The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 14, 1849, Image 4

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• OCZ9
Tho.,Neyy oitibri ; X ur'itiais
I. tigw-9uesc-N-GooDslt
premeyßinkluirklitrit4VCT catisiaw be hail I
raft , ' tor thi Rem frroldrit Ate-Late; kin.Sldikei at,
trtiwebn Third and F.:attar...where is Mkt opened •
; s'gotdrillrur stoelilorMinter Dry Gobilsictiesmeithauthe
fb d 4htq bf Greeds have:ewer been offered in Pure.
''W/ 4 ; L" 'RUSSELLS NoL3 , Market strict, •between
Third tend Fourth streets, sign of the Big Golden Bee.
offers re hitfutimrra".g`kz`
Somers and the psibjto ‘ genentlly, the hirsesq' cleanest
cud MOM,Rleudid stock VfliinseDik Goode,ever otter
ed to thiset ty. -These Gags Anita been parclotted inthe
rtent Cities sines the Sall in nees,andwlLl
. .
- sold to cash klayeril at limos redad on, roma pheaper
than they could have been sold in the early part of the
Arnong arid extensive sleek will bit forted
alutuy,choico feishiontibld-Gbkidi , brsthe latest int.:
' LADl'O3' DRESS 'GOODS. • ' "
Scarlet Cashineres ; all wool, a beautiful article 3."
• Zlhirrry . ;cord - do. figured and -
. Satins, plain, stripe& and plain; I'
Scarlet de Lollies, all word, trery cheap.;
Mazarinli Blue De Laines ; low prints . ,
Frsuch Merinos, all colors, extremely low.
"Ai large nisorunent of figkl Cashmere. De L Rine sinew.
est designs, from 121 to 511 cents per yard ; these are very
cheap. Also, a large stock or_Alpecas from 12k to 50
cents per yard, all colors. and la great bargain; with' a
splendid apsomment of bonnet stbbons or the latent Im
portation. Alts, velvet ribbons all widths and colors.
vespeneap, a-beautiful nstortmeut ; plumes and artificial
flowtrs; bonnet's:lllns and velvets, all colors; French
worked celluloid collars; scarfs, cmvats,•gloves cad
hosiery, all at mlifeedprices.
' _ SIIAWL:3!!
Best assortment lathe:city, and very cheap Long slid
Eldiutinb Shawls, best quull• - - -
feakeria Cashnseia •
Black and,coloreillCletth &N. • ,
13 - roe.but end •i..den • •
Plaid isienket ShaWle;all qualities and prices..
BLANKSTS:.BILANKETS! !..-Chtapest in the City!
A Urge stock of Blankets, all qualtheii, which will be
said cheaper than can be found elsewhere.
• A large, stock , of CahCO. Good dark Calico, fast colors,
only 3 cents per yard ; best quality British and American
Prlarcig to - 10.c entoper yordi yard wide I British Purple
PAM", lOAD WS; n large supply red, white and yellow
Flannels, some-us towns 19.1 cents per yurd,,fery cheap;
Bed Ticking, from to ISt cents peryard. AlsOs U- large
stock of Checks, . Shirting 'Stripes, Cassinels i - Kentacky
Setae lend Liastys, together with a very emulsive
Stormont of bleached and unbleached Muslins,stom 3 to
a cents Pet Yard, cheapest yet mood yard wide utibleach
' ed linslins i • only 5 cents per yard; bleached Muslins
front 3to 8 cern!, pet yard. All of which will be sold off
at reduced prices, at the sign
. of sbe New Golden Bee.
Hire, iii Market street; between Third and Fourth sti.,
WHICH Eau - will be proven by calling at Meg lOM's
' V Fushionao leTailonng Etitablis htne ut,Third street,
Bt. Charles Bending, . • ;. .
'Marro: Smai.Fredsis and faick 4 a 2 er-
VARIETY:.Fresh and good,.
COILPEITTION : Very far in the background.. • •
My old castomenr, and all others, are respeeffally in
r med that 1 am waning for them MrOUIRE:,
ocr23 Tailor. dt. Charles.
uirE WOULD . RESPECTFULLY hivlterdto attention
if of our friends rind tie public tti the. greatynriety..
Of WINTER COATINGS' and other artities,'we have
Ititirrecolved—amongst which will . he found the greatest
variety ot.IILUE, BLACK, DRAM ; at &PEARL colored
VESTINGS, 4.c. The thrive Goodehaving been bought
for mash, at extremely low pricer, we are preparedto ae-
Commodate all who may fauot as with - their patronage,
with good Clothes, at low prices. Giro ds a - call. •
Remember,2lB Liberty street, opposite foot . of 7th.
nov3o . ` -• •& DONNING.
. Clothing Clothlsig It Cloil.lblwg I I -
• The Three Esc Ikon vs. The Wstern - ,Worki.!!!..•
15.0,000 mad e . s niCulnrbAß2 l4 7 B ?! 4 =
most liueral terms to my old customers :m e d the re pnoile in
general.. The Proprietor of this far-famed-and extensive
establishment has now, after returning from the Euteris
cities; at much trouble rind expense, lost completed his
fall midwinter arrangements to supply his thousands of
easicimere with one of the most desirable stocks of Chi.
using that bits ever been offered in this orany,other twit
ket west of the : mountains . For neatness to style and
- workmanship, combined With the very low Price Whleb
they will be sold for, must certainly render the old unri
valled Three Sic Dears one of the greatest attractions of
'sae western country. It is gratifying to me to be able to
annotmeirto nrrateneroustriends -at. home and -abroad,
that uestwithstandlrig 'extrtionlinary , efforts which I
have made to meet the' many rolls In my line, it is with
difficulty I can keep time with the constant rush that te
made on this establishment It is a • well established
fact, thatmy sales are eignt or ten times larger than any
other house (tithe trade,andthis being the case on the
amount sold, t can affrod to "CH' at much less.profit than
otherseeuld, possibly think of doing - if they wished' to
toyer contingent expense,. I intend to mate a clean
sweep of altnrypresentatock before the beginning of next
year; emning,tothis conclusion;l will make if the inter'
est of wren. tnao, who wants a cheap winter suit Meal!.
AndputelaseAt She Three Big Doors. • • •
0 0 DRerik:"MuuD 3,- ' ; • -•
City. Clothing Swie.a splendid assortment of Clottur.,
consisting of fine ..geenebinglish and American Plain,
black and Caney taiSimerei, of the most modern styles;
fine figtireilCashmire .Vestings, Silk: ;Velvet, Plain and
Fancy Satiim-1111 of which we will snake op at the most
reasonable priees,m adorable and fashitsuible style.'
Ready made Clothing, of all descriptions; Lady's
Cloaks of the moat fashionable patients. Neck and
Pocket flills(s.,.Suspendera, Bosoms, Shirt Collors,..and,
eve* a r ticle usually kept la a Clothing Store. Country .
Merchants, before pureharing elsewhere, will find it to
their advantage to call at the Iron City Clothing Store,
No. IMZ Liberty street, immediately opposite the mouth
of Market. toe -rig-it) C. brcLusxgr.
Jameis W Woodiari
... . ..r No, " 82.T.1.11111) Sin FE; PLISSIIIIIIOII.
• • A taws and splendid assortment of firniture,.
suitable for Steamboats, Hotels,and - Private Dwell.
oand, and'uade :to onlei.
T e present S,tock oti hand. cannot be exeeetreally any
menu - Cacti:my in the 'Western country, Persons wishing,
to purchase, would do well to..giirerne a call, nil -am de
tenuinetliny,,,EyieeS El_l lll /.414 4 !, e : Part of . the t00 1 r,;91)-
Ti te ri.Tete • ' . , • . .Balret Eitinele
Louis XlV. ) Chairs ;.- .. Queen Elizabeth Chairs;
Tea Poysej "• t r ~.; . . Fruit Tables
Toilet Tables;, - Louis XV. COmmodet.'
---FrenclrNshogany Bedsteads ; Piano Stools; - „
50 Soras,witgrplitsh and hair cloth Coirers ;
50 Mullogany - Rocking,Chairs; . ---
• •40 daten Parlor - - r do.. ,_ , ----- ''. • , i .... :
• Mt' "'`Tiner -- -- - ' - - dd. ' , -, :” ' ; ' '
"---'-'25 Centre Tables ; . .". '' .•"' r - ' ''''• '''''''' '' ' ' --' '
.' ' 20 DairDleausi 4 p a i r -Piet Table .
' lniturlile to ns
BAVlTlTdrolies; 8 Seermarieti and Book Cases; - ' '
20 marble top Wash Stands ; - - • . ' -
"''4 piiiivOttortme; -, - , - -- ' -: -•-
-- - 8 pair Fiincy Wory . Wands - . - -.. -•' . • - .: .
'A. Trey bz* - usiortnent of eqintnort Chairs and -oilier
Furniture - , too numerous to Mention,'
fl:Flitenirt Boats furnished on the Shortest . notice; and
on'heti:toil reasminble terms. ' ': " . • ' ' lA4 =
. .. ' - -•-• . , City - Livery ' Stables,. ' , • •',- -- '
'• . -' .!
- - •!Taa - subscribers 'having vtirelinsed front'
- ' Charles Coleman
the"ettables; and" in. ,
tending' to Increase 'their stock of; Hortes,
Carriages; Buggies, Ate. ' would respectfully
solicit a share - of _ patronage from ' the ,publit. • Horws
kept by the-day,. week. month or year; end - additional
Malls are being; erected, - in ilia , second - story - Joe the ne
commodatioh of Canal stock
In retiriug from the .Li very btisiness,-I with pleasniv:.
(from a long- aeqtmidtance) recommend my successors to
the patronage pimp . , friends and the public,' -- - - .
feh=L-I.w' -• •t . •• -- *CHAELEf, COLEMAN.-
_ age. ~
Carriage Ilanntactorjr,
Direflum-d.'alteg, between Wood . and.' Smithfield_ great:
would respectfully
inform the public, that at s Factory can
at all:times be found a large sootily - of
I • ' r ye"' . - Family Carriages,- Ptironcliet:, liugOes.
,'" and alt kinds of Panay Carriages,"equal elegance_ and
neauaess to a'ny foandin - the Fast. Contracts:for any
number of Carriages„-:Buggies and ..Wagonai will be
promptly tilled. All work of. kis' own manufacture will
be warranted. : ,
Raperursess--Dol.„IL - Pattens . on,A. H.. Patterson, R. D.
Cazzam, Esq., Robert Robb, L.-Magee,' and
Alderman Steel. - lfeb27al3m
stogru-west coarma 1 11-Litirk TaE DIAUOND.
y v ORTY-IEGHT PITPILS are now attendance, and
Mr. D. has engaged the _ same .buildieg,'ead will
. ein readiness is a few weeks, a private apertnient
for Ladies, as wen: as' more 'extensive accommodations
for Gentlemen. .His new Treatise upon Book-keeping is
becoming the Attendant book_ in the Eastern Cities. It is
:universally admitted by practical merehants to be the
first complete,Vark on the subject published.
1010 12, 2 to 4. and 1 71610. -
Pro&ssionel 11'04gal:dee gifen-inatteceite of difficalty
i partnership - it ettlententa or opening books.; ' felt%
. .
.. , , . • • .. , _ ..
• ' - - ...., ';• -Wiliplessyleland Altman.
R 0 BERT at 11ART . LE'V' t begs leave to ia
forat but — friends and the p ablig.gene rally,:
.chatliecontintuie ioctecupythailargo And cant- ~
a:tedious Store Sown, formerly occupied by Same a-.
estock4k Cvv . F l P - - 80 ,eoruer of Diamonilollayond Wood
street, where be keeps a large and general.ntutorment of,
Baddles,BritSes, Homes:4 Vrunke, Carpet Sage, Steidle
BaChlralioei%Poral.9ltabe , b Whips, and ;all otber.arti
ales in his line.- . - -..,' •
- -
He also keeps, constantly: hand, and it premir4
ftnrdati to order,-allkindsaf Riveted Dose, mtutufactured
of the tiestmatenal, and in a style of workmanship (meal.
to the 0 4 1, M Mantlfactared arttalc, and at per cent,
Country,/ifirchenr*Strid'Eorpgi istoidd waif to call'.
and eXlSMltlibis stock berore parctittiing , Alsewheie,ttc,
be Is determined to sell first rate article* at ,very
prices. -.-
11:7'Dork.ftirgeflhe go.,Earcorner , of:Wood,
treat and Diamond Alley. • ap26:
ArEstr.,,DA(i — trElattfriliTE 23nrkeis
~F.Dictatitett.--HouGu it...A.l9Tromr,D4- uer -h
typists from the Eastenielties, Weald call theattention
the inhabitant* of , Pinabarth; and the neiglibering towns;
tithett Daguerreotype efeintensand where, at tooini in
the third story of Bo'ne's building, 4th• at •
Personisaeishing plenum& taken may reef itestirod that
no paineehall be spiredto predate them in the : highest .
perftetionerihti - ext:•Ont instruments afe Of the roost peer.
erfat.kindoenabling mita execute pictures - ndenronsted
TJChightniatiand trathflitne PI initilye: , -"The public are
solietted'ioetip and: exemine. ' ' • '--
Personitaittut forpeinies aro:aeidiefittplitted or Xi;
versed to tale them unless perfect Slltiitar-11011::'given.
N. B. °Penitent will End Mit a,,goad.-depot for meek
E7•lnetnictions given in the an, contairitng:the' more
If cent ImProvemtnts.l: - i '+4
•• 1 UM: 111gg. •
. .
vtili t iini F e . ..szt y r::trolt .N -S p iqM.! . r . ei . lanai
Bie i'Steartuktp;AAßlLlii SANDStand * regular
Packet Mira, t. "
Pii"Nfila - .
• I 1 10 .‘i
• I - '''' ! f.
' • " • . .
" W.1341V1E8
•"'lsertartiliman tnr . - 1F24.3 • , • r "'
No. 13? Southturect,. New oritk ;and SParrrkro 'Rona
• " • • 'Liverpool. • • *. "
thii Old Country far their 'friends;
can have them brought out by.theltegtlar Lino of Pack
ets., irailing . front.LiverPoot'nit,' lst, Otit,'ll6.4l6thillsl or
Ifith of everylizonth, compriiing ... xho•follbwink Ships
Fidetiai • filiddons. f Henry Clay,
Patrick Henry, .. Cambridge,
Isaac Wright... ,Waterloo, : .Constitution,
• Ashhait , up, . . New-York,. Garrick,
....Wear Point, Queanot the West, Mdbteznma,
aljorkshire,. • • Sheridan, • New World, .•
. • Oxford. . John R. Skiddy.
:',Or in the List clues American Ships, sailinpfrom.
itpaal awl tbe.bish Ports every day, composing: the—
• St. Puttiak s . . fa. George, • • . - Andrew. Foster,
: Yorkwren, -. • • Creole, . - Memnon, - :
Probes, Elsinore., •.. •Wm. A. Cooper.
And many others, which this .limited apace will not ad- .
,mit.of hero enumerating. . •
W:IIY.FIN &-CU. are the solo Passengar Agents
:liir thißtenmehip SARAH. SANDS. Her appoults4l:sai/4
;Inedays, for tb49,.nro as follows: From Liverpool' On
mph January, 251.11•111 a rely 4th JUCLB, Sib "POI add ad'
!October' from New-York on 24th February, Al May, 6th
September, and 15t h November..
netifore, those wishing their relatives out early - 11
;the Spring. witi - find it,to tbeir,interest to patronize this
'Old Lstablished.liotiqs,rour,pf . mugernents being so per
:feet that 'rid delay. or .disappolutinent can occur.
;Lratli , at sight for Any amount oit tho National Bank of
Ireland, its bitutblies••,,Sr.c., ut times for mile. •Ap
ply, td,` cz add re sit by 'letter, post-paid, . - . '
- P. W.IIN !INES k. CO, tai Smith at.,N. Y.,
and 30 IVaterloo Road, Liverpool.
156 Libelts street, Pittsburgh_
lizoPLEpe tgailitycrafrA.oriorir LINE
Or to
tuvrig ,
NRE•SHIPPING:—The Boats belonging to this Line
have heeri.ptif iriTtne order, and are now runank;
reindarly•httVreeri Tito:burgh rwil Erie, touching at a
int e rmediatePorfsvalongiho Coo alri. 'A. Boat will always
be at the wharf, under the Moninigultila Bridge, and one
will sten .regularlrtvery other day.• 'The People's
Transportation-Lino has every facility "for carrying
Freight and Passenger. The boats will be lowed to
Seaver by steamers; and will proceed to Erhswith great
dispatch, bythe canals.' The boats are commanded by
experienced'and careful men—all of whom hare an in
terest in the Lino. ' ' • • •
J Goods sent er tbe Line to Erie May be forwarded
to any poi:inlet she Lakes. -. .
Fot freight or passage apply to •
• ' Agora,. Water•street, Pittsburgh.
Guilts & Co., . . -
R. IV. CIINSINGILA is, New Castle.
• 'Tabtrnsisrik hlnctuamien, Pulaski. •
Ski earn Wattaxa as Co, kliddiesak.
• .Mitaiistlleu., Sherron. ,
.loszen MeCr.vair, Sharpsburgb.. • • .
. S. IL &V. Low's, .
-Ktkorf& Mentcramr, Big Bend ; " .
S. C. Purina, West Creenrille;':".••' •
• . J. 41r, T. KlLfaillet,
IL H&Yarr4Haitnown. •
. W:Writionstorns & Co., Shennan's Comers.
.. Wei. Pown, Conneautvil le. .
—,arer, Spring C an, Albion. orner. v •
%V. C. W •
%Vat. Than. Lockpon.
E. Fun, Girard. • • •
A. MSG, and B: Ton:woos & Co., Erie.
The following Agents in Erie will receive and. fin
ward Freight to any Port - on Lakes, shippe by
this Line : . •
W M. Gallagher, John Hearn,
G. W:liskerstiCk & Co.; - Josiah Kellogg;
Kelsoe it. Loomis, • Walker & Cook,
: • Pittsburg! Portable Boat I.4tie.
t' Tremportatiers' if Freight so and/rem
• • • YORK, ROSTON, &C.
BORD/DGE ¢ . CASA Philadelphia.
TAAP.P..6 - 4.• &CONNOR, Pittsburgh.
, rlllB old established Line being now in fall operation,
j the proprietorsherve made extensive arrangements to
forward Goods and Produce with despatch, and on the
most favorable terms. They confidently hope, their, well
known promptness In delivering goods-peculiar s afety
in mode of carrying—eapaeicius warehouses ateacb pon,
aLfording accommodations to' shippers end owners of
produce,—together with their long experience and unre
mitting attentioirto busipess, wlllseeure to them a con
tinuance of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully
acknowledge. •
All consignments by and for this line ; received, charges
paid, and forwarded in any 'required directions free of
charge for commi.sion, advancing or storage., .
No interest, directly or indirectly, in steamboats.
Alt Cosanassaiscz ia .prarour..4.llzulkd. on *Maim
nen to the following agents:
178 Market street Philadelphia.
Canal Basin, Pittabuigh.
• ' OTONNORS fr. CO,
**North alreet,Dahimore.
at ' Cedar street, New York.
Merchants ,
_ .
. -
, pluA BALTIMORE., - • -
rtoottS.copE t igu t d . u - tur earaisillbe forwarded with
oui delay, and att e lavresi currrnt rates.
. • , , 0 A. APANULTY & CO.,
, . Canal lama, Penn street, Pittsburgh. •
IUE SEILLPS &...B.ErtaceLos t •
272 andar, ,Market street, Pltiladeltana.
. .
RASE t &JERI; IT•lik,
is 9 South's wharf, Baltiiinne.
701 ero ban tat Line.
1848 . - Meal
rigt L l T e S e i n V A L tts V inith lie );l r at:s s Ti7f t e a t Po li lgt; v 4 a 1 .
;L i t ! !
Water street, and Petersl>nrgh•
This Lane was formed for she special accommodatieriOf
the may business. The proprietors, thankful for the very
liberal patronage they have received .during the last two
years, respectfully inform their old customers- and the
public geneially r that theY, Ore now better prepared to;
. deliver goOder at anY point on - the. Canals or _Railroads.
with_promptness and -deSPateb, - ; •
$a10713. C. A. DPAlcirmi & Co, Pittsburgh;
SouirMtuma, Hollidaysburg; :
Ptcawoaru, do WOOD . S, jObIIRIORM. • '
Itim - muntemr.-Sadili-&Sitieltur, J: 40. NE'Devitt; G. &J.
11..Shirenberger, B. Robison dt-co.; R. Moore ; Bagaley a
SmitkJoha Parker, Wm. Lehmer & Co.-; G. P. Stroenber.-
ger, Pittsbnigh: . : - 1 ; je2( l
eiv4antslWran 'partial tra Liner
, =:CM
--- • •
F . oll 4 thein`nuisportutlon , or'liTerebandilii and Produce
• to Philadelphia, and Benin - ore.: Goods nonsinmi - ta:
our care will: be - forwinded without delay, at the lowest
Ltuling•tranimitted, and 'all instructions
prollltaipaztended to; free from any- extra. charge fOr stor
_ ' -C. A. hPANULTYIk Co., Proprietors,
marl Canal BasiniLibeny st.,
; E ADE'. •
PniTiiirehip.beretofo're liets'sten JOHN
D. MA IIO . I i.and'READEWASIIIN.GTON, has been
dissolved bYlnlituul conscut.
The subscriber may
,be found sable office, on.lforirtit
street ; between Smithfield and Grant ats , Pritsbufgll; At
all limes whensuit'ea.gaged - in Court..
. -
Eagle' .-. . . ..
ii .
le Salipcin nd Reatainriant,
No. 65, 63, and 61 Woad soee4 t . '. .
. .. -
ThlirstAbseriber would respectfully inform
his friends and 'the public generally, that
he hns had the iibove well'kmuntestriblish
merit fitted up'in n'verf,':tinpeiier style; antis now pre
pared with eyery , requonte, to serve_ ult'all Me dehen
cies the seasori"orfords: -", ' ~.. '"' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .
. _ . ,
tIYSTER.S.-ateived, fried, VOttated,ur in the shell;
Bother withlicitceffee;lea, chocolate, beef steaks; mut'
tort chops, Vealillollllfidgarrte, id short notice,'and at all
seakonahle Utica; in 'a style that cannot be surpalmed in
XX 'ALE of the best brands , :Im ported Sep:train - eve;
lie would also beg leave to state; 4hat he- failw . ellared
tofutniBb DINNER PARTIES of any number, In a SO
oerior manner; SUPPERS for Balla ; Boeieticeorptivate
Paivera Rooms always in readiness.:
Newspapers will be kept oa file from all-tiaiters..
A Card.
fro.,TEE ENTERPRISING.—.A . rate chance is:kowe i
- Preeented for the safe inveittnnuf, in butiinist ven
tirety'nent ode' adapted to the man of limited, ats ;well
flaw the man of ekteueire resources; yielding a profit
'from capital and efiterprise beyond any.opetattoh of. the
daY. It Lathe complete monopoly of a smple artieLe,setb
solutely necessary and eisennorto every tinnily, as wall
-asp indispensable to the. mechanic, artitan;and,priifea
sional man.. To eimitaliets,lne opportently:pffers Itself
foil a lucrative employment of either large oreimallautebb
bringing imMediatee and highly' satisfactory returits.-.
These desirota. of embarking in a plensant,gorne.el bast
ness, are invited, with whets, at the office 'Of the.
undersigned, examine Abe ; article, and,. form their ow n
lodgment, from the facts
(Mice—Exchange Buildingi;Si,Clairetreet,nextdoni.
-a Esquire .fohns' office . .
„ .
Oyster Agency., ••' • •• .
Received this day, ; direct from ; Baltipcore,
pre#,...Finti.Fresh Artderi;*hich J will spU low, st
stare; la the Diamond : also at WrM Strainer's, corner• of
;Second and - Shathfield streets, and: s=. D- , Keilrls, corner
of and: Market
•g daily Ishiaboyezplaces.
Oysters Nvi47,4lleil money returned, If good.,
-!-00t25,; A.4)}IA,VO.
Merphy has en'hand ifeW-sery Intact
-some changeable Silk Visits; keg ridiableiro,i Chtbstmaa
preisintii; which he is,'selling redur;ett prseeia. Also,
bandSontatiresi,Sillts, ssperane: new styli - linen
.c a nabrie Hdlets.i&e: dee23 - •
. "•• .
mr-Cinnliaared l4 4 l Lino. r •
Dtruutt, KIMBALL & CO,
E 4 New-York,Livepool, Englaudi .
• • . RIMPECITOLLT illfol2lilLteit friends Old the
Pabfic;.thrit they beer . commenced the Oats
I :ca , 4 , ppine and 'Commisirfort • Butthess,', tO•
, 4(eiiirgether with the fJenetal PO.l.U . itpr Bareness;
gr.nitttrig certificates of passage tromLondon,
Larerpool. Dublin, Belfast, or nny port .cir the
Old . Country, to New York, Boston and yhilndelphin ,
the mostettsortable terms. .
. . .
Drafts and Bills of Excha ng e,Xl to any amou n t
on the .Royal Rank of Ireland and its branches, and
The days of sailing of the:Tbritular Line of . Liverpool
Pecl!ets r ea.fixed upon. are tha_lsi, flth, Ilth, 113th, 21st
ani2Pß.h Of .avery manthi . . •
These Ships are all of the largest elate, and are com
manded by men of character -and experiancp. The
- "Cabin accommodations are all that :can. be - desired in
point Of splendor and convenience. , They are furnished
with every description of stores of the best kind., Pane
taality in the days of sailing will be . strictly adhered to.
Packet Ships Roseilts„Siddons, Sheridan and Garrick,
are vessels of the largest :claxs•, zed <those desirous to
bring out their friends,' cannorseleet Sner oraafer Ships.
Passage can be getiured at the-lowest rates. - • . • ,
New-Orleans Line of Packets sail weekly. For p
age or freight, apply as above; or to, .
;dectfl Cornet dttt and Smithaeld-ats.illttsburg
'4 , r 211 W rsastaassi . •
— A Et WA '5l-4-11,i-ii SIT S.
Kr . .H.ereallei, all Steerige Pcuti6nge7ti com in g from
EarOpe;engaged in America to come bver, in either of
the shipi Haien/M . & Eo4.swill: be furnished with the
following Provisions,or their bonivalent,in other articles
lordly gostod.—See Act of Conress,Zolay 17,184 A.
PLAN will prevent sickness on board. • Hereto
fore, when Passengers found themselves in Provis
ions, many of them came on nosed entirely destitute,
which often ceased mach sidemen and death.
35 tbs. Bread, All of good quell- ,
•10 " • ty, end one-tenth
10 " Oatmeal, of the Provisions
10 "• Fiore, • furnished ' will be
. 10 " Beansand Pess, delivered-so each
Potatoes, Passenger every
• 1 pint of Vinegar,. . : week, with a lief
-00 gallons of Water, . . , Orient supply of
10 Bra'Salted Pork, free front bone. • Fuei , for cooking.
Each Ship in this Line will be properly ventilated and
SI good house over the passage-way leading to the roe
sengerst apartment. The Comboose end Co oking - stages,
for the use of Passengers , are kept under 'cover. Every
attention will be paid to promote their tinillth and comfort.
.Agent at Pittsburgh, JOSHUA ROBINSON,
le7 Ftilh sit, near Wood.
REIIIPITANCES and Passage Wand el
from.Oreat Britain and Ireland, by W. -
& J. T. Turnou t 75 South at., corner
loci . Riad; Li
ot Maide
verpool.n Lane, N .Y., and 96 Water-
The subscribers, having accepted the Agency of the
above House, are now prepared to rnake arrangements •
on the most liberal terms with those desirous ofpaying
the passage of their friends from the Old Country; and
they flatter thembelves their character and long standing
in business will give ample assurance that all their Alt
rangetnen is will be carried out faithfu ll y. • •
Messrs. W. & J. I'. Tapseon are long and favorably
known for the superior class ; aecommodauon,and
qualities of their Packet Ships. The (WREN OF THE
leave eac h port monthly—from New York the 2111 and
dOth, sad from Liverpool the 6th' and 11th; In addition to
which they have arrangements with the St. George and
Union Lines of Liverpool Packets, to insure *departure •
Nan Liverpool every five days, being thus determined
that their facilities shall_lpsep pace wi th their increas i ng
patronage: while Mr. W. Tapacon's constant personal
supetiatendance of the business in Liverpool is an addi
tional security that the comfort and accommodation of
the passengers will be particularly attended to.
The subscribers being, as Una], extensively engaged
in the Transportation Butanes" between Pittsburgh and
the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to take charge of
and forward passengers immediately on their laiWingi
without a chance of disappointment or delay; and are,
therefore,. *reamed to contract forpassagefroutany sea
, port in Great Britain or Ireland to this city, the nature of
the busineu they on engaged in giving theta facilities
for carrying passengers 40 far inland not otherwise n 4
Minable; and will. If necessary; forward passengers fur
ther IVesi by the beat mode of conveyance, without any
additional charges tor their trouble. Where persons
sent for decline coming out, the amount paid for paunge
will be refunded in full.
'the subscribers are • also prepared to . give : drafts it
sight (or any amount, payable at dm principal cities and
towns in England, Ireland, Seotlarotatid Wales; %Moja
fording a safe and expeditious mode of remitting funds
to those countries, which persons requiring' such facili
ties will find it to their interest to avail themselves of
Application lif by letter. poatgatelltkill 9 ePromPtly
tended to: TAAFFE, & O'CO NNOR,.
.Pozwarding andcomatission Menthanu,
. alis74&lo/ :• Phil!delphia.
Itiaoltof Drotberar 41 Va. IA
Puvraa sr., rim DM Yalu; QUAY,
• ....11cauall Sanwa) Rpm?, Livicarom.
YAWS BLAKELY: 'Agent, - Otheecia Penn st., Cloud
Basid(Pittshurgh: • •• ••• • - •• • , ,•
• ;Arreitigoarnts for 1843. -• •
VHF, 'Bll.OB. t CO, sole Agents for the IILACH
BALL LINE,' of Liverpool and New York Packets,
take the li b erty of announcing to their. old friends and
mummers, that their arrangements (or the year 1843 being
complete, they ate_grepared to bring. out passengers, by
the above* splentlid Mae; from Liverpool to New ork
and Philadelphia. They refer to their former 'coarse of
doing .business,and assure those who entrust them with
their orders, th at the. way satisfaction will be rendered
as heretofore. , - •
atsttirraxels TO
Deana for sale, payable, on demand, at any Uanic itt
The anderaigne4 tam ;nada arrangements to bring, out
passe eye to Pittsburgh, dasuig thepresent year.
AffAIR.NDIIN & CO. continue to bring out persons from
JILL any pan of England, Inland, Seotliuma or Wales,
upon the roost liberal terms, with their usual punctuality,
and attention to the wants of emigrants.. We do not hi•
low our palsengen to be robbed by the swindling scamps
that infest the sea-parts, as we take charge of them the
moment they report thquiselves, and see to their well-be
ing, and despatch them without any detention by the first
dupe. We say this fearlessly, as we defy any of our
passengers to show that they were detained forty-eight
hours by us in Liverpool, whin thousands of others were
detained months until .they could be sent in some old
craft, at a cheap rate, - which, too frequently proved their
We intend to perform our ,contracts honorably, root
what it may, and not net as was the case last season with
other offices, who either perforated not nt all, or when it
witted their convenience.
. .
• Drabs drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from IA to
'payable at any of the Provincial Hanka in Ire
land; England, Scotland and Wales.
European and Genera /meat, -
j2ta2El Fifth streotoLno door below Wood at.
rillfE Subscribe:s n are , pr epared i. to forward money fa all
11 pa nt of E nglan d
th. d io z m i t id, S cotland and Wales,ivitb
Java; r a tes.
semugt. Id'CIXRKENA riX)
Western New YeskatHßo ll ego of Health*
207 Main o,lllX4'7ll3l , aLut N. V.
• • : • 7 TIC MIXTURE.
IDRIS celebrated remedy is consult :r increasing its
1 fame by the making all over the world. It has now
beeome the only medicine for family use, and is particu
larly recommended for. Dropsy: all stages of this notal
plaint immediately relieved, no matterof hawlang stand
ing. (See munphlot for tesumony.) • •
Gravel, and all diseases of the urinary, organs; for
these distressing complaints it 'stands alones no other ar
ticle can relieve you; and the cares testified to will con
vince the most skeptical;--(see pamphlet.) Liver. Com
plaint, Silken* Diseases, Fever and Ague, To the Great
. %Veit especially, and wherever these complainui prevail,
tido medicine is offered.. No mineral !want, no deleterious
compound is a part of this mixture ; it cures these diseas
es with certainty and celerity, and does not leave the sys-.
• tem torpid. (See pamphlet.) .Pllee,acomplaintoremost
painful character, is Immediately relieved, and a care fol
lows by a few days use of this article. It is far beyond
d a i n s y
a o s h o r n gna a ti r n a g ti ofno m fo i r m t p hi u s t e d b e lo a o s d e : , o ( r S f ee
p a a n mp h oth et e .)
Debility of the System, Weak Back, 'Weakness of the
Kidneys, hie., or Intimation of the same, Is Immediately
relieved by a few days use of this medicine, and a care is
alsvays the result:of its use. It stands as a certain gems
dy for such complaints, and also for derangements of the •
female frame, Irregularities, Suppreuions, - painful men- •
struations. No article has ever been offered, except this, ,
which would touch this kind of derangementii.• It
eeliedkpatfarelatitei'and effebtive remedy; .and,,dict we . ,
feel permitted to do so,-eonld 'give &thousand names as
proof of cures in this distrettlingsallil of complaints,—
See pamphlet. All broken down, debilitated COnifinl•
tions, from the effect of mercury,. will fi nd the bracing
power of this article. to . act immediately, and the poison
was mineral eradicated from the system.
Eruptive Diseases will find the alterative properties of
this cuticle mart nth !Loon and drive such diseases from
.the system. See pamphlet for, testimony of cures in all
'diseases, which the limits of an advertisement will not
permit to be named here: Agents giv& theme atrah' ; they
32 pages of ce rt ificates of high character; and a
'stronger array of .proof of the virtues of a medicine, nevi,
er appeared. , It is one of the peculiar features of t his ar
ticle, that it, never fails to benefit in any case, and If bone
and muscle are lett to build apon,, let ;be emaciated and
lingering invalid' meson, and, keep taking the medicine
as long esthete is an improvetnent. The proptietotwould
caution the public
a number of article,* which
came out under the heads of Settaszsautesit, Sgwors, /cc.,
'scums for DroPsY, Grovel, Ize. They aro good for noth
ing, and concocted to gall the unwary: r 01703 211101 nor.
Their laverltors.ncycr thought of cnrtng such discairestill
this article had done it. A partirtsktruudy of the pamph
lets is earnestly solicited. . Agents, and all who sell the ar
ticle, are glad to circulate gratuitously. Put up in 30 oz.
bottle& at 82; 12 ozdo; at t3l each—the larger holding 6.
oz 1000 ,, than the two small bottles. Look out and. not
get imposed upon.. Every bottle has . 4 Vaughn's Vegeta
bib Liam/Mit:oc ,hrixtare," blown it pon the alaas t the
written signature of."G. C. Vaughn-I' on she direct:on.,
and "O. C. Vaughn. Ihnfala,"itamped oirthe cork. Nate
other are genuine. . .
Prepared by Dr: O:0. Vatighn, and sold the Princi
pal Offing, 207.htairistney Buffalo,. wholesale and retail.
No attention given to letters unless poet-paid--order
from regularly authorized Agents arailed. - Post-paid let- ,
ters; or verbal communicaUonssoliciting advice, prompt
it attended to grans: • •
Offices devoted exclusively to the snip of•this article—
.l32 Naisan at., N.Y:_; 296 Essex at., Salem Mass.•, and
by the siiincipal Druggists.
throughout the U nited States
and.Canads, se Agents. . - • - . . . .
HAYS A BROCKWA y Agen ts _
NO. 2, Liberty st., near Uanal masa •
:.* •
ttt irattOfl-,,u%ts
niri; Ant.t 1111b3.
.• • .
P4; 13 % 4 4 3 1?
or rindanki.vat,.., • .
lAi,itiC+oll . l3:-•= - • -
J it
ur - . '• Charles Banaker, George W. gie
Dail; •'!diirdeeni D. tod
Tobias:Wagner, Adelphi.
. Samuel Grant, . ' David B. arowne,.
v 4 4 f. -•. pp ^....
fCHAS. ts .
u,Rres,t. •
Cdis. G. :13#:
. .
-Ancisda, necretary., • - - • ,
lia - .Continne to make Insurance, PeOld "
ilu°* , '' 6 l
on every description of property in town and country. •
- The. Company have reserved wia..ticContiugeritartuid,
which, with their Colphel and Pnenutunoilafe.WqrWe4l
afford arople protection to. the ASSlAreti:.
Assets of the. CompaJtY r on•annO4l,l.A9Pria•s
published -agreeably -loan Act of diserobjy, rs foi
lows;vin:— • ' - ' -
rtiOngagee _ . .
Real Estate -• • • . " 441794-63
• . Temporary. Lenoir 91 : 8 3 5 t : ':!;
.Siocks • ' ' • ...4,1510.05 -;
: Cash,feo:
" •• •••; '"
""•'• eta,3lf3,losq
.a period-of 10_ yna Oiey
have paid upwizds of Ono dfdlion• Four Jittilftre4 .
sand MUM'S, losseaby by. thereby atforditio evidence
of the advantages - 0f Int:imam), as well as the ability one
disposuion to meet with Promptness, liabilitiesP •r . )
- ••• ' GARDINER COFFIN / Agent,.
Office N. E. corner Wood and 3d-att.,
Flre ana •anioni.lthirstrisisotW
TIIE Insurance Con of NowliAnienten; or
cdelphia, through its duly authorized ,Agent, nub
scriber, to make permanent and limited_kunnattee
OR property, in thili eity and its vicinity, and on shiltmunts
by the canal and rivers. • -
Arthur Cigto;Prest titamuel !hunks,
Alez.. Henry . . "Charles Taylor, " .
Samuel W. Jones, ' Scuttle) , W. Satitb,... (;!..
Edward. Smith, , AmbroacWlll.le,,
John A,l3rosen, • Jacob M:Tbomaii, ,
John - White, Jotrft,Neff.-• ----••-;
Thomas P. Cope, IlichtinlDAPood,
Wm: Welsh,' Henry D.S . hetzant; Se .alt
This is the oldest . Insitranc e Compnny, in: the ,United
States, having 'been chartered in 1794. Its charter is &pi .
petals!, and from tts high standing,-iong;Oxiterience, 00-
ple means,Mui avoiding all riskeAf an eMrti . hazatdbas
character, at may be coati/Imnd di Offeri ample semill
ty to the public. - • WILLIA M'P. JONEft....I
At Counting Rotim of Atwood, Jones a Co., Watersind
Front etc., Pittsburgh . • •
Third and Wood swear, Itinshorgot—Thel of, the
co:imam-on two . and of January, 1845, as pabliatiedj
conformity with an act of the Pennsylvania Logislattire,
Bonds and Mortgages • • . .
... • • •plv
Real Estate at eint•'-• •• • 100,967 7 7
Temporary loans, Stooks . and Cut " 407A9-2
. .
Maiing • total of . • 6 9 0. 9 , 8 : 91 44. 2
Affordtng. certain easurnnee that all losses soil lbe
promptly pet, and pdving entire security s to nil who ob
tain paheles from this Company. Risks taken ht at jot*
rates as are consistent with security.
__ • ,
stela • • WARRICK MARTIN. Agent.
Na. 109 Front st, barmen. Wood and Smitkrield sutra.
MANUFACTURERS af.Bells oral! sizes, double Ind
single action ForCe ?Amps, Catmint Roiling Min
eral Water Pumps,eningrof all kinds for Gas, Water . ,
Steam, &c., Brass Castings for Machinery and lanti-attn
ton metal for. same.. Particular attention paid to Gas
Fixture*, and a wellisaorted stook of Fiala and Orna
mandyental P '
endants, Barriers, Charidellierai'&c4 &C ,con.
c band.
41tEll-MIXSTILOIIO.- • •• -•- - 111A1110/M.CROZ/RIL
ARAISTRONO & CROZER.,. Comirrisrion' Aforhants.
.No. 22 -Market street, Nttsburgh, Po., will auend
promptly to the'sale of every description of Western
Produce, and other articles entrusted o tbelccare„
Resta so-41anne, Hussey 2e Co.. Pitisbunh Hanna,
Grpheso.& Co.,
_New Lisbon, O.; Merchants generally,
Wellsville, O.; Rhodes & Ogleby; Bridgeport, 12.; A'. G.
Richardson & Bro., Cineiniuul;
Kr.; Guile & Domini, St. Leaky - H. Boyles, Stedbeir..
L&W SCHOOL. • • •.7
Subscriber miff reeeiveist his offiee,:roung:Gen
j. tlemen desiring so renal law, He will superintend
and direct their studies, anf by . c mutant supervision, and
strict weekly "exisminatiori, ptepare them for ndmissicin
to the Dar.. • READE 'WASHINGTON.:
The Subscribers have been in habit of daily profession
ul Intercourse with Read° Washingtop, Esq., forrtiany
years, and feet great - pleasure in attesting the' accuMey
of his legal information; and bis eminent cupachy for the
'undertaking set forth hi his 'aye rtisenient.
They etrnestlyieepuunend to young Gentlemen
wish to acquire a competent knowledge of legal pro
fession, to avail themselves of the advantages which his
proposed Law School will afford them.
Charles Shaler, , ' 0- hletoair • •
• . A. Burke.. • • TilatOrilli l 44,. .
Wilson Al'Candless, C. Darrglf
'Hobert Woods,. , . • lamer -Dunlop'
C. O. LOO.lllllll . Wm. B. hi'Clure;" ,
J. D. Illahon, . . . A W.
• - ..Bleatßargain Corner. r,.
j• ' 1 , 4 the most popularof all BOOT and SHOBIbi
tattlistimeins flit the Vest. This place has 'gained
lit repirtation by Its proprietor keeping the very
best Boots and Shoes, which ate Made expressly
to order for thismati,M, and 'Ott Is not Satisfied only by
keeping the best assorgi 4 stoe lc of BOOTS and SHOEN
in the' Western' calm • :but he is enabled and deter
mined to sell. his GOO , lower than any other 'house
possibly can. he cares not what facilities they basal of
. hosing ,for offering,grent inducemeots to the public:
~, It
isimpossible to sat Torth all the advantages and facilitiei
is an advertisement, thufthe Great Bargain CotneibaS
over others, which'enables its proprietor to sell Bean;
and Shoes of the wiry best qualities and styles at froth 10
to 25 r cent. lower. than ant other. stdro ir the .eit
The w a y to tot thestattger it; fat albwhttialondporetuky.s
ing BOOTS and SHOES, to call at BATES'GREA7
BARGAIN CORNER, examine the stoek and prices. and
all trill be satisfied th at the Great Hargairt . ,Cerner,'Stitia:
field and Fifth stnett,iB;therpltlee (or the public, one and
all, to get good Boots and Shoes cheap, for cash. : ,
Oressi 7- Wrialtitentar t .' !.
FH& subscriber takes this method ar. inftimiing hit
J friends and the public in - getierttl, , ilost be haw the
lergest stock of the following untried ante les of his own
manufacture, in this eity—Saddles, blorness,Tronteandt
Whips; all of which he will warrant to bo made of the
hest material, and by the best Allegheny .
county. Being 'deiesntined to sell his manufactures
somethinKlowerthan hos been. heretofore sold in the city,
he would invite persons in need of the above named are
tides, to his Warehouse, N0.'24.1 'Liberty . street, °pito: -
site Seventh. Also, hands made to order for machinery.
oct3l ry. XER
• - Chllckertnra Pianos: . •
fifro' JOHN • H. int:Wit; - 1 stiie
cnickering , ,•pinAwfor tre.Tur. PcMissk..;
canio,) No. el Wood - street, Pittsburgh;•
has received, and now open for We/ they
following elegant assonment of Piano-Fortes. direct
from the manufacturer, and for sale at Mr. Chickening'.
(Boston) prices, viz: • • : • • , :
One superb Rosewood, seven octave. citrved in the Most
elegant and rich s.y le of Louis XlV.—new -
One Rosewood, carved; seven octava-licatacale. ,
One 61 octave--now ,
Clue do. •
6 octave, carred,:pietigh#lig—net* schist.
Two do. ' do. rantle . SlMiel* • *"--
Two do. 6 do, square
`The above are /Him the macrufhdosi Chickering;
Boston, and of the latest styles of-furniture, and aril& his.
new and approved scale. 00.
Also, on hand, and kir sale icrisk
R , •
Three Rosewood Pia - nos, 6 &tares; from the' ruannitte:-
tory of H. Woreester, New York, formerly of the Arta'
of Stoderti Worcester & Dunham.- • '
Two Rosewood, 6 octave Pianos ; from the manufactory.
of Gale • ' - -
One Rosewood. 6I octave; suishuthelvesl - by Uttemr - lt
Raven, New-York.: • • s' • ' • •••'
One Mahogany 6 octave Piano; mullein Battimure,ethd .
left by the -owner for sale, either fbi cash or
change for such goodi as will ss :m country stare.
Price 1 1 .11300. • "• jan3o
JOIII & STOCK . I•OI4 have just recelvedthei.
following heivr worki: - .. 4 , • ;
History of Congress, Biographical and Political, gym
prisin;rxi history"( internal improvements , (lavers, lldr
bar*, "e=i) from the forzaation.of. the Government to: Me •
Present time ; embracing, tilde, histbrical• notioeso(LVA,.
rious political events of Ocean Steam NuVigationbot
the Tea and Cogs° taxi together witbe.biographies, per
sonal histories, Ece., by Henry G. Yheeler, illustmted- by
steel portraits, and rue simile -autographs- • -
History of Charles ii of Jacob Abbott,-
with engravings..
. The Romance of Yachting i•Voinge-#l° by 4:"
C. Hart : "; . '
A new novel ; Mary Barton: a talc of ftfanchesses.o(4
• The Moral; GoCial rind Piofesslatuil duties of Attbnipys
and Solicitors ; by Samuel Warren, nig.; IL S. of Atte'
nner' terhple; Barristerat LIliP.:.
ton-City O east. ker. and , Bread•ltakargrf
-' • • • J. , BIIIPABEr , • • • • •
I"rrOULD rispectfally inform hie Mends and the , pnb4:
lie generally, that be has added-to his other boil.'
nest the manufacturing of Crackeis of every variety,__,.
listing puriihaSed one ;of Wi R. Nevinhi Crdeker - and •
Pilot Bread machines, be Is prepared to fill all orders 'for-!
craeketu Or pilot bread at the'shortest notire• and hopes
by a strict attention to business, to abate a portion'of the
public patronage. The public is respecifally invited. to I
call and - examine for themselves: • ' • I .•
BAKERY, No.lo Commercittl Row, appit
site Smithfield. •• ' •• • ' • •• •• • '• • '
N B. Saperlor family .. Bread, rye and dyspepsia Bread,.
large and small rolls, fresh every Morning can be had at
the store, or my wagoicor at iny stand in the market)
Cakes and Confectionary on hand extd made to .order.
NOIO Commercial Row, Liberty at, •
.rift Is the best 0 /high Reale the I ever' thsveriP
READ the folliukingproofof the superiority of Dr. .Wit,
ftlid's Ortrnarl Cough MiZilslll, front a re spec tabletit-'
Izen, who hoarded it:, 1... , ._ii ii.-..,.*/ .:-......,, t i .. r.:.
- . PrLISPIThiOni.Deo.I6, 11147.
l ltibpistS,Ttsis illab4iv4r;-Afleilaboring (II le'i'erlir
weeks nude r the.disadaantages of a harasaimeougb aad.
'most distressing-cold, iihich had; Ihuti far, resuOcdtheollf
feels of several - bribe .V9nfallibles7 I *as itiducedLfttir2
chose. a-bottle of . your Oriental Cough IlLxtufi r i, -- s ie,
It a fair trial. .To ray great surprise, ,after using only one:
half of the bottle') fumed' myself entirely well. "his tl4 :.
Eat medicinal's/2er saw." • • .- „. . .-• .: .
• True copy. • - ' •. • . . • ._yll:: JOHN •EINDS.q
Sold by HAYS fr... l lßpcKWAY,sDrtiggilbS, Ctillaiite
'vial Row, Libvnt Street, near Cana. • • - • - '', liana ••••q
Note 11111111seiry, Bilks, •
IR Velv etsta,C.• iw,l
- JIM? received from Now 'York, a choice selec: -
Boa of elegant rich Satins,Silks, Whiter Ribbons, :
French .Floweis,..Plumei,"&e. .A handsome_ oip,„
: sortnient of Winter Sennett), Ha_ods,'Vapeit, - Cardinals,:
Visetti.Ae-ion hand mode to orderin the latest style,
at the iharteit hotieo.. - ' ' MRS. DUFF,
. deed • " : .Isio-iii St: Clair st:(West side) . -:
li iii
Fourth 'street, n ex Wood, would inform the Ladies ,
.___ . of Pittsburgh d vicinity, thixr. she will open on,
TuesdayithiSith (net, an extensive asiortnutrit'of . Pal s
and Ylitnter Milani : ' • • • . , ect9o'.
F—2 sae Jcat recetvedand for sate Dr ,
feb 22 •.1 , B *r_r. U tioCci.,itiet.-,
.• •
• •
• • -• . • • •
---- • - _ •
„ ants:
•„-NEVS• ASTI - 1111A,*:MICall 'arectiens noting
derangement : or dilute... Evil=
nye,- Vascular, - Itetpirniory,... ethdlierrous - •
Spumes: titer-es i oh; i 11W till] •
' • ed tongue, acidity of the 'atom
ach,twunming of the head,
• follnest '-ervAirglit in the
2 surmacb,ldiatnesror. :
vivion.tiodpitti•! ,
- ' tibn :'::r. j•
i•• heart ' ',
Choking or sulfocitingtenstaing' • depression of spirits,
. sudden•Quallettof •aent, Vain: . the: side or back,
Wea#llcas of. the limbtf gold • feet , constant tor.
• eguungaced evil, 'fever and, • dull pain in the
• . hotd,, : paie and : difficulty-of breathing
. when lying upon ,thqside; frightful
.• . dreams,son-rernetations,yeilowl.-.:c.
'MSS of the:64in 'sod eyes;' •
-r deficiency of,perspira. ••••
. _Pon, c, freA cow et : .• -
'.'9DLECI TED-6EOI ,11:11piXES.
Their pcwrer oterthe ahevedisealtil sip oot excelled
if equalled-4 any Other
_preparatien. in the tithed
States, as the curet m this city aitest;lnthany cases af
ter skilful physlchttlzatlitlied:
• •Derangetuem: i n ibe:livar and isiomaelvaro sciarcott of
insanity—from disorder or obstruction a. morbid action of
the sympathetic and other nerved follows, add the rune
tiolis drillottPlUtiattlihisAdridtiortleilffigartitliartes
are the caddectitm ant:rout hetweendoindr laid chiller, it
follows front. th o• re c iproc al . actlon•'that both , must be
meat et .leas implicated. AntLSeranged; simultineongY.;
dersogernentthere_willabstiproducediseaseorthe BM It,
I.I.IISGSO.IJTERIJS:amLI,NEYS, as Well who brains ,
The thousands who die Jtvith XVELLOW-. YEVEB,
CHOLERA- or - INITURIZA, . ,aveing . the -same :
cause; and the ritwority of . casda - of'that anottpoinful
disease; COM SUBLPTlON, , Otietnates from the some:: In
het that tonmeh it‘thotiipportaqi'prgettin'the system 'of
matter. as upon it yon•depeodifor the success and nil the
advantages' to be derived . , ptem.the. taimutueratien Of in
ternal 'medicines.: Ifs lituottook-Ore 9f tunost; l o ±:
portatic e to everyone is constituting the source andfoln;
taid of life,which is nutrition.: No organ posseasettoeb
remarkable sympothietertone toeh-remarkable:lx:4e/ in
modifyjolde.very past claim tykes. A :114 • c.
The:taro success in treating. disease of the_ liver, and
stoat teh successfully hat milkmen agvan pathigegical
knowledge or.their functionsi.h4 theinoperation' of a
compound that :would act 'upon the- dlsEnset.ead all the
sympathetic atilictiona;. That...point hos been. toothed in
these. Bitters, and they. are I.2I7IRELY VEURTAELE,
and Will pi etertcase.permaxtently•destroy. costiveness,
bud give sitingth • and.tigeito the frame, at' tie' 'Patel de
bilituttng•the patient,' end they are. tested to the most
under any eiretunstanc - eik,.:% 7 ••• , ..
. . . .
• ALL cAusrnEctmzu_
• ' It? wc3ffi. VIC POWER '.017 . mrbictur..) •
thefew: months this preperationlms been befcrio • the
public; has. frolu4' Its idfallible e ffi eney, elicited the eulogy
Of the'pretufthrough the land,,the it object befits; for the
benegtotdufferitio bUmehity;fis sudeeee tins iurp&used
allpreeedents, andsils'free Seth all ilcoholic'stimulanr.
tyrup, mercury, aloes, Quinine acids, and- all inthrioni
ingredienisi oteleopeotally . gdniited . tegiediseases oldie
variable elm - aloof the puled States,. end theyiest In
dia Islands.. , _
. .
are Made atietig. hi - usingrandy' Medi.
due, and can be administered witti safety bin child Sae
year old,tbe delicate tamale, ors man or ninety. '1
The . Philadelphia Demoerat says :--r, This medielrits
bas an extraordinary virtue and e ffi cacy, and is in great
demand,_ . We can. speak from experience,' that a has
produced Many wonderful cures," - : •
Th 9 Daily Sun says s—!'Wei believe it is• one If the
best medicines of the age—a friend having used LC is
own, family with „ greatimusfoetion in the Jaundice ttad
Livercamplaint.Tpe Spin; of OM. Midi and:Keynione Says
hood iiilzens, who are invalids, know the mini 'aston
ishing ewes that have been:performed byDr. lloolland's
celenrateu ...crman Bitters? If they do not,,we recom
mend them to the' German Medicine •SIOTC, 278 Rare
street; all who are afflicted vvith,Liver Coraptaint r Jaw
diee,:Dyripepsia ...oil.Nervous Debility; the Doctor has
cared mans or oar °amens, after the best physicians
bad failed. We have used them, and they have proved
tobea medicine that every-orle should know; or, and we
canuot refinin giving our testimony in their faver,-aud
' tha;which given them greater claim upon our hinrible of-
Yor they are entirely vegetable.
The Ereniug Bulletin snit—The Celebrated • German
Bite e re an invaluable remedy for Jaindiee,...Dispep•
ina t and nervous complamui.r . .• .: •
. L
snlra--“.lt is. not often ; ore notice the
smarms encodes; medicines-advertised-in cur.-columns,
iffiettune wears:unwilling to speak persona l
except from peonal
eXpertence,:nad a good -canal t .fortunately makes
its generally strangers to such ankles. A word; how,
• ,r of Dr. tioolland's German Bittern „Thin wz know
to be an excelled aniele fulfilling in every 'respect what
elalmed lbris by the advarpser.• . .. • - •
The Daily News says: . ..,; ' • .
ffixincuram,Wei speak knowinglyof- Dr. Roof.
liqd'apelebrated German .Bitten r w.iterv.we nay. It in a
blessing of. this age v and imdisetisex or:the hiliaxii Stir*
and nervous systems bus wo think, an.xermr.
itienxitorrami PIPCPAILATION AND au 11/MIOI7VAL
COPOL,II4Id Wall niivolids we would .reedilimehd. it as
:pritirthy Melt confidence: . '•
iyhat ntronge testimony.'ean 0 medicine bAtetcAt the
&wean bonen*. the evidence* , of ataay~ of. tzar:. moat
pectable .ettineop. or Cares - in ,altirbet,formilng dis
.....trinelptil Depot, Genitiraliedieine Store. 278 RACE ,
eireootwis.c sat, in. Lancaster by, JohnF , L.2llnj Ur.
eisburg, by D..W. Gross; and xespegumle;.de era gen
imtry throughout the country. . .,.
1.1 are in danger, the Work .Of desttelie - r Ital. Pica
M e Conti of Consumption bath As soma bf
Atm TOII.L Mims= YOUr darling chair iolat'ldeit
and earthly jay, is now vett ap ' Clill.4 tied fo her ehanifter
by a dangerous colither pate chees.. her thirishianken
fingers tell the disease has'silretidygabied upon her
•sogniforlielulchrtd - cough perces >Tucson!, . •
Your& Malfitaitc)(r ast abotit to enter lir< disease sheds
a heart isoihnig . bli Cover the , fide prospects of Me fa
ture...4yrAix beetle ko n gb Ala • feeble Slabs tell .of your
lost ofitope,bot you need not dent:mfr.:: There . is a balm
which will heal Me wounded.langs,,ltik •
Mrs. Amnia, • the wife of Wm.ll: - Ritiree, E..m. was
givenby•Dr: Sewall of Washington,' Dra. Roe - and
McClellan of 'Philadelphia, Dr: Roe and De:Mott ofNew
• York. Her_ friends all thought she must dia:' She ,had
• every appearance of being. iniOntammtiou: and was so
pronounced by her physicians 7 Shermaa's Babani - Wai
given and hewed her.- ' •
Mrs. OWLAXlttivrz, of Dull's Ferri, Was ilia Cored of
'consumption by this Balsam when nll other remedies
failed to give relief—ehe was reduced too skeleton. •• Dr,
N: C. Castle,' Dentist, ^SSI Broadway,, has witnessed its
effects in several cases where no other medecine alfOrd-*
ed relief—but the Balsam operated like &charm.- Dr. C.
also witnesredits. wonderful curing Asthma,
which it never fails of doing. Spitting • Blood, alarming
'an it rimy be, is effectually cured by this. Balsam. It
heals the ruptured or wounded blood.veascill i and "lakes
_the :lungs sound tag*. .
Rev. Ifstratr.Joszs, 109 Eighth aveinte, wits cured of
cough and catarrhal affection of 50 years standing. The'
first - dose gave him more relief than all the other thedi
'tine be:had ever taken.. ,Dr., L. Beals, 19 _Delaney
street, gave it Urn sister-m.lm who was laboring wider.
COnsumption, and to another sorely afflicted • with the.
Asthma: - In both cases Its ennui were immediate, aeon
restoring them to Comfortable health. ' .
Afro. Lucas-Tin \Yuan, 95 Christie-it.,. suffered from
Asthma 49. years:. Shennzin's .Balsam rencied her at
once: andahe is comparatively well, being enabled to
subdue every attack by a timely use of this medicine.
Thnt_indeedis. the sjecaurcatedy-km Coughs.Colda r Spi
ring Blood; Liver Complaints, and all the affections of the'
throat, and even Asthma and Ccuniatuption.- . . , ,
Price 25 cents and St per bottle, • • •
-Principal °Sum IDG NlULllallattrei.Neto, York. .
LikewtseDr, Sherman's celebrated Congh,.Worm and
Camphor, I.oseugea. • Premium Tooth Paste. and Poor,
plans Plaster.
Sold.whalesale -and retail by. WM. JiCKSON; at his .
Boot and Shoe Store and Patent MedicineWarehouse,'
99 Liberty street Pittsburgh,.head of - Wood street,, and
by the following duty appointed 4gentff for Allegheny
A. M.. Marshall, Allegheny. city; .Janatlian • Ghriest,
Manchester; J-R. Jacques, Birmingham; A.. S. Senn
Wylie street; G. hlustin, cor. Webster et. and Elm;
Daniel Negley, Fast:Liberty; if.. L. Mitchell, Wilkins
burgh; Thos. A Wan, Sharpsburgh; Sarni...Springer, Clin
ton; James fil'Kee, Stewartatown; Jahn ;Black Tonle_
Creek',_C. F. Diehl,..Elixtdands; -Rowland t. Son, ,M'Kees
port; .hicEldowney, Bakerstown; Riley ~,•M'Langhlin,
Plumb Townnhip;Wns. J. Smith,Temperauceville; Jas.
Fulton, Tarentunu G.ll. StartiSewickly. mat9 , ls'. I
Vit (Wk: TF4'IIMON !—Dr.. W. Latunt,.of FaTeue
-vine, X., soya; "I am well-remanded,-and have&
been for some time, that your Domestic Vegetable Villa
GTO •of heal IMO ;001/1 those who may'llave occasion to
asatheut, and hove administeind liiem to my patients."...
Fever and iligue,.Dyspepsin and Bilious F'ever,llll3
mediately cared by tha use of Dr. Ralph's Pills... Pric er
95 cents .11 box. Sold wholesale and retail by • • -.
.":, . • - . • 5..1. CUTHBERT, .•• •..1
. , • . . • snsitbfield Street, near Third.,
• Alsp,.by Wm. Colo, Allegheny city; J. G.- Smith Bit
ii4pghamt rond•rohn ArCracken: flab Wait.. • feta-
• Jaynes , . Vaintly-ltledtelltee r - • •
Fiat. S. S. COOK;',Piquit, , Ohio, write.,
?Quell; 18 , 10:
nave used your Termiruge, , Carmaraire-Batsfr*•
and Expeciorant,du my practice,' for the last three years,*
and have been exceedingly well pleased with thera,•and ,
natter, as yet,4omy recoAleotion,•failea id: realizing- my,
fullest expectation. in their • curative pri.perties. - Your
other medicines Icannot speak of front experienee; bag;
ludglififfieni.tliate I hefts used, idonbZuot bat that they'
chum, and are all the confidence repoecili in!
:them, by those who have used tnetn. I was Mirmarly:
very eindal lasts** Vermitagei,nntil I • beciuticacquain
Led with yours , Which hiss my-decided prefrrene to any
othiti,now In use. • : .
Reesecuielly, youni t S. 9., B. COON, AL P." .
03" , tr a t i t Pittsburgh at the Pekin Ten Store, 72
, •••i . : ; • . -febls,
1 3 . A. - PARNEt3TOCIUS COUGH SYRUP , - , This pre;
i Ar 3 ation hos proved itselfto be of very great
ey in 'Care ofebstiOnt6 Coughs; Cold., Asthma, Spit..
tin lood,..Whoopiniy-Congb, and' other PheutnonfC
Aghetions; and the. propnetars Teel warranted fn raeom4'
Mending it as safe and useful medieine,hnd are pie)
phred. to, show' certificates Of Indisputable antborityi fn.
, ) It is pleasant to the taste, and Is offered apto lor . rmice
1.1 lo Wade 'it. Within the tedeb hvaiir Orton. , Thro
'are, perhaps's, hatless. Cougtspreparations that wilt 'pits. ,
data ettch.Asaided effects in• suet 'tkolictrythae:._
t01 0 4.4 1 ) 1 ' ki/T
, 4
ilia wood; ills*, comer:of Sixth -and
. 3fr001111114 ,, Iti• •,* • "••• ,r. deela. ,
;TVIritAL.PIPS' Ciassaana Vacatrzaas 'Prim are Kr
aate,wbolesale and reran) nape; L 2 : 4,01 '1'
•• • • .• • • :NO.A4llsidadleld sa
Alga, by War. Cole, Allagiteay•eityrl:os4llasidirßir
'lldolluun;Jolut McCrar.kan, Perin svestiPilth Ward. • •
. .
427 uaer
:13ROWiiiS T.
•• N. B.4—Good.Sus6Ungsstsoched (AIM+ hocuser.
KEB-"4001. b . l i t fi rm o, y ang:A . l4 , loi.
30 C.. 0 Ulf '' 1 .1: . '.5 7 .1.46bitrai
:dlia&Viii) . • •
APTur..,o4;shbgntei t ., 4 .
- •
CREAltrzt, Zettieleie,:eorgle - rer
, "end 'reetorMitihM Hdir r . , This '
Crearni When once anow,nilireenecdaiiU ether arti- 1
etch O the cir
to-la - use:, --Whereo n , ht,i,m, dead I
harsh, thin, unhealthy, not tornisitt tali a ievr epplicaq
done makestie hair soil and dark ; an d gwe it a bean.;
it - Maintain;
itstlltelinese and healthy color, twleella lehtes itirthei
trzeparritiont ;that ate otromilly nsed.' Mere CM bins;
thin, or has fallen 445'. it , Ivey be witiored-liy using - I*i
Dretinr: , Every lady andtrolitleeicursvlOhi- in the hribitl4l
using oils ou their hair should at
,orice purchase a bottle oft
the Chine Hair Criamj'sas is go compmied thetitevillt
not injure she.hitirt like-the-other prepatationi,•blitnillt
beautify it, andc Orive; , 3iirfecyssturfnethtnlitt , err 111.4 r. , • . .4 .
For testimony to Its -very superior qualities, see the fora
.letter, { lowing froir tEa7gev. Tifr7. — CaTd - weli tO *cm;
Ile nileriihtitt Stretch; Nashvill e, :, . general ttireaut ter the •
Sotithent States ' -" '''• •
r.frg rpffhe Rev:. a. Citicrurin - P.;seir
&Anna thorrminaint
rkenearein adding my teelihnonY it'favniiiftlio excellent
preparzion called Jr. Parish's Chinese Hair Cream,- for,
about two years ago my-fair : ll4 very Airy, brise, an
disposed to come otit;:bitt luimng . procared a bottle of the,
Cream; and insOd accordhimto the mese:4o:l,#.! 5,.):,.7••W
elazt c , irdl; and Snn- to the bead . . - Nosy halsePs and
'Oda :were apPlWiectleti leayingpy hal; in a worse, clinic
111E01 befo . ,Fe. nte Erenm, hawever, ben:tnet ity,expeo
-• As an taile reedit:.
over all Others, being delicately perfumed and not dip.
posed to ritneidity.- The . ladies,especialy, will find the
Chinese Cream to be a desideratum trultetc preparuPons
&Title , _ ftenmetfaity,Ac..,
• ' .
• •
lnaki JanuniYi; . . .
whOlesale and4s4ilju_kitistiorgh, by Ansi
m. 'Fownsond4.s hl h' ?oedittohler,e_onter of E.
Wood andFilllitte'. • " tetka&ar-lr •
. •
LADlES:tire' Cainbinia:aga'insitisingCainthon PIFP.a•
kid Chalk: They die notlivrate how frightfully Iwo.'
riot= iris to tkeilkln !how coarse; tiara rouglritiow sallow,
yollovv, and tthbealthy Ike, skin .appeara utter. ithiag.pre
pared - Besides it 141 injtirichtuk, containing a large
quantity . of. lend! r.Weihave preparcita-beaullinl vege:
table arnole, which we call. Jones' Spaaish' Lilly White.
Itlif perfectly ifiricicefit;.being purified•of all 'ffelotetiMis
qmilities„and it ; imparts. to the ; skin
alabaster,blear,lively 'while ; .at the same -tithe netiug
as a cosmetic on she skinjmaking ii•ibftlind•sniooth,'". •
Dr. James ,Antlerson, rar. c pheuth!toGiragslitlni
seitii,tlays: "After analy sing - Joii es' Spanish
tiA Lill yll'hite,
fi :the aussfbeautifal and traltuiti,Suill'at
. the same time innocent, white. I ever certainly
ciniCerideielitiously'recohtmen•d It. vie iititil all-wh ose: skin
cequiresbeantifyiog?? PriC62s.ceiturritmO,DirietiOns
—tlfebest way to apply Lilly.Whitc,
or Wool;..-the torrneris preferable.' -
A MAE SET ov Twit- nog •25: clirric."-Anafte teeth,.
foul breath, healthy gums. Yellow and onliwilthprretb,;
alter being'onde tvrice . Cleaned w'rth lonee Anther ;
T'Nth°lac .have t h e aPpeAralthe .0f ,llr. ARM beanliftil ,
Ivory, and, at the same lune so k perfectly innocent:
and exquisitely fine; that Its eonitaatdaily!use. is highly
advantageous, even to those teeth that are in good condi':
tion giving them a beautiful, polish, turd preventing a ;
kiresittinxrei deerty.iT Those alreaily ,, decayedsfe'prevents
.from imp:ming worse.-it also . fastens such as is becoming ,
'!dose, and by perseverance it will render the fonlestteeth ••
delicatelYwtatei and mak - eche-breath deliciomily
Price 25 or 271-cents a box. • M 1 the above are said 'only!
nt 4321thatliam the American nagle;Keir 'York,"
and by the appointed Agents whose nainesnppiaritt the
Wax You siistitv, mid vein riblihnsiiiind;laffyi "Your ;
fyceis your-fortune." cliet beautiful, (elm:Lei , lair? ;-11 1 it •
white! Irtiot, it can be made so even though it be yel
low, disfigured, stinbann, tanned and freckled. Thous
ands have beetkmade thus who have., washed omit or
twice with"Jones' Italian Chemical Soap.. The. effect Is
glorious and magnificent. , •Dut be Sure you get the 'genii
use lanes' Soap, at the-sign of the American Eagle, es
Chatham street.
liing-virtrmiSalt-thennt'Scurvey;Erysfpelat,•Barli r's
Itch, are often cured by Jones' Italian Chemictli Seep,
when every kind of remedy has failed. That_it „ c ares
Tritapleir,TreekTeS,liiid' fitelars•the Sold at
the American Eagle, as , Clittifitim'stheet. ,Mind , reader,
thisbeldom or never faifs. , ••• ••' -• ' • - •
• • C. INGLIS, le, • patter:low
' ' Sold at Acisixa's Liberty , st.; toad of Wood,' Bi o s of
--Illarriagr,Corefularilett:,-Any lady between tiVen';
ty and thirtyoiosscosing a symmetrical &nil, goad.; fee
tures; de:i'm laded confidentially, can she suppose tiny
twin-Could admire her while she has such yellow teeth;
such sallow, rough,
,coariteekin; and such 'dirty, bad,
wiry hair; When; by spending above sum, she might
havedelieette white teeth, -
a pure' seSeet breath, nail a
beautiful head 'of hair. "'She' can have beahilfal white
teeth and -sweeibrcnifiq- using a 2s:box of .foleev Al*
ber Toota.Paste; d shin white y pure and apotimmas snow,
by Mang a eaku of the •genruate'fones' Italian Chemieal
Soap; - and a beautiful head of hair by vising a as. bottle of
Jones' Coral Hair llcaoralire." •.Do not form en opinion
agert . thikbefora you ttry, or joi gill regret it; but'be
care to ask for Joata'artiulest. Said - only -la New York
tg.C.buthamm.:: Par StaajlT. ,, ' ; z-.:; Y.
!frk-VAL: JACKSON, :Agent &
. - st,Pitantgh.
tittiCEII,,SCRCIFULA. Asp GOlTS:liinpfe ex
.l4.ur iieSioned hoe proved that Ito combination of mealy
have ever been so etrienelons in removing the above dis-.
easesompILJANNES.A.LTIMATINE. has dibbled
c u -regiro l l_tlelclll
.. lAhntg , not only of Cancer.and other As
cases Of s=l.class hat Imsremoved , the :most .stubborn.
:diseases of the S kin, Swellings, Dyspapsnai , :liar
medicine exam Into the cireutituon L p.utheradieates
eases wberover kt, parifies. the Vinod out other
Binds the parestr
the. skimiind . reduceii enlargemsnt ofilni,glindi or bones,
tile creases itis appetite,. remove beaditcheanddrmsai
nesit and invigorates the whole systim, and Imparts
niatiorj to thidiseasedand debilitated constitution. ; There
is nolluag superior 10 . it in the Whale inateeiainelApa., t
Is and extremely Pletikuti;andbas inithiAg
of the di s agas tin ginuseii aceinnpanying.theideanfewai
Towintmedieke, . . . .
Thifr FOr
. kale la Pituitiaegfela gke P.
.174 STORrt
iarth it.; near Wriiid. •-• . ' • ' mar3O
'• • A:lfteolps :for Atte-littnsoms flair
1. FY - SOFF, SILKY, CLEAN - AND,FlNF,—Persons
in consequence: of the Many' ttilnes'i'old . , 4 set down every.
article; (be it ever - so 'good,) 'awe 'humbug: If riebiale
could be made to•ttyti 3s. bottle of Acme's Coril Hair RA
szortuive, and sed bow it makes dry, rusty, red; light hair
moist, Solt, ouburn and dark, and keeps it so ;.stitti by its
cite for sometime, causes it to &mi. naturally benuuful;
if people'could see the, number of poet respectable •ine:
eh:inlet that we •ie; (aye, and find It.'dnvehthpestthing
they can use,) fordresstug andbeanufyiug_the.Bair, for
keeping it soft and in ordluellittat 'ROM; as tang as any ,
other article made; and "
• • • •-"' Forces it trikroatc 4 sloftstincllhnint,
:And editslttt3 shillingstotry. • • •
We foniterly.sold -nothing less than SI bottles, but we
wislipeople totryit. Sold only nt (mind EcIJ Clunlunn
street, New York, and by. =
marl(' • •• • Whl. JACKSON, Efl Liberty kV,
I I TIW111110:siY tor Dr: Willarivaramily llledi
411,..e,ine5.-Thitinderaignedicititeris of Pittsburgh, hav-,
ing personallk used Dr. 'Milord's eriedtat Agouti) -
tiire,andelperienaediti tionefic int e ffec ts, donsolit cheer-
recoramend it as safe and et:Theo:int! hi all eases.
Speakihg from experietWdi we, believe that it hainio su
perior;rund would eacinainend its Use to oil the afflicted.'
Pittsburgh, March 15th . ISIS: - • ••••••• ••
1. •••
5.01 , 1 by- Sehootimaker &.Co4.l6llrilltifi, 'James
A. Jones, J. If:Cassel, John r,sp i i.,,,,lF.V....awyden,,` 3.
Mohler, Ic•Snowdelt. • "'. . ••• ap2r •
k] . LAS,' Barber's Itch, Chap, Sore• Secy.
-Thit 1a used tit many physicians this curatkinnithit
abore, - and we- would not conscierielemilyeellVidess - tre
'Ajieisifit to be all we state.' •- • ' - •
• !*JUta*Voimetic, the true . JONES'S. SOAP is ps . ibipiti the'
'Only article. eVer knovin• that retnoved - itupupties; and .
cleared and beautified - the 'skin, making 11.34, clans; :
smooth and white as an infants: Cutmind, it Is sold at (12
Chatham 814 IC 17.,-and by... -- :-•
- • • - • WM:•JACRSON, -Agent,"
. .mtir2.s - • • ' 55 Liberty streetyPittibutgli•:
CONSUMPTION seizes more Victims ,thius • a n y:other
VV discsid lit our' codntry . young'," th e old, the'
benutirel.and gay; ire all alike subject to its invidious
ravages,•end many a hectic cheek has been supposed to
bitiont with the glow Rut every case ortgi
nktesln-a Old and a colighz-pekliaps' deemed lin.wortby.
of rittentlonatfiritl—atid . only Met ;wills' reniedieti : When
too tha, fi rat• SymplcinieWilh . .oatOUs core..
and makel e httruediate Oscar the Cough 13alsant of
Fuhnestnet, &Cm; tithieJi Will certainly cheek its funkier
PM,lleraiinnd.ieddrol.l6l.luilamed 'organ's:to:when/Mit.'
action: , .
• •
and Woc4stal ulloOcoriter lith s
add 'Wood. Abell
- afgetatnen tar JoininaryilrtithDe;`,,,,:
ATM., A. Suilthfield . street, ;
'. : Et; third door:above Ser.:ad.street—' , -
GodeY's' Lady's. Book, unusually' largo, • with iii "a
tractive engravingsJihe literary dein:trio:lent of the high-r
est order for this NO., commeileitig o'neti Totem:.
Sartain's 'Union Magazine,- beradifuffy embellished,
and comprising ; l3l) pages of reading Mutter, all original.
Grah'am'sMagazine, illustrated with four beautifulen-
gravings site, a full double number. • • '
• ,Poems Af•John.quincy.:Adams with Iticitieet•Of his;
Life and Character. -• • ; k . ,;
' Drilled Defence of lite' Ortutt:Street Baptist Church,
againsttheahruge of corruption, in the admtaistratiemOf
4er dischkiina; published. by onderef.theXtiOrat:i.- J T.i
Rose and Oeruude, ortheldystenons Wedding Arantt-1
laded from bleipreoqb of liodolp,he Tolifferi
An IMpitilal Account of the Life of the Rev. Aohn.N.
NalLt—attarrat . ive of his first marriage;alsee second;,with Ma n y . pOrticuratektevei.beitire pablikhed
c9P4'10e:. 1 4'.•
sreorgittiPpardi .
Mary' Barton,"li Tale ' of Mittehester Life, England;
published . by the. Harper. •
Jub.ttn.Do Cliffard,;oraVoriuuds Love; a nominee OP
&MHOS and Tears; illustrated. -
• 'Aug'ilitur. Ltikore; or - the. Life"'of Beauty; by the
' author of tbe.rdt,lireach of ilsolnisi's, ite:, fee; •• • • .
The 'lloachbaalqor Um' Belf'Ringer•of Norte' Damey
by Victor Hugo.. ,
.'• - • Suttee to the: rubtap: - •
TlLlE•sabseriber informs gejjewilli...iiii ir .
..L'Housekeepertrandirataill Onreeta.partlaularly,Shrif,
he is- itireimitinuingthe. Queenrware • busineti,
sell off his p!eseuf stock at' tetfuepd :price s. ,Those who,
wish Mobley% China, Queerthertie, t Gl a s s,;*illNodlpie
a rare opportunity for getting such ardeleirjat two watat; .
urea cheaper than the usual 'mice: • • - • - . •
• Remember the' pIaee;CHINA: klAlLL;Wi.",•,llll:llahit..
street; near the Anetioir store: • • .'• •• • • ,; •
, a. dispose'of. tozyiliole tto ery..Retieg, .1
wishing to . btijtji,
janaaf , • NOE: AIETTV
I• •. • - r.• L.& • 110 .
- L I RESH OYSTERS: Gatr4..ailCkee4E derienttr'ef
j: the season the' mirkerstffotdi, - serveer.tiPi - at4e_
'.shortest notice; ;and Jfi ttie.seilt best ItYle:. elLoyee
fateorttp 'dna. arranged Inthe,beit.itder, undei .the men..
'ageltient of fsep27l 7011. N • 111.. CA MPBELL.
staid Ptio DtatailfilatittlXjr
rsabiesibett have enlaro4llthdr.Fteal:antil o* - 7
. matioractoryi on the earner of CRlEtarWitteel l :tag r
tiag alley,Pitth Ward; - Pittsborgh, - by a.teetiiiewtoa;•.!;:
'Dog, k t on „ mato; varti ng /titmice, (ornate - and a tikhamtnei.r..,." — •
Sabserilier resides, ;Mother with the unprOvementa; -Their , Steel, noW Or Wiametiot quality, 'mid haviher,
'thereank.eittatted;on ; Sixth street, near Smithfield, front- ensreed eampatent operativeS, therare prepated;to thSF , 44
ring Oa Szzlfilt• IWilpi - and la.dePtb on Cherry. alley .140 ' Dish Files of every description, that-will gompstri:Withi p ea
fee t„, Thiagrop arty 40 Wdmitahly: situated for is 'Hotel or the best iihthirthil ditiele ;:undlthlfig de takinthed gittlth
r Pabl ia maqi:!loacqqta.ias ,a half. square- of gamed; sir • :it the interest orall Willi Bile' itt ithy,troy; . thiliatt•
at might be divided inta la,bailding loth of !Alters , . shiath'fibitrthatirofiey will We t- Whir Pitek -nt:Te - daaetl,"
east on Bivb,groeti by. VW feet deenisualli lab vrith a priees,:for Cash. They will also
fronts); i feel eub 00 cheap sihsr:bylolOee deep? chase thoWswhichnitatoritatuibtokado!Pfibliti rani.
.; ILWALT9ItTEH:ngge tsysspectfallyinvited,
.I , .:L'Orqgc,okfikNTingt•T;
•ALVlGAiVirLipinented fr 910,61: Stroll.ipßentay.4
• 1 redo bb oid.ine itffrate To• -rum ea=,'te c#rtili.
andleftifillikr chire - ifor gpritinir,_Stritiftiti CttbOnalses,
:Scoldsi-Hurn*,,Tetter, '.W• *Pew* , 13 " 1°. / read d. eltr ni
`R=F;ictiligh,Almiluaruntroint Sore , Threart, rif ea
' rsyrrt Elatelatme,lllcers, lever Boras, soot ',..,..
../. 0 '-• ~..4NFLinhaltr &TORY .ELEIL'ULDAT/102, --,11; .
:w.billit-ifieldelet. its-effects in a seirprislug raw:o 4 V ' , '"3 ,
lt has never yet -failed • when rweil izenindingta ripes t
none. Rend the:following r• - - -•-
t - .. ‘', .- . • • MANCIIIIIIMI,IAIteghenito4Re4,
' ••• :- ~ •'-,-. r • . . • , -'. . November , 18,1840: , .-5-, S
This fit to-esti:loli thar my wife, Margaret (Haien, uras
'cured of a Rh eumaticCim,plaint of sevenyeaketenodinfp
by . which sbe Wtl4lsolame as to be obliged tome:kennels
es..,,ltt oneneek she was cured by tieing Hie, 4Ciwidan
011, and ceoldWalk About as usual Within+ heremtchte.
The following iscommunicated_LLSlT , svilsishatirdr•
Jackson', agent for Stenbenville,, t ..a,ejr",,,,, , r - i.irt• ....,
1 -. • A:gentleman near Ste ttbenvilleysSitif ps, , ..
to put eithapofibia feet ,to the grim lisflilitrlf. _La '
.-tionsesitterteaofilaareneas i fn. tbe,Mitt: ellPaAlealkin ,
enabled to walk two miles tO a Ackyrcel4:oos, 444.e1r. .4 -: . .
likewise, a- euvereigu remedy foe „ ' =. : .- '.....t A i• '', • 'lts
r? : TIM follosifingli enni munioated*ter:i . . illa:t Ni
l'lnckson's agent for Ste altenviller • .• '.. :- ~ . • ~... :' .. :,.
1 , A - lady Ihluditig in.SteubenvtUe; ne',l4tir n i „
btutd.was so contracted as to deprive . herof.l.lo.l4ofil
COT thirty•fire years, wuseedirelY enceik Ititlie 1i14,900 •
bottle of the Otl, so thin 81101141 w, i' l e,,tb e _,p e4 , * ) , Ai doit„ ,
herbrind flay equal to - the other •whigh had , neve r.
OfeCtell*V lgr
ikhksalb-hett Annal t o y s lii:sciiind.iind*.it
; plemmut in the sift% and henallielm!Of . : ~. A • ' 't
, • •-, ~,, IA ..,. ••,, eif .
in all mums natorpnieldlylll99l3A, hl. e- '-.., ,_ ~..,fp ••rii:
. 'A,lndy. resi ding tISAIJegnallY clI9 WrgStiltletwlltY.lVl7 .
of obstinate deafness, ofyears'Aoutinnance;lty,Ate*
of less than one bottle of the Oil 'so tbm sfm,4l44J:
bearOttetter Rum she had overdone before,
_,... ~, 5 ry
, A, gentleman:well known iri pit:Share's:wait ,eureft-Atl •
deafness of', nine w ell
81alubrufaijI the; ases9CAlil
Ounntity of.J GO
he - .:rho. nomoc.ind • reshienpes ,or •
!tidy and gentleman will Initiyeinin botie Wisti,dmili .
et the office of the tulvertiser. • ---- • -,.. ' •
• - -Its propertles.are-highlyderalokditktbaittenslusild .•
sarynnagly speedy cure of -o[cases of.; , ~ A , _ii . r.„:-.i:'r .
- CHOLIC, CRAMP,AND SPASMS:. ...,..,:,..:•., '
'. Several cases of eramgr alone hare been nforms*
lased by tine dose of. the Oil,, in , the short- space-01;hp •
animas; when the parties have been agonized.willriatim
idriturativeltropenies have been tern arkablr manifested
kin'tmiA , tt'fir•DISEASES RV , TILE SPINE. ~., , -
- - Aludyi - the wife of a planter iu Kentucky( was curve -
Uffectuany of one or' Abe worst eases of diseased Sputa,
which. had: oonfined her to heribed_for et considerable
timei Ire:which she, could. not tutu- herself. It is. , also a
sore remedy and perfect care for pains in the small of the
„Read Vie following: ; -, . ,'. '.... 7 ,.. :, ': ./,‘'''', ' '
' '• .' •-•• ~,'. .. • ' ;•
.PlTTi2Nilii;H:Dre• /lit IS4iIJ,
Thi/CiA to certify that I was. afflicted with g, real Pain IP
the small of my bulk and kidne ys, which a Ilectentne so
mach that Leonid not'stand:upright. .13Y : rubbingg exit )
nally, and using half* ir.stspoolual internally otgbt - And
Mommg, I was entirely cured. JOHN RIDDLE,
'-'-,. - . - neriVii,i,grn7:AiiialichVii6,;wr •,a .J
Alga nd emtur Of Pitnbargh;.afilicted Aoritb a snolent in
flammation of the kidneys-the . paid o f nhieht caused
him to 'faint-was cotupletelyetared,liallrred day* bythe
mie . of the American Oil: • • -: -••-••• --..---t- . .
The fidelities or thiii -:-:- -, . ;' ii 'll •;.S l'.l .19 •,:y
. NATURE'S ' OWN - REMEDY -, ' T• t. F .
ill ektterTitlY•Perleilllting and ainfildburanatory; tenni
+Manny is confidently recommended as a siaveremirein.
edywherever inffatnmation exists; either external prin.
terms]. •llsed immediately rifler a cut, bruise or wound,
it willeurn and prevent . .. ' : .., ..- . '..- ~ .i ...,
s li bait, in addition, been founds salutary, pleasing sad
' effective remedy for thine veryrrupleneard and inroare•
lent diseases, A •- • .'A ..
GRAVEL AND _ URINARY cp4113,4m176,
; tzr Price, Wrenn pe - r
t! bottle. . t
. - . . - :. -
. ,
. Catation-rl3e on Won fflll'avii.": ••-
• The. sutpriaing exCellen nd.
ce agrarring popuntrity„:
the Amenconoii, has induced Some Othhottest Vitt ,
pains upon the pablic, miserable imitations : .11111.1
stainable IntliCl nal for lhelunil.9 9r4.1 . 4*04...:e.up.: .
wary, and defrauding the ropnetor. • ~- .' .: .., -
• In order to ire sure.of obtaining the gelidifie, * ecneti:
the, following rota mintos r . . . .
bead of.
that the name .Wor....lactison, ES Libriryst:
each bottle,
st..?! is printed on the 'label of:the wrappa;
of each bottle,. to imitate which is : felony. ~. . , ...
tki: That cacti bottle is:inclosed in a pamphlet catminn .
ing full directions for use; and also containing the name
and ruldress eif Nor. Jackson,,General Agent for; tkei
proprietors; likewise, the name' and ddress of the; We
prietors, D.Hail It C 0.., Kentucky...
... .:.„.,....z...,..,.... • •
- 31. Purchase emir of the adverilteir:iiyentsPlikef'
whom have a eliowebill, on which is printed deinantellaf •
the Proprietors and General Agents-thusi , D.liall &C. 0..;
Propriettni f Kentucky. , Wm. Jaskion, Pittsbingh, Piti
General Agent for -Western •Penftsylvanla, - and pan of
Ohio and Western' Virginia; aid the printers'. -names-.
Itl'iMillia .k.Sh .n'ock, Pittsbargh-printed , ht the-bdutan
of said show bin.: • r .' '.'... ~.., i''„ ..-..,
. _.
41b. Phiserve-rtie.gennine tirneriatig . . Oil is or a, dray
green'color, without auy sediment, ftudito specific grad's
ty tighter than wate.r., the c'o nrrf iii ete.nicettly of a
black - color i—ecnne white;-like f)pi nut ofi :nape nti no,
said. to be refuted and elarifiediT t!otkie
triirarno other,eammon tilif;.and one nlitaiitkilithr
locking mixture p Urporung to thaw Raul t'ai.,•sPtitsh deg a
and Allegheny Lbspeusary.,Co.n: Nont,oftlesei..C.oo4Z
terfeits possess either Om virtue O's• the p ower of :the'trus
etiltErtiCAN OIL- • : -- - • - •- • - -
V1.4)41 lAtiC43 . ok
General and SMe 'Agent for' the:Proprietor stbrn
PansYlvenin, Westatt and ' l4oi t heth ' lMl6 4
and by the frilleivi n gtuAtyppoittledirt,ll.llogbelf
elunty - Pa.e - ' . t4.!ru-'•
Jonathan:olmeg, ittateheater: - ''; •
• :AletittuderokstialeiWylla strt eb ' • •
, H. Jacques,-....tmungham.
Wren. I.South, Temuonuicev 1113.
H: Stare, Sewickley.
' Edward Thompiton,AVilkinsburgh.; ;
t•:AlkAietNegley,'East Liberty:, ;-;
...111. Witlibushilrgh. .
• ' Thomas tkikin;Sharpshurude..,
- •H. Rowland ic• Soo. Bl'iLoe-rport, .
: F. Diehl, Itlixabeth. . •
' ; John 13look, Tuxtla Creek. • •
•111.'Eldowny, Ilakerstotru
....—.... . • ;
Samuel Springer, Clinton. ;
James 111 , Kee, Stowe/mown. • •
Riley ld'Lliaghlio, Plum township.
J. Fulton, Tarentum. •
Jeremiah Fleming, Lawien2euillo,
Robert Williaina Arthursaille.
Sig ladlktitnt
. MIXONthe 'News-York Gazette, Oct.- 0, 0 11319, Cztialti
'pco un atter deservedly at th e head of 'the daily preset
this try.' ' r • `•
Bristors Extract of SarrapanUcr.—lt were tat hinnies'',
to Call the attention of our readers thtbieinsaluableyrrep!
oration which will be found advenlsed in another enlartld'.
illr.'Bristol it a brother, and Isl4l/91 -a highlf•interesate
newspaper, etrety now-and then, one or do numbed Of
which we have already noticed; and the medleitth , itself
has been ehlogised by nearly all thepress Utile leakiest,'
countryllind, wedoubt tiotonstly 'Gin:arid - hi
favor, , moreover, nog -nattering restimoniale'from 'the
most eminent - practitunnersin every part-of the country
where it (has been' 'need. ‘ There ir beauty and ;taste
enough in the bottles i and in the engraced labels in whieti
they ace- encelopedoo induce a purchase, 'area IF the
prepamtionitself were not
.one - of the Kturvenlignitat In
the world,'! as every - person must believe it le—that - lei
every one - must- believe 'it 11-4 hat is, every" nab 'Who
would not resist amass of documentary evidenceetinoltp)
:sive enough' to-convert a Lurk-to Christianity: Boy duce
of the bottles,lentle reader,' Lthli'llel3 artunties-yort do'noV•
agree widrus on this point: a -; •
- Porsale by; -- • 'lt A. FAIINFSTOCEISecni.t Te
ifeb24 . cor.of let and-Wood and dub and Woodsdifia._
!in, •xrespeOaLle millennia called at our offleei.sta
said,tia Info*, that he bad been afflicted for
, 1 2 =1
with - Rbetuainism Gouy-ntri.oreasinnally:
iDoloreux ; that ho„,had. Amen frequently , : gonflned to his
room for month% together, and allen.suffered.theilPollb4
tense and 'exeruettningimix hot:that lately he had been
- using sjalpleS Alterattre from which he foutrd'thenlastairf
val und unexpected : Ho says he found the amps
'eine ;ievy pleasant and offectipe, and. that. be Ilinv ;CMG:
!side rs himself
scan.. perfectly, eured.PhdadriPAla Nara
• A t ", r , e'r Wort* KXotvtiro.-r;t, gentleman of .Crofujaux.
hibiti from indiscretion in, his youngerdaysi.heenffle.s.(t!
feetcd with Ulceration% tn . the• Throat and Nosey sad st,
disagreeable eruption , of . the Skin, .Indeed, •his !whale.
sistem•btira the mar k s of being saturated with.dixeann
One baud and wriet were so, cinch affected that he 'kat
lost'dia 'lie of the hand, every part being covered. With -.
deep i . painful, and offensive ulcers. and yremas.hollipA .
And porous as an honey-comb. It %valet tins stage pf hut,
goiriplaint." when death appeared inevitable from° loallr-,_•
home disease, that ha eatanternead: the visa of Jayne's.Al• jp
lenitive, and baying iaktataiXteenbottlea. is Dose iverreli 3
The Alterative- operates Omagh the- a'renlaillin. andz•
purifies the litood . and atailidateiditerae.fromthe:astateilkl •
wherever located, and. the •nntherons. cures it bitrilitstr.
formed. in dhseases (tithe skin, cancer, serofflbogoavl
liver complaint, dyspepsia phd other ettronie:4
truly. astonisbing.L—Sptrisof ths Timm. .
IDlry %For tale In PitisburgitiOthe PEKINMEASTOgEw
79Foorth street.,' ~ s , ,•••••,
. .
Arririal - .14'*e•;11,7,111,17004 tr.efit S .
ir HODKINSON Opalied,'. rker•Aunt,
IT ;; week, ;tut est assottment of l'redeti"CLUNA!
ever opened- in ; 'consistingin part o- , •l?taislei-!
. White, Gold Line Cold B?Od TVn Belt,on
exteustms'essortraent of NV hire, Eldatmg-,Blartanrftlier,„
pool Iron Stone Wart, is Tea Setts Di la SapizAtdplekia:
as- may be :required.' Aran, beautiful Ltiortatent ,
Candelabras and lamps,' of rbe fieweif spites 'tiatEr
terns t ai tett (rota the•mannfaaturemp •L • •
Ladleswoald do welt to gird fiirlaritalkdr . '
°ear • '.IW 115 Wood giasdineivbefor
• ' ' ' 'Buda!'" • Oollesiteri ' •'''~'- - •- • -
rpHr, tin deil3igoefficncoorigtd by thelibertir patnint!itih••!
:I_ 'of Abe tnerchams, Professional' gentliiiaeapiad me...'...-• •
'. ebonies' of the city;:offess his sesvicetfbe Ike correetki r '
of accounts in the city of Pittsburgh and yip - ink:Y.', liai.:.".„
intr nnended to business of this kind Or many rearelbit'. .
the Board Cif li-ade., and.being scelliespniiinad vitt; thor
'and the adjoining Cities, he feels confident' of his abllityt •
satisfacuon. by prompt and, faithfat tittennoik-wl
, 1 1 - tug' , '' • •
"•--, - e . /
Jel'ilo3 OALBRATti - 4 - .A1,.. tu .
'1 TO be found-at _ File.' Wm. - Haw: B i - Netehlutt:TM :lelc. -- .
Third Street, opposite tbe'Post Office: . ••.• ' “., .
..,. 1:! .
Gabriel Adams; P. Guff, Jiecountari;, -.._ '• '1 "
...1. D7o'o;ll6E4' .- ' TAcliii 2l Scuti,hriabric,' , . t-t 7 ~
I I.!ll:3..ivinortoli; - • - Jac hicaiiityr . ancit"'
-James blarstisUi ,'' - ' W.ftl: II: leafle t " . -, ...;utt
; George Giecit' '.. ' " Dr; W. 1 0 ,1:•' . 4 rig1ii,'100:. , ' , .. 7 .
Dr. Geo. D. Bruce • c... Dodge. •- • - ...t ,t 1.12.
Pr. %Morn; 1111 b;