Rz t * hours, the cityhad been set on fire in several places. A deputation from the municipality bad waited upon him on the evening of the 6th,-to request an armis- Ike of 418 boom in order to proceed to Turin, to I arrange a capitulation. The armistice was granted And the deputation proceeded to Turin where they imbed on the 7th. The triumphants had fled from Genes with the exception of Arequenat The agita. tore Arequena and Merselon embarked for Leghorn. Morrrar.at. L. C. April 26. tßy FivatrY deepatch.l . There has been a 'great excitement .in ; the city of Montreal, to.day, in consequence of the Governor Venerataittning the Rebellion loss bill. ' The Proriumal Parliament House was set lire to anddestroyed. • CINCINNATI MARKET. CINCINNATI, April £6, P M. Flour.. Sales at 3,50, the market iihare. Whiskej..Sales a 144015. Grain. :There is a fair demand for data at 29/429e. foll'..Thestiles to-day compnim 900 kegs at 61 Tier lb: ' ' • • • NotasigjorAleasf 200 tible from the landing, at 22e. . The members of the serorat Fire Companies are respectfully invited to attend The funeral Of Gm. ClizelarrBa.l..te member of the Plutgara,Fire Co , Ilan his residence an Petur street, opposite Fine, in the iiythWard, on Friday morning, at to &Clock. aP 27 Taos. MACILIZID, . _ • jaIIe'TMMII•ALIM. TENDER " GUMS, 13A xrßaicArn wtm Tara.—By ttae use of Wheeler's celebrated Tea•berry gooth Wash Tooth-ache can be effectually cured: Tender. and D u e ased Gums made firm end healthy. Bad Breath much impftwedi and the Teeth freed fry= tartar, and made beautifully white. Price, 51) Cents per bottle. This article is patronized by the elite of society-4s highly concentrated, andwill make one pint of.the wash. ~ Bold wholesale and retail by WM. JACKSOO, at his Boot and Shoe Store; "BIG BOOT," bn Liberty street, head of WoOd street, Pittsbuigh. ap27:timd&ve X °Me TS hereby given to all persons whom it may concern, 1. that I do hereby "forewarn alt persons from taking Sand, Gravel or Stone from -of of my premises, to wit the bed of the Monongahela River, from the Bridge tothe First Dim ; also; lOU Acres of the+ Allegheny River, Mr& whichlhe -Aqueduct passes. If any person does tres pass, they may expect to he dealt with uueording to taw, as I bought Said property from the pate, and have a good title for. the same. Persons wistung to get Send, can get permission, by calling on my Agent, Wit. G. rdeCeavenv, Liberty street, una paying him forthe same a • - e;37.w - JACOB F. BRANT. L I erfABLE'S EA LE of a Magneto Electro Galvanic iliattery, at 'AUCTION.--This day, ..Friday, April 97th., at 9 o'clock in the ofternuonovill be sold, by order of Johtt For:,:Constable,:ut McKenna's Auction Rooms, lillagrieUe Electric Galvanic Battery, enclosed in a beautiful mahogany box. • JOHN FOX, Constable. ap27 ' • - JAB. McKENIVA.Auct. Lmuslcas•• No. 1. Lard, just ree'd 'and for sale by ' 11927 , 'ARMSTRONG k CROZER. F t 1 I :I AI , : : 4 W.• $ •-•• •ec • an. toreale va ,by (ap27) - ARMSTRONG k. CROZER. f .\' :41 • o or. ree • • ourneyme • ant ,ars Wanted Immediately. Enquire at YOUNGSON , S, . oil Store, Liberty street. ,pBAUE CELKILM. - CASES' boxes. just landing Eliot sale by (ap2l) S. it , W. HASEASGII. - - - - RIK.I) APPLES —9OO clashels; reed and far sale by S. HARBAUGH. GKEEN ArY 'LES--42-boxes Green Apples, just land. ing from steamer "Beaver,' and tor sale by 8. Ir, Mr- HARGAUGH. SUGAIL CCREHHAMS-12 tierces,.Stagg . & Shay's" superior Sugar Cured Hums, oec`d 'and f or sale by SOH S. k W. HARBAUGH. jeIANDLI...-10 boxes Sterine•Candles, a prime artiste, jun reteived and for sale by • scrf • M. tc. W. fIARBAUGH. ivrAcKEREL- 7 ,5a bbls., in store and for sale by -IMO-. • S.& W. HARBATGH. SODAk ASH - 20 tierces, receiving and for sale by ap27 - S. &W. HARBAUGII. 251! BOOSTER & GRIBBLE, BEE WIVE CIiOTVING—STORE t ' ITUDII3SH 1151 LIBERTY STREET, • rinaz DOORS ABOVE 'MAIN =RPM SIGN OF 7/12 GOLDIM BEE HIVE. IrBB. G. &B. woald respectfully inform the pub that they can at all nines find at the above mace a splendid assortment of CLOTHING AND CLIMBS. StfillthiSfOt CilttOM Work. It being our Intention to do a Cash businels,„we'shallendeavor to sell all articles in the Clothing line at the latvest possible rates, and , there can be no doubt that our friends and. the public generally would And it their interest to favor us with a share of theiriptrtronage., BOOBVER & GRI WILE. N. H.—Parteular attention paid to the h . :Jingo( Clothes_ • B. & G. try. No. '251 Liberty street, three doors above Irwin go Of. the' Bee Rive. nr2s bout surd Shoe Warehouse. dd i HUGH. M. ROBB having removed to the idcnis building formerly occupied - Wallace, Lyon & .No. WOod street, usarSifth,lrturtitrespeWhlly invite the attention Of the public generally lathe liege and fine assortment of WOGS he is now offering Cheap for Cash. All_ph . sous wishing a durable arid cheap article in the SHOK. tine, are invited bp call and examine his stork. Also, a lot of fine Leghtirn and Palm Leaf HATS, and a Slooll alldrartment of TRUNKS, alway on hand. R—He also continues to manufacture, as formerly. sipl3:2md&w . ' 8LA.111..t. CO, lia - AYE RECEIVED one of the most varied and per feet feet aisortments of SPORTING and HUN T ING EQUIPMMTS that has ever: crossed the 121ountains. consisting of superior London made Shot Guns, Game Bags, Shot Pouches, single and double Simi Belts, Pow der and Drinking Flasks, Wiping Rode, Percussion Caps Rifle Powder, Shot, &c. • null stock of FISHING TACKLE is also complete, and during the season they will keep on hands an extenv sive suppty-of,,eyerything in their line. Every son of BRILTSMS (wilkanted their own manufacture) eonstant ly on hand mid made to order. SHOE FINDINGS, Mall their variety, as heretofore. N. B.—Call at the old established Brush Manufactory. No 120 Wood street ap2hosr Brass I:Cattiest and Sheet Brass. THE subscribers would respectfully announce that they havecnade arrangements with the proprietors of the Brass Mills, which gives us the control for the sale 'of their Brass" Kettles and Sheet Brass for this section of country. The production of these Mills ate not surpassed in quality by any other similar estab lishment in she United States. We will always keep a heavy stock of these goods on hand, which we will be pleased to sell at such prices as we trust will meet the views of wholesale buyers. Hardware merchants and other dealers in these goods will please give us a call. - . JOHN DUNLAP & CO.. al* Corner Alarket and Second streets. For Greenwood Gardens. THE new and fast tanning steamer, THOS. SCOTT, leaves the Greenwood Wharf Boat. at the Point, every half hour daring the clay; landing at the'Graden gate. A fine collection of the choicest Grean-house Plants are for sale in the uarden. Ice Creaals and other refreihments furnished it. the Sa loons...Boquets pat up at the shortest notice. Orders for Boquets, left at the Wharf Boat, will receive prompt attention. . _ap2l Administration Notice. , • - • ETTERS TESTAMENTARY having'beeg ganied to Lthe undersigned by the Register of Wills for gbeny County, on the Estate of Peter Whiuner, lute of said County, deceased, all persons,-therefore, who are Indebted to the Estate, will call immediately and make payment;:those having claims against the Estate, will present theta, properly authenticated for settlement. apiiirk • • JACOB W tIITMER, Adm'r. 300 SACKS NESHANNOCK Nu( BLUE POTA TOES—Just landing and for sale by xli4s ARMSTRONG & CROZRR iTILN DRIED MEAL-20 barrels Bonle4l and Kiln Ark. Dtbigl,warranted to keep, received tnd for sale by WM. DYER. OBDIPPINGS-2 bales Allegheny D, for sale Gar Alle gheny city or county Scrip by aP2 S A • bars . d f. .1. 1. • . • dP2 S • Wll . DYER. Anil& MEAL—Fresh g.roulid. (our own mannfacture,) J constantly on hand, and for sale by ap2s • RHODES k. ALCORN. 30 sth at. ULL'D HARCEY—Our own manufacture, constant . IH.. ly on band and for sale by ap2s RHODES & ALCORN, 30 sth st OATS -1000 bushels just received and for sale by ap2s RHODES & ALCORN. 30 sth at GROUND FEED—Chopped Corn and Oats. Barley,. Meal and HO/lay Meal = constantly on hand and tor sale by ap2s RHODES tr. ALCORN, 30 sth at. 1113 YE-150 bushels (to arrive next week) for sale by /Xllosp43 . RHODES & ALCORN, 30 sth st GOUND .SPlCES—Pepper. 'Pimento, Ginger, Cloves and Cinaamott-;a11 fresh ground, for ante by a • '- • HODES & ALCORN, 30 Oth at. - - -• OTATOES-450 sac e, in prime order, tor inde by Ara • . RING & MOORHEA D TOEAlti, ASH-16 casks Prime, an coneignment, and forsaleby • B.A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., Corner let and Wood sta .Tll' BEER-5 Bbb s. just rec d and for sale by ap2s B. A. FAHNEBTOCK & CO lITYD POTASII.-200 oanassjast rec'diand for sale 1.1.. by (ap2.5) B. A. FAHNESTCSCK & CO. SANDS , SARSAPARILLA-4D doz., in (part bonles, ittst mOll and for sale by • ' B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., a • 25 Corner Ist and Wood sts. I ri • Ots.l-92 "is., wet read and for sale by - B. A. FAHNESTOCK fr. CO OAP-25 boxes, Ilydes White. Windsor, reed and for 1,7 sale b .25] EL A. FAHNESTOCK & CO. New Goods! New Goods!! . A T NUMBER., FIPTY-NINE. 'North-weal coiner of .406. Fourth atut-hferka seeds, Pimburgh.—Bsnosnrs! Bszosilts!—The undersigned respectfully - lufonns his customers that he has just taunted from the -Eastern cities, and is now receiving a large and' beautiful stock of FANCY and STAPLE nrnr GOODS, .containing a choice andelegant assortment of all the newest and, most fashionable styles and fabrics, imported this season, and embracing a complete - variety of every. article be longing to his line of business, ell of which will be offer ed et prices which must prove satisfactory to the pur chaser. The cuiunners of the house, and purchasers generally are,respeetlnlly.iarite4.to give these . Goods an early. ex on. Call soon and secure a Bargain! PHILIP ROSS, apll Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods. 0 1 r,‘V't719r4#4411*: .4*- i4t*-4441Atte.thr.;'" -' - ' • "" ME illy Dian, Most. : Morning Post Job Printing Office. . . CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS. Ire' Raving added to our Establishment, a splendid Steam-Power Printing Iliaehitie,we are prepared to do all kinds of Newspaper and Book work in a style of un surpassed beauty_und neatness, and upon the moat rea sonable:terms. We respectfully solicit the patronage or he public n this line of our business. Orr' 4433er:tiers areregueuedto hand in their:favors bef?re 4.o'eloek, F /IL • This must be complied witk,!n order to I:I -mre an trasertun. Whenifispossible,an earherrhour toould • be preferred. torPlutainratLaxorr SuGAH.—Prepard by!. W. Kelly William street, N. Y. and for sale by A. JANNES, No. 70 Fourth street, Agant for the manufacturer. This will be found a delightful article of beverage in families, and particularly in sick rooms. BLICIR'SBaoxs..—An improved Chocolate preparation, being a combination of Cocoanut; innocent, invigorating and palateable ; highly recommended. particular) y for invalids. Preparad by W. Baker. Dorchester, Mass,, and for sale by A. JAVA* at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 70 Fourth street marl 7 Anti:nu:rum Ann Gour.—Wrighf slndian Vegeta table Pills are a most extraordinary medicine for the cure of Rheumatism and Gout, because they not only cleanse the stomach and bowels of those morbid humors which, if taken into the circulation and thrown upon the membrane and muscle, are the cause of the above pain ful maladies; but they excite the -absorbent vesselsto take up that which is already deposited, and therefore are ab solutely certain to make a perfect cure of Rheamatism and Gout. A single twenty-five cent box of Wright's lit dian Vegetable ?dig will often gird, the most astonishing relief; and perseverance according to directions will be certain to drive pain of every description from the body. Beware of Counterfeits and Imitation.—Remember ` that the Original and Only Genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of Wu.mataWatuar tai he top label of each box. Remember, also, that IL Smyser, Druggist. corner of Market and Third stree e, is not an agent for this medi cine, and we cannot guarantee as genuine that offered by him for sale. -The genuine is for sale a Dr Wright's Principal Office, 169 Race street, PhLadelphia; -and by 301191 THOMPSON, LSO Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa., who sole agent for this city, by whom dealers can be sup plied at the wholesale rate. ap9r- Averion SALES, BY JAMES APILENNA, AUCTIONEER. No. 114 WOOD STRIIZT, TIMES DOORS 'room VID7II ADDITIONAL SALE OF SPLENDID FURNITURE AT AUCTION.—WiII be sold, by order of John Fox, Constable, at Mel:ennui% Auction Rooms, to-morrow, Friday, April 27th, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the fol lowing articles, omitted in the former advertisement :-12 hair seat mahogany chairs, 12 do. do. walnut do.. 2 cane seat rocking cltairs.l mahogany sofa, 1 pair mahogany dining tables, claw feet; 1 sett candelabras. eIONSTABLE , S SALE of splendid Furniture, Feather ‘,./ Beds, Bedding, Glass Jan, Confectionery, Spices, ut .AUCTION.—Qn Friday next, April 27th, at o'clock in the afternoon, will be sold, at McKenna's Auc tion Rooms, No. 114 Wood street, by order of John Fox, Constable, for cash, par funds, the following articles of Furniture, vix:-1 splendid mahogany wardrobe, 1 do. cherry do., 2. do. mahogany sofas, one with pillows; 1 do. dressing bureau, with marble top; I.do. dressing bureau. cherry top; 5 plain mahogany bureaus, 1 secretary and book-case, -1 mahogany enclosed wash stand, 2 fancy sewing stands, marble top; 1 pair card tables, 6 curled maple cane seat chairs, 1 settee, fancy and common chairs, 2 looking-glasses, a lot ,of carpeting, feather beds, bedding and mattresses, 2 bedsteads. 2 window blinds. U cherry school desks, 1 dough trough, 1 clothes horse,.l coat, 1 old-fashioned 8 day brass clock, 1 cook ing stove, with fixtures; 1 egg stove and pipe, 1 grate. 33 glass jars ,containing confectionery, confectionery and spice, 3 glass covers. 1 patent lever watch. Terms—Cash, par funds. ap24 JOHN FOX,Connuable. JAMES IttchTNNA, Auct - 171)DITIONAL SALE OF U. ST4TS PROPERTY 11 d TAUcTION.—WiII be added to the sale of United States property, to take place at the Government NVare„ house, corner of Penn street and Garrison alley, on Saturday next, April 28th at In o'clock in the forenoon. the following articles, omitted in former advertisement 33 musktts; I buggy, with leather top, made in the most substantial manner and finished in the best of style—a light and neat article, with cushions, and in use only a few months. Also, I sett of brass mounted harness, in complete or dr. JAMES McKENNA, up 24 Auctioneer. A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE of faltioUr Stocks, w 11 AUC TION.--On MONDAY evening, April 30h. at half past 7 o'clock. will be sold, at Mckenna's Auction Rooms, by order of H. S. Mograw, Administrator of the late Richard Biddle, deceased :- 14 shares Hand Street Bridge Stock; 5 . do Penna. and. Ohio Canal do. 5. do Monongahela Navigmion Co. Stock. IL S. MAGRAW. Adm'r. .upl6 JAS. McKI , ..NNA. Auct. _ . . . TTNITEDSTATES' PROPERTY AT A UCTION,—Ou Sarnaostr, April 28th. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. will be sold, at the corner of Pentstreet nod Garrison alley, the following public property. for cash, par funds. viz :-8 Axes, 1 Axe Handle, 9 Bugle*, 1 Drum Ring. 3 Cartridge Boxes, 18 Colleens, 34 Haversacks, 171 Knap sacks, 15 Rubbers, 1 Recruiting Flag. 3 Coffee Mills, 113 Camp Kettles, 11 Mess Pans, 1 Prying Pan. 2 Sauce Pans, 2 Wood Rueketadi Pints..-2 Tin Cups. I Sad d:e, Blanket, Holster qnd Cirsingle, 3 planters, 2 hatch. ets, 151tpades, 3 Shovels, 194 Camp Tents, 47.5 tent poles,. 62 Wel/ Tents and Flies, 6 Wall Tent Flies, 109 Wall Teirt.Palesi 7 Blankets; 11 • pairs Smoking*. I great Coat— ! Anchor, I Cranks, 1 Cast Iron Picea. I *learn Engine, 7 feet stroke, said to lie en excellent article, and former. ly used on board the U. States' steamer Col, Long. Terms: cash, par funds. JAMES AIcKENSA, npl3 Auctioneer. TEASt TEAS!! TEAS Fria with pleasure that the subscriber* in form the citizens of Pittsburgh and 1 vicinity that they have completed arrancement a with Mews. J. C. Jenkins & Co., of Philadelphia. to receive their superior PACKED TEAS, And will hereafter be kept ronstantly on hand. They are neatly and securely put up in metallic parks of 1 , j and I th each, with heir printed card—sb . ovving the kind of Tea, price, u „,,,, of the concern and depot in Philadelphia. with an invitation to return the Tea. if not liked. 133103 "'Gunpowder Imperial- • - flyson I Y. Ilyson• - 62; 75 1,00 1.25 1.50 .50 75 1,00 1.25 1,50 -50 021, 75 1.00 1.25 .50 021 75 1,00 1.25 1.50 BLACKS. S Black 371 50 t Fine and Extra Fine... , 75 1,00 145 1,30 We will warrant all the TEAS we sell to be equal to. if not superior to any sold in this City, and should they not prove acceptable to the unite, they can be returned, and the money will be refunded, an it is only with that understanding we sell. We ask a lair trial, that the public may be able to judge between our Teas and those heretofore sold by o.her companies in this city. All lovers of rich. delicious and good flavored TEAS, should give us n call. Dealers can be surgical on the most reasonable terms For sale by JOS. S. M YOUNG & CO. N, W. corner 4th and Perry streets, and E. I OUNG & SON. main S. W. corner 3d and Ross streets. OFFICE OF SUAVE:TOE OF CI:ATOMS, Pimbuigh, April 24, ISO. QEPARATE PROPOSALS will be received at this CI Office until 3 . o'clock P.M. 011 TUESDAY, the Ist day of May next, for furnishing materials and executing work at the United States Marine Hospital, as follows, viz %Yam:rout Laos WORE.—For furnishing materials and executing Iron Stair-way, and Iron Railings, conforma bly to plans and specifications to be seen at this office. Bidders will state the price per lb. Pitterrnvo AND Graznaci.—Eor furnishing materials and executing the Painting and Glazing. Bidders will state price per foot for painting and glazing, according to Pittsburgh Painters' Book of Prices." Glass 'to be extra thickness, and clear of all defects. Successful bidders will be required to enter into con- tracts and to give good security for the faithful perform- ance thereof. J. B. GUTHRIE, ap2.sSurveyor of Customs. [City dailies copy, and send bills to this office.j flange and Sign Painting. T D. PITFIELD would respectfully inform th e citizens 0.. of Pittsburgh and Allegheny that he iR prepared to do all kinds of ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, each as Imitation of Wood and Stone. All orders left with J. ROBIRI3ON, European Agent, will be strictly attended to. up2s:d I m _ Gravel Roofing. THE subperibers respectfully inform the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that they are now fully pre pared to fill orders for GRAVEL ROOFING, in a man ner not to be surpassed in this city or elsewhere. From their experience in bnsiness, they feel confident that they will render satisfaction to all those who ra...y give them work. The superiority of Gravel Roofs over any other kind, particularly in case of fire, is too well known to require any argument in Its favor. To those who are unacquainted with our work, we beg leave to referthem to Messrs. Thomas Liggett, Sr., John F. Perry, Rody Patterson, M. Kane, Jr , and others, for whom we have done work. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to We will be found on Wylie street. be tween High and Tunnel streets. MATTHEW McGOVERN. apin JOHN SKINNIN. Ntw • ooks New Books I COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN M. MASON; D. D., X,/ in four volumes. - Mardi and a Voyage Hither, by Herman Melville. Border Warfare of New .York, by W. W. Campbell. Here a Little and There a Little, by the author of "Line upon Line and ..Precept upon Precept " Memoirs of my•Youtb, by A. De Lamartine. Illustrated Life of Franklin, part Bth. Just rec'd and or sale by JOHNSTON te STOCKTON, ap2s Cor. Market and 3d fits. Nottoc to Holders of Scrip. OR SALE, and payment received in the SCRIP F issues of the City - of Pittsburgh:— All that valuable property known as the OLD BASIN LOT, situate on Grant street, opposite, the Court Blouse, and bounded by Grant street, Firth street, - Diamond alley and Cherry alley. - Thit propert Building divided into be highly eligible Lots, which will be sold to the highest and best bidder, at Public Auction, on SAVA DAY.O4I.sv 5111, 1849, in front of the Court House. Trasts—One-third in cash, one-third in six months, and one-'hird in -twelve months, with interest front the day of 'sale: By order of the City Council's. . Jas. B. MURRAY, aP23:dtd Ch'n Committee on City Property. Private Boarding. SIX or eight young Gentlemen wislung to obtain P vale Boarding, may find accommodation by timely application to the subscriber, on St. Clair at. Pittsburgh. aplB:4 wd ' A. WESTERVELT CIOAP--25 lbs. pure " Condin" Soap; Cderen bo.ths'Dallitt's Shaving Soap ! i " " Dallitt's Variegated Soap " Castile Soap; for sale by KING lc. MOORKBAD. .. z4~ i ,,,, " t e a ~ ~~ y ~ '~ '^R , `' f ~ '~r''B4,~. S GOODS: " French and Rnglisb, Black cad Btown.Cloths;+ Black and Farley French Ctuniimenes; New Style Fancy. Vestings and Cravats; Silk Irnder,Shirts and Drawers; Linen Cambric and Silk Handkerchiefs, , and a fine sortment of Gloves, Hosiery and Suspenders. . . PARASOLS AND PARASOLETTS . : I have just received a Splenaid assortment Style Plain and Fancy Silk Fringe Parasols, Par and Sun Shades. The above, Goods have allbeen purchased, at the low 'eat cash prices, and will be sold W.bolesale and Rend su c h rates as cannot fail to please; all who wish to - buy good Goods at low prices. . ABSALOM - MORASS, may23'. -„ , NO. 85. IlinTkOt. St. Pit talduka. The Spring and. Summer-Stools HEADY-MADE CLOTHING" AT •TII.E• THREE IEG DOORS,: • .SOS TEE tassivr" 71Ai VETTE 'Bs= EQTALLED Bern by the. Celebrated E.sfablishinefit itself, • . IIIEIR UNPRECEDENTED PATRONAGE bestewed 11 upon the. enterprise .of the proprictor,•.luut alabled. him to purchase all his Goods at such prices as will allow • 'him to sell, Wholesale and Retail;LOWER maA, any 'other House,East or West. - JOHN M'CLOSKEY, - 'Manufacturer of Ready mad Clothing,No. TM Liberty street, Pittabungh,Pa., has hist • .completed his Stock, and has now on hand, ready for.-.: 'sale, the largest, most fashionable and varied 'assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING ever offered in the United States; all of which have been made, under his imine-• diate inspection, in this city, AT Patens THAT sits n OBTAIN', A misixamscx—togetherwith one of.the choicest selec tions of Imported fine Black, Bine, Brown; Olive and. Drab , Drab French, Belgian. and English. CLOTHS, that has ... ever. been brought to this city. ALSO, fine fancy VEST ' INGS of every description, such as • Chshmeres, Mar-• seilles, rich-Silks, fancy Satins,- !cc., .All the new-;. est styles fancy - CASSIMERES of every description ; all of which will be made up.to Order at the shortest no-' tics_, in the latest and most fashionable style. The proprietor informs. the public that, the prineiplp-- upon which he will do business, willbe.inpon the .basis -- of HONESTY and PAIR DEALING; and in order toes lablish a confidence in the buyers, lam detertnined to ad- ~ here to my original motto, "Quick Sates anit . Smedi Pni.; f lit;" and also 'make tae buyer his cwt; salesman, by marking the lowest price on each article, in plain figures " so that each customer can.select , from an immdnse-anil:' exquisitely assorted'stock, the articles he requires, at the; , ,; lod :Ist price tt cati possibly be bought for. " Business 'Mail continue to be transacted at thy sive establishment, which has long sinee Obtained the character of tieing the First Tailoring Establishment in 0211.Ea1l AIAELIVAL Ole - NEW 4. 0300D5 - 7, AT P. DELANY'S,. NO. 4-9 LlBERrrszarET , PITTSBURGH. TUST RECEIVED, an extensive and general stlert:. cf meat of French, English, Belgian end American ' CLOTHS,,CASEIMERES and VESTINGB,of the Ihtest and raoat - .desirable patterns. Amongst them-'wills be found a variety of entirely new style Fancy Casslmetes and'Vesungs, of the . - LATEST IMPORTATIONS; , All of which wilt be made to °roar in the most fashiotta- - ble manner. at short nonce and reasonable prices. A large and general assortment of . • • READY-MADE CLOTHING, • On hand, made in 'the present Spring style, coMprising . - every description of - • BOCK' AND DRESS COATS; Made of French. English. American rind Belgian Cloths,: of the most fashionable colors. . r New style Business Coats, „plain black . and fumy colored Casbmarett, Tweed . ..and Summer Cloth - Sack. Coats, and Pantaloons of 'superior single and dciablir milled Cassinieree, Summer Cloths-and every other de— scription of goods suitable for Spring;and Summe - r_Wear: `Also, a choice assortment of - - , NEW STYLE VESTS, •• • Rich Silks, Cashmeres, plain, and fancy colors; plain' black Satin of superior quality; with a great variety-91 substantial and well made Altogether comprising °nett the targest anti handiornest . . • •• • READY MADE cLarigrick, • - That can be found in the City, which wilt teeoldtoW • . _ N 13..T0 TAnous.—Watt's Graduating Shouldei &Tea= sure System, for sale at P. DELANY'S, apthilacw -99 Liberty et. , Fine Shirts; Spring St EDWARDTODDZG CO., are now strewing from their Factory East, a large stock of fine and medium quid-: ity BAIRTS, which, for durability and style of menu. facture, are not surpassed in this or any. other market.t.r.. The trade will be supplied at lowest New York prices.' try. Wareroem,- corner Fifth and /gasket streets, ca IVORY COMBS-1 case, assorted lengths, including, Fine S. and S. S. Fine. For sale at . the lowest menu. lecturer's prices, with discount off, at EDWARD. TODD k . CO:, ap2 " Cori of Fifth and Market sts.,'up stairs. • GUM SUSPENDERS cases, assorted qualifies Swivel Joint Suspenders, just received said sale ow by E.TODD:& 00, feb2 Cor. of. Filth and Market its:, up stairs. CARPET BAGS—I ease fine Hilton - ' " Brussels Carper Received ilds day and for aide law by• ap2 " - ' EDWARD rODD 4e CO • = • - = Gingham*. - - • • • LARGE ridrfriiisome-assorunent of newe st, sty Li. particularly adapted ter eitlArade, jusrreceived mar292ra • - = - • HAMPTON, SMITH & CO, . . - • • • : .uoyieracb.intzes. • • • fancy' rimiES Ofaibeve G00de,',3.4; 4-4 .41? d Ore viide, e,../ and double l'arble for We by_ marirk2En HAMPTON, SMITH & CO