`• • Stars are keeping watch to-night, Fleecy clouds, by light winds driven, Sailing on their silvery light; .• And I think, as far in ether I behold the moon's great shield, flo - wers the engels wreath her, Culled Rom earth>s deserted field. ; : • - =RE Flowers that once loved to linger . If:I - the:World or human love; Touched '.by Deothes undying finger Per 'bettor lith.above; : • i. ph llestaral 7(Yr/tite( glory I ; Gem lightaielhe giitierAng dome could ye, not relate a story • Of dm spirits gathered .homer .. ._ ELME _ - Ye billy seen - Weis - weaned sailor , Sink bonenth the atorna-pleughed main, pit your beams grow norbr pater.? • Are not dews' the tears Jo rain I When my deareed imiei.nre broken, '• • And n l y work), jn 'derkeeen l!es, ''Stilt Ulna e'er me an:atoken Of the rand beyond.the skies. ENE Mil EEG A MONSTER UNV.EILE EN s.~. _~: ~; ~. "Poor thing! I do feel for her. Though she lita penion I never saw, yet here seems a yase :of .suettoppreseion on the one held, and such patient buffering-en the'other,:that one cannot but "..:-. :...."bb, I dare see her in the morning., Tor she often steals - out then, ween the Wietch,l euppose,ta iabed." • . ' , ' - ..-,..„.' "But whit could have induced a girl 'to tie herself to ouch a-man?" ' - .. ' "-Well,' I don't knew; the old story, ,-.- ~ . , , Ise PP°-