%S^^.wsvq»\&'i;:' @2%' ; "'W "<§'" • 1; : • ■.- :;■ ~• ~ ,, Sfl «** V-A 1 ** r t»“**** *“ *J? ,, i'5 6 •* ‘T * 4 •s*•-+, -j*\ \ , f- » i» , ~ * . “ > **' f * ‘■t^*?* r# 4 ** *.» L*- ' ' " 't . L ' ' *» ' •. v „•'.{'' r - ■ >s ''“T v=r ‘v* 1 ‘ " . ' - .; t) r- - ISSen^. aggssaaaj^Mg^i to It* lgprpv«ttcnta that might to lnte»- f t ‘*tJ\Xi'Z'2~i % ‘ J »?vi* * r SV?]- ,utauliAlt *’ i *' i 1 «sdq*to*meii«*rwk«i shower Wester Epst- | !'? , ’&S.?S’^ ! il“^»' < ttv'Uj. 1 * *•• £ \*« >5/*i| y* -J'ilv r ,"‘t S«# llE * number ofnow bouts now lying at our % jsx^l^ lr 4 *-> .J % s'i yjtoMwionS them. We nro? S«me -the Hot York, City o f ashington. C3ty, S£ Clair, anlitherar All these «SKsasa§aa;^ fiSSSffiSStSKtwISSSS , „ ~„ __ ’9SSsS^ m!,M f' , Tr- -sMasaw.».-«-»—,««. -■ti j* %o&t Which has coma owi the pro- re 7pecUn,; the ministerial crisis at Belgium WISDOW Gt ASS-The «t , wo. £SteK5s;S2S'«“ 3 «*» "*■'—- three to. uii-SSWcVfa diameter. SM Helen Mar wMllfllt ante -S-: and Is to to commaniefl byOaptaUlCo*,la- “' -r^abiytaMra iirßiirZtotanlletnule. ■ ' ‘^eSHfWW Yhe bollnl tbisetearaer»ubuilt by hlr-'Valker; the length 1h 182 feet; breadth feet. The endues, doc 4rA' ltaUnom * Mtanta, wto have eom- !tta jliodere of the 5 5 !P^KK*$^K?n1^5-'iwV , ‘t4h<.tJ-t ‘* dUBtOTiW JTjtoehe? In, dUmeter,wUhB*ctstrokej the V&v&vpfd t sfec Mttw«e?W»eatobhmtorrllifeetlonff.'and drttfhetWtH The tahinis the finest thathasever hilen kolehcil SS3U*e« «• eml-epproprlatc; iw4tfel«Qfl»hr«i»Ma*hw*ontrilmWl to Its decoration gorgeoSi furniture, ni ec h»»e <*» euntnbntod to msko lhie toot m i GoehW ,thi which,however, Sri W«aUis*o«i*tyhr mmmßmmgr SSpWWisßiMy hM wste JSsi Il§S@a^sS&iisV llsisssllll yteMf -iUftl £M Mbssh fl^SsiflP 'f||||l| *ssvt v^Srr^** iMM IMM wfeted ws*sss&B »| f'Vi, ml BliliiSlil^^ pfij «i ci• ' dv 4,44 nr.%.1, . • . lIS fill =M= fbam iuilfruiuler tbo.Ulroclim U intended as ft regular ponfeet c Ljafr. i Xbehull waslmiH by-Gra*. engines by Jarnea Ntlsotti and. r 4iftßllin; . YoAflaa.Jlne.boftt,bmlt ex|>rcs3ly for-the St. _ dc.r fibotolSOfcerlcmg{ breadthof boain,3ofbot; feel 'She is to he commanded by Capt. D. S. •CpaJboaiA art 7 *UttßO>ng, down too river, “witbanJih. 1 . tbo Cth, wt> naUco a rale of W»0 »0f Ptt|abnrgU Coat at l&i rciail sales.alsoai XGc. AightfthftVc were gcrvcn feotwatorltt llto flannel,and WtoffShmlT' * iJ x hfXnifctW-'HAuiW TO..flaniel onoatb of Jolinyonng, .Toons ttSpcdat Sewell 8 tmravta Boss towoihil'.a'niwhlle theta atS «mtaßsngisBS: r Defendant found It and (OTted ljiirlth M 5 under tbe stoWe, $lO. was foaodln U» qqfcjjSUHnltis ettStoJi ami lie confessed that hoeliewod. Jffewfc'tdtaSet orgtflltyarna rendered, andTirMoner -poa eenemlnfl . ■ 4• . . . .1 < . , - - .■•»*. 1• s ■ametrwlpff. - 1- ■■.•«■•• ■■ i:.S' Omfflnnnreialth-ee- Alfred ntid John AlersnScr.and Wo Saißa- Indtctufent larceny The defendants were no-. jifrr# fotMnft «n»a'otiis; in ntorhor shop, on&.Clalt treat'iadbcrewaanii ccldcncc ogalnrt them h verdict of, fitgoltty Vaa returned. ' • imraE.-'Wo Iwto received from Charter A. jfifc^N&'nOji’Wdodfiiroet,a copy of. an engraving, Sdv J'v’Qio"dTi^rj»Tlng'-wbll. represents •, that noble o£ pienwho hare devoted their talent*.end *MM to Conaplegonsln tha gronp,ve ■rfflfi ffatetef. Casa.- ami others, i te ince&psses are *tt:well n tfTfiig'- engravingahohld find aplaco In the dwelling f iThe'pkture- eaa be pnrchascd at the stnro of Chattel A.. SRof «r Moore, also Jsebpi constantly himd aiargejot .of lookiogglasßes (rndhroshes, Ue U, -dealSr ia-xlochs, fluky -good*, yaffil Justice ATitliamv of Julia Mahan **• Jftbn B. CUiani , lrcctUcvof.s2*9.93 forplslutllL Kw Jfigty&H. B.Masrawi trustee of Agues Blalion.— TTfffttfl^ flg -TendgrogL by consent of parlies Courtripoarweiroapoints.’ A irerdiet 9l was rell tea^to'-toms horruver, to Judges decis ufeaaaStyHpfttoK*, £ renlict of s4<9, I: w^-tundci^l>3r ~&lTOi:&r , Tl ok, no>nt>t, 10-nlght. Seo Wtl to inolter tk&aj gSty/ws tnVrtfl tiri 'Hcradajr nfeM- w «““ x M > onDt cfiU » V prfk while the Cmuly srero «t Bipper. »Trtn]ilßSnitoa «*> <’ r^ hS *f o’dock.nt HCart- Al*>, nt 2 o’docfc in Ite ottcraocm, a *ln£ efftraliTmv&e- * s lrwWr*t«^'Cme?ot f <,ato ’ fl s .of CpV Black, 'waaEojtponcsJ rnrcfn but wren commitment to the of Tiis&V; KSg WfUi^tiimmcmmit-to-Pbt lo u,ia - sggj Wo§ m tw TfcUt yestortsy moroingvthii » «f ev&y tbln's oiptocd <6 to atxalu. -■'■ from BJU tttC- * ir- salo at hia mmtoJM, ®»cr of m- jßy the O’Seffly.-Hutt tor fta Horning XiiU THBKE DAYBLSTERFEOHSTIBOPE. I ■ i r» "7 f ARBTPAI»OT®IIfi GIaASQOW- „ i -1 , sar Toat aowxtfber 10. i <®»tiwnwEQiosgo'tr,XhpUinCraig, 'J!l*iKh ihß» tfcisck UitaiillemooO) lMftQliujra*t *hrow »ho «»U6? path. 20th ult.,. Shs brings bondon diiio* to the 25th. ; nso.Cana.'KarriTwi ahLirarpooi - ■ i LoasoaMrnsi— ropplfes of *ll UildJtJ faialu smß iaatt- jThaarrfTnls of;&rdp» were Bn»U,aaJ - ih-boJli»ntUtionij Flflttr.«Slfaily - • 1 ll?£Kib£Soa4»y-— Ootton— Eolc * ooa^a S!* jf ?'rfS and .-far--export, martut closiug n?rea, tobo cipcmdal in BtUng op tno ten^^Ma^inte^, rfer ssawawWb. of Oporto Us* retail (be losp to the tarn tnentSsOAM (Jonto, wblcb.lt tna dufcwu of borrowing tho Torkinh-Ambaaaador at Paris haa bcenrocallHi ondieplacodbyTtelyParh*-. • -.■ ■",-. iSnibaabeonpurchaaod in Hjdft Parktor naw National ! ftnllerlostorono millionof'dollars. ..>••■* - •• • -.--• [ • On.; Saturday on i haa been madeto Msairin >-*tathoPrcrfdoota- »•.■.- ; TheTureanminigiryiainconeWerabla nnrioty at Pans respecting the ministerial crisis at Belgium. ■ > 88'|asi8808cr«.'* - j ; AtL'AntVS l *-fr»ry meeting nratheld in Glasgowto redeem the fartdly'of John Weeou* *om Amertean alarory* i A. difference eiiats In Prance aa to the title of thoEmper* bt Soma trfe&rtWUUdUf Umti NapolcOn Istirithori Na iwl&ohB&.'’lhe rumor that-he Is lafarorof Pnnce of Canl- S a as heir prcsumptiTC,gains much consistency it fa-thought rtfileetoTsDriUtesammoaoionthe,2X«t Novato town LegEdaUrl-cfirp?.‘ - - • w ohio EuaacioNa “ . _ . ~, - ■ CIKCIJrNATIpbOT. 10.- Piercefa majority la Ohio. Is about IT »OQO. TELEGRAPH HABKETS, ■I - . NEW. Yoaa, hoe. 10. I ' Cotton., .rales ISOO bales, firm at jcstmlw» odeontx. Uflut-jaloa Jb.WKI bbla SWp £kBldbl.B?i Southern £5 to 0-1 S< market heasy,Byo j : diain v Palos*3s,ooo• buahols,Gcacseo -» 1 SUO for common, »U2oiM fc ' SUJfot red, *1 Jifor white, and *U>6 for Ohto red, fales «XWO bOßhcls Cam, western mtoi, at I 89%ft .Buslor^but-^naßtUcOi hMa Kentucky Tobacco mofegWT Whisky.-aaleaJJtOO hbls Ohio prison at Bu@2y«, Pror» tonsTmles 3»bUa3hs» Pork at sl7.Ml>lBj wld prlmoJlS t&ls' 20; .market rapidly,adeaneing; acUrcdemand^Balcs. MOO. Ms Beef; llama ft 80@1S; country primo camlrial. SlS@lB 50. Croon hems anil £dVbwky. iV>i wund freight 10@12J£ - To St. lopis: .Whl.ky^O, pound, tmtght 25®30- There arc three houaea gutting bPg*- • _ rOKOOOtt—A largo twwortment or JuM £«**«* IX wUofry .{aovO] H. BA HO 1 00. Joys' BOOTS. —Paren u an) tumtajod -tb»l In porehantng tliclr Vail supply tlipy would cou«u!t economy uy call; jqo Uburi asontrostoJtobUcme. . ... fr®^TMBUIWU-TKUSI'A»UBA»IfIOSCUMPAN\. 1 1’ hare declared a ivllend at -the rate o( sit run ptr the amoqnt of capital aloe*-paid In, out of & tooEU of the Company ainee Itoor^uUetton.onlhc .TTA.in>a KtoctotSlTO? »®”iTcsrmjnßT, VlUt ID^ ORESSi--*-.—. * tuiQ “ 3t;ral A K fi^y WU-.T. our milted attention to the inmtotu “d “le of lhral Ifclalo, Collection uf.KcnU, Bomortn*; aud Sty™ tend., mortgages kc, *c , under the u»me of I* tUTHBm s SON HIT) bAdw Aeert. ■’nori " '" '■' ' M SmithEeld afreet. BobioSQH .4. -US' . 20 'do. Ottawa 2°* 25 do Webster A Boa* doj 15 do llyl&nd& Hycra do. 150 do Tttrioua brands; * &«A9cs Myor*’ superior half pound tump. r. • A Gabarietts do do, 6 g ..° CT & sisci-ahi Don’tteAftaid to Use Keating** Exterminator! S°arsffi?uKfssas«®E made It L-. also,»iran-antcd article, that tho Kata ana Hko irilraU It. anil It wilt Ml, wiUioat duubt. - Sold by KKATINtii at ttio corner or Wylie and Knlton .tSVEE'W »° “ 1 ” T «d» nnioctata and Orocera In the Unloo. on,J “ tofo fitocfc pumas* Co. T»ooKBttreTW»opeo«itbeoflteeof • n tt va c»nnk Tom ranee ODOPUTt No. <3 Thini street* for "^Jj2SyS!SSI«U«red Shore, to the F*\\rSs*K^-rour'orfl« t »2n, “fS^S^^SS’S bl? w “°m& s&y. I, budnnw. - Jipp*7 “» No. 21 Kfih rtrwi. i • norw ■■•• , 1 > ■ puiointion* nrtliß Partncrßlitp beretoraro ««rttag bst#wo BPTU ' r n ARK TIFbSaN APd JOHN M.'TtEBNAJi, Baflkere TbQTAdfiJf October 2Slb, IS-*— : *Ul'hereafter be continued uodeTthe , u, ttw Wtnin'cya of thdlste Brntof Ttarnsn A Co. nm» ' lotto Orphans' Court oi Allegheny County. N 0 iTai tbS*of Join Will,**, Ata.o I J ' Jbß&y. Khj., Amlitor. to aWribut" th" Mow? ?Qtbo todj of-tl.e AJmlnUtrata-, to nu.l wnong tho cmU lort of saw d«*wa. «T lh / A RMM. BRU9H*-Clark. 'Perebns'lnterestod, are bepsfcy notified, that t ataTlMA^araFUthFl r wt,Vl;trt.urgh : onMgjidaT,Ui« Gthtayof December neit, at 2 o dock, V. M., fur the por _ * B_ BItAPV, Auditor TpmittP STOCK OP WINTER GOODS! HAMPTON, WILSON & CO., 2to. 45 ’ WOOD STREET* (OPPOSITE BT. CUABXES *|IOTBL,) Are now OPMSWO’ their, ‘*s®. frutny 5f which ware parchhaed «t Auctlot^ C**? utocitof TOEBH GOODSIn the market,. B«*ox ltoc) . ciobiMW on ana a ‘Afro fancy ooodb, usually required !o a Ci ty or o in store and oflfer bo ConUTOXWI^® 4 black,colorodand changeable. colored »■«■ aiKGHAJis!—! Trench and MjtateHei \ and Phils. Ginghams,o Cfto3 chccka nod atrlpoe, apron cheeka, Aftlhillts* 1 STRIPES —Various grades, of nil or.snrtmcnt. Mctlihcn, Conestoga, Union, Bhctnckot, MArfrtS/and Toriona other gr»JS and makes. striped; Hmn’nIMMJIBS&KCTINQS-w'hlfaodica to♦*,all the" brands atoll prices; 64 and 144 bleach ;; ere deftnompo pivTß^S^WCS^Stcoloiiandpricoa,„ MV^^lCSl-^.m ’ .Silk pockct hond j " 'stdckSi-tteSf i >'■■! SwS!asSs'*@iii*^V“®“ ««• vassausSSSsmgis^s: i completeia«^atofPKini^ wa 0?(? tlli) maJ { &sSrt«t aunn*. wtt *°> ■ buyerfl to giro u« tio . , - -. •• • oitayiitak-^nrt » v *-■ ; >, J 4 f *. J ■* 1 > v~- " ■ •■ ■'• . ' :■.’ --.. •■ -■ I;.-:: ■>-,• ■/■• > .«,•■; .••:. .• t <- - *■ E====;M wmjujcijft DAILY KgVIEW OP ( .... ~ Oma* or ,rax Luijt. Mowmro. Post, s ,■ v • *Hmraa*y I ,k NoTWttbe*'ll^lBs3. •'* f 1 Tho weather yesterday was pleasant for out-door btzslncsn. ] We continue to notice ft in every branch of trade. The shipping by river and [g&b&l is heavy. Prodnoo is coming forward freely. *h ; PIQ nOUaxl iS*£et that holders of Allegheny 'toa.'VSSe have it in our ! power now to notice the following iolesat ibo*> ftsdres: 200 ions Olsey furnace ; 4Q tons jjtytflalo y about 200 tons, namo of famoce not miwireco^ectod—all Allcgteayi As it is likely, now 'Very, little metal will arrive, holders ore demshding sis.-.W«*bou!d not bo surprised to sea thetr.dem&nd* acceoded to. ; ; FlSH—tTe'hotlce ft further sale oflOO bbbUot a large maekerelat $9, 4-mos; white at ■ COiM OEBO tags at n thatoaniry. SOAP—Salts SSQ botts at 4, i. mos \ l5O boxrni »E fe}s '' ' from flretAaails of 1000 bUJ etloj/. 1 SOLE LfeiTHEß—Sales 2000tt>« pod at 16.-..;. i ASHES— Bato&IQ tom domostio at BJ£@B}i. • BUCKWHEAT ItDBU—SaIM ' ■ yLOnR-Wonotlwjimongtho ealcsyestiidiiy.tlio ftllqw lng; 600 ita» extra ilSOpfi 200dolo.Ipt« ; it|3,80^W6i tales from stokes afcs3*B7@s4. OlL—Sales 9 bLis Linseed st CO. ' APPLES—SaIes of 32 libls at SJ,7S. BEANS-iWe notice ft' sale of 20 bos email white at $1,75. WINDOW GLASS—The stock of glass Is quite.light, with ft better foeling* in ihe market* "Wo.quote good at for 8x10; second. quaUtjrsl,9o@s2. t NAlLS—Weuuiy noticethat since the advance that, baa taken place In Pig hiatal, manufacturer! hare advanced; 75c, ■it i-anfut—an naUi aav $385 tor 10a. and $3,50 for Bs, other Itwlnpropgrßaa. COHHEECIAI fIUMHAEY. ■ Patt»nn.?Hfa, Saturday, ) Nov.d. P. M, ) The transactions In stocks today vreromnluly coutnod to . the fancies. Loans and bonds sold only to a moderate ox tantatahout previousttuotationa. .hlorria.Canal openedat ; 16, cold up to 17V, and at the clow recedid to 17, with solos , of tOOO aharas. Long Inland closed at a further advance of ; V under soles of '6,700 shares. Union Canal was alco In de- . mand, and Bold to the extent of ISOOaharea at id, Eonnwl vanta 1 Railroad was better, and cloaed at V advance, with sales ol'aomo hundred aharea, Bcdoral, Staia..and invest- , sicnl securities are Arm, but unchanged In price. Thegcn-, I *^RQYISION < &-I>urmarket baa rapidly advanced lb* Pork. : tho demand la not active, but the atockis much dhninlabwl,; . [fchdthorelsleas elapoilUoa to adit calcs of tOO.bhla at $1(1 : “SCV@I6.7S for 014 most; and sllso® 11.76 for prituo, hchl iat $l7; andsls (br.mcaa and prime, respectively. Beef la abundant, and the marital la easier; sales of 380 hhla at $7, •70®8fbr country mess; and $1 far do prime, prime mesaia i butet at slB®l9. Beef trims are plenty, and ore lower, salea df 2W bwa at $ll 75 per 250 lbs. Brewed Hogs are In demand, and not plenty at 7Jf®P.cts. arecn bams dull at 110 eta; and do shoulders at Bcia. leird la steady: and in fair Toauosttor the total trade: aalca of JOO hhla and tca alllV j ®IlKi and 1800 kegs at Butter la veraalMdr. | aalca of Ohio at IC@lB, and Western . Dairies at 20@2!J4. Chceso la In request at 3®9V eta. , ' WHISKY—Our market la hotter; the arrivals ycyy. light, sales of 7W hhla, mostly from stare, at 2!>,^*u From Jao.latv 18M. 1852. Total entered at the port, $57,081,2:7 Total thrownupon the markeUM,Wo»l34 Tho value of general merebandiro Imported donng. tlw vcvk vu st,uosJB4. making, with dry goods, an aggregate valua of $2,781,254. The export*, exelarivo of aperla, amount wl In value to $3,014,916. _ , According to the annual report of the Wilmington «>d leigh lUllrwrf Company, the receipt* of the vuar ending October 1,1852, ware, , Expcn-c?, tw ' Nett profits—. CocnWAtx* Saturday, Nov. <]*. PROVISION®—The only Bale beard" of today w* IwO Green Side*, deliverable from Drst hogato U O, ■ HOGS—A nla of 900 hft&d corn fatted, deliverable.. 20th 1 U IS Hie?c?7ObLls from Bliaml Canal,2© do from \y \V do and 500 do from river, at 17$£c, ®»d WMotrom wagons at 17’£c- The demand la goaJ, and IIUTTKU bales of 12 "blit* at 15c. Under the cfTect ofln.- creaxed receipts, rockers are less willing to buy at present rates, the rates bang from 16 to 18c. TOnACCO-A sale of 01 bwu» common Va. tts at 40c. OIL—A rale of 18 bbls JJowed at G3c cash 1 The demand la better ainoo the rise in the river. . CRANBERRIES —A «do of 10 bbls, largo sUe, at f3,*»o. The Is fair. , . FREIGHTS—The market i* beginning to,«bo* ,ttgp*oi actlvitv, and a brisk buslnosi may now bo cipcctod. Th<* rates today wore— to Near Orleans, Wbbky ' Flour 45^?50c, pound freights Vic, to flttsborgh, WU^kl, 40r350fi: pounofrdght sl6®2oei toSk IsiuJs, whisky <-x, pound freights 3X?&0e; to Nashville* the usual rates. Tho rlrcr lias ri«en five foet during the last twenty four bourn. . POST OF PXTTBBtTEOH. 7 rut 0 neats vaiu n ttus cauuna. arrived. Atlantic.. Parkinson, BiownsrUle. « Bailie, Bonnet,' Rrownsyille. u Tbomas ShrircT, HaJtey, West Newton. •< Michigan, No. 2, Bol«» Bearer, u Oeoe.*«e> SRxfialr, &r&eesparv • ' tt .. Wlot&eshavil. D» Moore.WliccUng. - Pilot Na-8, Wanly, Wndnost |. •* T- T*. Ray, OasklU* Wheeling— * ’ « Navigator, Dean. Cincinnati. « Orion, Wheeling. U Venture, HadCTrell, andnnatl, . u QoUoo State, Calhotm, St> tonis- DEPABTED. Steamer Atlantic, Parkinson, Barwnarille, « Baltic, Botmet, Brownsrille. u Tbomae Hhrirer, Ballot, West.newton. m Michigan, No. 2, Boles. Bearer. «« Genesee, Sinclair. M Keesport. « Dlurpal- Conwell,Wheeling. »» Justice, Skelton. Cincinnati. « NartgstOr, Dea^ClprinnsU. tiow York, St. touts, u Venture, Mailewell, Wheeling. ** Paul AnficrtoOrOray, Bt. Lotus.- “ City of IlontirriUc, Boles. Bt toujs. u Cincinnati, KounU, Cincinnati. FtirEtempMs, Vltksbnrgh oa4 Hew Orleanj. ' TUB splendid passenger steajner AHIUEai- I IL Sl. Hc.Tra, Jlaittr.-nin anil all Interuiwllnte purls* on MONOAk * NorenSor IAUi, at 4 o'clock* I’. M- foi Height or passage ***** 01 ,n John place, Atant TPcdncidßO Packet for Cincinnati. _ __ TB new and thst Tunning ateamer CINCIN 1 ■ IIX .ftwiTi Bolts Master, will lease regularly eTcry ; a yw Height or paw.gr, SSTToSiTBSieta. tSirlettM, F»rMer»bnrg, ms GftlUpolll* Thfl fine newsier 00V. MKTGS,&n.« < Mas* j «m leave for ih» •%>?• ««* totmodtaW every Tuewlay. at 3 o’clock P. M. for tnight or punp »W>7 « ’JSft’J&cK, Agmt foo3 1 ■ - o'clock, P S./'tejSW** P“»8* “t°woo£s JC BOV, ’ Ko- Cl Water street, and C 3 front st Marietta, VnrVexrtnTg amt jiwuungtiort ',^2£S,2S3rrfJ.?Sl^Atdycattanta^t^m niaUUofl and promptiuias. W ' mart ■ 'V'ttuaico TkBQIIPON, Secretory. raj low, »t NO. 10T Market street gcnMEET7. dovs tO Loam. ■ SIX TIIOTJSAND DOLLAKB, on opprorcd .notes of toon gsges. Enquire Of 800 l Estate Agent,' corner of BmlthtloM nnd Filth streots. BA.KSOT nrwpuJWH, l OetflbpT 13» 1852. ) a « election of thirteen Directors of this tank for we be teldattho ttfu&Wof Norembernext JOHN octl4 month*, payawa forthwith nor 3 iia«h »Q 0 CXIFJfJUfr—Now tawUng-.*t...U» Csnd 175 So ss&\ESB$S5 novs _ _ ... .. - Stored ttifii® CINTiCA LAUDISi Iff Mason & ( do-. jfew Canning Sacra, do * ; **£?»*#*•■ U : ChrUU«.™k r by^®'^ E books. The Glee Hire, by towj) * While ' ; ThoßostonMelodeon, b^RHmte »wn»e. ‘ Tha ChOTW&IM '’ , ' . ■ — B^KS^ ; Young Choir; Pala® of Industry i. J S^?,?sw& ; Youths- Song Book; Bchool CWnie»;-«?»>”* ■Jurenue ££,’ hj“ tho quantity or £*" ;“g> « rodhcetratea i —■ FOB. THE . ; •“T)B TK raemOL ANB HOialPl-Y ”, ; I n that should bo cheerfully'olxn-adby 0» i ImenTDr. LARZETTUS JUNO OORDIAI. or l’rOcrejtSM Klxir, proscribed as an eilectual bility, Impotency, or Barrenness, and all .te«wJg*“* n ft is *ll that It professes to be, yii Qrc?t .IStorottTO and Remedy, jbr those SnUla married «£*» T**" F«nt ftffsrjrinc. It is a certain cure for Seminal JKmiaaoDß, Gleet, ’Weakness- of the Genital ' Organa, t xWrmis Affeetlona, Leuoorrhcea or Whites, As an Invigo rnadidne'‘it is' nnenJoaUfid. .Also, & aaialn. remiiiy CtmsumpUon,'lndigestion.loss or Muscular dfc*«S3o WeSness, Debility, 4c. StffiSranted-toplcasetha ata**®* cJoiwiA-andlrttf countless Talus to, those without, pfftpring. I tw mute Of Comrto^d ■ ib.nfenKr.aßtt nsrsrtwy « nnlerayou Snathe eboyo filjt aSt tobeonSfli&ly amtafdua ofVsu. kvM thotoimtotelta* Tint would %°Sf°jttirt??3ininT.n gT. arfiJdlWJT po ' vv r -;v.;Vy'.V^'-,7^ CIAL POST: ..$115,808*6 W. H. DENNV. Cashier. =2= Aurtiqp- ~~ *■ r ' feSs&K^ttss be offes W« ! '•tbShowmbe enabled to el™ onto wUtfugatffl w «11 uwao. Thomayfcol-dUpofßl •*P» tro “| , s^ ss J 1 Aacttonocr. i - - •- ~- ( » n ashoM,sw»,c«iß.|= rfowcK p x, ' -* nltore, *f-, AI , V JU * * „oU sUnor* »“fi o^v“^faS. 4^ 'KS watt * p. Moiaam]CAootlopee^~ 30 ifsagaw-SSSfi Se'Mia, it il’Komm'J.Audijn 03, InloU to suit purdmort - p KE fo, A; Anct'r. ISSSSS^IEI 1 retail stock of Dry Goods.- - j,;-*.. " ' nOTIO • • - ’•"• I'-J&ZZZjz—l. TYRTCSH LOT OP BOOTS AND SHUIIS* *t w .Aro!nos-*-On Boots and SboevlWfl and tion.frtsbafld!!! good order.; peril ■■—“ F ,ATEM LhUll WATUEAS AT . . urdAT evening next, November 1811),it oCJocx, AilboiOul at McKennu'* Alietkm no^*Auttboxo££[j\ SSfctoneh Vm «*» *w **}•*«# iMxJXfbiu*,*? Uwm«tmdnCTtwmufectnafe.- f Anrt .r ->-5£555255?35385[ .comprising: Superfine Broad , ' lit. C*6*Unercs awl Casaiacto, Lawc^tvW^g^nUv.iAai^a s SSS»gs ; und-Collnr*, l>ti!ntTlJtwtedB«»&Kfflki Vol vet* tcxccthcr with agffc&lTwioiy. SSm&3sbß2F iFknMBCES BUPKRKIfimtiMGHSD MUdiJNS, M 220 Tbiirrfaynt JO 'A o’clock, will 1» solil ot McKcotm* AiKlkmltotoc, -X Elected W A *l <>P C'OJtro catenates bi* ouo'WoJrod tet; fetefcMa A? and l&oatin plan of loti l«Li lioroiwb» euSioreedlly Toy property non offetoj (tor ailo. Tbs «lo ,U 1 U. pasture KELLEY-A BBOTOBBS,OwncCT. Vv U. MsCAHTMKY.AMttomr- ■*rALbABuTucmSrATB « 1 V -, rt'nifff tint mil Wood cy^^^' L v^.^ u Lursr r ' eme j Broker** corner of Tldra nnJ Market sta. TvhTcK—auO-OOl) old Brick* for rale in *ny B “to, Md ontorm. to male It an oXJo* of adirantago u, buitl “n> tobeMtt on" ff iiadutrteotj'pcl I Wt®o S"- B. 51'OAJIUQ 4 00, hmimajHiu, ho. 64 Fourth struct Having veryanp«ta amuOTincnts, warrant our Ufcrneraes lnferwr to noneT If hot satisihetajri no dOTgo I s o: 4^ Call, cxamtno spedmops, attl Jialgo toy solves.. , ■ — Mortd AUcghenr.bylDOd^ptot^ tO • .--SOttmltfaftcld street* cord ’ TtaV t tfu'wnitMtuContaining worn Hum twclTO hu^ ssss^ For Bile By BoctaUor uni SUtlonor, f.l Wand gticet; Bctwcoa Third »ud Fourth. 1?, tSUwpSuafcrp>Wcustom.TWtaMto to. te«gss^. ■.^■driiXtfktaitaMhj^“gKSSgtea,, :K. B. —All articles tsien tads If w* ®>iind e OO4 money returned. .- • A -—— totmshlp, in wild county, day of smimmsp elgMT»lTh«, strict mi»iore. j ™m« £(M PATTON, JOHN POLLOCK,' . - : Hrectttors. nor23wd*3tw COMMBSXOS 8 AOT.-WwABMNO^TO^, 1 a “L on the settlement ana ooUeottan of i iSi^ass^ss,! . -^v: ' Goo - < s l & 8 do ISsdet*.Gorman, •' do; iSßßßfgg’ ISesfeßSSi Yorti" Jcalohl** *Co,, Baltimore,,: > %?ISSS|-S"'«K»' HejrwM£r JUjnisrjUei '-■■■'*'} Jtp.Wejrcomtißrp, do; OonmlEdon-Merchants, tojr Orleans. ■’ ’’ ’ COM^ B iS?™ B * S' lime atfaUlsbed: Honsor,cbnllne ’lhdr rtUnUen Snnd. purchase*' on OemmUbD, and to toibffi mirtft'frro ; i£C jv 'ryS' 1 - ‘ V i * . : ' V; ■ ' “'' 'MISCELLANEOUS bT Austin roojjuy * W VfS IWTonrthgU fabOYO WoodJ)_ :. YY . Wood.)- £ho ® Trtment«f fe«dj■.*“*'?■■ clothing of opt tnro menn&ctara. ”1” i T>CT n|> •gTT.T.nrKi.t.Y’B rEmXißWnxif^EYj. '■nnttSSSJSlffil&fifeSßS^wsnß, f VF' Ist of>HoTembec.WXt. <, ,* r . ■. - -. -.^--v • - ~-'TT? I *y~ wra *tsaoX jg. MVI jiualßS* -ientJi' tßoard, had endhoddlngt and I Piano, lnitnniicnt.....-.., —* k »H and other languaesv«lcb-‘ ; *J , S( iyoei tot hod want,!*, needed...... •«v W&2 .TfMhiDff, tßJit; « aa*4 SWSoßory.Ttook*, fc-^7^ts ! :batghpric»fc - .••:•• oct*Jw Agency -ind ' B t - #1 Vut« * “ . WUtt Paul's. SnuMßQUjVitd^ itt ai; (Mnectfon sritH. *&*££_ \Gwwtj-*^tebo^Bt-PMiJ^. Mlnawo Jj ; Dorposk • ilcwri C. 4 K* Hating been settled In the Tar • Wcit fcr * number of yesifh' and being practical *“ r »'lWi Wliwiin rtn bwi planed on tbbir Integrity nod; P?n !ae£»liiUje6ia»OT:of pnidiiiring orJoraUng lm«. • - -"' ■*. Basies blakelv.ASO Woodet. ; • . Sjpe®*-"' i r ' rr.* 'Em iSiSSfif W. B. DHraY. CMhler.; jeulu ConmitHlOl Oouejei . i (utx ix caumaraY,) COKNEE.OPMAHSUJT AM) TlH&t) STOpTS, . • 'PiUsburghi hi l -. {Third Floor.) . ■ ■ E P OOODNOEnH; Practical-Accountant, and nlgm*. . acccptible Preceptor, rcccutlj- of dal CoHcCTi'rUI and etßcJctiUy, the of Ccmocrdal Cal imcnrfM of the aapirfOß joul* of oar coontrj. : Tuua—Prill Courtc, slo,o°. gpEKCPUt, 1 pdndpal ami Profeasor of Pcomanabtp, ; anl&dlrr andTert/Scr of Commercial CorTMpondnicc.^ ; AiiHtheny CoPttty>; i<» • IN tbo matter of the Estate of Thomas H’Kec, deceased, in the Orphan* .Court in sndfcirfcaid County. ■ . , c .„ AM now, to wit: October within citation-baTin* been ddr**red,«u the parties having appeared ta Oomt,Xbaj_ Wi. by consent of counsel, tbo Court ftp- T*\n\ OarkiaUruS; wa- Auditor, to report upon tbo ; pn> Irtotyof crtCticgSid order of sale, to ascertain W« ~?n»f %* end whether defence should Tn taken W Mid discharge such as required bj- the sets of AascmMj aod rules or «** • The will liischargo theduttes msnt on Thursday ‘3? ? at ** VIDD: ■ ; ■ • i f rlv»teol*ea*eat fBE. BROWN, No. -»1 Diamund AUej. pc- __yv % »W‘s ssa v ! ¥i3SaS liTifola Tenoral Organ. Skin BiscasM, Scorbutic Brojv- 1 iloas T*UCTi Illngworta, Mercurial Xftaevfx, Seminal Weal*, lujns. ieut i b TUieuniattaov Ifamale Weakness, KimjSK. PAlnj lutbo BMk cud Iftes,lrri tSuoftim Mktat*U citj) enables Dr. Broro" tooirSiu^ioMSk*!*® comauo- I PtfratoOomultaUcnßoom*4l, DUmoudclleT. I flSfciSigM moderate. , ', ■■ ...uoTfalAuly 'fnaigPH omoirs SXKKIi *EgS. ; FOB sale b, all Stationer*.and Fancy Goods Dealers ifltte tWtcd Stclca, atKl WteAwOe w.nionse. 91 .JOHS-SIKEET, NEW YOKE. Thirty &^jgg«3ESfesg i» **CttHtVon,’ T bearing ifAMimU® afttowv rtt&wajc»tt> hb *0. 303, ra* wct SS&SJSSSfSSS^^ jSS Gtllntt, aa |Srant»e of quality. J'b'J "5 the lest itjla of boxce «ach,aTith:JibcLand Caution S rererso laMtatUe rf and h^b”^s. oeCSilmeod Bhada and Oil Cloth WnTinfactory, . w *8 IBWllf sms*, E. R. KEBNAtr, ; , 4 • W FEET lASBMAMS 3r3T? c ao : da do two to ZOO da. Hawed, Oothfcrad. Phdn, assorted pt«®>, Ball linen, MS5e.» W Skj , ( :i . Ball Oil Oath,i42sc„fr43lc ;; 64MK, - ' Lons Black Coat*, eaefc. Short Black Coatvs4,2& each. Long Pant* £k2s each. Beww of hStationfl lilno Yellow a ft* 1 CrUitsoa window Shade Oil Cloth, as this Aiiaaod.«rngtod not to ftfat, bdt> or cncfc. ; j T ■_ fautgu *nU RetrUttMtoes» djgph JOHN THOMPSOH, Agent, 410 liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa-, ros . Mo«OT.BOVrSUS,OBD(SEU,*Ono«- Only ».Jtourr ttrrmjtt tndth&yiat*,both Train!cmnt&ngat Ttem&rrg ~. witt Xrairu far liai&mort- fOreta ... nHa, 3i> liaVionrt, *9,60. r Jiaiy- . fee cam direct to ainyattfb’cloik p: k;£ \ gr Baltimore at 8 4de& -BOOKS I BOOKS! XtrST EEGEITEPijy j&AUXEE A Co-;-No. 33 ffmtth'fe&r ___— J KATB AS&gj£E . r priro ; .sauar**-,« : - ; • ■ -■ ; ;i . -SSSWNfraMMMfctoOMtwraflh ■ "'? 4^J£yaSßSS&&Mkiartlg(4MlM£"*fe,- L--Uy*iKl3™Aflwoat oTh& Disebnrerferatata«- Or Ecsmain tt« Uftof aCZtJ,'. _ Asnyl>!tUtoj>,2'»o!- _. -.- fiSS^SSMS^WjSSSSSt ktit^ttooghtoath.sqod«a«rtI iabott,by byßitiattlHSw,«#l'■■-• - r«*» to ?*«• »ad Art, by **» ’ ‘ tags^v^-i^ T(J s» few*' KSii& BBSS' thrfawp Boobrtcr* ct £0.32 gnitbfitld ttnrt* ■ t/smb- ■ OCtil . •. -. .! '• .: ■'f-': r - ''..-V A ‘•'- T -- : : • . j•- .;" ■ •v ; ;:-;;V^'^^:'>--^-^>'.'^:^ •■■ ~ ■•.,"., ■» - .~: r * *«:= - -v J ; -- - .-V W s • 1 ■' ■ Vi ' ’SiSF ' * ' i “ itm- T^JBTGUUPS^Tomato; iWAJxmt vod Sptthrpon, ppeiaxwl: VESITUa BHSBS, - DP H7EKYQUMJlg.lbr«a»atsiannhcta«n‘pntgr at 0« 7SEW :CAEFKTSTOEE, 4T'EIPfU STBEt-T, mot. Wood. - - -. BORISBOff.&Cq j: - ■ : Steam JEwiae fiw Srtei ■ .i ■ i N UPRIGHT ETRAJOffiGmE; &lnchej cjUMer;l2 f\ Inches . . Per further laformatSo»,raqi!li» at '• •• .• ' petL-tt THIS OPFICE. ~ FOR KBSTI ». jniEßEiff MOUBE-<)onmlaiit;to i jVj msnnfactining ertaMlrtimraU. Also, * SBBE *n4 BWELUSa rolto nosaiff .■•••'• ! .-ssn.A»4TO J TO«*«t. - . 2* 1852*' j - mbmb^bmmbi 1 T ° ptli f B ° U^ Tt *’^!^EK^Httag^cabfe. ?St£ra,of tltf tor tt*y, : •‘■^ i^^v.;: " : 'v‘^ : i--'- <: v';-; ; «•'—■ ' i :jt application*)]! A Jimnr, to the charterer » Bank, Mhn, to. Woafe.l •■•■^w^«barg i iyniQa»illl3aM»bepy in W«tkly papffl*; -• * : ,fjc2&6ia - •••■ ••• ••-- •'■• * IiIVKSV .' - ' *f Kbc as reproseotaL.rTerms,'s&ffh.,'.' * ■ ‘ CHESTEJt, . . 1H? STUDY TO riJZA3E. Xapscott’B Bamittanca ana EmigrattifcOfflces. : 87 SOUWI ETIUZKT?KEW YORK* Elm Qttaj.-DsbKx; yfdaioo Btad, Inmafi . , Jai 'So. ISO Garter-of Wood-and Kbertj tis.lVldurgli. " " JiHES BJiAKEIY., ■ Tirriix T3BDE PASSAOE. TICKETS AND'. SIGHT W-DlUi% AST BASUT IS eso la’d, IRELAND. SCOTLASI) ANC WAUS. t j> Passengers.will 1* brought from-England, Irrfßnu, Scotland anAW&leg, direct to Pittsburgh. -" • ■ • , j _. ; ftonclxc#, Bat«> Mic«j , _, t trifling pe*t*» H te/trae, compared of-Unman-annoyance, aeration and diannat, la tp ttcXS rttUeSti mire, bed bugs and eociro«tottS»}i>y-JJPS Him, Smith, Fanchett £ Co* Totfeto the' ralo . etteij Tfffcotetti»aa3 Bata3l» in the.; abcJa «.">«* on aid aoTTa«tttegaJ«g»^Mff mcntolliin’S. te ta™2'stbo EaiVtod ; *£rcgtt.- ■. CUilcis uid Indl» Poyrl* l _ '. . - r> ME subscriber hue no* on hsnd » fine - CHOICE FOWLS, tad from "SSS^Sji?? lmported stocks noirtoowa In 3“agß»{Sch he offiai to im»teu» end joaltgeß, ode &Ot Inrttee ettention to lffijiyyiA fa ButUberty, HieFtrotahiwheoo hred»itt_ttjffert*n. eero; imdSitlanen-whs tod Fowl*,in thdrparity,<*n dependupon Pdds3»ae S»pe rlorrpedmene of yoaugetock, C&SnCtW, Hong Kong or 'White Shanghais, «f the celebrated; M&rahtWhto ahdffy lty importations; Brihgfr ***** oJ^w£ l large end much admired; Hoaajrffo, glassy »»£*£ T «y choice 0 ’ -s Allegheny County* P*. ~ - H. CHILDS & CO., SH O E WA ft EH OUSJE * Wn. las Wood Btrect,' pitws ll i *'■ H 2000 rases of Men’s -ami* Bo J , V ®K' ttMrerfsEocto and awes ’ SUk.PI && Clcte NarartiWadflifM or mj cosvwili tad ittotkolr tatenst.to call and ciaJoiM «* Sole *3l ofw&lch frefloiftftt lo^jrioes. • ■ cnoice stoelc OI WMMt - „ . ■ THE rcoy.wceWlnff a tot ; choice lot Of riAXOS,. : i»t tire, «thO 11 »If • Yoritaod Boston.-: Among othas,«etOTl : cntlrtriw '“urelj how «hd superb design; iSjtod tune, t n»U dlmntes, imltoMlywormaei. HahoFortoi suporfoiut <»» -fe; ofrichness if u>a«» ‘dondjlUty, sndtteg*n«i of teste? VWj.SSSSSm!? ~ ■‘ sas rV‘■ ■- • - Elcn of the Golden lUrp. . No. 101 Third strict. ■ jSew'Stttmly of ciUcltsrtag’* TVST _aBCSICKB, direct grom »«--t - SBBStX.-* ;• ''BiSiioil' •»»•'»• ; WTOM. toBMe roaM wmeRS OxvAVn** *£s&££, &&$&&»&.;■ Two Piwi'xroodf'sbcwlaTftS-*! 0 * ' ,t. iV, a : Ttoibo«^isotte9«. : • -best and most UktousMT-*®* x^?v“^ , '"ThTcriL are lie mu tana tanas. NatfUTooi »ti««, ,; • ACTtitfcr tba 'muiu&ctsrer .for Wastem ;^: ♦ •*** - <,; .. ' -■ s - r., r- ■ i ■'' 11 .•.\ -O: •• •, t’«=V ■ kjuf. '<* z. ; . . V ■t. . ■ I : ■ r.. ••?*•• •■ • > **y,~ ■* - FOR SALE AND TO LET. I conn* sf Short'rtreet. lot terms, *splr to* .‘ , apriatf .- AldermttPAKglS&S, Fifth g«»& . r f»0 »nt*CTU« Ottos « a Beat toe SIMMS KOOI ; X' cow oecnjW by Mps*. TTlljaek 4 DwlvKtt' ST Jla ‘-fcet atzeet;. Po«eas£m Prea on the l*t or April- Enquire i . -3ans-tr . • ClIiA-g.tPACLSOS^.Iift.'TOWood«t. r “ _ FOR SAli£j : ' l fTIHBEB aiw BQHTi&AY'TOWKR CEGCK3, of the test I materiel —fbeftp far refth. - A , - AmuST MCIBLOCI^AUrahmyatT, " ■nrLifl.°ai» Si«tX»ae, goal thtwrntr frag t i " :To -X>et». • , , mHßSfnraJßotuc Mttl - , 1 faadoo thft QUO : - , HR3IA&B3. ■' lotol UroMdtm^BßddjfflKfc: E.'sss^^sssiSS^ , TO*XiXKr* w _IL- ,»'«* A’ TSfOSWBTmCKDKKILINaEOC^Mi&raI .A’ itftet. nog Koat, how jiSißg /°E-. , ' - ; For Bwleor *«*». TI f ' TrrXBEHOTJSEKa. U, comer of Wood Sjss—^s^tSsT - tt3 AtßjaafrJBgflAtogSKo»Sl . 'X.IM. 69 ; .ttei^3towt, : 'SLEtlL VW, °2?£S? r 2 ■'RQcma T wrtT-ftfthtaTuxf: .' givßa.ilßt&SQiwljru *r?> " > ipaired. ’Yog l “UOR Dwelling Ileuses, fcftfcii lT bjJ^fr-. r ~~ X feet;- dni : contains four* rtCmiS:..'xba. y- HO tael, fronting on Bctoca strMi*io4lifl Sec* -cfl3}iYaidof.JUl^£ajy •- - • -THOMAS . fjlOH &AU4—A FraiMDweJllnß,situate- asmexoS •■. lcdlie swi-Beaver 'streets,- Aik-beny ' Thftimua ia2o by 32 fi»Vfc*'<>'s4°riesTiiglt I 'wjai porticos inlrcnt'taa : rw'r»‘'contains *sx nxqns, TiaU- ■ Thoiotl* SOby lOttfeeC - Apply to •*■ oetS » '-■ ‘ " * • • j} flachTrontainmg throe rocms, 120. .:. lbct. : Thedweliinga are.erectcd cuiheTesr.ef'tSdloU.leeT- - ■.-./■ - lnT : gfLfbgrtyjCU^Sg^ l^ ibuaihett of any fchiai tS&i;: »- : ; rr.^l2 L-z^TXig».^usE&:. "TIBOPJ2RTY SBVKNTU-WABP 4&B •H: A Lot on OntrefArenuc. backlit foci, having; on Hal WO STORY BRICK^HOO^ ■coodwellaa4ctb£r®nvenieireeS\ . ' ~IV~ • *r«»fm«u^nnft4i&lfcash, balancelntwoyew?payaiggt»v .■ '■ jy!4 .. r-.-^^ATTSTOf ’XOO3aS,-yo &Spffi<>3 K Vm 4 H* |l,n Saatt property. msTPP ialL.' koowri S 3 &0 laid £i*ke Hmfflfc»~; iEpqtiiny eets PATOO& A.;A63JSfo 6&Market tL-r vt *?a*kiy - : . li:2frtoy4o ifcet, tirotfiories lxijjft pied v tnaddn® iitaflJse'oo iiacoc&-"sfrßet ? >' ' : ' . 4 HOUSE r Bto^:oa A jnta Btrt^.petwwtL : 7j\ Walnut and F&etory Streets, Pl/Uv Ward-- The. Lot U -25 feet front and-100 thcre-sre two .small : fiVajne Tcrin£ cosy—Title good. - : I.or v psrajg^.r:" lars enquire'of.AMennsa *”PAKKINSQ?ij PfeM*streetjJlftli . j? 329, between'MarTcet rat ‘Fenj, 4D - bocS; well miiled :fcr bnOOingpurposes. •'ntletniHsputwv- iSSr-Si OFTtCES on KWi street. iaCAWIOXT * r altao^lSO 15 street, Ctci**. autfiB, t --, 'grille of the CoaTt -®mse,.ao4 fljrfceanty-qr I£- •^asHosk-.''Jlaqbir»’df-- ;/5 ' " j ISACA. STiiKET PfiOPKKTV—Vor aaje, a ottt-oTea- aod • ether . .•_ - eddiaboto s****®*- ' oflterdcpoi.-' , !Hie:lbtia26 ftetfront>6y r «.y; 29Kfth.gtreet:;; _- • V-lUr MUWEKIX KUI SAUi—. t, ProoettrorlajfcetfroßlooSoronartwt; > feft:ih7f 'c/ *...-■ tullM trom tbs atf.vnr tbaHliihargk end BrownCTfflß_ ftrwi - n AcTmaliorctaurd;' tHrea ciiillent epriogSj-imd ralueblo rri l .. m-**f oeeltty.:: DO'-r, cfferixl far 52,0. . . eedtuTsirppaswl thivtieCral oriaml, rach sepntaurt*.' , KOTttithat warn.--Those* waatins - .toeid e W ly - '. - • ■>. - - ••..:»>SBtthMMßtefetr- • X;-V *• . f ', : **■ ~_ ?. v •_■»'-•- :V - :\-' W- <- . * w"' * : , » J *- T-'i 2 ,! - - r \ -> i t, •' .T f' --4'V 1 VV-• r-'-...->_r7--^>v-'•• ~ tr J ToI/«t, ’ CIUNOB, on Vi • LOTS, fcmtingos' - blp. wemmoxT : Heal Estate AgeptySplaoe’s -Bflgdingß. norfc r ; • Vyyx yOK? ajUig^A ft acres? 80 s6ooo. - ‘- \ * ‘ 237' acres’; tfwd«4.; -A)rJ»s6o©|.iaay toTbartereSM^k®* ! • Slst* Mills? .l£&,«creT' • Also"-' ££aexes; SOin'eolti'puiDTi—pri^gSOO... * > . . . ■ j Th*ajxjrearc in dcdrabto locatfonSjOiUlihaTajtaipaple,,-* *%gpg?*fr StS ACBJSr situate In -lnm«Uii»e TV;. finny of Kist Liherty/ndjoinm" loud* cf TlionlMSleK, LJoni-£s5 “A? o *, -lobs; Mtt point* on tbiee dJ&ront'Etieets.': '.lf not sotdrln k‘ ibo3y?n>'*fll be roll in lot* to EnftJmtJtaKHv. Jfor Jntomv' .’frrr*enqttfretblapffiec>:. ■■.s'--- :■•■-. . . -t .i. •—*•Poi» .-v ■'./• : • a** LOT of Cot* S» t3xe/purd> V- * • Hi& ~.. • Wng Avenue, «**5»W: !hI»iTW fa-t:- TheygppertT wilitiesold.clear of afl ‘brincb. cxeept aa&mmal Erouxul'-TeDt of ono fcns«lred*W» ■•'.%, to-whfchitis.oow. irobjact.- Onthe . > t» 'NoTICK TOCosaMtAca'OJts^.t-: - _. SEALKXt VUOl’tßiLS'irai Paw. >“ ■ ■NOI3 CESXaAL »te. Cbteagoßiamli toßjmsaj.aCrcet. a ;-'*'**?“ inSIM: Theiort emtracra s ' S2f.ih» ■' ’OEABINOrASR JUSOSBV.AiiiwUiis raoBE otaras »» , 'bSivßtrocmro OT «^K«(w^.n*<^M-'_*s» ’^gg^SSSSSE^ l -■ - ' rf ' Oito., V^^ s v^gg°^ r lgg’Slli- <3^ ? Octcba-ISthf 18524-»<; ■---* ' '•_ - - s' "S* >' i’s-’UF’ * 3- t , ' - i | INE .• • \W Arena* udCtarK- - v ;