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'?*' fc~ < >■-.->• ti> IjJUh Hi r -im BAIL Prt »*fa6”4,*wmtaa- tftokJaja txa&tii ASOKTCOBIEnV) 05 , |stt';'to«*:ootaiWs»'*(MD um rota imin ■qrir" oa^4^ ,n ““ the aune office, ofra-targe blanket else Bavet, DOLLARS* pear, In advance. Single copies SI Tl Q|fin;i> ■. ■'•■"{ " T- 49* Ho paper wRI be discontinued tmlawat tlietSson. on oftfcߣroprletan&) ontfl all arrearage are wVt,~ - M9?Bo attention irUJ be paid to any^rtotmie&Fic&h- 5 p a nled .fnr, tfm cum er, o r Ba&t&etaxr reterem» tt this «i Jt&wamededvMau SttabUthwnio/Jht Bernina Post uontvraimip&J& /Vfoto aoUterfkfei?—:,;;, . „;•••*.. ; -j, >.... A foortl. aro.t, Httabtwtte. c »• ; v . ANC H COTOSEt»S& AT LAW, A , ;' Thom** Madtiß, •-•LJ WORKBY. AT lUW AND BOiStTOB IN OHANCBBT, "J*** n ® x * to th« Port Offlea, Btrobonrilli, rthfa- A— _iitl .Li P* 1 K5Hi LAW—No. 103 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, {i ° OT bdojr Eo4 3 r *»ttexson»» ia«?j A ' " ‘ C. Orlando Loomlii AT w> ~^ o^: Wood. iLt B. OarßKhfm J. N. fl£*Otowrs r > ** LAW—Office Ln -**- oa Grant street, je2 A L D Er& MAN *0 fi {yp^s^a^^ l ** ° m ° est Title* toEffll EfitmSxfmS. , * o ' * ‘ ja3£*~ Odd,/,?? 1 ?" 111 Wltao»rAMiraum. fitreet* between the canal end J^sX£^S^ et ’ f4rd ‘ baateeM eppeitaininj « the office of an Alderman of 3usUoeoftb*'Peacei wiL be promptly attended to. *34 oth« documeata, drftwn with' ne.tntaignddiaprtch. . fobl&tt aUl -> aunaisoN dkntist, («ic to a. W. Blidlo,) So. 144 Smith Sold -o** iK>ara ’ w>€ *° l ALFUtD B OdUMd ... .. ... MOftQAR BOBtSTSOW. ADWAJtD .............aiShT u RUtGWALI. Curling, itpLertaon A Ca. \f ANUPACTU&KKa OF CUT, PRESSED ASP PLAIN ixl. FLINT GLAS3WARB, warehouse No. 14 Wood strsoi, corner of front street, Pittsburgh. AS* AU other kinds of Glassware and Window Glass, at low market prices. upllally Jacob APcolllstar, WHOLES 4LB and retail Cigar manufacturer, and deal erto all kinds of Tobacco, flunC, and Oiirars, No. 25 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. &£* Keeps constantly on hand k‘large supply of ail the ▼srioud brands of Imperial Cigars John Oloorhiail, WHOLESALE 1 GROCER, AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, for the sale of rig Uotal and Blooms, and Prod nee generally. No. 27 Wood street, Pittsbargh. (apßl pmiup j. aansaaon. Ucymar * Andersoni (Successors to Joshua Rhodes A CoJ WHOLESALE dealers in foreign Fruits, Nuts,Bpicos, Confectionary, Sugars, No. 39 Wood street, fllte the St, Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. «pj> Hsnry H. Collins. Forwarding and commission merchant, and Wholesale Dealer in Cheese, Butter, Seeds, Fish, and Produce generally. N 0.25 Wood street, Pittsburgh. (mart _ ' B, T. C. norgan< BOOKSELLER .AND STATION eh—'has always on band a general assortment BchooLMtsceUaaeaus and Blank Books, Printing, Post and Cap Paper, Ac_ wholesale and re tail, No. LU Wood’strbet, below Fifth, Bast aide, Pittsburgh. 33* Wanted, Bags aaLTannarß* Scraps. apl6:ly wtLuast itoL£a,phila^—ricwtsoh, Pittsburgh. Miller A Rtcketsoo*, . WHOLESALE GROCERS, Importers of Brandies, Wtnrs nnd Segara—Nos. 17a and -174, corner of Irwin and Liberty street, Pi tteburstu Iron, Nails, Cotton Fanis, Ac., cooatantly on hand. . j^a) •"* Wm. Carr Co , : (Wm .-Carrylatoof the Armor J. Parker A Co.) \\T tIOLEBALB GBOCEHa. and Dealers In Foreign Wines T T ~uhd BranlieSfOTd Moaongahela and Rectified-Whis ky, No. S29Commkrclal Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, P*-_ : • Jafcy F. K. Drero, “ jOtaxj&uit-Pitttburgh, /h. Dealer in country produce, offe» t>r eai« • cholcq'fltock of Groceries, selects 1 Ibrfkmtfy'uee. Spices of every Turletyeadtbo purest quality, ground at hU Stoam Mills.’Also, Dried Faults,Foreign and Domestic. Produce Lehen-dn exchange,for merchandize. F. R- D, has' procured a full assortment of Laodwth’a warranted G«rden Seeds, and Invito the attention of all In terested In rural affitfra. janll W. B. UUUSS i. OUAII7. EUISIUII Ar lUchardoon, COMMISSION AND POaWAEDISO MBBCHANTS, .oil Wholedele Dealers in Fish, Bacoe and Oil.andProdueo feueratly. Worenouea fordur]y oecu.Died : by Boibrijre A ogheam, No. llfl Waterajsl Uft Krai etreel, Pittaborgh, Peooa. „ . , - » . ; ' . feb3 TUBaabseribirs baro openalatioimi tortile abore pnr poee, ai No. tt'AmltMiM atraeti four noon abore the MoDoagahela House. We will purehAEß,orreeeirtt.oncom ihlsbloo, tor tale, consignment, ofFlour, Baooo, Cheese, Corn, Oats, Barleyj'Flaz Seed/Ones Beed, Baled Hay, he., upon which ve-rrul makeadraneesLorporchaseatihebest market ralea tor bash * • fnorCj - ALdEO hCO Jrunei r DESERTtIR OBOOEMKB, PBOdOOK, FLOtJK, BACON, Ac, No. 10, ooruer Biallhfleld end Fuel street*, Pitte borgn. Pa. ■■ dots jooit h. Touso— —eisoa. 0. touho —..mmiis u. rounu. T. B. Yovng A^qo. ..... JVa.3S Atiilkfiditttnzt, qppotite (Sty Mulci. AT ANDFAC'CCRERS OFCABINKr njItNUOKE AND I"JL «yery:de3criptioa. Materials and work* numsMp Caretaktn Id packing for-tandftUd wetcrcarriage. *ug3l Wm. lltgbjr, Jr*. ' (CLOTHING 3UJDEIJRNIfIInNQ 8tOKB» Haaonic Hail, j Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Clothing fn»i« to order, in good style, •nd«tJaatokto rates. - *ngflbtf TTrQOLSSA&K OBOGHR3, sodDealbrrijf produce. For- Y Y liquors, OldMonongalmla tna Rec tified WhiAkft-Soe 291 LTbOrtJ stj Pittsburgh, Pa. fJjrSTry \_ Ae'TlttfUe, BBaMgaL \VtIOLKSAXB nod fiauQ Biddle, 'Harness BthfrFiWWf Trunk. Tallis 1 and Carpet Bag manofiacturor, ■> No.lOfiWbod Pittsburgh, Pa. Jy29-.y J.H. JUeUort "TXT ELOLB3ALE and Retail Dealer in Musical Instrumen U, Jf Y Pianos, Music, School Book* and Stations y, No. 122 Wood street. . * jtpi John W, Butter * Co., 1 FORWARDING AND OOMWISB/ON MERCHANTS— Dealer* in all kinds of Pittsburgh manu&cturea, lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, 67 Front street. . gup2B Enterprti* Works. Nx 1S& Wood itrat, third door belpio Virgin ddry. BOWN A TutCKY would call the aUentioo of Sporting men to their large assortment of Gone,Rifles end Re- TO*ric&Pbstala, the largest and best .selected stock erer opened in thtamarket, together with a gunsral assortment of Hard rare, Cutlery, Tools and Fishing Tackle, allot which w« offrr at the lowest possible prices to purchasers* or for good apptDTod paper. mirlfi .Copartnership Notice. T HATE THIS, BAX (April Ilth) associated with m« X Ueafire.F.eXßßl/TURBRCTand SAML.C.OLANIit, both of whom hare been fits man? Years in my .establish ment, and are Already *xteustyely and farorably known to say customers and the public generally as superior work men, and of correct business habits. We hope by this union of experience and artistic skill—especially in the watch de partment; by keeping a large and well jeUctpd Stock ot goods; by Belling at moderate prices, and by close attention to business, to merit a liberal share of patronage. To my old friends and the public in general, WhbbaTdfor m&oy jeara past so liberally patronized my business, I return mv thanks, andsolicit Cot the new firm a continuance of simi lar fa rore. W. W. WILSON. Pittsburgh, April 11,1855. WtlionfTurbett A Claker, and BHiVERSMITHS, 07 Market street, corner Fourth. my& Heir Cnacb And Oarrlagt Faetory I -tfOHHBTOff, BROTHERS & CO., \ :%mtiCA&ulßdaMn\tbutii2lUg7Mi> Oit jr. -t.. WODDDTwpectfulljinform thdr&*«ndß public generally, that ihey harw prawn©ed the manufscttrrfl BSWWL, -OTthii^EockAireys,Blggte,BlelglM I~.it ttyto Of flnlahipa Bro^attlon. ty «n4J«intyof <Wsh. D«lnk In AIl tbelr'oSk'lho SifV ’ ??“• fitaS, they bS »ntl-' i&uSStSSs&S- &£v; T " mba sing elsewhere, a. T... " . . i ' ; " - r - ■ wAoem. 1. r. jonasimr.. 3L aßsStas. i/Ucelilor OsrrUge Foot, u. CX)AOU TOHNBION, BBOIHKB * of, PBADTIO- SS-. J U AKEBB, corner of Rebeccnnil Belmont *tj gheny dty,PA,fi»»e on bend end Are m.nateetu JL extenelm assortment cr Carriagrs, liockaT.j’s, Bn., Beggue Oere, Ao.,’madfrln «U UuU reriotte etylea, .. ~ •trietresud to iorahlUty anl twaatvof finish, Being tn . their work the Wat Jnn)at» Iron and ejatera hickory. ptireattmidiid toon.U»ntoatrenaonkfile terpu. Theyjeol oonfldent that ell whO may" toror them with their pmtuon wge, will be perfectly eetle&«l on trial of their work. The PUtjhurghknaHencheaWr Omnibuses pceo every Bf teon minntee 4nring,tiio fief. ' oet!»:ty piTianraoH coach factory. r. KTflgmw. i frrgyrpy- autXBT. Bigelow A Co., _ iBFaMIF _ WOOKSfIOBS TOE.M. BIOEhOW, Ite.« MajHw piuaoal gUoy, near Wood fitraaV hWR borgh-Ooeohei OuriegM, Pbeetonk Bag. es ary deacriptioa of fancy yehirics to bluer, and finUbkl In a manner unsurpassed*' fi>r 86311 of wor ‘ m * Mhlp ' hyAUgorkTrerTentd. _ m ,g cdSr&Mr LIVBBY AND s&liB + • • Wfcgy STABLE, Corner Diamond street end Chsmalisv sprl-Ltf PA' ‘ TOO 1)07 DEMON BYRUP , J\lv" 20 “ Jassorted do Id stoce and for sale by ( ylv 39 Wood at. ypposiu tb« 8t Charlss H^tei *•>/*- - • •,.* *•1 A•k- •?••:•• !V " ; THS SirDßßirSoaaiHQ POST PROFESSIONALGARDS. J' SOOTT, street, fire doors' westof Market. Hours-From nine A. M. to fife "***?■ , ■ deeSthy BUSINESS CARDS. commUsfon noons. Patterson POST: Volume xiv BUSINESS CARDS. Josepb Fleming, afmnissoi TO i. tsucox t co \ >RNEB MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, fe*epa eonSUnaUT on band a fall BEFortment or Drags, Medi dod, Medicine Ohcsts, Perfumery, and all articles per tain la gto his badness. aS-PhynieUns 1 Pr»B<jriptlonj carefolty compoun-!«l a * u h««»- Jaifly n: cocuhah ruMUto. PUmliig Brothers, ! [BOOCIBBOBB TO S. E 1 CD * CO.I WHOLESALE DUGGISTS, No. 00 Wood hr-et, Pitts bargh, P*. Proprietors of Dr. M'Lsme'n C«l**br»twi Pilla/Ac. : jaio ] John Haft, J r., ! _ f socosssoa, to James sPoorrrrtl TTriIOLESiXB AND KKTAIL DROOOISI, and dealer Tl In Paints, Oils, Dye Stud*, Ac., 141 Wood street, throe doors below Virgin alley, Plttsbnrgh- aprdtmAely R. la. Allen, ~ DKALEE IN FOBEION WINKS, BEAN HBd, 019A11.5, OLD AIONONSAHELA AND EYE Y, Ac, duo, Boclifylng Distiller, No. 8 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Fa. a'y t ‘“' brandies. Qin8 > Oobdialu, Jamaica Spirits, SL CrolxsndNew England Rum,Clansta,Cha«npaignea, Scotch Aloj London Brown Stout, Irish, Bcctch, Bmrrbon, 014 Whisky, Apple, Poach, WUjl Chorrjr and Blackberry Brandies; Imported Havana, Regalia, and Principe Cigarßl Half Spanish and Common t'liSy 1 ** all ataneh low prices as to challenge competition, r alley Ear Kegs and Labelled Bottles of every style, and Demijohns of aliases, J respectfully invite an examioa ttoN or my Stock, at No. 8 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, apr3:ly ! Jamui JUelllagtr, QHOSQAHKIiA PI#ARINO-M[L^.- Would respectfnl jJX InJbrm his friends And Lho public, ;th at bis new &• Übtiahment la now in tali operation, and that be is pre ;>arsd to furnish Boat Cabins, and fill all orders for Planed Loipber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Bpard and Plank, plane J on one or both sides, constantly &ssb, Doers, and Mouldings of erocy description, made to order. , Spiders and Carpenters would find it to their advantage to rive him a call,as he can now furnish them with planed ftng saleable for every description 6f Work. W* [a. cxaaoa ... .......... —-Jiiits CtUowiu.. • 1 . U«roa A Orimeli, BRABfI FOUNDERS, and Hanalactarers of I-* kuiaa of iJrais Work* Locomotive Steam Kdklbo, number*,Ac. Abo, Cotton Batting Manufacturer*. Fuandry on Rebecca atieet, Allegheny city, gee and Store No. 12 Market rtrerit, Phtiburgb 014 Brass and Copper taken in exchange tor work Or cash paid. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. febO ly il dam. 1 —-U. uiaflsaa i, j a 'kxft Ormtt, Btlllnftr A Graff, WESTEHN fOVSVRY, Wo. 121 Wood etre.t, Pitt#. Tf burgh, P«. HAHUFiCTOttKRH OF Woking Btoves PI tin and Fancy Oratra, OMI and Wood BtoTcs, Plain and Fancy Fenders, Hkrlor Stores, Bad and Dig leers Hollaar Warn, Portable Forges, BUgar Kettle., Tra Kettle.-, °r re Hatties, Wagon Bcxm, |cahls W. a. BMJtH W.U. MAIB . !"j. bViu^TSK. flair 4 Uuoter, , i (Lata Smith A SioeUir ) GROCERS, PRODUCE AND 00M5U3- _vf SION MERCHANTS, snd Dealers to aM siodo o/ nttpburgh Manufactures, 122 Second »od 141 First r?i«wt, Pittsburgh, Pa. ’ W. S, Havea. OLD PRINTING KSTABLI3IIM ENT, (late Jobo- A ■Bton A Stockton,) end B]oak Book and Stationery warehouse. Ls prepared to execute ©very style of Legal, Commercial, Cabal and Steamboat Job Printing and Book Binding,and tarnish every article iu the Blank Book, Paper and Stationery line, at the aborted notice and ou ibe uiost reasonable terms. Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, Printing Office and Book Bindery, cometof Market end Second am [norld North-Western Police Acenov, NO. 89 WASHINGTON STREET, comer of Dearhorn, OUICAQO, ILLINOS. Aiua piarxßTos — _ ...... j>. b ftCDO&i . Pinkerton & Co, niTori tuxib ammon ro tat exAHaionoii or a gssuuu DETECTIVE POLICE BUSINESS In (he States of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana •mhl&Jtf riIJUJ late firm of JONHS A QUIQQ, Laving been dlesolv J. ed by the death of John F.Qulgg, on the 27 tb tost., lb business of raid firm will be settled by the undersigned, ht their offlee, eoruor of Rose and First ’ ISAAC JONHS, SutvlvW Turturr Pittsburgh, September SO, 1851—{oct2ry Isaac Joncii MANUFACTURER of Spring and Blister Steml, Plough Slab steel, steel Hough Wings; Coach and KiipUc Springs, Brass Nut Taper, half paieni, Screw, Mail and Hammered Iron Axiea,—corner oi Uosu and First streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. stilly ISAAC .... .j>. a. BOG ELS. MX), B. Rogers 4 Co., ANUPACTURER3 of HOOKAS' pnleat Improved ?teel Cultivator Teeth. Office Corner Rosa and First street, octily PlUsDurgh Riding school. ROBERT U. PATTMtSuN, Proprietor, cotuct 'TattL Diamond street and Cherry alley. The subscriber Xiii respectfully announces to the Ladies and Gentle men of Pittsburgh, that be has recently erected a RIDING SOUOOL, which In point orsizs, commodinusoess and adap tation, undeniably excels any similar establishment in tb«; United States. X(a location is accessible from all parts of the city, vhOe its high and airy situation tenders it espe cially suited to the promotion oi health, by thU most agree able exercise. The Horse* are docile and well trained, ani tbo proprietor himself that no paim or expense will be-sptrod to mafco this establishment the first la tfce Confidence of the public. • oefZZif ttlehtrd C, Bockina. ~ MANUFACTURER 0 Y GILT. SILVER. BRASS, BRONZB, laK)KUSG-GLABB, PORTRAIT AND PIC TTB FRAMES, Plain And Ornamented, No. 21 St Glair street. All kinds of Composition Ornament*, for Steam )X?*w* c ’ ktnda of flyding and Re gilding, to ord- r. Gilt Monldin.e tor Frames, wholesale and retail. Varnish far Oil Painting*, Engravings and Lithographs, for sale lmpaired or defied OH Paintings restored la the best manner. All Frames and Moulding* manufaetured in this estab Ibiunentmay b«cleaned without Injury, with soap and prater. r Qall and see. So. 21 St. Clair at, Pitt»bar*b- fmh2Gtf J. WHITK, BUND JIANUI'ACrUBBR, hei rrtorerrl bis health so as to resume hi* old business, and has Opened hi* BLIND MANUFACTORY, at No 65 Fifth street, near ihe Postoffiee,between Wood and BmHbli<*lJ, where be ha» an assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and fancy worsted and silk trimmings, and U prepared to CU aojr order in hie Una, on the most reasonable terms, ills work is warranted to giro satisfaction or money refunded. Blinds repaired. . 43T Please gtrs him a call, as ho can't be beat in work manship • mv7:ly I HAYS cold my interest in the busineroo* Long, Miller A Co n to B. A. Look, who, with John Phillips. wUi coo tin os at the old stand, No. 109 Front street I cordially re commend the new firm to the patronage of my friend* Pitttburgh, July 29,1854. f* if. MILLKIt 0. A* LON a. 8. A* Lok(C A Co., Bell and brass fcjundejih, and oar fitters, tnrite attention to tbeir stock of Chandeliers, Brark ete, grodapta.nnd other ilkturaA Wo fit up hou»« with Gas and Bteam, make Braes Cartings of alt kinds to oni«r, furnish Railroad Pumps and Tank Fitiiugs, aed kevpAnii- Attrition Metal constantly on hand. j;3l SOT ICE. DALY'S STOCKING MANUFACTORY. Ao. 20 Fi/Vx street, firtt corner above Market street, . PITTSBURGH, PA., 'tITHE&B will be found the largest and best assorted T f etocfc of HOBIBHY ever Offered for sate in this city. wlU find it to tbdr advantage to call at tbli establishment and examine for themselves; it is all I need to insure their custom. 0. D fc LY. N. R—Remember the CirtAP Sfocxiso Coasts, feblry o. 1). Caoiame the t-8molc«* atHE eubecriber having theetdoatre right to manufac- X tore and sell SWEENEY'S HOT AIR AND SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE, is prepared to receiTeorders, ami contract Cor heating buildings with iha mof.t economkal Faroace dot is use. He attention of those interested is solicited. Any Information can be bad of A. BBADLKV, Noe. Sand 4 wood street, ox of J. B&KNDOLLAK, dec24-~tfj iron <3ty Stove Warahonaw. No. 134 Wood et (Sncfcamott Jo Hnlvany k Lediie.) MARUP aCTUitSRSbf Cat, Mould od and Plain, Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers in all hinds of YPtmlowOlassj l)Uahf, Vide.and .Bottleo: Waro boose corner'of Market and Water streets, Pittebargb: mh&dly CIHMSKN, Manufacturer of every variety of Vials, • Bottles and Window Glass, Black Porter, Wine and Claret Bottles: Demijohns and Carboys; also. Flint Glass •In everfnrtfityr Ww&botisA NtoC* 104 Second, and 13* FirgMtreet, Pittsburgh, Pa~7 - mb2B V I* W« Chid wick* Dealer in Kentucky leaf tobacco, rags AND PAPER,No. 149 Wood street, below Sixth,Pitts burgh. P&. . ' highest market price, in CASH, psiJ for BAGS. ap2(fclyS /OdH ATWKLL........... -A. 4. LU .. CUAS. i TWILL. Atwell, Lee A Co,, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and Commission Merchants, ami Dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactures, No: 8 Wood street, between Water and Front streets, Pitts- aplS DluolnUon of Co-Partner, lit•>. fIIUB OO.FAHTMEEBHIP tarelolbr. eil-tlot Vlraaa I JOSHUA RHODES and PHILIP BUY‘lkb, lu th“ WBolwtalo Fruit .ad OoufecUouarT Baalaci., la thl. dar dlaoolTed by mutu.l eooMut Tbe tmnintui o! tb‘f firm Hilt b*' Battled up by Jofihua Rhodes, who Is author 1 ?.(| to re coll..' ,or »H dobtt duo isid firm. JOSHUA RtiODBS. jt„ 27tb, PHILIP RBYM KB. Tl;. u'bdaralgnod hBT. thi, day formad a Pnrtner ahlp, aod.r U.'« oamo. firm and Btyle of RJSYMEB A AN UEUJSON, for th. transaction oftba Wholesale Trait and Contectionary busln.'®*) No. 39 Wood street I HTLTP lUJYMBK. BOBT. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1856. ffof In retiring from the Ooaftctio&sry business, I cheer fall* recommend Messrs. ReymerA Anderson to ny friondu and rustomers. JOSHUA RHODB?. PittsbayghrMarch 37th, 1855. ___ »p 2 Removaß HARBAUGH A CO. have remored to No, 295 Liberty street. ____ opaiKOXB HAABADOD ~ ••••,.AUXANDO POEBTTJL Spvi>B4 r lUrhatlgh & Co., /Successors td 8. Harbaugh,) /IOMMIASION AVD FORWARDING MERCHANTS: Dealers In Wool and Produce generally, No 296 Liberty •troet. Pittsburgh, P» *' • . >. . • l' W? r " . , ’ ■ ' . 1 ■ ' ■ v*~ , " • '■••.,• ' • ■ ■ •>' - ‘ ' --.s ' : . •J* • PUBLISHED DAILY, BY GILLMOR.E &. MONTGOMERY, AT T 1 • JRO. FUIUJPS. JOSAPU J. ULA*. Ledlle dt Warn, Removal. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. j BUSINESS CARDS f- L, Marshall, vrafeeessor to n. Lee.) XXTGOL DEALER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT fj No. 139 Liberty street, Fiiubuxgb Pa. ’ Jltfertna-W. M'Clintoob 6 Ssron- Kramer A n.w Brown A Eire patriot; Murphy, Ti«rnan A Co Pittsburgh. May 24, 1856—{my24:3m*> I Hats and Caps, WB would iorlte the attention of oor friends and the public to a splendid assortment of HATS and which we are now openlug lor the Summer trade, which for beauty of rtvle, bxeeedr anything ever of lured In the city, or west of the mountains. Call and examine for yourselves. . „ J. WILSON A SON, *E g 91 Wood street, Pittsburgh. DUioluUon of Co-PartnarslilD. TUB FIRM of tors of the PITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS, Was diMclved by the death of Mr. Joan 3. Roaoia, oiuho Uta of Mh’cli last. The bnshussa of the NOVELTY WORKS will be continued in all its branches by the earvlving partners, nudar the name andAtyle of UVINGSTON, COPELAND A 00, who will also settle up the affaire of the lato tt/n. L. U. LIVINGBTON, CALVIN ADAMS, J. K. MOORHEAD, Pittsburgh,Pa.,May 4,1855.] W, B. COPELAND JOUR UCLOtiKIT CoaNCUUS m'olosrxi. John OL’Closkay A Co., WHOLESALE . AND .RETAIL CLOTHING MER UIT ANTS, No. 88 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ti;«* subscribers tespecitaUy inform their old customers ac.i i b« public iu general, that they have thb day assoda- iu the above baalnwa, under the firm cf JOHN M'CLoSKA) A CO. They respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. TLm prsvlons buniness.-.f each will L>e settled by them selves respectively. f fl^9 •oota ana Shoes. JM LA Ud II LIN, No. V 5 Fourth street, nearly opposite • iluyor’a office, ia mannlacturLig Gentle men's first ww Shoos, tios nod buttoned; Congress ftp-1 Button* ed Qaltora; Ladles’ Boots, Ela!f Boots, Jenny Linda, Slip* pfnft.nnd French Luahlnt? Oaitera, of every color and shade; iuncy Kid and Batin Gaiters, of the beat materials; Uiiaes and Children's do,, o! every Variety. *N- B —All blodfi made to order, on abort notice. ' botdleri* U' Lap-' -oumyTtnU* and Claims against tioTtrumeut. I" ILL procure Bounty band Warrant* tor Soldiers, tfceir W ulowb aoJ Minor Children, and attend lo business Is iby “Court < f Claim fl," recently established by Congress. Office, No. rhfrd street, ono door above Staltbield et. March 19 18a6—(mha0) _ CH4IU.KS NA.YLOB. Blew Seed Store* ' JAMR3 WARDROP offrrs for sale CAKABY BIRDS of the most Impromi breed, being Tory hardy, and (Ins singers. Bird Hooda—Canary, Hamp, Millet, Ropeandmix e.l S.-rfi. Bouquets will fav furnished composed of the finest FLOWKKS, rt&: Cameling, Koso Buds, Heliotropes, Ac. KrerjcrwoMla pot») forOhrixtama Tiwca, from the Seed and Horticultural Store, No. 49 Fifth at., near Wood. d*c2o Bounty taudi. f IWH underalgneU coutiones to obtain Bounty Land War- X rants. The present bUlgtyesto all who have stirred in any war Pinre 17V0, ICO enrua. ' Term#'moderate. I.UKK C< >CKBHOOT, 37 Diamond alley, between Wood «t.and Diamond. Coal Works for Snie* SIXTY TIIKKK ACRES OF LAND,with 260 acres of Goal attached, and ail the improremimt* thereon in success ful operation. Maid Fann in situated eo the M Dongaheli river, mile* above PitUburgb, and Is supplied with a Farm House, Barn, Tonaut Uoue«a, Orchard, Railroad, and no exeeliunt harbor. Tb** vrlu r.j Coal la fiTrt fc**‘. thick,and cannot ba surpass ed in quality. For further particulars apply to KXIiIQITIOII ttOUM FOR IN VEN'IIONS AND I’ATENTS, And Agency For tho Purchase and Sale of Patent nights and Patoniod Articles. MOSES F. KATUN ... -....Agent* .Vo no }\>uriA itrtri, iSiubttrgh, fIUIE pobwrlbers harp long been acquainted with Mr. X F KATUN, and have no hesitation iu reeom mendlng him, U> ail who may wlnh to employ bis services, aj- a #HuUrman r.f undoubud Integrity ondimlefatigable In dustry, in whoso crt-nii'ini every reliance may be placed. b«*Tiii* ji Craig, w. Hnbltuton, Jr., M U. l>eDu> , John Graham, Jtuuwfl WoM, II Childs A Go , l\ K Friend, N. Holmes A Boon, Knap A \t H'|r*, Kraster k Elohtn, Wm. rhiltipn, r. Livingston. Wilson M’Oandlesa, Wm. F. Johnston, • A W. Loomis, Audrow Fulton Pittsburgh, November 27th, 18W. nov27:dtf Writing Clasaet— College^ Fpilß uenUemmj and LaJUV Day and Evening Writing X Claoei niil contiQue open during tbe summer under Hr. J D. William*, whose various t»tyb- 9 of Gentlemen and Wi**' Writing are so universally admired. No specimens of Penmanship are exhibited at tho door but those executed by the Teacher In the Institution. The Principal claims no “raooopolj ” nor ** patent M for his business, nor did beget his institution chartered to Ml oot, as has been repeatedly done in this city. ’ . Uontlemen aud Ladled Visiting Carls wrlllen in Mr. Williams’ unequalled style. All kinds of Ornamental Pen ffiubrfblp executed to craer. ray 24 d»w i New Intelligence Office. IUli: subscriber has jn*t opened an INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, «t No 4.10 Überty street, in the well known office of Johu Ibompeon.dhip Agent; and as he has been Exploring Agent for the Young Moo’s Bible Society of Pitt> burgh fur two y.-ara, he flatter* hlrnjeU that bis kuowiedg.* of the rjiy and Its citizens gives bha great faclli tivs iu furuLshiog housekeepers wltn help, and also In find ing placr-s for boys,girls and all others seeking employment. The patronage of the public Is folldted. Terms easy, and ov«rr effort used lo give general satisfaction. J; 11 _ ; o abhikl BAim. A. MlUiiteu <fe Co. lIAYK ON HAND, at ih-ir sxtenfilre CABINET and XI CU AIB MANTJPACTURV, No 61 sbatthfleld *tre«t, a large aNH.irtmeut of Fancy and Plain Furniture, which ihflv will sell 16 per rent, below custom ary retre. rash only. decTT'ly #?\ iVkia« BJ* continue* to zsauuXaC' lrjv, tur* C ABINET WARE of every description, at bis reS old bUmd, comer of Liberty and Seventh streets * ■ 1 UNDERTAKING attended to, iu ail iu branches, mj 11 Ht hnxiea Barnett. URBB hiIOKK AND BLACIUIJUTH, has erected » new and commodious Brick Bbop on Cherry alley th tweea Third, and Fourth street*, where he it prepared to <io ail work in hi* line vuh the btmo.-r promptitude, liariug had long experience in the baslneas, he re-pectfuUy solicit* the patronage of hh oid customers tho public gfn«rady j y2 i GRAM) PIANO, MAI'K by NUNNS & CLARK, NEW FORK. THUS PUBLIC of Pittsburgh and Allegheny is reapwt J. folly Invited to rail at the Mqalo Btom warn, \ oi the eubecribara, No. 63 PfFTO ST., andg@££iJS3sy3 examine a gu peril run Grand piaao.prioe 81000.V* 8 if v Prom lb* FactorynTNCNNU AUL'aUK, New to/t Thin entrant iastrnm*ot is mode In the M iUZABETHIAN 91 Y LK,” the ornaments, front pieces and leg* being elabo rately car Te-j out of SOLID ROSEWOOD. It is full seyen ocUTea, Of the UrgestdlmenalotHi, and, in point of volume, power, and liquid sweetness of tone, id pronounced alto* gether nneorpHcsable. The Hub*crtWrii will be happy to receive ihe visits of their friends and the pobllc la general, and ahovr them tUrt-ugh ihelr duganl Uew establishment. U. KLKBKB A BRO, Sign >*l the Uvlden Harp, No. 68 Fifth Hlreet. Spring Stock of Hamburg Pianos, BLUitS, No. 118 Wood Pittabarghf-eale ARene.. Tl iTifl Tbß Hamburg Pianos *r* undoubtedly I ■ “ I I * superior to *H others, both In elasticity of touch and superiority of tone. They bate uot only receWe.l the highest marks of appro bation from the beat European Pianist*, such as LKT TUALBERO, And others, who have them conatanuy to tbeir own osa, bo l also from our resident Professors. The following la an extract fn.tn a tetter of PKOPEdSOR HENRY ROHBOOK. After describing the particular style, two of which he want* fur his own use—one Grand and one Square—he Hpeakji, m {olios* cxceUeo t quaUtfea : ‘‘Myillttlfl daughter, who plays voxwell, must, with myeeif.harea good instrument, and yours are the oolr ones whleh oan satisfy me. 7 “ Instrument* are offered me on the most accommodatitur term*. 1, however, do not Uk» them; they have not the 1 elastic touch and the ton© bf yohra. “ 1 remain, yours, respectfully-, • u i » u,MaT Hob bock, Pittsburgh, Pa." for sale by CIIAU LOTT B BLUME, at the “ old Eatab le* 1 Plano itepot,” 118 Wood street, 2d door above Fifth Alveole Agent for Plttaonrgb and Wntero Pennsylvania IgrMalUt, Davis 4 Co. t Boston Piano*, (which in the East dru cltlee are ruam.lered superior to either Chlckerlng’* or Nunns A (Dark’s, out which fact is not extensively known, as (hey have but lately been Introduced here;) and other New Yorrabd Philadelphia Plaiios, of the beet makers, at prices from $226 to $BOO. a mhlP Notice to Whom It M*y Concern. aIUK PUBLIC STRING UALBB of W Estate at Ro . Chester are now closed, and the Buildtng Season ha* f» irly commenced; Every citizen of Rochester ia buaiiy em ployed. Kfoq 30 ox 40 pew-Catoiliw who; harehacoma citi ien* the present Bpnog, end constant employment and in a few days a hundred families more will be required to car ry on the work of the present season* The (Mr Building MtiabUßuneni Is now near completion and will be in lull operation in June. Several Cara will be remly for delivery, by contract, the Ist of July, 1866. Two or three new churches, in Rochester, will be cron tracied for immediately, anil numerous other Improvements will be commenced, requiring n great amount of mechanical and other labor independent of the Car Establishment which will probably employ from one to two hundred. * A prominent brlckmalrer from Pittsburgh has jmd pur ebaeed nine large lots, and contracted to make upon them forthwith 600,000 brlcfcß. Two gongs of hands commence work the present week, besides the other yards heretofore established In the neighborhood. Our Stone Quarries ore already alive with workmen, and the road leading to them lined with teams. Lumber is becoming abundant and cAeay, and tenements wIU soon spring up to relieve some of our houses, which bow have 5 families, 4 families, 3 families, and dozens of them 2 families each Any who ild not buy cheap lots at the four public salefc last season, oribp fbur public sales the present spring, can adfl secure good bargains at private sale by calling on the subscriber in Rochester. Terms—down, Uin one year and Va in two years. • r M. T. O. GOULD. P. B.—A few lots can yet be bad at $OO to $lOO each; if applied for bolbre the 20 h May. Those lots ore twice as large as usual city lots, viz: 40 feet by 126, «nd the price only from $1,60 to $2,60 per foot front. Thopresentreserv ** 1 homestead and magnificent profit of Ovid Plnney,4acrea in the centre of the borough of Rochester; also, the Leant! ful 20 acres, building, orchard, 'Ac., of F> Reno, can be bought through the subscriber at groat bargains, and there are uot <«*> such bargains within a hundred miles. . Q. Removal. SOUTHBBRT A SON have removed their Real Estate • and General Agency Office to No. 63 MARKET BT., near Third. nag 9 tJIOII HALE—Twn Lotr of 60 leet by 140 each, in Ea£t Pittsburgh, ftt tbe lowest prices. Inquire of » a «l TUUMAB WOOD r . 7b Fourth street. * <v - * > h* ' \ r •• ..SV’V'V "OODMiIKM^AT $6,00 PEH ANNUM, OK *5~OO WHEN IN ADVANCE; PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1555 NICHOLSON A PAV’SId, No. 235 Liberty street Capita! 9300,000 Amount securely invested.. _ ...9900,0 00 11IIIS COMPANY edicts Fire Insurance on Bnildings, Goods, Furniiure, Ac. Miriae iDMirk&M on Veculs, Csrgo and Freight. Inland Insurance on Goods, by Rivers Lakes, Canals, Railroads, and Land Carriage generally Also, Insurance- upon Lives, upon the most favorable terms. PITTBBUEGH REFERENCES. Hon. T. M. Hove, Hon. J. R. WOlintock, lion. P. 0. Shannon, Col. 8. W. Black non. 1. a Guthrlo, A D MUdmont. Esq' Thomas J. Keenan, Bpq.. WHboo M’Candhws, Ksn., Cd. J. Heron Footer, Geo. J . K. Morehead. R. M. Kiddle, The character of the above Company la of tie first class, and combines the rare and noueoa] privileges of Fire Ma rine and Lift Insurance. ’ Gentleman of eievated standing are associated in ha management, and interested as Stockholders. THOMAS J. HUN TEH, Agent, _J7?7 Pt Charles Building, No. 108 Third at. ' ARTHUR’S' PATENT'~«jgfr Self-sealing Cans Bfli' For Preserving Fresh Fruits, || ||jj |I BY lIBRMKTICAL SRALIBa. _ |jj |]{[ j fTYHKBB CANS, which are sealed by the Housekeeper 1 without the aid of a tinner, and opened edsfly without lojnry to the can, are rapidly coming Into general nee Full directions for potting up fruit accompany the cans; and the work is so caallypertirmed, that by their use every family may have frwh Fruit and Tomatoes on their table all winter, at summer prices. FUIOES.—Pint Can* #2; Qaart, $2,60; Half Gallon, $3,60; Three Quarts. $4,25; Gallon, $q per doxro. The diflbrdnt sixes nest. In order to secure economy lo trans portation. ARTHUR'S QAN, which is closed with a lid covering the whole top, so that when open it may be cleansed like any other vessel, has been fully approved by the Farm on’ Club of the American Institute, New York. It look a tint olaaa diploma over all other s« If-sealing at the law* Fair in Cincinnati, and was awarded a medal at the Mechanics' Fair held this spring at the Smithsonian Institute, ffwh ingion City, B. 0. It Is claimed to be the best Can in the market All orders accompanied by the cash will be Diomntlv for warded. r ‘ J For nla, wholesale and retail, at the China and Qaeens ware Store of REN BY RIGBY, 122 Wood street. Pittsburgh, Bargains In Watches, Clocfca A Jewelry. ROBERTS •& BROTHER. ABB now calling their largo Wild Carefully teleo lg& tod stock of Fine Watche*, Clocks* andrich Gold eSCJa. etry at S™* l * wuced prices, to make room CaOU»for an entire new atock, which will be received di rect ftnm the Eastern manufactories In a few weeks, for the Fall trade. Purchasers desiring to buy good goods at low prices, should call immediately and axamlno our atock, as wo are determined to close It out without regard to cost or former prices. Don't forget the place. ROBERTS A BROTHER, _ 41 Fifth street, neat door to Wood. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in the beat manner, and warranted. ly J 4 Wllpon 4 Son, yttholesai,* and retail hat and cap manu V? fACTUBtES, No. 01 Wood strwit, Pittuborith ... proporod to fumliih *ll .rtlolM to Uiotr lio„ ou tho most rv.Kini.blo terms. I'.rliruUr ottootloa Is Invited to our ussorHnoot of LADIES' RIDING HATS and GLOVES, also our 94 BILK lIATB, which cannot be surpassed in tbe ar V *.p6 Lani* warranto AUSTIff Looms, o*al«T in Warrant*, Stock*, 4b., M Pnnrfh • O&ipftrtnenhlp, YTTALTER P. MARSHALL associated with him, on the TT 2d day of Julys JO3. ft. HUGHES, In the Wall Paper business, uflder the name of JjP W. P. MARBHALL 4 00. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. A BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, a* f Mt by 100. A good bargain can be had by applying »000 at the office of the MORNING PQBT. jyiat A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feot front on Oarson street by 100 feet In depth, hi Birmingham, will be sold cheap, Enquire of G£Q. F. GILLMORB, jylß at office of the Morning Poet. SEMI ANNUAL DIVIDEND, 8 PER CENT,, JULY 1, IBuo, jETNA lASURAJRCE COMPANY. OF HARTFORD, CONN. Chabtkbxd C««|1 Auttl, July 1 1 rBS3, 3835,030 S 3. CXONTINUB C 6 make insurance on all descriptions of * property at equitable rates. This Company bare maintained a position for b°&or*blt dealing Tor SO years, and l>) unsurpassed for responsibility and punctuality by any other similar institution in the United States. Semi annual statement of the condition of this Company on file in this office, tor the examination of the public. 11. B. TEN-EYOK, Agent Offloe, Nortb-west corner Fifth and Wood streets, PHtfl bwfck }y24 11. 81. Lemon A Co.’i Way Line. BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLOMBIA. , n THE undersigned haring purchased ITr iJaMfijiiFf" Bfcil|M BI ol D . Leuoh A Oo.’s Canal Stock, SSSESaSSBue prepared to do a WAY FILEICIIT BUfiINEgS between this place and Columbia. All business entrusted to our care will ho promptly attended to by us, at the Warehouse formerly occupied by J). Leech A Co., Canal Basin. LLOYD A LEMON. jy2S:dltn* JUBT WHAT YOU ALL WANT THIS WARM WEA THER—The Magaxlnes for August: Peterson’s M&gaiiuo for August; . Ballon's do do : New York Journal do Dloltens* Household Words for August; The Heiress of lianghton, or the Mother's Baoret - Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of a Life; Peggy Woffington. For ail the new Books or Magatines,«all or send to the cheap Bookstore of W. A. QtLDtiNFttNNEY ACO J? 2O Fifth sb, opposite the Theatre. pOAt FLAT—Lying at the ibot of Liberty atreet, Monon- rlT®r, for sale by S A WJ$ ll "‘* io * Uke ßatoonfoTaUj by ***° tutNUY e onrxfNß BONNJfITB--A. A. MA6ON i _ Ou. have this morning're -»??« by new and Tery elegant styles oi bilk Bonnets, * Mp jo -C" ***•*• * 'Z— V, , • •. . «, •. c •••'IC >-fsy. MISCELLANEOUS. DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST. BBAY9 AU DIBMSX3 Of THI XL* 45D IAA WITUOOt (JLIPPUfa, uxchotq, susnnnro. on fas use or calouxl. OYfIOB 468 BROADWAY, OOR. GRAND BT., NEW YORK. _ Hours from 9A.M.t04 P. M. THOUGH, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acute or JLv Chronic Blindness trith Films, Iritis, Amaurosis and Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Byes, are among theidiseases of the eye which are treated by Dr. H. with satisfaction. AD diseases of the Ear treated npon scientific principles Artificial Eyas inserted without an operation. AU letter* post-paid will secure prompt attention. We select the following referoncee from among the thou sand* of cases which hare been successfully treated by Dr Henderson: Wm. J. Fryer, 826-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. •Alfred Bouthwick, Printer, “ W. Ooodspeed, Glens Fails, N. Y. nVm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mr*. A. M. L. Wilson, New York City, N. Y. tMfr* Matt Bellows, N. 8. SUtion, Duchess co., N. Y. •Edward G. Bolger, Bristol, Conn. •John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y. HarM Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wo. F. R Giles, office Courier and Bna., N. Y frames W. Kirby, l*. L Jprrti Bodgem .« « A- R- Botm, Telegraph Operator, St. Nicholas Hotel. % M. Ferriss, Organ Builder, Houston St SL B. Doolittle, &L D., Hudson, R. Y. Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y. M- P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship, Troy, N Y a L. Ross, Albany, N. Y. A. Billeobaehy Schenectady, N. Y. Obpt. 0. a Hart!and, Atfr«np, N. Y: Jbhn W. Hackett, Blnghampton, N. Y. *2“" " m And had to b« l«d lo tho offlra. At the expiration of two weeks they coaid go about tb« city at pleasure. •Theso cases of Amaurosis were restored to right after they were riven up as Incurable by the faculty, end can be referred to by any person who wishes to learn the facts In these eases, by writing to them, PltUbnrgh Dollar Savings liuiUaiion. A r <x 08 fburth street, HBtT DOOR TO TUB PITTHBOBOH BANE, 18 NOW OPEN daily from 9 to'3 o'clock; also, on Wed nesday tad Saturday oreninga, from 7 to 9 o'clock. Deposits received of ail sums not less than One Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared tvice a year, In June and December. The Trustees, for the purpose of farthering tho benerolent otgactsof the Institatlon, nare entered Into a guarantee bond, thereby giving additional eucurity to depositors. Books containing the Charter, By-Lavs, Bales and Regu lations, foraifihod gratis, on application at the office. Prtsidfnt—Q EO&ti B ALB&B& noi t'acsinxars: John 11. Sheen berger, Charles Knap^x, N. Grattan Morphy, Saobald Umbsuettrr, iac U. Peonock, William J, Anderson. HopeweJl Hepbnro, George R. White, William 7. Johnston, James W. Hallman, Alexander Bradley, William Phillips, John G. Backofen, James Hardman, Hill Borg win, John M. Kirkpatrick Albert Culbartron, John D. M’Cord, Robert Chester, Robert Morrow, J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. Marshall, Alooto A. Carrier, A. M. Pollock, John B. CosgTare, Henry L. Ringwalt, Charles A Colton, Robert Robb, E. G. Edrtngton, Gonrge R. Riddle, Francis Felix, James Rhoads, George F. Gillmore, James ShJdlr, James S. Boon, George A Bolden, William A Haren, Alexander Tlndle. Secretary and Treasurer —OH ARLES A. C'jLTON. jylfcdly FARHERB' ASD MECHAflltb’ LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, Of PIULISKLI-UIA. DIRECTORS. lion. Thomas B. Florence, James K. Ne&ll, George H. Armstrong, Charles Dio«*><•,’ Ed-F. Mfcldtetoo, P.. 1L nelmbold, George Helmbold, Fred. C. Brewster, Thomas Uanderfinld, Isaac Loech THOMAS D. FLORENCE, President. Enwian R. Hxlmbou), Secretary. ♦Of BU, 160 A CRB WARRANTS, by! Lot for Sale< PAID UP, J. W. BUTLER A 00 SUMMER RESORTS. PEBKY COUNTY WARM SPRINOa. r l 'UK above celebrate! WATERING PLACE will be open JL for visitors on and after the FIFTH OF JUNE NEXT, rney are duUghtfuily located on Sherman’s Greek, fourteen m s* norih-weHt of Doncannoa, (this place being fifteen of on the Central Railroad,) at the ®* l*lagah Mountain, which reaches an eleVotldn of flv * bnndred ffiat. Bberman’s Creek affords » SSI. opportunity for those fond of bathing, fishing or enrrtmoding forests offer great utirocttona vo sportsman; and tour smooth and shady roads through _ H ??T n w^ y ,^ ll f“ r P &i,ad d for bold aud magnificent scenery, ,Li 7 amu "®®« , » £ 6of the place. BA ? I i LBa 803 CARRIAGES can be had at all or r to Ter 7 °a reasonable terms. m ~V be ftHALIiXES or the SPRINGE too ranch can hardly be saltf7Their waters hare been analysed nuTTiMt,*? *° Union, and are pronounced an: for ( is ring diseases and affections of t e kidneys. There are sbme five Springs In aIL every 2? j°'rl h , c r l ‘ A 1 h ’° f reo l temperature—the largest betoj w dfgrens Fobrenbelt, and throwing out W gallons every seven minutes. Ladles’ and GenUemea'e BATHS have been constroctud, with pll the modern Improvements to gether with PLUNGE BATHS. Ac, Ac uu ‘ ,rvTtimBUlfl ’ Bot, “ ,inon for th ” ***>• Bowling Allays,JJlUlard Rooms, and various other faciU -2??. gr ln abundance. The anoommodatlous will bo the best, and the charges low. Txoms.—-Eiglit dollars per week, or one dollar and fifty cents |x*r usy.i 7 Faiullhjfl wiahlog to engage rooms, should atWiwiALhe proprietor early: *«-, Every attention will be paid to v tel tors, the proprietor having engaged the best of servants- Muaio always In at tendance. J *ll communications (Stemled to reach the Perry OounlT warm Springs e hoaU.hu nUdrassed to Dunoranon P. 0. lhey *lll be immcdbualF forwarded. K Sr M BIK It 11KTHKAT, ~ EYSTONH HOTBti, Haerntooo* Co., Cnn,«tllioi. dred and thiriymen milrt Hast of PiUiburgh , and <ohj »u> hours roU. This delightful residence and place of public resort 1» lccated«B the henke of the “ Blue Juniata," 7 nflucDC “ o( Bprtua. Creek. Ue dour spring, trout sustaining waters, here dEvharges Itself, apd mingles lie Hoantalna. a Cal! ' :a ' t, M ,W J’ rn ’b do'm the gorgSof the The verj central patltloo of this Hotel makes It» dealt#- ble place o 1 Mourn for a few week* „ r days, for jiS of ' r faialliee—jaded and enervated Vlthliw turmoil, hustle and hoot of the city. It Is situated ou the JWh-oed, where the great turnpike from the gnsquehauna and other coeds concentrate— making easy egress and Ingress, ssTeral ttmea 0 dak by go9 ' *° Alt “ D “’ T,r "“”' HunUn edon end The Hones Is a new brick one, lour stories high, spacious and roomy, nowly papers!, painted and forSiied from lSd| m, iL t 0 M th " Improyemente anil T?ier« 0o ‘ J .Otthhik Ac. It Is also Onely rentlUteJ, are superb view, of every dopanmynt of the Moan hha» ,r :, *il e . ry “^h ( - “k ior leas mountains,” the “eternal hilb. Telegraph omee La in the IhJUee, always ready Ur work and the proprietor ready to resolve visitors at mode rate charges. U. F. HAsLETT, Proprietor, aavs&awocs in Pirrsßoaon: William Carr A Co, 32U Liberty R\ie*L .Tohu IT. Hhot*uba?g*r. John Anderson. William S. Catnptel!, 3t. ChArlas Hotel. [ ;yll FEYER AND' AGUE CURE, Ijluß the EreTenUofl and Care of lirnsutnzNv and Rj- A *OTt».V7 frysfia, Tzrz& and Aoc», Cmu3 and fmv ' Bckb Astra, Graeali Dramtr, NrasT Swmts, and all other fiirmaef diaesjro which have a common origin in-MHariaor Mxurtia. Tblß U a‘NATURAL ANTIDOTE, which will entirely prottret or traveler, even In the moat sickly or swanjpy loeUJtiaj, from any Ague or Bffjouß dlsraw what. MUram iD j Qr >' «»nstonily inhaling Malaria ot, It aill JBdteiotly chock the Ague In pr-iiyonatri-o hare forwi for aoy lingtb of time, from one dayAo twenty years so that they need navorbaTfl anaihercfull by cantinoinciJ uee according to direction*. The patient at once Wins to recovar/eppetite and strength, and continues until a perma neot and radical cure la effected. One or two buttle* will answer for ordinary caeo*; some may require mor» Dir.*ctiona printel in German, French and Rpaniab, accnnipany each bottle. Prtee One DoUnr ÜberaJ discount* made to the trade. EVIDENCE OF SAFETY. *v Ktw Yoai. Janeii, 1855mF * gy»made a chemical examination of “ Rhodea’ Fovor arr ‘' r ' cr “ Antidote to Malaria” and haTeWed it forjtognic, Mercury, Quinin» and Btrychnine, but bSve not fajtod a particle of either in it, nor have l found any sab«»oee iu its composition that would prove injurious to the edfiptitution. *t 4 Lewuoußo, Colon County, Fa., May 2,1815. Afv. /. A. Jlhcdfi — Sir: The box of medicine you Bent me wa* duly received rn tbe Uth of April T hare one-half of it, and *0 far the peopl* who have UAm it ore satisfied that it baa cured them. It baa certain ly stopped the Ague in ev«ry one who ha* uw?d 1L and elx of the caRM were nf Jong PfAndlng. My siitor, who has had It for five or six year* barb, and could never get it stepped, exc.-pt I y Gamine, an-i ihat only eg long a* she would tube it, ip n-.M , 1 thiok, entirely cured by >our rem- C. K. McGINLY ” CAUTION TO ,\OUK SUFFERERS. Take no more Arseni.-, Mercury. Quinine, Strychnine, or AoU-Periodicfl, or ciedjriuHS of kuj kud.tb* firluo of which is owing to such poisonoan drags Tho most Uiuy can do is to * break the chills * for a short time, while they are snro to cause constitutional maladies that cease only twitb life. Remember dint the only Fevur and Ague reme dy that Is harmless as well os sure, is Rhode#’ Fevar and Cure. For sale by JOUN MITCUELL, and Drureistß pen « r * ll '- CHARLOTTE BLUBIB, NO. 118 WOOD HTREfPT, PITTSBURGH, ».? Ja»t rv celTlng a large Ptock of PIANOB, of the latest styles, torn the Factories of BAUMOA.RDTKN A UKIN3, Hamburgh- HAuLRT, DAVIS A CO, Boston- HAINKB, DUOS. A CUMMUNOB, New York- A. B. REICHENBACH, Philadelphia ; with those of other makers, nt ptires from $226 to $l.0G0; including every variety and style, from the plain but substantial iron frame Plano, to the most elegantly carved tools XTY. style. Square nod Grand Pianos. Arrangements bare beon made with the manufacturer*, by which their instnittenu ora sold, lower by their exclu eive agents here than In the Bast, and wjthput the addi tional contend rUfr of transportation. Brery Piano sold by the subscriber Is warranted perfect lo every respect, and a written guarantee will be giTen if required. CHARLOTTS BLUME, n No. Wood street. mow CITY COM WKRCIAL, COLLILGIC. Aq Institution for the Business Man. APRIL, jjftj, OUtfANIZKp and in very xucoeeiftil operation, with a UoanJ of Trust**, and taught by hq efUcient Faculty. A "° “ UDdml rtod»nts Rnd upward? hart* matriculated kt tbta Ootlrgt. Tb© combined and urgent demand of the arinrr, Muclunic, M«*r>'hatit and Pru7«<NioDAl man, for an InxtlmtioQ of a Muh atandard. la which various art* with their avocations e< uld bo obtained, ami that they should h« instructed by experienced touchers, who hare had bu*io«<s prnrare in the subjects taught, tins the organisation of the People's College or Praetical Tpachors. Several of the Faculty are authors of Book-Keeping, who provide, as re quired,-eta of "form book*," thatcc-nkfm toall the changes nod improvements of frequent occurrence in futunl boil ness. Daily Lectures are delivered by persons of known ability. Subjects: Book Keeping, its theory and laws; Arithmetic and its apdUcation ; Tb* Art of Writing; Commercial Lav; Political .Economy; Commercial Geography; History: and Business Kihics. The success of this Institution L now certain. Citis-ns of the first circles in society and business show their confi dence by entering their son? for a burners education. anfiT O Platform Scales t EYKttY pEaCKIITIO.-), suitable for Rallrosds,Ca mis, Ac., for weighing Uay. Coal, Ore, nnd Merchan* aise generally. Purchasers may feel iu»surnd rhaf they can be supplied with a superior and reliable article, and run neru-k. ‘ Bach Scale la (tnarenteed correct, and If (after trial) not lound fifttiKfncftnrv, can be returned without charin B.wory at the old eland. oetahlUhod fhr thirty yeare, cor n«r of ninth and .Melon streets, Philadelphia. A B BOTT A CO., Successors to EixtcoTT A Abbott aug23:d3m Offios of “ Tax Pittsdcrgb Gao Compact,” ) T 4IT « ~ ~ August 17, 1866. 1 'HB Stockholders of “The Pittsburgh Gee Company" er. hereby notified that an election, for the purpose of «MUng two persons to eorre as Trueteee of the said Gee Company for the term of three years, will be bold at the nsv at tt,e Works - on the FIRST MON ?A\&VoXI'Sh ™' ,B,i - 19i5 ' b «‘’Teen the hour, 1819. _o..gl«:dt<l JAMES M. CHRISTY, Treaaurar. Valuable Farm "tar Male ~ ~ TOWNSIIU’. SCTI.KB COUNTY, mjLhSS* "Si® ' 4 115 *™ofwblrh are under ml tlradon. The i proprietor, about to docltns farminir will cUspose of all hia Stoog, Uraln and H ay on haudTlfiteln!!. Bn 1 u r f “< JAMES BJ.AKEI.Y l"*!. 1 -.romcT nf Ear-nth and StnithOuld «t». 66 66 M. ARNOLD &, SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DBALBUB IN FA ??n OP f ABLE CLOTHING, And Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, N°PltO!tarrt KE K BTIIKS f' Third and fourth, »n, .a n , Keef ’ on hand, a larao ptoci of Cloths, Cassimerofl and Tostlnirs Oarmant, orders promptly attendad to. [auni7.-2m WILTfIS P. MAMIULI „ . Wp M •••••—.. a. uoufiis, ■ r • WflfA ha I | Jkg p -niS »»“!».*„ PA. .‘Su-i . INGB ’ 87 Wood street, PilUbnreb I e?v ITANT '~I' 4t this season of the year, u hi:u diaeurea 1 Of the stomach ana bowel, are so rlquenL and If S l«Ud, are ,° apt t„ degenerate lnto cholera morims. 5 «!?? Ariatic Cbo ennno family should be withowaSt" of |he Concentrated Essence of JamaicaQinm,randt tSS ! rf if WloWated DlarrhS Mo«iclna^l*Mf^“d of to accompanying directions, will prove a LSy :lOU * r ° m * dj - The y ““ bo WonlvTuS in B .!* JOHN HAW, J“V IS6 Wood street, R4BtBEHBT MUNDY-e ao, pate a very superior homemade article. For sale by J.NO. LITTLE, Jr., Agent, No 70\ Liberty strwt - jUX-f U. H. ETtBE, Proprietor Warm Bprin«9 RHOpES’ JAMES A. KHuDEF, Providence, R, L JAMES R, OHILTOaN, M. D., Chemist. EVIDENCE OP MERIT. Election, " • V» ■ *. 'j JTUMBER ]. MISCELLANEOUS. lilac Fneltagae R B iH£* INQ IS 0? EX PRESS CO., 84 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, which, If not called for, wiU bo Bold ** p Q bUo Auction; by P. M. D AXIS, corner,of Fifth aud Wpod. streets, on,the second day of October next, to pay' charges, and for'uccotiDt of whom it may concern ®*JVAlien..—... , .Pittsburgh .1 pkge. Al>en A H5ught0n............... . do Sbdtsbaga. B. Albright, care Freak Falk../ do 1 ckge. M- Banertachs !. '/ do a boxes. 3. jW. BaksTs—. do i box. Mm. B. Bretinger.l.,... do 1 box. I.J. •• do i box , Q. W.RMkin,.— Mereor, P*——.i box. J. 0. Backofen...'-.-...-.PtttBbutgh—......rpkge. W; 8, ©kg®, JR. [Bond .. Liberty 1 pkge.' Miss H. Borns... Mercerl pkge. 0. p Buckingham. Warren tonyP*.-I pkge. <3. &. Barst i....'....—j. .Pittsburgh- 3 pkge. P. M.CUrrydo .loox. 11. Chapman do 1 pkgs. 3. A. Oafferdßy. do 1 pkgo. iOombs —.4..—. do 1 pkge. Joan Coyle do 1 pkga. n - .Allegheny—>~—l,box. 0. aDooley... — Manchester.......tpkga. 3. Ptetrfck —; -A pkge, do I ptre. T. Bmerlek..— d o * 1 pkge.- ■*, rfy*-' ............ do 1 pkga. WJE. Ferguson - do I pkge. , A.ip. pibßot _! Avnlnaiitmhtv.tite.-i. ...... —...... Mercer, ge....„,*l pkge. O»e.«ioafc:__v. flttebursi__.:.l,k|e. • A. rD'ter— do . l piwe. . — —■ -4a fK; A —‘Ptttabargti 1 Pkge. * nTS*”* .•.Bltttiaghiair.„o.ig>k g e;— £B“« .....:.PUtiborgh...'....:.lt6is e: rJ ~~ do 1 pkge. D ! io 1 pkge. i?!r“- u -i do lokM. ff W.C. Upscoiub. , ... d 0 i boi 0. Ltoderman—..L... do fiKo. ' ‘ ?' n' .J* 1 !. 9 Franklin. P« I, pkge. 1 n - -Htteburgh IWf W.iH. Middeogh,._. , do Ip. box. Dr.jMa thews, care H.CrGrsy.. do Tttor. ■ o.B.3JcSMden^...<...^ c , i .. w do lpfcge. J. fl. McDonald do ; 1 pkee?' w wiSt' ? elfion Birmingham— .alipkga.’ H. Moct -... do • lcbesL - do JLnkee. IthM* & Reißon do lllle. S-tei'* 11 *> ip4o.-x P. Both -.—. do l pkge. - 'lary Rhodes - franklin, Pa 1 box* A. Bpranger Uufege. - . -,; do . 1 bot, J. Schoster do I pkge. •!• a “ iUl Pe.—J pkge. . *r* , i?*~ Judepandrnee ....1 box. pkge. mrpjh * .Jeawrencerlile ...lpkgu. W. A. Toney Jt .......Jamestown -..i pfcga i?» I J n^aaasi^....w..- KMaburgh>» ; e....l pkge. £Uis nplf do 1 nkcA -^2“*^—- *> • , J*.,u, vTall do 1 ckifs. a??' JSP iamfl -....JBlrmibgham I pkge. 5 ftrt*" 5 «»' iSS: W., M.. Deny.. do l Mle. Sank Mayer, acre W. Kuhn. do 1 hkre. ***—-,- ILT In£ OHy Hotel d o 1 Lrp. bag. Q. do \ pk/e, ...!..- do }j{g: D. Tembrnige—— do H pkge. 4 n i> • * i I bag/ A. IL Register 1 trunk.’ Ueoeral Tftm The mb do' 1 pkae, ' M. % w »tsoo. : -New Castle, P*-l pkgo. Watson A Stanton do ' 1 okffe J. Watts- - iAtrobe™..—abox. . , W. B. BARROLL, _ Agent of the Adams Express Co. Pittsburgh, August 31,18&&. GliU AT DISCOVE KY! AfiIPLE TiJaTS* rfcoth_ by able Practitioners and Cbem’h ca! Abalyrfs, hare dedionstrsted tho great value of BB.QRAiXII'S bWutiralccmbtnation, caiiad a BLfX) TRICOIL, for tho relief and cure of Pain; Bttl tbepeopto tbfjnselvw are wondering- their verdict Ins manner botb untowtakeabla and eatia/actoty- More than 20,000 bottles hate bd«*n sold In a v«y short timo—a great proportion to' thifla who hfani olhen recommend. iu who had tried iU mat it is a splendid discovery U everywhere acknowledged, and nothing Ilko-tt waseTer »e&ro. prepared. Why, for Own* alone, it 4 worth 1100,000 a year to the people, as It ai*» ys coreatheae painful totmetrtow in twenty-four hours «vT ut w t at l f worth to the people if it cares Balt Rhbum, Erysipelas, Canker, Ulcers, Sorts of all kinds, (fro queotly taking away ail tb* pain hi twenty-four-hours,) Rheumatifun, Neuralgia, Palpitation, Headache, Bronchitis, Piles, Womb Complaiotß, Cramps, Sprains, Sore or Swelled Breast, Felons, Wounds Of all kinds, Ac. 1 Would $600,000 express its Value to the people? 'ilfo. Because* toon-will re , ely . fef wUefftomymn.. Will this Oil relieve pain/ D ** * o ®’ ® mea 88 we have oflon named, hon- ’ arable and high-minded merchants, mayors, doctors and oOj>i« have so said, after from ten to fifty trials. They say the EUitnc Ou 1s the finest’medleal ever pro. jafed, neither offensivn nor injurious, bot effectual in all he above and many other cases. Some ‘honorable and heavy business Anns have. It is true, eold some of the old (turpentine, bituminous*, orcoul tor, Ac. Ac.) external ap diCationfl, until their customers rdiitrned' bottle after bot tle, with the remark that remedy whs wnraa than Uw painyet such men have never recommended nor given countenance to them. But see some of our best taerenaats ordering more every ten days, andaheap*giving additional testimony to the value of this wonderful discovery. That a great many ladled are-tmlng Itas a nod|rtpsl fafot crtlele far themselves ani their ch&drootls well known. U euros au pimfles, blotches and ervptioru bh the tea and heck th so short a time, you would ecaicejy credit it. It frequently, redhees ajm wfvl swelling In two hours; has done it in ha f an : hour; cured macy-effedtuaily In six Jf ladies knew the toothing, strengthening and healing vinuesin this Oilj they would never be induced to use anything eWfcr wotobcomplainißorpaluaof anjrklnd. We now insert a letter just received from Henry Wiley who went to England six woeka-atoce,{to die.) „ „„ . _ _ Lohpon, July 12,1855. Psor. Ds Gratw, Philo.—Dear Slrr When I teft home for myi health, fsarofulons ornpjtfons, Ac J I never expected to return ngufn, believing that my complalnf would soon carry me off. Whdn you gavo ntotfctee hottiCS-hf year riatnc Oil to take with mo, as merdyapaUmtivt. I dki aot think I would so very soon be called Opontotnank you, as I oow do, for my complete restoration. I can only say, before the departure of the steamer, that you hare only to come hero with your Oil, to make o for tune in oneyqar. There bmotaxuUiereimOacmedlcine in England, if In the world. Twill write by next Steamer.' : * Yonrs, most truly, .. ; u HnhtWon. It cannot be thdr imaginations; who state that olffoare*. that have discharged from tdx months to fiVe'yoare; ha-re been cured by. this Oil. It cannot bo untrue, nor a decep tion, where pain Is relieved to bnedav,bfton In halftn hour. ,NoJ .common -sense dictates noV—and SOO.’wrlttenr letters say no / Come and see them, A regular Doctor in attendance; and ladled can constrtt* Lady, prftateteby: dropping a linp to the office. Advice from a mak ing inquiries that any physician can braver, will bo promptly-attended to. Always enclose a stamp, as-ofir ser vices are freely giren, and w* are drawn upon too often is this way All cases treated liberally, with or without tho: till, an I hare two Physicians associated for this express purpewv. prof. C. DE ORATH, „ No. o 9 Poath-KJffbth street, Phila. K. B —The largest bottle* i«n limes the cheapest. Please ootlfj me of aej ease or foliar* to cnre hi from &Alr an boar to three weeks, as i wish to care ali For sale by DR. KEYHSR 140 Wood at’ feugSO MPIANOJjI PIABHW} '' 1 : AMBFACTURKB BY aaiOKKIUNO A BONB, Boston, nod for Bale by JOHN H. MELLOft, . ttj ' * Nojsi Wood amt. bmrraa iDlamnui «od Fourth stmt- Just rariTed frenj thefinWHßl maoaractoryof Ohiol[Brtmr*Boas,'Bostim,« :a 'S-V H aoq for Bale mronahfy at Rntt/m Tjwo of their first class' BaTCd'&fire li&i, toils XtV fiOK wlih curved cases, legs, lyroi mnsic dealt, 4c. 4c.: fin ished batbuod front ailka.- This la coMUercd- by perjooa £ll? 8 . te t°h« the moa heautilm pattornfiow made. Price $5OO each. J>o first dafe Seven Oclsro Pianos, with carved care, lyrfc hew style Of Hated legs,the lyre ahd ends of beautiful £*£rd tXMM T work; finished baefcaad toot alike. Prica $460 each. Biree elegant Rosewood, plain double -round corners, Sanoa OcUre Pianos, finished back and- front alike, and with Chiokeribg** Patent Iren Frame. ‘ Price $4OO ewh Two carred Rosewood 63&6ctare Pianaa t .^di| l new style noted legs, carred case, m usl jdesk, aadthe usualopenings filled with beautifully caned tracery werkifitSeSed hack &o<jjfront alike; Pri** $425 each. J - '« Three elegant Roeavaod, plain double romnLoomera, octkres, finished, back, and front allka-aml -with Patent Iron Frame. Price $375 eaeff ® Seven ltewrwood and Black Walnut Blx Oetare Pianos, oil made os well and with the earns cars- as their first elaSB Pi* anos, and with Chicfc'ring’a Patent Iron Frame. GRAND PIAJTQB. \ ‘ One of Cfciekering-A Beale, full Seven Octave Grind Pisnog c oflmmense power, brilliancy, endaweetseu of rone, with.their New Patent Aptioa which renders the touch so Tight and elastic that fl can ha played on by the ipcfer doHAte band-.-' Price $760. ' . TH£ NEW PARLOR GRAND PTANO3. Also, one of their now Parlor Grand Pianos, an entirely notr lUTfution, and particularly adapted for Parlor ose. Price $650. PIANO STOOLS. A new lot of PUno Stools just received, i For sale by 70&V HI MBLtOR BlWood st, : between Diamond alley and Foarth street, >]e Agent for GQIGIfERINQ A SONS, for Pittsburgh and yPysfaro Pennsylvania. ; : ' ' aog2B jpS Fall Style For Hat*. ' /jIH7 PAULSON will introduce tha New Style for Hats VJ* on SATURDAY, Attgust26th. M O.H. PAULSON, 73 Wood street next-dbor to corner of Fourth te-.Soft Hats end Caps of every desadpdta. , aag2S:dTw j hddoatiobial. i:SN INBCTtDTfl.corom<)f PcDnucl Hancock ,ti ra ta. The ensuing Session of this Institution will commence [oNDAY, the SAoTfieptembar. . . i TfißAiB< on and Statuary,, per session of Twenty-two tfeeto ; pa oty pils may enter Array ome,«nd will b« charged pro until the end of the tanujortlU notice of withdrawal; .uijtlon being allowed for,absence on account of pro-, ed tfekntts. ’ X. 51. SMITH, Principal.' ' mg2S:d2g{cfrJ) ; ' ~ - ......a..... OotPartnersiUp Notioe, rpHE undersigned harethUday entered tate-CQ*psrtnro! 1 ship', trotPfearitig Teased TorhYersrtif-ynrs rniFiiS™ GAR FACTORS xeeenlly-ersctedat-EOOIIRSTNB, Beareri iWfetSoSST BSffS Addrwm, *• Rochester, Beaver Oounty, Pa.” Aagont 17, 1866.— (au*2*UJ KIRK 4 SHODBS. ‘ 4 1 * • - I*-m ' - j. ! ? .'v‘ 4 «t* ->: l: 5 181- .- =!« STEUBENVILLE & INDIANA Which is now completed and 1n twean Steubenville and Newark; Q.-mA Qn Mid drier Monday, September lOth’, lffik (daily morning and evenlog line of eleganf and nrtrt ronnloi steamers, commanded by experienced and*cctmusodktln!r cfUcere, will leave Piltsburgh.aaiollows: • . *‘*“****pm»ij Capt. uoore^nd' torgh e?Biy.4ayi (Bnndaya excepted,) at 10 i&10ck,4,.K .on board, and.Js&aSssSffigb^ of tho 8. bratSrcß&rfn” m«kM direct coonoctlon at. Newark for tbeaboraldtlea. . - /Hie Evening Him, eompwed bf^steamefeYSitTUßßL' 1 ' Cant. Gordon, and CLARA FISHER, C»pt aordiai,'dlnjra..'— , PitGborgb every day, at 6 o'clock, P. M.. .WFassengera eledp onboard; ana intdmafprtbe Mail Train, which leaver immediately, and. Pare aa Cheap aa by tnvoibey Through ecd Local Tickets, and furtbWifllbrmsliflfcv' -T* - - .i ! ■ ' ' and „ E •88* tto. 74 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGS, *®Ji O ' > ' HI9S rOF; TJtt OSJUIffAL, ; • UR BRSSS GOODS DEPARTMENT fa nmmWafiy^ii' «nd contains ItametT# (Re richest > French MetipJM; Cashmeres; *vi.fr;vi - , Collars. Chemizattee, SleaTca; ln*erting3; . . . , Tftlinaa »scl ; -*i Nitf^ld?Bfiwati,-€ , laid, Cashmere.MolroAnt Velvet. jStellas, Crape Bilk, Ac. * Together with a large assortment of MOUKRtNG GOOD3r V' • ox kutfeterfyUonfe •* ; Ouc DOMESTIC and HOUSE FOBNIBHINQ DfiPARTI' 1 WENT ii *etf BurpUkd, iod * 1 Offer greater Indcusmaiitß ao* ijian %b Jtare.CTdr been--,- : l *« Wo Wlldt iw our ■ ■ mve «= i a (formerly Loy>r,) _2E? - Na-73 jlarfat street; gUtitegh. _ s. cxJTnsrfiH'p a 1 sow; ?? -“ t • -etmosaioM jiagNxaito WsaUc-an* yx Purchase or Beal Estate, Collection of Beats* Borrow icff and Loaning Moneyaoo Bonds and MortgdW*!® for niakiog Salas of AtfTUf.a * for Farmers, Mechanics aod others. Office, No. A 3 Market *«*i. aug7 CIIWJLViS AKVV .HOtdLa— t Oaibeld, by W. D. Arnold ; Henry Till, and bis Six Wives Bell Smith Abroad; A Loot Look Ahead* by A. S. Boo; News Book; , Maul, by tehnysbn, (fUurth supply; 7 My Bondage and my Freedom; Escaped Nun; Hidden Path, by Marion Harland; * lowa as it is in I8aa; Blanche Bearwood; Htar Papers, by H. Ward Beecher: OUa, by L. M. N.; Visit to the Oamp'-Bofore Sebastopol; • Blarney, by B. atelton McfifiDtie, Habits and Man, by Dr. Doran; Lifo of J>..Gordon Bennett; . , Female Life among the Mormons • ' Pfctorea of the Bible, by H. “Ward Beecberr * Heart's Ease, in 2 yolsj ■ Life of Sam Houston; Note Book of an English Opium Ester, My Confessions—the Story of a Woman’s Life; " ~ Evenings with the Prophets, bv Bev. A.ki: Browo: '! Lippincott’s Gazetteer of the World Tb* above jost received, together with a large stock Of ** * Book*and Stationary: also, correct Maps WSebaatonoLfa* -v item ember, the place cheap Books is at LAUFFER’S BOOKSIOHB, Ho. 30 Fifth street* I think of thee. • <■ -i •»•■ c i . ~ i eet my heart ap<m,a flower—Alice Hawthorns. Hjfeartyixom*—A. P. Martheoe • • - - The tb*e,o£jDiie fond heart. •The &ed Hover—Geo. Linley. Had I caver, never known thee. There*®masia in the voice tre love. My early fireside—Alice Hawthorne, ww sweet to toam. _PUg of our Union—W. V. Wallaoe. The 8»«-MUl r (Die Sags Mohle). la it* any .body's -business. o’er my Harrises stealing. Myeoulladarfc. ~ : - . Ossianlque, par I*. M-QottschaJk. Wellington's Hairh.- •., Htoay .. bailor Prince'Polka. •* M Angler’s foUca--W«V. Wallace. ~. . Crown of Boses—grand * altz. . The Angel Waltz • sentimental. a ctaiMKon of tic* Guitar Htafcjtuf br Express, and for Bale by CQABLOtXB BLDUE, 1 wpd. Mo-118 Wood St, 2d door-eboTe.flflli st. J'f*EKiaSS ,ta— " a *^ ,n ”**™ “ d Ulchard ••Tfcj Btddso Path:” by Marlon,Hulanl. ' ‘ Drl’lwrnn. ? “ w '- O&S 8 Times.? .. . . . HL* r^?.l>eT!, .^, b y DeDt 7 Ward fiescher. “TooEsospodUan,orDtelosdresbrConXent lift “good endoUjm Poems;" by Alfred Tennyson ’■<milll)BfamH6asli;n»4SStS ? ™- - ISBWT: . “Og;|i»nd Takings, or the notlneabls ; Wen of <mr «ge by George n. Bungay* * r- .i o«9iortheOldWest Kocm;’* byUhLM. ' ' QHaea? , --»ztlth.tvrD<nftßvhin«tMi . , /■ tio I '* T *»enminn, : V ; m*kb°«eterelyedL fhladty brExprsat nad forts!* at . ... , ,sooB . LABFFER’a HQfJKSTfiRE. BQ.Pjph St. . fl'ttlS Ttj. WUvjftlfet*. bt Tmnni.v X H. MINER & CO, No. 32 Smlthfield stmt, •Hate just n>ceJvcsl— of a iTotf R&jpecUWi Family; -feljjW Arthur Iteqdeania* Jiw ; a TO la . 7 Iflj.lon Path; bjr the authors "Alone." Serenfh »np PotenjonJ, Hagaitoa for October; do EfcUoa’a M>kju:!q& <i« ..ITftnkoe Notions do - BQpS ° BW Boott * received bb soou M publkhed. 185 j —A U*ietto6T for Oltiimu, ID d ' " X &n«niMJooii fbr Immigrants— by u. H.'Puker -' - Vnu£ n ““ T 4 * a H &T*! SfchKdHlUnti, ; «Ui ; a Xa!e®r the 8m; byCart. Marmtx . IStaof SUrney; by B J(idton ' ?“' 8 of U»orgf»; by W. <3llmoro Silnr ■ ““£»■ . flfljper’s Story Book, No. 10. H&rp«r’s Picture Book,No. X. ... . Memoirs ot*ltoay SmltU— 2 Tola. The Escaped Non. _A3Lthe Magsafttiea for September, ana all cthar New “2rS H- MINER 4 CO- - “2® 31 BmlthffejA A. ' ” of hctebaigb; ‘ f Joerchants and Monafaetnrexs 1 Bank: Exchange Bank; Earttarrf Deposit nmife; PI tteburgh Truet Cf-mpanj: CllirenVßepoel, Sink; M»oy rerielira of Checks on the aWefi&nkkmih,,,,," ObeekA printed to order in any etyle.deelred. Q &n • W. S. UiVBN Printer ond ftatlooer Miu-ket slrert. boroer ot geeoda. • MS 53«? ■■foy :*■ * «a#*‘lii)Litiiiiit^ 0 job. Ftssriadv' turner Marketgt, gpj Diamond.' °g° %?,», *, .»* t^coarM 1 nnhlS V ,J N PulYMteed Sugar -*- coarse, pUlTBrii«a,trnahed abi?ißUad.»i« ’ ■ y*- g3 ». li. DRAVO’a. NQ.t, PianwmA. MYI.MK 8 OttOLKaA IIEUEUY— This t»Ja»t)e(inkl., vell'lL&Dwa. jfor ita may cares, dbiiti&ad at y’E 2B , NO, M ilAamg l 8T.„., JBftdoic JJ ft closbj smooth, pennstient sod; »t tho'feMd W&JaU t. ftofaSß, 47 Jifth street. (s«rt) JAMftfl WAKPROp, J JATA WnA HIiAMIV, m-iaw one tirnix-V Vj at OndnoaU, soMby the doM or ol earner of W pod t^aiuTVtr^il^CT.'' 1 ' ? TXratli FAf*KB—Katin »naOommonwall ' • -— 1 -•' ■• 7 • • •■’• • ■_ &if Wool *tr&et*> i >t~v ('lilEAr WALL, fAPKKa, AI 121. 0255 —j— {*S tmBnt J as{r « :e <»«i*t>d'fflriw o^ s ® e?"W Mp ? l _.. W. p..»AME4IU-<MX>. • —ttlaad*-6rean, «u«l Wfic, .teW*,Slo 9 S»rWW ▼iplaa's . tgp2o.- cproervKrstwjd Wcodstsi ju A OU. .announce fcbeif first j?xfcttrttipit.«i. ,* 4 'Gloats, of the new FaT} (ffcurftfay bi>3 -day, Septembers and 2!,V' x^ . ■, egpgQ.i bo A A. MASON a CO. will Open on Thursday and Friday, • the 20th and flat lost, a choice selection of Fail Bonnets, Head Drtsyea, Ae. £epS •iiAi'fcs off , >A»vEßTisiNO daMtao upon rut tbm entaauaaa putM *ra unssoari&sijOAusdT On# square, one r- n ,. r 4 po " “ each additional gj one week..— l ft “ “ two slo6' .one |^o9 “ “ two months fO9 a three monthn -„~ n 9 09 “ 44 four montha-'. 1 .. , m ,-* r -- rr Q 9 0 “ «1» rarr m.Mo9 standing Card, si* linear* tam, 19 00 CB4W&llgT.l H HEW AND DIE ifff.T E.O.JJJf Unsurpassed for Speed ftTfalivaned for Coafori. , FROM MTTSBtJRGHTO Columbus, Indianapolis, ! Cblrggu,'' ' Cincinnati, Torre Haute,' BodtiJslaiwL 1 Louisville, YinceOfiaa; lowaGlty. St Louis, Evansville, Dntmm^.. Dayton, Calrcy. Dabuque' Xenia, ' Galana,' Zanesville, •peomi Newark, New Orleans, Peru, asn rax paraopAL cams a, can wxst am mctb, ViaVu ' v v — ; RAILEOAS! fi.isr abbival op r. MMtaBAH. *:co., t v* *>• i ••ii w ■, AjjV.vi-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers