, • • • • • - ' , - ,4 ` ..2.•• •.;.• 2 ..f.si•J.liyJ.ir'f;:i;; . ? . : - ..n'.-?.;'. , H'i +;:-.i.-, spr-Adunsuiriartrequatsdiohandinekeirpoorsbero 4 0 , d0ek 144 enusibirenniptisdieriA, in order tom swvata,istrtuilyrimiliirpayiets„anorptiehoutineuki ittprtyjrisd 4atitagib4.llr • urtuiT :Office, -coRRER 1 01001AMIr'1IFT14 STRWII4. .117' Hewing adecii.o.'ollr EStQbiLlShsMilt,' Wanda. Steam-Power Prihtingl . lfac blue; we ate piepared'ici do: all kifidtrof•HOWilieP er.4fia Book' 'Weft in a ati:lo'criu;n7 Surpassed , beauty and and , armalbo moat ma lionable tenni: We tOlelfullpilolitil. payeeege el firOgrlb'painess' `. • fler'NovenabirillitilWasineis ANDREW BOUga, AT SOUSES' LITERARY DEPOT.. fling strees,"vp7a sits the - PotrOjAci::--Gteh °fel' Lady's' Book for November' ; Gnadint'sMagortne,dO.; Parted n'a;.dci4l,ildietT Ninfonal; do.: Litton's LivintAte,_ , No. infi. , Csatimiiiiby Rohrer; comOlati.? The -LI ctr on• WEN". Male raw Love; , anotie.ViTtielDritnigetchtlibtiOgre. — Rocking.. ham, r rhoroMOttEtettliatc.i , 'AganWa‘. Lbitery,' b Mrs. preyi:.,- •• • • , CHrilViathiip Ilittattw;f 4 TDOVltilbargt Rifle. Company held their eliorahm matitamidonday, Oet. 29d; and willeontinne; to shoot lovrizeit:from , day MI day, •• from'O:rbrloct A . ht.' tin S PAlL:till•the seven , . buTired. - - shmasirefieed: :: Alliuelnrited to attend. F. SEIDF.NSTRIEERi .. ';' , • Erriltsrestntg S'lstld.-.Jolt received and for sale at No. 65Smithfield street, (three doors above Fo•• 4 fine assminient of LAMPS, adapted expressly . ..for' use or lIURNINO FLUID, and will be sold 1 . 31 QUA to sultparcbascrs;• • ' '• ' TheI3URNINO'FLUID Is a new article, perfectly free' from lite - 410pr or erplosion, and unrivalled for DealtlY.3 Econouty and Convenience. Itis complete sablitititte for OR: Tallow or Gas, being perfectly safe irCusingi beautituliie appherance, and -gives ti uniform and- bird llantueurr, without odor or smoke:::'. It is ow - Rea-from Impurity as bottu stain linen, clothing or furniture,.aud particularly recommends itself tette attentioreof Cots ' try Merchants, liotel Keepers and Families, as well as for use in Cbn ro be s, S teamtoats; and tie _Offices of pro , fessionbl i gentlemen.- To be had of the - manufacturer: - . ; - JOHN DEVEREUX., octZ • 65 Smithfield st.; Pittsburgh; Pa, • • aLstauttanoe Non ookiforinbicnption he eapitarstoek of the Citizens' Intmranee.Compttny at Pittsbumh,will be openedin the Board of Trade RGOIIIS i on hroly.;theGth day of , Noietnbet, it a. m: • • • snatues-rigifty••.dellars.-eacit: • Two , . dollen fifty cents eaelt shunt& be paid.on subscription, • Wm Larimer, Jr Robert Woods. Wm B M'clete • ;•.: • ". Joseph Plummer. S. hi Bier. • Josiah ging. • , • - John' Sheriff. - _ • . ; Alex. Roseburg.. • H. A. King.. • .. • . toet2t - td • BaIIK or rlTspcaop,t Bleetioh foi Thiitein Directors of this Bnuk, for the enthing year, will belie.l4.at the Banking House, on Monday, the./ 0 111 day atlfeverober nen. ocriS:dtd • " 7Joibr'Sstass, enabler. Excitixat iimit or Prrreetarati, • - • October Ithh,lBl9- 117 eji-Electioa f for Thirteen Directoraof.this Bent; to eerie tor thel'enettiog Tear,' will be held - at the tog. Hanse l on Monday, the jitth day of .11o , i•rcollei next; betwetif the hohnt or 9 A. X. 113341. 3 P.M. • oct4l:kat:l-' Toote-teEfotvic;Cashiei... „ . . - AND AIItII7I7,II.CTI7REVA • • • • October 19,1648. Itn ; lLlettiott for Thirteen -Directors of this Bank fee the be held at the Banking Itousei on diondßyithell9drdir - Noventber nest: ••••• '-', • • W. H. Itzdttl Cashier. ^ . • • . , . . _ . fitirr __, _A , GIRO's4MI DRMEltlitil, MILITARY, AND civic - BALL; iiilt bp, - gloat on'Wednesday.erentas. October •gtet, (Hallow Eve.) at the Lafayette Assetitblf Rooms, by Bye tly's gruel Band. ' A good SuPPot ' , WU trepared for, the: occasion: Tickets- can, be. had of the Mrr Fairmount iall.—Tbe c luzets are res p e ct- . fOly Wormed that.'lta Fataatavai Flax .CotiPathr will Ev a v a e l u t e ll s p ein o t rl y 'F=T i ev4;: e mit November rve 9ll l , , at th i ci IWArao'l Bawl CO t seEtWlii -•-- . tu-A. Rare Ghana!, or obtaining it:raperfine HAT or GAP - equal to any , that can ,be manufactured, is now offered, all undetermined to sell off my present stockk t greatlYreduced price s,i rt order to rasp room .for tag fa - stmt. • If Tun wcru/d secure a tim'am call soon. • • •• , • . -• WIS FLEMING, • /12511 •• 1 . 30, Wood st., corner of Virgin alley. 117'.66,1117aSIDDLICs Dixttlay....itaxiOrsto to o LlCiVihrea. storylEttick, on Sattrunzu>B7,ollls door uhe- I ow . Sixth tweet... TEETH. INSERTED, Cram one to a whole zeta, by .filmosphezielf tessera, with a beautiful! representation of the Nataral Grit, removing the Faca to Its or igund shnpet. •TEETH EXTRACTED, with hale or no pain. ftellTED Tams. permanently saved by rtuncunso, preventingthe Tooth-ache, which a much bet ter than conn;it, thou& itahonld be done in nye min tatea,or. even tnawanlt.tA!' . • ap21:41, . , . Tisza*, No. at Illarket; Armin &mond, traa TAW strati, .Piazburgh,--ConstanUy op hand, a. large and general as, soruneutot FAsuaoarAiu.z READ . Y- tans Cu:memo. : Particular .artention paid to alio eluting of Castain Work,wkileit will be made in animas% fashionable man ua,ll.llli on re aionablis terms. . nutyl3. _ Notle44.;;Tho.lommantan 'Nazis Socrrrr_ or Pius burgh and .Allegheny, meets on the second Monday of every motuh AtSchochleiters, in tho Diamond. nub": 777, .- _ Joutt :Yoram, jr, &creamy, [NW' Nottoo::-.Thelourneymen Saddlers, Harness as Trunk Makers' Society meets the first Saturday every moath,,at.lJnion: Hall, corner of Sathhtleld and PM streets (mayl9:tyY W. C. Omirtaze i Se ey. Odd VelLowsP Bat! Odeon But Wing, Fourth rhea s betweets Weed'. and, cid strcets.—"Pittaburirh •Eriesinpatent, meets lit and 3d Tuesdays of each Pittsburgh Degree pcidge, .Dro. 4, meets 2d and 4ilk. .....„ .. _ . I•l44 Meerrettee .. 5.1. 7...:14 . 41: ie, : llo. 0, meets -every ThursdnY ev lar enrn esfera" S* - 441Fp.,,N0..1A, meets every. - Wednetideir , ..„,,,,,, . . . . e. ttY - ..go . 10' *1.82-ieeets d-'verillonda . y ev , rig. 1611 ' hyllyi Lodger.a. fi • 360, - meets every Prld t ey, Mount. .0# ,„1 1 .. utnyzmy ... ... = . . - , oraleeting, Washington. Bill;Wood sore et, beta's en bth and VirpnAllej.. PaTsstowit -- Loan; No. VA--Meets every Tnieday MantcsantA EsreedstOreav,;•lo. 7—B.leetty Ist and Friday attack - niplllli. . • , osar2s—ly . . • 117-.16 oi.-.A.Ltsoinlaror 'Longa, No: 49 meata.at ' , the- Haiti corner of Wood street and Virgin Alley, every . Tina/day evening, at o'clock. ataykArn , • .. • Gigolos EistsErr,Seel. _ . . Dir.EP SLATED, Conaits.—Phthisic_or Asthma cured by the use of Medicine ' of Medicine of Nature. ' Attiericiii:,ol - I,'propered Item a well near Brooke vine, Kentucky, 185 feet tielow the :earth's surface, 170:feetpt which watrthrotigh a trend. rock. -•- gentleiruiri residing in Frankfctid, Beaver coon; - ty,. Pa, abOVIC69 . yeam-of , egs, wan afflicted with s deep seated 'Cough, of 15---months standing, Which disturhed'lds rest natl . -caused him to eject a quantity of thick mucus daily, which reduced him so much that be was very thin and week, By using two bat; den of•-the..0il he.. was completely cured of his cough, and got fat:and heart - The above was communicated 'to Mr- Wm. Jack son-140r. James Morrison, of Frankford Spring& PITTOBVILOH;AUFISt 14, 1846. This to -Certify, - thatl have been afflicted thirteen years with,the Plahisinihad about tWelie day's' ego I had it-veryhad.. I heard of the American Oil, and pur!cbaecd.n bottle, and commenced using it, by ta king a:nail' teaspoonful 'twice a 'day, and - in three, days 1. was entirely cured of my cough, and now feel as well ae though r bad - hirer had it. P:l3Liciicerost, Virgin alley. , Bold wholesale ,by Wm.-Jaeluson, the proprintorhi'sole and only agent for western Penn -01/Tania; Wißtern - Virginiai end ',Northern Ohio, No. 89,•Libertyetreet, head 'of wood street, Pitteburghi Pile*so.ets,Ver bottle. BEWARE or NUILESLOUS , COVVIZEITTSTS.••••NOD et Is genuine but what has the name and address of Wm. Jackson; No 89' Liberty' street, Pittsburgh, oa the label," and in the pamphlet in :which, each' battle is enclosed.-;Thu names of theproprietors, D. Hall & Kentucky, is also printed in the pamphlet. Another way,. of detecting the counterfeits, is - the' difrerence in price; The genuine is sold invariably at 60 eta: per - bottle, find no less; while aouie'et thp poupteiretta sold at various pticea under.;Sold retail - ;14 sub.igente in. almoarevery. , town in the above .Districts. - • (let 26:d&or • . rr' - Prooru-Acsir,' Tintra - : Omas, BALI Stu arm Am , Warrt.Trorruly:tfie., use cif NViseelees celebrated Tea-ben7 Tolith•NViab; Tontlimehe'carr be effectually cured. render and. Thseased -Gums made firm and healtb7,-..Bed!-Brecith much '.improved, and the :remit reed frorritartaiihnd Made beautifully' white. ' Price' cents per bottle. - Thlartrticie, 'payonized by the of somety,,islaighly concentrated, and will make 'one pint of the;ank Soldurbolesale,isit feinu ,YAOleitaw, his Boot and Bluiellitore,.;"lllG BOOT / " 83 , XiibertV street, head of, wooqitieet.Tinalnirei. ao7:l3cadpur, , Brass Baud °tree,. : Per. -members of Byerty's Brasi Baud wpnld reepectfullyin form their idea l ds: r ull • the citizens generally that they . .•• Grand 'Firemen's' Military "aWuellawefdanlir .I;l.La. rhitorts .2033=3L1t _Room, -coo , a . eve alog i .Oolober 31.441848 , The # 46 0 - zloty - of-lielW end beautiful oniutons-mrige lourdu ti c a ed va pylki_ Dem hl , Aass, whom eenieet -hare bees:seemed for this n. Tickets tsar ho bad from the Members oTthe Saud and the rgeen g* .. ..o.:ALANAi#&RS • ' ' hf R.:Bohan tharYtEttgle;. ,,, Capt.- 10 1Ln S p etrO uguam ilt - 'O..I3WAMM IrEch elin e foc rl7 ll, -Al Dn l q s; e ' Cal) I , . !:10 1 48 0n Pr .vgt.es -' .t . wat. - WhitoiNePemP• - 0 ;larks • ti, Royes•NieSet.e,c 1 t. , CP , PL 1 4:4 n u i tout n i a l idr; " 'l°llll K on e .. nlied Ta i F . SeTdenstrikeit 6c; —AY) a ' ti Jos, Fulliard, .Centstaelf.• tt d ra w z g ElliOtttOdY ll . l-- i ad i o, 3 b er t s , Ames Pottle; Dav id Ca TR. 1 . 3 2, 11 ' 1 . ozuoll...Wt•-131aelc, noon ' leet" -=• , ••••e , aerlsab Kaye Capt. Soho flerroll L LE iiiibitailitrreceive and receipt for SCROV - TAX imposed, at Alderman 'Bletdaarra's Orrtca, • Ward, on 211 urpicry next, the let day or November. MO. td , QUEWaIq, TteASIITer for the Boari: oct29:at :1' : IM=M '''',;-:.'4.•4 - ?..':i'.,:C‘: .. ,:i. -- L . Z'ii•j• . ;: , ': , :" -....:L.:.4i4•J;;i:1,...•;!-,1,1.,•it,..'.'- , • ••-• -- ••• t- • • ' A 44 • _ Fr` 4 :-:; • ' • ` ; ' .*‘ • ' : • • I`qi3.lr,r,irt,l t.! ,, 4 , "; ,!:;`, 4 , : 14" o.'l= - 4.1 ;...,t,i 4t4. • :.;' • , ; • .7,; •; e,;'.(- .. ;=" ;P "'; r - iklr 4 I '"-" ' '44. • " i""":" , _ •-, • 4, 4 f -4. , )At -- • Onmeicial . anb prosisnunaß,B o, i4 ll ? , PF , T l ,t lo 4 4 " , ;GEORGE OGDEN, • • F. VON BONNEOttsw, .:FioArtirrrze. von Ocronen. MT. ;IL DENNY,. PASSENGER AiatpiGEMENTEF,Drisla. - • atesosbootPacketLineileavesdnily forCineimaatl 3 loislo: Pesern&er Packet,. via Brownsville, to Unitintore'stad .Philsnelphie, k. as., end 6P. 11..' ; • • • • ,Mai Conch LI neid4set tePkiledelphii, tet. , ,11,4:12C Western snd aenthein Mnll Con& Line, rht. Ds , North-Western, yin Cleveland, dally,lo - Erie and Western New York; daily, 9 A.Y. Korth-Easterrt,to Philadelphin;dstly, 144;4' • ARRIVALS AND - DEI - AETERgior • 'Punern Philidelphta, duel L. at; ' closes 19 pt. Western Mail, Cat. and Lonirr., dutiB • Sonth.virißalLartriWeshingtori,dne gr.sa r ,eloses6 North-Western ,via Cleveland' dnelo closes 9 A. sr. Erieand , Westep New York, due , closes 8' A..m . - • •Pai oalus. ..isied;' treed Bank of I.ltesburgb•-•-.... , 550,00,-850,00- 8 50 , 00 Exthange :4;4. 50,00 47, 0 0 46 , 00 Metikuinte and . 5%00 '.61,00 00,00. Fl/100 re Deltas' t Bank.:4•,•-••• • • None in market. 41.andStreet Bridge. 50,00 - 50,90. 49,00 Nottliem.Ltbertleeßridgn•r......- • . 4 5 0 , 00 1 , ,35 0 3 . 01tt A ll egheny Edge. ••• •—• •.• • '25,00 36,00' 35,00 •FonnelLavilleE. R•Stoekipald on .. • . 1 • akarescu,so.—. . • 5,00 ;,43 City Bonds (619' coati).— •• - • • oi,oo •• diropongskeleßridige • •••—• 55,00 16,50 131* Stoeir-••—•.•••••••• , —. 44 . - ^.- 00 . 00 • 2 Penne: 6's, quoted in Philadelphia:. ' 91 peme,a, •-1."-. • 1.) - • 'lO4 -*New iillaTteluO 7 Note% 'es, quoted . in Pailadat .117 k, • • . : •. • . • - OFFICE OF TIM POSTr ,- - (" Wzonseartloamso, (Moan 31,L84k,s • The weather yesterday;wee oteeesively &spied- RIIIO fell daritig %ha entire , day. . . FLOn..Prices araCro the decline ; sales yester day at $41,45040, • ' • PIG BIRTAI,..Nci "sake of"Alleghecy anise or Hanging Reek at $29. • BACON.: Salsa eriarairs baros'aft3la 9c.; raga! carted 12c.; sides 51e.; shoulders bc. cir".NBRRRIES. ,Salea at $2,25 film. with good . dentailif 42 '• Wifle-1/SOIJR.. Regular tales liom store at $3,76. li,titOiS. -Sales of.Rede At 410 c ..; Ncebannocka. tit . • BUTTER: .Sales of primp rolls to clothe at 16c.; keg is' iifititth 9C. • -•!' GROCEILIES.:SaIegor.Sogar at 6061 c.-; of Mo lasseS 11 aIIOTION.BLics, BY JAMBS PSENNA, ittrenoNEST, No. 114 WOOD Snixxs. Tau 1/00113 gaol FIPTII T . ALUABLE LOV.OF GROUND AT AUCTION.—On Saturday evening, _Ncareinber3d, it 7 o'clock' . pre cisoly, will be aold.nA bleKenna`a Auctimin Roomne,n Lot of Ground (morning :20 - fee( on liuticau street near the •Minemayille Tuinpike, in the'7ilC:Werd of the City of :Pittebnigh, and extending back 70 feet. oerM 'JAMES MetiENNA,Anet. A • = SCUMS 11441.. F. 0f.33 pieces West of Englaral itioad:Oloths,6B9l yards; . ls pieces Fancy Conk tnere,3oll yards; 40 pieces Csasineta 1513 f yards 8 pea Gluts Felt Pilot Clotb,llo pieces Cloaking, 18 Res. Fancy Tweed, Winter Vesung,Vinter.ClMbing, ilia White . three eases .Geratun Goods, comprising ry Toys, Fancy Articles, Cutle, isc., and twelve cases Men and Women's. Fine - Boots and Shoes, is AUCTION, by Cate • !ogee, at litclEENNA'B.—Will be sold at. &chemist's Auction. Rooms, by virtue . 'of a foreign attachment, on -Tbursday,.November lst, commencing at 1U o'clock In the forenoon and continuing from day to day until allure sal& The above described mebanclize will be sold by. catalogu ro e. Terns :.,Cnalt,par ftinds. ect44 • . 7 - JAMES bIeIfENNA, Amt. WELLING HOUrM'.. arfiLICTION.-1 wilt offer for J sale on Salta:day, the. `Jrl .day ltoivinber, at a. o'clock in the afternotin, on the premises a LOT OF OROUND,.IO fat-fount by 100 . feet . dteN'on which is erected a good aulustantial Taro. Story House in front, 'and? Two Story' Fame Hoxutain the rear. This proper ty. is 'nested o the Allegbenyriver, immediately above the Glass House of Messrs:Manna, and bus a 40 teet street in front nod tea.' fine owner living out of county; it will be sold *bargain. -' • • - • CeO.. :JAM(S .bIefiENNA, Ane , HERIFFS - SALE OF'A. CLOTHING STORE AT AUCTlON.—Oartiday nexli d :vember 01, et 10 eclock.in the foxenoon, -4 WOI so .without reserve, by order of John . Forsyth, Fag, IR& miff of-Allegheny County al the Clothing. SUMP of :Hamilton.J. Rogers, an Market tweet, between let andSecOnditreetv,tbe entire stook of (locals in said Store, condating of Panta loons, Vesta, aupetfuseCloths, Can:arcs, Vestings, Mktg., Hosiery, Trimmings, Icc • JOHN FORSYTH, Sheriff.. . . . I . 'oar°. JAMES hIcKENNA, Auct'r. 9reli camoja/Piftuirsd SJ BUILDING LOTS FOE SALE.—Tbe subscribed offers at private sale, on els/ tends, the halanco of Lot' situate in his plan ("Album Emmet, Allegheny City. The location for health and beatuy of scenery is passed by any propekty in the neigltherhood of either 'Pittsburgh or Allegheny, and to those desiring a resi dence, offers advantages not easily had. To the capitalist a c h ance is offered for an investment that in a few years will pay three-fold. The Lots are situated within about ten or -fifteen min; utes , walk from the Allegheny City Market. The Bea ver Turnpike is aboutimang finished, and runs along the north end of the Lots. Any of the above Lots not disposed of at private sole , `will be sold by public auction on the premises, on Sat urday, Mivernkr tOrh, lfil9; at 2 o'clock r. it. Title indis putable. Plans and inforiontion in regard to the above Lots can be bad by culling on Hugh Sweeny, on the, premises r JOHN COYLE Pitts. JAMEE IIIegENNA, Auer. A TRUNKS OF VALUABLE BOOK, Clothing and `t -other articles, t German Wile, I Ouhar, &a., to pay boarding and other charges, at AUCTION.—On Monday evening, November .sth _at $ o'clock precisely, I will, cause to be sold at McKenna's Auction Roams, in the . City of Pittsburgh, tothe highest and best bidder, to pay :a certain amount of boarding-and- other charm, the contents of 4 trunks' containing Books. The greater part ansvery valuable works on chemistry, in the Ger man 1 . Also, a lot-of second-hand clothing, 1 guitar, I era= rifle, said to be an' excellent article.— The owner of the thrive Mentioned property or his agent Willtake notice that said goods and articles described in thisadvertilteibent, will be sold at thedate and hour tnen• tioned -thereto, unleks redeemed before, •by payi g all charges and costs. 'ANNE MURRAY. octs JAMES 511.01. ENNA Aa ct. MEI ,- ,-- .., ,;' .•:.,:"; f':;.'; iTf it -:. :7.i!: Daily MeeSear i t ot the Markets* liookinsp:Glasnos,'COoelltit & Pitney Goods, jBE subscriber has Mat -- received his Fall assortment of CLACKS'and FANCY 'GOODS, which, with a large assortrnent of LOGRING.G.LASSES of his own manufacture,. he will oiler at - very reduced prices, for cash. T. A. DILLIES, ' Woodstreet, near Fifth. 'P. 5..-Merchants supplledst Mwest vates, and pack ing carefully attended to. octl2 W A. dr.1....43. MahIULLEN, CHEAP CASH CLOTHING STORE, No. H3O Liberty_Strett, iorner,o/Garrimn Ailey, kESPECTFULLY announce to their customers and dealers generally thrit..the.y have in store a large and select stock of eLonts, CASSIMERES, AND VZSTINGS, and are now prepared to MI all orders in their line; and experience In the businesi enables us to ..hope fora liberal share of patronage. ,Persons wish ing to have Clothing_ made to order, cannot fail to be suited- ..4rEAOY-IHADN CLOTHING of all descriptions kept constantlPiionherd: Also, Geatleme n's Furnishing goods, such as: Shirts, Suspenders and Cravats. Call and aktunine be fore purishuslng elsewhere as Ss ,are deteemined to sell cheap for cash.' omit Hop, Clothing Emporium, No. 27 Armlet arca, - between. -Pone and Second streets. frIHE nuderstned -would respectfully inform his Wends and customers that be bas just received a splendid assortment of CLOTII4, - OASSibIEIIES nnd VEST 'NOB; of the Intuit and most desirable patterns, and is now prepared 'to fill all orders in Ins line. His long ex perience an the business enabl es hiMtd hope for a liberal share of patronage.!He' will , make all descriptions of .01othing in the lest Manner and most•fashlonable style, fofeash. •• - loct2l . H. i ROGER 9. nisnw tioeuess: • BOOBYEIt GRIBBLE, Sign of the Golden Bea - Hive, No.-5.5t Liberty street, three doors above Irwin street, Tr MUM take this method of informing their custom '', eta and the - citizens generally, that they have just received one of the tangent and•beselected stocks of• GOODS - over offered in tine city. c onsisting in purger super. English and French Black Cloths , French and English Blue, Brown, Green and Olive • extra quality black French Blue, . Cloth; Brown a nd Green Castor do.; Gentifieliti,do.;-•Blee 'and Black Felt do.; super. French Black Doeskin; Cassimeres English, do do.; Fancy Fashionable Cainimeres in 'endless variety; best quality Black Satin, that tunnel, be surpassed ; splendid and entirely new styles Of Casehnere, Cashmere, Valen cia and Silk Vesting; Wovett Undershirts and Drawers; a good assortment of white Shirts, Suspenders, Fancy and Black Bilk Cravats, and Pocket Ildka.—all of which Goods we are PrePeredloblrer anuch prices as will in sure satisfaction.. We continue as usual; to utnnufac. . tore custom work °nth° shortes t nonce, without disappointment to customers, and in a style notio he sun dunned in the city. teeplol 4 BOOBVER daGRIBBLE A IT" . • ' I I W CORNER OF D lll Litsll' 111.1\1[1.111111 TiLK DIAMOND IIuTEROANTILE DSi As• • AT BOOK-KEEP. 01.-ING taught Meech aratumer IP to qualify the sta. dent for keeping books immediately on leaving the-class room. Offhand iltriertnrits gamma-main taught in the moat erectly's manner: , Upwards of nine hundred stu dents -including many theirs* metabolite in the city, h a ve been instructed In Pentrunthhip and Book-Keeplng to thlelpentationintrondingtho-raost ample reference fur ,the - e ze orke ir nyMr. llt.le,instritetion. Merchants and Blames Books :opened and - closed. Balance streets, &e..sande out. - genre 'AO to 12, 2to 4;and illllo. face CUOKINU sToirfir.:. _ • Dtpo:Tort TO 110111011ZEPSEIS AND STOVE DZAIrEta, tiTllOl, MIME & CO. Moe of handsandere con ic/ -Mandy inanufaciaritig from new aed to/Proved Pat terns the best Cooking Stovei that ever have been intro duced into ail market; among which are four sues of that celebrated - cooking Stove called the STAR OF THE WEST, roar sizes of the ENTERPRISE COO ING K.: STOlTAPRitldflthl STOVES, all sizes; and a va- View or others - or ew or wood.' Parlour Stoves, din and Pine Apple Stoves eve a general assortment of flo low Ware; together with ry thing in the house-budding line, always on hands or made to order at the National Foundry__ Warehouse, corner of Seventh and Liberty 0003 greets, rinstrargh. ENE aftlmaA i t 0 = I iimmato iak i &NE i s SE=E=ll 139111 y _ ItWYr Jnt ingtnu. PORT OF PITTSUURGB• 4 TER WATER IN THE CHANNEL. ARRIVED ' Steamer Late Erie:Gordon; heaver. " • Michigan N 0.2, Gilsonifleaver. " LottishrLaue, Bennett, Brownsville. " ' Atlantic', P11,tki118011; , • do: • • Philip Doddridge, --, Brownsville. • E: Wightinan,—,—, Elizabeth. • Pevtona. Hendrickson. McKeesport. • " • Mt. Vernon, Kountz,Oinenutatt. " Jenny Lind:Gallagher Zanesville. i 0 Monongahela, - Stone 4 Cincinnati. " ;Caleb Cope, Murdock. Wellsville. • " ''Gen: Gaines. —, Cincinnati. • DEPARTED, StearrierMiatigatiNci.. ^ -, Gilson, Beaver. • Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. " Lonislit'Llane,Beuizett, Brownsville • R. Wighanan, Elizabeth. • Philip Doddridgu,, Brownsville. " • PeYtoua, Hendrickson; McKeesport. 4 - ?Atlantic. Parkitisori,lirovrasville. " }ROMs, Sunfish. • • " Zack Taylor, Lucas, St. Lou,,. " ' Caleb Cope; Murdock, ' " Skipper Parkinson Zanesville: • • ' o ' - ,•••• • • • ••. 4849. • CINCINNATI :AND PITT3I3URGH p y. STRAIN •PACKET LINE. rimui . indpOndent Ilfite•of simmer is noarcomposed .l. of the largest, swiftest, best finished and famished; and pOwerful boats on the waters of the West. The highest wages are paid for the services of the best and most erperteneed men engaged in the river business,—. The line has beeb in operation for six years; has carried dearly two millions of people, without doing the slightest. Injury to theirpersons. The proprietors challenge com petition with any passenger line in the Union for safety, regularity,and speed. All that money ean procure has been provided for the safety, comfort and conveniencoof passengers. The boatsleave for Cincinnati as follows:• • • MONDA Y PACER T.—The Mostorosfirms,Capt. Stony, mtillleave Pittsburgh every Monday Morning atWo'eloek; Wheelhig every Monday evening at 10 r. TONSDAY PACREr—The ilremagra No. 2, Capt. litinereltel, will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock ; Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 es at. WEDNESDAY PACE - ST.—The Pim ENGLAND Nu. 2, Capt. S. Bran, will leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning ; Wheeling every Wednesday even ing at 10 r. si. THURSDAY PACKET—The BEn.u.ivr,Cept. R. J. entice, %Ina leave Pittsburgh every Thursday morning at 10 o'clock ; Wheeling every Thursday evening at 10 e. Y. FRIDAY PACKET—TbeCtiPPERNo. 2, Capt. Crooks, will leave Pittabarghevery Friday morning at lOo'eloelri Meeting every Friday evening at 10 P. le. SATIIRDA Y P 4 citsr—The hlissawoxv No. 2, Capt. I. C. Woodward, will -leave Pittsburgh every Saturday morning at 0 •,; •• 1 .4., • . ,••• ..:. , v• - " . 1..' '' V..t.'1,1„,"•L',1it.1..t1 t. ;',.1;? O.: h . .... _ . • ; , . .., ~ u, • -..: i. p. ~ .. ~ -4. ~ .i.,i) - -.-I 0. • 4 . 1' . 1% 4.- ..,.. .I; #,c,4 :. ?:,* . .• ;, 4... 1 , 4 - ~ At -...........' •.. , •:: * • ~. c., 1. %I. 4 : 4 4../,%.', 4.. •'.'• ` ' '- f ' l ";',A s t N'', .:•• 1•••„? . -,, . sr.:. •, t x. t", 4,i:;,:esi• 304 r 1 4 •:•••ele.. ~. ' 4". •41. , .. jo Ili 1 4).fe' •ti 4,.;• - •4 1 1. ''', tt :L 4 lik . *.• .. ,, ,,id'e"'• • ' i1 t?."4.,•:; ? • • • .. ~,.- • I f '•..•• % . 2 / • .‘,/' "- a i r Jul. • ..,'::,!•,:::-k ,, _o: ., ... , ! ,,. ::_?., - .g4'.,.i.',g,7,-..:,.T.:-'. _ • SC=M ENSE * > ' V =ME • . . •^ i- • - • .. IVENS Mill ~; ,