The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 31, 1849, Image 3

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    , • • • • • - ' , - ,4 ` ..2.•• •.;.• 2•'f;:i;; . ? . : - ..n'.-?.;'. , H'i +;:-.i.-,
4 0 , d0ek 144 enusibirenniptisdieriA, in order tom
4atitagib4.llr •
urtuiT :Office,
-coRRER 1 01001AMIr'1IFT14 STRWII4.
.117' Hewing adecii.o.'ollr EStQbiLlShsMilt,' Wanda.
Steam-Power Prihtingl . lfac blue; we ate piepared'ici do:
all kifidtrof•HOWilieP er.4fia Book' 'Weft in a ati:lo'criu;n7
Surpassed , beauty and and , armalbo moat ma
lionable tenni: We tOlelfullpilolitil. payeeege el
firOgrlb'painess' `. •
fler'NovenabirillitilWasineis ANDREW BOUga,
AT SOUSES' LITERARY DEPOT.. fling strees,"vp7a
sits the - PotrOjAci::--Gteh °fel' Lady's' Book for November' ;
Gnadint'sMagortne,dO.; Parted n'a;.dci4l,ildietT Ninfonal;
do.: Litton's LivintAte,_ , No. infi. , Csatimiiiiby Rohrer;
comOlati.? The -LI ctr on• WEN". Male raw
Love; , anotie.ViTtielDritnigetchtlibtiOgre. — Rocking..
ham, r rhoroMOttEtettliatc.i , 'AganWa‘. Lbitery,' b
Mrs. preyi:.,- •• • • ,
CHrilViathiip Ilittattw;f 4 TDOVltilbargt Rifle.
Company held their eliorahm matitamidonday, Oet. 29d;
and willeontinne; to shoot lovrizeit:from , day MI day,
•• from'O:rbrloct A . ht.' tin S PAlL:till•the seven , . buTired.
- -
shmasirefieed: ::
Alliuelnrited to attend. F. SEIDF.NSTRIEERi .. ';' , •
Erriltsrestntg S'lstld.-.Jolt received and for sale
at No. 65Smithfield street, (three doors above Fo•• 4
fine assminient of LAMPS, adapted expressly . ..for'
use or lIURNINO FLUID, and will be sold 1 . 31 QUA
to sultparcbascrs;• • ' '• '
TheI3URNINO'FLUID Is a new article, perfectly free'
from lite - 410pr or erplosion, and unrivalled for DealtlY.3
Econouty and Convenience. Itis complete sablitititte
for OR: Tallow or Gas, being perfectly safe irCusingi
beautituliie appherance, and -gives ti uniform and- bird
llantueurr, without odor or smoke:::'. It is ow - Rea-from
Impurity as bottu stain linen, clothing or furniture,.aud
particularly recommends itself tette attentioreof Cots
' try Merchants, liotel Keepers and Families, as well as
for use in Cbn ro be s, S teamtoats; and tie _Offices of pro ,
fessionbl i gentlemen.- To be had of the - manufacturer:
octZ • 65 Smithfield st.; Pittsburgh; Pa,
• •
aLstauttanoe Non ookiforinbicnption
he eapitarstoek of the Citizens' Intmranee.Compttny at
Pittsbumh,will be openedin the Board of Trade RGOIIIS i
on hroly.;theGth day of , Noietnbet, it a. m: • •
• snatues-rigifty••.dellars.-eacit: • Two , . dollen fifty
cents eaelt shunt& be paid.on subscription,
Wm Larimer, Jr Robert Woods.
Wm B M'clete • ;•.: • ". Joseph Plummer.
S. hi Bier. • Josiah ging. • , • -
John' Sheriff. - _ • . ; Alex. Roseburg.. •
H. A. King.. • .. • . toet2t - td •
BaIIK or rlTspcaop,t
Bleetioh foi Thiitein Directors of this Bnuk,
for the enthing year, will the Banking House,
on Monday, the./ 0 111 day atlfeverober nen.
ocriS:dtd • " 7Joibr'Sstass, enabler.
Excitixat iimit or Prrreetarati,
• - •
October Ithh,lBl9-
117 eji-Electioa f for Thirteen Directoraof.this Bent;
to eerie tor thel'enettiog Tear,' will be held - at the
tog. Hanse l on Monday, the jitth day of .11o , i•rcollei next;
betwetif the hohnt or 9 A. X. 113341. 3 P.M. •
oct4l:kat:l-' Toote-teEfotvic;Cashiei...
„ .
• • • • October 19,1648.
Itn ; lLlettiott for Thirteen -Directors of this Bank
fee the be held at the Banking Itousei
on diondßyithell9drdir - Noventber nest: •••••
'-', • • W. H. Itzdttl Cashier. ^
. • •
. , .
. _ .
fitirr __,
_A , GIRO's4MI
civic - BALL; iiilt bp, - gloat on'Wednesday.erentas.
October •gtet, (Hallow Eve.) at the Lafayette Assetitblf
Rooms, by Bye tly's gruel Band. ' A good SuPPot ' , WU
trepared for, the: occasion: Tickets- can, be. had of the
Mrr Fairmount iall.—Tbe c luzets are res p e ct- .
fOly Wormed that.'lta Fataatavai Flax .CotiPathr will
Ev a
v a e l u t e ll s p ein o t rl y 'F=T i ev4;: e mit November rve 9ll l , , at th i ci
IWArao'l Bawl CO t seEtWlii
-•-- .
tu-A. Rare Ghana!, or obtaining it:raperfine HAT
or GAP - equal to any , that can ,be manufactured, is now
offered, all undetermined to sell off my present stockk
t greatlYreduced price s,i rt order to rasp room .for tag
fa - stmt. • If Tun wcru/d secure a tim'am call soon.
• • •• , • . -• WIS FLEMING, •
/12511 •• 1 . 30, Wood st., corner of Virgin alley.
117'.66,1117aSIDDLICs Dixttlay....itaxiOrsto to o
LlCiVihrea. storylEttick, on Sattrunzu>B7,ollls door uhe-
I ow . Sixth tweet... TEETH. INSERTED, Cram one to a
whole zeta, by .filmosphezielf tessera, with a beautiful!
representation of the Nataral Grit, removing the Faca to
Its or igund shnpet. •TEETH EXTRACTED, with hale
or no pain. ftellTED Tams. permanently saved by
rtuncunso, preventingthe Tooth-ache, which a much bet
ter than conn;it, thou& itahonld be done in nye min
tatea,or. even tnawanlt.tA!' . • ap21:41,
. , .
Tisza*, No. at Illarket; Armin &mond, traa TAW strati,
.Piazburgh,--ConstanUy op hand, a. large and general as,
soruneutot FAsuaoarAiu.z READ . Y- tans Cu:memo. :
Particular .artention paid to alio eluting of Castain
Work,wkileit will be made in animas% fashionable man
ua,ll.llli on re aionablis terms. . nutyl3. _
Notle44.;;Tho.lommantan 'Nazis Socrrrr_ or Pius
burgh and .Allegheny, meets on the second Monday of
every motuh AtSchochleiters, in tho Diamond.
nub": 777,
.- _ Joutt :Yoram, jr, &creamy,
[NW' Nottoo::-.Thelourneymen Saddlers, Harness
as Trunk Makers' Society meets the first Saturday
every moath,,at.lJnion: Hall, corner of Sathhtleld and
PM streets (mayl9:tyY W. C. Omirtaze i Se ey.
Odd VelLowsP Bat! Odeon But Wing, Fourth
rhea s betweets Weed'. and, cid strcets.—"Pittaburirh
•Eriesinpatent, meets lit and 3d Tuesdays of each
Pittsburgh Degree pcidge,
.Dro. 4, meets 2d and 4ilk.
.....„ .. _
. I•l44 Meerrettee .. 5.1.
7...:14 . 41: ie, : llo. 0, meets -every ThursdnY
ev lar enrn esfera" S* - 441Fp.,,N0..1A, meets every. - Wednetideir ,
..„,,,,,, . . . .
e. ttY - ..go . 10' *1.82-ieeets d-'verillonda . y ev , rig.
1611 ' hyllyi Lodger.a. fi • 360, - meets every Prld t ey,
,„1 1 .. utnyzmy
... ... = . .
- ,
oraleeting, Washington.
Bill;Wood sore et, beta's en bth and VirpnAllej..
PaTsstowit -- Loan; No. VA--Meets every Tnieday
MantcsantA EsreedstOreav,;•lo. 7—B.leetty Ist and
Friday attack - niplllli. . • , osar2s—ly
. . •
117-.16 oi.-.A.Ltsoinlaror 'Longa, No: 49 ' , the- Haiti corner of Wood street and Virgin
Alley, every . Tina/day evening, at o'clock.
ataykArn , • .. • Gigolos EistsErr,Seel.
_ . .
Dir.EP SLATED, Conaits.—Phthisic_or Asthma cured
by the use of Medicine '
of Medicine of Nature. '
Attiericiii:,ol - I,'propered Item a well near Brooke
vine, Kentucky, 185 feet tielow the :earth's surface,
170:feetpt which watrthrotigh a trend. rock. -•-
gentleiruiri residing in Frankfctid, Beaver coon;
- ty,. Pa, abOVIC69 . yeam-of , egs, wan afflicted with s
deep seated 'Cough, of 15---months standing, Which
disturhed'lds rest natl . -caused him to eject a quantity
of thick mucus daily, which reduced him so much
that be was very thin and week, By using two bat;
den of•-the..0il he.. was completely cured of his cough,
and got fat:and heart -
The above was communicated 'to Mr- Wm. Jack
son-140r. James Morrison, of Frankford Spring&
This to -Certify, - thatl have been afflicted thirteen
years with,the Plahisinihad about tWelie day's' ego
I had it-veryhad.. I heard of the American Oil, and
pur!cbaecd.n bottle, and commenced using it, by ta
king a:nail' teaspoonful 'twice a 'day, and - in three,
days 1. was entirely cured of my cough, and now
feel as well ae though r bad - hirer had it.
P:l3Liciicerost, Virgin alley. ,
Bold wholesale ,by Wm.-Jaeluson, the
proprintorhi'sole and only agent for western Penn
-01/Tania; Wißtern - Virginiai end ',Northern Ohio, No.
89,•Libertyetreet, head 'of wood street, Pitteburghi
Pile*so.ets,Ver bottle.
genuine but what has the name and address of Wm.
Jackson; No 89' Liberty' street, Pittsburgh, oa the
label," and in the pamphlet in :which, each' battle is
enclosed.-;Thu names of theproprietors, D. Hall
& Kentucky, is also printed in the pamphlet.
Another way,. of detecting the counterfeits, is - the'
difrerence in price; The genuine is sold invariably
at 60 eta: per - bottle, find no less; while aouie'et thp
poupteiretta sold at various pticea under.;Sold
retail - ;14 sub.igente in. almoarevery. , town in the
above .Districts. - • (let 26:d&or
• .
rr' - Prooru-Acsir,' Tintra - : Omas, BALI Stu arm Am ,
Warrt.Trorruly:tfie., use cif NViseelees celebrated
Tea-ben7 Tolith•NViab; Tontlimehe'carr be effectually
cured. render and. Thseased -Gums made firm and
healtb7,-..Bed!-Brecith much '.improved, and the :remit
reed frorritartaiihnd Made beautifully' white. ' Price'
cents per bottle. - Thlartrticie, 'payonized by the
of somety,,islaighly concentrated, and will make 'one
pint of the;ank
Soldurbolesale,isit feinu ,YAOleitaw, his
Boot and Bluiellitore,.;"lllG BOOT / " 83 , XiibertV street,
head of, wooqitieet.Tinalnirei. ao7:l3cadpur,
Brass Baud °tree,.
: Per. -members of Byerty's Brasi Baud
wpnld reepectfullyin form their idea l ds: r ull
• the citizens generally that they .
Grand 'Firemen's' Military "aWuellawefdanlir
.I;l.La. rhitorts .2033=3L1t _Room, -coo
, a .
eve alog i .Oolober 31.441848 ,
The # 46 0 -
zloty - of-lielW end beautiful
oniutons-mrige lourdu ti c a ed va pylki_ Dem hl , Aass, whom
eenieet -hare bees:seemed for this
Tickets tsar ho bad from the
Members oTthe Saud and
the rgeen g* .. ..o.:ALANAi#&RS • ' '
hf R.:Bohan tharYtEttgle;. ,,, Capt.- 10 1Ln S p etrO uguam ilt -
'O..I3WAMM IrEch elin e foc rl7 ll, -Al Dn l q s; e ' Cal) I ,
. !:10 1 48 0n Pr -'
.t . wat. - WhitoiNePemP• - 0 ;larks
ti, Royes•NieSet.e,c 1 t. , CP , PL 1 4:4 n u i tout n i a l idr;
" 'l°llll K on e .. nlied Ta i F . SeTdenstrikeit
6c; —AY) a '
ti Jos, Fulliard,
tt d ra w z g ElliOtttOdY ll . l-- i ad i o, 3 b er t s , Ames Pottle;
Dav id Ca TR. 1 . 3 2, 11 ' 1 . ozuoll...Wt•-131aelc,
noon ' leet" -=• , ••••e , aerlsab
Kaye Capt. Soho flerroll
iiiibitailitrreceive and receipt for SCROV
- TAX imposed, at Alderman 'Bletdaarra's Orrtca,
• Ward, on 211 urpicry next, the let day or November.
MO. td , QUEWaIq,
TteASIITer for the Boari:
'''',;-:.'4.•4 - ?..':i'.,:C‘: .. ,:i. -- L . Z'ii•j• . ;: , ': , :"
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t- •
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• ' :
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t.! ,, 4 ,
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: 14"
o.'l= -
;...,t,i 4t4. •
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e,;'.(- .. ;=" ;P "';
r - iklr 4 I
'"-" ' '44. •
i""":" ,
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4, 4 f
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-- •
Onmeicial . anb
prosisnunaß,B o, i4 ll ? , PF , T l ,t lo 4 4 " ,
F. VON BONNEOttsw, .:FioArtirrrze. von Ocronen.
atesosbootPacketLineileavesdnily forCineimaatl 3 loislo:
Pesern&er Packet,. via Brownsville, to Unitintore'stad
.Philsnelphie, k. as., end 6P. 11..' ; • • • •
,Mai Conch LI neid4set tePkiledelphii, tet. , ,11,4:12C
Western snd aenthein Mnll Con& Line, rht. Ds
, North-Western, yin Cleveland, dally,lo
- Erie and Western New York; daily, 9 A.Y.
Korth-Easterrt,to Philadelphin;dstly, 144;4'
'Punern Philidelphta, duel L. at; '
closes 19 pt.
Western Mail, Cat. and Lonirr., dutiB •
Sonth.virißalLartriWeshingtori,dne r ,eloses6
North-Western ,via Cleveland' dnelo closes 9 A. sr.
Erieand , Westep New York, due , closes 8' A..m
. - •
•Pai oalus. ..isied;' treed
Bank of I.ltesburgb•-•-.... , 550,00,-850,00- 8 50 , 00
Exthange :4;4. 50,00 47, 0 0 46 , 00
Metikuinte and . 5%00 '.61,00 00,00.
Fl/100 re Deltas' t Bank.:4•,•-••• • • None in market.
41.andStreet Bridge. 50,00 - 50,90. 49,00
Nottliem.Ltbertleeßridgn•r......- • . 4 5 0 , 00 1 , ,35 0 3
. 01tt A ll egheny Edge. ••• •—• •.• • '25,00 36,00' 35,00
•FonnelLavilleE. R•Stoekipald on .. • .
• akarescu,so.—. . • 5,00 ;,43
City Bonds (619' coati).— •• - • • oi,oo ••
diropongskeleßridige • •••—• 55,00 16,50
131* Stoeir-••—•.•••••••• , —. 44 . - ^.- 00 . 00 • 2
Penne: 6's, quoted in Philadelphia:. ' 91
peme,a, •-1."-. • 1.) - • 'lO4
-*New iillaTteluO 7 Note% 'es, quoted . in Pailadat .117 k,
• • .
: •. • . • - OFFICE OF TIM POSTr ,- - ("
Wzonseartloamso, (Moan 31,L84k,s •
The weather yesterday;wee oteeesively &spied-
RIIIO fell daritig %ha entire , day. . .
FLOn..Prices araCro the decline ; sales yester
day at $41,45040, • ' •
PIG BIRTAI,..Nci "sake of"Alleghecy anise or
Hanging Reek at $29. •
BACON.: Salsa eriarairs baros'aft3la 9c.; raga!
carted 12c.; sides 51e.; shoulders bc.
cir".NBRRRIES. ,Salea at $2,25 film. with good
. dentailif 42 '•
Wifle-1/SOIJR.. Regular tales liom store at $3,76.
li,titOiS. -Sales of.Rede At 410 c ..; Ncebannocka.
tit .
BUTTER: .Sales of primp rolls to clothe at 16c.;
keg is' iifititth 9C. • -•!'
GROCEILIES.:SaIegor.Sogar at 6061 c.-; of Mo
No. 114 WOOD Snixxs. Tau 1/00113 gaol FIPTII
T .
Saturday evening,
_Ncareinber3d, it 7 o'clock' . pre
cisoly, will be aold.nA bleKenna`a Auctimin Roomne,n Lot
of Ground (morning :20 - fee( on liuticau street near the
•Minemayille Tuinpike, in the'7ilC:Werd of the City of
:Pittebnigh, and extending back 70 feet.
oerM 'JAMES MetiENNA,Anet.
A • = SCUMS 11441.. F. 0f.33 pieces West of Englaral
itioad:Oloths,6B9l yards; . ls pieces Fancy Conk
tnere,3oll yards; 40 pieces Csasineta 1513 f yards 8 pea
Gluts Felt Pilot Clotb,llo pieces Cloaking, 18 Res. Fancy
Tweed, Winter Vesung,Vinter.ClMbing, ilia White .
three eases .Geratun Goods, comprising
ry Toys,
Fancy Articles, Cutle, isc., and twelve cases Men and
Women's. Fine - Boots and Shoes, is AUCTION, by Cate
• !ogee, at litclEENNA'B.—Will be sold at. &chemist's
Auction. Rooms, by virtue . 'of a foreign attachment, on
-Tbursday,.November lst, commencing at 1U o'clock In
the forenoon and continuing from day to day until allure
sal& The above described mebanclize will be sold by.
catalogu ro
e. Terns :.,Cnalt,par ftinds.
ect44 • . 7 - JAMES bIeIfENNA, Amt.
WELLING HOUrM'.. arfiLICTION.-1 wilt offer for
J sale on Salta:day, the. `Jrl .day ltoivinber, at a.
o'clock in the afternotin, on the premises a LOT OF
OROUND,.IO fat-fount by 100 . feet . dteN'on which is
erected a good aulustantial Taro. Story House in front,
'and? Two Story' Fame Hoxutain the rear. This proper
ty. is 'nested o the Allegbenyriver, immediately above
the Glass House of Messrs:Manna, and bus a 40 teet
street in front nod tea.' fine owner living out of
county; it will be sold *bargain. -' • • - •
CeO.. :JAM(S .bIefiENNA, Ane ,
AUCTlON.—Oartiday nexli d :vember 01, et 10 the foxenoon, -4 WOI so .without reserve, by
order of John . Forsyth, Fag, IR& miff of-Allegheny
County al the Clothing. SUMP of :Hamilton.J. Rogers, an
Market tweet, between let andSecOnditreetv,tbe entire
stook of (locals in said Store, condating of Panta
loons, Vesta, aupetfuseCloths, Can:arcs, Vestings,
Mktg., Hosiery, Trimmings, Icc
• JOHN FORSYTH, Sheriff..
. . .
I . 'oar°.
9reli camoja/Piftuirsd
offers at private sale, on els/ tends, the halanco of Lot'
situate in his plan ("Album Emmet, Allegheny City.
The location for health and beatuy of scenery is
passed by any propekty in the neigltherhood of either
'Pittsburgh or Allegheny, and to those desiring a resi
dence, offers advantages not easily had.
To the capitalist a c h ance is offered for an investment
that in a few years will pay three-fold.
The Lots are situated within about ten or -fifteen min;
utes , walk from the Allegheny City Market. The Bea
ver Turnpike is aboutimang finished, and runs along the
north end of the Lots.
Any of the above Lots not disposed of at private sole ,
`will be sold by public auction on the premises, on Sat
urday, Mivernkr tOrh, lfil9; at 2 o'clock r. it. Title indis
Plans and inforiontion in regard to the above Lots can
be bad by culling on Hugh Sweeny, on the,
premises r
`t -other articles, t German Wile, I Ouhar, &a., to pay
boarding and other charges, at AUCTION.—On Monday
evening, November .sth
_at $ o'clock precisely, I will,
cause to be sold at McKenna's Auction Roams, in the .
City of Pittsburgh, tothe highest and best bidder, to pay
:a certain amount of boarding-and- other charm, the
contents of 4 trunks' containing Books. The greater
part ansvery valuable works on chemistry, in the Ger
man 1 . Also, a lot-of second-hand clothing, 1
guitar, I era= rifle, said to be an' excellent article.—
The owner of the thrive Mentioned property or his agent
Willtake notice that said goods and articles described in
thisadvertilteibent, will be sold at thedate and hour tnen•
tioned -thereto, unleks redeemed before, •by payi g all
charges and costs. 'ANNE MURRAY.
octs JAMES 511.01. ENNA Aa ct.
,;' .•:.,:"; f':;.'; iTf it -:. :7.i!:
Daily MeeSear i t ot the Markets*
liookinsp:Glasnos,'COoelltit & Pitney Goods,
jBE subscriber has Mat -- received his Fall assortment
of CLACKS'and FANCY 'GOODS, which, with a
large assortrnent of LOGRING.G.LASSES of his own
manufacture,. he will oiler at - very reduced prices, for
cash. T. A. DILLIES,
' Woodstreet, near Fifth.
'P. 5..-Merchants supplledst Mwest vates, and pack
ing carefully attended to. octl2
W A. dr.1....43. MahIULLEN,
No. H3O Liberty_Strett, iorner,o/Garrimn Ailey,
kESPECTFULLY announce to their customers and
dealers generally thrit..the.y have in store a large
and select stock of eLonts, CASSIMERES, AND
VZSTINGS, and are now prepared to MI all orders in
their line; and experience In the businesi enables us to
..hope fora liberal share of patronage. ,Persons wish
ing to have Clothing_ made to order, cannot fail to be
suited- ..4rEAOY-IHADN CLOTHING of all descriptions
kept constantlPiionherd: Also, Geatleme n's Furnishing
goods, such as: Shirts, Suspenders and Cravats.
Call and aktunine be fore purishuslng elsewhere as Ss
,are deteemined to sell cheap for cash.' omit
Hop, Clothing Emporium,
No. 27 Armlet arca, - between. -Pone and Second streets.
frIHE nuderstned -would respectfully inform his Wends
and customers that be bas just received a splendid
assortment of CLOTII4, - OASSibIEIIES nnd VEST
'NOB; of the Intuit and most desirable patterns, and is
now prepared 'to fill all orders in Ins line. His long ex
perience an the business enabl es hiMtd hope for a liberal
share of patronage.!He' will , make all descriptions of
.01othing in the lest Manner and most•fashlonable style,
fofeash. •• - loct2l . H. i ROGER 9.
nisnw tioeuess:
Sign of the Golden Bea - Hive, No.-5.5t Liberty street, three
doors above Irwin street,
Tr MUM take this method of informing their custom
'', eta and the - citizens generally, that they have just
received one of the tangent and•beselected stocks of•
GOODS - over offered in tine city. c onsisting in purger
super. English and French Black Cloths , French and
English Blue, Brown, Green and Olive • extra quality
black French Blue, .
Cloth; Brown a nd Green Castor
do.; Gentifieliti,do.;-•Blee 'and Black Felt do.; super.
French Black Doeskin; Cassimeres English, do do.;
Fancy Fashionable Cainimeres in 'endless variety; best
quality Black Satin, that tunnel, be surpassed ; splendid
and entirely new styles Of Casehnere, Cashmere, Valen
cia and Silk Vesting; Wovett Undershirts and Drawers;
a good assortment of white Shirts, Suspenders, Fancy
and Black Bilk Cravats, and Pocket Ildka.—all of which
Goods we are PrePeredloblrer anuch prices as will in
sure satisfaction.. We continue as usual; to utnnufac.
tore custom work °nth° shortes t nonce, without
disappointment to customers, and in a style notio he sun
dunned in the city. teeplol 4 BOOBVER daGRIBBLE
D lll Litsll' 111.1\1[1.111111
01.-ING taught Meech aratumer IP to qualify the sta.
dent for keeping books immediately on leaving the-class
room. Offhand iltriertnrits gamma-main taught in the
moat erectly's manner: , Upwards of nine hundred stu
dents -including many theirs* metabolite in the city,
h a ve been instructed In Pentrunthhip and Book-Keeplng
to thlelpentationintrondingtho-raost ample reference fur
,the - e ze orke ir nyMr. llt.le,instritetion. Merchants and
Blames Books :opened and - closed. Balance streets,
&e..sande out. - genre 'AO to 12, 2to 4;and illllo. face
CUOKINU sToirfir.:.
• Dtpo:Tort TO 110111011ZEPSEIS AND STOVE DZAIrEta,
tiTllOl, MIME & CO. Moe of handsandere con
ic/ -Mandy inanufaciaritig from new aed to/Proved Pat
terns the best Cooking Stovei that ever have been intro
duced into ail market; among which are four sues of
that celebrated - cooking Stove called the STAR OF
THE WEST, roar sizes of the ENTERPRISE COO
STOlTAPRitldflthl STOVES, all sizes; and a va-
View or others - or ew or wood.' Parlour Stoves,
din and Pine Apple Stoves
eve a general assortment of flo low
Ware; together with ry thing in the house-budding
line, always on hands or made to order at the National
Foundry__ Warehouse, corner of Seventh and Liberty
greets, rinstrargh.
aftlmaA i t 0 = I iimmato iak i &NE i s SE=E=ll
y _
ItWYr Jnt ingtnu.
Steamer Late Erie:Gordon; heaver.
" • Michigan N 0.2, Gilsonifleaver.
" LottishrLaue, Bennett, Brownsville.
" ' Atlantic', P11,tki118011; , • do:
• • Philip Doddridge, --, Brownsville.
• E: Wightinan,—,—, Elizabeth.
• Pevtona. Hendrickson. McKeesport.
• " • Mt. Vernon, Kountz,Oinenutatt.
" Jenny Lind:Gallagher Zanesville.
i 0 Monongahela, - Stone 4 Cincinnati.
" ;Caleb Cope, Murdock. Wellsville.
• " ''Gen: Gaines. —, Cincinnati.
StearrierMiatigatiNci.. ^ -, Gilson, Beaver.
• Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver.
" Lonislit'Llane,Beuizett, Brownsville
• R. Wighanan, Elizabeth.
• Philip Doddridgu,, Brownsville.
" • PeYtoua, Hendrickson; McKeesport.
4 - ?Atlantic. Parkitisori,lirovrasville.
" }ROMs, Sunfish. • •
" Zack Taylor, Lucas, St. Lou,,.
" ' Caleb Cope; Murdock, '
" Skipper Parkinson Zanesville: •
• ' o ' - ,•••• • • • ••. 4849.
rimui . indpOndent Ilfite•of simmer is noarcomposed
.l. of the largest, swiftest, best finished and famished;
and pOwerful boats on the waters of the West. The
highest wages are paid for the services of the best and
most erperteneed men engaged in the river business,—.
The line has beeb in operation for six years; has carried
dearly two millions of people, without doing the slightest.
Injury to theirpersons. The proprietors challenge com
petition with any passenger line in the Union for safety,
regularity,and speed. All that money ean procure has
been provided for the safety, comfort and conveniencoof
passengers. The boatsleave for Cincinnati as follows:•
• •
MONDA Y PACER T.—The Mostorosfirms,Capt. Stony,
mtillleave Pittsburgh every Monday Morning atWo'eloek;
Wheelhig every Monday evening at 10 r.
TONSDAY PACREr—The ilremagra No. 2, Capt.
litinereltel, will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday
morning at 10 o'clock ; Wheeling every Tuesday evening
at 10 es at.
2, Capt. S. Bran, will leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday
morning ; Wheeling every Wednesday even
ing at 10 r. si.
THURSDAY PACKET—The BEn.u.ivr,Cept. R. J.
entice, %Ina leave Pittsburgh every Thursday morning at
10 o'clock ; Wheeling every Thursday evening at 10 e. Y.
FRIDAY PACKET—TbeCtiPPERNo. 2, Capt. Crooks,
will leave Pittabarghevery Friday morning at lOo'eloelri
Meeting every Friday evening at 10 P. le.
SATIIRDA Y P 4 citsr—The hlissawoxv No. 2, Capt.
I. C. Woodward, will -leave Pittsburgh every Saturday
morning at 0 <Petrick i Wheeling every Saturday evening
at tO r. M.
SUNDAY . PACKET.—The hake Nmwron, Capt. P.
Davi, NaSileuvePittiburgb every Sunday morning at
,o'cloci7Wheeling Ty . " Sonia it ev - inielt at 16 t. it.
oct 5.
- 40 . 171111F1LL ITIPACIEE To.
onto LINZ.
• '`le Int
• ..o re an_ .astpristengerfite2lll Pac
ket TELFJORAPH. .1 Heslrp„ Corn
-4-1.'"2'..• mender, will le ave Pittsburg for Wheel
ing, Cincinnati and Louisville,und all intermediate Ports,
every Saturday, at In o'clock precisely.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
FORSYTH & Ht./NCAN, Agents.
The Telegraph has been built expressly for a regular
Packet,and with a view entirely to the comfort of pas
*engem; Me ecconunodatlons are inferior fa no boat on
the western waters. The Telegraph swill run to connex
ion with the Ben Franklin No U and Pike No 9, to Sant
bottip—time through,vwx nose. oetCly
1848. 1845.
Pittsburgh and Brownsville Daily Packet
PZ3III7ART 15t,1848. FCBRCA. Rl` I st, 1848.
The following new boats complete the hne
for the present season: ATLANTIO, Capt,
James Parkinson; BALTIC, Capt. A. Jacobs;
and LOUIS AVLANE, Capt. E. Bermett. The boats are
entirely new, and are fitted up without ragard to expense.
Every comfort that money can procure has been provi
-641. The boats will leave the Monongahela Wharf Boat,
authe foot of Roust. Passengers will be punctual ou
.board, ru s the boats will certainly leave at the advertised
beam oetel
Steamer YANKEE, Capt. lacKaa, I
every Saturday, at d o'clock, r n.
. learner JENNY LIND Captain Oat.raanca.l
nyery Tuesday, M 2 o'clock, r. at.
FOrfreight or passage apply to
W. B. WHEELER, Agent.
oelo Corner of Water and Smithfield all.
• Regular Packet for linntilsb.
1. 1 ,r 4 A THE Eine steamer WELLSVILLE, Capt
Baas, will leave for the above and inter
medtate.ports on Irednrsdays and Saturdays.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
' . •ciet6 GM). H. AHLTEN BERGER, Agt.
For Beaver and Wellsville.
Tug now and splendid passenger steamer
CALEB COPE, A. Mvanoce, Master, will
leave for the above and all intermediate ports
every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
For freight or passage, having superior accommoda
tions, apply on board. oriO
Mew Arrangement.
“„,.,,-" '4 7 Maste r, will leave this city every Monday,
Vednesday and Friday, at 10 a. is.
She bass boat at the landing, between Wood st. and
Brld,e..repared to receive freight as an time. (octo
Win. B. Wheeler,
OTEAMBOAT AGENT, cast be found at Wesley
Grier's Counting Room, corner. of Water and 13ml th
geld streets, Pittsburgh. oct6
For Olneinnatl--Elegalar Packet.
The fine eteruner MT. VERNON, HIRAM
KouNrz, Master, will leave for the above and
nuerine rote ports, regularly, every Saturday evening.
For freight or passage, apply on board, Or to
ootS GEO. 11. MIL7T,NSERGF.R , A gq.
The fast packet ALLEGHENY BELLE,
Capt. Wu. HANrrs, will run regularly he
aen iitaargh and Franklin, ou the Allegheny River.
Leaves Pittsburgh each Monday ea Thursday, at 4
o'clock, P. u. For freight or passage, apply on board.
Orphan's Court Sale,
•B Y order of the Orphan's Court of Allegheny County,
D will be sold on the Premises, by Public Vendue, on
Saturday, the 17th day of Norember, 1840, at 2 o'clock r
at., all that FARM of PIECE OF LAND, situate in Wal
kirus Township' late the properly of Daniel Mathews,
deceased, containing Sixty-one Acres and One fluodred
Perches, adjoining lands of James Verner, R. Jones. R.
Dcwhurst, part of the same tract taken at the appraise
ment by Andrew Mathews, one of the heirs, and others.
The above piece of Laud is o( first rote quality—yin
goon order, and convenient to the Raver and Canal.
For further particulars, enquire on the premises, or of
THOS. MELLON, Esq.. Pittsburgh
To be sold by order of Court,
W all Paper.
of splendid PAPER HANGING, of entire new pat
terns, carefully selected from the best homes in New
York and Philadclphla,for halls,parlars and chambers.
Those having . lloases to Paper. and Merchants buying
to sell again, will find every variety of style and finish,
both glazed and unglazed, and at such prices as cannot
fail to please.
Also-500 pieces Window Blind Paper, shaded.
1100 " plain Green.
They will be sold for Cush or Rags, at the Wall Paper
Store of J. Sill DUI,
0ct22:12w Smithfield street, Pittsburgh.
undersigned have opened a NEW DRUG and
Row, corner of Penn and Walnut streets, Fifth Ward,
with an entire new stock of Dings, Medicines and Per
fumery, where they ore prepared to furnish all articles
kept in a Drug and Family Medicine Store. Having a
good stock, and being acquainted with the business from
a practical experience of several years, they respect
fully solicit a share of public patronage.
N. B.—Physicians , prescriptions accurn , ely com
pounded at all hours of the day and-night.
• Jr is with pleasure that the subscribers in
form the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity
that they have completed arrangements with
Meters. J. C. Jenkins & Co., of Philadelphia,
to receive their superior
• t And will hereafter be kept constantly on
• hand. They are neatly and securely put up
ILA la metallic packs of 1, and Ilb each, with
- Mr printed card—showing the kind of Ten,
witllll.llle of the concern and de In
han invitation to return the Tea,ppt Philadelphia,
if not liked.
az? Attu PRIOSa: •
62} 75 1,00 1,25 ,1,50
g ? ma n p g roi vr a er
50 75 1,00 1,25 1,50
Dyson' ' 50 02} 75 1,00 1,23
o Y. Bi Black 37} 50son '
- 50 621 75 1,00 1,25 1,50
CIL Flue and Extra Fine - • • 75 1,00 1,25 1,50
We wilt-warrant all the TEAS we sell to be equal to,
if notruperier to any sold in this City, and should they
not prove acceptable to the taste, they can be returned,
pad the money will be refunded, as it is only with that
uudenstansling we sell.
We -ask alair trial, that the public may be able to
judge between our Teas and those heretofore sold by
other companies in this city.
All lovers of rich, delicious and good Savored TEAS,
should give us a eall. Dealers can be supplied on the
most reasonable terms
For sale by ]OS. 5.11. YOUNG & co.,
N, W. corner 4th and Ferry streets, and
S. W. corner 3d and Rosa streets.
HORSE FOR SALE - 1 A Gantt, four years
), old, works in harness; under the saddle; is
perfectly gentle; and warranted sound in ore
s.' ry respect. Will be sold cheap for want of
use--may be seen at the St. Charles stables, Third meet.
octl9 JAS.MOUIItr.
lorixnkiln Packet..
Obitcrtipp . ,.
THE AUTUMN SESSION - of this Institatiohwill
mence the first Monday in .September.'" Rooms
on Pedal - alert:eel; in "Colonitde Mew," lid door front:the
bridge. .
Nixie or ierrio3 smiMortO 9 ili!ardanaa
English Deriartinent, including Mending, Qnhography
and Defining, Writing,
.Eiiglish Grammar , ' Rhetorte,
-Logic:English Composition and Criticism, Geography,
"Ilistori,Arithnietid and the higher branches ofhlathe.
mattes, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry,
' Astronotity,
Botany, Physiology, Geolo, Intellectual and Moral
...Science and all other branches requisite to Athol:Gash
English Education. - - - 890 00
:Classical Department, including the Latin and Greek
Languages, each - - 8 0,00
French - • - - ,810 00
German 816 00
The services of competent teachers aro secured:for
. such as desire instruction , in French and German, and
-also in Drawing, Painting tuidMusie.,
It is desirnble_that pupils enter at the 'commencement
of the Session ; yet they are received M. any time; and
me charged at theabove rates from the time of entrance. -
,No deduction - made for abseneeii, except in cases of
protracted'lllness., '
FurtherinformatiOn may be obtained, and applications
_made by calling upoh the Panetta at his Rooms on
Federal street, or at his lodgings In "Irw 'a Row," Rooms',
street Pittsburgh, between 3d and 4th streets ,• or by
addressing a note through the Pittsburgh Post Office. to
the Principal. N. W. METCALF.
Allegheny, August 7,1849. . tang9:dtt
rioperty for Sale or Exeliangeq,
ITIHE undersigned will sell at a low rate and upon easy
12 teems; or will exchange for City Prope the
dic., situate on the Northern Turnpike,-2.1
'miles East of Pittsburgh, in Westmoreland County. The
:Engine, Mills and Machinery are all in first rate order:
The Gnat Mill contains three setts Burrs and one sett
common MilbSumes with all the best machinery and ap
-pliances for making fl our, &c . And attached to the
'Steam Engine is u Saw htill and Double Carding Ma
chine, all in good order. The Engine being of sufficient
powerto run all together.
The Land unit other Buildings appurtenant to these
Mills is as follows :- Four Acres of good Land with two
good Dwelling Houses, a Store House, a large Stable,
Smoke House and Blacksmith Shop, and other smal l
The mouth of the Coal Pit is within ten rods of the En
gine R01:186, with sufficient Coal belonging to the Milt to
ran the Engine upwards of filly years.
This Mill property is situate in the heart of the best
grain growing neighborhood in Western Pennsylvania:
upon a good roqd, within eleven miles of the Canal, and
near the like of the Central Rail Road.
RICHARD DIUNDASTER, on the premises.
For further particulars, enquire of THOS. MELLON,
Esq. Pittsburgh. octfl4:3nd&vir
Farmer's Dioramotia Insurance Company,
The Largess Insuranee Company in the United stain.
THIS Co. have issued about 40,000 Policies this year
thus far, and probably at the rate of 10000 annually
in. this Stole, mostly in th e Eastern and middle parts—
The rates of this Co. are low, both for cash and the pre
mium note.
The cost to insure au ordinary risk for 81000, will be
premium note 810 only Cash 40 per cent. on the note,
which, with the policy and survey, make it about 83 for
five Years; 81,00 per year, two cents per week, or reck •
oiling annually 10 cents on $lOO.
TM : remount of cash, although small, has paid all loss
es promptly for several years; and, from the increasing
business, the Directors see warranted In the belief that
no tax upon the premium note will be necessary. This
Co. are prohibited by their Bye-Laws from Insuring in
blocks or exposed parts of villages, or from taking risks
upon any kind of Mills, Shops or Machinery, which are
considered hazardous, or from taking over 82000 in one
risk. The policies of this Co. are free front the objec
tionable conditions found in the policies of many other
companies, out of which so much litigation arises. All
matters of difference may be settled by arbitration in the
C o unty where the loss happens, by those Insured in the
Co.. and who arW, of course members.
ARCH. BISHOP, Secretary.
C. A. COLTON, Geol. Agent for Western Pa.—to be
found at present at Brown's Hotel, Pittsburgh.
COMPANY, of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the
Legislature of Permsylvania, Mnrch,lt.4S; Charter Per
petual; Capital 8100,MO. Rates lower than any Pennsyl
vania Company and full 20 per cent . lower th an the
usual rates of Life insurance, as the following compari
son will show. Thus a person or the age of 30 insuring
for 8100 for life, most pay in the Girard $2,30_, Pommy!:
vaunt 82,30. Penn Mutual 82,36, Egallab:e WM, New
England 82 ,311, Albion 82,48, New York Life eziao,Lffs
and HcaliA, PAiladdphics, $1,91.
Dascross—Sarnuel 1) Orrick, Charles D Hall, Wm F
Boone. Robert P King, Charles P Hayes, M W Baldwin,
Chas 0 0 Campbell, M hi Reeve, M. D.; 'Lewis Cooper,
I Rodman Barker t E H Boller, Edwin R Cope. Presi
dent, Samuel D Orrick ; Wee President, Robert P. King;
Secretary, Francis Blaekbtmie.
Applications will be received and every Information
given by SAMUEL PAHNESTOCK, Agent, Onset:
Commercial Booms, corner of Third and - Wood streets,
Pittsburgh. oct.My
Fayette ' rem urn ame eta.
yE are now receiving from the Factory a large sap •
ply of these Goods, which we are selling lower
than such Goods can bo had elsewhere in this city. We
use no acids in bleaching that injures the goods, our ob
ject being to produce goods not for snow only, but for
comfort and durability, asd us such they received the
first premium over all other goods exhibited at the late
Allegheny Agricultural Fair.
For sale at the Blanket Depot, No. 56 Market st., and
at the Warehouse of
No. 112 Second street.
Blankets of our manufacture are sold in Allegheny
City by , Mr. JOHN DEAN, aad also at the "TWO BIG
WINDOWS," Federal street. oellsAra
Fasasus, October I Uth, 1:549.
ri - SHE firm of NTICKLiN fr. 13HYDEN being dissolved,
I. the undersigned will continue the Forwarding and
Commission business, at the Steamboat Landing, Frank
lin, and respectfully informs his friends that be has gone
to the expense of a heavy insurance on the Warehouse
and contents (or several years, and trusts he will give
entire satisfaction to all who may patronise him. He
will receive freight at the lower Landing.
oett3 JA AW -S DRYDEN.
_ _
laesisov •
li T. B. YOUNG & CO. have removed from No. S
Commercial Row, Liberty street, to the corner of
Third and Dinithfield streets, opposite Brown's Bo
le would respectfully inform their old customers, steam
boat friends and the citizens generally, thot they will
keep constantly on hand a superior stock of CABINET
WARE, made of the best materials and by the most ea
perienced workmen. Private dwellings, steamboats and
hotels, furnished on the most reasonable terms, and all
work warranted equal to that ofiany other establishment.
II:r UNDERTAKING promptly attended to in all in
.. .
Wood street, near Si. 'Mocha Haul, Pittsburgh.
MBE subscriber has constantly on hand the beau and
handsomest stock of the above articles to be found
in any establishment East or West, and has jest opened
sonic new styles of his own importation, not found in any
other store.
Solar stand, hanging and side Lamps;
Fluid and camphine do.
Gi mutinies, Candelebras, French and English Mantel
Ornaments; Britannia Ware. Walters, Ac., etc , which
wall be sold low, in large and small lota, to suit per
Merchants and families are invited to call, as it as
worth looking at at any time. loettl M. HODKINSON.
A BeautOrstl white for taadlee.
WARRANTED not to injure, but on the contrary to
improve the texture of the Skin, and make at son,
smooth, and give the Face, Neck and Brow of Ladies, a,
pure, lafe•like whiteness. Such is the qualities of Jones'
Spanish Lilly White—but mind you get the genuine.—
Ask for Jones' Spanish Lilly White.
Sold by the Agent, Wm. Jackson, 89 Liberty Street,
Pittsburgh. Pelee es cu. ttug:kly.
Are requested to read and learn the virtues of sit arti
cle that will make them the MOM lovely and
It was discovered by an Italian Chemist, and It has the
most astonishing power of rendering coarse, dark, yel
low or sallow skin, clear, white, soft, smooth, and as
perfectlt innocent, being composed of rare plants.
Together with every kind of eruption, are cured by its
use, and at least thirty physicians in New York use at—
the genuine
11 , YOUR TRUTH are ever 'to dark, yellow ' disco!
ored and dirty, or your breath ever so foul and foitid,
by purchasing a 2s China Box of JONES' AMBF.R
TOOTH PASTE., this I assure you, though you need not
take my word, but then you cannot doubt that of that
famous; and scientific Dentist, Dr. E. N. FIELD, of New
York, who says:
"I have both used and analised this beautiful and Iw
palatable article, {Jones' Amber Tooth Pastel and can
recommend it as possessing all the qualities claimed for
Sold by the agent, Wm. Jackson, 89 Liberty Street,
Pittsburgh. Price 25 cts aug3dy
T _
HE CROWNINGORNAMENT, it is to the scalp a
Guano is to the Earth, in making it fruitful.
It is ascertain in its effects as tomorrow or nen year.
Now, reader, these respectable citizens certify that
Jones's Coral Hair Restorative will have the following
effect without fail:—lt will force the human Hair to grow
on the head, it will stop Binning, cure scurf or dandruff,
and make red, gray, and light hair grow dark.
Mr. W. Tompkins, 02 King st. New York.
Mrs: Matilda Reeves, Myrtle Avenue. Brooklyn.
Mr. James Power, grocer, Fulton et. Brooklyn.
Mr. Thomas Jackson, ontour's Island, near Pitts
b a i re d .
E. Cullenbarber on board the South America.
But the beautiful', the glorious effect it has lit dressing
and beautifying the hair, making it soft, dark, silky, and
keeping it so thrice as long as any other article made.—
Besides it is so economical and cheap, and the public
are conscientiously and honestly assured that the above
are its real and true qualities.
Be careful and get the genuine. Ask for Jones's Coral
Hair Restorative, and take no other,
Sold by the agent, Wild. JACKSON, 89 Liberty Street,
Price 3'4,60 cis.. and one dollar.
LA$, SALT RHEUM, /cc., and it has the best effect In
curing any similar diseases. As a proof of its innocent
effect, it can be used with the most perfect safety for
Chafes and Chaps In infants, making their skin smooth,
soft, healthy. Ac. but as & cosmetic,
Will find it has a charming effect in making the skin
smooth, soft, white, and delicate, removing freckles,
. wrinkles, disfigurements, tic. In fact, Jones' Italian
Chemical Soap is the mast beautiful, yet wonderful work
of science.
OSold by the agent, WM. JACKSON, 89 Liberty street
Pittsburgh. - ang3dy.
CORN BROOMS-10 0 dozen Com Brooms Just ree'd
and for sale by KING MOOHHEAD,
oetl3 Diamond.
ll`s ' I[anaous.
A well finish aucizOdigilitelrlfurnisheo
-rte: STORE, bd Bfarlc street, being a good stand for
tit Dry Go s. , -
ALSO—Severs rooms r)titaple, for Offices of Artists'
a - Lad:ice Refreshment at
.sizo,elegantfinieh, and ci
mediate, neighborhood o
stores., and adjoining Phi
a permanent kind Ave.
hands of a peraln qua
aess in Eaateri tyle, wo
strangers visiting: Pittsb
vicinity of the city- .T 0 .-
care a large; genteel an prt...— -__
____ -ne '
cious end nghteil b emeht of
the building will be
rented with the; Stilton, - `witti +Mich it is conveniently
connected. For
. vis ucyi ire moderate, apply to
. sepia . f • 'll E. D. GAZZAM.
~. .„
• Alma sioiaint.tarket st.,:betweralartaiiii4th
rry a
sts.-, , nrell finished and handsomely: fitted — .ap- - for
goods; being a gad wand for that business.-
'''' ' -•• .L ' • E. D. GAZZAM.
Office 3rd st., Over Phll 1 Ball-office hoary from 9 to
12, A. M. - I r,
Bale, •
.13 1 .1i1s being theNeeond plan froth Penn etreat,ln Say
. nee ' • w, on /lay etre •t. immediate,pusseasion will
be given. Enquire or IrlD R - 11VH.W., Attorney. at
- Lniv—Office on Fourth a eet, batmen Murry alley and
Orant,eiseet. , Jan:di(
- 10.1:ET;v711: - e... , enable Threaltoryiffinute,
r ed aitilaleonTbirdat, et, aboverlinithflahl—Ardshed
. in the best nianw. and must awdein
gas aitares, and convent:armee of,hat awl cal water;
all well arranged and be complete' order... Immediate
possession. S.r.UTHH,ERT, Gen. Agent,
oer2o g • • Salithfi -Id street..
•New - fallzietkva- •• •
tMRS. BARR, 11-open-on Tuesday, October
23d, a general assn or ant of FALL andWINTER i•MiLLINERY, co biting is part of Velvet, Satin
and Silk Bonnets,' latest ! Caps,•Fe , others, Flowers,
Ribbons, esc. •
07 On Fourth street, tween Market and Wood.
oct2Ced•ito • ;
Lithographic!Establishment of,
Whl, 'SC Flin ifhtANl , l4 , :• - -
i n
IX APS, Landscapes, ill-hents, Shoiv-bilh, Labels,
jn SackkitectOral sad hischioe Dtawings,,Busioess
a n d Visiting Catds, em., graved oi•Drosvo co SlOnet
and Primed iWColon, Ind, Irronze-br.illiely-if the
most approved Style an at the Matt ~teilsoni ible priiej9.
. Boots mit Shieteo, -- - ..-"l''' .
. •..• .ILiirficlutri Aoso i , Tr roar aanataaai
suitable for the . kandAPlnter tratie7-,
consisting of letens, - W0men , ... 1, Boyd /Wisp , and
Children's :tccar„ olpercry carterp i find piveratui*
pricer to suit the times. Tkose-wishing to 'purchase . , whale
sate or retail, wilt fi nd it yo their advantage to gyre at a
call, and can/nate (or thOnselves.
A" TROTH it. SC •
Smithfield ,
• Corner of 4th and ithfield sts., Pittsburgh, Pa.
rEy - Don't (beget the ppiee. eetl7
rp G. FINEGAN has p*lren and refitted in a superior
.1. style the house formerly known us the " Western
Exelange," situated onq Smithfield atreet, oppos:te the
" Monongahela. llouse."1
Ills LIQUORS are of Ilse choicest brands. GAME of
all kinds. OYSTERS, i.oth Shell and in the Can. With
all the luxurieathat can e procured and are appertain
ing to a respectable " taurant," constantly on hand.
MEALS served at all hears: oct2s
••. • -
JOIIN Ii&NNAN & Ca., Wietesats and Retail Graters,
Dealers in Boat Sony, Queen-mars, Produce and Pitte
burgh Mannfacoura, Noo9 Water street, between Smith
field and Wood. oetl7:y
itifolliZsaNG;TO - WWITDgiViCRE SHAWLS.-A.
IU. A. Mkso/1 & Co. state received three cartons of
very superior Mourning and Long and Square Shawls.
iII'OOLEN SOCKS _ 75 doz. Country Knit Hocks co
y ceived and for sale lowbyy
No. 115 Wood street.
PERCUSSION CAVO—Mid M. G. D. Caps received
this day and forsa4 low by
oet:10 No. 115 Wood street.
TOFU° Largo;Cam.La and Lorr, in Warehouse
0 No. 100 'Liberty sfreet, (good tristing future.} on
moderate terrna, by (oct3o) E. LEE.
To Palates } ad Pa Hiss - tigers.
TBE subscriber wilt receive - Written Proposals for
Painting and Papeging Flacon Rouses in Allegheny
City. Proposals to beßleft at dlr. lamas Wass's, or in
H. Meta:m.lAD%, Bti ATurket street, Pittsburgh.
octiMe2t• . GEO. W. Mc oLm,LAND.._,
A L TkW 'BOOR - R.—Hilidays Abroad,2 ,by Ala
rf- Kirklandi
The Puritan and his gtauglitsr•, by J. K. Paulding.
Physician end Patieo; by H. Rooker., M.D. -
French Revolution its 1848 by Laumrtine.
Just rc'd by. 1014E481'0N Errocwrop.i,
oct29 Car:lima Market sts.
LETTER lailD INV t ICE FIL,E.—A aupetior attic 0,
pat read by ?OHNSTON & STWKTON,
oct2l Car. 241 and Market sta.
Athettirovim Saloon
OYSTERS JITSI4 RECEIVED...-The proprietors
are now prepared to nurse up Ideals at all hours, in con
nection with Boarding y the day pr week.
se r.ll bI'FALLS. Proprietors._
ARE now receiyu* their Fall and Winter Stock of
Goods, direct; from thelj manufactories and WorkshopSof
Birmingham, Shefliold4 and Wolverhampton- We have.
already in Warebonee 72 Casks and Cases of Goads,
covering the tolloarini to artieles :
Tinned Saucepans, and Pots and Oval Kettles ;
Enameled Sauceptuts and Muslin Kettles
Fine Trays in setts *Common Trays and Waiters ;
Fire Irons in setts 104 pans, over 50 patterns.
Fire Iron Standard% witb.Marble and Bronzes Iron
Short handle Fryintg Pans ; Bread Pans, oval and end;
Bracket, Chamber OW Gothic Brass Candlesticks;
Tinned Wrought DO Tea-kettles;
Tinned Batting Spoons, Table Spoons, tr. 4 ;
Tinned Flesh Forksa Skimmers and Ladles ;
Roasting Jacks ; Rol Irony with Heaters ;
Commode Knobs, Coffee Mills,Lanterns, &c.;
Fine Britannia Wai, in setts;
Communion Ware wing Tea-kettles. dic.;
Planished Ceafing ishes, Urns Oyster Stewers, &c.;
tirf e
Cruet Frames wt ' ut glass and common Bottles,
Brass Ilattery'Kettl , Bell Metal Kettles, tee.
Table Mans, Toilet tta„ Seals, &c.;
Pillar, Urn and Helthet pattern Coal Vases.
Also, a large slosh of Copper, plain Tin and Japan
ned Ware, Pressed gods, &e., to which we would in
vite the attention Jobbers, wholesale buyers and
others. .. JOHN DUNLAP & CO.,
repls C4rner Market and Second streets.
TN PLATT.-200 Gozes Tin Plate, choice brands, in
store and for sal4 by JOHN DUNLAP & CO,
acp24 C•rner Market and Second streets.
TOSEPii S. MORiOSON, AflOrniy 41 Late—Office on
el Fourth street, nekT Wood, Pittsburgh, Pct. roe:l6:y
64 GO Sicily t bertiee;
40 dor_ Lemon syrup ;st received and for sale b
octO7 JOSHUA RHODES, No. 6 Wood st
1./ V 11211,0ga . r ona
12 boxes er
Jam received and r sale 1.. y
uct27 JO HUA RHODES, No. G Wood at.
BB HON HOND.DRANGES—Ree'd an for sale by
V ocen Jl:' HUA RHODES, N 0.6 d
Wood at.
A, ii kititiki.B, contakjung IV doz. pin Cranes ;
'ill 40 boxes. 60Leach,
10 cases, cont'd 1 doz. jars" •
8 " " .5 boxes
Just received and gor sale by
oe l7 .1 es: HUts RHODE'S. No. 6 Wood st
50 Filberta.7
50 " Cream uts; just received and for sale by
oct27 J SHUA 11110 D, N 0.6 Wood st.
50 40 bbls,
1500 bushels Pete Nuts; just received and for sale by
oct27 JOSHUA RHODES, N 0.6 Wood at.
13 and fa!' sale by
sNGINES FOR ALL. —2 Lever Engines, Cylinder
14 in. diameter feet stroke; all ready_for use. Will
be sold cheap. Appy to SCAIFE & ATKINSON,
neat Ist, between Wood and Market streets,
ncikk2 CHOOCOLATE--luer received rind for Sill
V oci2. .... .. _
1B AG "'Bre a
i 1 S , Just ree'd and for sale by
q6A Bias Uts4rgr::---Aiiiiiiiiingfiiir sale p Li actin 4 SMITH & SINCLAIR
HMS. N.O. LIOAR -I n S a bt ol lr eT Ha n &d
S fax lN ll C a L le m by ß
3 4 "00,t4
COFFEE-IWssicks Rio Cotten suet reeeived.and for
sale by 1 KING & MOORHEAD,
°arta Diamond.
l'rti l' aillo S r E'S ati — le a b l i• bi loc ig A lan l t t a l to I, 4 , l ;;PaAture
'VA:AH-25 bbls. Forth Carolina Tar Mat rec'd and tor
, a l e b" [4t23( KING & MOORHEAD.
'axle by [~
paritTUES—ltaacks and 5 bble. received on con,
signment and r sale by
ipCLOWEIF.-62 11 begs prune Rio Coffee for sale by
ontl J. S. BotsuNET,T di CO
RI 111 E--Five tierbes BC. Rice, in mord turd far sale b ,
octls J. B: BONNET ;re CO..
D *WAN t3=-1136 -r
J..t. sale by
lii4rAprsig 'Power: •
100(1- 1 10W 1 =1
UokliTßkitli WRAPPING ;
500 " !Double erovra"
500 " Medium Rag
' 500" :Crovin " e
300 " l'bredlarTeaplue and "
300" Mannilla
I 300 " Shoe Paper, assorted colors;
60 Rolled Bonnet Boards.
For sale at red teed prices, by S. 11 RILL,
oed3 87 Wood street
IrRUNIC PAPER -6000 pieces of the latest styles a
j. Trunk Paper just received and for sale by
octet LS. C. HILL., No. 87 Wood street
.. • '' ; , '''' , - rr7".• ;174'
""f ` ' " ' • t " • • ---"4 , ,,,•-.. 4.-.J.5"..5.t.‘ 4 ""' . ...,..
'''',..".--," ''''' , :.)i. r ii.;.'" - - -- ' 7' ..1 It,' .F;'-' . !I.' "..."- .4', - ~.. ...- s -
15.L. , , „ 77 1 7.-7 ‘ .,z 7 174 ":,, , L-' ,. .,,;: , ^1 . r.' ,1+.5..„:'' 1' ,...- ' f: -- 4
.r t .." ' , , * Y,
.^-, • . ' ,
- . ^
, ,
r,~ R 5 5; •
r. • _
. _
-•• •", `,l - ; P; -
-1, _-
lor;admirably ealeulaMd for
Tee Cream - Saloon. Fiem hs
limationi'being Me lin
the • fashionable dry goods
Hall, this room would afford'
way desirable ; and in' the
[!id. to conduct the above' busi
d supply a want pinch felt by
gh; and [lanai raiding in the
awn an occupant it would' se
'l.64hl4s.cur."Pr. Thr
Bata Store.
rice in ease paid for att Kendal!.
• 001, by loculol A. LEE.
R— A lot. in GU Rae - 6 tee
Cumin - Ns &Burris,
No. 3 Smithfield et.
RS' 011,--Just reeeteed and for sole
• awing itindin and fo
J. 8. - BONNEW & CO.
Bankirs ,altb Aix.tbatige toker°-
Domestic . 'Astid-.1.6740
Goy :drift 517 ,- t r•)4oitAtSold'aild:2!ze*
,AL - EMU .4Sic Co.
- ft* 'Cl7lopl Street,-
Qj lerrzaess AmoWaDSßunmemirmars• [att.
11845 - handenalialk::: ,
EtrEIVB sumnuto t rovitsttssoststssaars,srassr.
riIHIS BANK is , nova,prepased to , do business. - Open
I • from DA.JiI. to D
Interest paid on SpOdintDepOSinV__'.'
augll -. • -‘I,II:IOMpSONBaj
Witt H. inturatansi,L
EXCHA NOE - `Ii.ND - BANIE/1 41 3 ., OFFICE'
N• .E..ertraer rtf.;Third , aild , Wood strait:
S~IIGHT and Time Exchnnge, flank Notes" an
foreign and, domestic 'Coin .bought and . sold .on
most favoribleannia.
principal cities ofute-union
at the lowest rates. .jeid
taxies ' - iowako
do, RAHN.
BanksisOn4 Irzefierngi Broketti Dmitri in ' Foiefirn - nisit
Don4itiel3fils t ßalser.Ezet4isgs,:cettifirto
is, 'Bonk?! ,otes and'
Corner Of 'Tliird arid Wood, ispi,;diveotly,oppoilto iho St
Charlea.llotel. , mittir243'
N. nozaras Ar... SON,
lianktts' mut Deakri, in :Pachangs Coin and Rank Notes,.
N0..55./Iforketstrw, Pittsburgh.. ... ' .', : .. .. , ; !., I.
" I Pl:r,lt r e E "7 - . .- -
. 19 "Tr i' an'eliiiair ' F" " 1-11:a r
.: ri4le4e l Plau ' ..
.*t '.` Louisville .' 1
13. t.. t
aft. . . . Bristi:ng loin
B!tying , *al" . - " " ' viiiinir &Ctrs° ord'i t
- I. 4. Relief Nimes , ; i -:'
ii;. -- r - We - k-v I ' ' 'Pennsy . lvanisVo: ; •
v - 1 73 :11- -iiiw . ' i."
New York '-' ' f
Wheeling k " Maryland , - • *.
Tennessee . 31 , Neve r ,Orletins! . .
en 19. 1 -
ISA 13.410013.,, THOS. aLaelltir. _
corner-qr. Weed and, Sixth- streits,, Pirtibarkh,
s ß in r Coin,BanlrNotm TiranEille;:Eoreigii
D.mai.Domeetie'Eacliange,oenifinates'nflicijoell, arc
EXCHANGE - on all he raincinal Ciiies,nf the 'Union
and Enroße4ar sale in sums to sun pmcbasere. •
CUHREIsT and par fends received on, deposits. .
COLLECTIONS made on all pare ollhe Union, at the'
• Crtontdayi
"DILL BROKER, dealer in dent -Notts, .Drafir, dray
tames, Sce., tee. Office, (up stairs) No. Wood.
street Pittsbrgb. • • t 21)1.
wrs. stn.taa,ktum.sns. wx. =xi:moo, Pirrsatraon.
ltifiltLEß k RICKETSBN,": Prhoresa4 (ftactil, and hal
,ems itorters_of Brandies, Waes and Sept's . ; N05:172,
and 174, corner 01 Liberty and Irwin seets,Pittsltattgli,
Pa. .
Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, &e,.. const antly Gilt hind ,
lons A. CILLIG, late of New Lisbon, o. W. a:Sunman-
CRAIO 2c SKINNER; Genera!Agency, Commtstion and
Ftmpartling Merchants, No; At Market greet,
burgh,: Pa. Prompt attention given, to the purchase and,
sale of 'all kinddot produce.. ,feePl2-.
B .
enjurpirs F. Brown, ". -
A TTORNEI AT GAW,:Troshingum Cif f .wilt
prosecute claims before the Departments 2 and ,Con
;ress.. Business left-with C. 0. Loomuy Emi t of Pitts-.
procapt attention. ; sep4,:,.
17 EY BER & McDONITP..I..T., (ailccirssoiriscr..Ksrdi'Be
Motesale and Retail Dragandßirstriptien
istore,comer of Woo& Street aiid "Virkiii' alley.•
, prescriptions carefully. compounded Wed'
day • .
ii3H OXES kt. ellb'ESE—Jastreceivad and (tit,
ULF sale by • STUART &sm;
oet27 ..No. us wood si.
50 BOXES ExTR CRE.&III CHBESEr-InArto re and
for sate by ' • EWA/17k. BILL,
oct27 • •
OA DOZ. ASS“ItTEDiIIEI4I' I.:oRus-- - In store and=
AA, rot sale by STUAKM.SILL,
octtr : NO- titrWood.
g, SACKS Wool,—ln *One and &rude by ,
0cr.21 STUART & SILL, N0..U8 Wood at
at .1 DOZ. PLINIO II LINES —ln store and for sale•t4
.40tf• j oet27 STUART " k SILL, No, LIS Wood st.' •
iGt SENOR. MERINtrAi---A. A ItiAsaN-6co. oen this
morning 42 piecos_of rich, high-6°l6ra French Me
rinos, of-the best manufacture. oct27 ,
.regt. mAno'llnptlugt2=,,tl .- 4tiltriirtb . : t
ltuihionable colors and of every.quality, _•• octSs
ILIUM COLORED -' l CASHlliklakt.-3 0 pieces - of -all
J_L ' the Leshionablecofors and of fill qualities, at pi
Market meet. oat A. AAILIASONA C 0.!,,
BACERIE3-40.1:40 Ccittee s .to arriyai,
Ur, . .„150borta.Truldrakisins .
' cwiltallerranta;
- • 12 tiaikets Salad Oil juld received and
for sale by JOBNIL&NDIAN & CO.;
'Derr • .be Water street.
FISH &c.
—9 bbls. prime No. 1 Balaton; , •
25 " No. 3 Mackerel •
10 lif. Whs." - "
50 doz. Brcioms ;. just received and fez sale
by , JOHN HANNAN te CO, '
oct27 . . 59 Water street.
QligrAXEri, -— • . .
to crates Queenware;
5 casks Hardware i .
10 bores Rock Candy ;
100 assorted Baskets I, jcist reed and COT vilely
0ct.27 Journal eo . ) 59 Water street.
A A. MM. - $ & CO. .will open this day two more
XL. cams of those 25 sent CAREOLMILEN of the men.
fashionable styles.
Co. are no.
opening another ease of those very cheap 121 Seat
M. De Laines. ~.. oet2s
LINEN HDKPA-.A. A. blazes& Co. have; received'
100 doz. Linen HAUB. at s}esnts,loo dozen a;l2 O.
100 doz. nik. • oet2s
Ss:mines *Pittaceir; Thompson'a Eye Water, APCM-
Listees Ointment, Dalley's Pmti Ertractor—Tor sale by
Career Wood tamer and Virginittley..
.. . .
PU RE BRANDY, Port and Madeita:Wines,foi.ntedf : e.
eat purposes, and warranted pure, Inst re ceivid and
for sale by KEYSER & bIeDOWELL,
oct 4 2 Corner Wood street and Virgin alley—
" We knew by the Smoke that so gracefully curled
17 - RYSER &, hIeDOWELL have received a lot of the
Jila,, very best CIGARS, which will be sold - in lots to
snit purchasers.' t oct,W
A 7
30 bbds. N. 0. Sugar;
45 bbla Covering's COMO. and fine pulverized do.
60 do do crushed • do. ,
30 do St. Louis-C. pulverized aruiT. crush'd do. _
00 do St. Louis &SI. James Loaf, Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7.
In stare and
• for sale by
238 - bbls. Plantation MOlasses ;;
58 " St. Louis S. " to store and for sale
by Iticita) MILLER tr. RICKETSON. •
MiCKEKEL4.4O Obis. No. 3 Large Mac do kerel ;
13 •'No. 2 , '
40 Mt 3
Obis. No. Large do
In store and for sale by
OAP—top boxes COilligote Soap just'received nut
fr - - " 0 31 AfLLER & RICKETSON.
for sale by loo11.:0A -
OILS -21W galls. Ole - ached Winter Sperm Oh
11930 " • Miami cord
'I6IIU " Bleached
2200 " ' Winter Whale "
2609 " Crude It
7 barrels - N0.2 Lard
In store and for sale by
4)01123 MILLE T
COFFEE -420 bags Rio Coffee;
20 " Java
10 " sap. Laguyra do.; in store and at'
I.oeVal • ma,sitecfuctswor
ale by
OST—Oetober Nth, on the Wharf, from steamer
Lbertha, No. 2,' , oa&Chert and one Trunk, marked
Mrs. O'Neill ; Phial::oh, Pe.," conmiMogClothingi&e.
information of the sime - ase leave with •
Rgy •
29 Water-streets
TISSOTATOES-48 0 bash. prime Nestaannooks and
Ea o hand and forsaleby
.430.2. 1 s, n a
RHODES ALcoßri, so with st.
CAYENNE—African find American constant!;
on band and for sale by RHODES I ALCORN,
octdi 30 Fin street.
CORN blEAL—lilanufelotorod from old Corn and fine
tor sale by ,RHODES & ALCORN,
- V - ELLOW MUSTARD -- SRED-25 bttls', on head sad
for sale by [0°1241 .• • . • :
siL 111EAle.-Coumantl . .
ocePA . _
AT =AL SEEDS, tor Sowann; conetaralz lon; hand
.nd for sale by tont44) 11.0 DES
TDOASTED COFFER—Consonnly on hold and .for
Ilk, sale by focal) RHODES to It 14911,11 :,,
Oter mil:AL—our own scarnifacture t . ennatantly-on
hand and for onle -by
oct2o , :RHODIM & ALCCARN, 30 Firdt-gt
wHE4T - MEAL— Our own.meatufacuire, carman
on hand and flit sale by
oct2o •1 1 • .
(Chronicle copy.) „
I, ACKER 1 ; 20 half OIL- 0.3
by -; tocklGl ! . I• • .
PRINCIPE CIGA.g.:‘ , -• —lsu boxes, superior brand. re-'
ceived and'for mile by - (old) .1 8. BONNET*. Co.
. .
A.£3.,,,N0w opening at .4.A. MASON' 'Zci
Co: cello thousand pieces new style P.ibbons. loclo
OCK.CAN 1Y boxes No. I W bite ',ltc"'lr Can.
dy . in store endtor sale by - • ' • .
octlO___ n J. B. BONNEIT k CO:, '
/1...eki1iair,4,,2,40 boxes, landing; und *Want° b) ,
oott6 %, J. S. BONNE' Et,
CHEEs 22 boxes D. AndrewaA.Co.'s cel
aerated Cream Cheese, in mare and lb/ *alit by •
clatiti J.S. SONNET do CO:
• AMA:floe Books. • /•
IErONES , ' THAR , XO39R, Every Day Book and Table
J 1 Book- I
The i'ercy Redianee.
BonialTnar. , Cononeat of Mexico. • • • •
• ElpekieeVii Works. , :• •
- •
Idassingeea Plays.
CAtim h modens, tc• fin editio
Cambers , Misce e
llany ; n.
WaVerly Noitels, 27 vols. Fey sale by
ocheH.S.BOSWORTH & CO., Fourth
.`" f• ; 7 '
t :
,:•••;•• 4. -
_ ~ ~ ~. 4
.'R 4 ~".
, • , -4 -;
'' • -
Drngo ' t' •
frAlit (is Diampnd yin • birscolltca
' —P'• mm~ frame
rhes Sylub and Syphilitic eruption:hp: a: ' •
itdiMeormeottetites,:togother - wititall. e gr %
'fier .usurti,imUn;itieektitegoirdosithalt diseases,"
reneniatongin skin di seases,withstricturdygle.byar eittrai.-
discharges, seitinal.weektesi and imPotencyi also?, PUN ••
rhetunausin,lemale,,weakness, diseases.of. itie:monltir '
monthly suppressions,' ilisepsea..or. fist:air '
and, nervous effectivity pains bolo back and tatty
tations of the ucultotthe.libitider gild kidneys; aoatoude.,. , .:
eruptions, tetter, mums:bon Mercurial disealtes;:deo.''
_" Exclusively devoted to theistettirMid treat:matt Of tinter
tear. disorders; and those arising from yoathtblefcreasee
guittry,, climate, or_imparities of theldood;vilietebY the'
construiton may have been enfeebleActableitDr:Brown --
looffer ussarances Or.speedymiffefitifaltimitirmity.piare ^- -
Iheinselvesuntles • •
•Dr. Brown , * offices are.conyonleidifrnigdalittdaet *'
arater apartmentsv.-PatientircarrVisit rill:With:meteor
of exposure to' o t bervieilord zsxs.• ,
it is rif;imponxinee to. marOgierannaltifeed ofttedicar.
:Aid, to obtaingotid advieeprivately and promptly.- To :Ilk
.Dr:Trownis ready skill in removingecnereal
whim theirierirms forms and stages,oftersindncententrt*
t can rarely be evaded: Strangers. are herebyep-
prised that:Dr. • Brown its- been regularly educated ut •
every branch' of medicine; end for the lust twelve. - years
-confined ,hirasolf RlZOlUdlierio the treatment, at _those ,
diseases. • -1-.1
Dr. Brownie rhe, orilireistittilyedacated surgeon in
Pittsburgh who wbO*kUentlontothose com
to those
11:7"Dertain,sate end speedy tier
guaranteed. •
r.lincentcaites arerelieved in a ihoi; tipxpOrpporiott)Opot 1:
Hernia or.,Rnpture.,--Dr. Brown 166 eniiiee
.001.13 afflicted with Hernia to mill, as he has paid partleii:
;tar attention to that disease. • ~ • ' ,
Utters from a distance, :Miring adidee,Must Contan a
fee, or they will not be attended to • , — • -
inr - rOffice on Diamond Alley;a:few doors from Wood -
street, towards the market, •,Consnitlitions strictly, conf.-
EU MATltitii.-Q.Urattavnrs •nearryt , iThseavred- rem
AA" udylor Ithennuitiintivleopeedy art4senein - remedy : t
for dust palnfultetrublet.-It never fails:
011ice_and Private Consultation rltuontablo.:64, Pa; I .
.mond'alley, Pittsburgh, ea::;:rtiaiDar,z4;is - always at -
• • Raisers Ittagscnuratu, Aligarstosor.,
Yr 0 TILE PUBLIC.--Tbis is to certify.that those found
Dailey!, Magical Pdin Eittraeter loofa,* a cure fo
the Cbronte Etteuttintlstn,-Which 1 have been arrticia3
with for ten - yeartqin. mythejoints.: , ••• • -
; ••' • - A81e.11A51.12.
'deplete/vuch, 2Y; IC;1t rilB,l34fL •
Ala. H. per..f.xv:- , ..9irt1-datve .. .been troubled.veithithe - .:;;;,
Piles for eight 'months, :and !could. get no:
Magical-Pain - Extractor having been- recommended.:
• me, I applied ft bat twice, obtained instant eclief, a/Wok •
' &abort Wee was perfectly cured:— Could-4.110t, gej. tiny
more of it,'lwoutd not /take_n. hundred dollars:for the... - .
balance Of my box... •••. WILLIAM
)7 North Moore street Netr'Fork,Junel9,letl7.....
fl CAUTION.-4hatbeseermlp ßepot in the PIP (14,11retP ;:j . "
irtrk; and where the . genstincor • catr , be obtained,,, - _
wholesale and retail ; i s at 41.58r0adway.,.. • •
11. DAUM ID the taventorof thiatiniy..invulaable.Consi„.;
pound, and hence*, hoe; and never tetlicommonlcate.tlie,-„,
secret of Ilk prepartalowtOany man living; and, there •,,
Aire no otberpersoiessvoehattinade,er overeat) pike, a
grain of it • • • :, • •
Centnterfeite abcund! Eieey. article Is
subject to be depridatedUlion by counterfeiters and ina. -
posters; sad nothing, that we lte* of, has tneri , erten--t.' •
fuvelyexperienPAlPWlolll* . Daliers Magical Patna
A.Txvr- 7 ,Tie gentittierAallep;iti taunt Orate severest' ,
Berns, Ecalds„Piles, &c., will.itlfond 'instant relief,and
produce at once a • Coolltig and sontbingeffect--extractinr. •
,pain to andfromaaa to &teen minutetri' bid be sure, eV -/
,lays apply uoy it It t l i t i n t e d r i 7 a lieve; : f An c
no matter wider what name they may appenr,or how
plied, alrouyi irritate anetinerrarethepantf. -
. : Pamphlets, containingccrtificates of chrel; May be but
ottbs,ortappliention to ' JOHN D.
• Western Depot, Pitt:bursa.; •- •
t' • • • • '
' Dailey's Dialranie
For dorses, Cattle, "etc.; cures spavittorttittor, grease„..i -
. pull•evil,:sores, galls and innlsee.. PaniphlettiContsining •
c.artificutesuf respectable pairtier,ilmy be had on appli
cation to • JOHli -
oetlfiulitury - . . " • Agent Pittatitutde
lIIYA.I tttt egos
CONTAININgi NO MERCURY,. another Minoru_ .„1. • It
has 'the power Co. eanse aIItEXTE'RN/L6' BORES,
SOROUSIVOUNDS to discharge their pntrid.nattleeth: , t
god then herds theot.
'Lis rightly teintedllitellEALlNG, for theie is aenmN
ly a disease external :or intenut4 that it - will.not benefit";
1, have aged it for_the les; sixteen year's , thr all dailies:.
of.the cheat, involving:the utmost danger and
bairn and I declare beforebeaven "and:man, that not In.
, dna came has it failed to beneraisv4oAll6i‘Pati.PP„tlll:43,P
the reach of mortal mane. ' ' +,.'"
I: have. hall, physicians learned Pi "Ike
.liaverainistens of the. gospel, itagai or the benckiaillitj:
'neer lawyer, gentian= o .f the higitOst .eradiacci,
multitudes of the poor use it meltcry variety ofway, and
there has been bat orb volee-4ine universal yolce,_say;',:`.
tog*" tiVALW.STEII43cotin - ozyrmENT IS GOOD I. •
RIIEUMATISII.-4t removes aintosiinntindintelfthe
ittannimattcm andswelling, when the pain ceases.. (Riad
40 directions minedthe ox - . 1 • ...
' HEADACHE-7b6 valve: has .- cured person of the..
head-ache of twetve penis stuxiditig, and who had it reg;..
War event week-so that voml ting took place, Ear-Ache.
Iboth-dehe o and dins Frch ore - helped' with. like. .
.ared tluit. net/n:11Y
SCALD HEAD. —We have et _ .
defied every thing known, as well es the ability Of fifteen
to twenty doctors. One mun told or be had spent. 8300
an his ehildrv.a without anybenofitokhen a taw boxes or -
Ointment cared Maui% - - ~.- •
TEs st.R.Tliere: is nothing bette r foe the:lain : o , PP
• BURNS--:-Lt is 'one of the best things to the wail('
PlLES.i—Tlionsands are -Yearly Pared'lty . this Clint:4l:.
moat. It slavca fails in giving relief Art dm Piles. • • -• , a'q,t:
Around the box; are directions for rising itnallister'stiA.
Ointment for - Seriiiinla,' Liver COmplaint, • Erysipeitur, -4,
Tatter, Chilblani,Scald Ilead; Sore Eyes,-Rainey, ScireOti
Throat,•Broachius, Nerroinr - Affeetlons,
• Pauss,Diseattei' ,, .
df the ,Spine, Head-ache, Amhmai: Deafness, Etmathiiiw„
Barns, Corns, sll Diseases , Of the' Sba;ifora•Lips,fint , .;
pies, &a.; Sores,' Rheumatism; Piles, C roup ; Swelled l or
Broken kineasWfootlf-ache Ague in the Fnee,&a.;&e.
If ItIOTHERS .and NUESLSkneiv its , value ka cases
at Swelled or ,Sarr Breast, they would always apply
in such easei,'if uhed freely, and according 16 tha three.: •
dons around each box, it gives relief in a:periled/hams.
I CORNS.—Occasion al use o Oititicentwin'almilii
- keep Zorns from growing. People, need never be
bled.with theM, if they use it frequently,' .t:
This Ointment is good for any:parte( the
when inflamed. • In some casetritshould be adplied often.'
CAUTION. —sNcsOitturtent will liegestaiimunlesi the , '
name of JAMEIVIOAMISTER is writterfwith:a pen ,
on every . label. • • - • ' ' • i ' •-•
For sale by . the:prinClPlrPlidattlant,
towns in the United ttarCs.. • ' - "'s
.•, Sole Pinnrietor of tha.tilkivrt medlettlikt" "
Principal Office No. trif North Third sr.' Pitiladelehl&
PRICE 25 owns PER BOi: - •
Sold at Wholesale andllitallinPittsburghby BRAUN
REITER, corner Liberty and. St. Clair. streets: - L-__
WI LCOX, Jr.; corner of Markettstreet andthe Diamond
also, corner of Fourth.: ancL•Staithlielk
JACKSON, No. el Liberty street; rind at Om Book Store-
in Smithfield et., third- door from Second atrief; and in_ , :
Allegheny by 11. I'. Schwartz and J. Sargent i • aud by A
C. 'Smith, Birmingham; .D.:. Nngley, East LiberlY
Rowland, McKeespor t and Elizabeth; J. Aleaander&
Soa, IdonongahrleCityrN:l3. Bowman'& Co., Browns
ville ; J. T:Hogers, Bridgeport; John Barclay, Beaver,' _
James Dune an, pall soon; D. Watson &C0.,-New Castle.,
and S. P:Weaver. Freeport: ' • maylltdeod&ary.
CHINES' E iihErCRES.lll—g. imichless article for
growth, beauty, and restoration' of. the,ilnlr. This'
Cream, when once knowit, twill gupercedeall other
cles of the kind noW use: - Where the hair Ittliewly..
harsh, thin, nuhealthx,, nor turtling greir, - fete appUct•-;
tions will rankOthe hair soft and dark, audgive it a beau.;
'IRA lively a p Peattancerand will also make itmalntaln ,
its tweliness and healthy color,- twice as long meal! the •
preparations, that are generally used.'. Where the hairis , .
thin,. At has fallen OW, _lt' map be restored by using the • •
Cream. Every lady and gentleman Who is in the habit o r
tieing oils on their Bair should' at on c oiparchtuse a bottle of ,
the Chinese Hair Cream, as it is so composed that ft WU
not injure tke hair like the other preparations, but will
beautify it, and, give perfect satistlictlon-in every in;
mate. . . - •
For testimony its vent superior Onahtles ; sek the fbl
lowing letter from th4S Rev. Sir: Caidwell to Mesas •
Hendeishott dr Stretch, Nashville; tenerttl'agenta Rirthis •
Southern States: • •
Letter ofike Bee. IL-Ciadtitia Poor grels Prahrirrims
Massas.thartntiontorr ik Szawoo lac ti
Mamie in addittfi m_Y testimony ut favor of the aicellett
prepare ion calle d Dr. Parish's Chthessßafr errant; for .
about.two years ago mybair was.verkilly;bristly,
-disposed to come out;' tmthaving procured a bottle of thb.
Cream, and used it according to tleprescriptionit Is now'
elastic, soft, and firm .to•tho bead. .firtuiY:be l •
oils were applied ; asp teatruag Myhalrina worse state:
thanbefore. -ThiLletr .
As an article for the 1/Uet my wife gives it piefeien*"
over all others, being:delicately pethimed and ottordisi-
peed to. rancitfity. -The ..buliesotipeelar, will find'ect,
Chinese CtOCUII tobe a:desideratum. uttlietr picptriti!torl
(puha toilet: - • Respectfully,a o .,'..i i ,
'Pulaski, January', P 347: .
U — Eold- wholesale mid. '
h.trovnisend,"9 s Marketer, and .Toel Molder, corner 4...
Wood and Rasta; . .
10011E1211ED and Sold JNO. YOUNGSON, -2139
Jibertp.sueet.., This powerfully coneentrated..Pre;
paranoia the medical virtues of are. ound to bb "••'
Ight.times the, strength of the ongmal American Oil:
It Is put up in bottles atZ5 and 27t cents, each, with full
directions for its use. In every, • eVIC whern the'origi"
nal American Oil has been, found at all - athenclons, - and ,
it so Atr excheds the °drama In power /Mu:treader it the "".
cirerlt.wssTailagentus roz.TioRLD. Ca ll an,) - .
N.II..The . original Oil in its "natural" , stateas taken'
from the bowels of the earth,,ean be had' as abOve:.—and
will be found genuins. notwidot_andbig_a cerrairi Grin
ci nts ta ihe unit .
. • •'i
rripasLlNarottatiato - - -
RESPECTPULLTannonaceI bin friends. tied Cop
,n2,,„4 that b 9 los had at - nartst"period id erten=
stveLa Stock:rut hi has at present. He can otter to per
amass; on env moderate . tams, 'et ths old Arethsh.e4.
IP, Market street, almost every article in'his
Melodic g eocinting-roombed chambor L dhadkrwre par:,
tor and nall.Paper. , With *rders, Tomdseape.A.ite.„
board Prints,paperintlTramsparent•Window 'ftedse
-B o neer.nad Bindere.Boards; 7Nriting, Wrapping, en d_, :
Tea' Papert• he Is ohm:4ll,2dr supplied, and: requests
merchants and housekeepers to call end extunine his Os.-
• Rags and Tanners , Scrapilikehin:Prule, attire high.
est- pricer; • . tear 13-datedur
•'. • - --•
.••... • • •• •
- ''.'s . 4 7 .' 1,. '>•,; •• 1 .4.,
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