: -,\^j ?4\* <•', :j»V .*£< tlfcsj&SSSwy^ s£wm?&>**M i.s ■■A i ss&&mfe%*'sm r&a 5»”«*i«*:?i» n I*»■_*>•;*■ '<•■ ’ i - i v ' -t;: 'r . •' ‘ *1 ■ ‘ . „ Vfv 'L WTTBBVRG® ! pE MOCRATIC TIC! FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER* , HENRY'S. MOTT, or nr* oocstt. - : MORE ABOr* ■THE COAUTIOS. Wc aaaounv-J s'* l ”' time »«“• on what w * considers* reliable authority. tha,t a meeting of leading Wing Bchemere bad met in Philadelphia for the purpose of consummating a bargain with the Know-Nothings. The terms of that bargain were declared to be the withdrawal of George Darei'e for Canal Commissioner, and the substi tution of somo Native American in his stead—it being Mr. D’e. misfortune (not 'his fault!) to hare first opened his eyesAn the land of the Mae Heaths and Msc-Gregw's. This has not Only prosed to bo true, but we bare received some thing further from an equally reliable source, and of a more defioit* oharaoter. The Whigs, after trying for several days to Wheedle tbe Natives into a.Coalition, finally started for their respeative homes without effect ing their object. We have this from authority W« cannot doubt, and we.challenge any ona.wbo -is acquainted with tbe facts cf this case to deny it,df he dare. Their proposition was to with dfftw Mr. Dareie and saSstitate B. Rush Brad ford, the Know-Nothing candidate for Governor; but Air. Bradford thinks his chapees equally as good** any of the Whig candidates. Conse quently he rejected this modest proposal,, and is counting largely upon the declination of Judge Pollock. So, after all, the suggestion ojf tho Journal of this city, will have to b a adopted;; for there can tje no possible chance for either, should they both remain i« the field. For the Bake of Mr. be ccess of the remainder cf tta* Whig ticket, we dnitO; with some of our Whig ootemporaries, and oallj upon Judge Pollock ta decline. Mr. Br- dfordf has expressed hia determination to run stall hazards, and if he but continues firm, the Judge will be compelled to adopt the advice short of the outlay sercr- 1 nuodred dollars Dr. A. is said tn ■“« been «cesdiugly populir with U- students. Tt is stated that the new,Revolutionary romance commenced in the July number of “Putnam,” entitled Israel Potter, a Fourth of July Story, is written by Herman Mellrille. an ther of Tjpee Omoo, &c. It promises to be one of his best works. Hur has Bix— I Thk R*Ase*.~Mr. Sumner in a recent speech expressly declared that be recognized no obligation resting on himself to exeoute the Constitution of the tJnited Blates, which he had sworn to support on bis entrance to the Senate. Laud Salis.— Attention is directed to the sales of pnblio lands, by order of the President of the United States. See advertisement in another See also advertisement for proposals by the Navy Department. E UROPA’S MAILS. [There is nothing ofjnterest in tb* foreign news that has not been telegraphed, except tbe following speech by Lord John Russell. His Lordship has just been elected member for the city of Lomfoo.''^] Sj’EKCH Of LORD JOBS RCSBELL OS TBS WAR. The Sheriff hating deolaredi that Lord John Kussetl had been dnly elected, his lordibip ad vanced and spoke as follows : i Gentlemen : .I'shall proceed to-tkat which is 'the absorbing question Of the present day—so absorbing, indeed, that measures which I had hoped to forward for increasing and promoting tho c\til and religions rights of a large portion of my fellow countrymen have been rather ne glected than considered, and have been with drawn in deferenoe to pnblio opinion rather than opposed by Parliamentary resistance. That great question to. wbioh I refer is the war in which we are engaged. (Cheers.) I will not now refer to that which has been discussed in debates with which you are no doubt familiar. namely, the origin of that war. The present government endeavored as long as they could 'to seek for terms of a pacific arrangement, and gentlemen, I believe that in so doing we were acting in accordance with the opinions of the people of this country. The blessings of peace which we had eDjoyed for nearly forty years were not so trifling that they were to be lightly thrown away, or precipitately abandoned.— (Cheers.) It was not, ihorefore, until we found that the ambition of the Emperor of Russia was not to be satisfied with any moderate concession ! which the Sultan of Turkey was prepared to ma k Q _that we found a determination on the part of the Emp€rorof Russia, in opposition to remonstrances-ta 'opposition to proposals of every kind, to retain and keep in his power the territory of a neighbor, that we advised the Queen to deolare that she felt herself obliged to take up arms in defence of her ally thus unjust ly attacked. (Loud oheers ) j Gentlemen, in that declaration we had the 00-operatiou and conoert of her Majesty’s ally,;the Emperor of the French, (renewed oheere,]) and I trust that this concert, on a great question, will lead to a permanent alliance* with that great people our neighbors, who, With ourselves form the most civilized and enlightened nations in Europe. (Continued cheering.)' We all know by experi ence the courage .and spirit of the French na tion, and I only trust that both nations will dis play in alliance those qualities which we have hitherto displayed in ooofliot with each other. (Cheers) Bat, gentlemen, there were others who were as much interested as England or Franoe In preserving the independence of Eu rope against the aggressions of an ambitious pta power—l mean the great States of Germany. •l. (Cheers.) I bcHOve that j white the success of . Russia, while her conquest of Turkey, her oocu pation of Constantinople Iwoolfl have been dan ire geroos to England to Franoe,* they would have beta absolute oppression'to the people of Ger many. (Cheers.) j _ r ev Accordingly, the people of Germany have felt that this question esjuld hot be indifferent 0& to them, and the principal .sovereigns of Eu rope, the emperor of Amtfria and the king of jS >*«v ; . “•.-a** . . \ :: ■■ : 1 i' *J*. b.« b«.r«w-V..,h and 1 trnst that the war which wo aro about «o In United SUMofAmer oarTy on will be' a war, not of two power* bat of eforotton of ike Thbteen umtea at t J Sir? «•■■ ■• *• r~ ‘Ti."d , a~ s th?“ intention of tbatwgumcnt was, hind reqnirei that they should declare the ean to blame the Turks, not to mend their gOT- see whioh impel them to the aeparation. ernment bat to abet tbi designs of the Emper-i We hold these truth, to be self ee.dent, that or df Russia It is easy to assert, and it is not all men are created equal; that ihey are endow ZLe toTn, tbe fa,..., nay, the tnal-adminis- ed by their Creator with «'*«“ a ,,d 7 in many instances the cruelties rights; that among these are life, liberty and which exist under the government of Turkey; the pursuit of happiness That to secure h but this was not the time to discuss measures rights governments are instituted among;m.e . for the reform and implement of those faults, deririjm their just power, from tho consent of |ThC que't- 0 u was thesis, the .aggression of the gowned. That gow- Russia and I hare no doubt bnt that if that ag ernmeiit becomes destructive of these ends, it is greesion is successfully resided, the improve- the rigWbf people to alter or “ **° l ' ah '‘'A o ment of Turkish institutions land the happiness to institute a new government laying ite founda of the Christian people living under the gov- tion on euoh principles, and organising its pow eminent ’of the Sultan of Turkey will follow ers in such form, as to them shall Beem mpst from that resistance and from that success. On likely to effect their safety and happiness. Pru STothwhind if”h« Emperor of Russia were deuce, indeed, will dictate, that governments to succeed in his attempt, we must recollect long established, should not be changed for light that it would be the success of a government and transient onuses; and accordingly, allexpe wh'oh endeavors to suppress all freedom ,ot risoce hath shown that mankind hre more dia thonnht and to which neither political nor re- posed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than lioious nor any kind of liberty can look for so- to right themselves by abolishiogthe forms to couregemenr, Ld that there would be a dead which the, are accustomed a long and deadly power hanging over Europe, and! at train of abases and usurpations, pursuing inva ?.og?h att«ki?g «“ on? own institutions, a. ri.hl, tbs same object, .vine., si design to re ufompatiblo I with the existence of the mon- duce them under absolute despotism, it is their itrouß P tyrano%*-. *• "•• 't iv* ~ ■}' ,:•t. *e t ., *• . , rj ft» fe * • fessflgfc& ►V j „• * I9> The Great Remedies I U-'il. BALLY’S ANTIDOTE AND LOTION.—Those persons who wUh tor a safe, speedy, snd permanent core, should use the above celebrated aoa unrivalled FRENCH PREPARA TIONS. They have now been In use for five years—have been thoroughly tested In thousands of the most obstinate cases, and Invariably have given satisfaction. They are not composed slmplv of Balsam Copaiva. but arc entirely different from all other preparations, both in the naturo of their Ingredleats and the manner in which they operate upon the patient. Hence the wonderful sueoese attending connected wljh the Western Railroad says: ** I have expended for otbtflr people dortog the last three year* over IfiOoTfOr remediS P* this description, and have never fondd a single article that gave sueb.uutversal satis faction as your Antidote aniT Lotion does. . I “ *i OI SS* and retail by DDROT * 00-Bole frepriatgrllor thaPri ted States and Canadas. Principal Depot, 450. Broadway, N Sddro’pittsburjb, wholeeale uuj nbH. BKOTHKRS, (Baeoeeeoie to 1. KMd ACo.) So. SO Wool street WieellM-J. H. PATTERfIQK A CO, and by Druggists everywhreea ’ J®* tV/ \v/f ' ■ >■ r ,-:'r : :sr - * i'' *'•' • \ry»y h\*-V 'V ,uvv;v — , - „ w . . jjjs.Jt-- Pro* Kllxir or <>* the r*o»awod-ti..n* f ' r lhi -* S rMt .vegetable exMlerrttla, that lc«treng DIEICTOKS. non. A. 0. Holster, Samuel W. Hajs, William Robinson, Jr., Tbomaa Gillespie,- William F. Fahnestock, Johnß.Oox, Harvey Bollman, Jaeo} 5 Pst**|h _ John Walker, Jr., William Oolder, Jr., Jacob 8. llalderman, . Aaron Bornbangn. RUSSELL A OAKES, A rente, OSlce, in Lafryetteißuildingt, jg (entrance on Wood etw»t) rr-==» Western P^nmjrlvanUHMplUl^ (L^Dm. 1.. Seuxsex. Second, Jjetween Wood end Mirtet streets, ao thk season of thereat,! w many of the citixens. In tbeir patriotic oeatr* I of catobratiog our National Anniversary, are too apt to In-) tinige, thoughtlessly, and without authority. in the use of 1 fire works, the discharge of pistols, fire dickers, *e., on the I streets and alleys of our dty,—H becomes necessary for us, ;in view of the aocidenta, and perhaps loss of life, whleh j might occur through this reeklei* custom, to signify our ; I determination of punishing all those wbo mty be arrested 1 sad brought before me, charged and proven to have ylola ted the law in this penleoler. Parents and gu&rdUiU are respectfully, though earnestly, entreated to caution their children against sil hssard sod violation of ibe ordinance, whereby much inconvenience may be spared them, and a Tart amount of public good - Mayor’s Offioe, Pittsburgh, July 1, 1864— { Jy3£t . NOTICE. “ GEOROE W. BMmi Informs the public that behasdifr of hi* entire BOTTLING ESTABLISHMENT n PHt street, to W. D. English, whom he re commends to his customers in that department. BfirThe subttriber begs leave to announce to thw public that hi has purAared the BOTTLING DE PARTMENT of tbe Pittsburgh Brewery from G. W, 8m tb, OB HU rreet He 6 P«P*»d » and st moderate prices. Smith s edoteatod K*I«S|rTA!.K aad BROWN STOUT; also, cemnmn ALE and POBTKB, in ,U H«fnr’h»n > lmjth of Uma conno«>«a with Mr. amJth'«™tabllahjii«it,»« fwila amir, ooo«don»_l* hetag ,Sl to Mr,, famlllM Mid tha trado with promptdoaa and en *jrftrtttootar n attsntiOD paid to UTCImI W V KSOLIBH. PITTSBURGH Wm. 8. Haven, James D. M'Gill, Alexander Bradley, Jobe Fullerton, Robert Galway, Alexander Reynolds, Arm* strong County, Horatio N. Lee. KiUannlng, LLiram Stowe, Bearer. MUtBOn: SEW ASTOBTUKKZHT6. To tlu Public. ” notice to StMKAoidtrf. . Ornci or Pmastmaa a*® CosHi«itru^ < R.R. Co., 1 Rttsbsrph, June 28ib, 18M. i AQBEKABLY to ft Resolution of the| of the PI ‘TSBURGH AND tOSNELIAYILLB B AIB BOA® COMPANY, rabfcriberatothegt&ek of.ftld Company are hereby notified th»t the flf OP H V B DOLLARS per shore on their soheeripUoo* will bedne and parable on .he FIFTEENTH DVY OF JULY noxU (the ttlu aeennd. third, ftod fourth in«l»lment»of teo doUftK and fifty cent* per share, havlog heretofore h® 6 ® called in-) and aim, FIV* DOLLARS PBR SHARE on the fifteenth day ef EACH ENSUING MONTH, until the whole amount Stockholders resitting in Somerset County, will P*7 h> Major Samuel M. Belter, Meyeis Mills,; those residing in Fayette County to Colonel D. !R- Davidson, Cooneilm'le, thote welding in Westmoreland County to General Cyrus P. Mark!®, V'est Newton: and all others to N. Feeder, Fan at the Office of the Company, in Neville Hall Building, florn *ror ".urth •*» Llb ' rt^uS t B b CDRHT. jy*£wd t*ee*«uger PitUbnrgh and Connellrrille B-R. Co rv the President mt ttau WttlteU TN porsosne* of law, I, FRANKLIN IMKRoh. President I of the United Slates of America. do b «* b J " od ±Um known that public wiltbo h«W »t tho «nd«- BKUtloited Land Otfiw* In the STATE OF MICHIGAN, M on MONDAY. U>" FOURTH DAI 0F B ® P T“ 11 “* R fcr tb« disposal of public lands tttnated within the follow log named- township*, to wit: Iferth tf the bate line, and west */ the principal meridian. Townships fortj-rtx, forty-seven, and forty-eight, of range ten. Township forty-right of range eleven. Townrh p forty-nine of range fifteen. Township* forty-two, forty-four, ana forty-fire, of range U< s7nS!re forty-four and forty lire of range twentj-ibrns. Township* torty-two, forty-three, forty-four, and forty-five, of range twenty-four. Township forty-three of range twenty-five. ' Township* forty-two anil forty-three of range twenty-six. Township forty-nine of rang* twenty-tight. • Townships forty-nine and fifty of range twenty-nine. Townships forty-wine and fifty of range thirty. Townvbipe forty nine and fifty of ranee thirty-one. Townships forty-six, fortj : *eveß, forty-eight, and forty nine, of range jjdrty-two. - . • Townships fiwty-t-lx, .forty-eaten, forty-eight, And forty nine of range thirty-three. ' _ _ . . . . Townships forty-two* forty three, forty-fire, forty-six, and forty-seven, of rang# thirty-four. Townships forty-five and forty-seven of range tuirty-Qve Townships forty-four and forty-five of range forty one. Township* fony-four and. forty-live of range forty-three. - Kt the Uni Offle* at DUNCAN, commencing on MON DAY. the EIGHTEENTH DAY OY 6BPIBMBER next. for the disposal' of the pobUe land* rftuaUd la the following named townshlpa; to wit: forth of the base line, and west of the prindpil -ruiddian Township* thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nioe, forty, and forty-one. of range tweuty-foor. Townships thirty-►▼en, thirty-eight, thirty-nine, and for ty. of rang* twenty-five; Towoahips thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty nine, fortv, and forty-one. of range twenty-*!*. ‘ ’ • Townuhlpa ihirty-dx, thirty-eight, tbiriy-moe, ao are advertised until Abe whole shall have ImflSeml. and the aale* thus viojwd: hot no sale *h>H h* kept open locger than two weeks, and no private entry of any of th« land* will ire almltltcd until after the expiration of the two week* Given under mv hand, at the city of Wa*bin*Um. tht* dahtaenth dav of‘May, Anno Domini, one thou*and rt*bl bundrwl aD'l fifty-four. FRANKLIN PIERCE. By tfte Prvddeot : 4 Johv Commissioner of tberGeneril Land Office- NOTICE TO PREEMPTION' CLAIMANTS. Rvery persou entitled to the right of preemption to any of the land* within the Township# and part* of Township l above enumerated, required to e«UbIL-h the fame to the *tU»faction of the Register and Receiver of the proper Lanp Ofßc*, and make payment therafor a* aoou a* practicable af.er seeing th;*. notice, and before the day appointed for the commencement of the public rale cf ihv land* embra cing tfcc tract claimed; otherwise *nrh elajmwill be for feit*]. JODSWTLSttN. ‘ Jy4:law:lswl QiMWtut m*r of i):e/f**rrvl Lain! Ofi^e. Steam Mae binary for tatted stale* Mem Frigates. NAVY DEPARTMENT. July 1. Mbi PROPOSmOSSrIU be received at this Department u» til the FIRSTJDAY 07 AUGUST next, for the rcmi-ietc. construction oftjM STEAM MACHINERY and appendage*, and placing of five auxiliary Srrew Steam Frigates, to be at lea*T2Ss feet in length , and of 3.000 tom measurement, on* of which is building at each of Oil- Unlte- < State* navy yards at Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, and two at Norfolk. ; . . ~ Each offrr most be for a specific sum, and iocloue all patent fees frr any arrangement that r*ay be proposed,and must state the period within which the work .can he com- pleted. The boilers are to be of Iron, with telereopk ehimneyy the propeller, with the connexions for hoisting up, of c»m position. The fresh water coodenmrs, machinery frr hri*t. mg, ventilating, pumps, Ac, with appurtinenev* of ah kinds, must be those most approved for marine engine* The tools and duplWte pieces necessary frr an efficient cruising ehip-of-war, a li-t of which must accompany the proposals, and also the coal bunkers, most be included.' All the wood and carpenter work neeessssy tb adapt tb« vessel for the reoeption hf the engines, boilers, propeller*. Ac, will be at the expense of the Navy Department, and i> w 11 furnish the usual facilities and labor for hoisting the machinery on board. For the accommodation of tbe-entlre steam machinery with, fnel for ten day*’consumption, at the average speed at a loai draft cf water of 23 fret Including the keel, * length not to exceed GO fret can be allowed tn the body o' the ship, including the entire space under the berth-deck - The greatest breadth of this space under the beam will be 47 fret, and the bright frvaa the timtava to the bottom ol ■he beam 17 fret; the area of tbs section bring 662 squate fret.' The weight of.all the steam machinery, water in the holl ers and coal within the space given, and Including the pr> - peller and shaft, with appendages of all kinds apd span pieces, has been estimated at 736 tans of pounds, ol which 360 lons la for eoaL She distance between the main stern-post and the rudder post may be six fret, if that length Is necessary for the prr peller in a fore-and-aft direction, and the depth from ifc. toad water line to the top of the keel under the propellet will be 21 fret. The length from themainmast totnestern post will be about 112 fret area of the greatest im merged transvened section to the deep load line will b -665 equare feet. As auxiliary steam frigates Urn span and rigging will b* those of a frigate of the first class, of 1.600 tons maasur* The particular arrangement of the machinery will he let with tfrwe whose propositions may be accepted as oombfc log be greatest number of advantages; the desire of th Department being to obtain the greatest speed and powe with the meet economical consumption of fuel which tb' rpaep available fbr that purpose will admit. The termi of payment will be as follows: when one-thin' of the work provided by the eontrart shalhbave been com Dieted to the satisfice-ion of the Department, them shall be a payment of one-fifth of the whole amount of the contraC; a ben two-thirds of the work, shall,in like manner, be oom puled, there shal be a further payment of one-fifth; whet the ship shall have made a trial trip,«a«Whetory to the D • pertinent, of not lees than one week at sea, there shall be * further payment of one-fifth; and when the ship shall hav» been tn the possession of the Department, and performs: satisfactorily for six months, the remaining *na shell b pald; the repairs neeweery during this period, from deft* live workmanship and material, bring at the expended the contractor. ■ . ' ' Bach proposal must specify the ship for which the offvi Is mado, and must be accompanied by full and cumpl-t -specifications and drawings, which, if dytired, will be re turned to tboM whom offers may not be accepted. It musi also be euied at what establishment the work is to b» d °Bach proposal most be accompanied by a guarantee the the contract, when awarded, will be fritbfully performer, and the sucoemful Udders will oc required to enter into e • curity for that purpose in the sum of three fourths the amount of the contract. J. C DOBBLN, July latawtLAug. • Secretary of the Navy. 170URTH 07 JULY KXCUKBION-De not forget to lco* < at thorn beautiful BUILDING LOTS, so pleasantly situ ated on Mount Washington— left from the dust and smok of the dty, and in the pure air of the country—yet witbi. a few minutes'walk of the city. The Inclined I’laue.wl. 1 soon be completed, and them Lou rendered'very essy m access. Lots of 60 feet front by 210 deep are adlhog at s2ri each—£2o In balance in suma of $5 frjamnth. Jy4 g. CUTHBEBT A BON, 14»fhl d street. r |U> l.k-i—a UOUAR,on Pmu street near Martu-y, i. for a term of rears; or, for the part of I his year—ran taw. Also, a good House on Pennsylvania avenue, near tb* Court House. Inquire of jy4:lm THOMAS WOODS, 75 Fourth street. hkksp *2l Vitm prime Oheote. lust received and f sale by Ijy4) SMITH A SINCLAIR. VALUABLE HAND STREET PROPERTY FOR SALK —A good three story Brick House of 11 rooms an kitchen, hall, parlors, Ae., all well papered and In goo order;.dry cellar, eoal vault, Ac. The Lot is 20 fret free by 110 deep, to a private alley. Price. $4,000, end easy terms of payment. On Townsend street—a ileasant Dwelling Horn* of ‘ rooms, with a good lot of trees, vines, Ae. Prie $2,000. 8. OUTHBEBT A SON, WAN TKD—A purchaser fbr'the handsomest House ao< Grounds on Troy Hill—it is a home. Enquire of THOMAS WOODS, j*2B 76 Fourth street WfcBTERN DRAFTS—Constantly for sale at right, o; short date, on Citdnnaii, LouUriile, 8U LoUb, New Orleans, Chlago, Detroit, and « - Cleveland; at No.Tl Fourth street. • um A. WILKINS A CO. ■ aACON—a hhds Sides; ll * do Sbooide’s; S 1 do Hams; tor sale by ; e eg SMITn A SINCLAIR. s_» EFINED BUUAJU* 16 bbls Luvaiing’e Crushed Bogar; 60 do Loaf Sugar; 16 do-Powdered Sugar; so do White Ooffim Sowart « ID do SMITH A SIXCLUR- IiIUSE —300 boxw prim. W. K. CatUnx. fcr ul. o, j,l BXNRT M. COLLINS. V 4* ; i,' ... ’ *> JOSEPH C. FOSTER. PRICES OP ADMISSION: Bex## and Parquet t* 50c | Second Tier............. V# \ I’rivate Boxes, large...„.sB,co I Boxcsfbr eeWnd paoplaJO# Private boxes, ?raa».._. 5,00 | } fUMeati&cate. The Sittonal Halliajl TWO (SBAXD PUnFORMANCBS, , is uoaoa or thi’ ANNIVERSARY OP AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE! < Afternoon at » o'cloek-Errafnff at 8 o*doct.-» Do r!« Ot-n half an hour pmionc to eecn permraanee- Childrr.i admitted to the Boie* In the Afternoon at half prkt. TVESDAY AFTKRXOOX, JCI.Y ( The performances ihll eommenco with the domeati'’ damn entitled THB GOLDKN FA&UEB. floldfn Farmer... »“• fF*o®» Jeremy T»itclier ~ —Mr. Glumra. Kliibeth .Un. Rjb*t- Pretioua to which the cempeny will slog The Katiouel Anthem* Mtoraa* E. will 4um» Um Y*nke* Dkm* Of IM/KfKXDEXCI DAY! To eooelode wiili tlie f»rc* ff TUB AWISS COTTAGE. .Mr. Webb. ...Jfc. .............Mr*. Ryn*r. TIIE EVENING PERFORMANCE Will commence with tbV frvorit* domestic drama, for tbfr first time for many years- of lues tub laborer. Luke BoW.v Trot— Mr. GlMifrrd. Clara .*« Mr * ***.« Med!ry Duj and CfiavMe, together with MAD'LLKS'JOSEPHINE AXa EOSALTHE, v - ■«-—— J M ■ Ac., formed the bright par* ticular attraction of Pari*. Alao the fsr-'femed ROOD HARPIKR. . the great French Clown. Bottle Imp, and Poatnrer. And / | SAM WELfiKE, / :he Treat PortuyticM Trick Clown, and Comic Singer. f The l*ril*iant Equestrian, ./ JEAN JOHNSON, > □rxt and beat rider iq America. And a boat of performed*, 1 who, collect! rely, cannot be equalled by any Company is i t ■-j■i.'tencr. I ’ A- Admiailoh S 3 cents. Doors open at 1 anl £s£^&lock; perfijrmance to commence at 2 and o’clock, ' i’. M. : ~je2o TWELVE V K ARi. PRAUTICEI ti y. CLARK BILL POSTER AND DISTRIBUTER, 1 y-'R *n » COSCEBTS, EXU3BITIOK3 AND LECTXrBXfIj AIL cnMMTOICiynuNS by Malfcr aJtQjk. p*nt hj Ad*mf JtCo-’s Ei.pi eft, wIQ seeanlDßetiw . X attention. >. I Refer to tills office, tfce ITotels and Marie Stores. * CIRCUS AND MENAGERIE postiscr faithfully attended to, CIARUO’B (formerly Wdikin’s i-ali,} AbwrtA srreri. \ / mar Cotillca an l sax Horn Band can bb found In at all times, 1 r applying to WM.' FRANK CARGO, at the Crystal False* Daguerrean Rooms of B.M. Gorge AGo/, Fourth street, ocet the Hall, ; 1 martl • rOTJBTH OF JULY EXCUBSIOS T&A198! On the Olalw ami Pennsylvania Ballread* IN AUCITION to thq three dally through trains, and tho fire dally trains between Pittsburgh and New Brighton, TWO IIXCURSIUN TRAINS, * topping at all way Stations, will he run on TUESDAY, July 4th, 1864. ONK EXCURSION f RAIN wiU leave AUegbeny dty at 7 A. M.,Tneet the Accommodation Train at HayvvOle at 7.4 Q. A. M.. and will teach New Brighton at SRQ. A. X. KETURNINQ It will leave New Brighton meet Acesm modation Train at RocheeCer at 6.40, P. and reacn Ajleeheny city at” 45, P. M. THE OTHER EXCURSION TRAIN will leave Mansfield at 6. A. M_ eud reach: Wooeter at 8, A* M RETURNING it will leave Wooeter at 5 90,P. meet the Second BxprenTrain at reach Mansfield at P. M. Pa*Gee rf Potty or more \ arsons can procure Bxnurstom - • Tickets for any one of tbe Trains, at one-half the regular • brst class fare that 14 at the rat# of a single fora for the., round trip: bj parahssicg and peying for aoch piifcim >f Ticket* BEFORE ti»* morning of the South of July, on Lhat dm Oit rtaviarfart to»fl be ehatged. i S. W. 10BUI8, Chief Engineer mif fluMiitudwi. D. If. COUBTffST. Matter of Tzfthsportntfon. rENBILTUU RAll. HO ft DI till 111 H In—TP FOURTH OR J ULT BXCURBION ra&XE KN EXTB& TRAINS BXTWUO! PHTBBUBOS AND SRINT4N»& atoppincat Bait i-urg, and SwitarS., Lea Tine Pittsburgh at 6, ?» 8,8, & •l, and 12 o’clock, A:SL, and 1,2,3,4,6, tad. 6 o’eioek, P,_- X. Tb* 6 and T ©Mock, A. M., and 6 and 0 o’el oak, P.lC*-. tiainsirillonlTFOnaaiaraagwisiTalo. - . sale at H- MINER A CO.’S, No. 3t Smithfldd street. Soothe* Rook by Eugene Sue the celebrated end popular kUtbor-of tbeWanderiag Jew, Mysteries of ntitled Woman** Lore; a true story at tfbe Haart; io cents. / / Aubrey ; by Mrs. Marsh, author of Emilia Wjudnuß) '-astle Avon/Ae; Tlarper’e Library; toeenta. The Je?uiCs Daughter; complete; to cent*. A Year After Marriage: by T. S. Arthur; V> cents. Howitt'* Visits to Remarkable Places; Ploqi Lyndsay.or Passages in an Evvutlbl UAr by Mrs. 'toodlr, nutbor of Roughing it in tho Bosh, Mark flcdl* l •.tone,’ « c- 1 60 cent*. Nanette ami her Lovers; a story illustrating aanta mt Phatefc in French Life; $L- *. Julfcnne, the Daughter of the Hamlet; a new Protestant Novel; complete io one volume; (1. The, Rapper*, or the Mysteries, Fallacies and Absurdities of Spirit Rapping. Table Turning and Entrances!eot; with illuatiatioas: 1 volume; &0 cent*. * • Been Lambert, or the Memoirs of an Unfortunate Woman; t com sank® to clary Price: by O. W. M. Reynolds; voLl; 50 mate. . H. MINER 1 TO., je3o |» 32tattb«dJt, JC6T, RECkI V KD>—Tbe Pilgrims of Wairingham, or Tales of the Middle Area: by Agnes Strickland. The Master House; a tale of Southern Lifer by Logan. Blackwood’* Magazine, for Jane. Graham’s •* “ July. The N’e» York Journal. Womag’s Love; a true atcry of th* Heart; by Eugene Sue. For sale at \\ PAUL KLEINER’S Litemry Depot, jc3o u fifth street, epposba the Thffctm THE Prrsident and Managers of: “The Company fcr erecting a Bridge over tbe Allegheny river, opposite ► > iit*borgb„in the county of Allegheny,** have this day dbr-. dared a disk cad of os a noixaa aim uriair nv* cut*, on •ach share of tbe Capital Stock of the Company all paid In, ->nt of the profits of tbe laet six months, which Trill Mfpdd to Stockholdfera, or their legal rrpreaeutatiTas, forthwith. Y JOHN TTARPBR, Treaaurer. Pittsburgh, July 1,1854 — [ jeSrlw . VfAUAZIKKa FOR JULY, JOTT RECEIVED. jX Magazine, for July. I Herpes’s do . do. ! Graham's do do. Paterson's do do. Popular Educator, No-13. ... . Russia: byDeCutine, Received arid for sale at the cheap Book Store of W. A. GILDEKFENSET A <&» je3 l 7C Fourth str»t. and: L4Nl)!!— »■ CUTIiBBKT « SON have tax. sale j Farm* of from CO to 1000 acres, loeated fas PenngylVa* ;la. Ohio, Virginia, and Illinois; upwnrdsof 1QJ&0 earn a ITLcwu coenty. Illinois: several tniata "f land tm the vatcjb cf BiffPtshing Creek, Vsu, in lots of 180 naeennwl upwards,atsl I to.3a,*&,*DdJlop«raere. Pemcne wfeb ißg to bnv, will find it ttf their advantage to call at our nfte*. No. 141) Third street. 140 Third street. J \jxiiAT bargains of summer goods a* A* MeTl®tß , * f ( J cornet of Grant and Fifth stimto. **""«*<& .•mtnwicedvellingoff my summer stork at ttr^ooat, thn WJ» art ill o.*” luro pnrchijri tfck od as they are now offered at prims fen baton the, usual ate*. Ladies would do well to call tad gat AJ««Sl*Tbn~ lock comprise bereges, l*m*mm* “Oka. Grew*, •r.enadlnesTlmrvse de lainea, and atoort every artfclvmmal * kept in!* taney store. ) . . jyB ~T~Hew Partusnhlpi \ CATTREW GRAFF AND DAITL. RmSOTOXE, tredla* M heretofore as M. GRAFF A CD., Stove as* Hollow rare Manufacturers, No. 134 Wood street, have this day iMociated wlth them THOMAS J. GRAFF, as a partner ha beir business. The name, style and title oCtbeima wO» rom this Sale, be GRAFT, REI SINGER* GRAFF, Tk*f 'VM.'tfiiUy.aoiicil a continuation of tbe fabmaguoffii. rally bmSd wed Upon the firm of H. Graff AHfe. pjttrtmSgh,J«lyl»i;iBS4. f •-.» r* J.) LIES. v / „Lona AX9 »haAonler, and for Htanry Dividend SeUee.