The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, July 04, 1854, Image 2

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declaration ok indewekdesce
W» publish to-day this time honored doou
moot, and Ootnmend it to the perusal of our
fellow citii ene.' In these times of new fangled
notions, at dfoctions and isms, it will be nsefnl
to readomic.moro the writingsof the Fathers of
the Republic. In them will be fonud the fonda
mental principles of onr government, announced
With a ole trhoss and firmness that shows that
the great principle of self-government was as
well undo ’Stood in those early days as now, if
not mnoh'bCtter.
; One olaose in the Declaration of Independence
' ws wdnld especially commend to the considera
tion of the Know Nothings. In enumerating the
grievances of the Colonies, and the ’causes for
taking up arms against the King, was the fol
lowing: . . ,
“ lit has endeavored to prevent the population of
these Statie: far that'pnrpoee obstructing the taint
for the naturalization of foreigners; refusing to
past others to encourage their emigration, and ratt
ing the conditions of the new appropriations of
Now, we would ask the Know Nothings, and
their Whig allies if they did draw their inspira
tion from this royal source 1 Do not they reek
to “ obstruct the laws for the naturalisation of
foreigners? and toj prevent the population of
these Btatss?” We have millions of acres of
good land tying waste, while tfie overerowdod and
oppressed population? or the old world are drag
ging out a miserable:existence in poverty and
starvation. Yet th{Know Nothings’ seek to pre
vent their coming to this country to participate
in our freedom and; prosperity, and help to re
duoe our wide unoccupied domain toj cultivation;
to help build our railroads, and finals, and our
cities; and join us in fighting the battles of free
dom. Is not that just what the King of England
did ? and one of the causes for which tho noble
spirits of “ seventy*six ” declared -these States
free and independent; and in that perilous cause
staked their lives, tbeir fortunes, and their sa
cred honor? Yet the Whigs aliy themselves to
this faction, and boast,that the proteatant Irish,
and the Qennatj? are with them. It is an idle
boast. No sensible man of for- ige birth would
j oin a seoret faction whose prinoiptea would ent
their own throats. !
Judge Conrad waa elected Mayor of Philadel the. Know Nothings. In his inaugural
address, this fancy Mayor declares that of the
eight hundred offioes in his girt, not one can be
held by a bitisen of foreign birth. Ns matter
bow long he may have been in thik country, or
‘ how good a citiien ho may have proved himself.
He is proscribed and disfranchised He may
have shed his blood in the battles of the ooontry
of his choice. He may have companded divi
sions of our army in tboss battled, and serf ed
in the councils of the nation, like pen. Shields.
Yet according to ths aonouocomsnt of Coorad
and the Know Nothings he is not fit for a police
man of Philadelphia. /
It is a notable fact, too, that Mayor Conrad
made this announcement within a few feet of
the very Bpot where the Declaration of Inde
pendence was signed ond adopted by the fathers
of the republic. Those revolutionary sires de
clared war for the very abase practiced by the
English king upon his colonies, that Conrad now
proclaims- in Bight of Independence Hall, as
the rule of his conduct as Mayor of Philadel
phia. . ’ ".
Can Irish, or'Oormans, or demoer»“ J om the
Enow Nothings ? :
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Wc aaaounv-J s'* l ”' time »«“• on what w *
considers* reliable authority. tha,t a meeting of
leading Wing Bchemere bad met in Philadelphia
for the purpose of consummating a bargain with
the Know-Nothings. The terms of that bargain
were declared to be the withdrawal of George
Darei'e for Canal Commissioner, and the substi
tution of somo Native American in his stead—it
being Mr. D’e. misfortune (not 'his fault!) to
hare first opened his eyesAn the land of the Mae
Heaths and Msc-Gregw's. This has not Only
prosed to bo true, but we bare received some
thing further from an equally reliable source,
and of a more defioit* oharaoter.
The Whigs, after trying for several days to
Wheedle tbe Natives into a.Coalition, finally
started for their respeative homes without effect
ing their object. We have this from authority
W« cannot doubt, and we.challenge any ona.wbo
-is acquainted with tbe facts cf this case to deny
it,df he dare. Their proposition was to with
dfftw Mr. Dareie and saSstitate B. Rush Brad
ford, the Know-Nothing candidate for Governor;
but Air. Bradford thinks his chapees equally as
good** any of the Whig candidates. Conse
quently he rejected this modest proposal,, and is
counting largely upon the declination of Judge
Pollock. So, after all, the suggestion ojf tho
Journal of this city, will have to b a adopted;;
for there can tje no possible chance for either,
should they both remain i« the field.
For the Bake of Mr. be ccess
of the remainder cf tta* Whig ticket, we dnitO;
with some of our Whig ootemporaries, and oallj
upon Judge Pollock ta decline. Mr. Br- dfordf
has expressed hia determination to run stall
hazards, and if he but continues firm, the Judge
will be compelled to adopt the advice <jf our
• neighbor, or meet with ao inglorious defeat. He
Is a bitter Whig, however, and we believe -ather
than see a Democrat elected, he would h.mself
withdraw from tho contest. What will ie hia
coarse is easy to soo. We await anx.puflly
farther developments.
Fourth or July. —The glorious Four b has
come again ; and from the preparations made*
we presume the people will enjoy it as usual,
‘notwithstanding the beat. The Theatre ' rill be
open afternoon and evening. A popnlat exhi
bition of chemical dioramas at Mason! q Halt
will doubtless be crowded in the forenoon, after
noon, and evening} Wbitoeek’s owens hlb also
four performances to-day. We have bea d also
of'anntnber of pio nice, political celet
pleasure excursions, &c. An exhibition of fire*
works comes off at the United States A 1 * 8 *bal in
the evening. j
The Pennsylvania Railroad runs thirt sen ex
tra trains to Brinton's Station, stopping at inter
mediate stations. v i
The Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad,-besides
* its regular trains, runs excursion trains during
the day. The greatest trouble is to chcose be
tween the great variety of amusements afforded.
Buttbere is a chance for all to enjoy thei waives*
: Rscnrrs' trom -Custom. —The total ecsi
of Customs at | the Port of New York, for
fiscal year ending 80th of June, 1854, wa s $4
166 780 15, exhitdtiuganinoreaee over tie p
ceding year of $8,428,162 86.
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cUtine.nt.m. v'osK.-A qmii'i'J of this ob
solete currency eras received by Mr. Guthrie,
Secretary of the Treasury, the other day, har
ing been eent thither for redemption. It it
well known the British manufactured large quan
tities of counterfeits and issued them gratuitous
ly fn all pa|ts »l the country in order tp depre
ciate tho Colonial money and also that when
the Federal Congress passed an hot redeeming
the money of the Continental Congress, runners
who were familiar with the money traeersed
every part and redeemed all offered at par value,
it is consequently probable moßt of the Conti
nental money we hear of as being in possession
of families in different places belongs to the
spurious issues. It is true the British-sucoeed
ed in depreciating this money so that it became
comparatively worthless,' hut it . only went to
I prove the heroes of ’76 coaid fight without mo
ney and without price.
Ohio is the greatest corn growing State
in the Union, growing in 1850 upwards of 59,-
000,000 bushels, and it need not be wondered at
when we find such fields of mails as the follow
ing: On the west side of the Scioto, just below
Columbus, there is planted a field Bix hundred
acres of bottom. Fifteen shovel plowß and three
cultivators, worked by eighteen men and twenty
five horses, are kept in constant requisition :
and the-result is-that soaroely a weed oan bt
seen in the well plowed furrows. Twenty-fi"
German girls follow the plows; and do the hoe
ing. for ..which they receive 02} ots. per day
The men receive $2O a month. The Licktu,
Bottoms are more prolifio in that article than
any other portion of car country, frequently
yielding 75 and 80 bushels to the acre. Ken
tuoky ranks next after Ohio, yielding for th
enar ending 80th of Jane, 1850, upwards of 68.
000,000 bushels.
Deeadfcl Accident akd Loss of Life.— j
At the recent celebration of the opening of the
Ohio and Mississippi Railroad to Seymour, an
appalling accident occurred. The train from
Aurora, when nearing the Bejmour depot, was
firing salutes from a cannon, which was attached
to the last platform on the traio. A small
faraace, used to besting the rod with which the
cannon waa set off, lay close by the breech of
the gun, and the wind, it ift eupptosed, blew a
spark of this fire ioto the chest where about ft
keg or two of powder had been emptied. An
instantaneous explosion was the consequence,
and six men, who were on the car at the time,
wero blown into the air and* horribly mangled.
Recent intelligence from Aurora announce the
deaths of three of the sufferers. Their names
are R. P. Squib, John Bodlry, and Henry
Doolnn. Doolan wa9 deranged for several hoars
previoas to his death. -3
Telegraphic. / 1 /
la the New Hampshire Legislature on Satur
day, Mr. Hadley, of the “Reported was elected
Btate Printer, brer Mr, Butterfield, of the “Pa
triot,” by a majority of 12 rotes. There was
much feeling manifested in the'election.
The United: States ship Preble sailed from
*w«rrrorw-»». £h e 29th alt., upon ao experimental
, practice trip. Une on board 48 Midship-
L men. The Preble will visit France,
, M xdeira, and other,plicce, and return ib Septem*
, ber next.
The . weekly roturna of the mortality in New
Orleans, for the week ending 24th ult., show
four deaths from cholera. Many southerners
arc starting for the north.
fgy Dr. W. C. Anderson, President of Mi
ami Unirersity, has resigned bis post, in con
sequence of the Trustees refusing to raise his ;
salary, from fourteen to eighteen hundred dol
lars, and that of the other professors in pro
portion. Prof. ! McGuffey, now of the Virginia
University, has been elected to fill his place.
000 reason, perhaps the chief one, for the ob
jectioo of the Trustees to the increase of the
salaries of the-President and Professors, was.
that although tho college during the pr»" nl
year has been flourishing, the iqw—• ”“ s fel >
short of the outlay sercr- 1 nuodred dollars
Dr. A. is said tn ■“« been «cesdiugly populir
with U- students.
Tt is stated that the new,Revolutionary
romance commenced in the July number of
“Putnam,” entitled Israel Potter, a Fourth of
July Story, is written by Herman Mellrille. an
ther of Tjpee Omoo, &c. It promises to be one
of his best works.
Hur has Bix— I Thk R*Ase*.~Mr. Sumner
in a recent speech expressly declared that be
recognized no obligation resting on himself to
exeoute the Constitution of the tJnited Blates,
which he had sworn to support on bis entrance
to the Senate.
Laud Salis.— Attention is directed to the sales
of pnblio lands, by order of the President of the
United States. See advertisement in another
See also advertisement for proposals by the
Navy Department.
[There is nothing ofjnterest in tb* foreign
news that has not been telegraphed, except tbe
following speech by Lord John Russell. His
Lordship has just been elected member for the
city of Lomfoo.''^]
The Sheriff hating deolaredi that Lord John
Kussetl had been dnly elected, his lordibip ad
vanced and spoke as follows :
i Gentlemen : .I'shall proceed to-tkat which is
'the absorbing question Of the present day—so
absorbing, indeed, that measures which I had
hoped to forward for increasing and promoting
tho c\til and religions rights of a large portion
of my fellow countrymen have been rather ne
glected than considered, and have been with
drawn in deferenoe to pnblio opinion rather than
opposed by Parliamentary resistance. That
great question to. wbioh I refer is the war in
which we are engaged. (Cheers.) I will not
now refer to that which has been discussed in
debates with which you are no doubt familiar.
namely, the origin of that war. The present
government endeavored as long as they could 'to
seek for terms of a pacific arrangement, and
gentlemen, I believe that in so doing we were
acting in accordance with the opinions of the
people of this country. The blessings of peace
which we had eDjoyed for nearly forty years
were not so trifling that they were to be lightly
thrown away, or precipitately abandoned.—
(Cheers.) It was not, ihorefore, until we found
that the ambition of the Emperor of Russia was
not to be satisfied with any moderate concession
! which the Sultan of Turkey was prepared to
ma k Q _that we found a determination on the
part of the Emp€rorof Russia, in opposition
to remonstrances-ta 'opposition to proposals of
every kind, to retain and keep in his power the
territory of a neighbor, that we advised the
Queen to deolare that she felt herself obliged to
take up arms in defence of her ally thus unjust
ly attacked. (Loud oheers ) j Gentlemen, in
that declaration we had the 00-operatiou and
conoert of her Majesty’s ally,;the Emperor of
the French, (renewed oheere,]) and I trust that
this concert, on a great question, will lead to a
permanent alliance* with that great people our
neighbors, who, With ourselves form the most
civilized and enlightened nations in Europe.
(Continued cheering.)' We all know by experi
ence the courage .and spirit of the French na
tion, and I only trust that both nations will dis
play in alliance those qualities which we have
hitherto displayed in ooofliot with each other.
(Cheers) Bat, gentlemen, there were others
who were as much interested as England or
Franoe In preserving the independence of Eu
rope against the aggressions of an ambitious
pta power—l mean the great States of Germany.
•l. (Cheers.) I bcHOve that j white the success of
. Russia, while her conquest of Turkey, her oocu
pation of Constantinople Iwoolfl have been dan
ire geroos to England to Franoe,* they would have
beta absolute oppression'to the people of Ger
many. (Cheers.) j _
r ev Accordingly, the people of Germany have
felt that this question esjuld hot be indifferent
0& to them, and the principal .sovereigns of Eu
rope, the emperor of Amtfria and the king of
jS >*«v ; .
“•.-a** . . \
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and 1 trnst that the war which wo aro about «o In United SUMofAmer
oarTy on will be' a war, not of two power* bat of eforotton of ike Thbteen umtea at t J
Sir? «•■■ ■• *• r~ ‘Ti."d , a~ s
th?“ intention of tbatwgumcnt was, hind reqnirei that they should declare the ean
to blame the Turks, not to mend their gOT- see whioh impel them to the aeparation.
ernment bat to abet tbi designs of the Emper-i We hold these truth, to be self ee.dent, that
or df Russia It is easy to assert, and it is not all men are created equal; that ihey are endow
ZLe toTn, tbe fa,..., nay, the tnal-adminis- ed by their Creator with «'*«“
a ,,d 7 in many instances the cruelties rights; that among these are life, liberty and
which exist under the government of Turkey; the pursuit of happiness That to secure h
but this was not the time to discuss measures rights governments are instituted among;m.e .
for the reform and implement of those faults, deririjm their just power, from tho consent of
|ThC que't- 0 u was thesis, the .aggression of the gowned. That gow-
Russia and I hare no doubt bnt that if that ag ernmeiit becomes destructive of these ends, it is
greesion is successfully resided, the improve- the rigWbf people to alter or “ **° l ' ah '‘'A o
ment of Turkish institutions land the happiness to institute a new government laying ite founda
of the Christian people living under the gov- tion on euoh principles, and organising its pow
eminent ’of the Sultan of Turkey will follow ers in such form, as to them shall Beem mpst
from that resistance and from that success. On likely to effect their safety and happiness. Pru
STothwhind if”h« Emperor of Russia were deuce, indeed, will dictate, that governments
to succeed in his attempt, we must recollect long established, should not be changed for light
that it would be the success of a government and transient onuses; and accordingly, allexpe
wh'oh endeavors to suppress all freedom ,ot risoce hath shown that mankind hre more dia
thonnht and to which neither political nor re- posed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than
lioious nor any kind of liberty can look for so- to right themselves by abolishiogthe forms to
couregemenr, Ld that there would be a dead which the, are accustomed a long
and deadly power hanging over Europe, and! at train of abases and usurpations, pursuing inva
?.og?h att«ki?g «“ on? own institutions, a. ri.hl, tbs same object, .vine., si design to re
ufompatiblo I with the existence of the mon- duce them under absolute despotism, it is their
itrouß P tyrano<y wbioh would then bo established, right, it is their duty, to throw off such govern
,Loud cheers) Well, now, geotlemen, others ment, and to provide new guards for their futnre
,av that if the Tnrks had boon left alone, they security. Snch has been the patient sufferance
.ould have done better for themselves. Why. of these colonies; and snch Ib now the necessity
his Is the veryjWieh of the Emperor of UnßSia; which constrains them to alter the former system
has constantly said* "This is no business of of government. The history of the present King
yours • don’t you interfere ; only let the Bultan of Great Britain, is a history of repeated injonss
settle his own. matters with me ; let us have a and usurpations all having, in direstokjrct the
friendly conference together, and we shall no establishment of an absolute tyranny these
doubt oome to a very amicable termination. States. To prove this, let faots be submitted to
rLen-bier 1. Why, gentlemen, we thought that a candid world.
.ne Emperor of Russia being much the strdog- He has refused his assent to laws the most
eat of the two that amicable termination could wholesome and necessary for the public good
not bnt be injurious' to Turkey, and we nofefiod Hs has forbidden Ire governors to pass laws of
that the Turkish government huvo most willing- immediate and pressiog importance, unless sue
ty accepted our aid, and that in iueianoes whlob pended in their operation till bin assent should
I could ipuote that aid has beon most effioisnt. be obteined ; and when eo suspended, he has ut-
Gentlemern I new proceed to the mode in whjch terly neglected to attend to them. lie has re
tide war is to be carried on. [A voicc-Thafe fused to pees other laws for the nccommodation
right 1 L-t me remark in the first place; that of large districts of people, unless these people
it was observed b, a member of the Houbc of woold relioqai.h the right of representation In
Commons and most truly observed, when we the legislature, a right inestimable to them, and
Were emharkiog in this war, that it waa not a formidable to tyrants only. ... .
war in which we could expect those advantages He has called together legislative bodies at
which had attended in other wars, and that lha plaoes unueual, uncomfortable, and distant from
oouuneats of islands, suob. for instance, as Ja- the repository of their public records, for the
oaica aad Trinidad, were not. to bo achieved Dole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance
(torn a power like Rnssia. Indeed, there arc wilh his measure*.
none of the possessions of Rnsita which, I He hue dissolved representative houses re
think we ehoald be disposed to accept, even if pealedly, for opposing with manly firmness hi
they were offered to us. lam sure then are ioeasion on the rights of the people,
none which lam dispoecd to covet [Cheer* ] 11c has refuted for a long time
! But there is more than this. We have all ven solntione, to canae others to be eletued.Y
erated the glories of Nelson, of St Vincent, of by l tie legislative powers incapable tX, vhi
Duncan and of Campderdown ; but the victoriea tion, have returned to tho people UAi
bv which they achieved their fame were victor- their exercise—the State remaininnnr
achieved against an enemy who came oot time, exposed to all the dangers of I
into the open sea to meet them, [cheers] and wit.hoju'hud convulsions within, J
who in that fair fighting were encountered by —ftfhtts endeavored to prevent ty population of
lb • valor and prowces of our admirals and sail- Hat Slattl ; for that purpose obitruelmg the tana
rcheers 1 We have now to deal with an for naturalization at foreigner! : refining to paa
enemy who encloses his Bbips in walls of gran- others to encourage their emigration hitherto, ani
ite whit plaoes them hohind alone walls snd railing the condition of new appropriation of
batteries of guns, and who never ventures to land.
meet Dundas or Napier in the open sea. He hss obstructed the administration of jus
rcheors 1 But ir they should show themselves, lice, hy refusing his assent to laws for establisb
-1 have no doubt those gallant admirals would iog judieisTy powers.
be able io unutical phrase, to give a good no- He has made judges dependent on his will
count of these lleets. [Loud cheering ] What alone for the tenure of their offioes, and the
thev may be able to accomplish, as matters amount and payment of their aalanes.
slaid- it is not for me, it is not for any one of He has erected a multitude of new offices, and
oa to 'decide \\\l know ia, that wo have given sent hither Bfiram of officer* to harass our peo
these commands to gallant and skilful admirals; pis and eat out their substance.
tfi»x an nikt gallantry sod skill c*u do they will He has kept among os in time of peace staod
accomplish. and that they nre worthy sods of iog armies, without the consent of our legisla-
KngUod. [Loud cheers ] Wi», therefore, nagbt tare.
to iest sat’-ffied that tho’t which can be accotn- He baa affected to render the military iode
phflhed they will accoraplinb; and that which pendent of, and superior to, the civil power,
they leave undone could not be done by human He baa oombioed with other* to lubjeet us to
j oourage or human skill. (Cheers] But, gen- a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution and un
! iiemcn. we haw dcoo that which hae not been acknowledged by our laws, giviog his assent to
dme usually in former wars—w* have at the their acts of prettoded troops
very commencement of the war sent a land ar- For quarts**** * •
the defrnce of CUT means are far ~~Fo7protecting them, by a mock trial, from
• l f monarchies; punishment, for any they should
. inferior to ,h °" e * our W) CWO or 100.00 men commit oo the inhabitants of these States : -
i 5 onr armies; For on,.iog off car trade with ail part, of the
- (c* |[j (.pYfwrc | fttOWXy 1 ftlltU, WCTtO. |
1 tbat d U bv voluntary eurulmcnt; gnd therefore, For imposing as without our con
• »u ,B .* we never do send armies, nor do I tbiuk tbat sent.
1 ! i of coastUution would wish tbai For depriving vs, in many cases, of the bene
iL« i°honW armies of 150.000 or 200,000 fit of trial by jury.
into the field- [Hear.bear] Buteventhe For transporting us beyond seas, to be tried
army that we have sent bae already been the fer pretended offences.
mesos of treopa being despatched t§ n Turkish For abolishing the free system of English
fortress which was surrendered in the last war laws iu a neighboring province, establishing
to the armies of Russia—l mean tbs fortress of therein an arbitrary government, nod enlarging
V-irna ■ aud we have thus enabled the brave and its boundaries, eo as to render at onee an ex
: able commander-or tho Turkish forces, [load ample and fit instrument ft* introducing the
i cheer*] to ihcreaßo bis armv, and to add a oon same absolute rule into these colonies. -
1 siderable reinforcement to that army, which I For taking away our charters, abr.liahiog our
trust will enabo him to oope with the Russian most valuable laws, and altering, fundamental
iu the enterprises they are about to undertakes ly. the forms of oar government.
Now gentlemen, I have said to you tbat I think For suspending our own legislatures and de
it should be our endeavor to obtain a durable, a daring tbemss.lvqs invested with power to leg's
solid, aud an honorable peace. [Cheers ] I late for us in all esses whatsoever,
ehoaid be guilty of the greatest presumption—l He has abdioated government hero by decla
should be guilty of a breach of the moat solemn ring us out of hi* protection, and waging war
dm* if I were to say what are the term* against us.
which in the opinion of bee Majesty’s govern Hehakplundsredour sew, rsvaged our ooasls,
ment, would maketbat peace honorable, solid, and barnt our towns, and destroyed the Uvea of our
durable Tbat in a question not merely for her people.
Majesty's government, but it has to be decided He is at this time transporting large armies
ilnng with the ally of her Majesty, the Emperor ! c-f foreign mercenaries, to complete the works
of the French. [Hear, bear] It has ty be coo- |of death, desolation and tyranny, already be*
certed with other power?, if those powers should, gun, with oirenmstanoes of cruelty and perfidy
as I hope, stand by our side in this conflict for scarcely paralleled to the most barbarous ages,
the independence of Europe [bear, hear], but, and totally unworthy the head of a civilised
more than tbat, the exact terms of that peaoe nation.
must depend upon the fortunes of war—muet de. He baa constrained our fellow citixens taken
pend upon the success with which we encounter captive on the high seas, to bsar arms against
the legions of Russia. My hope is tbat this wsr their country, to become the executioners of
will meet with the success which from its ob their friends and brethren, or fall themselves
ject and from its motives it deserves ; but this I by their hand*.
will say, that noinsufficient pence ought be made He has'excited domestic insurrections against
1 [hear bear] ; that wo ought not to lay down our as; and has endeavored to briog on us the in*
j arms until we havo seoufity for the fu habitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian
; tore [loud obcers)— that Wring made the great savages, whose known rule of warfare is an un
exertiooß which we have made—thatljaviog bad distinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and
our eves opened to tho designs of Russia, aud conditions.
tho other nations of Europe haviog likewise bad In every stage of these oppressions, we have
their eyes opened to those*designs—we ehoald petitioned for redress in themost hamble terms;
Ibe the mast silly of mortals if we were to sign our repeated petitions hate been answered only
J an taseouS’e peace, which woald Icare it to our. by repeated injury.
preeenmemy to bide his time until bjutho dis- A prince whose character Is thus marked by
I aensions of the other powers, and by tbc weak* every act wbioh may define a tyrant, is unfit to
| neas of some of those powers, he should find a be the ruler of a free people,
i better opportunity of accomplishing his design. Nor have we been wanting in attention to our
! Let us oonsider for a moment what that design British brethren. We have warned them- from
is. I will give it from no unfair interpretation time to time of attempts, by their legislature, to
of tbat which has been said by the Emperor of extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over os.
Russia himself. It is that the priuexpalitiei Wo have reminded them of the plcQumstanees
which be .occupies, aud Bulgaria, ehoald be held of our emigration and settlement b«(re. We have
under his protection ; it is that Constantinople appealed to their native justice and magnanirai
itself should not be occupied either by Its pres- ty, and we have conjured them by the ties of
eot government, or by anv free government our Qomrnon kindred to disavow these usurpa*
which could harbor those who might be consid tiohe, wbicfrwoutd Inevitably interrupt our con
ered as bis enemies; it is, therefore, that Con- nections and correspondence. They, too, have
etaniionple, like St. Petersburg and Warsaw, been deaf to the voice of justice and of consan
sbould be subject to Ruasiah protection and to guinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the
Russian influenco. (Cheers.) I say to you at neoesaity wbioh denounces our separation, and
oope, that such a consummation would be fatal hold them as we hold the rest of maukiod, ono
to the liberties of Europe. I ask you to oppose miea in war; Jo peace, friends,
such a consummation. I believe that British We, representatives of the Uni
bearts, British courago, und British means are ted 6tatee of America, in general Congress as
equal, in conjunction with our allies,, with tho gembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the
sympathies of Europe, and not only of Europe, world, for the rectitnde of our ihleotious, do, in
1 but of the whole world, to achieve suooess, and the name and by the authority of the good peo*
I earnestly pray that God may give the viotory pie of thesecolonies, solemnly publish and de
to her Majesty’s arms for that purposo. (Loud dare, United Colonies are, and of
cheers.) right ought to be, free and independent States ;
A vote of thanks haviog been passed to the that they are absolved from all allegiance to the
Sheriff, and three cheers given for Lord J. Rus- British crown; and that all poUtioal connection
sell and Sir C. Nopier, the proceedings were do- between them and the Btate of Grsat Britain, is,
dared to be tenoioated. and ought to be, totally dissolved ; and that as
—m**— free and independent States they have foil power
to levy war, ponclude peaoe, contraot allianoes,
establish commerce, and do all other acts and
things whioh independent States may of right do.
And for the support of this declaration, with a
firm reliance on the protection of Divine Provi.
dence, we mutually pledge to each other our
lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honors.
JOHN HANCOCK, President.
Cuablis Thompson. Beoretary.
[ From the London Timer. ]
/ I , ■
*• s*. ■'l
[From thn Washington fctnr, '»otb.]
The Pittsburgh Custom tlouse.—Choisra
in Wheeling) ftc
The final report of tbo commissioners an
nouncing the completion and their acceptance of
this work on the pari of the Government, reach
ed tbe Treasury Department this morning, we
A gentleman' direot from Wheeling, says the
oholera was prevailing in that oity to an alarm*
ing extent. On the day oar informant left, six
oases had ocoarred. •
The main feature of the bill to amend the
postage rate law, which passed the House yes
terday, makes pre-payment by stamps impera
tive. This is the only ohango it provides for.
A brother of “Graee Greenwood” Mr. Clark, i* tha
wbirf candidate for Oongrtsaln the Keokuk district, lowa.
Providence Journal.
That little pilgrim will neTerfind hi* way to Washing
ton .—Boston Pott.
“What monsters these cojton factor* must
be,” said Mrs. Partington, “I'm told some of
’«m has more than a hundred bands/ Mjt poor
Paul often wanted me to go and soelbem, but I
am thankful I never went.”
An elopement took place the other day, whloh
nauied some consternation. A dog rah away
with a newly married man’s rib—of beef.
The lady who was in the habit of “ standing
on her dignity,” oaae very near tumbling off the
other day.
4. » 5». •;»
: .. v % v / .
''• £ *?
■.'*•••. >%*-. *• "••
't iv* ~
■}' ,:•t. *e t ., *• .
, rj <Z **' N-.
*- '<l 4 • ‘ i' -i
-' •k"
;«_> ft» fe * •
►V j „• *
I9> The Great Remedies I U-'il.
wUh tor a safe, speedy, snd permanent core, should use
the above celebrated aoa unrivalled FRENCH PREPARA
TIONS. They have now been In use for five years—have
been thoroughly tested In thousands of the most obstinate
cases, and Invariably have given satisfaction. They are
not composed slmplv of Balsam Copaiva. but arc entirely
different from all other preparations, both in the naturo of
their Ingredleats and the manner in which they operate
upon the patient. Hence the wonderful sueoese attending
connected wljh the Western Railroad says:
** I have expended for otbtflr people dortog the last three
year* over IfiOoTfOr remediS P* this description, and have
never fondd a single article that gave sueb.uutversal satis
faction as your Antidote aniT Lotion does. . I <l6 not recol
lect of their ever falling to cure to a rtngle tastauoa. Many
have been «uired to iwo or three dare i ...
Price, Antidote $1; Lotion 60 cents J-r tattle. .
Inrented bj Ml Solly, POyeieliotc
and nreparad ltam tka wljdnal naetow.W* *>“ *i OI SS*
and retail by DDROT * 00-Bole frepriatgrllor thaPri
ted States and Canadas. Principal Depot, 450. Broadway,
N Sddro’pittsburjb, wholeeale uuj nbH.
BKOTHKRS, (Baeoeeeoie to 1. KMd ACo.) So. SO Wool
street WieellM-J. H. PATTERfIQK A CO, and by
Druggists everywhreea ’ J®*
tV/ \v/f ' ■
>■ r ,-:'r : :sr
- * i'' *'•'
• \ry»y
h\*-V 'V
— , - „ w . . jjjs.Jt--
Pro* Kllxir or
<>* the r*o»awod-ti..n* f ' r lhi -* S rMt
.vegetable exMlerrttla, that lc«treng<her* for long eudu- -
nn ca the- very main-springs of life- The Arabs, aa Dr. j.
Moras has assured u* In bis Interesting travels, urn a cer- ;
tainted, included In its ingredient*, as a mean* of pro- j
longing life; and it is wall known that these wanderers of |
tbadeaert Uw to a mow advanced*** than any other peo-'.
I pie. A venerable Sheik of the Bedouin tribe, who was ac
| coatomed to cbew the leaves of the plant aa we nee tobkcco, i
informed Dr. M. that he bad never known a week’s Ulnwa,
and that he was 106 yean of age! There Is no manner of I
gives a permanent rigor to the vital organisation, removing
disease where it exists in any other than an organic form, i
and fortifying the system against Ha attacks, when it has
not yet obtained a foothold. A stimulant much more de
lightful in its effects than any farm of distilled or fermented
liquor, It clears instead of clouding the brain, and actually
adds permanently to the natural rigor of the nerve*, mu*
ciw, and digestive organs. The fragile and delicate female,
whether married or single, will find it the best remedy for
the physical disturbance* and irregularities incident to her
stractore and habits. It indubitably cures nervous trem
blings, fluttering* of the heart, heaJfche, fainting fits, by*
terics, dyspepsia, nausea, and regulates the secretions,
’ whether too affluent or the reverse. All physical (liabilities
•eem to vanish before its genial influence.
The Cordial is put up, highly eooeentrated, in pint hot*
ties. Price three dollar* per bottle, two tor five dollars, six
for twelve dollars. C. 11. RING, Proprietor,
1&2 Broadway, Ne^Vork.
Bold by Druggists throughout the United Btatee, Canada,
and the West Indies.
FLEMING k BROS.. No CO Wood street, Pittsburgh.
DR.QBO. H. KBySER, N 0.140 Wood street, do
J. P FLEMING. Allegheny City. jyfrtUw
Orphan's Celebration-— The Managers
UJ/of ST PAUL’S ORPHAN-ASYLUM, will «ele*.»te
tbe FOURTH OF JULY, at BWIBSVALK. neir Wilkhia
bargh The Managers pledge themselies this year to mike
the oocision as agreeable as poiiibl* to ill. A large Police
foroe will be in attendance taprereot improper persons
from coming on tbe ground. Two Binds of Music are en*
gaged. A lloe or Railroad Can will leaTe.the Depot at tbe
Gan*] Bridger eeery hour. Rxetindon Tickets ean be pro
cared at thQ Deppt. - Fire ten cent! each way. Jatt
'The t*artn«rehlp berßtoJbfe.exUdng
, and doln/ bn§ln«*9 under the name and etj]e of
BKNNKTT, MARSHALL k 00, wa« dtoolved on the 19th
IM L, b, mutu.l »--- m!(NBTri MABSHALL A 00.
PitUbnrgh, June istb, 1854.
THE UNDERSIGNED have enterea into Copartnership
under tbekuame sad style of G&APP, BENKKXX A
Co . for tbe purpose of manufacturing Iron, Net f, «
the Clinton Rolling Mill, South Pittsburgh Offlce at pres
rnt with Kngllrhi No Ue aod 160
Vivat street WM. 0. BcluLlßU,
rim street. KQBT. 11. MARSHALL,
• Pittsburgh, Jane 28th, ISM—j«2£yf ____
citlaene’ lumrance Company, PITTS
BUhUH, JUNK, Id, ISM—-The President ana Direc
tors of this Company k '»re this day declared a Dividendof
THin doluu per snare, upon the Capital Stock, payable
to the st.-UoMers or Iheirilegal representatives,on and
after Monday, the l»tb ln*t. :
jrllgOt ' SAMUEL L. MARBDKLT.. Feretary.
— it is due to KdKK’b JWromm to
ILiy? iit that It has been known to completely eradicate ,
every vestage of this dreadful disease in less time than any
otherresiedy, and at lassooetor ineonveniepeeto tha pa
■ thousand* of certificates in the bands of the propria
tor, many of which are from well known citixens of the ettj
of PlUebo-’h and Its Immediate vicinity, go to show clearly
and beyond ill doubt, that Kin’s PtraoucM is a mnddM
of no comm jo value, not only a* a local remedy In ,/wwr
tit, jg/rctmattm, Deafneu lots of &ghU bnt as a_ valuable
Internal remedy. Inviting the investigating pbyiHanP, as
well as tbe suffering patient, t® tecomeaequainted with Its
"thosehaving adreadof matures are assured thattbi*
medlrioete purely natural, andlsbottled aslt. flowsfrom
the bosom of the earth. ... .
Tiu faUoundo certificate tj copied fvow a paper puoiWiM n
Stra-use, -V. K dnd heart date August 3, IW2, to which it
tJto appended the certificotfo/thcceleiraled D- T- Foot, M.D n
truth certify, that Ihave been so badly af
ftloUd with - Scrofula for the laetsevenyearsthat most of the
time I have been nimble to attend to any tind of business,
and mnrb of the time unable to walk and confined to my
bed, and have been treated nearly all the time by the bast
physicians oar country afford*; 1 occasionally got »me re
lief, but no cure, and continued togrow worse until Dr. POM
reroramendod ne to try the petroleum, or Rock OU.aseve
rvthlne bad fnllod. I did so without faith at first, bnt
theeffee* it;threw tfaw p®Ww to ths surface
Stcnrehigan to grow te ntinj.
Thi, ma, certify that 1 bar, b-n with Kfcrt
Petrol, un. or Rook Oil,for Boro thau , ,«r. a»d hararw
,diWusawi— —D. Y. FOOT, M. D. (
1. for sale by all tha Druggists In Pittsburgh. fsuffalAw.
large, for
. to the meiD~
(knruioD from
rr=» Indigestion and Liver Complaint
lowing. letter from Rer. 0. Dxcksmo*, a Missionary in
° T Ma. J. M. Kira —Dear Sir: Myself and wifa having been
greatly benefited by the use of your Petroleum,. I wish to
have you send me a box of two or three doien bottles. 1
am the Congregational Minister In this place, and several
of my people ere affected with Indigestion and an Inaction
of the liver, the nut of mvself and wifa, before taking
your Petbolxvx, on- Rock Oic. We took several bottles—
two or three each—about a year and a half ago, and wa
hare never enjoyed so good health for we have
since that time. 1 had not taken a tingle bottle, before
that fullness of the stomach which so distresses the dyre
iwptie wsi relieved, and I hare felt nothing of It dace that
time. My wife was also relieved from a chronic disease of
the liver, which had,bevn of several years standing, by tha
u-'V of yoor P«Uot«am.
Sold by S. M. KIKR, Canal Bails, GKO. n. KETBKK, 140
Wood *tr*et, and Drugftitt and Medidne Dealer* erery
*hr«. . octaA
T.ifa fire and ifarina Insurance Company
JAiIKS S. U00:4, ttwklent.
Caaiata A. Cotton, Secretary.
Thitt Company makes **ery tasmane* appertaining to or
eoanectai with LIFE KISKS.
Alao, ajtaiastllaik and Cargo Risks on the Ohio and MU'
fUntppi rivers' and tribatarUe, and Marina Rhk* generally.
And e*eje«t Loss and Damage by Tire, and against the
Perils of tb* See and Inland Navigation and Trans pertatinu.
• poUekwtauedattbe lowest rates consistent with safety
to all parties.
iJ. n«
James*. Hoon,
Pamuei M'Clurkan,
William Phillips
John Scott.
Joaeph P. Gaxaam, M. D.,
John M’Alpin,
Vn P. Johnston.
James Marshal,
Goorge 8. Seldan,
n -=» Strange Pavelopemawt.—Scleatlflemen
are daily briogiog to light new inventions, and the
march of progrww U onward; perrons Bald, or becoming so*
will be pleased to lesrn that science and long research com
bined hare brought before the public the greatest wonder
of the age, io the article of EMERSON’S AMERICAN HAIB
KESTORATlVK,asurscare for Baldness and to prevent
Hair from falling. Bee circular lo be bad of the Agents,
riving fall particular*. Price $l,OO In lam bottles. Sold
by C. 15. rrSHER k 00- Propriatots,
67 Suoerior street, Cleveland, Ohio.
For sale in Pittsburgh in the following houses:—
Fleming Bros., I*. Wilcox * o©^
B. K. Sellers, fl. U.KsJser,
Joel Mohler, Benj. Page, Jr*
J. H. Cased.
XOtghmy city.—l*. A. Beckham, PrestJy k Means, J.
—A. Patterson, John Q. Smith f aprt
K! rumen's laiaraaee
Company of the City of Pittsburgh*
J. K. MOOK11B.U), President—ROßEßT PINNBT, Sacra*
“Sill insure against VIBE and MABLNB BISKS of all
ginda. Office: No. W Water street.
j it Monrhuit. W.J. Anderson,
B. yer, K. B. Simpson,
ffm. M. Kdgir, 11. B. Wilkins,
C. 11. I'aulson, WUlliD Oollinfirood,
U. U. Roberts, John M. Irwin,
Joseph Kaye, Wm. Wilkinson,
D»tW Campbell.
OI-»UKK8 1 Insurane* oompoy ol
Iky D. KIMQ, Pruldeoti SAM
UEL L. HARSnKIX,S«r»Unr. ■ _ .
03ce: 04 Water Strtst. beiwtsn Jfar&tand Wbodstrtm.
T.Th™. hull end CARGO Rink*, on the Ohio end MiaeL*-
rippi RiTtre-ind tributerie*.
ln*ttre*ecelnßt Lorn or Dnmejreh? Fire.
ALSO —Agelnut the Peril* of the See, end Intend Neele*
tion end TreneporteUcn.
H.D. King, Wm.LarimwrJr.,
William Bagslcy, garauel M. Kier,
Bamuelßre, William Bingham,
Robert Dunlap, jr., John S. Dllworth,
Imoc M. Penuoek, Francis Sellers,
8 llarbeugh, J.Seboonmakrr,
' WUUunB. H«J».
John Ehlpton.
pSn», 1T.n1.. CAPITAL, (100,000. CHAR-
o. heist er.
non. A. 0. Holster, Samuel W. Hajs,
William Robinson, Jr., Tbomaa Gillespie,-
William F. Fahnestock, Johnß.Oox,
Harvey Bollman, Jaeo} 5 Pst**|h _
John Walker, Jr., William Oolder, Jr.,
Jacob 8. llalderman, . Aaron Bornbangn.
OSlce, in Lafryetteißuildingt,
jg (entrance on Wood etw»t)
rr-==» Western P^nmjrlvanUHMplUl^
(L^Dm. 1.. Seuxsex. Second, Jjetween Wood end Mirtet
streets, ao<l J. Hub, North-east carotr. of
gbeny eity, ara the attending Physlcttns to the above Insti
tution, for the find quarter of 1851.*
Applications for admission may *?S
hours at their offices, or at the Hospital at 2 o cloek. P- M.
Recent cases of accidental Injury are received at all honrs,
without form. ' J* lo **
i}, Y|C llO MARKET street, Pitta-
ILs?hunch. Importer and Wholesale Dealer In PANOV
and country dealers as Urge and well selected stock of
Goods as any Eastern house, and'same prices, thiu saving
reipht, time and expenses. je<ky3
p r n. BV—Place of meeting. Washington Hallj
Wood street, between Fifth street and Virgin alley,
pirnaunoa Looos, No. 3: Meet* every Tuesday evening.
MxaCAimu EBCAxnaira, No. 87—Meets first and third
Friday of each month. ' [marS&ly <
LODGE, 1. O. O. F—The
IkJjr Angerona Lodge, No. 289,1.0. of O. F., meets every
Wednesday eveningln Washington Ilall, Wood st. [Jyly
OlMs PremlnauMDalTi CQlle«a—
The usual handsome Premiums will be awarded at
•n examination of (be Classes la this Institution, in? ULY
NEXT, tor the greatest proficiency in Book-keeping, Pen*
man ship, and Mercantile Law. je&lw
CIBTYj of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, meets an the
fijnt and third WEDNESDAY or every month, at the ILOBX*
irS»ATTHtnOMI 8. L. 0,-Ym MJtobT jjgWlto
attend at yonr Armory, on: HQKDAYB, WEDNES
DAYS and FRIDAYS, for drill, and to transact such bad
ness as may oomebefcre Mm Company, a -F. KANE,
marSMmd Secretary pro tun.
P «fasD.
At Wsebingtof City, o%Tbur«day, tbe 29th/Jttfie, Dr,
BPKBtt, oQhe .Fifth Auditor** o«ee.
No .'tetter man has lived ar dhft tn that city for many
er~==x> thk season of thereat,!
w many of the citixens. In tbeir patriotic oeatr* I
of catobratiog our National Anniversary, are too apt to In-)
tinige, thoughtlessly, and without authority. in the use of 1
fire works, the discharge of pistols, fire dickers, *e., on the I
streets and alleys of our dty,—H becomes necessary for us,
;in view of the aocidenta, and perhaps loss of life, whleh j
might occur through this reeklei* custom, to signify our ;
I determination of punishing all those wbo mty be arrested
1 sad brought before me, charged and proven to have ylola
ted the law in this penleoler. Parents and gu&rdUiU are
respectfully, though earnestly, entreated to caution their
children against sil hssard sod violation of ibe ordinance,
whereby much inconvenience may be spared them, and a
Tart amount of public good -
Mayor’s Offioe, Pittsburgh, July 1, 1864— { Jy3£t
GEOROE W. BMmi Informs the public that behasdifr
tbe Brewery *>n PHt street, to W. D. English, whom he re
commends to his customers in that department.
BfirThe subttriber begs leave to announce
to thw public that hi has purAared the BOTTLING DE
PARTMENT of tbe Pittsburgh Brewery from G. W, 8m tb,
OB HU rreet He 6 P«P*»d »
and st moderate prices. Smith s edoteatod K*I«S|rTA!.K
aad BROWN STOUT; also, cemnmn ALE and POBTKB, in
,U H«fnr’h»n > lmjth of Uma conno«>«a with Mr.
amJth'«™tabllahjii«it,»« fwila amir, ooo«don»_l* hetag
,Sl to Mr,, famlllM Mid tha trado with promptdoaa and
en *jrftrtttootar n attsntiOD paid to
Wm. 8. Haven,
James D. M'Gill,
Alexander Bradley,
Jobe Fullerton,
Robert Galway,
Alexander Reynolds, Arm*
strong County,
Horatio N. Lee. KiUannlng,
LLiram Stowe, Bearer.
To tlu Public.
” notice to StMKAoidtrf. .
Ornci or Pmastmaa a*® CosHi«itru^ < R.R. Co., 1
Rttsbsrph, June 28ib, 18M. i
AQBEKABLY to ft Resolution of the|
BOA® COMPANY, rabfcriberatothegt&ek of.ftld Company
are hereby notified th»t the flf OP H V B
DOLLARS per shore on their soheeripUoo* will bedne and
parable on .he FIFTEENTH DVY OF JULY noxU (the
ttlu aeennd. third, ftod fourth in«l»lment»of teo doUftK
and fifty cent* per share, havlog heretofore h® 6 ® called in-)
and aim, FIV* DOLLARS PBR SHARE on the fifteenth
day ef EACH ENSUING MONTH, until the whole amount
Stockholders resitting in Somerset County, will P*7 h>
Major Samuel M. Belter, Meyeis Mills,; those residing in
Fayette County to Colonel D. !R- Davidson, Cooneilm'le,
thote welding in Westmoreland County to General Cyrus
P. Mark!®, V'est Newton: and all others to N. Feeder,
Fan at the Office of the Company, in Neville Hall Building,
florn *ror ".urth •*» Llb ' rt^uS t B b CDRHT.
jy*£wd t*ee*«uger PitUbnrgh and Connellrrille B-R. Co
rv the President mt ttau WttlteU
TN porsosne* of law, I, FRANKLIN IMKRoh. President
I of the United Slates of America. do b «* b J " od
±Um known that public wiltbo h«W »t tho «nd«-
BKUtloited Land Otfiw* In the STATE OF MICHIGAN, M
on MONDAY. U>" FOURTH DAI 0F B ® P T“ 11 “* R
fcr tb« disposal of public lands tttnated within the follow
log named- township*, to wit:
Iferth tf the bate line, and west */ the principal meridian.
Townships fortj-rtx, forty-seven, and forty-eight, of range
Township forty-right of range eleven.
Townrh p forty-nine of range fifteen.
Township* forty-two, forty-four, ana forty-fire, of range
U< s7nS!re forty-four and forty lire of range twentj-ibrns.
Township* torty-two, forty-three, forty-four, and forty-five,
of range twenty-four.
Township forty-three of range twenty-five.
' Township* forty-two anil forty-three of range twenty-six.
Township forty-nine of rang* twenty-tight. •
Townships forty-nine and fifty of range twenty-nine.
Townships forty-wine and fifty of range thirty.
Townvbipe forty nine and fifty of ranee thirty-one.
Townships forty-six, fortj : *eveß, forty-eight, and forty
nine, of range jjdrty-two. - . •
Townships fiwty-t-lx, .forty-eaten, forty-eight, And forty
nine of range thirty-three. ' _ _ . . . .
Townships forty-two* forty three, forty-fire, forty-six, and
forty-seven, of rang# thirty-four.
Townships forty-five and forty-seven of range tuirty-Qve
Townships forty-four and forty-five of range forty one.
Township* fony-four and. forty-live of range forty-three.
- Kt the Uni Offle* at DUNCAN, commencing on MON
the disposal' of the pobUe land* rftuaUd la the following
named townshlpa; to wit:
forth of the base line, and west of the prindpil -ruiddian
Township* thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nioe, forty,
and forty-one. of range tweuty-foor.
Townships thirty-►▼en, thirty-eight, thirty-nine, and for
ty. of rang* twenty-five;
Towoahips thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty
nine, fortv, and forty-one. of range twenty-*!*. ‘ ’ •
Townuhlpa ihirty-dx, thirty-eight, tbiriy-moe, ao<l forty,
of range twentv-?eT*o. ,
ttn ud other porpoMe. together *itb thoee *■ ,«»inp end
o.etflo.ed leods. thereby unfit fur j, i.
•nr. (mute*! to the St.te hr the-ct entitled “*0 .rtf.
euehle the State of Arinntu. end other Stole* to recioltu
the • rranp londe-’ -ithin the r llmiu," eppro.rf Septetn.
her 2S, \9M,voUtidudsdfr*m the soles.
OT the above land* will bec'mmeuetwi on the
day* appointed, and will proceed in tbjpprder la which the>
are advertised until Abe whole shall have ImflSeml. and
the aale* thus viojwd: hot no sale *h>H h* kept open locger
than two weeks, and no private entry of any of th« land*
will ire almltltcd until after the expiration of the two week*
Given under mv hand, at the city of Wa*bin*Um. tht*
dahtaenth dav of‘May, Anno Domini, one thou*and rt*bl
bundrwl aD'l fifty-four. FRANKLIN PIERCE.
By tfte Prvddeot : 4
Johv Commissioner of tberGeneril Land Office-
Rvery persou entitled to the right of preemption to any
of the land* within the Township# and part* of Township l
above enumerated, required to e«UbIL-h the fame to the
*tU»faction of the Register and Receiver of the proper Lanp
Ofßc*, and make payment therafor a* aoou a* practicable seeing th;*. notice, and before the day appointed for
the commencement of the public rale cf ihv land* embra
cing tfcc tract claimed; otherwise *nrh elajmwill be for
feit*]. JODSWTLSttN. ‘
Jy4:law:lswl QiMWtut m*r of i):e/f**rrvl Lain! Ofi^e.
Steam Mae binary for tatted stale* Mem
PROPOSmOSSrIU be received at this Department u»
til the FIRSTJDAY 07 AUGUST next, for the rcmi-ietc.
construction oftjM STEAM MACHINERY and appendage*,
and placing of five auxiliary Srrew Steam
Frigates, to be at lea*T2Ss feet in length , and of 3.000 tom
measurement, on* of which is building at each of Oil- Unlte- <
State* navy yards at Boston, New York, and Philadelphia,
and two at Norfolk. ; . . ~
Each offrr most be for a specific sum, and iocloue all
patent fees frr any arrangement that r*ay be proposed,and
must state the period within which the work .can he com-
The boilers are to be of Iron, with telereopk ehimneyy
the propeller, with the connexions for hoisting up, of c»m
position. The fresh water coodenmrs, machinery frr hri*t.
mg, ventilating, pumps, Ac, with appurtinenev* of ah
kinds, must be those most approved for marine engine*
The tools and duplWte pieces necessary frr an efficient
cruising ehip-of-war, a li-t of which must accompany the
proposals, and also the coal bunkers, most be included.'
All the wood and carpenter work neeessssy tb adapt tb«
vessel for the reoeption hf the engines, boilers, propeller*.
Ac, will be at the expense of the Navy Department, and i>
w 11 furnish the usual facilities and labor for hoisting the
machinery on board.
For the accommodation of tbe-entlre steam machinery
with, fnel for ten day*’consumption, at the average speed
at a loai draft cf water of 23 fret Including the keel, *
length not to exceed GO fret can be allowed tn the body o'
the ship, including the entire space under the berth-deck -
The greatest breadth of this space under the beam will be
47 fret, and the bright frvaa the timtava to the bottom ol
■he beam 17 fret; the area of tbs section bring 662 squate
The weight of.all the steam machinery, water in the holl
ers and coal within the space given, and Including the pr> -
peller and shaft, with appendages of all kinds apd span
pieces, has been estimated at 736 tans of pounds, ol
which 360 lons la for eoaL
She distance between the main stern-post and the rudder
post may be six fret, if that length Is necessary for the prr
peller in a fore-and-aft direction, and the depth from ifc.
toad water line to the top of the keel under the propellet
will be 21 fret. The length from themainmast totnestern
post will be about 112 fret area of the greatest im
merged transvened section to the deep load line will b
-665 equare feet.
As auxiliary steam frigates Urn span and rigging will b*
those of a frigate of the first class, of 1.600 tons maasur*
The particular arrangement of the machinery will he let
with tfrwe whose propositions may be accepted as oombfc
log be greatest number of advantages; the desire of th
Department being to obtain the greatest speed and powe
with the meet economical consumption of fuel which tb'
rpaep available fbr that purpose will admit.
The termi of payment will be as follows: when one-thin'
of the work provided by the eontrart shalhbave been com
Dieted to the satisfice-ion of the Department, them shall be
a payment of one-fifth of the whole amount of the contraC;
a ben two-thirds of the work, shall,in like manner, be oom
puled, there shal be a further payment of one-fifth; whet
the ship shall have made a trial trip,«a«Whetory to the D •
pertinent, of not lees than one week at sea, there shall be *
further payment of one-fifth; and when the ship shall hav»
been tn the possession of the Department, and performs:
satisfactorily for six months, the remaining *na shell b
pald; the repairs neeweery during this period, from deft*
live workmanship and material, bring at the expended
the contractor. ■ . ' '
Bach proposal must specify the ship for which the offvi
Is mado, and must be accompanied by full and cumpl-t
-specifications and drawings, which, if dytired, will be re
turned to tboM whom offers may not be accepted. It musi
also be euied at what establishment the work is to b»
d °Bach proposal most be accompanied by a guarantee the
the contract, when awarded, will be fritbfully performer,
and the sucoemful Udders will oc required to enter into e •
curity for that purpose in the sum of three fourths the
amount of the contract. J. C DOBBLN,
July latawtLAug. • Secretary of the Navy.
170URTH 07 JULY KXCUKBION-De not forget to lco*
< at thorn beautiful BUILDING LOTS, so pleasantly situ
ated on Mount Washington— left from the dust and smok
of the dty, and in the pure air of the country—yet witbi.
a few minutes'walk of the city. The Inclined I’laue.wl. 1
soon be completed, and them Lou rendered'very essy m
access. Lots of 60 feet front by 210 deep are adlhog at s2ri
each—£2o In balance in suma of $5 frjamnth.
Jy4 g. CUTHBEBT A BON, 14»fhl d street.
r |U> l.k-i—a UOUAR,on Pmu street near Martu-y,
i. for a term of rears; or, for the part of I his year—ran
taw. Also, a good House on Pennsylvania avenue, near tb*
Court House. Inquire of
jy4:lm THOMAS WOODS, 75 Fourth street.
hkksp *2l Vitm prime Oheote. lust received and f
sale by Ijy4) SMITH A SINCLAIR.
—A good three story Brick House of 11 rooms an
kitchen, hall, parlors, Ae., all well papered and In goo
order;.dry cellar, eoal vault, Ac. The Lot is 20 fret free
by 110 deep, to a private alley. Price. $4,000, end easy
terms of payment.
On Townsend street—a ileasant Dwelling Horn* of ‘
rooms, with a good lot of trees, vines, Ae. Prie
$2,000. 8. OUTHBEBT A SON,
WAN TKD—A purchaser fbr'the handsomest House ao<
Grounds on Troy Hill—it is a home. Enquire of
j*2B 76 Fourth street
WfcBTERN DRAFTS—Constantly for sale at right, o;
short date, on
Citdnnaii, LouUriile,
8U LoUb, New Orleans,
Chlago, Detroit, and
« - Cleveland; at No.Tl Fourth street.
■ aACON—a hhds Sides;
ll * do Sbooide’s;
S 1 do Hams; tor sale by
16 bbls Luvaiing’e Crushed Bogar;
60 do Loaf Sugar;
16 do-Powdered Sugar;
so do White Ooffim Sowart
« ID do
IiIUSE —300 boxw prim. W. K. CatUnx. fcr ul. o,
V 4* ; i,'
... ’ *>
Bex## and Parquet t* 50c | Second Tier............. V# \
I’rivate Boxes, large...„.sB,co I Boxcsfbr eeWnd paoplaJO#
Private boxes, ?raa».._. 5,00 |
The Sittonal Halliajl
, is uoaoa or thi’
Afternoon at » o'cloek-Errafnff at 8 o*doct.-»
Do r!« Ot-n half an hour pmionc to eecn permraanee-
Childrr.i admitted to the Boie* In the Afternoon at half
The performances ihll eommenco with the domeati'’ damn
floldfn Farmer... »“• fF*o®»
Jeremy T»itclier ~ —Mr. Glumra.
Kliibeth .Un. Rjb*t-
Pretioua to which the cempeny will slog
The Katiouel Anthem*
Mtoraa* E. will 4um» Um Y*nke* Dkm*
To eooelode wiili tlie f»rc* ff
.Mr. Webb.
...Jfc. .............Mr*. Ryn*r.
Will commence with tbV frvorit* domestic drama, for tbfr
first time for many years- of
lues tub laborer.
BoW.v Trot— Mr. GlMifrrd.
Clara .*« Mr * ***.«
Med!ry D<zna R- WtldsprsTs.
To conclude wi-HHbe laughaWa frree entitled j
Captain Aioeffjrtl - ——Mil Tardfe®.
Pe'er Styka Mr GUa-fianL
Gertrude Mr*; H*»»e.
The tainted artiste*, Mr. McFARLANP; Mlw BABAH.
WOODBURY, sod Mr. and Mr#. W. H LEIGHTON', to BD-'
gaged and wiU shortly appear. A .
Monday Evening, July 3d, & Tohiday, July 4th.
Mostaldib exhibition op Chemical diora-
MAS will exhibit as abo?e iUfcd- Doow <i*«i ■* a
o'clock— hectare and Exhibition to oojbwmw at BJ4.
Four Exhibitions wttl bogiren Qir TUESDAY, Jtttrdth,
▼it: 10,1J4»4, and 8 o’clock In the wetting. AdsiMoa
25 cent*.
This Exhibition is of the M*W. •'» -,rrj~' —7^-
meilt stands foremost imong tht/maov exhibitions in the
roTntry. Itlsgotopon the ptynofthose In the Pwytheo*
nie (Urdeos of London, aoi since its iuLrodactinn into the
United States has been visited hjr aboTe 200/)00 personsS
among which were 300 Ministers, who all pronounced W
the most beautiful scene they ever beheld.
The Chemical Department is under the direction of Mr.
BETIIOVRN, n celebrated English Chemi-t.
yy- faeh person will h*Te a n tun bend seat. lee Water
wiit be passed around during intervals, and everything
drn*4o tender the audience comfortable. Bee hills nl
program me. / . • jt3(fc4t*
In whlchall wlll b« SzbiUUdU Ad,v«r-
tlsed In tb« Blits*
TT r ILL EXHIBIT AS FOLLOWS:—In Pltta&ttgb* •»
4*h. and sth, (Giring Three Performanea m ike Ami)
U'Kczipokt, TLKJiiSDAY, Jalj 6th. MoHomunui Cm,
FRIDAY, Jaly 7th. _
MOKE. FRANCOIS TOURSAIRE, Equestrian Direetcr.
The members of the eelab'U.'bmeot.eorsisUog of m ro*»
lit# of Artists who have individually figured ms the mltn*
Uin of Other establishments, comprise
pjrisir-n and Anglo-American —ibe fomer Jed by the re
nowned . _
who. with her highly trained Dstaring and Manage Bor**,''-
CmU3U>uj and CfiavMe, together with
- ■«-—— J M ■ Ac., formed the bright par*
ticular attraction of Pari*.
Alao the fsr-'femed
the great French Clown. Bottle Imp, and Poatnrer. And /
| SAM WELfiKE, /
:he Treat PortuyticM Trick Clown, and Comic Singer. f
The l*ril*iant Equestrian, ./
□rxt and beat rider iq America. And a boat of performed*, 1
who, collect! rely, cannot be equalled by any Company is i t
■-j■i.'tencr. I ’
A- Admiailoh S 3 cents. Doors open at 1 anl
£s£^&lock; perfijrmance to commence at 2 and o’clock, '
i’. M. : ~je2o
ti y. CLARK
1 y-'R *n »
AIL cnMMTOICiynuNS by Malfcr aJtQjk.
p*nt hj Ad*mf JtCo-’s Ei.pi eft, wIQ seeanlDßetiw . X
attention. >. I
Refer to tills office, tfce ITotels and Marie Stores. *
postiscr faithfully attended to,
CIARUO’B (formerly Wdikin’s i-ali,} AbwrtA srreri. \
/ mar <xu be obtained fbr Parties, Festivals* -
Concern, PuhPc Meetings. Ac. Also, Cargo> Cotillca an l
sax Horn Band can bb found In at all times, 1 r
applying to WM.' FRANK CARGO, at the Crystal False*
Daguerrean Rooms of B.M. Gorge AGo/, Fourth street, ocet
the Hall, ; 1 martl •
On the Olalw ami Pennsylvania Ballread*
IN AUCITION to thq three dally through trains, and tho
fire dally trains between Pittsburgh and New Brighton,
TWO IIXCURSIUN TRAINS, * topping at all way Stations,
will he run on TUESDAY, July 4th, 1864.
ONK EXCURSION f RAIN wiU leave AUegbeny dty at
7 A. M.,Tneet the Accommodation Train at HayvvOle at
7.4 Q. A. M.. and will teach New Brighton at SRQ. A. X.
KETURNINQ It will leave New Brighton
meet Acesm modation Train at RocheeCer at 6.40, P. and
reacn Ajleeheny city at” 45, P. M.
THE OTHER EXCURSION TRAIN will leave Mansfield
at 6. A. M_ eud reach: Wooeter at 8, A* M
RETURNING it will leave Wooeter at 5 90,P. meet
the Second BxprenTrain at
reach Mansfield at P. M.
Pa*Gee rf Potty or more \ arsons can procure Bxnurstom - •
Tickets for any one of tbe Trains, at one-half the regular •
brst class fare that 14 at the rat# of a single fora for the.,
round trip: bj parahssicg and peying for aoch piifcim
>f Ticket* BEFORE ti»* morning of the South of July,
on Lhat dm Oit rtaviarfart to»fl be ehatged.
i S. W. 10BUI8,
Chief Engineer mif fluMiitudwi.
Matter of Tzfthsportntfon.
till 111 H In—TP
AND SRINT4N»& atoppincat Bait
i-urg, and SwitarS., Lea Tine Pittsburgh at 6, ?» 8,8, &
•l, and 12 o’clock, A:SL, and 1,2,3,4,6, tad. 6 o’eioek, P,_-
X. Tb* 6 and T ©Mock, A. M., and 6 and 0 o’el oak, P.lC*-.
tiainsirillonlTFOnaaiaraagwisiTalo. - . <j/
/ J. ÜBSKDC&N, Agante^
/ at PBawagaa StaHflgf,
- UNka eTIUCKLANt/S NKW BOOK—Tb* Pilgrim* «f
-A Wal*iosh»ra: by Agnee Strickland,* Just received
•Dd to> sale at H- MINER A CO.’S, No. 3t Smithfldd street.
Soothe* Rook by Eugene Sue the celebrated end popular
kUtbor-of tbeWanderiag Jew, Mysteries of
ntitled Woman** Lore; a true story at tfbe Haart;
io cents. / /
Aubrey ; by Mrs. Marsh, author of Emilia Wjudnuß)
'-astle Avon/Ae; Tlarper’e Library; toeenta.
The Je?uiCs Daughter; complete; to cent*.
A Year After Marriage: by T. S. Arthur; V> cents.
Howitt'* Visits to Remarkable Places;
Ploqi Lyndsay.or Passages in an Evvutlbl UAr by Mrs.
'toodlr, nutbor of Roughing it in tho Bosh, Mark flcdl* l
•.tone,’ « c- 1 60 cent*.
Nanette ami her Lovers; a story illustrating aanta mt
Phatefc in French Life; $L- *.
Julfcnne, the Daughter of the Hamlet; a new Protestant
Novel; complete io one volume; (1.
The, Rapper*, or the Mysteries, Fallacies and Absurdities
of Spirit Rapping. Table Turning and Entrances!eot; with
illuatiatioas: 1 volume; &0 cent*. * •
Been Lambert, or the Memoirs of an Unfortunate Woman;
t com sank® to clary Price: by O. W. M. Reynolds; voLl;
50 mate. . H. MINER 1 TO.,
je3o |» 32tattb«dJt,
JC6T, RECkI V KD>—Tbe Pilgrims of Wairingham, or
Tales of the Middle Area: by Agnes Strickland.
The Master House; a tale of Southern Lifer by Logan.
Blackwood’* Magazine, for Jane.
Graham’s •* “ July.
The N’e» York Journal.
Womag’s Love; a true atcry of th* Heart; by Eugene
Sue. For sale at
\\ PAUL KLEINER’S Litemry Depot,
jc3o u fifth street, epposba the Thffctm
THE Prrsident and Managers of: “The Company fcr
erecting a Bridge over tbe Allegheny river, opposite
► > iit*borgb„in the county of Allegheny,** have this day dbr-.
dared a disk cad of os a noixaa aim uriair nv* cut*, on
•ach share of tbe Capital Stock of the Company all paid In,
->nt of the profits of tbe laet six months, which Trill Mfpdd
to Stockholdfera, or their legal rrpreaeutatiTas, forthwith.
Y JOHN TTARPBR, Treaaurer.
Pittsburgh, July 1,1854 — [ jeSrlw .
jX Magazine, for July. I
Herpes’s do . do. !
Graham's do do.
Paterson's do do.
Popular Educator, No-13. ...
. Russia: byDeCutine,
Received arid for sale at the cheap Book Store of
je3 l 7C Fourth str»t.
and: L4Nl)!!— »■ CUTIiBBKT « SON have tax. sale
j Farm* of from CO to 1000 acres, loeated fas PenngylVa*
;la. Ohio, Virginia, and Illinois; upwnrdsof 1QJ&0 earn
a ITLcwu coenty. Illinois: several tniata "f land tm the
vatcjb cf BiffPtshing Creek, Vsu, in lots of 180 naeennwl
upwards,atsl I to.3a,*&,*DdJlop«raere. Pemcne wfeb
ißg to bnv, will find it ttf their advantage to call at our
nfte*. No. 141) Third street.
140 Third street.
J \jxiiAT bargains of summer goods a* A* MeTl®tß , * f
( J cornet of Grant and Fifth stimto. **""«*<&
.•mtnwicedvellingoff my summer stork at ttr^ooat, thn
WJ» art ill o.<S#i •>*” luro pnrchijri tfck
od as they are now offered at prims fen baton the, usual
ate*. Ladies would do well to call tad gat AJ««Sl*Tbn~
lock comprise bereges, l*m*mm* “Oka. Grew*,
•r.enadlnesTlmrvse de lainea, and atoort every artfclvmmal
* kept in!* taney store. ) . . jyB
~T~Hew Partusnhlpi
M heretofore as M. GRAFF A CD., Stove as* Hollow
rare Manufacturers, No. 134 Wood street, have this day
iMociated wlth them THOMAS J. GRAFF, as a partner ha
beir business. The name, style and title oCtbeima wO»
rom this Sale, be GRAFT, REI SINGER* GRAFF, Tk*f
'VM.'tfiiUy.aoiicil a continuation of tbe fabmaguoffii.
rally bmSd wed Upon the firm of H. Graff AHfe.
pjttrtmSgh,J«lyl»i;iBS4. f •-.»
r* J.)
LIES. v /
„Lona AX9
and for Htanry
Dividend SeUee.