The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 30, 1849, Image 4

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(aneC.CS$Olll3 To.SitralVF &
No.lo. Fourth street, bettvtot Ferry, ,iutd-Lit±trtr stitith
I.IFAPTUREKS of snort iead,leadert plies'llTr
In. drains, pumps, baths, water closets, ;leaden.coking,
&c,; keep constantly on hand and.naanufacitire to older
Sheellead from 1. to 8 lbs. to the square foot.iin sheets of
by 20 feet, whielithey will furnish to the trade sChoWsige.;
.orcut to order in any sirc,that ~.
They also manufacture rind keep c'olistaittly ;Oh hand
leadenpipes from 11 to} inch calibre; aque.duct pipe,for.
'conveyui; water irofn Wrings, furnished. to thei coma*"
. mule, and put no Ofrreela lengthiter fiafalndf to 1000
feet on each reel; with directions-as to the proper Method
of laying: Alio, on littud, eilarge supprt of Ailanis'lMV :
cntsuetion Pumps, for wells or cisterns; Snow & Co's.
very suPeiroi cast - twin suction Pumps.— '• . '
Hydrant Work of every description extent...4l4n the.
• most durable manner, and • • on.tbe Arloalacmuro°d at inli
`terms.. Orders from the ministry. for leaden pipes, shel
lead. or pumps, will receive prompt attention. -• . •
W AKE. ItratiLLN
- DUBUC ATTENTION is solicited to au entire new.
JE article of RAILING, made -of wrought-iron bars,
and toff annealed rods, or wire, and expreselpdestigneii
f o r en closing Cottaircsi CeraettWies; Balconies, Public
Grounds, &e, at prices vaiTi ug from 'so"eantsioS3,oo the.
lag . loot. It is' madam patinas of , various lengthsi
IWto 4 teet bigh t with wrought Hon posts a inch -square,
at intervening distances of Gto 10 feet, If desired,_the
' mantels can be 'made of 'titrrheight,in continuous spans
of 60 to 00 feet, with or without posts. No extra charge
for. posts.
The comparative lightness, great strength anti darabil
irrof the - wing. RAILING, the beauty of Os Veried.or
namental designs,. together with the ex treniely lowprie e
-'at which it is sold, are Causing it to StiPar B oe : the Cast
Iron Railing, wherevertheir comparative merits haye
`been tested. For further particulars address"- • .
Ag'ents fOrlatenteeS; -
near Stnitbfield st.. Fatah u
ini47:3;nl Di amonitalle
Hardware, Cutlery - , Saddlery, eau:, i
OOHN WALKER., Imparter mut -Deoler4a Forrf6rkattil
. Demesne Hardware, respectfully .announces to
friends and the public generally,'Mat be is now reeeiv
ing. his Spring supply of- Hailware, Cutlery. su,3 di e
ac., at his stand, No. 66 Woodall - eat; which]e w.ll
pose 01 . .011 the most reaionable terms.
Be will continually be receiving fresh supplies, direct'
from sits manufacturers :in .Europe araLthit country,.
which willenablehim to compete. with any house, East
- Be paitieulailyinvites ;the' atteulloitCarcultoraers to;'
his excellent assortment of Table and. Spring Cutlery.. ,
. • &c., which - is of fashionable patterns and foam the most
popular manufacturers. . •.. •
tits stook-ol Carpetaces_TOdls is large, and of &reel
- Of general Ilardtrire, stock, he has every variety of
Westera , Blercharits -and dealers, gencrally,are in
vited to call and examine his sank.. mar'49•An
, Patettt.Tecincatre Beater Churn!
- tgrr. call the nuentica of the public to the article head
- V thinativertisement, and invite the enterprising
and cnnousto call and vritness its operation. All &deer
- tisements in relation to this invention, to the - hundreds
who have seen it tested, is supererogation.
Ist. This-Chunt will-nroduee Butter, gathering id a',
mass, from avreet milk - , at five to ten minutes ! and from
cream prepared, as farattiesusaally'prewe !t,t?t, three
2cl The utility of thin invention is apparent, as better
Butter =tribe produced from street milk, or cream, than
cream soured in the usual way ; and -by means of this
Charn,Ax" little girl or boy can perform, in five or ten
minutes, what has heretofore required the labor of a WO
man or man forone q? mohours, atalsame timeshat f-a
• r. 7 simply turning : a thamb screw, therwholeinside
dasher vaken out; leaving nothing but the Butter and
' milk in the plain wooden box. ,
4th. It is the-cheapest Churiteveiinvented, as the sim
plicity of ita Construction (though embodying a great
philosophical principle) makes it but little to mannfae
lure it- -
.6th his Reararnon-sease Churn, as all will admit who
will examine , - -
We invite the public to call and witness its operation
at our adicein the Diamond, near the Black Bear Tav
' ern, anti at Beekhanea, Federal st., Allegheny.
mara-dlmselloa . CAIRERON & PRICE.
Wall. Paper Warehouse.
No. 47 I SIA.RABT STatIFTP. pa.rsßurto P21iN7.3.,
- :T11031&13 PasielllE6
RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends and ens
homers.. that he has had at-no.past period so exten
sive a Stock as he has at , present. Be can offer to pur
chasers, on 'erry. moderate tercits, at the old' established
stand. in Markeystrect, almost every articie_in•his lino—
including-counting-room. bed chamberolining-room,par
tor and nell Paper: With. Borders, Landscapes, Eire
hoard 'Prints, Paper and Transparent Window Shades,
Bonnet and flamers' Boards; %Veiling, Wrapping, and
Tea Paper; be is abundantly supplied, and requests
merchants and housekeepers to call and examine his as
Bags and Tanners' Scraps taken in trade, at the high
est prices mann-el:tar4m
Paper Ilangings.
lAril now receiving, direct from the manufacturers in
New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, a large and
well selected assortment of all the latest and most im
proved 'styles of .Satln,. Glazed and common PAPER"
HANGINUS,Consisung of
-10,000 pieces of Parlor and Fresco ;
10,01)121" Hall and Column ;
20,t0P0 " Hining-room, chamber and office Paper
Which I would particularly invite the attention of those
having Houses to Paper, to call and examine, at the
Paper Watchonse of S. C. HILL.,
inar3o - - - . e 7 Wood st.."
Paper Itaugin gs.
A trESSRS--SAS. FIOWARSI & ca t No: 62 Wood strer!„
would call the attentien of the public to their
present stock of Paper Hangings, which, for variety,
'beauty of Entail, durability and eheapness, is unsurpass
ed by any . estaulishment in the Union.
Besides - a large and full assortmentof Paper of their
own manufacture, they are now receiving a direct im
portation of French and English styles of Paper Hang
mgeLpurchated by Itir. Levi froward, one of the firm,
now in Europe, consisting of—
Parisian manufacture, 10,000 pieces.
London do. • 5,000 do.
Of their atm manufacture, they hare
.100,000 pieces
Wall Paper, and 12,000 pieces Satin Dialed Window
Blinds, &c.
:51es.1rs. James iroc.-ard k Co:, have spared neither ex
pense nor labor in their endeavors to rival the Eastern
.Wall-Paper establishments', both in onality of manufac
ture and variety of pattern, and they are warranted in
'assuring the public that they have succeeded.
The whole assortment, foreign and home manufacture,
will. be offered OR terms RE LOW as those of 'Eastern
manufacturers and importers. mand7
New Literary Emporium.
A new depository of Cheap Publications has been
_goL. opened on Third street, opposite the Poet Office,
where may be found a general assortment of the popular
literature_of the du). The proprietors have made the
most amplearrangements for procuring all new works as
* • soon as issued from the press.
valuable Magazines and Weekly Nevrspapers can be
sad at their counter by the single number or by the year.
STATIONERY—Letter and cap paper, pens and pen
cils; in short„'every thing in the stationery line, and o .
the best quality, for sale cheap.
MUSIC--A large assortment of the most approved Pi.
ono Forte.Masici bound and otherwise. This music i
pronounced by the mud distinguished professors to be the
best collection evezoffered for sale itrthe'Nh'est.
The United States Odd 'Fellows' Directory- for 1549., got
- up in convenient styles.
Without' particularizing further, we respectfully re
quest u vitit to our store room from the public.
• WORK & no-Lbws, Third street, • •
opposite the Post,Office.
• . Joshua- Rhode*,
Ell, No.B Wood street-- ,
• ' boxes Oranges; 000 wills - Sardines;
_ ". .. .Lemons ;.- 20 0 1 1 1. "
IEO dozen Lemon Syrup; 150 qr."•
• "
1000 drew Fi gs: 400 boxes Herring ;
'2OO his Rehm, in layers; 2000 Cocoa Nuts;
. 150 br. bxs. " 6 boxes ritaccaroni;
100 qr.' ' " " 8 " Yennueilla ;
75 traiis lraica Almonds ; 25 cases uss'd Pickles ,
100 boxes shelled " 40 casks Currants - ;
8 boles Bordeaux " 100 be. cut Tissue Paper ;
10 " 'Malaga " 50 rms. white Kiss Paper;
3" ." paper shel'd " 15 cases Prunes;
~ 3 " hard " " • 10 mats Dates;
.40 bags Filberts; 4 cases Liquorice ;
30 ‘- - Walnuts; 10 lbs. Venetia Beans;
50 " Cream Nuts; 20 bxs ANo 1 Holt Candy;
40 " Pecans; , 20 " orb's, and yel. IL
10 Whig. " - cams Florence 011
Just received and for sale b
gual ln , - J OSHUA 71,110 DES.
'Greenwood Gardenia
ARE now open for the sale of a large collection of
Green House Plantar of the choieeststarieties.
Also, a _Mize collection of MC finest Dahlissi told Annul
Flower Planta will be 'ready tolellsier in pats on the Ist
of May.
Bogueusot the choieestriowers pnt up at the shortest
. .
- notice. -
„. The Gardens will be open fur the, general reception of
visiters on the ed day of April.
- Captain Vandegrire finenew steamboat„(the Thomas
Seott,l will cticamenee running from the Point, foot of
Penn st.,SO the Gardens, on the. 2d day of April. [mar22
. Maps.
larAy CO.linvettikelf.the exclusive agency for the
ILL sale of Mitchell's superior Maps, for Pittsburgh and
lVestern Pennsylvania, which will be sold at his reduced
Philadelphia prices.
The Map of thd_World, on Meearttr's Projection, is the
largest and most comprehensive wotk of the kind ever
published in America ; it iet fti feet from East to West,
and 41- front North to-South , acCoMpained bpii. book of
600 pages, containing consulting index, consulting which
anyitem on the Map may be readily found;-also; Geo.
grip/tient descriptions of, all the - countries on the Gin Le.
.The Reference and Dishince Map of the United States,
one, scale of 25 miles to an ineb. -- coni - prisi4,lle - Stabis,"
Counties, Townships, &c., in the Union, acco m panied by
volume of 400 pages, 8 vo., which includes an nide.% of
Coanties,,Tourns;Ac., together with a general de se ription
of the United States.
The National Map of the American Republic, ,, or
United States of America.
universal_ Atlas, containing Maps of the 'Empties,
kingdoms, Slaws nod - Republics, with a special Map of
each of the. United States,' comprehended on. 73 sheets,
forming a series of 117 Mapsor large, folio volume, e le
gently executed. . ,•
A. Map of Texas; Orelon - and -Califorrda,„with all the
routes dtstinctly marked out to thesis Coonines.-
A large 'supply of the ' abgva Mapiveola4, and large,
will be - kept constantly on band and for sale at the Rook
and Paper Warehouse, corner. of Third and Wood ate.
rrIEE liimungbara Town Couneil,desiring to contract
Witb some suitable person or persons for the exca
vating 0115,000-cubic yards oil ti e,-streets, will receive
sealed proposals for the whole or y 'part or said work,.
'-until the 4th drApril which time the Work
be let to the lowest and best bidder. . -
Proposals to be left' With.l3l - mta,, Street
Commissioner, where a specification .of yhe work may .
bo seen. By -order of the Conneil7
rtute24:dhl TI4O.SIASR4ACTCAORE,:Prosident:
4 . '4;
. .
. - :xi ..66, 1 . .........1.,..,. -.,.,....,-
-._.,............-.......:. r - .01 1 9,..----- ----.
._... .. ...._......:-.....-. -
fl Of V : E-D.- ' • - •
rnshionabie ifeettAngiirteis, -
No-. 28 Itfarka-etreet. sseortrt=troorbitoto:-Sieondyeirset.
• V. Illt.lBlEkN
11) ESP ECT.FULLY. announcea to.his'nurnetaue friends `'.
and to the public, 'that huhailetnoved his Fashion
nale,licadrquartersTrom Liberty street to hi s' neveSiore;
.<ln Narket, thl door from Seim il 'street:- Ho-is conslant-•
ly,prepared to maka nimrder, of the' most 'fins,and:liest.
matenals,in a superior manlier and at. very reasorfable,
prices, evety article-of Fmtbionahle Clothiite; of _which
his complete stock of Choteu and carefully selecte&
-French, English and Eclgtan Clothe ! Caseimerosi 'Meet
ings, Itc., of tbc latest and most desirable patterns, are
, partiettlarly designed. - - • -.. . rr- ••• '
Be has also on - btu:id averslarge „stock of lleady.made
Fashionable Clothing, which he will sell very low
• CAVEItrit:BURG,e
2.4Marke, door frcuttSlmand at,
febtl )1
'flu RI H./SR-KEEPERS Aso moss 4crsrunircisto.7-.The.
has-, seeed.ied and ,now an hninti'o - farje
assort-Mentor flousekeeping,Goods,comprising,in - part,
5-4, - 64,10-4; 12-4 1311 Cotton itimetings ; . .
6-4, 164,12-4 Dar . nsley Fheetinga ; - .
Pillow 7 case Linen, and !amino Ticking ; . -.
'Marseilles Quilts, Blankets ; -
M inn and embroidered Table Covers,
Do: do. Piano do.;
NVlndsor Drapery, Turkey Red Chintz;,
Bdti-Windsor Holland,.Linen Table Cloths ; .
Damask Table Litienorlf Widths F - , ,
Napkins, Doilies,Diaper Crash, Rc., &e. 4 Which will
b 6. sold at Merest - pnees. at •
No. 110 Market st., 3 doors from Liberty.
■ °GAN & CANTWI.II,I4 have lostrecelved,st . No
O SO Markel street, an 'unrivalled selection of— •
feud Reticules and.Puzses; ••• , • •
aos:and Combs,
China Sets; AceOrlieons;&e.
mark.l.- • .r. -MC/GAM* CANTWF.I.L.
ew Good*. air. Number • lirty.ntne
REA.r.BABBAINSf--Thri sidiscribee has just re-
IX' timed from the Eastern Cities, and is, now receiving
a vo' o.ElenAiT.e.P.Psoetttrent or FANCY, ANC - STAPLE
•DR lr ;G O ODS, adapted to the present season, anti em
hr -••14 u.stock for rtchness and variety not surpassedby
av , establishment ihe West.
Nary glassy black Silks ,Cravats and Collars;
Handome dress , do. '.Blacilove Veils and Ildkfs.;
Rich changeable - do. . .lisconet and Carib. Muslims.
-Rich changeable Satin dellaid and striped MUlilint;
'..-CllloeB ;Detail:ontoßibbons;
Mods and Frencli,Gloves. Hosiery, &c.;
' Merinoi ; , Cloths tor Cloaks •
node anAlagh.cord hiaslurTerkortShawls;
de Lanes;, ICashmere do.
New style muslin deLaines;Tlain Thibet Shavils. silk
Satin striped Cashmeres; • - -fling!,,
Fancy. ".do. do. ,Plack Whet Shawls,
Black and colored AlPacasi:Black do. do.
Plaid ; Gingham's, bright co:Silk
Brochm db. .
d do.
Irme o
New style'Vlsettes; - - !Math • , •
' Plaids, bright colors;
Gala Plaids, bright colors; Inatu,..,, , ng ,
Califcintia Plaids; ;Low Pneed • do
Black Bombatines• (Plaid Cloakings.
His : stock - of Calleoet is very large','it 'has been se.
lected with' mach care--with particular reference to
• fastness of coloring, durability of fabric, and beauty of
design. These goods Are
. lower than they have ever
been before, and are worthy the particular attention of
The hest Calicoes for 6f els. ever offered ;
`Double purple Calicoes, English, ttlf cents;
' 'Green. . • do. •
• Oil Chintz; British Chintzes;
New style Merrimack Calicoes;
Blue .• - do. • do.
- Illue. and Orange do.
Furniture do.
A large lot of low priced Muslin de Laines, of the low
.priee of-121 cents per yard.
„Also, Black Alpacas for 121 els. per yard. Very good
and very handsome dark and bright colored Plaid thug
hams, for 121- cents, warranted fast colors- •
Bleached Missiles, 6f to 12;
- Yard wide Unbleached, 6-1 to 9;
Bed Ticking.s, very cheap;
Casinetts, Drillings, Kentucky Jeans;
Checks. Linings, Plaid Linseys;
Domestic Ginghams, Mariners' Shinings;
Colored'eanabncs ;
.Flaunels,loiver than ever offered;
Canton Flannels..
Irish Linens, Linen Lawns;
Damask Table Linen;
• Do. do. Cloths; •
Russia Sheeting;
Do. Diapers;
Linen Drilling', Crash.
A large stock of Blankets, from coarse to very fine,
also Blue and Drab Blanketa, finc and very fine, for
Fine and superfine French and English Cloths and Cas.
simere ; Over-coating ; Silk and Linen Pocket Hand
kerchiefs and 'Cravats; Gloves; Suspenders; Silk and
Merino Under Garments; Merino and Cotton half Hose,
• etc., etc.
The subscriber having made extraordinary prepare.
lions for the Fall and Winter trade, and having purchas
ed his Goods under the advantage of markets unusually
depressed, can confidently promise his e - ustomers the
best bargains he has over been able to otter.
Customers of the house. and purchasers generally. are
respectfully invitedto call. otov40) PHILIP ROSS.
Terrible Revolution—Stara Trisassaphassit
13 - GG.AN Zr., CANTWELL, (sign of the No. t. 43
A - . 1. Market street, would respectfully beg leave to call
the attention of the public to their new stock of Goods,,
just ieceivcd and opening from manufacturers and im
porters. of which they feel confident that price ants anal ,
sty will give entire satisfaction, as our motto Is--" Quirk
Sates and &nal Profits."
Our k consists, partly; of the following rirticles,vizt
Ladies's:tad Gentlemen's Breast Pins, late styles; Guard
and Vest Chains; Bracelets, Clasps and Lockets; Fin
ger arid Ear Rings; Pencils and Pens; Slides - aed Studs;
Steel Boekles, for Ladies' Head Dresses; Madalon's
Card Cases, shell, pearl and velvet; . Coral Reads • Ala
baster Boxes ; fine Rosewood and Ebony Shaving ' 'Ceses,
furnished; Siver Spectacles; Silver Spoons, all kinds;
German Silver - Spoons, all kinds; Silk Steel Bead Bags
and Parses; Comm Bugs and Purses; Hair, Tooth, Nail
and Cloth Brushes; Violins, Accardeons, , Flutes and
Fifes ; line Perikitives and Scissors; Globes and Paper
Holders , Shell, Dress and Side Combs, latest Styles'',
Chids,lVases, Frnis-Baikets, .Amite and Glass Vases,
Mugs,: and Cologne Bottles; Tables, Chessman and
Backgammon Boards; Silk Tapestry ; Brussels and In
'grain Carpet Bags; Willow, Market and Side Baskets;
Chairs, Wagons, Cradles, &c. , ate., with a large assort
ment of Toys and Fancy Articla, WO numerous to men
-- Business Card.
1 2 , : .
° R P I CIL C E FE S S ;
WHICH Taut will be...proven by calling at McConies
Fashionable Tailoring Establisliment,Tliird street,
St. Clairles Building,
Igo:mot Smas.prafia and quick salt's.
Vastrr T.: Freak and good.
• CoNterrrricis : Very far in the bacirr,, ound.
• My did customers, and all athers, are respectfully in
rmed that I am waiting for them. AIcOUIRK
Tailor, St. Charles.
Bleached (loads.
AIN• MASON & CO. N 0.60 Market street, have just
teccived the following '
well known brands of
Bleached. Muslim', viz
7.8 and 5-4 Bleached Muslin, James' Steam Mills ;
! • " Nauinkcurr "
" iSrimini""Fokanulret,” "Carlisle,' "Dorchester," "Gin
isigamptid,7 "Grafton," "Pittsburgli,” "Lawrence,"
"Boston Pillow Case," "Farnsworth: - Acc,„ Ac. All at
which,; together with many styles not here mentioned,
will he' sold at EASTERN PRICES, by the piece or pack
age. • feb4l
Skirting Idiudna and IrMai Linens.
"ft. MURPHY invites the panicular attention of
those wanting the above Goods, to his desirable
stock, ••orisisting of the beat make, from the most approv
ed manufacturers, and the latter-wartanted pure flax.—
He harijust receivelin a additional supply, and is offering
'Shirting Musline of a superior quality at n very low
price. Also, Sheting and Pillow-ease Muslins;
D.apers and Crash ;
Table Cloths, Towels and Napkins;
Blankets, guilts, Counterpanes( and
Housekeeping Dry Goods generally.
LADIES' DRESS GOODS—Such as French Merinos,
Parmettcni. plain and fancy De Laines, (some new styles
ust received;) Alpacas, tre.
Thetiason being far advanced, all these Goods will be
sold at aces that cannot fail to please
, Vholr sate Rooms up stairs.
To Country Merchants.
VD IL MURPHY, ht his Wholesale Rooms, North
.least corner of Fourth and Market streets, Pats
burgh, (up stairs,) is now prepared to offer to the inspec
tion of pountry Merchants, an extensive supply of Now
Spring 'Goods., including the newest styles of Spring
Prints, Ginghams, Lavrns, Muslin de Latnes, Alpacas,
and Dress Goads general ly' also, Gloves mid Hosiery,
Bonnet : Ribbons, Lates anti Edgings, tee. Prices low.
Entrance to Wholesnle Rooms from 4th et. =lO
AAi MASON & CO, No. SO TURK= grazier, baps
. Otis day received, per "Fast Line , ' the following
named Goods, viz.:—Sawn stripe, black and blue black
plain and printed Berages, all wool M. de Laines, em
broideOd Thibet Shawls, black, white end pearl Silk
Hose; spun Silk Hose; kid, silk and lisle thread Gloves;
-linen, bobbin, cambric and muslin Edgings; Inserting's ,
black silk lace Edgings; bonnet Ribbons; embroldered
muslin Capes, new patterns and rich goods. marf....2
GENTS. "call and see" the choicest variety ever
offired,and CAMELIA CRAVATS; at prices, you
can' leave them
CLOTH STORE, Poit Buildings,
Corner Fifth and Wood sts.
marlOn?o ,
Now Goods
TN STORE, and now ecciving, our first supply of Now
SPRING GOODS. consisting of every thing new and
beautififi, to - be had of the Importers and Jobbers :-
-- New styles of rich Turk Satins;
.Wide Brocade Silks, new patterns;
t Rich Chametion andGlacte Silks;
Figitrand plain.bPk Silks, all widths
Bereges, Lawns t Mous de :Panes, &c.;
Policy Bonnet Ribbons, nerlidesigns.
Together with a large assortment of Domestic Goods
No. llO Market Bt.. 3 doors from Liheriv.
.116 . 17,111 SPRING GOODS.—A, A. .111Asos R Co., tiU Mar
ket street: - are Alois , opening 40 cases and packages
of Splendid SPRING . GOODA , Fomprisiag Lawns,Mos.
'lins, Sefreges, M. de Lainci, attighams ' Prints, rrench
Cambries , `Ribbons; Laces, Silks, Shawls,
Gloves,;llosiery, and a general assortment of Goods
mar 27,
VAAIII;IES, Economists and the Public, to ~etfect a
j`-, saving of one-third, and obtairrthesicatest baigoins
eeer purchased, are most respectfullyinvited to visit
ings, coOei IVoodstreets. ' "febs2vv
.Jas. Mnspratt 41t.: SOl . lll ,- Pecteut i Soda. Ash.
- 1- TO 5 TONS, 3i,- cash, gurrencyA or',4 mew.; approyid
Ittlic. te. touwar - upwurds - 31; do. tint, tit 0 mos. db., in
terest added:- For the, Cui)crior qttalitrpCtitis brand, we
refer to the glass timicsoap manufacturesti of this city
gcnerallY: • - W. 40 M. MITCHE.EATOrE;
dec4' i No.l6oLitiettystrcet: '
• •;••••• •-q
-". • ‘0,..t
- r • •• ' • i
•-• 'C•• 4Z . ;.,L;-, 4,04,V0.0+4. • - • • , •
• .. , -
• •
‘ - ••••4•4 " • ' - ' •
. ,
.aimuspor,tdma-. •
•YS4 9 • " Oat=
• ' .141, WilY-01017. BOST ON, Y, c 6. •
TuoNrAst, Potomwx.E;•} s TstAFF - F.,& O'CONNOR,
• kiiadriphia, 1
'7 Pittsburg/L
frt Hin old established Line beingnowin full operation,
the proprietors -Tire prepared, with their usual omen
,sive arrangements, : to forward _ raerehandize, produce.
&mile and frons Shb aborts ports; on :liberal terms, with.
the regularity, 'dispatch - and safety, peculiar. to their
'mode of transportation, so obvious when transhipment
oft the. Way is,avoitled.-
eoririgrinteats by . Mid for this Line received, c barges
Paid, and forwarded in any rerkuired directions, free of
charge for-commission; advancingor_atorage. . -
No interest, directly, or indirectly; in steamboats.
poinmunicationspromp:ly attended to, on applica
tion to he following Agents:
„ _ TiionAs-nontupor , ,
278 Market street. Philadelphia. -
Canal Basin; Pittsburgh:
O'CONNOR - &CO., .-.
North st., Baltimore.
erchanVa Trausportatilon
. .
Tat Canals and Rail Roads - being none open, and in
good order, we are prepared to forward all kinds Miner
e.handize and produce to Philadelphia : and- Baltimore,
with It nuaphiess and despatch; and on as good terms as
any other Line. . C. A. hlcAltll.lUPlrdr.
Canti Basin. Penn' street, Pittsburgh.
Aoatrrs—CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia,
• _ROSE IitORRII.L &-Co.„ Baltimore,- fatrl7
1.• 1034101 •
18 4 9
• o..terchariesk. Way Freight t.tne,:
Johns/owl, Hoilidaysburghi. and al
' . intermediate places. :
Tats Line will continue to carry all-Way Goods with
their usual dispateh,and at lair rates or freight.
•Arizurs—C. A. McANULTY & Co., Pittsburgh.
D. B. WAKEFIFLD, Johnstown.
JOHN MILLER, Ilollidayshargh.
RRIMILLNCES—James Jordon .Smith Sinclair, Dr. F.
Shoenberger. R, Moore, John Parker, S. F. Von Bonn.
horst 44 Co., 'Wm. Lehmer & Co.. J no. BVlterin & Bros.,
Pittsburgh; John Ivory, Sumit, Mulhollan - dr.- Ray, John
Graff& Go.,.Blatriville. mart?
(Gazette and Journal only copy.) •
• - ' nOrd
XTO,RE-SlllPPlNG.—Theiloats bit longingto thiaLine
1:41 have been put in fine larder, and are now running
regularly between "Pittsburgh and Erie, touching at all
intermediate POTtl , along the Canals. A Boat willalways
be at the wharf, under the Monongahela Bridge, and one
will start regularly -every other day. The People:*
Transportation Line has every facility for carrying
Freight and Passengers. The boats will be towed to
Beaver by strainers, and will proceed to Erie with great
dispatch, by the canals. The boals,arr commanded by
experienced and earbful men—all of whom have an in
terest in the Line.
H' Goods sent by the Line to Frie may be forwarded
to any point on the Lakes.
For freight or passage apply to
Agent, Water street, Pittsburgh.
Clair & Co., Beaver. •
R. W. CESNINGUA.II, New Castle.
Tacmrsistv & bltrattattatr,Pulaski.
Busmen WARIELZ3 & Co., Middlesex.
hlnvoa How., Sherron.
Jammu McCurax,Sharpshurgli.
S. B. & G. Lowav; Clarksville.
Kroo & McFstu.sam,lligilend.
S. C. Purstra, West Greenville.
.1. & T, Kttrsnucx,
W. If. Flesreav, Hanstown.
W. Wstevroirru It Co.„ - Sherman's Corners.
Was. Powits, Conneaurrille.
—, Spring Corner.
W. C. WARMER, Alhion.
Lockport. •
• E. Firm, Girard.
A. Elsa, and B. Tem.'s:sox & Co., Erie.
The following Agents in Erie will receive and for;
ward Freight to any Port on the Lakes, shipped by
this Line :
W M. Gallagher, John Hearn,
G. W. Raverstiek & Co., Josiah Kellogg.
Kelso*, tr. Loomis, Walker & Cook, lee
arearniiigailln - Gorner,
SSIITLIFISLD 550 ftrlll sTRZETA. PrtTslWitall.lA. '
jI- the most popular of all BOOT and SHOE Es!
tablithmenis in the West. This place lassgained
its reputation by its proprietor keeping the very
best Boots and Shoes. which are made expressly
tworder for this market, and he is not satisfied only by
keeping the best assorted stock of 130(7ES and SHOES
in the Western country, but lie is enabled and deter-
mined to sell his GOODS lower than any other house
possibly can. he care. not what facilities they boast or
having for offering great inducements to the public. It
is inipoasible to set forth all the advantages and facilities
to an advertisement, that the Great Bargain Corner has
over others..which enables its proprietor to sell floats
and Shoes of the very best qualities and styles at from t 0
to 2.1 per cent lower than nay other stow" in the city.
The way to test the matter is for all who intend purchas
ing HOOTS and SHOES . , to rail at BATES' GREAT
BARE AIN CORNER, examine the stack and prices, and
all will be satisfied that the Great Bargain Cams?, Smith.
field and Fifth, wear, is the place fur the public, one and
all, to get good Booth and Shoes cheap. for cash.
deco: • .1. BATES.
Great Western Saddle,
ZnIE subscriber takes this method of informing his
friends and the public in general, that he has-the
largest stock of the following named nnieles, of his own
manufacture„in this eity--Sadit Harness,'Nunks and
Whips; all of which he will warram to be made of the
best material. and by the best mechanics in Allegheny
county, Being determined to sell his manufactures
something lower:thanhas been heretofore sold in the city,
lie would invite persons in need of the above named ar
ticles, to his Warehouse, No. d 44 Liberty street, oppo
site Seventh. Alto, hands made to order for machinery
seal ri. KERBY.
Iran City Cracker and Bread Bakery
WOULD respectfully inform his Mends and the pub-
TV lic kenerally, that he has added to his other husi
ness,the mauufamtiting of Crackers of every variety.—
Haying purehaned one of W. R. Nevin's Cracker and
Pilot Bread machines, be is prepared to fill all orders !or
cracker* or pilot bread nt the shortest notice and. hopes,
by o strict attention to business, to share a portion of die
public patronage. The public is respectfully invited to
call and examine for themselves.
BAKERY, No. 10 Commercial ROW, Liberty at. oppo
sito OnsithGeld.
N -B. Saperior fondly Bread, rye and dyspepsia Bread,
large mid:small rolls, fresh evarytnorning eon be had at
the stare, or my wagon, or at my stand in Memorise'.
Cakes and Confectionary on band and made to order.
Nolo Ccnomercial Row. Liberty st„
i and FEL. bi anufaatory
rpm: subscribers have enlarged their Steel and File
Manufactory, on the corner of O'Hara arrest and
Spring alley, Fifth Wartlaittsburgh, by erecting a con
verting furnace, a melting furnace and a tilt. hammer.—
Their Steel, now being of a superior quality, and having
engaged competent operatives, they are prepared to fur
nisltilea every description, that will compare with
the best imported article; and being determined to make
it the interest of all who use riles in any tvay,to par
chase from them, they will sell their Files at reduced
prices, for Cash. They will also re-cut Files, arid pur
chase those which are worn and broken. Public patron
aggc is respectful/y invited, nov7) J. ANKRIM +. CO.
New NUHillery, Silks. Velvets, i.e.
Jen received from New York, u choice selec
tion of elegant rich Satins, Silks, Winter Ribbons
French Flowers, Plumes, he. A handsome ns
sortMent or Winter Donnets, floods, Capes, Cardinals
%flatus. &c., on hand and made to order in the latest style
at the shortest notice. MRS. DUFF,
dec6 No. 10 St. Clair st. {West side.)
Pattereon'a Carriage llama/nary,
Diamond alley, bettnee-n Wood and Smidtfield strati.
WnEas may always be found tin anon
, eat of Family Carriages, Barouches,
Buggies, and all kinds of heavywork,
-4 `••••••", rem a six horse wagon down ton wheel
barrow. Persons wishing to purchase or contract for
any thing in the above line, are respectfully invited to
call. 00i.29:tf
City Livery Stables.
Tau subscribers having Rurchased from
,Charles Co!paten the above btabies, and M
tending to Increase their stock of Horses,
Carriages, Buggies. &c., would respectfully
solicit a share of patronage from the public. Horses
"ept by the day, week. month or year, and additioual
tulle are being erected, in the second story, fur the ac
commodation of Canal stock
in retiring from the Livery business, I with pleasure
(from a long acqualittanee) recommend my successors to
the Patronage of my friends and the public.
Bigelow's Carriage Manufactory,
Diamond alley, between Wood and Smithfield streets.
E. M. 13IGELOV1 would
Factory c ure
►inform the public, that ut his en
• = '".....'" 7 - 77 at all times be found a large rupply of
Family Carriages, Barduches, Buggies . ,
and all kinds of Fancy Carriages, equal in elegance and
neatness to any found in the East. Contracts for any
number of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons, will be
promptly filled. Alt work of his own manufacture will
be warranted.
RzFEILENces—CoI. R. Patterson, R. II: Patterson, E. D.
Unzzam, Esq., Robert Robb, Esq., C. L.. Magee, and
Alderman Steel. ifeb'.?.7:darn
esale ana—iticall
- • • . • .
ROBERT H. HARTLEY, begs leave to in-
form his friends and - the public , generally, •
ant he continues to occupy that large and corn- 4 Wad ,
modiout Store Room, formerly occupied by Samue a n
mock & Co., No. 86, corner of Diamond alley and Wood
street, where he keeps a large and general assortatom; of
Saddles,-Dridlcs, Harness, 'Pranks, Carpet Bags, Saddle
BassiValises, Buffalo Robes, Whips, and all other arti
cles in his line.
He also keeps ttonstantly on hand, and is prepared tc,
furnish to order, all kinds of Riveted Hose, manufactured
of the bestinnterial, and in a style of workmanship equal
to the eastern manufactured article, 'tad at (16 per Cent.
Country Merchants and Fanners would do well - to call
and examine his stock before 'purchasing elsewhere, as
he is determined to sell- first rate articles nt very low
Don't forget the place, N0..86, corner of tVood
treat and Diamond-Alley..p2B
INEN GOODS.—A:-A.hissim &Co, No. 60 Market
1.4 street, have received Linen Sheeting, Linen Da
mask 0-13 and 10-4 Linen liollands,..Dleached and Brown
Table Cloths, Raisin and Scotch Diapers, Doylies, Nap
tine, &c., to which they invite the attention of tar
. ,
„. =47 ,
- .
RasistEe to itaiti-Trailii'Eliireindr Irelands
Hy the Steamohfp. SARAN SANDS, and the regular -
, . -•PaeketShiprote.Xll
1 7- 1 6 , .
-- - a
P. ill7:l3Y.ANEtil 06'LlYit
lasraitatadoln-Ilt 1&241 . 1 ' '
No. 83 South street, New York t and 39 Witerfoo, Road
PERSON'S sending !011ie Old Cotintry for their friends,
can have them brought out bytheßegalar Linea Pack
ets, sailing from Liverpool on 'I st,..l3th, Uth, I Oth; 211 et Or
'l6o' of every month, consprfeingilui'folloiellik•Shil"" —
' Fidelity Siddons , '" Henry Clay,
Hottinguer, Columbia, - •Constellanon,
Rosphis, Patrick Henry; - sCambrid ge, lsaac Wright: '-Wateiltio, Constitinion,
Ashburton, Netv-York, - - Gartick,
- West Point, Queen ot theWe it, METEST.ESIIO., ..
Yorkshire, Sheridan, ' New World,
Liverpool, Oxford John . R.Siciddy.
Or ih the first class AmeriMin Ships,zsailiogfitali Liv
erpool and the trial) 'Ports ever day, etnininsing the.
Sti Patrick, St. George, ' - Andrew Foster,
Yorktown, Creole;
Probue, Elsinore, •-- Wm. A.•Liociper.
And ninny others, which this : lttihad space will not ad
mit of here enumeratin
' P. W. BYRNES A CO g.
. are the sole . PrissingevAgents
for the Steams hip SARAH SANDS. Her nripoittted sail
ing dsys, for 1849, are as follows:l'mm Liverpool on
.90th January, 28th March; 4th June, oth' August and Bth
October; from New,York on 94tkFebrunry,9i1Mtly, sth
July, fith September, and 16th November.'
iterefure, those wishing their relative-a out early
the Spring, will find it to their interest to•patronize this
Old 'Established House, one arrmigements being's° per
feet that no dela or
. disappointment can occur.'
Drafts at sight f or
any nmounton the National-Bank of
Ireland, its branches, &e., Ac., at all dragster sale. Ap
ply to, or address by letter, post-paid, -
P. W. BYRNES & CO, Sl Soutitst.,,N: Y.,
and= Waterloo Road, Ltverpt
JOHN Tstomrsorl,
156 Liberty street; Pittsburgh.
New Comm ercial Line.
F., IV,. lipilua,t, & Co., / attICKIN, KIMBALL - k , CO,
94 Well; at , New-York, S Liverpool, Englasul;•
RESPTCTVITI4.4 tutormlheir ,fiienda said the
public, that they have tormented 'the Gene=
• rat sAipping and Cemmintion .2ltirincts, -to=
ii • settler with the General Passenger Susinese,
• grantimgeertificates brimitage tromLoadon;
Liverpool, Dublin, Belfast, or any Port at the
Old Couotryio'Ne* Yotk, Bostotrand Philadelphia. an
the most reasonable terms. ' ~, ''
Drafts and Bills of Exchange, from 11 to any amount
on the Royal Bank of Ireland andits branches', and on
The days of salting of the Regular Line of Liverpool
Packets, as fixed. upon.are the- let, oth,
and 2Gth of every month. .
These Ships are all of the largest chute, and are _con =:
manded by men of character ancLexperience. The
Cabin accommodations are all dtat can be desired in
point of splendor and convenience. They are furnished
with everydescription of stores of the best kind. Punc
tuality in the daysof sailing Will be strictly adhered to.
Packet. Ships Roscias, Siddons, Sheridan and Garrick,
are vessels of the largest clan - , and-those desirous
bring out Ogle friends, cannot select finer or safer Sit - -If:-
Passage can be secured at the lowest rates:
Sew Orleans Line of Packets sail - weekly.. For p
age or freight, apply as above, or to. • •
deelli Corner 4th and Smithaeld stri,Piusburff
Tapmeettt. , soeitteral VasslgrattossOnlce:
IaREMITTANCES and Passage to end
l a
from Grekt Britain and Ireland; by
T. Tapscott,. IbSouth st., corner.
of Maiden Land, Y, and IKlWater
loo Rood, Liverpool.
The 41i:scribers, having accepted the'Ageney of the
above House, are now prepared to make arrangements,
.the - on most liberal terms with those desirous of paying
the passage of their Iriends Dom the Old Coruna; and
they flatter themselves their character and long standing
in business will give ample assurance that all their fir
rangements will be carried out faithfully.
Messrs. W. .k J. T. Tapseott are long and favorably
known for the superior class, accoinmOdationoind sailing
qualities of their Packet Ships. The QUEEN OF THE
leatte each port monthly—from New York - the Slat and-
Wilt, and from Liverpool the Oth and ilih; in addition to
which they have arrangements withthe St. George and
Union Lines of Liverpool Packets, to insure a departure
from Liverpool every five days, being thus determined ' ,
that their facilities shall keep pace with their increasing
patronage: while Mr. W. Tapscott's constant personal
euperintendanee of tin: business in Liverpool is an addi
Lionel security that the comfort and accommodation of
the passengers will be particularly attended to.
The subscribers being, as usual, extensively engaged
in the Transportation Business between Pittsburgh and
the Atlantic Clues, are thereby enabled to take charge at
and forward passengers immediately on their tending,
without a chance - of disappointment or delay; and are,
therefore, prepaied to contract for passage from any sea
port in Great Britain or Ireland to this city, the nature of
the business they are engaged in giving them facilities
for carrying passengers so far inland not otherwise ail
tamable; and will, itnecessary, forward passengers fur
ther West by the best mode of conveyance, without any
additional charges for their trouble. Where persons
sent for decline coming out, the amourit.paid for passage
anti be refunded in full.
AOGERS & .013 EN
_ . . .
, C
- ,
-•-- - .
The subscribers are also prepared to give drafts at
sight for any amount, payable lathe principal cities sad
town/tin England, Intend. Scotland and Wales,' thns of
fording a safe and eapeditionsi mode of tenanting (midi
to those countries, rebuilt persons reqatting such facili
ties will find it to their interest toavail themselves of
(Why letter, post-paid) will be promptly at
tended to. TAAFFE & O'CONNOR,
Forwarding and 01121171iAlliOn blerthuntsi
maie27-d&vv-ty Philadelphia.
& 00.91
ANZ itsaairriNcx
Office. , _
ARN LIEN tc CO-continue to bring out persons from
any part of England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales,
upon the most liberal terms, with their usual punemalitY,
and attention to the wants of emigrants. We do not al
low oar passengers to be robbed by the swindling seuMPII
that infest the sea-ports, at we take charge of them the
moment they report themselves, and see to their well-be
ing, and despatch them without any detention by the first
ships. WO stay this fearlessly, as we defy any of oar
passengers to shone that they were detained forty-eight
hours by us in Liverpool, whilst thousandsof others were
detained months until they could he sent in some old
reaft, at a cheap rate, which, too frequently proved their
We intend to perform our eontrictit honorably, /air
what it may, and not act as was the ease last season with
other offices, who either performed not at all, or when it
suited their convenience. .•
!hafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any slim from II to
11,000 payable at any of the Provincial Banks in Ire
land, England, Scotland and %Vales.
Eiropean and General Agent, '.
Fifth street ) one door below Waal sr.
B.„I-4 v
•• .
MITE Subscribers are prepared to forward money to all
parts of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, with
despatch, and at the lowest mtes.
14.1 Libeny street.
insnranct: dompauies
The Franklin Fire Insarienee Oortrimiry
or rintikattrins.
Charles W. Ilancker, George W. Richards,
Thomas Ilan, Mordecai D. Lewis.
Tobias Wagner, Adolph' R. Boric,
Samuel Grant, David S. Browne,
Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson. -
CII.A.S. W. DANCIifiR, Preset.
CHAS - . G. BANCIER, Secretary,
Ui - Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited,
on every description of propertrin town and country.
The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund,
which, with their Capital and Premiums, safely mvssleds
afford ample protection to the assured.
The Assets of the Compalty. on January let, 1840, as
published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol
ows, viz :
Real ge Estate.
Temporary Loans
Stocks •
Cash, &..e
Since:their incorporation' tt period of ID y6ars, they.
lllive Riad upwards of One Million Four Hundred Thou
sand Dollars, losses by' fire,": thereby' affording evidence
of the advantages of Iu sant nee, as wallas the ability and
disposition to meet with prornpoteis, all liabilities.
Office N. E corner Wood and 1d ets
Fire striel.flistriste Inastriange.
HE insurance Companya North.Amerien, of .Phila
delphia, through its dulyauthorized ',Agent the sub
scriber, alibis to makepermanent and limited insurance
on property, in this :city and Its yieinity, and on shipments
by the canal and rivers. . . .
Arthur G. Coffin, Preet.' Samna! Brooks,
Alex. Henry Charles Taylor,,
. Jones, .Samtiel W. Smith,
E d w a r d Smith, Ambrose White,
John A. Brown, Jacob M; Thomas,
John White, ' John R. Neff,
Thomas P. Cope, Richard'D. Wood,
Wm. Welsh, Henry)). Sherrard, Seey.
This is the oldest Insurance -Company in the United
States, having been chartered in 17114. Its charter is per
petual, and from its high standing, Jong experience, am
ple-means, and avoiding all-riaks of Air extra hazardous
character, it may be considered as offering =Pie Recur/.
ty to the public. WILLIAM P. JONES.
At Counting Room of Atwood, Scums & Co., Hater and
Front stn., Pittsburgh muY4y
dug the Jouratti
I NiiviittAriTtlilsinAlpyo.mrtoetAisttaFWooltrNlcut_ony California.
V of a Tour, by Edwin Bryant,',NeW.edition; with
an ApPendix, containing accounts. of the Gold Mines,
various routes, outfits, Ac., Lee. - ! •
prising the 'prominent Geographioal,' Agrioultural, Geo
logical 'and Mineralogical features of the Country
Also, the routes from bort Leavenworth; in'lilissourt. to
San Diego, in California, including parla of the .Arkan
sas. Dcl None and,Gilo rivcrl,Trom the official - reports
of Col. Pretnont and /Hajar Emory
CALIFORNIA—Its Hisiory,Popultdioil, Orn at e , Soil,
Productions and Harbors, from. Sir 'George' . SitoP s O4
O'Connor's Journey Round the . :Woriit. :Mld' an ac
count of the Revolution. in California . and' eonguest of
that country by the United Strict. By.lohnj;
B. Also, Col. Mason's Report other documents On
dos Gold Region.
The above this day receivedsmdfOr.mde by
Corner of Wood.unclad tae,
Int b-
65 Dis.triond Alley, can bd Consulted lath}
eases of a private at dairauruuureincidenta.
Act, thyldles,e hpaiun frame
r SandShilitineruitionsegeielan
4- "'(„„ ; 10.1:Mita conseenenec yp ti, togetherkwith el cta
l co.,
nertaidueases, Impuritiesot'the blood, with nil disetuies_o.f ,
enerealorigin, skin diseases,withstrecturetygleetoorethra l
discheiges, seminal weakness and-impotency; enter Pilete
rheuniatuan, female weakness, diseases df the, wombt
monthly suppressions, diseases of the joints, fistula in
ammo, nervOus affections, pains in the back and leinefitTi
tenons of the neck of the bladder and kidneys:seoruntie
eruptionsotner. ringworm, mercurial diseases, lkc:'
Exclesively devoted to the study and treetriteut of vene
real disordenc'and lhoprising front - youthful excessee,
gaiety, climate, ;:* ties'of the blood, whereby the.
constituiton May hittre_ den enfeebled,enebleaDr.BroNan
Wafer assurances of speedy relief to all who mayplaer
themselves under his care. • s • •
Dr. Brown's offices are conveniently arranged into seif
acute aPartmeate• 'Patients eon visit Dr. B. without fear.
of expoeiare,to other visitors.
It is of imporuince no many pentons in need of medical
aid, to obtain good advice privately and promptly. To-ail
such, Pr. Brown's, ready - skill in ?emoting:camera die.
session their verione farms end stages,ollersanducements
which can rarely bekequalled. 'Etrangere are hereby apl.
prised that Dr. Brown' he's been regularly educated - is
every brarielf of medicine,. and for the last twelve year* :
confined bimself-exclusively to: the, treatment of_those
diseases. , - • - •
Dr. Brown Is the :; Only regularly educated surgeon in.
Pittsburgh who jirives his whole, attention tothose
87"Pertain,sale and speedy cures will, in all aasea,bs
Recent cases are relieved in ashen time, withoutinter
raytion from business. • ..•
11 ,171 1.nreia Or ,Ruptiare.,—Dr. Brown also inviteseer.
sons &mimed with Bonnet° call, asEekits puldparucuT
ler attention to that disewes". ' •
Letters -from a distance, asking advice, meet contain
fee, or they will not beattended to:'
13Cr - ,office ow - Mamma few door s from Wood
street, towerdstbe market. Consultations strictly confil
denial. , . oct,V-d&tiely
EUSSATIB - Dr. ET9WWIS newly discovered rem=
edy for, abentnatisin is a speedy and certain remedy!
for that.painfal trouble., It never fags,. • .
_Officeand Private Commit: rim R00ma,Y10.45; Dia
mond, alley,PitiMmb;,ra- fibs Doctor is, always at
boom. • - - innlEklawit
.Patin lestairitesor. -
0 TIIRPUBLIC.—This is to certify that Ibtore found
Dalleyes Magical Pairs Exthactor to provost eine for
the Chronic Rheumatism, which I have been adieted
with for tell yeare,i4 my bit ,
• Aeguraintiumfg N. Y., April 9,13413,,
Dla H. Hsrway-r-Sir: I have been .troubled with ilia
Piles for eight months, and Conk! get no relief. •IYour
Magical rain' xtractor having been recommended to
me I applied it buttwice, obtained , instant relief, and in •
abort nme was perfectly.cured! Could I , dotgetanyr
more .of it, I *bold not take:. a hundred' dollars-for. the
balance of my' boi: • • . WILLIAM It ALL. ,
97 North Moore street t liew York, Lune 19,1847.- •
CAMON.;—Datiey's only Depot in Ike rag ett r eip.
York, and where the genuine fiefs can be obtained,.
wholesale and retail, is at4l9 Broadway.,--- -
H. DAILEY is the inventor of this truly invaluable coat
.:pound, and he Aar, told mew wilt coaurnmicate the
: secret 9C-its preparation to .any man living ; andithere
'fore, no otliespersoneverhas nada, or eVer eau,
grain of itliimself,
Country' 'sits abound! Every truly - Valuable article ir
subject to be depredated:upon by counterfeiters and ha.
postern* and nothing, that we know of, has more amen,
nicely experienced that fact than „Hailers Magical Pain.
A Thrt—The genuine Deasy in canna: of the severest'
Burns, Scalds, Piles, le., will afford instant mitt, , and
produce atone acoolingand sootbingeffeet--eatractiag
-• pain In and from one to Eileen minutest but be -sure, al
ways, apply it on linen—paver on cotton cloth.
- And now mark the differenes!--CounterfenEittactors,
no matter under what name theyemy uppear,ol orhow up.
9 119 d, alwalrs irritant end increase &impugn •'
Pampblets,conterhung en:tile:ads of twee tray be had
gratis, on application to . JOHN D. moitoiti;
Wawa Depot,' rittsburgi.."
Da, Vlst. Tumor. Agent.
. .
Dalliers Animal Galtranlis Cure. All,.
For Horses,
.cattlo, &c., cares apsain,:quittori
poll-ealiZeores, galls and bruiser. Pampliletsconuthints
certifictuca of respectable panicoonny be had on ikppy,
cation to - JOHN D. MORGAN.
The Grand • Matta's.
BLE EXTBACT,PiLLS--Thssa -celebrated-Tills
bare obtained an enviable notoriety in the United States
as &curative for Giddiness, Dyspepsia; Sour Stomach,
Headache, Fevers, Piles, Costiveness, Coughs, Heart'.
burn, Liver Complaint , Scurvy, Sore Throat, . Inward
Weakness, Palpitation of the Heartlndigestion, and a
varietrof other diseases to which dent is heir to; as a
medicine for the. million.. In a. scummier the year, ,
spring, summer, autumn,and .vvinter,—and under-all ur
carastonces, they em betaken with perfect safety and
succeas._.As ultermifuge and general medicine forchill
drea, they are unrivalled. Beam coated with pure white
sugar, children will easily take thenn-they neither gripe.
nor nauseate; are gentle,. but thorough in their operation.
For adults, by increasing the dose, they are, equally bent
eficial. Ai au AnS.Dilusus Pa/they : will be found with
onta superior. -Ask any,one. amougthe thousands whc.
use Them, and tin unqualified approval will be the certain
ftemember Dr. C. V.Clickeneris tle.origiaad inventor
of Sugar Coated Pills; and that nothing of the sort was
ever heard of until he introduced them-in June, ISM
Purchasers should, therefore, always ask for elicketteSa
Sugar Coated Vegetable Pine, andtakenoothers,orther
wltl be
made the victims of a fraud. •,
Eler'Price, 2',.; emits per box. • . -
Dr. Clickenees principal office for the sale of Pills,
66 Vesey at., N.Y.-•
VIM. JACKMAN, S 9 Libertyist , bead of Wood, Pitts:.
burgh, Pa. Genera l Agent for Pennsylvania, Northern
Ohio, and the river counties of Vulpine.
The following are the . duly appointed Agents for Al4j
gheny county . .
A. M. Marshall,
Dr. Drown, -Allegheny city.
J. IL Johnson, _
Jonathan (Anent, Mancleste r.l
Alexander Assdale,Wylle atre-et.
J. IL H. J - acques, ) ftralingham.
Wm. J: Smith, Temperan e eville. -•• •
Q. H. Starr, SenriekleY: -
" Edward Thompson, Wilktnaburgh.
Daniel Negley, East Liberty.
H. Z. Mitchell, Wilkinsburgh. - -
H. Rowland it Son, Al'ireesport
C. F. Diehl; Elizabeth. -•
John Black, Tunic Creek. • .
APEldow,ney, Bakal-sworn.
Samuel Springer, Clinton/
James Al'lree, SieWartitown.
• Riley APLangblin,,Plum cown4ip .
J. Fulton, Tarentum.
- Jeremiah kleming; imverelkeeyille
Robert AVllliams Arthorsville. .
are in danger, the work _of , the destroyer , kith 'been
begun the-Cougti of Consumption bath in it:a sounCtif
Ass von A Manisa? Your darling thild, your idol
and earthly joy, Is now perhaps confined to her chamber
by a dangerous cold—her pale cheeks, her thin shrunken
fingers, tell the hold disease haralreadrgained upon her.
—the sound of her aupulehral cough pierces your soul.'
You Msd, when'eat about to enter disease sheds
a heart crushing blight over the fair prospects of the At.
tare—your hectic cough and feeble- limbs tell of your
loss of hope, but you need not despair. 'There is a balm
which will heal the wounded lungs, it is
She rm mess All-111 eating Balsam: -
Mrs. Avraira, the wife of: Wm. H. Attree,•Bsq. was
given up by Dr. - Sewall of Washington. Drs. Roe add
McClellan of Philadelphia, Dr. Roe and Dr..lllqu of New
York. Her friends all thought she must die.. She bad
every appearance of being in consumption and was so
pronounced by her ithysicians—Sherman's 'Balsam - war
given and it cured her.
Mrs. Os of Bull's Ferry, was also cured of
, consumption. by.tliis Balsam when all other 'remedies,
failed to give reliesbe was reduced to a skeleton. Dr:
A. C. Castle, Dentist, 281 Broadaiay, , bas witnessed its
effects in 'several cases where no other medeeine afford.
ed• relieP-but the Balsam. operated like a churn. . Dr. C.
also wiuthsred ite wonderful effects in euring.Asthrita r
which it never fails of doing. Spitting Blood, alarming
as it may he, is -effectually cured by this ' Balsam. 11'
heals the -ruptured or wounded blood vessels, and makes
the lungs sound again. . - •
.Rev. 7 111011 a Jesse, 108 'Eighth avenue, seal cured of
cough and cantrrhal affection of 50 years standing: The.
first dose gave hint more relief than all the 'other saedi
eine he had ever taken. Dr. L. J. Beals, ISt-Delaney.
street, gave itto a sister - in-law who was laboring under
.Consumption - and to 'another :sorely . afflicted with the,'
Asthma. In both oases its effects "were immediatei soon
restoringem to comfortable health.
Mrs. L Th oomis WELLS, 95 Cluistie-st., suffered from
Asthina 411.years.' .Shermanis Balsam relieved' her 'at
once, and she ia -eomparatively-well, being enabled to
subdue every:attack by a• timely. use of this medicine.
This indeed is the great -remedy for Coughs,'Colds, Spit
ting mood, Liver Complaints, and all th e affections of the.
throat, and even Asthmaand Constunption. - - •
Price 25 cents and El per bottle; •• • -
Principal Office 100 Nassau street. New York.
Likewise Dr. Sherman , ' celebrated Cough, Worm and
Camphor Lozenges: Premium, Tooth 'Paste - turd 'Peer
Manta Plaster - •
._ - • -
Bold wholosaleind retail-by ,WM. JACKSON, at his'
Boot and Shoe Store and Patent Medicine Warehouse 1
89 Liberty street Pittabrirgh, head- of Wood. street, -suid
by- the following duly. appointed ,Agents - for Allegheny,
county _
Marshall '.Allegheny city; Jonathan Ghrielt,
Manehester;J. R. IL Jacques, Birmingham; A. S. Getty,
Wylie street;-J. G. , Mu stia,ieor. - Webster :st.. and Elms
Daniel Negley,..East Liberty; -,11. L. -Mitchell, 'MUM-,
burgh; Thos. Aiken, Sharpaburgh; Bami. Springer,‘Clitw
ton; James M'Kee, fitcwaystows; :Jahn Block" Thrill .
Creek[ c. F. Diehl, Elizabeth; Rowland. & Scin, ..111 , Keeti4
part; MeEldowney, Bakerstown. Riley APLaughlin,
Plumb Township; ` gym. J. Stnith;Yempertnceville; Jas.
Fulton, Tarentum; G. H. Starr, Bewielly, • .
81,4 ,432 41
• 04,724.83
• 00,001 85
5t,572 25
38,804 37
Jaynes , Enmity - Medicines. -
M S. S, COOK, Piqua, Ohio, writes, 11346;
"I have used lour. Vermirner, - Carznutative Babsmi,
and Expectorant, in my practice, for-the last - three years,
and have been exceedingly well pletuted-isith and'
never, as yet, - to my recollection, failed of realizing -my
fullest expeetatiod in their curative properties. —Tour
other medico:les I cnnuotspeak -of from-experience ;- but,'
judging from those I have lased, -I doubt not buythat tliny
claim and are entitled to all the confidence reposed Ire
Omni; by those who have. used - mem. I was formerly
Very partial tool*** Vermifuge, lantil I becameactinain
' , ted with yours, which has my decided preferene tonny
other now in use.
. _ .
Reaseatraith yfrais l S. s.„ COOS, ?4 1)" •
Err For 1401? in Pittsburgh at taaPekia TdISION472
14[01tETESTIAIONY for Dr. Willard , s.Family' ISfe i+
eine tr—The undersigned, citizens of Pittsbfirgh:beit.
PcutotinDY. used Dr..'Willard , e Oriental
rare, and experienced ita beneficial effeete;tiornesfeheer
ibily-recommenn it as safe and effectiral, in air clisibz:
Speakitig.frorriectience, trtre bislietre that it bastibtraf.
penor ; rind utould recommend its use to all the afflicted.
PinsbOrgh,ldeieh itith,lB49. --; c•-•-*
ID-Sold by J.Hehoonmakee & Co., Abu Hays, James
A. ones, J. H. Cassel, John P; Seotti F; - 1....9405dani;
ill:101er, Ogden &Snowden.
-46432 W :
rtharsmsz tiMit , cilvam-20 kaitziicis
gtowthi...betialy, -- and:restorailonsf the Hair . :
Cream, waertarnmekturam, will TapereedeallmAer attir
tics of the kind now in use.. , Wherp,Me hairrsAcad
Antall; thin, macalthy . ,ate turning - grey; a few applies'.
, tame will maketbe - hair soft atadark, and,glie it teau-'
dial, lively appearance; and will alacrinalre it maintain
its liveliness and healthy color, twice as tongas all the
.preparations;that-are generallyesed: :Wherethebrair
thin, or UM fallen off, it may berestored by using triliC .
Everylady and gentleman who Min thelmbit of
oils on their hair should at once parchaiesbottle of
the if:et-Half Cream; as if is socomposed that it will
ttoflinjure the hair like the other, preparations, but will
:beautify it, and , giver perfeck - tatiallictionlir eery*
Foriteslimeny to its very superior, qualities, tee UM fol :
loarinuletter . froth :the-.P.Sv. , Mr.. well= to Itleartsi
. .Hendershott & Stretch, Nashville; generalagents for die
Etoathem States
4.carr gale/treatCablicii/Ano i refulS'?feS:blatriali'
liisasss Ifteroxisnorr & isurcn:*cieintn* -I .take.
44(uniatinadding mYtestimony in favtit of the , excellent
POLIO :Chinese kfair . Cream; for,
- about" two years ugo my hair weevery dry, bristW, and
disposed to came out; but having-procured a bottle of the
Cream, and used it according to the prescripticm, it is now
elastic,'sok and . ;firta to the - head. Many balsams and.
oils were applied ? each Icaving . myliiai in a werse, state
: thartbefote: This Cream, however, tits ttiet my expec:.
As an article for the toilet, my irri& - gives frprefelnitoti,
trver all: others ',being delicately perfumed and
lkne.d rancdity: The ladies, eillr-elauti.*ilrfied the
Chinese Cream lobe a desideratum their - POPUrfiliwts .
for the toilet.
- it: 'eArswEel.
. , .
Palaskl,January 7, 1847.• - • _
Sold wholesale and..istitil, in Pittsburgh, by John"
M. Townsend, 45 Marketat, - alid Joel Mohler, corner of
Wood and Fifthsto • • lels.4lEctv•-ly
ADIESare - cabtloned aganisf mat' Comicion - Prep-a
yr red Chalk: They are not aware how frightfully inju
noes it is to the skin t how coiuse, how rough, how sallow,
yellow, and unhealthy the skin apheari after using pre
naiad chalk ! . Besides' isinjanotrs, containing a-large
quantity of le,adir' ;We have
_prepared a beautital vege
-table article, which wicall' /ones' Spanish Lilly White..
.It laperfectly innocent, being pmified of all deleterious
coadities, and it imparts to the skin, a natural;. healthy,
,plalputer, clear, ' lively white; at the same time acting
pa a cosmetic on the skin making it soft and smooth.
;Dr:James Andenon, Practical Chemist of hlassachu-
Pitts, says: " Afte ranalysing Jones!SpardshEillyWhite;
I find it possesses the most beautifuland natural, and at
the same limp innocent, white I ever saw . I certainly
can canscientioiridy,recommend its use to all 'whose akin
requiresbesatifying.' , Price 25 cents abox. Directions.
—die best way to apply Lilly White, is wi th salt leather
or wool—the formens preferable. '•' ' - •
_ A run we (71 Tura mos -25 cmen.--Trhite - teeth,
foul breath; healthy gums; Yellow and unhealthy teeth,
- after being once or twice cleaned with Jonea''•Amber •
Tooth Paste, have the appearance of the =St braptiffiil
.ivory, and, at the same trme it is so perfectly innocent
and exquisitely fine, that its constant daily . use is highly
advantageous, even to those teeth that are in good coach
' tion, raving them a beautiful polish; and preventing
pretnature decay. Those already decayed it prevents'
from becoming worse—it also fastens such na is becoming
loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth
delicately. white, mid makethli breath delialinisly aweet.
Price 25 orZte•centa a box; All the aboveare sold only
• at 82 Chatham at.,nzafthe American Eagle, New York,.
andb:y..the appeal ents whotie names appear In the
TTooMANIY, and get a rich husband, lady I-" You r.
'face is year fortune." le't beautiful, clear, ftirt Is it'
white If not, it can be made so even, though it 'be yel
low, disfigured, sunburnt. ,healed and 'freckled. . Thous-.
'ands have been made thus whn have washed . once or
twice wi th losiesntaliein Soap. • The end is
&prime and magnificent' 'Bath sure you get the Bean-
me ;tales' Soap, at the 'sign of e American -Eagle, 82.
Chatham street,
Ring-wonn, Salt-rheum Scarvey, Eryripelas, Barber's
Itch, are often cured byJones' Italian Chemical Soap,
when every kind of remedy has failed. That it cures
.pimples; freeleles, and clears the akin, all know. Sold at.
'the American Eagle,Bs Chatham street . Kind, reader,
this acid= or [lever falai: •
• • • •C. INGLI% Jr Patterson.
•• Sold ptianuan's 811.Liberys2., head of 31Vood, Sign of
of the '• Boot. • • nova.
—Marriage—Conridential.—Any lady between twen-.
ty and thirty, possessing a symmetrical form, good fea
tures; Ao" masked confidentially, can she suppose any
man could admire her while she has such yellow teeth;
such sallow, rough, coarse skin; and such dirty, bad,
wiry hair, when. by spending the above sum; she might
have delicate white •teeth, a pure -sweet breath, and a'
beautiful head of hair. She can have beautiful white
teeth and sweet breath by using a 2s. bpx of Tones' Am
ber Thoth Paiu; a skin white, pare an spotless as snow,
by using a cake of the genuine Jones' Dalian Chemical
Soap; and a beautiful bead of hair by using a 3s. bottle of
„Tea& egret Heir Retietratire. .Do not form an opinion
against this before you trry, or you will regret it; bitt be
ewe to ask for Jones' armies: Sold only in New York
At est chide= et. For sale b • • •
WbL JACKSON Agent, •
SS Liberty at., Pius burgh-
'permit= bas proved that no combination of medicine
hero ever been so efficacious in removing the "above
eases, as DR. ,7AYNES ALTERATIVE.. Rhea effected
eurestraly astonishing, not only of Cancer and otherdis
eases of that class, but has removed the most stubbOrn
disease, olLitia•Skin, Swellings; Dyspepsia, &e. • This
medicine enters into the circulation, and eradicates dis
eases wherever located. Lt purifies the blood and other
fluids of the body, temoves obstruction ut the pores of
the skin, and reduces enlargement of the glands orbones.
It increases the appetite, removes headache and drilissi , ,
news, and invigorates the whole system,. and imparts ani
mation to the diseased and debilitated constitution. Titers'
is nothing superior to it in the-whole materia medico. It
is perfectly safe and extremely pleasant,andbas nothing
of the disgusting nausea accompanying the-idea of sYraf•
'lowing medicine.
For sale in Pittebargk at the PEKIN TEA STOREi
Founh at, near Wood. mar3O
; •olpe for - iths' Unman HAITI
in couseanence of the ninny things sold, set downevery
article, (be it eyer good,) as a Inindmi.,. IC people
conk)* made to trynr 3s. bottle ofJone's Coral
storntive, and it anikesdr yi rusty; fed; light hair
motet; foil, auburn and dark, and keeps it so ; and by its
use for iontetiate, causes it to grow nanirully beautiful
if people could see the number of poor respectable we
chimes IW:its:Lie it, (aye, and find it the cheapest thing
they Gan Use,' far dressing and beautifying . the Hair; far
keep* it soft and in order three times as long as any
other ruttelemadei and • .
Fortes it to grow, stopsits falhag,
• . And costs but 3 shillings to try.
We' formerly Sold nothing less than $1 bottles, but we
wish people way Sold only atelltaind hathaut
street, New York, and by •
' tuneAl WM. JACKSON. Agt . ..39 Liberty st.
. Howes Gough Candy.
ZtilS celebrated article, so favorably burin last win
ter, is again offered to the citizens of Pittstr.argh, as a
pertain remedy Sir Coughs and'Colds, so prevalex tit this
sealer' of the year: • . • .
HOWE'S COUGH CANDY irr the best artiele of the
kind ever, offered to the public, and we challenge tiny
person in the United States to produce a eiteaperonore
pleasant and effectual remedy for the care of Coughs and
,Colds. •HOWE & CO., Proprietors,
• 'Depot; No. I College Cincinnati, 0
Sold by H. Starter, L. Wilcox. Jr., J. M. Townsend,
Jas. A. Jones, wall illaek, Druggists; and at Wm. J ack.
son's, 9 Liberty street, Pitmbusgb. Seta:zags '
lyt F F'S DVS Pliieff IC PILLS
The general properties of these Pills are Carmine
use Purgative and Polite. • In the common disorders
rinsing from immeleace in diet, ite.,sttch:as Siekiless
and sourness of the stomach, heartburn, licadaches,Ae-„
' where a medicine. is required, this preparation is very
applicable, for its cartoinattte or soothing edema give
almost immediate relief, teben nausea or sickness extst t
its purgative operation upon the stomach and bowels is
gentle and effeetualt_and its tonic , properties impart
strength to the digestive Orgart6; thereby enablingthese
omens to perform their proper functions with order and,
regularity, The pile.. bee been reduced from 30 to 43
cents • box.
For tale, wholesale end" retail. by, D. A. FAIIN 4 •••
TOCK & Co., coreer'.Frout autt,Wood and Sixth - and
Wood streets, Agents Sir Pittsburgh. • jel4
seizes more victims lima any other
disease in our country_ The young, the old, the
beautithl and gay, are all alike subject so its.invidious
ravages, and many a hectic check has been supposed lb,
bloom with the glow of:health. Bin every case origi
nates in a cold and a cough—perhaps , deemed tuivrprthy
of attention at first—and only met with remedies when
too late. Watch the first ,symptoms With jealous care,"
and make immediate use of the Cough Balsam of - B.
Fahoestock & Co., which Will certainly check ins further
•progress, and restord the Inflamed organ* to &beautiful
For sale B. A. - PA/INESTOCIC it Co.; coiner Ist
and Wood its.; also, Corner 6th and Wood: , deal!.
B. iyILLIA2IIB,No. LI North Sixth street, Pbiladel
. phta, Venetian Blin4andWindow Shads Montt/az ,
tuner, (awarded the first and highest Medals et the New
York s : Baltimore and Philadelphia. Exhibitions, ;for the
auperwrity of his BLINDS, with confirmed confidence in
his manufacture,) asks the attention of•pnitbasers to his
assortment of 2000 Blinds of narrow and wide slats, with
fancy and plaih Trimmings, of now styles titid eoiof6. --
Ales, a large and general assortment of Dansparent
Windom 'Shades, all of which he . will sellat the lowest
:‘ .010 Windt pointed anti trimmed tolook equal to new.
Dasbnas isupplicd on liberal tennis. • •
• • The •citizens Allegheny . Con ty.are resOettfully; In
sheet to'call, before purchasing eiscwhere-onfident of
pleasitut all: •
open in the evening.
To Country IllorobonttO. •
HODKlNSONwouletternind you thacyou ran now
ili,!secare .Citina, Giass. te., at such
"ptiers:us never were heretoforentresed at. •
vlßeinember,lls Wood entta,3 doors belcnitath. • luta
• - he Pia — bh ' •
yffe sabsonber informs the public generally, ask
nensolreepers and Retail Grocers particularly, that
e is 'discontinuing tho'QUlWlßitallto business, and will
sell off his stock at, reduced priced. „Those. who
wish to obtain( China, QlUC7l.34blike., Vitu,s;wili find this
raze opportunity for Piling suelfartleles as they
much cheaper than the usual rates. • •
Remem b er the place,'CRINAA' HALL No. 118 1 1 7
street near the Auction store. •: • •
.P. I will .dispose of my whOle" Snick to
y. person
jan9m . b u y.•
Wishing to it, a t ft bar g ain .
.1.1 Sags, Fourth stmt,—.llonalt & Anton Daguerreo
. typists from the Easter n ' cities, would call the attention of.
ie inhabluoitaof Pittsburgh, and the neighboring towns,
to their Dageterreotype 'of cnizeha and otheiseat roonte
the third story of Barke'sbnilding,•4th st- ' .
Persons Wishing pictures taken ma* rest 'assured that
tie pains Shalt be spired toffiroduce them in the highest
perihelion of the art Otirimainments tire of thermos% pow 4.
ertial kind, enabling us to 'execute pictures I:dim:passed
for high finish and trinialoess tonna/re; Thep:it:die mo.
solicited to tall and examine:: - • .'•'
. Persons sitting for pictaries are aeitherrequirred
Peeled tolake them unless perfect-satisfaction
:•,N.'l3. Operators .will find this a good ,depot for. stook
_ .... .
117 • Instntceonitgitlrenin the ari,'eontaie.inethe
fecentlmprevement,. jae7
W.24.rait4s -r -5 4 70 ,, V; 41 ' , :L it t - i t Y r4-,1:-V•FR:V•4747
' - • •••;., •
• • • •-; :
1 C 1 11)003 C. ' 01 - 41a0
dEßlCArOfter o entedffena.ettillniranelq•.
. -
• Al3SeetUSloo the satines.otttm ceibun ,
Sad infallible rare fat Sprains, StrdtheCrlteriD9r.iit.
Scalds, • Burus ; .Teiten. Se ald'lfettel„'c
Whooping-Cough, Inflammatory Sore Thront,,SOt i ge •
Inflamed Eyes, Flatulence' Ulcers, P_e_ieffitet:aft
which yields to its effects in a stirprlsingmandeP: • ;"' •
.It has never yet failed-when- nscdireconlingto dices;
dons: Read the:followin,yr. i 1
• .Ni ci ssilite dllegheny co „Pa.., t 7- • •
• N.overntretll3,lo4o- , $ • •
Tbis brio eettilY; that my wife, Margaret Ohriest,wss. , ::
cured of a.Rheumatic Complaint of seven yearsatandingx , ;"
by which she was so lame as to be obliged to use crutch- ,•' • ;
es. In one week she was cured by using the American
Pity and could walk about as usual without her crutch
p e ts f
The fellesting is 'cotruntalcated ;
Jacksorilsagent for.Stenbenviliti, 0...; •;'
A gentleman near÷teubenville,'whe bean& beetrafue
to put either of his feet to the greundfdr twelve yeenbla
:consequence of lameness; by the zee 'or 'dn'd bottle
eimbled to walk two miles to a township electicm.
likewise a sovereign remedy for • • •• ••
• •
CONTRACTION: OF THE' MUSOMII4• AND S / 2 21 4- 1'..." 1 ;"•
• ' ' • • . DONS, • :
The &arriving is cominunlested brkft.
Jackson's agent for Steubenville ' • '
A lady residing ite Stenbenitilte, tab 'firigert or whoie •-•
Land was so cOntmpted smut deprive her of the tiro's( 11' . •
for thii-fivo years,was entirely cured by the titirr, :••••
:bottled the OH, ae that she now , has • the perfett_tneeit • ''
her hand hilly equal to th e other which had liggif 'been
• affected, It has also been found to be a safe an. ttririnci • '
ble agent in the speed and Certain etlIS, of -. • '
in: all cases not oppinicallyincunt • • -
A lady residingra Allegheny city WaSeffectanll7 clued '
of- obstinate deafness, of years'continuance, by the use
Of less than 0 11 e bottle:of the Oil, so that she said she.'
heard baiter than she had ever done before. •
A gentlemen well known in Diasburgh,. was7cared pt, •
deafness of biney'edriirstrutding, by the Use 'of a , .•
quantity' Of the 'Oil: The - names • and residences:of the:•.' •
lady and gentlenian will be given to those who desire it, ;
tai tine office of the , advertiier.
.• - . •
Its .propertied•nnehlithly developed in the certain and . • , . ,
stortsingly speedy cure of all cases
• Several cases of Cramp Cholic have been enictuallyy.
cured by one dose of the Oil, is the short space of balk
-an boar, when the parties have been agonized withjain.
.Its curative properties have been remarkably E.LlARkigillteP •
iu the radical of • • :
• • ••• DISEASES OF THE SPINE. • . •
A lady, the wife of n planter in XenteekYr was cur"' • :
effectually of one of the worst cases of diseased Spine; . •
which had' confined her to her bed for a considerable
time, in which she could not turn herself. It is also A.._ -
sure remedy and perfect cure for painslnthe mallet th e back, and
Bead the follcisvingr
• • Prrnatutan, Dec.lB, DNB."'
This to cenity that I was afflicted with greatpain In''
.41re small of my beck and kidneys, which affected mu so . ~
much that I could not stand upnght By rubbing' eater
sully' and using half a teaspoonful internally,roght and
morning, I was entirely cured.. " JOHN RIDDLE. • .
near Warren, Armstrong co., PO. ." •
Atentleman of Dittsburgh,effiicted 'with a violent in
flammation .of the kidneys—the pain of 'Which caused
him to faint—was completely cured, in threedambyilie - :: .
use of the American. Oil. The qualities of this
is extremely penetrating and anti-inflammatory, come- •
quently is confidently recommended as a sovereign rem- •'' •
edy wherever ifillammation exists, either external '
Used immediately after a cut, bruise or wound, •
it will care and prevent • • •
• • . Rhea; in addition, been found a subitary, pleasing end
effective remedy for those very unpleasant and inconve- •
nient diseases - •
Il2'r Price, SO cents per bottle. • -• •
Oantlon....Be on Your Onsid.
. : The surprising excellence and:growing popularity : ,
the Amerman Oil, has induced some dishonest pereons ,
Palm upon the public, miserable imitations of this truly ,
valuable medicine f fdr Ihe_purpose of de:.eiving: the un
wary, and defraudrog.the - Proprietor.
In order to bemire of obtaining the gennine, °brae
the following soca Tames .
lst. See that the name ° Wni. Jackson 69 Liberty:W .
head of Wood si.: ‘ ," is printbd on the of thewrappC ;
of each bottle, to imitate which is felony. • •• •.-
- 2d. That each bottle is inclosed in a paniphlet c'ontain
ing fall directions for use; and also containing the name
and address of AVin. Jackson, General Agent for the,' ~
proprietors; likewise, the name and address of the pro
pnetors, D. Hail & Co.; Kentucky. . . . • •
Purchase oars of the advertised Agents', all 'of
whom have a show bill, on which is printed the unities of
the Proprietors and General Agents—thus i D. Hall
Proprietors; Kentucky. Wm. Jackson, Pitubtiryli,
General Agent for Western Pennsylvania, and patter.' r.
Ohio and Western Virginia ; and the printers'. navies— ,
. hrMillin itShryock,`. Pittsburgh—printed ut the „bottom
of said show ,
4th: Observe—the genuine American Oil is. of a
green color, without any sediment, and its specificnravi-. ,
ty lighter than water. the counterfeits are mostly of a '
black color;—some white like Spirits et Turpentine; •
said to be refined and clari fied;- some Son een.Oil—ath-. •...-
ere a mixture of other cOmmon oils; and ones black filthy
looking mixture, purporting to come [roach' e 'Pittsburgh
and Allegheny Dispensary, Co." . None of these coun
terfeitistimssess either the virtue or the power of the Oils -
lETSoId wholesale and 'retail by. Will. JACKSON,--.
General and Sole Agent for the Proprietor in Western ••
.Pennsylvania, Western Virginia, nod Northern Ohio;
and by the following duly appointed Agents in Allegheny.: •
county, Pa.:
• Dr. known, Allegheny city. •:'
' J. IL Johnson, . . •
Jonathan Ghnest, Manchester. • ' ••. • •-. . •
Alexander Asdale, 'Wylie street. : •.
J. It. LI. Jacques, Zirmuthham. • - • :
Wm. J. Smith, Temperanceville.' • • •
• . • •: •
G. H. Starr, Sewickley,. . . _ • •
Edward Thompson Wilkinsburgh:
'. Daniel Neggleyy , East Liberty..
' • 11. Z. hfttchelt, Wilkinsbargh. • , •
Thomas Aikin, Sharpsburgb.
H. Rowland & Son, M'Keesport. •
- C.-P. Diebl;Efizabeth...
. -
John Sleek, Tunic Creek.
--Itl'Ebiowny, Bakerstown • . .
Samuel Springer, Clinton.
' James Sumerian:4n. ' • •. • •
Riley hi'Langttlin, Plum township. •
J .Fulton,•Trirentum. ' •
Jeremiah Flaming, Lawrentevllle. • • • - • • •
Robert Williams, Axtharsville: • " • • •
Coad'spatetatgradnated galvanic Battery
OR A.:vat:num arasks.---This la the
: instrument of the kind thathas ever been presented' -
in this country or Europe for medical putposes, and is
only one ever known to man, by which the galVanie Bald%
ettA be conveyed to the human eye, the ear, the brain; or
o any part of the body, either exte rn ally or internally',
tun de anite, gentle stream, vrithontshoeks or pain—with'. •
perfect safety—and often with , the happiest erects.' •• '••
This important apparatus' is 'now highly approved- of •
by many of the most eminent physicians of this country
and Europe, to whom the afflicted and others whom lt• •
may concern can be referred.- Rethienee will also be • •
given to many highly respectable citizens,- who htivis '
been cured. by mearst of this most valuable apparatus; of
some of the most inveterate nervous disorders, which---
could not be mnared : by any other known means.' ' • '
Among s-orioas others, gluts been proved Ie be admir- - • ti ,
ably adapted for the cure of the following diseases, viz:
(-nervous Inadache and other disonle rs of the brain. 'tie '
• with this apparatus alone that the, operator can convey •
the galvanic fluid with ease and safety to the eye; to re
store inch; or caretunnurosaa;tathe ear to restore hear- '•
I tug' to th e tongue or other organs, to restore speech
to the various parts of the- hoclY, for the care of enrolls ,
rheum-nano, asthma, neuralgia, or tic doloureoux,paral.!
ysis, or palsy; goal, chorea or St. Titus' duo., epllepsyr: '
weakness from si mins, some diseases- peculiar to fe
males, contraction of the limbs. leek-jaw, ete4 etet •• - : •
Rights for surrounding =untie'. of Western; Pa.orrol •
privßeges. with the immanent, may be purchased, and
Also tested for the can of diseases. . • •• • • • • ' '
Pill instructions will be given for the various eherai- ; •
eels to be used for vuriona'diseases, and the hist roomier •
(or operating for the care of these' diseases, will also be
folly explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet pat Into
has bands expressly for these purposes, carefully pre
pared by the patentee. • Enquire of - • •• •
S. wiLtuas; Vinnstreet,
near 4th at. Road, pittsvg.
- LAB, .Barber's itch, .Cliapsl . Sam -ilicants:, • Pourptp*,—
Mai's tensed by many . phystelans in this city in Caitiff tho.
above, and wo would not consemitmonsly sell nnl . ess - wit •
knew it to be all we• state- - • : .
.Aa a cosmetic, the true JONES'S SOAP is perhaps . the,
only article ever known tha t . removed untturit te k, add
cleared and' beautified thapku t making; It
smooth cunt white at, infants. But blind, !,t, mi!spld .l 4
Cluatun Ir"II•PII?YWM.IACKSoN;'Aieni,
•‘• 5t Libeny street, Pittrainigit;
Al, A respectable gentleman called at oat. offlcey as
said, to inform us that he had been afflicted for .15 yearriy
with Rheumatism or Gout; and occasionally :with Tali.:
woreux.; that be had been frequently confined to Us.
room for months together, and often saffered the mitstilov.l'.
tense and excruciating pain, but that lately he had •befte; , .
using Jayne's Alterative, from . which he foundlliernosfaslirlYi
nal and unexpected relief: 'lle says he found the medi.i . 3
.eine very pleasant and effective, and that •he now cott , : , ; . "
elders himself perfectly enred.:;-Philiddphict North I — niee , r
/tom ,
. ... • .;
A Faux Woirru KICONVINCL—A gentle Man of Scrothiddi
habit, froMiadiscretion in hie younger days, became at
'acted with Ulcerations in the Throat and Nmce, .
disagreeable eruption of the Skin. 'lndeed, his whole
System bore the nooks of being saturated .
One hand and wrist were so much atTectett.that 'he had..'
lost the use of the hand, every-'part' being covered with'
deep, painful, and offensive ulcers, and were as hollow.. .
*and porous as an haney-comb. • It wits at this slags of hit
complaint, whet' death appeared inevitable from it loath
some disease; that he commenced th e use of Jarneir
lenitive and having - talren sixteen bottles, is nowpeifeq•
The Alterative operates through thO'Clicitlitfon,'Ond -
purifies the blood nod eradicates disease from the system * , .
whCrever located, and the numerous CUTE , it tax pet , .
formed in diseases of the skin, cancer,
.serelid4 g oat;-'• -
liver complaint, dyspepsia pod other chronic diseases,
truly astonishing.—Spiris of at Timm. • -
ipp.For cede ut Pittsburgh, Odle PERIN ritliSlyinuic
12 Fourth street. • •
IPS (lE' _COUGH/NG in the night artsvery..imme.„.
7 .
1 some. -They break in ripen the hernia of sepose - ind"_
exhaust the strength of the satTerer.': 'A:ltithiteitoilt
& Co.'s COUGH Llald3Ahl bee been eminently suicess..r-'
folio earn?j 'and 'curing. these • unpleasant spene;:imi,.::
p o numiu roused in the night by:a spurn of cod/0114ra
led-spoonful ofthe Cough I.ln/sare will soothe it, mobilo •
relief,.isud,"es it is palatable, leaves no unplensunttiiiTif
behind. 'lf once used, it Will take prece derma over tar:,
others; es remedy for coughs, colds, &c. •
reronsd And sold. by .11. A. FELHNESTOCK - I .
: corner Ist and Wood streets, and corner ath :arid . .A.NT ‘''
.ittrecis. f• : : '•
8.. RALPH'S CenainnAnn Vissirgaßili-Pii t zernre fat' ;•
'eitle, wholesale nod retail, wake: ,"-•
Rau: EiniiitOriwz;
,3.• NezAB42lllifichist;... 7,
„Abo, by Win. Cole, Allegheny ielnif.,l:43. eolith, Bit ; ;
minthoin; Sohn McCracken;Penn street, rifth-Wazd.-- 7-7
• • -••••:'=t-i.:.$