The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, May 19, 1849, Image 3

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: . .Ij - ,.:' , , Elii4#4tfahOuglia•l.
.- - -
arr •- 'Advertisers arertitiutid to /Land itt theirfavorstlf9re
4 otteeki 1" AL Mit must be complied nrith, in order to in
-'lllTrait ,Whenitispeqsibk,an cariferhotertoott/d
_ .
Morning Vast Job Printing Office.
RaYing added to • oar Establishment, a splendid
Steam-Power Printing Machine, we are,-prepared to do
all kinds of Newspaper and Book'ork Ma style of on
surpassed beauty and:neatness, and upon the most tea-•
aonable teKataWe regYeetfully.solicit the patronage of
the Public in thia line or our business. .
I:l7'.2itotidie"...An adjourned Meeting of she AlM
gheny Fire Company will be held on - Monday evening
next, 21st inst.; at before 13 o'clock, and on eveu Mon
day evening inuvimili to our departure for Philadelpliini
At these . meetings all those de-•,..•nts of aceompanymg
us in the 'excursion, are respectAilvequested to attend.
They may at any time harid in then. names to the
miitee of Arrangements.
$. CiHiGafiLL,
Af.llicSratcc, Committee.
War. K.' Olaf, Sec 'y A. F. Co.—(mttyl :3i)
, jar- (F W. SIDDL~ r Isf..-Ratiovim to . a
new three story Brick, on SaurarrauD sr, one - door be
loci Sixth street.- TEETH INSERTED, from one to a
whole sett, by Atmospheric Pressure, with a beautiful
representation of the Natural - Gem, restoring the FACE to
its original sha p e .
_ TEETH EXTRACTED, with little:
or no pain. DECKIED TEsmt. permanently. saved by .
PLUOCIMG, preventing the Tooth-ache, which is much bet."
ter than curing it, though it should be ddne in ftve min
utes, or even Instantly. . • ' • • 6p2tly
Da. oon o thy f you wish to save your ma ney•
and buy a superfine FIAT or call at FLEMING'S
HAT STORE, where yen will find a complete eased - talent
of' the latest Fashions, CHEAP FOR CASH. - •
mar23:4 ' Tao Wood at, corner rf Virgin alley.
O. of O. of hreeting;Washington
'Hall; Wood street, between sth and Virgut Alley.
'l4llsl34'ltGli L000r.,-No. Meets-every 3.36- Tnesdaj•
hfracAittram-F,scaltimmyr, No. 87-15leets let and 3d
Priday otesch month. mar2.s-13
er 0. of 0. '&"
me•ta at the Hall, corner of Wood 'street land Virgin
Alley, every Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. .. -
ntayl:6trt • •. Gronoz:BAssitrr,See'y.
• - • OFSICL OF zuK OLD ALZ•Soilfla 13a1DO,
tp-- - PadosAls will be received at this Office uniil the
20th hut, for Cleaning and White-washing the inside of
this Bridge,' The'dirt and be well, cleaned ont,
and all the wood work (except the roof and top side 'of
the cross timbers) to have two coats of .honisville Lime,
well-riton. , ..fmayolt ~ NV, coo,.
Mebikt.tention...ROßEftT BARKER, MERCTUIVT
Tamot, Ea. 31 Market, ketweritiSeeond and Third 'Wats,
IPittskurgh.--Consiaaily on hand; a large and general as.
Particular attention paid to the Cutting of Custom
Work Which will be made in the most fashionable man
ncr, and on reasouablc terms. ' ' may 9
~ B oot aild Shoe Warebotise.
. - .
:HUGH hi. ROBB having'removed co
the spacious building formerly occupied
by Wallace, Lyon at Co., No. 116 Wood street,
near Fifth, would respectfully i'ncitell.e attention
of the public genendly to the large and fine assortment
of GOODS he is now offering Cheap for Cash,
All p s sons wishing a durable and cheap article in the
SHOE - tine, are invited to call and examine his stork.
Also, a ,ot of fuie Leghorn and Palm Leaf RATS.,..and
sikhod assortment of TRUNKS,IIIway on hand.
N.ll, —He 10.60 continues to manufacture, as form erly
irr TOOTII-ACIfE, Tasnan Gras. BAD ThlslllX -AND
arra Tarr-It—By the me of Wheeler's celebrated
Ten-berry Tooth 'Wash, Tooth.aehe can be effeetnally
cured. Tender and Diseased Gums made firm and
healthy Bad Breath mach improved, and the Teith
freed from tartar r and made beautifully white. .Price ,50
cents per bottle. This article is patronized by the elite
of society—is highly.concentmtediond will make,.one
Bold wholesale and retail by WM'. JACKSOO r st his
Boot and Shoe Store, .810 BOOT," 8:0 Liberty street,
head of Wood street, Pittsbutgb. ----"-ap27:l3mtlaw
11Y nom Wmitssi Ricastins, at. D.—l feel constrain
ed, from a sense of duty, to make the following statement- 1
conscious that it may appear unprofessional. Alz.Chas. '
Wade, of this city, was quite low with Pulmonary Con
sumpuom with which I had_been -treating with less than
usual success. At his request, undthat oftis friends, I
permitted him to' try. Dr. Dogers' Liverwort and Tar; and ,
I must confess that its effects were really surprising,
After using the second bottle, my Visits were discontin
ued, and he was soon - restored o health. Ido conscien
tiously recommend my brother practitioners to prescribe
this remedy in all pulmonary complaints which baffle - the
ordinary mode of treatment.
- Wit.t.isst J. Ricamtes, M. D.
Cinrinrsati,..oetober Ist, 1944.
•. This medicine is warranted to break up the most dia.
tressing Cough in a few hours time.
Percale by J. XIDD & CO.,
Wholesale Druggists, No. 60 Wood at.
Also, by KNEELAND tly HARDIN ,
mayl6:6md&tv Grant street.
fur RErircicialvit Aim Gour.—Wright's Indian Vegeta
ble Pills are a most extraordinary medicine for the cure
of Rheumatism and Gout, because they not only cleanse
- the stomach and bowels of those morbidshamors, which,
if taken into the circulation and thrown upon the -mem
brane and muscle, are the cause of thy. above painful
maladies- but they excite the absorbent vessela to take
up - that which Is, already deposited, and therefore are ab
solutely certain to make a perfect cure of Rheumatism
- and Gout. Auingle 25 cent box of said Indian Vegetable
Pills will often give the mo,t astonishing relief; andper
severance according to directional:vitt be certain to drive
pain of evert description from the body.
Beware "ef: Countelfeitt and haitation.c.-,Remember
that the Original and Only Genuine Indian Vegetable
Pills have the written signature of WILLIAM Winoirr on
the toplabel of each box. - •
Remember. also, - that H. Stnyser, DraggisL corner of
Market and Third streets, is not an agent for this medi
cine, and we cannot guarantee as genuine that offered
by himfor sale.
The-genuine is' for sale a Dr Wright's P - rincipal
(Mace, 169 Race street, Phi.adelphia ; and by JOHN
THOMPSON, 156 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa., who
Is sole agent for this city, by whom dealers ettn - be sup
pliedat the wholesale rate. - mayls
HTTTr7VI2i3MrT 7, 'I' 7I 7II
make permanent and limited Insurance on Property
in this-City and vicinity, and on Shipments by . Canals,
Rivers,,andby Sea. The properties of this Com
pany are well invested, and furnish an available fund for
the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to bepro
totted by Insurance. • \VAL P. JONES, agent,
"may/9 ' 44 Water street.
FOR Sus: .Two substantial, well built and con
,veniently arranged Brick Dwelling Houses, pleasantly
situated on Bank Lane, Allegheny, having three lots or
.75 feet by 100 deep. Price, 99,000. The whole or
one-third may be.paid in Scrip, at par, and time had on
deferred payments.
Atao—A valuable. Lot, of 4d feet front on Fourth at.
,Road by 94 deep to an, alley. - Price, $1,20,0. One-half
or more may be paid in Scrip. atpar; -balance on time.
S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent,
mayl9 " Smithfield sweet.
IikTEW BOOK FOR SBHOOLS.--Klemeuts of Mythol
ogy, or Classical Tables of the Greek and Romans,
to which are added some notices of Syrian, Hindoo and
Scandinavian Superstitions, together with those of the
American Nations; the whole comparing Polytheism
with -true -Religion; for the use of Schools- Just' JOHNSTON & STOCKTON.
maypil • . - Cor. ad and Market Mi..
Vine z hlrits 1
'COWARD TODD ik CO., l'itsurv.scrraists or Foie
Lmss Kan FAiier SHIRTS, pave received front their
Factory East I large and desirable stock of SHIRTS,
which we propose to oirerto dealers at the lowest New
York prices, on satisfactory terms
Our stock consists in part or 300 dor-, all qualities,
varying- in' style—wide ann narrow plait, Byron and
standing collars, tuanuractured e.rpressly for City trade,
and intended for this market.
By. offering. dealers our Goods at low prices, and
allowing our.Ohirts to recommend themselves in style of
manufacture, we hope , to be able to.pleaso all our cos
tomera .
Warernora.eorner of Fifth and Market streets,up
-13`1EXPBES97-6 Just' reeelved at Hootot & Cznr
vrazz'a, 86 Market istreet
- 4 doz Pearl Braid Bonitets i , . •
2 ." Misses ." • " •
1 " Boys'Trimmed Bird-eye Braid ; ~
2 " " " - ?Pearl - "
1 " - Jenny Lind Hats, for Girls ; •• -.-- • •
1. " Infants' It -
2 " Gentleme n's Pearl Braltl'Hate, - new 'style.
FOY Sale at extremely law pr i ces; for eases:' .7 • fmyl6
- Notloe-.Our Proposals. - .
Air A. MINER will, for-fifteen dayst . receive Pitts
..ol.. barely Allegheny and County, Scrip taper' value,
for everyarttele an our line of business, nt - the lowest
specie prices, including subsdriptions for all monthly.
Magazmes. Also, all weekly Newspapers,ricomprising
-our large - assortment, '3 either half yearly or yearly,
including the ihrgestsheet, "The Great West," now ad
' mined by . hundreds, the very - best family paper extant—.
Also, Scrip may be left ou depbsite ; Book, Stationery,
and all new issues from the press, delivered at the option
of the depositor. - We will '
order by request any Book o
Books from the. East, on the above terms. ..The above
Scrip to be expended iii full. Smithfield- street, second'
.:.door above .2d. - - matt,
Jr STORY OP 'i'llE OIRONDIS PS. -- Lamartinea
r History' of the'Girondilts, or Personal Memoirs of
, Patriots of the French Revolution, trom unpublished
sources ; by Alphonse Be'Lamartine. - In three vas ;1/
.mo. This day , teed and for sale by - - KAY & C 0.,.
- . rusyl7 - Corner of WoOd and Third streets.,'
/gum COMPLETE ANGLEft.,—Walton's Complete
11 Angler, or the. Coniernplative, ,Companion,
-.-- 'vrithcoMOus notes , for the mostpert original t a bfblioti
cal preface, giving an account. of: fishing and .fishing books from the earliest antiquity to the time:of Walton,
arid a notice of Cotton and his writings ;,by , the American
Editor. The above this day received and for sale by
triayl7 • (Journal copy.] , EA' & Co.. ,
AVABLE FARM FOR .SALE...- A -desirable
-Farm of 155 Acres,lo6 of which arc in high state"
of cultivation, having been used as'a Stock Farm: . The'
Timber and Soil, ea of the beet quality'. The 'improve.
merits are ,a Dwelling Rouse, li'darn, Stable, An.; also,'
Orchard, Garden—mid the whole under good fence, and
is well watered. Situated 18 miles fromthe City, on the
Kittanning Road. Priee,B3ooo. Terms, $17.60 in hand ;
balance at 7 years. S. CUTH.BERT,Gen. Agent,
alaYla . - Smithfield street.
• „
.tutearlalartnt of " Cincinnati COOPERS , TOOLs.n
arida!! by, . l!tr,BE*& LAUF/TAN,
mayl6 , ' , ' ~No.lB,Woodstreet
AKE: ,- r lO, k 0 • af_ Lek a. ;Arne. reckl and for
- -c ,c ;,./r; , -
-_ -
edinntercial crab financial. ' I
T. S.CLARKE, - - •
R BELLEa.I' Coarmirtreyeat ULT.
9tearnboatPacketLine,leavesdailk forCincinnati,lo Am.
Passenger Packet, via _Brownsville, to Baltimore . and
Philadelphia, 8 A.m., - and 6 P. at.
Mail Coach Line, direct to Philadelphia, 9 A. nt., and 1.24
Weatent and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6 A. st.
North-Western, via Cleveland, daily,lo:A. 51.
Erie and Western New York, daily,. 9A. it.
,NOTal'EaSterilxlo Philadelphia, daily, except Sundays, 4
Eastern Mail via Philadelphia, dssol closesl2 sr.
Western Mail, Cin. and Lnuisv., due B r. w., closes 5 he. Y.
South.via Balt. andWashingron,due 8 r.rit.,
North-Westerrivla Cleyeland, due 18 isr., closets A
9 A. M.
Erie and Western - New York', die S r. m., closes 8 A. 74
• , •
'Par rains.. Asked. Offend
• Bank otPittsburglf, , s aq,oo • $50.1.10 1150,00
Exchange Bl "utk.. 50,00 '44,00 coo
nerehants'and red ' sop 550,0049,00
Farmers , DepositAtetrk Noise in market. -
Gaud Stieet Grid&c, - 50,00 50,00 49,00
Northern Liberties Bridge... e'• • - • 50 , 00 '3 5 ,90
Old Allegherty - Br:dge. •. •..• e. • 25,00 - '30 3 00 35,00
Connellsville R. R.StOck,pald on =-
shares, 24,G05 00 • 1,43
City Bonds (6 ft' e m;)..... •• • 90,00
Monongahela Bridge••••- • • • 25,00 ' 16,50
Gus Stock' 5000 • ' •
Dally Review Of the Ittelltete.
•0 , t
We hadlittle time to attend , to C o mmercial mat.
PLOUR--Sale of
, two 'or three lots ,on wharf at
$3,600 from w 3,62; froagons at $3,06.
• May 12, 1849
The day has been remarkably quiet for business,
and sales have been-Routed. The weather is cool,
aniethe fiver is rising cast. ,
Bagging and Riipe..We notice a continued firm
ness in the . market, - but hear of only a light sale at
•17c--for Bagging and.Bc for Rope.
• Coal.. Receipts to day of 21,000 bushels Pittsburg,
;which sold at 81c.
' Flour and Grain.. The market is firm, and we note
sales of Flour in lots from store at $3,90634 ;, Retail
sales at 4,26. Sales of good Wheat at 67c. Sales of
Corn from stores at 30035 c. Sales from flatboat at
the river at 250_294. •
Ray.. Retail sales of baled timothy at the river at
55M0c per 100 lbs. -..
Groceries. 'Receipts fair. .We quote sales of 110
bags Rio Coffee at 7(if7ic. . Sales of 28 hhds sugar at
41l 41c. ..
Provisions—There! continues a fair demand for
provisions, and WO quotes sale of 200 bbls MSS
Pork at $9,25. Sales of Bacon in light lots from the
country at 4te for hog round. Sales of clear sides
In casks from stores at 51e; ribbed sides sc.
Whiskey..We quote sales 0f72 bbls at the wharf
ibis morning at 151. c; sales of rectified from stores
Freights.. The rates to New Orleans are maintain
ed at 221. c per hundred pounds front the wharf. Pork
we quote et 40c per bbl. Freights, however, aro
quite scarce. To Pittsburgh we quote at .15c 'for to
bacco and bacon ; feathers 25c.
. . • . May 18.
The market M unchanged both as regard a
. Flour:
prices and demand. •
Grain.. Sales of prime white corn at 58c., and 62c.
for yellow.
Provisions - . Market is unsettled.
Cotton r.The market it very lirm, and dealers are
asking a slight demand.
Money.. Government -securities and State stocks
re ver firm.
Flour.. Market steady, but not active; no change
in prices;,the demand is confined to small lots for
Grain.. Sales of Corn include 20,000 bushels of
pima yellow and 'white at 37, 58580 c. Wheat
market is firm, with reoular sales at former quota
Lard..illarket unchanged, with sales at SIC in
hist! and lie in : kegs.
• Pork..tleld at 10,00 for mesa; prime unchanged,
with sales at 8,31.
Bacon.. Sales or Shoulders at Slc; Sides
There aro no changes in other articles.
'Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Groceries. &c., at
•AUCTION.—On Thursday next, May 24th. in 10 o'cloek
in the forenoon, will be sold, at Nlcßenna's Auction
Rooms, by °tiler of Assignees, the stock of a Country
Store, comprising e great variety of Dry Goods, Grocer
ies, &c. ' viz:— a large lot of ribbons. sloves. hosiery,
laces, b ook, mall and Swiss mnslins..jaconet muslin",
blenched and brown muslins, vestiugs r shawls and
hdkfs., table cloths, calicoes, gingham', lawns, de Mines,
summer, pant. mud, giraffe cloth, broad-cloths, French
a d English cassimeres. fancy styles; eassinets. meri
nos, alpacas, calico robes, tweeds, bobbinets, green ba
raize, stocks, Irish linen, bed ticking. flannels, sewing
silks, cold crunbrics, &c. Also. Groceries. viz :—ter.,
coffee, augar,'spices, tobacco, filberts, almonds, beans
hominy, oueensware, dre.-4 boxes axes
maylfi JAMES hIcKENNA. Aoct
On Wednesday next, May Mtl, ate o'clock in the af
ternoon, will be sold, in front of McKenna's Auction
Rooms, 1 beautiful second-hand Chariotee, with falling
top, in complete order—cost originally 800 0.
1. R:IG N EltieXti
7 ti
DRY GOODS Al' AUCTION.—Ott Monday next,
May 2lst. at 10 o'clock A at., will he sold, at hlchenna's
Auction Booms, part of the stock of no extensive City
Dry Goods Store, as the owners are declining that busi
ness. The articles are nil of the beat quality, and were
purchased particularly for this market, by one of the
partners. 'no lot is so very large, a - few of the articles
can only be enumerated, among which are broadcloths,
cossimeres, cassinets, calicoes, gingham lawns, mut
iins,• summer drillings, Irish - linens, ribb ons, hosiery,
bdkfs., shawls; together with a great variety of fancy
goods. •
Tkasts—Sums under SlOO, cash, currency; over that
arttoun , t t siz months, good approved endorsed notes.
DMINISTRATOR'S SALE of Second-hand Cloth-
•ing and Watch at AUCTION.—On Saturday after
noon neXt, May 19th, will be sold, at McKenna's Auction
Rooms, by order of John McGuire, Adminisirator of
- Michael Gleason, deceased, a lot of Second-hand Cloth
ing; also, LlVatch. JOHN McGIJIHE, Aduf r.
maylo JAMES McKEISINA, Auct.
QUIRTS AT AUCTION.—On Saturday next, filay
0 Ifith, at 2 dclock in the ailernoon. will be sold, at
McKenna's Auction Rooms, a large invoice of fine , and
striped Shins, with linen bosoms, collars rnd ribbonde
0 STAI3LE'd SALE of a Clock Ofachine and
Watchmaker's Tools, a very superior English 8 day
Clock svith mahogany ctise ; also, several Gold and Sh
aer .Patent Lever Watches, -a lot of Jewelry, Watch
Springs, dm., at AUCTION.— On Ssruxust evening
next, May 19th, at 8 o'clock, will be sold, at McKenna's
Austion Rooms, -yy order of- John Fox, Coustable-1
clockmakees engtne, a lot watchmaker's tools, a very
superior EnglishSdasy clock, with mahogany case ; also,
several gold and silver patent lever watches, a lot of
jewelry, watch springs, &c.
JOHN FOX, Constable.
:or f.i e, to • ose t e concern.
is now of tired at private sale, consisting of Ladies'
Misses' and Children's Fine Boots, Slippers, Gaiters and
Buskins. The tattention. of . the public is respectfully
asked to this stock, as from the well known. charucte r of
Mr. Piard's manufacture of Ladies' Shoes, it is presumed
they will be eagerly sought for.
The whole stock can be closed out to any person wish continue the business.
ipi4 D. A. OLMSTED, S'"" in "`'
. . sins in wiz
.lUrft, D. has his new Class Rooms now thoroughly re
paired and fitted up. Ladies will find his new sys
tem of Single Entry,Book-keeping au agreeable study,
and a valuable acquirement. Gentlemen going through
.hie entire course. of training on Double Entry Book.-
keepi4, twill, not only: he qualified to bike charge of
Books upon any system in use, but they will fluid them
selves master of aU those intricate operations connected
with partnership settlaments,;of which so many practi
cal book-keepers, of.peknotivledged ability, are ignorant.
Several of theotost extensive firms in the city have re
cently prOcured Book-keePers from this Institution.—
Merchants and Steamhoat proPrietors can always learn
of Bdok-keepers thoroughly qualified for their profession;
no others are ever recommended. :BMus ::10 tol2, 2 to
. 4. imd 7to 10. • ' • - ,rnity4
P it 2 l tream ar s P 2ll.:? E iltche•
200 different sizeisj At for sale by
Coin " er Penn
Irwin SSIiE
• New 'Roods.
ti a. few days I will be in receipt of a.well selected
and.fashionable assonment of SKI:M(1600M now
on their way from the East, to which .I would: invite the
attention of try friends. A .good fit warinuted.,in all
eases •• ' • • • JAB. 15I<GUIRE, Tailor
_ _
mar3l Third street, St. Charles Building.
• tar Pine Goods 1 ..,a1
1.8 SPECTACLES; 9 fine Diamond Pin.
ger, Dingi;lo Musical - Boxesi ‘ shi.ll cased ; a large
assortment of Pans. withfine 'Paintings ; also, Gold and
Datter..Kniyesi do, with agate han
dles; Gold and Silver Waist Butklei and Slides. Also.
P.I.IIAB9Lf, dark Overland other fashionable rotors.
- The Above Goods, with a large assortment of Jewelry,
Watehosi.raney_.l3pd&i, &e., wilt be sold for 'SCRIP, or
other good money, at No. 87. - 3larket street by ;
•-, --t✓W.^
. Ptir Greenwood Gardens',
steamer THOS. SCOTT will cont
inence on Monday, May 9th, to run
from the old Greenwood Landing, toot of Pitt street, to
the Garden, leaving md:
a o'clock A. at.; and each even
hour until 9 o'clock 'P. e.; last trip from the Garden at
ler P. at.-
The Saloons are supplied with all the delicacies of the
season. Ten at 6 o'clock. The Garden, with a. largo
collection of Greenhouse Planta, Dahlias, , Annual Flow..
er Plants and Shrubbery. The comfortable wharf boat,
Greenwood, will be placed at the Pitt et . landing. tmy4
For- Deliver and Wellsville. -
Ton tiew and splendid passenger steamer
C.A.1.,E11 COPE, A. hltranocs, Master, will
leave for tbe above and all intermediate ports
every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday..
For freight or passage, having superior accommoda
tions, yon hoard. - may 4
' . - 'ow rrangemente
OeWTER steamer BEAVER, Cuss. E. CLArtut,
Master, will leave this city every Monday,
nes ay and Friday, at 10 A. it.
She has a boat at the lauding, between Wood at. and
the Bridge, prepared to receive freight iin any time: fmy4
liatllF .
Wrn. B. Wheeler, .
Q TEAMBOAT AGENT, can -be found .at Wesley
0 Grier's Counting. Room, corner of Water and Sinith
field streets, Pitisburgh. ' mar 27
Nor St. Louis. -
Tuv, fine new pasaenger steamer AARON
HART, W. J. Kovuvz, Masterovill leave for
ove and intermediate porta, regularly.
.Vor freigbi or passage, apply on board. mays
For Cincinnati... Regular Packet. •
jarlit The fine steamer ATT. VERNON, }Beam
Km:lm, Master; will leave for the above and
Interne tate porta, regularly, every Saturday evening.
For freight or passage, apply on board, or to
ap26 OEO. B. IifILTENBERGER, Ag't.
Regular Zanesville Packets.
Steamer YANKEE, Capt. McKim, leaves
every Saturday, at 2 P
teamer JENNY LIND, Captain Gamauturtt, leaves
every Tuesday, at 2 o'clock, P. st.
For freight or passage nDDplyy to
W. B. WHEELER, Agent,
ap3 Corner of Water and Smithfield sts.•
No lfine and fastpassenger steam Pac
ket TELECiIt&PII, S. Hexlep„ Com
mander,will leave Pittsburg for Inept
imp Cincinnati and Loui seine, and all lute rmedi ate Ports,
even! Saturday, at 10 o'clock precisely.
For freight or passage app l- ly on board, or to •
The Telegraph has bees built expressly for, Agents. a
Packet, and with a view entirely to the comfort of-pas
sengers; the accommodations are inferior to no boat on
the western waters. "The Telegraph Will run in connex
ion with the Den Franklin' No Tend Pike No 9, to Sam-
LOUIS-.4llnethrOtigh,TlVX DAM ap2l-iy
1848. 1848.
Pittsburgh and Broarnsville Daily Packet
FIRRIIARS Ist 1819 , FICERZLIIT 11'1,1.849.
ArldThe following new boats complete the line
for the present season: ATLANTIC, Cant,
James Parkinson; BALTIC, Capt. A. Jacobs;
and LOUIS M'LANE, Capt. E. Bennett. The boats are
entirely new,
and care fitted up 'without regard to expense.
Every comfo rt that money can procure has been provi
ded. The boats will leave the Monongahela ITherf Boat,
at the foot of Ross at. Passengers will be punctual on
board, as the boats will certainly leave at the advertiser
hours. ja3l
NEW YORK, May 18
New Wheeling Packet.
The new and splendid passenger steams
Z. TAYLOR, M. F« Lucas,. Master, will run
as a Regular Packet between Pittsburgh and
hee tag, saving this city every Monday, Wednesday
and Friday, at lt) o'clock, a. at., and Wheeling every
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, et 8 o'clock, a. is.
For freight or passage, (having superior accommoda
tions,) apply on board.
The Z. 'Taylor as an entirely new boat. end for speed
and accommodation In oat surpassed by any boat on the
river. &MOM'. ARMSTRONG' k CROZER Agts.
THE tine steamer WELLSVILLE. Copt.
B►n%ss. will leave forthe above and Inter•
med me ports on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
" -
l'of frt:igltt or p ge Pty on hoard, Or to
au2.l " 1 4 10..,13. MILTENBL'RGEft, Agt,
Hew 'Wheeling Packet.
The new and splendid passenger
rteamerJAMESNELSOY,O. D. Moore
Master, will run as a Regular Parke
between Pittsburgh and Wheeling, le av
ing this city every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, a
10 o'clock, a. az., and Wheeling every Monday, Wedn es
day and Friday, at 10 o'clock, A. u.
For freight or passage, (having superior acrommoda
tione,) apply on board. a
The Jamee Nelson is an entirely new boat, and for
speed and accommodation is not surpassed by any boat
on the river. AMSRTRONO & CROZER,
deed:lf Agent..
The fast packet ALLEGHENY BELLE,
Capt. Was. HANNA., will run regularly be
tween Pittsburgh and Franklin, on the Allegheny }liver.
Leaves Pittsburgh each Monday and Thursday. at I
o'clock, P. Is. For freight or passage, apply on hoard.
riIHIS Independent Line of steamers is now composed
1 of the largest, swiftest, best finished and furnished,
and most powerful bouts on the waters of the West. The
highest wages are paid for the services of the best and
most experienced men engaged ia the river business.—
The line has been in operatton for six years; has carried
nearly two millions of people, without-doing the slightest
injury to their persons. The proprietors challenge com
parison with any passenger line in the Union for safety,
regularity, and speed. All that money can procure has
been provided for. the safety, comfort and.convenience of
passengers. The boats leave for Cincinnati as follows:
MONDAY PACKET.—The Mimosa A ILILA Capt. Stone,
willleave Pittsburgh every Monday trimming at 10o'cloc k;
Wheeling every Monday evening at 10 p. $l.
TUESDAY PACKST.—The 11113ZIMA No. 2, Capt.
Joe. Klineetur, will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday
morning at tO o'clock ; Wheeling every Tt it esday evening
al 10 P. rs.
2, Capt. S. Dean, will leave Pitirburgh Wed neaday
morning at tOo'eloele; Wheeling every We' dneFday even
ing at 10 P. M.
THURSDAY PACKET—The Banxtaarr, Capt. R. 1.
Chace, will leave Pittsburgh every Thursday . morning at
10 o'c l ock; Wheeling every Thursday evening at 10 P. M.
FRIDAY PACZET.—The CLIPPER 1 , 10. 2, Capt. Crooks,
wilt leave Pittsburgh every Friday morning at 10 o'clock;
Wheeling every Friday evening at it) P. DI.
SATURDAY PACKET—The numinous No. 2, Capt.
I. C. Woodward, will leave Pittsburgh every Saturday
morning at 0 o'clock; Wheeling every Saturday evening
at 10. P. X.
• SUNDAY PACKET.— The Isaac NEWTON, Capt. P.
Davi, will leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at
lo o'clock; Wheeling eyery Sunday evening at 10 r. m.
nov 19.
-100 Sug o ar Ho d u o se Mol o asses, l S , t ,:o .l i ti i m o es o ßefiAt o ery;
10 In store and for sale by MILLER. BRICKE L P ' SON,
mayls 172 and 174 Liberty st.
_ .
D RIED APPLES-20 barrels Dried Apples;
52 sacks deb do.
On consignmeat and for sale by
Nos. 172 and 174 Liberty street
MUTTON HAMS-1 Mid. Mutton Hams, on consign
ment add for gale by
mayls Nos. 172 ant 174 Liberty St.
NAV GOODS-Just received, by Express, at No. 57,
North-west corner of Fourth and Market streets, att
Invoice of very , handsome new style Lawns, from coin
mit t o o .
style Dress Silk s t Ribbons, Collars,
Bareges, fro., to which the attention ot purchasers is res
pectfully invited. (apIS) PHILIP ROSS.
PECANS -2 bbls., Tor sale by
GL s •:-.51.10 boxes, assorted sizes, just rce' and fox
sale by [tpayl4] S.& W. lIARBAUG H.
SMARS-204 M Cruz k Sons' Prime Sagan, just re
ceived and for sale by
ratrOti 172 and 174 Liberty at.
BACON --I,al;lSide nd ulders,just received on
consigumeliSPici for sale by
Jaayls. King. 172 and 179 Liberty street.
tioyles Chintzes.
IL/ASES of above Goods; 3.4, 4-4 and 9-8 wide, fancy
: owl doable Forbin, for sale by
• nualthihn HAMPTON. SMITH-Le CO
.11,11511.-10 barrels No ,1 Herring;
10 - do` Shad
,_ .;
do far sale , tir
mayll ' DYER
Hiner intellig eine.
B, 9= WATZ:'It IN
Steamer Lake Erie, Shales, Beaver.
" .Michigan N 0.2, Gilson, Beaver.
" Rohl. WigEttnan, --, Beaver.
" Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville,
" Atlantic, Parkinson, do.
" Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
" Beaver s Clarke, Wellsville.
McNeal Wheeling.
Steamer. Michigan No. 2, Gilson, Beaver.
" Lake Erie, Sholerd!Heaver.
" Robt.Wightman.--, Beaver.
Baltic, Jacobs Brownsville.
" Atlantis, Park i nson, do.
" Camden, Hendrickson McKeesport.
Hamburgh, Caldwell, Cincinnati.
Peru, Calhoun, Wheeling.
Gale; Cope, Murdock, Wellsville.
Lowell, Dexter, Zanesville.
Regular Packet farSungLeh
Franklin Packet.
AC 0C cured _Silo , • ere, X cask .13
•Hails in fine. eandiAion;
Glieeiiivrood Gemle'n:
firIHIS delightful &anther Retreat is - now. open for the
reception,of visiters. Ice Creams ; Fniit, Nuts, Con
fectionary, and - all_ the good things nature and art can
produce will. be served tbe best,manner . , in the
Saloon.' .The Table will be spread. at 61 o'clock
ederyeven. 6},
on. Temperance prineiplesi and, closed on
Boquets of the choicest Flowers put up at the shortest
A large collection of the choicest' variety of Green
house Plants, Dahlia's, and Annual Flowing Plants for
sale. .
The new steamer Thos. Scott will be ready,. in a few
days, to run from the Point to the Garden
TEAS 3 TEAS 23 :.TEAS 11
il'r is with . pleasure 'that the subscribers in,
' form the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity
that they have completed arrangements with
Messrs. S. C. Jenkins ik. co., of 'Philadelphia,
to receive their superior: : . ..
- - '.-PACKED TEAS,'
And will hereafter, be kept constantly on
hand. They are neatly and securely put up
in metallic packs of-}, {midi lb each, with
sir printed card--showing the kind of Tea,
price, name - of the concern and depot in Philadelphia,
With an invitation to return the Tea, if not liked;
:4 /
... , 61} ' , 75
_1, , 2 , 1,25 1,60
5 Hyson• ;•• • • . • .... 5o on 75 ' 1.c6 1,25 ', O
ay. 1 a nn..'...... - .... - ..50 621 75 1 1
00 • •1,25 • .
BLACIte• Fine and Extra ique-75 1,00 1,25 'VD
We will warrant all the TEAS we sell to be equal to,
if not superior to any sold in this City, and should.. they
not prove acceptable to the taste, they can be returned,
and the money will/ie. refunded, as it is only with that
iniderstanding we sell.
We ask a fair trial, that the public may be able to
judge between our-Teas. and those heretofore sold by
o.her companies in this City. -
All !oversell' rich, delieions and good flavored TEAS,
should give Its a call. Dealers can he supplied on the
most reasonable terms . - _ .• • . •
For sale by . - JOS.. M. YOUNG & 00.,'-' ' -
N, V‘' 'S
''. corner 4th and Ferry streets, and •
. - E.;YOUNG It SON,
S. W. corner 3d and Ross streets.
Pittsburgh Horticultural. Society
IVILL hold their Summer Exhibition of. Early Vraits,
Vegetables,-Plants, Flowers,. on Wednesday
and Thursday, the 13ticand 14th of JUNE, and premiums
Will be awarded for the best and second best of eaCti , ua•
riety of articles exhibited for competition. The mem
bers, and all who feel ad interest in Hortimilture t areze
quested to bring their productions forward to dui E%xhibi
ion. . • mayli:dftw,
Trustee , . Sala.
T .
HE undersigned Assignee of Semite/ Hill, esquire,
will offer at Public Vendue at Outcry, on the prem-'
ises, on the 30th, of May, inst., at -1 o'clock /n after
noon of that day, a TRACT OF LAND containing three
hundred and thirty and a half Acres, situate on the Mo
nongahela river, about one milvatbove Monongahela
City, in Waehiugton County, Pa. There are erected on
this tract, a new two story Brick Dwelling 'House Latio,
a Log. Dwelling House. There Are two . good Apple
Orchards on the premises; about two hundred Acres
cleared-40 or 30 Acres of which is first rate River Bot
tom. There is a strata of= ix feet of Stone Coal "under
the whole tract, equal to any on the Monongahela river,
and so convenient to the rivet, that it costs but a triflers
remove it from the'banka to The Land is of
the best , quality, and , contains an inexhaustible quantity
of Limestone. This tract will be sold in whole or in part,
to accommodate purchasers. '
Those wishing for further information, are referred to
Judge Hill, residing on thepremises, Samuel Becket, re
siding near the land,nnd Daniel Long, Innkeeper, Cin
chianti, Ohio.
Then will also be sold on the 31st of May, inst., at 1
o'clock On the afternoon of that day, on. the premises, a
TRACT OF LAND contaimarg sixty-eight ana .a half
Acres; situate in Fallowfield Township, m said County;
adjoining land of the heirs of David Bolton, Jerome
Otable, and others ,• about one-half of which/a cleared;
on which is erecte d Grist ldill,with two ran of stones;
a new Saw Mill; a good Dwelling Haase, Ac.
The terms will be made known an the day of sale, by
may7:td JOSEPH HENDERSON, Assignee.
CRIP W,CiT,ED Al` PAR—Foa sum; a large Build
lug Lot eV feet front on Webster street by 127 deep
to a 25 feet alley. Price, VIA -
Also, a Lot adjoining the aboire,2l feet front by 127
deep to said alley. Price, $4121: '
Also, a Lot 21 feet front by 1.27 deep, two lots from the
above. Price, 111400. Tennrc—One eighth in hand of
Scrip; balance in seven yearly payments.
S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent,
' snay7 Smithfield street.
pRINTS-2 eaaes Blue and ge Prints;
1 ease fall River Blue "
Open and for sale by
inay9 97 Wood street
D BILLS-2 bales Blue Drills
'2. " Brown "
rease BlesehM reehl and for sale by
rauy9 • -97 Wood street.
old customers, strangers visiting the city, and
21 others wishing to provide themselves with a hand
so se DRESS COAT, PANTS. VEST, or any other arti
cle in the line, can do so, by leaving their orders with
oral Third autos, St. Charles Solidi. .
Congross lift tors.
LADIES, wanting something superior, both for look
and comfort, to anything they have ever worn, will
please call and examine them. These Boots have no
strings to tie and untie, and dangle about the ankle ;
they are not only much handsomer, but displuy.the foot
and ankle to a much better advantage than any other
Boot or Shoe made. You will also savellme and trou
ble., Manufactured by S. KEYS.
" No. 8 Fifth strut.
LADIEV SPRING SHOES—SiIk, Satin and French
Lasting Gaiters, of every 'irsuiety and color, on hand
and made to order.
Also, a full assortment of Children's Shoes of every
description. Manufactured by S.IiEVS,
tnar2g No. S Fifth street.
-1 doz. Ladies' Extra Pearl Bonnets;
2 " " Pearl
I - " Bird-eye
I .. Misses' Pearl . "
I - Intents' Trimmed Hats ;
I " Boys' Pearl "
I Bird•eye
Received this day, and Got sale at the lowest prices,by
No. Kr Market street.
PICEs-300 onatsCuasia;
20 bags Pepper;
10 • Allspice in store -and for sale by
amyl 5 179 and 174 Liberty st.
1 i RAZIL SIIGAR-70 . I=ags Brazil S. ag and
. in store a
1 ) for sale by MILLER & RI CICETSON
mayls Nos. 172 and 174 Liberty street.
Sa(3Ait CURED RAMS—A prime article, tor sale by
mayls RING & MOORH I:AD.
STEEL GOODS.—We have received a fine assortinen
of Reticules and Parses, Trimmings, Steel Beads,
Silk, Scissors, Weakens, Hat Hooks, Key and Galvanic
Rings, Crotchet Reticules and Parses; with a fine us•
garment of Fancy Goods, at low prices.
tnny4 - S 6 Market street.
PER EXPRESS--Just received C. [loos"; & Cm ,
WELL'S, 96 Minket -street
-2 doz. Cane Chairs, for children;
1 " Propelers And Volosopedes: rmyl7
NCIS—itI bags Filberts:
10 Cream Nuts;
10 ", fhiglish Walnuts ;
So " Shelled Almonds ;
5 hales Bordeaux " received and for
sale by {masa) ' S. BONNET.
To AIILLINERS.--The subscriber has a large stock
of seasoned Timber, suitable for BONNET BLOCKS,
which he is prepared to tarn to the Spring fashion, at his .
Turning Estabhshment, No. t. 17 Fifth street.
marl4:3m H. H. RYAN.
Appreuttces Wasted.
TE nbscriber wants Apprentices, to learn the Cabi
T net, Chair-Malang and Chair Painting branches of
business. Boys of steady habits, about 16 years of age,
would be preferred. None need 'apply._who caunot
come well recommended. H. G. FAHNBSTOCK,
marl? 101 Smithfield street.
InTANTE - TiaAn active Partner, with Sl5OO e nsh enTo
, lint, to engage in .a Wholesale and Retail Grocery
business, now in active operation, and doing a good bu•
amens, having the advantage of a prominent stand.
C. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent,
apt() Smithfield street.
CALICOES! CALICOES !— Just received, and now
open, at No. Mt, North-west corner of 4th and Mar
ket sirens, a very large supply of Calicoes and Chintzes,
of new and handsome styles, and embracing some of the
beat and cheapest Goods ever offered in this market.
DRESS SILKS—Just received, an invoice of very
handsome Dress Silks, of the newest and moat pop
ular styles, imported this season.
Also ' very glossy Black Silks, of nil widths, for Vi
zettes,&e. . - PHILIP ROSS,
apla No. 59, corner 4th and Market sts.
FRESH TEAS-44 packages Young Hyson l Gunpow
der, Imperial and Black Teas, just recd and for
ale by - (apdO)
' RI bt.' 7 •oz. maze fly, .er ns an.
Manger Pickles, a gallon bottles; 4 dozen Pickled
Onions, gallon and.qaart bottles; 4 doz. Pickled Cauli
flowers, half gallon and quart bettles•, 4 dozen Pepper
Sauce, quart bottles; 4 doz assorted Syrups, quart bot
tles; 4 doz. Lemon . Syrttp, quart bottles; 8 dozen Walnut
and Tomato Catsup, pint bottles ; 2 doz. Lacea Oil, pint
bottles; 5 dozen Gelatine. an improved preparation, pint
bottles ;just received and for sale by
DALB. COPAINA-1.22 ibs., just rec'd and for este by
mayll B. A. FAHNESTOCK ar. CO. ..
sale by (mtLY) H. LEE.
LARD OIL-5 barrels good machinery Oil, for sale for
City Scrip, by (mull] WM. DYER.
LEMONS, LEMONS.-75 boxes Lemons, to arnvelhiS
day, and for sale by frnyl4j JOSHUA RHODES. -
MCKORY NUTS —6 bbls.. in 'store and for sale by
NOTICE.—The undersigned hereby gives notice that
from and after this date. Mr. Jolla ROTH is the only
authorized person to receive moneys and sign receipts
Or orders in my name. C. WERHEBURG, •
Fashionable Head Quariers,
• Pituburgh., April 2,'49., No• 28 'fid ar k et st.
LOAF SUGAR-250 bbli., numbers 4, 5,0,7 and 8 Loaf
Sugar, of different refineries. in store and fdr sale by
trniylff Nos _172 and 174 Liberty street.
I - IRANI:IES, ORANGES.— 150 boxes Oranges, to ar
A...) rive this day, and for sale by
mayl4 JOSHUA RHODES, No.o Wood st.
PINE *43 , r, ontand and 'for sale by
rn!LY IS : ' KING aemooßaw
P. 'ClLllTtiendif SUA:TiON. • 15IIA.VIVON,
SBANNON & SHANNON, Attorneys at . Lam . —Office
on Fotirth etreet i nearly opposite the MECkin'S OffiCC
- , 'Clgara,-Snuff and Tobacco,
A7/ACOB:MeCOLLISTEWB, Fifth street, No. 19.
• Regalia ;-Washington Lanorma
Laosa Jute Saws ;
- R - --
Halt Spanish, Malay anti Common;
Together With a - variety of other brands.
Arso—An extensive - assortment of CHEWING TO
BACCO, of the most celebrated brands, =bag which
are the LUxions Luxury : F. - Robinson's Potmd Lump,
Grant & Williams', and Arch'd - Thomas Grape Brand,
Five Lump
;All orders promptly attended to. Country - Merchants
would'do well to - call and examine my stock before pur
chasing elinichere - .
Cnba Wrapper and Filler Leaf for Sale.
, Sign'ortbelndian Chief.
ITIO the Honorable the Judges of the Court of General
1 Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and forthe County
of Allegheny:
The petition of Patrick Lafferty, of the Ist Ward, City
of Pittsburgh, in the Comity aforesaid, hutublv chew.
eth, That yoarpetitioner hath provided himself with ma
teruthifor the accommodation of _travelers and others, rit
his dwelling haute, in the Ward aforesaid, and prays
that your Honors will he pleased tagrant him a license
to keep a politic house of entertainment. And your .pe.
titioner, asta duty bound, will praki -
We, the subscriliers, citizens-of The, aforesaid Ward,
do certify,- that the above petitioner is of good repute for
honesty and temperance, and 4: well provided with house
room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodg
ing of travelers and strangers, and that. said:tavern is
James Ferges, Thomas White, Landwher, J. H.
Sarum, Geo. Silver, Geo. Graham, John Barker, - S.
Dewey, P. Fanel, 0; Buffalo, Robs.. Graham, „Hugh
Carnal. • , -• • maylB:d3to '
(Chronicle copy and ch. Post] : •
filo the Honorable the Judges of the Court,of General
• 1 Tarter Sessionti of the Peace in and for the County
The petition of -Wm. H.'Huish; Ist-VP'ard,-Pittibuigh,
in the - County aforesaid humbly sbeivelb,,' . Tbut your pe
titioner bath provided himself with materials for the ac
commodation of travelers and others, at his rdwelling
house, in the Ward aforesaid, and - prays that yoUr honors
will be pleased to grant him a license td keep a: public
house of entertainment. And, your petitioner, as in duty
bound, will pray. ' WM. H. HUISH.
We, the subscribers,' citizens of the Ward aforesaid,
do certify that the above petitioner is - good rep Ute for
honesty and temp w
erauce: and is ell provided with house
room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodg
ing of travelers and others, and that said tavern is ne
S. Rhodes,
L. Morgenstern; Jos: Major, C. Raynen, E
.Penderick, L. Skid, . H. -Bailin, 3. Siddle, 11. S. Ring.
wait, IL Barker, S. Patterepn, H. Cassidy. myl.B:3V•
• -To the Public... County Scrip.
HIRE Commissioners of Allegheny County avcij them-
l selves of the earliest opportunity to inform the hold
ers of County Scrip thrwthe Board have under consider
ation the adoption of measures for the prompt redemption
of every dollar of Seripisaued heretotore in anticipation
of claims against said County, and the Commissioners
now give assurance that, in the course of a few days, the
resolve; of- the Bciard for the speedy and full redemption
of the County Scrip now lit circulation, will be publish
ed, to relieve . the anxiety of the public Mind on this
The credit of. Allegheny County cannot suffer by a
momentary interruption of: a cireulating. medium, based
upon the undoubted solvency of the richest and most pa
triotic population of the State. By order of the Board.
up2l ' JAMES GORMLEY, Clerk;
rITO the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter
1 Sessions of the Peace, in and foithe County of Alle
biTl'lnteT : petition of Thorium Nichols, of the Third Ward,
city of Pittsburg, in the county aforesaid, hiunbly sheweth,
That your petitioner bath provided himself vrithmaterials
for the secommodatimi of travelers and others, at his
dwelling house in the Ward aforesaid, and prays that
'your Honors will bepleased to grant hint a license to
keep a public house of entertainment. And your peti
tioner, as in duty bound, will pray.
We, the subsCribers., citizens of the aforesaid Ward, do
certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute: for
honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house
room and conventencts for the accommodation of tmv,.
eters and others, and that said tavern is necessary -
W. M. Splanie, .1. Bradbury, George Wright, It..C.
Gilchrist. J. Stadutt, J. Walker, James McKenna, Thos.
O'Brien,.T. G. Backoren, H. MorAll, P. Downey, E.
Blakeley. ntaylB:3td/kw*
e i r— ; 7 .N;
O the lonorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter
Sessions of the Peace, in and for the Conn ty of Alle
The petition of James Murphy, of the sth Ward, city of
Pittaburg,.in the County aforesaid, brambly she weth, That
your petitioner bath provided himself with materials for
the accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwell
ing house in the Ward aforesaid. and prays that your
Honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a
public house of entertainment. And your petitioner, as
in duty bound, will pray. JAMES MBE PHI. I .
We, the subscribers, citizens of the Ward aikesaid, do
certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute for
honesty and temperance, and is well provided witlithouse
room and conveniences for the accommodation of trav
elers and others and that said tavern is necessary.
E. Reis, J. V/. Taylor R. Boyle, P. Seibert, Thomas
Flood, John W. Cassel. M. Christy, W. hlcNickle, Jos.
W. Keller. P. R. Kremer, John Mackin, Jos. Meyer.
may I.s:3td&wv
Wall Paper liVarelsonse,
RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends and Nis
tamers, that he has had at no past period so exten
sive a Stock as he has at present. He can offer to par
..... ••• •.-,
stand in Market street, almost every article in his line-a
including counting-room. bed chamber, dining.ritora. par
tor and bait Paper. Wilt Borders, Landscapes, Piro
board Prints, Paper and Transparent Window Shades,
Bonnet and Binders' Boards; Writing, Wrapping, and
Tea Paper; he is abundantly supplied, and requests
merchants and housekeepers to call and examine his as
Raga and Tanners , Sanaa taken in trade, at the high
est prices. mar 13ltw4m
New York Hair Manufactory.
THE undersigned has just returned from New York,
with a large. stdendid and well selected assortment
of ORNAMENTAL HAIR, of every kind. He invites
Ladies and Gentlemen to call and examinlipthe new and
moat beautiful article of ENAMEL PARTLIO3 for Rands,
Wigs and Half Wigs, ever invented. They are so much
like the natural partings, and fit so close and easy. that
they cannot be distinguished from the natural hair on
close inspection. '
SOMETMING New.—The rum Balance Spring surmounts
the difficulty, and mast supersede all others for Gentle
men's Wiga and Toupees ; it bears equally on every part
of the head, without stiffness or artificial appearance;
(in these it is unlike the old ;) it shows the forehead equal
to the natural hair.
Wig wearers are particularly invited to call and ex
amine the articles for themselves. .1. CAMERON,
No. Ph Third at., near Wood.
N.B.—Remember the New York Hair Manufactory
New Hardware Store,
No. 79 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
HUGER & LAUFMAN , Importers and Deakrs in Po
nevi and Doniestic Hardware, in all its varieties,
are now prepared to sell as low nod on as reasonable
terms as can be purchased elsewhere. We solicit our
friends, and the public generally, to call and examine
our stock, which consists in part of Knives and Forks.
Pocket and Pen-Kraces, Scissors, Shtars, Razors; Heusi
'Trimmings, such as Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws;
together with -every other artiele'usually kept in Hard
ward Stores. We invite the attention of Carpenter and
mechanics generally^ to our assortment of Tools, which
have been selected with great care, and which we are
determined to sell so as To give satisfaction. faptdat w
.Lamaitlue House,
cow= or aourt•-st AND GRANT erasers, Prrrsumratt.
THE subscriber respectfully announces that he has
nom opened this new and excelleint Hotel for the at.
commodation of travelers, boarders, and the. public gen
erally. The house and furniture. are entirely new ; and
the most comae:able havalten spared to render it one of
no pairut or expense and pleasant Hotels in the city.
The subscrber is determinedto deserve, and therefore
solicits, isharg of publiC patronage. • .
oetlltly JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor.
. Brass Kettles and Sheet Brass.
HE subscribers would respeatfully announce that
they have made arrangements wish the Proprietors
of. Me Glenwood Brasi Mills which gives us the control
for the sale of their Brass Kettles and Sheet Brass for
this section of cowing. The production of - these Mills
are not surpassed in quality by any other similar estab
lishment in she United States. Wewill always keep re
heavy stock of these goods on hand, which we will be
pleased to sell at each prices as we trust will meet the
views of wholesale buyers. .I(ardware merchants and
other dealers-in these goods will please give us a call.
ap26 _ Corner Market and Second streets.
For Sae Loss , for Cash
THE interest of the 'Lease, of Store, Stock, Fixtures,
fru., with six splendid new. Ten Vin'Alluys, and a
large assortment of the best balls and.pins. all in the best
of order. The reason of selling—L•the proprietor has other
business to attend to. ' There is a very handsome Saloon
on first floor, and the place Is regularly licensed for the
sale of liquors, &c. For further information. please call
mayl7:lw 25 Smithfield street.
- - - -
M •
ESEDS. G. & IL Avouldrefpeett ally inform the pub
lie that they can at all limes find at the above place
a splendid assortment of
SwitablefpeCuston Work. • It being our intention to do a
Cash brunness,we shall endeavor to sell all articles in the
Clothing line at the lowest possible rates. and there can
he 'no doubt that our !heads and the public generally
- would find it their interest to favor tut with. a share of
their patronage. BOGEYED. &, °RIBBLE.
N.D.—Particular attention paid to the fitting of Clothes
B. & G.
' 251 Libertyutreet, three doors above. Irwin
sign;of thaDes Hire. .. • - ap2s
' • übefactent. •
..crORgES, iv•hile running at large in the fields, are
JftL - very apt to bruise and injure themselves in many
wart. They are often'disabled so as to be useless for a
long time. If immediate use could be made of 11. A.
Fahnestock do Co.'s - ftubeflicierit., and the bruised part
well saturated, middle remedy rubbed in, It would give
relief, ease the pain. No farmer should be without Mi..
celebrated Medielrie;arit is all beating to man or beast.
Prepared rind 'sold by '
• 13. - A! PANNE:STOCK & CO.,
Cortini of Wood'and First streets; also,
tnnyl:. Corner Sixth and Wood.
BIoGRAPinEs, of. .aoco WIVES; by L. hiarbi.
Child. -In one imtlierco•
ALsna m t Da Sram..--hremoirs of Madame De Stael,
and of Madame Roland ; by,L. Marla Child. in one val.;
RI ma. Just received and for sale by . RAY & CO.
mayli . aournal copy.)_ -
li ceived and for : sale by 111:1BVEL&LAUFIff.4.11,
,znara • No. 78 Wood
. street.
. ,
Baitkim - aitb Oxilitti4e lirditers
.W..E.- earner of Third and Wood street,. .
OIGHT and Time Bills of Exchange, /3tink Notes an
0. foreign and-domestic Coin 4ought and sold on th
Collections made inall the principaleitiesof the Union
at the lowest rates. - - . - . jell .
A 1.1,211 KBA10£11: EDWARD Baum.
Bankers and Exchange Brokers,. Dealers in Foreign and
Downie Bills, Bias of Exchange, Certificates )t" Depos.
it,Bank Notes, and Coin. '
Corner of Third and Wood sta., directly opposite the St.
Charles _ ay9 t
Bankers and Dealers in Exchange" Coin and Bank Notes,
No. 55 Markstfirteli , Pittsburgh. - .
szuwai HATS. , . EXCIULI(OB- 11111111% RAT)
New York' . :* - pr Cincinnati " k
- Philadelphia: , * " Louisville f
Buyi43B. rates - • Buying taus
Ohio / die. County & City.ord'e I
Indiana" I " Relief Note". I ,
Kentucky - — 4 " - Pennsylvania Co. - -
Virginia-- ," I New York 1 ,
.eeling " Malan - .
T Wh ennessee. • " New ry Oile d
ans •
*. • • . BOON it, SAELGENT - ,- - . •
N. .E. Coriser of Wood - and Sixth streat!.;'.Piasbyigh, Pa.
-rIEALERs in Coin, Bank Notes, Timelifills :Foreign
and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, tec
• EXCHANGE on all the principal Cities of the Union
and-Enrope, for sale in Sums to suit parchasere:
--. CURRENT and par funds received on deposite.
COLLECTIONS made on all parrs of the-Union, at the
loweat . .
LARD -25 kega No. 1 Lard, just reed 'and for sale by .
Ogr i : l l ED 12g l- te d l eJ n27atNletar
: FLOUR-u'oo barrels of very superior Flour, for sale
bushebare — lECO - risliiislTrie , d and
I,‘ -for sale by . faplBl CUMMINS& SMITH.'
BACON —lO,OOO tbi. Baeon,l-fok Round ; in store awl
, for sale by japlBi CUMMINS&•SMITH..
r k ay APPLES-50 sacks Dry Apples,in store and for
Sale by [afilB] CUMMINS & SMITH.
PPLEs-,Ati bbls. Romanite Apples, for sole by
„om, ripa - • zuntmiNs & snarki
10FICKORYNUTE11 barrel Hickory Nuts,ia store and
;11. for sale by ; [aplB] . CUMMINS &
IDHCANS 7 -40 bushels Pecans, in store and for sale by
50 (I IV' FIRE BILICK—A !itiperio,
.arrive article, to by Canal, and for sale
an accommodating u.rma, by -
U. A. hicANCLTY &. CO., "
aPI2 . Canal Basin.
ANTEIL—Four good Jour. Painters wanted.
tnarZi St. Charles Bindings
LOUISVILLE, LIALE--Just receive. 7,37
IWWU. for sale by W. &. J. C. ACHE-SON,
1001113 LS. ROM 4NITE APPLES--Offered very to
to close consignment, by •
ap9 •• • N0..2. Smithfield et. •
7 5,m45. pgrATyEB_R v e l v l d d indgi i4 . 4l? ). - - .
ap9 - N 0.2 Smithfield ,
/00 PS.
ALL WOOL 'fs~ls~lj Foi tale by
50 rs.:FAN9Y cAsullE.B.E.,on . , hand, and for . sal!
at manatacturars pnnes, bp [tab2AJ - ,H. LhE..
CASE OBEYCL(YrkI--Jual reed, and , for
1 sale at manufaituter's . prices, by lieb2ol• H. LEE.
1 CASE AMERICAN ARMY Cl,O kfi - 1.- 77 .0n hand awl
1 for gaiety • (feb23) R. LEE. •
F a rk PAIRS DRABBLA.NKETS.—Tbe attention of Cal
e) ifornia men is directed to this article. They will be
sold love, to close consignment, by Iraq it. LEE.
'DEB BLANKETS-'—i Cal3o t5O pair) Bed Blankets, 88
XII by 54, Tins, ribbon bound, recetved , 'this day x on
consignment from the manufacturer, and for sale by
ap7 'Liberty, opposite Firth street;
HERRINO-100 boxes Scaled Herring, received and
for sale by J.. S. BONNET.
mar2o - Liberty street.
R AISIN . --1 4 5 1 g r i nse 111 4 11.. Erthsi n ;
I s tore - and for
gale by [rnar3ol J. S. BONN E T . Liberty:st.
'GES AND LEMONS-55 boxes Oranges ;
25 " Lemons • .
In store and for sale by fmr2ol S. S. BONNET
HELL COMI3S.—A; great variety of 'Backi.DreFeing
0 and Side Combs, new 81.7_115-011 band at
bmITLON gliczErSi.
marl 7 07 Market street.
'IIkirACAULEY'S ENGLAND.--A, new and cheap edi•
IV" tion of Macauley's History of Englan4, thin day re
ceived a ad for sale by " • RAT- & CO.,
mar 24 - Cornei4Vood and Thiril,sts;
News for .Calil'ornlans.
COLT'S REVOLVW,S, with apparatu s
_, by Express
in a few days, by JOHN CART WRIGHT,
_'B3 Wood street.
DRIED BEEF—A superior article of sugar cured,.
constantly in store and for sale by
''''..4"nd for
111 sale by (mayl6) - H. - ANT. HAREM ult.
WOOL—The highest market price, in cash, will be
given for the different grades of Woo_,l by
mayld - S. & W. IiAIt.S.PLUGH.
CEESE :-59 boxes Prelim Cheese, just received and
for by S. BONNET,
maybl - No. 162 Liberty. street.
C tiESTN trys- 10 bushels, just ree'd and for sale by
3. S. SONNET,'
Ma Y l4
. No. 102 Liberty street.
M) ALES— I.OD bus. btigki'Deed Ar_ples; fo
sale low. fap3ol .• . WM:DYER.
RISH MOSS-92 tbs.; lust reel and for sale by
ap29 • ; B. A. FAHNBSTOCK & CO
POTATOES -35 barrels Blues, (or sale by . •
up 26 W. DYER.
ILN DRIED MEAL,---20 barrels Bottled- and. Kiln
Jab_ Dried, warranted to keep, received, and for sale by
ap2s • ' WM: DYER.
QHEETINGS-7.ii bales Allegheny.D. for sale for Alle
ghenytity or county Scrip by .-
ap4.5 WM. Dyr.R.
LARD -20 barrels and kegs tot n . ale loW) D
AT MEAL—Fresh ground, tour ,ossoi manufacture,)O
constantly on hand - , and for sale by. ' .
ap2s RHODES & ALCORN, . lO sthit.
by [may? ] -r s. YOUNG ar. co:
NITAX,—*A splendid assortment of White and Yellow
y Wax, in small cakes, expressly for family use, re
ceived and for sale by - J. S. YOUNG 4c CO.,
may 9 N. W.norner Of Fourth and Ferry.
BACON -3000 pounds Sides; -'
4000 " Hams* received and for e ale by
may: ' , S. k AR/SA[lOll
CONCINNATI'SOAP —4 75 boxes ITSoapp,, received
and for sale by imyt3.) S. x . uti
YE FLOUR-2O bbls., reed and for sale by
For sale by ImayB) S.W. YOUNG k. CO.
SPE '4 I CAN DLES—lbrect front'Philadelp_hia; for sa
by , jmayB) J. S. AL. YOUNG & CO.
GROUND FEED--Elorse, 'Corr, Hog 'and Chicken
Feed, constantly on hand and for min by
may 3 RHODES & ALCORN. 30 Filth si.'
NSEED b .Is..just ree'd and for sa a by
11. - .A.:FAHNESTOCK. & CO.,
my 2 ' Corner lst and Wood ons.
D6lk.D - 11F:EP--2 cash,_ just received per steamer
" blessenger,n and for ale by WM. DYER,
may 4 - - No.lssLiberty etreet.
TOMATO CATSUP-100 doz.boxei, containing I doz.
each, packed In saw-duet, far shipping,lor salc by
may 4 • RHODES & ALCORN,;O Fifth et.
ODA ASH-15 casks of Kum" superior Soda As'
IJ rec'd and for sale by S. Z 4 W. EIARBAUGH
amyl ' ' No: 61 Water and Mt Front st.
LAR D-s,bbls. N'o. I Luta ;, •
30 kegs " in store and for Sate by
- VAILS-oiegs Portage Nails, assorted; for sate by
./. 1 1 may? , SMITH rt. SINCLAIR .
DRIM) PEACHES-400 bushels, just ree'd and for
sale by trayllll _ _S. it W. HARHAUGH.
riBBES. No. 1 HERRINGS. (May. inspection,) rec'd
i.JIJ: and for sale by TAAFFE it O'CONNOR,
intrYl6:la , Cor..Penn and Wayne sts.
FLOUR -200 ebbs. Extra Flour, just reed and forle
by ImaylB] ' S. &W. lIARBAUGH.
00S-100 dozen Cora Brooms, reedand for sale
mayle - • 28-Water street.
UTTER-3 barrels prime Butter, just Ten' and for
,DO sale by (maylOV -S. &-W:1-11113BALTGH.
e ABS-100,000 Common Cigars; jag reed• and for
wale (rayl6l & W. HARBAUGH.
DA ON SHOULDER • ,500 pounds Smoke House
A) Shoulders, for dale by .WIII,IWER
maylt • ': 1.5 S Liberty street.
EMONS.—AIew boxes Lemons in store and for sale
J./ [mufti) S. & W HABSIAUGH.
130TA911--S conks, just recd and for sale by
mayls • . RING &MOORHEAD.
IEE 01E-10 rer'd 012' consignment and for
L 4 sale by ' (maylM ' IMO di MOORHEAD.
Llft KEGS BRAZIL SUGAR—Jost Teeeiyed and for .
t-34-1 sale by J.. S. BONNET,
mayl4 .N0.10 2 Liberty street...
100 half bores Raisins ;
50 boxes Herringi
5 eases Pnmes ; receiving and for salal3y.
mayl4 ' JOSHUA RHODES, No. - 6 Wood at..
150 irkli LoWsvILLE L l l l l7 , —Receitea — veTh
for gala by r
yl4 4V'Phin . Iid ARIVISTRONG .14 .CROZER
IVIEWCASTLI GLASS—Sample boxes of this super
/I flea brawl Glass received, and orders will be.
promptly filled by . .
,Ir94ytey s. k. W. IiARBAUGII.
IIXTII4, , ,,HAIdi- 7 1t2. Tierces. '•:idanninrs?=. • Extra
Canvassed.llanur t jast received and for sale
nattylo2No: 63:Water and 104 Front tr.
For,the effectual Cure of . • ,
Indigestion, Hypo; - Blue Devils, andlholend
Tux public generally, who are out of sorts ' may safely
embrace this unit-reset sugar-coaled remedy, with the as
nuance that it is inocuous, an antidote to care, assuages
grief, alleviates pont, does not interfere with duties of this'
day, speedily Teeft9T.-4 bile, and. has been frequently
known to reduce the emit choleric to humour upon its.
first application: Besides, it reinvigorates the patient for
next day's beams. All ages, sexes and conditions hays
been known to experience sensible relief. Instances are
rife of ten years being miraculously added to the life of
an octogenarian, to say nothing of the well•lmown case
of a lay in search of health having here stumbled on a
goal husband. No PATENT has been secured, all the in ,
gredients, although famous in Europe and America, and'
here published to the world, ore in the solo possession of
this College of Pharmacy, and imposition Is precluded-by
the fact that if the smallest of. the.eorciponent pans is
spurious or inferior the compound is invariably found to
The ingredients are (harmless and yet how agreeable!)
Blast'of the Orehestnt, a melange •Of the exquisite
Horsemanship of Mlle Rosa; The Startling Darkuurd So
martens and perilous feats of Young Gymerr Rot on.hia
scaldlaces horse; the great Backward. Tricks on bone
bas and Somersetts and Balarteing upon the nett Rope
ey Master Jaen; the Dramatis Scenes of Messrs. NADI
SAN and Huainan; the radian styles of Equitation by
B:gnor Limn GSTIMA/11; Equitation, Ginmastic and
Herculean Feats, Pantomimes anti Spectacles by Mom
MADMAN, Hour, and Nexus, in equal parts, and a
, •
Team. =W. or the whimideal depOrtment mid droll ac
none of the eccentric Trick-Horse, AROOSTOOK, and the
add Emily of diminutive Ponies, FieLan, Min, Karans
NA, ALADDIN, and DCTIMRSIX ; the whole mingled tt
the consistency of Entail, with the quirks, pranks, and
facetini of DAN Rica, the, great Shakspertan Jester,- and .
Ems Tanner, the great lnkee Comedian.
The systemic prepared for this delectable dale by a
glimpse of tho travelling cortege of the institution Art ,
enters town.• ; the Cows and State Equipage of Loam
PHILIPPE, Er- Sing of the French; the elegant Trap
pings and gorgeous 'Auxagrements of the cavalcade at
Horsemen and women, and the great American Pony
metros, drawn by dwarfish steeds and driven by-Dan Ewe
himseir; "To be well shaken when taken," has been taker
off the wrappers since it has been discovered that the
patient invariably shakes with laughter daring tho opera
non, enough for all practicable purposes. For the ear
Manna's Wizzard Bugle and Dart Rica's Songs and
Taker have been found a specific ; end for the eye, the be
teitehinglioss, the charming JEAR, the gallons OLTNP
Rot, and the superb Paraphernalia, have been found in.
stantaneously efficacious. 11- Caution, 'not against
eattmerfeitem, for no imitation could take-in the most Ter
dent ; butsgainst the only danger to be apprehended, tr
wit, that the invalid may PALL tsvo scsvacnts of plea
sure Miring the Itlosle and Equitation, or INTO CONVIM
moss of laughter, dming the throes of Dan RINE. This
universal Panacea w7)e prescribed whoissalf . at the
grand Rage: dos ineatfario be erected al . .
On Lot in front of Ameffean Hout . , Penn strut, on
Monday, May 14th , and rernatn six days.
Doors open at 7 ;performance to commence at to 8
o'clock, r.
A Grand Performance will be given each afternoon,
{Monday excepuni.) for Juveniles and Families, who
cannot attend at night.
Admissimirc.; no half price.
DAN RICE, M.D. upon Blue Broils ; Doctreas Ill'llt
ROSA, Oculist ; A. MENTER, Amin/ li st; SAM
THRIFT, upon undue ',anion of Bile • Youn g - q LEN'S
ROI, Prof. of Anatomy. . ,
DAN nrcr, Dean of ats PaeallY
geri`t-0 1 1 ,
• II
- 1 / 4 • 4r , • •
' • 1 ,- ~t Y'-,__ . , • 1
-2*J. - il•STi t . - k '''' -- ' ...
_llial!ftei,P.: 4 -..«. - • "
,----- -_ .;,4%
,E..,._- --- ,: --IUOO 1
- 1- ' +-`, ;-
-.l i '
~,,,..„.„... ....,,,,,....„„:,.. ~_.
„. - JessoomorlvetaalLiPublio Sale.
- Tax - rottowtog LOCOMO • ' 0 ,- ,
, belonging to the Commonwealth of Penn*Yl••
calla, and now 'Tanning on the Philadelphia
and Columbia Railroad, wilt be sold at Public Bale, on'
MONDAY, Jc..vz With, 1619, at ten o'elock precisely; an the
Columbia Railroad, west of Broad street, viz : ••Indiense
"Mississippi,” "Wisconsin," and "Montgomery" se
cond class, and "Virginia," and "Schuylkill," third clues
Eogincs. •
The aboveittuned Locomotives can be pat and kept in
good running order, for light business, at a trilling ax.
pease,and are well adapted for short mita. They may
be exmined at the Parkesburg shops, Chester County
at any time precious to the 18th of June. ,
RJ Terms cash, and sale peremptory.'
Lly order of the Board of Cana: Commissioners.
Supt. Motive. Power P. & V. R.ll.
TWILL offer at Public Sale on Friday and Saturday,
1 the 18th and 19th of May, about One liundred Build
ing Lots,sittuttect on the bank of the Monongahelariver,
near Turtle ' creek, at Look No. This is a delightful
location for a village, laying immediately on the rfver,in
a dourisbing and rich neighborhood. The Conrielhrvalle
and Pittsburgh Rail Road being located throughilt; told
the Central Road immediately past it, no place on.tho
river can be more desirable for business, being, ithme- .
diately at the Lock, where Steam Boats are passing ell
hours of the day. , _ _
- -
• I will offer my whole Farm, and will divide it, to suit
purchasers, into Lots from 25 to 125 Acres each: - This:
Land is of first rate quality—one Lot, of about 40 Acres,
has a quantity of Limestone, easy to quarry, and cone- .
nient to the nver ; with two Tenant Dwellings, and Coal.
sufficient for the use of the Farm, Timber &c., Ire-'.One
other Lot, containing about 60 Acres, wh it a - large quan
tity of Limestone, easy to quarry, and convenient to the
river La sufficient quantity of Stone Coal for the Farat,
&c. One other Lot, of about 25 Acres, - being the lowbot
tom at the mquth of Turtle Creek, and one other Lot;con
taining about 125 Acres, in a fine state of cultivation, with
good Buildings and a great.variety of Fruit Trees on this
parrof.the Farm. in fuliview of the Monongahela river,
at-Lock No. Versailles township. .It is not deemed
necessary to describe the above property very partict
lady, aspurchasers will wish a view tor thetnselves.
It may not be improper to say that the market hero Tor'.
kinds of products from the Farm, is as good and bet.-
ter than the Pittsburgh market. About one-third will he
required when possession is given. Good titlessWill be
warranted. • For further particulars,. apply to. the -sub- .
scriber arrthe premises. • • .• • • •
I will sell that valuable Water Power at Lock No. 2,
'Monongahela Improvement. This -is - one of the , hest
Water Powers in Western Pennsylvania; eight feet
bead, and fountain mile pool—the Monongahela - for
ply: This location is 4 miles below the mouthof °ugh
togbeny river, or McKeesport ;1.0 miles alum' Pittsburg,;
on the line of the great Rail Road now in contemplation -
to Philadelphia and Baltimore. :This is a good situation,
for a Flour Mill, Saw Mill, or any other works that pnr.. -
chaser= might wish to erect.
All the above Property wilt be offered at Public S
on the days above mentioned, on the -premises:
one-third of the purchase money will he -recmiteir.
hand; the balance in reasonable payments;
aplrtimd&cv - . MILLBR.
UST RECEIVED, an extensive and• general assort ,
U meta of French, Eng/iSh, Belgian and Anzerican
'CLOTH, CASSMIERES And V E STINGS. of the latest
and most desirable patterns. Amongst them will. be
found a variety of entirely new style Fancy Caisimeres
and Vestings of - the
All of which will be made to order in the most fashitina
ble manner, at short notice and reasonable prices. '
A large and general assortment of ,•• • - ~‘ .
On hand, made In the present Spring style, comprisht.
every descriistion of '
Made of French, English, American end Belgian Cloth,,
of the most fashionable colors,
New' style Business Coats, plain black and May.
colored Cashrnarett. Tweed and Summer,Cloth Sack.
Coats, and Pantaloons of superior aingla•nad. double
milled Cassimeres. Summer Cloths, =al every' other de;
ecription of goods suitable for Spring and Stimineriwear:
Also a choice assortment of
Rich Silks, Cashmeres,' Plain • and fancy colorsit. plain
black Satin of superiovianality; with a , groat variety of
sabstantialarid well m' • - „
Altogether comprising one of tho Inigeet and b Andsomeit
That can be found in the City, wbich will be, solitinri
-N B. To Tatzincs.—Watt's Graduating Shoulder IWea-.„.
sure Syntelp, far sale at ' • • DELANY'S, '
'aii6:d&xv 49 Liberty
• - Spritag '•• •
t:PHE Undersigned are,.noW in receipt of their smear
• - j• stefp/y of F.R.6.911 SPRING- GOODS: -Tliey_res
'peetfulty ask Old attention of 'Merchants itad• - Dealersi,
generally to an gxarninattoh - nltheirstoek,'feeliing
sured - that they can offer G'-oo,f.v . ois the triost-,faryfabte trims,
- encl. - al the most recisonable•Orreet.!:Theiratock :embraces.
'every article in- the 'Variety and Pane" Dry Goads line',
together with 'Brown' and /Needled Mrteline,-Dralingei .
Glngharni, Lawns, Print& Tiokings; hec.;, kc
No 9 . 7 Avoca street, next doer teiDiamond•ttlley. •
-IGILOIIR-4073agrelg.begt FaaxilF.Floar, rec , d " and iriz;
- 'gala by -- :