The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 19, 1848, Image 4

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TO ARMS TO ARMS!!--Threatenedin
shin of Western Penna. by Col Swift. with
10.000 men, notwithstanding which. 3: M.
'White will coutinne to sell clothing cheaper than nny
him heretofor, been offered in the Western country, hav
ing thebargeitestablishntent In the city. fronting on Lib
at, and ats. lie is notv prepared to show to lit%
mnzerola patrons the greatest variety of cloths. eas,t
merest, vesting's. and clothing of all descriptions. suitable
for the.apprtniching season, that has ever been offered in
this market, to Winch all can have the Melt of Way.—
Observitthicorner_, No.' VW, Liberty and Sixth ste.
UW2S .' J. 31. WHITE, TAILOR, Proptietor.
IIVENIrGOODS, NEW GOODS.—Receiveal at the Iron
City Cl6thing Store, a splendid assortment of Cloths,
consiatingar fine French', English and American Plain.
black.tuld fancy Cassimeres, of the most modern styles:
sae figured Cashmere Vestings, Silk Velvet. Plain and
Franey Satins—all of which we will make„the niost
reasonable prices, in a 'durable and fashionable style.
Ready made Clothing, tit all descriptions; Lady's
Cloaks ot the mast: fastilonable patterns. Neck and
Pocket Ildkfs., Suspenders, Bosoms, Shirt Collars, anal
every eidele usually kept in a Clothing Store. Country
Merchants, before purchasing elsewhere, will final it
. to
their tOvantage to call at the Iron City Clothing Store,
No. I,32l.4berty'street, immediately opposite the mouth
of Marreei. tectlB4ll . C. 3tCLOSKEY.
Cl44tl>atfl t -Clothing t I Clothing It I
are Bog Dorm vs. Th e Western • World !' I
t w
'OO., L
made and' ready to be offered on the
Most 'liberal let= to old customers and the public in
- general. The Proprietor of this far-famed and extenaire
' establishment has-now, after returnin& from the Eastern
• cities, at Much trouble and expense, Just completed his
fall and winter arrangements to supply his thousands of
customers with one of the Must desirable stocks of Cla.
. thing that has ever been offered in this or any other man , '
ket west of the mountains. For neatness in style and
Workmanship: comkined with the very low price which
they will be sold for, must certainly render the old unri
valled Three Big Doors one of the greatest attractions of
the 'western country- It is gratifying to me to h e a bl e in
announce' to my numerous friend's at home and abroan.
that notwithstanding the extraordinary etlints which I
have meet the many calls in tor line, it is kit
difficulty I can. keep time with the cnnstant rush that is
made on this establishment. • It is a well established
that, that my sales am eignt or ten times larger- than any
. other house in the trade. and this being the case on the
amount sold, I can affrod to sell at much less profit limn
other; could possibly think- of doing if they wished to
corer contingent expenses. I intend to make a clean
sweep of all my present stock before the beginning of next
pan comiug to tins conclusion, I will make it the inter
est of every man, who' wants a cheap winter suit. to call
and ;nor-base at the Three Dig Doors.
at >wi:hlN OFF I.ONV FOR CASll."—Witter Clo
b.. thine of every description. such as cloaks, (Wet
Cont. superfine hltutket. Heaver. Pilot and heavy broad
clothe superfine cloth, dress. and fro..k coats; a large as
snrtmmit of tweed. sack and frock coats.
Cloth; cassimere. and smitten pantaloons; also. a gen
eral:assortment of ce11.% alai fancy velvet, cloth.
casiamere a n d fancy woolen, and plaid cassimere, with
a great variety of super f ine Irish (mgt. trimmed shirts,
under shirt+. Mock. cravats.. eontibrin and rill other aril
elei in the c thing line. which will be sold low for Cash.
?Rectos • rill find it much to their advantage In roll
1100 h. at Et Linerty street. P. DF.I.ANV
N. 8. A complete assortment of roods. suitable fur
Customer work. always on hand. such as English. French
mat Americus, cloths. and eassimeres; also a choice as
sortment of seasonable vestings—all of which will be
mode to orgler in the latest styles, suit on the most ae
coital:iodating terms. jr.lll2.talor
Clothlugt Clot king
rirttr: Ispkiq and Snnlni,:r .tock,thar now' ready. to be
ca.:red at the old origintil
In on. or the lamest and choicest in selertion that haste
er been exhibited by tiny rum concern in this or any oil,-
tir city in the Union. will nut sintlertake to ilencribe in
the . re der the differant• Sißmalin.nts of uncles which I
now ha e• le etre, them; hat will simply tell them that if
they on y factirSic with a end. Vairill lay before them
173AU1 itre.rettt 01,11 , n1. to make fa choice o n , of, con
. sislin; is part of i`oatn. Morn the rieneet in quality dawn
10 tIN •nt Pantaloolin and tents. to the
tonldhmeu tit the beholder. with both mouth and eyes
op . eix.. won• ering in the nmst extravagant degree 01 stir
' prise. hove such a vast rollemion of IttriinT
could puisibly be collected together under the einitrot of
one individual such things will he. as long as per
t-eremite and 11341104 y in the triont-spring of trade,—
Without any intention of boasting. on Iny trail- 1 will nay
at the sam e time. it is of ...itch metal Mu rrineiran) • •
tot nothing in the -hope or form of dithettlue., no
matter what thetreuagnituile may be, can deter not front
neeompliihing my object, in presiding for the fanner. the
mechanic. and Me, day laborer. :My .hole attention is
taken up with the crente.i earn for their welfare, in get.
tinttp fashionable. and at the same tine substantial par
ole-Mc., to meet their demand.; and as fur others. who
Caney themselves moving in a diderent sphere% and re
mune: an simian of the to ydrui nitre kind, they have
: only to give me an outline of their wants. and they are
mitted to n word.
Now, let .me say a word or two to my country merch
ants in the _trade: If , you wish to save tram at least !Li to
:10 per ceht in your wholesale riurrhases. esti in at the
!-Tlitee Rig Doors," and if I don't meet year most san
amine 110p4fA; in the way of getting cheap bargains. and
fresh seasonable g,caids. I will net in future attempt loon%
er any inducements of a similar kind to a generous pecv.
pla - oi so noble a nature mid close discernment.
Jotrs 3rct.clscEv.
No. 151 Liberty street.
ethiN'T NEAT i—J..V. White has just received at
Ids large establishment. fronting on Liberty and 6th
streets: a splendid assortment of TWEEES for summer:
also, a superior lot of Vretsch Satin VESTING'S, all of
which be is ready to make up in the latest fashion and
Ott the most reasonable terms as usual. Observe the
cerner.,-No. L( Liberty and Sixth streets.
'm”1 1 . ••
J. M. wurrm. Tailor, Proprietor.
Iar.NBI.CSHINt; IMPUDENCE.—From a published
,eard of ilrealmont h. Ltond. of Philadelphia, tie
public:would be led to believe that we hare been claim
oiga privilege we had no right to. That they have
ablunknesl.-sonte time since. the exclusive 247, , ..Cr et s
tienWaild that we have right to claim elCitl3l,. omit.
tiCes tivith their-teas." I never pretended to sett the teas
ofilds spurious-concern. I have been selling the lee s o r
the. ;Sew York Pekin Tea Company for the last two
yenta; as the public are aware. and have been to New
York four times in that time, and never heard of this new
4rmcern until lately but as wool dealer*
- The lea trtisiness of .WCallinont k Bond is about right
months old, and their assumption of the Pekin "Pea Con
patty's name is because a name is open for any man or
firm to assume; but the tact uncurled to imply thereby,
'Mat they have an; connection 'with the to called and
Well known PekinVea Company of New York. is entire
they having been droned even an agency in
philadelphia, for the New York Company. that Company
having reluaed even thus far to confide in them.
I know not what kind of wool they keep, nor what kind
of teas: I am only certain that they keep or obtain none
of the Pekin Tea Company's of New York:
Anr person reading-this card will see the gross deems.
lion they wish to prettier on the public, and to the injury
of my business. WCallmont k Bond are wool dealers
in Philadelphia. and have sent an agent colt here to pull
wool over the eyes of some of our good citizens. I.ook
out for the black sheep. tuovlol ALEN. J A YNEs.
NEw 1500E82 NEW HOOlti.*E:—The COHN if l • or
.the Hypocrite unmasked, by G. P. IL Jruncs. Esq..
literAshoru. , by T. !toward, author of Ratliu the Reefer.
dnaltßaz Or ..the•Fallen, by Curtis, author of Black Phoned
- Mae Figure Mead. or the Lady of the Green and
Mae, by Charles Corey, of the U.S. Navy.
— , Thaliandit's Bride, or the Maid of Saxony. by Louisa
Sidney. • •
Stanhope. anther of "Striking Likenesses." etc.
Leman Lyinuore, and Mr. and Nlrs.° 'Woodbridge ; by
Lontron !quarterly Review.
„Union Magazine for December.
ILlfe of Joseph T. !here—a ler,re supply.!
:Anus Maneuvering Mother, by the author of ^ History
of a Flirt." • •
' Tile AVilfulness of Woman. by the same author.
Thatild Commodore, by K Howard.
"Jertnette Alismi. pr the Young Strawberry. Girl—a tale
Of die Sea and Shareily Ingraham.
±•'• Kamm or Daylight; aprize tale; by J.S. Rnhb.
-0 ;81rilowland Ashton-3 vela ;by Lady C. Long.
• Abe Splendor if Versailles, and Court of Louis the
Flowers Personified, Nos. 9 and to.
Ititral Cemeteries of America, part O.
314..0411e5. Newspapers, etc.
-Loudon Punch and Pictorial Times. per last steamers.
Brother Jonathan, Philadelphia Courier. and Yankee
DoOdle Pictorials. For sale by W: S. CALOWI3I.I,,
dec.S 3.1 street, opposite the Post °dice.
No. 4.
. Morris Ireckly BrieZvi of \:m Book., for trod.
Gilidilcues Ancient Egypt, new edition.
The"Niueteentli Century. a new Qiiurterly.
Nu. 11 ; full rend on hand.
hires of the Queens or England, by Agnes Strickland,
vol. Xl.
The Market Queell. or the Arife's Stratagem.
MITSCO I III9. a tule of the Revolution.
Songs for the People, No. 2, superior to No. 1.
'Jack Ariel. or life ou board an Indiainan. new supply.
- Ettbank's Hydraulics. NS. 2—fitly sous unbend.
Flowers Personiaint,-No. 14. do • d,, ;
Pictorial England, Nos. 36 & 37 / do • do;
Union Magazine, Mr February, do • do;
• National do. do do do;
Graham's do: r do do du;
Godey'a Lady's /look for Feb'y, do do;
- Living . Age, No. 193, du do;
:fmailso up. •
Remarkable Events in the Ilistory of America, by J.
America/ Phrenological Jounial fur JanutuT. Sub
,kcriptunis received. •• •
-lane Eyk. an Autobiography. by Curter Bell:.
14tid - of the Fairies; a Ultristriias tale, by James.
Edinburgh Phreuological journal and Magazine.
Tim Conquest of California dad New Mexico. by die
-. , 'falters of the United States. in years 1840 and 1847. by Jas.
411lkarisou Cutts; with engravings. plazas of battles. ere.
A.Tour to the River Saguenay in Lower .Canada. by
M lles Lardtutn,f author of •• A Summetin the Wilder.
magazine for January. Furnished to sub
scribers by'the year. or sold by the magic number.
NOWitsd Then, by the nether urreiMiousaud a Year.
• Viraverly Novels. cheap form, new irupply. - '
"Fliawbove works are for sale by [11131].M.• P. morist.
. I . BOCK--The Riily
• •
It:WlDOWSV a leunisylvlutia andel the West. and of West.
rg pimedi
.4,04 Camp,ign.c. iwirh an appendix,: con.
7:ooolousliaisseta rrola important [adieu treaties.
.3nuruals, &e.. Together with a
rif i c e o, each county of Western
& :Warne,. 763. pages, by 11. K.
• - F9P0 1 1 4,
rt.,S. -BOSWORTH le- CO..
--7 1Tial6" . No. 43 Alurket t• t
EO.-40 halfeltents tot 64 Upon;
•.. 51 catty boxes "
10 half ciao/ Gunpowder; _
2 entry. hox ti s•L' '
hall Olesl4 Iniperinl;
..--' • ,
16 " Tonillotig; forsaln , by -;
, .
IGIBATt - lERS.--eo.sacks., in-store and for sak:lir ::
- _E' viira . h. S. IVAI'ERNIAN
ARD OIL-I bbls. Cin.eiunati--suPerioriTtor
sale by [deal gIIITII .1c SINCLAIR.
Pie tabargh P ortable Most:Line. - • •
1848 • 'gait"
For rhc Trun.sporration of Freida to and from
BORD/DuE ¢ CASit. Philadelphia.
cocomvoit, Pittsburgh-
I 111 SMI established Line bsing now in full operation.
I the proprietors have made extensive arrangements to
forward Ooods end Produce with despatch, and on the
ino , t favorable terms. They confidently hope, their well
known promptness in delivering goods—peculiar 'Wel
in mode of carry Mg—capacious warehouses at eaehtioit
strordum accommodations to shippers and owners. of
proltice.—mgetlirr wi.h their long experience and untie=
milling attemion to businessovill ieenre to them . 4i.'coM
tin moire of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully'
ad( ilowledgv.
Coll4l2)intow.isy and for this litre reeivcil,chargi4
paid. and Om arded in any recinired. directions free of
chi" cr cnwnia.tou. advancing or storage:
u::crr•t. direc , ly or indirectly, in - steamboats.
~a innunicatiuns rrnniptly attended .loon appligs
lion if., the 101!0.:114 airciltz :
!Revel:LlMO Way Freight t* Line.
inum 1848 .
for the transportation of way freigh
1. A he twecu Pittsburgh, Blairsville. !Johnstown. Hat
tlayslutrgh. AVater street. and all intermediate places.
One boat will leave the warehouse of C. A. Anuliy
Co Cartel Basin. Liberty street. Pittsburgh. every day.
ISotelnys t seemed.) and shipper. rat always depend on
busing their goods forwarded without delay, and at fair
This Line n ax formed for the special accommodation of
the frau business The proprietor.. thankful for the very
bberal patronage they have received during the last two
gars. respectfully inform their old customers and the
public generally. that they have extended their facilities.,
&c.. during the past minter. and are now better prepared
to accommodate an increased business.
II H. CAN AN & Co. • NVIR sTrt-r.
r. sTprp WM. FELTZ
& McD(/‘VEL.L
A,',ENlb C. A - LTI & Co . l'ittsburgh;
It II Ca\AX, itqlillttO‘Vr.l;
Join klturca. Ilullidayaburr,
IiOILIELL.S. Al I - MOM Wl:art at, Ilftitungdon en.
Ri.rvitg cgs—Staab ft Sinclair. J. & J. !lkirl)evift fi a f J.
11. Situenberp.r. It Madman & Co-; R. AM dOk : Flattaley &
Smith. John Parker, Wm Lehmer: J. Jordan & Son.
mar I (Carew:espy.)
Merc.hauts , Transportation Liege,
1:on the TranAportation Atervhandire and Produre
to Philadelphia and Baltimore. Goods crentrigtted to
our cart will be forwarded without delay. at the lowest
noes. Bills of Laden; transmitted. and all inctrUCtiOni
promptly attended to. tree from any extra charge for slot ,
aye or etoutuiseon.
Philadelphia Type At Stereotype Yost wary
aufiscrthers are prepared to fttertish • at short no
lied. cVery *nick weal 44 • PTinting 016 , , and As,.
redeem - I the Prices of Type upwards ni 11 per cent.—
They now charge 10f
• PlCri a . Cll. r 4 et*.
Small Pira 34 •• Nonpareil
Lone Primer •
Ikmir.,.••o 1;7;1. • • •••in garl. • • ..... .81.20
llrevier 1 4 " Diamond tut,
Ilvtriuin,...l to spare no elperiae in making their eatat.
Ildonent ac complete as passible. they are getting up a
uniform Serie. tut the celebrated Sernelll Va 1.70.. which •re
Utiegrtalled for beauty and durability. and .filled they fret
m-inted will meci with general approbation Several
.ties are num; frail).
Haring recently vi;dted Europe for the ptirtetie or phi
tuna.: every inireUvelitelif It; their lute to huertmer.a. they
now otter a greater varlet) at Fancy Type. liorderr. Or.
stament.a. de , &a_ than any ot.het eetabilibuirat in the
Flitted States; and their Unproved Inedled of Cayuga , . ati,l
0 ) . Pr e paring metal. enable them to hartiieb ortter• to a
manner to inAtre aatntiartinn.
- • •
rrintitaC 1 . 14,11-ex. of •re , rt tiestriptirm. Pr'mime ha.
COZIMA, easeg, HMIs Rule, Furniture, tr., at th torrtal
Second-hand Presses, and Type which has bean tested
only in stereotypanir, generally on hand.
!looks. Pamphlets. Mutely, Med/eine ihreettons. I.shels,
Cheeks. Drafts, &c., correctly and elegantly stereotyped
as hsectornre
6.-4pertznen Books be sent to Prtntenrobo
with to make orders t.. JOHNSON &
morre-im No. A. Litt& tie.,, .
Great Dengllsti tteratallyt
I, l olt Coughs. Colda, Asthma. and Consumptive '—mk.
great and only Remedy for the above. diaeasearia the
lian;arian &drams gf LO. rlbeverneril by the celebrated
Dr. Linehan. of London, England: and tronedweediado du.
United States under the ltilitteitiate IllpetilMls6F-UCC of the
The extraordinary success of this medietne, in the cure
of rulmonery discuses. warrants the Anseneen Agent in
colic king (or treatment the worst poesibie eases that can
I.e tonnd in the community—cases that east relict ke vain
Worn any of the common remedies of the day. and have
been peen up by the most distinguish...A physieittns. as
cohnned and inrnrable. The liurtganan Balsam has
cured. and well eure. the mph desperate eases. It is no
quack nostrum. tint a standard English usedierne,of known
and establisher! ethency .
Every family in the United States shonW be supplied
with Duelisn's Ilungartan Salaam of Lite. not only to
counteract the consumptive of the climate, but to be used
as a preventive medicine in all'cases of colds. coughs,
wiring' of blood. pain in the aide and chew. twitatwn sad
soreness of the lungs, bronchitis, difßcuiry or breathing,
hectic fever. night sweats. mat tenon and general
iy. asthma, influenza. whooping cough. and croup.
Sold in large bottles at 81 per bottle, with fall direction*
for the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, containing a masa ;if Digital: and American
certifientes, and other evidence. showing the unequalled
merita of this peat Engivat Remedy, may be obtained of
the Agent,. gratuitously.
ebli) ew. Pint and Wood. and Wood and nth gut
TI:DICAL WORKS—Air Astisy Cooper on Derma ,
In. Air Asticy Cooper on the !freest, to ;
Testis and Thymus Oland,
Colte's !Aerates on Su gory;
Watsou's Practice:
Mackintosh's Practice;
Dunglison's Physiology:
Hornet's Anatomy and Histology;
Charthilra 31idwifes7;
Velpeau's Midseilktiy;
Diseases of Infants—Billant;
Diseases of Females—A shad!: for sale by
U. S. 1303WOILTD A Co,
marl 4a Mark., street.
ivrExv ruinAramost—mitoos new: illustrated
LI Harper's new edidon of the Poetical worts of John
Milton, r ith a memoir, and critical remark. on his retain.
and writiints, by hones Montgomery . • and one hundred
and twenty engravings from drawing. by Wm. Harvey
In two volumes.
Seven:xl, Galax nocrasmss.—The four Gospels and
Acts of the Apostles, in Greek. with English notes, tilt!.
cot. philosophical. exegetical ; maps, indexes, etc. togeth
er with the Epistles and Apocalypse ; the whole tannin...-
the New Testament—For use of Schools. Colleges. end
Theological Seminaries. Ily . Rey. J. A. Spencer. A M
A :Vete Neeri-11fidsturamer s Eve.—A fairy tale oiler,
Ity Mrs. S. C. Hall,
James's Henri, I V—The lire of Henry the Pounb, king
France and 'Navarre, by G. P. R. James. Complete
in four ports, paper; 2 role. cloths
jan S Booksellers. eor. of Market and 3d sts.
ed, by the subscribers,
Six Old English Chraieles;
William of Malmesbury's Enrelimb Chronicle ;
Mallet's Northern Antiquities;
Schiller's works, 3 rots :
Land's History of Failiting, 3 rots
History of the Girondists, 2 vole;
Cioxe's House of Atlfillirt, 3 vole ;
Cone's Memoirs of Marlborough ;
Luther'. Table Teak. by 1124411;
Roscoe's Lorenza D'Afedici ;
Leo the Tenth ;
Gekley's 'History of the Saracens;
Seblegel's Philosophy of History;
Beckman's History of Inventions;
Muchiavelli's History of Florence and the Prince;
Chambers' Information for the People ;
The Gallery of Nature. For sale by
11. S. BOSWORTH & Co.
felt 17 43 market street
New Books Jura Received.
0 ! rLLI fli st ory of aodirnStsopltell io,. ; umeir om lasti t iedii Mt
Lectures oti the Law sad the Gospels, - by Stephen H.
Tyng. D. D.; uew and enlarged - edition, with portrait of
the author; $1.:50.
• Memoir of Rev. David Abeel. D. D.. late Missionary to
China, by Ids nephew, Rev. 0. IL Williamson, with a por
Meander's History of the . Christian Religion, and
Church ; translated by Prof. 'Force y-; Vol. 2.
llawkstone: a talc or add tor England, in, in two
volumes. from second Istibdon edition; 01.09.
Memoir of W. C. Crocker. Missionary to Africa: 62 cis.
Personal Recollections, by Charlotte Elizabeth, „with '
explanatory notes, accompanied by a memoir embracing
the period from the close of personal recollection to her
death: by L. H. .I.TotuNtitti
Recollections in Each •b • Rev S. I . Tyng, D. D.
Mark Milton, the Marches' erk; • Its,. Charles B.
Taylor, 3d. A. author of " Rene cu r a G ood n ue .
Lite," Lady Mary," •• Mayart, or the Pearl ," ke.
The above jolt reCeived and for side by
55 Market street, between 3d and 4th.
UNDAY SCHOOL BOOKB.—We hatre Just receive
a lute supply of. Books for Sunday School Libraries
published by the American: Sunday School. Union, and
approyed by a eammittee.of publication, consisting of
menthers at thekrikrwing denomhsadons. viz. Baptist.
Congregational. Bplecopitiliethodist, Presbyterian, and
Reformed. Dutch. • These publicntions comprise upwards
of mix hundred boned volumes, (of prices frOm 8 cents up
to 75 cents.) all written expressly for: Sunday Schools.
In addition to the above.- the Union publishes B large
variety of books, in paper corers, tbr quite youagehild
rem for rewards. &c.
. ,
The Unicinobut publishes tor*" Libraries. Noe. Lind 51,
of one hundred volumes enelt. all numbered reudy for use,
of books from 72 pages op to 250, at the low price of ten
&liars, averaging only - teuessars'osvolume.
Alto, "A Youth Cabinet Library." of My volurnci, at
the low price of two dollars and filly Cents.
Also. nylon Books. Question Books, red and blue Tick
ers-nil paste boartli. Alape,&e.
Alb the above we sell , at -the Union. at Philadelphia
prices. Calaleglln% Of Book's furnished on application.
ELLIOTT & ENGLISII. 56 Alarket st.,
feba between Third and Fourth.
(Zransportatipit finto
Market street,Philtuielphia.
Cap al Basin, Pittsburgh.
North street, Balinnore.
bti. Cada? street, Nnw Vatic
C. A 3EANULTY & Co.. Proprietor,.
t 'anal fin sin. Liberty rt.. ihttsburgh
emigration £in
Tapscottrs Genera , - , Emigration
REMITTA.NCES and Passageto and . .. ti n..
from Great Britain and Ireland, by W.
&J. T. Tapseutt, South at.. corner
-: •of Maiden Lane, N.Y., and 90: 1 4`ater•
100 Rood , Liverpool. •• • • •
The subscribers: having' neeerned the Agency of the
above Hozwe. are now prepared to makenrrangements
on' the utast . liberal terms with those desirous ofpaying
the Puz.sigo of their friends from the Ord CountrYl will
they Muter thesuselves their character and long standing
in basinesi Will give impie_asittrattee that all their ar
rangements will be esirried orit faithfully.
Messrs. tV. & . J. T. Tapstiott are long and favorably
knoWn fur the iaperior ells*. atteemunodatlOu. and dulling
qualifies of their Packet Shipa. The IZITEM OF TI!
SIiBRIDAN- GARRICK, tiorrexamt:
ROKIII3. LIVEBPOOI.. and SIDDONS, two of widen
istaxe each innt zuwahly—from New York the 2tot and
26th, Liverpool the 6th 'and 11th: tii addition to
'which they have arrangements with the it. George and
-Union Lines of Liverpool l'ackets, Mimic u departure
, Ircan Liverpool every five dnya. being thus detertained
that their theiliries shall keep pace with their increasing
patronage: while 'Mr. W 'Pepscott's constant per.onal
miperintendance of the business in Liverpool is an addi
tioutti report!): that the comfort and accommodation, of
the passengers will be particularly attended to:
The „,subsenhers being a s usual. extensively engaged
the - Trattaporturion IlUsiness between. Pittsburgh and
the Atlantic 17111 CS. arc thereby enabled to take charge 01
and forward passuruiers immediately on their landing,
without a chance of disappointment or delay: anti are,
therefore. prepared to contract for passage from any sea
pop to Great lint= or Ireland TO ThirT.4ly. the nature td
the husniess they tire engaged lir giving them faciliuer
carrying passengers so fur Miami not otherwise nit
minable: and will. it necessary, forward passengers GU
thee West by the hest tootle 01 eoireeyhtlet, with out any
CW. 1 1003101 charge' for their trouble. Where persons
sent for decline conning out, the amount paid for pasiage
Will be retunded,in full,
' RtzarTANcEs.
The subscribers are also prepared to give drafts et
sight for any amount, payable at the priocirl eines owl
town, to England, Ireland. Scotland and 1 'ales; thus aft
!orlon: a sit& and expeditious mode of :tinkling foods
to those ecnotrics. which persons requiring such teeth
(lei will find it in their interest to avail themselves of.
Application (it by leiter, post.pairil will be promptly at
tended to. TAATTE & o•cosNoit.
Forwarding and Commission Merchants.
may&:.sltrir•iy Pluladelphlw
Inkßoche, Brothers. & Co.
ri ffi b
FELTON . New Vogt; Env; grAy.
llt . staN: Sean, ND ItnAn. LtvzitrooL
JAMES 1314K1:1.Y, Agent, thlice oa, Coma
Arr.p.v. nt 4v1.1
le(,, the TILAt•p:
ItAI.L, I.l\K Liverpiiol :And Sew York l'aelei,
take the libe rty of aultinutimiig 10 their old triqiitla mid
mistuoterti, lista their rirrattgrineiiiii (or Ilse 'rear 1,4,4 btinl
they ors ptepatad to I.llnr, anpats,torryo. -by
the irhoveiirrfroitid Line, from Liv , rpoot New York
and They refer to their former emir., of
doing litraineas. riMl ;wrote ;lire.: who etitrust them with
their order, that the Callao oaltalrlCUoil Ireluklcti
a. tmtcltatiurc.
Itt.NllTrilrr% to
Drafta for yak. payable, on %Iran:and, at any Hank in
unttrravzned has mat', arrstotternent• to bring out
paaacogers to l'ttelibttrgb, duffing, the pr.,-ent
eb3-lhentaw• J EIS 111. A
_ _
Paaisge To alai From►
reik cnrar ItiaTAIN & IttEI.AND.
Gramor Itirraita & No VA NVatcrloo 7toa 4 La
k RlrrAlltla. No 3, 4 South at. N V.
• Soarscritai.. having arerptodthr Aarnry tla.
city of the alyovc ,;cit krsoloru Pod ratpretahie
JUT prepared to nuke ttrap , rw.rvoi (0. gt..spnLnE ro CORI,
oat titan $l./ly part of Herat [twain of ItTlantl bl tha tr.
roar I.itte at parker Shy., .ailing tram Lortrool
ly. Peso,., romaine. with tar may 1 4 1 . 11/1a....1.4 that rata
riisnJs watt ta..l riu ktod lt , soutant and pnmupt .1...-
patrti at Liaerr.ol, a. well us p rrtw orttuarj
vo linnr arrst7 to tit. At to air
Ith AN & /..
142 1.1.,r:1 .t..
N. n •nts=e4 tto Dom I..vr.tpooi bb No.
bu 4211 dote. an.t uyt any atviteant it , rultnil4.
al•ic at aght. thrw.s4laixt tbs. rt.arr: I
. .._...........
l a
r...v , r; rig 4+i , innry,,,i.
Ottleft. . .
II AitS pa N4 l ) r:
7:''t:7Z7 pe rs on,
any par. t 4 1,t,;. i' ;::1 .:,d at as
Illnnt the RN.: !Liberal term.. 'Yr u 614,11 aettatruneurs:o,
MO ..11 , 141.00 10 the wan, 01 tat , 41115 , 1, 1. dr. e.. 4 al
as in, p11.4 . 134 , 1qs in lie ti,ht•ed by the sniadlosa c.:el , .
that *retest ile , 4 11 1 .11•11111. it 'llf g. take- dram- of de,, tie
t - ontweet the, revolt themeelees. and see in Ahe/f art* -`.e.
nty,.. voted despite), therm seitbe,it aay a...tent-von 1 , 1 U. 4r.1
ship. Wet any this frastesily, as art defy L.-try of 1-at
P.ssa , tirla to .be, that tlury t ,,,, , „ , Tr defamed , feerty-e-wirti
Lo t o::21 , us tn , 3.4 . se=l. e.
they itils , i 4 e ..... ,, erf ,
is -
" ::eett7 i
emit, at a cheer rue, settle li, ton enreoretall 1...5e11' *pair
e net:us.
totond to perft,ttro 1.0 eerstrotto hn,.arrtCly, mrt
es-Air u stay. atot me 1 , 1 se srss the 0714 4, I , Sts ISSS.M"
other other*, who either pcsli.noed o,or a, on. of it
entlati their rottheroettelt
Dnuts dram at Putsbutet fur e."l- own (taro 11 M
.101, parsido ai an?) r 1 the Pt, , - modal Dant*
turi,Eavialuf, Scotland and tip' Al**.
100 , 1it' rif)lll,o4rlN_
iralh Frh,wr Wood sf.
-.e • kBIIITTANCH. 7 1 / 4
rrlent,rrewrg are verpafV4 to fivrArß tanasy lag a")
parts of Ratqlaral. tarattaa4 and IVIOag,
despatch, and at A.
SANCL;t3. A. CO,
14• t 14a.
Europese* AdTeary., lane Remittances to
Ireland, Ruglau4,4lte s
Ann,: and mull messed marts r ark Mill/ noire he
renaurst try meht-IlearTs. et sotto or ..**4 to oil
of Carton& Trot:nil. 'Wats*. he avert Levertea,
PraP t rtn rattap, rev be eoaerie4
and reroveted through the oases tither, of 4Urialf his eb
from This cm,. horn qetrthet anTil Mae, or, to te:ma
al hears to rrtrope, srotteats-n to Jaws* Mae, 'star.
diem, Watt., frattl, rilf.olll l, l
and Conmsellor at Law, and ITArtorwen /Leto,.
Pittsburgh,. re
r --Aa TT Keenan has bees frerptemTv rror,ht.d it,
apr4eaumns end letters on the hnolnees of Aterantan A
Keenan," remota-cm arrears. or Now ' , ens's. op deem. ,s
neeeinteer to say that ht II not the Keenan of that emus,
and has never bad any coarsaiion with either of those
. ..„
West ern New York Colter, of Health.
MC Afars eraser.. Iltsrit.o. N Y.
Dil. O. C, VAU(.IIIN — S VIX;F:TA,OI.I: LyriONTDip
rl l llO4 erdrbrnted remedy is <coma.- :v increasing its
I fume by the snakier all over MN - world. It Its, ante
become the only ovnlicitte tow family tow, and to purlieu.
tarty recommended for Dropsy all stages of this condi
plaint 00,212edtatrly relieved, no matter of how long stand
ing. (See pm inpidet for testitrioun
Gravel, and all di , icascs or the 'winery organs. for
*ore dt.imuirg compliant. it *tenth' atone: on other Sr.
titla fan relic in, you: and the 0147<.• lettified it will con.
mace the most skeptteal;—(we pamphb..ll Liver Coln
plaint, Diseases. Fever and Ague. To the Greet
'Went especially. and wherever the.... complaints prevail,
this medicine is offered. No mineral agent. ties de letetirnit
compound is a pan of dila mixture; it emelt r eau discos.
es with certainty and celerity, and does not eve the nye
tem torpid. (See pamphlet-) aim of a moat
painful character. is immediately relieved, and a cure
lows by a few days nee of this article. It is far beyond
any other preparation for thin disease, or for any Other
disease originating from Impure blood. iSce pamphlet-I
Debility of the system, Weak flack. IYeakneas of the
Kidneys, he,. on Intlaination of the lame. Is trumethately
relieved by a taw days use of this metticine, and a curets
always the result of 114.111 e. It stands as a certain rent..
fey for such complaints, and also for derangements of the
female frame. Irregularities, Suppressions, pentad men
streationn. Nogirtiele has ever been offered. except this.
which would touch this hied of Aerangente nut. limey be
relied upon as a sure and effective remedy; and, did we
feel pemlined to do so, could give a lballiaa4 names
proof of cures In this distressing class of complaints—
See pamphlet. All broken down, dehtlitaled comultn
none, from the effect of mercury. will find the bracing -
power of this article to act immediately, and the poison
ous mineral overheated from the system.
Eruptive Diseases will And the alterative propertlea of
this article emu sir zits sum% and drive such dlftqlnellll.4ll
the systant. See pamphlet for testimony of cures in all
diseases, which the limits of an advertisement will not
permit to be named here: Agents give them away; they
contain 32 pages of certificates of Mali character; and a
stronger array of proof of the virtues Ma niedlcine, eel
er appeared. It is one of the; peculiar features of this ar
ticle, that it never fella to heparin any ease, and If bone
and muscle are tell to build upon, let the emaciated ntul
lingering Invalid Lorton. and keep taking.the, medicine
eis lenges there is etri improvement. The proprietor would
eautiou the public against a numbei of. articles which
come out under the heads of B.4.ll3Armur.wa, States, & c,..
as cores for Dromm grime), tee. They are good for noth
ing, and concocted in gull the flowery': Torten Ttlitle NM%
Their inecntors 'never thought of crrring each distirsen till
Ibis artle le littd done it. A parefetddrStredg of vamp&
kat is earnestly solicited. Agents. and ull who sell the ar
ticle. ere glad to circulate gratititonsly. Put up In 30 oz.
bottles, at 82; 12 oz. dn. at el ench—the lorger holding 11
oz.r'tore than' the two email bottles. Look out end 'not
get hammed upon. Every bottteliits u Vangltri'S Vegeta
ble lAthbtitriptig ,MlXture',. blown upon the glass- the .
written slminturnOf C: Vaughn" on the 'directions,
and C. Vaughn, Buffalo," stamped otitheeark- None
other itre,ge pulite..
"Prepared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and told 'at tho Priori
pal thrice, 2(17 Main street, Buffalo, wholesale and retail.
No attention given to letters littlest; post-paid-4rdre
front regularly authorized Alrenes' excepted. Post-paid let
ters, Or verbal coMmunications soliening_edviceatrodipt
ly attended to grads. - •
Offices devoted erctusively to the mile of this article
-132 Nassau at.; N. Y. • 295 Essex at., Salem ,, Mass.; and
Ly the principal Druggists throughout the United States
and Canada, as Agents. . ,
BAYS & BROCKWA"y, Argenta,'
No. 2, Liberty at.. near Cenal Stein.
ATENTIIAN Weittererand old "and well
V known Venitlan Bllndmaker, formerly or-'Secopd
and Fourth Gm, takes this method to inform his many
friends of the (act that his Factory is now in full tion on St. Clai at ear the od Alehn Brid-ow pe e r are
a constant supply of n Blnds o l f va l ri g u e c y lcfi a e d quhali
itics, is constantly kept on hand and at all prices, from
twenty-cents tip to suit customers.
N. B. If required, Blinds will be put up to. that in ease
of alarm by fire, or otherwise, they may be removed
without - the ald of a screw-driver. and with the same
facilitiribat any Other piece of furniture can hn removed,
and without :any extra' expense. jelli-dkwy
AUTION' TO TIIE. PUBLIC.—The subscriber, .t by
written contract with the ITN TES Co., has the'ex
elusive right to sell theitTeas in Pittsburgh and Alleghe
ny cities. Any person attempting to sell Their Teas ex
cept Procured through media practicing a deception and
a fmud upon the public—and their statements are not to
relied on. IseM) A. JAYNES, 79 6h Ct.
. . ,
'-'.: '•
Fur the'penitaneut care 'tit Liver Couiplainfit,'Jaundieti..
Dyspepoia. Indigestion. Chronic Debility._ Chronic Anil;
ma, Nervotts Debility. Pulmonary Allections. (arising
front the liver or - stomach.) "DiSelpisesCit. the Kidueys, and
all dirmses arising. from n:disorth;:red stomach. hi both
male and female, such as temaleaveakness, dizziness,
fulincsa of blood to the head. They Strengbten the sys
tem, and fen - loveacidity.of_ the stoh, and Sivoit
-tone awl l ac io ta anti adthl ditteatitiii. 't h e yeau be takea
by the mast delicate toromach, and in ever}- ease wilt en
tirely destroy costiveness and renovate the ,whole *lg.
toff), et:Moving all impurities and remnants of previous '
diseases, unit giving a healthy action to Abe- whole
triune. .
m The symptoms of !Art r Complaint sec tineri,iiirs4 and
r alllthe right oide, and *Ottiltliq noon touch tinin6liate
y Undo; the inferior ribs: inability t o tie on the left little,
Or trot all able, O dragging sensation produced. which se
riously affects respiratain. camber very Oen a trouble
somecough; together with the m ,, v.Vi/ipIOIIIS we percev.e a
routed twee., acidity oldie fawned'. defivieticy of pero
spit:anon. and Amin: Mars a sympathetic pain in the tight
shoulder. with a great disposition to sleep anti depression
1 of Downs. and sometimes sores Itti the ntonth or throat,
canting mucus to rise in the nostrils Jaundice frequents.
I ly accompardexit, amid a dropsy in the fare. These aymp-
I toms, if permitted to. continue. will eventually produce
that moot baneful disease. Consumption. In fact, a ma
jority of such eases originate from the irritation causes
above mentioned. Catharue medicines must ,in every
instance. be avoided in ate treatment for it.
The syinpunn* of Dytorpsia are very varions--tbosesif
, Moil/ raw IlitAlliell elope. are nansets,:bnarcblim, loss of
1 appetite. - tometintes an exceos of appetile, genteel fitll
- nets or o eight on tlat stomach. sinking or fluttering - of the
li i i t c o . l; th i c , s i n c e . eh i ftc ,f ti p l p e:nti ,o x i tt o r f
. so lu ti n r c a g ri oa st i ng :tel t :
IC without il4ll,irell t 111: if intuit; trona ethicist* of the
I stomach. it is 'dangerous.
Nervous Debility generally arrottiptildri I:kelp:psi* or
Liver Complaint; it will aloe cure. A few ticoto will re
move all the unpleasaitt ettecto. ouch ee fluttering , at the
heart, aching; imitation when In a I) toil pitaitirm. dots or
webs Sr tore the sight, fey er and doll pant in the head,
1 centoratit ituaainitigs of evil. mid great depression of 'wit.
, its. Outward signs are, a meek mad strong noire, pale
; and Msteessed rottntrmi li ,.., kr, ,
Any case of the above disarm* can he cared effectually .
, .by the use of the. [litters a. die... 71,41 ,- -
i 1'517l)(41f Ell:.
i Ali I:011114A: ttlfletly for COOlfll. (1g roblii. or the. Chest,
, :Spitting of Itlca:d. In %Vhooping Cough. Ikon.
• rhino. !femoral Asthma- or arty disease of the Laois or
r moat.
I "tits is ON invaluable family unattet h e. It m.o. remsv c s
1 any Cough or Iloorworots. and prevent/. the Croup by he
i mg earl} aibuittiotered. No cough or rand is too tight to
i pas. neglerted; fat. neglected cold. tank ttunwarahr rah!:
1 .f ra•r annually, and rAIA.e many to grow up with a 'all.
3 CAW frame. who "could have /wen stroing arid robust, if at
fin, properly mewed.
l For the eff,etnal cure of tfic P&L 'fetter, and Rheims.
I scald !lewd, Ring-wonno, Inflamed Eyes OT Eyedido.
Itarber's Itch, Frosted Feet, Ohl Sores milting from fever
i Of impure blood and rill extract the fire from burns, on
; application. or remove any etitisorous eruption,' (ruin 1.12....
: skin. Peroomt troubled with tender faces shentld use it
oder altar that it will, Ina !rte ustancitit, remove all sore.
twos att.! atop the bleeding: It can always be relied on.
1 and it istraleatile in any innitty.
b v i ENT. •
3 at the tT al 01. NT
are of pater. et weak M ness in the liver. back or
- rkeir: it toed entirely remove any deep ',AM! rajoa....-
, 'fle,4 remedies have canoed Many to envoy the Mea
t tunable idrsaitnis or invigorated health. and in a varle
ts ut del.perfts and abandoned eases. a perfect and radio
eat veer.
' The tatittencrable trorrt.itioott upon ttre piddle, and the
statement* of 041tatklIbir core. Of l'ef DOOR. yet certified
to a} missed wattora. or by persotio No holly tonsesnminted
won what they have eritforseSl, readers it ditfieult toil*
rattler to the poiiiie to odaring initi3rieut induce-remit to
:.teak, a toad of these in.frloable atedamtes. They are en
, met, ocectable. and free from sit nautical, itigredieuts,
am' c laitrl your pritourige solely atom their merits. Every
tarot!, dmolophase a pamphlet—they can he had of the
sq-,t nt. Kroh*.
reiticipiti Ikpifit at Mr Gr, onto Ms/Leine store, 27a Race
ry.el., rt., door alone Eighth. Philadelphia. For salt in
rdterrorah, by tient:ally) Witt_ TIIORN.
Isseiarassee Agrokarst Vire
-11..E.NC1.1 THAT 1111EADFI'l. C011111!—The I.unge
, Tilt: A...edam. ft.r /.....aeitafr Cr-Mean,- nitre-, st . J • Ili , . ;P t flAwairr. M A work of th., d A sfr o y. f , b.,.., 1,,, e .
'la %ration tamer Phdadeirdrert; larecreereted .% sea- ter, the i.oach ra carasomprio,-, bath to It a roam ca -
t -to- c rattly., ITfrefft,lllll , drAIIS.
. 1
is,,ale• Ilstdatftel, rtalt.anr..NlElf 1.14141ffe, D.41 ,, 0t. , t , / AtA T‘W.. a Murata • Your darlinz chart- your idol
. t.,, ge, , ,poit:3) ditf-R., kl the till Of enuarry, aratiiit loss ri 3 and tatilly my. to into pe { baps confined to her chamber
I d.....iar. at fire• Pert•eMa: use tut iienitrdr,flads. on :ay.', by a dehgcrose cold--her pate cheek... her thin shrunken
ate.terma Lacers tell the bold disease has already grained upon her
. —tsc ssnatnt ea tort safatieltrai care pierce. your tout
Sen-sue I r.' Morton. . los tod. „Mae. when test about aa eater ter., disease sheds
Aderiptote Peyote, a heart en-wiring Wight over Um mfrs proopecto of the fu- 1
risorge radon. tore—yosar
cough and midge taunt tell of your
Pattie k Omar, lerii ...1( h• pe, not }ma 'ism@ not despair: There is a balm '
Jon T Low is which wit'. heal the is witiottil Moat, it is
Itl.tAtll3.l. l• MilltTtrN . Preordent hibernates/Oa Alll-11stiattakag ISalseints•
Fat emit P. /sot, v.a 14,-Krireary Mn-. A;earg., the nag of 'Wm. IT. Atfree, Esq. was
i vete to. tot los4rato eby the shove r.....opsey si , 1 , 1 1`.., sir, lip 14 fle Srvi lilt or Washington. Drs. ROt• and
re ~,-...4 siai tiassomose a denied lit 1,.... .o>4., , inford, Sts.l.l.itio, o f paitad,lpio a . Dr, Roe fio.l lie .lots o f Ne w
filrro 3., $...m.t.”,...0 titit. etrrilltA•:. Yowl. Iler friends-ad
the must di., She had
peat ~n 'vocal strut 0 ,,,, r), appeartioee of bcing or rearnimption: end WAS So
. .......1+71".= eronimfterd by h."' phytict.sha--Stiermates. Ilaisatn was ,
giv,o *ad a cored her
Cosseall'S Piesiglent Pella IlKatrartene.
IT to .....e. r rit,i ii, ....,a1 metiii•t Co-iiirlrit .Nl '''' tka " ••
•*'••"-.", ,
in Palms Ferry. was also onlea of
, nza..lll2rin,ll toe tins tiatos wife% all Other etentedieli
Usforst rsio IZVert.r.or3Msours , bim , l . 0 - r •Ao.".• • loot.-,. to *iv , telief.—rdir was reditprif to a rketctras. Dr.]
A" ' ' 7l rssse"'sd at, N. "" V `"‘. 1 " i " . ti` s "" ""'' A c.. I.Sisile. Lientist 2..4 neva 'ls- v hat win, • d its 1
-tor et the Wok retabstir Its e f f e ct., arc truly roirrtr-atime , i ,,,,, t, i . , ' " * ),: e d e C W ir t , r d .
Al` porn. arc to-roosed Oom bural. elAt.i.lgi. Alf.. AfiA A il
~ . ° ...I'll' r"" wham n°°' stir r rr.' "^"
, 1.41ti-4611 the. !tallw' operated a charm. Dr. C.
e, l'ernal ..are, IT a iv w intnere• atter 114. arplicalirta. .
oasesinflarsred its winicirrttil ethics* in curia: Asibma.
'was i& .- ssoso o's el*" "so`' 4 e"'ass Oss. " s "; u o orioch ii *weer Moho, dein. , S iittit Wood. etastrtin
Kilt. It t o tawail !sachem! to all kinds of Infitienatta. , ~. a 1 . . tit . I ,*, ~,,_. F ,
Ist ii ens 7 or. is eirertissllv <limo oy oils rattans. it •
tit are toe. ass tow Nitypie• and 13) ea, Sprain.,
• • , ... _. brat. the ruptured or writiMied blood versals, and makes
;tram . W totte Svcs Ilona • tod Clears, tinders Juntas.
Clot i 1 .v) tPtias. faits Tic Ihdoreato.l, a e We_ tae ti "b- - • " 4 "stoo avant.
th......,1 3-
- Rev. Malta Jovcs. 104 Eighth *venue, was, tuned of ,
e•rlient of 50 a a
, TOrlt I. A roadie al3 we ow} . g.t.. UAW,* of many car ~, k ,s,
w 0.d .4 • 1 2 . 1 the .' erirt " otTio7u -s :ttre t'a t i 2W I hi " P I P'1 01; : p% ". 41.. ''' S: j 1414finiI: 60"7"""tft..1(:ttaL91'4"'""trre. relief thairT°l77l'''L'ontdl:47.4Bll4/s.
eine he MO .ref taken. 11r. 1.. J. Resta 10 Delaney
pare at /err 14, ...Mods, ra haiiid, fa its, of at...ideals. lb) : . 1 .".. „ .
to ...
ale tier roar a* Wait iniihoiii r but by tta use eft titan. ors ;s? welt, Marc U rr" i r "r.4"'.°l.° w ho '"' r 11 ' 144 " 'mkt
~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....6„,,,,,,.t...,,,,,,f,,,,,,,,,d. Cot., : . 4...hpt....t to entoinee timely allieted with the
.H 4 salt p „. ~...„..4 r. a 11 . 4tino p . j. .pf, i
....A ~...tt_,!. In both rases„ . lll . e . ffe . cia . were immediate. soon
"'row , . roationsetarted tiy Cornrow". # re. N, Y. oodles.. , '''.7.7.7 them In etoanottanie A . ...h!tn,
, airs td vaerta Mi trzta. 115 Chriatie-sb. sofferad Crean
no oilier
statism is years lobermado hareem seheced het at
rptat. Soars. ac —The rlositiote Naps' LiAilltAtol , 11 as % Aothe
Millet, SOOTe piolyr celebrated 011 a mote tor the above. : " 4 ". ii "` i sl i° is c°i° Pa r atit'lT "tn. bei °l l °"abled to
sabdins evert attack by a timely art of this medicine.
:ban key or ell other*. Its curet &twill/WM 1/1PW0 , 11.V.. I Th , A . 1 ,,,,,, t • . c
Allll it to anti necessary to ter ilmo* who linowthe ',reek. . „... .l* tko,,great "OW) tar Coughs. Olds. SW
sod use it with each coat oases.., that a la to tor had 1 t `l t 't w "w s. b.sosTer t tostPlainis, and all the attendees of the
~,,,,in., a . en.... . I , a 0 . , ti c . nia„4 ... , ~,,,,.1. .., ~,,,„ Atthma and Comnimption.
NY _ tore pospetetor. • • 3 I "a rams sad 111 per bottle,
of W Principal Odtee lad 'Suttee street, New fork.
se34 only genuine in Pittsbu wit. Pa-, by ‘Yst I , (80. re. i
*9 I Jrfty s! .Mad lo W oo d ,L. also ),, w i ,,,, kirgir ,„.. , p..., , ! otiewitor Dr, Sherman's r-eirditatini COilgil, Worm sod
by A. Clark: in Itrawassille hy Dennen a. Crocker, aloe, i C.nlPh.r learrnitee- l'remium Toad, Paste and Poor
lei oar wet in every town in Peuntylvania r Oblo. Md. !tun's Pias ter
mind Virigitila.
novtg.dt.c. , Nord wiudeenle sod mail tit WM. JACKSON, at his
Root end Shea/00re and 1 . 411fi1l Medicine trarettauaa
..ll,lhotiy street Pittsburgh, head of Wood Street, and
by the following duly appointed Arms (or Allegheny
collate! -
A, M. Marshall. Allegheny city; Jonathan Oltriest.
ktantheraer.J. R. 11 Jacques, liirmuigham; A. S. Getty.
Wylie street; J. Or Manna, cot. Weinoter at. and Lim;
Daniel licalv7. Reid latterly; 11. 1.. Mitchell, Wilkins.
burgh; Thom. Aiksis Stnarpoburgh; Sand. Springer, Clin
ton—lame* Allier., Stewattotown; John Polack, Tunic
Creek; C. F. Iheht, Elisabeth; Rowland & Son , 3Pb:res.
port; McEldownev. Oaken/town: Riley arldinghlitf;
Plumb Township; 'Wm. J. Smith, Temperanetwille; Jas.
Fulton. Tarentum; O. 11. Starr. Se wie kit% - math-ly
I\lllllll-..S'EATIMONVT-:-W...W7Clang. of-Fayette.
11( vine.soya: ..I am well permit:tiled, and have
been for onrne Mire. that your Inimestic Vegetable lilts
are of great etc to ail Mom who may have occasion to
use them. and have aitmlitistered teem to my patients."
Fever and Ague. Dyspepsia and Miens Fever, are Im
mediately cured try the use of 11r. Ralph's Pills. Price,
25 cents a box. Sold wholetale anti retail ha.
8. 1.. CUTHBERT.
Smithfield street. near Third.
Also, by Win. Cole. Allegheny city; J. St. Smith, Mr
;Hingham; and John krernekeit. Fifth Ward. febli
-- ainiyateas ArilWiinei•
R. S. S. COOK. Piqua, flints writes. March. 11448:
I have used your, earatiantire Babam,
mot .grpeeterant, in ray practice. for the lain three years,
and have been exceedingly well pleased with them. and
never. as yet, Miley recollection. failed of realizing my
fullest espeetatiott in their curative properties. Yong
othertnetheitieo I cannot speak of from experience: but,
judging - Amu those I have used, I doubt not but that they
claim. and are entitled to ell the confidence reposed In
them, by those who have used teem I 'wax formerly
very partial to Verinithgc, until I beretnenequath
fed with yours, which has my decided preferene to any
other now in tme. . ,
Rettoecalilly. yours. &e., - '- S. S. COOK, M. D."
fl Fur sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Ten-Stere,..72
Fourth ot. Cobra
- r) A. FAIINESTOTKIt (.'OUCH 8, 12.1.1P.—thinjore
_LI. parallel' has proved Itael(to be of very give( office
"yin the cure of obstinate teinglio, Cold*, Asthma. Spit.
ling of Blood, Whooping Cough, and rube!. Pneumonia
A.ifectiens, middle proprietors feel warranted in propm.
mending it as -a path nod hteful medleine, and ate tire.
pared to show certificates of indisputable authority, in
testimony of its Value.
It is pleasant to the tastrt, and is offered also foie a_ttriee
aa to place it within the reach of 'every period:' T here
are. perhaps, but few Cough preparations that swill
duce such decided - effects' in such a short time.' Fre
-pared and sold by
. ' ..'-'- • • R. A. VAHNESTOCInk CO.,
Comer of First mid Wood; also, corner- Of Sixth and
Wood streets. decl3
... ...
, r —
D it.riAi.r,i . 4 b CLEW
. salu, wholesale itua
It la the beet Conffh Modllollste I ever Saw."
EA D iv/tossing proo(it the superiority of Dr. Mt
lant's Olienseti retort Nurser., irowo a resPoctoble
wbo Mat
Stmort, It Prrnamion. nrc. 13,1547.
sccci, • tovirt Om disadvantages of a Isatawing cystitis bllid
nzwil thslrolhattle told, whicishtot shwa far. I'o4o[o the c
t,ct• of wtertslol Inn • ittlisiiiisics." I was Induced to intr.
rimy- a nook , of your Oriental rsitotts Mixture, and why
O • In, trial. To my 'IRA' illtrelle, &het lialog only au
IsoN of bottir 1 fated myself entice!y well. u ltiCtlw
Msf Pfareit,isiq l.rn em."
True enp
.11011 N RINDS.
Sold by !lAN'S is BROCKWAY, Druggists, Vermeer.
end Row, I..ibetty street. nearranal. 'arm
' - f—
t A. MASON k CO., be (iamb Roux. tcl Aft lart
AL., Stmt. between Third and reorrai . ioretta. 'llion just
meowed it large simply of rich Pall Goods. comprising In
pert t 17 cases various styles Prints nod Chintwa of Pm
*dish. Preach and American manttfaetute; 130 pee rich
end desirable patterns French Gingham*, twartnnted In
tinier to none imported in style, tptality and durability of
colors: 4 eases splendid Plaid goods for ladies drew,.
committing every style for Pall end Winter wear; Cash
meres, M. de Imines, Satin stydd Alpaceas .of various
pulors:11-4 and 44. black' and blue black Silks, for Man
tillas; Fancy dress Silks; black and Mode colon: 51. de
!.wins, PH wool: Shawls of every style andquality Cas
sinieres, entwines'. Dread Clothe and Veltman; .bleach
ed and unbleached Muslims irate 111 to lsic. per yard . ;
fi r „,,, y e llow, Red and White Flannels; Tickle:re.
strip'd Shirting*: bleaehed and brown Drillituts.
etc. etc. All of which ore ntrered at wholesale and re
tail at the very lowesleash prices.
ocp:1 A. A. MASON fb.CO,
Mgr, Fourth strert.—.llloeon Jc AstrllONY, rittgliefft.44-
typlidA trout the Effluent elite!, would 'gall the attention of
the intinbitulilx of rittiblrok, and the neighboring towns.
to their Daguerreotype of eitirellN and others, at rooms in
the third story of iturke's.builtling, 4th et.
Persons washing pictureithhett may real • ifieured 'Wet
no paine shall be spared to produce. them. in the highest
neve (tuna of the art. Our instruntenta are of the ntostpuw
ertal kind, enabling.uv to exceutti phatures udsuipmteett
thr high finish and truthfalnees to Arturo. The ;MLitt) are
solieited to call and ma - Maine. • •
Persona sitting , for pictures are neither regnirred Of ex
pected to take them Ullitent perfect sarisfaettoo is given.
N. R. Operator, will atol this u good dapot for mock
and chemical:.
irrlnstrue4onn givet . in the art, c0r7;17;24,the more
regent forprollotionts,
frtO FLINIALP.64.--Every female sheath, hive a box - of
I Dr. Italph's fills. They are perfectly atlaptedio.lbc
peculiarities of their constitution. acting with gentle
mess and .piety in all cirettnistam4s. Wherever ititroilue.
ed. their character has been rapidly established among
the ladies. with whom they are emphatically rite Furtiritt.
Very complete directions for usc in the varicnts com
plaints will be limed in the directions accompanying
each box.
Fur sale by
Smithfield street. near Third.
Also, by Wm. Cole. Allegheny City: J. G. Smith, }hr•
nalaghann and John Verneken,- Fifth Ward l'insburgh.
T~rEßCHA.N'Tsvisiting our city for the purpose of
1.11 °blaming their Sprtng supplies ot Hollow-ware
and other Castings, will 'find very heagy stock. and an
extensive variety. of patterns anti sizes In store by us.—
Snuiples eau be seen nt our warehouse. CUnuue reitil Row,
Liberty street, next wAy. Wallace's Marble works.
[IV" Ternugand prieep larrornble,:'
feb QUIN, MeARIT)I O ; k rn
I\JEW BOOKS—Junieceived, ,
Expr . es: ( Germany,
J.l Englona:end S.cotland,-.,,0r recollections of a Swiss
minister; by 1.11. Merle 1:P..1.041'0,D. atithor,Of his
tory of the Refonnution:.Liftt of Crornverß, - &e.
A Practical Exhibition of the Gospelit of St: fitaithew
and St. Mark, in the fonn of Lectures, intended to.latisist
the practice of domestie inntruction and devotion; byJohn
Bird Summer, D. D. Bishop of Cheater.
For sale by ELLlcrry A ENGLISH.
fatal 56 Market street, bet. 3d and
_ .., ..,. ,
./...,1-• '';',-rSW• tit s`tti 4l `' 4 "l.ol..i,4''o P. 7-; ~.jr, ~,•'"-.4 , ,,,,; , : i i* ;,...;,.. 1 ~..,--...;,,,,•; =',,,: g .-. • .t. , ..,,z4-,' 1.-. . - ,, , r0zv4, „,:b,.." t.1.7.1x1 ~ r- - 4- ,-,+, --,,,
..,... ..--,.... c
, t .,;. 4. -t.,,0r - ,.. " ftito*''Stos , "l ...A.1 1 •,-' ,-.4 -. 0- -..4: , , , p,:.0., 41 ,-. 1.. .,At,;,,, t vi' , Zot.A . Ali„..tyr4A-,, , A,+.4.titatna, "-- ?1ttPt',..31;44,t4., i.:,:i:''''','::,.:-..4::'..;:n1::..,'PY;:. I::,,:tr-t2"r•• :; , 1::,,,,,-3, 4 6....,
-,.--- ,, -- ,, -7. _ .
-,,... . ,-,9. ..... , .. ,, t - .. -- r...4„.....".64?.4.70-aq i itr,k4NPA ' " * NitikANgiVl7.... , 4;s:" . :' NW ',."..0 !.:7 ., :i e ' 1.. .2 :-.• „,t^ 1 i:::' ~... .L . , ‘; , ~..,..„:
.:,:-....,..., . ,
.„,....... - ,,., , 120 . 4...
~, . .
.• W,4aTifvi,orA,W.VlA7jt..;,,,l'f4.Ys'r•j':'.:,, ;Z:.:i4l.J''. ‘''':; -r ti -4.C. " '''' 'l3k, ;?-4:61
' 041 4 41 . 0*-I}it 4 " 7 .:t . '
' , ' ' ; . j '• . ''' -. ' ...
. '.
; t ..
' ''-'
, 'C'.44 .4 . • * .15,.,4 ' ' ~,1.V.141.59441:4:1^7i34514.:11f
. ,
insnrattre onwantts.
Lycomisa3 co. monimaNscruNcE COMPANY.
TIRE Subscriber, having bcen appointed and duly cam
' missioned Agent of the Lycommg County Mutual in
surance Company, is now `prepared to receive, applica
tions tar insurance for said. Company. This Coitmany
perhaps. onp of the very best Insurance Campmates in the
Suite or. Union, having a capital of between one ant, two
millions of dollarsgst premium holes, and by the repai
nt:MS of the Company no risk exceeding $5.000 will beta
ken on any one bloak,of befitting'. °eon anyone risk, and
no more then $2.500 trill be taken on a Rolling
Foundry Or-Furnace. Budding:l in which a stoTe - "To
possess through the side 'Wail or roof, Cotton Facto. eit
Pdwder Manufactories Of Ptizting Ink. luta Ds,
vineries. will not.helmeted on , any consideration. week.
ever and when the rate per cent. shall be 12 or 15 inclu
sive, no risk will be talon over NON, (except Bridges .
and Gast. '
The operations of the:Company twee been such, that
for the last six years only one cent upon the dollar
has been eased ..upee the premium notes ot the stock
Application can be 'thatte to the subscriber, at his
office, itt;the new 'Coon Hasse.
SPROUL, Agent.
Pittatnirgli:Alleghem'i.lo.. Pa jant2.3-Int
Fire and Marine lLustarnatice.
Inanronee Company of North Anterien, Phila-
de.lphiu, through its duly nuthorited Agent. the mgt
ettbirr, to Make permanent and hnutrd Insurance
Oct property. in flu.: city and its vicinity, and on shipmesits
by the coital and river.
1)181:CITMS •
Arthur G. Coffin, Pres t Samuel Drooks, .
Alex Dewy. Charles Taylor.
Seintiel W. J ou e 3 , Shinnel W. South, •
1:d ward Smith. A Fre..iv sc
John A Brown, Jlicub Th 011IU
John White. . John It Neil.
Thome P. Cope, Richard D. Wood.
Wm. Welsh._ Henry 1). Sherraril.ftee's.
This is the oldest Insurance Company in the . 1:1111ted
States. having been chartered in 17111. Its charter is per.
petite!. and from int high standing% long experience. am:
pie mewls, arid asnitling till risk iio( an exits hirtstrdous
character, it tufty be considered tie Ode l l,. ample Ae6lri.
my to the public. Mosui AIMOOD.
At (*.miring Roomed' Atwood, Jones d Co., W Mei and
From sic. Pittsburgh ocP2:l-y
The Franklin Wire Iniiniartee Corapany
111ARTER Plall'/;71.7,11..-8.100.000 paid in office
104.11 Chestnut at, north side. near Filth. Take 11114.
ZAHet, either permanent or liTlStPli.tin!, loss or dam
age by ire. on property andel/rem of every deweriptiost.
to 10,1 Or country. oil t 1 most rvakonal/le trrnn, dip.
plication, matte either personally or hy letter., will hr
promptly :mottled to. C. N. BANC/Cr:lt, Neat.
C 8A.V1.C14. So , trrtary.
chalks N. lianeker, Jacob n Smith.
'lium.% Hatt, fleor.,.'e W. Iliehards,
Thomism J. Wharton. Nlonircai 11. Lents,
Tot.t:u Wttirtter, Adotplii F. Bode,
S2lllllO tirallt. DONA S. 1140.1:11,
PIT'PSI3t' ft Ar:l-:ICY.
\t•,nstrtt %tam. Agent, at tbc Exchange slava or
%Voss-wit Marius k. Gr. , corurr 01 3 , 1 and Muskat eta
Yarn risk. taken on kidding , . and their contents in
Pst 4 burgh. Aticialcnt and the surrounding country. Nil
MatittzV Of U 114114 IS/VigilliOn nolcs taken. augll-ly
J.V.1,411MY. JR.
Ar , ls al Pitatarrrta- ?Cr the Derasenre Alatual :Wiry fro
orrn.ter ercrorrn, rtf radarldpairr-
VIRE RISKS 411111211 tiOltaing, and hbruhateliva of rue
-4,4lClipliOtl, and Marina MAI • upon triallnl tAt•
taken 11141t1 the tit".l fftletAbir tr ant.
011 - e. at the vtarrhorate of King 1 110f/are. an %Water
tt 01,r tatcri. Pirtlaturait
.3: Il hinttk Fiamep itiVIIV the cardnlenec load Talton
age of thr,f 603 tantitsol,l4ty at large to the Dela
t are 31 S. ittortionee Cm/am. is lots irobtabou atanagg
ttm fr4l,ll.llctuiehinT rhitattehtltita-ua hating a large
Tait l ml capital, which. by the 4 : gotta - toll of He clutter, le
1217.c14111?) ißer , ll.6lllo I•iainir to reach moon tau
reel Me tba• .:tar...,( ti. Truk* at ti.- CoatTany. althaatt
hut 54 loam reeputribility x lawyer. tlO/0.4 tbr
p 4.1.1 its It y lam; tont therefore At 1.0.
Ce, Mutual .Ihripic.di,tord of truly abbot:or/
teatore. and fait. /111.1b1:1,(.it, ftql, nail-ti
4 ot"rite: i--11.4.750KL1N I,OOICANCE.
V.13,11.# NV Or A" rano, v.'
7 4 4% , 11 ir".4 —711.• of t 1,4
tit.6t ot".istohory. 1 , 46. a• jaat•liaird ix
ik•rt, 1.6%. :• 1,1I.:41,11:e4
•f • ...461 • ..... - • • .
1-47.8a,5, Strekt atspi
M•kL , ± to‘,l or.. ~,,, ..10 - 06 , 41
Saaararel , `hat aft 631.4, 111*:i tAt
a.taa glk Ow Warr , i4y to on water,. L
guk , ./-r'R.. :wan tSi. Comruol ttok• s; as keaf
rare a alo.• r,rna;atrast vritif
.-rt. WAftniCki rdAtrriN. -
Jobb ~ ,o , r roxibt.
Nrifbabit b.
71 , neits,* Afbi , ode
Juba bVt!tb., Jr.
Are aiithvai a 'treat far the Cure of the followitiv aiseasp!
F taken according to the, directions they will cure any
'case, no metier who or what else has failed.. „
For the_peemanont - ehre of-Rheumatism. Gout. Dan
grene,,,llysteritt.: and seVire nervous siketionS. and are
highly recommended -tbri the cure of Drupsy.
Asthma - and - Neuralgia:- -Patients using them, in moot
irises, experience benefit ioonuiter the first dose. • TheY•
det thuneryotts uystem, whdeli_en Miles them to rest well
Ming the 'night. They never tdatibet a cure, when
taken neeording to direction*:
,•No outward application can permanently remove then-
Made pail's from the system. Liniment* sometimes act as
a palliative fora short period. but.there is always dangei
in...their use. ' They may cause the Oahu to leave one place
thr, perhaps a Vital part, - or alse where the pain will be
$...4Kt . t
2c • ' 4 9 "2
Also. by Win. Cole, A
min Lamb John.:llsCrook
CO) .
of the following . celubesto
inulte)y: •
A Seignetta Brandy, pal ,u
lit;One4iy " dark,
pale ;
EinotCastillon & Co
Imperial Engle Gin ,
"flunk florae •
Swan' "
1 rixh Whiskey
Jansairif Spirits,
St. Croix . latnn,
fratrErher with s lit* , ll .
Liquors in Butties;
for sale as tinported, on p 1
lar and Liquor Store of
feb7 conic
uti ts.
retell, at the
, No. so, Smithfield 0,
Ilegheny city: J. G. Smith. Sir
to, Penn iittetlt, Pillh Werd.
300 AS - hole: linlvdS. Quer-
Brandy, \ Vines, rma . , -
anda s gradtis, and vintages
London Nlarkst Wine
Ronk. Port "
Hunt -
S. S. Madeira
S. M.
Pale Sherry - "
Brehm , "• ,
Golden. - . •
Lisbon.,." "
Claret. - g ,
Sweet &Dry, -Malaga 1 , :
of the above Wines and
magne , and Clatet
ig terms, at the Wine CO-
;Winfield and Frout au.
.....;: . :'''';'....:;:.' 4 ;':'.'
„::_--,-, -•..
ruts an
No. P. 07, MAIN Sanger. limrsto. New oraft•
DR. CI. C. VAUGIIN'S regetable Lithontriptic Aker,
titentent for 1847.-..' I Come I Saw,' I Conquered:a
is most emphaticallrthe Case with this article: - Disease
hes ever yielded to.tts most marvellousmedleinal power.
Where Car ' funt gone, antiSputh America.' England,
Canada. and the United Slates haveproVided the trutn of
this statement, the tiboVe ; quotation in a strong and pithy
sentence: tells :the whale story.. Invalids. the'Vrinciple
upon which you are enred; nia4uot be knoWn , to you.
but the result of a trial is settastictoty; you are restored;
• `and the secret of the cure tenudas with the proprietor.
The. Medicine is. conipound' or 22 distinct vegetable
agencies,;, each individne ; root halite Own pecillar. eg
naive,' thedieinal property, conflicting with no other
compound--each root makes its own cure-and, as a per
fect combination, wheii taken iuteethe system. it 'does the
'work which stsruar.,: when her. laws were first establish
ed, intended it should &F.-PURIFIES, IiTRENGTHE.NS,
.S:AND RESTORES the broken doisin, debilitated conatitu
in,6ll its "eharatters:.will be completely
eradicated from the system by its aim... See pamphlets 18
, agents' hands. for free circulation-they treat open all
Jurists. and show,tef Moony of cures. GaILVEI, and. all
4 bianPlaittlaerthe taming organs,. forth also the cause of
- pent guttering. and Vsnonn4Ltrucisrutrile hasamptired
no small celebrity over the country. by the cures it has
'uncle ill this distreesingicless of afflictions, So . Muted. it,
seems. is this medicine, that it has thuif attracted ibe - no
tice of one of our Medical publications. In the NovMn
i.he No. tg.46. cif the ••Ruffalo Journal and Monthly 'Re
view of Medical and Surgical Science." M an article tip
on calculons diseases, and •• solvents,r the writer, after
narking the fact that the English government once put
.elaa.sed,e„iseerel:.tentedy, and ohm noticieg the , purchase
intk 62 .of.a - secret.-remedy;-;by the"Lemalrifitie , orNaw
York. thus Pays tribute to the lathe of the Medicine:- .
why do not unr Itopmsentatives in sinatetnid
bly convened. enlighten and 'dissolve , the sulfuring
thousands of this ecminiy.'by the purchase •Of Vaughtis
Vegetable Litliontriptie, Man .which am solvent since the
days of Alchemy Ims
,poettessed one half the fame!"-
Render. here is a peri odical of high: standing ,'Lacknoiv.
!edged throughout a large section of this country- an be
one of the best conducted juttrtiali of the kind in the. C.
Suttee, exchanging, with the scientific works of .Europe
to our certain knowledge, edited by Austin Flint, M.
and contributed lei' by own of the highest profeasional.
ability, thus stepping aside to notice a -secret reinetlY.'
You will at ones understand tto - unknoten and leash:est
wrostrunt; could thitegatort a comment from so high a quer
-ler-and consequently, unless it directly conflicted with
the Practice of the faculty, it must 'have heel' is .great
!lame" which has caused it to receive this passing met
KIDNaI flit, use', wrolum of the bark nod vine , . irregular.
palefut and toprn-tstd Menstruation. Flour ..41Lus, and
the entire complacmed wain of evils which follow a dis
ordered system. are et once relieved by the undiciueer.-
Send for pamphlets trots Acetate. and you will find cep ,
dence of the value of the Lithontriytie there put forth.-
As a remedy tor the irregularities ui the fingslc system.
it has in the compound a ..root" which has tß•en resorted
to in the north of Europe forcouturies-as a sure cum fur
this complaint. and a restorer of health of the entire system.
Llrea eatteLatar. J•t Mace, BILIOt6 Thar:mita ice., ate
instantly relieved. People of the West will find it Me
'only remedy in these complaints, as well as Fermi aan
Atter. There lint, remedy like it, and no ratimulor gtri,
Mint. forus any part of this mixture. No injury will re
-suit in its use, and its active properties Creme:Mewed in
the nee, of a single 30 ox bottle. For Freer end Ague,
Pillows Paraders, take no linker XtQleine, Iltteearattall.'
Corr. willffnd 'Witt The action of this Medicine upon
the Illood, will change the disease-.Whieli originates tv
the bltxxl;-4144•4 healthy result will follow. Drsrarsts.
Prouscs - ruts. Ise:...yield in a few days use of this Medi
eine. Inflanunanon of the Locos, Comm, Co:mem-rime
also. lots ever found =lief. Selefula, Erysipelas, Piles,
Influrntd Epes-all caused by impure lilted-will find
dna article the remedy. The system completely acted
upon by the twenty-two dbrerent properties of the Ms.
lure. is purified and restored-an a partial cure will not
The train td . common complaints, Palpitation ef
Mr Than: Nick DefaTay. 4-e
-are all thereimlt of
-.erne deranruieut of the system. and the Groom Ramo.
ace will do its work. The promises set' forth in the ad
'entitlement. arc based upon the proof of what it has donee
in the past four years. The written testimony of 1000
Agents, in Canada. the .Enited States. Englanaand South
America. fn the possession of the proprietor-and can be
seen by alt itnetestes a stUficient demomnration that
it is the beat Manias ewe offered Ist the Work:. Get the
pamphlet. and study the principle as there laid down, of
the method of cure, Pat op in 30 oz, bottles, at S2' 12
oz. do. to RI each..-the largeit holding el as. • more ;hen
two small bottles. Look out and not get imposed wpm.-
Etety bottle has e. Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptie
Mixture " blown upon dm -glass, the wrrres signature of
C. Vangh r on the directions., and "G. C. Vaughn.
liturolo." stamped on the cork. None other are genuine_
Prepared by pr.°. C. Vaughn, and sold at the Pnneipol
(Stars. 2ta Main sweet. Bufalo. at wholesale and retail.
No Attention given to lettere, unlesa post ,nald-...orders
rum regularly constituted Agents excepted:. Not
lettere, or verbal cotrunumeations soliciting advice,
promptly attended to gratia. .
Offices devoted excluvively to the - sale of this article
-1,P2 'Nassau streets. New York city; uu93 Estee street,
Salem. Massachusetts, end by .the principal Druggists
throughout the Coded States aud Canada, as advertised
in the papers.
Agents in this city llrtya -
k Brockway, Wholesale and Retail Agnes, No.
2, Commercial Row. Liberty meet. Pittsburgh. Also, R.
E. Sellers. 67 Wood street; :John Mitchell, Federal street.
Allegheny oily; John Barclay, Beaver; John Smith,
Britigewarfs. janNielkvely
crer.Am—A matchless article for
growth, beauty. rind restoration of the. Hair.- This
Cream. when once known, will supereede all other arti
cles or the kind now in use. Where•the hair is dead
harsh, thin, unhealthy, nor turning grey. a . few applica•
thins will Make the hair sod and dark. and give it a beau
tiful. lively appearance: and will also make it tuaintaiu
its Liveliness and healthy color, twice as long Karin the
preparations -that are generally 'used. Where the heir's .
thin, or has fallen, mk it may be restored by using this
Cream. Every lady and getaletuan who is in ihe habit of
using oda on their luau should *Vence purchase a bottle of
the C'hineso Hair Cream, as it is no composed that it will
not inMre the hair like the other preparations, but will
heautny it, and , give perfect satisfaction in every
For testimony . to its very superior qualities, see the fed
lowing letter Huta the Rey. Mr. Cahlwell Meares:
ltenderphoit k-Stretch, Naslarille,••genarat agents for the
Southern States - •
Letter ritille Rte. R. calthrt/L- Pa." r g( tie Piesivarian
mramtp. Srturrcut Gientaxxx—i tract
p.easure in adding my testhoony in favor of the excellent
preparation rolled 1)r. Pariah's C4nete /fair Cream; for,
about two years aviary hair was very dry, bristly, and
dnmeatesk to route out: but baring procured a bottle attire
Cream, and used it according to the presenpfion. it is now
elastic, son. and dna to the bend. Many balsamsnad
oils were applied. each leaving my hairin a worse state
than before. This Cream, however, has - met my °epee-
At an ankle for Me' oilet. mY wits gives it preference
over all others. being delicately perfumed and not dis
posed to rancidity. The ladies, especially, will find the
Chinen Cream to be a desideratum . In'their preriaratioris
for the toilet. Respeotfully v te.
(Pulaski, January 7. 1647.
U 7 SoJd wholesale And renal,. in rittStaltei, by /obi'
Townsend. 45 Mt:het st., and hal Mohler. comer of
Wood and s Fidh ste.
. -
y'ES are cautioned against using. Common Prepi-
LI red Chalk; Thee are not aware how frightfully KM .
:ions it is to the skin ' . how coarse. how rough, how *allow,
yellow. and unhealthy thq skin appears Idler using Pre
pared chalk! :Besides it is injurtotts, containing a large
quantity"( kali: ''.% e. bare prepared a beentind vege
table antele,,,wideh,m*e. call. Jones ' Spanish. Lilly Wbne.
It is perfectly ifinecencheing purified of all deleterious
qualities, and It imparts tothe skin it - natam4 healthy,
alabaster, Clear, hvely white ; at the!same time acting
as cosmetic on the skin. making it soft and smooth. •
Mr, James inaction, 'Tactical Chemist of Massachu
setts, save : n Alter tittalysmg Jones' Spartigt Lilly White,
I find it posseracs the moat beautiful and natural, and at
the same time innocent; white I ever sair. I certainly
can conscientiously it:commend its use to all whose skin
requires beelitifying." Price tS cents a bon. Directibits
--the best way to apply I.illy White, is with son leather
or wocd—the tanner is preferable.' •
A rrsit sir or ,Trarit POP . 21 tints.—White. teeth,
foul breath, healthy gun's. Yellow and Unhealthy teeth,
miler tieing 'once or twice cleaned with Jones'' Amber
Tooth Paste, have the appearance' of the mom beautiful
ivory, and, at the same time it is vo P e n . eC l / 7 innocent
and exquisitely flue, that_ itSconstantdally use iv highly
advantascoui, even tothoseleeth that are in good coutit.
non, giving them a heautild - polishi and annex:tins a
premature Alecay. Those already - decayed it prevents
Worn becoming worse—it also fastens such as is becoming
loose. and by perseverance it will render the tOulest teeth
delicately vi:htte, and make the breath deliciously aweet.
Price VS or cents a box.: - - All the above are sold only
at W'S Chatham tn., sign of the American Eagle, New York..
and by the appointed Agents whose mines appear iu 'the;
next rolumn.
Wtts. roc >runty, and gat a rich husband, lady . ? "Your
fire is your termite." .Is't beautiful, clear, fa ir?.-In I -In it
white' If not, it can be triads. so even though it be yel
low. disfigured. stutliamh tanned and freckled. .Thous
ands have been made thus who• have washed once or
twice whh louse' Italian. Chemical Soap. . The etreet is'
plosions and magnificent. Hut he sure you gat-The semi-'
ine Jones' Seitcyat the sign a the AlNFltintil Eagle, 8:
Chatham street.-
'Unsex - firm, Sell-rheum. Scarcity, Erysipelas. Barber's
Pah, literottetuciued by loots' Illfilth Chemical Soap,.
when every kind of remedy hes tailed. That, it cures:
pimples, freckles; and olears the akin , all know. Sold at
_the American Eagle. 83 Chathainstrect: .11iind, reader,
this seldom or never fails. • - Jr „_
~. Patterson. _
Rohl at JAMISON'S Liberty st.dicad of Wood, hip' of
of the Big Boot. . - noveL
TURr...-Procured froin swell in Kentucky, I.4sfeet
Clow earth's surthee. Oil will be found vastly,
superior to Bartels, British, or'auy other formerly pope=
lar Oils., Its curative properties for the following SU.
tents are 'truly wooderthl t Intlentatm7 rhetnnatism i
whooping-cough;plithiSic, eougha'eolds. spasms, tetterl
erysipelas, scald head; croup, inflaminatory sore throat;
liver complaint, inflammation of the: kidneys, pnitts in the
breast side and back, discaseit of the Spine, , piles, heardburn, diseases of the .hip' joiot, inflamed sore eyes, deaf 4
seas, and our ache. wonns, taDth ache, sprains, smuts,
burns. *oolitic, bruises, cuts,' uloors, Mutoor, fever, sores,
Prico ,10 cents pet !old wholesale and retail,by
JACKSON, at Ids hoot and • shoe store, t.ll Liberty
stroct, - Pittsburgit. The ate sour stands in the door-Way.
OnlyjAacu pittgblugh Where the oznintct: can be oh.
' CAtfintst.—lluoider'to be sitic of obtaining the genuine,
purahase.only of the general agent for Western Penniyl.
voids, WM. Jackson, r 39 Liberty street, or through sub.
A gents at.poiniett IT hint for its sale, each of whom will
title a shiomv bill general directions in pamphlet form.
containing the names and address of the Proprietor and
' Genelitl Agent Western Pennsylvania, as tollowilr
ken.iproprictor. Kentucky..
Wm. Jackimn, General AgentforMesteni Poottsylva
nia. RD Liberty street, Pittsburgh, to whom all orders
must be addressed...
Oliseitva.=. - Ench bottle is'encloss4 in RR& of tie above
named Pamphlets, and the naive ot William Jackson. (the
general. and onlyiwitolcsule;ageo% tor. Western: Pennayl
vania,),printed on the outside of the label..
SBARREI4S Freulr - 11.911 Bulteri. • •
Dried raa4lies;
' 2 'PAK Seed; reaslirod. .1 , 111 far sale
by 1.. SVAI'EtiALIN.
jait4 - No. 311%J.arko!, and 62 From street.
rt, ROM the New York Garette Oct. ti, liiir.i. a daily
12 paper deservedly at the head of the daily press in
this cotudry. • -
Br/stets E.rtraet of . .orraparilkt.—lt were but courtesy
to cull the 'intention or our readers to this invaluable prep.
oration vellich will be found advertised in another column.
.Mr. Bristol is a brother, and issues a highly. interesting
newspaper. every now and them one oetwo numbers of
which we have already noticed; arid the ruedieineltself
has been eulogised by nearly all the press of the.western
country. and. we doubt nut. Justly eulogised. It has in ita
flavor, moreover, very flu tering testimonials from
most eminent practitioner in every part of the country.
where it, has been i
used. . There s beauty and taste
enough in the bottles, and i the engraved labels in which
they are enveloped, to induce a purchase, even it the
preparation itself were not one os the " sovereignest in
the world." as every person must believe it is—that .is,
every -one-roust believe it is—that is, every one Who'
would not resist a mass of documentary evidence conclu.
sive enough to convert a Turk to Christianity,- BUY one
of tho bottles, gentle reader, and see whether yenido,not
agree with us on this point. . . .
.. -
For sale by 13. A. FA II N F..ST(WK,..k..Co:„
feb2l cur. of Ist and Wood atid:ildialtil Weed stii;
- -- -
. .
mspectable gentlemen celled at - oiir otfiee; "as k.
said., to-inform us that ho been' afflieted foe 15years•
Kith. Rheumatism ar : tinut, anal occasionally with
Dolorenx; that ho had,been frequently confined:to kis
room for months togother,and.often suffered the.most
tense and excruciating pain,.but that lately he had 'been
using Jaynes Ailtratirt. trout .whieli he found themes( eit
inland unexpected relict. lie says he found the MC
cute very pleasant and effsative, and that he now con
sider& him self: perfectly cured.--Phiksdaphio Nerd Amer - ,
A Yeti' WORTILKNOWIMC..-.1, g!ntieinan of Serofidont
habit. fromindiscretion in Ida younger days, became:at:
fetted with Ulcerations in the Throat and hose; and
disagreeable eruption of the Skin. Indeed, his whole
system bore the marks of being saturated with disease,
One hand and wrist were so much affected that he hod
lost the tae of the hand. every part being covered with
deep, painful. and offensive ulcers. and were as holloite
and porous: as an hottey-eotuh. It was at this stage of .Ids
complaint; when death appeared inevitable from a loilth
some disease, that he commenced the'use J aynes Al
terative,Mul basing taken sixteen bottles, is now pertCet.
. •
The Alietittire operiles thrones the circulation, and
purifies the blOod and eradicates disease from the systems,
wherever lorated, and the unifier:ma cures it has per ,
funned in disettaes of the akin. cancer, scrofulac•gaut p
liver complaint, dyspeTpaia pod other chronic diseases, is
truly aStontilting..—Spirit of Mr Times.. • ..
IF -For -.Ale In Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
•. St AI lON, 00Utlii. • spirriNG of BLOW)
BRONCHITIS, Coxscurrrs
- Pour.tilths -of -you are -really suffering" front neglect i al
or an. obstruction, and:consequent.intlannition
the delicatelining of those tubes through which :the nit
we breathe isdistributed to the lungs. This obstruetran,
produees . painand soreness , hoarseness , cough, dilimultg
of breadung, heeticfever, and a spittiag of blood, matter
or phlegtu.- which tinnily exhausts the strength of - the - pla
tieut.;,lutd death ensues. JAYNES' .11NPECTOR.Oilr
nersr to remove this obstruction, and pr.odUegit thst
UlOtt pleasing and happy results. It is certain in its eft
fee t& and cannot fail , to relieve.
For sale. hi Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, :2 Pour*
et., near Wood..
~ Another evidence of the superiority of /h. Wits
bird's Cough Illizttire, over all Othera. Bead the (allots-kg
.certificate from a respectable citizen of tie Fifth . Ward k
Prrrsersunr Nov.
Catlike' that for some we eks pas , t I was troubled
with a very actioui,Congh, which' was evidently becodt
ing Seated L on the lungs to sncli an extent 'mato resist tha
elect of ev e ry Medicine which 'I bad been using. , ISvraa
finally persuaded to, call at Ilays 11. Brockway's Thar
"Store,-end get a bottle of Dr. Wilford's' oriental ri ft
nfirtirre; which; to n.y great surprise, relieved inie*apry
flinch; oder taking only two or three doses. and herons 1
bad used nue bottio.-I was edrirety cured. I was rumor*
pleased with its'etrepts,that I have brought others to buy
it. - antl shall Continue in recommend it to my friends: at I
- .firmly believe it to be the best Cough Medicine trt the trertal.".
Attnairar hresrtat.'i
TIT it--oily 25 Cada a Cottle •-Sold by •,. - •
' ' • No. 2, Liberty street, near Canal Basin.
Sold also by
J. FiaEMIN(3,
' novlo ' •
j.n.1.5r0F COLENTHIAI—M a h Tonic-7'. the s ci ii. . n l 4
orin.—lf you Wish a rich,itixurions head of hiii.liee„
tram datidrutfand scurf, do not tail to procure the gelatine
Balsam of Coltuabia. In cases of . baldttess. it will naora,
than exceed your expectations. `Many who have'. hist
their heir for twenty years have had it restored to its ori
glued er ection p by the use; of this Balsam. Age, statcein
ppeals to be no obalacle. whatever:, Ii alut
cameo- this Ruitl to thaw with which the d elicate - hair tube
is filled. by which mecum thousands, whose hair was ais the Amalie. eagle, have had their hair resiored Mita
natural color,
„by the use of this invaluable rentedy,*'ln,
all oases of rover it will be foam] one of,the most pleamint
wadies that eau be used. A few uPplications outran,
necessary to keep the hair from fulling out. It strengthen;
the roots, it never fails to impart a rich, glossy animim,
ence; and.asa perftime for the toilet. call uneqtralled.' It
holds three times as much eauther miscalled 'lair Resta?,
olives. and I. more -effectual. 'lle genuine Manatee
tared - Only by Comstock at ?..on, 21 C ont.thandt-etreet, New
Sold only genuine In .riltsbingli,.by WM. JACISO:+; ES.
Liberty street, hend.of Wood;•also..lll,w,,invo,,, pa.
by A. 2. 4 Weelley & :tots; in Ciiinolleintrj i
h. I,Y DrOiowellt
in Brownsville, by Bennmt & - Croker, so , n every town
niPenitsylvania, Ohio', Maryland ad Virginia,
novin-d&wam. ~ ~ , •
- _
' ;keg i s Nri.t Lard;
d I do.; 4 tf
for sole fie
4114..,.F,1t 4 RICNETSOIi,
RE universally to opts e.'not onir dela'
ctrec ,„ i preventive, but as a meter ailing - eeetede
• all disease', winch can inject the hunitin frame. Heist.
ache, Indigestion .1111euinatism„ Plitt SeutV -, Thops 7 ,,
Small P .
ox, filorbutry Wonnsi..Whimpunr
ConsumPtion:Janndice; quintleT, Scirldsurna._Liver comp,
plaint, Apoplexy, Cancers. hteasles. Salt nem:torn & .;
Heartburn. Giddiness, ErYailleloth 'pointed. Itching, of
the Skit, Colds. Gout, Grovel. Pains in the Hack, Inward
Weakness. PulPitation•tit the Heart. Risings In tbeThroat,
Asthma, Fivers of all kinds, Female ComplaintsfSlitehea
in the. Side. Spitting . of 'Bleed: Bore' Eyes; Serofeht, ,
Anthony's Pltc. Lowness of Spirits, Flooding, - 11u0rA1...„,
bus or Whites. Gripes. King's Evil, Lockjaw, Hysteria,
Bile on the St e mach, and alltiineus atr4egt "'
Swelled Feet end Legs, Swine Pox, Widte'Stivellitapi
Tremors, Tumors, Ulcers. Vomiting---and a holder tithitne''
bane successfully and repeatedly biin .vanquished by ,
heir' all-powerful arm:
They have been knownto &age pernianent cures when -
all other remedies had prevail unavailing, and hi - the la*
stages of disease. - '
They have in many ease:superset/a therreseriptireskilf
of the fnesfertine7ll nhysieiens, and received betides their
unqualified comittendation.
~They have been frequently recommenced hi men of the
most distinguished chnmeters throughout the litruVrind.
been sanctioned in Europe by Noblemen, and Princes - 4f
ro •
l blood.
!hey hive been introduced into the llespitalio(Edits..
bergh, Paris. and Vienna. and through the disioure l o i w
exertions of our Foreign Ambassaden, they have resets
ved the favorable commendation of. the F.ruperur. Itus.
-Ma. and of his Celestial Alajesty of the Chinese. Eamite.
Seareely a Packet vessel of any reputaaails front .
the pert of New York. without an abundant supply of Um' -;
-!ip - . ..Agencies.lavebeen,established in all the windier ,
Cities in the Union, and applications are eoristantly retch
nig ha from 'dwelt numberless villages in every section
'of the country. Testimonials of their marvellous effects
are pouring in from all quarters—and in such...numbers
that ate have not time to real one half of theta. A , Vbat,-.
stronger or more conclusive evidence than these in:port
ant facts can the most sceptical desire?,ls it possible. that
the many thousands oho' have tried' CLICKF.NEWS
PILLS, can be deceived in' their results? 'fluty impea•
tine or quackery existed, would at not tong ago have been
held up. as it ...honk' be, to the scorn cud derision of' a
justly offended community.
BD- Remember. Dr: C. V. Clickener is the origin's' 'in
ventor of Super (7oateil Pills; and that nothing of the sort
was ever heard of. until hp introdece.,l them 111 June,lS43.
Purchasers should. therefore; always ask ter Clickener's-
Sugar Coated Vegetnble 1411 s. and take tie other, or they
will be matte the victims of a - fraud.
2.3 ('E\ll4 PEE Ilf/X.
Dr. Click ener's principal ufilee for the sale of Pills, is 86
Vesey st.. New York.
- AVM. JACKSON. b 9 Liberty at.. bend of. Wood at., Pins:
burgh, Pa.. General Agent tor Western Pennsvlvanit4
:Northern Ohio. and the 'liver Coindiee of
The following are .Dr. Clickenees duly appointed A. :
-gems for Allegheny co.. Pa.
JACK...•:ON, (principal) 861.ibert) street, head adr
A. M. Marshnll. Allegheny City.
JOll *lllllll(thriest. Manchester.
C. Townsend le •• - ,
Jut,. R. H. Jarques. llirtuiiigLain
Jno. 11. Cassel. Peuti et.
Andrew Getty., Wylie.
Robert tYiliams. Artlannwille.
H: If. lietniugray.'South Want,
Nt - in..t. Smith. Tempereneevilie.
• 1 Jeremiah Fleming. lmwrenneville..
lianiel,Negley. East Liberty.
Edwarl Thoinpson, Wilkinsbnigh,
Thuinas Aikin Sharpsbur s di.
G. H. Starr. Sewickley.
Semite' Springer, Clinton „
Janice Allier. SteVearbitown:
John Black, Turtle Creek.
C. F. Ltield. Elizabeth. -.
Riley 3FLaughlin, Plumb Ttiwnshii. ;
Juice. Bakerstown.
Penny. ItrKeevort. arll7.
s 6 g - T IS Tut: lIEST cotton 3tEnterwT'icreic
USED.”—This was expressed in our bearing yes,
terday, by an intelligent gentleman, who .had tusestbnli
about one half of a bottle of Dr. HitGrritt Oriental Comile
.31i.rture, before he was entirely cered. Come and- get , *
; bottle of it. and if the must obstinate vouch or cold doe*
not disappear by its-use, your money ,will be 'refunded.
Compottutled_asit is. of the most etlecuye, though barre ,
less..and pleasant reniedies its nit ter years' bits,
deciferin it: faille gists inatze - satisractioa: • • • •
.For sulejWholesale and retail. by "
I.ibern, street. near Canal Basin.
Sold also by
R. WILLAR.D*IS OrienFat Cough Nizturr.—"Lrr rro
I/ warn MUSE tr." Thaer who have nothad an op,
.pommity of trying this, great remedy for the Reim:went
cure of everyatfection of the lunFs. should not tail to give
it a trial. Certibcates'of its efficiency. front our owls cit.
.ixens, which we are conitantly receiving. raiment fail to
convince the skeptigal. neinl.the folloveing from t lady
of_highstiuding to Allegheny : .• •
rth: Feb. 7. 15413.
“Missn cksis Srpekv•ny rlt Ttraillb, Inc great plea.
mire to be able to add my testiinvny in favpr 01 Dr. 1%11.
lani's truly valuable cough medicine. About three months
since I wns attacked with a violent cold. and was much
distressed with the cough, front which I conid get no re.
lief, untill wag a short time sinee,iiiilueed to`call at your
store and purchase some of the Oriental Centel . Mixture.
I am 'nippy to state that the use of thc second bottle has .
entirely cared nu: and, having great confidence. in it. I
have, and shall continue to recommend it to my friends.
••Gs.sct FttimiXo.7
Price, 23 cents a bottle. cold by
No. 2. Com. Row. Liberty st., rtearCoual.
ribbltil J. FLEMING. Lawrcricevill,