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INES : . ti , - - :.:' ., ':::.:.:, - ii''.'. - ;''' , ? ,-.. . , ... , : , ::,;, -,, :;',., : ::::-:3 - ..,, : i,-,..• : •:! n',-:.,...--:.:!:.,.r.,-..:,.i.„:;,:-..•;::',:,7':_-='•:,.t';.;•;:, MEE INHI =GME . , MEM . . 4,4 - =GE =ME y f. ~~~.~ ~ _ rigno EME =EI MOE r : :,. -,:,•(.-:',...-i.-!:;; ~,:,.. Aeff 4 1 4 -ct4"4,3 1 -,S. , - • , • • 7 TO ARMS TO ARMS!!--Threatenedin shin of Western Penna. by Col Swift. with 10.000 men, notwithstanding which. 3: M. 'White will coutinne to sell clothing cheaper than nny him heretofor, been offered in the Western country, hav ing thebargeitestablishntent In the city. fronting on Lib at, and ats. lie is notv prepared to show to lit% mnzerola patrons the greatest variety of cloths. eas,t merest, vesting's. and clothing of all descriptions. suitable for the.apprtniching season, that has ever been offered in this market, to Winch all can have the Melt of Way.— Observitthicorner_, No.' VW, Liberty and Sixth ste. UW2S .' J. 31. WHITE, TAILOR, Proptietor. IIVENIrGOODS, NEW GOODS.—Receiveal at the Iron City Cl6thing Store, a splendid assortment of Cloths, consiatingar fine French', English and American Plain. black.tuld fancy Cassimeres, of the most modern styles: sae figured Cashmere Vestings, Silk Velvet. Plain and Franey Satins—all of which we will make„the niost reasonable prices, in a 'durable and fashionable style. Ready made Clothing, tit all descriptions; Lady's Cloaks ot the mast: fastilonable patterns. Neck and Pocket Ildkfs., Suspenders, Bosoms, Shirt Collars, anal every eidele usually kept in a Clothing Store. Country Merchants, before purchasing elsewhere, will final it . to their tOvantage to call at the Iron City Clothing Store, No. I,32l.4berty'street, immediately opposite the mouth of Marreei. tectlB4ll . C. 3tCLOSKEY. Cl44tl>atfl t -Clothing t I Clothing It I are Bog Dorm vs. Th e Western • World !' I WELL. SEI:ECTED O.3II:AIENTS no t w 'OO., L made and' ready to be offered on the Most 'liberal let= to old customers and the public in - general. The Proprietor of this far-famed and extenaire ' establishment has-now, after returnin& from the Eastern • cities, at Much trouble and expense, Just completed his fall and winter arrangements to supply his thousands of customers with one of the Must desirable stocks of Cla. . thing that has ever been offered in this or any other man , ' ket west of the mountains. For neatness in style and Workmanship: comkined with the very low price which they will be sold for, must certainly render the old unri valled Three Big Doors one of the greatest attractions of the 'western country- It is gratifying to me to h e a bl e in announce' to my numerous friend's at home and abroan. that notwithstanding the extraordinary etlints which I have meet the many calls in tor line, it is kit difficulty I can. keep time with the cnnstant rush that is made on this establishment. • It is a well established that, that my sales am eignt or ten times larger- than any . other house in the trade. and this being the case on the amount sold, I can affrod to sell at much less profit limn other; could possibly think- of doing if they wished to corer contingent expenses. I intend to make a clean sweep of all my present stock before the beginning of next pan comiug to tins conclusion, I will make it the inter est of every man, who' wants a cheap winter suit. to call and ;nor-base at the Three Dig Doors. . . JOHN SITLOSKEY. at >wi:hlN OFF I.ONV FOR CASll."—Witter Clo b.. thine of every description. such as cloaks, (Wet Cont. superfine hltutket. Heaver. Pilot and heavy broad clothe superfine cloth, dress. and fro..k coats; a large as snrtmmit of tweed. sack and frock coats. Cloth; cassimere. and smitten pantaloons; also. a gen eral:assortment of ce11.% alai fancy velvet, cloth. casiamere a n d fancy woolen, and plaid cassimere, with a great variety of super f ine Irish (mgt. trimmed shirts, under shirt+. Mock. cravats.. eontibrin and rill other aril elei in the c thing line. which will be sold low for Cash. ?Rectos • rill find it much to their advantage In roll 1100 h. at Et Linerty street. P. DF.I.ANV N. 8. A complete assortment of roods. suitable fur Customer work. always on hand. such as English. French mat Americus, cloths. and eassimeres; also a choice as sortment of seasonable vestings—all of which will be mode to orgler in the latest styles, suit on the most ae coital:iodating terms. jr.lll2.talor Clothlugt Clot king rirttr: Ispkiq and Snnlni,:r .tock,thar now' ready. to be ca.:red at the old origintil Brr; DOORS. In on. or the lamest and choicest in selertion that haste er been exhibited by tiny rum concern in this or any oil,- tir city in the Union. will nut sintlertake to ilencribe in the . re der the differant• Sißmalin.nts of uncles which I now ha e• le etre, them; hat will simply tell them that if they on y factirSic with a end. Vairill lay before them 173AU1 itre.rettt 01,11 , n1. to make fa choice o n , of, con . sislin; is part of i`oatn. Morn the rieneet in quality dawn 10 tIN •nt Pantaloolin and tents. to the us tonldhmeu tit the beholder. with both mouth and eyes op . eix.. won• ering in the nmst extravagant degree 01 stir ' prise. hove such a vast rollemion of IttriinT could puisibly be collected together under the einitrot of one individual such things will he. as long as per t-eremite and 11341104 y in the triont-spring of trade,— Without any intention of boasting. on Iny trail- 1 will nay at the sam e time. it is of ...itch metal Mu rrineiran) • • tot nothing in the -hope or form of dithettlue., no matter what thetreuagnituile may be, can deter not front neeompliihing my object, in presiding for the fanner. the mechanic. and Me, day laborer. :My .hole attention is taken up with the crente.i earn for their welfare, in get. tinttp fashionable. and at the same tine substantial par ole-Mc., to meet their demand.; and as fur others. who Caney themselves moving in a diderent sphere% and re mune: an simian of the to ydrui nitre kind, they have : only to give me an outline of their wants. and they are mitted to n word. Now, let .me say a word or two to my country merch ants in the _trade: If , you wish to save tram at least !Li to :10 per ceht in your wholesale riurrhases. esti in at the !-Tlitee Rig Doors," and if I don't meet year most san amine 110p4fA; in the way of getting cheap bargains. and fresh seasonable g,caids. I will net in future attempt loon% er any inducements of a similar kind to a generous pecv. pla - oi so noble a nature mid close discernment. Jotrs 3rct.clscEv. No. 151 Liberty street. ~febt?-iY ethiN'T NEAT i—J..V. White has just received at Ids large establishment. fronting on Liberty and 6th streets: a splendid assortment of TWEEES for summer: also, a superior lot of Vretsch Satin VESTING'S, all of which be is ready to make up in the latest fashion and Ott the most reasonable terms as usual. Observe the cerner.,-No. L( Liberty and Sixth streets. 'm”1 1 . •• J. M. wurrm. Tailor, Proprietor. Iar.NBI.CSHINt; IMPUDENCE.—From a published ,eard of ilrealmont h. Ltond. of Philadelphia, tie public:would be led to believe that we hare been claim oiga privilege we had no right to. That they have ablunknesl.-sonte time since. the exclusive 247, , ..Cr et s tienWaild that we have right to claim elCitl3l,. omit. tiCes tivith their-teas." I never pretended to sett the teas ofilds spurious-concern. I have been selling the lee s o r the. ;Sew York Pekin Tea Company for the last two yenta; as the public are aware. and have been to New York four times in that time, and never heard of this new 4rmcern until lately but as wool dealer* - The lea trtisiness of .WCallinont k Bond is about right months old, and their assumption of the Pekin "Pea Con patty's name is because a name is open for any man or firm to assume; but the tact uncurled to imply thereby, 'Mat they have an; connection 'with the to called and Well known PekinVea Company of New York. is entire they having been droned even an agency in philadelphia, for the New York Company. that Company having reluaed even thus far to confide in them. I know not what kind of wool they keep, nor what kind of teas: I am only certain that they keep or obtain none of the Pekin Tea Company's of New York: Anr person reading-this card will see the gross deems. lion they wish to prettier on the public, and to the injury of my business. WCallmont k Bond are wool dealers in Philadelphia. and have sent an agent colt here to pull wool over the eyes of some of our good citizens. I.ook out for the black sheep. tuovlol ALEN. J A YNEs. NEw 1500E82 NEW HOOlti.*E:—The COHN if l • or .the Hypocrite unmasked, by G. P. IL Jruncs. Esq.. literAshoru. , by T. !toward, author of Ratliu the Reefer. dnaltßaz Or ..the•Fallen, by Curtis, author of Black Phoned Rifienten. - Mae Figure Mead. or the Lady of the Green and Mae, by Charles Corey, of the U.S. Navy. — , Thaliandit's Bride, or the Maid of Saxony. by Louisa Sidney. • • Stanhope. anther of "Striking Likenesses." etc. Leman Lyinuore, and Mr. and Nlrs.° 'Woodbridge ; by Miu Lontron !quarterly Review. „Union Magazine for December. ILlfe of Joseph T. !here—a ler,re supply.! :Anus Maneuvering Mother, by the author of ^ History of a Flirt." • • ' Tile AVilfulness of Woman. by the same author. Thatild Commodore, by K Howard. "Jertnette Alismi. pr the Young Strawberry. Girl—a tale Of die Sea and Shareily Ingraham. ±•'• Kamm or Daylight; aprize tale; by J.S. Rnhb. -0 ;81rilowland Ashton-3 vela ;by Lady C. Long. • Abe Splendor if Versailles, and Court of Louis the Flowers Personified, Nos. 9 and to. Ititral Cemeteries of America, part O. 314..0411e5. Newspapers, etc. -Loudon Punch and Pictorial Times. per last steamers. Brother Jonathan, Philadelphia Courier. and Yankee DoOdle Pictorials. For sale by W: S. CALOWI3I.I,, dec.S 3.1 street, opposite the Post °dice. No. 4. . Morris Ireckly BrieZvi of \:m Book., for trod. DItAWING HOOK. cO. 2. Gilidilcues Ancient Egypt, new edition. The"Niueteentli Century. a new Qiiurterly. Nu. 11 ; full rend on hand. hires of the Queens or England, by Agnes Strickland, vol. Xl. The Market Queell. or the Arife's Stratagem. MITSCO I III9. a tule of the Revolution. Songs for the People, No. 2, superior to No. 1. 'Jack Ariel. or life ou board an Indiainan. new supply. - Ettbank's Hydraulics. NS. 2—fitly sous unbend. • Flowers Personiaint,-No. 14. do • d,, ; Pictorial England, Nos. 36 & 37 / do • do; Union Magazine, Mr February, do • do; • National do. do do do; Graham's do: r do do du; Godey'a Lady's /look for Feb'y, do do; - Living . Age, No. 193, du do; :fmailso up. • Remarkable Events in the Ilistory of America, by J. America/ Phrenological Jounial fur JanutuT. Sub ,kcriptunis received. •• • -lane Eyk. an Autobiography. by Curter Bell:. 14tid - of the Fairies; a Ultristriias tale, by James. Edinburgh Phreuological journal and Magazine. Tim Conquest of California dad New Mexico. by die -. , 'falters of the United States. in years 1840 and 1847. by Jas. 411lkarisou Cutts; with engravings. plazas of battles. ere. A.Tour to the River Saguenay in Lower .Canada. by M lles Lardtutn,f author of •• A Summetin the Wilder. magazine for January. Furnished to sub scribers by'the year. or sold by the magic number. NOWitsd Then, by the nether urreiMiousaud a Year. • Viraverly Novels. cheap form, new irupply. - ' "Fliawbove works are for sale by [11131].M.• P. morist. . I . BOCK--The Riily • • It:WlDOWSV a leunisylvlutia andel the West. and of West. rg pimedi .4,04 Camp,ign.c. iwirh an appendix,: con. 7:ooolousliaisseta rrola important [adieu treaties. .3nuruals, &e.. Together with a rif i c e o, each county of Western & :Warne,. 763. pages, by 11. K. • - F9P0 1 1 4, rt.,S. -BOSWORTH le- CO.. --7 1Tial6" . No. 43 Alurket t• t EO.-40 halfeltents tot 64 Upon; •.. 51 catty boxes " 10 half ciao/ Gunpowder; _ 2 entry. hox ti s•L' ' hall Olesl4 Iniperinl; ..--' • , 16 " Tonillotig; forsaln , by -; • • SA I IIN MAY. • , . IGIBATt - lERS.--eo.sacks., in-store and for sak:lir :: - _E' viira . h. S. IVAI'ERNIAN . ARD OIL-I bbls. Cin.eiunati--suPerioriTtor sale by [deal gIIITII .1c SINCLAIR. EMMEN -In Pie tabargh P ortable Most:Line. - • • 1848 • 'gait" For rhc Trun.sporration of Freida to and from PITI*St PIIII.ADELPIIIA,BALTIMOR.E,NEW YORK. BOSTON, &C. BORD/DuE ¢ CASit. Philadelphia. cocomvoit, Pittsburgh- I 111 SMI established Line bsing now in full operation. I the proprietors have made extensive arrangements to forward Ooods end Produce with despatch, and on the ino , t favorable terms. They confidently hope, their well known promptness in delivering goods—peculiar 'Wel in mode of carry Mg—capacious warehouses at eaehtioit strordum accommodations to shippers and owners. of proltice.—mgetlirr wi.h their long experience and untie= milling attemion to businessovill ieenre to them . 4i.'coM tin moire of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully' ad( ilowledgv. Coll4l2)intow.isy and for this litre reeivcil,chargi4 paid. and Om arded in any recinired. directions free of chi" cr cnwnia.tou. advancing or storage: u::crr•t. direc , ly or indirectly, in - steamboats. ~a innunicatiuns rrnniptly attended .loon appligs lion if., the 101!0.:114 airciltz : !Revel:LlMO Way Freight t* Line. (roan EELS CALLED CD LINE ) inum 1848 . for the transportation of way freigh 1. A he twecu Pittsburgh, Blairsville. !Johnstown. Hat tlayslutrgh. AVater street. and all intermediate places. One boat will leave the warehouse of C. A. Anuliy Co Cartel Basin. Liberty street. Pittsburgh. every day. ISotelnys t seemed.) and shipper. rat always depend on busing their goods forwarded without delay, and at fair rates This Line n ax formed for the special accommodation of the frau business The proprietor.. thankful for the very bberal patronage they have received during the last two gars. respectfully inform their old customers and the public generally. that they have extended their facilities., &c.. during the past minter. and are now better prepared to accommodate an increased business. IltoeitaTule. II H. CAN AN & Co. • NVIR sTrt-r. r. sTprp WM. FELTZ JADiF2t A. LORE. JOHN ?HILLER & McD(/‘VEL.L A,',ENlb C. A - LTI & Co . l'ittsburgh; It II Ca\AX, itqlillttO‘Vr.l; Join klturca. Ilullidayaburr, IiOILIELL.S. Al I - MOM Wl:art at, Ilftitungdon en. Ri.rvitg cgs—Staab ft Sinclair. J. & J. !lkirl)evift fi a f J. 11. Situenberp.r. It Madman & Co-; R. AM dOk : Flattaley & Smith. John Parker, Wm Lehmer: J. Jordan & Son. mar I (Carew:espy.) Merc.hauts , Transportation Liege, 12=111 1:on the TranAportation Atervhandire and Produre to Philadelphia and Baltimore. Goods crentrigtted to our cart will be forwarded without delay. at the lowest noes. Bills of Laden; transmitted. and all inctrUCtiOni promptly attended to. tree from any extra charge for slot , aye or etoutuiseon. Philadelphia Type At Stereotype Yost wary aufiscrthers are prepared to fttertish • at short no lied. cVery *nick weal 44 • PTinting 016 , , and As,. redeem - I the Prices of Type upwards ni 11 per cent.— They now charge 10f • PlCri a . Cll. r 4 et*. Small Pira 34 •• Nonpareil Lone Primer • Ikmir.,.••o 1;7;1. • • •••in garl. • • ..... .81.20 llrevier 1 4 " Diamond tut, Ilvtriuin,...l to spare no elperiae in making their eatat. Ildonent ac complete as passible. they are getting up a uniform Serie. tut the celebrated Sernelll Va 1.70.. which •re Utiegrtalled for beauty and durability. and .filled they fret m-inted will meci with general approbation Several .ties are num; frail). Haring recently vi;dted Europe for the ptirtetie or phi tuna.: every inireUvelitelif It; their lute to huertmer.a. they now otter a greater varlet) at Fancy Type. liorderr. Or. stament.a. de , &a_ than any ot.het eetabilibuirat in the Flitted States; and their Unproved Inedled of Cayuga , . ati,l 0 ) . Pr e paring metal. enable them to hartiieb ortter• to a manner to inAtre aatntiartinn. • - • • rrintitaC 1 . 14,11-ex. of •re , rt tiestriptirm. Pr'mime ha. COZIMA, easeg, HMIs Rule, Furniture, tr., at th torrtal Teter. Second-hand Presses, and Type which has bean tested only in stereotypanir, generally on hand. !looks. Pamphlets. Mutely, Med/eine ihreettons. I.shels, Cheeks. Drafts, &c., correctly and elegantly stereotyped as hsectornre 6.-4pertznen Books be sent to Prtntenrobo with to make orders t.. JOHNSON & morre-im No. A. Litt& tie.,, . • Great Dengllsti tteratallyt I, l olt Coughs. Colda, Asthma. and Consumptive '—mk. great and only Remedy for the above. diaeasearia the lian;arian &drams gf LO. rlbeverneril by the celebrated Dr. Linehan. of London, England: and tronedweediado du. United States under the ltilitteitiate IllpetilMls6F-UCC of the inventor. The extraordinary success of this medietne, in the cure of rulmonery discuses. warrants the Anseneen Agent in colic king (or treatment the worst poesibie eases that can I.e tonnd in the community—cases that east relict ke vain Worn any of the common remedies of the day. and have been peen up by the most distinguish...A physieittns. as cohnned and inrnrable. The liurtganan Balsam has cured. and well eure. the mph desperate eases. It is no quack nostrum. tint a standard English usedierne,of known and establisher! ethency . Every family in the United States shonW be supplied with Duelisn's Ilungartan Salaam of Lite. not only to counteract the consumptive of the climate, but to be used as a preventive medicine in all'cases of colds. coughs, wiring' of blood. pain in the aide and chew. twitatwn sad soreness of the lungs, bronchitis, difßcuiry or breathing, hectic fever. night sweats. mat tenon and general iy. asthma, influenza. whooping cough. and croup. Sold in large bottles at 81 per bottle, with fall direction* for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a masa ;if Digital: and American certifientes, and other evidence. showing the unequalled merita of this peat Engivat Remedy, may be obtained of the Agent,. gratuitously. For sale by IF A FAIENESTOCR CO. ebli) ew. Pint and Wood. and Wood and nth gut TI:DICAL WORKS—Air Astisy Cooper on Derma , In. Air Asticy Cooper on the !freest, to ; Testis and Thymus Oland, Colte's !Aerates on Su gory; Watsou's Practice: Mackintosh's Practice; Dunglison's Physiology: Hornet's Anatomy and Histology; Charthilra 31idwifes7; Velpeau's Midseilktiy; • Diseases of Infants—Billant; Diseases of Females—A shad!: for sale by U. S. 1303WOILTD A Co, marl 4a Mark., street. ivrExv ruinAramost—mitoos new: illustrated LI Harper's new edidon of the Poetical worts of John Milton, r ith a memoir, and critical remark. on his retain. and writiints, by hones Montgomery . • and one hundred and twenty engravings from drawing. by Wm. Harvey In two volumes. Seven:xl, Galax nocrasmss.—The four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, in Greek. with English notes, tilt!. cot. philosophical. exegetical ; maps, indexes, etc. togeth er with the Epistles and Apocalypse ; the whole tannin...- the New Testament—For use of Schools. Colleges. end Theological Seminaries. Ily . Rey. J. A. Spencer. A M A :Vete Neeri-11fidsturamer s Eve.—A fairy tale oiler, Ity Mrs. S. C. Hall, , James's Henri, I V—The lire of Henry the Pounb, king France and 'Navarre, by G. P. R. James. Complete in four ports, paper; 2 role. cloths For sale by JOILNSTON k ATCXICTOII. jan S Booksellers. eor. of Market and 3d sts. BOIIN'S ANTIQUARIAN LIBRARY.—Just receiv ed, by the subscribers, Six Old English Chraieles; William of Malmesbury's Enrelimb Chronicle ; Mallet's Northern Antiquities; COHN'S STANDARD LIBRARY : Schiller's works, 3 rots : Land's History of Failiting, 3 rots History of the Girondists, 2 vole; Cioxe's House of Atlfillirt, 3 vole ; Cone's Memoirs of Marlborough ; Luther'. Table Teak. by 1124411; Roscoe's Lorenza D'Afedici ; Leo the Tenth ; Gekley's 'History of the Saracens; Seblegel's Philosophy of History; Beckman's History of Inventions; Muchiavelli's History of Florence and the Prince; Chambers' Information for the People ; The Gallery of Nature. For sale by 11. S. BOSWORTH & Co. felt 17 43 market street New Books Jura Received. 0 ! rLLI fli st ory of aodirnStsopltell io,. ; umeir om lasti t iedii Mt Lectures oti the Law sad the Gospels, - by Stephen H. Tyng. D. D.; uew and enlarged - edition, with portrait of the author; $1.:50. • Memoir of Rev. David Abeel. D. D.. late Missionary to China, by Ids nephew, Rev. 0. IL Williamson, with a por trait. Meander's History of the . Christian Religion, and Church ; translated by Prof. 'Force y-; Vol. 2. llawkstone: a talc or add tor England, in, in two volumes. from second Istibdon edition; 01.09. Memoir of W. C. Crocker. Missionary to Africa: 62 cis. Personal Recollections, by Charlotte Elizabeth, „with ' explanatory notes, accompanied by a memoir embracing the period from the close of personal recollection to her death: by L. H. .I.TotuNtitti Recollections in Each •b • Rev S. I . Tyng, D. D. Mark Milton, the Marches' erk; • Its,. Charles B. Taylor, 3d. A. author of " Rene cu r a G ood n ue . Lite," Lady Mary," •• Mayart, or the Pearl ," ke. The above jolt reCeived and for side by ELLIOTT( ENGLISH, 55 Market street, between 3d and 4th. UNDAY SCHOOL BOOKB.—We hatre Just receive a lute supply of. Books for Sunday School Libraries published by the American: Sunday School. Union, and approyed by a eammittee.of publication, consisting of menthers at thekrikrwing denomhsadons. viz. Baptist. Congregational. Bplecopitiliethodist, Presbyterian, and Reformed. Dutch. • These publicntions comprise upwards of mix hundred boned volumes, (of prices frOm 8 cents up to 75 cents.) all written expressly for: Sunday Schools. In addition to the above.- the Union publishes B large variety of books, in paper corers, tbr quite youagehild rem for rewards. &c. . , The Unicinobut publishes tor*" Libraries. Noe. Lind 51, of one hundred volumes enelt. all numbered reudy for use, of books from 72 pages op to 250, at the low price of ten &liars, averaging only - teuessars'osvolume. Alto, "A Youth Cabinet Library." of My volurnci, at the low price of two dollars and filly Cents. Also. nylon Books. Question Books, red and blue Tick ers-nil paste boartli. Alape,&e. Alb the above we sell , at -the Union. at Philadelphia prices. Calaleglln% Of Book's furnished on application. ELLIOTT & ENGLISII. 56 Alarket st., feba between Third and Fourth. MKS (Zransportatipit finto BORBIDHE & CASH: Market street,Philtuielphia. TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, Cap al Basin, Pittsburgh. (ICONNOB.S & North street, Balinnore. WILLIAIit B. WILSoti. bti. Cada? street, Nnw Vatic C. A 3EANULTY & Co.. Proprietor,. t 'anal fin sin. Liberty rt.. ihttsburgh (Gareite.rinly.eopy.) IMMINEI MM= =ME emigration £in Tapscottrs Genera , - , Emigration REMITTA.NCES and Passageto and . .. ti n.. from Great Britain and Ireland, by W. • &J. T. Tapseutt, South at.. corner -: •of Maiden Lane, N.Y., and 90: 1 4`ater• 100 Rood , Liverpool. •• • • • The subscribers: having' neeerned the Agency of the above Hozwe. are now prepared to makenrrangements on' the utast . liberal terms with those desirous ofpaying the Puz.sigo of their friends from the Ord CountrYl will they Muter thesuselves their character and long standing in basinesi Will give impie_asittrattee that all their ar rangements will be esirried orit faithfully. Messrs. tV. & . J. T. Tapstiott are long and favorably knoWn fur the iaperior ells*. atteemunodatlOu. and dulling qualifies of their Packet Shipa. The IZITEM OF TI! SIiBRIDAN- GARRICK, tiorrexamt: ROKIII3. LIVEBPOOI.. and SIDDONS, two of widen istaxe each innt zuwahly—from New York the 2tot and 26th, Liverpool the 6th 'and 11th: tii addition to 'which they have arrangements with the it. George and -Union Lines of Liverpool l'ackets, Mimic u departure , Ircan Liverpool every five dnya. being thus detertained that their theiliries shall keep pace with their increasing patronage: while 'Mr. W 'Pepscott's constant per.onal miperintendance of the business in Liverpool is an addi tioutti report!): that the comfort and accommodation, of the passengers will be particularly attended to: The „,subsenhers being a s usual. extensively engaged the - Trattaporturion IlUsiness between. Pittsburgh and the Atlantic 17111 CS. arc thereby enabled to take charge 01 and forward passuruiers immediately on their landing, without a chance of disappointment or delay: anti are, therefore. prepared to contract for passage from any sea pop to Great lint= or Ireland TO ThirT.4ly. the nature td the husniess they tire engaged lir giving them faciliuer carrying passengers so fur Miami not otherwise nit minable: and will. it necessary, forward passengers GU thee West by the hest tootle 01 eoireeyhtlet, with out any CW. 1 1003101 charge' for their trouble. Where persons sent for decline conning out, the amount paid for pasiage Will be retunded,in full, ' RtzarTANcEs. The subscribers are also prepared to give drafts et sight for any amount, payable at the priocirl eines owl town, to England, Ireland. Scotland and 1 'ales; thus aft !orlon: a sit& and expeditious mode of :tinkling foods to those ecnotrics. which persons requiring such teeth (lei will find it in their interest to avail themselves of. Application (it by leiter, post.pairil will be promptly at tended to. TAATTE & o•cosNoit. Forwarding and Commission Merchants. may&:.sltrir•iy Pluladelphlw Inkßoche, Brothers. & Co. ri ffi b FELTON . New Vogt; Env; grAy. llt . staN: Sean, ND ItnAn. LtvzitrooL JAMES 1314K1:1.Y, Agent, thlice oa, Coma hitsburgh Arr.p.v. nt 4v1.1 ,frr le(,, the TILAt•p: ItAI.L, I.l\K Liverpiiol :And Sew York l'aelei, take the libe rty of aultinutimiig 10 their old triqiitla mid mistuoterti, lista their rirrattgrineiiiii (or Ilse 'rear 1,4,4 btinl they ors ptepatad to I.llnr, anpats,torryo. -by the irhoveiirrfroitid Line, from Liv , rpoot New York and They refer to their former emir., of doing litraineas. riMl ;wrote ;lire.: who etitrust them with their order, that the Callao oaltalrlCUoil Ireluklcti a. tmtcltatiurc. Itt.NllTrilrr% to IitELAND, SCOTLAND AND WAILES Drafta for yak. payable, on %Iran:and, at any Hank in Ireland. unttrravzned has mat', arrstotternent• to bring out paaacogers to l'ttelibttrgb, duffing, the pr.,-ent _ eb3-lhentaw• J EIS 111. A _ _ Paaisge To alai From► reik cnrar ItiaTAIN & IttEI.AND. Gramor Itirraita & No VA NVatcrloo 7toa 4 La va/pool. k RlrrAlltla. No 3, 4 South at. N V. • Soarscritai.. having arerptodthr Aarnry tla. L city of the alyovc ,;cit krsoloru Pod ratpretahie JUT prepared to nuke ttrap , rw.rvoi (0. gt..spnLnE ro CORI, oat titan $l./ly part of Herat [twain of ItTlantl bl tha tr. roar I.itte at parker Shy., .ailing tram Lortrool ly. Peso,., romaine. with tar may 1 4 1 . 11/1a....1.4 that rata riisnJs watt ta..l riu ktod lt , soutant and pnmupt .1...- patrti at Liaerr.ol, a. well us p rrtw orttuarj vo linnr arrst7 to tit. At to air Ith AN & /.. 142 1.1.,r:1 .t.. N. n •nts=e4 tto Dom I..vr.tpooi bb No. bu 4211 dote. an.t uyt any atviteant it , rultnil4. al•ic at aght. thrw.s4laixt tbs. rt.arr: I . .._........... IA It ARNDIP.IN ~.. CO.'S l a r...v , r; rig 4+i , innry,,,i. Ottleft. . . II AitS pa N4 l ) r: 7:''t:7Z7 pe rs on, .7. any par. t 4 1,t,;. i' ;::1 .:,d at as Illnnt the RN.: !Liberal term.. 'Yr u 614,11 aettatruneurs:o, MO ..11 , 141.00 10 the wan, 01 tat , 41115 , 1, 1. dr. e.. 4 al as in, p11.4 . 134 , 1qs in lie ti,ht•ed by the sniadlosa c.:el , . that *retest ile , 4 11 1 .11•11111. it 'llf g. take- dram- of de,, tie t - ontweet the, revolt themeelees. and see in Ahe/f art* -`.e. nty,.. voted despite), therm seitbe,it aay a...tent-von 1 , 1 U. 4r.1 ship. Wet any this frastesily, as art defy L.-try of 1-at P.ssa , tirla to .be, that tlury t ,,,, , „ , Tr defamed , feerty-e-wirti Lo t o::21 , us tn , 3.4 . se=l. e. they itils , i 4 e ..... ,, erf , is - " ::eett7 i emit, at a cheer rue, settle li, ton enreoretall 1...5e11' *pair e net:us. totond to perft,ttro 1.0 eerstrotto hn,.arrtCly, mrt es-Air u stay. atot me 1 , 1 se srss the 0714 4, I , Sts ISSS.M" other other*, who either pcsli.noed o,or a, on. of it entlati their rottheroettelt Dnuts dram at Putsbutet fur e."l- own (taro 11 M .101, parsido ai an?) r 1 the Pt, , - modal Dant* turi,Eavialuf, Scotland and tip' Al**. 100 , 1it' rif)lll,o4rlN_ iralh Frh,wr Wood sf. VOR ZION -.e • kBIIITTANCH. 7 1 / 4 rrlent,rrewrg are verpafV4 to fivrArß tanasy lag a") parts of Ratqlaral. tarattaa4 and IVIOag, despatch, and at A. SANCL;t3. A. CO, 14• t 14a. Europese* AdTeary., lane Remittances to Ireland, Ruglau4,4lte s Ann,: and mull messed marts r ark Mill/ noire he renaurst try meht-IlearTs. et sotto or ..**4 to oil of Carton& Trot:nil. 'Wats*. he avert Levertea, PraP t rtn rattap, rev be eoaerie4 and reroveted through the oases tither, of 4Urialf his eb rece from This cm,. horn qetrthet anTil Mae, or, to te:ma al hears to rrtrope, srotteats-n to Jaws* Mae, 'star. diem, Watt., frattl, rilf.olll l, l Atenenee and Conmsellor at Law, and ITArtorwen /Leto,. Pittsburgh,. re r --Aa TT Keenan has bees frerptemTv rror,ht.d it, apr4eaumns end letters on the hnolnees of Aterantan A Keenan," remota-cm arrears. or Now ' , ens's. op deem. ,s neeeinteer to say that ht II not the Keenan of that emus, and has never bad any coarsaiion with either of those persona. . ..„ West ern New York Colter, of Health. MC Afars eraser.. Iltsrit.o. N Y. Dil. O. C, VAU(.IIIN — S VIX;F:TA,OI.I: LyriONTDip TIC MIXTURE, rl l llO4 erdrbrnted remedy is 4., , inford, Sts.l.l.itio, o f paitad,lpio a . Dr, Roe fio.l lie .lots o f Ne w filrro 3., $...m.t.”,...0 titit. etrrilltA•:. Yowl. Iler friends-ad the the must di., She had peat ~n 'vocal strut 0 ,,,, r), appeartioee of bcing or rearnimption: end WAS So . .......1+71".= eronimfterd by h."' phytict.sha--Stiermates. Ilaisatn was , giv,o *ad a cored her Cosseall'S Piesiglent Pella IlKatrartene. IT to .....e. r rit,i ii, ....,a1 metiii•t Co-iiirlrit .Nl '''' tka " •• •*'••"-.", , in Palms Ferry. was also onlea of , nza..lll2rin,ll toe tins tiatos wife% all Other etentedieli Usforst rsio IZVert.r.or3Msours , bim , l . 0 - r •Ao.".• • loot.-,. to *iv , telief.—rdir was reditprif to a rketctras. Dr.] A" ' ' 7l rssse"'sd at, N. "" V `"‘. 1 " i " . ti` s "" ""'' A c.. I.Sisile. Lientist 2..4 neva 'ls- v hat win, • d its 1 -tor et the Wok retabstir Its e f f e ct., arc truly roirrtr-atime , i ,,,,, t, i . , ' " * ),: e d e C W ir t , r d . Al` porn. arc to-roosed Oom bural. elAt.i.lgi. Alf.. AfiA A il ~ . ° ...I'll' r"" wham n°°' stir r rr.' "^" , 1.41ti-4611 the. !tallw' operated a charm. Dr. C. - e, l'ernal ..are, IT a iv w intnere• atter 114. arplicalirta. . oasesinflarsred its winicirrttil ethics* in curia: Asibma. 'was i& .- ssoso o's el*" "so`' 4 e"'ass Oss. " s "; u o orioch ii *weer Moho, dein. , S iittit Wood. etastrtin Kilt. It t o tawail !sachem! to all kinds of Infitienatta. , ~. a 1 . . tit . I ,*, ~,,_. F , Ist ii ens 7 or. is eirertissllv runty, and gat a rich husband, lady . ? "Your fire is your termite." .Is't beautiful, clear, fa ir?.-In I -In it white' If not, it can be triads. so even though it be yel low. disfigured. stutliamh tanned and freckled. .Thous ands have been made thus who• have washed once or twice whh louse' Italian. Chemical Soap. . The etreet is' plosions and magnificent. Hut he sure you gat-The semi-' ine Jones' Seitcyat the sign a the AlNFltintil Eagle, 8: Chatham street.- 'Unsex - firm, Sell-rheum. Scarcity, Erysipelas. Barber's Pah, literottetuciued by loots' Illfilth Chemical Soap,. when every kind of remedy hes tailed. That, it cures: pimples, freckles; and olears the akin , all know. Sold at _the American Eagle. 83 Chathainstrect: .11iind, reader, this seldom or never fails. • - Jr „_ ~. Patterson. _ Rohl at JAMISON'S Liberty st.dicad of Wood, hip' of of the Big Boot. . - noveL 6ALNIERicA - N oiti—Tim GREAT REMEDY' OF IsIAI TURr...-Procured froin swell in Kentucky, I.4sfeet Clow earth's surthee. Oil will be found vastly, superior to Bartels, British, or'auy other formerly pope= lar Oils., Its curative properties for the following SU. tents are 'truly wooderthl t Intlentatm7 rhetnnatism i whooping-cough;plithiSic, eougha'eolds. spasms, tetterl erysipelas, scald head; croup, inflaminatory sore throat; liver complaint, inflammation of the: kidneys, pnitts in the breast side and back, discaseit of the Spine, , piles, heardburn, diseases of the .hip' joiot, inflamed sore eyes, deaf 4 seas, and our ache. wonns, taDth ache, sprains, smuts, No burns. *oolitic, bruises, cuts,' uloors, Mutoor, fever, sores, Prico ,10 cents pet !old wholesale and retail,by JACKSON, at Ids hoot and • shoe store, t.ll Liberty stroct, - Pittsburgit. The ate sour stands in the door-Way. OnlyjAacu pittgblugh Where the oznintct: can be oh. ' CAtfintst.—lluoider'to be sitic of obtaining the genuine, purahase.only of the general agent for Western Penniyl. voids, WM. Jackson, r 39 Liberty street, or through sub. A gents at.poiniett IT hint for its sale, each of whom will title a shiomv bill general directions in pamphlet form. containing the names and address of the Proprietor and ' Genelitl Agent Western Pennsylvania, as tollowilr ken.iproprictor. Kentucky.. Wm. Jackimn, General AgentforMesteni Poottsylva nia. RD Liberty street, Pittsburgh, to whom all orders must be addressed... Oliseitva.=. - Ench bottle is'encloss4 in RR& of tie above named Pamphlets, and the naive ot William Jackson. (the general. and onlyiwitolcsule;ageo% tor. Western: Pennayl vania,),printed on the outside of the label.. SBARREI4S Freulr - 11.911 Bulteri. • • Dried raa4lies; ' 2 'PAK Seed; reaslirod. .1 , 111 far sale by 1.. SVAI'EtiALIN. jait4 - No. 311%J.arko!, and 62 From street. MIN BINNING rt, ROM the New York Garette Oct. ti, liiir.i. a daily 12 paper deservedly at the head of the daily press in this cotudry. • - Br/stets E.rtraet of . .orraparilkt.—lt were but courtesy to cull the 'intention or our readers to this invaluable prep. oration vellich will be found advertised in another column. .Mr. Bristol is a brother, and issues a highly. interesting newspaper. every now and them one oetwo numbers of which we have already noticed; arid the ruedieineltself has been eulogised by nearly all the press of the.western country. and. we doubt nut. Justly eulogised. It has in ita flavor, moreover, very flu tering testimonials from _Me. most eminent practitioner in every part of the country. where it, has been i used. . There s beauty and taste enough in the bottles, and i the engraved labels in which they are enveloped, to induce a purchase, even it the preparation itself were not one os the " sovereignest in the world." as every person must believe it is—that .is, every -one-roust believe it is—that is, every one Who' would not resist a mass of documentary evidence conclu. sive enough to convert a Turk to Christianity,- BUY one of tho bottles, gentle reader, and see whether yenido,not agree with us on this point. . . . .. - For sale by 13. A. FA II N F..ST(WK,..k..Co:„ feb2l cur. of Ist and Wood atid:ildialtil Weed stii; - -- - . . 43 11EIMATISAL, ,GORT, AND TIC DOLAIREL'X' mspectable gentlemen celled at - oiir otfiee; "as k. said., to-inform us that ho been' afflieted foe 15years• Kith. Rheumatism ar : tinut, anal occasionally with Dolorenx; that ho had,been frequently confined:to kis room for months togother,and.often suffered the.most tense and excruciating pain,.but that lately he had 'been using Jaynes Ailtratirt. trout .whieli he found themes( eit inland unexpected relict. lie says he found the MC cute very pleasant and effsative, and that he now con sider& him self: perfectly cured.--Phiksdaphio Nerd Amer - , A Yeti' WORTILKNOWIMC..-.1, g!ntieinan of Serofidont habit. fromindiscretion in Ida younger days, became:at: fetted with Ulcerations in the Throat and hose; and disagreeable eruption of the Skin. Indeed, his whole system bore the marks of being saturated with disease, One hand and wrist were so much affected that he hod lost the tae of the hand. every part being covered with deep, painful. and offensive ulcers. and were as holloite and porous: as an hottey-eotuh. It was at this stage of .Ids complaint; when death appeared inevitable from a loilth some disease, that he commenced the'use J aynes Al terative,Mul basing taken sixteen bottles, is now pertCet. . • The Alietittire operiles thrones the circulation, and purifies the blOod and eradicates disease from the systems, wherever lorated, and the unifier:ma cures it has per , funned in disettaes of the akin. cancer, scrofulac•gaut p liver complaint, dyspeTpaia pod other chronic diseases, is truly aStontilting..—Spirit of Mr Times.. • .. IF -For -.Ale In Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, •. St AI lON, 00Utlii. • spirriNG of BLOW) BRONCHITIS, Coxscurrrs - Pour.tilths -of -you are -really suffering" front neglect i al or an. obstruction, and:consequent.intlannition the delicatelining of those tubes through which :the nit we breathe isdistributed to the lungs. This obstruetran, produees . painand soreness , hoarseness , cough, dilimultg of breadung, heeticfever, and a spittiag of blood, matter or phlegtu.- which tinnily exhausts the strength of - the - pla tieut.;,lutd death ensues. JAYNES' .11NPECTOR.Oilr nersr to remove this obstruction, and pr.odUegit thst UlOtt pleasing and happy results. It is certain in its eft fee t& and cannot fail , to relieve. For sale. hi Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, :2 Pour* et., near Wood.. janS riEliT .COUOII 31EDICINE IN THE WORLD!". ~ Another evidence of the superiority of /h. Wits bird's Cough Illizttire, over all Othera. Bead the (allots-kg .certificate from a respectable citizen of tie Fifth . Ward k "This Prrrsersunr Nov. ,47. Catlike' that for some we eks pas , t I was troubled with a very actioui,Congh, which' was evidently becodt ing Seated L on the lungs to sncli an extent 'mato resist tha elect of ev e ry Medicine which 'I bad been using. , ISvraa finally persuaded to, call at Ilays 11. Brockway's Thar "Store,-end get a bottle of Dr. Wilford's' oriental ri ft nfirtirre; which; to n.y great surprise, relieved inie*apry flinch; oder taking only two or three doses. and herons 1 bad used nue bottio.-I was edrirety cured. I was rumor* pleased with its'etrepts,that I have brought others to buy it. - antl shall Continue in recommend it to my friends: at I - .firmly believe it to be the best Cough Medicine trt the trertal.". Attnairar hresrtat.'i TIT it--oily 25 Cada a Cottle •-Sold by •,. - • ' HAYS It BROCKWAY. • ' ' • No. 2, Liberty street, near Canal Basin. Sold also by J. FiaEMIN(3, ' novlo ' • j.n.1.5r0F COLENTHIAI—M a h Tonic-7'. the s ci ii. . n l 4 orin.—lf you Wish a rich,itixurions head of hiii.liee„ tram datidrutfand scurf, do not tail to procure the gelatine Balsam of Coltuabia. In cases of . baldttess. it will naora, than exceed your expectations. `Many who have'. hist their heir for twenty years have had it restored to its ori glued er ection p by the use; of this Balsam. Age, statcein ppeals to be no obalacle. whatever:, Ii alut cameo- this Ruitl to thaw with which the d elicate - hair tube is filled. by which mecum thousands, whose hair was ais the Amalie. eagle, have had their hair resiored Mita natural color, „by the use of this invaluable rentedy,*'ln, all oases of rover it will be foam] one of,the most pleamint wadies that eau be used. A few uPplications outran, necessary to keep the hair from fulling out. It strengthen; the roots, it never fails to impart a rich, glossy animim, ence; and.asa perftime for the toilet. call uneqtralled.' It holds three times as much eauther miscalled 'lair Resta?, olives. and I. more -effectual. 'lle genuine Manatee tared - Only by Comstock at ?..on, 21 C ont.thandt-etreet, New York. Sold only genuine In .riltsbingli,.by WM. JACISO:+; ES. Liberty street, hend.of Wood;•also..lll,w,,invo,,, pa. by A. 2. 4 Weelley & :tots; in Ciiinolleintrj i h. I,Y DrOiowellt in Brownsville, by Bennmt & - Croker, so , n every town niPenitsylvania, Ohio', Maryland ad Virginia, novin-d&wam. ~ ~ , • -..------ - _ ' ;keg i s Nri.t Lard; Oy conagartelArNo. d I do.; 4 tf for sole fie 4114..,.F,1t 4 RICNETSOIi, SUGAR coATED.VEGE'FABLE PUTATIVE PSWIt RE universally to opts e.'not onir dela' ctrec ,„ i preventive, but as a meter ailing - eeetede • all disease', winch can inject the hunitin frame. Heist. ache, Indigestion .1111euinatism„ Plitt SeutV -, Thops 7 ,, Small P . ox, filorbutry Wonnsi..Whimpunr ConsumPtion:Janndice; quintleT, Scirldsurna._Liver comp, plaint, Apoplexy, Cancers. hteasles. Salt nem:torn & .; Heartburn. Giddiness, ErYailleloth 'pointed. Itching, of the Skit, Colds. Gout, Grovel. Pains in the Hack, Inward Weakness. PulPitation•tit the Heart. Risings In tbeThroat, Asthma, Fivers of all kinds, Female ComplaintsfSlitehea in the. Side. Spitting . of 'Bleed: Bore' Eyes; Serofeht, , Anthony's Pltc. Lowness of Spirits, Flooding, - 11u0rA1...„, bus or Whites. Gripes. King's Evil, Lockjaw, Hysteria, Bile on the St e mach, and alltiineus atr4egt "' Swelled Feet end Legs, Swine Pox, Widte'Stivellitapi Tremors, Tumors, Ulcers. Vomiting---and a holder tithitne'' bane successfully and repeatedly biin .vanquished by , heir' all-powerful arm: They have been knownto &age pernianent cures when - all other remedies had prevail unavailing, and hi - the la* stages of disease. - ' They have in many ease:superset/a therreseriptireskilf of the fnesfertine7ll nhysieiens, and received betides their unqualified comittendation. ~They have been frequently recommenced hi men of the most distinguished chnmeters throughout the litruVrind. been sanctioned in Europe by Noblemen, and Princes - 4f ro • l blood. !hey hive been introduced into the llespitalio(Edits.. bergh, Paris. and Vienna. and through the disioure l o i w exertions of our Foreign Ambassaden, they have resets ved the favorable commendation of. the F.ruperur. Itus. -Ma. and of his Celestial Alajesty of the Chinese. Eamite. Seareely a Packet vessel of any reputaaails front . the pert of New York. without an abundant supply of Um' -; SICK -MAN'S NEVER.FAILING.PTULIsD. -!ip - . ..Agencies.lavebeen,established in all the windier , Cities in the Union, and applications are eoristantly retch nig ha from 'dwelt numberless villages in every section 'of the country. Testimonials of their marvellous effects are pouring in from all quarters—and in such...numbers that ate have not time to real one half of theta. A , Vbat,-. stronger or more conclusive evidence than these in:port ant facts can the most sceptical desire?,ls it possible. that the many thousands oho' have tried' CLICKF.NEWS PILLS, can be deceived in' their results? 'fluty impea• tine or quackery existed, would at not tong ago have been held up. as it ...honk' be, to the scorn cud derision of' a justly offended community. BD- Remember. Dr: C. V. Clickener is the origin's' 'in ventor of Super (7oateil Pills; and that nothing of the sort was ever heard of. until hp introdece.,l them 111 June,lS43. Purchasers should. therefore; always ask ter Clickener's- Sugar Coated Vegetnble 1411 s. and take tie other, or they will be matte the victims of a - fraud. 2.3 ('E\ll4 PEE Ilf/X. Dr. Click ener's principal ufilee for the sale of Pills, is 86 Vesey st.. New York. - AVM. JACKSON. b 9 Liberty at.. bend of. Wood at., Pins: burgh, Pa.. General Agent tor Western Pennsvlvanit4 :Northern Ohio. and the 'liver Coindiee of The following are .Dr. Clickenees duly appointed A. : -gems for Allegheny co.. Pa. JACK...•:ON, (principal) 861.ibert) street, head adr •Wood. A. M. Marshnll. Allegheny City. JOll *lllllll(thriest. Manchester. C. Townsend le •• - , Jut,. R. H. Jarques. llirtuiiigLain Jno. 11. Cassel. Peuti et. Andrew Getty., Wylie. Robert tYiliams. Artlannwille. H: If. lietniugray.'South Want, Nt - in..t. Smith. Tempereneevilie. • 1 Jeremiah Fleming. lmwrenneville.. lianiel,Negley. East Liberty. Edwarl Thoinpson, Wilkinsbnigh, Thuinas Aikin Sharpsbur s di. G. H. Starr. Sewickley. Semite' Springer, Clinton „ Janice Allier. SteVearbitown: John Black, Turtle Creek. C. F. Ltield. Elizabeth. -. Riley 3FLaughlin, Plumb Ttiwnshii. ; Juice. Bakerstown. Penny. ItrKeevort. arll7. s 6 g - T IS Tut: lIEST cotton 3tEnterwT'icreic USED.”—This was expressed in our bearing yes, terday, by an intelligent gentleman, who .had tusestbnli about one half of a bottle of Dr. HitGrritt Oriental Comile .31i.rture, before he was entirely cered. Come and- get , * ; bottle of it. and if the must obstinate vouch or cold doe* not disappear by its-use, your money ,will be 'refunded. Compottutled_asit is. of the most etlecuye, though barre , less..and pleasant reniedies its nit ter years' bits, deciferin it: faille gists inatze - satisractioa: • • • • .For sulejWholesale and retail. by " HAYS & BROCKW.AY. I.ibern, street. near Canal Basin. WILL/AM FLE.MINCT. Lawrenceville. Sold also by ()oil R. WILLAR.D*IS OrienFat Cough Nizturr.—"Lrr rro I/ warn MUSE tr." Thaer who have nothad an op, .pommity of trying this, great remedy for the Reim:went cure of everyatfection of the lunFs. should not tail to give it a trial. Certibcates'of its efficiency. front our owls cit. .ixens, which we are conitantly receiving. raiment fail to convince the skeptigal. neinl.the folloveing from t lady of_highstiuding to Allegheny : .• • rth: Feb. 7. 15413. “Missn cksis Srpekv•ny rlt Ttraillb, Inc great plea. mire to be able to add my testiinvny in favpr 01 Dr. 1%11. lani's truly valuable cough medicine. About three months since I wns attacked with a violent cold. and was much distressed with the cough, front which I conid get no re. lief, untill wag a short time sinee,iiiilueed to`call at your store and purchase some of the Oriental Centel . Mixture. I am 'nippy to state that the use of thc second bottle has . entirely cared nu: and, having great confidence. in it. I have, and shall continue to recommend it to my friends. ••Gs.sct FttimiXo.7 Price, 23 cents a bottle. cold by HAYS Or BROCKWAY. No. 2. Com. Row. Liberty st., rtearCoual. ribbltil J. FLEMING. Lawrcricevill, MEM =ME =ME