The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 05, 1849, Image 2

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    `• • Stars are keeping watch to-night,
Fleecy clouds, by light winds driven,
Sailing on their silvery light; .•
And I think, as far in ether
I behold the moon's great shield,
flo - wers the engels wreath her,
Culled Rom earth>s deserted field.
; : • -
Flowers that once loved to linger .
If:I - the:World or human love;
Touched '.by Deothes undying finger
Per 'bettor lith.above; : •
i. ph llestaral 7(Yr/tite( glory I ;
Gem lightaielhe giitierAng dome
could ye, not relate a story
• Of dm spirits gathered .homer .. ._
_ -
billy seen - Weis - weaned sailor ,
Sink bonenth the atorna-pleughed main,
pit your beams grow norbr pater.?
• Are not dews' the tears Jo rain I
When my deareed imiei.nre broken,
'• • And n l y work), jn 'derkeeen l!es,
''Stilt Ulna e'er me an:atoken
Of the rand beyond.the skies.
_~: ~;
"Poor thing! I do feel for her. Though she
lita penion I never saw, yet here seems a yase :of
.suettoppreseion on the one held, and such patient
buffering-en the'other,:that one cannot but "..:-.
:...."bb, I dare see her in the morning.,
Tor she often steals - out then, ween the Wietch,l
euppose,ta iabed." • . ' , ' -
..-,..„.' "But whit could have induced a girl 'to tie
herself to ouch a-man?" ' - .. '
"-Well,' I don't knew; the old story,
,-.- ~ . , , Ise PP°-
eeJalse appearances- a for no girl in her senses
~ • route have'married a man with his habits; if, she
bed known - of them beforehand. . There is some
aitiuMi a kintrof-infatuation about women, I allow,
'.. which 'seems to blind them to thereat character
.•-i - : ofahonian they are in love with; abut in this case
, ilidoierthink-she 'could have know q how he con
ducted :himself ; :or she certainly would' have
laitsed in- time.Oh;•tbe wretch, I have no pa ,
'‘tieriee With him!
. . .
Thie little dialogue took place in one of those:
neer,7 g e ean-win ow , . gauzy -curtain
houses- ,- which liiiriti so_ many pre y
-tt districts'
Vig ii walking distance of the mighty heart of
the -greet Metropolis, and between two, lathes, the
One the
.mistress: of, the said nice looking cottage
, -... , i villa; and the other her guest, a.,:conntry metro'',
who bad jffst arrived on a visit to her town friend
and the...object of-the cornnaisseration of. both Ww,
.:,the'oct.upant of •a larger and handsomer villaex.
atctlYoppOsite, bet apparently the abode ef. great
Wretchedness, ' -,. • '
hThe:followine morning, Mrs. Braybroolce and
er guest, Mrs.7Ciaytian, were at the windcav of
the pallor, which ;commanded,a full 'view of - the
dwelling of the unhappy Mrs, Williams; when the
--deer' geietly opened, and was as quietly ''closed
•', again by the lady herself. . -
There she is, poor soul, cried Mrs. Braybrooke;
---'' la onlyelook bow carefully And noiselessly. she draws
the gate.alter her. ~ She seems always afraid that
the slightest noise- she -may make, even in the
same; may -:Wake the lellow who is now, Idate
„,ohy, sleeping eff theOrecti of Last night's &slim.-
. ' 1
hies. Clayton, with all thagenial Warmth , of a
trely:Wpmanly. heart; looked over, and followed
With her eye-sins tar as the street' allowed; :this'
.....,Aulat-Ineicieg, broken spirited wife, investing, the
whole figure;from the neatly-trimmed straw-bon
. rietio-the tips of the blight litlle boots,' with a
. artOstinteese.and inyeterious sympathy; then fix
tog her.a,nxious, interested gaze upon the opposite
: heueePhe said:..'.
.;' . 'And how - do-they live? How do people, un
..: :der:- such, circumstances pass : the day ? It is a
- . ..thitig, I cannot cernprehend ; for were Clayton to'
~.. - act in milli I way, I am sure I could not - endure it
• a week-'
._!'"lt - does seem scarcely intelligible," answered.
Mrs. Braybrooke, "but I'll tell you how they op
;..pear to do. She gets up and has her breakfast:by
- herself ter without any wish to pry, we ran see
straight through their houso from front to back.
About.thiatime she oftmi conies uut, I auppuse to
. ,pay a visit or two ie the neighborhood, or perhaps
-Ineall Onber'tradespeople ; and you will see her
-by-and. by return, lockin- up, asabe approaches,
at the' bed-rootsl_window; and if the blind. be
draten up, she rushes in,- thinking, I dare say, to
heraelf, 'How : angry bawin be if - he comes down.
: tilidifiada thin,' am not there _to give him his
. litailliistll' SometiMes he has his breakfast a;
. .; 1- iiiiliit'one-7-at two; and 'I haveaeen him sit.
tinedowri-toit when she was having her, dinner"
'' '.. 4 .Arnt wbentioes'be have his dinner?' , . .
"Oh, his dinner; I dare say that is a different
'-_:.sort Of thing frOm hers—poor worn:,,, I - lie 'dines,
..1, - aaPpose,at a- club, or with his boon conipanions,
op anywhere; in fact, but at home." ' ' •
--...` - !"And when doer!'_ he come home, thee; genet
_ -.... .4.:Ate. all hours. We bear him open the little
~ gatowith his key, at three,. four. - and five in. the
morille,t, ' lideed our milkman told Susan that he
AS* seen him speaking in, pale, haggard and worn
, -
out his horrid vigile,:tit the hour decent pia
:::--plei-aiesiiiited at their, breakfast"
"li:sonde:l...if she waits up for him ?"
...- • ;:iioh no-'-''for we see the light of her sallies
iMiadte in her room always as we are :going -to
-bed; . - Prid.:You.arnay be sure my heart breeds for
i - ber , ;*poiii. solitary.; thiogl . I don't knoW, indeed,
'.lthat-Ifwaat - "ever so' interested about any stranger
, •ati I*Tabant this young creature." . . . .
• ~-.. :".,:Detir,'dearl it is terrible!" sighed the Sympe
tbilini,fiVirs. Clayton. •13ut does any -one visit,
iliens?! 9Taie they friends, do you think?" • -
"I dan't think sic can have many friends, the
heartlektallOW;' but thereare agreat
, .. .• •
~ • pie eallnag=stylists.people,, many pee
too,--an carriages, and ' litie Refiring Admintstiratton.
• there he is, the wretch, often with 'lds
o hallslept Oh Saturday evening, the 3d of March, President
-- look, smiling and handing the ladies, out as if he el k
took farewell of the White Bo e w hich b
• - ' Were the most exemplary husband in the world." - . US
' e
._.. , . has occupied tor the last four years , The men who
e Has she children . ? . I halm she has,
,as they d - • _, . '
have Jrected the affairs of the nation; during that
Would sensate her in his long absences - ..
" „No;evea that comfort itidenied:her; she has period,semarks the. Baltimore Republican, certainly
deserves' well or their country, and of the civilzed
no one to cheer her; het own thoughts must be, her
, .
i _
g eompardons at times. But perhapsat s a 'world. They have performed their trust to the sat.'
blessing, for What kind of a father would such,:a lafaction of every unprejudiced mind; and though
man 'audio? Oli,l should like - to know her; and they have been, and may yet be, traduced.and viil
yet-f-dread any ac ,and her husband; fl e a; b y
, ey must receive,
unprincipled.politician s th •
13 rhytitooke,-: you _know, would n't know such a
tn6tLo ~ , , , , , . - from the Willa and good-of their own day, and from
~-... "MytlearlilarY, you bare made me qu i te met _ an impartial iiteddlayriminating posterity, that praise
ancholyi let Lisp out. You know I have -much and . tbatrenewn which incorruptible integrity and
tossee, and•many people' to, call upon; and here extraordinary wisdem Only can elicit. ,We speak nn
Wf.t.: i are hissing the best part of the day in some- . more than the world-already knows, and what eqery
thing.ncii much removed froth scandal ." ''• honest rile must aeknowledge when we ea tha t
The ladies of course set out, Vaw alltbe "loves Mr. Polkei adininistration, though surround Y ed by
of inmeem". istßegerit 81Teet; all rhe "sacrifices';
more than ordinary difficulties - has been distinguish.
- that, were being , voluntarily offered -up in Oxford ,- , . '
° ad throughout by a strict- Sense of honor, by pro. Streit; . bdughtra great many things for "less than
half the original cost." made - calls . .laughed :and den se" wisdom' and the m ost ccu mmma le Itate marl .
chatted, ttiay a .pleasant, exciting day for , the ship. Difficulties which for years have been pend.
country lady, who happily for herself, forgot ii ing between oar own and foreign nations, aed.whiph
Ilfebustleithe drooping, crestfallen bird who was defied the exertion; of Previous administrations
:fret ad. ting it4elf away in its pretty cage in -.. 'properly ave to adjust h been' amicably eettled•upon
beat day, a lady, a friend ofMd. Clayton,
terms that . secure to ueevery thing whieb our pea.
who had been oat when she had left. her'card the
- Tb ii
ple deem consistent with their-rights Or their honer.
- ;day
An exteasive war has been waged against a neigh;
beftire; called, - and alter chatting for Some
time, turned to'Mrs: Braybrooke and compliment. hol'ilig nation, 1 wbose insolence and perfectindiffer
- ing her upon the 'situation, of the house, "I find," 'mace to, the rights of our citizens, or the honor of
=of are a neanneighbor of a dear frieed . our flag, Were anbehieble,l with the most en arab.
-or lane, Atra- Williams. ' hied SOCCeete ' The rights nf our people haye:Pbeeti
_a•..aMis.'Wdliental", exclaimed both her hearerei protected on land and sea and our country's honor
Pale' with - excitement and eutiositYi '' .Mrs. Wil.
triumphantly V indic4ted,a ' fid., upheld. Europe bee
%Hamel Oh; hoW' very singular that you should
know : her,- poor- miserable' creaturel , Oh, dO tell been elettrified .by oat' , unrivalled achievement's in
.tut about !Li- - ' -
.. the field,andthe reputation, which they havoestab•
"Porliserahle I-' What canyou Mein? You lashed for.'thil abroad; - will ahield us, in ell time to
mistake x - rs. i lams is, the , appiost little come; from the necessity ef an appeal to the sword
wo g in London!
on against =position or nen t. An ez
al* cosset be the s ame , " Bahl M. Bra Y- for
tended emotes--richer c than far-famed Peru in pre.
' - hniiike. - "I mean our opposite neighbor in Haw
teura iirilliti-.„. rthouge k i t cou ld not b e ~
.. clime tainends, and containing a soil and climate of
_frelawt or Valltil-,the very house. You surely, the rarest value-basalso been added todur posses-
X - enneiliSYe seen
,hir or,hir husband ; who a-..„. ~ :7„; shine, and the area of freednm,now.stretching from
',,.-...e01if,-theilreadful; Wretched, gambling felloviir the Atlantic: tothe Pacific; Mil only 'affords ample
Suchinterrupted 2,,TriL Braybrooke ; I would eft know' room to th'eteillionsOf our oviapeople, but a
a man.?''.!- --' • ' -' - ------ . , • - -, ,
• -
-, i happy end haspitable resting place tia the pentecuted
um-11in het--Mtn,:interropted her,friencliMrs.l -, i • r - - -
~ cums o tyranny - in other Mimeo. •
' iceleaball: - "lie a geed:der: .-- He la the mostix-
But, in, addition to all ibis, our, domestiC Offal's!
en:platy 'man in Londo*.a: pattern :of TeVery do.'
'inestie.virteei4-kincl, gentle:amiable, ana ss i on .: havehapti replete's! With awise and skillful hand:
atefr fond
446194,0nng wifti2,. tlis,
.7.„,...5444.e.1.-An-,,-routeie--all;, how, iqiiiiiiisay. all; 'great ineireste of 'ear country. The odious ad''
ihisc,, if , * -tintkii., Era se-teridget in the ccuerrnbn talk: lust eystitn-Of 4 ie'prothetio n for protectloe's sakiit'' sf
of t h e neighborho64 a maxt , lost to every sense of ba s been die by one better calculated te, dis l .
`..'":,- f ' : - .::' ' :, .• ,
~, t ,'.t- t .`t i . ,:' ~ , ' ,Cr; •,. , 4 . , :. 4 ' ..-: ---• '. ''
;'- ~,.
131 t C. C., VAN ZANDT.
lii.tbe.atzrzo arch of henven
sx novezaes, ssimotn
. . ..... -
shame, I sticuppoie; who corrbes bome,Viis,
desolate - wife:lo4l whose.tinly oit&pible
means of I i oretrMilfting equally'
disreputable- "who.'—': t 0m ; ,.:,...
"You have been most nevons r y tms 2 e ~mgatn
interp*ti 6„-eap" hak,se.-
e groshly'slandered . my ele salient fri7iiir Wilburn's'?
He cannot help his late hours, poor fellow. That
may be safely- called his misfortune, but it is not
his fault!" and the good : tailY Warmed as she ipokei
till she - had to Untie her bonnet, and, fan her glow
ing face with her handkerchief.
- " His misfortune!" murmured .Mrs.Braybrooke.
"How can that be, called:a - misfortune which a
-Tan can help tinfday he pleases?"
"Buthe cannot help it, poor soul! '-- He qvUold
he too happy to spend his evenings' - at home with
his- dear little- wife; , know his buainess
begms when other people's is Over. - -
Thin What; in. Heaven's name,. busi
" Why, did n't you know! -He's the Enn'on
OE' 1 111OltitING. Niwskriit I" •
eije fitarning glost
MONDAY 51011 NING,;14ARGE1 - 5, -1849
. .
morning post Sob bitting QI) tt.
Stelan t .llaying added to our Estabishm a splendid
a-• -Power Printing.h weraehineiare,prepareed, to do
up kiruli of'Newspaper and Book ss'ork in a style pf an
surpassed beauty nod neatness;
„and upon: the most rea
sonable terms.. 'We respeetfolly solicit. the patronage or
thepublic in thisline of ottr business. ..
.. - • ''
A.Aitertiderd are reiltitteeteo hand iri thilrfironbtfote
4 o't ek," P. M. ' This must be contitied in order to in
sure oeferred.n insertion.' . inen r if ispossibk 7 earlier/tot/limit/el
(17° E. W. CARR, United althea Newspaper Agency
Sun Buildiitga N. F.: cotmer• of Third and Dock streets,
antl , loo North Fourth street,—isettrordYnuttuirinPAgenl
in Philadelphia.- . . • . , - ' •
. -
ir:rFor Con:morellol and iLlser - News,
, The Lateit News,
Market Reports' dtc.,
wilLbe found - ander 'Telegraphic Bead.
Pursuant to pnblie neliCe, the Democratic .Standing
Committee, met at - the house of Major Frers'stihis on the
221 h instant., and tinanimatintli adopted the following.
'Resolved, That the Itemocratis of Allegheny county arc
requestedto hold
_Primary nieetingi at the uanal places on
• Satuidayoltepttsday of March, next, to elect delegates
to t2te County-Convention,.to meet at the New Court
'lt-use, in therity Of Pittsburgh, on the following Wed
neidaY, the .21tit Of March, az 11 o'clock,to.electdele
gates to the Fourth of July Stale Convention, to nomi.
nate a candidate for Canul Coirimis.tioner.
The meetings in'the townships to be 1101 between the
hours of 2 and 4 .P.hl.; and in the wards and boroughs at
7 o'clock in the evening.
Be:awl, That the DeIIIOCTII4, in their primary meet
lugs,- are requested,to take into eonsideratio, the eoatest
now going on between lhefriends of the '=TL,,, flora
Law ".rind its opPosera. And if they deeps it proper,
auihorize their delegates to take action on it Coun
ty Convention. HENRY S. AIAGRANV,' Clem.
/cuss Watson ; Seer.
Opening of the Canals. •
Hurrisbur g, Afivreb 1, 1849.
EDITOR OF• THE Porr—Sir: ir the 'weather per
mita, the main line of Canal ho opt,, for Dan
gation on Saturday, tho irinant.
Reepeltfully, jeers '
, . TaomAs L. 'WILSON,
Secretar .
The New Administration. _
General ZAVIART TATT.Ort 5 , 011 this day be it,'
atf.orited President of the United States.
comes into power the exponent of no particular
principle& arid the adVocate'of no particular set of
opinions It is evident,' liOweier, - that his 'admin
istration will -be as .. ultra whig," as the most en
thusiaitic" of that flaky could reasonably desire.
We form 'lbis Opinion froM the known political
prejudices of the-gentlemen he has selected as his
Cabinet officer& — Not one - these "adriiers , " as
ever suspected , _
ot entertainig opinions favorable to
the:great Donecratic party of the country. They
are known 'to /e iiedded to all those obnoxious
measures; which the Federal party ? since the days
of Alexander - Hamilton, have contended for and
'adtoe ' ated.
AS to , appOintments to office ; &c., we have no
doubt btit there will ben general.disrnissal of Dem
ocrats. The guillotine. Will be put at work, and
within a month fromthislime there will scarcely .
be a :Democrat in office id the country. The new
President has said that he would leave the duty of
makingappointments to his Cabinet, and of course
they will unceremoniously, "without a why or
wherefore" decapitate every man who will not
exclaim: "great is Diana of the I ::phesians.7 Rub
tireds and 'thousands of...lean,'lanichnd hungry".
office hunters,-Wh o have been. squeaking, around
the public crib for years, must be, provided for in
some way. Toey must he rewarded for their sac.
rificesQf,tittle and expenditures Of mines , in be
half of whiggery: ,But they cannot all tig paid by
Office that's certain.' The disappOinted will out
number the appointe.dfilty to one; and then wcrshall
witness some curious scenes, doubtless! Be pa
tient,- reader--in ft few days We shall have drama,
farce:and tragedy, exceeding any thing ever served
tip in Gov. Portit's establishment, over the way.
4 - Afrti • the Wessings of government equallY to all
.. ..o!isgq€l. The idea 06,:n - 11 - nitint Statei 13aokhas
bein`rendered'wobsorrid i bo cer ency OF'odr
COunrry placed upon t4soliu'd,gpd Oiduring bashi,
triumphant oiteratioia. orithe z- Jaderiendint
kip 473uch in a brief outhwelte achievementi of the
adininistratiOn, is 'how' passed off the. stage.
They arepresented to the Omni - 1)F with an abiding
assurance that they will bo estiynated by tbe:patrint - -‘
istn no intelligence Of the Teeple in a fast and
•proper:light, and that the`measures which in them
exist, may not , berchadied wAr:light and transient
cances,”-iat cantinnetnaink deeper in the zeticeiona
orthepeopleilts, - year after year k ,iiiereased 'prore.
perity and happiness, is derived fiiim the influence
of their operations. '
. .
' The Money Poer. at Work.
From'the list Washington ExaMiner we copy the
We this wook publiah, an advertisement, AT
THE REQUEST of Geu.'..t K. Iderehead, certain
correspondence in relation to the Pittsburgh Worn•
ing Post. Under existing circumstances, it would
not be fair on our part to aceompany the publication
of said correspondence, with condemnatory: cent
menta. We have already - expressed our *vim ln re
gard to the malicious crusade - that is being waged
against the exaellentlieinoCritic paper above mon
TheAtanufactaters, “cortificatoof character t ,, is
published in the Examinerand several other paper*,
as an adpertisernot, and we do not doubt it will be
put in every tremocratie_paper in the State. Even
in Ohio thd same precious .documeet apPears in at
least one Democratic paper. We wish to maim a
rough estimate of the cost : There are.filly. Demo
cratic papers in the State. Each one will charge at
icast $ l O--mtiking the'sum Jo be paid by the Menu
facturere of Cotton and the destroyers or souls and
bodies or the operatives, amount to FIVE HUN
The people should think of this matter. It shows
the power we have to contend with. We do not fear
their numbers, for they are few; nor do we fear
their weight of character, for thimgh they may be
rich, they fortunately do not exert a great influence
among the people , of the State: Their money, which
they have `obtained by unjust legislation, and • by
working men and children to their graves, we
_do fear•—if the honest masses of working men stand
aloof and lend us not a helping hand.
Moorhead has determined to destroy every &Mid
of the Ten Hour LaW, if Money can be made to do
it. For this purpose he has gone on a mission to the
east. We hope he may ii173 1 / 1 1 there long enough to
exhibit his true character ;- we - wish the people to
flmiltim out.
The follovring is what the Washington Examiner
. nays in relation to the " Responae 1 0 of the People
to the Manufacturers Certificate : •
" Thatuands of the citizens of Pittsburgh have
pernsitted the use of Their parries as sustaining the
Ten Hour Law,'aild the manly and humane conduct
of the.' Pittsburgh Morning Pest. 9, The conspire
cy to' break doWn the li Post , P is about to react
with terrible for - c, upon those who have participa
ted in it.• The laboring classes know their rights,
and the friends of labor and capital united will no.
bly uphold those who 11117 0C3tIljwitice and theprin.
epic./ of sound political economy.
_ -7 , •orne writer in the Gsaette, who is probably
lucre familiar with my Lind Coke than any thing
relating to political economy, is endeavoring to get
us into a discussioe in relation to Capital and Labor.
Should this writer give birth to an rocni in any tif,
his future hairsplitting esSays, we shall probably,
take notice of it. We have again and again a de..
fined our petition" In regard t 6 Capital and Labor,,
and we believe it is understood by the public, at
lean by those who wish to - understand it.' The'ludY.
giicatien that is now legitimately before the people,;
it the Ten Hour Law. We are in favor ofthat glo
rious measure for the " protection,' r:tfLatior. The
Cotten Manatetures, who think AO elite* should be
" protected" but themseves, conspired toessidened
defeat it. The Whig' editors, as. by , instinct, take
shies:with the cortspirators,and violently oppose the
Ten Hour Law; and by so° doing, they make war
against Labor and Law. Herein lies the differenie
betweemos. The Whip argue that the manufactur.
ere alone should he, the recipients of the " protec
tive" letterset: Government --the democrats contend
that all cluses and all Interests should be " protec
ted" alike—that there should be no special legisla
tion, no &sentient, no monopolies, no oppression,
i 4 Republican American.
at" Will those Editors who may be induced, by
money, tp publish the ~, cotton certificate," as an
adwlisement, in their papers, be'good enough, to
state that most of the manses were obtained :thereto,
in consequence tif false and fraudulent repreannts
!tions havingbeeti . made as to its character and coo
tents 7 We shall perhaps make some curious reve.
latio a s in regard to this matter. before long. We
hare ascertained, beyond all doubt, who wrote the
"certificate:of character," and all the circurnstan
eel attending its incubation. There is more nil
fulny.conticcted with this matter than the public are
aware of.
iXr The American stated the other day that the
Editor or the Journal was paid $5O to annihilate the
Post. This the Journal man denies. Very well,
gentlemen, settle it amongst yourselves. It is a
question or veracity between two whig Editors.
'We care not which one the public. believes. •
ASSAY or . MARYLAND GOLD,—The Philadelphia
„Bulimia says,' itl reference to the gold mine on the
'farm of Mr. A small specimen of the
gold in the shepe of dust, was assayed by the assay
er of the mint a few days ago, and pronounced the
richest he had overseen. Largo quantifies of it are
now in the hands of the Rawer, and we presume
we shall soon hear the resin.'
1 Banat 137aprr._Wyelearn from - the Beaver Star,
that the canal htidge,across the Rig Beast's. at - the
mouth of the Conoqintimssing, vras bort 'on I'riday
night last. Soinwevil'disposed persons bad built a
pile of wood under the bridge, to which they tug Sri.
and thus accomplished their' purpose. Measures
have been taken to have it speedily re-built.
CALmentan.—A letter rrom Lima, dated 'January
9, says:
" The last accounts from California still continue
very, favorable regarding the gold districts. The
Neptune, a Danish brig, takes about *60,000 in ape:-
e thither, besides a full, cargo ofgoods,and a nuns
r bar of passengers. Two more sailing. ve.seli are
advertisedlo leave fur San Francisco. Silver coa
unties very high."
A Valparaiso date of Dec. 21, states that the Tau
sop from California, broughtgold to the amount Of
about $BO,OOO. New expeditions were fitted -out
with emigrants of all classes.
IN Wiscorranc..—The Wait'
keshawDeinocrat contains the following announce;
Meat, which shows -well for the democracy .of th i
Badger State : -
uSo far hashas the matter been determined -. open b
this county, by both parties of demo c rats that wja
feel authorized in say ing that at an early day a'eouni
ty convention will be, called, for the purpose of unt - -
ting our broken milualtis for future contests nom=
the opponents of domocratl principlea. It will be
, 'S glorious meetingi'and heartily shall we 'rejoice to
be again laboring- in -the dernocratic vineyard; side
by side with those of our faith, whale labors are now
differently; if not unprofitably directed." -
Fos'Cattraiticra..4x-Govrmor Shoation, iii:
Ohio, arrived in Baltimore on
~ fro n t Friday evening;
his native
.!,," tate, in company- with a party_or twenty
mans' Who proceeded ttiNraw York on the following
da y' when they intend cribarklng round-thelforib,
to C a lifornia. . The w h - ole . pirti,eollaitlill ef iliXtY
Men, witiraca2italmf 116;000i and_ will soiMho an
their way to the promised land: Goy. ShanniM, after
superintending the elialtarakation,Wiil return t9Bal-,
timore, and atari fOr., aat.c:oantry bi the - Oveilatid
Eleven or REmitnerinktarnai.
gh" : Welnead ay.high IS Oeleiek.7* .
' ; ` : ; •M it-B :Aitrzet - 4-The Senate wilt erect thilimerning.
:the question Wilitiß.lteth'ie-J . diciaiy being under
Consideration; okortinfely,harided Capt:Sitiall the
proceedings of your great meeting in which this re
form is recommended.. , After..tho.sitinech . of'hlr r
Drum against_ 'the- reform ' , (apt. Small, arese,....-
Without flattery; 'I mtietilay:lt wee one the „bait
. and meat effective speeches I eforlistenedto. -He
was terribly severe en Judge Patton. He cut him
into mince moat:: 'Reread passages from his charge,.
showing that lie could not botrusted• on the Bench:'
He theCglanced at the Riot, ns kistermed, (but
properly Troperly speaking I ray it was nothing but the.result
of an oPprestred people struggling fir their righte.).
He denounced the propriatorsof the factories as.ty
, rants, and showed that they created the-Whole dts
turbance, by scalding little•girls.: The lObby tins at
thin time filled Withladies:. - I noticed tears trickling;
down their cheeks. The Captain ia the beineefendOrt
of the' riechaniiii add can be best relied. on. 'He]
coetended that the people were intelligent, virtunis .
and better ablelto judge who; they wanted to preside,
oval- them than others. A.S'a Demecrat be was: for'
the measure. The yoto tieing taken on the resole;
. • •
lion itpassed, yeas 22,nays Here ` is a triumph
for: yopr - meeting. Success attend-alt such meetings
and such honest Votes as the"yeas" are. With thin .
you will receive a hit ofthe yea Sand nays. Publish.'
them in large'letters and a copy Of -your pipes
to each senator. Their conduct is approvedby ev
ery thinking man alive. The House will adopt the
same bill. This you can cell Upon:, for there ere''
. sterling men in this bratich ofohe • -
The Senate adjourned here, owing'to a resolutien
of the House to invite the Duck creek hero to visit
this place on hisretirement. When on this subject, -
let me say that Buchanan is expected here iii a
week. Senator Brawley .circulating .a. paper to
tender him a public entertaininent The probability
is, that if he 'stood in need of one, - t{e, would hot
get it—but let it go; we are a great people. l"he
North Branch was up tri-day again in the House;
and laid it over again until thC6thOf March.. Thia
question is the toast exciting question of the seasian.
The School bill and Revenue bill were also pest.
p oned till a late day. -
The new county of Lawrence -ashen off Beaker
and Mercer was under consideratien up to the hetri
of adjournment. Dr. Smith speaking' against it,up
1 to that hour. This bill will piss ; for the new cos-t::
ty men are all combined.
What are our people doing we hare fought odes
off, expecting re monstrances. - against the new county
—but we have not the pleasure yet of Presenting
any. Shallive submit; or what are we to do.
us have "a little more grape, Capt. Bragg,” anti we
will capture our enemies. -
It is strange that your paper does not come 'qtr.
;a rly with the wher Pittsburgh papers; Therci is
" something rotten in Donmark.'r. rue had better
Lee to it.
Mr. Swartswelder presented to the Ilouseand had
them read, the proceedings of your Mass Meeting.
When you hold another, let me advise you to sehd
the p7oceedinga in slips, that they cars be placed ion
the desk of every Senate, and Representative; .
Wiens with the zanies 'of thi; oPeritives, will have a
good effect, and produce smuch' good. I stir Mfortn
ed that the Penn Mill is trying to lettuce Abair harids
to sign in favor of the law ns it is—pro as', and all.
If they (the working peeple). Wilt be au base ,ris!to
do this, I will send you for publication their nen+.
Bet-I do not think theycan be induced to betrliy
their own interests into hands ``of dangeretr :
and designing men --that stand ready,. to..4er
secute and prosecute them now and at all times.
The certifiers will not avail' Much.' Mankorliulse
persons were, prominent in iutaistink to ?loci thermil
lion Ms Oa cur rai s n intkKrent'gtOr; the great in
jury of the people.- . Those men will amass a fortune
by the Road.; but it Will hedeatlito th penple,tbat
have no outlets to sell: Mark them;•and whereier
they go in' the county, the yeomen of the' county
will do likewise. One of their character cold
not, on two occasions be nominated for the Legisla
ture on the Derriocratic. tieket. * TRUTEIi
WS The folliwing are the yeas and as on the
Judiciary Resolution :
Stesors. Bout 'firawles, Brooke; Crabb, Cunnicig
-hams Eon 0 as, Johnson, Lawrence 'Levis
Mason, lkttthms, Rtch,ltichards,'Sadlcir,
Sankey, Suety; Small „Stoyser,,Sterrett, Stine—;2l
bfeJsre. Sem, Drum, Frick, Ives, Kiln, Kanignia.
cher, Med.-101d, Fattener, Darsie, Speaker.-10- - .
• -
Democratic nate- Cola;ention.
Seams= c o urme. - -.The.Deinocratsof this eons
ty met at Somerset ; on the 13th instant, and elected
A• H. eery/turn, Esq., their delegate toFittsburdb.
The resolutions are capital, arid breathe the highest
confidence in our speedy regeneration frOm Federal
therms Cotrem---The Democrats of this county
met at New Berlin, on the 19th Mat:ond 'elected
Rodeartncl theirtieleg.te to Pittsburgh, instrue
ted for Col. U. C. Ryer Ss their fast aad dehe Gam
ble as their second choice. They concerted in the
appointment of IL D. Walter, of Senate.,
rial delegate. Spirited resolution Were NBlletie
, .
• CRAWVORD Cottarr.--The Democrat* , of this
county met at Meadville , on the 13th instant, and
elected S. W. Enos and Vincent Phelps their dole
gates to Pittsburgh. The following Is the only rase
lution of a general character adopted.
On motion of Thotncts4. Lowry,
Resoked, That the Democracy of Crawfdrd coun
ty are in River of the proposition now before the
Legialatureto give the clectiOn of Judges to the .
• •
Blum= Courrrv.---We find in the Towanda
Demoarat ; the proceedings of the Democratic meet
ing for Bradford. - Francis Smith, Esq.; president,
and E. 0. Goodrich Mid Thomas .Surlord acted as
Secretaries. Ulysses Mercer and . Addison .W.Kean
were elected 'delega tee to the Pittsburgh Coo von tie e ;
Strongly instructed to support Col. G. F. Mason for
Canal „Commissioner. Boselotions in faror- - -of the
North Branch Canal were passed,
Naseaohnsetts and Slavery.
The lower 'House of the Massachusetts Legisla
tare, have Passed 4 Series of resoultions on the sub
ject of slavery' in the Di — strict of Columbia. They
declare, in effect, that'Congrestr neght, forever to
prohibit slavery'in the territories and abolish it in
the District of Columbia; and that Saab legislation.
does not violate, but preieries the COmpromise be
tween the North and the South, that secured the
adoption of the conetitution.i One Man, a
said no. All the other inembeis of' both political
parties, voted for the resolutions. -
On Sunqay,llarch 4 th.,HOnntrrklsAßEL SIIANVi aged
two pap% and ten months.
The'fiends of the family are respectfully requested to
attend . the' Amoral; from the residence of Frederick
Hauptman, in the Diamondfat ir!o'clock.
Complunkated '
- OBITUARY.—Died, without any apparent dis
i ease - ,.-tit the residence his son-in-law, 'HENIiir
I Yeurid, Esq., near Philorecni, • ,Liiiniodn County,
Virginia, en, _the 16th or January, 1849, JOHN
COMBS ; a soldier of the Revolution -in the 106th'
year - of his age.
Mr. Combs was a native br" which he
.resided„.dering his protracted life, except When err.
ving.his country as a' soldier., He wee, at the
render of Lard. Cornwallis, at Yorlitewd,wherehe
received an honorable discharge... When ids noun.
,try was, threatened, in 1794, with , insurrectionary
movements, in , Western 'Pennsylvania, EnY-- the
"'Whiskey•toveM Mr. Combs rigaiibecame a Sol
' dier, - byvnltitireering his services, and served thro-_
out that ' •
Ile*anattencied_to his final resting place bylnit-
Mertes precession of relatives, , friends,-und' (pilaw- .
citizens; "duemilitary - lionorewere 'paid by . :
eac erkt,convosed_Capt.; Trivenels- aya ry. An •
Capt. Infantry; - under thilAiiCCtion' bf
Major Craig, command by,Captaia,".Pitanii,tia
shed, - Although the-day . ..was : extremely told,
large number of ladies wore in attendance, evincing respect due to: patriotism.
• - =. •
. _
=,prr":" Fratthis,?j-Thexiewistittirity:
' Ai/44 built . fo4'regn, Jar pittetnirgh*
leavinethe . lrWie street laming at 10 -
snug little boat, and will be abltlilt"
run at all stageF4 ()Immo!. •She„willbe enfi_cOhe control .
of, experienced' men, Who will not lack in
'energy4 . Skieleval he commanded by Capt.M , Pitan.,
who is one of-the owners. Our; friend 4. J. Miller
will also be pa , board Engine!r.
The Engines were built at the. - excellent estab..
lishmeniaf A. Miller"; the Aulrby }Um ,
rack of Brownevlll e, . the cabin b y. Mithersiin `4nd
There are Some iMpoitant inipioyertente'jti.khe.
machinery:of-this boat, which think-ftvoith4
nntle' of
serted in the Wilms, by , which .to show the' height,
411 he water, t, iany.point , with i n oneinch bl the 'r.op
of thnlMilet'.l4eintofore'f'Englneere could
guess at the quantity of winter this « geago neck
ibllerto" ..Those interested should 'exam=
len.thit.ittifiteventent:' : • I
. .
There is one other to which ; our attention .wile
called. The -I!, PuP;Pet . bat - eir" and . immense
amount of complicated machinery basimen dispen•
-Fed with in the engines built for thin boat. 'A;f. , slide
yalve opt-off .7 has been subetitoted., We know too
little of meChanics to be'able2,to- gire'anfopinion
about, these matteri; but we 'have teard.:experien
- m- ,
ei en and engineers say that this of
Mr: Miller, possesseagreatadvantagem;
Sze/arra Writ*, Into Scoir.—Yiie were aboard this
.. ,
. ,
floating palace on Saturday. - She is all the Wheel
ing-papers claim for her. Pront , the..Wheelidg Gaw
zetteo Thursday we condense the ' following : ' !
first,f , e e ,
But we would premise ,', that she not
upon tho water with' hat overhorthenedeppearance
presented by most of our river.bonts.. Ber guards
do not, like'most of them, seem lo'be Striiing'for a,
rotting. place 'con the surface of the water. . Owing
to her comparatively great depth of hold she uppehrs
at least to a l : l landroxian like ourself, to nitrch better ,
advantage.%:. 7 • 1 •-• ~ • .
But to' return to the items She is in 'extreme
length of deck,
,182 feet ;: 31 feet beam ; 49i feet
wholo.width an d
.8 feet hold.
Sho carries three 42 ioch - boilens, 30 feet long;
two , 22 inch cylinders.l‘ feet stroke and -
; a. 28 feet
wheel with 9 feet buckets.= Her hall was, built :by:
Wm. Error - pr Marietta; Engines by Pimittargik Co.
of Wheeling; Cabin Jarscs Mutriconst ;" _Painting_
LT/brains & , -Netson, and Chairs by J. WAtiren. ,
She has a commodious cabin, puns whitd;" chanty!
and plain in finish; and while 'peeping intO the state
rooms; of which she hese sufficient auniteetehertli
84 passengers, We found breadth' anffieient toetivi:
ate the necessity.of one's tumbling opt Me sadden .'
effort at shifting sides. -. ' '
One thing particular about the Wternrrnao Scorri
is worth'imitatinn by our river boats generally: She
has a commodious room in a commonly; waste, 'n
osed space over end , between rho 'engine and side
of toe vessel, entirely disconnected from f the cabin
and to bo used 211-.114r, Barbershop, - and`Wash room
—thin is a new feature and decided iinprovement:.
She, is designed for the PittsberBb'and Wheeling
and New Orleinstrade; cumnianded bY,Copt. dans-.
arena Dzienrivti Cleric, I.;siavarre Detreittr•4—'
the twolici g sole owners; gad "surely any one Who ,
could, fail to, be well pleased with , the attentions of
her gentlemanly officers and the comforts anli con
veniences of the 'boat mast be' an -tinreclaireable
. ... "oltilT)101" AT SUICIDE Mr Trti-TOIIIIIi.--4 .Yonng
ritaii-,named-,;-7-- goon was arrested on ;Friday .
night charged with stealing a very v4iluahlearditlt'
• trimaa ateamboat. - A aboit time Alter tie 'v44fit the
' Cell aome. of the Wa tehmetrdiscovered-that he :sine'
inihin - : hang - n .. u• ' • li — 'i) `i''
g l° a I " ! PFt - to . .Jul ..
se . Wit 91
iCrelline: In order to pevcntanother . attempt they
P 4. J l '9 6 'l'in' P vo 9artiOe of dieks*icel4;Palittc
shirts and shoes. At:sheet eight';o7Clock ye'.oiasj
ihundhanging; and was ><t once cut down ..lie . - k ,
Stuarts:as upon the Boer. He - had . taken 1114 '8114i
and made A t9r!of it. : . .;',. - .1.,
bn, SatuiiTmorn - inghe was examin e d and
. admit
tedso flail:forliii a ppearaneelitetk,':. ---;:; - -';.; !-....
Pints---,About T o'cleek, yeaterifay,n fire bruin
out in n carpenter's shop ; on the kite of the fl burnt
district" made by the latetire onFiont street. The
'contents Were eutire!ydestrayed...There,lvari nOt
much a!arm. No fire had been used : the shop.
since Priday a so thaten incendiary hasiandotildedly
.Anortina.—Abobt 8 o'clock, last evening., a - Ore
broke out in a 6 16c1:64th - is 'Shop in 'Virgin , alley,
which destroyed the building.
Judge Lowrie decided on Saturday that when
judginent is obtained ogainst .a defendantby-defatit
through a matake of cotinset,rhe will - entitled . to
a new trial on payment of costs: Had counsel ne
glected or refused to attend' his Client conlii - only
have recourse upon him.. Ad attorney in the case
Thought he 'saw somethingwrong inthe'declaratiOn
and advised the defendant to Make. no , appearance
that he might make a motion in
arreste or led:,
OFF! Aforiling,-011ker
Hill brought up a countryman lot .occupying '-t oo
much - apace In the market. Was a bucketer s but
made a rigorous defence. BO got ofT some how.
There were fire canes or drenkonnersi.. (ine-ois
tbat miserable ioung man bate Auderarte, nbe woe
sent in on an infornntion by This father:
Gue.vr Boor EirrA,Dmitmettr.--The bons° for.
merly , occupied by Win. Bell; on W iod street, be.
tween Diamond Alley and Fourth, bas beetifitted
up inn style eilmainificeriee unequallodby anyoth
er lobe Wen; and will-be occupied by our friends:
&mew & Enouthr, he a' Book store..We intuit
notice them more fully again: • -
KlLLED.—Coroner Richardson .on Saturda - y pump=
jog held an inquest upon the body of a. than :named
John Rulong ) who IV/2/1 killed on the. evening
Out en a , siontibeat; lie was in the act or stopping
front one boat to another when .hitt root:nlippedimid
.his head struck the - guard. Re died almost instant:
Siir . I We - can not reply to Denson, for we agree
-with him. on 'the subject to which he refers.. For:his
information, however, we }will remark that we :would
rather live'On'the stieet than in such a geese the .
one torn down in Virgin alley; over the bonds of the
A pick-pocket was arrested on Sat - adv.
morning. A lady, who had been in tho - iteafrket,
where she lest her, containing
all the money she had—Made- inforMationinieinSf
him and: a fellow who made his escape. I
A ,sword' belonging' Itr . the , U. S Medical
Staff; is :at the Mayor's ()Mee. It was takeolrom a
man who drew it, open en officer on FridiyCiteiling,
nod them escaped- P•luisPrcd'a,Edybee.itell*664ll,
some rightful holder. .
Sir Savage, on Wood'Street, between Yreet t nad
Water, will set out an extra Linich to lila Mends at
19} o'clock this day. Lunch every , day day thc,adtne
it:T. Smite ruffintis— men andlioya;7—Caused
°rabic disturbance at the Monongahela wharf yeater.
day, while the B4tiate were lietiqtethig Ike solemi
ceremony sot baptism.
Ur , Spencer,gooa to Washiagton.-to-day on to.
tiaorrow", where ke will delivetO row Lec( after
which he will - retlirn,and appearih -
. .
bar Mayar Ratih, of Alleghenb•hapheen unwell
fora week•paat;,during which time Aid liar/ offi
9iatc4 - -
rair-A. fellow won whipped very soundly _on
inghe in Hand street flit nendiiiean'qn.:
suiting valentine to a lady . 1 ; " •
. . -
W.BoYd , Re-surrectuNrqo w aitneg , .cocarnit•
ted. eave . .bail the stun of one utPlinancl
iron rn. ' " AP.
give ti 436deeft in
Wheeling this evening. • -
News by Tic *Air
• cciatatteinizOrAjAr.wis:
Wiiiintrororr, March 3. ,
A Report from the Secretary of the Treasury was
read communicating information respecting the ton
nage on_ Spanish
The hiti.fottlio payment:of lieveime Anion di
. .
teal, follieTreasury Department tt'lle takellt:9 and
Mr, Bright presenied the credentioltref his col
, league, was sworn and took, hie Seat..
The bill for extending the Reienite Lawif,44o
poWer of collecting the.saine, to tho District-cif tal.
ambia, was reported from the . Committec.
Mr. Ashman' offered.' a Re,solotiert to ploce the
bust of the late John Qaincy..Adams,subscritadibr
•hy the member, in the Rotunda of tho Capital
Weintrio‘iorr,-Mirch, 4; 1449.
fora protracted and stormy session, both ifOoses
ndjoarned;this morning, at 7 o'clock. ' ..•
BefOr&adjournment, however, the' follOwirig;billa
'were finally passed .
I . The Gold Dollar bill.
Th e
bill Esiablishing.•the 'Home Department. '
Tht t billßstablishiag a branch Mint at Now York,
and the several Appropriation'bills.
The,bill establishing n Territorial Government. in
California was not acted on in the Senate.
Pending the debate eitthe General Appropriation
Bill, Senator Petite, o f Mississippi, shook his,fist in
Senator Camaro:aid face-7 Whereupon the Senator
f rornPenney/valiniqloored the Senator (ram' Minis.
. .
In the Auntie, Mr. Thoinpkao, of Mississilipi, and
- Ficklin, of Illinois, had'-ti rencontie. Meado and
Giddingii had a similardifficolty. - -'
. • WARRINST OM, March:4.
The - Secretaryship' of tbe : Home Department bas
been _tendered to.tboldon; John Davie, of ; Misi.
It .1s repotted' . lii:Aiti . " iFat 'Abbott
,Lairrene'n de
.elines:the-Hayry Department, which has been cense
q neatly tendered to Mr. Preato4Attornei General.
It - is farther 'reported. that Dere .
oly:Jedineort, of
24 100nd;bail - been: tendered the - Attorney General
'eltiptin place 'of Mr. Preston, transferred to theHavy.
, .
:NitiAteiti,Mareb . 3;
.The ste a mer Creacept City, for from Cha
p-Ca, arrived here tii4lay.. She brought no gold, but
reporte 1000 passengers at Panama, awaiting an op
portonity to eitibithfor Sao' Praneitice: .• . •
. . .
_ ..
- -- -. PHILADELtais liiiiRKEZ. •..
' . • ' .. ' ' .- 'PrtitAnizmnisifstareli 3.
Flour" The piarket with a moderato business is in .
taxer of the buyer, with.itales - of good Western brands
a t 5 ,00(a8,061e. go bbl. to die extent of 3,600 tibia.
. Graio. :The:demand for Wheat and Cortfis..gocl;
iSales, of Psitite Red Wheat ' at 1,0901 1 1,10. .trime
Yellow Corn at 57(ii58c.; to the'esient of
.20,03 . 00 bus.'
Sugar. : Sales or Porto Rico:al. - 6e: Marketactive.
.NEw - Yozrir, lifarah r 3, M. •
Cotton..3farket quiet, bat steady.
' Provitions..Sales of Western Ilacea Pork at 10,60
011,00; sales Of Primo at 10e10,25. Sales ofwest
era (aces Beef at 12 ;50013,00.. Sales of. western•
cured. Hems. et 769 e; Sides at..0130}; Shaulders'al
000}e. ' : ' • .
Flour..YheMazket is quiet and the tondency is
downward. We note sales of 3,000 bbls. Western
at 5 ,56 , 45,68 per bbl. . •
Bacon.. Salesof -Western gams at 61e. . . •
Lard.. Sales in bbts. mirlyst'ateady..,
• • ::::.BAZ-211108E,
•., .. • , •
"" Floor.. City Mills is held •at 500 perlbl - ..: Sales
of Howard street at 4,53. . • •• • .
Grain. :Prime Red Wheat at 1 ; 0 5 . 0415.. hime
Yellow Corn at 50e.; prime White - at'44o • ;.;
Whiskey.. Sales in bhts, at plc. • • -
Bale of Western Mess Pork at 15,57; ; Mesa Beef
at 12,57.. Bacon; sales of hoe round at 511(ic.-
, • •
- • Cutectsmrs:March i:46 PI M.
Flour sales 500 brie at s3;Bl' WhiAticy: sales at
.1 5 /,closed dull; Pork: sales 850 Lrle clot at 10,25;
Bacon: sides at 5e shoulders 9c; tialgtr2oo bilplard
at Me ; Cheese: s ales 550 Imo W R at Glc for ;hip
'meat; Buttes.: sales western keg at 99,1 n LW at 1.2,1;
Lineied Mra iu skiro at 56c p gall: salcs.Barley at
3040 c; rates Clover 5ccd.h.t3i1124Q3,25.'. • "
' -fl Election...An- election for President, Mana
gers and offiCers.for the Camilany,f o r ereati l , g . a 13,1,1,.
zver the River Allegheny, opposite. Pittslitirgit,..iii , the
County of Allegheny? , will be held at the Toll 'louse, on
Monday, the sth thy of Marctrnert, 0(3 o'clock 4% 51.
thh7alesveld: • ' 'Jona- liktoza.Treasa rer.
Ear The First Azional Soiree oa n n n. 1' x,.
.ikrarr File-Coiit'Aily; will be hold' tit the Lafartte As
,sernbly. Rooms, oil- V 1 edneimitiy evening, Marclv'7lli
Young M en%l lere aut. ile.Mbt ar,r Aso
711iiiicarnes Imorrrent—The Siith Lecture. Will be Oveti
by'Prof. L StEruss, on Tuesday ereuiub+, Tinrili fhb, at
add Trartr.
.The Lecture trill be illustrAted by-otunerotta interest ,
4n qinfg n gn:r en roi LOdidi-tOr sale ittheßooPStores'nd
DAVID 1rk.1.31,ER,- Cptamitjee..
prrTsIIIIItGIi VII hIA TIM'. ' . •
. . ,
C. S. PORTER •-• :•-• - • ..•-•-• - - ••••• • • • -
• ' - - entexc•Or *Om -IVlcniornt. : ission -: • '
Circle and • • ... • • • ••• •• • •;f.•-•- 50 cents.
Family Chet° or SecontuTie i :................... 2 5 • u
1.17 c Benefit- owl last appearanee of ar: CRISP. T
MOSOsy, idarbh 5, to commence with the. , " • - - , - •
. . '' • - „LADY -O F.THE•LAR.E. . - •- -' -.- ,
"Fitz James
.; -Mr. Crisp .1 Roderick Ph
•Misu..-Alr. Oxley.
- Ellen.••••••• •••••••:•- • - -• ~-. • -•-
To conclude with ihe successful Farce Ofe P .
'• - -
NColdstream... ,- -51r:Urisp,..1 Wheatle•-• - •51.r. Amber.
Lary:Meetly ... - ~..-,...- . ,...:.., y
... .. - 3,1 - ,,,,, c ru i se.
ady , Chntterbnelr.. - . • -••••••••-• ---;--..; -. • ••••• -• - Mrs. - Prior. :
. 117" Dimrs'Opetfitt.7.; Canton will rise at lud(past 7, '
f lifereiff : XtßE.-- Fo a SA t, R,a v w u r t i -- - - ----- th ,.-
.. _ -I , T O
P9ll , ot
lift! 18 or 20 Acres, situated in. a healthy . end
p easaat - locaticnt on the Allegheny river, above the
Garrison and the_landing of the. Sharpsburgb Ferry.
Persons 'desiring the: - whole. of 'the above roust.liPly
soon; as it will be sold in 5 Aural...ols, if to' featured : -
Terms favorable.- • ' '. '. 13. OUTFIDERT;G en. Age '-. • ‘
- mars • ' •. Smithfield street.
to the liondrablelbe Judges of the Court Of General
1 Quarter Sessions...of the Peace in and fertile County;
of Alleghe nyy • - The - , petit on of "Join -Stivtige; of. the -First 'Mira,
pity of Pinelbirgli; in the County aforesaid, humblyshew
eth, , Tlutt your petitiOner both provided.. himself with'
Materials (orate- tiecommodation of travelers and others,.
athiiAvitaning. house, in the-Ward aforesaid ; and , plays'
that roar
,Honors Will be.pleased ip grant him -a license
to keep 'A public house of entertainment. And your, pe-;
gamier, altiaduty hound ; will pray.'.
, ,
We; the undersigned; citizens - of - the "aforeitaid Nlrard,'
do Certify, that the above pentioneris of. good repute' for
honesty andiemPerance, and'is well provided with house
rocintend .conveniences for the . accorratioilatiOn.- and
lodging of strangers and travelers, and : that soidlaVein
Daniel 'Wayland, Allen Cordell; Thomas Satithson;
AV, WoodwOrth,..John Lawton,-Wra; Dunn. John Kelly,'
Beelen, Zones Stevens,
.George- R. Wright,- John
W. R. Taylor . • , mar.s:3ld*:
,EtiY;Floble the Judges of the - Court ofGeneral
`.Quarter Re k9101139i0i Yenee,in and for the County
The petition of Raphaelßait - , of the Gilt Wait, 'city of
Plutibbrgh; in the County .aforeshid, himibly she.wethi:
-That your petitioner bath proildett. hinMelf .with mate
rilds. for the icdontittiodation ;of travelers and onierg,
his ,dwelling house,. in - the - Ward - aforesaid,' and prays
that your Honore will be'pleased to grant . him a license.
to keep jonblie hoine of entertabunenti 1. - tior pc
-Litho:tering inittury bound, will pray:
We, the subscribers, citizens of. RAPIIAE the aforesaid
doPertify - that.the above petitioner is of good' repute for
honesty and fcmperance,antliswell provided:with house
,room rand convemences for the'accorankidatio n of truy
eters and - others, and that's.* tavern is nefeasaVY.
:Bernhard Dint le, 17.. - xoner, EL. Rehhilee,..yvi Want
Schutt de, :Anton - Ile n itz; Burk
,n_rd VM Antic s, ith...;Foiser,
ab GPritrikt, A. Retlenburg, F.-E.
Krenier; .f.,qansfer, ,
•floo thellottorable:the Judges of - the Court of General
Quarter Sessiourof the Peacis in and for the County
of Allegheny
Ths petil!an-of . 7 : ll :ilreanOr, of Tinarey Tecivuship, fir
the County itforciaik. bnallitrelmweth, 'That. your:peti.
tiorte;halhPNvidMi hirnaelCwirh materials for the ad
commodinion ot -travelers and Others at his , 4yrelhag
}nmet intim Township aforesaid ; and prays that- ypur
. annoys w.ill 413 pleased t o, grant Inra a license to keep a
public 11E11484.0f ca MrtataMea;•- And 'your , Petitioller, as
m duty bound, will_pryty. ; ~ • ''- Jiß, ,hIE.A.NOIL I
707,e,,tint eubscribers, eitizeni of the' Township afem
aaid,Ocieciify,titat the above petitioner. Is of good re
.pate,lor lianas ty and temperance, and: is well:provided:
Whici house room, and tO/CMOICTICei for the ocean:um:do
than and ladgintorstriniA 7 S and travelers,that said
joint' PoliodV,'
~ M. StiOraii; It Dalian, .r.:lii'CuliPttgh,
D; CO PO *,A -' reigueee;,P; nonliani:M, Anderson, .r: p;
rmuttik., hr. A. Ar plarl , T..49is7.illialir Vi ' ll i9li . i
. .
dburgh ,
liE has Invented a
T.out G01.1.t, possessing tho'followii.:
weighs about wenty-Lve pounds, can VI,
box 13 inches ny 17, and 17 inches deep ;
of wet sand in about two tnintitest . t el.24l in
less thrielen, tag the Gold perfectly cleneof - rand and
gravel. Thu .e going to Calitornia are invited to call and
see its operation, at my reiidence, in Penn streei..near
Water street finarsl C. EVANS.—:
(Fe iliirter
7 .11.:" Seslioria of the Pen c e, in and for the - Couo ty of Alle-
The petition ar.lirm. Selmer', Of thfr ~0 4 VA , Cklij:::4
Plusher* in the Couhty tifereSaid;liumfilv sheal egli nal
Your P e HtloPer bath psovided Irimselfwith. materials for
I" ac commodation of travelers and others. atlas dwell-
Mt. nause M. the ; {Vail 110rellaid; and, pOki - is that . your _
Remora Will be fileriadd•lcrgrant' luta' a` llcefuteVro keep a
public house of .entenainmeat., And your . .pelidoncr. as •
In duty hound, will pray." • . - 'WAX. SEAIVOR.
We, the:aubsdribinl, cltizensiSt thelvard eforcsaid,do
_that the ;above. petitioner is , otlood impale for.
honesty rind temperance f and is well provided with bodso
room and conveulunces for- the accommodation of smv
elevis and others, and that said tavern is necessary—. _
.B Weaver, A... 8.. Berger, ..R..,Barasidea.-11. Leader, -
6 - cote Arthuza J.Dlack, Clem= C-114s ; W...C. Cones.).
ly, A. Brown, C. B. Swezy, R. Patterson, R."II. Patter-
0 the ionorableolo Judges of lbe.Court of General
o(Al• (leerier tifi.reaca in end for.the County
..The petition of lona Da.erci; rye, piniiib
City PittlibMigh, in the enemy ,
,nforesaid; -- humbly
That your petitioner hath.prOvded himself with
materials for the accommodation of traveleri and others,
at his dwelling hbase,in ciforesaid,and prays.
that your Honor, pleased to.grant him a license
to keep . a public bons° entertaiiimpgrand - lqu r peti
tioner, all in Ant)* boand, will prey. • JOCIN 'BRAVO.
t.iVe, the subscribers, e tifotesaid Ward,
do certify that the above p etitioner sof good repute for
honesty and temperance, well provided with house
room and conveniences for the aecomm 'dation 121111 10(18 ,
fag of strangers r and that said' tavetn
.J. Deniston, J. Sterling, J. jkiatthews,t4 , Carroll, J.
Devine 'C.. West f . J
410 the 'Hon oriblo:the Judger:of thee/tart ut.tleperal
Quarter Sessiogitiortheßeuei t i arid for the,County
of Alleghehy : ' ' '.• •
.petition J.... Mickey, of The 4th . Watd,leity of
Pittsburgh ' in County ' aforesaid; humbly shewcili,
That your petitioner bath provided Tiimself with:mate
rials for the accommodation of travelers and others, at
his 'dwelling house, ih the Wahl ttfotetehl l ' and' prays
'that your Honors will be pleated to ghat inn) a iterate
.li:cheep : a public- house , of enter
-And your pe
titioner, as - ill dutyboand, will pray.
Wel the sePotrthatai cittzcis o(thvi pforgsaid Ward, do
certify', Mai the — above pe titioner is of good repute for
honesty and tett peraace, and, provided- with
house room and conveniences ihr TheL,accounitodatßin of
travelers and otberii, and that said tavern necessary.
A. C. Bell, W.•llPCullough. J,litteVenscM;J. APlTe,ttrY,
J. Watt, J. Yoang;11:- S. Colley: WeCoadoili, T. Scott, •
A. Warden, J. Birmingham, W, Torrance , ' 'mars:3td..
(Chronicle copy Need ch "POst9
.FllO the. Honorable t e• utlg_es of , the,Courvof (lapetus
1. Quarter Sessions of the• Peace in arid for the Cdantr.
The'petitiou - Of H. a. Taylai, of 'Mit illjeth;irt'
- The'County aforeiaid, humbly'shewetß,Almi -yonepiti
tioner hath - providedhiminslf with blotetizirs Tot. the nc
, conamodation of travelera and others, as hie dwelling
.in th e
.Barough aforesaid, atid . 'prityis:Biat your
Honers•wilt Li pleased to grant In t o 11 . 11 j tp a
public Louse of entertainment. • And your petittooer, as ‘:
to duty bound, will Oray. -•, -:•••••. i. H. CbTAl•Lqft. - I
'We, the. eubscriberN: citizens Vihe 'Borough afore- i
. said, do'ccrtify, that th - eabo*e . p . etitiolier iiol=gneet rc- . ;.
'pate for honesty and temperance, andie_well .protided
with house room and conventences,for fhs'oceornmoda- ',.
lion aud lodging of istranteteasd itairele . rl, amillml. jta id . ..
tavern is necessary. '' ..- " : - ..,_, ii • :
A. Craighead, Wm. -A. 'Priee,.Barodel Gnmes„Adam ;
APHany, John . ' Molder, . ThOmier Sailed*. H. Petcoval, -
John I.t afearew:'Pard:lC,Tritter,'4oLii Xlifuiterf-Pcter i
Persall, Joseph rd'Corkle.: -. . - •.' '-' .: '._',....`...:.:2_maireald• I
O the if.jnorable the Alkali of the COCirt Of Georrnl
Quarter - Sessicins the Peace in and for the . I
of Allegheny .. •
The petition of Ilugh 24; 'Werdt city of
Pittsburgh, in the County aforesaid, humbly . tbeWeth,
-That your petitioner bail( provided himself. with' mtne
fials for the accoma odation isr,travflers and 0 4 1 10j11, at .
Ills : hour e t 'in. the. Ward aforesaid, and tiays
•thai your Honors will be pleaScd to grout him o,fio,onAe
to keep u public house of- entertainment.; And-.yrnFpei.
titioner, main duty boun d pray... " ; •
We, the subscribers, eitiSens of thee: W a r , Laro • rciaidt .
do certify that the above petitioner 14 of good repute . for
• bonestytemperance..
`thetawet:provided hvith:
house room and conveniences to ccominothitiour
and :ledgidg of strangers . and tra-velois-,.asid:tintistaid necessary . , • -•, • ; L.
Jeetee M. iti_gers, iiiesi;.:ClistrlCS•llrefion, •
J. Schmertz , George _H. Reiss. ,I.ll.linter,ieihn.Anderson,
R. G. Brooks, John Taggert, - Robt.Dicie*:. •' • •rntiaat•
[Chronicle copy,St and elii ..5P0110 . 1 •-• • • i
'PO the Honorable tbeladgeoof the Ginn cf.Glneral
ofQuarter Sessions of the pe ate ha and feelliecoanty • -
Allegheny: '• -•-- ' '•' - • ••••!.. , :s.', •
The petition of Robirt.Binslay,'Of West li'Veitedj:PitY • .
of Pittsburgh. in the.Conty . aforesaid. humbly abeweibi
That -your petitioner bath .proeidedlairatielt with sTukte.." • •
rials for the. accommodation of trieeleri aturdelt
his' dwelling house, in the Ward aforesaid; Midr_nys
that your Honors svill De nicastiT.leiariostbiliFiilicense . . •
- to keep a public house Of ontebaingtem.
• • • • • •
' X
6 •
Pc•titiouer, on duty -bound, :•• '•••• •'.' - :
.• •,.
do • We; the ruhieribers ;illtsertiottliiVeit:AforeSidd; .. •
certify; that the abovt. liexitleiritleelood . reittire for . • . •
honesty, mad teroperanee._itufas .ill - dolled with ••i • •
house room and. eonvenieneeiAhr -*she, ueeominodeli on
end •lodgin•• stmagers...sut.Mirnveleis; and •that-'-soid • •
Samuer.Meßeloy,-.RTORsiirkOttearf,tli;'.. flimliton, • . •
Jittnes•Hasoilmo. Wm. Colenittly•-IVm. Leonean, Joseph
.T. Moore-John Chambers,Juramicdt PievYs
er, HugbllCCutchen, Win. Aliithew_s. • 11t,41 3 41, • • 1
• .[Chroa. copy and elo f - Post.'e ] r.= - ••::::•• '
the .tionoraule the Judess o•iit.fart,o ;imier:ll
Quarter Sessions cif the Peace i of Allegheny: nu ta ftiZ t . l 44o - .IIIIIY
• The petition of Joe'Constek, - of ihe
Pit tsbirtglf. •in the CO unry•aftiresattl; - huniblY:abt irdth,
That yourjimitioner bath provided himself with:Mate
rials for the ac eotravoilathm of travelins:und'oth r e i r rn i, at
his dwelling hon n the AVard aforesaid, and
s e .tharyour. Honors wi l lbe pleased ta grant him.a • /cense
to keep . a public bouso of entertainment. And yoitepe-'
titioner, as in duty bound, well pray.. •• . • • ...-1
' We; zhe snlisciibcrry'ciiizetisof Ms 'Ward offo l raeaid,
do certify, that the above petitioner is•of good teliatelor
honesty and temperance; and ia proVidell.,with
.house room and conveniences for-the LICCOMIkkIttIiOII
'and.lotlM4 of strangers ant! traveleta;laild..thak.said
tavern is netressnry.: • • • ..f
Leyde: J. Meyer, Wm.Kettenbuigh,Jt:Geniktimi.
Taylor, E. Reis. AL Krebs; How., D...Szmitsbeiger;
Kerwin, LI. Buerkly. ..
. .
fr - Rl - ibe Honorable the Jud ges of thavoln Geaeta i
Quarter SCSSiOIIS of the Peace litAntlforiliti County
of Allegheny:
0. 'Tbia petition of Wm. Gallaher, or the First Wasd;:iity
of Pittsburgh, in the County aforesaid. humbly .chew. l'hot you, petitioner bath provided/Miami( with mn-_
serials for the accommodation of travelers and others, at
.his dwelling_lionso, in the. Ward . ufinesaid, and prays
that your Minns pleased to grant•hina•a license
to keep a public house of entextaiumerit.:. And your pc- -
titioncr, irrdaty.boitud,
• We, the inbscraiers, citizens of the •aforesaid ,Werd
do certify , that the above petitioner is of gond repots) for .
honesty and temper:nice, mod is ivellproviaid With !Muse
mom and conveniences for the acconintodotioniandlOg.
ing 'of travelers and others, and that said Micro. is .
Peter Hough, John SCetiri,'J. Ciawfoid; C.... Towns
end. F. Frey vogle, F7,..A.:ShoCkleiter, Jas. Gray, 4th st. ;
A..Beelen, Hues, Bieheiden,llivrge
Rirkpatric Ir.. • .., • :.'; :rztatmida h io
Honorable tha Judged of. t 46
Quarters. : eBsionig Peace; !nand fOrt4o County
The netilion of Hen • ryttiltzhoover, of llpper St:Clair
Township, M. the County aforesaid, :humbly sheneeth, •
That your petiticiuer bath provided himarlfmoth niatoiials
for the accommodation - of travelers and others, At hig
dwelling house, In the township aforesaid, and pinysthat
your Honors will bepleasel to gran!' hint a license to .
keep a •pablic house' of entertainment. -.AIM oyatti'peti
tiorier,asin duty bound, Will p,ay-.
' • •
• • • • • • nraav ntiaZHOOVEIC.
We, the subscribers, citizens the townithforeimid,,
do certify, that the above petitioner is: kood•repine for
honesty and . temperance, and is well provtded_th house
room and,convemiencest foulbe accommodation and la g .
tug of travelers and others, and thins-1M 1 1 1.1'0.71; in me
Samuel .Alortoir, A. •.Holland,
Brawdy, Milo • Lowry, •Aiiron Itritwdy. .Arch'tt :Lorey,
Baronet Black, Samuel Connor, ilirtun Huy, Jais, Lore } ,
ThomastDaulavy. : • • •.. ma T tas •
(Tito the, Honorable the ji C.outt of tietteral
1 Quarter Sessions of the l'once in.andfortheernatty
of Allegheny :/. .- . ••.r. • .7 ~..,:.:v:i
The petition of rims, pf the 'jth ,Wattl,Titts
bOrg, lit the County -aforesaid,-humbir shaweih,'•That
your petitioner bath proyuled.himselfywith .rtuaterials.for
the accommodation of travelera iiadritheri,-at-thrdWill:
Or house in the Ward afofellidarnd• firayaihist your..
PHonors will be pleased to gratiflim'a license' Irtipjeki a .
üblicb Louse of entertai,:ment. ' And YonepotitiOner, is
y bound, will pray.- -' •• : . THOMAS, BAftTON. .
-We, the R ubticribers,'Cititemi of the itforesaid-Winl,
do certify, that the above petitioner 14 of good repute Tor
, honeety and temperance , and is well provided 'with hoot,
room and conveniences lot the ateommodahon of .traT.•
eters and - others, and that said tavern is neres!nry: :.
A Wood, D. McKenna,. B. Dean, Philip Seips, Bernard
Buerkel.- Francis Piles, J.. W. Taylor, Joins Xemer,
Martin Bchwer, J. Matron; John Mackin, Thos..llflison.
- rnar'...b3tv., .- , .• , . fehron., Post.]
rlititite-Hotath the. Court of General l..Quarter Sessions of the I:eaco_in and for: he Cminty
Of Allegbeny ;.-
The petition of Alexander'Cairns, of the Third "%Ward,
'City ot Pittshurgli,*- in the -County • afote:snid, iibnthlp
sheweth, That your petitioner ha th. provided him Self
with materials for rho accommodation of-travelers and
others, at his dwelling house, In the Want a&rrcsat&And
prays that your Honors wilt be pleased grant .bigt a
license to keep a public borne of ecurrtatunte....4- • And
your, petioner, as it. duty bound, will pp ray,- .
We, the subscribes; citizens of. the Ward-stforeecid,
docertify, 'that the above petitionerts,
o r good retiate for
honesty and temperance, on - d•.is well
.prsivided ti?ith
house. room and.. souveatentse's.foithe.uccoinceedatk,
and lodging of strangeraandttaveirS.
• lease
.Walkar jt.S.tkiroland, Jarrias.Totifan,
tou, AlcKnighti Charles Hamilton, Ridit.'ll. Earring,
Henry Lumberton,- WM.:AL -Young, 4..Hpietine,-Theipas
Sargent, John' Fttrran._____,_:• ninr2l3td
1. Gothic Architecture appliedlp,lllodern. ReSidoaags--
containing designs fot entrances, halLs,_stairry porters.
window lrames,.and -door .paneting, Jamb and ~Isthie
mouldings, to a large scale; th e deeoration otchtstineys,
:breast; and Mantels ;panetingandgroining of ceilibs,
with' the • approprialp furniture. The whofei - illtisfritted
with working and imrspeitive drawings;undformicutall
!the • lecessarpparts of a modern dwelling, b,"-D:-H..
'OM; Architect.• Mit a bone- now pablishingirtAttima
bets+,:tlo3. I, Zand. 3 ;receiyedandlor'sale •••:-
•• •• w: , ••••• r;KAY & CO.,
."-• Coiner of Wood and af