YYYYY < , , .-' • ' „.- . ; • • .;, '•'"j; . f '-' J -' ' ' " ■■ Y'. ■ ? *' DAILY MORNING POST B!^!!!gg "' s. ” \ o.t tna bobth-west coatria or wool •',; v '^;":'' ' jsssaassaagiwSßsr wmbio m>,«MucouTimstr,-„. -- -~- ~ '- pi C* * ,s©*”'' ... VOLUME YTTT —* ■ ™ °’""l™* *''>* ' - " ;:# ' Y business , AR^- —r- . Fm ™g*LIgIPAY, SEPTKmSkii 1,, IBK . '- tfiik*'"' ~:'.‘i »s»i?ssK\.; *’• • ‘-,\£ , —l miscellaneods.‘y~"%^7'..[., _mbkk joo/ JSYY Y 4bb9e&e&S» - 1 MISCEI “ u Y 4f ;v'S fi **s*»w Arums;« U T ~h™«'»„■■■»■«,,ss-fi-s-• ‘ u "j“"^iss“ S ~‘- Vss«u Jfif Y/j ;« Ilf „,„. I Y ~ a b -lv to -- -. : :: ; »te^' ;:: A 01 V r : - '•••'•( Pi K,!cttf y lll 8 WstiMer, No. 8 Wood street, ! Mlhw j V b ? ' 1 Wrr:: i, "l ■ s^fes;«Lj„,, isSSS';#Y"S?S= ! fc , ' :::; ‘-s'* -j —■■ SST !'tw^^»-"~ SWi:r .ds«=-■ s b i- 1 - Awaa4ss"®®««..™..^, ~ %-w, fes«» sn i.srSY... ; ■ ■ ~-"'■>■ i«ssa •,.,s •Y 1 K'isCZY.sv,. . ~■» ~ f&Ti sSSssSy -s-si:;::;,r‘ :: ■■■-■■J ()^SsaS®av*^--‘ H * < - r . 7 ' ,Ut,B Jiataie examiu- od band. ,P one or both fftdes,coost&atly j BoVtiT — - h ___ *Th«6« patienta w«r« blind aiid tn v . 71fier t!![ h? Injine-llati-lr l ° Q£Allnoll *' e* V /'\Fi-ICH*N Ul l a - m ' W,I *°“* Door3 ’ snJ Mouldings o f every desorlptloß, made to ■J. Fomtll °^ t - nearly opposiu, | ° f Ve * ka &*T «nJ4 m>3l;tr_ „ u U. ETTER, ij' Hu:" 0 . a.’ -- t yh o o^™^].'^w. s r^Y4x» t 'r i | fes^S^SßjK!, “T Y;Y:;“-”•’- j i <»”’ ‘’ssSz Ys SiS : =- SS-S-SS: ffeiE. 14 Yr ■ s-j ‘ . tftntt, c.. aaor* promptly tn. **' “” Koon ' ir ? ° r OlHc, »|,| b.' | M.rohl;. ’“ D a', t “ ~hl' l lsl YioV.ol?Di ”• ! >'»«i.. a Q J hej of t£;, C J' It 'u.7. a ‘' •*?“*'i>* W.V& M fS^r^^^is&SPsS^RSS? BDsrvEss f’lHns ” bBr * k . p*- * »«• >« wo«i.»««, m,„. mm^w,„«4,«««.,«. P pni„;» ,, ; > r »«- .t,Mou.sS.r^ '■’ A,,o#,,,, .Haotta*aJ;Sj s u '"*. | -N' i “ n -'-' :; - P .om : m fepSESsa«; i' M~“Siss§l¥-'. .rw-sS-s::,:: ss:s?' pgs-,. # jyfkg&av&jiud fetasssr-.“*~««« SasaTuf^w 5 safe- ssssssL. j. ,» ;>*=== -gi !fs hß SI?S 7 'jS£== -»Y.YJ YY; • ,J) •’, MU[ , “s M^£« E - vn«. fcY u r„ !• n.'fc «a B At CU "t::o^foX * tr,, Y'r N°- w l ,«. Md An.c l#s . . ten - LYE, EIRE AND MARINE —- '.Vf-rA - - Avi) y c]YL”! l ,v'!',V, „ ■ cuicaoo, ilu.vos. i -v. t-, /lw( , ~... ; ji- u ; “*«“'• I CoiniiAiti- ‘“iY-iT. , u 3 * Mli “ r “' or f, ranl Ma J , »r, aii'i'Si ■ . 'ftV«t'.- • —°'-‘2? , 2L^Mj, rr *., "vv.5.r..., j ' CT * ™*l» mt». At- KA ’m*?!* 1 rl,h ’ »30O,00i) « th»t Uw. n^a'b, w , h .««, I Itwi at/ilVtol" ’ J vi?.i ' T.nir; li '* C. Horg.iT „ DKTKCT. ..m, :.-, 3 -l.»ll .n ln „. , rv.ro.Y ’‘ ! “» "«orj lt , K w (lir-oUoo.. STSi wf,’7 nli ? a ‘“ 1! '“ °-Thompson 1 * ! n L " 8 8-Y;;7YoLYYY J .fYYA*I 'i : Y' o,lm - •. C I , M» P 4^‘.^:! J R :2 m Zi;» ::::::::: ::: £ , r j p.rr::;Y:-LYYsYY:Y-Yf -• •. --» A ’■ ',■'" ' J ' i: ' Y: t - r ' 1 'lon.ThTn.n.npY'r'YY.r- H & , . Y n',„. i fe E v i ,: Ji! j "Y ffll "V a K f tA consUutlf on hsol 4 ‘ ™ ■'’‘H Wto» I .11,.. .t • | , ~ ~ _ ' ;.wtt. H.lßiboU, f-Ji' ■ C 'n U ‘ ' ! - ’ ’■ 1 Y i i" !ho ' ky, No.SsS C:>mfn-r-i a | Ubt-'y U ? i F {' iC j" arJ 'V't.., . I ittabargh, fa. ' ol Rom and Flrat j %*> ** ,* ' * »••*. ■-V w '■ ’> • iVvv- V' -<v V '••, 'V? -X V N 1 > *1 vK*. •V»‘‘*I f '••• -*■-.»}* .a - , , • - • r , * \,i A, * •*• • *<#*<. * J * -r ; c *;v. r >» *v»i , V ♦-> m'- *r '• , - >. *>: .'••v c ’ -*' I V •*• «x O *T' A *♦ss£ £« ; ~ i ? ■**' 1 .- * ’_sw ‘.f !-t- * r - -'-■-* .„’*, ;. v *-" '. .V r sva-’-: r„ V - - A ,• t -:' tf<3SlsS»*V<t&a# vro#*.V; , "•- 'S'U'i v: • -- •••'.»? >- iS&* : * :, j 3 I 1 * “f* V>. * v *..’•:■«,*■••♦• a l ., .V; ,*T«**'- *" r / i*' 4 . •*•• • vi *i. • « <P^^As:S^ 'v , l > v -*'-'° -<‘Kt <• •■' *t vUj • t'. v *L*.'•“.' - •„•',. . \ .i. •■ ■ -. ' V.^Tr*^ «£>- **** **> 4 * t,**' ‘ UJk ♦*» (| ' 11' ‘ ' .» A p mltv v 'ti, v’ • '-'. ; •’ N ’ j, -t,''*'- * tr.n-r k*r * :; ■ ’-\ *- &*'+ ..•, ’■= >\ M:.^;.- 'S : ' ■« wor. c> <klli£f?S- i-. v of M4r. V:'-,;^ f £'l . _._ business s*jp% r-J ««- AMo'ul'.fkf.l 1 ’ l ? l ** l, “ r iii>- ’-c. ••--.'i.lt^ 1 ’ ° r 01 — - •■'- C-J/ - -H, o, tk ' J '4 V C v.' u , j iD ‘ l ““ I I*ji« I»ae •_«!!.•. v : to W.-M r :.f '■„“”! : ftrcrt rmn ,„. ;i~rl !--«.- — { r V /j ir- - t‘° W Fl ' l! V ' i‘n- , r P H JJ Ute *>? JONK; PAsv*,W- > 3 «- “J- j , Vlll ' K . a h n, ‘ Theo. :- K-iii-s ~.:< ~. ..1 ,V J bj thei«*nUj of Jc.hr. ‘‘ l *"«^L l { l iSfe-l'! I *tou«MULto.rmi.... ~-;, - 1 I ‘’••“•■‘'I’of»«» «1I M . .m n •wao-. K uLi , <i^K^ ,^-v4 n Jv. •,'; 1 &c£M'{‘h 1 vv -*^S^r?jr-p t nJ ’'4«ri.’r„; ,44’;;;! h!T -^,*?*»&- M ,,«V |^S L i|fe4 / k>s • ■ ; —»»—.- .—s?^ fe^.;i- , -. i ; J- 1 ■-•;• 4 f ,1 '4'/“ 4-i ■s, I *' »■ fi 1 ”‘-‘f • -v« ®9!.'a' <k 1 < inr ‘A J : - 11 ' w£sftH^a^>9vt? , =-' p ii'« v i n -r 1 * 1 <• »•'.> - - wmiassStoilaS&sa w„44 - ; -"” -- ■ *••' ijilfi§s i F «^'rrh.S4;st^r P r iD ' . j £[ ir,ar r ; n ■!*.•?'“ ; >-Vf both of wfioip , _ ou m«nt, and “• I>- J BMOKB , Jrdora ’ f nd 3@ffi^^Hja®»&«JscfeS!r bbadlev, I 1 « w~>d ,t. - r^- s -I’ ; a i i°; - 5 I jur * ■ F? •? «* 4 -? ! ” 7^5-?.''djij-3'3r.&V<rp- t: ;V-»s''!', ■ >h '^^-‘*^“'''' r . !, '- I -t'-.’r:'*t> '/r <*•" <*■ 5 — » « SfcW !^f, *'--'¥ i- tVJ.-N ; _ * B :; * sv. c , i*y> • ::♦-''-. % 3 vT<4-- <: '(i. j -SV.>;>VJ'-’' - v - •»-'Vj :'4 >■* 44’ i v ok^ - a* u » ‘.•' .'v *::/i > -4«Jb'P ' *1 ApK.iW* c' .... .' •• :•.*> ; f., c >- .'■■>vv; r ' . 4^^V4'v;>4l/ ;>■ i \'j ’ ! A .’. ' j ■ ~ J ' '> tV .." , *A S } . tff ;'-. • 7A ’>. r.„l‘ j i-fVi’t. r:A r-‘ - - • "4|7'=;‘ 44 4 '" 4" ■-VT ,-r" 1 . . .«.-k. „a. ,■> :'c;^;>;f.:v:^:j r .- £#*&%?{:!•< ■’ j ,‘ f - J >•* "■i *.»v:. r ’■.s, ■■;. ' '^T'.'V>, { - If>~-• .• -t , .. ,“ c^:• ' ..-. ... .. '■ • ■ ;•■ ’ 4 f•• '.-.t'- 45v-’ •■ *,* ■• X s * 4 f T* ■' * ‘ ' •".* < : ■' < ■-X"*** *.l * L ' ' • ‘ w** f ... •■;. ,- ; » {■'* n•' r A .-y v -v. v '' J-; «.j : j , + ‘i V,-..-T,v ■• . : <u.. -„* ,•• iL-t = tC ,,■> jf <_ r " ‘ ?*—- «**«.. i ■. tt, suJ„fE" ff ? ,lcl BuSSSto’ * ““““ “ *j a " V' ; ‘ °■ rJZs bi,'° ruhl J dtf ’ JfitoDai D-Michigan and Indiana duatr v, 1:. üb.,*. ~x .- '. 'y' .' ’ r ‘^V- r '‘ n l lofl ’ I'ltUabl.- in * --, N-vill- il Craig.’ —** »»r W (HfcM I, 'pH B U«.arm„f h. Tto . w-' •“ iL ZZZ;jr* l L° f JZ a *w <■«: L ;/•:••» * •■ ! | v^r-" , .v, V; !i:-r-.-..,, I,' dr °’ r *-■ . • I T'cSrS™ . , "lICJOBU Jr 111. Ton ~„ m lb . i£i u ix, ,^, | , '’r .\f SCT4OT I >. ; hl-iniutiti,,” ri.art'orf.i l,,rill'nV " r ' '■- ua,- \ • ’ c ~° ' J ' I & • ; I ' tctton, undeniably ri Ce i« . n . OU6T,WH *°d •dtp- Explain* A.-eu- : -\> , f /./.} V■_ haJ *- ••« tia* t-«u | i sited atuos ";? t * blj!,hm ' nt I» 11- I mr “;<• • K i-> **k> - ? hit, ! lb. city, vblla tu high end njrrd'u? 7!' fr# “ .»" P««» «» 1 MMSedge tf tb/., , I'.ViluV' I''’ 1 ''’ , ', l ""' r l‘>l Mr ft | r '*%«uiroJ to the promotion of hiijth "hi ,h" “ Mp< " in f “ro!,hi„o i I T-H»- lliTht v,' K ; *r -*>• ••s.stsr BCa ~>,. , f;'N| ..*" ! -• _ _ octzitf . • • ‘Hbuihi mw , JJ " '- !MS!»SS:reSwSwd-' --X-• *■ ; 1 ; u ' h * ; 1 - ‘ h “ i -- ~u. ure , JJ I HT. 8 - * ’F- - . tusWrJgr- ~ „ -1 •;[^ r^.- 1”| 1 L, i tea ma^SosV olj . i 4« "*,;’ & fjp i ««ASi« FiA.vo~ “ “rr^., „, “T h M hrilc “ mIU ■ brz vrz:- ~s'-'«»»■■•"■ r^»«»r- : ; ; ;€liJpsrt, .*. _ *o.io6Wood«r, wtt»borgh ° " r ’ l om o"nJ to. o''? 01 ,tr ” t - 1 I srf-^ul» *« au<u in l 'uzinrn, SI I trf PteS“ of'n i “' i ‘ld <ar.ru>!, , .„.. ■‘AmntroUV.h-rw S ,, “! a ~‘ «<i < *“ l ' 5r i. *&;;„- v £ : ‘ • ®j»»* .-friv .« , [ “»-■;. »«gg%^ <m .7-i gsaijaiaffi ri “ «*> | P W w ‘, I b °' h *“ wra P ~« A, ,, «r..,.. I I 'UMr.. r. BTBSL and aTTZ*’? V SMO. '"'J ln ,|„ lr , T U , ,S '«*• *»d rommodiona Hou» harlnt I fcJSS oftio i v,.... *s. ; -r,.-“2prrr~ ?s £-". TVurC- 5 -’* •“ •*„> j " w ..v,^ ,i,> wauuasts- '~!:Xv;^s:sHSi:s?!S-IR;S!. ffood.; nrl,. a «, n .» ~ DI Furuace nn W «n u- S v T« lLh nort economical I mv JSf i. itU * wbo pU JS aarv » „ ' ? 4o I I'odtic*] Kohcciv- w lr,tiD,?; Oom»«rcial Uw liberal share of paf^...:""-r. n> *'' Q I Fondled. Aov «r>form«^— thoSB late: “®«eJ !■» I otM S' 1 B tCfti ' d »nHtrum»-nt, ? and youra Li?*!? 1 ’ with I »«! Boslcops KihL-a. ' ' ,al °' , °iiraphy , UUtory; and Oj „: r- s I^S'sSsSSsS^ K. Oravo, £?&?*•**•' r «•• ry Tariff aul ;b : - r,' U r^-.'! ,‘^,'' lunl - v Ui4, ‘ bi-am Mill*. a Ur., Dri-d fnii,' '[■, 1 y ' i:rouu ' l *• J rxiucw taken io rX'-h^r- f. - , *, nr " : *’ ' '‘ nl V R I). tu! 5 nt-i S,-]., a , ; ‘i | ll5! i-»reH:.sl_in rural afT-ur-. "• “ j , , h S.'S~*HSS; TFT u cut Ilottto. ~ ; of? •" ?* *«■» to, th, abort- pu -. ii ,o 1 ,jr -“>■ for .... . „ '•■ or r-ct-n-*-, r. D o-ro, ,;., f : cir op-.o Wl„, h .. :a^e t * ; ‘ 4’": iairk~t rjit«?.s ;,ir r# , . n* ■**• u s. s * J) *f ,• bttreh. P*. -nmnii-M and J-.rai jv J-tt* n. i0(.7~ VO4:Vj riu.fc«.i l. f.‘t- i ! 1 H, jounir a {.o ’ X-nHifl+ld ttrtft, vjn>-‘sUt c\tu IT ■ i , warranted,and »M«» lue «ii;"rV“.-..’ r ? r *- I ... r- »>u K lUI iomi and Wtti'r -nr. i.„_ ' | W ln * L * 1 ' rr, rner *;-urlh. N«w vosoh ntid (;.,r..i» n . u. . -*“ ,M " Ba ° THEBS / “ ° Ctniriots in till ' 7 "" *'Jj«ief'.3iej.riiii, I .ui A*. v.nlv«o Vfui W ; OifCUtliJ ..._: . *•• P l -"! U. -j >Ou bounty ui H-r._ i .. _ i>, ."•:••• <i** on thomosi rui<v)a*i.i M tnrju- «« nu-uueti to beat Eastern Shafts PoJ«a «-•» *»•>- '? "• ““ «’orit die aentchac an who r«wif rh-n, —»•>- ~*'\» »«n • mi penecU/ satiyfled on trial or i*'•‘■“•“*B*. W H- l* I Purchasers are reqoMMJo . Sid; oiseirht*ri> _ - —> purrtia- i *'• *• JvfinßTv.T D. T JOPVBT ,-lw Eilceltlor ( nrriasc p..- ;* TOBNSTON, BROTHER 4 .. . ... . - 4” c 1 "*I*V* 1 *V*’ 1 ,pt P*to arinnued to on thu most reasonable term- t>- • ilB6o ‘™d by mutual tv“7 5“ ln '“’ ** thl * day oonflaont Ihni all Bt „ m y fcTor „ it h th.lV , L£ ‘ «'i‘W up by J M hna^« h V h “‘ l ?“‘tho Ora yili Th Portb'Uy satisfied on trial „f tbair *>? »>' dabta du. aablara Wh .° '«'authors Kl t( , I -?m? i '' t “' ursh »“<> Manchester Omnibueespas° «~rv S' “arch tfth, 1864. iSS? 4 RHODES, “btotaa during the day. PHILIP REYMSr! u.^™w TBBUKGU coach factory. ' _ h **‘ T “ B nndwP "^^ , t“„ I Si/ , d <^ I ®L *»&iwL.bTiv£SN npno/aj ““*pi under iup nftine, Ann infl . , ronnM a Partner « Bigelow <fc Co., * demon, fm , he {&" „E?P * an.' d .B„OCMSOM TOE.M. BrQKLOW- N. r,i °° n ‘“tluoory buntDMa, No. 33 Wood Pr “" anJ »:!“*- ■ ffflUP BRTMER Ram to order, or P | P,tUbnr * h . M»rch 27th. 1856. R ° OT ‘ J ' 4NDKK AON lwa»y eh • manner unsurpassed for fiubh ' •“'•'""—'■■P. sri d, “«- - ? .c h „ r -te 1()T) D '' 7 ' LlSro *'sracr -’lyoß?,,, ~ w, » * ?7 ** - -r -f " ■-•, •'.. .* • -'V>. ■■,: • : ‘*^Vt.' r » f v*v,. -• • • *'. *• -■*s* V-*••„.« ' „ . ■ ... . ' ■ "-' • . ' .. _* -..'v •* v tv ,'.f - •. v „ c - • f L;«tj ir^tL'j j ih !! JLedjla ® 111l 1 1 am, b JU 01 “* W-. .*««.,& r *“* ✓ „ Removal. ‘-■i.w BottI„ : ro , tUr ' Wln< “ Dj r «^sS^Ms bnrzh. i>». S * 49 Wooi! belov Birth,Pitto. RAM. T h '= he °- m “ ,k " Pf*w, In CASH, p, W for | l-J.Um. w no e^7s£°r M^- n Nn. 8 Wooa Mn« . W-Ur aml^ h MaQuf «*ur«, burgh. ’ **° --Hr »nU Front aireuta, Pitta- and customer*. nugburgb, March 2Tcb JOaBDA ttHODIfiS. Rcmnvl. HARD A UGH £ 00 hnn» » - 0 2W Liberty street. remo»ad to tf o . sramoiß hi mu do h Springer Harbeugn p')MTTa .u^?g b ,^l.r iPrt><l “ C ' ?,c,ral, y. N S»‘ Liberty apfi "•V .** -n. .lo&kvtf-i--; j * J P'~r *nle by PUULurKh Pa libhed PUno Depot," th,) “J K^Ub- AJ»o, soio AjjßQt for Piir u >ioor &Ik>? w fi n k for a&t,£*t r«*>«d WV.™ ■Nunn, * Cl.rk’,, W 1! “ ‘ Chirk, or “ ,b f/ ■“»* •>*■• l.w, W« intjjju.' 7 'o-r.lj k ‘ Seit au'i PbiU.iH&Liu Pi» I "’ r ' ’ he: fnc«« from s2zi lu P 0M ’ rj! ,h « bwt m«k,rr. Notice to Wiirn,, i, 'TUB MIBLIO EPItLVJ »'.UEa“?R„ # ‘i :o I “ ccr “' .4, Cbwu ‘ r aru Q 0» flOflttO, aud ih- r- 'fj KSlu: * al Hu- Mtly commenced: rJtJv.. n of u£? W a 4R P h*u plojcd Ktud mor w oe'w iLrani,” “h ' L“ *® M tiJ « Spring /| U -J content. m e bo "' ,ul « '-iU » few <lny£ a hundred families ' 1,1 ■ > on the worko, the pr, s -„,"u " two or three Dow churches. hi *' i3oi traded for immediately and S J,! h * h ‘ or - w ‘“ bti con will be commenced. r«(j aMnr vr » UBU * bor * Ui P r ° »o<i othrr labor Independent of'“h ! °r' | -Weh .111 ,r.o.bl y .^ ,L f i o “ r o i h .- .S" A prominent brlcfcmaier from PlUsburvfc k Dj f ,s3 clia»d aloe jar*« anj contract* 1 1„ r bhfi u,lt l‘ur forthwith 600.000 briotes. Two rau,:« up<m tUm work tbe p rennet week, bcstdr- :U oil -r Cvmta -noe established In the neighborhood! L ,lrJ; ' kor ''totor« uur Stem Quarria are already elite with . - [be road leading to them lined with fm, l rkl "'"' •“■I Z*mt>er Is beooming abundau and 01-an an I te n-ill won spring up to relieve some cf oat b™ now bare 6 families, 4 tamlllos, 3 faml'lat , T' ' #LUj them 2 families eanh. “‘“•W, *»1 cf I > who did not buy cheap lota r - fK« f«e, , U« season, or the four public sale, the ££,nt sorin' Hliil secure good bargains at private P *’ ''* n aubscriber in Rochester. Trn^V ? l lD * 0Q tla* aud lu two years. r'i T“ r P. D-—A few lota oan yet be had at 100 to 1 v D '• applied tor before the 20. h May Thee* lota *« °° ea ? b :11 , usual city lot., rk:“&n6y ll£ and nnlr from $1,60 to $2,60 per foot front The " el homestead and magnificent profit of Orldfinwy °C t j“, b ? r »“gl> of Eoohester; also, Ihl'bea'uU rni 20 acres, building, orchard, Ac., of P nJ nrt I**” 1 ' tiftbt through theaubsorlber at great bargain* and tb-re nranot tmo nrcA bargain within ahun/rdmill o' .-COl5, 4TWILL. XflOMAfl WOODS, Tfl Founii ilroet. % v - s. : ■ ■■ -- i ~*s * 1 ■y- ' : **, • r r ,„< ‘•i*.' *• V * •* tj-.H R. r ; ' tfV :r * W A £ T “ « u.. P»p*r busiuwa, uainr lie n»m» uf “ th * Wsll ” - R ll‘ MARSHALL i ax SALE V ERY CHEAP ' l T c ™- ,» ><*•' «* of tho p ( ) RT J y a Fr*!/ioi( con or A GOOD BUILDING °ijT°24 r‘.'“V , bj 100 fwt In dspth.’in BirmfnTL 0n C * r , l ! on str,( ’ c.»p. fiO(lul „ 0f /KTPiA USUBASCE Company Chartbbit) <■ I, . l‘An> UP 1 -19. psSp&ra «• ' \ property et equitable rate? Th?! 1 rv” CT ° f nihjptamed a billon for honorable d,aii„ 0 r ? p “, n/ haT ' i>nJ ia uDsurpa/wiod for reaprmelbill'ie !„ i* r ''' , J> ' nr3 ' a»y other ,ii In.tHluionT.f U ’'Hrli™ * “J >7 “*«? \££Z£2?. North-™, jy--* ! between wmß fiaon’asd : columbi 4 ES— Xs&Js£s?£ Jv26:dlm» *-LOl D ft LKUO.y Fwterson a Mapatlnt* for August • Ballou? do Jo N«w l’ork Journal do H ° ui ,'* ol ‘ i WorJ, for Aueuat . “s wasaasssTS,- ■*• jmh «!., gppodt, th« Thaai.. M, Mono a a*T WHA" l ln l t"t" * BL'Tl+gß A CO. aasav h. •ooLtraa •'■i. ti - «c *1 \ » v. , . . * , - *• ‘ Ki 11, « T..V Jl«3. P c Hh»r.-, P. , *• •* K '♦ o,‘id:. 1 lif, n J n'liotLrir/ ( vi. J. H,. r-u ». "•■'3 t-j K M KW-Hr ’ ‘ Mor-htip, i. " Ilf r.f *Vv.. r , . • aJ tL« :ar« RCli , ’ 1 tt ' A rtD«* an<i Lifo • - llr *" 9 .’ .\.a Uealiviuro c r »od 1,1 ; ARTHUR’S PATENT Self-sealing Cans WiTf f*r Prru: r«y Kt '-uf* , ‘* , u or „ Package* - PRK*> m M V ■ V m0 * Ut * u “ ADAMS E.v ;'f ir livin'<« , Pllo «l<*»Atloa'' “it MUM ror, »,» I .'l i 1 ’ **»lwt>ur x fa. which, if jYI hfiM ‘"J ,“ I,u h T 'tie lath ,“«ion q, .v , K.'Vr- , " uU at Public Auction, by I'. M ! J V i 1 *' -“I Asssmbly of Pennsvlrnm., Act * day , . . " th M ‘-d 11 -“-J streets, un the tecomi ! i>. ' 9 ' ent -ed ’An Act relating to pM3M July whom j{ JJIU '' ' l [ '*. v mad j«r ftV'oun- •t .V :a,JOIJVe * itij i” i- U aujvined on th« HhiS 118 °* Utfa J. W. J< »• Li.., I Doli;w to sectors of BaU Count* nf7iT T v •• - i is,-' - o. w. Baskin J > 1 1.1 ! U,.' t:„., Districts therein. “tt. «*| w. a. Bdjrtl Pit stuiyh I ri Jf »• the house of Mrs. June Utils at ths R. Band' jj ul {"" 1 pkga. l ourO: and teny streets, In said Ward ’ 1 lhe “™«r of ftsr ; ' •••••{ B it j^ j„hSa£l ■" • JO l j ‘.''.fr't St thselt/of uttsburgh zssr :: - ■" ■ . isr -? S H! rfe..s»o : ..: - jgR 11. lVi'er’ b " r Cmn««nt,illa...i pt| 0 ; ■[ , ’ ( . ab J ,i s - b ° o 1 H“uso lnS^4V. r ? tt “ b “ I » l 1 £ it# uSSSrfiSJsfflss*«S*s i&r"'-'- P. ijss*- A. * PUftaKgu. {s£ p «»«>«ffiraEtt&34h*. I.? X* h ' •»«- w^lgasS J ltfe«r Allegheny ..} K' ! Wsetore of lhe borough cl . M. Kuh L"; ' HttrWh IL s ‘ “*» WlUns sfrs.uj Sd?!^ 0 »* £ as;". ■ s ife*. "^^^sssttftftSSSirs* witisa^F -■■-■■•■ T rsh ib., ' SSS“-^ o Dr a M fe^ re £ 1 So, Ul ' &«.i U £^3i? hof » to!t -W- to m« at th. \s£ 5: - Jte. ‘o «u -i. S&z~~" : % i l&: 01 «•—«tb. rSfe ::::::;:::::::::^:;: iS :; J:&;r -IKr- jju o&Zl%n*& iS^f»y»tn».toy.^*. w. A. Torrey 1 Laarsncsvllls ... I pkg». johi e ft. I p; U>r l of „. l>eab| M township to mist at th« u f } ~p '° n oreeDCiur/ *. sum.tt if lul s^L s TT ni H ta “ w R>»a-hto. ‘ ttB ' ht,n “ “* £ l £ J-Blonig... <*•> lbok.' Rr , ,n‘‘ l ' t 0 Pen!l township to moat at ,s a Iron City H0te1..:.. # 1 pkg.. ' “ Mr K Ina2d tol!s*t, 0f R. ao !v^' Ui: ' Hooaof on Z'toSgrtjffipg™* ** I). Pettbni’jja . i 1 Th** eloctors of Jili2,b«th * •'■ t ' i trbEr ,-7 Pa...! & ST 1 s. A K“ AJ - st c y “• “ ■ ••s l^-iA’^XT^u^T.^ 1 h,r "l Cre it'DiscoFiFifv: i h Th“,e!'i“ p *°•» th « , ’-'V’ r;.\:; i l^;‘t'’' I >l"SHltiua it,,. „,.0U A j 7 ” W ' eml’chsml- I bo "'<' latsiylspl b/i\ U [!!* j^ lp ‘° “•« •» lh» n Cll.'r.Tu'N, M 0 , ChautlH 1 ! -s;- T, :• } “ ' :&v 2 - Nt “ l.art* p'> ‘ I ;t ‘ ,r - V ' ' ,lcri! ''**■* W/RX» botC« ' A** vl^toT9 11., 1Z 1 ~: f 'SZr&t&s i ivst.'* £ : ■ ,f ":»• ;^^ kc I »:ss Arm^'^,::;i; h,p «» »«t., m. • »u. I.a; u .0,1 11, , r ,j „r, I alw ., 1)20 » y«'r to :be pei|,|,. J r '/' I ’. r I U '«»1U» •of Clinton, i u s oi j li^SST 1 J ' •’■‘"K to • *. v -i**T*-r, «'h.i t.h- ' 11,.'. . , .’ n PAinfu’ tf.rm«ntr>ri» t/i t%oenu.-r. ~, s.~ " i «iectonj of >loon towntMh ‘"“ip. " u!J ns,l r .-- t 11 ' P.b. um" r'-V. 1 ' ~'.; : ‘“[."' t ’l'' h ".' Ll 1" pwpla II it Vures sjy N, i *to mill tow nrhip. P 0 me<!t •» Sohool Uouso ti-ZV" 1 ” ■‘ >UK *• ' b ' ' lon.tiv'tal!-, waters: * of all kinia, in- I t,‘ r «° ra ° r Oh» township u > meal „,K a ■ • ■ , l : y, ;< v “ r r -o ■ Klieeiuatl.m. N,:. Jr »iJ'' ~ 1, ;^. D '» /w,„i,-t,-.„ r h .„ Wnrr, VToompwn, to a, M townrtlp th * ',jv■ - JBAK^'SSSsSSSSai-^JH'KS^**-'- .7 '• o’ r ■'"tl'S'-.-.0. , £'Z&tg** u ' . x - v™*** man Si I U ““« b '°- 2 , in sslj P “ meet “ l School ,J . M; " ,j - : -?i* t!-"'.’.j; - i D,hlp w *<«« “■• ”“-v; !4p^*K=siwjt i | i -to^'“°« u i to t sf!^r Mp ,o ra "‘ “ ihe l °“- I :' to - “ - aTHr*. W h ! «> « P-bUc -r“ y!!Ua< - --to I :^;:^ZSZ] Wi: - gssW--- s^-asr I tUTr °“ ' ‘i“"to r t“ii ,i „ g tIA W?u' “■"psburg, at Ih, t b ton!^rf 3 aalpStyK^-.^e.sctor.^a^ hour. No! Lumen J *V ofton ln h « ! > «n i!“*P™MP tot state Esnslor, asseassss-- protnptiy attsnjetl to al®^ r * iCi * I i 0811 aDHTrer , will be Oei' perron for Treasurer, ilMs are 7 and «Ira'“ BUmth “ our Mr ' oL' Si?/ Jr Sr un,y c “ a toissloner, this way A m'4”'/““a'?a™ '?i ro wn npon too often in i t* a s person for Coronar, Oil, a, -I hare twTSl'L'”™" 7 ; '’ !,h or without the j ,V“ C •>««« for Direolnr of Toor, purpose. SHs , tt Ph ptss "'“^..•Rl.Rd^- hour J ,o thrt wil“' M °s -IshTo cura'al* *" "' Kht ’“ tb - WILUaSmSuS ““ **■- P ” by OR- KBVtHtR. 140 i'w SL f , n aa, ' Shariff. f 1 t. •. , u ; ,t «r» tc.jaij. '; • ''-,'.!.- A, *‘ * i L-e k . n,,,j v V'. uib.- ml ih* - . 1 !‘..i A’. 1 ■ , . ■ * hi Ij 1- . » nvri.fe. 1 hll ' l article, and run Jsa.-h Scale is puaraoupd correct and ir , , ~ to ii d “ doc rac..,rj n> th* old gLaod, establish*! f,, r b *" or Ninth and Melon streets, * “ r ' an,--dim o ABBOTT !l 00. _ bno.ceeora (n Bm>vi; ± A Hie.,, r. <.'if:ci ri' “ Tas iMTSJsOBGiI o*B COMPACT/’ ) T"f L ’ :k, ‘" u « s of “Tta PlfSghOMttntpeoT” eie.'lieg w ' h “ “ election, for the ~ur,Vof CWpalv for lb. |,!L JrT' “ of the Ju Gas nfflo. „rth.CVmVar“it tt hr^.^t ore, ® , » t» held at the I’ A V (3.1 day) Sr th< PIHST MoN of 2 and 6 oVlpefc p BEIl r lsw i between the hours ; -JAMM M. nrniSTr, Treater s tlva'.wn Thf' [, r . i.-i f r' Y w bl<*b are UDd«r cul dispose i.f r: | 1; c. .' .j, ‘ V V'“ u; de;l. : n,- farming, will Km,uire.t iraln and Hay on hand, lldeelred. Ulrl! rorner r r c_, - . 1 f and Bmlibßeli] als. f A 5. AttKOL D & SOXii, ASD fi ETAIL UKA LER3 IN FASIi!()\ itjj,; CLOTHING AT" M a !S™KE B n r ; i,iin ' oooda ' * v MAIAIUU , vir n jm ' •J'-’J'tJ’H B. HCShtH I\fPiiHTPi:o * , * 4fc> Co*. per ‘S* pa **-SolB A*-nV!,.'JL'“ ,’ Cr r'.- Pm * bl "-KR- M«j)fcrB_Uell.’oar: * (\ ebrHteJ maQ afti*torefl of j'mVu’ ” aug7 I Of Uh, .io.J«ch ~'i 1 ' !nr - wh “ 41*55 *»*o Aataffc cho mi mi w "!‘; ? h « 1< T» morbus, or of llw CoL;«Mra'd „ >’'," houW b " »M>oui 6bo til of JoaotaaSU.**, l according to aerrmina n .i„! r » la . Oleine, which, ; if u &eti sifoind offlcmclou/r-iSV 1 * 1 ThJ ona ’"IJ 1 P ro ™»f party Drug Star. of - T ' Th 'f >» b»d only augii JOHN HAFT, Js, “ x> AsTSßinrrßnwr^,- -K « -ry sartor h o mo B ,. rt .°, r E. K "J r b '^ J-vo .unu, 1 No. 201 Ijberry nrwi. >:,.v * » . _ PI AS OB I t ANDFACTPHgD BY CHICK MIUNfI * fifvwq <« «»'• by JOlts H. im.?™* *°3. Boaton - No 81 Wood street, bot»een Diamond alleyßiiSiSßsS , ood Fourth street. Just received front theCTf“Si?lPii meouactor, or Chiokerto* * Son,, ZLZTaSH tJo r,r,r "I BoiUnprivj- H ”™ < ' c,a '» ritnoe, Louis XIT 2K3 2i ' be Wu, “ l P at, »™ i ifsassss^vsi SS&PSSfe^iSiS ! r™' 1 ™ a '™’ O'-i ! r.te„, Iron “rii'Ss^"'”' 1 ohfctorin *' l m.JJ“ ?j£l‘ lnDt ' Bll 2““” rhinos, ai, ' “«• - -<u.»^.lSMVsL a '“ da “ "■ - 1 M«HS3i»»nBaBßSi tbs ! **-«,*-* - >»■«« ..» -•nT.'S tioB ’ “> ! jj^HABOLCarX-oSSr^ l^ JJ-_boi. hold at 63 MAltith-? ST ■ . . . , „ PUN'O STOOLS. A ?*,.VV' Pii * no U>t ’ ifl f«caiT©d. f r eol “ >-7 JOHN H. MKLLOR, 91 Wood B t. Solo Agent tor Cul?KERl\Q°a goijij'jj I '£ urt . h “t re » t > Western r.nneylvani. tor end . aug*iB Fail Style for Hat* {1 U. PAI'I.SON’ irlii id reduce u □* . •°» satubdav, August afhl N 3t,ls rdrß *>s 0. H. PAULSOS, 7a Wood street „ *r.«“ »»"*• TJEN-N Inst n-f CATIO ■ —- ijh. «wuiug fiSu 1 ! 8 ?/ 1 naucocJ t«re«tfl. oa MONDAY, tta 3J of 4la?b “ “ Bm “““vu™ TUil ® UUoMr y> P«r «4ion of Tw»nt f -two , •<M nationbail °v U " n01i “ ° f : ! tracted aUo,rtd for “ J ,w L DC ’ S “? T If“"" I *>- ■__*Wga6aasr(ohJ) J ' H ' 1 flm,l P al - °UV*T “ rr - [lc> Co-Pnrtneratiip Afotloe. • puis undersized bare tin* day entered Juto co-D»rtn**. _L AOip, and haying leas'd f‘-r a term of \e KrH rhl CiR PaCTOBY rncenllf eraeted et IIOCHEFTKB Ik Oounty, Pa., are now prepared to contract for the iT»r.. a f ** ' tur« of RAILROAD CAEF of dTery description uu *' AJJretK ‘‘Rtffbrater,Dearer Coontv, t*a •’ IT, JS«».-f»ug24rtf) kirk * RHODES. I JL’ISa-M bbl a !Uk„ Superior Suimou , w liaif bbla do do '1 “Jo Waits fab ; CI 110 Trout; M Jo Pickerel; : HfcNHY [l. OOLLINB. 1 “>• naiurol color o/ the b»l‘r 17 “ »‘>l rctoro turned it S r,y. A trial ,in „„;, r h ’r; "«* 01 »*''«««• »u sffs AUg7 O- OXTTEtBEBT, 63 Martftjtreet Tr „ Ids “”^ r i^ngMoLe/3on’B,mi‘ l ‘ a 0 “ (I 0 j&P t "' Ut me,Jicme by UOa ol t t«'l»nJami S lte n ' i t ’ a < j.' v I! ’ s l l^ 1 rlcal of Western Pnsbj Brit records- v„ m J its perilona times, aod Its tHK.k wT.TeVhi.^f’ h n'f 111 ' uD - 11 '• «K“P«« For 89U JJ b^ dl P Ut aad lfl now wltb, n lie reach of all. ror sale, wholesale aud retail, lj OPtflOE fok“k asV—A außtly titttxi up o&q* In story, front, of Warehouse No. 07 First street. Rent ! iow • (ftugaoi J. W. BUTLER A CO. EOoNumV ClUNh—Borne pure Crab, <n *♦ tcFv choice, ’’ jost rts.'eiyed and for sale by J ! * u lflO MILLKtt k RJOKETBON | C'LKViiL.' * [JKANDS, BTAliPfi AtliTsTlSilUUS ouTto order .1 ?,!£ ort aotice ’ by BOWN & TETLEY, * _ - 136 Wood street. PM VJS UK TKN Min UT tor a mt| (|# ltlow _T in UAROO'B, 7G Fourth street. The plotore may then be called for. Open to visitors until 9U P. W. S&ag4 ■ fe _T'QQ3—3 bWu treah hgga received by iiailrcld told dfly .j and for gale by faqg7| UgRRY H.. CO LLlJfg CujKN MKaL—6O bushels Corn Meal, groan'd thiaday, * by i uug3j e. El UK A Vo. WiiISKKK (iitOWKii.'—Ko«emat.y isnperfacl wbiakw grower. To force tho beard aad whiskers to grow, uae it daily, rubbing It well into the room of the heard. It a!* l carli and thickens the hair. Price 25 .cento per bottle, with foil directions. Sold st WO. M MARKET Hr. a' 'A ' / * *'«»' ' •- -.fa -■■■ S I KATES OS' AOSEftTISiarO J ""° on * * r TB * PiTTsavaas rau, viM u *re, oao inaction " "i'aeh atMitlonaj'Jn»r{lon„, 008 Wo*k... 1 16 —«—. 8 00 ...... 4 00 I W y ot 9 09 20 00 ou« yfti*. r* „ i^Uotif l »Q. rJ .... 18 00 ..Is uoworlraa, p.rumnjn Jg gg two t?rt*ka..^. 4 thruo we<*ia. on a nioo-tlj. t wo inontha... thrao month*. four taonUia... xuoDlba. i^°r-, ' pat,DDam - ( «-- .1 Ih. a „ l IN Jj.J (J tl. CCTBBBBT. J. 8. DATISON, 65 Market street, pear Poarth. .ASU GKJ NLSTO.VEg—A superior arciclo, juat 4-eceimi and for *ale by IWN A TKTUY.I36 Wool st. ?.V; r»n uiraj aoartMn, o« Laj , •« M CfiAs-ia.A hls it fLcißcru: "1 is
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers