The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, November 11, 1852, Image 3

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    %S^^.wsvq»\&'i;:' @2%' ; "'W "<§'"
• 1; : • ■.- :;■ ~• ~ ,, Sfl
«** V-A 1 ** r t»“**** *“ *J? ,, i'5 6 •* ‘T * 4 •s*•-+, -j*\ \ , f- » i» , ~ * . “ > **' f * ‘■t^*?* r# 4 ** *.» L*- ' ' " 't . L ' ' *» ' •. v „•'.{''
r - ■ >s ''“T v=r ‘v*
1 ‘ " . ' - .; t) r- -
to It* lgprpv«ttcnta that might to lnte»-
f t ‘*tJ\Xi'Z'2~i % ‘ J »?vi* * r SV?]- ,utauliAlt<f Wfheliectet, es wctliathoTmostoleganlsthant- j
i^4lf‘4'’ ! s^tjfi i lisi ,t i > *’ i *' i 1 «sdq*to*meii«*rwk«i shower Wester Epst- |
!'? , ’&S.?S’^ ! il“^»' < ttv'Uj. 1 * *•• £ \*« >5/*i| y* -J'ilv r ,"‘t S«# llE * number ofnow bouts now lying at our
% jsx^l^ lr 4 *-> .J % s'i yjtoMwionS them. We nro? S«me -the Hot York, City o f
ashington. C3ty, S£ Clair, anlitherar All these
, „ ~„ __
’9SSsS^ m!,M f' , Tr- -sMasaw.».-«-»—,««.
-■ti j* %o&t Which has coma owi the pro- re 7pecUn,; the ministerial crisis at Belgium WISDOW Gt ASS-The «t , wo.
£SteK5s;S2S'«“ 3 «*» "*■'—-
three to.
uii-SSWcVfa diameter. SM Helen Mar wMllfllt ante -S-:
and Is to to commaniefl byOaptaUlCo*,la- “'
-r^abiytaMra iirßiirZtotanlletnule. ■ '
‘^eSHfWW Yhe bollnl tbisetearaer»ubuilt
by hlr-'Valker; the length 1h 182 feet; breadth
feet. The endues, doc
4rA' ltaUnom * Mtanta, wto have eom-
!tta jliodere of the
5 5 !P^KK*$^K?n1^5-'iwV , ‘t4h<.tJ-t ‘* dUBtOTiW JTjtoehe? In, dUmeter,wUhB*ctstrokej the
V&v&vpfd t sfec Mttw«e?W»eatobhmtorrllifeetlonff.'and
drttfhetWtH The tahinis the finest thathasever hilen kolehcil
SS3U*e« «• eml-epproprlatc;
iw4tfel«Qfl»hr«i»Ma*hw*ontrilmWl to Its decoration
gorgeoSi furniture, ni ec
h»»e <*» euntnbntod to msko lhie toot m
i GoehW ,thi <s«y oJHuh£stUlo la designed
«tonmtmthoTtanesseerivers previousu>which,however,
Sri W«aUis*o«i*tyhr
*ssvt v^Srr^**
dv 4,44 nr.%.1,
. • .
fbam iuilfruiuler tbo.Ulroclim
U intended as ft regular ponfeet c
Ljafr. i Xbehull waslmiH by-Gra*.
engines by Jarnea Ntlsotti and.
r 4iftßllin; .
YoAflaa.Jlne.boftt,bmlt ex|>rcs3ly for-the St.
_ dc.r fibotolSOfcerlcmg{ breadthof boain,3ofbot;
feel 'She is to he commanded by Capt. D. S.
•CpaJboaiA art 7 *UttßO>ng, down too river, “witbanJih. 1
. tbo Cth, wt> naUco a rale of W»0
»0f Ptt|abnrgU Coat at l&i rciail sales.alsoai XGc.
AightfthftVc were gcrvcn feotwatorltt llto flannel,and
WtoffShmlT' * iJ x
hfXnifctW-'HAuiW TO..flaniel
onoatb of Jolinyonng, .Toons
ttSpcdat Sewell 8 tmravta Boss towoihil'.a'niwhlle theta
atS «mtaßsngisBS: r Defendant found It and
(OTted ljiirlth M 5 under tbe stoWe, $lO. was foaodln U»
qqfcjjSUHnltis ettStoJi ami lie confessed that hoeliewod.
Jffewfc'tdtaSet orgtflltyarna rendered, andTirMoner -poa
eenemlnfl . ■ 4• . . . .1 < . , - - .■•»*. 1• s
■ametrwlpff. - 1- ■■.•«■•• ■■ i:.S'
Omfflnnnreialth-ee- Alfred ntid John AlersnScr.and Wo
Saißa- Indtctufent larceny The defendants were no-.
jifrr# fotMnft «n»a'otiis; in ntorhor shop, on&.Clalt
treat'iadbcrewaanii ccldcncc ogalnrt them h verdict of,
fitgoltty Vaa returned. '
•<l&nsion<realth to. VTced, indictment larceny, on oath of
lianleinolamlt'-TfaopAtonerwnaacenscd of steal mg
mvthe tyiiatf- -t etc
ilpt pf not guilty rras returned , „
SOcbael Jtafisrtn lndichnont aoaolt
OOd battery, on oath of Mrs. McAfee- On trial, •■ , : : ,
TAU^At3^1 > imraE.-'Wo Iwto received from Charter A.
jfifc^N&'nOji’Wdodfiiroet,a copy of. an engraving,
Sdv J'v’Qio"dTi^rj»Tlng'-wbll. represents •, that noble
o£ pienwho hare devoted their talent*.end *MM to
Conaplegonsln tha gronp,ve
■rfflfi ffatetef. Casa.- ami others, i
te ince&psses are *tt:well <lrnwn, rcpcC?rtiUng the IndlTVl
iippethuxi»'of each person,in sremarkably correct man-r
farrotytlirM Egumrepraented In tho>n
tfTfiig'- engravingahohld find aplaco In the dwelling
iThe'pkture- eaa be pnrchascd at the stnro of Chattel A..
SRof «r Moore, also Jsebpi constantly
himd aiargejot .of lookiogglasßes (rndhroshes, Ue U,
-dealSr ia-xlochs, fluky -good*,
yaffil Justice ATitliamv
of Julia Mahan **• Jftbn B. CUiani ,
lrcctUcvof.s2*9.93 forplslutllL
Kw Jfigty&H. B.Masrawi trustee of Agues Blalion.—
TTfffttfl^ flg -TendgrogL by consent of parlies
A irerdiet 9l was rell
tea^to'-toms horruver, to Judges decis
ufeaaaStyHpfttoK*, £
renlict of s4<9,
I: w^-tundci^l>3r
~&lTOi:&r , T<l*Tieye&t£rUa]F bdtJtbo first ln<juf~;t
SafitftAfp nfllAt. gn Hib tedT of a inao aamwl
~,r . wn~tev«/gmnJl:ifl tfagiMonopgriielariror, ilcyo
ig^'' litsa tbe'erUe&a) elfcttoiJaeCito Uie Coroner'*
gipomattit <mjiloye4.M »l^nd;i«ccM'!nliJ!3r fell OTcr
tbo gaanli- An-Toesa»y. -Tbi
sf oZd&ntat ««wniAg- i®” «•■
*3 » mfc
Sth»J»y nigbt
hßlEotaSt evnjunj. Jfcffcaiooresoiir-cltteno In »iw
4erWnSenw«nSfitmde.-t4tog - tto Folr.oiul
to SptafcWttSsSMjTottolr.mlti lotto
it to (aiowtteiroßmipto
ZrSM«Ttnih;tia}«.rtKve'7 ttolren
ten-mnnial lo overflowing, <m>l
ok, no>nt>t, 10-nlght. Seo Wtl to inolter
tk&aj gSty/ws tnVrtfl tiri 'Hcradajr nfeM- w «““ x
M > onDt cfiU » V
prfk while the Cmuly srero «t Bipper.
»Trtn]ilßSnitoa<mrreulCTSonh(rJ&W> «*> <’ r^ hS *f
o’dock.nt HCart-
Al*>, nt 2 o’docfc in Ite ottcraocm, a
*ln£ efftraliTmv&e- * s
lrwWr*t«^'Cme?ot f <som» -lodges ’Qricr w*H«™
[tlictestrcfc JZfo i» nniical yesterday, in rolation-tonn
a patent, aSpdudeil, aufl »cnt
■ ■:
jacSSi-WCMmtA smith ,folly commlltal, by Alto
flirho4®®a,ott» <!lu«soof *»
b:ofcwm44mli®&a fire 4 ptOKCator’iboaso, on Toes
fright ' ‘
.loiteUJ Ibnnsaslrnglite.-mS a^ o ' l °f> <,ato ’ fl s
.of CpV Black, 'waaEojtponcsJ
rnrcfn but wren commitment to the
of Tiis&V;
KSg WfUi^tiimmcmmit-to-Pbt lo u,ia -
tw TfcUt yestortsy moroingvthii
» «f ev&y tbln's oiptocd <6 to atxalu.
from BJU
tttC- *
salo at hia mmtoJM, ®»cr of m-
jßy the O’Seffly.-Hutt tor fta Horning XiiU
I ■ i r» "7
i -1 , sar Toat aowxtfber 10.
i <®»tiwnwEQiosgo'tr,XhpUinCraig, 'J!l*iKh
ihß» tfcisck UitaiillemooO) lMftQliujra*t *hrow »ho «»U6?
path. 20th ult.,. Shs brings bondon diiio* to the 25th.
; nso.Cana.'KarriTwi ahLirarpooi - ■
i LoasoaMrnsi— ropplfes of *ll UildJtJ
faialu smß iaatt- jThaarrfTnls of;&rdp» were Bn»U,aaJ -
ih-boJli»ntUtionij Flflttr.«Slfaily - •
1 ll?£Kib£Soa4»y-— Ootton— Eolc * ooa^a S!* jf ?'rfS
and .-far--export, martut closiug
n?rea, tobo cipcmdal in BtUng op tno
ten^^Ma^inte^, rfer
of Oporto Us* retail (be losp to the tarn
tnentSsOAM (Jonto, tna dufcwu of borrowing
tho Torkinh-Ambaaaador at Paris haa
bcenrocallHi ondieplacodbyTtelyParh*-. • -.■ ■",-.
iSnibaabeonpurchaaod in Hjdft Parktor naw National
! ftnllerlostorono millionof'dollars. ..>••■* - •• • -.--•
[ • On.; Saturday on
i haa been madeto Msairin
>-*tathoPrcrfdoota- »•.■.-
; TheTureanminigiryiainconeWerabla nnrioty at Pans
respecting the ministerial crisis at Belgium. ■
> 88'|asi8808cr«.'* - j
; AtL'AntVS l *-fr»ry meeting nratheld in Glasgowto redeem
the fartdly'of John Weeou* *om Amertean alarory*
i A. difference eiiats In Prance aa to the title of thoEmper*
bt Soma trfe&rtWUUdUf Umti NapolcOn Istirithori Na
iwl&ohB&.'’lhe rumor that-he Is lafarorof Pnnce of Canl-
S a as heir prcsumptiTC,gains much consistency it fa-thought
rtfileetoTsDriUtesammoaoionthe,2X«t Novato town
LegEdaUrl-cfirp?.‘ - - •
w ohio EuaacioNa “ .
_ . ~, - ■ CIKCIJrNATIpbOT. 10.-
Piercefa majority la Ohio. Is about IT »OQO.
■I - . NEW. Yoaa, hoe. 10. I
' Cotton., .rales ISOO bales, firm at jcstmlw» odeontx.
Uflut-jaloa Jb.WKI bbla SWp
£kBldbl.B?i Southern £5 to 0-1 S< market heasy,Byo j
: diain v Palos*3s,ooo• buahols,Gcacseo -» 1
SUO for common, »U2oiM fc '
SUJfot red, *1 Jifor white, and *U>6 for Ohto red, fales
«XWO bOßhcls Cam, western mtoi, at I
89%ft .Buslor^but-^naßtUcOi
hMa Kentucky Tobacco mofegWT
Whisky.-aaleaJJtOO hbls Ohio prison at Bu@2y«, Pror»
tonsTmles 3»bUa3hs» Pork at sl7.Ml>lBj wld prlmoJlS
t&ls' 20; .market rapidly,adeaneing; acUrcdemand^Balcs.
MOO. Ms Beef; llama ft 80@1S; country primo camlrial.
SlS@lB 50. Croon hems anil
£d<S IDO bbls.Lanl. at U^@l2; - «ale» MOkcwat IIKaU
tauctlrc Btock smftU- Butter...firm .*t -the • late adTanoto
OhS'lO©'* .western 22@20. Cbpcsc..4n fair demand at
®S£@S- : Stocks.-Penn’a flees St. 10 ..
, Tha rircr has nran ten feet wlthrn tha
.there la now 25 feet In Hour, Arm BfOQ
’£ -Whisky 18U@lSi6; lending. UCT»jd-... Bal°».90O
logs at £54805.22 Ctecso.-Salcs ia» h<i*«
FrefchLs-have .decimal;, to New (hrleiini for \Vhliky *0 »
Pork 60; Flour 40. To Pittalmrgb: >Vbwky. iV>i wund
freight 10@12J£ - To St. lopis:^O, pound, tmtght
25®30- There arc three houaea gutting bPg*- • _
rOKOOOtt—A largo twwortment or JuM £«**«*
IX wUofry .{aovO] H. BA HO 1 00.
Joys' BOOTS. —Paren u an) tumtajod -tb»l In porehantng
tliclr Vail supply tlipy would cou«u!t economy uy call;
jqo <m \y. K. sciomiw, HifcUT Mutot rtrtct, wbq a
luco oiiil- varied assortment of Calf, Kip-and Cow Ulilp
Show. fttHoyii- l‘ri°« rvaaonafrle.
. j. KlncU, Police uiricer. -
. «*X.V be found at the Offices of Aid. PwUnson, bowls,
raompUattsoUpn will bo pafcl to>Uburi
asontrostoJtobUcme. . ...
1 1’ hare declared a ivllend at -the rate o( sit run
ptr the amoqnt of capital aloe*-paid In, out of
& tooEU of the Company ainee Itoor^uUetton.onlhc>a KtoctotSlTO? »®”iTcsrmjnßT, VlUt ID^
ORESSi--*-.—. * tuiQ “ 3t;ral A K fi^y
WU-.T. our milted attention to the inmtotu “d “le of
lhral Ifclalo, Collection uf.KcnU, Bomortn*; aud
Sty™ tend., mortgages kc, *c , under the u»me of I*
tUTHBm s SON HIT) bAdw Aeert.
■’nori " '" '■' ' M SmithEeld afreet.
BobioSQH .4. -US' .
20 'do. Ottawa 2°*
25 do Webster A Boa* doj
15 do llyl&nd& Hycra do.
150 do Tttrioua brands; *
&«A9cs Myor*’ superior half pound tump.
r. • A Gabarietts do do,
6 g ..° CT & sisci-ahi
Don’tteAftaid to Use Keating** Exterminator!
made It L-. also,»iran-antcd article, that tho Kata ana
Hko irilraU It. anil It wilt Ml, wiUioat duubt.
- Sold by KKATINtii at ttio corner or Wylie and Knlton
.tSVEE'W »° “ 1 ” T «d»
nnioctata and Orocera In the Unloo. on,J “
tofo fitocfc pumas* Co.
• n tt va c»nnk Tom ranee ODOPUTt No. <3 Thini street* for
"^Jj2SyS!SSI«U«red Shore, to the
F*\\rSs*K^-rour'orfl« t »2n, “fS^S^^SS’S
bl? w “°m& s&y.
I, budnnw. - Jipp*7 “» No. 21 Kfih rtrwi.
i • norw ■■•• ,
1 > ■ puiointion*
nrtliß Partncrßlitp beretoraro ««rttag bst#wo BPTU
' r n ARK TIFbSaN APd JOHN M.'TtEBNAJi, Baflkere
TbQTAdfiJf October 2Slb, IS-*—
: *Ul'hereafter be continued uodeTthe ,
u, ttw Wtnin'cya of thdlste Brntof Ttarnsn A Co. nm»
' lotto Orphans' Court oi Allegheny County.
N 0 iTai tbS*of Join Will,**, Ata.o
I J ' Jbß&y. Khj., Amlitor. to aWribut" th" Mow?
?Qtbo todj of-tl.e AJmlnUtrata-, to nu.l wnong tho cmU
lort of saw d«*wa. «T lh / A RMM. BRU9H*-Clark.
'Perebns'lnterestod, are bepsfcy notified, that t
ataTlMA^araFUthFl r wt,Vl;trt.urgh : onMgjidaT,Ui«
Gthtayof December neit, at 2 o dock, V. M., fur the por
_ * B_ BItAPV, Auditor
2to. 45 ’ WOOD STREET*
Are now OPMSWO’ their, ‘*s®.
frutny 5f which ware parchhaed «t Auctlot^
C**? utocitof TOEBH GOODSIn the market,.
B«*ox ltoc) . ciobiMW on
ana a ‘Afro fancy ooodb,
usually required !o a Ci ty or o
in store and oflfer bo
ConUTOXWI^® 4 black,colorodand changeable.
aiKGHAJis!—! Trench and MjtateHei
\ and Phils. Ginghams,o
Cfto3 chccka nod atrlpoe, apron cheeka,
Aftlhillts* 1 STRIPES —Various grades, of nil or.snrtmcnt.
Mctlihcn, Conestoga, Union, Bhctnckot,
MArfrtS/and Toriona other gr»JS and makes.
Hmn’nIMMJIBS&KCTINQS-w'hlfaodica to♦*,all the"
brands atoll prices; 64 and 144 bleach
;; ere deftnompo
Manchester, Troy,Tiroli;
aU«lora,irt<lcB.ftnapnccs. t. ■ •• V r
C^ggiMEßES—Pull assortment;* ll pnccs. ,
Td^UMU&^d fed tobrat
FLAN^EIiS—An extensive oasortment %,% and 44 Kar
letTwblte and yellow and plain Flannels, ond mefflam
•, % aqa atufhe&t? KSflct indiso Uiu &nd.blofl
. wbito SUk Warp Kennels
•KFVrUCKi' dEANa—In great variety, from steubenvlhe,
toe Uoatorn makes; alao, extra heavy double
T!TTireO ! «EDS-All “lo". tMiodlog 8 stall ataUnen
i prices ertr offered.
Brt. suit and worslol. ..
do Ettas, Lotertrlnjs and Lmtro talks, a fall
'CV.:**-**** «*• ” I ’ l ' naU
' B KOA»&R-B« :i * i H I l' GctnVin -^ U3!I i ° iAO ' rl “ n
! .^r^^TTKAND 3 "tttiuillijQß Coloral and Watt
• ftKW^Sd^w^‘ la4lag;s,,ocl a * Um ’ ,w “
• -> ’ .Silk pockct hond
j " 'stdckSi-tteSf i >'■■!
SwS!asSs'*@iii*^V“®“ ««•
i completeia«^atofPKini^ wa 0?(? tlli) maJ {
&sSrt«t aunn*. wtt *°>
■ buyerfl to giro u« tio . , - -. •• •
; jon^SHrU^l Hrawen,fcrrata
»j f*rge Call ™
iorA <Jcua.,(
jjCsreer ef,
.i serrlces to
fSecrttery .to
' fltroet.; •
" ‘■vlonatilfeOooaß,
' to call jnft
■aalc Ibis com* .
. Cfceinnatl,
;ktt street
Jt -
••V % > »
v *-■ ; >,
J 4 f *. J ■* 1 > v~-
" ■ •■ ■'• . ' :■.’ --.. •■ -■ I;.-:: ■>-,• ■/■• > .«,•■; .••:. .•
<- - *■
~ Oma* or ,rax Luijt. Mowmro. Post, s ,■ v
• *Hmraa*y I ,k NoTWttbe*'ll^lBs3. •'* f
1 Tho weather yesterday was pleasant for out-door btzslncsn. ]
We continue to notice ft in every branch of trade.
The shipping by river and [g&b&l is heavy. Prodnoo is
coming forward freely. *h
; PIQ nOUaxl iS*£et that holders
of Allegheny 'toa.'VSSe have it in our
! power now to notice the following iolesat ibo*> ftsdres: 200
ions Olsey furnace ; 4Q tons jjtytflalo y about 200 tons, namo
of famoce not miwireco^ectod—all Allcgteayi As it is
likely, now 'Very, little metal
will arrive, holders ore demshding sis.-.W«*bou!d not bo
surprised to sea thetr.dem&nd* acceoded to. ;
; FlSH—tTe'hotlce ft further sale oflOO bbbUot a large
maekerelat $9, 4-mos; white at
■ COiM OEBO tags at n thatoaniry.
SOAP—Salts SSQ botts at 4, i. mos \
l5O boxrni »E fe}s ''
' from flretAaails of 1000 bUJ etloj/.
1 SOLE LfeiTHEß—Sales 2000tt>« pod at 16.-..;.
i ASHES— Bato&IQ tom domostio at BJ£@B}i.
yLOnR-Wonotlwjimongtho ealcsyestiidiiy.tlio ftllqw
lng; 600 ita» extra ilSOpfi 200dolo.Ipt« ; it|3,80^W6i
tales from stokes afcs3*B7@s4.
OlL—Sales 9 bLis Linseed st CO. '
APPLES—SaIes of 32 libls at SJ,7S.
BEANS-iWe notice ft' sale of 20 bos email white at $1,75.
WINDOW GLASS—The stock of glass Is quite.light, with
ft better foeling* in ihe market* "Wo.quote good at for
8x10; second. quaUtjrsl,9o@s2.
t NAlLS—Weuuiy noticethat since the advance that, baa
taken place In Pig hiatal, manufacturer! hare advanced; 75c,
■it i-anfut—an naUi aav $385 tor 10a. and $3,50 for Bs, other
■ Patt»nn.?Hfa, Saturday, )
Nov.d. P. M, )
The transactions In stocks today vreromnluly coutnod to .
the fancies. Loans and bonds sold only to a moderate ox
tantatahout previousttuotationa. .hlorria.Canal openedat ;
16, cold up to 17V, and at the clow recedid to 17, with solos ,
of tOOO aharas. Long Inland closed at a further advance of ;
V under soles of '6,700 shares. Union Canal was alco In de- .
mand, and Bold to the extent of ISOOaharea at id, Eonnwl
vanta 1 Railroad was better, and cloaed at V advance, with
sales ol'aomo hundred aharea, Bcdoral, Staia..and invest- ,
sicnl securities are Arm, but unchanged In price. Thegcn-,
I *^RQYISION < &-I>urmarket baa rapidly advanced lb* Pork. :
tho demand la not active, but the atockis much dhninlabwl,; .
[fchdthorelsleas elapoilUoa to adit calcs of tOO.bhla at $1(1 :
“SCV@I6.7S for 014 most; and sllso® 11.76 for prituo, hchl
iat $l7; andsls (br.mcaa and prime, respectively. Beef la
abundant, and the marital la easier; sales of 380 hhla at $7,
•70®8fbr country mess; and $1 far do prime, prime mesaia
i butet at slB®l9. Beef trims are plenty, and ore lower,
salea df 2W bwa at $ll 75 per 250 lbs. Brewed Hogs are In
demand, and not plenty at 7Jf®P.cts. arecn bams dull at
110 eta; and do shoulders at Bcia. leird la steady: and in fair
Toauosttor the total trade: aalca of JOO hhla and tca alllV
j ®IlKi and 1800 kegs at Butter la veraalMdr.
| aalca of Ohio at IC@lB, and Western . Dairies at 20@2!J4.
Chceso la In request at 3®9V eta. , '
WHISKY—Our market la hotter; the arrivals ycyy. light,
sales of 7W hhla, mostly from stare, at 2!><s2llS for Prison,
and 24@aw far Ohio, and held higher at the close -, Drudge
I Is dull, andquotalions would ho nominal, ..
The Imports of Dry Goods at Now York eonUnuo large,
and are considered In caecra of tho corresponding week lot
year, aa wtU ho seen by tiro annexed aunparalive fibres.
Total entered at the port,
Total thrown Upon tho market, «n>,^*u
From Jao.latv
18M. 1852.
Total entered at the port, $57,081,2:7
Total thrownupon the markeUM,Wo»l34
Tho value of general merebandiro Imported donng. tlw
vcvk vu st,uosJB4. making, with dry goods, an aggregate
valua of $2,781,254. The export*, exelarivo of aperla, amount
wl In value to $3,014,916. _ ,
According to the annual report of the Wilmington «>d
leigh lUllrwrf Company, the receipt* of the
vuar ending October 1,1852, ware,
, Expcn-c?, <B ** r>tw '
Nett profits—.
CocnWAtx* Saturday, Nov. <]*.
PROVISION®—The only Bale beard" of today w* IwO
Green Side*, deliverable from Drst hogato U O, ■
HOGS—A nla of 900 hft&d corn fatted, deliverable.. 20th
1 U IS Hie?c?7ObLls from Bliaml Canal,2© do from
\y \V do and 500 do from river, at 17$£c, ®»d WMotrom
wagons at 17’£c- The demand la goaJ, and
IIUTTKU bales of 12 "blit* at 15c. Under the cfTect ofln.-
creaxed receipts, rockers are less willing to buy at present
rates, the rates bang from 16 to 18c.
TOnACCO-A sale of 01 bwu» common Va. tts at 40c.
OIL—A rale of 18 bbls JJowed at G3c cash 1 The demand
la better ainoo the rise in the river. .
CRANBERRIES —A «do of 10 bbls, largo sUe, at f3,*»o.
The Is fair. , .
FREIGHTS—The market i* beginning to,«bo* ,ttgp*oi
actlvitv, and a brisk buslnosi may now bo cipcctod. Th<*
rates today wore— to Near Orleans, Wbbky '
Flour 45^?50c, pound freights Vic, to flttsborgh, WU^kl,
40r350fi: pounofrdght sl6®2oei toSk IsiuJs, whisky <-x,
pound freights 3X?&0e; to Nashville* the usual rates.
Tho rlrcr lias ri«en five foet during the last twenty four
bourn. .
7 rut 0 neats vaiu n ttus cauuna.
Atlantic.. Parkinson, BiownsrUle.
« Bailie, Bonnet,' Rrownsyille.
u Tbomas ShrircT, HaJtey, West Newton.
•< Michigan, No. 2, Bol«» Bearer,
u Oeoe.*«e> SRxfialr, &r&eesparv
• ' tt .. Wlot&eshavil. D» Moore.WliccUng.
- Pilot Na-8, Wanly, Wndnost |.
•* T- T*. Ray, OasklU* Wheeling—
* ’ « Navigator, Dean. Cincinnati.
« Orion, Wheeling.
U Venture, HadCTrell, andnnatl,
. u QoUoo State, Calhotm, St> tonis-
Steamer Atlantic, Parkinson, Barwnarille,
« Baltic, Botmet, Brownsrille.
u Tbomae Hhrirer, Ballot, West.newton.
m Michigan, No. 2, Boles. Bearer.
«« Genesee, Sinclair. M Keesport.
« Dlurpal- Conwell,Wheeling.
»» Justice, Skelton. Cincinnati.
« NartgstOr, Dea^ClprinnsU.
tiow York, St. touts,
u Venture, Mailewell, Wheeling.
** Paul AnficrtoOrOray, Bt. Lotus.-
“ City of IlontirriUc, Boles. Bt toujs.
u Cincinnati, KounU, Cincinnati.
FtirEtempMs, Vltksbnrgh oa4 Hew Orleanj.
' TUB splendid passenger steajner AHIUEai-
I IL Sl. Hc.Tra, Jlaittr.-nin
anil all Interuiwllnte purls* on MONOAk *
NorenSor IAUi, at 4 o'clock* I’. M- foi Height or passage
***** 01 ,n John place, Atant
TPcdncidßO Packet for Cincinnati. _
__ TB new and thst Tunning ateamer CINCIN
1 ■ IIX .ftwiTi Bolts Master, will lease regularly eTcry
; a yw Height or,
SSTToSiTBSieta. tSirlettM, F»rMer»bnrg,
ms GftlUpolll*
Thfl fine newsier 00V. MKTGS,&n.« < Mas*
j «m leave for ih» •%>?• ««* totmodtaW
every Tuewlay. at 3 o’clock P. M.
for tnight or punp »W>7 « ’JSft’J&cK, Agmt
foo3 1 ■ -
o'clock, P
S./'tejSW** P“»8* “t°woo£s JC BOV, ’
Ko- Cl Water street, and C 3 front st
Marietta, VnrVexrtnTg amt jiwuungtiort
niaUUofl and promptiuias. W '
mart ■
TkBQIIPON, Secretory.
raj low, »t NO. 10T Market street gcnMEET7.
tO Loam. ■
SIX TIIOTJSAND DOLLAKB, on opprorcd .notes of toon
gsges. Enquire Of 800 l Estate Agent,'
corner of BmlthtloM nnd Filth streots.
BA.KSOT nrwpuJWH, l
OetflbpT 13» 1852. )
a « election of thirteen Directors of this tank for we
be teldattho
ttfu&Wof Norembernext JOHN
month*, payawa forthwith
nor 3
iia«h »Q 0 CXIFJfJUfr—Now tawUng-.*t...U» Csnd
175 So ss&\ESB$S5
novs _ _ ... .. -
Stored ttifii®
CINTiCA LAUDISi Iff Mason & (
jfew Canning Sacra, do *
; **£?»*#*•■ U
: ChrUU«.™k r by^®'^ E books.
The Glee Hire, by towj) * While '
; ThoßostonMelodeon, b^RHmte »wn»e.
‘ Tha ChOTW&IM '’
, ' .
■ — B^KS^
; Young Choir; Pala® of Industry i. J S^?,?sw&
; Youths- Song Book; Bchool CWnie»;-«?»>”* ■Jurenue
££,’ hj“ tho quantity or £*"
;“g> « rodhcetratea
i —■ FOB. THE . ;
•“T)B TK raemOL ANB HOialPl-Y ”, ;
I n that should bo cheerfully'olxn-adby 0» i
Klxir, proscribed as an eilectual
bility, Impotency, or Barrenness, and all .te«wJg*“* n
ft is *ll that It professes to be, yii Qrc?t
.IStorottTO and Remedy, jbr those SnUla married «£*» T**"
F«nt ftffsrjrinc. It is a certain cure for Seminal JKmiaaoDß,
Gleet, ’Weakness- of the Genital ' Organa,
t xWrmis Affeetlona, Leuoorrhcea or Whites, As an Invigo
rnadidne'‘it is' nnenJoaUfid. .Also, & aaialn. remiiiy
CtmsumpUon,'lndigestion.loss or Muscular
dfc*«S3o WeSness, Debility, 4c.
StffiSranted-toplcasetha ata**®*
cJoiwiA-andlrttf countless Talus to, those without, pfftpring.
I tw mute Of Comrto^d
■ ib.nfenKr.aßtt nsrsrtwy « nnlerayou Snathe eboyo
filjt aSt tobeonSfli&ly amtafdua ofVsu. kvM
thotoimtotelta* Tint would %°Sf°jttirt??3ininT.n gT.
arfiJdlWJT po ' vv
r -;v.;Vy'.V^'-,7^
W. H. DENNV. Cashier.
Aurtiqp- ~~ *■ r '
be offes W« !
'•tbShowmbe enabled to el™ onto wUtfugatffl w «11 uwao.
Thomayfcol-dUpofßl •*P» tro “| , s^ ss J 1 Aacttonocr.
i - - •- ~-
( » n ashoM,sw»,c«iß.|= rfowcK p x, ' -*
nltore, *f-, AI , V JU * *
„oU sUnor* »“fi o^v“^faS. 4^
'KS watt
* p. Moiaam]CAootlopee^~
30 ifsagaw-SSSfi
Se'Mia, it il’Komm'J.Audijn
03, InloU to suit purdmort - p KE fo, A; Anct'r.
1 retail stock of Dry Goods.- - j,;-*.. "
' nOTIO • • - ’•"• I'-J&ZZZjz—l.
Boots and SboevlWfl and
tion.frtsbafld!!! good order.;
peril ■■—“
. . urdAT evening next, November 1811),it oCJocx,
AilboiOul at McKennu'* Alietkm no^*Auttboxo££[j\
SSfctoneh Vm «*» *w **}•*«# iMxJXfbiu*,*?
Uwm«tmdnCTtwmufectnafe.- f Anrt .r
.comprising: Superfine Broad ,
' lit. C*6*Unercs awl Casaiacto, Lawc^tvW^g^nUv.iAai^a
s SSS»gs
; und-Collnr*, l>ti!ntTlJtwtedB«»&Kfflki
Vol vet* tcxccthcr with agffc&lTwioiy.
220 Tbiirrfaynt
JO 'A o’clock, will 1» solil ot McKcotm* AiKlkmltotoc, -X
W A <wi'«od Hira’wiSS'«ni teJiM WHdS
P~M. 3AVXS, AuctiOMM.,. :
(; bikminoiiam, hast biumlnlilLAM vuip-aouiu
mrsßunuu —on Friday wfexnd ■
o’clock, ai the Commercial EalealtoomMtocr of VVooaartd
Fifth streets, will bo eoH oUbfmt
dcMrabk- Building LoUt, of tho Gregß fTvSuSL'JJJIwJwJ
boroughs, embracing many eligible all<ai*r pii«t«re*l“-
eev and manu&Rtunng and boalncas ..
aSo-OdoOui Lot, In South' .A*
this will bo tlio Inst public salepf
greater Inducements than may.cra’ ppioocaa
to those Wishing to lotcji is real estate,
very rapidly In saluo; screral lots Houtfȣt
han* nlrwvdy bepn resold by the. pQTch&#er» »t wry hftnd
*°Teeui&—Ono-fourtli cash, rrslduein equal «noal
Pa ,iHI latglTat P- H.'tPAVIS. Auetl.
CANAL BOAT AND HOlUjK*—at l^cnp^.—4)o fiolof
day morning No* IMb at 10
Omni street, Wardion»' h H?
he mid without rtsfcrre, ow faction QtfW ? llh her
IKkUVltonitun., ir Tbo U“™«» n4 p ll " l 'mrlfti Aoe.
Torma at »ale. . , MT"*
Doll. '
V NoremberlSUl, al 7J£-odrefc,
H'Curtuoy’a AuctlouUuuno Utn»
«*olt fatnljttg t»eotjl>*l <>P C'OJtro
catenates bi* ouo'WoJrod tet; fetefcMa A?
and l&oatin plan of loti l«Li<ml by tto KlsLi. Key. M. 0-
On U» above lota are erecwl a nc ,’ , J t "% t gf
linuMj containing Jlmr room® ceIWJ w «»uiu*w
In » healthy awl pl«aa»tj»rt of thi> lioroiwb»
euSioreedlly Toy property non offetoj (tor ailo. Tbs «lo
,U 1 U. pasture KELLEY-A BBOTOBBS,OwncCT.
Vv U. MsCAHTMKY.AMttomr-
■*rALbABuTucmSrATB « 1
V <m Urn premise* on Saturday. j
oVloek In the afternoon, a loluf Ground, ,
Wrfwter rtiwW(oe« the brick y^^nJ^SSS
oud hundred and tvanty-nIBA fret lo
crunud rent of twenty-fitfir dollar* per,- emn
™il cellar, sr|th o utelite ftwl btii ofctt jn tba tear.
SSru property b pleasantlyafluaUa»tßw
street, la * healthy part of Ihp eity, e&l *IIIH **» *•»
bamln to thoso Intewllog to pnrehati
JET""* ** tS wtro^artr
ofsuperlor (iu«coJW«». writing
4m fttvl coQeo sett?* tuQet setts, wlUi« pw wwiy oi
plates, dlsbos, eotcral Olidws, soap bcrwjj, pUebcr*, cups and
“taS'rS D Sw\«:i«o will W II
attend thcml».*»«h» whnl* mujt he to frttlo up
the wlU
I.MSII— 18 bbl» lviko oa|»rlor ttUllo *Wi* ,* •
uttWiOH MlNK— lUOtharo of thi« stock lor Bio
r “ e ’“ 74 Fo '“ Ul ‘ toct a. wn.ggs k CO.
VKT RlBBONS^—«rtonf Bonnet Rlbboas, oX U»
i'rsfnAcf uwoiuct-uy^.
fol „uo b* a a. FAirajpTOCK *•«>-,
rt'nifff tint mil Wood
cy^^^' L v^.^ u Lursr r '
eme j Broker**
corner of Tldra nnJ Market sta.
TvhTcK—auO-OOl) old Brick* for rale in *ny
B “to, Md ontorm. to male It an oXJo* of adirantago
u, buit<iM» U. * BANE,
U 2 Bcooad atreet
oct2o - .
T TfiKliMATTsai.—Dr. JlrownJ new .^J^ n £^“ t S
lv% Rheumatism i* a speedyand certain Bemody fir
that painful trouble. It never felw. JiT*T»vnV7\
Office and Private Consultation Rootai Xo. 41 plftjlQXPj
Pittsburgh, Peim’a. The Doctor la always at home.
■ WBXaa-Ktnusei' Oo»ast, I
P|tt*lwgb,Kmfr«b? r MBs2. i
IMIE PmUrat awl IMraetoia of ibfe Company hare tbu t
SyKrrf l DMtond Of Twi 1
tßoCapitalStoek; oneOoUar j*r >l “n> tobeMtt on" ff
iiadutrteotj'pcl I Wt®o
S"- B. 51'OAJIUQ 4 00, hmimajHiu, ho. 64
Fourth struct Having veryanp«ta
amuOTincnts, warrant our Ufcrneraes lnferwr to
noneT If hot satisihetajri no dOTgo I s o: 4^
Call, cxamtno spedmops, attl Jialgo toy
solves.. , ■ —
Mortd AUcghenr.bylDOd^ptot^
• .--SOttmltfaftcld street*
cord ’
TtaV t tfu'wnitMtuContaining worn Hum twclTO hu^
For Bile By BoctaUor uni SUtlonor,
f.l Wand gticet; Bctwcoa Third »ud Fourth.
1?, tSUwpSuafcrp>Wcustom.TWtaMto to.
:K. B. —All articles tsien tads If w* ®>iind e OO4
money returned. .- • A -——
totmshlp, in wild county, day of
elgMT»lTh«, strict mi»iore. j ™m« £(M PATTON,
1 a “L on the settlement ana ooUeottan of i
. -^v:
' Goo - < s l & 8 do ISsdet*.Gorman, •' do;
iSßßßfgg’ ISesfeßSSi
Yorti" Jcalohl** *Co,, Baltimore,,:
> %?ISSS|-<Ssm2>S"'«K»' HejrwM£r JUjnisrjUei
'-■■■'*'} Jtp.Wejrcomtißrp, do;
OonmlEdon-Merchants, tojr Orleans.
■’ ’’ ’ COM^ B iS?™ B *
S' lime atfaUlsbed: Honsor,cbnllne ’lhdr rtUnUen
Snnd. purchase*' on OemmUbD, and to
toibffi mirtft'frro
; i£C jv 'ryS' 1
- ‘ V
i * . : ' V; ■ '
bT Austin roojjuy *
W VfS IWTonrthgU fabOYO WoodJ)_
:. YY . Wood.)-
£ho ® T<ayi ““ , “*®“
! Cicala. J“** MASON A CO.’S,; '
Ji2 md 6* ilutecUtrcet.;
MLIUMJ3-—A. A. cFtto*
S,a«,s^s£ss,« = sr
:Coburßgf —-—■ "”
hlblllDjC* large und Mrirtll n . (j-(tir ghawla, coraprl
xnates of Fall qi_. p -Waterloo. Efflplr®
Sagßroebe, (lon* and squarejßaj Stow, watenou,
gtnfty Oohmert, aC.- . ....:
r,H ElooUon fci TUrteon Blrectos
Al'hOi fctthe Banking abused iIONPA*,uw iaw w
of November next. -
A :SI wiatt to dlaeontimxe toy
cA»oonjS%t wtttft tetgoin, M X «m drttmlMd to «ell,
,nd no g , KESNCTY, Ko.W JT«W*h«t
Sew Goode, Sew Goodl.
... ' ... |
TfO. 185 LIBEETI BTBEB*, ■■ -I
A BE now reodrins our BAIL EWS, end «•“?“
A. to Jireseht, totho inspection of.onr
pnblic,anujMqoaUaloesortment of nolr i
rUpIeQOOD3 et moderate prices, endt° eMeUothecbirao
■ ter of bnr work to tit, rtf Je,<lanibUiJj-»nd <jantot .
JiforrlU keep on hand »choice »w>rtment«f fe«dj■.*“*'?■■
clothing of opt tnro menn&ctara. ”1”
i T>CT n|> •gTT.T.nrKi.t.Y’B rEmXißWnxif^EYj.
f VF' Ist of>HoTembec.WXt. <, ,* r . ■. - -. -.^--v
• - ~-'TT? I *y~ wra *tsaoX jg. MVI jiualßS* -ientJi'
tßoard, had endhoddlngt and
I Piano, lnitnniicnt.....-.., —* k »H
and other languaesv«lcb-‘ ; *J , S(
iyoei tot hod want,!*, needed...... •«v W&2
.TfMhiDff, tßJit; « aa*4 SWSoßory.Ttook*, fc-^7^ts
! :batghpric»fc - .••:•• oct*Jw
Agency -ind ' <W»e«» for ;l,oe«iu>B
t - #1 Vut« * “ .
Paul's. SnuMßQUjVitd^
itt ai; (Mnectfon sritH. *&*££_
\Gwwtj-*^tebo^Bt-PMiJ^. Mlnawo Jj
; Dorposk • ilcwri C. 4 K* Hating been settled In the Tar
• Wcit fcr * number of yesifh' and being practical *“ r »'lWi
Wliwiin rtn bwi planed on tbbir Integrity nod; P?n
!ae£»liiUje6ia»OT:of pnidiiiring orJoraUng lm«.
• - -"' ■*. Basies blakelv.ASO Woodet.
; • . Sjpe®*-"'
i r ' rr.*
'Em iSiSSfif
W. B. DHraY. CMhler.;
jeulu ConmitHlOl Oouejei . i
(utx ix caumaraY,)
• 'PiUsburghi hi l -. {Third Floor.) . ■ ■
E P OOODNOEnH; Practical-Accountant, and nlgm*.
. acccptible Preceptor, rcccutlj- of
dal CoHcCTi'rUI and etßcJctiUy, the
of Ccmocrdal Cal
imcnrfM of the aapirfOß joul* of oar coontrj.
: Tuua—Prill Courtc, slo,o°. gpEKCPUt,
1 pdndpal ami Profeasor of Pcomanabtp,
; anl&dlrr andTert/Scr of Commercial CorTMpondnicc.^
; AiiHtheny CoPttty>; i<» •
IN tbo matter of the Estate of Thomas
H’Kec, deceased, in the Orphan* .Court in
sndfcirfcaid County. ■ . , c .„
AM now, to wit: October
within citation-baTin* been ddr**red,«u
the parties having appeared ta Oomt,Xbaj_
Wi. by consent of counsel, tbo Court ftp-
T*\n\ OarkiaUruS; wa- Auditor, to report upon tbo ; pn>
Irtotyof crtCticgSid order of sale, to ascertain
W« ~?n»f %* end whether defence should Tn taken
W Mid discharge such
as required bj- the sets of AascmMj aod rules or
• The will liischargo theduttes
msnt on Thursday ‘3? ?
at ** VIDD: ■ ;
■ • i f rlv»teol*ea*eat
fBE. BROWN, No. -»1 Diamund AUej. pc- __yv
»W‘s ssa v ! ¥i3SaS
liTifola Tenoral Organ. Skin BiscasM, Scorbutic Brojv- 1
iloas T*UCTi Illngworta, Mercurial Xftaevfx, Seminal Weal*,
lujns. ieut i b TUieuniattaov Ifamale Weakness,
KimjSK. PAlnj lutbo BMk cud Iftes,lrri
Mktat*U citj) enables Dr. Broro"
tooirSiu^ioMSk*!*® comauo-
I PtfratoOomultaUcnßoom*4l, DUmoudclleT.
I flSfciSigM moderate. , ', ■■ ...uoTfalAuly
'fnaigPH omoirs SXKKIi *EgS. ;
FOB sale b, all Stationer*.and Fancy Goods Dealers ifltte
tWtcd Stclca, atKl WteAwOe
w.nionse. 91 .JOHS-SIKEET, NEW YOKE. Thirty
i» **CttHtVon,’ T bearing ifAMimU®
afttowv rtt&wajc»tt> hb *0. 303, ra* wct
jSS Gtllntt, aa |Srant»e of quality. J'b'J "5
the lest itjla of boxce «ach,aTith:JibcLand
Caution S rererso laMtatUe rf and
Bhada and Oil Cloth WnTinfactory, .
w *8 IBWllf sms*,
E. R. KEBNAtr, ; ,
c ao : da do two to ZOO da.
Hawed, Oothfcrad. Phdn, assorted pt«®>,
Ball linen, MS5e.» W Skj , ( :i .
Ball Oil Oath,i42sc„fr43lc ;; 64MK,
- '
Lons Black Coat*, eaefc.
Short Black Coatvs4,2& each.
Long Pant* £k2s each.
Beww of hStationfl
lilno Yellow a ft* 1 CrUitsoa window Shade Oil Cloth, as this
not to ftfat, bdt> or cncfc. ; j T ■_
fautgu *nU RetrUttMtoes» djgph
410 liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa-,
ros .
&3 South street, Ne*Yorfc, ana.
' Ko. 1 ILeKcnt Koad, Clarence Itock. Llreiuopl..
T ITEBPOOI* PACKETS sail from liTerponl on the. nth
p : I ■ Si
"W? SI '■ fs|
: k] II
. ship isnnmiTOK, 1 ott n ...... J
CaptM’WminmV k«b a Apl |
P l»tenl • J Juno21 -tog 6
Ship nnOUENOT, VNot «
• OoptOonllntr, WTdi 6 Aplg.
1100 tons. t Julj «
CaptDuryea, j-Mdi fl .SS i
{mums. )i°'J ® o?
Capt Delano, J- April 6 • - SeXst
1050 toss. -.- 1 }Ass -8 .- . . - ~W a
QUEES OPTHE WEST, 1 Doc 21 • 6
te 1 ! 3 ™l
magnificent Packoffirt
• A2fD v*;: • n -j.
: . Weißsue f <lrafU JVont £1 and upTOda, whfca l™ l
cashed, freo of charge, at right, hr the Bank pf, Irriamh
Dublin, and all its branches thruughcrattho country,** W,
oetlM&er ’. ; , . .’, . 410 liberty street. PUtabargh. Pn- _-
1852. . -
On!v Ten MOa Staging tmfrieh wttnx timldrdtp tSeSOti.
inf Kottmbtr. • riSoiJtaOg Traiiu fo ;
■ %itod*sia an?ih!2>no«- Only ».Jtourr ttrrmjtt
tndth&yiat*,both Train!cmnt&ngat Ttem&rrg ~.
witt Xrairu far liai&mort- fOreta ...
nHa, 3i> liaVionrt, *9,60. r Jiaiy- .
<u»3 o AaJf tenia cxtxabrmg ...
imnottd an FkOaitlzMa TmrA, by
,r Osnal Cmnissiimrt._ ..
mUB Btprara Mall Train will leavo tho Dopoton Übcrty
TstrStTabore tho Canal Bridge, every morning at .8
■»R-„,iinlil' n Tjy tbo can
find ttebert olGawto
them lO mllci, over aUrct raio plan*.
station, (Omdnetort tooomij.
andean-talu> fee cam direct to
ainyattfb’cloik p: k;£ \
gr Baltimore at 8 4de& <b» ■«?*
aey cho °*'“
■tidteta are gbod any iwasonailetiintt . . •,, s.
: w«*f ■
b&ogli's, 80 rente. ___. at the BaHreadOfflai
' tire Canal Briiga." ’
Depot 'ir^jt^^eLi^haVOmnlbiisptopiietcCT,
; j turret exreeding $l9O.
XtrST EEGEITEPijy j&AUXEE A Co-;-No. 33 ffmtth'fe&r ___—
J KATB AS&gj£E .
r priro
; .sauar**-,« : - ; • ■ -■ ; ;i
. -SSSWNfraMMMfctoOMtwraflh ■ "'? 4^J£yaSßSS&&Mkiartlg(4MlM£"*fe,-
L--Uy*iKl3™Aflwoat oTh& Disebnrerferatata«-
Or Ecsmain tt« Uftof aCZtJ,'. _
Asnyl>!tUtoj>,2'»o!- _. -.-
ktit^ttooghtoath.sqod«a«rtI iabott,by byßitiattlHSw,«#l'■■-• -
r«*» to ?*«• »ad Art, by **» ’ ‘
tags^v^-i^ T(J s» few*' KSii& BBSS'
thrfawp Boobrtcr* ct £0.32 gnitbfitld ttnrt* ■ t/smb- ■
OCtil . •. -. .! '• .: ■'f-': r - ''..-V A ‘•'- T -- : :
• . j•- .;" ■ •v ; ;:-;;V^'^^:'>--^-^>'.'^:^
•■■ ~ ■•.,"., ■» - .~: r * *«:= - -v J ; -- -
.-V W
s • 1 ■' ■ Vi '
’SiSF '
* ' i “
T^JBTGUUPS^Tomato; iWAJxmt vod Sptthrpon, ppeiaxwl:
DP H7EKYQUMJlg.lbr«a»atsiannhcta«n‘pntgr
mot. Wood. - - -. BORISBOff.&Cq j:
- ■ : Steam JEwiae fiw Srtei ■ .i ■
i N UPRIGHT ETRAJOffiGmE; &lnchej cjUMer;l2
f\ Inches .
. Per further laformatSo»,raqi!li» at '• •• .•
' petL-tt THIS OPFICE. ~
». jniEßEiff MOUBE-<)onmlaiit;to
i jVj msnnfactining ertaMlrtimraU. Also, * SBBE *n4
BWELUSa rolto
nosaiff .■•••'• ! .-ssn.A»4TO J TO«*«t.
- . 2* 1852*' j -
1 T ° ptli f B ° U^ Tt *’^!^EK^Httag^cabfe.
?St£ra,of tltf tor tt*y,
: •‘■^ i^^v.;: " : 'v‘^ : i--'- <: v';-; ; «•'—■
' i :jt application*)]!
A Jimnr, to the charterer » Bank,
Mhn, to. Woafe.l
•■•■^w^«barg i iyniQa»illl3aM»bepy in W«tkly papffl*; -• *
: ,fjc2&6ia - •••■ ••• ••-- •'■• *
IiIVKSV .' - '
*f K<n4ih6tS& iirat ostd TX&dana auey.
h: to m»
! «<i-j^:lrrgnrCT*"ff^<T't< v - ywftfpT l ”*****' jruMto
: ?0.
iprietorpajs emy attaitimtn smdMmlbrt^
. HEW SEBD.STOBE." . . •
TAMES \YABDKOI\ba» opened*SeedanJHDrtieoltOTl
el WnSioußC, No- •»Flflhstrect, In. connection TIuMJ
iSunerj i'and tram, a long
ouaHortrottwal partote,to^iUiecpnooebntto™ ;
cesi fresh'Seeds, Fruit Trees^ShrnHery.
Implements, Ac, end. from Oje libers! patronage ataadyl*-
fiUiwcd, ho -sill introduce eTerrarticietbatwiH
Sto frenett tbe losers of Fruito. 'Fcgctalte, Hants, or
! Flower*.- • - - -- ■•■■--■ .- - ‘ ttotV -
PAPER— ' ' . ‘
; dAoWo . '• •do • • 00'.--3o;
loO'-to*;; jdo.; do. -. do ; -. .da .- rtaw;
200 do do ; ' oo;.
do -ocdlnia .do ••• J .uo do»-
75 <io r -.uoaWe do. dor .-.(to.;--.
do do rsg; -
do do do;
_• ' ,J. B. WJ&DIN,
TBoolusller utd-Btotfoeer,’
03 Wood it, betron Third and Fourth.,
100-do: do'' do
-20& do
ocml - ■£ '
■ . -"-ITo.i 74 Wood'. Btrß6t,t'near Sonrtt.
'nr'HlS'tatsßlblinieist'iS MleteMcd ;ftr. flnenejEof quality,
ii 1 duraWqif of TrOTfcmsmiip,' awl: tot Id*. Ktes of
Scoirnd IWClothing- PurthwctSSOTT^jrop<» gerUloe.
Vumentj fcr min or boy, 1« .euVuoJj.or
Roxtotooernialce, Et Wper Kit less ItiuTOdomor pr?«T;
I ; Principles of business, rain profits, ontfpri^., AU articles
; !Tramaied _ tt>bc as reproseotaL.rTerms,'s&ffh.,'.'
* ■ ‘ CHESTEJt, . .
Xapscott’B Bamittanca ana EmigrattifcOfflces.
Elm Qttaj.-DsbKx; yfdaioo Btad, Inmafi . ,
Jai 'So. ISO Garter-of Wood-and Kbertj tis.lVldurgli.
" " JiHES BJiAKEIY., ■
j> Passengers.will 1* brought from-England, Irrfßnu,
Scotland anAW&leg, direct to Pittsburgh. -" • ■ • , j _.
; ftonclxc#, Bat«> Mic«j , _, t
trifling pe*t*» H te/trae, compared
of-Unman-annoyance, aeration and diannat, la tp
ttcXS rttUeSti mire, bed bugs and eociro«tott<nj
ftWimplcasanS wbicß *wan»Jn fdl quarters Cf
tSdty and «rontry. Hia extent to
multiply Is almost incredible,
measures for egt<rniinatfng -ft*
p,.,, aa a late creed rat bunt, no less tton piuh hnnaretf
oftWarere flaogbteri.
, pmilm cleared fctHn these tennln, buy'
ltbr &wnnUdjcrtSe^ SoM
by nl l Dmeslstaand QrOcers ln Uw .Unloß. ; ’Prw*
I perboxv ; -
aO (iardencri and Farincri! _ ■
THE Subscriber has Wn appointed, ■4s>S»}i>y-JJPS
Him, Smith, Fanchett £ Co* Totfeto
the' ralo . <fr Fruit,: Ornamental Iras,StmihbCTT,
Honse: plants, Bulbous Flower, Tegetatoi tsarly^ c ~-
Nursery «ml Greenlloaie, la celebrated os the tlrgbst sod
iSt^iplotelathonnltedßates. Ass*pe«ben,lwOttW
Skattentton to a l&rgi lot of
Trees* X selected whflelSoati Ibrilr* John
go, orders wQI be rcceVred for Ws .It u»eryr*fco 1
of PrultTreei aid ShjruWsOT,
h*a, 21i Wood street, * -.; -
TTr- B yRTfiTTT, --fgpocgsaor to-J. -8/ tfOCRH) M*® o **®"
tarer cf*nd X>etteij Tfffcotetti»aa3 Bata3l» in the.;
abcJa «.">«* on aid aoTTa«tttegaJ«g»^Mff
mcntolliin’S. te ta™2'stbo Eai<!«U i On,C!mOOM,
and Pino 00- Aim, Uunpa of-«Twy ; d®«TiiUon, fcr imrning
‘"lu SrSSitfumi
-' "•' '* r ’• betweftoM&rfc** Bj)d >Vtod ; *£rcgtt.- ■.
CUilcis uid Indl» Poyrl* l _ '.
. - r> ME subscriber hue no* on hsnd » fine
- CHOICE FOWLS, tad from "SSS^Sji??
lmported stocks noirtoowa In
3“agß»{Sch he offiai to im»teu» end joaltgeß, ode
&Ot Inrttee ettention to lffijiyyiA fa
ButUberty, HieFtrotahiwheoo hred»itt_ttjffert*n.
eero; imdSitlanen-whs tod
Fowl*,in thdrparity,<*n dependupon Pdds3»ae S»pe
rlorrpedmene of yoaugetock,
C&SnCtW, Hong Kong or
'White Shanghais, «f the celebrated; M&rahtWhto ahdffy
lty importations; Brihgfr ***** oJ^w£ l
large end much admired; Hoaajrffo, glassy »»£*£
T «y choice 0
’ -s Allegheny County* P*. ~ -
Wn. las Wood Btrect,' pit<i'>ws ll i *'■
H 2000 rases of Men’s -ami* Bo J , V ®K'
ttMrerfsEocto and awes ’
SUk.PI && Clcte
NarartiWadflifM or
mj cosvwili tad ittotkolr call and ciaJoiM
Sole *3l ofw&lch frefloiftftt lo^jrioes.
• ■
cnoice stoelc OI WMMt
- „ . ■ THE rcoy.wceWlnff a tot
; choice lot Of riAXOS,.
: i»t tire, «thO
11 »If • Yoritaod Boston.-: Among othas,«etOTl
: cntlrtriw
'“urelj how «hd superb design;
iSjtod tune, t n»U dlmntes,
HahoFortoi suporfoiut <»» -fe; ofrichness if u>a«»
‘dondjlUty, sndtteg*n«i of teste? VWj.SSSSSm!? ~
■‘ sas rV‘■ ■- • - Elcn of the Golden lUrp. .
No. 101 Third strict. ■
jSew'Stttmly of ciUcltsrtag’*
TVST _aBCSICKB, direct grom »«--t -
;• ''BiSiioil'
; WTOM. toBMe roaM wmeRS OxvAVn**
*£s&££, &&$&&»&.;■
Two Piwi'xroodf'sbcwlaTftS-*! 0 * ' ,t. iV, a
: Ttoibo«^isotte9«. :
• -best and most UktousMT-*®* x^?v“^ ,
'"ThTcriL are lie mu tana
tanas. NatfUTooi »ti««, ,;
• ACTtitfcr tba 'muiu&ctsrer .for Wastem
;^: ♦ •*** -
<,; .. '
-■ s -
r., r-
■ i
■'' 11
.•.\ -O: ••
■ kjuf.
'<* z.
; . . V
■t. . ■ I : ■ r.. ••?*•• •■ • >
■* -
I conn* sf Short'rtreet. lot terms, *splr to* .‘
, apriatf .- AldermttPAKglS&S, Fifth g«»&
. r f»0 »nt*CTU« Ottos « a Beat toe SIMMS KOOI
; X' cow oecnjW by Mps*. TTlljaek 4 DwlvKtt' ST Jla
‘-fcet atzeet;. Po«eas£m Prea on the l*t or April- Enquire i
. -3ans-tr . • ClIiA-g.tPACLSOS^.Iift.'TOWood«t.
r “ _ FOR SAli£j : '
l fTIHBEB aiw BQHTi&AY'TOWKR CEGCK3, of the test
I materiel —fbeftp far refth. -
A , - AmuST MCIBLOCI^AUrahmyatT,
" ■nrLifl.°ai» Si«tX»ae, goal thtwrntr frag
t i " :To -X>et». • ,
, mHßSfnraJßotuc Mttl -
, 1 faadoo thft QUO : -
, HR3IA&B3. ■'
lotol UroMdtm^BßddjfflKfc:
, TO*XiXKr* w _IL- ,»'«*
.A’ itftet. nog Koat, how jiSißg /°E-. ,
- ; For Bwleor *«*». TI f '
TrrXBEHOTJSEKa. U, comer of Wood
- tt3 AtßjaafrJBgflAtogSKo»Sl .
'X.IM. 69 ; .ttei^3towt, : 'SLEtlL VW, °2?£S? r 2
■'RQcma T wrtT-ftfthtaTuxf: .' givßa.ilßt&SQiwljru *r?> " >
ipaired. ’Yog l
“UOR Dwelling Ileuses, fcftfcii lT bjJ^fr-. r ~~
X feet;- dni : contains four* rtCmiS:..'xba. y-
HO tael, fronting on Bctoca strMi*io4lifl Sec*
-cfl3}iYaidof.JUl^£ajy<StJ.-- r=-- s .. \
• cctSS --> •- - • -THOMAS
. fjlOH &AU4—A FraiMDweJllnß,situate- asmexoS •■.
lcdlie swi-Beaver 'streets,- Aik-beny ' Thftimua
ia2o by 32 fi»Vfc*'<>'s4°riesTiiglt I 'wjai porticos inlrcnt'taa
: rw'r»‘'contains *sx nxqns, TiaU- ■ Thoiotl*
SOby lOttfeeC - Apply to •*■
oetS » '-■ ‘ " * • •
j} flachTrontainmg throe rocms, 120. .:.
lbct. : Thedweliinga are.erectcd cuiheTesr.ef'tSdloU.leeT- - ■.-./■
- ln<r sufficient space in feont fcr the ercriScn ofother Mild
i* - v:-.—T? _ .
'TSEStBABtB BUSQiESS^EAKI)—I ote-fcr Jfttt the?;;
U-U ••
i*oTTW>T : gfLfbgrtyjCU^Sg^ l^
ibuaihett of any fchiai tS&i;:
»- : ; rr.^l2 L-z^TXig».^usE&:.
•H: A Lot on OntrefArenuc.
backlit foci, having; on Hal WO STORY BRICK^HOO^
■coodwellaa4ctb£r®nvenieireeS\ . ' ~IV~
• *r«»fm«u^nnft4i&lfcash, balancelntwoyew?payaiggt»v .■
'■ jy!4 .. r-.-^^ATTSTOf ’XOO3aS,-yo &S<xaih'*tT*U .
RKNT—Kroitt Uie lrtof
‘J? Dwelling pgOie: lf
sqc&re Cron* tho riTorr*trtß.l» r<nlf*l ■ ■ *
j Htrow *** T •'* '—"
Vfur.vA-» Hquae BJolDeoyA?.
-HatWare, rTbeLpfrisii bylOOik***
House safes'32 feet: two-stories -iigh; crniUirnffg itssesc- :
wmpdrchl. -Hii^prop^Tty.isouarGiePiiteimxgfa -
.Slftnehester-Ferrylaha rag; Apply hjmiaSstcly
oci3B' * 3 THQ3XAB Fifth streets
' »kfcr fpthe boroagb a»ut- %«1^7..
, >pffi<>3 K Vm 4 H* |l,n Saatt property. msTPP ialL.'
koowri S 3 &0 laid £i*ke Hmfflfc»~; iEpqtiiny
eets PATOO& A.;A63JSfo 6&Market tL-r
vt *?a*kiy - : .
li:2frtoy4o ifcet, tirotfiories lxijjft pied v
tnaddn® iitaflJse'oo iiacoc&-"sfrßet ? >'<sid'-*9.®^®^*®?^;.-. i . r .'
Tede»r«tr«cE; -
groand «. ? .
T?OK HAT.v^-T^rnAcre* of jjylrV, 4Suste- vaSs^
X from, the dtf,.pi»:<he : jfk
TiroreUKjnta consist of jmew frwao hy~D I .*J e v»j a s[
stories high* *!&« kitchen or Wby 20 rfeet,-.onp am a nair.
, “ rio
0C123 : - - - - FifOi Street*
v..; i. ■ .To Let*,
• 1 LARGE and -weSl GuiAhKl bndc, dtrettirrg. . .
lA -with hot and cold beths/onL-dulug nine tiated .
door* from tbs corner of Ko^soo
gtrteL *Ecntlow toagood tOMoL ..
! ‘ : ■• .■ .•/Vv-’F©r-S*l*> ' : '
. 4 HOUSE r Bto^:oa A jnta Btrt^.petwwtL :
7j\ Walnut and F&etory Streets, Pl/Uv Ward-- The. Lot U
-25 feet front and-100 thcre-sre two .small
: fiVajne Tcrin£ cosy—Title good. - : I.or v psrajg^.r:"
lars enquire'of.AMennsa *”PAKKINSQ?ij PfeM*streetjJlftli .
j? 329, between'MarTcet rat ‘Fenj, 4D -
bocS; well miiled :fcr bnOOingpurposes. •'ntletniHsputwv-
iSSr-Si OFTtCES on KWi street.
r altao^lSO
15 street, Ctci**. autfiB, t --,
'grille of the CoaTt -®mse,.ao4 fljrfceanty-qr I£-
•^asHosk-.''Jlaqbir»’df-- ;/5 ' "
j ISACA. STiiKET PfiOPKKTV—Vor aaje, a
ottt-oTea- aod • ether . .•_ -
eddiaboto s****®*- '
oflterdcpoi.-' , !Hie:lbtia26 ftetfront>6y<U?)d«ep tooUtert
alleys Vrico $750. Terns easy. , _ ' -.j*-
■ ' r. g rTrnfRgRT RoaTEaate Ageola»: ,
• ■ afr&njt.h field . -. v .
-SS sitaS?. Ite MM taWb/tS feefcttoca stale* higbj '
coaidiy ca»bapf
tod Oia b«rt EsrilUies tor pntogggjyß*-*”??. 1 * ■■
- Far fartlte? 'P*rtJcolMs enquire of ,-■ •• ,••
L oct2l :.^-:> r «.y; 29Kfth.gtreet:;; _- •
t, ProoettrorlajfcetfroßlooSoronartwt; >
feft:ih7f <m XSbeHjiuS^O-9UjCk&3 AtWwy v •
cow-occopled -.SWfeJw« J«%.
b well Bdapiaci-.ioT the - any..-. • -
otJtfr, and ***** -
to fiaaroad" Depot tobe. iffron&ls
will make it" attractive to.c«tosTfcisg::m?% eiioer
fcr A t , •;
■’octSS r -. . - .50graimiiefrTstreet. -
a^Olt' JSALB—Biirteen L<nd > 'c/ *...-■
tullM trom tbs atf.vnr tbaHliihargk end BrownCTfflß_
ftrwi - n
AcTmaliorctaurd;' tHrea ciiillent epriogSj-imd ralueblo
rri l .. m-**f oeeltty.:: DO'-r, cfferixl far 52,0<X)>. . .
eedtuTsirppaswl thivtieCral oriaml, rach sepntaurt*.' ,
KOTttithat warn.--Those* waatins -
.toeid e W ly <Wm3 ■
‘ ,oc &>- '. - • ■>. - - ••..:»>SBtthMMßtefetr-
• X;-V *•
. f ', : **■ ~_
?. v •_■»'-•- :V - :\-' W- <- . * w"'
* : ,
» J *- T-'i 2
,! - -
r \ -> i t,
•' .T f' --4'V 1 VV-• r-'-...->_r7--^>v-'••
~ tr J
ToI/«t, ’
LOTS, fcmtingos'
- blp. wemmoxT
: Heal Estate AgeptySplaoe’s -Bflgdingß.
norfc r ; •
Vyyx yOK? ajUig^A
ft acres? 80 s6ooo. - ‘- \ * ‘
237' acres’; tfwd«4.;
-A)rJ»s6o©|.iaay toTbartereSM^k®*
! • Slst* Mills? .l£&,«creT'
• Also"-' ££aexes; SOin'eolti'puiDTi—pri^gSOO...
> . . .
■ j Th*ajxjrearc in dcdrabto locatfonSjOiUlihaTajtaipaple,,-*
StS ACBJSr situate In -lnm«Uii»e TV;.
finny of Kist Liherty/ndjoinm" loud* cf TlionlMSleK,
LJoni-£s<f. ( 'eniUt»nl<eseley I aboot}£y«f;«raßsygWnyjb*:
Saitttaa.-' •Bairtiopeßr'has ca it a toe, FroHpeitnsyotins.
dcucG.beln;: afowbnjrireii Yarlsfreinthe turoplXe, arii
tra*yl!oi(aHeiitperson* dedreoj of pawfisKps >5 “A? o *,
-lobs; Mtt point* on tbiee dJ&ront'Etieets.': '.lf not sotdrln k‘
ibo3y?n>'*fll be roll in lot* to EnftJmtJtaKHv. Jfor Jntomv'
.’frrr*enqttfretblapffiec>:. ■■.s'--- :■•■-. . . -t .i.
•—*•Poi» .-v ■'./• :
• a** LOT of Cot* S» t3xe/purd> V- *
• Hi& ~.. •
Wng Avenue, «**5»W:
!hI»iTW fa-t:- TheygppertT wilitiesold.clear of afl
‘brincb. cxeept aa&mmal Erouxul'-TeDt of ono fcns«lred*W» ■•'.%,
to-whfchitis.oow. irobjact.- Onthe .
> t»<r&amB .-•. .•
• U«B •ad\»al!nff'ftr etoatfiTefawnp**?-;
adolltfsinniuiUjC■ • - •"* •.'•• -• ' ••■"• ••■•..•.vy - .*. *••.
t Frfce;sl2WysSofreMk, sfad *600: fa 0 months—sysopo^.- ~~
eßdcrsediapcT. * • • * 7 •■.•:•.?. MX-(a
- jolttf ; Attorney at lav, So.jgjJFocrfhsQrwt. - ~- .;.
fcraite br g ,- nT?
C-Uyril^—KectiYoi tbiJ
■ rtylgShod Oil' J '"t!- r; '
ttwedaff-. qg^S^^gjgpßA.gßAHAM, Agents.'
OFS9SOB. V W;i3I:EiilSRi::;::
’rrrnm.D j^spect^Hyinfcna tliß dfijeus
j- W.. fmff Mn-i-rr-t
pre lessons QggmfQflit»r .
idenSeft :*i Uio^Muslc- Stares: ot l£ -Klebejy J; : -H*
rSfcJteorJirs. G-Ittamcrsrill tso V;
i-iJS* «co •... _
with acali.: •' :.-M'-v •-' * v V'"
i ~ / Ebc'foQtj»inrpiece?,©!cnjsJtr Cbinpog^^-ljrii^ 6 * - "-•
Kotr Atßslfcak Soft- .-
i trad* Walt*. • • •.••>
'NoTICK TOCosaMtAca'OJts^.t-: - _.
SEALKXt VUOl’tßiLS'irai Paw. >“ ■
■NOI3 CESXaAL »te.
Cbteagoßiamli toßjmsaj.aCrcet. a ;-'*'**?“
inSIM: Theiort emtracra s ' S2f.ih» ■'
’OEABINOrASR JUSOSBV.AiiiwUiis raoBE otaras »» ,
'bSivßtrocmro OT «^K«(w^.n*<^M-'_*s»
’^gg^SSSSSE^ l -■ -
' rf '
Oito., V^^ s v^gg°^ r lgg’Slli- <3^
? Octcba-ISthf 18524-»<; ■---* ' '•_ -
- s'
i’s-’UF’ *
t ,
' - i
.• •
\W Arena* udCtarK- -
v ;