V ,s • *'y «‘ '*■.'•.',. ..- ;-• *%.’ V» i -*■ • > ■’- 4 v ** J- *.'*•'’* M* t i . •’- :f■ ■ - - "t‘{S*-Ti,- 4 *’-yy.X *■• i-r.v-i /. .■**■,. . j .-i' ify:’V'’-; •'■• ’',v'.. ; .J..-,-;;»• '\V\ S? &4f>» £ *»' ' ‘■ s ’- 3 . * «*’■■. 1 $ i h\ * «.; iS^ -J ,} \ n !! ■•■■:\ p?a£^ 7 ' " ' r !‘'' - - WP'a ".Jj «SKifi ffisiasssa* */S& ; *i ♦; >VB, t* *VS<Y- if --*'-•'.'»?>•' Y 1 B V-' *•“ : : ;- v : • v. t r '.i ’t:«* ,<• *•**»•**»,•>>•*.*►. * *> r -y */v *♦ Zs «\ * /O ,iJi» ♦ *"* V ‘uV , ! J «;V tM.f' «■ r\ J * : rtr'tf -<" 1 »t'A . ■**■*. •’ ♦»*•*,^ ’p%‘‘ X , ’, V \- ! '*&£ *-' ; ‘ £1" l* 4 * < *“* •“"", %i*v :.. ? , v;.-*.t :-'V . ■•' r; : r.l >’?«»• J® *•? <&■&£&<l iJj •» ?•’ <?*' Vt «'. O • . v.,» v y> { •• r ■ /] g }, c { >, £s£%<(?%* T \ ,!: •,,: -I 'i V.--I in®** «;ft ic ffifei*! * v<‘” t ; / < r*i r Kf'X..W. \ /Vt J}r• : f• khji.^.t.-^jvTw r ‘- -.- Ci r,' : .-'’ <:* v ' Pv-t»y^K.i- v •«’' <;• t>... v '••i».v,% ,:.! f^r;,\ : \ ■‘•V-'’ ‘ '■■'A > w;. ;i -'• y«fess%i4fei^aw«v SII; ISSlie.'':! ipitam lrabss^^e^is^%j ■Ws»isapi|B4 wwßwywriS^^Ma^^ f Hi <3 ,sr'“>.Dibibwt Codbt.—Hon. M. Hampton on the Oonrt obprged the jory in the oase of B»- ?;r<| kerw. A. Klrk U-ie, bat np to the hour of adjournment nirverdict was rendered. M’Clorg re. Lewis. Defendant withdrew bis <S!>U'•'M plea of a set off, and, by oonaent of plaintiff’s «J oonnsel, oonfessed judgment for $138,03, He w- p ie&ded - & Bet ° ff - IS^R^S^.S ! s!§’>%>>. i .-f.;: ,v > i Tm U day. without any equira c: '• 4C‘ i Unf wdootion in the quality of fare. We oom- <& 5> 4-.. X -< ; .*„ .J*4 - J d thS „ honßß to the consideration of persona visiting onr city, as a place where their every ? wrantwiH be gratified. V-r>J Bewaee or CoußTSßrarrs.-We understand ir' v s”* ‘•'*3 that a new counterfeit $2 note, on the Bank of ?«HJge! S Paineeville, Ohio—Daniel Kerr. Presi 'S«i-“f -»V ,*3 s s nr c v»J <; '«’L«3B J_ t rn a. Osborne, Cashier—is in circulation 4 in“h’e City. A man named Cooper was lately sw4r^^^ '4,^‘> } ’# l! ‘' 3^r^w»* l ;l.'S| Tbb very improved countryseat of Mr. 5a 'i‘j' t 'iA'-''‘’e^% , ‘> !a ';‘ f,;S Tl- a JSegley, near East Liberty, and the valu- &■<? -i*v t.:,4 ft >»hia ifsmnertT ID Allegheny City, of the Xaesey r «Ji *yh estate tnlU« 4«W this evening, at 8 o’olook, at the Merchants’ Exchange, by P. M. Davis, Aoo- & CO. have again opened their Oys ■ i--^ 4XV’f;“ t-,,v ,f^ hc^ V % L \ l i F J- 11 i' l -. •'ij <* /- ptjr fi. f-. ’ A i .'l-*r ’J :/•■ .* J a. r-’ -y % "' ! d’ "- » ' A ■* ' „ ‘ v .0 * -ytf y-yi->r;y--:.^-s~h'i.h,-. ;;?A'V;ivXVx>>’-5: a -^rx r '',.-, ■ .>vv •;tv'{^ *'♦ v'. .-\•-.:■» T ' ’" ' i- v . - ;::; .: ■ ;:,. .. '- ■•*■ v '- :)f/ ■• C » , 1 • 1 L **• v . ' ■ L <; " : "■' ' ' .’f.; mm Wmm j' , •• . • ft’J. ’■ '^. k - - -..,„ rf^ . \! T iw>*? **? ■yftiPjP'J&WfctlS# », *- j ? >{!*-• . ■ THEiiin POST. THORBUAY MORNING:: "-SEPTEMBER. 27. Betvbh 01 Das. M’Qiaa ABO Finch feom Nobto^k. —The following qorresppnclence will explain itaelf: ; Mayor's Omoi, Pmsßoaoß, 1 . September 74, 1866. j ib-the acting Mayor and <S Hunt of Norfolk and • PorttmojUh, Va: i ■■■'■ The oltiiens of Pittsburgh sympathize with you to this time of your effliotion. They are - desirous,, and pray for a speedy restoration of he'aUfc to your vicinages. Through the Boliolta of the Board of Trade, our oitizens have con tributed and are still contributing pecuniary aid. Two gentleman of the medical fraternity, Dr. 0. M. Fiuoh end J. H. MoGarr, having kindly responded, and volunteered to aid you in their professional eapaeity, or os nnrsee, we cordially bespeak for them, yonr oheerful acceptance of their benevolent assist ance. Anxiously arwaitiog the hoar when yea shall be delivered from the oalam(ty now afflicting yon permit mo to subscribe myself, Yours Respectfully, Ferd. E. Volz, Mayor. W. I). Reynolds, Assistant Secretary of the Howard Association, returned the following answer: Norfolk, September 18, 1366. F. E. Volz, Esq , Mayor of Pittsburgh: Dear Sir —Dootors C. M. Finch and J. H. Mo- Garr have banded qs yonr esteemed letter of 14ih f and have also tendered their services 1n the ardaons work of visiting the 6iok and eftiict cd of oor city, bat whilst we duly appreciate their seif-sacHfioiog and pbHanthropio spirit, yet justice to them and past experlenoe oompel us, to dooline their liberal offers and to advi e them to return Immediately ; for experience has shown os that ail who come here from the north, not being aedimated, soon fall thomseivos vic tims to the dreadful pestilence, Of a Urge num ber who came from‘Philadelphia and Baltimore, and New York, only one, we think, has escaped With many thanks for the kind expression of sympathy on our behalf, and for the assistance so generously afforded by the oitizens of Pitts** burgh, i remain, Yguib, most truly, W. D. Reynolds, Assistant Sec’y Howard Association. An Exciting Incident. —Oa Tuesday, after the Btairsville train on the Pennsylvania Rail road (on which Longhridgo’s great Amerioan Car Brake is 'constructed) hod got ander foil headway, beyond East Liberty, the engineer, Mr. Wd. Wilts, espied something on the track which bo took to bo a lost paokage; when within about 175 feet of it, bo discovered it was a little child, abont fourteen months old, sitting between the Gross ties. With astonishing rapidity, he strnok the steam lever, and out off tbo steam, drew back the brake lever, and applied all tbo brakes. The fireman, J. Snyder, got down on the step at the side of the engineer, awaiting the moment that the momentum of the train was aufflcicnily oheokdd (o permit him to jamp off and run ahead to snatoh the child from the track, whioh soon occurred; when, by a super human effort, he gained inoh by inch on the engine, and vbe babe was picked up safely and handed over to >1? father. The engineer per formed bis duty so well* that the train was brought to a dead stop within fifteen feet of where the child was sitting. The sight of the infant, the deliverance to its parent, the running of the men, the movements of the enginoer, the screeobing of the brakes, and sparks of fire that flaw from the traok, ren dered it a moment of the most intense excite ment—one that will be held Id pleasant rem-.m branoe by those who, by their extraordinary presence of mind, saved Iho ohild from an awful death. We oongr.tulate Mr. Loughridge in this the first severe test of his great invention, for all present agreed that with tbo ordinary brake, no earthly effort coaid have saved the innooent and helpleee ohild. An Eve Witness. Bbrioob Charob against a Constable —On Tuesday, Franois Thompson appeared before Al derman Major and made a charge of aßsault and battery witb intent to commit a rape, against Thomas M*Coy, constable, eleoted hy the people of the Sixth Ward. The alleged attempt was made upon Mrs. Mary Thompson, the wife of Franois Thompson, who is stated to bo a woman of weak mind, and her husband, in consequence thereof, makes the information. In his oath Mr. T. states, that on the evening of Monday, the 24th of September, 1865, Thomas M’Coy, con stable, came to my dwelling house, BituateJ on the corner of Elm and Webster streets, in tbo oity of Pittsburgh, and went into my wife’s bed rooms, and closed the door as he went in. This deponent and William Watson were eitliug in the kitoheo, adjoining the bed-room. My wife, Mary Thompson, was at the time in the bed room. After he bad been In the bed-room some time, 1 heard my wife scream and ran into the room, where 1 found M’Coy lying on the eide of the bed and my wife struggling against him and £srC&ini&g* I got hold of him and palled hi u off the bed, when he came ioto the kitchen. My wife has sustained considerable injory; her knees are bruised and are black and bine from the injuries received. Deponent believes it was the intention of the said M’Coy to commit » rape on the body of my wife.” William Wat «on was also sworn, and corroborated Mr Thompson’s testimony. He saw M’Coy lying on the bed with his coat off, and in the morning found oq tbo floor a pocket book and haodker chief, whioh he prodaoed and left with the Al derman. He also stated that M'Coy was into* icated st the timo, bat not so much as oot t» know what he was doing. Yesterday, M’Coy was arrested, but as the proseoator did not ap pear, the matter was laid over for the present. The Old Lies Native Americans —Failure to Form a Comvrhtioh.—A fatite attempt has made yesterday to get up a Convention of Native Americans, opposed to the action of tho late County Convention. The meeting was called for 2 o’clock, in tho Hall, at tho oornor of Focrth and Bmithfield streets, and the call was signed by"" Mr. John Qreenongh, late Chairman Native American Convention.” At the hour named, we proceeded to the plaoo indicated, where we found four reporters and nine other persons assembled, which constituted the entire strength of tbe Convention. After waiting a oouple of hours, and finding there was no hope of scouring a number eoffiolent to transact business, several of these walked off In disgust—an example soon followed by the rest; the attempt to raiso a meeting being pronounced a deoided failure. BciLDisa Lot —ln another column of to day's paper will be found an advertisement headed Orphan's Court Sale,” to which we refer our readers. A building lot, eligibly situated, on the oornor of Penn and Marbury streets, adjoining the depot of the Pnnsy vanin Railroad, will bo offered this day, at public outcry, on the premi ses, at 2 o'olook, by P. M. Davis, Auctioneer. It will be poroeived at a glance that here is a desirable opportunity offered for investment, and all those interested in that way should be jou the ground punctually at the hour. Arrest or a Deserter—Officer Wray, on "fuhsday evening, arreßted on Fifth street, a named Ellis Laydius, for disorderly oon duot After placing him in the watch house, ho became convinced from oertain expressions let foil by the prisoner, that he was a deserter from tbe United States Army, and at last induced the man to confess that he had ran away from Cor lisle Barraoks. Information of the arrest was yesterday sent to tho commanding officer at that plaoo, and the prisoner will be kept in oustody here until a requisition is forwarded. '•'*» 'v'".".!... (For the Pittsburgh Poet.] New Crrr Hall—Next Monday evening, Joe Brown, the celebrated Amerioan jig dancer, aad his Ethiopian Thrushes, will make their re-ap pearance at the above beautiful and capaoioua Hall, and perform every night during the week. The talent comprising thiß company is deoldedly equal, if oot superior, to that of auy troupe that has Lately visited os. Joo Brown in his jigs and comic dances outshines all competitors, while the vocal and instrumental performers cannot be excelled. Performances of a superior char acter may bo anticipated—laughable, ludicrous, witty and entertaining. Nothing approaching vulgarity, we are assured, is ever indulged In by thiß troupe. We expect to see City Hall crowd ed each evening with the visiterß to the County Fair. fry- Cholera haring olrcaly made its appearance in the Sooth and West, it will be well lor all to know that the most reliable preventive i* Dr. Hostkttkk’b celebrated Stomach Bitten, 'i beae Bitters, taken before meal?, a* per directions on ibe bottle, hare proven their .virtues beyond a doubt. Daring ibe sickly eeasoo lart year In Pittsburgh, and elaewhwe, they Were found invaluable, and are repre sented to have done more for the sufferers, even after being taken with cramps, than any other medicine In the market, hence the neceesi’y of getting a supply in time. For sale by dealers generally. UOSTKTTER, SMITH * CO., ge p22 207 Penn street. fry* Clark's stomach Sitters are acknowledged by all wbo have tried them to be the best family medicine of the age, for the euro of Dyspepsia, CoatWonesa, and a dis ordered state of the Liver and Stomach. They have no rival. The proprietor* do not pretend to caution people from using other preparations that are palmed upon the public under the name of Stomach Bitters, for they have found that only one trial was needed to render such caution utmeoeesary. For sale, wholesale, by Col' uu A Clark, No. 22 Market street; Gse. H. Kkt«r, 140 Wood street; aod by Druggists generally. fry- Stocking Factory.— 0. DALY’S Stocking Factory, where everything is made in the 110SIKKY LlNfi, Is »l the corner of St. Clair and Penn streets. He la con* Unualiy turning out every variety of Hosiery, well made and suitable to the season, which may be always obtained Wholesale and Retail at hie Store, corner of Market alley and Fifth street. Don’t forget the name —0. DALY and No 20. *p2& NEWS BY TELEGRAPH Reported Expressly for the Daily Moraiug Post [ftPXCUL DISPATCH TO THJt UORMtKO POBT.J State Fair—Arrival of the President* Harrisburg, September 2d, lSf-£>. —There was an immense crowd at the Fair grounds to-day. I’realdeot Pier e and uuilatrJved at noon. The evoort was very tine; Ibe od oress and reply of the President was exceedingly happy. He stops at Buehler’s Hotel and will stay over to-morrow. A great multitude are expeoted here on Thursday. Unite a number are present from other States. Weather fine. U, Decrease of mortality at Korfulk»Krom Mexico. BAimtoUX, September 26—The bout from Norfolk brings the gratifying iulolligeoce of an Improvement In tLe health ol Norfolk and Portiunc-uth. Yesterday there were onlv iwo new cas.-o apd four deaths at Portsmouth. At Norfolk there were thirty deal he nod twelve new cneea Dr Kiser is not dead, but Is v*ry 111. The cool weather 1h having a favorable effect, and is diminishing the number of new New OrleaDß papers of Tborsday have been received, with dales from Tampico to tbo Ist, wbirh announce a ruvolu pon against the Government there. Tsxnploo adopts the plan of Ayutio, and recognizes the Government of Car re m. The Ban Antonio Sentinel says that the American Bouod or/Survey found no gold In the Measllla territory, notwith standing the Mexicaus reported its exlatencH Near Santa Oruz, rich silver ore, in grrat abundance, has Iron found by the Surrey. President Pierce paauvl through this city this morning, on hi* way to the Pennaylvaala State Fair, at llarrl-burg The Slate Fair. HAttKI3BUE<;. Peptrmber 26.—President Pb-rtw armed at noon, aocompariiid by hi* suite, 000-isliug i ( Couiml-»tcii er Shugart, of the Palent ofhi-e, Sidney Webster. Judire NkhoL-ion, 11. Welsh, J. tV. Forney, Baroutu, of halt , and J. t\ Kennedy. lL*ows were taken tor the party at itueti I-i’b Hotel. The Pie>i.leut was r»ceif«d by Ibe Comuiillee of the Agricultural l*oriety amid a national volute if c&n non. The weather i*i Cue, and tbo aW*ck of borava. dome*- tic articles, veget h'e6 and poultry 1» the largest ever ex hiblted At ten o'd'ck upward.-* U‘. uOO porame were upon the fair ground*. Know Nothing Nomination*, N*W York, September 23.—The Know Nothing Flab* Con rentiuo at Auburn yesterday wnmitxated for Comptroller, Lorenzo Bum>w«. fur Attorney ile'-nral. Stephen B Cu-h log . for Canal Ooumnudoour, Sir. Whalen , t- r M«*e Tree purer, Ftopben C. Clark, and fur £‘.a!e Engia«*r, Col S Seymour. Blaigichaielts K. S.'i, Busies, Beplemb*r 26—Toe Know Nothin?* of tbo otatt have iasued a circular, advimPg the trionds of the Atnwrl can tuoTemeut, iu Massachusetts, t* at M de!*vat**s It open meeting, Lo chouse delegatee to a feta to CouveDU«.-ti ti D. taiuafe candidates tor 8t«u? n!hc^r<. Tlie Solid Whlgi of Boiloa IR-stor, September 26 —The Whigs of th’s city bold meutlog last utgbi and app-'ii. t-l a Urge number Jah gates to the Mat.*Con veo. ion he* \*ei i* mad>* by pn_u ment citizens CipjKiSed to Jus on and in firor of straight in \\ hlg uominatiou^. ilallroad Accident— Four Perioni Injured Tollpu, September 2C —The one o’clock train tbu morn Ing from Chicago ran c<rf the truck today, olx»ut one u.dr from this city; fear jer*-ou u were mjuii'd, the bairgagp mister. It U thought fatally. Th<; accidrtu »«** raused t>y the switch being c-je-u. Kepnbllcou and Whig Conventions bVEAi'UMX. Septemb-er 26 —The l’«putlirun Htate (Vi.wi tiou was orgaoired by eln -.log Reutw-o C IVoton. of CL Laucjue, Prealdent. The \\ hlg C'i'io-Dtion 1 • Kill busv se UtDg preliminaries. Tha aiWndabrn of delegates h i*r f and the fueliug guc«l. A Kafractory Adjutant llvmoved Habtforu, Ct , ftyptrcnber -C -The <loT,*ro,<r hue recior «n 1 the Ailjntant tieu«ttbl of Ihr Sfo’e f**t negh-ctlD/ tr. dt>* band the lrb*h rallitsry companies we iiirr.M, auJ appointed another who ba.« performed that Jut) Destructive Fire Dctp.o.t, S«plv<mb«*r 26 — A tirw (t- urn i FlltA. M»- it • oq Monday. which U.Htrotod th*» M<." V t u M*Ui -iM-t t Loss Si»d.OOO. AUCTION SACKS Auction —Haiti Dally AT tbs Commercial wales Room?. cornet r< W. 1 »oJ Fifth «tr*»t»,at 10 o'clock, A. AJ . ft i r«i »•«* r:men( • I ijeaaimabU, Staple and Fancy l) rj tJocie, C.» h<ns. au<l Shoes, lists,Caps, A<* , AT V a’CLOCK, i\ M , i)roe«ri?s,QaMtisw£,r«, QiMwwtrr, Table Cutlery, L-xklnn Glafwe. New and Ssoond Hand Household and Kll-'i.en Fur n-.’.ure AC., AT 7 o*CL»>tn, K M He-oifi, Stationery. Fancy Artlcu-a, i oetrn LUrlwareand Cutlery, Ch>thioz, Variety «.»<»• I", <*.;J and watches, Ac. P >! UA'- i.-. Au.-t1.u0.-r ;>3l:tf P. H. DAVIB, Auctioneer. OH PH A NS' OOURT HA I.K uF It KM, EHTATB in AIU ffhfnv ('ill/ —On Thursday »reuiiuf, -T,h. at H o'clock, at the Merchant*' Kx>hant'e, Fourth v.r<**t, *lll I,* raM, by ordor of Robert Hobb. A JminirßrHlor of Her J.hn T*s***y, drtoeawed, that rery yaluable let on Second Rank, Id Allfttbvnj, having a frwut uf 21 1 feet on Washing too Street, extending bark an dejdh ol tltiO feet lu tbe Pennsylvania ('anal; on which nr** cm-ted a superior dotiblo two btory Brick Mansi* » Ih-upe *iih outbuildings, ami one two etorv frame dweliitn-. The »ill be sold enttru, or aubdlrtdiid Into four pan-elr Alro, tire three story IJri'k Sw-re* an 1 liwel’ing? on An dureon strwet, near the Cana*. e«eh I t hayinc n front “( ' 22 feel ou A n lerxon street, ext, ndin.’ back vt t*<»t lo i I feet alley. Also, I «r whom it uiay concern, eix Lots*. buring each a trout lf Ift) f«*«l on Anderson nlievl, rjteodJug back ul. in; the South Common W$ leet to ft A feel alley \' That the J 1 u(»• r!u t en.lt-ol of Ihe LtUmonJ Market ll.u- „ at;.l the 01*rk of Ibr Market* shall p«j to the Tree #u-«r of the Diamond Market Ibume A*B<-ri»tlou on W*d ue* lay and Saturday »f earb and every w««-k,atl It.- money collected by them la and arouDil the Diamond Market*, odJ the Clerk of th« Market* ahall pay to the City Trusu rer once In each and every week alt lh* money *tiib he shall have collected to the Fifth Ward onJ PcuUb Hill Mar keU. S»c. VI That from and after the expiration of the time for which the preeeot Clerk of the Markets was elected, the salary of the Clerk of the Markets ahull he SIX Huudml Dollars per year, payable by the Market !!ou*« Aasccialioa. fbat all monies collected by the Clerk of the Market* In the Diamond Markets shall be paid by him to the Tieaeursr of the Diamond Market House Association, aoconilng to the provision* Ql the preceding section of this Ordinance, and all other moneys collected by him, whether in the Scotch Hill . r fifth Ward Markets, or for measuring wood, bark, lime, sand, or weighing bread, shall be paid to the City Treasurer without any deduction whatever, and all butter taken as nominal pounds, or for being f f light weight, by tb* said Clerk of the Markets, shA l beglteu to the Guar dian* of the Poor of the Olty of Pittsburgh, for the benabt of the poor, and the said Clerk of tbo Markets shall keep a ro r**’t account in shook to be provided for the purpoae,of nil moneys by him received,showing the date of the receipt ! of each Item, the name of euch person from whom recolved, keeping an account of amount* received for measuring wood, bsrk, lime, band, au<! weighing<-f bread, ssparateand dirtloct from moneys received as Clerk of the Markets, end the money so received shall be paid to the City Treasurer on such and every Wednesday ami Saturday. gic. VII. That the Clerk of the Markets shall rive bonds, with good and sußlcient security, in the sum of one thou sand dollars, for the faithful performance of bisdutlus.i'aid bond to be approved by the Committee on Markets. btc. VIII. Tlmt the provisions of thl* Ordinance shall take edect from and after the dale of its passage, except so much of sect on sixth as taiales to the change in the salary of the Clerk cf the Markets, but the said Clerk shall be re quired to keep an account book as provided lor In said cor "* Uoo from and after the paasage of this Orxiinano*, shirk jambs - JAMM c. wcuit. be at an and all proper times open to the exam Blakely 4t Rlcltey, I Inatlon of th« Committee on Markets. REAL ESTATE BROKERS, corner of Seven h and: jx. That any Ordinance or Ordinances, or any \ Smith field streets, Pittsburgh, Pa Farm*, Houses, I tjoort thereof which are hereby altered or supplied, be aud Lota. Mills. Furnaces, Afl-, bought and sold on commission. lhe paUJt) ftro teru by repealed. Laud Warrants, Bills, Bonds and Notes negotiated. Rape- : orjalnft j ttQ d enacted Into a law in Councils, this, the cial aUentlon given to subdividing Forms and disposing of , yi( |, Jay ~,• Bspleuber, AD. 18M>. them. Terms reasonable. JOHN H KENNEDY, Terms —One-third cash, reMdue in nn«* and fvo yvar*. wlib interest. P. M. DA VIA, Auctioneer ASSIGNEE'S &ALK nr M’LK.NuIU I*»U.VI'KV ''Ml- Un Tbur* isy ••Tenia*, September 271 h, at * i/ducti, at the Merchant.-*’ Km-hang**, Fourth street, will be «'ld. by order ol Robert Robb, Attd . d*# of Jit*. 8. Negley, tb« l > '" r J r beautiful country Beat, of about f>d acre*, in Collins town fblp, adjoining lands of Jos. MeCully. Wra. M Peirple atid Catharine R- Negley . no which *re erected i> Urge and rle gnot brick m nsjon. two tenant bouse*, brick stable, govn bouse, and other outbuildings. The grounds arc In a high s ate (1 cultivation, and improved iu the best manner. Also, about eight acres of land contigu'u* tn the above, situate on the rivar road leadloc from East Libeny to the Allegheny Cemetery and LawreoccviHe. The above will be sold entire or in suitable Bubdivlsifus of from three to ten acres, to suit purchaser*. Bale positive. Terms at sale. Plans hd<l further information cau he ob t, iued at tha Auction Store. M p 26 P. M. DA VIB, Auctioneer iVkICK oTObE ANy DWELLING ON Liueau i FT. [) AT AUCTION—On Thursday evening, October 4th. at 7 Uj o’clock, at th« Merchauld’ Kxrbsngc, will he aold —That valuable Lot of Ground, situate on Liberty, above St. Clair street, having a float of feet, aod extending back ) 1 * to an alley I<> f* t wide; on which la *re*t©d the com modious, well finished ihree-atory Ilrick Sure and Dwell ing, No. IM, occupied by 0. Krets, with back building, rnr i luge borne, aLibld, and other improvements. Term*— Od« third cash, res-ldue in one »nd two jean*,with interest, BP p22 P- M DAVIS, Auctioneer. iAORFEITKD INSURANCE sTuOR AT Al OTIUN —Uu P THURSDAY evening, October 4th. at 7 o'clock, at the Merchants’ Exchange, Fourth street, will be sold, by order of James b McGill, Bec’y, 46 Shares Capital Stock of Pitts burgh Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Company, forfeited lor non-payment oi instalment. Ht .pH 11.l 1 . M. DAVI3, Auctioneer. f nias. M- e. root, . VI I Lli"I nle R , A No. 28 Diamond allnj , Pittsburgh, i'A. jyg~Country Merchants and Milll ners supplied with Pattern Bonuuta / rjVAx A at wholesale prices. |«*p2&dlw * " " \valoHtf and Watch Hepalrlug, WW. WILSON, Market stTeet, corner of Fourth. # Gold uud Silver Watches from $lO to SS6o. Role agency for sale of Charles Frodaham's unrivalled Time keepers. Watch Repairing attended to promptly, and done in a superior manner Jewelry, Silver Wore sml Military doods at Eastern prices, Be P^^ Q. f. BEOTT- - O. CUETI3. Brotl At Curtis, Dealers in real estate, st. ahvhony faua, Aftnncxufa Territory. Land bought and sold through out the Territory. Money loaned, Investments made to the best advantage, and Land Warrants located. Also, Agents for the rale of Lota in the town of ST. CLOUD, 05 miles from St. Anthony, and head of navigation above the Pallfl. The survey of the great Pacific Railroad crosses the Mimle bippi at this point, and the numerous advantages It pos ceases as & place or business, will make it cue of the cities in tbo Northwest. ' amneicts. Ex-Govera(>r ilamsey, Minnesota. Uou. Wm. ft Welsh, Chief Justice ol Minoeacu Hon. J. Meeker. Hon. H. M. Wee, Delegate to Oougrog*. Bice HolUngflhead A Becker, Attorneys at Law. M° U. s. L.nd Office s«p2o V *». ; t „v f: COMMERCIAL POST. PITfSBURan BOAJiD OF TRAD It AND nBaeuAHTs 1 kxciiarob. OFFIOKRB. President—L. WILMARTH. first Vies President—T 8. Cliaxs. Second u “ Qio. W. o*** Treasurer —N. Houcks, Jr. Secretary—3 p. Bake. Superintendent —B. T. No&tsam, Ji. Committee of Arbitration for September —T. 8. Clahjc, V. B.;*Jt«o P. Pises, JUs. CPIL Scullt, R. T. Ltxoa, W. B. HoLKla. DALLY BEVIKW 0? PITTA BUBO H MARKETS. Ornoa or rax Daily Momenta post, \ Thursday, September 26,1866. j FLOUR—SoIes 110 bbl* supetfine and extra from wharf at $6,80@8,90; 60 do extra from first hands at $7,20 ; 25 do do firom wharf at $7; 60 do superfine Jo at $6,80; 20 do do from eto eat $7. GRAIN—Sale* 200 bus Oats from store at 29r. WHISKY—SaIes 10 bbls rectified at 86c.’ TELEGRAPH MARKETS. BiltimobS, September 26.—F100r unchanged for all de* scrlptlons ; sales at $7.10. Wheat firm at pievious rates. Corn dull; sales at BO@SS. Sales Mess Pork at $2l @s22; Prime $19,60@20. Shuulden Baeou Sides ISW @l3J>4. Bulk Utate-.Shoalders 11*4, tides 12, Hams lljj£ .(a)l2c. To Wholwals Grocftrf) Liquor Dtalsra and Manufacturer*. THE SUBSCRIBER Is now Importing a superior quality of OIL OF OOGNAO, of which % of an ounce with 60 gallons pure Spirit will produce a flneOognao Brandy. His ESSENCES OP ROOHELLS and OTABJ/S BRANDY; of JAMAICA and ST. CROIX BUM, ABAC. CIDER and TEACH BRANDY, HOLLAND SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS and SOOTTISU WHISKY, are acknowledged by the New York manufacturers by the groat demand after them. Di rections for use will invariably be given by DR. LEWIS FEUOHTWANGER, 141 Malden Lane. New York. P. S.—lmporter or Daguerreotype Cbemieais, Platino, Bismuth, Manganese; Thom's ExLOop&iva,Sulphate Am monia. Ac. dec2l:istf CAUPETINGS. DBI.AWiUS COUNTY C/LKPiTT MANUFACTURING ASSOCIATION, on the Chester Plank Road, two miles below the city Une, offer to buyers this season, AXMINIS TER, VAPKSTRT, BRUSSELS, 3-PLY INGRAIN, DAMASK and VENETIAN OARPETING, at very reduced price* for cash or city acceptance, (interest added.) The stock, comprising also IMPORTED FABRICS ofetery variety, mu be examined at the Factory Warehouses, Darby, or at tb* Stores, Nos. 18 and 20 N. SECOND at, PHILADELPHIA. Wool bought, Spun, Dyed or exchanged for Carpets. )«U.3ia:la JJiIDNEY^JONKS^ New Bottling Katabllatimant. BOYD A MORTON h»v«- enteral ioto co-partnerahlp to transact the business ot BOTTLING, in all its branch es, at OH Liberty street, Neville Hall. They have constantly on band a superior article 'of INDIA ALK, put up in pint bottles. Dealers and families will find it to their advantage to give us a call, and exam ine for tbemeelveH. We albO bottle a superior article U PORTER, SARSAPARILLA and MINERAL WATKII. Term* as lavorable &s any other house iu the city. All riders put up at short notice. BOYD A MORfON, jel£4m No OS Llberty_st, NevilU Hall. Mscbanios’ Bask or Pittsuuxoii, | . August 31, 1066. » K STOCKHOLDERS of the Mechanics’ UanK ol Tiitf s. burgh are hereby notified that the third instatm-mi oi $12,50 per share will be Jue on the 10th of October proximo, and the fourth and last instalment of $12,5J per t-hure ou the 20th November following, payable at the Hanking House, on Fourth street, as per rosoiutiou of the B;ard ot Directors. |«epl| GKO. D. McGRKW. 0«-hl«-r rpHK partnership heretofore existing between tbs sub- X soribers, under the firm of MURPHY, TILRSAN 4 CO , tii DISSOLVED, by mutual consent, on tb" Ut Inst. The tmeiaeas will be settled by either of the partners, at the old stand. No. 48 Wood street, Pittsburgh FRANCIS TIERNAN, MORE*: JONES, PUtnburgh, Sept. 3d. 1866. N. GRATTAN UURPUY. AL*l“The undersigned will continue Ibe Who* emit Dry (jW'j business, under the firm of JONES A TIBRNAN. iu the house No. 48 WOOD street, lately corupled by Murphy, Tiers no A C«*. MORRIS JONtS, e*p4.dlu»*llw FRANCIS TIERNAN Air* JUNKS A TI KILN AN have associated with them, In the WHOLESALE DRY GOODS UUSINKSS, JAM KS \U. I.AIN, to take effect frcOl the I*l last. The s:yl« c-f t!.e firm u. bv JUNKS, TIERNAN * CM, I’kteborgh. September 6th, Ih6s—(wpfi.d t m* » 10 Irving's Grsat Work* I'liß LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON —The Aral vol ume of the above work is now ready for delivery—the M-cond volume will be ready shortly, ft Is n»* tly gotten ap—print ed on fine paper, with three or more portrait* and J lan*. Trice $2.00 per voiume. Tiii* edition is published exclusively by saWcripUoo, and payul-!-- ou the delivery of each Voluble T J KISN KK ACO are *»te AgnnU U.r tL« above aor k Office, No. SO Fifth fitr»*«-t, l.v l<auffer’* lka-kelor*. the Ikk»lch will b* opeu tor subscriber’# nauiea. All orders addnenud to T. J. R. A L\*. mil 1+ eirlctlv alteadrj to. 9Jf* Ceuvaneers wanted BUg-d*o.'n Au Ordinance, Put :h' lUCsr Ht julatwn of the DluwirtnJ Jdar- 1 i HK It ordained and enacted by the c Ue-u« of PtUat-urgb, i-i Select and C< mrnon Council* owembied, and it i* hereby ordained aod eoantod by authority of the fame So 1. That from and atier tne passage of thU Ordinance u nbatt uol t>« lawful for any Butcher or other pcr«oo or pemouH to have or keep within cbe Diamond Market Him see, any Hid*-*, Pelta, Sxiuf, Spoiled Meal, or other nflansive offal, after eanrtow ; and any person or [<er»oUS whoohail have or keep within said Market Houses any such article* after kunrlse, or who nuall at aoy time place or cauae to be placed In or around tha eabl Market lioua®, on the pav* Uiculrtor elacwhe a, any decayed Fruit or Vegetablea, Melon kiudo. Rotten Egr*. or other Offal, fhol! for rarh offenc* furteit and pay, for the um of thi city, a how of not L-u than one dollar, nor more than live doiur*, to bo mrovered ** fiara l .r brvscbea i-f I3ly Oriitiaucri aru now by law re c-ov'-raMc. And it l* hereby «n;Arud upon and mode the duty of the Market OoDidablr to fee that U<« peOaitie* ter any breach <-f this oorlion are properly enforced Sm. 11 That tb*- Joint Building Committee, In eou)anr ti- n »i:h the Supemj'.ocdcat of tb« Dianv.n-l Market 11 1..- and they urw hereby authorised to have |*,.rt*bU „t*od< pr>rtrd, and placed within the aalls of the iut«r n> .,ri,v, ot the ; lamond M»rfe»t Houmvi in eurh aoiauneroa Mail OmtnUti-o may eiCH-dit-ut. sahl atauds, *heu pr.irldtd. to be pla<-o>i w aa not to Inlerfetr with the doo'« i.-odiug lulo Hatd bulSJiuga. Tt r eai I may b" rentrd , l,y Ihf Su peril) t t>Odt Ql, utder the dlrt.'U.m wf the Ci-uiinil j Us» on Markets, by the *«t, m nth ur to »urh Tarn,- ; era as may wi*b t* procure a i>ermanant location, hot ail I ■ u.-h >und» vhU'h moy not be so rented ta>y be oc-upL-d fii»a (f cborg* by auy person of lh« llghl prtvluct* [ ground or tillal by auch prriv'r.s, ('h- Oommitte* ] on Market* U- U- tlie judges in cm* of any disagreement between the eriuteudrut and the seller, aj to the kind ' nf articles to be offered on Mdd Btanda, hepe dekigDaled aa 1 •• li. ht artlea,") but Iu no case abnU BteDd* b« rvntod to t r i>e/-upied l/> l.u. krU-mor e«**un4 ha»-i dealer*. all rent* ari-dog from »u<-.h atoodn ah»ll be .-.dtactad t-y thw Superli. teodeot of the D.am oJ Marle-i IL-nwi, aud aliall bo paid l-y him to the Treasurer of the Ihaint-bJ Market U"uae A* et~*l»uou B*c 111. That all stall* or ntauds lo Ihe Qrst or lower stories ot the Diamond Market Ilcrufft-4. (axr«p( to far oa thtdr tree un-upau.-y by farmers la piavl-Jed for lo the preceding oct-tUio of I In* Drdluanre ) shall be rented by tha Superln len ient')! the Diamond Market House*, utklaj lha .JlmMkm t .4 the 0»-tuinlUe* i n Mark***, the rents U< l*e eollneter"” ' h-rrU'fore, by ffoiJ , 'Ui"-r otendebt, aud paid t • the Trea»u rer > (the Diamou-1 Matke. II u^* l latuib , and U shall l>« tbe d itv of the paid **upertn!rad»*iit to keep, or natt U> be kept, all the entrances lnt<> aod paoAogeS through the lower -P ries of *a d Market Uoosvn oj«sn at d free (or Un use cl |wra>QH haviDg Uu.-lores therein, <?xeep>t so far a* the passage* around the walls may be obairn-ted by tha aland* provided lor IU the pwcontl *e*'tloa of this Ordinaoc* 1; ehali hi* duty .U ie« that the proTlcioti* of the 6r*t *i-c ! : ( . - a of li.n ordinance are c rnpltrd with ; and m hem*rer 1 e moy deem it nece.-aary, In- may call upon the Market U’O stable U- aulonv thu proVi-iouß of the said wr'luu, tu pre x<rrti or J«r, • r lo enlorce the rules «od regolalioo* of the uiarkeia id .he lower atone 1 of tha Dlatnnod Market iioUMTA. Sk; IV. That it ahxll be th*duty of iha Clerk of the Mar kets to enforce the provisions of the Heat oeclioo of thl* Or Jiuaoce, as well os of ail other Ordinances which are uol hereby altered, supplied or repealed, iu the ae<-ood story of lbs Market lioose ou the west Bide of the Diamond, and to all Ihe epoces occupied a# aUnda in the Diamoo't Market which are on the outai i« of the walla c.f the Market llnu «*«, aod the Market Constable, when called upon, shall tender huu *uch aasdsUnce as may be rrquireJ lo prveerv I lug order auJ iu BUforciog the rule* anJ regule'Uuia of the umikcle. President pro tern, of Common Council Attest: M. W. Uwia, Clerk ol Cotmnou Council John T. Wa)T»u», Cl«rk of Salwt Connell. Land Warrauti riiLIK blgbeat market price oaid i)r4o, 80 and 1540 I acre Land Warrant*, of the late l«me. Also, for 80 and 100 acre Warrant*, Issued under tbe law of 1860. Apply to sa*p2l:d*w BLAKELY A BIOHBY, corner of Seventh and Bmlthfleld eta. ~ wm. H. TaJcott ft Co., MANUFACTURERS of all kinds of LOO KING GLASSES, PORTRAIT and PICTURE FRAMES. Also, Whole gal* dealers Id Imported and Domestic FANCY GOODS. We have just received a fj 11 assortment of all articlea In our line, and invite the attention of dealcra to our stock being confldunt we can offer them inducements both os to prices and quality of goods. V y«p24:d2w 63 WOOD ST., corner of Fourth. Pancy and Variety Good*. / BLOCKS—A fine assortment; Willow Ware, Port Mon- V ; nalea, Brushes of all kinds. Carpet Bags, Hooiery, Ole*.**, Combs, Ac., Ac., all at lowest prices, at£ Wood st. lw WM H. TALOQ7T A CO Wanted, BUSHELS CLEAN PRIME BYE, for which l] uuu “»‘■w-* "^ssfifnSuS re-.24:11w»wH No- 299 LI belt, u. GIUM ARABIC- for aale By f uepa) B. A. EAHNBfrTOOK k CO ■juTASB— ly ctioSe pur* for *ale by Y wpW HENRY H. COLLINS. rr. -v. -"U » »x. k: 1 "-- - ” ' t +. r 1 ,Y *.' • ' . ‘ *i-xv •• '•-'**?'eW47j.. ■'V-vA - . .r - * V ft, \ >“ j. A ♦*-*• . r &w ■ • '*>•** i* ! •;■• • ,' -• * ? a- .V EW $ FOII «/S' S-.il JttEJV. Thi Brvkk. —Last evening at doafc there xwta 4 feet inchea water in the channel, by the pier mark, showing o xlae of 4 Inches during the previous twenty-four hours. Judging from the heavy raina of yesterday morning, we have no doubt there will be a large rise. Tut eteamer “ Forest Oity, M Oapt. B. A. Way, is the regu lar Wheeling packet to-day. She leaves at 10 o’clock, A. M Tbi eteamer “ Quaker City," CapL M’Datxlel, leaves this evening for the Falls City. Oaptaln M’Danlel, and Frank Gaitree,' will do the agreeable, and no mistake. Tbs fine steamer Argonaut,” Capt. J. 0. McLane, being, unavoidaby detained yesterday, will certainly leave today. Mr. Ludwick will be found in the clerk’d office, Always' ready to attend to ihe wants of passengers. Tax Louisville Courier, of the 24th, nays: The river was falling ymteiday, with six feet 2 Inches water in the caual last evening by the mark. On the falls there ware four feet two Inches, In the pass. DurlQg Bat onlay the river had risen a few inches, but yesterday It commenced receding. Ta* St Lonls Democrat, of the 2'2dsftys: The “ Helen Mar” has been eohl to Oapt. B. F. Beasleyj for $3,600 The river at tbi# point, and below too, no doubt, Isdowo to within a few Inches of its depth nine days ago. It is falling at the rate of about six inches in the 21 hours. Neither the Upper Mississippi, the Illinois nor the Missouri were improving at latest accounts. Tax Cincinnati Columbian, of the 26th says; The river, during yesterday, fell about six inches, audio the evening continued to recede The weather, however, was very fine, the temperature of the air being about 80 degrees, with a slight pfospe?l of rain soon. Business along the riter, though not so brisk as usual, still moved on in such a way as to indicate that the regular Fall trade bad fully set in, and that we may, Irom this time forward, look for a steady increase in the forwarding of mannfaotnred articles and in the agricultural products of the country. Pittsburgh, Steubenville and VV heeling Packets. I Jfr The MLRNAU Captain J. A. buoiu, and ■fagßaSi&tha VURKST CITY, Captain B. V/AT, will run a* regular DAILY PAOKKTB, betweeu Pittsburgh, Steubenville and Wheeling, stopping at all iuterinedUt.- porta The DIURNAL will leave Pittsburgh on Monday*, Wed nesday* and Fridays, at 10 o’clock, A. M.— iiriumin/aue trill leave Wheeling on Tuesdays, Thursday* and Saturday*, at o’clock, A M. _ _ The FORKST CITY vlll also leave Pittsburgh on Tuesday', Thursdays and Saturday*, at 10 o'clock, A. M.- she will leave Wheeling on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days, at 7V4 o’clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board or to J b. OOLUNCWOOD, Agent, No. I£>6 Front street. Regular Tuesday Packet for Wheeling, marietta amt GalliopolU. ipp Tht> new and cplendU Aieamer CON VO V, lJE|&*{|jou* WolV. Jr, Mauler. K Dao&A'Ui. Clerk. ££ggßQgEftwill !«**ve lor the above and lQlvruic-iUte |>or la every Tuesday. at 4 o clock, P M., positively For freight, or passage, apply " D board 10 jyrj U. M. UAKTON. or C. BARN BA. Agents. For Cincinnati, St. Louis, Galena, Uu boqnc and St. Panl. Tbe utoamer SAINT LOUIS, Captain J*sa« Clerk, W. T Uxkß; will hsere for the intermediate porta 00 , September '29, at 10 A. M. For irelghl or passage apply on board, or to mj.27 FLACK A HAUSES, Agwntfl. "For Cincinnati* , The stumer Ri'CUESTKK, Captain U. W. 1 OUrt, I>uw; will leave for the above ■aS&iußoS&anb intermediate portion SATURDAY, SepL 2yth, at 10 o'clock A. 11. For freight c r passage apply on board, or to s*pis FLACK A BARNES. Ageq}*. Far Ht. Loali, Galena, Dubuque aiul Bt. PauL *—v The - trader QIPbY, Capt. Jot-s Kusn-a- Clerk. UtGifcT, will leave for the • »"*- ■SSB&E&baDiI Intermediate port* on -WKDNEBLAV September 2L.h, at 1 P. M. For freight ot paaaagc Apply 00 board, or to FLACK A LARNKS, Agent-. For St. Louis* f—, The utaamer CLAHA DEAN, CapUlo (J W Ulßu . Clerk, Lirrt*. will leave for th* i»L>>- intermodiate portion TUUKSDAY, Sept '/itb, At lu A. kl fur freight or paMage apply on boonl. «rp2b FLAO& A LARNFS. Ag»ot». For at. Louis, Oslens, Dubuque 'ijMl St. Paul. Tbe atemmov LUCIK MAT, CaptalD J J 1 . Clef*. A . Will leave ft.r fifisS&SQlflß&the above and Intermediate jort.i tu Till'US DAY', S*fH*»tnber s ‘g 7 th, at 10 A M For freight or pn-<*wge upply on l»>arJ, ■ r to wrp2o FLACK A UAKNKK. Ag*n*«i For Cincinnati ■ «v The splendU ttaamtr ELLA , Csipt A P.«; Dcsla* , will leave hit llte aod wSaaafißfflblti ter mediate port.- on i ll LRiiPA,\, September j 27, at 30 A. M i F>t freight or pa-sage apply on board, or to | s«p*2C FLACK A JkI&NKH. Agent* I For Zanesville* The etearner CHRv'OIT, OepL I Clerk . U t i.*tj , win IrttVe for iho above aod ftU j mediate porfo on THURSDAY, September 1 For freight or passage apply on tourd, or to OULUNUWOUD A HA It n KK, A<eafo For l.oulstills. Th* *t«*rDrf oUtKKh CITY, Cspu.o M. I ■ CLrk. F uiitt l l , will leave for the Jg§2gg@3*b->v« aod intermediate potti ,m TURsbAI. ,h* pled bet 2Mh. at 10 o'clock A M F,«r freight or i«*s*»ge apply OD °r B e«p‘*-* John flack. Apm? For St Louis. The steamer J S PUINfIUS, CepUm W u. I t* . Clerk, .1 K:n-.uuU'; will for MsfißßnShtbe above an>l iulern>edia>e p>»ri* on FBI i>A V, Sopteai «r IS. at 4 P M Fwi freight or applr >»u lioard, or L> B4KNL.H A FLACK, For St. Louis The (■ learner A Uu< IN A LT, 0* plain U C M I 1 , », Laas. Clerk. Luuwiot . *iii le« , « for lb'« nt»-» e mlerruedlaia p. rts <>u TIIUKsDAI, j temoer^f(tT. l *t 10 ii'rUx-k A. M For Ir<-igtit or passage applv oti U>*rd. or L j srrpl FLACK A 11 AhN £*._A*i»ut« I J. K. Harbour, IKYKB CLERK, Ft Um, Mo. (at \Y. N. Neweil'v j .-OW ) J K BARBOUR having long viperirtion 10 and Dim barging frvigh: for SL*araf«-«L». oiT-r* superior .otiu>e(iiou;e to bteauibc^L l deal; log a DlsCliAß<> INU CLERK. *«.v4 PITTBBUBGH AHD COSNKLLBVILLE RAILROA D. ritHß prTTSBORGQ AND CONNKLLsMLLK RAIL 1. IUJAD la now nj-.-u frt.ui West NrwUui to Coud»-li»tUi«-, fifty eight Uiill* n,.xn I iU*t>urgli, c-o the Y-rnghiogtimv lUTrf. Ttila new rlaa.4 Road » now <<pnti f*-r Hie transport*- 1 oil i I }*«j-souKer» and freight. lu «.»,inerlk»o with tl.,- .iu* Ki’LIA.N, truiu Pitlnb rgh l«i lV3t>u*-lUvlllr, chtilj , a- tiillowa • The rtentuvr ICiHJAN wUI Ih*th 1 1 «r sh»rl. »L>v* tti<- .Uouoogabuia bridge, every afternoon. ai half pant ti,r .*»• o'clock, for W at Nowtmi, coouvctlug there with the morn lug iruiu leaving at * .10 lor ConDelUville, ruJ reaching tb.ire at U Jiii A. M ~ 10 udp lor lb* Stage for AJniontowo. Fare toCoooelluville - $Y Fare to Unlontown - - 25 A train will leave ConnellevlUe In ihe morning, nt six o'clock, lor Went Newton, and connect there with the steamer Kalian at 1.30, iu ttmo to teach Pittsburgh a*. I JAMES Mo Ali LEY, President of Select OouqcU. - ... ■ ’ * i, "V *. *> « %*" U , ‘ »' . . POST OP PITTBBTJEQH. 4 rur 4 ixcara watss in tb» ouattwit. AttKIVSU. Steamer Jefferson, Woodward,Brownsvills. •* Luterne, Bennett. Brownsville. “ Col. Bayard, Peebles, Elisabeth. “ Eollan, Henderickaon, West Newton. *• Michigan No. 2, Herat, tVeHavllle. G«n. Larimer, ——. Rochester. - Venture, Gordon, Steubenville. •• Forest City, Way, Wheeling. *• Rochester, Neaie, Cincinnati. DEPARTED. Steamer Jefferson, Woodward, Brownsville. '* Lucerne, Bennett, Brownsville. “ Col. Bayard, Peebles, Elisabeth. “ Eolisn, HenderieksoD, West Newton. " Michigan No. 2, Herat, Wellsville. »• Gun. Larimer, , Rochester. “ Diurnal, Hboale, Wheeling. “ Veotare, Gordon, Steubenville. •• Rosalie, Doyle. Wheeling. ___ STEAMBOATS, AAfti, P. U Pare from Connell**!!!* to Pittsbagh $1 *5 Fere from Unlontown to Pittsburgh 2 25 The Local Freight and Passenger Train will leave Con neiltvilltf at 1220 P. M., and returning will leave West Newton at 6.20 P. M., stopping at all way statioue for freight am passenger*. Travelers In search c-f business or pleasure will find a trip Ly thi* route, along the beantii ul and fertile valLy of the Yooghlogbeny, one of the most Interesting and profita ble In tbe western country. The scenery of the valley is not BUrpassed iu beauty or grandeur by any in this • late, and the field fbr enterprise aud business is unbounded. On both tides of the r.rer are vast deposits of mineral wealth, inviting tbe attention of capitalists ; end the river furnishes, every low miles, abundant and never failing wator power for any amount of mill* and machinery. Tbe favorable character or tbe grades, all descending towards Pittsburgh, will ena-le this Company to transport freights at the lowest rate*; tbuß affording a rheap. uniform und reliable outlet for mluerals and other heavy articles at all t mas. For terms apply to D. W CALDWELL, Assistant Super intendent or to tbe officers on board the steamer Kolian. ’ OLIVER W. BARNES, President and Superintendent. KtEK’S TRANSPORTATION LINK. ANTIOI PATINO the waut ol facilities for transporting ProigbU to and from the Eastern Cities, via. Penusyl v&Dia CaQftt and Railroads, wo have increased our stock of iioatt*. | od seme, to a DOUBLE .DAILY LINE, which girea Da a capacity of over 1600 toas par month each way. Wo assure our friends, ami those disposed to patronize the State Improvements, there will be nothing seated on our part to render general satisfaction in foi warding Rust em and Western Freights with promptitude and despatch. KIER 4 MITCHELL, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, Pa. rr>o TUB HONORABLK the Judges of the Court c l I Ur Sessions of the County of Allegheny : The petition of A. CULBKKTSON, of the Fourth Ward, Pittsburgh, respectfully r.preseDU-- Th&t he Is a e'tlten of the United Bt&t«s and of the State of Pennsylvania 1 that bu Is desirous to keep for sale, an.t to sell within the sild city, vinous, spirituous, and malt m brewed liquors, by measure not leas than one quart, accord ing to the provisions of the Act of 14th April, A. 1). 1865. Your petitioner, tharefbre, prays your Hon re to grant him license to do so, on being satisfied that your petitioner is a man of temperate habits and of good repute for honesty, and that be naa given bond with approved security, and paid the license fee, according to the several provisions of the Ai*t ol Assembly above referred to. And be will pray, Ac. seplB:3t A. OULBBHTBON. Heal Estate Olßoe, Corner of Sntnth and SmiOijldd sLretU, Pittsburgh. BLAKKLY A ItfOHBY offer for sale a valuable Farm in yi/4»TnB Township, Butler Oonnty—l4l acres. A Ooal Property of 400 acres. The undivided half will ho sold with 161 acres of Improved land; on which, among other buildings, it an excellent Saw Mill. Forty-eight Boildiog Lots in the Borough of Manchester. Thirty Building Lots near the northern end of the Sbarpaburg Bridge. A Building Lot in James B. Irwin s plan, in Pitt Town ship, (a ‘joining Sixth Wald,) will be sold very low for cash as the owner l§ going to Kansas. Apply to sep2'i'd*w BLAKBLY A RICHEI. \ • % * i. * '■ *' ■'*.»v> * ■* % AMUSEMENTS fIIHBATRK—J. 0. FOSTE*, sole Leasee And Mads ■.tt* ter; ffu. H. Rtn>, Stage Mana t er ; OttAaira Fustbb, Abrtng Manager. Treasurer, J. V. Boatrrt. paicas or adhibiuoh: Boxes and Parquette.. ..60c. | Private Botr-s, large $B.OO Second Tier 26». j Private Boxet,anmlL.. $6 W Boxes for oollis l porroos 26 reuln ''"'ter Oertlflrtate, kecuriog -eats, .'ents extra. NEAFIR will appear, - "-Tmß, THURSDAY EVKNINQ, PxpTtiiuxa 27, ISS3, Id a new Play, entitled, HAKOLDE, the merchant of Calais—Har olds, Mr. Neatle; Valinonde, Dubois; Le Roux, Mc- Bride; Eleanor, Mrs. Cunnlogßkm. BINOINQ AND DANOINU. To conclude with the Burb-u* i f like miller of W Lets lone—Caleb Ooodfeilow, * Mr. A. W. Young; Kale Carrsway, Julia M. Oooke. Door* open at 7 ; performance to begin at 7^. JOHN W. M/CARTIiY, Bill Poster and BPistributor, Will atleud to tbe Posting aud Dietribating ol all BI*LLB° FOR 00N0ERTS, LEOTURKrf, EXHIBITIONS, Ac. All by mall, telegrapher other wise—directed to the oSce of the Morning Post, will re ceive prompt attention. a P^ PHOCLAMATIOH. WIIEUEAB, in «nd bv the 18th sectiou of the Act of the Gen ora I Assjmbiy of Pennsylvania, passed July 2d, 1639, entitled "An Act relating to the Elections of this Commonwealth,’’ it I® eojaioed on the Sheriff of every County to give notice of such elections to be held, and enu merate In Swich notice what officers are to be elected. In pursuance thereof, 1, \VM. M a GILL, Sheriff of the County of Allegheny, do therefore make known and give this pub lic nolDe to the eifotors of said Ooontv of Allegheny, that a GEN KRAI, ELECTION wilt be held in said County, on tbe SECOND TUESDAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, at the several Election Diwtricts therein. The elcjlors of the First Ward of (he r tty of Pittsburgh to meet at the house of Mrs. Jane Lit vie, at tbe corner of Fourth and Ferry aireeta, in said Ward. Tbe electors Of the Second Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at tbe Public. Swbool House in naiii Ward. Tbe elector* of the Tblril Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to mewl ac the house of Andrew McMasters, K-q The electorsof the Fourth Ward of the ciiy of Pittsburgh lo meet at the Public School House in said Ward. Tbe electors of the Fifth Ward ot the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Pennsylvania Iloutw, occupied byOotUib SeMel, late Alex. Steward, in said Ward. Tt.e electorsof the Sixth Ward of ibe city cf Pittsburgh to meet at the Pnblte School House in «aid Ward. The electors of tbe Seventh Ward of the city of PiUaburgh lo meet at the Public School House in mid Ward. Tlie (.lectors of the Eighth Ward of iha city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School Uouee in said Ward. Tbe electors of the Ninth Ward of tbe city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School House in said Ward. The electors of the first Ward of tbe city of Allegheny to meet at tbe hoube of J. Woodhouae, in Robinson street. The electors of the Sectml Ward of the dty of Allegheny to mft**t at the house of widow Thompson, north-west corner or übio street and public square. The electots of the Third Ward of the city of Allegheny to meet at the Public School House in Bald Ward. The el««-L>rd prihe luurth Ward of the city of Allegheny to met-t at the h«<uneof t haiLli, nt the corner of Robinson nu t Audrreou strm-U». The elcciorr) of tbe borough cf Birmingham to meet at ■ho Town Hall on Wilkius vlreet iu said borough. The .'ti-vtura or (Le borough of Earn Birmingham to meet at the office of Oliver H. Ormeby, in Raid borough. The tdeetcre oi L’uqUMQe b rough to meet at the Public ScbnM llouceof SalJ borough. The elrclors Of the borough of I.awrt-Dcevllle to meet at the Public SchiXjl liou.-ie lu haid borough. Tbe electors of the bcTTough of Sharpsborgh to meet at the house of John Kharp, in said boroogb. Tbs eie.:u>rs of the borough of MrKee-port to meat at the Town Hall lu said borough. The electors of the borough of South Ellrabelh to meet at tbe house formerly occupi<-d by & McAninch, at the end of the Mouougahela Bridge, In aald Boroogh. Ihe electors of tbe Kirough of West Pittsburgh lo meet At the house rf Rogers. The elertore of the borough of West Elizabeth lo meet a; the Pubii; School House In said borough The electors ot the of Tarentuin to meet at the Public School Ilouur In nnld Ik.rough Tbe electors of the borough uf Manciresier to meet at the Public School Uoos»- The electors of tt.e lK.rough of Eliiab-th lo meet at tbe bou-e <.f - - Graham, formerly r.cc u pie-J by Juba Waikt r, lo Mid Lx,rough Th<-electors of ’.tie b.*ruugb of to meet at tbe Bi-b'-'l 11.-as* In said beroueh. The eh--tors ot Pitt township to meet at the house of Jo- *«,j L UindroJ, on the Meehanica' and Farmers' Turnpike lb-ad in r> id ownahip. except tbe qualified voters residing 10 gelioa.* No. 4,7 bdJ 14, of the Raid dietrict, wbo fiha l rote at ait general elections in the Ninth Ward cf the city r.f Pittsburgh. The elector-* of Peebles township to meet at tbe house of Jobo Pettier, in tbe village of East Liberty. Tbe elertow of Col Una townthip to meet at the houre of William MeCall, jr..ln the village of Kaet Lifoirty. Ttrf etertnrs Of Within* fowtmbfp to me«t at the bonne of John Shaffer, eu the Greeuaburg Turnpike Road, in *aiJ townnhip Tho (debtors of Plum towuebip lo meet at the bou»« c-f John Summervlilt, In eaid town hip. The cle.*tore *t Patton township to meet at the bouse of Abraham Taylor, on the Northern Turnpike, in said town- :hlp Th* clo-leti* oi Penn tovnsliip to meet at the boo** < f Robert U-ottldcuii.L-o tbe L*.-*-vbburg Koad,in naid luwttehip. The e'e L ra ol YeisaUles t..wnahip to meet at the Public ?rhoi.l Hf-oec. ou tb* tariu of David Shaw, near the white bnu/e formerl) uo upied by Ttiomas N»*al, now by Wm A. Shaw. Til- elector* <»f Kiijll*elh tOKOxhlli Li lUeet at the beu e of i»e«.igo W cbyter. formerly »<-.upu-J by John Walker, In Elizabeth boroogh. The fiectors 0! Jeflerfoo foaußhip to wwl at the house of Michael Savr, fornir?*; occupiej by J.-bu King, iu i-aul townrfdp. The electors of M iffiiu t.. w ushi*,» fo a»e*-t at the (! S.rnuel WProd. f-rmerly (ccupioi Pv James 11. Ned, in paid towtuhip. Ibe electors of Upp*»r Si Clair tcwn.*h»p to meet at tbe bou«e t f Jm Coouer, In said toe nship lb* elector* of le>wer »t Calr iriwnahip to meet at llie hotme Lately a«{.i Lv f LMle, at the jOL-cflotl Of the lilr- OJtbgtSCHUi.l Ooal Hill H'ldx. ta Raid t^wnahlp The elentor? nf Lbartien- town-hip me.-l ut Ibe U. uae of William Obey. 00 the Piiu-burfb and Turn pike. Tbo rhetor? '*f ib'bitlK«u Uiwuxhlp to lUecl at tbe bouse of Sarah M. F«rL.r.d, rriraerly Audi*)- M.l'ailacJ, in t-aid townßhip The elect -r* of Findlev L.wmhip lo awt at the houw ol Mcdrlland A Arm«r, formerly (-'--upi.-J by J. Chari.**, iu lh- vill* * • 1 CLa; a. in *•«! . .or.*bip 1 11- e.f u-l l* i l M/«'.U townnhlp 111 uie-t at S hcol Li•'U ’e Nv. •* 111 (aid fiiWUxhiJ. The eUctoni o! i.»Lio towtisiup L-> meet at the hoow* ot Uear> V Tn. uip-oti. in S-..U lo»n*hip TLu elfto- * <>l Franklin l.'wnAhip f> mevt at ibe hi u-»« oo»*uplivl L-y IL. etneh. in (aLI town*hip. Tbr elector! C-I lice-rie lowuzhip (0 meet at lb-? Fchnil IL.ur.* N.-. Ti.iu eaid tonm-Lip. The cict for* of Utluwm U-“ D*h>p u- m.et »t the hOUf, of John Cowan In Raid tow n»hip. The »-.«--H-rs id anoffdeu i.iwaKhtp t.> at ihohotii* of Peter Ifovrr, r., Sal>l L> H ’H-*S u- Tb-i elector'i t .S.* Jth F.i et>; <s r ship to rae«t at th« borne of II H <}? on Ibr farm of U. V Couder, lu iftid townnhtp The elector* of N’-rth Faj-t’e tjsoshlp to meet ut the li.iuiw no* ix-rujiisd t )' L rnii.'U J-u.i ..q, at Hill in said towa*btp. ; of Hi -j lo*-n«lip u- mr*: *u th* hou--.n of : JarbbCoU-iogh.ru tbr Fi&uk.ia iu-ad, ii* «oid Lown<-hlp. | Tlm! t 1.-cut- if I’iiw lu* Uf hip li: m**cl si li.f hou«* of , Hoeh Ct nmuiy, in *<ul t»« i *-.fv ;-u : f 'i C«i*u lo»n»hi|' h* m<-* l ul tL? !.i-u« | of l*<uu-l Mump, »« -aid umoabip. j Th«* *Ut-i.iri -l Wei l*r-- i•» n- Lip u- m.- >*: the L- use | cf Nmhari O-'Uir) »d .-.J4 L-wUhlup. ; Ttir 1.0 fc*»l !*••*•? tnuo-ibtp tc m*-*-t a; the Public j Hcb-d llliu— Hi l* * U-r*-agb • f Tut.iiUiui, i The r'lvlom uf Nevtlh. I..«u*blp t<* Uieet at Sctu» I MoUn* No. 1, (hrr**f'er .o be called ChapLu > Tt>« i’lt-vt.iri of township h ui«M at Lbe bou.ie of riatnurl Ritchie, iu **lJ tewuebip. Th# t-te. ’.ofi -it lu.U.ma ’..woalip U> meet *1 lli« boost* formerly .v-cupud by Alr\ Turonr, in saivl (t>»nrblp Tb«-riei Uvri 1 1 M*al-t h-wo-hip meet at John ShaVt Mill. i;j y»id L'R inhip. The qoalihcd votero of that part «.f Indiana townnhip, 10 Allegheny county. re->ang within lb* following dearriLeU Uiuaduru*, 10 wit tUgiouiug at a jioint ou the APegbeny riter, a the uppet line of the farm >-f John Cubits, and run ning a northed} >i>urs«\ the firms of **ld Cable aud John lk>>d to the mirth-eattl corner el Cable’s farm— thence runntDtf awe*lerij course to the Whaler townxhi? line, in auch a iuaitt-er in* to nttbrnce all farm? ot lot* situated m CouulnchauT.* diclrh-t, and fcnowa as the Mjwr liurla, within uuid bouudarb-s shall hereafter tote at the general -le'tl<m tu lb" l-orrugti of tsharpehur?, at lh* election pod of tai 1 Uirvnit;h At which tun-' util p'm-r tb* .juahtiei el-Morn a? afire aaiJ will by hadot iot»- hr Uoe pel's. n toi ."*tat«* >«*U»h*r, Kw* i-i-.-as for iu.-i-ii.er- cl AmvriMv .-I P.mn *v If amt, Due perrul. fo: r*l»**l l il, t ■ \ l o ur pen*vn f.ir t-nijtti t ouuu i*-i- n. :. i l lue per* u I T Pf 'I. Ui t rtf * . • Tie porrK'ii 1 • r vVui.'!y Ci , tnnil.i-'l.-u» r, | thiejiet -"»n I -r t'cr.'r.cr. Uoe peTf*ou for l■ir»--Icr o! I'tk'T - , I utm for Auditor for V. yearf ! one person f-'T Auditor thr « year*. lOiTen under my band and seal at P.ttiburgh, this 3J day of Septemluir A l' \*b'\ and of tt'*> 1 ndupeoience i-f the Cuited States the e gbtieth. WILLIAM MAC I Lb, eepfi'dawt* Shoilll. j KHPIiTAIION IN N bvV' tNU laNl> Bararot, N. Jooe 9th, 18io. To B A. FahnrsUx k <f Cj.—Qeotlemeu: Jfor 6?e years past I have used 11. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge for an an thelmintic In my practice; was first called to it In a case where I bad failed tr. dislodge worms with calo mel, pink and cowhage. A bottle was obtained and uc-d with desirable tdled; siuoa then I haTd prescribed it f->r hundreds of patients, iuj-I in a large majority of cases v ivh complete succers. I □ one ease a single bottle of the m«di cltie brought away from one patient ninety <i<7Af iconns l bare never known it t-- dc- barm, and l am induceif to make ibis statement from an houest enuviction that it is the rnott valuable Ve.rmiluge yet known, bucb la my con fidence In its “ worm killing ”* powers, that 1 recommund it to other physicians in this section, and furnish them wltn the article. M. U SAVAGK. M. U. T’repdred ami sold whi-leasle and retail by B. A. FAUN BHTUCK, A CO., corner of Wood and First streeU, Ihiu burgh. . Jo*«|sli Wlkltc'a (larrlaga K*|iO«llory JOSEPH WHITE, now carrying on haul- J.ffW.ftf W ness In his opacloua premiers. ( Doy lately enlarged,) on the PitLaburgb OreeDsburg turnpike, near the Two Mlle-wcT- Run, between Pittsburgh and Lawrenrevllle, rfwpertlully iuritus the pubrtc to inspect bis stock of OARKIAUfcId BCQGLES, Ar. An-1 Tie particulerly Inforr.H gentlemen purc t iajcri , thut one price only is made. Fourt<*pn years' experience in the bnein<-«rt, enables him to place before his patrons the same choice collection of Carriages which, uo many years past it has been his particular department to select from the vnrioua and moat talented Eastern rnaob fucturors. The uurerre of hu new systeia 14 cemplale —the eor.nomy of his arrangements w ill supply 1 h« beet and meet foahlonablo manuh»ctur*« at inodorate prwrs. UueucumlHTed by thoee heavy expenses, which the manta lor decorating houses of business has heaped upon the price uf good.-s (owiDg to large reu'.a) JO3KPH WHITE will Hell ou ready ui d«) > lily, at iiiubb les« than the ueua) ,n.6U. ’ IrahtaUw: * Oarriago»rep»lre*l in the beet manner. with defpai ÜbILUIMU LOT FOR SALK. A LOT W f«ot front ou WVLIK atreet. and extsnding bark 109 feet to Wide alley. Ou the hack part of the Lot is a Cellar Wall, built for ;wc> small Houses. This Lot in a desirable location for a residenre; and Will be Bold low and on favorable term?. Title good, and clear from Incumbrance. Knquireof GKO. F. GILLMUBR, jyt3 At Office of Morulmr Pout. Boarding School* OR SUMMER BOARDING HOUSE.—The GLEN UOTRL and Grounds uro offered lor RENT for either the above purposes. The site and arrangement of the houee, the beauty, extent aud variety of the grounda, and the singular advantage of the position, included from evary thina obiectlonoble, render this a moat desirable location for either a Male or Female Semiuarv. For terms, apply to W inhattf J- W. BUTLER. 07 Front street. Western Lands. WK Lava arrangements with gentlemen of erperl-wce in, the different Western States, by which choice lands con be located at Government price. Penonsdeslrouß of locating lands, either for speculation or for actual settle meni, will find it to their advantage to give us a calL One of oar correspondents in lowa baa spent the last six weeka iu critically examlnicg the lands in that Stale subject to antrv. andwtites us that he has selected over 20,000 acres 0? choice land, BLAKKLY 4 RIOHKY 6ep2l:d*w corner Seventh and Smlthfleld fits. MEDICAL fir A Fact worthy or Record tnd Att«n-> tlon —WRIGHT’a TONIC MIXTURE, a guaranteed and certain cure for t BVBR AND AGUE. Tina preparation for the treatment of the above dleoaae, and perfect eradica tion of the caußtn Is one 0 f th« most important Chemical Discoveries of the 19th century. Its neutralizing effects on the poisonous gases are Instantaneous, and acts like a charm upon the whole Nervous and Muscular System, re* storing the tone'of the Stomach, and invigorating the Con* stitodoo. Unlike the general romedies resrrted to for its treatment, such as Quinine, Arsenic, Ac., which leave the system worse than they found it, it Improve the health, purifies the blood, and stimulated the different organs to a regular and healthy action: Being prepared ouJer the immediate supervision ,<f an eminent Qbemist, uniformity of strength way alwajs he relied ou. Its unprecedented demand, aud the thousands of testimonials from eminent Physicians, and others who hare be»o thoroughly cured, are a sufficient guarantee of it- superiority over all other preparations. We Gan only add, in conclusion, if you are suffering from . Fever and Ague, fry it and be cured l PETEK T. WRIGHT A CO, 241 Market at., Philadelphia. And all respectable Druggists throughout the United States and Canadas. For sale by Q£o. H. K.BYSER, No. 140 Wood street, and R. R. SELLERS, Pittsburgh. ap27ulaw3m is 49-Slck Headache and Seuralgia or Eiaav Ytoaa STAnniho Cciud bt OAKELY’B DRPURATIVK SYRUP—Mr. William Trimble, M’Kelvy’a Row, Bayarde town, Fifth Ward, says he was cured of Sick Headache of eight years standing, by three bottles of Oakeley’s Dwpura tlve Syrup. He had tried various physicians without a cure. Ha la now entirely well. Oakoley'e Depnrativeis for Rheumatism, Serofala, Tetter, and all eruptive diseases For sale wholesale and retail, DIL KEYBRR-8, No: 140 Wood street. Sign of tbs Goldan Mortar. Price 75 centa-per bottle. *p3 J9STA Substitute for the New Liquor Law*—Dß. URBAN’S ANTI-BACCHANALIAN RUXrR, a e&fe and sure remedy for (he cure of INTEMPERANCE. A concentrated vegetable extract, and as*a tonic is une qualled For the following complaints it is a most valuable medicine : Dyspepsia % Livp‘ CbmpLaint, Epilepsy,Newralffia, Files, Fevers vf alt kinds, Delirium Tremens. General Debility. This medicine is intended to produce a change In the sys tem, and a distaste for'atcoholic drinks. Several instances whore we have sold it, we bare had the most gratifying results; so, to persons who are really’desirous of breaking off the indulgence in in lexica ting beverages, this elixir will be a great help. Bold at $1 per bottle at the Drug Store of DU. GKO. H. HEYSEK, No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley, sign of the Golden Mortar. ap2&idaw Barren’s Indian Liniment, Fi<r Rheumatism, Bruises , Fains in the Back, Side—Sores of all kinds. (A certificate from Cumberland, Maryland.] Cpubkhlano, March 19,1855. Me. 11.0.0. Cahii, Zanesville— Dear Sir:< May we ask the favor of yon to send us twenty-four dozen BAKKHLL’S INDIAN LINIMBNT7 Please send it without delay, as we have not half a dozen bottles on band, and li cannot be substituted in this country; therefore, do not disappoint ua. ••••••• i Respectfully, yours, Ac. Bsall A Watts Far sale wholesale and retail at DU. GEO. H. KBYBKK’B Drug Store, No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley; also by JOEL MOBLER, Liberty street Cough Remedies. hr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup will oure you. Dr. Keyeer’s Pectoral Syrup will cure Bronchitis. Dr. Keytter’a Pectoral Syrup will cure Laryngitis. Dr. Ueyeer’B Pectoral Syrup will cure lofiaenza. Dr. Eeyser’s Pectoral Byrup will cure a cold in the head. Dr. Kcyeer's Pectoral Syrup will care Incipient Con sumption. A recent letter from Mr. J. W. Veatch, of Rokeby, Ohio, eaye: M I want yoo to send me two bottles of your Pectoral Byrup by mall. There is a lady here who has a cough and ihe doctors can’t cure her. I was in the same way, and tried everything without benefit, until 1 got a bottle of your Pectoral Byrup; 1 took it but twice, and It cured me sound and wi-l L” Ask for Dr. Estho’s Pectoeal Sieup and take no other. Price, 60 cents. Bold at DR. KBYSKR’S, No. 140 Wood street, and at J. P. FLEMING’S, Allegheny. ap2salaw Harsh’s Uidlcal Cur* Truaa will cure nearly every case of redaceable Hernia. TruaiM at various prices always on hand. Children's Trusses of different forms and strength for sale. Elastic Stockings for varicose or enlarged veins. Abdomnial Supporters—A dozen different kinds. Pile Props forth* support and cure of Plies. Shoulder Braces to relieve a crooked and deformed condition of the Chest, and many diseases of the Chest. Suspension Bandages. All tbiww articles may be had or applied at DU. KEY SKITS Wholesale and Retail TRUSS DEPOT, 14(J Wood street, sign of the Golden Mortar; or will be sent to any part of the coautry by sending the money and measure. ap2sai*w 4af~ B&JLm of Thousand Flowers, for beauti fylng the Cumplexlon, and eradicating all Tan, Pimples and iruc&Lie from the lace. Bold at Dr. KEYSRR’S, 140 Wood street. JanSO NORTH WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE, MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA CHARIER PERPETUAL. Authorised Capital, (300,000, A BALTS LIABLE FOR THE LOSSES OF TUB CuM PANY. in Sleek Notes, (negotiable lorm,)secured by Mort aagu* (Lad Judgments .$lOO,OOO in BUD Receivable, Mortgages and Judgments, bauds, Ac~~. ~ 106,000 fc Cash, Pash Assets and Cash Items 47,000 Total .. .4260,000 U. OADWELL, President. J G. BAKU, Secretary, ag" Fire, Marine and Inland Transportation ’laka, tafceo at current rate*. REFER RyCRS. riTTHBCRUO. Jade* H’Gully A Co., Graff, Bennett A Co., W. A D. Rinehart, Zug, Lindsey A Co. M. L. Uolloweil A Co., Charles B. Wriaht, David S. Brown A 00., C. IL A Geo. Abbott, Harris. Hal* A Cn , Evans A Watson. Hon. VVm. D. Relief, Chaa. Megargeo k Co.. Caleb Cope A Co n GEORGB BINGHAM, Agent. j«4 96 Water etreet, Pittsburgh IKON CITY COnaiSiICIAL COLLEGE OF W&ST.BKN PENNSYLVANIA, \N Institution to educate the UOBINESS MAN. Col ie/e open Day and Js«*olng:, from 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. a o o Ptmleots ami upwards hare matriculated at this School of Prmvteu/ Arf*, taught Id a practical manner by instroctora of practirai experience In the bntdn?aa with which their -rta are eoonstrlrd. Trans of tcition : Bookkeeping— fall msrcaottie nur«, time unlim ited, lD.duding commerci.l calculations, all ler tures,and Practical PenmimsLip, $35,W> Sarrw fouro for Ladies, (apartment separate,) 20,00 Pcmoaußhip—practical'—lime uullmlted, • lo.uO Same course for Ladies, (ap&rtmsnt teparate,) • 6 i>o Penman-hip, per munth, 4 uJ Arithmetic, 4,00 Pf nmmi'hip and arithmetic, per month, - O.otf tilirher mathematics, languages, surveying, engineering/ drafting, mechanical, architectural and w M «m«Dtsl draw lug and construction —os per agreement. 4s~ Those that cau attend only in the evening, have all the advantages ot the day student in lectures and instruc tion. flt. Huge (now) roracr of Wood and Fourth—soon in “ College Hall," opposite the Poet Office. »pS F. W. JKNKIN9, Principal WItKIKS * CO. (Scccxamjai to A. Wilkins A Co.) Have removed THEIR OFFICE to No. 76 FOURTH street, two doors east of their old stand, where they will continue the RANKING, EXCHANGE, and COM MISSION STOCK UROKKII BUSINESS la all its branched, as heretofore. WasTO—Twenty-fire Shares Mechanics’ Bank Stock. jylS WILKINS ft CO. C. C. WU.KUU. Wilkins 4l Co., (Successors to A. Wilkins A Co.) BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, A’o. 71 Fourth Pittsburgh. JN THE numerous suspensions of Banks and- Bankers throughout the country during the last six months, we tro satisfied that in almost every instance their 'troubles hare grown out of s departure from their legitimate busi ness; and we, therefore, take occasion to assure the public in advance, that no speculations In “fancy stocks," or other ‘vutrid* operations,” shall tempt us from the strict and le gitimate line of oar business—-believing that in avoiding all such investments wo shall not only be better able to serve our customers and (insure their safety, but that in adopting such a course we shall promote our ownultimate benefit. _ [feb6j W. A CO. Have you tried WRIGHT'S PREMIUM KATHARION? If not. try it, and you will neTer be without it. Be sore to ask for WRIGHTS PREMIUM KATHARION, Or you may get a worthless article. jQS-Tur sale by all Druggists. 26 cents per bottle. Wholesale Western Depot, Dr. KEYSER, R. K. SELLERS A CO., and JOHN ILIFT. auglO A CHOICE RESIDENCE FOR BALE, situated on Mt. Washington, commanding a beautiful view of the cities and the three rivers, and within a few minutes* walk of the city. The Improvements are all new, and the house and grounds In good order. The house contains six rooms, with portico, porch and cellar. Over two acres of ground, with every variety of fruit trees, grape vines, Ac. A good paling fence, cost over $4OO. Stable, coal hoose, and well of good water. The above is a very pleasant residence for a person engaged In business in the city; and for health of location, fine view, and convenience, cannot be surpassed by anr now offered for sale. For price and terms call at our offleo. S. OUTHBERT k SON, aog27 63 Market street. A CONVENIENT DWELLING HOUSE, containing a hall, parlors with folding doom, two chambers, dining room and kitchen, for salo; price $2,000. The house Is well finished, and In good order. Immediate possession can be had. Terms of payment—ssoo in hand; balance In one, two and three years. 8. UUTHBERT A rGN, BApft) 53 Market street. a ROMATIU VIN EG Ail—a n excellent article for tdek JTL hculuche. Bold by (eepl4j JOB. FLEMING. IX IN IS EXTRACTS FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF—I ' have ju*t received a laige assortment of fine Extract*. Those wiafiiog anything in ibis line should call and exam ine mine before purchasing. JOS. FLEMING, gepl t corner Market and Diamond- BROOMS— 100 dot Corn Brooms (or sale by HENRY H. COLLINS. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE—Consisting of 821 feet front on Ohio Lane, Allegheny OUv, by 271 feet deep on Baguley’a Lane, (containing two acres,) wlthalargo Brick Dwelling nouse, of hall and ten rooms, with a goed cellar, smoko and wash bouses, well of water, hydrant, fruit trees, Ac\ At*. For price and terms call at the office of wp2o 8. CUTiIBERT ft SON, 63 Market st. FtßEsii FRUITS— 2 do* cans Strawberries; 3 do bottles Peaches; 2 do do Pears; 2 do do Plums; 6 do assorted Preserves; 10 do Blackberry Brandy; Just received and for sale by sepia RETAIER k ANDERSON; riVJMATO KETCHUP—2O dozen Pints; _L 10 do Quarts; 16 dozen assorted sites Olive Oil i 20 boxes Citron; Just received and for sate by . ~.tTvumor.u sepia RETMEB * ANDERSON. 1 ( \ BOXES MAOCARONI; ll_r 10 do Vermicelli; 60 tbs French Kiss Paper; J os t received and foe sale by RHYMER ft ANDERSON, pe pl2 No. 32 Wood street. STKAWEKHKV TOOTH WASH—A new and excellent article for cleansing the teeth and tariffing the breath A large supply received by JOSEPH FLEMING, eapl* corner Market and Diamdhd. ' “ 3 V'-V**** ',V > 4 „ - r .< • . "V- - y - ' i: - II YiGORATING CORDIAL, A PHENOMENON IN MED WINS. ’ HoaHI J|«otoT«<t tAd UIN L«kirth«iicd BY MORSE’S INVIGORATING BLIXJE. T T wIIJ replace weakness with .strength, incapacity wit -L eiQoJoncy, irregDlarity with noiforra and natural as tivtty, and this pot only without hasard of rs4oUon,but with a happy affect un the general organization, in mind that all maladies wherever they bvgis, finish with the nervous system, and that the paralhathm of the nerve of motion and sensation la physical death, ln mind* also, that for every kind of cornua disease, the gHrh> Qpr dial ia tbo only reliable preparative known. Gtfliir OF NERVOUS DISEASES. No languagecao convey an adequate Idea of the tame, diate and almost miraculous change which St occasions In the dineasei. debilitated and shuttered nerroua system whether broken down by excess, weak by nature,or Impair ed by Hiofenesß—the unstrung and relaxed organisation is at once braced, revivified and built up. The mental and physical symptoms of nervous disease vanish together un der Its Influence. Nor is the effect temporary; for the Cor dial properties of the medicine reach the constitution Itself, and restore it to Its normal condition, LOSS OF MEMORY, Confusion, giddiness, rush of blood to tha head, melan choly, debility; hysteria, wretchedness, thoughts.of self destruction—fear of insanity, dyspepsia, general prostra tion, Irritability, nervousness, inability to sleep) diseases incident to males, decay of the propagating functions, hyt teria, monomania, vague terrors, palpitation Of the heari, mpotency, constipation, etc-, from whatever causes arisir g. It is, if there be any reliance-to be placed oh human test! mony, absolutely Infallible, A GREAT MEDICINE TOE FEMALES. The unparalleled effects of this great restorative In all complaints incident to females, mark a new era in the tonal* of medicine. Thousandsof stimularitebave teen in vented— thoumnds of Invigorants concocted—all purporting to be specified in the variousdisoases and derangements to which the delicate formation of .wcraian render her liable* EVERY WOMAN OF SENSE, Who suffers from weakness, derangement, nerrousneoa, tremors, pains in the back, or any other disorder, whether peculiar to hnr sex, or common to bottrsaxes—togfye the Invigorating Cordial b trial. MARRIED PEBBONB, Orothera, will find this GordlaT after they h&veupsd a bot tle or two, a thorough regenerator of the system. In ail directions are to be found tbs happy parents of healthy W spring, who would not have been so but for this extraordi nary preparation. And it is equally potent for the many dlv esses for which It- Is recommended.' Thousands of young men have been restored by using It, and not in a single in stance faasit failed tc benefit them. * v, PERSONS OF PALE OOMPLfiHOJf. or consumptive habits, are restored by the use of a bottle ox two to bloom and vigor, changing the skin from a pale, yei low sickly color, to a beautiful florid complexion. TO THE MISGUIDED. These are come of the sad and melancholy effects produ ced by early habits of youth, vU: weakness of tho back and limbs, pains in the bead, dimness of sight, loss of mus cular power, palpitation cf the heart, dyspepsia, nervous irritability, derangement of the digestive functions, general debility, symptoms of consumptions, etc. Mentally, the fearfal effects on tb-s mind are much 10 be dreaded. Lose of memory, confusion of Ideas, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society, self-distrust, love of solitude, timidity, etc., are some of the evils produ ced. All thus afflicted BEFORE CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE should reflect that a sound mind aud body are the most ne cessary requisites to promote connubial happiness; indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage—the prospect hourly darkens the view; the mind becomes shadowed With despair, and filled with tha melancholy reflection that the bappineea of another b*. comes blighted with your own. - CAUTION. Dr. Morse’s Invigorating Cordial has been counterfeited by some unprincipled persons. Iu future, all the genuine Cordial will have the propria tor's fac-simile posted over the cork of each, bottle, and the following words blown in (be glass: Jor. Uozm’a Invigorating Cordial, 0. H. RING, Proprietor, N. YJ The Cordial Ja pnt up, highly concentrated, in pint ties—price three dollars per bcrtle, two for-fivo dollars, for twelve dollars. . 0. H. BING, Proprietor, 192 Broadway, N. T. BoldbyDnxgglsts.thronghomtheJßmted Staves, Canad and the west Indies. AGENTS: Pittsburgh DeuQEO. 11. EEYBER, No. 140 Wood si Do, FLEMING, BROS., No. 60 Wood flt. Do. - 1L E- SELLERS, Wood street. Allegheny A M’KENNAN ; Do. «m-_JA£IEB T. SAMPLE A CO.; *■• Do. J. P. FLEMING. Agent or Ohio..J. P-PARK, CbcclnittG. faplhdnwly DR. HOOFLAND’S CELEBRATED GERMAHBXTTERS, PREPARED BY DR. C. £L JACKSOH, Philadelphia, Fa., WILL IVrsCVCALLY CURB LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. JAUNDICE, Chronic or Nervous Deb&Uy, Diseases of Vie Sidneys, and ail diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. Such as Constipa tion, Inward Piles, t Fulneea, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of tbefitomaeb, Nausea;lleartbarn, Disgust lor Fool,’ Fulness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking, or Fluttering at the Pit bf the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Harried end Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Clioak tog or Suffocating Sensation when in lying Poalfite, Dlmaest of Vision, Dots of Webs before the Sight, Fever and thill Pain in th* WetuL Deficiency of Perspiration Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain tn the Bide, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac- Sudden Hashes of Uent Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imagin ings of Evil, and great Dspre*don of Bpirtts. The proprietor, In calling the attention of the public ce this preparation, does so wit a foaling of the utmost confi dence in its virtues and odaj atiou to the diseases for which It is recommended. U is no new end untried article, bat one that has stood (he test of a tan years’ trial before the American people, and its reputation ami sale is unrivalled by any similar pi. - parations extant. The testimony in its favor given by the most prominent and well known Physicians and Individu als, in all porta of the country is immense. Referring any who may doubt,to my “Memorabilia,"or Practical Receipt Book, for Fanners and Families, to be bad gratis, cf all lb Agents for the German Bitters. Principal Office and Manufhctory, 1W Arch Street, Phil*, delphia, Po. A&* Sold by Dr. Geo. 11. Keyser, 140 Wood street; B, A Fahnestock A Co., No. 6 Wood street; Fleming Brothers 60 Woodstzoet; H. P. Swarti and J. P. Fleming, Allegheny declßatawlylfl Palmer’! Celebrated Uploorcftii Sanoti STAJJDS PREEMINENT for lluvorlu* Soups, Grayir, Fish, Meal, Qumo, Ac. TVe advise »U good housewives le try It I’Tire 25 cent* per l>c-ttl«, et all Grocery and Fruit Sierra in the United btstt-s and Canadas. For ftalfe by M’CLUUQ nn-i Cl. 11. KRYBKR, Pittsburgh. F. T WIiIQUT & CO., 241 Market/rtivet. Philadelphia. Janllhij**]? {* fDR. BKDWtt, No.' 4i Diamond Alley., do- r# rotes his entire attention to an office practice, Uta buaiueaa. to mostly confined to Private ®2g[ TcßdrcdJ Disease*, and such painful.affecU&ns, &£» brought on by imprudence, youthfal indulgence end excess. Syphilis, Syphilitic Eraptlona, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, _ -ethral Discharges, impurity of the Bipod, with all Disea »of the Vehereal Organ. Skio Diseases, Spqrbutlc Erup tions,-Tetter, tUngworm, Mercurial Diseases,. ,Bemin*l Weahnera, Impotency, Piles,' Rheumatism, Feiflatt Weak ness, Monthly Suppresskint, Diseases of the Fistula la Ano, Nervous Alfectlous, Pains lh the Back and Loins, Irritation of the Bladder and Kidneys, successfully'treated. Care guaranteed. Twenty years’ practice (ten In this city) enables Dr. Brown to offer assurances of a speedy cure to All Who'may come under his cate. .JOAXStt LDDXWIJ Office and Private Consultation ltooirs,4l Diamond allej- CbargPß moderate pQT&dfcwly F. lirown’a rtsafcivpe oi Jamaica Glnser- FIVIUB Essence is a preparation of unusual excellence. X In onPnory diarrhaia.ino»pient cholera, in Khoit,lnaU caies of prostration of the digest! re functions, it is timable ralaa. During the prevalence of epidemic choleta and summer complaints, it U pocutiarly efficacious; do f.ini y, individual or trnveler hiiuuld be without 1L Caution —Be e-me to g<*t the genuine Essence,.which is prepared only by F. BUOWN, at his Drug and Chemical store, N. K. comer of Kith and Chestnut streets, Philadel phia, and for sale by alt th - respectable Apothecaries in the United States, and in Pittsburgh by ii A. FAUNE3TOCK A CO., SCULLY A CO. .JOS. LOUIWId. AdJ iu Allegheny by IL r. SCHWARTZ, UCK A. BEOS. RAM; THE SIXTH annual FAIBof tbe^AiiraasirrCotnrrr AowcuLTimAL Sociew, for Western Pennsylvania and Ohio; will bahuld at PITTSBURGH, on tha 2d, 3d, 4th and sth days of OCTOBER* 1855. Ample arrangements, hare been mad-' for the accofiisaodation of animals, and build logs purporly fitted up'for the display of goods. The Grounds will be abundantly supplied with water. Ilay htv! Straw for Che osoVof the animals will be famished gratis, and drain at the lowest market prices. Premiums ta the amount of $3,500 ar«;offcred for competition. Hem b-rship or Family Tickets, $l; single cents. AH artfeles iotendfed for exhibition, wntto th* address uf 0. P. Shiras,|Esq, PRtwurg&.wttl lecttir&jprompt atten tion . A competent'PoUcifbrca' I wlll ha on the Grounds, day and night. . . . 4 For particulars, fiee btlla. ’ A BARGAIN OFFERED, THE undersigned orf?szB.for sale SIX LOTS of ground fronting upon and odjoiniog the Depot of tho Pitts burgh and ConnellsviUe, Railroad, in the growings end thriving Borough of M’liE IMPORT. Four of the Lots are 37K feet in width by.about -I*o in depth, fronting at one end on the Depot, at Ih.aotboron Sinclair street; and two of them fronting whole: length on other streets. . %.*'* - .tys;*''-<■ Also— TWO LOTS, fiwfciß;wfcll h vfrcntlng the other aide of the Depot, and in depth 121—one of the Lots bor dering for Mb whole length op Jerome street. No better property can be-fuond, and It will be sold low. Part of th« payment lakeu in atock of the ConnellsviUe iUilroad, if desired. GKO. F. GILLMORk, Office of the Morning Peat. Pittsburgh, August 31, ISR6—i daw if • NUNNS & CLARK, . ztiw tore, Ann FoaeaLt nr _ H. KLEBKR & BRO, No. 53 Fifth street, d ft* do** 43rJcsv BicuriD, the first few of a large InToice of Uattaa * Clark's unriralled Pianoa. ThU^g^a— choice lot will compriio— G Octave square corners, rosewood, OTer W Q ' wy g strings, Ac. ‘ ** * 6 1 ' Octave, do do do <•£? Octavo, round corners, rouewood, carved, muslin r. tfc ’ 3 and lyre- AL-: Octave, doable toabd corners, finished all around. do do carved'cge, Hliratuthian >ij I - do Semi-torpeptjne, Very elegant. 7 do db' do 6% do Full SerpehUco, splendid pattern. , 7 do do do The above will posittT9!yJ)6'sold at New York Fi dory prices, without addition JvrjrciahL. tic - KXEBER * irao, Sole Ageuti for iJuftnifßClarX, for Pittsburgh and'Westrro Pennsylvania, aep6 63 Filth street, near the Post Office. WRIGHTS PRKMIUdXrKATIIAKION stops the Hair from falling out, antl producee a luxuriantgrowth. . , OTIGHFS PREMIUM KATUaIUON . Removes all dandruff and dteea 4 © deposits. * For saln,iWholfsale, by R- K. BKI.LKUS k CO. langltJ ('■\njMfi RY TOPA—BOO. of-y'giioua~patlernsTfor sale bv j sapl6 HENRY H. COLLINS (CANARY BEED—J ust received and for sale by j eepB FLEMINO BRO?. ’’ ’ *'» r " l\ '' J ' ' ■<-'-•-» ' *” •■'*'•• .■‘t , «;i&'^J^ i,, ''’’''<'''- ; MEDiCAL. pR- MOUSE’S Private Diicaiesi COUSTY FAIU. PIANOS! PIANOS! MANUFACTURED BY V ■ ifij
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