- TAAP.Iia &AGO, (aneC.CS$Olll3 To.SitralVF & No.lo. Fourth street, bettvtot Ferry, ,iutd-Lit±trtr stitith I.IFAPTUREKS of snort iead,leadert plies'llTr In. drains, pumps, baths, water closets, ;leaden.coking, &c,; keep constantly on hand and.naanufacitire to older ,- Sheellead from 1. to 8 lbs. to the square foot.iin sheets of by 20 feet, whielithey will furnish to the trade sChoWsige.; .orcut to order in any sirc,that otay.be.waritea:: ~. They also manufacture rind keep c'olistaittly ;Oh hand leadenpipes from 11 to} inch calibre; aque.duct pipe,for. 'conveyui; water irofn Wrings, furnished. to thei coma*" . mule, and put no Ofrreela lengthiter fiafalndf to 1000 feet on each reel; with directions-as to the proper Method of laying: Alio, on littud, eilarge supprt of Ailanis'lMV : cntsuetion Pumps, for wells or cisterns; Snow & Co's. very suPeiroi cast - twin suction Pumps.— '• . ' Hydrant Work of every description extent...4l4n the. • most durable manner, and • • on.tbe Arloalacmuro°d at inli `terms.. Orders from the ministry. for leaden pipes, shel lead. or pumps, will receive prompt attention. -• . • W AKE. ItratiLLN SECURED BY-LETTERS,PATENTi..-:. - DUBUC ATTENTION is solicited to au entire new. JE article of RAILING, made -of wrought-iron bars, and toff annealed rods, or wire, and expreselpdestigneii f o r en closing Cottaircsi CeraettWies; Balconies, Public Grounds, &e, at prices vaiTi ug from 'so"eantsioS3,oo the. lag . loot. It is' madam patinas of , various lengthsi IWto 4 teet bigh t with wrought Hon posts a inch -square, at intervening distances of Gto 10 feet, If desired,_the ' mantels can be 'made of 'titrrheight,in continuous spans of 60 to 00 feet, with or without posts. No extra charge for. posts. The comparative lightness, great strength anti darabil irrof the - wing. RAILING, the beauty of Os Veried.or namental designs,. together with the ex treniely lowprie e -'at which it is sold, are Causing it to StiPar B oe : the Cast Iron Railing, wherevertheir comparative merits haye `been tested. For further particulars address"- • . MARSHALL - &' BROTHERS; . Ag'ents fOrlatenteeS; - near Stnitbfield st.. Fatah u ini47:3;nl Di amonitalle Hardware, Cutlery - , Saddlery, eau:, i OOHN WALKER., Imparter mut -Deoler4a Forrf6rkattil . Demesne Hardware, respectfully .announces to friends and the public generally,'Mat be is now reeeiv ing. his Spring supply of- Hailware, Cutlery. su,3 di e ac., at his stand, No. 66 Woodall - eat; which]e w.ll pose 01 . .011 the most reaionable terms. Be will continually be receiving fresh supplies, direct' from sits manufacturers :in .Europe araLthit country,. which willenablehim to compete. with any house, East - Be paitieulailyinvites ;the' atteulloitCarcultoraers to;' his excellent assortment of Table and. Spring Cutlery.. , . • &c., which - is of fashionable patterns and foam the most popular manufacturers. . •.. • tits stook-ol Carpetaces_TOdls is large, and of &reel - Of general Ilardtrire, stock, he has every variety of Westera , Blercharits -and dealers, gencrally,are in vited to call and examine his sank.. mar'49•An , Patettt.Tecincatre Beater Churn! BUTTERAN Hvis, - tgrr. call the nuentica of the public to the article head - V V...ing thinativertisement, and invite the enterprising and cnnousto call and vritness its operation. All &deer - tisements in relation to this invention, to the - hundreds who have seen it tested, is supererogation. Ist. This-Chunt will-nroduee Butter, gathering id a', mass, from avreet milk - , at five to ten minutes ! and from cream prepared, as farattiesusaally'prewe !t,t?t, three 2cl The utility of thin invention is apparent, as better Butter =tribe produced from street milk, or cream, than cream soured in the usual way ; and -by means of this Charn,Ax" little girl or boy can perform, in five or ten minutes, what has heretofore required the labor of a WO man or man forone q? mohours, atalsame timeshat f-a • r. 7 simply turning : a thamb screw, therwholeinside dasher vaken out; leaving nothing but the Butter and ' milk in the plain wooden box. , 4th. It is the-cheapest Churiteveiinvented, as the sim plicity of ita Construction (though embodying a great philosophical principle) makes it but little to mannfae lure it- - .6th his Reararnon-sease Churn, as all will admit who will examine , - - We invite the public to call and witness its operation at our adicein the Diamond, near the Black Bear Tav ' ern, anti at Beekhanea, Federal st., Allegheny. mara-dlmselloa . CAIRERON & PRICE. Wall. Paper Warehouse. No. 47 I SIA.RABT STatIFTP. pa.rsßurto P21iN7.3., - :T11031&13 PasielllE6 RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends and ens homers.. that he has had at-no.past period so exten sive a Stock as he has at , present. Be can offer to pur chasers, on 'erry. moderate tercits, at the old' established stand. in Markeystrect, almost every articie_in•his lino— including-counting-room. bed chamberolining-room,par tor and nell Paper: With. Borders, Landscapes, Eire hoard 'Prints, Paper and Transparent Window Shades, Bonnet and flamers' Boards; %Veiling, Wrapping, and Tea Paper; be is abundantly supplied, and requests merchants and housekeepers to call and examine his as eortmcnt. Bags and Tanners' Scraps taken in trade, at the high est prices mann-el:tar4m Paper Ilangings. lAril now receiving, direct from the manufacturers in New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, a large and well selected assortment of all the latest and most im proved 'styles of .Satln,. Glazed and common PAPER" HANGINUS,Consisung of -10,000 pieces of Parlor and Fresco ; 10,01)121" Hall and Column ; 20,t0P0 " Hining-room, chamber and office Paper Which I would particularly invite the attention of those having Houses to Paper, to call and examine, at the Paper Watchonse of S. C. HILL., inar3o - - - . e 7 Wood st.." Paper Itaugin gs. A trESSRS--SAS. FIOWARSI & ca t No: 62 Wood strer!„ would call the attentien of the public to their present stock of Paper Hangings, which, for variety, 'beauty of Entail, durability and eheapness, is unsurpass ed by any . estaulishment in the Union. Besides - a large and full assortmentof Paper of their own manufacture, they are now receiving a direct im portation of French and English styles of Paper Hang mgeLpurchated by Itir. Levi froward, one of the firm, now in Europe, consisting of— Parisian manufacture, 10,000 pieces. London do. • 5,000 do. Of their atm manufacture, they hare .100,000 pieces Wall Paper, and 12,000 pieces Satin Dialed Window Blinds, &c. :51es.1rs. James iroc.-ard k Co:, have spared neither ex pense nor labor in their endeavors to rival the Eastern .Wall-Paper establishments', both in onality of manufac ture and variety of pattern, and they are warranted in 'assuring the public that they have succeeded. The whole assortment, foreign and home manufacture, will. be offered OR terms RE LOW as those of 'Eastern manufacturers and importers. mand7 New Literary Emporium. A new depository of Cheap Publications has been _goL. opened on Third street, opposite the Poet Office, where may be found a general assortment of the popular literature_of the du). The proprietors have made the most amplearrangements for procuring all new works as * • soon as issued from the press. MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS - --Alt the most valuable Magazines and Weekly Nevrspapers can be sad at their counter by the single number or by the year. STATIONERY—Letter and cap paper, pens and pen cils; in short„'every thing in the stationery line, and o . the best quality, for sale cheap. MUSIC--A large assortment of the most approved Pi. ono Forte.Masici bound and otherwise. This music i pronounced by the mud distinguished professors to be the best collection evezoffered for sale itrthe'Nh'est. The United States Odd 'Fellows' Directory- for 1549., got - up in convenient styles. Without' particularizing further, we respectfully re quest u vitit to our store room from the public. • WORK & no-Lbws, Third street, • • opposite the Post,Office. • . Joshua- Rhode*, NIrOLESALE F,FtUITERER:AND CONFECTION- Ell, No.B Wood street-- , • ' boxes Oranges; 000 wills - Sardines; _ ". .. .Lemons ;.- 20 0 1 1 1. " IEO dozen Lemon Syrup; 150 qr."• • " 1000 drew Fi gs: 400 boxes Herring ; '2OO his Rehm, in layers; 2000 Cocoa Nuts; . 150 br. bxs. " 6 boxes ritaccaroni; 100 qr.' ' " " 8 " Yennueilla ; 75 traiis lraica Almonds ; 25 cases uss'd Pickles , 100 boxes shelled " 40 casks Currants - ; 8 boles Bordeaux " 100 be. cut Tissue Paper ; 10 " 'Malaga " 50 rms. white Kiss Paper; 3" ." paper shel'd " 15 cases Prunes; ~ 3 " hard " " • 10 mats Dates; .40 bags Filberts; 4 cases Liquorice ; 30 ‘- - Walnuts; 10 lbs. Venetia Beans; 50 " Cream Nuts; 20 bxs ANo 1 Holt Candy; 40 " Pecans; , 20 " orb's, and yel. IL ;, 10 Whig. " - cams Florence 011 Just received and for sale b gual ln , - J OSHUA 71,110 DES. 'Greenwood Gardenia ARE now open for the sale of a large collection of Green House Plantar of the choieeststarieties. Also, a _Mize collection of MC finest Dahlissi told Annul Flower Planta will be 'ready tolellsier in pats on the Ist of May. Bogueusot the choieestriowers pnt up at the shortest . . - notice. - „. The Gardens will be open fur the, general reception of visiters on the ed day of April. - Captain Vandegrire finenew steamboat„(the Thomas Seott,l will cticamenee running from the Point, foot of Penn st.,SO the Gardens, on the. 2d day of April. [mar22 . Maps. & larAy CO.linvettikelf.the exclusive agency for the ILL sale of Mitchell's superior Maps, for Pittsburgh and lVestern Pennsylvania, which will be sold at his reduced Philadelphia prices. The Map of thd_World, on Meearttr's Projection, is the largest and most comprehensive wotk of the kind ever published in America ; it iet fti feet from East to West, and 41- front North to-South , acCoMpained bpii. book of 600 pages, containing consulting index, consulting which anyitem on the Map may be readily found;-also; Geo. grip/tient descriptions of, all the - countries on the Gin Le. .The Reference and Dishince Map of the United States, one, scale of 25 miles to an ineb. -- coni - prisi4,lle - Stabis," Counties, Townships, &c., in the Union, acco m panied by volume of 400 pages, 8 vo., which includes an nide.% of Coanties,,Tourns;Ac., together with a general de se ription of the United States. The National Map of the American Republic, ,, or United States of America. universal_ Atlas, containing Maps of the 'Empties, kingdoms, Slaws nod - Republics, with a special Map of each of the. United States,' comprehended on. 73 sheets, forming a series of 117 Mapsor large, folio volume, e le gently executed. . ,• A. Map of Texas; Orelon - and -Califorrda,„with all the routes dtstinctly marked out to thesis Coonines.- A large 'supply of the ' abgva Mapiveola4, and large, will be - kept constantly on band and for sale at the Rook and Paper Warehouse, corner. of Third and Wood ate. - • 15',009 CULIC YARDS OF GRADINCr. rrIEE liimungbara Town Couneil,desiring to contract Witb some suitable person or persons for the exca vating 0115,000-cubic yards oil ti e,-streets, will receive sealed proposals for the whole or y 'part or said work,. '-until the 4th drApril which time the Work be let to the lowest and best bidder. . - Proposals to be left' With.l3l - mta,..lt-Pswcarr, Street Commissioner, where a specification .of yhe work may . bo seen. By -order of the Conneil7 rtute24:dhl TI4O.SIASR4ACTCAORE,:Prosident: 4 . '4; • . . . . - :xi ..66, 1 . .........1.,..,. -.,.,....,- -._.,............-.......:. r - .01 1 9,..----- ----. ._... .. ...._......:-.....-. - fl Of V : E-D.- ' • - • rnshionabie ifeettAngiirteis, - No-. 28 Itfarka-etreet. sseortrt=troorbitoto:-Sieondyeirset. • V. Illt.lBlEkN 11) ESP ECT.FULLY. announcea to.his'nurnetaue friends `'. and to the public, 'that huhailetnoved his Fashion nale,licadrquartersTrom Liberty street to hi s' neveSiore; .