The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 27, 1849, Image 3

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    Rz t *
hours, the cityhad been set on fire in several places.
A deputation from the municipality bad waited upon
him on the evening of the 6th,-to request an armis-
Ike of 418 boom in order to proceed to Turin, to
I arrange a capitulation. The armistice was granted
And the deputation proceeded to Turin where they
imbed on the 7th. The triumphants had fled from
Genes with the exception of Arequenat The agita.
tore Arequena and Merselon embarked for Leghorn. L. C. April 26.
tßy FivatrY deepatch.l .
There has been a 'great excitement .in ; the city of
Montreal,, in consequence of the Governor
Venerataittning the Rebellion loss bill.
' The Proriumal Parliament House was set lire to
CINCINNATI, April £6, P M.
Flour.. Sales at 3,50, the market iihare.
Whiskej..Sales a 144015.
Grain. :There is a fair demand for data at 29/429e.
foll'..Thestiles to-day compnim 900 kegs at 61
Tier lb: ' ' • •
• NotasigjorAleasf 200 tible from the landing, at
22e. .
The members of the serorat Fire
Companies are respectfully invited to attend The funeral
Of Gm. ClizelarrBa.l..te member of the Plutgara,Fire Co ,
Ilan his residence an Petur street, opposite Fine, in the
iiythWard, on Friday morning, at to &Clock.
aP 27 Taos. MACILIZID,
. _
jaIIe'TMMII•ALIM. TENDER " GUMS, 13A xrßaicArn wtm
Tara.—By ttae use of Wheeler's celebrated
Tea•berry gooth Wash Tooth-ache can be effectually
cured: Tender. and D u e ased Gums made firm end
healthy. Bad Breath much impftwedi and the Teeth
freed fry= tartar, and made beautifully white. Price, 51)
Cents per bottle. This article is patronized by the elite
of society-4s highly concentrated, andwill make one
pint of.the wash. ~
Bold wholesale and retail by WM. JACKSOO, at his
Boot and Shoe Store; "BIG BOOT," bn Liberty street,
head of WoOd street, Pittsbuigh. ap27:timd&ve
X °Me
TS hereby given to all persons whom it may concern,
1. that I do hereby "forewarn alt persons from taking
Sand, Gravel or Stone from -of of my premises, to wit
the bed of the Monongahela River, from the Bridge tothe
First Dim ; also; lOU Acres of the+ Allegheny River, Mr&
whichlhe -Aqueduct passes. If any person does tres
pass, they may expect to he dealt with uueording to
taw, as I bought Said property from the pate, and have a
good title for. the same. Persons wistung to get Send,
can get permission, by calling on my Agent, Wit. G.
rdeCeavenv, Liberty street, una paying him forthe same
a • - e;37.w - JACOB F. BRANT.
L I erfABLE'S EA LE of a Magneto Electro Galvanic
iliattery, at 'AUCTION.--This day,
..Friday, April
97th., at 9 o'clock in the ofternuonovill be sold, by order
of Johtt For:,:Constable,:ut McKenna's Auction Rooms,
lillagrieUe Electric Galvanic Battery, enclosed in a
beautiful mahogany box. • JOHN FOX, Constable.
ap27 ' • - JAB. McKENIVA.Auct.
Lmuslcas•• No. 1. Lard, just ree'd 'and for sale by
' 11927 , 'ARMSTRONG k CROZER.
F t 1 I :I AI , : : 4 W.• $ •-•• •ec • an. toreale
va ,by (ap27) - ARMSTRONG k. CROZER.
f .\' :41 • o or. ree • • ourneyme • ant
,ars Wanted Immediately. Enquire at
. oil Store, Liberty street.
,pBAUE CELKILM. - CASES' boxes. just landing
Eliot sale by (ap2l) S. it , W. HASEASGII.
- - - -
RIK.I) APPLES —9OO clashels; reed and far sale by
GKEEN ArY 'LES--42-boxes Green Apples, just land.
ing from steamer "Beaver,' and tor sale by
8. Ir, Mr- HARGAUGH.
SUGAIL CCREHHAMS-12 tierces,.Stagg . & Shay's"
superior Sugar Cured Hums, oec`d 'and f or sale by
jeIANDLI...-10 boxes Sterine•Candles, a prime artiste,
jun reteived and for sale by •
scrf •
M. tc. W. fIARBAUGH.
ivrAcKEREL- 7 ,5a bbls., in store and for sale by
SODAk ASH - 20 tierces, receiving and for sale by
ap27 - S. &W. HARBAUGII.
IrBB. G. &B. woald respectfully inform the pub
that they can at all nines find at the above mace
a splendid assortment of
StfillthiSfOt CilttOM Work. It being our Intention to do a
Cash businels,„we'shallendeavor to sell all articles in the
Clothing line at the latvest possible rates, and , there can
be no doubt that our friends and. the public generally
would And it their interest to favor us with a share of
theiriptrtronage., BOOBVER & GRI WILE.
N. H.—Parteular attention paid to the h . :Jingo( Clothes_
B. & G.
try. No. '251 Liberty street, three doors above Irwin
go Of. the' Bee Rive. nr2s
bout surd Shoe Warehouse.
dd i HUGH. M. ROBB having removed to
the idcnis building formerly occupied
- Wallace, Lyon & .No. WOod street,
usarSifth,lrturtitrespeWhlly invite the attention
Of the public generally lathe liege and fine assortment
of WOGS he is now offering Cheap for Cash.
All_ph . sous wishing a durable arid cheap article in the
SHOK. tine, are invited bp call and examine his stork.
Also, a lot of fine Leghtirn and Palm Leaf HATS, and
a Slooll alldrartment of TRUNKS, alway on hand.
R—He also continues to manufacture, as formerly.
sipl3:2md&w . '
8LA.111..t. CO,
lia - AYE RECEIVED one of the most varied and per
feet feet aisortments of SPORTING and HUN T ING
EQUIPMMTS that has ever: crossed the 121ountains.
consisting of superior London made Shot Guns, Game
Bags, Shot Pouches, single and double Simi Belts, Pow
der and Drinking Flasks, Wiping Rode, Percussion
Caps Rifle Powder, Shot, &c. •
null stock of FISHING TACKLE is also complete,
and during the season they will keep on hands an extenv
sive suppty-of,,eyerything in their line. Every son of
BRILTSMS (wilkanted their own manufacture) eonstant
ly on hand mid made to order. SHOE FINDINGS, Mall
their variety, as heretofore.
N. B.—Call at the old established Brush Manufactory.
No 120 Wood street ap2hosr
Brass I:Cattiest and Sheet Brass.
THE subscribers would respectfully announce that
they havecnade arrangements with the proprietors
of the Brass Mills, which gives us the control
for the sale 'of their Brass" Kettles and Sheet Brass for
this section of country. The production of these Mills
ate not surpassed in quality by any other similar estab
lishment in she United States. We will always keep a
heavy stock of these goods on hand, which we will be
pleased to sell at such prices as we trust will meet the
views of wholesale buyers. Hardware merchants and
other dealers in these goods will please give us a call.
al* Corner Alarket and Second streets.
For Greenwood Gardens.
THE new and fast tanning steamer, THOS.
SCOTT, leaves the Greenwood Wharf Boat.
at the Point, every half hour daring the clay;
landing at the'Graden gate. A fine collection of the
choicest Grean-house Plants are for sale in the uarden.
Ice Creaals and other refreihments furnished it. the Sa
loons...Boquets pat up at the shortest notice.
Orders for Boquets, left at the Wharf Boat, will receive
prompt attention. .
Administration Notice. , • -
• ETTERS TESTAMENTARY having'beeg ganied to
Lthe undersigned by the Register of Wills for
gbeny County, on the Estate of Peter Whiuner, lute of
said County, deceased, all persons,-therefore, who are
Indebted to the Estate, will call immediately and make
payment;:those having claims against the Estate, will
present theta, properly authenticated for settlement.
apiiirk • • JACOB W tIITMER, Adm'r.
TOES—Just landing and for sale by
iTILN DRIED MEAL-20 barrels Bonle4l and Kiln
Ark. Dtbigl,warranted to keep, received tnd for sale by
OBDIPPINGS-2 bales Allegheny D, for sale Gar
gheny city or county Scrip by
aP2 S
A • bars . d f. .1. 1. • . •
dP2 S • Wll . DYER.
Anil& MEAL—Fresh g.roulid. (our own mannfacture,)
J constantly on hand, and for sale by
ap2s • RHODES k. ALCORN. 30 sth at.
ULL'D HARCEY—Our own manufacture, constant
. IH.. ly on band and for sale by
ap2s RHODES & ALCORN, 30 sth st
OATS -1000 bushels just received and for sale by
ap2s RHODES & ALCORN. 30 sth at
GROUND FEED—Chopped Corn and Oats. Barley,.
Meal and HO/lay Meal = constantly on hand and tor
sale by ap2s RHODES tr. ALCORN, 30 sth at.
1113 YE-150 bushels (to arrive next week) for sale by
/Xllosp43 . RHODES & ALCORN, 30 sth st
GOUND .SPlCES—Pepper. 'Pimento, Ginger, Cloves
and Cinaamott-;a11 fresh ground, for ante by
a • '- • HODES & ALCORN, 30 Oth at.
- - -•
OTATOES-450 sac e, in prime order, tor inde by
TOEAlti, ASH-16 casks Prime, an coneignment, and
forsaleby • B.A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.,
Corner let and Wood sta
.Tll' BEER-5 Bbb s. just rec d and for sale by
lITYD POTASII.-200 oanassjast rec'diand for sale
1.1.. by (ap2.5) B. A. FAHNESTCSCK & CO.
SANDS , SARSAPARILLA-4D doz., in (part bonles,
ittst mOll and for sale by •
a • 25 Corner Ist and Wood sts.
I ri • Ots.l-92 "is., wet read and for sale by
OAP-25 boxes, Ilydes White. Windsor, reed and for
1,7 sale b .25] EL A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.
New Goods! New Goods!! .
A T NUMBER., FIPTY-NINE. 'North-weal coiner of
.406. Fourth atut-hferka seeds, Pimburgh.—Bsnosnrs!
Bszosilts!—The undersigned respectfully - lufonns his
customers that he has just taunted from the -Eastern
cities, and is now receiving a large and' beautiful stock
of FANCY and STAPLE nrnr GOODS, .containing
a choice andelegant assortment of all the newest and,
most fashionable styles and fabrics, imported this season,
and embracing a complete - variety of every. article be
longing to his line of business, ell of which will be offer
ed et prices which must prove satisfactory to the pur
The cuiunners of the house, and purchasers generally
are, give these . Goods an early. ex
Call soon and secure a Bargain! PHILIP ROSS,
apll Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods.
0 1 r,‘V't719r4#4411*: .4*- i4t*-4441Atte.thr.;'" -' -
' • ""
illy Dian, Most. :
Morning Post Job Printing Office.
. .
Ire' Raving added to our Establishment, a splendid
Steam-Power Printing Iliaehitie,we are prepared to do
all kinds of Newspaper and Book work in a style of un
surpassed beauty_und neatness, and upon the moat rea
sonable:terms. We respectfully solicit the patronage or
he public n this line of our business.
Orr' 4433er:tiers areregueuedto hand in their:favors bef?re
4.o'eloek, F /IL • This must be complied witk,!n order to I:I
-mre an trasertun. Whenifispossible,an earherrhour toould
• be preferred.
torPlutainratLaxorr SuGAH.—Prepard by!. W. Kelly
William street, N. Y. and for sale by A. JANNES, No. 70
Fourth street, Agant for the manufacturer. This will be
found a delightful article of beverage in families, and
particularly in sick rooms.
BLICIR'SBaoxs..—An improved Chocolate preparation,
being a combination of Cocoanut; innocent, invigorating
and palateable ; highly recommended. particular) y for
invalids. Preparad by W. Baker. Dorchester, Mass,,
and for sale by A. JAVA* at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 70
Fourth street marl 7
Anti:nu:rum Ann Gour.—Wrighf slndian Vegeta
table Pills are a most extraordinary medicine for the
cure of Rheumatism and Gout, because they not only
cleanse the stomach and bowels of those morbid humors
which, if taken into the circulation and thrown upon the
membrane and muscle, are the cause of the above pain
ful maladies; but they excite the -absorbent vesselsto take
up that which is already deposited, and therefore are ab
solutely certain to make a perfect cure of Rheamatism
and Gout. A single twenty-five cent box of Wright's lit
dian Vegetable ?dig will often gird, the most astonishing
relief; and perseverance according to directions will be
certain to drive pain of every description from the body.
Beware of Counterfeits and Imitation.—Remember `
that the Original and Only Genuine Indian Vegetable
Pills have the written signature of Wu.mataWatuar tai
he top label of each box.
Remember, also, that IL Smyser, Druggist. corner of
Market and Third stree e, is not an agent for this medi
cine, and we cannot guarantee as genuine that offered
by him for sale.
-The genuine is for sale a Dr Wright's Principal
Office, 169 Race street, PhLadelphia; -and by 301191
THOMPSON, LSO Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa., who
sole agent for this city, by whom dealers can be sup
plied at the wholesale rate. ap9r-
Averion SALES,
AT AUCTION.—WiII be sold, by order of John Fox,
Constable, at Mel:ennui% Auction Rooms, to-morrow,
Friday, April 27th, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the fol
lowing articles, omitted in the former advertisement :-12
hair seat mahogany chairs, 12 do. do. walnut do.. 2 cane
seat rocking cltairs.l mahogany sofa, 1 pair mahogany
dining tables, claw feet; 1 sett candelabras.
eIONSTABLE , S SALE of splendid Furniture, Feather
‘,./ Beds, Bedding, Glass Jan, Confectionery, Spices,
.AUCTION.—Qn Friday next, April 27th, at
o'clock in the afternoon, will be sold, at McKenna's Auc
tion Rooms, No. 114 Wood street, by order of John Fox,
Constable, for cash, par funds, the following articles of
Furniture, vix:-1 splendid mahogany wardrobe, 1 do.
cherry do., 2. do. mahogany sofas, one with pillows; 1 do.
dressing bureau, with marble top; dressing bureau.
cherry top; 5 plain mahogany bureaus, 1 secretary and
book-case, -1 mahogany enclosed wash stand, 2 fancy
sewing stands, marble top; 1 pair card tables, 6 curled
maple cane seat chairs, 1 settee, fancy and common
chairs, 2 looking-glasses, a lot ,of carpeting, feather
beds, bedding and mattresses, 2 bedsteads. 2 window
blinds. U cherry school desks, 1 dough trough, 1 clothes
horse,.l coat, 1 old-fashioned 8 day brass clock, 1 cook
ing stove, with fixtures; 1 egg stove and pipe, 1 grate. 33
glass jars ,containing confectionery, confectionery and
spice, 3 glass covers. 1 patent lever watch.
Terms—Cash, par funds.
JOHN FOX,Connuable.
11 d TAUcTION.—WiII be added to the sale of United
States property, to take place at the Government NVare„
house, corner of Penn street and Garrison alley, on
Saturday next, April 28th at In o'clock in the forenoon.
the following articles, omitted in former advertisement
33 musktts; I buggy, with leather top, made in the most
substantial manner and finished in the best of style—a
light and neat article, with cushions, and in use only a
few months. Also, I sett of brass mounted harness, in
complete or dr. JAMES McKENNA,
up 24 Auctioneer.
A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE of faltioUr Stocks, w
11 AUC TION.--On MONDAY evening, April 30h. at
half past 7 o'clock. will be sold, at Mckenna's Auction
Rooms, by order of H. S. Mograw, Administrator of the
late Richard Biddle, deceased :-
14 shares Hand Street Bridge Stock;
5 . do Penna. and. Ohio Canal do.
5. do Monongahela Navigmion Co. Stock.
IL S. MAGRAW. Adm'r.
.upl6 JAS. McKI , ..NNA. Auct.
_ . . .
Sarnaostr, April 28th. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon.
will be sold, at the corner of Pentstreet nod Garrison
alley, the following public property. for cash, par funds.
viz :-8 Axes, 1 Axe Handle, 9 Bugle*, 1 Drum Ring. 3
Cartridge Boxes, 18 Colleens, 34 Haversacks, 171 Knap
sacks, 15 Rubbers, 1 Recruiting Flag. 3 Coffee Mills, 113
Camp Kettles, 11 Mess Pans, 1 Prying Pan. 2 Sauce
Pans, 2 Wood Rueketadi Pints..-2 Tin Cups. I Sad
d:e, Blanket, Holster qnd Cirsingle, 3 planters, 2 hatch.
ets, 151tpades, 3 Shovels, 194 Camp Tents, 47.5 tent poles,.
62 Wel/ Tents and Flies, 6 Wall Tent Flies, 109 Wall
Teirt.Palesi 7 Blankets; 11 • pairs Smoking*. I great Coat—
! Anchor, I Cranks, 1 Cast Iron Picea. I *learn Engine,
7 feet stroke, said to lie en excellent article, and former.
ly used on board the U. States' steamer Col, Long.
Terms: cash, par funds. JAMES AIcKENSA,
npl3 Auctioneer.
Fria with pleasure that the subscriber* in
form the citizens of Pittsburgh and 1 vicinity
that they have completed arrancement a with
Mews. J. C. Jenkins & Co., of Philadelphia.
to receive their superior
And will hereafter be kept ronstantly on
hand. They are neatly and securely put up
in metallic parks of 1 , j and I th each, with
heir printed card—sb . ovving the kind of Tea,
price, u „,,,, of the concern and depot in Philadelphia.
with an invitation to return the Tea. if not liked.
Imperial- • -
I Y. Ilyson• -
62; 75 1,00 1.25 1.50
.50 75 1,00 1.25 1,50
-50 021, 75 1.00 1.25
.50 021 75 1,00 1.25 1.50
BLACKS. S Black 371 50
t Fine and Extra Fine... , 75 1,00 145 1,30
We will warrant all the TEAS we sell to be equal to.
if not superior to any sold in this City, and should they
not prove acceptable to the unite, they can be returned,
and the money will be refunded, an it is only with that
understanding we sell.
We ask a lair trial, that the public may be able to
judge between our Teas and those heretofore sold by
o.her companies in this city.
All lovers of rich. delicious and good flavored TEAS,
should give us n call. Dealers can be surgical on the
most reasonable terms
For sale by JOS. S. M YOUNG & CO.
N, W. corner 4th and Perry streets, and
main S. W. corner 3d and Ross streets.
Pimbuigh, April 24, ISO.
QEPARATE PROPOSALS will be received at this
CI Office until 3 . o'clock P.M. 011 TUESDAY, the Ist day of
May next, for furnishing materials and executing work
at the United States Marine Hospital, as follows, viz
%Yam:rout Laos WORE.—For furnishing materials and
executing Iron Stair-way, and Iron Railings, conforma
bly to plans and specifications to be seen at this office.
Bidders will state the price per lb.
Pitterrnvo AND Graznaci.—Eor furnishing materials and
executing the Painting and Glazing. Bidders will state
price per foot for painting and glazing, according to
Pittsburgh Painters' Book of Prices." Glass 'to be
extra thickness, and clear of all defects.
Successful bidders will be required to enter into con-
tracts and to give good security for the faithful perform-
ance thereof. J. B. GUTHRIE,
ap2.sSurveyor of Customs.
[City dailies copy, and send bills to this office.j
flange and Sign Painting.
T D. PITFIELD would respectfully inform th e citizens
0.. of Pittsburgh and Allegheny that he iR prepared to
do all kinds of ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, each as
Imitation of Wood and Stone. All orders left with J.
ROBIRI3ON, European Agent, will be strictly attended to.
up2s:d I m
Gravel Roofing.
THE subperibers respectfully inform the citizens of
Pittsburgh and vicinity, that they are now fully pre
pared to fill orders for GRAVEL ROOFING, in a man
ner not to be surpassed in this city or elsewhere. From
their experience in bnsiness, they feel confident that
they will render satisfaction to all those who ra...y give
them work. The superiority of Gravel Roofs over any
other kind, particularly in case of fire, is too well known
to require any argument in Its favor. To those who are
unacquainted with our work, we beg leave to referthem
to Messrs. Thomas Liggett, Sr., John F. Perry, Rody
Patterson, M. Kane, Jr , and others, for whom we have
done work. Orders thankfully received and promptly
attended to We will be found on Wylie street. be
tween High and Tunnel streets.
Ntw • ooks New Books I
X,/ in four volumes. -
Mardi and a Voyage Hither, by Herman Melville.
Border Warfare of New .York, by W. W. Campbell.
Here a Little and There a Little, by the author of
"Line upon Line and ..Precept upon Precept "
Memoirs of my•Youtb, by A. De Lamartine.
Illustrated Life of Franklin, part Bth. Just rec'd and
or sale by JOHNSTON te STOCKTON,
ap2s Cor. Market and 3d fits.
Nottoc to Holders of Scrip.
OR SALE, and payment received in the SCRIP
issues of the City - of Pittsburgh:—
All that valuable property known as the OLD BASIN
LOT, situate on Grant street, opposite, the Court Blouse,
and bounded by Grant street, Firth street, - Diamond alley
and Cherry alley. -
Thit propert Building divided into
highly eligible Lots, which will be sold to the
highest and best bidder, at Public Auction, on SAVA 5111, 1849, in front of the Court House.
Trasts—One-third in cash, one-third in six months, and
one-'hird in -twelve months, with interest front the day of
'sale: By order of the City Council's.
. Jas. B. MURRAY,
aP23:dtd Ch'n Committee on City Property.
Private Boarding.
SIX or eight young Gentlemen wislung to obtain P
vale Boarding, may find accommodation by timely
application to the subscriber, on St. Clair at. Pittsburgh.
aplB:4 wd ' A. WESTERVELT
CIOAP--25 lbs. pure " Condin" Soap;
Cderen bo.ths'Dallitt's Shaving Soap
! i " " Dallitt's Variegated Soap
" Castile Soap; for sale by
z4~ i ,,,, " t e a ~
~~ y ~ '~
'^R , `' f
~ '~r''B4,~.<s
:Ste umboatPacket Line, leaves daily forChicinnat i. 19 A m.
Passenger Packet, via Brownsville, to Baltimore and
Philadelphia, S A. sr., and O P. X.
Mail Coach Line, direct to Philadelphia,. 9 A. M., and 121
Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, 13.1.. st.
North-Western, via Cleveland;daily, 10 A. m. .
Erie and Western New York ) daily, 9 A. te.
North-Eastern, to Philadelphia, daily, except Bandage,
• . M.
Eastern Mail via Philadelphia, due 3 a. 24. 7 closes l9 x.
Western Mail, Cin. and Loutsv., due 8 P. M. close 2:5 aaa.
Sontli.via Balt. aud Washington, due Br. ta.,closes6 m.
North-Western via Cleveland, due 10 a.m., closes 0 a. m.
Erie and Western New York, due 8 r. st., closes 8 am
Par value. Asked. Offend
Bank of Pittsburgh 260,00 85060 850,00
Exchange Bank 60,00 4400' 43,50
Menhants , and M. Bank 50,00 '50,00 49,00
ParmersOeposit Bank None In market.
Rand Sl'ket Bridge 50,00 50,00 49,00
Northern Liberties Bridge 60,00 35,00
Old Allegheny Br:dge 25,00 36,00 35,00
Connelsville R. R.Stock, paid on
shares, 82,50 6,00 143
City Bonds (6 r cent 4 90,00 ,
Monongahela Bridge 25,00 16,50
Gas Stock 50,09
nunAv MonNino, April 27, ts 49.
REMARIS.—We have very little to say to our
country readers. Money has not improved much as
yet. The panic continues. A regular buelness has
been done by Grocers, Produce Dealers and others:
In prices but little change is reported. The rivers
are in good navigable order. Freight plenty. Pre
duce comes in slowly, on account or the derange
ment in the money market.
ASHES.—We have nothing new to report. Reg
ular sales of Soda Ash at 3j. Wink. according to
terms: The market , is well supplied and demand Is
brisk. In other kinds we quote as follows:
Seorehinp, Sefta Pearls, 61-054
Pots, —Oft I Salarams, 5051
ALE—The demand is very good, without any
change in prices. We quote Common at $6,00, X
X $7,00; XXX $B,OO. Bavarian Beer (a compara-
tively new article in the market) is worth $6,00.
BACON—The market stand, as it did last week.
There have been tolerable brisk sales; but no change
in prices. For City cared Hams we qubte at 6061-.
Sides and Shoulders in proportion.
BRICKS—Common are worth $4,60a5,00; Paving
$5,00a6,00; Fire Bricks $lO,OO.
BAGS—Sales of Cotton at $4,0%34,60 p do!.
BLOOMS..HeId at 806E070.
BEEF—Saler of Dried Beef aiSfidElie. in a retail
way; but little doing.
BEESWAX..Some transactions reported at ISfli
22c. from first hands and from store.
JOHN FOX Constable.
BUCKETS..SaIes or Beaver and Marietta Buck
ets at $2,1502,20. Good supply in market; and de
mand brisk as usual.
COTTON YARNS—Manubacturors have made a
change in prices. We 'give the table corrected. It
Is an advance.
Short Reel—
No. 5 to No.lo 16
11 to 1 17
•• 14 3 .
Increasing' 1 cent + l . tb to
No. :16
Long Reel P doz.
N 0.500 5 I
Bag Fillings sells at 15e.; No. L Batting at 2c.
No. 2 at Sc.; No. 3 at 7c. A superior article of Bat
ing in .beets 9f by 4 feet, ezprersly for family use,
and perfectly clean, at 121 c.
CANDLES.. We have-an change to report:
City dipped. 9 0001 Cincinnatido 02,4
Heald 10 0101 Sperm, belt bmndils4l 032
Pittsburgh Star •• • .22 0Z,4 Do. inferior 25 030
CORDAGFI.. There have been some alterations by
manufacturer', which are noticed below:
Manilla Rope, by Coil, 13c
Do do when cut, 14c
White Rope, by Coil, 11c
Do do when cut, 12c -
Tarred do by Coal, 10c
Do do 0 when cut, Ilc
Packing Yarn, fine, 9c
Do do common, Se
Manilla Bed Cords, $ 1 ,76 .. a2,62,a3,50 ip
Do do per coil, 13 p
Hemp do I ,5 1 Y32,25#3,00 fp
Do do per coil, eNtrilo sir
Manilla Plough Lines, 75e87 fp
Hemp do do 75
COPPER.. The rates are „Braziers 27028; Sheath
ing 27; Old ISOI9.
GHOIXILATE. -Sales at $2,75.21300 , according
to bracd.
CRACKERS.. The regular sales to the trade rhe at,
the following Ales:
Wider enu•ker. ' 8410 V bbl
tt .
Ruer do 4..5 t•
Pilot Bread 3,59
Sugar and Soda Crackers ,7e. V th.
COTTON—We an give no quotations. Thi •is
no market for Cotton. The manufacturers buy in
the South, and the few lots sent to this city for sale
cause but little stir.
CORN MEAL—Sales are made regularly from
store at - 40c. for best quality; some sales of country
ground at 37c. We consider 40c. the fairest quota.
Lion. Sales of Kiln Dried at $2,00.
FEED—The market is fully supplied. ;canal
boats from Ohio arc arriving with full loads of Bran,
which is sold on wharf at Sc.
FlSH—Since our last weekly report there have
been some receipts of Herring, Shad and Mackerel.
Sdes of Herring at 1Mi6.50; Shad at $10310,50;
No. 3 Mackerel at e 6,00. Salmon at 918,60. Cod
fish 41a41e.
FLOUR—The receipts hare been very light—al
most nothing. We can give no quotations of tales
on wharf for there have been none worth mention
ing. We may say that owing to the home demand,
the market seems to have stifiened and we think
e3,37a3,50 might be obtained for small lots. From
store the sales have been at 613,fiCia3,62.
FRUIT—We have no change to notice in any ar
ticle except Dried Peaches and Apples, which have
advanced. Sales of Dried Peaches at $1,37; of D.
Apples at 606162; Oranges are worth 84,0004,50
Lemons $3,01:3,25. Pea. Nuts are worth in a
small way 8701,00. Sales of Pine Apples at 83,00(61
3,50 gr dnz. Sales of Pecans at 66101 c. y Ib. Rai
sins, regular tales at .1,76. Green Apples have be
come scarce and prices have advanced. We quote
at $1,00a1,50.
FURS—The following are the rates at present ...
Red Fox, No. I, 25 Q 50 Raccoon FP
Gray Fox 121 FP 25 I Mink ••••5 FP 25
Muskrat 01 Deer Skin,9 Rt. 14 0
FEATHERS--Small sales from store at 336135 c.
The market is poorly supplied ; demand fhir. A
large lot might not command momthan 32c.
FREIGHT—BeIow we glee a carefully compiled
list of freights to the different ports. It will ho ob
served that therc are two classes of heavy freight.
El Goods. H. F't 0. F't.
To Cincinnati, cwt., 20 cu IS 10
Louisville, 25 15 121
8.1. Louis, 50 50 2.5
Nashville, SO 25
New Orleans,. pound freight She fk too tbs.
Lumber is shipped to St Louis at $505 50 is Mr.
To Wellsville and Intermediate points 8c; to Steu
benville and Wheeling 8c; way freight below Wells.
ville 10c; Flour from Wheeling and points below
Wellsville 12ic p bbl; from Wellsville and points
above 10c p bbl.
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad front this city to
Cumberland are as follows, viz: Hats, Boots, Bon
nets and Medicines, 35 cents per 100 lbs. Dry
Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Tobocco, 25 cents
per 100 pound,. Coffee, Salt and Fish 20 cents per
100 pounds.
GROCERIES—SaIes of Coffee at Bc. with upward
tendency. Prices have odvanced in the east. Some
holders - bore cannot sell with any profit at less than
Sic. In Sugar there has been no - change, but the
market has been firm. We quote sales at 605,1 c.
Sales of Molasses at 28029 e.
GRAlN—Barley is worth 55(360c. at Breweries.
Rye we quote at 60. Corn is taken at 30c.; re-sales
from stores at 33c. Oats we quote at 28030 c, on
wharf. Wheat, nothing doing; worth nominally 65
070 c.
GENSING.—HeId at 25c.
GUNPOWDER..SaIes are regular at the follow
FFG 4,75 VP 5,60 Eagle dd. in pa-
Eagle 114 tits • • 3,00 pers. - ® 3,37
Do. dz. Ilb can't® 7,00 Rock powilgt:. • •3.05 5P 3,62
FFFQ do.• • - CP 4,00
HEMP—Some email sales from store at $130,00
per ton.
GLASS—There is considerable briskness in Win
dow Glass. Sales 3xlo at $3,25 to trade; $3,50 to
country; 10:12, $3,50 to trade; $3,75 to country.
BlackEtottles• • 9xlo. • • • ®4,00
quart, V gross • a 9,00 10x1:2 ...... ... • a 4,50
Pint, " 0 7,00 12x18 ••• • • 0 7,00
Mad a wine, 5,6 Patentdo.loxl4
to gal. ••.- • ®9,00 to 16.r24 .•• • • GP
Claret, tp• grow'. (iP 9,00 Country brands
Window Glass ft , ' box. Bxlo 3;25 , 03,31
City brands 10x12. • • • • 3,5003,62
HONEY.. We have no sales of consequence.
HULLED BARLRY..ReguIar sales at 3c. pet lb;
Pearl do. at sc.
HAY—Not much coming in; sales acalee nt
HIDES—we make a ainglealteration in quote
hfiseouri 7 9 ' Do•lcipparakin.l,oool,B2
Spanish 14 46 Green ••• • • • 3i
Do. salted I
Tornittercial anb Sittaitticet.--
Weekly Review or the Blarketo.
bob 7
700 Cik
600. 900, lOW 44 0
Corerlei Yarn p lb • IX) a
Carpet Chain 90@_
Cotton Twine Mil—
Candle Wick. —4/10
IRON—The card laic)
understaed many.of the r
per centage .
on large - sales. -
arJuniatn• •• • 0 ---- Pitinglisrings•: • -.440 - 5
. " Cortimon• -.3 0 - ".- - Slabs.: ~.. -4 0 4I
.Sheet. ' 5.0 7# Basilan Sheot• .. • 0 15
'Boiler Plates. •••8 IS Of-
10020dJun'ta ~ 0 3,50 3d "••• •' - 0 Oil
80 9d " • • 0 4,00 Spits iir Ih. . • .... '0 . --
60 7d 0, •• • 0 4,50 " pressed.• •• • , •040 - -
41 °- •• - 0 4,35 Boiler Rivets. ••-7 0, 600
NAVAL STORES ..There has been no change in
the market, and we quote old prices :
Rosin 4) bbl • .2,62 0 -- " N.Carolina 4,00 04,25 .
Titch 300, 0 3,50 Tuentine, gal.. 62 0 05-
Par, Allegh'y.3.oo 0 3,60 Vnr ' ish, Copal 1,75 0 2,2
INSURANCE.. The folloWing table gives the ratio
of insurance on good steamboats:
To Phila. and Balt. via To Wheeling •••• • • I
canal I Brownsville .
Cincinnati 4 4 Louisvilte -• • . ..... 4
Evansville, iii..... I I Nashville, Tenn., •• • i 1.4
Memphis. Tenn. •• 4 1 New Orleans 1 1
Saint Louis, Mir.• -i 1 Quincy, Illinois,• •••1 1 11
Burlington, lowa . 1 14 Galena, •• II 2}
Jefferson City, Mo., 2 Independence, h 10.• •14 I
LEAD.. Regular sales of Missouri Pig at 4}c•i Bar
6c. Sheet Load $5 4p box; Cut 6. , The follow.
ing are the rates asked for Patent Lead. Pipe :
i inch actineduct No 2 Lead Pipe Sc. , 90 foot.
4. " " No. 2 " " Oc. (p' "
I 0 " N 0.2 " 0 7c. sfr
i lt " No. 1"
" " Ole.
i " " No. I. " 74c.fiv
I tt " No. 1 " " 81 - c•P "
1 " " No.l " " 124c.4 "
Allotber sizes 04c. ffr' lb.
LUMBER—The Lumber has all arrived from
above and all sold that was offered in this market
at $8 and 16. Shingles at $1.7602,26. .
For dry lumber we give our table as usual, without
Clear 44M e 22,00 Flooring Ido 10,00020,00
Common do 011,00 Common Ido CD
Clear 14, do 033,00 Oak 624,00
Common 1i d 0015,50 Pine Shingle.
Clear 2 do " 44,00 ii , 1000 2,5003,00
Common 2 do 22,00 Lain., eaw'd , 2,000)2,20
LEATHER—We give our labia.' corrected. The
only change is a slight advance in the prices of New
York Red.
New York Red, middling weights,.
do do Over do ..
Harness Leather,
Skirting, do ~- 2202.3
8ird1e,....d0 ip doz $33036
Upper,. p doz 24!27
Calf Skins, is dos —18024
OILS...We quote, No. 1 Lard, 5Se.; No. 2 50e. ;
Linseed 58c.
OIL CAKEe —Bought at $13,00 per ton.
OIL MEAL.. Regular sales at 40c. bu.
PIG METAL—AII that has arrived has been sold;
prices for No. 1 Allegheny $2661/27; time. Hanging
Rock is sold in small lots at $27a30.
PROVISIONS—We have no change to note in the
Provision market. Butter is in good demand at Ii
131 c. as in quality. Lard is rather doll; the market
full, sales at 5/06c. Cheese is quoted scarce and fn
great demand; sales of prime at 7c.
POTATOES—The supply is now extensive on ac
count o f large receipts during the week; we quote
at 686137 c. from store as in quality.
RYE FLOUR—Sales Dort; stare at $2,8703,12.
RAGS—SaIo from store of country mixed at
SEEDS—Clover is without much demand; we
2 note at $2,76 from first hands; Flax is worth 90
STARCH.. Regular sales at 6e6lc.
SPICES.. Very little variation in prices; and sale
at the rates annexed : ,
Cloves 33 031 Nutmegs 1,50 0 1,60
Cll.ill in Mute. 22 0 25 Pepper••• ••• • 9 0 10
Ginger 10 0 1.1 Alspiee.. 13 0 16
SHEETING—Peed No 1,7 c. hooatook 61c y
yard._ _
SHOT.. Regular sales at 81.,31a1,44.
SALT.. Regular sales at 81,25 at caeai; demand
TUBS ..Regular sales at s9p doz.
VINEGAR--Regular sales Cider Vinegar, in bbls
TALLOW.. We quote at 7071 c. in the absence
of any important sales.
TIN PLATS.. Prices hare advanced, We now
quote as follows: I. C. $11,25; 1 X $13)30. Block
Tin has als advanced in proportion.
TOBACCO.. The dealers report the following
prices, at which the market it steady :
Cigar Lenf• •• • 4 0 7 12s1anip in box 11 0 15
Minitifeddo• • • 2 0 74 its •• 12 Ca 17
Endien* Twtst• 9 0 10 16s t 2 0 14
Plug In kegs.• • 610 7 Scotch snuff.• •14 0 16
Plug in boxer •13 0 15 flapper 14 0 16
6 Twist 4/0 7 Cut & dry i ton. 43 25
Cavendish.• • • • 0 .5
WHISKEY—Raw is worth ICalfile.; Rectified
we quote axles at 160181 c.
WOOL—The market W firm at our quotations o
last week 26 to 40 ip common to prime the reccipif
are very light, but demand good. No doubt the
spring's crop will be taken at high prices.
City Scrip.
%TOTEM.; ro rtra FiCICDRICS ov Prase - MOH CM" Scan..—
Ptln cordorafity with the 2d &crises attabr9adinariets
of the Igth of Ar i e r il, g, M i fifie. , :te n t c . i h s e no t eentigned 'tet
rZEral f s o i r :tt i t . by the CUT property attlitjtut ltiart =n o g r
notice is hereby given, that the laidoblialcions will now
be divested of for the Corporate issues of the City of
Pittsburgh. of the denominations of One, Two And Three
Further Notice is hereby given, that City Bonds, hear
ing interest from the lSth day of April, n it% the rate 0 per cent. per annum. will at any ti meereafter be
issued to the holder or holders of City Scrips in sums of
One Hundred Dollars and upwards, accordi n g to the
provisions of the above date. S. R. JOHNSTON.
ap9l City Trstistrrer .
• 77 Gold Watches
110 Silver *smarted Watches;
50 dozen Razors, assorted
350 Glove., kid, silk, lisle thread arid cotton ;
150 Stockings, assorted
100 " Gum Suspenders;
175 French Accordeon.;
350 Silk Parasols:
400 Umbrellas;
50 To;. Sewing Silk ;
215 doz. Fans, assorted;
1200 " Spool Thread, assorted.
qr. gross Pearl Buttons;
100 gross Lasting, assorted;
400 • Hooks at.d Eyes; •
110 Basket Wagons;
With a large assortment of Jewelry and Fancy Goods,
French Baskets, Steel and Silk Bags, Silk Parses. Steel
Beads, Pocket Books, Fancy Soaps, newatyle Vases,.
very fine; Scissors, Pen Knives; a large assortment o f
`Combs of every description ; with a large stock of Trim
mings. The undersigned will be happy to accommodate
his frienes and the public with any Sung tn his line for
Allegheny City, Allegheny County. and Pittsburgh City
Scrip—equal portions of each---111 47 Market street.
F'aotory for Bale.'
IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION, man ufactpring Print
ers' Wood Type and Raised Sign Letters, by Machinery.
The Machinery is admirably suited for all Carving pur
poses, from which a Pattern can be made from the finest
Fmgraving to heavy Cornice. Should the inveator,lsaitc
Merrit Singer, obtain patent for the invention, or any
improvement he may make thereon, the said patent is by'
deed secured to the subscribun for the term of seven
years, from the 3d day of April. 184 S, in the Baked States.
and forever in Allegheny Co., Pa.
Or a PARTNER WANTED,capable of managing the
above business, and willing to take an interest of one
fourth in the capital stock.
For further particulars, apply (post paid) t 6
ap9s:2w SCHOLEI dr. RYAN, Pittsburg, Pa..
MY old customers, strangers visiting the city, and
11/l others wishing to provide themselves with a hand
some DRESS COAT, PANTS, YIrT, or any other arti
cle in the line, can do so, by leaving their orders with
ap2l Third street. St. Charles Building.
Administrator's 'Notice.
WOTICE is hereby given that the undersignea has
.1.1 taken out Letters of Administration oh Ore Estate of
Alex. Stewart, of Allegheny City, dec'd. All persons in
debted to said Estate arc requested fo make immediate
payment; and all those having claims against said
Estate are requested to present them, properly authenti
cated, for settlement. SARAH ANN STEWART,
ap2l:6ld Adaninintratrax.
subscribers are receiving and opening a large stock
of House-furdishing Hardware, Britannia and Japanned
Ware. Also, on hand, a large stock of plain Tin and
Copper 'Ware, of our own manufacture; Pressed Goods,
ie., &c,—to which we would invite the attention of
wholesale buyers and others.
apfll Corner Market and Second streets.
MORE SCRIP WANTED—For Sale , a valuable
Building Lot, of 91 feet front on Pennsylvania
Avenue by 94 deep to Union alley, and is the fourth Lot
above Walnut street, i • a commanding situation, and
well adapted to the new grade. One-half of the pur
chase may be paid in Pittsburgh and Allegheny City and
county Scrip ; balance on time.
S. CUTHBERT, Oen. Agent,
ap2 4 2 Smithfield street.
CIGARS , CIGARS, CIGARS—Four cases, containing
12000 St. Bt Yara Principe Cigars;
9000 Barras Imp'd do do
4000 de la Cruz Cuba do do •
3250 La Norma Hay. Regalia do
4000 Primera Hav'n do do
3000 La Luna do do
25450 La Minerva do
Just received and for sale by JOSHUA RHODES,
ap2l. No. ( Wood street.
No. 28 Market. etre.
HHAVING received (and receiving Weekly) my Spring .
and Summer Goode, I am prepared to offer to the
citizens and public in general, a better lot of ready made
Clothing than has ever been offered befotAin Pittsburgh.
and at prices 25 per cent. cheaperthan can be purchased
in any other Clothing establishment in this city.
137' Don't forget to call at N 0.26.
marl4-4y E. FITZGERALD.
Spring Fashions of .I)lll.linery Bonnets,
Cardinalti r die,
TUST received Straw Bonnets, Caps, rich Cardinal
dSilks,.Fashionable 'Ribbons, finest French Flowers,
Cords, Fringes, Trimmingsokc. Straw Bonnets cleaned
and altered to the Spring fashions by one of the best
Straw Milliners in the city. Silk Bonnets, Cardinals,
Dresses, and every article in the Millinery . and Dress
makang business, wade up by_the best hds, a
marl 4 AIRS. DiWF , S, 10 St. an Clair t
e wiehanged but wd
anutticturctre giveti heavy
. .
Wm 13: Wheeler, •
CITEAMBOAT AGENT,. can be found at Wesley
0 Orier's Counting Room, Cotner of Water,and Snitch
field streets Pitisburgh. , • - omen ,
PoiCincinuati..Regular Packet._.
The fine steamer MT. - VERNON, HIaLM
!Cert . :tern, Master, will leave for the above and
intermediate ports, regularly, every Saturday evening. •
For freight or passage, apply _on board, or to - •
.Reglklair Zanesville PalSketi.
ii#Eat Steamer YANKEE, Capt. MoKea, leaves
every Saturday, att.o'clock,r
teamer JENNY LIND, Captain °swank% leaves.
every Tuesday, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Tor freight or passage apply to
_. W. B. wEEELEq, Agent,
ap3 ' ' Corner of Waist and Smithfield sta.
- -
THIS Independent Line of steamers is now composed
of the largest, swiftest, best finished and furmshed,
and most powerful boats on the craters of the West. The
highest wages are paid for the services of the best and
most experienced men engaged in the river busmess.—
The line has been in operation for six years has carried
neatly two millions of people, without doing the slightest
injury to their persons. The proprietors challenge COM
parison with any passenger line in the Union for safely,
regularity,.and speed. All that money can procure has
been provided fqr the safety, comfort and convenience of
passengers. Thl boatsleave for Cincinnati as follows: •
Will leave Pittsburgh every Mcniday morning at l 0 o'clock;
Wheeling every Monday evening at 10 - P. . N.
Elinefelter, will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday
morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Tuesday evening
at to e. u.
WEDNESDAY PACKET.—The Nam. Exotoon No.
2, Capt. S. Dean, willlanve Pittaburgilevery Wednesday
morning at 10o'eloek ; Wheelinievery Wednesday even
ing at 10 r.
THURSDAY PA CKET.—The Bywater, Capt. R; 1.
Grace, will leave Pittsburgh every Thursday morning at
10 o'clock ; Wheeling every Thursday evening at 10 r. x.
FRIDAY PA CRET.—The Ct.trrait No. 2, Capt. Crooks,
will leave Pittsburgh every Friday morning at 10 o'clock;
Wheeling every Friday evening at 10 P. X.
SATURDAY PACHET.—The hinstorosst No.4 t Capt.
1. C. Woodward, will leave Pittsburgh every Saturday
morning at 0 o'clock i Wheeling every• Saturday evening
at 10 r. st.
SUNDAY PACKET.— The ialLte riawvote, Capt. P.
Divot. will leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at
10 o'clock; Wheeling every• Sunder evening at 19 r. s.
nov 19.
A VALVABLE Paorstrrr, situated in the City of
Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohio, viz :—One
Y of co feet front on Third street, by ISO feet to an
alley, and on which there is a forge Two Story BRICK
NO USE, containing several ro6ms or apartments, which
has been mostly occupied as a Tavern these last seven
or eight years, and is now occupied as a Tavern, by Mr.
Crane. There is also a large Stable Ott the same Lot.
Also, part of a Lot of Ground, adjoining the above de
scribed property, somewhere &Wall 27 feet front on Third
street by 114) feet to an alley, on which there is a Two
Story House, coats in in g 2 rooms on the first fioor,3 rooms
on the second floor; Vs , , ,;. tcarrel and a kitchen. This
Hen SC wen torstrertr .....h.r-iNrerrOttre.-Emtrnirotr
occupied as a .Bakery„ sre is also a Stable , on the
same Lot of Ground.
Both of the above Houses front on Third street, near
Market street, and nearly-opposite the Court House. .I
will sell beer these Lots and Houses together, or each
House and Lot separately.. • TerinSt.--huff-half of the
purchase money to tie paid at time of sale, and the-other
half payable one 3 ear niter the sale, with the usaal
rest—the balance to be secured by bond and mortgage
on the same property. Title indisputable, without any
encumbrance. A warranted deed given. Possession
given at the Ist of April atter it would be sold. For fur
ther information, enquire of the undersigned. by Jetteror
otherwise. SAMUEL MeCLALN,
Pittsburgh, April J, '4ll-2m N 0.05 Wood st.
ArrpriaTert New Spring " es Ammer Goods t
MAISKET simmer. sitcom) DOOll snow stroariarazar,
ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public
11, in general, that he hos received a very large supply
of the choicest SPRING and SUMMER. GOODS' ever
seen In Pittsburgh, selected brhimselfiu the East. con
sisting of English, French and Belgian . Cloths,- Cassi
metes, Vesting.. Cashrnarcus,•kc., of all , shades and
colors, and of the latest and moat desirable patterns,
which will be mode no to order in a superior styleowid
it very moderate prices.
Mt has also on hand a very large stock of Ready
spade Clothing. vhich he will sell very low. ap23:13,4•
—ln nunangn or
Awnings. Awsilissf e.
frilf, undersigned is prepared to tarnish Awnings,
Tarpaulins, Fire Screens, Tents, &et the shortest
notice. Sail Loft overDucare & Robert si' Mick Makers
Shop, Front street, near Ferry.
Godey's Lady's Magazine, for May. '
National Alagatine, tor May.
Graham's -.4 4.6
Memoirs of my Youth; by A. Dc La:al:mine
Life and Letters of Caroline Ft 7.
The Waverly Novels, by Sir NN , alter Scott; complete
in five volumes.
Dowdier's Family Sliakspeare, from the sixth London
Outlines 'of a New System of Physiognomy; illus
trated ;"by J. W. Redfield, M. D. •
Littell's Living Age, No. 258_
Our stock now comprises the largest and com
plete assortment in the West. •
[J7' Smithfield street, third door above 2d. ap2.4
TIOGAN ffi CANTWEI4L,D3. Market attteL and. No.
.I.j. 7 Diamond, haws oft - hand and am opening n large.
end yelled assortment-ale/dna Vases, - Card Baskets,
Cut Glass and • Fancy Cologne Bottles, Alabaster Jewel
Boxes. China Figures, .t.e.;4 doz. celebrated Bay Water,
from the Isle St. Thomat;.o dozen celebrated .Florida
Water; l 4 doz. Cologne Water, various brands i.. 111 doz.
Shaving Compound; B d tet. lattow, for the hair;
don. Rousseirs.liantlkerehiet e $ t - o,dor.Dhipese
Floating Soalswith "splendidassortinenisif Soutie; Cud ,
other Perfumery. For sale Lourfof Cash. apl.4
I, Olt SALB—SeVeral Building Lots of 24 feat front ltyr
-130 deep-to &Val ley, desirably located in Alleglte,
ay, on and near Ohio lane. Price from $2OO to 10300.
Scrip will be taken at p ar -
for any of these Lots, or a
ment of one.eighth in hand, in Scrip, if desired—
balance iu seven yearly payment:.
. - S. CUTHBERT, Gen: Agent,
ap4B Smithfield street.
7j . ./kg"roß River, for sale bp
14,j ap24 MAY, MATTHEW S &
S WEET CIDER-150 bbls: in store and for sale by.
ap24 N 0.17 Liberty st.
DACON HAMS- 5 casks just rec'd and for sale by
ap24 JAS. PATTON, Jr., No. 17 Liberty st.
11,1rOLASSES.-50 bbls. rec'd and for sale by
iYi ap24 JAS. PATTON% Jr., No. 17 Liberty at.
AIMS AND PRIME PO IL-18 bble. Maas 15 do
131. Prime, ree'd and foraale 63r
arell JAS. PATTO , - Jr.,N0.17 Liberty at.
CMORN BROOMS-30 doz. frrooy Broome, ree'd and tor
kJ sole by JAS. PATTON r
np23 No 17 Lilserly
tilOW AND corroN BADS-20 doz. Tow
I Cotton, reed and for sale by , ,
SDRIP WANTED—In exchange for Window Glass,
assorted sizes, and YoungtHyson and Black Tens, at
ap24 Wki. DYER'S. No. 158 Libert
-3000 bdls. Single Crown Straw Paper;
2000 " Medium
500 " Double Crown 44 -.. 44 .
100 44 Blue Factory Paper;
150 gross Bonnet Boards; in store and for, sale
ap2o Corner Penn and Irwin streets.
-300 reams fair to prime ruled Letter ; -
100 " "to " plain "
200 " to " ruled Cap ;
100 " " to " plain "
In store and for sale low b •
Penn IYN
ndt oir
O u LDit in SH E L.
a , Corne
-200 reams 22x22 inches;
100 " 24x30
200 " different sizes •in store and far sale by
Corner Penn and Irwin Streets.
SAND PAPER-500 reams Sand Paper, superior ord.-
ale No. 1 to 0, conattunly on hand and for sale low,
Corner Penn and
streets. •
O b L y ASS.L.S' —lOO half harrels it 3tV # . O a p ir ai lio -
s ea e
aps) Corner of Hancock et. and Allegheny Wharf.
ITM) APPLES—COO bushels, for sale by
apsl Corner of Hancock st. and Allegheny Wharf.
~ mr. r. .. .~.,~~v
River . ihiteitig' trim.
OF „FIT TsielUnou
8 v'ssc - wersatx~r~ cuA! IUL
Steamer Liike ja,Shoies,
• Slichigan No. 2,,Gi Betwise. -."
Wightman. Beaver
•• , .
,Baltic Jacobs, . •
• Atfootic,Parkinion, do.. .„.
Camden,Hendriaksou r AlcKeeSpari,
• Clipper o. F, Devol:Cm.
" Pennsylvania, Gray St.
" Nelsony',Moore, l4 / 4 iling•
Cinderella, Calhoun, Sunfish. ,
• ' A. Clipper, 3Vverson. Besver.
Beaver, Clarke, Wellsville...
• Lowell, Dexter, Zanesville.
• % rellaville, MoNeel, Bridgpart. ,
" Roht:Fulton, Collier St.,Lonis.
Steamer MichigatiNo.S, Gilson, Beaver.
• Lake Erie,Sholes, Beaver.
" Robt. Wightman, ,Beaver.
Baltic; Jacobs, Brownsville.
• Atlantic, Parkinson, do.
Camden, Hendrickson, McKeespon.
" Brilliant, Grace, Cincinnati. •
• Peru,. Calltatin, Cincinnati. ;
"- James Nalsori,Moore
" Caleb;Cope,,M.urdock,Weßsvi
• ,CoMet Boyd,Zaneiville: . -• .
Dolphin Hazlett, ,
" . North River Dean, St. LOWS.:
• Cinderella, Calhoun, Sunfish: •-•
Allgheny au er, Abram Beaver.
For Sale.
RICK-140,000, in Birminghtun, far sate by
ap24 - REMY, MATTHEW'S dc. CO
~Iisu[lau~ou~~". :
oreehsvocArGaiden. • •
_!PillS delightful Sunimerqtetieht is now'oPen 'for the .
.I_ reception of visitors. Ice Creams, Fruit, Ntus, Con
fectionary, and all the good . thinga'nature 'and art can
produce, will and.
ap, in the best minder, lit. the
Saloon. ' The 'Pea 'Table will be spread at OF tOclotir
-eftirk evetring:-' ' • • t •
Conducted 'on-Temperance principles, and closed on
3bttday• Goquettrof the choicest 'Flowers pat up at the shortest
A iarge collection "of the choicest variety , of Greeri
•house Plants, Pahlias, and Annual Flowing Plants, for
The new steamer That; ,qCOZT will -beyready,iri 'a few
days, to ran fro to Point to . the Garden.
' ap6 • ~."- • I.
Needle. Worked OollaYs, &a. -
IN -1 1 - MUELPHYIinit - now, open , a large assolunent of
• the aboVe Gooditi of - 'melons , atflesomd at ex-
Linen Cambric itll - qitalitietq Vern
qualit m i cues. uP 83,50 t also , yriourrdng do -of' diiferent
Bobbing Edgings—Some new patterils, -Very -pritty,
just open.
Victoria and Lisle sdeligvaleci, Loom Thread Edg=
lugs and Laces, warranted ..tmen, and - at less Bien one
,hilf the. former prines--;besidesi a large'. assortment of
WHITE GOOD* generally,:such rts Mulls,' Nansooks,
JAckonets, Cambrics, Book Muslins end Bishop Lawns.
jam' Wholesale Booms upstairs, corner of Fourth and
Marketstrente:- . •
BA,O Aran of ' awing.. .
TPHE Birmingham Town . Council; desiring to conttuct
with some suitable person 'orpersous, to furnish:Ma ,
ierials and to pave about 25,000 yards of the 'streets of
that Borough, will receive Sealed Proposals. for the
whole or any part' of said work, until the let of - May
next:A. Proposals to baleft with James 151:M'Earny,
By orderof 'the
a p2 e i m - • , THOMAS BLACICHORB,Presideni.
. • -
/1.9PE:4171:01.111(.111:4 EXPOiEtICBI.'
laJ. ROGERS . respectfully Informs his friends and
the public that he .has opened. his' saw Cturinno
Sioux; No. 27; Market street; between From and Second;
where he will keep constantly on hands - large and-supe
rior assortment ofclothinar, imitable fertile present season.
Having just returned m,
tro - the it East with new and
splendid assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestiugs,
of the most' desirable - putterns;Wbich will be made up'
on:the shorklat nodee and in the most fashionable style,
on the one price cash system as low as , can be had at
any other establishment In Pittsburth: ' ' '
• Don't forget the place; but .at the CLOTHING
EMPORIUM, No. 27 Market at., Pittsburgh: fmr3i:3m
Estate for
THE subscriber will sell, at private sale, that valuable
Pniperty, on the •therFottrtbr street road, adjoining.,his
:pr..sent residence, and -give -possession linmediately-7-!
'Tricia arc about TEN ACRES OF CHOICE LAN A m a
high state of cultivation.. The improvement's are a large
and well finished BRICK DWELLING IiOILSE, a su
perb Barn, and other oat-buildings. Adjoining the Dwell
-mg is a running Fountain and a good Pump, which fur
,nudi a constant supply of excellent water. There is - a
-. variety of Frait'Freesand Shrubberyon.the premises;—
If the above described property is not sold soon, it willbe rented fora time.. Also, for sale, a large.LOT, o on.
Pen.asylvania Avenue, at the end of the board-walk.
. Inquire of. lmar3l3ml DAVID BEELER.
. LEET would respecttully announce to her
friends i
andthe public, that she s now prepared to
accommodate Boarders. Residence, Second street, be
tween Market and Wood, third door from Wood street.
References exchan: ed. - apl2:2w ,
Congress Goiters.
LADIES, wanting something superior, both for look
and comfort, to anything they have ever - worn, will
please call and exatmne. them. These Boots have no
strings to tic and uutie, and dangle about the, ankle
they arenot only much handsomer but' display . ..the foot
and ankle to, a much better advantage : than any other
Boot or Shoe made. You will also save time And iron.;
ble. Blanufactured by , S. KEYS, •
mar2S No. SFS% street.
LADIES' SPRING SHOES—SiIk, Satin and'French
Lasting Gaiters, °revery variety and color, on hand
and made to order.
Also, a Rill tissortment of Children's Shoos of every
description. Manufactured by • 8. KEYS,
mar2B No:8 Fifth street
BOTTLERS , AND Msztrinerrazas oY Mixraut.
WsTra, Sarsaparilla, PartetolLei Cider, Root Beer,
Mead and Pop,. No. 18 Market street, and 100 Liberty
street, corner o f Cecil's alley, Pittsburgh. mar23:y
Isaac , Williams,
IUrERCHANT TAILOR, Smithfield Street, N 0.12 be
tween Ist and 2d streets. api y
OT/CE.—The undersigned hereby gives notice that
from and after this data Mr. lona, Rorn is the only
authorized person to receive moneys- and sign receipts
or orders in my name. C. WERNEBURG,
Fashionable Read Quarters,
Pittsburgh, April 2,!49... • • No. 28 Market st.
AT P.- DELA.anos, -
JUST RECEIVED, an extensive and general assort
meet of French, English, Belgian and American
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting*, of the latest , and most
desirable patterns. Amongst them will be found a varie-
Fy of entirely new styles Fancy. Cassimeres and Yest;
ings, of the. latest importations-all, of which will be
made to order in the most fashionable. manner, at short
notice, and reasonable prices. - ,
On hanch......s—l.TeP.-nnent 'oc i READT-ISIADE
V1A31731 - 1C , made up in the pregeot ...sting Style and
wilt be sold low for cash. .
N.. 8. To TAILOILS.AirIit6I Graduhtingq Slioniderir
Measure Systern: for 'sale at DurlaHrwl P. DELANY'S.
New Goods. L..
hN a few days I will be in receipt of a well selected
and fatitlonahleassOrt meat of SPELVOGOODS,noiv
on their way.from 'hell:sad, to which I would ratite the
istientiott of rr .friendis •A - good fit..warranted irt..u.ll
cases. -•- • • - .4 AS. MeGITIRE,TaiIor,
mar 3l .Third street, St, Charles Building.
IXTITTS-10 bags. Filberts;
ilO “. Critelli Buts;
10 " English Walnuts ;
SO" Shelled Almada ;
S hales Bordeaux " received and for
sale by [metal] _J. S. 'BONNET.
TO AIILLINERS.—The subscriber las a large stock
of se atoned Tirnber, suitable for BONNET BLOCKS,
which he is prepared to tarn to the Spring fashion, at his
Turning Esutblisinnent, N 0.27 Fifth street. • •. •
• roarl4:2m • - • • - • .• _
; Apprentice* wanted.
THE sabscriber wants Apprentices, to learn the Cabi
net, Chalrmaking- and Chair Painting branches of
business.. Boys at steady hablts;.abour le years of age,
would he preferred: 'flour, need apply, .who cannot
come well recommended. H. G. PAIINESTOCK,
marl7'. ' , Bralthfield'stnet.'
WANTED—Ad active Partner, withBlsoo cash cap
, y ital. to engage in a Wholeside and Retaildrocery
business, now in active operation, and doing a good bu
siness, having the advantage of a prominent stand.
C. CUTHBERT, Hen. agent,
aplo ; • Smithfield street.
TUST RECEIVED, at the'sign of w ,
Plans and Sa—
.l . 400 pairs Twiste d Rita Sttaight Trace' Chains;
1000 ths. Wrought and' Horse 'For sale by
mold 78 Wood st.
lALICOES ! CALICOES!— list received, and now ,
V open, at N 0.59, North-west corner of 4th and Mar
tsa, a very large supply of Calicoei and Chintzei‘ .
of new and handsome styles , and embracing some of the
best and cheapest Goods ever offered in this markit.
spill , , PHILIP ROSS
POORE: BOOK..RIgro „ . 31 Ca o l r f oc Be e l o ldTa Pocket Books;
On timid and fai ‘ lO i,yBhier,
. .
. . itrecil s rP l . l : l 3S & CA.MITEL• •-• ,
WoOd ttrebt.
,TIGIOR SALE— A span of:Mateti Brown Horses..;Eto
quire of .MeCANDLFSS &=CAMPSELL„ ,
apt° 97 Woodetriew.
DRESS SILKS—Just received, on invoice of very
handsome Dress Silks, of the newest and mast pope
filar styles, imported 'th it season. *,
Also very glmisr . Blank Silks; of nll wichhs,..for Vi
zettes,'&c. - ;7 . : . PHLLIP-ROSS,
aptS "' No.enirler 4 th and Market sm.
ba r
1 11 FL v l re
i t 1 r a
10 " LaguraarAV&llßEA.l)
it 20
MIRESH TEAR-44 packages Yoting Myna, Gunpow-
Lj der,. Impenal and Black Teas, 'nun reeM and. for
Bait by 4 (ap2o) ' • • • RING& MOORHEAD.
T OBACCO.: -20 boxes, favorite brands, s's;
5 " Baltbnore Ping, Job.;
10 " Virginia - Twist. "
FOT sale by (ip2o)
r • CIE,ItkIL-50 barrels,. all-bands, .auarter, bar
rels, and kits,. Nos. land-2, or sale by ,
4920 , KING. & /1100161£,A.D.
"El RUIT-50 boxes Raisins ;. '
.1' 40 bf. " •
• 1 case Eight's Raigins;
30 drams Figs;
1 care &icily Prunes
5 boxes Lemons; Just reed and. fcrr'sale by
0 NDRIES--17 doz. mixed 'Pieolilik, Gherkins, and
la Manger Pickles i gallon bottles; 4 dozen Pickled
Onions, r gallon and quarrboules; 4 doz. Pickled Conti
fto -
ere, 'half ,gallon and quart battles; .. 4 dozen Pepper
Su ce, quart bottles ; t der assorted Syrups, quait bot
tle; 4 doz. Lemon Sy nip;guart bottles; 8 dozenWalnut
and Tomato Catsup, plot- bottles; 2 - , doz. Laces Oil, pint
bottles; 5 dozes Gelatine, an improved'preparation, pint
bottles;just received and for sale by. : -..-. -
51 ,20 ' ICI si . i. 7 ,t 5.10 O. RHEAD.
F. Vaixhorri, ,
tit IWI a variety of Combs 07141 'Fancy Goods, -
(SIGN or Tim GILT cows;yammaiit.,siatiar, itxxitozwr.
ALSO, Dealer in Frencli, , Englisli and German Variety
Good s; cradles, chalrs'and, baskets, shoe thread,
bodt laces, knitdng pins, percussion caps, fishhooks,
slate pencils, shaving boxes, violin - strings, guard ekains,
bait. brushes, gum suspenders, bonnet muslin,`-ivory
eornbs, tooth brushes,' snuf Nixes, hosiery„ gloves,
bons, galloons,
.needles, scissors; buttons, • hooks and
eyes, bonnet wire; faney-purset, razor strops, corset
laces, patent thread; sewing silk. spool cotton, tobacco
boies,-German pipez„ - segar came., shavibg brothels, shoe
knivea r tnikbig tmee...shelicontha, marbles, slates" Cray
on*, domitites, bodkins, spectacles, tweezers, &c.
11.7' Country Merchants, Paters and. others are re
quested to call andexamine, or themsetves, as I am de
, tertnined ip CHRLDNOIt CAW:
Extrlet of Catee
AN ARTICLE which. is - rapidly coming into use its .a
wholesome,, wholetome, nourishing. and 'delicious , beverage,
gmore pleasant and palatable than common Coffee,.
and thr cheaper , as a small paper, costing only ten cents,
ll go as far .a_s_four 'pounds 'of-Coffee: Manufactured
by JOHN 9: IlMiLEß,'"Pittsburgb - , Pa., and sold. at
Wholesale by - B. A.:.PAiII'IRSTOCK &CO.,
Corner of let and Wood and
spin Sixth and Wood streets, Pittsburgh.
Mtn ogotibil
-New-Spring and Stinuiter Dry- Goods "note opening at the
Sign elide , Bl6 BEE WYE, on Markt isptas .._
. . betwum Third cut Fourth eirrett. -,..,
a ,
:., , WM,. L. RUSSELL, No. 62 Market street, be'
... ...
tween Third and - , Fourth streets,sign ' f, e lg. th Tic
Golden Bee-Hire,lta.s now commenced receivin§
w very large and. splendid stock 'of Spring an
Saab= rDEF GOODS, whichhe is enabled to offer to his.
numerous customers and the public generally, at prices -
far. below those of any . former .se a son. These Snoods,
have all-been selected wtth the greatest care, andwit I be
found to be'one of the largest and most. splendid . stocks „
of spring and Summer Goods evereffered in this city.-
-.As many of these Goods have beer' purchased of the Its-'
PorterS, per the:latest arrivals from - Europe ;the subsea,. ;
.ber: is. confident that lie can offer to his custonterattie
. very newest styles of Ladies Dress Goods, conipnsing ,
English, French, Swiss, Irish and Scotch Goods, togethet
with a full assortment of American. manufacture, - and ,
:cheaper than can be found elsewhere. -.- . -, . -.
.. ,
Rich Chameleon Silks, extremelyl ow ;
.Rieh ftropade . do.. , beautiful goods ;
Grenadines, plain and figured ;
GlaceSilk, rich goods • '
Pooh de Solejeshionable and into importations ;
Black Armures ; plaid and striped ;
'Brocade Lustres,,nevrbtyles; . • , ,
Mohair Chameleon, figured, {very, cheap;;)
Bilk Tissues, all colors -
BaLzarinis, us great variety ; • • .
l'arie'doned Lawns, for evening dresses; .
. 4
NeW style rich Mourning Lawns; . ,• .
Organdie Lawns, a beautiful article ; • -,
Black Gros de Rhine, all widths and
Black Bombazines, of -most approved makes,
`Paris printed Bareges, extremely „low; • 1 .•
'Paris printed Lawns. in great variety;
Crapes and CrepesLisse r it full assortment of colera end
Together With a large supply of Ile Lam es and Alpacas,.
some as low as 124 cents per yard. In - addition-to the
=above will he found a beautiful assortment of. Black
Brussels - Lnee,for trimmingdresses.,mantillas and;capes,.
Also, French worked Capes, Collars and Cuffs, latest
styles.' Also. Vii.toria,Lawns aid Skated Robes, yen ,
cheap ;Scries,.Mnll. Jaconet and Book Muslim ;Bonne, t
Ribboni. Belling Ribbon; Cravple ; Scarfs; Aruficials ;
Gloves; MUM, and Hosiery '
Bretiadine.Sliatels; plaitiand figured ; . .
Crape IP Chine do. anew article.; ' '• • ••
Rich changeab l e Glace•Bliavirls, high lustre . ; • ' '
Mode Emb'd-Thibet do. .• extremely
Thibet do. very cheap ; '
:Black Silk do. best . quality ;
-Black Nett • ' • do. `• lo w prices;; --
liVkite Canton Crape do. splendid goods; .'
Clutmeleon Silk • do. ' late iniPortations ;
Printed Cashmere do. ' cheapest in tbe city;
Endi'dThibet do. ' a beautiful article:
The largest, cheapest and best assortment in the City.
Parasols . from the lowest to the most splendid, rich iand
costly aniele, of the -newest styles and colors, can
always be found at the Bigßee./iive, between Third and
Fourth eta.,N0.62. Imar.2Bl - RUSSELL;:-
Dome et le.and Staple GO ode. Cheapest Yet I
ALARGE STOCK OF CALICO, from 3 cents to 10
cents per yard; Bleached and unbleached Muffins,
from 3 cents upward ; Bed Tickings and 'Checks, a falL
supply of alt qualities and prices; Irish Linens; Table,
Damask, RURSia. and Scotch Diapers; Napkins; Table
Diapers; Crash and Bowles; Scotch and Manchester
Clinghaum; Sattinetts f Kentucky 4 - eery and Blue DrlLs;
all of which will be_sold-off at prices that cannot fall to
please,and withoutfear ocompetition. - -
II:7" f-
Remember 'the Big Bee Hive, Market street, be
tween Third and Farth- streets—No. 62. • .
mar2B WAI. L. RUSSELL. 2
New Spring Gm,dal
_ .
O. 65
, MARKET STREET, benieen Fourth attest
Nand- the Diamond . Foreign and Domestic Dry
Goods. The Subscriber has just renewed his first supply
of Fancy and staple Dry Goods, tublpted to the Sprmg
Sales,consisting in part of the following: .
4.9 i English Lawns. -only /2} cis. French Organdy
Lawns' 1.21 cts ., -4-4 Blue Merimac Prints, 12 1 .ct5., , 4-4 ,
Double ' Purple-Prints t .l2l cm, Drab Mous do Lain 121
eta, French - Dress Gingbants, - 121 et5.',.44 Brown Mus
lins, from .5 to cti., Bleach ed Muslins, cu., 44 Bleach.
ed Muslin, 6; to 12} cm., Prints, kferlmtic Patterns, 61.
cis., 2d Mourning Fr. Gi ng h a ms, 121 eta:, French - Work-
Collars, I.2f . ets. • ' • - :
Brocade Clmmelion Silks, Brosha Figured Silks,Cha ,
melion Satin de Shien, Wide Black Plaid Silks, Wide
BlaelrGrci. de Rhine Silks, Figured Poniard. Silks, Plaid-
Gro. d'Armour Silks; Madonna Silk Stripes, Wide Black'
Mantilla Silks; Paris Printed Lawns, Eiiglish Printed
Lawns,' French Dress Ginghams, . Embroidered ' , Strohm
Illoalins, Paris Prints d Moos de Lanni; Satin Plaid Bete
ges, Chamelion Plaid Gret:Oh:es, Plaid Linen Li:sires.
French Organdy Lawns.
New style Bonnet Ribbons. Ladies! Cravats, Revere
Bordered Linen Cambric:Barinkerchiefs, French Work
elopes and Collars. Black and Colored Kid Gloves, Lisle
Thread and Silk .Gloves,, Mohair and .WoratedMitts,
Black Silk Fringes and Gimps, hhall, Swiss, Jaconett and
Thread Edgings and Inserting.,
IVhite and Black Silk
Hose, Cashmere, Moravian, Black and White Cotton
Hose, and Black and White Silk Deml
- - - .
Embroidered White Cashmere and Crape Shauis,
Plaid and Black Silk. Shawls, Black and Colored nous
de Gain Shawls,- Satin Plaid Benign Shawls,. French
Cashmere Shawls, and Plain and Embroidered Blicitand
Colored - Silk Fringe Thibbet Shawls.
Damask Table Linens and Table Cloths, - .Russia Dia-
'per and Crash: Irisk Linen and Linen Lawns, Blenched
and Brown:Mullins, Casinetts, Kentucky, Jeans, ?ad -
Ticking, Domestic Ginghams, Colored Cambrics -Led
White and Yellow Flannels, Welsh.Flannels,.eanton
Flannels, Brown Bleached and Colored DriIIings , GENTLEMEN > S GOODS:
" French
and Rnglisb, Black cad Btown.Cloths;+
Black and Farley French Ctuniimenes; New Style Fancy.
Vestings and Cravats; Silk Irnder,Shirts and Drawers;
Linen Cambric and Silk Handkerchiefs, , and a fine
sortment of Gloves, Hosiery and Suspenders. . .
I have just received a Splenaid assortment
Style Plain and Fancy Silk Fringe Parasols, Par
and Sun Shades.
The above, Goods have allbeen purchased, at the low
'eat cash prices, and will be sold W.bolesale and Rend
su c h rates as cannot fail to please; all who wish to - buy
good Goods at low prices. .
may23'. -„ , NO. 85. IlinTkOt. St. Pit talduka.
The Spring and. Summer-Stools
.SOS TEE tassivr" 71Ai VETTE 'Bs= EQTALLED
Bern by the. Celebrated E.sfablishinefit itself, • .
11 upon the. enterprise .of the proprictor,•.luut alabled.
him to purchase all his Goods at such prices as will allow • 'him to sell, Wholesale and Retail;LOWER maA, any
'other House,East or West. -
JOHN M'CLOSKEY, - 'Manufacturer of Ready mad
Clothing,No. TM Liberty street, Pittabungh,Pa., has hist •
.completed his Stock, and has now on hand, ready for.-.:
'sale, the largest, most fashionable and varied 'assortment of
READY-MADE CLOTHING ever offered in the United
States; all of which have been made, under his imine-•
diate inspection, in this city, AT Patens THAT sits n OBTAIN',
A misixamscx—togetherwith one of.the choicest selec
tions of Imported fine Black, Bine, Brown; Olive and.
Drab ,
Drab French, Belgian. and English. CLOTHS, that has ...
ever. been brought to this city. ALSO, fine fancy VEST
' INGS of every description, such as • Chshmeres, Mar-•
seilles, rich-Silks, fancy Satins,- !cc., .All the new-;.
est styles fancy - CASSIMERES of every description ;
all of which will be made Order at the shortest no-'
tics_, in the latest and most fashionable style.
The proprietor informs. the public that, the prineiplp--
upon which he will do business, willbe.inpon the .basis --
of HONESTY and PAIR DEALING; and in order toes
lablish a confidence in the buyers, lam detertnined to ad-
here to my original motto, "Quick Sates anit . Smedi Pni.;
f lit;" and also 'make tae buyer his cwt; salesman, by
marking the lowest price on each article, in plain figures "
so that each customer , from an immdnse-anil:'
exquisitely assorted'stock, the articles he requires, at the; , ,;
lod :Ist price tt cati possibly be bought for. "
Business 'Mail continue to be transacted at thy
sive establishment, which has long sinee Obtained the
character of tieing the First Tailoring Establishment in
0211.Ea1l AIAELIVAL Ole - NEW 4. 0300D5 - 7,
TUST RECEIVED, an extensive and general stlert:.
cf meat of French, English, Belgian end American '
and raoat - .desirable patterns. Amongst them-'wills be
found a variety of entirely new style Fancy Casslmetes
and'Vesungs, of the . -
All of which wilt be made to °roar in the most fashiotta- -
ble manner. at short nonce and reasonable prices.
A large and general assortment of . •
On hand, made in 'the present Spring style, coMprising . -
every description of - •
Made of French. English. American rind Belgian Cloths,:
of the most fashionable colors. . r
New style Business Coats,
„plain black . and fumy
colored Casbmarett, Tweed . ..and Summer Cloth - Sack.
Coats, and Pantaloons of 'superior single and dciablir
milled Cassinieree, Summer Cloths-and every other de—
scription of goods suitable for Spring;and Summe - r_Wear:
`Also, a choice assortment of - - ,
Rich Silks, Cashmeres, plain, and fancy colors; plain'
black Satin of superior quality; with a great variety-91
substantial and well made
Altogether comprising °nett the targest anti handiornest
. .
• •• • READY MADE cLarigrick, • -
That can be found in the City, which wilt teeoldtoW •
. _
N 13..T0 TAnous.—Watt's Graduating Shouldei &Tea=
sure System, for sale at P. DELANY'S,
-99 Liberty et. ,
Fine Shirts; Spring St
EDWARDTODDZG CO., are now strewing from their
Factory East, a large stock of fine and medium quid-:
ity BAIRTS, which, for durability and style of menu.
facture, are not surpassed in this or any. other market.t.r..
The trade will be supplied at lowest New York prices.'
try. Wareroem,- corner Fifth and /gasket streets, ca
IVORY COMBS-1 case, assorted lengths, including,
Fine S. and S. S. Fine. For sale at . the lowest menu.
lecturer's prices, with discount off, at
ap2 " Cori of Fifth and Market sts.,'up stairs. •
GUM SUSPENDERS cases, assorted qualifies
Swivel Joint Suspenders, just received said sale
ow by E.TODD:& 00,
feb2 Cor. of. Filth and Market its:, up stairs.
CARPET BAGS—I ease fine Hilton
- ' " Brussels Carper
Received ilds day and for aide law by•
ap2 " - ' EDWARD rODD 4e CO
• = • - = Gingham*. - - • • •
LARGE ridrfriiisome-assorunent of newe st, sty
Li. particularly adapted ter eitlArade, jusrreceived
mar292ra •
- = - • HAMPTON, SMITH & CO,
. . - • • •
: .uoyieracb.intzes. • • •
rimiES Ofaibeve G00de,',3.4; 4-4 .41? d Ore viide,
e,../ and double l'arble for We by_