=2I=MM : . .Ij - ,.:' , , Elii4#4tfahOuglia•l. .- - - arr •- 'Advertisers arertitiutid to /Land itt theirfavorstlf9re 4 otteeki 1" AL Mit must be complied nrith, in order to in -'lllTrait ,Whenitispeqsibk,an cariferhotertoott/d _ . Morning Vast Job Printing Office. CORNER OP WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS. RaYing added to • oar Establishment, a splendid Steam-Power Printing Machine, we are,-prepared to do all kinds of Newspaper and Book'ork Ma style of on surpassed beauty and:neatness, and upon the most tea-• aonable teKataWe regYeetfully.solicit the patronage of the Public in thia line or our business. . I:l7'.2itotidie"...An adjourned Meeting of she AlM gheny Fire Company will be held on - Monday evening next, 21st inst.; at before 13 o'clock, and on eveu Mon day evening inuvimili to our departure for Philadelpliini At these . meetings all those de-•,..•nts of aceompanymg us in the 'excursion, are respectAilvequested to attend. They may at any time harid in then. names to the miitee of Arrangements. $. CiHiGafiLL, Af.llicSratcc, Committee. War. K.' Olaf, Sec 'y A. F. Co.—(mttyl :3i) , jar- (F W. SIDDL~ r Isf..-Ratiovim to . a new three story Brick, on SaurarrauD sr, one - door be loci Sixth street.- TEETH INSERTED, from one to a whole sett, by Atmospheric Pressure, with a beautiful representation of the Natural - Gem, restoring the FACE to its original sha p e . _ TEETH EXTRACTED, with little: or no pain. DECKIED TEsmt. permanently. saved by . PLUOCIMG, preventing the Tooth-ache, which is much bet." ter than curing it, though it should be ddne in ftve min utes, or even Instantly. . • ' • • 6p2tly Da. oon o thy f you wish to save your ma ney• and buy a superfine FIAT or call at FLEMING'S HAT STORE, where yen will find a complete eased - talent of' the latest Fashions, CHEAP FOR CASH. - • mar23:4 ' Tao Wood at, corner rf Virgin alley. O. of O. of hreeting;Washington 'Hall; Wood street, between sth and Virgut Alley. 'l4llsl34'ltGli L000r.,-No. Meets-every 3.36- Tnesdaj• veering. hfracAittram-F,scaltimmyr, No. 87-15leets let and 3d Priday otesch month. mar2.s-13 er 0. of 0. '&" -ENV LOTIGVE, No. 46 me•ta at the Hall, corner of Wood 'street land Virgin Alley, every Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. .. - ntayl:6trt • •. Gronoz:BAssitrr,See'y. • - • OFSICL OF zuK OLD ALZ•Soilfla 13a1DO, tp-- - PadosAls will be received at this Office uniil the 20th hut, for Cleaning and White-washing the inside of this Bridge,' The'dirt and dust.to be well, cleaned ont, and all the wood work (except the roof and top side 'of the cross timbers) to have two coats of .honisville Lime, well-riton. , ..fmayolt ~ NV, coo,. Mebikt.tention...ROßEftT BARKER, MERCTUIVT Tamot, Ea. 31 Market, ketweritiSeeond and Third 'Wats, IPittskurgh.--Consiaaily on hand; a large and general as. aertment of FASIII:ONAIILS. REiDS-HAPII CU:METING, Particular attention paid to the Cutting of Custom Work Which will be made in the most fashionable man ncr, and on reasouablc terms. ' ' may 9 ~ B oot aild Shoe Warebotise. . - . :HUGH hi. ROBB having'removed co the spacious building formerly occupied by Wallace, Lyon at Co., No. 116 Wood street, near Fifth, would respectfully i'ncitell.e attention of the public genendly to the large and fine assortment of GOODS he is now offering Cheap for Cash, All p s sons wishing a durable and cheap article in the SHOE - tine, are invited to call and examine his stork. Also, a ,ot of fuie Leghorn and Palm Leaf RATS.,..and sikhod assortment of TRUNKS,IIIway on hand. N.ll, —He 10.60 continues to manufacture, as form erly , irr TOOTII-ACIfE, Tasnan Gras. BAD ThlslllX -AND w arra Tarr-It—By the me of Wheeler's celebrated Ten-berry Tooth 'Wash, Tooth.aehe can be effeetnally cured. Tender and Diseased Gums made firm and healthy Bad Breath mach improved, and the Teith freed from tartar r and made beautifully white. .Price ,50 cents per bottle. This article is patronized by the elite of society—is highly.concentmtediond will make,.one Bold wholesale and retail by WM'. JACKSOO r st his Boot and Shoe Store, .810 BOOT," 8:0 Liberty street, head of Wood street, Pittsbutgb. ----"-ap27:l3mtlaw 11Y nom Wmitssi Ricastins, at. D.—l feel constrain ed, from a sense of duty, to make the following statement- 1 conscious that it may appear unprofessional. Alz.Chas. ' Wade, of this city, was quite low with Pulmonary Con sumpuom with which I had_been -treating with less than usual success. At his request, undthat oftis friends, I permitted him to' try. Dr. Dogers' Liverwort and Tar; and , I must confess that its effects were really surprising, After using the second bottle, my Visits were discontin ued, and he was soon - restored o health. Ido conscien tiously recommend my brother practitioners to prescribe this remedy in all pulmonary complaints which baffle - the ordinary mode of treatment. - Wit.t.isst J. Ricamtes, M. D. Cinrinrsati,..oetober Ist, 1944. •. This medicine is warranted to break up the most dia. tressing Cough in a few hours time. Percale by J. XIDD & CO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 60 Wood at. Also, by KNEELAND tly HARDIN , mayl6:6md&tv Grant street. fur RErircicialvit Aim Gour.—Wright's Indian Vegeta ble Pills are a most extraordinary medicine for the cure of Rheumatism and Gout, because they not only cleanse - the stomach and bowels of those morbidshamors, which, if taken into the circulation and thrown upon the -mem brane and muscle, are the cause of thy. above painful maladies- but they excite the absorbent vessela to take up - that which Is, already deposited, and therefore are ab solutely certain to make a perfect cure of Rheumatism - and Gout. Auingle 25 cent box of said Indian Vegetable Pills will often give the mo,t astonishing relief; andper severance according to directional:vitt be certain to drive pain of evert description from the body. Beware "ef: Countelfeitt and haitation.c.-,Remember that the Original and Only Genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of WILLIAM Winoirr on the toplabel of each box. - • Remember. also, - that H. Stnyser, DraggisL corner of Market and Third streets, is not an agent for this medi cine, and we cannot guarantee as genuine that offered by himfor sale. The-genuine is' for sale a Dr Wright's P - rincipal (Mace, 169 Race street, Phi.adelphia ; and by JOHN THOMPSON, 156 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa., who Is sole agent for this city, by whom dealers ettn - be sup pliedat the wholesale rate. - mayls HTTTr7VI2i3MrT 7, 'I' 7I 7II mum INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA will make permanent and limited Insurance on Property in this-City and vicinity, and on Shipments by . Canals, Rivers, Lak.es,andby Sea. The properties of this Com pany are well invested, and furnish an available fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to bepro totted by Insurance. • \VAL P. JONES, agent, "may/9 ' 44 Water street. _ AITANTEJ), ALLEGSENI ern . SCRIP, AT PAS. FOR Sus: .Two substantial, well built and con ,veniently arranged Brick Dwelling Houses, pleasantly situated on Bank Lane, Allegheny, having three lots or .75 feet by 100 deep. Price, 99,000. The whole or one-third may be.paid in Scrip, at par, and time had on deferred payments. Atao—A valuable. Lot, of 4d feet front on Fourth at. ,Road by 94 deep to an, alley. - Price, $1,20,0. One-half or more may be paid in Scrip. atpar; -balance on time. S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent, mayl9 " Smithfield sweet. IikTEW BOOK FOR SBHOOLS.--Klemeuts of Mythol ogy, or Classical Tables of the Greek and Romans, to which are added some notices of Syrian, Hindoo and Scandinavian Superstitions, together with those of the American Nations; the whole comparing Polytheism with -true -Religion; for the use of Schools- Just ceived.by' JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. maypil • . - Cor. ad and Market Mi.. Vine z hlrits 1 'COWARD TODD ik CO., l'itsurv.scrraists or Foie Lmss Kan FAiier SHIRTS, pave received front their Factory East I large and desirable stock of SHIRTS, which we propose to oirerto dealers at the lowest New York prices, on satisfactory terms Our stock consists in part or 300 dor-, all qualities, varying- in' style—wide ann narrow plait, Byron and standing collars, tuanuractured e.rpressly for City trade, and intended for this market. By. offering. dealers our Goods at low prices, and allowing our.Ohirts to recommend themselves in style of manufacture, we hope , to be able to.pleaso all our cos tomera . Warernora.eorner of Fifth and Market streets,up maylB -13`1EXPBES97-6 Just' reeelved at Hootot & Cznr vrazz'a, 86 Market istreet - 4 doz Pearl Braid Bonitets i , . • 2 ." Misses ." • " • 1 " Boys'Trimmed Bird-eye Braid ; ~ 2 " " " - ?Pearl - " 1 " - Jenny Lind Hats, for Girls ; •• -.-- • • 1. " Infants' It - 2 " Gentleme n's Pearl Braltl'Hate, - new 'style. FOY Sale at extremely law pr i ces; for eases:' .7 • fmyl6 - Notloe-.Our Proposals. - . Air A. MINER will, for-fifteen dayst . receive Pitts ..ol.. barely Allegheny and County, Scrip taper' value, for everyarttele an our line of business, nt - the lowest specie prices, including subsdriptions for all monthly. Magazmes. Also, all weekly Newspapers,ricomprising -our large - assortment, '3 either half yearly or yearly, including the ihrgestsheet, "The Great West," now ad ' mined by . hundreds, the very - best family paper extant—. Also, Scrip may be left ou depbsite ; Book, Stationery, and all new issues from the press, delivered at the option of the depositor. - We will ' order by request any Book o Books from the. East, on the above terms. ..The above Scrip to be expended iii full. Smithfield- street, second' .:.door above .2d. - - matt, Jr STORY OP 'i'llE OIRONDIS PS. -- Lamartinea r History' of the'Girondilts, or Personal Memoirs of , Patriots of the French Revolution, trom unpublished sources ; by Alphonse Be'Lamartine. - In three vas ;1/ .mo. This day , teed and for sale by - - KAY & C 0.,. - . rusyl7 - Corner of WoOd and Third streets.,' /gum COMPLETE ANGLEft.,—Walton's Complete 11 Angler, or the. Coniernplative, ,Companion, -.-- 'vrithcoMOus notes , for the mostpert original t a bfblioti cal preface, giving an account. of: fishing and .fishing books from the earliest antiquity to the time:of Walton, arid a notice of Cotton and his writings ;,by , the American Editor. The above this day received and for sale by triayl7 • (Journal copy.] , EA' & Co.. , AVABLE FARM FOR .SALE...- A -desirable -Farm of 155 Acres,lo6 of which arc in high state" of cultivation, having been used as'a Stock Farm: . The' Timber and Soil, ea of the beet quality'. The 'improve. merits are ,a Dwelling Rouse, li'darn, Stable, An.; also,' Orchard, Garden—mid the whole under good fence, and is well watered. Situated 18 miles fromthe City, on the Kittanning Road. Priee,B3ooo. Terms, $17.60 in hand ; balance at 7 years. S. CUTH.BERT,Gen. Agent, alaYla . - Smithfield street. Jr ULF. SION OF THE PLANE Alit) SAW, full • „ .tutearlalartnt of " Cincinnati COOPERS , TOOLs.n arida!! by, . l!tr,BE*& LAUF/TAN, mayl6 , ' , ' ~No.lB,Woodstreet AKE: ,- r lO, k 0 • af_ Lek a. ;Arne. reckl and for - B. & SY. BABSAVGA. ,r• - -c ,c ;,./r; , - ,r -_ - edinntercial crab financial. ' I _ •.FITTSBURGII -BOARD. OF TRADE. T. S.CLARKE, - - • R BELLEa.I' Coarmirtreyeat ULT. J:DALZELLR--' PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR: 1848. 9tearnboatPacketLine,leavesdailk forCincinnati,lo Am. Passenger Packet, via _Brownsville, to Baltimore . and Philadelphia, 8 A.m., - and 6 P. at. Mail Coach Line, direct to Philadelphia, 9 A. nt., and 1.24 Weatent and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6 A. st. North-Western, via Cleveland, daily,lo:A. 51. Erie and Western New York, daily,. 9A. it. ,NOTal'EaSterilxlo Philadelphia, daily, except Sundays, 4 - ARRIVALS AND DEL,ARTURE OF MAILS. Eastern Mail via Philadelphia, dssol closesl2 sr. Western Mail, Cin. and Lnuisv., due B r. w., closes 5 he. Y. South.via Balt. andWashingron,due 8 r.rit.,closess.k.sa. North-Westerrivla Cleyeland, due 18 isr., closets A 9 A. M. Erie and Western - New York', die S r. m., closes 8 A. 74 • , • BTOOSB 'Par rains.. Asked. Offend • Bank otPittsburglf, , s aq,oo • $50.1.10 1150,00 Exchange Bl "utk.. 50,00 '44,00 coo nerehants'and red ' sop 550,0049,00 Farmers , DepositAtetrk Noise in market. - Gaud Stieet Grid&c, - 50,00 50,00 49,00 Northern Liberties Bridge... e'• • - • 50 , 00 '3 5 ,90 Old Allegherty - Br:dge. •. •..• e. • 25,00 - '30 3 00 35,00 Connellsville R. R.StOck,pald on =- shares, 24,G05 00 • 1,43 City Bonds (6 ft' e m;)..... •• • 90,00 Monongahela Bridge••••- • • • 25,00 ' 16,50 Gus Stock' 5000 • ' • Dally Review Of the Ittelltete. P OF THE •0 , t SAIVIREMAT MURK INGI, Afay POST 1849, We hadlittle time to attend , to C o mmercial mat. terayesterday. PLOUR--Sale of , two 'or three lots ,on wharf at $3,600 from w 3,62; froagons at $3,06. LOUISVILLE MARKET OFTWZ Tar. ,LOI7ISV/1.1.E COURIEII, • May 12, 1849 The day has been remarkably quiet for business, and sales have been-Routed. The weather is cool, aniethe fiver is rising cast. , Bagging and Riipe..We notice a continued firm ness in the . market, - but hear of only a light sale at •17c--for Bagging and.Bc for Rope. • Coal.. Receipts to day of 21,000 bushels Pittsburg, ;which sold at 81c. ' Flour and Grain.. The market is firm, and we note sales of Flour in lots from store at $3,90634 ;, Retail sales at 4,26. Sales of good Wheat at 67c. Sales of Corn from stores at 30035 c. Sales from flatboat at the river at 250_294. • Ray.. Retail sales of baled timothy at the river at 55M0c per 100 lbs. -.. Groceries. 'Receipts fair. .We quote sales of 110 bags Rio Coffee at 7(if7ic. . Sales of 28 hhds sugar at 41l 41c. .. Provisions—There! continues a fair demand for provisions, and WO quotes sale of 200 bbls MSS Pork at $9,25. Sales of Bacon in light lots from the country at 4te for hog round. Sales of clear sides In casks from stores at 51e; ribbed sides sc. Whiskey..We quote sales 0f72 bbls at the wharf ibis morning at 151. c; sales of rectified from stores Freights.. The rates to New Orleans are maintain ed at 221. c per hundred pounds front the wharf. Pork we quote et 40c per bbl. Freights, however, aro quite scarce. To Pittsburgh we quote at .15c 'for to bacco and bacon ; feathers 25c. NEW TORE MARKET - .NOON NEPOIM. . . • . May 18. The market M unchanged both as regard a . Flour: prices and demand. • Grain.. Sales of prime white corn at 58c., and 62c. for yellow. Provisions - . Market is unsettled. Cotton r.The market it very lirm, and dealers are asking a slight demand. Money.. Government -securities and State stocks re ver firm. Flour.. Market steady, but not active; no change in prices;,the demand is confined to small lots for city. Grain.. Sales of Corn include 20,000 bushels of pima yellow and 'white at 37, 58580 c. Wheat market is firm, with reoular sales at former quota tions. Lard..illarket unchanged, with sales at SIC in hist! and lie in : kegs. • Pork..tleld at 10,00 for mesa; prime unchanged, with sales at 8,31. Bacon.. Sales or Shoulders at Slc; Sides There aro no changes in other articles. AUCTION SALES, BY JAMBS WHEhi74, AtICI7ONEER, No. 114 WOOD SrBEET. THREE DODDS F¢oll FIFTH A SSIGNEES' SALE OF A COUNTRY STORE, of A 'Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Groceries. &c., at •AUCTION.—On Thursday next, May 24th. in 10 o'cloek in the forenoon, will be sold, at Nlcßenna's Auction Rooms, by °tiler of Assignees, the stock of a Country Store, comprising e great variety of Dry Goods, Grocer ies, &c. ' viz:— a large lot of ribbons. sloves. hosiery, laces, b ook, mall and Swiss mnslins..jaconet muslin", blenched and brown muslins, vestiugs r shawls and hdkfs., table cloths, calicoes, gingham', lawns, de Mines, summer, pant. mud, giraffe cloth, broad-cloths, French a d English cassimeres. fancy styles; eassinets. meri nos, alpacas, calico robes, tweeds, bobbinets, green ba raize, stocks, Irish linen, bed ticking. flannels, sewing silks, cold crunbrics, &c. Also. Groceries. viz :—ter., coffee, augar,'spices, tobacco, filberts, almonds, beans hominy, oueensware, dre.-4 boxes axes maylfi JAMES hIcKENNA. Aoct BBEAUTIFULCRADIOTER AT A U CTTO K. On On Wednesday next, May Mtl, ate o'clock in the af ternoon, will be sold, in front of McKenna's Auction Rooms, 1 beautiful second-hand Chariotee, with falling top, in complete order—cost originally 800 0. mayI9JAMESMcKEININA, Auct 1. R:IG N EltieXti 7 ti DRY GOODS Al' AUCTION.—Ott Monday next, May 2lst. at 10 o'clock A at., will he sold, at hlchenna's Auction Booms, part of the stock of no extensive City Dry Goods Store, as the owners are declining that busi ness. The articles are nil of the beat quality, and were purchased particularly for this market, by one of the partners. 'no lot is so very large, a - few of the articles can only be enumerated, among which are broadcloths, cossimeres, cassinets, calicoes, gingham lawns, mut iins,• summer drillings, Irish - linens, ribb ons, hosiery, bdkfs., shawls; together with a great variety of fancy goods. • Tkasts—Sums under SlOO, cash, currency; over that arttoun , t t siz months, good approved endorsed notes. may • JAMES MCKENNA. Auct DMINISTRATOR'S SALE of Second-hand Cloth- A •ing and Watch at AUCTION.—On Saturday after noon neXt, May 19th, will be sold, at McKenna's Auction Rooms, by order of John McGuire, Adminisirator of - Michael Gleason, deceased, a lot of Second-hand Cloth ing; also, LlVatch. JOHN McGIJIHE, Aduf r. maylo JAMES McKEISINA, Auct. QUIRTS AT AUCTION.—On Saturday next, filay 0 Ifith, at 2 dclock in the ailernoon. will be sold, at McKenna's Auction Rooms, a large invoice of fine , and striped Shins, with linen bosoms, collars rnd ribbonde JAMES McKENNA. Auct. 0 STAI3LE'd SALE of a Clock Ofachine and Watchmaker's Tools, a very superior English 8 day Clock svith mahogany ctise ; also, several Gold and Sh aer .Patent Lever Watches, -a lot of Jewelry, Watch Springs, dm., at AUCTION.— On Ssruxust evening next, May 19th, at 8 o'clock, will be sold, at McKenna's Austion Rooms, -yy order of- John Fox, Coustable-1 clockmakees engtne, a lot watchmaker's tools, a very superior EnglishSdasy clock, with mahogany case ; also, several gold and silver patent lever watches, a lot of jewelry, watch springs, &c. JOHN FOX, Constable. mayls :or f.i e, to • ose t e concern. TrrIFIE STOCK OF THE LATE X. PIAED , St. °lair at. is now of tired at private sale, consisting of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Fine Boots, Slippers, Gaiters and Buskins. The tattention. of . the public is respectfully asked to this stock, as from the well known. charucte r of Mr. Piard's manufacture of Ladies' Shoes, it is presumed they will be eagerly sought for. The whole stock can be closed out to any person wish ing.to continue the business. .T. A.HIATON, , ipi4 D. A. OLMSTED, S'"" in "`' AIR. DUFF'S GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' BooK.KEItIPING & WRITING ROOMS, . . sins in wiz .lUrft, D. has his new Class Rooms now thoroughly re paired and fitted up. Ladies will find his new sys tem of Single Entry,Book-keeping au agreeable study, and a valuable acquirement. Gentlemen going through .hie entire course. of training on Double Entry Book.- keepi4, twill, not only: he qualified to bike charge of Books upon any system in use, but they will fluid them selves master of aU those intricate operations connected with partnership settlaments,;of which so many practi cal book-keepers, of.peknotivledged ability, are ignorant. Several of theotost extensive firms in the city have re cently prOcured Book-keePers from this Institution.— Merchants and Steamhoat proPrietors can always learn of Bdok-keepers thoroughly qualified for their profession; no others are ever recommended. :BMus ::10 tol2, 2 to . 4. imd 7to 10. • ' • - ,rnity4 P it 2 l tream ar s P 2ll.:? E iltche• 200 different sizeisj in.store At for sale by Coin " er Penn REYNOLDS Irwin SSIiE ap29streets • New 'Roods. ti a. few days I will be in receipt of a.well selected and.fashionable assonment of SKI:M(1600M now on their way from the East, to which .I would: invite the attention of try friends. A .good fit warinuted.,in all eases •• ' • • • JAB. 15I