clothing made 47. order, in good style, sod at moderate rotor. kt... It A. G. Duncan. OLESAIJi G11.04.:1411.8, and Doolorr in Produce, For nufrllltiorg'; O'd 51onoog,boi. Wind Whig r, No. ".:`JI Llb.rty Kt.; ri , t .burgh, Pa. ljy'-'7.y A. Tit:idle w ILESA LE and_ holed( Soddlo, Ilernoss • - Trunk, 'Yahoo and Carpet lleg monuforto rrr, N 0.1.06 Wood et., Pittsburgh, 1 1 / 4 . ..17. 2 f'"7 J 1.1.31•11. or ' WIIOLESA Lit wad Itotail boater In Nlu.iral Instrument,, Pianos, Music, School Bookt. and Stati'mory, No. I=2 ‘Wnod street- jgol John W. Untler cat. Co., AV A RDI NU 11. N 0 COMMIS lON NIIO.OIIANT 3 Dens , ra in all kinds of Pittgbur{h manufactures. Lead ~ Pipe antLEbeet Lead, 67 Front street. eep--` , _ __ Enterpriserr Works. No. 136. j^oex/ street, aird door beta ta Virgin all: y. DOWN A TETLEY would call the nt;,entiou of iip , etina JO marl ID their lama a.aorltnera of G one, 11.111 e, uud Ile . votriog Pistols, the flargest; and, Went sele , eted Ft, t; ever opened Itithicimartet. together *llll a general e.,,ortnieut • of hardware, Cutlery, Tocia and Fiehiug Taohle, all of which , • lye ofblt at the ioureet poadiLle prices 1., Cold purctill.,..rx. or • fur good approved paper. merlB - ------ . , 6 .‘ copftrtn.tolip Notice. '-'„1 Tula :Dkir A:priLlith) assoriated with me ' p..-nagn Tu.auln 4 r and SA ML. C. CI,A N both of whom have been for many years In my establish went, and are already extenalvely and favorably known to my customer's and the public generally a s superior work-. men, and of correct busineee habits. We bops by this urliOrl of experience and arti4ti, —e,preially In the watch partment ; by keeping a large and well selected stork goods; by selling at moderate prises, and by close attenti, , :l to buckaroo, to merit a liberal share of patronage. To my • old friemais and the public in general, who have for many year. pest PO liberally patronize t my business, I return my thanks, and solleit for the new firm a continuance of Find. lar (Ayers.WIL6ON. Pittsburgh, April' WA . l4pon, Turbott Cr, Claney, ATM MAILERS, i IEWZLItII.S and 911.,VE.8.8M1T1 L 6, 67 Market greet, corner Fourth. Imo`, Now Collen and" Carriage Factory I • s JOITABTON, 133.0THER8 & CO., Cbrner Rd.= and 13elmont sircelz, Alletilteny WOULD respectfully Inform (Lair friend Kr s is and the public generally, that th , y hev.• 4 - 06 *- commenced the manufacture of Carriage:. ' Itarouches,Rockaways. 8 4%i...811910s and Chariots in all their various styles of finish find proportion. All orders will be executed with strict regard to durabili. ty and beauty of finish. ll.epuire will also be attended to on the most reasonable terns. Using In all their work the beet Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel stuff, they feel ootin• dent that all who favor them with their patronage, will Le perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. Purchasers are requested to give us a roll, before purcha sing elsewhere. ootaily J. T. JODFEMON....— .D. T. Jo letAux.x. Ricelslor Carriage Factory. JOENSTON, BROTECRit & CO., PRAOTICSI COACH MAKERS, corner of Rebecca and Belmont streets, All. , ghoul city, Pa., have on hand and are manufacturing an extensive assortment of Carriages, Rockativaysi Bugoies, Baggage Cara, &c., made in all their vitriol:ls styles, with strict regard to durability and beauty of finish, using inn I their work the best Junista Iron and en/Stern hickory. , pairs attended to OD the most reasonable tomato. They f,-.1 confident that all who may favor theca with their patron -104 *Bibs p . edietly satisfied On trial of their work. .vrtni Pittsburgh and blanohesterihrrnibusee pose every Of teen minutes during the day. 0ct2.5:1y PITTSBURGH COACH PACTORY. IL BEGELow L. !MENEM LIZOROR ALBERT . Bigelow 4r, Co. - SUCCESSORS TO E. H. BIGELOW, No. 46 Dlamend alley, near Wood greet, Pito burgh—Coaches, Carriages, Phaetons, i . l - gi es, and every description of fa.ncy _beauty of donlrn, elegance of finish, to order, and flashed In a manner unsurpassed and durability of motarf,d.. RED lof worrvantskip, AB work warranted. nov9 LIVERY ANIS - BALE worw. STABLE, oo orner Dlftmond aprl4:tf anpdrrrCbsßemarrymalpitty (10 DOZ. LEMON SYRUP 21" Irussorted do in store , mud for emir. by iYI9 do W oo d it, opffirtti tb. of Cb4.l^e. s,• _ . TRH SATII/IDAY tORNLO POST D. El. 11.1.2. en , William Wilson, Alderman BUSINESS CARDS F. LL Draro, Psi iiOBEST U. PATTiEISON9B PUBLISHED DAILY, BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE ' , POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT $6,00 PER ANNUM, OR $5,00 'WREN PAIDBTEICTLY IN ADVANCE VOLUME XIV. BUSINESS CARDS .. Joseph Fleming, ftniccsasoa To 1. ancoa • co. l I C ORNERMABEIST STREET AND DIAMOND, keeps constantlY on hand a full estairtment of Drugs, Medi cines, Medicine Chests, Perfumery,and all articles pertain ing to his business. tar Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compoun led at all hours. 15:97 701 IN rumnso Fleming Brothers, 18000113 PORE 10 I. KI DD • 00.] j~rIIULEBALE DOOGIBTB, No. 60 Wood street, Pitts. V burgh Po. Proprietors of 1)r. BrLane's Oelebrsted Vermifuge, Liver PiUS, &e. j.lO John Haft, Jr., succcsso aTo jji u'ouvrtr.] WHOLESALE AND RATALL DRUGGIer, and dealer In Paint/40118,14e Btufila, to ,141 Wood otreet, three door, below l'lren Pittaburgh. apr4:mdely WII 0 LESALE DEALER. IN BOR NIG N WINES, BRAN • DIES, CIGARS, OLD MONONGAIIELA AND BYE also, Rectifying Distiller, No .8 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wines, Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Jamaica. Spirits, 8L Croix and Nay England Eum,Clarets,Champaigner,Eicotch Ale, London Brown Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old . Monongahela Rye and Rectified Whisky, Apple, Peach, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Havana, Regalia, and Principe Cigars: lialfBpanish and Common Cigars, all at such low prices as to challenge competition. Fancy Bar Kegs and Labeled Bottles of every style, and Demijohns of all sizes, I respectfully on oxamloa- Von of my stock, at No. 8 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, Penna. apr3:ly Jetwes Msltlugsr IVIONONOATIKLA *PLANING MlLL,.—Wonldmarwetent ly inform his trlends and Ow publto,•that his new on te.blistiment Is new In full operathm, and that he Is pro- pared to furnish Boat Calk., and till all orders for Finned Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board and Plank, plane I on one or bath sides, constantly on hand. Doom, and hlonldinge of every description, made t order. Builders and Carpenters would find It Glands advantage to glee him amid!, es he ran new familial them with planed stuff suitable for every denriptiou of work. 1:E!!•=1!!! Herron Q. Cri•swell, 1 )1 LL AND lIIIA,SB FOUND?.II.S, anti Manufacturers. of I .11 kinds of 'trout Work, Locomotive Steam kugine, Plumbers, tie. Also, Cotton Batting !dal. ufacturers. Foundry ou Rebecca street, AlleWaeny city. Unlee and Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. /kir Old Brass and Copper taken in exchange for work, or etch paid. °niers left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to fett9.ly in. GRAFF. • Graff. Uelslnger tr. Oran*, lATESTEIiN FOUNDRY, No. Wood street, TV burgh, Pa. C xqing FtovoK Plain and Punry ()rules, Co - al and Wood Storrs, Pain sod Fancy Venders, Parlor Cloves, sad and Doi; Irons, 11011 , NW Ware, Pot - titbit. Forges, Fugar Kettivo, T..a Kettles, Store Kottles, Wagon Boxes, Imlals W. I, 1 , 311i11 W MAIR. .... .... LICLITLEL ml t Is, Moir & Llunter, (Late Smith A Sinclair.) WtIOLESALF, (MOMS, PRODUCE AND COMMIS. SION II6RCII iNTA, and Dmlers in ail Mode or Pitt4burgh Manufatures, 17.1 Second and 151 First street, PittAbomh, Pn. fenw rutllE OLD PRINTING ESTAIILIBI.IIIK2:T, (late John• I Ptnn t Pt<ekton,) and Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, id prepared to execute every style of Legal, Commendal. Canal and Steamboat Job Drintlnz end Rook Bin :in...., and furnish every article in the Malik lla k, Paper and Stationery line, at the edit rtest notice and on the most mavoualile term, II lank itoak and tataticnery Warehottee, Printing Office Pod Book Ili ralery, corner of Market and Second pt. nnrld Ziortls-W astern Police Agency, NO. 89 WASIIINLUON cercer of Decrte ILLINOS E=! DrVuTE TUnU ATTEXTIoN tto ',nit 'RA1...02110T, . . . DETECT' VE PUI.ICS BUSINESS I o for Slates of lllluois, and Indian nalil9Litf _ fir 11.8 I.e. firm of JONES t (11)1.1g, haring boon disnol• tip the heath of John P nn ttrn th Imre .ch bun Itnnn DI enb.l Item setll he ettlivd by the unclerettrorti, their ottlee, of rner and Itirgt Ind.. AC JON XS, hi arriving Partner. httsburgh, September 30, ISSI-10,..t1::y MANUIUCTIIIIILIC Bprlog and Votes SLard. Plongb slob .40l l'Ion o ;h ‘Ving.; Coact) and Shptir Naz Tapor, patont. eer.w. Mail and 111.1°11...r...1 Iron Aal,,—corner ct tlone and firrA &trekte, IltrabuTgb, Po. oct=al D. B. 'Log trio & 1 - A NI) ACT I.; of ILJGIL:I,' Impror,d f too , l .Y . A. Cultivator Ter,b. vtli, carper Rum and liroLetreet. ,tlly PHA.burgh aiding $c hoot. It•lhltitT 11 PAlTEtist , N, Propri-tor, corner /7„Zol Diamood et.reet and Ch-rry eliey. The tubscriber rrattectf all) aanourtces to the Ladles sad Gentle. i'ittitburgh t that he 11.6 recautly erected a RIDING tt-C.1001., which in i.t.)int 01 Pi:" ,C.l.l.lll3oliioUFTlPtii and adnp. tntivo, outlet:tie:4y excels Soy futhilar ,'otabliahmeot In the lolled Stated Ito lotc - abi.trt is ae,-essiltle from all parts a: the city, white Ito ht 11 t ant! airy ..ituati.to render. it etty,- , tatly malted to the promotion of Ih-altb, by thi, =wet agree ebl• eyerchet. The Norm are &elle and well trained, ant the proprietor rledg, hituvelf that ab pain , or expense will to eq•ared to mak• to etetabliehmeut the firtt to the et - modem. 4' of the rob] ir on= If the hard C. Hocking, A n R N o L s ' FA Cj oo l ; Ec k , 0 1 . to ss l 1 r i. o r icr .s T l t i. A v rr icß ,: N U L ? .1 1, F I , F c t. : a FRAMES, Pluto end Ornatnentod, No. it lit Clair t.t.r,t. All kinds rl CompoNltlon Ornsmentx, for I , tram Er. MI ot tlitding and It gildln,t, In on', Ullt Moulain s for Pr ernes, and rrtml. Famish Ingo, •, rtto,r-nvitit. and I.lthotirat,tu., for .nlo the-ImpnireSnr fblutnnp ren,tor,..l in ;Le be-t mane., . . All prune• 7 - 0111 u fswtur Ed In this ageb lishruunt may be rleatind without Injury, with auap and . . Call and se.. No. 21 St , "!air Pitt.hurett• lattAtlrtt J. TRNETIAN BLIND MANUFACCUR.F.R. has recovered V his health so as to resume his old business, and has near hit IiLLND MANUFACTORY, at No ht Fifth street, near tlie Peat alike, between Wood and Smithfield, where he has on nasortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and fang y worsted and rilk trimming., sod is prepared to fill any order In his line, on the moot reasonable terms. Hie work is warranted to glee satisfaction or money refunded. e d - o.d Blinds repaired. .Td - Please give him a sail, as he can't be beat in week roatehip molly HAVE sold my Int ..rent in the btudrieso os Long, Miller .t. Co., to 11. A. Long. who, with John Phillip, will oon. tin oe at the old stand, iio 109 Front street. 1 cordially rw commend the new firm to the inttrOnagy of my friendr. Fitt/Mut . t;II,J uly 29,18154. El. MILLIKR. . . S. A. Long d Co., 13ELL AND lilt kSti VOUNDSItt3, AND CAS VITTEltii., 1) Invite attention to their ettock of Chandeliera, liretok ets, PetlautB and other fixtures. We fit up t mares with U.+ And 6tonan, make Urals Casting , of all kind. to order, furoishasiiroul rump. and Tank Yittings, and keep Arai /I:Ultima Metal comegisntly on baud. myr ic DALY'S STOCKING MANUFACTORY. No. 20 Fifa street, first earner abow Market greet, PITTS 81./ ha 11, PA., INIIII.IIIE will be found the lorgeot and best segorted VI , stock of 11081E1t3 over afore I for eels in this city. Pori - lasers will find It to their otiventece to rail et this ectubliehment end mamba., for themselves; it is All I need to Insure their custom. C. DALY. Y. 11.—Romember the 011.7. AP STOCKIXO Coatena. febl:y o — . D. rptlE subitcriber haring the exclnaire right tr. tnannfac. I torn end !MI SWEENEY'S HOT AI AND SMOKE ir3SUMING FURNACE, Ls prepared to many« orders, and contract for heating buildings with the moot rya:morainal Fero OiCt , now in use. ne attention of those interested to rolicited. Any information can he lied of A. BRADLEY, NOL 2 and 4 Wood 'Arcot, or of J. BA ItNih)Lidt det.24:tf ) Iran City Steve Warehouse, No. 134 Wood et_. ..X6EPLI J. ULAN ]AMTSLIXII Ledlle do Ulam, (Rtureenors to Mulvany St Ledli•.) ANCFPLOTORgItS of Cut, Moulded, and Plain, Flint 1 and Paney Colored I/ LASPWARR, and dealers is all kinds of Windo• tl iaso, Flasks, Vials and Bottles Ware• house tomer of Ltarket and Water streets, Pittsburgh. mh&dly Itewoval. 11 11111.156 N, Idanufactnrer of every variety of Viala, J. lintles and Window Glass, Black Porter, Wine and Claret Bottles: Demijohns and Carboys; alto, Flint Glass in every variety. Warehouse, Nos. 104 Becond, and 133 First street, Plttebtirgh. Pa. mh2B 1. W. Chadwick, DBALER IN KENTUCKY LEAP TOBACCO, RAGS AND PAPER, No. 149 wood a treet, below Sixth, Pate burgh, Pe. Jur The hlgheet inigket price, in CASH, mad for RAGS. ap20:15. El= Atwell, Lee At Co., WHOLESALE. GROCERS. Produce and Coma:llselon literohatits, and Dealers in Pittsburgh idanufseturea, Nn Wood Fatted, botaroen Wuter and Front otreota, Pitta bure.h. ar.lB Dissolution of Co-Partnership. rpris CU PARTNERSILIP heretofore existing between JOSITUA RHODES and PHILIP REYHRR, in the holevele fruit and Confectionary Busineers, is this day dissolved b 9 mutual cousenL The business of the firm will be Fettled up by Joshua Rhodes, who is author'sed to re ceipt for all debts due said firm. JOSHUA 11111 lb KR, Nlarela 27th, 1456. I'lll Ll REY ,11 The undersigned hare this day formed a Partner ship, under the name, firm and style of RHYMER at AN• DEMON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and Confoctionary huaineiss, No. 39 Wood street t HILIP RHYMES. ROBT. J. ANDERSON. Ptttebnrgh, March 27th, 1859. .47. - In retiring from the Confectionary buAlness, I cheer• fully recommend kini.rs.linytuor A Anderson Co my &tondo nod cußtcanere. JOB LIDA RHODES. .1 - Ittsburgh, March 27th, IKSB Removal. QPRINGER lIARBAUEII3 A CO. have removed to No 1.,j 295 Liberty street. . BPRINOZIL ........... FORSYTH. Springer Harbaugh & Co., (Succeg.=orc to S. Ilatugh,) oittEMBION AY.I) PORW'AR NO IiIERCHANTt3 r Dealers in Wool and Produce poem' Iy, No 296 Liberty greet, Pittsburgh, P. apt, • o f _ - ..‘,., , 1'' , ; r r1i Vt.' ",,,,,.. .COCHILAII TLIUINO LINMZEI Ml= I=l IM=lll Pinkerton at Co Isaac Joni's, =II IZEIZZECII Con•ntne the Smok• PARTNERSHIP NOTICE aii BUSINESS CARDS 11. L. Marshall, ,ct.ccessor to 11. L r. ) pQI IMALat AND 00119.11 S 810 N MEP.CLIANT, No. 139 Liberty greet, Pittsburgh, Pa. crone—R'. 91'Clintock A Bros.; Kremer A Rohm; Brown 6 Hirlapatrick; Murphy, Tiernan A Co. Pittsburgh. May 24, 1855--(m3,24,3m• ) litssolution of Co-Partn•rditlp. rpnE FIRM OF LI YINGOTON,IIOOO EN ,t CO.. Proprie -1 tore of the PITTSSUILOC NOVELTY WORKS, was dideolved, by the death of Mr. Joint .1. Roaatu, ou the Ilto of Mtvelo het. . . The business of the NOVELTY WORKS will be ezullnued In all Its braneh , e by the surviving partners, u,,der the name and style of LIVINGSTON, COPELAND A CO., who will also settle up the affairs of the late tires. L. R. LIVINGSTON, CALVIN AbIANIS, J. K. MOORIINA D, Pittsburgh, Pa, May 4, 1861,. I W. COPELAND. ll= John Bl'Clookey & Coq 110LIC8A LE AND ItNTAIL CLOTILINO /el Ell. CIIIANT;+, No SS Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The subscribers respectfully intornt their t Id customers and the public In general, that they liars this day ussocia• ted fheutselyett in the above business, under the firm of !MIN MN-ILO:31(1Y A Cu. They respectfully etolicit a share of public patronage. The previous business of each will be settled by them selves respectively. feb9 Boots awl Shoos. SPLAUCITILIN, No. Ifft Fourth street, nearly opposite the .11alloes office, f. man ufft:turlo,f tientlemen't , fires Boots, Low ifhoes, floe sod butinn,l; Congress and Button• ed liaiters; Ladies' Banta, half Boots, Jenny Linda, Slip pars, and Yrench Larhlog limiters. of every e..10r and shale; 'fancy` XW and Fatln't alters, I,f the fdf.,es and Children's do., of every variety . • v. B —All kl to order. on short notton. inul9 . . ISoidiere bounty Lands and laalrns against Government. I%V ILL procurn li,unty Laud Warraut, for sol.liorr.,their Wittoirn and It Icor Chi 11.1,,, and attend to tut urn. to the •. Court ,•It Outing," rannutly ontablislu,l by Oangrn , .4.4. Ottkv, Nn. 11n rhirl strut, ono .lnr übove nunth'inkl nt. Murat 19 1855--(mb2U) OIIAHLRY N (1 - I,olt &.w Seed Store. JAMES WAILDB.OP Wars foe sale CANAIIY DI RDR of the most impro•ed breed, being very hasty, and fine singers. Bird Besds—Canary, tinny. Millet, Itope nod mix ed Seod. BOUqUell , will be furnished 05.mp0,e..1 of the finest PLAIWEBB, viz: C m.l.aa hoot , Bodo, lieliotnmes, /0.1. Evergreens (in polo) for Chri•dontei Trees, loom the Seel and hor_ticultural Store, No. CI fifth L. near Wood. dee.s.o Bounty Lands. 101114 urnieraigned COLltintleu to obtain Bounty Land War. runts. The present bill gives to all a hers .rood In any war sines 1.790, 160 acres. )soma moderate. LUKE oociienotrr, 1 Diann.' alley, between Wood at. and Diamond. Now Ilottllag 1111•Liablin4at•vit. t, h m a r . n o entrrire4ll,l3:oo pa In rtnxraLip to nt 6 tl Liberty street, Neville Hall. Thoy have e..nstantly on band n roper - 16r artiete 'Ol INDIA ALE. put up in pint bottles. bealara and (muffler will find It to their uivnntage to give rta a nail, nod esvu.a. lon for themselves.. We aLo I,3We a ea porter article of PORTER, nARSAPARILLA and MINERAL WATER.. Tel,ms ae faveraLle an any other bonne In tho city. MI order% put up at abort notlea. BOID d Z.lolt. LON, jolt4ln No tiR Libortv 111111. tuurtoN FOR INVENTIONS AND PATENTS And Agency for the Purchase and Sale of Patent Rights and Patented Articles 310Sitd ➢. E.A.roN E33112231=1= runE rulnerribent hove long beret ne.ittninted with !dr. .s.tosEs B RATUN, and hoer no healtati , n In redoul mending Mud to all alio may with to employ He eheT•llll., a.nagergthq.u., , f undoubted in Ity and tudetatigahle In dtletry, in who...ever:lona weer redian,e may be plaeol . Needle 11 Crotg, Itoblneon, Jr., W. 11. Denny, Onabran, Jac.. Wrod, 11. Childs A un , P. It Friend, N llonnee A .S no, Kant, A Wade, KrinClur A Rehm, IA In Phillip , , L It Idelooton, WIIPOZI Il'nl N Jobnetort, A W. Loot:lie, Andrea Full:, Pnteburgl.t, Novemberlt:th, 1851. _ . Writiug Clas•es—tinfr's collage iienilemon end Ladle. Day and ilvening Writing CI ON, ntli centime open duritig the summa under ND J. D. Wi,liams, env.. eariou. iitylai of Gent ecinen nod Utak.' Writing are K. univereally admiral. No igeielmons of l'enmarohip are ealitnnal at the door bat Lhuoe ex.ccu tad by the Teacher to the Inautution. Thu l'rincipal Halms no mooopoly " nor " pate. t for hie Insirien, nor did he get iinaitut.P.n chartered to sell out, tai bran repeatedly done In tide city. Oatal..meri nod isdlo.' Vigitiu4 Carll4 I, Mr H'Sllh.mi nrontaall,l rrylr. Sll kincin Oro=len CAI Pr. maushlp 03.,ut...1 to crtirr. m➢'Ll:daer New Intelligence Unice. f1 , 1:11; nul, - rioar L.e Jun - 1 ,..rd an INTELUGENCE OFFICE. at No .110 Lit:arty rtre•t, tc 11a.• • oil know* oda., of .lan ;ham; u. nhi, Aca.ni, and en Le tfia Itarplortn4 Aanut 1.. r the a °tang ltilala bonloty of Pitts nurzl, f o r r ~arty taro rams, tan flatter- blenaalf that bar know iodara• of 11,. uy and ib SiL.- a .ria, Liar great (rod; ti in furnistaina: bnuackrap.a.r. wila LAT , . and al, in tad, tog bo)e,,fri,. an I a:1 o,tlar. •oalaing farruplornorct. The patrousara of the public la rolb-it...1 Term., .ary, and a•ory allort u..”..1 to .3.•• rat eel. t I )et GA111111. 1 .1. 1111111 A. Milliken &. AVE ON !LAND. rrt h lr Irw.teriKire CABINET end jj CU A Ilt MANI: M t• - r, Nr. GI rrothlriPrl.ll.l.r..4. 11.,zer I‘,..rortmeto or op.! rime Forirtturr., will II they will 411 IS per r.r/1 .1.104,1ary. Terno.---.• - •aoh ..o'v Ail Vii an. IC. St• v • nanin - ........0.e to roan of• • thro. CA RIN ET \‘' 1t: E of ',err 1...7-1110ot, nt lon oh! I,,l‘tt I, , -, , t co, : I,b , rty ar..l SoT•h•11 ...ro••••h• UN Illil:TAIS 1 Nti anonaml to, in w . ! It• 1., to h. • Ch•rles 1 : 10118E1 dlit)litt &'lt fiL KAC hen .r.-t.-0e and ..ornlth - ..h0n.. Itri • R r•hop on Cherry el Iry, between 1131.,1 and tn.Urtil tstre•ts, v here he to prepered to ..o all work in his itne with the utmoet peotutoitchle Hawing had long experhtcce in the, trw.inesta, he re•pertfully solhltx the patronage of hid Old onStonter. nod the pul..ho generally. j)-2.1 GRAND PIANO, MAI , E HY NUNNS & CLARK, NEW YORK of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Is respect fully inTited to cal; a, the Vito+. Store r. of the subscribers, No b 3 FIFTH ST , and •,.. examine a supert. Full Grand Plano, pries 51000, 1 Prom the Factory of NeN: , •l'l A. CI, N.t. York. Tbt. elegant Instrument 1, ma le In the BETII lAN STYLE," the ornsinents, front ple,e+ and le, helm: rately curved out of SOUL , IiOSEWIX , I , . It is full o,.e' n (rtan(l., tb. Inr4eBl dirrler sine, .1 , 1. ru roi La 01 ‘141.101. 4. , power, and liquid sweetness Of tone, 0 proooumed alto gether nusurpassable. The subscribers will he happy to re, - elye visits of their friends and the nubile It general, not show them thtough their elegant new establishment. Li. lif..Ell4dt A SRO, Sign ,1 tL. Golden harp, mjlB No. fin Fifth street. r.. )— C i , r ; ra . : -20 . • 1) , ' A r ' ~.. CLIAILLOTTE BLUME, NO.llB WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, is just re, Delving a large stock of PIANOS, of the latest styles, from the Factories of BAUMGARDTEN &. GRINS, ilamburgh; IIAs.,LET, DAVIS & CO., Boston; GAINES, BROS. & CUMMINGS, New York; A. B. REICIIENBACII, Philadelphia: Together with those of other makers, at prices from 5725 to $1,000; including every variety and style, from the plain but substantial iron frame Piano, to the most elegantly carrel Lenin XIV. style, Square and Grand Pianos. Arrangements have been made with the manufmturerr, by which their instruments ore sold lower by their axelte sive agents here then In the East, and without the midi- Count cost and risk el transportation. Every Piano sold by the subscriber Is warranted perfect In every respect, and a written guarantee will be given II required. CEIAItbOTTE BLUME, aucle No. 1125 Wood street. PIANOS 1 PIA.MOS 1 51 NU FACTORED BY C1111:15LERI NO SONS, Boston, and fur male by JOHN H. MELLOR., No 81 Wood street, between Diamond alley :drp1, 8 .71 , q 8 481;:g and Fourth street. Just received from the ' manufactory of Chickerink Sons, Boston,' t and for sale tneor4ably at Boston prices— Two of their first class Seven Octave Pianos, Louis XIV style, with carved Melee, Legg, lyre, music deck, ho. /tr.; Co ished bark and front alike. Tills 111 considered by persons of Mete to be the mutt beautiful pattern now made. Price $5OO each. Two first clime Seven octave Platoon, With rervel rase, lyre, new style of fluted lima, the lyre and ends of lwautlful cars. d tracery work; finished back and front alike. Price $450 each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round corners. Seven Octave Pianos, finished back and front alike, and with Chickering's Patent iron Frame. Price $4OO each. Two carved Rosewood P/ 4 octave Pianos, with new !Lyle Outd legs, carved case, musi desk, and the usual openings filled with beautifully carved tracery wurk , finished beck and front alike. Plies $425 each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round corners, octavea finlahed back and front alike ' and with (Ibickering'a Patent Iron Frame. Price $376 each. Seven ltosewood and Black Walnut Si: OCtave Pianos, all made as well and with the Rime rare as their first eines ri. anon, and with Chi,k-ring's Patent Iron Frame. URA ND PI ANUS. 00 ,. of Chickering & Sons' New Wale, full oven OCIIITe Grand Pianos, of immense power, brilliancy, and SR eetneon of tone, with their New Patent Action, which relators the touch so light and elastic that it ran be played on by the most delicate hand. Price $760. THE NEW PAELADI GRAND PIANOS - . Alec, one or their now Parlor (]rand Pianos, an entirely new invention, and particularly adapted for Parlor use. Price $660. . . PIANO STOOLS. A new lot of Piano Stools lout received. For Bale by JOHN U. MELLOR, SI Wood st., between Diamond alley and Fourth street, Sole Agent for Cli lOR NEMO It SONS, for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. auz2B (AF EVERY DESCRIPTION, suitable for Railroeils, Ca -1,...) mils, &e., fur velzbing Hey, Coal, Ore, and Merchnn. Mee generally. Purehasers may feel assured that they can be supplied with a superior and reliable article, and run ne rbk. • • • Each Scale is guaranteed correct, and it (after trial) no found satisfactory, ran be returned without charge. Factory at the old stand, eatabliehi.4l for thirty years, car ner of Ninth and Melon etreeta, Philadelphia. eng23xl3in , J , ere' • `• • 7„ 1. 7 i ' * l t V.; • off F . " ik Cp. PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1855 Platform Seal es ABBOrF & Cu, BtioAeav)ro to ELLIkX , TT A A BB°, tr .", • 4't ''.? 4 - 47 ...c 4 ; , - / ', .c.' e 'i v: , ....__. _ _ - ; • ••-• ...„.--- • , , .... ...,.. L.....„ ... .. ••_, MISCELLANEOUS WOOD WE LL'S FURNITURE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, EMBRACING EVERY STYLE Olr vuttNirutur., ROSRIVOOD, MAIIOGANY AND WALNUT, SUITABLE FOR PARLORS, CHAMBERS - , AND DINING ROOMS. EQUAL TO ANY 1N NEW YORK OR PHILADELPHIA, AND AT LOWER PRICES. /Kir Every article made by band, and warranted. Cabinet Bieber* Supplied with any qunntity of FURNITURE and CHAIRS on renew:4l)ln terms. Hotel• and Steamboats FURNISHED AT TELE_SHORTEBT NOTICE. Warorobms, Nos. 77 and 79 Third street, sow?. PITTSBURGH, PA. ARTHUR'S PATENT 4^:aliTia, Self-sealing Cans= r§ For Preserving Fresh Fruits, Tomatoes, ( 5-c., DT nintnirricAL SEALING. ' U. 1 1 ,11 rfIITESE CANS, which are sealed by the linueekeeper without the aid of a Unner, and opened sully without injury to the can, are rapidly coming into general use. Full directions for putting up fruit accompany the cans, and the work is so cosily performed, that by their use every family may have areell Fruit and Tomatomi on their talkie all winter at ALICOMOT prices. PltiOd —Pint Cane, $2: Quart, $'2,50 Half Gallon, $3,50, Three QUart.+, $4,%5. Gallon, 55 per dozen. The dlikilaa stair DOM., In under to ,at,,,,re ~,onom. , in trap, portation. ARTHUR'S CAN, which is closed with a lid rover - in; the whole top, so that when open it may be clear:owl like any other vessel, has been fully approved by the Farmers' Club of the Altaltlaal Institute. Nee York It took a Drat totals diploma over all other self sealing cans at the late Fair In Cincinnati, and was awarded a motel at the MO •hauler.' Fair held thin vpi tog at the Smiths mien Institute, WaSb Ingion City, D C. It la claimed to be the best Can to the market M=M=tMEI Por sale, wholesale and retail, at the Chinaand Qut.en , WAIF Slurp , of II 111 III" II it/ It , IT2 Won.l strroi. Pittsburgh Coal Work• for Male. Li I XTY TEIREIFI ACILES OF LAND, with DSO aores of Coal 0 attached, and all the improvements thereon in sucuess. operation. Paid Farm is sitnatsd on the SI nongshela Oyer, It miles above Pittsburgh, and is supplie4 with 11 , 610 House, Dam, Tenant Houses, Orchard, Railroad, and 1110 exert nil harbor The rein of C'ol, firs feet thick, end cannot be All rpeutw RI quality Yer further partleulare apply to NICJIOL'eIN a PAYNK, No. Liberty •treet.. Jollft Jr., itg•ut, No 20 t 1.02 . J.tv ST.", •. - II Ali JUST ILECIKI NASD lb; folio w nog v.•ry arti• clelek:— BBANDIES. Bonk, 13 ewe Brandy, o.ery Pna,) , Liabon. Otani Durtly 1 Co:(.upor.) EMEIZIE2 Nant■ Oral Wrgsl3. Sardal Ma.!Piro, lloguet, Howard, March A Co., Marra London Cordial, Nan; India Madeira, , ... . .. .. . . , , Teblo do HUNDRI RS A coon tI I Istln Sberry, ' Itutberford`o F100t.,11 A. idensanillo do i Rarnley'H London Porter Table do i Wild eberri Bra tidy, Cooking Jo . AUntbe, Antilett. I Cara.. lIMFVIISIg Port Pura Juke do ordinary d, : earrlitter, St. J ulicu Claret, Ninalta and Jars, Malaga Dry, Young Ills. an I Mark Teas, 1:a. Sweet, kin,gliall brunnun Chmae, Cliaampagnea, Imported [layman CS,gura, .:,f An -11,,, various brawls. ___ Vereertey. i Old Menoogeb•lo Whielry, of Ileideeect , • all grade.. Tr , gether with .11 other e.rtleiele , rearmeeted wlr,h the I,uel D... errlte.dr•e. Josaptx %Plittfilo , ' t.7a - r -r rlag• itepoattory. JOSEPLI WIIITE, nor marrying on bngl no in hl3 fipacioue promL , o, (DOW ' lately oularo d„) on the Pitt,borgh and areetimburg turnpike, noar the Two Mlle ',,Pae1.12 Run, botleoen L'lttoburati and Lawrearerllle, reepectlully (a,, L.. the public to Impact hie .took of OAELIIAGEA BOGGLES, Ae. And he particularly inform, gentlemen Fer.r.hascra, that one price only mule. Fourteen years' exp,rionce In tho buGueos, euablex him to plug, before hit patron., the Name choir. eolloctku of Carriag,o so to•ny years peat It haa beam hi. parti,ular dopartment to sr -host from the rartoue attJ coot hatlentsst Eastern anon , tortnrcre. The ma:sac of hi+ neve system he ramps...—the .., h osrey of hie arrau h tetnen;;; on; so hply ;h. loost and most fashionable raanalantures at modsrs; ,otter. UnensurthLereti by Ilosos beat, rs prusse, •hish lb. mans., I, Is:orating houce; of 1,1%11300M lots he•,,,sl ;Ipso; tb. Ors . ' ofsTooctA. loortott U. taro , r , •nt • I Jot , Etql W 1 I 11' E • I:: ssi:. ;•sh real y ob.stry only, ea snub Is ion the ;scoot Fonts mho: ;so ; Incr C arrlce,rstr• I rs;i In the best In.oner.,t h Wit; 3IANIIFAU'uoIt Y. w its. RENTER, Su. door, from the .4.punitsa., nnualf , U. , 0 , 11,4ff', 004 y, T 8 FiaPA ICED TO FILL ORDIf :0 1 FOIL NVIUB, end all I kind:. of 11.11rmaniant.s./ Hair Work Me 1)1,4 qu►.ity of matrrhsl in furuinhed. and I. nlire netigfneti,rl i ueronto.d. myth FuLToN CAIL WORKS, FOUNDRY AND INACUINE sULOP, SA SI) Kl, 011/U TUT subitcriber having m0r..1 into Ids n•ar Works, re ..mtly °rooted, oorner of Water, McDonough and ehel by atreotA, is prepared to writrnot for and uSw-uto all orders for PAStilatl EAUG AGE. I'OnT.4IFFICE, FREICILIT, PLATFORM, GRAVEL, RASP, etni sli other deaeript,ona of OARS. Also, for STEAM ENGINES of all Rhos, GEARING. ItAILILOAD CASTINCizi of all de4eriptiotm, ail other work appertaining 1. , a Foundry and Machina Hhop. The Foremen of the dliforent departments are acientific and prnetleal men—on,ttly tr.m3 Eastern manufaetorlea-- lteep thenneeiret• inmruled and adept all valuat•l” ern t% W. WETIIEREI.I -ng?-`1:. 1410 KLOW (otIOCZAI3OIIB TO % M. BIIiELOW,) No. 40 [haulm:Li Alley , roar Wood street, PITTSBERGII. 0-7... r, concurs, PII.ITONf, 111.14.101V5, and every de,cript lon of YanOy iT...0"; / Vehicles built to older, and Ilnleh-d to a manner unsurpaawd for beauty of design, elegance of floish, skill of werkmanalup, and durability of underlain. 114- All work warranted. itEVuLVSESI ILEYOLV.E.B.BI`. —Just received, by F.% pro., direct from the manuftw- '4 - 414513M decree, n splendid ataortment of 001.7 . 8 ;IA ILEPEATiNtI PISTOLS., four, hyaena Nr, *AP cis melt barrel,t, all of which try with w k.' r.•r each at ns low price. as they ran be bought in the city of New York. Pere. r. J”ing to Australia aid %ill hod that theedo better by purchasing their equipage at borne, than they ,an among etrangere—s6 we glee pertwne n chance to trr any nt the above PietolA before !oaring the city, and in case of a tail. ure we refund the !Nutley. DOWN & TETLEY, aepl 136 Wont etreset, Pittsburgh. ALTra P. MARSIISLL .ICriLPR R. IIUEIRCI W. P. Marshall 6 Co., 1 MPORTFALI3 and Donlon. , In French mud Atn.riran rA -87 Wood FU .wt, Pltt,,hunzh. Kir Sole Aplntn for the r,llebratt.rl nmoulitcturos of Dolleourt Part.. a og7 S.GUTOBEKT ac SON, / ENSIIAL COMMISSION AO LINTS for al% Sale and jr Purchase of Ihtal &date, Collection of Rents, Borrow it,g and Loaning Moneys on Benda nod Mortgages; also, for making Sal. of Produce, Manufactured articles, dc., Ice Farmers, Mechanics and others. Office, No. D 3 Market stivet. nug7 0. 7. anon t O. CURTIS Brott & Curtis, 1 \ EALEILS IN lINAL ESTATft, S.r. ANTHONY FALLS, Attune:old Ilerntory. Land bought and .1,1 through out the Territory. Money loaned, investments made to the beet advantage, and Land Warrants located. Also, Agents for the mile of Lots In the town of ST. CLOUD, 65 miles from St. Anthony, and head of navigation above the Palle, The survey of the groat Pacific Railroad crosses the 311,1,- 40 at this point, and the Emmert". advantages it ii.- seetaes no a place of business, will make It one of the largest cities in the Northwest. Es-Govornor Ramsey, Minnesota. Don. Wm U. Welsh, Chief Justine 01 Minnesota lion. J. Meeker. H ot ,. 11. NI. Ries, Delegate. to Congress. Rios, Holllngshead & Becker, Attorneys at Law. Messrs. ktorup & Oaks, Bankers. Rev. T. M. Merton, Register of U. B. Land Office sep2A ==IE Blakely Cs Richey, 'DEAL ESTATE BROKERS, corner of fievenqi an 1 Smit.hteld streets, Pittsburgh, Pa Farms, blouses, Lots, Mills, Furnaces, Ac., bought and sold on commission. land Warrants, Bills, Bonds and Note.. negntlatod. dal attention given to subdividing Forms and disiosin.f of therm. Terms reasonable. sep2o Boot and shoe Olanufactory. t JANES O'DONNELL & BRO., Would reepeetfully inform the titizons f iof Pittsburgh, that they have opened a manufactory of MEN'S AND WOMEN'S BOOTS AND SIIOES, At No. 79 Smithfield In Wring/des BIFILDINOB, where they will be prepared to fill all order& of every description of Boom and Shoes at the shortest notice. In order to accommodate all classes of customers they will also keep on mile a good assortment of the best eastern work. Aloe, 211 descriptions of children's wear. Terns strictly cash ; good: al cash prices. A share of the public patronage is solleital. Iniv'kere Western Lands E have torsngements with gentlemen of experi•nce V, In the different Western States, by which choice lands can be located at Government price. Perrone desirous of locating lands, either for speculation or for actual settle ment, will find it to their advantage to give us a call. One of our correspondents in lowa has spent the last six weeks in critically examining the lands in that State subject to entry, and writes us that he hos selected over 2Q,000 acres of choice lands. BLAKELY a RICKEY, sep2blaw corner Seventh and Smithfield eta. i`l — AN AKY illEED—b We just received and or este by U °tett FLEMING 81106. -: 4 , , • %''e: 4 _,Q t r-:ift4; MISCELLANEOUS' FEVER AND AGUE CURE, VOS. the Prevention and Cure of ISVIPLIVITITITT and RI. rarrmor Immo, Faysa and Ant, CHILLS and Bras, Donn AOlll, 0 mizent. Dsmurv, Mawr SWAM, and all other forms of disease which have a common origin in Malaria or Miasma. This is a NATURAL ANTIDOTE, which will entirely protect any resident or traveler, even in the most sickly or swampy localltles, from any Ague or Bilious dieease what ever, or any Injury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma. It wlll instantly cheek the Ague In persons who have oaf feral for any length of time, from one day to twenty years, so that they need never have another chat, by continuing Its nee according to directions. The patient at once begins to recover appetite and strength, and continues until a perma nent and radical care is effected. One or two bottles will answer for ordinary cases; some may require more Dir.tious printed in Oerman, Pennell and Spanish, accompeny each bottle. Prise Our Dollar. Liberal, discounts mmlo to the trade. JAMES A. RHODES, Providence, 11. I. " I have made o chemical examination of " Rhodos' Fever and Ague Cure," or " Antidote to Malaria," and have tooted It for Arlienie, Mercury, Quinine and Strychnine, but have not Lund a particle of either In It, nor have I ound any substance in its composition that would prove injurious to the constitution. " LEVISI..OIW, Union County, Pa., May 2,18 A. Atr..7. A. ifiusda—Dear Sir: The box of medicine you sent me was duly received on the 11th of April. I have sold ahint one-half of it, end Bo far the people who have need it are eatisfied that it has cured them. It lees certain ly stopped the Ague in every one who has coed It, and six of the cases were of long standing. My sister, Who hes had it for five or six years beck, and could never get It stopped, except by quinine, and that only se long as she would take it, in new, 1 think., entirely cured by your rem edy. C. It. 111c0INLY." CAUTION TO AUUE SUFFERERS Take no more Areenlc, Mercury, Quinine, Strychnine, or Anti•rerirdin, or medicines or any kind, the virtue of which is owing to sunh poisonounalruga. The most they clan do is to break the chills" for a short time, whfle they are care to ranee constitutional maladies that cease only witL 111 . 0. Remember that the only Fever and Ague reme dy that in harmless as well as sure, ig Ittiodes' Fever and Ague Cute. Fer- For sale by JOILIS MITCLLELL, and DrugglAnit.l3 SUPERIOR , Douglas County, Wlsoonsln. 1 1 11118 PLACK is sitnated on tbe Br ofSuperior and I hen liand l; Ivor, at the head of L4ke.Beporior, and possesses A Berrliii. BITE:, A lIHTTE/1. HARBOR., AND tiREATAR ADVANTAGES Alit A COMMIiItOIAL CITY, than any other point in the North-west; end it ...tanned to prospective importance by Chicago only. The Proprietors have tt clear. undispnted and uolncum bend title to the land upon which EUPRILIOit Is laid out, and all purchasers of lots receive warrvatec deeds tot the mane. Superior was laid out during the past quanta:Land Idgeridi contains eaieral hundred inhabitants, a Large Hotel, a number of Stores, a Commodious rier,nritti Warebtrusee, sad to to all respects the MOST FLOURISHING NEW TOWN - - - In the Weet. The County east, the United htatas Land fllho anal PorlOalee ere located here. The Min 111:14 Luke Bupertor UNITED RTATEB MILITARY ROAD, now in course of construction connecting with St. Peel, terminates at th is place. It is ;Ise the Lake termini of all the projected railroads to the bend of Lake Superior. The "Soo" canal will be opened In Jane; after which, four lines of Lake Steamers will run to Sopa for—one from Chi two from Cleveland, and oue from Buffalo; all fine vessels, haring been built expressly for this trade. One Steam Saw Mill Is now in operation, and the machi nery for a snood is now on the way to Superior, which sill be rot to work immediately on Its arrival. Ouevbalf of the lots have been appropriated by the pro pliant, to he sold by the undersigned to actual settlers on easy terms, to provide a fund for extensive public improve moots. Liberal appropriations have been made frir public purrk,S; parks, diarrhea, railroads, /to no. air In order in correct the misapprehension arising from similarity of names, It in proper to state that Superior City," abut the title of which a legal controversy exists, Is another end different place, and fb a different township from NMI:FOGA Air Slops of Surcuton ►re slgnesi by Thos. Clark, sur veyor, and William Lt. Newton, agent and attorney for proprietors, and may be seen in the principal hotels of St. Paul., Galena, Chicago, Detroit, Cleeetand, Toledo, Buffalo, and other ettiec. All persons who w tab to purchase lot*, or obtain informa tion, are requected to apply to Wm. U. tirirrom, Superior, Dougina county, Wlaconain. WILLIAM 11. NEWTON, Agent and Attorney for Proprietors of Supertor Notice to IN limn IL May Conearn THE PUBLIC SPRING EALF.B of lteal Estate at Ttc. cboeter ere now closed, and the Balding Season has teeny commenced. Every citizen of Itocheeter is busty em ployed. Even 30 or 40 new famillea who hove Demme e'pring. end constent mniticymon4 and in a tow deyn a hundriei families more will he required to car ry on the V,rk of the present 8411.01 L The the fltuthimw Estabitilment is now sear enmpletion, and is In full operation in June. Boveral Cars will he reedy for delivery, by contract, the let of July, 1a55. Two or three new churches, In Rochester, will be rou t ree..ed for immedlarly, and n u mernue other imprnrement4 4 will be . - rrname.no.d, rr,iti!rin n 4711 t s,nnuatuf 1:110.111.111r.s1 nul other haw, independent of the Car Ks'Abtl,thment, which will pr.b,uhly etypir-1 from one to two hundred A prom Itrltt . I , ,....truhlier trout l'ittr.bur4h Icc juxt put rhs...t nine lan,. lots, •od conirw,ted V. melte upon them forthwith 500,000 bricks Two glum Of Lunde commoner sort the pl,e.rtrt ho other yrit dr heretofore eg , :mhlirbed in the neillaborhood t.wr .Vork, Quarrii are alrol,ty ellre with workmen, and the renal haling tx, them !In.,' with teal.. Lumber le becoming abundant and cheap, and tenements siH soon boring up to relieve some of our hou•ro, which now hale 5 farattlea, 4 fnmliire , 3 families, and dvzens of them 3 families each Any who .1.4 not buy cheap loin at the four public cater I it AMit.l,. or the four I.llbilf Kaki, the present spring, can soil PVCIIre Con.l klrrr.ll.ini at price, sale by calling on the euhscriber In hocheeter. Tonne—'y down, L., in one year and ‘,. 3 in two years. to. T. 0. GOULD. P. O.—A few lots ran yet be had at $6O to $lOO each; it applied for Isditre the 20 h May. These lots at, twice as large as usual city lots, via: 40 feet by 125, and the price only trop $1.40 to $2,50 par foot rront. The present reser, e I hotneworad anl magnificent profit of Ovid Pinney,4 acres to the centre of the borough or ltochester; oleo, the beauti. 1,1 20 acres. building, orchard, &a, of P. Reno, can be Iswight through the subscriber at greet bargains. and there ore ust two such bargains within a hundred miles. G. tnytt 1-10Pl'Elt'S PATENT PLANE rlilt undersigned is prepared to supply cAnrEwrzus, ICABIN IiT•MAKLIIt..i, and Workers In Wood generally, xahhls Patented an valuable PlaN All who have trkd It, pronounce .1 a most valuable in yr:arum, that moat noon come into g- neral use. The fob I.:wiug letters from practical workmen ore but two among many letters the Patentee boo relayed recommending thin Plane abort all others In uso: ...4 $• We hereby certify, that during the loot twelve months we have Udr.l Hopper's Pat- lit Plane, and do not hesitate to recommend It to eatlinot-Stakere and Carp-rite-re no su perior any other Plane in nee. Woconsider it peculiarly adaptod ,to planing oak, cherry, walnut, and all aorta of hold wood, and for planing veto 1-I,lt -e far ruperior to the old niede of I,raping, besides being a great waving of time. One man, by ualog this Plane, will plane more retitwr3 than Lie men 0813 do loy any other plane or method in use. 11. 11. MAR.& Co. To Moats P. Heroic, Rog,: Lrar 8, —I LIP", eXellatleki Liopper's Patent Bench Plane, and bolero It LO he a moot exoellant article for the LOLL' for which it Intended, as a comb:nation at piano and enrol It Is particularly tulaptal to planing veneers, and it does not requite ono-fourth the time or labor of the old method: and I have no doubt, when its properties become generally known, but that it will entirely operecdo the former to thous and laborious custom. I most Chloertully recommend It to all persona engaged in the Cabinet business, as from my ttnowledge of it, there is nothing os w.I fitteal In giro o smooth and beautiful finial, to 'Yowlers as the Hopper Patent Ben,ll Plano. JAN= W. \Foetus - Im., Furniture Waretrooms, 97, 89 Third et , Pittsburgh Pittsburyh, February 27, 1856. IS= MOSES Y. EATON, of thin city, is my We Agent for tbo salt, of I'Mnes, or of rights to manufacture and Kell thou, Wei. C. HOPPER. Pitteburgh, 7,larch 21, 1856—(mh21:tf) J. J. GILIX,,PIII J. J. Gillespie ft, Co, LOOKING ( 1L.%8 MANUFACTUR-14101, aril Dealers in Looking (Haas Plates, Plate Glass, Nrigruyings, Combs and Fanny Goods, No. 78 Wood street, Pittiincirgh. On band and made to order, Oilt Pier end piintle Oise e r Itoeewooti, Walnut end Gilt Fram., or Mould lug, of every description. STEAMBOAT CABINS Decorated and Gilt. ne;4 Valuable koarm for Bale, 'UTUATE IN - ADAM/13 TOWNBII.II', UUTLP.:It. COUNTY, containing 141 acree; 115 aortal of which are under cal. Hellion. The proprietor, about to decline running, will diapose of all hie Mock, &rain and Hay on hand, if desired. Maguire of JAMIS3 IILARKLY, augll corner of SeTenth and Sinithdeld sta. I.ANt)NV A IR RA N'l'S w ANTICI!- 40, 160 ACRE WARRANTY, by A USTI fil LOOM IS, W‘rnintß, Stnrk., AA, 9.2 C o-Partuerm hl p. WALTER. P. MARSHALL asseoeleted wSth him, on th 2..1 day of July, JOS. R. 111.101111 S, ha the Wel Pap, buslineao, uSdor the name of W. P. MARSHALL k CO . FOlt SALE VERY CHEAP. A BUILDINO LOT IN ALLINIIIENV CITY, '24 feet by Pt 100. A good bargain can be had by applying anon at the office of the MOItNING POST. • jyl2t Lot for Sale. • GOOD BUILDING LOT, 23 feet front on Carsonetreet by 100 feet in depth, In Birmingham, VIII be sold hoop. Enquire of GEO. F. GILLMORI4, iTI3 at office of the Morning. Poet, Watches 1 Watches 11 'Watches :If largest, finest and cheapest stock ~ f WATCEIRS I ever opened to Pittsburgh is nova bolag Feld by the undersigned, whose long experience, close attention to the business end superior facilities have given him en estab lisp vl reputation in this brunch of trade. A beautiful as. ortment 01 Ledies' riold Watches froml.2o to $lOO. road Watches, Sc. .&e-Ouly agency in the State.for thd vale of the celebrated and unrivalled Charles Frodsham'a Improved Series Chronometers. Watch repairing done in the beet manner. . . 17 CUTHBERT & SON have removed their Reel Kgtut 0. and General Agency Office to No. 69 MARKET EIT near Third. aug2 14;:, "I -41* RHODES' EVIDENCE OF SAFETY. New Yalu, June 11, 16 JAMES E. CIIILTON, M. D., Chemist" PITISIMUCIII BTRAII OASINZT FIOTOUT, February :Li, 154 b. W. %V. WILSON, a Market street, norms? Fourth MEMME! • e. M BER, 25. DAIYL MORNING POST. MONDAY MORNING Peter the Great in Engbind: A RUSSIAN CZAR ONE NUNDNED AND SIXTY YEARS AGO [ Prom Dickens' household Words.] concumin.l The Czar liked brandy and Ambrosia , and he liked a strong mixture called "pep per and brandy." The Marquis of Caer rnarthen often joined him in `his orgies. But what told on the Czar Peter—perhaps from its frequency=—is not , known to have been injurious to the English Marquis. Peter was at this time Subjeettoccitlitulsive motions et the body;lhatireemed;as I-have already related, to affiet'hiw head. -But the English were deep 'drinkers, and espe cially our sailors; and the Marquis was an English admiral -4a, indeed was Benbow, another of Peter's companions during his three months' visit lo England. Peter should have known (we fear he did not) the most distinguished admiral then Alive —Admiral Russell, .-who i defeated . the. French od La Hogue, -for tarltiell 4,1 q, 'wag' created Earl . of Oxford, and who is said to have mixed the largest bowl of bunchever made- One was dug in hisgarden atChip penhani in Cambridgeshire, the other he made at Lisbon. • There is still to be seen in Little Tower street, in the city of 'London, a public house (recently refronted) bearing the sign of the Czar's Head. This was his resort when in London. Hither he would come from Deptford alter his labors in the dock yard, and his watching the changes which. artificers of the yard were making in a yacht called the Royal Transport, which King William had presented to-him, with permission to make such alterations in her as he considered necessary. He camelfrom Deptford to London in a small decked boat, which he assisted in ,working to Tower t3tairs. After the orgies he delighted in, he was not, I fear, very well fitted to pilot the boat on their return down ate river to Deptford ; but the Thames was not then lashed and troubled" by large and small. steamers and boats of every description, which now crowd her waters from London Bridg,e'to Blackwell. He may hive-con cluded his nights at the Czar's. Head. King William was not inattentive to the Czar. Ho made him a second visit, at which an odd incident, occurred. The Czar had a Favorite monkey, which usually set upon the back' of the Czar's chhir. As' soon as the king was seated, the mbn lcey- jumped somewhat angrily upon him. The " great Nasau " was disconcerted, the whole ceremonial discomposed, and most of the time—Lord - Dartmouth, who tells the story, assures us—was spent in apol- gies for the monkey's behavior, The Czar is said to have enjoyed his vis it to England, but it was high time for him to return. Be had been apprehensive lA his sisters intrigues, and a confirmation of his suspicions hurried him away. On Monday, the eighteenth of April six teen hundred and ninety-eight, he went to Kensington to take leave of the king. "He thanked his majesty for the kind enter tainment and honor he had received in his majesty's dominions, and for the fine ship he had presented him with." On the sante occasion, Peter made a present to his majesty of "a fine ruby of very great val ue." On Wednesday, the twentieth of April, he dined at Wimbledon with the Duke of Leeds, the Earl of Danby, so eel ebrated in the reign of Charles the Second, and the father of his friend the Marquis of Caermartben. On his return to Deptford the same night, he found " very fine music to divert and serenade him." This was the last night he spent on shore. On Thurs• day, the twenty-first of April, he set sail from • Deptford for Holland, under con voy of two men-of-war—the York and the Greenwich—and three yachts, commanded by Admiral Mitchell. He was detained for some days by con trary winds, but at last loft England, which he was never to see again. He landed at the llague,sending the royaltra na port yacht to Archangel, from whence (so it was said) he was to carry it by land to the river Ta nais. Lord Caermarthen accompanied him as far as Chatham, to whom however, he did not say farewell without conferring a favor, and one of moment. This was the ' right of importing tobacco into Russia. In the first year he was to consign three thou sand hogsheads, in the second five thousand and afterwards six thousand hogsheads yearly. What the marquis made by his monopoly no one has told us. His physician he loft behind him for two months, that he might see Oxford, Cambridge and Bath,: and took with him two boys front the mathematical school founded at Christ's Hospital by King Charles the Second, and what the news papers of the time describe as " the famous geographical clock made by Mr. John Carte, watchmaker, at the sign of the Dial and Crown, near Essex-street in the strand; which clock tells what o'clock it is in any part of the world, whether it is day or night, the sun's rising or setting through out the year, its entrance into the signs of the zodiac ; the arch ;which they and the sun in them makes above or below the horizon, with several other curious mo tions." This Peter bought, but the price is not named. When Admiral Benbow returned to his louse at Sayc's Court, great was his con sternation at finding the unnecessary, damage that had been done to it by Peter and his retinue ; still greater was the con sternation which the author of Sylva ex pressed when he saw the state to which his far famed garden had been reduced. Ben bow complained to Evelyn, and both Ben bow and Evelyn memorialized the lords of the Treasury for compensation for the in juries done. Their joint memorials were referred to the Surveyor-General of Works, Sir Christopher Wren, and to his Majesty's principal gardener, Mr. London, the earliest English gardener, of any rep utation whose name has reached us. Both reported strongly in favor of .the . claims for compensation. Evelyn received, "in compensation for the damage done to his house, goods and gardens at Deptford, by.. his Crarish majesty and his *retinue while they resided there," the sum of one hun dred and sixty-two pounds, seven shillings; and Admiral Benbow received, " for like damage done to his goods," the sum of one • hundred and thirty-three pounds, two shil lings and sixpence. The payments were made by the paymaster of his Majesty's works, and are included m his accounts. The in-door habits of Peter:and his retinue were, it appears from the estimate of dam ages, filthy in the extreme. i~ .. + try; , ' • . - , MM=IM?E=EI ' 4 kliAllrEg OP :AIJOPERTISING AGREED UPON air nut pirtairoßan num ; . ~ ' ; , P ; . gl3 :OCTOBER 29. 1...~''- L 1111511101111111110. Of 1.183 . One e, one 110 " " mob ieLidamnt U " .4!0 9 00 " H throe 400 one 6 00 " " 0 0 " three 9 00 " " hon 10 00 " " 0.19 140 0 43tandlng Oertlithr lines or lea, _per adnron........—er / 0 00 CILIiITIAMaI ruidsmun One equir*,Da Witim.(ecrAltudi4 - oithe psper).—... 26 00 la the garden at Saye's•,Court was what Evelyn himself calls an impregnable holly hedge, four hundred, , feet in length, nine feet high and five teet - ,Mick. This fine holly hedge was a source of delight to Pe ter and his retinue. They made it a point of attack, and were accustomed to amuse themselves by endeavoring to drive a wheel barrow 'through it. Peter himself was sometimes in the barroW. Such is the re ceived story, which . ' can-now conform by Benbow's claim for compensation ; his es timate for damages including the sum of one pound for three wheelbarrows broke and lost. .Evelyn was prepared. for some damage to his house ; " There is a house full of people," his servant writes to him, " and right nasty." The 'Cgarh lies next your study. He dines at ten o'clock and six at night.; is very seldom at home a whole day; very often in the kings yaid, or by water, dressed in several dresses. The king is expected here this day; the best pailor is pretty_ clean for him to be entertained in. The king pays for all he has." London, the gUidener,V , ivided his report [it isilkhd May atith`;diiteen hundred and 'ninety-eight]' under "w4itircan be repaired and what cannot." The marrow of his report [it is now published for the first time] is as follows : I. All the grass work is out of order and broke into holes by their leaning and show ing tricks upon it:` ; Q. - The bowling-green is in. the same condition. . 1 '• - • i • 3. All the ground which u4ed to be cul tivated for eatable plants is all overgrown with weeds ' , and io-nct manured nor culti vated, by reason the Czar would not suffer any men to wort: when the season offered. 4. The' wall-fruit and , standard fruit trees are unpruned. •, 5. The hedges and wilderness are not cot as they ought to be. 6. The gravel walks are all broke into holes and out of order..: The several observations were made by George London, hisMajqsty's gardener, and he Certifies i that tdpiit,the garden and plantations as good repair as they were in before his Czarish Majesty resided there Will require the sum of fifty-five• pounds. GEORGE' LONDON. Great damages are done'to the trees and plants, which 'cannot be 'repaired, as the breaking' the branches Of the wall-fruit trees, spoiling two or three of the finest true phillereas, breaking ' , several hollys and other fine plants. .Any inroad df the Czar Nicholas and all the Russians upon Europe would leave Europe-much as the Czar Peter and his ret inue left the house and garden at Deptford, of , the learned and refined John Evelyn. -I cat hearthe laugh of Petor,,as with brute force, stimulated by drinl4 he drove the wheelbarrow, with Prince Menzikoff upon it, into the prickly holly hedge, five feet in Ahkclukol. 3 t •; GROCERIES;; &C G ROCIERIK9-60 !Aids N. O. Sugar; 40 bb/e N.. 0. ?Solemn ; 60 half bbls do' 200 bags Itio Coffee; 30 pockets Java Coffee; 20 bbl, large No.3llackerel ; 200 b see 55,,8e anti pound lump Tobacco, varlet:Ea brandS; 160 half sheets Young Hyson, Imperial, G. P. and Brack 'Tea ; 40 boxes 40, be and Os Star Candles. DULLES, # ItIORETSON, 221 and 223 Liberty at. ty Mtn SPIONc—a%O bores pure Pepper ; 50 do Malatardo - • 50 do puce Crisis; n 0 do pure Allspice ; 600 pure Mustard ; 100 do Mustard; 60 dozen 1 ,4 lb cans do; 8 bble pure Cayenne Pepper ; 10 do ginger; 50 bores do, In 14 b papers. I invite the attention of wholesale dealers to the above. aepl2 F. A. DA&VO. No.l Diamond. FRESH. NUTS -60 bags Filberts; 25 bags Engliyh Walbuts; 60 bags Brazil Nutsv • 60 bags Ivies Alzonudai, 10 bags 11Srdeaux Almonds; 2/3 beep Sicily Almonds; 15 bags African Ground Nuts; 5 bags Grenoble Walnuts; 1000 Cocoa Nuts; 16 boxes Shelled Almonds_ dust received and for sale by ERYJILIFJI A ANDERSON, No. S 9 Wood street. 50 BAGS SYII.IOAN SSA NUTS; 160 Tennessee.. do 5' bales Soft MtllBd Alciouds; 2000 cocoa Nuts, (Lush. Just rectitred and for sale by arse & ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street Fume tItUITS - boxes Itaisins; > 10 mats Dates; 200 drums Pigs; 6 noses Pcuuest,... 2 moos Preserved Ginger ; 5 twits (hirrints;- • ' 20 kegs Seedless liabdns.; 20 boxes Lemone; Just received and for sale by 11P.17.3.tra1.d A NDETIBON, se .7 No. 39 Wald street. 10 lAMBS MM.:l34mM' ; 10 do Vermicelli: 60 Ms French Rim Paper; Just received and for sale by REYSIER & ANDERSON, sepl2 No. 30 Wood street. F ILESII SttUltS-2 dos cans Strawberries; 3 do bottles Peaches; 2 do do Pears; 2 do do Plums; 6 do assortedlqeserves; 10 do Blackberry Brandy; Just received and for sale by sepl2 rrieTu dozen Pints; 10 do Quetta; • 15 dozen arecrrted sizes Olive Oil 20 bozos Citron; Siist received . and for eels by eepl2 068it8 "Thomas"' auperlor Chewing Tobacco, in 3 lb boxes; 6 groas,"idre. Miller's Eine Out Chewing Tobacco; ; do "Goalwlrea ^ do do do 2 bble Scotch Sara; just readied and for sale by A NDISRSON, 1:43. 'al Weed street G UM bROPtS—SOO Ibs Lemon, In b lb boxes ; 200 do Itsopberry, do 200 do lientlle, do 300 .61. Wise, ' do 200 do Liquorice, .o Just received and for sale by sapid. SYNDRIES-60 bozo& Morilag;. , 20 bbls pickled Ilerring; 30 bbls N 0.3 Mackerel; 30 bbls sugar-howie Molluscs, for sale by WITH, MAUL & lIONTEft. UTTI3II--7 kegs fresh for sale by B - ootll BMITH, MAO, a lIITNTBIL DB) hib^fAL-12b ton. Allrghony tor sale by oalo MAUL A HUNTER. lAMB Bate 011,-10 liblo No.l Bank Olt for owe by 0c1.6 HMIITH, NAIR & 11UNTBIL. 4,!UAP-200 boles No.l Rosin boap Ibr sale by 13,.. now, BMITH. MAUL A UUNTEN. 1;11L15 u11,—.1.2 dos received arbiii,r moo by r octi 11LE3111.0 'BROS KIBINb-25 boxer; M. 1i liaising for sale by JAI oettl 8511TIIf 11Ie1t lk BUNTICIL. H.119.111NU-60 boxes rcaled, for oaloiky oat° 8141.1111,i1A &HO iirruALE OIL-10 bple beet Winter Ilbrachftl for sale by YT octB SSIITII, MAIN. & lIUNTKIL NIOL&SSES-1-T6 bbin New Orients's; oak; 80 do sugar U0111:8;., For sale by 'foet-61 gifllti, MAIIL & lIIINTSII. VAX)6I24-1 00 tow Lake 4Thamplata ; • 76 " Juaiata ; for ,aaln by retl2 ' 101.1 N 1110011.11 Ra D I 'a METAL SCALE <—Two BAR:MITI hand Mg &alexia nore-and fcr Bale Dy.. octll ATWELL. LEE & CO. LINSISISD OIL-3 Lads for sale'Sy flan — lIIINILY H. COLLINS. PiIIVENS taltrrtr at Vamp's GA Ltd.:KY may bo WI to be called tar. Pticea. la bap. all, at 70 Fourth at. out 6 IEL YOU PAY MONEY for WortAleas Pictul ? VT TrY the ENTERPAIIAN GAIASAY. 74 [fourth street. octS s Y 1•13-46 bblo bongborty a Woods': 20 do liorrisoo & Newbold's; 'or sale by °eta 91tiITH, MAYA d MINTER üble Bye Plow received on cowls - mew •ud r for Bale by (ode] Anna, LEE Üb• REVILER & ANDERSON REYMSR & ANDERSON ItliTntlitlt & ANDE.RSON X.- 4 N..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers