. • OCZ9 Tho.,Neyy oitibri ; X ur'itiais I. tigw-9uesc-N-GooDslt premeyßinkluirklitrit4VCT catisiaw be hail I raft , ' tor thi Rem frroldrit Ate-Late; kin.Sldikei at, trtiwebn Third and F.:attar...where is Mkt opened • ; s'gotdrillrur stoelilorMinter Dry Gobilsictiesmeithauthe fb d 4htq bf Greeds have:ewer been offered in Pure. bunch.. ''W/ 4 ; L" 'RUSSELLS NoL3 , Market strict, •between Third tend Fourth streets, sign of the Big Golden Bee. offers re hitfutimrra".g`kz` Somers and the psibjto ‘ genentlly, the hirsesq' cleanest cud MOM,Rleudid stock VfliinseDik Goode,ever otter ed to thiset ty. -These Gags Anita been parclotted inthe rtent Cities sines the Sall in nees,andwlLl . . - sold to cash klayeril at limos redad on, roma pheaper than they could have been sold in the early part of the Arnong arid extensive sleek will bit forted alutuy,choico feishiontibld-Gbkidi , brsthe latest int.: ' LADl'O3' DRESS 'GOODS. • ' " Scarlet Cashineres ; all wool, a beautiful article 3." • Zlhirrry . ;cord - do. figured and - . Satins, plain, stripe& and plain; I' Scarlet de Lollies, all word, trery cheap.; Mazarinli Blue De Laines ; low prints . , Frsuch Merinos, all colors, extremely low. "Ai large nisorunent of figkl Cashmere. De L Rine sinew. est designs, from 121 to 511 cents per yard ; these are very cheap. Also, a large stock or_Alpecas from 12k to 50 cents per yard, all colors. and la great bargain; with' a splendid apsomment of bonnet stbbons or the latent Im portation. Alts, velvet ribbons all widths and colors. vespeneap, a-beautiful nstortmeut ; plumes and artificial flowtrs; bonnet's:lllns and velvets, all colors; French worked celluloid collars; scarfs, cmvats,•gloves cad hosiery, all at mlifeedprices. ' _ SIIAWL:3!! Best assortment lathe:city, and very cheap Long slid Eldiutinb Shawls, best quull• - - - feakeria Cashnseia • Black and,coloreillCletth &N. • , 13 - roe.but end •i..den • • Plaid isienket ShaWle;all qualities and prices.. BLANKSTS:.BILANKETS! !..-Chtapest in the City! A Urge stock of Blankets, all qualtheii, which will be said cheaper than can be found elsewhere. DGMF,STIC GOODS. CZIBA.P.BR THAN THE CHEAPHsTr , • A large, stock , of CahCO. Good dark Calico, fast colors, only 3 cents per yard ; best quality British and American Prlarcig to - 10.c entoper yordi yard wide I British Purple PAM", lOAD WS; n large supply red, white and yellow Flannels, some-us towns 19.1 cents per yurd,,fery cheap; Bed Ticking, from to ISt cents peryard. AlsOs U- large stock of Checks, . Shirting 'Stripes, Cassinels i - Kentacky Setae lend Liastys, together with a very emulsive Stormont of bleached and unbleached Muslins,stom 3 to a cents Pet Yard, cheapest yet mood yard wide utibleach ' ed linslins i • only 5 cents per yard; bleached Muslins front 3to 8 cern!, pet yard. All of which will be sold off at reduced prices, at the sign . of sbe New Golden Bee. Hire, iii Market street; between Third and Fourth sti., . WV. L. RUSSEL. • TYRANTS AA WELL ASMONOPOLIES DI UST F. 1141: ti..O.MHBT.PRICI;S; WHICH Eau - will be proven by calling at Meg lOM's ' V Fushionao leTailonng Etitablis htne ut,Third street, Bt. Charles Bending, . • ;. . 'Marro: Smai.Fredsis and faick 4 a 2 er- VARIETY:.Fresh and good,. COILPEITTION : Very far in the background.. • • My old castomenr, and all others, are respeeffally in r med that 1 am waning for them MrOUIRE:, ocr23 Tailor. dt. Charles. uirE WOULD . RESPECTFULLY hivlterdto attention if of our friends rind tie public tti the. greatynriety.. Of WINTER COATINGS' and other artities,'we have Ititirrecolved—amongst which will . he found the greatest variety ot.IILUE, BLACK, DRAM ; at &PEARL colored BLANKET, MACKINAC, and HEAVER' CLOTHS— FRENCH and ENGLISH CLOTES,',CASSMERES; VESTINGS, 4.c. The thrive Goodehaving been bought for mash, at extremely low pricer, we are preparedto ae- Commodate all who may fauot as with - their patronage, with good Clothes, at low prices. Giro ds a - call. • Remember,2lB Liberty street, opposite foot . of 7th. nov3o . ` -• •& DONNING. . Clothing Clothlsig It Cloil.lblwg I I - • The Three Esc Ikon vs. The Wstern - ,Worki.!!!..• 15.0,000 mad e . s niCulnrbAß2 l4 7 B ?! 4 = most liueral terms to my old customers :m e d the re pnoile in general.. The Proprietor of this far-famed-and extensive establishment has now, after returning from the Euteris cities; at much trouble rind expense, lost completed his fall midwinter arrangements to supply his thousands of easicimere with one of the most desirable stocks of Chi. using that bits ever been offered in this orany,other twit ket west of the : mountains . For neatness to style and - workmanship, combined With the very low Price Whleb they will be sold for, must certainly render the old unri valled Three Sic Dears one of the greatest attractions of 'sae western country. It is gratifying to me to be able to annotmeirto nrrateneroustriends -at. home and -abroad, that uestwithstandlrig 'extrtionlinary , efforts which I have made to meet the' many rolls In my line, it is with difficulty I can keep time with the constant rush that te made on this establishment It is a • well established fact, thatmy sales are eignt or ten times larger than any other house (tithe trade,andthis being the case on the amount sold, t can affrod to "CH' at much less.profit than otherseeuld, possibly think of doing - if they wished' to toyer contingent expense,. I intend to mate a clean sweep of altnrypresentatock before the beginning of next year; emning,tothis conclusion;l will make if the inter' est of wren. tnao, who wants a cheap winter suit Meal!. AndputelaseAt She Three Big Doors. • • • oar J OHN M'CLOSK.EV 0 0 DRerik:"MuuD 3,- ' ; • -• City. Clothing Swie.a splendid assortment of Clottur., consisting of fine ..geenebinglish and American Plain, black and Caney taiSimerei, of the most modern styles; fine figtireilCashmire .Vestings, Silk: ;Velvet, Plain and Fancy Satiim-1111 of which we will snake op at the most reasonable priees,m adorable and fashitsuible style.' Ready made Clothing, of all descriptions; Lady's Cloaks of the moat fashionable patients. Neck and Pocket flills(s.,.Suspendera, Bosoms, Shirt Collors,..and, eve* a r ticle usually kept la a Clothing Store. Country . Merchants, before pureharing elsewhere, will find it to their advantage to call at the Iron City Clothing Store, No. IMZ Liberty street, immediately opposite the mouth of Market. toe -rig-it) C. brcLusxgr. Jameis W Woodiari M 0 DER N AND ANTI QUE. F Uji...N I.T.ORE ... . ..r No, " 82.T.1.11111) Sin FE; PLISSIIIIIIOII. , • • A taws and splendid assortment of firniture,. suitable for Steamboats, Hotels,and - Private Dwell. m ineoustarakktih oand, and'uade :to onlei. I T e present S,tock oti hand. cannot be exeeetreally any menu - Cacti:my in the 'Western country, Persons wishing, to purchase, would do well to..giirerne a call, nil -am de tenuinetliny,,,EyieeS El_l lll /.414 4 !, e : Part of . the t00 1 r,;91)- -_ Ti te ri.Tete • ' . , • . .Balret Eitinele Louis XlV. ) Chairs ;.- .. Queen Elizabeth Chairs; Tea Poysej "• t r ~.; . . Fruit Tables Toilet Tables;, - Louis XV. COmmodet.' ---FrenclrNshogany Bedsteads ; Piano Stools; - „ 50 Soras,witgrplitsh and hair cloth Coirers ; 50 Mullogany - Rocking,Chairs; . --- • •40 daten Parlor - - r do.. ,_ , ----- ''. • , i .... : • Mt' "'`Tiner -- -- - ' - - dd. ' , -, :” ' ; ' ' "---'-'25 Centre Tables ; . .". '' .•"' r - ' ''''• '''''''' '' ' ' --' ' .' ' 20 DairDleausi 4 p a i r -Piet Table . ' lniturlile to ns Bureaus; BAVlTlTdrolies; 8 Seermarieti and Book Cases; - ' ' 20 marble top Wash Stands ; - - • . ' - "''4 piiiivOttortme; -, - , - -- ' -: -•- -- - 8 pair Fiincy Wory . Wands - . - -.. -•' . • - .: . 'A. Trey bz* - usiortnent of eqintnort Chairs and -oilier Furniture - , too numerous to Mention,' fl:Flitenirt Boats furnished on the Shortest . notice; and on'heti:toil reasminble terms. ' ': " . • ' ' lA4 = . .. ' - -•-• . , City - Livery ' Stables,. ' , • •',- -- ' '• . -' .! - - •!Taa - subscribers 'having vtirelinsed front' - ' Charles Coleman the abe.ve"ettables; and" in. , tending' to Increase 'their stock of; Hortes, Carriages; Buggies, Ate. ' would respectfully solicit a share - of _ patronage from ' the ,publit. • Horws kept by the-day,. week. month or year; end - additional Malls are being; erected, - in ilia , second - story - Joe the ne commodatioh of Canal stock . In retiriug from the .Li very btisiness,-I with pleasniv:. (from a long- aeqtmidtance) recommend my successors to the patronage pimp . , friends and the public,' -- - - . feh=L-I.w' -• •t . •• -- *CHAELEf, COLEMAN.- _ age. ~ Carriage Ilanntactorjr, Direflum-d.'alteg, between Wood . and.' Smithfield_ great: • D. M. BIGEI his would respectfully inform the public, that at s Factory can at all:times be found a large sootily - of I • ' r ye"' . - Family Carriages,- Ptironcliet:, liugOes. ,'" and alt kinds of Panay Carriages,"equal elegance_ and neauaess to a'ny foandin - the Fast. Contracts:for any number of Carriages„-:Buggies and ..Wagonai will be promptly tilled. All work of. kis' own manufacture will be warranted. : , Raperursess--Dol.„IL - Pattens . on,A. H.. Patterson, R. D. Cazzam, Esq., Robert Robb, L.-Magee,' and Alderman Steel. - lfeb27al3m ' MIL "DUFF'S" BOOS-SEEPING AND WRITING BOOMS, stogru-west coarma 1 11-Litirk TaE DIAUOND. y v ORTY-IEGHT PITPILS are now attendance, and Mr. D. has engaged the _ same .buildieg,'ead will . ein readiness is a few weeks, a private apertnient for Ladies, as wen: as' more 'extensive accommodations for Gentlemen. .His new Treatise upon Book-keeping is becoming the Attendant book_ in the Eastern Cities. It is :universally admitted by practical merehants to be the first complete,Vark on the subject published. 1010 12, 2 to 4. and 1 71610. - Pro&ssionel 11'04gal:dee gifen-inatteceite of difficalty i partnership - it ettlententa or opening books.; ' felt% . . .. , , . • • .. , _ .. • ' - - ...., ';• -Wiliplessyleland Altman. Aseiii.r,TIARNESSANDTAVN/MANATFAOTORir. R 0 BERT at 11ART . LE'V' t begs leave to ia forat but — friends and the p ablig.gene rally,: .chatliecontintuie ioctecupythailargo And cant- ~ a:tedious Store Sown, formerly occupied by Same a-. estock4k Cvv . F l P - - 80 ,eoruer of Diamonilollayond Wood street, where be keeps a large and general.ntutorment of, Baddles,BritSes, Homes:4 Vrunke, Carpet Sage, Steidle BaChlralioei%Poral.9ltabe , b Whips, and ;all otber.arti ales in his line.- . - -..,' • - - He also keeps, constantly: hand, and it premir4 ftnrdati to order,-allkindsaf Riveted Dose, mtutufactured of the tiestmatenal, and in a style of workmanship (meal. to the 0 4 1, M Mantlfactared arttalc, and at per cent, ebeaper. Country,/ifirchenr*Strid'Eorpgi istoidd waif to call'. and eXlSMltlibis stock berore parctittiing , Alsewheie,ttc, be Is determined to sell first rate article* at ,very prices. -.- 11:7'Dork.ftirgeflhe go.,Earcorner , of:Wood, treat and Diamond Alley. • ap26: . ArEstr.,,DA(i — trElattfriliTE 23nrkeis inbn, ~F.Dictatitett.--HouGu it...A.l9Tromr,D4- uer -h typists from the Eastenielties, Weald call theattention the inhabitant* of , Pinabarth; and the neiglibering towns; tithett Daguerreotype efeintensand where, at tooini in the third story of Bo'ne's building, 4th• at • Personisaeishing plenum& taken may reef itestirod that no paineehall be spiredto predate them in the : highest . perftetionerihti - ext:•Ont instruments afe Of the roost peer. erfat.kindoenabling mita execute pictures - ndenronsted TJChightniatiand trathflitne PI initilye: , -"The public are solietted'ioetip and: exemine. ' ' • '-- Personitaittut forpeinies aro:aeidiefittplitted or Xi; versed to tale them unless perfect Slltiitar-11011::'given. N. B. °Penitent will End Mit a,,goad.-depot for meek E7•lnetnictions given in the an, contairitng:the' more If cent ImProvemtnts.l: - i '+4 ~~® •• 1 UM: 111gg. • . . vtili t iini F e . ..szt y r::trolt .N -S p iqM.! . r . ei . lanai Bie i'Steartuktp;AAßlLlii SANDStand * regular Packet Mira, t. " Pii"Nfila - . • I 1 10 .‘i tr • I - '''' ! f. ' • " • . . " W.1341V1E8 •"'lsertartiliman tnr . - 1F24.3 • , • r "' No. 13? Southturect,. New oritk ;and SParrrkro 'Rona • " • • 'Liverpool. • • *. " thii Old Country far their 'friends; can have them brought out by.theltegtlar Lino of Pack ets., irailing . front.LiverPoot'nit,' lst, Otit,'ll6.4l6thillsl or Ifith of everylizonth, compriiing ... xho•follbwink Ships Fidetiai • filiddons. f Henry Clay, •Constellntion,. Patrick Henry, .. Cambridge, Isaac Wright... ,Waterloo, : .Constitution, • Ashhait , up, . . New-York,. Garrick, ....Wear Point, Queanot the West, Mdbteznma, aljorkshire,. • • Sheridan, • New World, .• . • Oxford. . John R. Skiddy. :',Or in the List clues American Ships, sailinpfrom. itpaal awl tbe.bish Ports every day, composing: the— • St. Puttiak s . . fa. George, • • . - Andrew. Foster, : Yorkwren, -. • • Creole, . - Memnon, - : Probes, Elsinore., •.. •Wm. A. Cooper. And many others, which this .limited apace will not ad- . ,mit.of hero enumerating. . • W:IIY.FIN &-CU. are the solo Passengar Agents :liir thißtenmehip SARAH. SANDS. Her appoults4l:sai/4 ;Inedays, for tb49,.nro as follows: From Liverpool' On mph January, 251.11•111 a rely 4th JUCLB, Sib "POI add ad' !October' from New-York on 24th February, Al May, 6th September, and 15t h November.. netifore, those wishing their relatives out early - 11 ;the Spring. witi - find it,to tbeir,interest to patronize this 'Old Lstablished.liotiqs,rour,pf . mugernents being so per :feet that 'rid delay. or .disappolutinent can occur. ;Lratli , at sight for Any amount oit tho National Bank of Ireland, its bitutblies••,,Sr.c., ut times for mile. •Ap ply, td,` cz add re sit by 'letter, post-paid, . - . ' - P. W.IIN !INES k. CO, tai Smith at.,N. Y., and 30 IVaterloo Road, Liverpool. JOHN THOMPSON, 156 Libelts street, Pittsburgh_ lizoPLEpe tgailitycrafrA.oriorir LINE Or to tuvrig , PITTSBURGH TO' ERIE!: O • ••• •L• nal= NRE•SHIPPING:—The Boats belonging to this Line have heeri.ptif iriTtne order, and are now runank; reindarly•httVreeri Tito:burgh rwil Erie, touching at a int e rmediatePorfsvalongiho Coo alri. 'A. Boat will always be at the wharf, under the Moninigultila Bridge, and one will sten .regularlrtvery other day.• 'The People's Transportation-Lino has every facility "for carrying Freight and Passenger. The boats will be lowed to Seaver by steamers; and will proceed to Erhswith great dispatch, bythe canals.' The boats are commanded by experienced'and careful men—all of whom hare an in terest in the Lino. ' ' • • • J Goods sent er tbe Line to Erie May be forwarded to any poi:inlet she Lakes. -. . Fot freight or passage apply to • H. KIRKPATRICK, • ' Agora,. Water•street, Pittsburgh. , • AGENTS: Guilts & Co., . . - Beaver.. R. IV. CIINSINGILA is, New Castle. • 'Tabtrnsisrik hlnctuamien, Pulaski. • • Ski earn Wattaxa as Co, kliddiesak. • .Mitaiistlleu., Sherron. , .loszen MeCr.vair, Sharpsburgb.. • • . . S. IL &V. Low's, . -Ktkorf& Mentcramr, Big Bend ; " . S. C. Purina, West Creenrille;':".••' • • . J. 41r, T. KlLfaillet, IL H&Yarr4Haitnown. • . W:Writionstorns & Co., Shennan's Comers. .. Wei. Pown, Conneautvil le. . —,arer, Spring C an, Albion. orner. v • %V. C. W • %Vat. Than. Lockpon. E. Fun, Girard. • • • A. MSG, and B: Ton:woos & Co., Erie. The following Agents in Erie will receive and. fin ward Freight to any Port - on Lakes, shippe by this Line : . • W M. Gallagher, John Hearn, G. W:liskerstiCk & Co.; - Josiah Kellogg; Kelsoe it. Loomis, • Walker & Cook, : • Pittsburg! Portable Boat I.4tie. 1848 . • M t' Tremportatiers' if Freight so and/rem PITTSCUR GH , PHILADEI.PHIA,LIALT/MDRE,NEW • • • YORK, ROSTON, &C. BORD/DGE ¢ . CASA Philadelphia. TAAP.P..6 - 4.• &CONNOR, Pittsburgh. , rlllB old established Line being now in fall operation, j the proprietorsherve made extensive arrangements to forward Goods and Produce with despatch, and on the most favorable terms. They confidently hope, their, well known promptness In delivering goods-peculiar s afety in mode of carrying—eapaeicius warehouses ateacb pon, aLfording accommodations to' shippers end owners of produce,—together with their long experience and unre mitting attentioirto busipess, wlllseeure to them a con tinuance of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. • All consignments by and for this line ; received, charges paid, and forwarded in any 'required directions free of charge for commi.sion, advancing or storage., . No interest, directly or indirectly, in steamboats. Alt Cosanassaiscz ia .prarour..4.llzulkd. on *Maim nen to the following agents: BORBITK/E A. CASH, 178 Market street Philadelphia. t rAAPPE A. &CONNOR, Canal Basin, Pittabuigh. • ' OTONNORS fr. CO, .• **North alreet,Dahimore. • WILLIAM WILSON, at ' Cedar street, New York. Merchants Trairseportsalp.as.ltlisis. , _ . . - VI U.A.SA LS AND RAILROADS FOR PLILLADEL , pluA BALTIMORE., - • - rtoottS.copE t igu t d . u - tur earaisillbe forwarded with oui delay, and att e lavresi currrnt rates. . • , , 0 A. APANULTY & CO., , . Canal lama, Penn street, Pittsburgh. • IUE SEILLPS &...B.ErtaceLos t • 272 andar, ,Market street, Pltiladeltana. . . RASE t &JERI; IT•lik, is 9 South's wharf, Baltiiinne. 701 ero ban tat Line. 1848 . - Meal rigt L l T e S e i n V A L tts V inith lie );l r at:s s Ti7f t e a t Po li lgt; v 4 a 1 . ;L i t ! ! Water street, and Petersl>nrgh• This Lane was formed for she special accommodatieriOf the may business. The proprietors, thankful for the very liberal patronage they have received .during the last two years, respectfully inform their old customers- and the public geneially r that theY, Ore now better prepared to; . deliver goOder at anY point on - the. Canals or _Railroads. with_promptness and -deSPateb, - ; • JAB. A. LORE, GEORGE TRINDLE, JOHN MILBER & CO. $a10713. C. A. DPAlcirmi & Co, Pittsburgh; SouirMtuma, Hollidaysburg; : Ptcawoaru, do WOOD . S, jObIIRIORM. • ' Itim - muntemr.-Sadili-&Sitieltur, J: 40. NE'Devitt; G. &J. 11..Shirenberger, B. Robison dt-co.; R. Moore ; Bagaley a SmitkJoha Parker, Wm. Lehmer & Co.-; G. P. Stroenber.- ger, Pittsbnigh: . : - 1 ; je2( l eiv4antslWran 'partial tra Liner - , =:CM --- • • • F . oll 4 thein`nuisportutlon , or'liTerebandilii and Produce • to Philadelphia, and Benin - ore.: Goods nonsinmi - ta: our care will: be - forwinded without delay, at the lowest Ltuling•tranimitted, and 'all instructions prollltaipaztended to; free from any- extra. charge fOr stor _ ' -C. A. hPANULTYIk Co., Proprietors, marl Canal BasiniLibeny st., (Grizelle,olllY,eoPY./ ; E ADE'. • PniTiiirehip.beretofo're liets'sten JOHN D. MA IIO . I i.and'READEWASIIIN.GTON, has been dissolved bYlnlituul conscut. The subscriber may ,be found sable office, on.lforirtit street ; between Smithfield and Grant ats , Pritsbufgll; At all limes whensuit'ea.gaged - in Court.. . - READE"tiTAS4I.III•GTON. . - Eagle' .-. . . .. ii . le Salipcin nd Reatainriant, No. 65, 63, and 61 Woad soee4 t . '. . . .. - ThlirstAbseriber would respectfully inform his friends and 'the public generally, that he hns had the iibove well'kmuntestriblish merit fitted up'in n'verf,':tinpeiier style; antis now pre pared with eyery , requonte, to serve_ ult'all Me dehen cies the seasori"orfords: -", ' ~.. '"' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . _ . , tIYSTER.S.-ateived, fried, VOttated,ur in the shell; Bother withlicitceffee;lea, chocolate, beef steaks; mut' tort chops, Vealillollllfidgarrte, id short notice,'and at all seakonahle Utica; in 'a style that cannot be surpalmed in XX 'ALE of the best brands , :Im ported Sep:train - eve; lie would also beg leave to state; 4hat he- failw . ellared tofutniBb DINNER PARTIES of any number, In a SO oerior manner; SUPPERS for Balla ; Boeieticeorptivate Partieg. Paivera Rooms always in readiness.: Newspapers will be kept oa file from all-tiaiters.. deaf; . JOHN T. DONNIA.EY A Card. fro.,TEE ENTERPRISING.—.A . rate chance is:kowe i - Preeented for the safe inveittnnuf, in butiinist ven tirety'nent ode' adapted to the man of limited, ats ;well flaw the man of ekteueire resources; yielding a profit 'from capital and efiterprise beyond any.opetattoh of. the daY. It Lathe complete monopoly of a smple artieLe,setb solutely necessary and eisennorto every tinnily, as wall -asp indispensable to the. mechanic, artitan;and,priifea sional man.. To eimitaliets,lne opportently:pffers Itself foil a lucrative employment of either large oreimallautebb bringing imMediatee and highly' satisfactory returits.-. These desirota. of embarking in a plensant,gorne.el bast ness, are invited, with whets, at the office 'Of the. undersigned, examine Abe ; article, and,. form their ow n lodgment, from the facts (Mice—Exchange Buildingi;Si,Clairetreet,nextdoni. . _ -a Esquire .fohns' office . . 4ees:t „ . Oyster Agency., ••' • •• . •.:OYSTERS CHEAPER THAN', THE Received this day, ; direct from ; Baltipcore, pre#,...Finti.Fresh Artderi;*hich J will spU low, st stare; la the Diamond : also at WrM Strainer's, corner• of ;Second and - Shathfield streets, and: s=. D- , Keilrls, corner of and: Market • •g daily Ishiaboyezplaces. Alt Oysters Nvi47,4lleil money returned, If good., -!-00t25,; A.4)}IA,VO. 01 ifIANGEABLE SILK VISITS, EVit Ctraststas Pais Merphy has en'hand ifeW-sery Intact -some changeable Silk Visits; keg ridiableiro,i Chtbstmaa preisintii; which he is,'selling redur;ett prseeia. Also, . bandSontatiresi,Sillts, ssperane: new styli - linen .c a nabrie Hdlets.i&e: dee23 - • . "•• . mr-Cinnliaared l4 4 l Lino. r • Dtruutt, KIMBALL & CO, E 4 New-York,Livepool, Englaudi . • • . RIMPECITOLLT illfol2lilLteit friends Old the Pabfic;.thrit they beer . commenced the Oats . I :ca , 4 , ppine and 'Commisirfort • Butthess,', tO• , 4(eiiirgether with the fJenetal PO.l.U . itpr Bareness; gr.nitttrig certificates of passage tromLondon, Larerpool. Dublin, Belfast, or nny port .cir the Old . Country, to New York, Boston and yhilndelphin , the mostettsortable terms. . . . . Drafts and Bills of Excha ng e,Xl to any amou n t on the .Royal Rank of Ireland and its branches, and The days of sailing of the:Tbritular Line of . Liverpool Pecl!ets r ea.fixed upon. are tha_lsi, flth, Ilth, 113th, 21st ani2Pß.h Of .avery manthi . . • These Ships are all of the largest elate, and are com manded by men of character -and experiancp. The - "Cabin accommodations are all that :can. be - desired in point Of splendor and convenience. , They are furnished with every description of stores of the best kind., Pane taality in the days of sailing will be . strictly adhered to. Packet Ships Roseilts„Siddons, Sheridan and Garrick, are vessels of the largest :claxs•, zed Tucson!, . • Your& Malfitaitc)(r ast abotit to enter lir< disease sheds a heart isoihnig . bli Cover the , fide prospects of Me fa ture...4yrAix beetle ko n gb Ala • feeble Slabs tell .of your lost ofitope,bot you need not dent:mfr.:: There . is a balm which will heal Me wounded.langs,,ltik • Shextuan/s Mrs. Amnia, • the wife of Wm.ll: - Ritiree, E..m. was givenby•Dr: Sewall of Washington,' Dra. Roe - and McClellan of 'Philadelphia, Dr: Roe and De:Mott ofNew • York. Her_ friends all thought she must dia:' She ,had • every appearance of being. iniOntammtiou: and was so pronounced by her physicians 7 Shermaa's Babani - Wai given and hewed her.- ' • Mrs. OWLAXlttivrz, of Dull's Ferri, Was ilia Cored of 'consumption by this Balsam when nll other remedies failed to give relief—ehe was reduced too skeleton. •• Dr, N: C. Castle,' Dentist, ^SSI Broadway,, has witnessed its effects in several cases where no other medecine alfOrd-* ed relief—but the Balsam operated like &charm.- Dr. C. also witnesredits. wonderful eaccts.in. curing Asthma, which it never fails of doing. Spitting • Blood, alarming 'an it rimy be, is effectually cured by this. Balsam. It heals the ruptured or wounded blood.veascill i and "lakes _the :lungs sound tag*. . Rev. Ifstratr.Joszs, 109 Eighth aveinte, wits cured of cough and catarrhal affection of 50 years standing. The' first - dose gave him more relief than all the other thedi 'tine be:had ever taken.. ,Dr., L. Beals, 19 _Delaney street, gave it Urn sister-m.lm who was laboring wider. COnsumption, and to another sorely afflicted • with the. Asthma: - In both cases Its ennui were immediate, aeon restoring them to Comfortable health. ' . Afro. Lucas-Tin \Yuan, 95 Christie-it.,. suffered from Asthma 49. years:. Shennzin's .Balsam rencied her at once: andahe is comparatively well, being enabled to subdue every attack by a timely use of this medicine. Thnt_indeedis. the sjecaurcatedy-km Coughs.Colda r Spi ring Blood; Liver Complaints, and all the affections of the' throat, and even Asthma and Ccuniatuption.- . . , , Price 25 cents and St per bottle, • • • -Principal °Sum IDG NlULllallattrei.Neto, York. . LikewtseDr, Sherman's celebrated Congh,.Worm and Camphor, I.oseugea. • Premium Tooth Paste. and Poor, plans Plaster. Sold.whalesale -and retail by. WM. JiCKSON; at his . Boot and Shoe Store and Patent MedicineWarehouse,' 99 Liberty street Pittsburgh,.head of - Wood street,, and by the following duty appointed 4gentff for Allegheny A. M.. Marshall, Allegheny. city; .Janatlian • Ghriest, Manchester; J-R. Jacques, Birmingham; A.. S. Senn Wylie street; G. hlustin, cor. Webster et. and Elm; Daniel Negley, Fast:Liberty; if.. L. Mitchell, Wilkins burgh; Thos. A Wan, Sharpsburgh; Sarni...Springer, Clin ton; James fil'Kee, Stewartatown; Jahn ;Black Tonle_ Creek',_C. F. Diehl,..Elixtdands; -Rowland t. Son, ,M'Kees port; .hicEldowney, Bakerstown; Riley ~,•M'Langhlin, Plumb Townnhip;Wns. J. Smith,Temperauceville; Jas. Fulton, Tarentunu G.ll. StartiSewickly. mat9 , ls'. I Vit (Wk: TF4'IIMON !—Dr.. W. Latunt,.of FaTeue -vine, X., soya; "I am well-remanded,-and have& been for some time, that your Domestic Vegetable Villa GTO •of heal IMO ;001/1 those who may'llave occasion to asatheut, and hove administeind liiem to my patients."... Fever and iligue,.Dyspepsin and Bilious F'ever,llll3 mediately cared by tha use of Dr. Ralph's Pills... Pric er 95 cents .11 box. Sold wholesale and retail by • • -. .":, . • - . • 5..1. CUTHBERT, .•• •..1 . , • . . • snsitbfield Street, near Third., • Alsp,.by Wm. Colo, Allegheny city; J. G.- Smith Bit ii4pghamt rond•rohn ArCracken: flab Wait.. • feta- • Jaynes , . Vaintly-ltledtelltee r - • • Fiat. S. S. COOK;',Piquit, , Ohio, write., ?Quell; 18 , 10: nave used your Termiruge, , Carmaraire-Batsfr*• and Expeciorant,du my practice,' for the last three years,* and have been exceedingly well pleased with thera,•and , natter, as yet,4omy recoAleotion,•failea id: realizing- my, fullest expectation. in their • curative pri.perties. - Your other medicines Icannot speak of front experienee; bag; ludglififfieni.tliate I hefts used, idonbZuot bat that they' chum, and are entitled.to all the confidence repoecili in! :them, by those who have used tnetn. I was Mirmarly: very eindal lasts** Vermitagei,nntil I • beciuticacquain Led with yours , Which hiss my-decided prefrrene to any othiti,now In use. • : . Reesecuielly, youni t S. 9., B. COON, AL P." . Pone* 03" , tr a t i t Pittsburgh at the Pekin Ten Store, 72 , •••i . : ; • . -febls, 1 3 . A. - PARNEt3TOCIUS COUGH SYRUP , - , This pre; •S i Ar 3 ation hos proved itselfto be of very great ey in 'Care ofebstiOnt6 Coughs; Cold., Asthma, Spit.. tin lood,..Whoopiniy-Congb, and' other PheutnonfC Aghetions; and the. propnetars Teel warranted fn raeom4' Mending it as safe and useful medieine,hnd are pie) phred. to, show' certificates Of Indisputable antborityi fn. , ) It is pleasant to the taste, and Is offered apto lor . rmice 1.1 lo Wade 'it. Within the tedeb hvaiir Orton. , Thro 'are, perhaps's, hatless. Cougtspreparations that wilt 'pits. , data ettch.Asaided effects in• suet 'tkolictrythae:._ t01 0 4.4 1 ) 1 5.kr ' ki/T , 4 ilia wood; ills*, comer:of Sixth -and . 3fr001111114 ,, Iti• •,* • "••• ,r. deela. , ;TVIritAL.PIPS' Ciassaana Vacatrzaas 'Prim are Kr aate,wbolesale and reran) nape; L 2 : 4,01 '1' • •• • • .• • • :NO.A4llsidadleld sa Alga, by War. Cole, Allagiteay•eityrl:os4llasidirßir 'lldolluun;Jolut McCrar.kan, Perin svestiPilth Ward. • • . . 427 uaer :13ROWiiiS T. CORNER LP SEITHRIELD AND I 7 HJRD t. BROWN &COVAM; P PROktIETORs, •• N. B.4—Good.Sus6Ungsstsoched (AIM+ hocuser. KEB-"4001. b . l i t fi rm o, y ang:A . l4 , loi. 30 C.. 0 Ulf '' 1 .1: . '.5 7 .1.46bitrai :dlia&Viii) . • • MM=M APTur..,o4;shbgntei t ., 4 . - • CREAltrzt, Zettieleie,:eorgle - rer X./ , "end 'reetorMitihM Hdir r . , This ' Crearni When once anow,nilireenecdaiiU ether arti- 1 etch O the cir to-la - use:, --Whereo n , ht,i,m, dead I harsh, thin, unhealthy, not tornisitt tali a ievr epplicaq done makestie hair soil and dark ; an d gwe it a bean.; it - Maintain; itstlltelinese and healthy color, twleella lehtes itirthei trzeparritiont ;that ate otromilly nsed.' Mere CM bins; thin, or has fallen 445'. it , Ivey be witiored-liy using - I*i Dretinr: , Every lady andtrolitleeicursvlOhi- in the hribitl4l using oils ou their hair should at ,orice purchase a bottle oft the Chine Hair Criamj'sas is go compmied thetitevillt not injure she.hitirt like-the-other prepatationi,•blitnillt beautify it, andc Orive; , 3iirfecyssturfnethtnlitt , err 111.4 trumee....uk r. , • . .4 . For testimony to Its -very superior qualities, see the fora .letter, { lowing froir tEa7gev. Tifr7. — CaTd - weli tO *cm; Ile nileriihtitt Stretch; Nashvill e, :, . general ttireaut ter the • Sotithent States ' -" '''• • r.frg rpffhe Rev:. a. Citicrurin - P.;seir &Anna thorrminaint rkenearein adding my teelihnonY it'favniiiftlio excellent preparzion called Jr. Parish's Chinese Hair Cream,- for, about two years ago my-fair : ll4 very Airy, brise, an disposed to come otit;:bitt luimng . procared a bottle of the, Cream; and insOd accordhimto the mese:4o:l,#.! 5,.):,.7••W elazt c , irdl; and Snn- to the bead . . - Nosy halsePs and 'Oda :were apPlWiectleti leayingpy hal; in a worse, clinic 111E01 befo . ,Fe. nte Erenm, hawever, ben:tnet ity,expeo -• As an taile reedit:. over all Others, being delicately perfumed and not dip. posed to ritneidity.- The . ladies,especialy, will find the Chinese Cream to be a desideratum trultetc preparuPons &Title , _ ftenmetfaity,Ac.., • ' . • • lnaki JanuniYi; . . . whOlesale and4s4ilju_kitistiorgh, by Ansi m. 'Fownsond4.s hl h' ?oedittohler,e_onter of E. Wood andFilllitte'. • " tetka&ar-lr • . • LADlES:tire' Cainbinia:aga'insitisingCainthon PIFP.a• kid Chalk: They die notlivrate how frightfully Iwo.' riot= iris to tkeilkln !how coarse; tiara rouglritiow sallow, yollovv, and tthbealthy Ike, skin .appeara utter. ithiag.pre pared - Besides it 141 injtirichtuk, containing a large quantity . of. lend! r.Weihave preparcita-beaullinl vege: table arnole, which we call. Jones' Spaaish' Lilly White. Itlif perfectly ifiricicefit;.being purified•of all 'ffelotetiMis qmilities„and it ; imparts. to the ; skin alabaster,blear,lively 'while ; .at the same -tithe netiug as a cosmetic on she skinjmaking ii•ibftlind•sniooth,'". • Dr. James ,Antlerson, rar. c pheuth!toGiragslitlni seitii,tlays: "After analy sing - Joii es' Spanish tiA Lill yll'hite, fi :the aussfbeautifal and traltuiti,Suill'at . the same time innocent, white. I ever certainly ciniCerideielitiously'recohtmen•d It. vie iititil all-wh ose: skin cequiresbeantifyiog?? PriC62s.ceiturritmO,DirietiOns —tlfebest way to apply Lilly.Whitc, or Wool;..-the torrneris preferable.' - A MAE SET ov Twit- nog •25: clirric."-Anafte teeth,. foul breath, healthy gums. Yellow and onliwilthprretb,; alter being'onde tvrice . Cleaned w'rth lonee Anther ; T'Nth°lac .have t h e aPpeAralthe .0f ,llr. ARM beanliftil , Ivory, and, at the same lune so k perfectly innocent: and exquisitely fine; that Its eonitaatdaily!use. is highly advantageous, even to those teeth that are in good condi': tion giving them a beautiful, polish, turd preventing a ; kiresittinxrei deerty.iT Those alreaily ,, decayedsfe'prevents .from imp:ming worse.-it also . fastens such as is becoming , '!dose, and by perseverance it will render the fonlestteeth •• delicatelYwtatei and mak - eche-breath deliciomily Price 25 or 271-cents a box. • M 1 the above are said 'only! nt 4321thatliam the American nagle;Keir 'York," and by the appointed Agents whose nainesnppiaritt the Wax You siistitv, mid vein riblihnsiiiind;laffyi "Your ; fyceis your-fortune." cliet beautiful, (elm:Lei , lair? ;-11 1 it • white! Irtiot, it can be made so even though it be yel low, disfigured, stinbann, tanned and freckled. Thous ands have beetkmade thus who have., washed omit or twice with"Jones' Italian Chemical Soap.. The. effect Is glorious and magnificent. , •Dut be Sure you get the 'genii use lanes' Soap, at the-sign of the American Eagle, es Chatham street. liing-virtrmiSalt-thennt'Scurvey;Erysfpelat,•Barli r's Itch, are often cured by Jones' Italian Chemictli Seep, when every kind of remedy has failed. That_it „ c ares Tritapleir,TreekTeS,liiid' fitelars•the Sold at the American Eagle, as , Clittifitim'stheet. ,Mind , reader, thisbeldom or never faifs. , ••• ••' -• ' • - • • • C. INGLIS, le, • patter:low ' ' Sold at Acisixa's Liberty , st.; toad of Wood,' Bi o s of ONE DOLDAN TWELVE AND A lIALE,.CENTS. --Illarriagr,Corefularilett:,-Any lady between tiVen'; ty and thirtyoiosscosing a symmetrical &nil, goad.; fee tures; de:i'm laded confidentially, can she suppose tiny twin-Could admire her while she has such yellow teeth; such sallow, rough, ,coariteekin; and such 'dirty, bad, wiry hair; When; by spending above sum, she might havedelieette white teeth, - a pure' seSeet breath, nail a beautiful head 'of hair. "'She' can have beahilfal white teeth and -sweeibrcnifiq- using a 2s:box of .foleev Al* ber Toota.Paste; d shin white y pure and apotimmas snow, by Mang a eaku of the •genruate'fones' Italian Chemieal Soap; - and a beautiful head of hair by vising a as. bottle of Jones' Coral Hair llcaoralire." •.Do not form en opinion agert . thikbefora you ttry, or joi gill regret it; but'be care to ask for Joata'artiulest. Said - only -la New York tg.C.buthamm.:: Par StaajlT. ,, ' ; z-.:; Y. !frk-VAL: JACKSON, :Agent & . - st,Pitantgh. tittiCEII,,SCRCIFULA. Asp GOlTS:liinpfe ex .l4.ur iieSioned hoe proved that Ito combination of mealy have ever been so etrienelons in removing the above dis-. easesompILJANNES.A.LTIMATINE. has dibbled c u -regiro l l_tlelclll .. lAhntg , not only of Cancer.and other As cases Of s=l.class hat Imsremoved , the :most .stubborn. :diseases of the S kin, Swellings, Dyspapsnai , :liar medicine exam Into the cireutituon L p.utheradieates eases wberover kt, parifies. the Vinod out other Binds femoves.obstroction.in the parestr the. skimiind . reduceii enlargemsnt ofilni,glindi or bones, tile creases itis appetite,. remove beaditcheanddrmsai nesit and invigorates the whole systim, and Imparts nni niatiorj to thidiseasedand debilitated constitution. ; There is nolluag superior 10 . it in the Whale inateeiainelApa., t Is perfectly...safe and extremely Pletikuti;andbas inithiAg of the di s agas tin ginuseii aceinnpanying.theideanfewai . Towintmedieke, . . . . Thifr FOr . kale la Pituitiaegfela gke P. .174 STORrt iarth it.; near Wriiid. •-• . ' • ' mar3O '• • A:lfteolps :for Atte-littnsoms flair MO. FORCE ITS GROWTH AND HEALTR,-RIAKE 1. FY - SOFF, SILKY, CLEAN - AND,FlNF,—Persons in consequence: of the Many' ttilnes'i'old . , 4 set down every. article; (be it ever - so 'good,) 'awe 'humbug: If riebiale could be made to•ttyti 3s. bottle of Acme's Coril Hair RA szortuive, and sed bow it makes dry, rusty, red; light hair moist, Solt, ouburn and dark, and keeps it so ;.stitti by its cite for sometime, causes it to &mi. naturally benuuful; if people'could see the, number of poet respectable •ine: eh:inlet that we •ie; (aye, and find It.'dnvehthpestthing they can use,) fordresstug andbeanufyiug_the.Bair, for keeping it soft and in ordluellittat 'ROM; as tang as any , other article made; and " • • • •-"' Forces it trikroatc 4 sloftstincllhnint, :And editslttt3 shillingstotry. • • • We foniterly.sold -nothing less than SI bottles, but we wislipeople totryit. Sold only nt (mind EcIJ Clunlunn street, New York, and by. = marl(' • •• • Whl. JACKSON, Efl Liberty kV, I I TIW111110:siY tor Dr: Willarivaramily llledi 411,..e,ine5.-Thitinderaignedicititeris of Pittsburgh, hav-, ing personallk used Dr. 'Milord's eriedtat Agouti) - . tiire,andelperienaediti tionefic int e ffec ts, donsolit cheer- recoramend it as safe and et:Theo:int! hi all eases. Speakihg from experietWdi we, believe that it hainio su perior;rund would eacinainend its Use to oil the afflicted.' 'DHARLE.B•LEWIS. Pittsburgh, March 15th . ISIS: - • ••••••• •• 1. ••• 5.01 , 1 by- Sehootimaker &.Co4.l6llrilltifi, 'James A. Jones, J. If:Cassel, John r,sp i i.,,,,lF.V....awyden,,` 3. Mohler, Ic•Snowdelt. • "'. . ••• ap2r • k] . LAS,' Barber's Itch, Chap, Sore• Secy. -Thit 1a used tit many physicians this curatkinnithit abore, - and we- would not conscierielemilyeellVidess - tre 'Ajieisifit to be all we state.' •- • ' - • • !*JUta*Voimetic, the true . JONES'S. SOAP is ps . ibipiti the' 'Only article. eVer knovin• that retnoved - itupupties; and . cleared and beautified - the 'skin, making 11.34, clans; : smooth and white as an infants: Cutmind, it Is sold at (12 Chatham 814 IC 17.,-and by... -- :-• - • • - • WM:•JACRSON, -Agent," . .mtir2.s - • • ' 55 Liberty streetyPittibutgli•: CONSUMPTION seizes more Victims ,thius • a n y:other VV discsid lit our' codntry . young'," th e old, the' benutirel.and gay; ire all alike subject to its invidious ravages,•end many a hectic cheek has been supposed to bitiont with the glow Rut every case ortgi nktesln-a Old and a colighz-pekliaps' deemed lin.wortby. of rittentlonatfiritl—atid . only Met ;wills' reniedieti : When too tha, fi rat• SymplcinieWilh . .oatOUs core.. and makel e httruediate Oscar the Cough 13alsant of Fuhnestnet, &Cm; tithieJi Will certainly cheek its funkier PM,lleraiinnd.ieddrol.l6l.luilamed 'organ's:to:when/Mit.' action: , . • • :20/4We Eir FAFINESTOEK. and Woc4stal ulloOcoriter lith s add 'Wood. Abell - afgetatnen tar JoininaryilrtithDe;`,,,,: ATM., A. Suilthfield . street, ; '. : Et; third door:above Ser.:ad.street—' , - GodeY's' Lady's. Book, unusually' largo, • with iii "a tractive engravingsJihe literary dein:trio:lent of the high-r est order for this NO., commeileitig o'neti Totem:. Sartain's 'Union Magazine,- beradifuffy embellished, and comprising ; l3l) pages of reading Mutter, all original. Grah'am'sMagazine, illustrated with four beautifulen- gravings site, a full double number. • • ' • ,Poems Af•John.quincy.:Adams with Iticitieet•Of his; Life and Character. -• • ; k . ,; ' Drilled Defence of lite' Ortutt:Street Baptist Church, againsttheahruge of corruption, in the admtaistratiemOf 4er dischkiina; published. by onderef.theXtiOrat:i.- J T.i Rose and Oeruude, ortheldystenons Wedding Arantt-1 laded from bleipreoqb of liodolp,he Tolifferi An IMpitilal Account of the Life of the Rev. Aohn.N. NalLt—attarrat . ive of his first marriage;alsee second;,with Ma n y . pOrticuratektevei.beitire pablikhed c9P4'10e:. 1 4'.• sreorgittiPpardi . • Mary' Barton,"li Tale ' of Mittehester Life, England; published . by the. Harper. • Jub.ttn.Do Cliffard,;oraVoriuuds Love; a nominee OP &MHOS and Tears; illustrated. - • 'Aug'ilitur. Ltikore; or - the. Life"'of Beauty; by the ' author of tbe.rdt,lireach of ilsolnisi's, ite:, fee; •• • • . The 'lloachbaalqor Um' Belf'Ringer•of Norte' Damey by Victor Hugo.. , 'LOOM. .'• - • Suttee to the: rubtap: - • TlLlE•sabseriber informs gejjewilli...iiii ir . ..L'Housekeepertrandirataill Onreeta.partlaularly,Shrif, he is- itireimitinuingthe. Queenrware • busineti, sell off his p!eseuf stock at' tetfuepd :price s. ,Those who, wish Mobley% China, Queerthertie, t Gl a s s,;*illNodlpie a rare opportunity for getting such ardeleirjat two watat; . urea cheaper than the usual 'mice: • • - • - . • • Remember the' pIaee;CHINA: klAlLL;Wi.",•,llll:llahit.. street; near the Anetioir store: • • .'• •• • • ,; • , a. dispose'of. tozyiliole tto ery..Retieg, .1 wishing to . btijtji, janaaf , • NOE: AIETTV . I• •. • - r.• L.& • 110 . VORIVER, OR. PENN...AMR:MN .CLAIR:STAIMETS L - L I RESH OYSTERS: Gatr4..ailCkee4E derienttr'ef j: the season the' mirkerstffotdi, - serveer.tiPi - at4e_ '.shortest notice; ;and Jfi ttie.seilt best ItYle:. elLoyee fateorttp 'dna. arranged Inthe,beit.itder, undei .the men.. 'ageltient of fsep27l 7011. N • 111.. CA MPBELL. staid Ptio DtatailfilatittlXjr rsabiesibett have enlaro4llthdr.Fteal:antil o* - 7 . matioractoryi on the earner of CRlEtarWitteel l :tag r tiag alley,Pitth Ward; - Pittsborgh, - by a.teetiiiewtoa;•.!;: 'Dog, k t on „ mato; varti ng /titmice, (ornate - and a tikhamtnei.r..,." — • Sabserilier resides, ;Mother with the unprOvementa; -Their , Steel, noW Or Wiametiot quality, 'mid haviher, 'thereank.eittatted;on ; Sixth street, near Smithfield, front- ensreed eampatent operativeS, therare prepated;to thSF , 44 ring Oa Szzlfilt• IWilpi - and la.dePtb on Cherry. alley .140 ' Dish Files of every description, that-will gompstri:Withi p ea fee t„, Thiagrop arty 40 Wdmitahly: situated for is 'Hotel or the best iihthirthil ditiele ;:undlthlfig de takinthed gittlth r Pabl ia maqi:!loacqqta.ias ,a half. square- of gamed; sir • :it the interest orall Willi Bile' itt ithy,troy; . thiliatt• at might be divided inta la,bailding loth of !Alters , . shiath'fibitrthatirofiey will We t- Whir Pitek -nt:Te - daaetl," east on Bivb,groeti by. VW feet deenisualli lab vrith a priees,:for Cash. They will also fronts); i feel eub 00 cheap sihsr:bylolOee deep? chase thoWswhichnitatoritatuibtokado!Pfibliti rani. .; ILWALT9ItTEH:ngge tsysspectfallyinvited, ~% ===Ml .I , .:L'Orqgc,okfikNTingt•T; 'PRE' ORE 4.T Rig= ROY 00-NATICRIe •ALVlGAiVirLipinented fr 910,61: Stroll.ipßentay.4 • 1 redo bb oid.ine itffrate To• -rum ea=,'te c#rtili. andleftifillikr chire - ifor gpritinir,_Stritiftiti CttbOnalses, :Scoldsi-Hurn*,,Tetter, '.W• *Pew* , 13 " 1°. / read d. eltr ni `R=F;ictiligh,Almiluaruntroint Sore , Threart, rif ea ' rsyrrt Elatelatme,lllcers, lever Boras, soot ',..,.. ../. 0 '-• ~..4NFLinhaltr &TORY .ELEIL'ULDAT/102, --,11; . :w.billit-ifieldelet. its-effects in a seirprislug raw:o 4 V ' , '"3 , lt has never yet -failed • when rweil izenindingta ripes t none. Rend the:following r• - - -•- t - .. ‘', .- . • • MANCIIIIIIMI,IAIteghenito4Re4, ' ••• :- ~ •'-,-. r • . . • , -'. . November , 18,1840: , .-5-, S This fit to-esti:loli thar my wife, Margaret (Haien, uras 'cured of a Rh eumaticCim,plaint of sevenyeaketenodinfp by . which sbe Wtl4lsolame as to be obliged tome:kennels es..,,ltt oneneek she was cured by tieing Hie, 4Ciwidan 011, and ceoldWalk About as usual Within+ heremtchte. ' -30 N ATEIA-N_SCH,...RMST:I The following iscommunicated_LLSlT , svilsishatirdr• Jackson', agent for Stenbenville,,Q.sl t ..a,ejr",,,,, , r - i.irt• ...., 1 -. • A:gentleman near Ste ttbenvilleysSitif ps, , .. to put eithapofibia feet ,to the grim lisflilitrlf. _La ' .-tionsesitterteaofilaareneas i fn. tbe,Mitt: ellPaAlealkin , bent enabled to walk two miles tO a Ackyrcel4:oos, 444.e1r. .4 -: . . likewise, a- euvereigu remedy foe „ ' =. : .- '.....t A i• '', • 'lts P . ..CONTRACTION , O THE r? : TIM follosifingli enni munioated*ter:i . . illa:t Ni l'lnckson's agent for Ste altenviller • .• '.. :- ~ . • ~... :' .. :,. 1 , A - lady Ihluditig in.SteubenvtUe; ne',l4tir n i „ tr*l4- btutd.was so contracted as to deprive . herof.l.lo.l4ofil COT thirty•fire years, wuseedirelY enceik Ititlie 1i14,900 • bottle of the Otl, so thin 81101141 w, i' l e,,tb e _,p e4 , * ) , Ai doit„ , herbrind flay equal to - the other •whigh had , neve r. OfeCtell*V lgr ikhksalb-hett Annal t o y s lii:sciiind.iind*.it ; plemmut in the sift% and henallielm!Of . : ~. A • ' 't , • •-, ~,, IA ..,. ••,, eif . in all mums natorpnieldlylll99l3A, hl. e- '-.., ,_ ~..,fp ••rii: __...st . 'A,lndy. resi ding tISAIJegnallY clI9 WrgStiltletwlltY.lVl7 . of obstinate deafness, ofyears'Aoutinnance;lty,Ate* of less than one bottle of the Oil 'so tbm sfm,4l44J: ~ bearOttetter Rum she had overdone before, _,... ~, 5 ry , A, gentleman:well known iri pit:Share's:wait ,eureft-Atl • deafness of', nine w ell 81alubrufaijI the; ases9CAlil Ounntity of.J GO he - .:rho. nomoc.ind • reshienpes ,or • !tidy and gentleman will Initiyeinin botie Wisti,dmili . et the office of the tulvertiser. • ---- • -,.. ' • • - -Its propertles.are-highlyderalokditktbaittenslusild .• sarynnagly speedy cure of -o[cases of.; , ~ A , _ii . r.„:-.i:'r . - CHOLIC, CRAMP,AND SPASMS:. ...,..,:,..:•., ' '. Several cases of eramgr alone hare been nforms* lased by tine dose of. the Oil,, in , the short- space-01;hp • animas; when the parties have been agonized.willriatim idriturativeltropenies have been tern arkablr manifested kin'tmiA , tt'fir•DISEASES RV , TILE SPINE. ~., , - - - Aludyi - the wife of a planter iu Kentucky( was curve - Uffectuany of one or' Abe worst eases of diseased Sputa, which. had: oonfined her to heribed_for et considerable timei Ire:which she, could. not tutu- herself. It is. , also a sore remedy and perfect care for pains in the small of the INFLAkIMATION .OP, THE. tf.DNEti& - „Read Vie following: ; -, . ,'. '.... 7 ,.. :, ': ./,‘'''', ' ' ' '• .' •-•• ~,'. .. • ' ;• .PlTTi2Nilii;H:Dre• /lit IS4iIJ, Thi/CiA to certify that I was. afflicted with g, real Pain IP the small of my bulk and kidne ys, which a Ilectentne so mach that Leonid not'stand:upright. .13Y : rubbingg exit ) nally, and using half* ir.stspoolual internally otgbt - And Mommg, I was entirely cured. JOHN RIDDLE, '-'-,. - . - neriVii,i,grn7:AiiialichVii6,;wr •,a .J Alga nd emtur Of Pitnbargh;.afilicted Aoritb a snolent in flammation of the kidneys-the . paid o f nhieht caused him to 'faint-was cotupletelyetared,liallrred day* bythe mie . of the American Oil: • • -: -••-••• --..---t- . . The fidelities or thiii -:-:- -, . ;' ii 'll •;.S l'.l .19 •,:y . NATURE'S ' OWN - REMEDY -, ' T• t. F . ill ektterTitlY•Perleilllting and ainfildburanatory; tenni +Manny is confidently recommended as a siaveremirein. edywherever inffatnmation exists; either external prin. terms]. •llsed immediately rifler a cut, bruise or wound, it willeurn and prevent . .. ' : .., ..- . '..- ~ .i ..., •'•'-'....• GANGRENE AND.MORTIFICATION .:: . . s li bait, in addition, been founds salutary, pleasing sad ' effective remedy for thine veryrrupleneard and inroare• lent diseases, A •- • .'A .. GRAVEL AND _ URINARY cp4113,4m176, ; tzr Price, Wrenn pe - r t! bottle. . t . - . . - :. - . , . Catation-rl3e on Won fflll'avii.": ••- • The. sutpriaing exCellen nd. ce agrarring popuntrity„: the Amenconoii, has induced Some Othhottest Vitt , pains upon the pablic, miserable imitations : .11111.1 stainable IntliCl nal for lhelunil.9 9r4.1 . 4*04...:e.up.: . wary, and defrauding the ropnetor. • ~- .' .: .., - • In order to ire sure.of obtaining the gelidifie, * ecneti: ~ the, following rota mintos r . . . . bead of. that the name .Wor....lactison, ES Libriryst: bead each bottle, st..?! is printed on the 'label of:the wrappa; of each bottle,. to imitate which is : felony. ~. . , ... tki: That cacti bottle is:inclosed in a pamphlet catminn . ing full directions for use; and also containing the name and ruldress eif Nor. Jackson,,General Agent for; tkei proprietors; likewise, the name' and ddress of the; We prietors, D.Hail It C 0.., Kentucky... ... .:.„.,....z...,..,.... • • - 31. Purchase emir of the adverilteir:iiyentsPlikef' whom have a eliowebill, on which is printed deinantellaf • the Proprietors and General Agents-thusi , D.liall &C. 0..; Propriettni f Kentucky. , Wm. Jaskion, Pittsbingh, Piti General Agent for -Western •Penftsylvanla, - and pan of Ohio and Western' Virginia; aid the printers'. -names-. Itl'iMillia .k.Sh .n'ock, Pittsbargh-printed , ht the-bdutan of said show bin.: • r .' '.'... ~.., i''„ ..-.., . _. 41b. Phiserve-rtie.gennine tirneriatig . . Oil is or a, dray green'color, without auy sediment, ftudito specific grad's ty tighter than wate.r., the c'o nrrf iii ete.nicettly of a black - color i—ecnne white;-like f)pi nut ofi :nape nti no, said. to be refuted and elarifiediT t!otkie triirarno other,eammon tilif;.and one nlitaiitkilithr locking mixture p Urporung to thaw Raul t'ai.,•sPtitsh deg a and Allegheny Lbspeusary.,Co.n: Nont,oftlesei..C.oo4Z terfeits possess either Om virtue O's• the p ower of :the'trus etiltErtiCAN OIL- • : -- - • - •- • - - V1.4)41 lAtiC43 . ok General and SMe 'Agent for' the:Proprietor stbrn PansYlvenin, Westatt and ' l4oi t heth ' lMl6 4 and by the frilleivi n gtuAtyppoittledirt,ll.llogbelf elunty - Pa.e - ' . t4.!ru-'• R. Jonathan:olmeg, ittateheater: - ''; • • :AletittuderokstialeiWylla strt eb ' • • , H. Jacques,-....tmungham. Wren. I.South, Temuonuicev 1113. H: Stare, Sewickley. ' Edward Thompiton,AVilkinsburgh.; ; t•:AlkAietNegley,'East Liberty:, ;-; ...111. Witlibushilrgh. . • ' Thomas tkikin;Sharpshurude.., su - •H. Rowland ic• Soo. Bl'iLoe-rport, . : F. Diehl, Itlixabeth. . • ' ; John 13look, Tuxtla Creek. • • •111.'Eldowny, Ilakerstotru ....—.... . • ; Samuel Springer, Clinton. ; James 111 , Kee, Stowe/mown. • • Riley ld'Lliaghlio, Plum township. J. Fulton, Tarentum. • Jeremiah Fleming, Lawien2euillo, Robert Williaina Arthursaille. .• Sig ladlktitnt . MIXONthe 'News-York Gazette, Oct.- 0, 0 11319, Cztialti 'pco un atter deservedly at th e head of 'the daily preset this try.' ' r • `• Bristors Extract of SarrapanUcr.—lt were tat hinnies'', to Call the attention of our readers thtbieinsaluableyrrep! oration which will be found advenlsed in another enlartld'. illr.'Bristol it a brother, and Isl4l/91 -a highlf•interesate newspaper, etrety now-and then, one or do numbed Of which we have already noticed; and the medleitth , itself has been ehlogised by nearly all thepress Utile leakiest,' countryllind, wedoubt tiotonstly 'Gin:arid - hi favor, , moreover, nog -nattering restimoniale'from 'the most eminent - practitunnersin every part-of the country where it (has been' 'need. ‘ There ir beauty and ;taste enough in the bottles i and in the engraced labels in whieti they ace- encelopedoo induce a purchase, 'area IF the prepamtionitself were not .one - of the Kturvenlignitat In the world,'! as every - person must believe it le—that - lei every one - must- believe 'it 11-4 hat is, every" nab 'Who would not resist amass of documentary evidenceetinoltp) :sive enough' to-convert a Lurk-to Christianity: Boy duce of the bottles,lentle reader,' Lthli'llel3 artunties-yort do'noV• agree widrus on this point: a -; • - Porsale by; -- • 'lt A. FAIINFSTOCEISecni.t Te ifeb24 . cor.of let and-Wood and dub and Woodsdifia._ M=M TIAHEIMIATISIII, 'GOUT; AND TIC oriaitolr,i•A !in, •xrespeOaLle millennia called at our offleei.sta said,tia Info*, that he bad been afflicted for , 1 2 =1 with - Rbetuainism Gouy-ntri.oreasinnally: iDoloreux ; that ho„,had. Amen frequently , : gonflned to his room for month% together, and allen.suffered.theilPollb4 tense and 'exeruettningimix hot:that lately he had been - using sjalpleS Alterattre from which he foutrd'thenlastairf val und unexpected : Ho says he found the amps 'eine ;ievy pleasant and offectipe, and. that. be Ilinv ;CMG: !side rs himself scan.. perfectly, eured.PhdadriPAla Nara • A t ", r , e'r Wort* KXotvtiro.-r;t, gentleman of .Crofujaux. hibiti from indiscretion in, his youngerdaysi.heenffle.s.(t! feetcd with Ulceration% tn . the• Throat and Nosey sad st, disagreeable eruption , of . the Skin, .Indeed, •his !whale. sistem•btira the mar k s of being saturated with.dixeann One baud and wriet were so, cinch affected that he 'kat lost'dia 'lie of the hand, every part being covered. With -. deep i . painful, and offensive ulcers. and yremas.hollipA . And porous as an honey-comb. It %valet tins stage pf hut, goiriplaint." when death appeared inevitable from° loallr-,_• home disease, that ha eatanternead: the visa of Jayne's.Al• jp lenitive, and baying iaktataiXteenbottlea. is Dose iverreli 3 The Alterative- operates Omagh the- a'renlaillin. andz• purifies the litood . and atailidateiditerae.fromthe:astateilkl • wherever located, and. the •nntherons. cures it bitrilitstr. formed. in dhseases (tithe skin, cancer, serofflbogoavl liver complaint, dyspepsia phd other ettronie:4 truly. astonisbing.L—Sptrisof ths Timm. . IDlry %For tale In PitisburgitiOthe PEKINMEASTOgEw 79Foorth street. ...mil:v.,' ~ s , ,•••••, . . Arririal - .14'*e•;11,7,111,17004 tr.efit S . ir HODKINSON Opalied,'. rker•Aunt, IT ;; week, ;tut est assottment of l'redeti"CLUNA! ever opened- in ; 'consistingin part o- , •l?taislei-! . White, Gold Line Cold B?Od TVn Belt,on exteustms'essortraent of NV hire, Eldatmg-,Blartanrftlier,„ pool Iron Stone Wart, is Tea Setts Di la SapizAtdplekia: as- may be :required.' Aran, beautiful Ltiortatent , Candelabras and lamps,' of rbe fieweif spites 'tiatEr terns t ai tett (rota the•mannfaaturemp •L • • Ladleswoald do welt to gird fiirlaritalkdr . ' °ear • '.IW 115 Wood giasdineivbefor . • ' ' ' 'Buda!'" • Oollesiteri ' •'''~'- - •- • - rpHr, tin deil3igoefficncoorigtd by thelibertir patnint!itih••! :I_ 'of Abe tnerchams, Professional' gentliiiaeapiad me...'...-• • '. ebonies' of the city;:offess his sesvicetfbe Ike correetki r ' of accounts in the city of Pittsburgh and yip - ink:Y.', liai.:.".„ intr nnended to business of this kind Or many rearelbit'. . the Board Cif li-ade., and.being scelliespniiinad vitt; thor 'and the adjoining Cities, he feels confident' of his abllityt • to 'and satisfacuon. by prompt and, faithfat tittennoik-wl , 1 1 - bustacssentrusted.to tug' , '' • • "•--, - e . / Jel'ilo3 OALBRATti - 4 - .A1,.. tu . '1 TO be found-at _ File.' Wm. - Haw: B i - Netehlutt:TM :lelc. -- . Third Street, opposite tbe'Post Office: . ••.• ' “., . ..,. 1:! . Gabriel Adams; P. Guff, Jiecountari;, -.._ '• '1 " ...1. D7o'o;ll6E4' .- ' TAcliii 2l Scuti,hriabric,' , . t-t 7 ~ I I.!ll:3..ivinortoli; - • - Jac hicaiiityr . ancit"' -James blarstisUi ,'' - ' W.ftl: II: leafle t " . -, ...;utt ; George Giecit' '.. ' " Dr; W. 1 0 ,1:•' . 4 rig1ii,'100:. , ' , .. 7 . Dr. Geo. D. Bruce • c... Dodge. •- • - ...t ,t 1.12. Pr. %Morn; 1111 b; =ME Is