The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 12, 1849, Image 2

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itiornifig 113ost.
Far; Commercial amid lit
. ..4ee. licit Page. - News,
'.,-i-,,Tke,Lateet ties, Market Mepoits,
•"-pplil - tie Undid under Telegraphic Mead.
i.ertztsylvartia must be Redeemed t
- Svery Democrat from the inliermost recesses of
hisbeart will respond to.this sentiment._ To accom.
pilot a:reirult`Sci: -- deeirable; a iliorough • ri-ergeniza-
tioaOf the party should take place, in every county,
township and schooi.district—in every city; :borough
throughout the Commonweal t
thia organization should commence at as,early a day
as possible; and be kept up effectively until after the
election. By fraud and deception the whigs,obtaim.
edtbe State—by sleepless vigilance the Demeeracy
will wrest it from:them. . Here is a task worthy.of
:theeff arts of all true Heliumate.
Make good nominations, friends--bring out your
ablest indbest men for candidates, oven in coon
tiee•wliere your, majority is larie;and yOur success
certain. Placethe name of no man upon your tick-
Sar any office whatever; who is not a radical; up-
right, theranih-goiniDeMocrat. Conservatism, has
',turned the Democracy of Pennsylvinia long enough.
- the enemy is in the field—ctinning, deceitfut and
treacterous as over. Will ymknot meet hins,friends,
boldly and fearlessly, as you have met him in the
olden times We. feel confident that you Will. The
good hams of the old Keystone must be reclaimed—
'the State must be redeemed from Federal dominion.
;,then, up Democrats, and go to work :With all your
.30 - orgies. ,; The whig leaders 'already see the hand
. _
writing upon the wall—it requires no Daniel toin
terpret. its Meaning for them. - They tremble: like
Delsharsar ,
Ifir..Swiirtz:sirelder... , .The Whigs.
Tbo !in:miles% tha organ or Gov. Johnston in thig
- . . .
. 'city, after tunneling:, in procuring the defeat of Mr.
"' the Whig County Coniention, has
taken to abusing that gentleman in the mostahame
even - endeavoring manner, and is even -endeavoring to drive .him
oat_of 'Whig ranks ! And why-' should Mr.
',Sizstrtzweldei be sacrificed by the Whigs? Has he
not faithfully and hoiestlfearried out the sentiments
',14 the whige, or, Alleiheny county, as 'expressed :in
the;proceedings of their convention last year, when
. was nominated! , Surely he-has. That Conven-
tiozipassed - strong resolutions in favor of the ten
:boorsystem and an elective judiciary. Mr. Swart:-
, welder; supported both of these measures in the
:Eltegislaturc, and for so doing, he has been permitted
by Ida party to stay at home. The inconsistency of
ti thiala truly astonishing ! Can the Whig. papers
explain:it! They can very well, if their editors had
• .
the dittposition to do so. We shall perform the task
' Torthem. In adopting resolutions to favor of the
ten hour system and an elective jadiciar74in their , con-
YeetiOn !Etat year, the whip were neither honest no r
- sincere: was a trick and fraud t 6 .c gull the aim
idest3F-71t base_swindle to elect the whig ticket I--
Mr,Sveartzwelder was sincere , and honest ; but the
-whig' loaders 'were not. This .is the whole case.
- Instead of receiving The pleasing blessing of" well
donC. good:a nd - faithful servant* , from his constitu
ents, upon Ids return home, for, carrying out in good
faith ilrieir publicly expressed sentiments, Mr.. 8.
Was met coldly by the treacherous widg leaders who
Wire determined to sacrifice him.
'-These., are facts which no whiOviil.dare deny.
•Then let the workingmen, in the whig - Tankt, who
have heretofore placed confideece in the leaders of
that party, come out from amongst them. The De
mocratic_al pas large and wide, and we have room
enough for , all honest men onboard , The Democ
racy have never deceived the workingmen. Before
and after an election, our party have held but one
set of ppinipis, and they have never beertconcealed.
Importance of, (Food Nominal.lons.
Our articles, urging the Democracy to take into
coosideratfon the importance' f making good nee:.
natlons for the Oetober election, have been copied
by, our contemporaries of ,the Demociatic press
- generally, in 'title state.. In Ibis connection we may
here state that it will be the duty of the next Legis
lature tb disirict the State for trientherri of the Sen
ate and 'louse of Representatives. It the federal
party should unfortunately be permitted tti gain the
ascendency at-Harrisburg', they will no doubt carry
. ,
oat their usual system of Gerrymandering to the
fullest:extent. " ro prevent such a state of affairs,
theDiatricicrocy must set themselves to work in earn
est, and select the rely 'best men in the party for
caudidates-:,true, honest, faithful Democrats, who
will secure the vote, -and a little more.
We have 'a good chance now to redeem Allegbe
iticolinty, if proper efforts are made. The Whig
nominees are'any thing but popular with the masses
• of :that patty. _The old'hankers and monopolists in
thewhig rank! controlled the action of their con
, „sentioit, and nominated men who entertain no sym
thies' in common with the_ masses. We believe;
• without exception } every candidate on the whig tick
et, i opposed to the ten hour law; and the leaders
of th,atiguty do not hesitate to boast that they will
make an effort
.in the nest Legislature to havo the
law tintirely Sepealed. The candidates of the Dem
. ecraey should bo interrogated specially as to their
opinions - on that vitally important measure; and the
- Midge shetild be compelled to take one aide or the
other,_in the issue. They must show their hands.
Pittsburgh Deixtooratio Convention.
-We notice the stMoge - saggestion in some of the
Democratic papers of the State, that it is probable
then; will not be a full attendance at the Democratic
Cont4otion on the 4th of July neat, becanserthe place
where it is to he held is so far off! We of the Eget
ihoOd • remember bow often our brethren of the
WO have travelled,orer the mountains to meet us,
and l shoild rejoice at the opportunity of meeting
thetitioti the spotof their 'own choosing. Bat apart,
front all , this, every Pennsylvanian should be glad to
visit the flourishing west, and to compare personally
the advance which has been made there with this
proireas hire; Pittsburgh is easy of access; and
we hope every delegate elected will either go him
sel ror see that a substitute is chosen who will be sure
to go.--Pewerylodnion.
I_ The Right Kind of Talk t
Oar, friepd of the Pennsylvanian, in urging the
DeMeeratitte select good men for candidates, says:
as Elery Democratic member is a trustee; and no one
shoeld - be nominated` who is not fully aware of all
that'll,expected of him, and of all that he will have
to do. , The first duty, therefore, is to place no man
oil lite Democratic ticket, who is not entirely ones.
ceptionable ao a citizen, and who Is not a thorough,
straight:4 . °in Democrat. Let us have no more con
serSatives in teats that should be filled, by reopen
eible'and conscientious men." We like that way
of talking to the people. - We have bad too many
coiitiiriativesior fishy Democrats at Harriabrughi
for the good of the party and the State. Bereatter
letione but true-bltie . Democrato be entrusted with
- We- have' been informed that Resolutions
were prepared by some °film whigs in this city, to
olfeVin the`Whig County. Convention in favor of the
ten ihour system'elective judiciary, but that
the,old..huoXers and monopolists of the party had
them'suppressed ! Does' the Editor of the Gazette
knew any thing about this matter i or • will he ex.
'if be does know I Come, Deacon, several
hundred Whig workingmen are anxious to know . the
who:lelruthin relation to the cause or causes" of Mr.
Swartzweldees defeat... Explain, sir—explain
- -
- , Qt , l,have no friends to rward, no en 1 .t9
ptudisli."—Zocitary Taylor. . =-
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41/031103.1tik1; -VARIKTY.
Sir The PoliieGatitteof Now York has an ar-
Cele upon tiGiiiirat Tayler , a , first pardoti,. and :An
result of - finme yotin min by
the name, of Billings Wit tried in :Washingteri:anit
convicted for forgery. itirt;birifrieidif:procured
pardon from the President, with the understanding
that he should leave the District of Colombia. What
ia the result t thak he transferred his operations to
New York, collected a variety of keys from the
trualk-maker, opened trunks with these keys at the
Irving Elotisi, and was finally detected, and is now,
in the hands of the - Paieer of:Nevi , York.
Splane , a netv building, at theeerner of Fifth
and Smithfield' streets 2 will be completed in the
course of the next month. It will he, whenfluith
ed, one of the handsomest buildings in ftie city.
_ . „
ice` Why don't' the property hedderAlatt. Fifth
Street gO to we*, and improve this lonrieglected
portion of the City t Fifth is the best cross street
in the city, and 'by expending a little money, the .
real estate might be doubled in value.
Bar Read the advertisement of our friend, Dr.
Win TEIORN, in this day's paper. His Cholera
Met..icine is wild to be an excellent article, and has
been iirepared, With great care, from a receipe of
the late Di.XeDowell. River men and others who
have tried_; this medicine, say that it is a certain
cure for the Cholera.
ifirDr. Newton Lane has been nominated by the
Democrats, in the Louisville district, Kentucky, as
theiruandidate for Congress. Col. H. Marshall is
the whig candidate.
sir The. Paris; correspondent of the New York
Journal or Commerce writes--"" This year will, I
think, be more eventful and extraordinary in Europe
than the last. Your commercial relations may be
moreand more disturbed. Never were the destinies
of France more uncertain."
sir Holden's Dollar Magazine, published in New
York, is filled with a variety ofchoice reading, orig.
mat and select. The editor is a yoling man of fine
was Linn Boyd has been nominated by the dem
ocrats for reelection to congress from the lat dis
rict of Kentucky: Dr. John M. Johnson' has been
(named as a Whig candidate.
A Bra Luste.—A New York letter, of Wednes
day, says
.4 I have this morning heard of a lump of Califor
nia gold being exhibited inj Wall street; weighing
eleven pounds, though I have not seen it, nor do I
believe it."
The Patriot Bernd
General Bem, who commands the Hungarian ar
mies, says the Boston Times, is a Pole by birth.. He
served. under _Napoleon to the famous Russian cam
paign, and also in the army of Poland that fought so
bravely in 1831 for their country's independence.
His military talents are proved by his sucess in
Hungary, and all accounts concur in representing
him as a man of the highest honor. He is assisted
by two of his countrymen, Generals Chrzanowski
and Dembinski, who also fought in the war of 1831.
These Polish officers are regular thorns in the side
of despotism. The world owes them an immense
We are indebted to our friend of the Coiambi!!
Democrat, for the extra containing the proceedings
-of the Democratic Convention, which assembled at
Bloomsburgh, on the 4th inst., Jortot Bums', Presi.
dent, M. Forntorddand V. Best, Secretaries.
On motion ofhlesers. Mcßeynolds and Vornvrald,
the Convention proceeded to nominate a Represen
tative and Senatorial Delegate to represent the
Democratic party of Columbia county and this Sen
atorial District, in the State Convention to be held
at Pittsburgh, upon the Fourth of July, for the pur
pose of nominating a Democratic candidate for Ca
nal Commissioner.
SAMUEL CALDWELL, having a majority of all
the votes polled, was declared duly elected the Sen
atorial Delegate.
ISAAC S. MONROE, hiving a majority °fall the
votes, was declared duly elected the Representative
On motion of Charles F. Mann, the following re*.
caution was unanimously adopted :
Rewired, That the Democratic party of Lazarus
county, be respectfully requested to concur in the
nominations made by the Columbia County Demo
cratic Convention of a Senatorial Delegate to the
Fourth of July Pittsburgh Convention.
John .Mcßeynolds, Esq., offered a number of
spirited and eloquent resolutions, which were adopt
ed; among them we observe the following :
Resolved, That our Delegatesto said Convention
be, and they hereby are, requested to suggest
Bloomsburg, as a proper position in Northern Penn
sylvania, for the meeting of the nest Democratic
State Convention, in 11350, and that the immunities
of Colombia county, the hospitalities of her citizens
and the use of the Court House, are freely tendered
fcr their accommodation.
The Democrat states that the Delegates were not
instructed, but elected as the friends of John A.
Gamble, Esq., for Canal Commissioner, and will
vote for him to the State Convention.
The Western Star, of Friday, contains the pro-
ceedings of a meeting of the Democratic citizens
of Beaver county, which convened at the Court
House, on the sth instant, for the purpose of ap
pointing Delegates to a State Convention to be
held at. Pittsburgh, on the 4th of July next, to put
in nomination a suitable person for Canal Com
missioner, to be supported by the Democratic par
ty. The meeting was organized by appointing
James T. Robinson, President; Capt. Archibald
Reed, James Davis and William M. Reed, Vice
Presidents; James C. Ritchie and Dr. J. E. Jack
son, Secretaries: •
The call having been read, the meeting then
proceeded to the appointment of delegates.—
Whereupon James Davis, of Hopewell township,
and Gen. Charles Carter, of Beaver, were unani
mously chosen Representative Delegates: and N
P. Fetterman, Esq., was unanimously chosen Sen
atorial Delegate, (in conjunction with Mercer
County,)' to reprezent the Democratic citizens of
Beaver county in a State Convention, to be held
at Pittsburgh, on the 4th day of July next, to no•
minate a candidate for'Canal Commissioner.
A company ie bow actively engaged in erecting an
iron furnace on the Merimac, in the south-eastern
part of Franklin county, several miles below the Vir.
girlie Mines, and' between forty and fifty miles from
St. Louis. This furnace will be shoot sixteen miles
from the Missouri river, to which it may have a good
road for hauling iron to that direr, and it is immedi
ately on the Merimac river, down which the iron
may be boated at fair stages of water. , The supply
of iron ore of a superior quality is very, great imme
diately at the furnace, and the ownersexpeat to have
it in full blast in September next. These works are
near to the lead and copper region of the Merimac,
and it would-be well for St. Louis county to bo push
ing forward her;roads so as to form a more close
connection with that valuable mineral country.
Mainers Iron Works, still higher up the Merimac
in Crawford county, are In active operation. St.
Louis ought to have easy means of communication
with the rich mineral country on the Merimac.—St.
Louis New Era, June 2.
war is it not a little astonishing that people wil
go into the manufacture of cotton and iron notwith
etanding the tariff or 1846 has . 1 ruined , ' the coon
try? _
EIPLOITING a NEWSPAPER,—The proprietors of
the New York Tribune, according to the Mirror,
have exploited their property, by making it up into
shares of $l,OOO, each, which have been sold to the
employees whose character and talents have helped
to make it what it ie. The original proprietors,
Metiers:Greeley do McEltuth, we understand, hold
but a fifth each of the property, but still retain their
positions as manager and editor. The other part
ners in the Tribune are, as'we understand, Major
Snow, the money article editor; Bayard Taylor, the
'poet,Pana, the political philosopher and critic, and
some of 'the reporters, pressmen, ittc.—Battfmore
Columbia County.
Beaver County.
Iron Works.
The Cholera3■ofson.
FE? the Editor4:MSl/Yarning:Post
-4-flesire me to nit 64 you with a shot article
Viihlt• nature and prOpeitieS':of thestihatancliealli4
:ezene, said to'.* : , the,-, mtv ,o the oholera:
tfzdae is a poison. YE'vaa didooaeeedby Proldi&
!or Shoenbein of Miele a feyv years since; who con
-eiders it to be a tritoxiffe•er'peroxide of hydrogen.
It is evolved from the gasses which compose our at
mosphere, oxygen, hydrogen, and, nitrogen, at the
anode, or positive hole of-a galVanic battery. The
name of this substance was given to it by the Pro
fessor from its peculiar-odor; and is derived from a
Greek word signifYing, to smell. Under the influ
ence of heat ozonedisappears„and it cannot be ob
tained from heated-solutions, or striations of: hydra
olds, chlorides, brimides, or iodides, thepresence of
which - even in small quantities, prevents its evoln
too from solutions otherwise yielding it abundaiitly:
-It may- be developed by electrolizing a solution of
muriate of soda with platinum electrodes, by placing
the gas collected at the positive pole-over ammonia
and water to absorb the chlorine. it is absorbed
by many oxidizable metals, forming oxides with
them; thus it is necessary to use platinum or gold as
electrode■ in making experiments: It is the-opinion
of Mr. Lake, an English chemist, that 'ozone 41 a
compound of oxygen and the electric fluid. It is
agreed by all that oxygen is one of the elements of
ozone, but there is a variety of opinions as to its
other elements. . It bun powerful of for
phur. On electrolizing a solution of sulphuric acid
is yielded in great 'quantities. If the electrodes
are platinum the order is very powerful. A mouse
is killed with it in a few minutes, and it serionsly
affects the health of the experimenter breathing ft.
If ozone exists in the atmosphere infected by Chol
era, and is the poison which produces that disease,
as is alleied by Dr. Bird, of Chicago, then it is a
simple thing to account for the absentia or the Chol
era in our own city at the presenttime, as well as
the mild type in which it was exhibited in 1833-4.
The sulphur, which exists in great quantities in our
atmosphere, unites with the ozone and destroys its
influence. If ozone is the Cholera poison, the world
will, be am much indebted to Dr: Bird for his discov
ery as to Jenner for the discovery of vaccination.
Ma. Enrroa: Now that apprehensions ofthe visi
tation of a terrible scourge become mare general
and alarming, it will not be improper to urge upon ,
the authorities the strict enforcement of such rules
of sanitary regimen as may effectually preserve the
health of the city. Filth should be removed, alleys
and lanes cleansed, and the houses and premises of
the inhabitants examined. Let me call the attention
of Councils to tbo situation of the Ninth Ward. I
ask them if their negligence, in permitting ponds of
stagnant water to remain uncleaused, is compatible
with their duty. These ponds could easily be
ed off and filled. As it is, they generate miasma.
An impure atmosphere is just the thing to introduce
epidemical diseases. Let me refer, also, to the
"daughter houses in this ward. In the warm season
frequently the Vile stench proceeding Cram them, be
comes intolerable. I take a walk every evening to-
wards the limits of the ward, and I do not draw on
fancy when I say that I have been a thousand times
annoyed by the -filthy, vile exhalations of these
places. The business is a lawful one, but it should
not be pursued so as to impair public health. I hope
these suggestions will have some weight with the
Councils, and Sanatary Committee. I know that
they have done much, and are doing much. If ever
a time demanded great precaution, and punctitious
strictness, it its the present. With care, prudence,
and promptitude, in the application of every neces
sary measure, we have little reason for alarm.
Vanadium Affairs.
Tha greatest excitement prevailed throughout the
city yesterday in regard to the tone of the English
papers relative to Canadian affairs. With the lame
of the city papers of this morning, containing full
details, the excitement has increased. The party in
laver of annexation to the United States calla more
loudly than ever far the consummation of that object,
and the greatest indignation and disgust prissily a
mongst the ultra royalists.
Appearances in - the lower provinces seem to jut-
Lily the supposition that no appeal to arm will be
made just yet. The principal men of the tory party
desire that the result of the mission , of Sir Allan
IWlTsib should be known before ulterior measures
be resorted to. It is found s however, exceedingly
difficult to calm the lower orders. The 81:1W1 will
burry on the contention.
Were his Excellency to appear in this city, so
frightful are the threats used by all classes, it is fear
ed that he would be murdered. Should this feeling
not subside, he will not, I fear, be safe even at
It is impossiblo I. foretell what an hour may bring
A Batmen's SATlMAtllo%.—Bem,tho Polish lea
der of one of the Hungarian armies mho recooquer
ed Transylvania, beating Austrians and Russians, in
a letter to the British Consul General, in Wallachia,
"Yen can well imagine what pleasure I feel when
fate puts it in my power to thrash (etriller) the Mus
Barn has lost a finger of tight band by a be!
let.. He adrift in the letter referred to-
“I believe it will be interesting to Mr. Young to
learn that although another wound has increased toy
bodily sufferings, though my leg in not entire:y cured,
and that since my leaving London no more splin
ters have issued from it, I can walk without a cane,
and ride on horseback. I flatter myself that I may
be able to take an active part in the grand opera.
ions that arc now in preparation for the present year:,
'There is no city, with the exception of Jerusa.
lem, so noted in sacred history as this. It is now
an object of notice to the christian world' on ac
count of the Jewish persecution.. It is the oldest
city upon earth, and stands a soltlary'stately mon
ument in the midst of decay.
Babylon and Thebes were its contempories; but
the former has its magnificence, and the latter is
represented only by its startling ruins. Still, Da
mascus remains, and now, with the exception of
Constantinople, is the largest city in the East. It
is beautifully situated in an extensive and pleasant
plain, a few miles to the east of Antilibanus,
where the chain begins to turn off to the south
east, under the name of Carmel.
Here are "Abana and Parphiir, rivers of Damas
cus," again calling up the thrilling story of the
Syrian leper and Hebrew prophet. Hither Saul,
with his relentless persecutings, followed the early
Christians, and near its walls the voice from hea
ven, and the light above the brightness of the sun,
arrested his footsteps.
The identity of the spot has been preserved to
this day, the Christians of the city using it as a
burial place. -\
The traveler can still walk through, shown by
the credulous monk,-the "street which is called
Strait,' and the very house occupied by Judas,
where at the command of Ananias the scales drop
ped from his eyes.
So rich is the country in fruits and flowers, that
it has been called, in all ages, the .garden of the
world." It is related of Mahomet, that when, af•
ter crossing the desert, he saw his luxorant valley
he exclaimed, that he desired but one, paradise,
and therefore would not enter here for fear of for,
felting his interest in the paradise he anticipated
after death—but turned aside . withitut a close in
spection of this tempting scene.
Damascus has a puculiar importance, in con
nection with the progress of Christianity in these
parts. It has already been visited by the agents
of the Bible and Misionary Society. Being the
great market where eastern and western merchan
dise is exchanged, the general rendezvous of Islam
caravans from the north and east, is their progress
to Mecca, and rendered comparatively a safe resi
dence by the efficiency of Mehemet Ali, it opens
one of the most important and extensive fields of
missionary labor.
Another Paul may yet preach Christ in Damn
cue, and the moral aspect of this delightful coun
try may present as cheering an aspect as the rich
displays of its natural scenery.
The Lynn Forum says, "The use of a bass•viol
in the churches is a baea•viol-atioo of the Sabbath."
c- ; -z ~~~ -i < ~
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. -
lrurttser Intelligexicastbeigettrospa„ ,
- - ENGLAItD.`
In wiled° xi to the attempted shootidgpft*Qpeen,
the Eurotiesn •Titifei:Pais The eitliesieStWleYllitY
Which thieralightinerit has froin3lie people
Of iill ranks, haebeeimeat reratirltahle. One of our
gorrespadentele Oi inetrepolis, whikwas,on the
'spat wherelhe outiego eteurredvbertlYtiftekwards,
describes the feelings of exasperation - of the people
against the fellow ,as only to be exceeded by the
burst-0E1°3%1 feeling which took place. At the
lamination in the eveniiii; , the people in the streets
tent spontaneausly the natiohil.aathern; at;the var.
ioug theatres thitanielintinimiwis feeling prevailed,
andall ranks crowded next day to the palace to pay
their respects to her •Majesty.
Ministers haie - Wisely. .refrained from any public
addresses on the subject from the House of Pasha. :
ment,the public hfwlies having followed the exam
ple, and all classes concur in treatingthe affair with
merited contempt and silence, so that' the object of
the dastardly scoundrel, an insane lover ofnotoriety,
is completely defeated. Mr. and Mis. Bancroft were
amongst the earliest visitors at the palace on the fol
lowing morning to make their .enquiries a ft er the
state of her Majesty; who exhibited throughout her
accustomed intrepidity and self-posiwtesion.
The British Parliament is not ;in each a violent
hurry to tale up the affairs' of ihe Canadiaii quarrel.
The news brought by the Cambria, embracing all the
intellitience,:pp - to the Bth of May from Montreal,
has left the impression in England , that the excited
party will speedily , allow their feelings to settle
down, and will perceive the enormous mistake they
have made.
The Rate-in-Aid bill is now safe through the House
of Lords, the third reading having been carried by a
majority of 37 to 29.
The deplorable. condition which has so long pre
vailed in Ireland, goes on increasing, and the gener
al Relief Committee in Dublin has made a public ap
peal to the untiring beneficence of the British public
once more to relieve the people in the south and
western,districts from the complication of human
suffering which is- depopulating the country. The
fatal abuse of English generosity, during the last
and preceding year, which was the theme of Irish
agitators, has sunk deeply into the English mind,
and, accordingly, we see no public symptoms of be
Whilst the Pope is without a temporal throne,
whereby to exercise temporal or spiritual authority,
the nominations of the parish priests of Ireland,
containing three names, are being. sent to his Holi
ness, together with a fourth name, selected by the
bishops, for the purpose of filling the vacancy caused
by the death of Dr. CroUy, the late Roman Catholic
The dates from Hong Kong are to the lit of April.
Captain DeCosta, of the Royal Engineers, and Lieut.
Dwyer, of the Ceylon Rifles, have been murdered by
some native Chinese. The Emperor has written a
reacript about opening Canton, throwing the respon
sibility of that step on the Governor, but not other-
wise disapproving it. The arrival of . Dr. Bowring,
as consul, may offer a favorable opportunity for open
ing this city without creating a popular movement,
but in the meantime the greatest excitement seems
to prevail.
The Chinese have framed resolutions to suspend
the cotton trade, which has called , forth remonstran
ces from the English consul. But , from the anon er
of Sen, we collect that the Chinese merchants are
really afraid of the popular Mr, in Canton, in the
event Gt the city gates being opened to foreigners,
and from prudential motives have stopped the trade
in cotton and cotton yarn. The guilds dealing In
foreign woollens and all piece goods have adopted
similar resolatione. Of course these steps have pat a
stop to general trade. The Portuguese authorities
at Alamo have abolished the Chinese custom-house
at that-settlement, the Queen of Portugal having de
clared it to be a free port. From these elements of
disturbance it is plain that great circumspection will
be required to be shown by the foreign merchants
and official authorities connected with the ports of
For the Morning Post
The general impression is that Marshal Bugeaud
is the only roan whose sword cab keep the Socialists
quiet, but it is felt even by himself that his appoint-
merit as minister would be a declaration of civil war.
M. Deere and Gee. Cavaignac are con6dently spo
ken of as likely to try their hands at the reigns of
Government, but any arrangement must be but tern-
pantry, unless matters come at once to an tune.
Under the pressure of the Assembly, Gen. Changer
nler has been compelled to yield op his commander
the National Guards to Geo. Perrot, Changaritier,
however, retaining the command of the first military
division of the army. The Assembly, which is on
the eve of dissolution, has by one vote knocked off
a science of one hundred and three millionn(about
four millions sterling) levied on portable liquors; in
vain the finance minister pleaded for delay, or that
some substitute should be round; the representatives
of the people of Vulva were inexorable, and voted
the abolition of the dupes by 291 to 259.
At a meeting of tbe_. ,Adwetribly. oe the 24111, the
Prvisideet or the Cott*i bed demanded
explanations from Gen. thangareter reepectiag the
charge made against that officer, who bad replied
that he bad never thought or calling in question the
right of the Assembly, Of of its President, but he
was not aware that the President bad Intended to de
mand troops M. Lesirteßollin urged spin the in
quiry, when he would prove that a plot bad been in
contemplation—that men had been paid to cry «Vivo
Napoiesa at the last review—and that the same
men were to take part in the cOupd*dai. The Pres.
,dent of the Republic was capable of any foolish
act after the folly he had committed in 1836.
The powers of the Coestituent Assembly expire
on Sunday, the 27th, at midnight, end of those of the
Legislative Assembly commence on the 28th; The
members of the new Assembly will bold a prepara
tory sitting on Sunday or Monday, before the public
sitting, to form the provisional bureau*.
La Press. announces a plan which is to be carried
out, by which the National Amenably, having pru
dent motives in view, will declare itself on Saturday
night impermanence, under the presidency of Gen.
Lamoriciore until the moment in which the oldest
member of the new sentably shall have taken the
chair. Thee there will be no gap in the legislation.
Quantities of troops are coming into Paris. The
6th battalion of Chaucer* a pied left Strasburg on
the morning of the 20th test, for Peri*, being sud
denly summoned thither. The battalion ofthe mo
bile 'pude, which showed such a socialist feeling at
Blase, is about to be diebaeded,and the men draught
ed into divers regiments.
The Emperor of Austria passed through Breslean
on the night of the 20th, on his way to Warsaw, to
meet the Emperor of Russia, who had already arri
ved there. He was preceded by Gen. Berg.
Intelligence from Vienna to the 18th inst., men,,
Lions the-occupation of Sammerin, in the Danube
island of &hut; by the Imperialists, and of a akirm
ish, in consequence of which that place wasretaken
by the Hungarians. A statement has been made of
the city of Raab having been taken by the Imperial
ists, but the rumor was false. The outposts of the
imperial army on the right bank of the Danube are
said to be not far beyond Weirelburg. Skirmishes
are taking place every day on the island of Schot,
where a number of little village. are taken and re
taken by contending parties. Nothing positive seems
to be known at Vienna, respecting the movements of
the Russian', who do not, flowerer, appear yet to
have entered Hungary.
At Presbarg the positive Intelligence was brought
on the ibth lust, by travelers quitting Pesth, that
Ofen had surrendered at discretion. The booty
which fell into the hands of the Magyars consisted
of the military chest, 20,000 muskets, 19 batteries,
and a considerable amount of ammunition. The
garrison, about 2,000 strong, was conveyed to Co
moro. Eight tenders, towed by tugs, brought suc
cor to the Hungarians at Raab. The news of its
capture is therefore not confirmed. Gen. Benedek
had, after a retreat of more than 200 miles along the
Carpathian chain, effected a junction with the brig
ade Wogel in Tynan. .
No certain intelligence has been received of the
state of things in Rhenish Bavaria. According to
one account, the insurgenui were commanded by one
Fenner Von Fonneburg, who was engaged in the in
surrection at Vienna, and they had collected a for
midable force, said to amount to 29,000 man. Other
statements, however, mention that the zeal of the
people was much cooled.
The Bavarian Chambers have been dissolved, the
Lower House having carried by a large majority, a
petition to the King, praying his 'acceptance of the
Frankfort Constitution. Munich was tranquil, but
the southern parts of the kingdom were in a State
of great excitement.
Tho latest dates from Karlsruhe aro to the 16th
instant, when great confusion prevailed, as several
thousand volunteers had arrived, and many persons
had taken light into Wertenberg or France. Out of
the whole Baden army,abput 26,000 men, only two
regiments of horse and some gunners have continu
ed in obedience. None of the officers joined the
mutineers, who had proceeded to the election of of
ficers from the ranks.
Accounts from Hamburg to the 18th inst, inform
us that the bombardment of the fortress of Frederi
cia, by dm Schleswig Holstein troops commenced
early on the morning of the 17th instant.. The
Prussian vanguard has advanced as far as Aarhuus,
in Jutland, without encountering any resistance.—
Thu English Wstr steamei;Sphynx, Captain Howlett,
from Portsmouth'ilichored at Cuxhaven on the 18th.
It is stated that a Danish gurt-boat had been sunk by
the. German batteries on the heights of Dupplen.
It is said that an emphatic note has been present
ed to the Prussian Government on the part of Eng-
~~~ u _
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~ q ,:
' 7 7 2 7 j. 1 .5r
land, urging - a cititclus of on armistleuln
mark,. It seemelbitt,'siniii the disaltettel of the
Frankfort Aitivalitijy P4useiatiiGoveinriaenti
the Concerns: with the= eoldederatiola arlti
carrieclon 7 direr.tliwith the (Governments ,
'ln the : silting ig Frarikfort;4ohe2fet; warty :tilt
the conservative tnetibers,includieg Hiron'ffagen3,
resigned. their seats. A motion Was proposed and.
carried; thit the house should adjourn to the 21st of
June, but, the majority - not being sufficient to con
utitute it a legal one, the House adjourned to the 24th
The last advices from Elberfield and the insurgent
districts, are of the 19th, and informs us of the sue.
cereal repression of the . insurrectirim Eiborfield,
Iserlohn, and the:other towns have returned to oho
dienie, and in the case of:lserlohn only was recce
requisite. in the combat which took place in that
.townohe Bth rifle suffered severely, and had some
:of their officers killed,. but the insurgents were at
last reduced to obedience. The, submission "of El
berfield was caused by. the return 'of a deputation,
which that, town had sent to Berlin, and which
brought assurances , of the king's eipected accepta
tion of the Frankfort constitution, such as it had
been on the first reading. The news operated a
sudden change in Elberfield. :The citizens and
landwehr removed the barricades, and a troop .of
rank republicans, who had particiPated in the rising
were induced to quit the town and march into the
country, where they dispersed; and most of their
leaders.were arrested.
Intelligence has been received from Palermo,
dated the 9th inst., announcing that the city was in
the hands of the Neapolitan Government. On the
previous day the mountaineers had quitted the
place in order to attack Gen: Filanggen„ and the
National Guards then closed the gates against
them. The Neapolitan- troops came up, and are
said to have massacred a great number of the.,moun
taineers. The king's flag was then hoisted,eid Pal
ermo made' its formal submission.
The accounts ofthe Austrian capture of Leghorn
by Renault, eternity confirmed. The resistance
made by the Litanies° does not appear to have
been very obstinate. The Austrians, in the acp
counts published by come of the French and Italian
journals, are {raid to have tried and ehotgreat num
bers of the defenders, and to have committed great
ezcesses•in the town.
A Elesinsone. Snnettra.—The State Bank of lAdi
ana has accumulated a surplus fund, which exceeds
by one hundred and ten thousand dollars, she whole
amount of her suspended debt and the amount inves
ted in banking houses. Of the latter, she has in all
fourteen, most of which ate very handsome public
edifices.—Madison Banner.
. .
RT Hand 8 t Brtdge.—An Electioi . n will be
held at the Rooms, North end of said Bridge, on the Ist
Monday of July next,lor one President, ten Manag_ers,
one Treasurer ' and one SecretatiG to managelhe agaha
of said Bridge for the ensuing year. .
lal2 Wm. MoaltsoNiPeal.
Irr Ma. Entroa : Please announce the name of
R 0. BROOKS, of the Second Ward of the City
of Pittsburgh, in the Daily and Weekly Pittsburgh Post,
as a suitable candidate for the office of County Commis
sioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic County
Convention. Mr. DROOLS, having proved himself an un
wavering Democrat, will, if nommated,receive the most
warm and hearty support of the 3emocradc party.
lell Keiviktitswasostude DEMOCRATS.
THE undersigned respectfully informs his customers
that he has just returned from the Eastern Cities, and
is now receiving a large and beautiful stock of
Containing a choice and elegant assortment of all the
newest and most fashionable styles and fabrics imported
this season, and embracing a complete variety of every
article belonging to his hue of business; all of which
will be offered at from 10 to 50 per cent. below early
spring prices.
The customers of the house, and purchasers generally,
are respectfully invited to give these Goods an early ex
Having made arrangements to dispose of several not
ated dollars of Pittsburgh, Allegheny City and Alleghe
ny County Scrip, he will fora short time receive that de
scription of money AT PAR for any article in his store
Oa" Call soon and secure a Bargain.
jel2 Wholesale and Retail Dealer re Dry Goods.
- . -
CHALLENGE THE WORLD to prove; that in any
one single instance. " Dalley's Magical 'Rain Et
tractor"—that is to say the onortox article—has, since
its Stitt introduction by me in 1939, tip totAis period, ever
tailed to cute the worst forms or Ruassand Seaton!
Wriztvvixtri, Niagara Co., N. Y..
FehrrsgVha;l6.43. v
Ms. Mmes.-Dear Sir : Wtdle isc eggs, 1S ,years old,
was at work in the shingle matiiiitfaitery of L. P. Rosa,
be bad the...misfortune to slip aktd - All into a large vat,
used for the purpose ofbolling arti.V.Xey cparittvey
ring. The blocks had just beets removed trona the vat,
containing als rge quantity of bod i i i liz t ater. He fall for
ward, scalding both hands and all one aide t and
and the Mg badly, nd other partia The scalds were
so bad on his arms and leg that most of the flesh came
off with his garments, and his life woe despaired of by
both his physicians and friends.
Dalley's Pain Extractor wasprotured as soon as pls.
sible (which was in about six hours, and applied,.and
whict. relieved him from all pain, preireptaug
tion and swelling, and in it fear dayeirommenced healing
his sores. There appeared a general improvement, so
much w thst in three , weeks he was removed to his
father's house. distant about one voile and a half
Wo continued the the of tha above medicine about two
months, and we believe it was the means, under Provi
dence, of saving his life; and we would cheerfully re
commend it in all similar cases as a safe and invaluable
remedy. With sentiments of respect, I remain, dear sir,
your most obedient and humble servant. '
We, the undersigned, being personally acquainted with
the case of Mr. Clark's son, believe the above statement
substanUelly correct :
M. Dewey, Louisa Dewey, J. S. Kelsey, Henry D.
Pearee, Wm. Evans, E. Clark, L. P. Rose, Ira Newman,
Wm. Newman, Mary J. Rose.
fgr Comercaparsl—Countofeits abound!—The Pub
lic to cautioned against their deleterious and dangerous
rims; and I do hereby distinctly declare that F UJI not
hold myself responsible for the erect of any Enrotter.
unless procured at my ows DUO; 4.t BROADWAY ? NRW
You, or from my authorised Agents.
That distressing and debilitating disease, has never as
yet resisted the wonderful properties of the Genuine
Dailey's Extractor.
For particulars of cures, and geneml iirections,l res
pectfully refer to my printedpamphlet. All testimonials
therein published are genuine , and for the truth of which
I hold myself responsible. HENRY "'ALLEY,
415 Broadway, New York.
JOHN D. 51ORGAN, Pittshurgh,General Depot.
HENRY P. SCWARTZ, Agent, Allegheny.
.1. BAKER, Agent, Wheeling, Va.
JAMES W. JOHNSTON, Agent, 51ayseille, Ky.
F. AIERRYWEATHER, Cincinnati, 0., Gen. Depot.
Do Yon Want to Cure Tour Horse.
Rain: The following is from the Overseer
of the Harlem Railroad Stables:—
Now Wax:July 14, 1849.
I have tried DALLErs 'ANIMAL GAL
VANIC CURE-ALL, and I now certify that I have found
it the most extraordinary and ealuabfe remedy ever put
upon a Horse, and would not be without it for any
money. It cures hard and spavin lumps, arising from
the collar, saddle, &c., as by magic ! Rub on a little of
the salve and the collar can't matte a sore. It neve! can
Overseer Harlem Railroad Stables,
For sale at the Depot of the Proprietor,
415 BROLDWAX, corner Lispenard at..
N. 11.—Mr. Van Vorbis has been engaged for many
years in Neale k Moore's Stables, Columbus, 0., getting
up horses for market, And has now several hundred
horses under his charge as Overseer.
JOHN D. MORGAN, Agent, Pittsburgh. •
jell] HENRY P. SCWARTZ, Ag't, Allegheny.
ow Pa Cholera Mixture.
SYMPTOMH—Cnotaraa.--This disease generally com
menace with watery discharges from the bowels, of
a white, or yellow, or pearl motor, with 'white flakes on
standing a short time. These are well described as rite
water evacuations. Vomiting, is a usual attendant on
these evacuations, but not an tnvariabit one. The vom
iting is usually accompanied.with great uneasiness and
pain in the stomach and bowels. The tongue and breath
are icy cold ; the tongue is sometimeselean, but general
ly slightly coated t, the voice becomes weak and husky:
cramps and spasms of the arms, legs and body, are gon
eral and painffil symptoms. The skin is shriveled and ei
a purple hue; the pulse becomes weak and frequent, and
in the collapse enure entirely lost at the wrist ; the breath
ing labored and harried. These symptoms usually suc
ceed each other in the order stated.
This mixture is prepared from the prescriptions of the
late Dr. A. N. M'Dowell, of Pittsburgh. In his exten
sive practice, he had used it,with complete success in the
epidemic of 1833 and the present season. Steamboat
men have given it to many passengers who have been
attacked with the disease the present season, and in eve
ry case effected a speedy cureatter they had been pro
nounced incurable by physicians on board. Prepar ed
solely by the proprietor. WM. THORN, Druggish
jettl-tf N 0..% Market street, Pittsburgh,'Pa.
Building Lots, having 24 feet front on Hamilton at.,
near Ohio lane, Allegheny, by 130 deep to a 24 ft. alley.
Price.: two at woo, two at 8275, two at 8250, two at 8225,
and four at $ 2OO. Terms : one-sixth in hand in Pittsburg
or County Scrip, balance at seven equal yearly pay
ments. S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent,
jell Smithfield street.
aNk., SHIRTS-10 dozen t superior quality, manufae
-2 tared by us, expressly for thin market. Just reed
and for sale low by EDW'D TODD Sr CO,
jell Comer Fifth and Market sts., up stairs.
xIiTRAPPING PAPER-0 reams, large size, intended
YV expressly for use of Shirt Manufacturers. For
sale by I /en] EDVPD TODD & CO.
BOSOMS AND COLLARS-80 doz., latest styles and
various qualities, rec'd ibis day and for sale low by
T INSI! ED bbla. reedonoonsianmentandfor
sale by KING & mooRHEAD,,
jet 2 Diamond.
"IGOT ASH-5 casks " Peach Blossom Pot-Asb,” reed
f' -and for sale by J. S. BONNET,
jell Liberty st.
`" -~a.
Loon mArttEarz.7'"-
HAIR PirmurcibulYrtili .. Oarria the Mayor' s
Office yesterday le mike information agalist one'of
her sex for pulling her hair and jerritchini,heit lace
-They both appearbit `Pretty ; sadly useit--;:tip. - ; They
both live in Hardscrablea - Onerkeeps a doggery and
the other a house Much worse. They had a dozeii
witnesses eacb, and the hubbub Created in'the &lip?
or's office was tremendous. After patiently hearing
the merits of the case, his Honor fined each of
ihcm 84 and costs.- pno-paid her fine and went
home, heapintairsorts of anathernas on her antag
onist • Abe-Other not being so flush 'of the - tin, was
committed lo proton,
Bizsxrua. - - . —The . citiseps2oth °Eighth Ward, held
an adjourned indignatwu lapwing on Saturday night
iq denounce the present Miserable Condition of
Pennsylvania avenue. We tried hank to learn what
-had been done at -the meeting, but cauldriat:-. - do. , it.
We presume the resolutions, generally prepared-for
such occaidani,viere" adopted.. The
.Mitherities do need steaming:up, for"the alley a real
lj a shocking condition. The ,contractor for
grading; after completing - Ode half - the *mit, liaise
Suspended operations for wantertile necessary feeds
to proceed .
blyrrEaroua.—We understand that a box, which
would hold a CoMmon 'sized pereott was diticoiered
in the Eighth ward,_ yesterday _morning._ The hox
had the appearance of having recently been-remov
ed from' the earth, and contained ii:sheet,. and a
quantity of shavings all saturated witkblood, The
discovery has given rise to a great many surmisea-in
the Eighth ward, and many iippeir to think that
murder or foul play of some kind Las been going , on
in the neighborhood. Time will, unravel the mya-
ASSAULT AND BsTrERY.,--Iletre. Elizabeth Fenney,
who residet ,onPennsylvania Avenue, made infor
mation before the Mayor yesterdays against John
Janes, Jr., (not he of the war "office,) for hreaking
into her house and choking:her. A warrant was is
sued for the arrest of the ungallant Mr: Jones, and
we presume be will ke taught bettertkan to break
into houses and choke the female inmates.
Banne.notts.--Reader; do you - wish to enjoy the
luxury or a clean, cool,,,niee; eheve„.and have all
the extras thrown int • if you doivisit Blacksor 9 a
loon,, o e corner Waterlstreet and Cherry al lei.
His Saloon is.filled with the moat celebrated Tonso
rial artists in - ibe city, and Peter himself is'the
Prince of Shavers. The shower baths attatched to
he establishment ate in fall operation. -
SICZNESS on ism Rrtrza—lt will be seen by oar
telegraphic news that the steamer Ben West, ori her
way to this city from Cincinnati, bad several cases
of Cholera, some of whom proved fatal; beforeibe
reached Parkersburg. The Ben West, in all probe.
bait) , will arrive this morning.
WILL BE Fritz Pnoor.—We understind that the
water Ca:mince bare given out contiacts for'the
manufacture of cast Iron Slate for roofing the water
works, it being the intention' of the Committee to
make that building perfectly „fire proof during-the
present summer.
Rcarankriorr.—C. C.Jessup, Esq, Collector or
Taxes for the Eighth Ward, has sent in hii resigna
tion to Councils. We presume there will boa meet
ing of Councils thia vvea - for the: purpose of up
pointing. another Collector for that ward.
CHOLZILA...--A young man named NiChOlall 11PM:ie.
dy, who resides up the Allegheny river, started from
the city on Saturday afternoon to walk home; be
fore-reaching Lawrenceville he took sick, and fell
dead us he was entering a house in Lawrenceville!
Hon.—Medley Alward, a - young man belonging
to this city, who served under Capt. Herron during
the Mexican campaign, died with Cholera in Louis
ville last week.
of the hands employed &boot the theatre. The
offered la a good one, and from the exertions making,
we presume there will be a perfect jam.
Wr.ernma.---YesterdaY was a delightrul day. We
bare had two really fine days in succession, and if
we have a third, something will surely happen.
Cuosasta.—We heard yesterday that a man had
died on Si: Mile Island, on Sunday, ivith cholera.
There is also a ease reported in Temperaneeville on
the same day.
Scup.-Agents have been sent East by the city
for the purpose of Selling city bonds, aria trying to
effect a loan for the purpose of redeeming the out-
standing city scrip
Pouct.--There was only one offender in the
Tombs yesterday morning. He was charged with
drunkenness and was sent up twenty four bourn.
ConurrrED.—Gibben, the fellow arrested on Se.
turday for . attempting to shook somebody, was fully
committed yesterday for assault and battery with in•
tent to kill.
CANAL Bann.—The filthy condition of the Canal
Basin h worthy the attention of the Sanitary Com-
Coarrso.—Spauldinrs mammoth Circus will be
here clothe first ofJuly. The array of talent it said
to be great.
Cummn.—The Reservoir has been cleaned,
daring the past week, and the .water tastes much
HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Feather Beds, Bedding,
Carpeting, Kitchen Utensils. &c., of a Private
Family, at AUCT I ON.—This day , Tuesday, June 12th,.
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, will be void, at McKenna's
Auction Rooms, the household thriiiture, fea th er beds,
bedding, carpeting and kitchen utensils of a private fam
ily declining housekeeping. the smelts have been
in use only. a few months and kept in the best of order,
comprising mahogany sofas, bureaus, dining and-break
fast tables, fa.nay and common chairs, bedsteads, text=
large mantel ' looking glass, coat $150; Splendid threilply
and imperial carpeting; feather beds, be„dding,
remand Venetian ' , Window ; together with a great
variety of kitchen utensils, &c. • - •
jell) • JAMES MeKENNA, Aunt,
AMS-3 cults Bacon Hams,. Just received.ger
Hishtander; far ante by tiat2) WM. DYER.
FFE B 40 ars.ins treceiving i or sale ow.
3°12 7- , WM, DYER
BROOMS -39 dozen, just received and for sale by
jel2 DYER.
STAR CANDLES —2O boxes] Crumton'et; Inatore and
for sale by ( jell) LING & MOORHEAD,
I AI IN 8-60 • oxen. ha ' , me, quarters and eig
prime order sad for sale hy
elm . :XING & MOORIfEAD.
OTAISH—A few CILSICS, on consignment and for Sale
by (jeld) KING &MOORHEAD.
GisHEN . CIIEFM 6 casks, just see'd and for Sale
by (iel2) ' KING Jr. IKOOR/IEAD.
/IMAM CHEESE—SOO boxes in store and tbr sale by
._Exreutor,st Sale of Heal Estate.
rniE undersigned,ExeoutOr of the last Will and Testa
-1 moot of . the 'late Governor William indalyoleed i
will expose at PUBLIC - SALE; on' the premises, .on
FRIDAY, the 6th day - of Jotr ssxr, 10 &clock, A,' sr,
all valuable FARM or TRACTor LAND, situate on
Chained Creek, L. St. Clair finimship, adjoining lands of
the heirs ofthe late John S. ScullY, Samuel Duff aura
others,containing, according to a survey=!nude by. St
ephen Woods, 120} .AcaIS,SIPIRMIES. This .Land is at
present- occupied g rates p Ohio s within 4 miles
from Pittsburgh, a from th River, and lees
than 1 mile from the Steubenville Turnpike. „Thogreat
er portion of it is Bottom. Land, and suitable in. every
particular for a Dairy Farm or Gardet?purposes,.. ,
Thi s T r act will be sold together i or quantities to sui t
pUichasers. •
Atso, pith* sumo time s o atineceoLLAND; being a
portion of the same Tract,sitented in Robinson roundup,
on the opposite side of the Creek, , adjoining lands of John
Salter and others, 'containing according to survey by
Stephen Woods, 37 - Aciiss,:l3 ' Paactreabour one-half
of which is Bottom Land of the best quality, well ad pt.-
ed to Garden purpOses. There is on this Tract a LOG
For further irtformation, enquire of lonort LAWSON or the, premises, or of Ssit. C. Mance, Robin
son Township . or H. S. Maciaavr Pittsburgh.
Surviving Executor of William Findlay, deceased.
XIV Chambers' Information for the People--neni - edition.'
Journey to din Gold Diggings; 63illustredions—by ;er.
Kit Raison; fiesh'supply—by Charles C. Ayerell..
- The Cruise or David Watson, the Lander; Apprentice:
a Sea Suiry of great interest — by Midshipman Easy. Ge 9
En -, '4Z. , , , ..6? : . - 7Mt
. ~-~.~
L~:~`~°~-. -.-.
ReporUld A:or the Morning Post.
illness or lElx.prestdont Polk.
The Washington papere rocelved state that
ExiiiiisidintPoltt is dangerously ilflvith-the
Choler: in. St. /6011ig,
Sr. Lotus, Jane
The diaths iron; Cholera fram Satarday to'Sandsy
evening, numbered: seventy; from otherdisessea 13t
The weather is altry, and the river rising. The
Inissoiiii is very high.
cholera In 13oston,
Three deaths from Cholera io-day. Mr. Fisher,
periodical twit; was one of 'tbo 'Mahan" of the"*--
Cholera In eniCill.nati, •
There were twenty-six eases of Cholera, and air
deaths, in the city to-day. Everything remains dull
and unchanged, owing, in part, to the heavy rain,
Curer:nun, June ti.-,
There hare . been 62 easel' of Cholera alone Satur
. . arrived .
The Ivanhoe r from New Orleans with 800
passengersi principally' Gentian eir l ignicts. Th e i s
were 25 comelier Cholera and 17 deaths on board.
The Ben - Weal, from Cincinnati' for - Pittsburgh,
was Met yesterday, below Parkersburgh; there had
been'seven cases of Cholera and two death'', on
board. Two of the lady cabin passengers had been
taken with the tiCourge.
A prints despatch just , received tom . Evansville
states that the steamer Embassy"collapsed a flue at
that piece, end that several' persope had been badly .
Scalded. It gave no particulars.
Cholera IA Brew York.
fievr Yoxic, June 11 1 - 1849 a
Twenty cases and twelve deathe itt the city. taday.
- Arrival iron'
NEW You June 11
Thill. - S. Ship Lexington_ arrived yesterday 'from
San Fninciico, with a quarter of a million' or
lare' worth ofgolddust. .
There were tea deaths from Cholera in the City
The steamers Hudson and Saratoga ran into , each
other,on Lake, Erie, yesterday inorning, near Bata.
10. The lindsoiis considerably dieabled.-
NIAGARA Fans Arai.* t.
The Bon. Atignetus Porter died - at Niagara rafts .
last night. . - -
Nrw - Yoax, lone
Plow. .The market is fair, with , rates at $4,68,.
Grain—Wheat...There is a good inquiry, and
the market is firm. . .
Corn...Thire is a good shipping inquiry, but pric
es have no tendency to advance. We note sales of .
sonthern white - at 59c per bus. • - •
Provisions... The market tor_ Pork today was
more firm. - Lard- la unchanged, bother regards pri.
ces and demand. - - - •
Whiskey...Tbe. market is dull.
, .
Cotton... The market has been" quiet to-day, the
transactions reported not eiceeding2oo _bales. -
Money .Market... Transactions at the. Stock,-"Ex
change this morning were not extensive. The mar.
kat, however, was firm, and a„arnall advance was re
alized upon some of the fancy descsiptions.
New Yens, Jone 11—P. M. ,
Flour..We have no alteration to notice, iw the
market ; holders are firm, and the demand is-mode
rato. e note sales;of common stale :and' mixed
western at 4,50040; sales of good western and
straightbrands at 4,62; sales of fair Geneve° at 5,00
05,12; sales of Ohio at 4,68.
Corn Meal is doll at 2,8703,00.
"'Rye Flour is stationary at 2,8702,93.
Grain.. There is a good enquiry for Wheat,iuid
priCes are firm; sales of Genesee white at 1,2701,24;
• • • • - - 09 -_ Corn : -
sales of ort • ern w ,ite at 621 rr • • reirilit
ern white at 61062; sales of mixed at 54060. -
Provisioni._.The r market for Pork is firm, but
prices are unchanged. Mesa Pork ialeld at 10,09;
Prime 8,25:" Lard ismnetranged.- • ,
Cotton.. The market has been quiet, the transaa-
Lions not exceeding 150 bales, at 8 cts for fair triBl;
sales ordinary at 61.
Money Market.. Transactions at "the Stock P.x4
change this morning were not extensive. „The mar
ket, however, was firm, and a small advance.iras"
realized upon thelancy descriptions.. Sale of Penn;
fives at 89. Sales of U. S. sixes, 63, at 91,161.
t for the benefi
. - . PHILADELPHIA, June 11:
. The market was exceedingly inactive to-day. A
few salmi ofFlour vreremade for home use, bat none
of importance, at 4,6294,9395,00.
Grain.. There is a good enquiry for wheat, and
prices are firm, We note sales of prime whiter at
1,07,91,10. Of prime red at 1,025;01,03.. "Forit is
firm with sales of yellow at 1 600:061. .
Provisions.. There is nothing, doing in provisions
worth noticing. The market is 'steady but without
sales of any consequence.- - -
Whiske,y..Sales in
. bads at 21c:
Money lYiarket..A good deal of busineita to
done, and the , look ahead is .more endournging.
Sales or Pennsylvania fives at Bt.
Coe/rower, June 11.
Flour... The Market hu been qniettovdsj,with
moderate business doing at $3,75. - -
Whiskey.: .The demand is fair, and prices hale
advanced, with sales at 151 a. ' _
Bacon... Sales 0f,75 hbds. of Shoulders at 4 pl od:
Prices of. Bacon have ,
Groceries... The market is unchanged, • both
regards kices and demand.,
Lessesanet Manager. .... • ... • • • - • • - •• •-.C. S. Ponta.
Bering and Stag* Z"liateri• ... .•.... • • IV.. H.
• " retells or armemorr
Drees Circle and Parquette.. •• - •••
Family elle° or Second Tier • • —• •
IrrTieket night. Good Di II!
To commence with the Drama of the FLOATING BEA
CON.--Aurrstor, Mr. Roy's; Jaek Sank, Mt. Prior;
DANCE-ray-MissMarietta s. Madison.
Homer: To be followed , by,tho
To conclude with 1021 i on, Tan 801.ntrn OP T Ravo
Wedeesday, Mr.;Virood'ießenefit ,
Cr Doors open at halt" past 7; Curtain will rise a; ' g
I.7dT AUCTION.—On Thursday. next, Joao 14th, at 14
o'clock in the afternoon, be sad, without reserve, in
front of . McKenna's Auction Rooms, 1 splendid Recta
way Wagon, made to order in the City. of Philadelphia,
for a Phyncran, and cost =l—with irona=letree,pateat
wheel boxes and spring top, dark Hrnimings ' and hand
somely mountid ; built to the most sabstantud and neat
est manner, in the. latest modern 'style, combinieg the
most exquisite taste with ease and comfort, and in nee
only about thirteen months. Also, I. sett Ha rn ess.
CONSTABLE'S SALE of Brushes, Shoes, Hats and
Caps, Bonnets, Trunks, Shovels and Axes. at Atte
rion.--On Thursday, nexl, - June 14th, ar 2 WeloCk in the
allemoon,will be ildd at hiefterma's Auction Ramis, by
order of John Frolonstable-54 3-42 dozen clothes
brushes, 14 . 942 a 6 n scrubbing brushes, - 162 horse
brushes, a very superior article ; 48k dozen shoe brushet,
99 242 dozen white wash brushes, a lot of women's and
children's fine shoes and slippers, 4-12 doz. hats, 3'4.12
dozen caps, 942 dozen fine leghorn and Straw,bonnets44
leather trunks,:l3 dozen canal shovels. 3 942 doz. axes.
Terms: cash, pat funds. JOHN FOX, Constable. -
sell. • - . JAMES hIcKENNA - Auer:
S HIR T i- E,
G entlemenvs ' leurntshitig raninsituni.
No. 88 FOURTH SMUT, 44'01.1.0 13UnDINGS,
. .
iL7' Always on hand, a large assortmen lot 'flirts
Bosoms, Collars, Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery, &noonday'
Under Shirts, Drawers, &a., &e. =lra.
Boot and Shoe Warehouse•
iHUGH M: ROBB having removed to 1.,,iii,.-.b._,..:
the spacious building firmserlyoccupledal.Mll
. by Wallace, Lyon .rs Co., No:116 Wood street,
near Fifth, would respectfully invite the attention
of the public gpnerally to the large and fine - tuutortnient
'Or G O ODS he is now offering Cheap for Ccoft.
All p 3 sons 'wishing a durable and cheap article - lathe
5110 E line, are invited to call and examine his stoels
Also a tot of fine Leghorttand Palm Leaf BAWL and
a goodassortinent of, TRUNKS, aiway on hand.
'N.B.—Re also continua to manufacture, as formerly
Hoyle's Chintzes. _ •
rjides of above Goods, 3-4, 4.4 and 9-8 wile. 04 Ten
pad double Pastle„forla t tiy m
kmaraft:'2in 1 , 1,131111 Ta /tett)
Steamboat Collision.,
Elm, Jane ti
~.~~ ~.
• • • • 50 cents