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' '" " ' ...- -' -` ' ;,. - T - ~.L.,74, , ,,, .„ 2 , ~ -' •,,-; -,.. - :-.„.„,,:-., • , _ -, , ...--.- ,-, •-,- - ---,' - -„, '„, • '- - ' ~.--%:••'-",- -,- -",' - ‘,- 'AI , ;' , . , -' 1"I ' ':-.• ~. , ~.----- 0Avc",),;(4,-,--„.. I_, - --,,, -.e ~,;.. ~,,...--, -, -..,.. -: ~,i, r,,,, , ,_ 4f. “ Vl t.'St a i l -0, - ; -•): '''''''''.--; ; ;..j.-; , ~,. ?"5,...-: ~.:4,:r.„,i,-.c.:4:,;,,Z., .7:17 '''' ''''"'' .' `,-..'-: ' ,-:4_ . ,; , ' -- - ' ,:.- , ,4,-.;- ":, ' - 4 -.,,`F ' -..- , L .- : .O - 7. -;”. ,:1 ;4 - } ~-.. . , y,: - ..:• - ff.•-• -= - - ..f. - -- *: .-.-- ,, y ,...: •, ,,, -,'• 7... , ..-- - .- ~.- ••- , ,--- , 4%, . --,:, : - "...•'-. ' ' - k s . - ---:,--`, f~, T fi ,~r qpl ~ $ i ~ ~ 1 3`x. . ~~`_ 11/CUAZI. DAVI KAGEIL44. P. C. ILIIANNON. • Magehtut Shannon, A .711MNEYS and. Counsellors. at , Law. Office AL on Nona!) street, between Wood and Smithfield, lad ucarly opposite the Mayor's office. nov6-y. ! '" ::''S - . , rf. ;:fNl : *!,-; - 7'.' .- -,' . ! .- i- . : - '''.7. ' • :T-5-_':'.'i `7, ,; . A TrORM:YSiAND"COLTNSELLOgB AT'LAN4, I - 1 office on Fottrth street, opposite R. St R. If. atteistnes Eavery Stable Pittsburgh. seplOi • • '2 ‘ , , . • ~ ,ATTORNEY; COUNSELLOR' AND - NOTARY, Pittsburgh, Pa.,•hosing resi}pled the office o °oratory P. Nay. and Fire Ins. Co., will attend ape. sully to -collections and business connected with navigation, insurance, accounts andseal estate. ..13z! uney,houns, 9 A. M. to .9 P. M. Office,. No. 1, Stuari , (No. SO F urth t ) d'd mgs,o. o ~ 00Z laiter Wood xtraet. . ' fabsi • ;Y. ~ 'ri': SEE ': - 1i: , . - 4,;•.:,. '-,i•.7,,;,!.., 4' ?4,f,T-i/%;tAt,,J*:;;;-. • ; 24. •... : • . ISUSE=M BIBIZEMES ,y : - i.:4" - i*.:?:-"if. - .Y. , . -, . , ,0.,:i5.Z.,1....... , .:' • .. • . • IL. II EDITED BY ' &;w. cowl' of iVoOd and Fifth Sts IFtaias =+ Firs dollars a year, payable in advance. ',1315 . ' dollars will= invariably be required if not paid Within:therm'. - Singliscopies, Two crarrs--for sale at tho counter of the Office, and by News Boys. • TIM WERKIN 'COY AND ItIieIIOTUBER .1-apablisbed at.he same office, QII a double mediuni sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance; shi t fgle, copies, ssx,oravvs.::, Terms of era ;guess or rio • , ()iiei 30 50 • - 075 Threallit'e • -1;09 brio week, 1 50 ;Three "4'00:! "Yearly 30. v CHASIGEABLE One 'Square. month,_ 615' 00, One year, 20 00 Latzer advertisements ' Igr CA.lttTh of , four lines - A. W. Poster. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR. AT J% Office, South side of Fourth street, wear Grant C:r C9llections and other professional business attended to in Butler and Mercer Counties, dkiv-y Joseph MaLox, TTORNEY . AT LAW,- Pittaburer, Pi., has AL ?canine& the`practice of his -profession, in his -attics, Ni - . 7, Bllteccell. , l Buildings. ' Grant street, acoOpiedittiring hi4Absence by T. J. Bighorn, and J. Chiiity, - - ' = jait2S-dawly it t:thial. Cowan, TTORNEY AT LAW, office in S tuart ' s build Itugs, Fourth .at., aboie Wood. junel9-dwy T,1103111.931.:31AR5ii.i.LL, A TTOR4E.I' AT LAW--Office L0W603 ;Build- Lugs, Fourth street. jest7-ly Joseph Cti DiriEtbbin, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office in Wallace's bni Id trig, ing,on 4th et, between, WoMrand Smithfield Streets. oev 18-y lit WI am 3I :Mahon, 4 TTOIL,NEY wr LtilTand Solicitor in ChOncery. itosi building, Firtititrco, be wc.tn anti Stithfteltl. ang II etiraNi & RlPKnlght, TTORNEYS AT LAW, Office removed to th e .L - 12 riiiidisnie of 11. S. Magnivt, on Fourth tat., oiae tour fi , ona Cheiry Aliey. iap2l-y ' & Donuelly, AirutrrOrt.:4E;YS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, 'Pittsburgh, Pa.- 'Offictron Fourth at., bitweeti hadlil 'and Omit. mari4-y Edmund Snowden, A• TTORNEY AT - LAW, office in the building on the North East corner of Fourth and Smithfield - streets. novll-y R. :17orrow,. A LDRItMAN; °Hine' north aide of Fifth street, 2X . between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. .:f seplo'' . • Atidrear Barka, TTORNEt AT LAW, office,l . .hithfceld street, betweeriFoitrtb street and Diamond Alley, bp - polit!1 111 Goo:Weyntan's tobacco manufactory. • . apl6l, " :Tisanes Callau, TTORNEY AT LAW, office in the chambers ' occupied.by Aldermen 111 , 111,ariters, on . Fifth et., tweez Wood . and"Smithfield.' 'aPlB-9 F - 4r*ard,k, Sviartzlr,elcler, . TTORNEYS AT, LAW S Fourtb..erdet between AIAL Wootin.nd Smithfield, opposite Pattersoten liv iry stable. - aP7-y , George Fi,Glatenor . e, A TTOI6EY AT LAW) 'Office in Breed's build Ad. Inge, 4th at.,. ahoy. Wood, P;tteburgh, Pa. • ,•• • • '• Ca OrlandoLoonatts, • • VTORNEY AT LANV, : oftice fourth st.k tbos 1 - 1„ - Smithfield. julyl-y ILeutovg4. A .BEEIMY has rumored his commission Stator, i t :warding Istiainess front the Canal Basin to his A 'sew warehouse on Thinl street, nearly opposite the Post Office. .atay3o-y Johit W. Burrell, • " A I TTORNVir AT LAW, having returned finm his European tour hes taken an offieir nn -the nu - easteorner o£ Fourth and Smithfield stn. Per -tens,inun 0 . • hiving had ness and papers in the bands Samuel Kingston, Esq., deceased, will call on the above, as - all the unsettled business of Mr. Kingston has been left Midi hands. mars-y . Charles .11..11eys, TTORNZY AT LAW, Pittsburgh; Pa., Coin. 1 - 1 - tnissianei . to take thb proof and acknoriledge oteut - of deeds, leases, contracts, deposites or other writings,,to be recorded or used ins the States o Kentucky,lndlana and Tennessee.• Office No. SO, tutuVe buildings, Fourth street. larl.t.y ! lames Crsift, Rdwin C. Willion,• - A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Franklin; Venango county, Penna., will attend promiitly - to ill litiaineas 'entrusted to hie care—col. actions made in Warren ;Clarion and Jeffersonco i J: Stockton; iic Co. - ,- - Murphy, Wi li lsoi,Co. . . Pittsburgh. John Bigiiii ' - . - lion. James- Kinnens, ' , Franklin: Hon. Alex. M , Calniont, Hon..lniiieS,Wilsotr,Stenben ' e, - Ohio. Jny.23-y , . John A. ParAinion, 14TAVO1AN, Firth And, Penn streeti,betwe'm Cll 6 . .lent'inaO , Hare streets, where lie may be otreillt• fa - times: 'Those haiing bousei or other - lropOrty_to itellai rent, an have th e same ptuictu , ' attendedlo; ~ debts collented, and - air theo3olmi 'istittiAidathian will receive prompt attention: ' , :.".-q - dietfty • • . 21:1totmes & Sam and dealers in Foreign and . Domestic exchange, certificates of deposit, bank —fetesond - ipecio. Drafts and notes collectod r anci emittanceer niddri to any-pait of the United States, No. 55 Market street. r jani.y ~ -,J citutaitarr, att, Stockiolii 13001CSELLERS; PRINTERS AND PAPER MA ICERS,No. 114 Market, street. egg , IcLy •'! Mlittto* s Boriba, 101:46 1 STA.TIONED. AND DINDEAt, No 115 Wood street , three doors below Fifth ? ttabitilib Pa. :igh7l:l James Patterson, Jr. ' - nORNER of Pint and Petry streets, , Pittsburgh, kj Pa., manuf4ciarer locks,,hi4ges and bolts, tobacco, fuller,' mill and timber ar.rowe, homiest - ecrewo for rolling , Anne; tzc. - weplo.y • • .W. 311 * A• WaFdi F.NTLST lies remorod to this placo of ills for ' rtilcr'rasidouc'e Innis; • • • • • •• • ---SEVEN DEG-DOORS • CI. 0 iflt6.l TOII.IIC, AV. Grill'sTßgEr, NEAR 1.1 . R.F411r.:- , IQUF FARREN, nov2is ranstrsou. - • •• - : • . • ----- -‘,--• - ' • - - :-• .. -;'- 7 "•‘ - :-•:- • • .:*- • ,. • ,` -: • - ,:' " 7 kr• , •"•': - ~4-V; - "A`hlit- • 1 1 -, , , . .__ _ . , . -, : ~.. , .•,;,„.;.... , ..: .•._•,,.••;•':-. ~::•., ' .• ,' ,-.- 1 ,,, ,, , -- -•,, ,L,,, c ,„,,..z,, , ',.;•:,=. • .•,••••,,- • ,, , , .-..„, i , ,„..;,,;.. - - ....• ...:, . ~,.-....- •,,. : ~. -:••.-,,,,••,-.• - ~,,,.•--.--;,- ‘ .• '...,„,,... ~-.74.-;,-, -- .., • .--,• .;---,.....;;-•_,• ;:. , .1.7,•••---,- , 4-.......t.-.4,.., , ,,i67.z:-,..7..,.., ~ ...ieff.4-ij:4l. . . --- -:' --.....' - :.- ---"t" 7 ' .-- - -. -- !--'''..+ 7 ":-'7" . :-- , ' ,7 : 7 '.. , .. rt'7 , "- -3 .:' , ' -,-, - . , ''-- . 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' c i.. , ' s• j 'o4% 1 0,;• .f) 1 , • • 4‘ , , J. . 4 ' -e ' --' ,Pi 71 '4 • - , . 0 ' '-.... k f , ''<'''; 1-:- .. , ; - - jt , •: - irt *-L- " 4 '':'":'': • / !‘-`' ' '',,,. - ; I'. • - :.--.>. -. 7 (4" , . ,>, 4. - • , .1' / "4 , ' ' • ' , i .. . - • - --- -- , , .• ~•••: . . ..... ~..,,, ,„,,,,,,..0........ :..., .-..,,,,.,. ..„, „N - ; _._ ~ ~, ~ ". ~ ‘. .... ... , . . . . - , 411%. ----,- . : . PRICE TWO- CEINTS ---:, •-•:--NO..- - 220., - -, I - . PITTSBURGH,SATURDAY, APRIL ?, 1847, . . .... . . . . SA - - I ~,A , CAPS! CAPSt __ l el m rRo 44, - At Wholesale Prices. OFltiltio iond lli si E ro s u u s b t s o c ac rib c e o r i , n th mo lk at f e ul h o s r p Las e t ro fa u s s o c ris: to n m d c d r e s : 'he 4, ret:L eve has reduced his price to the lowest wholesale prices, ba, lie constantly keeps on hand the largest. and best to e assortment in toivn, or his own manufacture.' Any' person b purchasing a cap, mayliave his money refuod- i . amt ; o tl , r ,•._ rest a t the materialsoyr returning t or eau g to, l : 3 4 l l ' i r c e n e . o t I t i satisfied. made Thoseto then i e tT n a z a o b :ti c r o o f u t p l T b . /s r 0 .4. ke - n ,, , c 0 n. e n'44 '''.a, Sore throat, - ..4,,,„ e o ANDRtWS. 14 Wood at, diierttsing, ELVE Liu= O& LESS One month, .6':00 Taro` do, - 600 Three do; TOO rout do, - - 8 00 -Six do, • 10.00 ' Cue year; 16 , 00 ertisementtr: AT TLT.A.SIIIIIC. - Two Squares Si: mouths, 11.20 00 One, year, - 30 00 propoqion., FtcE,DOLLARS a year. AITIIOLESALII GROCERS AND COMMISSION •.Bierctranta l N0..7 Coinmercial Row, Liberty *ivetePittsburgh; , • , 2.19-y John eartsiericht. ONTLEIV-tindSuegol In4tunient Manufacturer, N. 140 Wood street, Ciro'dOOrei froin - Virgin al.jay, Pittsburgh, Pa. Alwayge on hand an natensive - usaortmetit of Surgical' and - Dental` inithinneitt4 'llankera), - Tailora!, Hatters', gaii• Dreeseleand Tan :mule Patmit 'Shears. Saddieni , TOOL; Values,. 1n24 I 2 'el ect .15ohopi.- tint: nooDY resveitruili:ttitiounoec to hue Ty, ISelect School UT j , . ; first 11trinitirof apiit Wext,lti'the liailaent of the Thi:d Posbiceriat figuib: nsar2l4. =Eli MAME ~~ ix?y . ~yh^ a,.~. Z; Y.~~V MEE Brownsville ausillatoliron Works. LIDWARD HiiGHL>SAitinutacturer of iron and naili;vroreboitieiSnlithfield above Fourth st. seplo-y ! • - , c. A;'3l o miwkitv FORWARDING &VOA:MISSION MERCHANTS Canal Basin,Pittaln4o, Pa. mar3dy MiIXV 2I Lytle, FAMILY GROCER, Smithfield. street, next door to the Filth Preebyteiinn Chtifth. june6 '• George Coelarani LIORWARDING - & COMMISSION MERCHANT X. No. 26 Wood mt., Pittsburgh. nov27-y Mots , DOOk Store. iTt B. BOBV7ORTII 8: co., No: 43 Biarket street, 11 '.nett door to Third street; are just opening a .nesrtntd extensive assornitent of Books and Station therwill sell,*holesale and retal, at the lowest prices. ap2s/ - Wm. O'Hara Robbe:on o T ATE: U. S. Attortiey, has removed Ids office to 1.4 No. 8 St. - Clair st. sept4-y w ilmar th T I,IERCHAIs, r, office on Penn street, bistiveen liwin anil }land sts., Pittsburgh, ha. Ail commissions will be premptly attended to. inar4-y School Booleasid paper Warehouse. J4UK} LIJOMIS, Agent, piiblieher, bookseller and bookbinder, No; 89, Weed street, Pittsburgh. mar -8.1 Pltkinton*B rtnrieatled ISlfleking, ATANUF.A.CTUILED and' sold wholesale and re tail, Smithfield st. between Sixth and Virgin alley. oct2l-y 1%. C. Edey, - TANUPACTURER n't Lard Oil and dealer in IVI. Star Candles, Fifth Street, near Market, S. W. side: mar24-y WE. COLEHAN, JOHN T. JENNINGS. JAL' W. ILLTLIIIAN Coleman, Hallman & Co., "VrANUFACTUREItS of Carriage Springs and In Axles, A. 8., and spring steel, and 'dealers in coach trimmings of every description, manufactory on St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood . street, op posite'St. Charles -jan23-y Flint Glass Eitabllshmeat. , T ULVANY & manufacture and keep JAL constantly on band! cut, moulded and plain Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse corner of Market and Miter streets, Pittsburgh.— Our works continue in full operation., and we are constantly , adding to our stock, which enables .ns to fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respect fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms. seplS-y Otto iccuitz, . _ it,ITANUFACTUREp. or Inconsurrznin TEETH, ...ill Smithfield street, two doors below Fifth street Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a full assortment of Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety. of shades, as simple Plate, Molars and Biscuspidatoes, Gum teeth, Screw Pivot teeth, &c. Teeth and blocks made to artier; ➢entiiits supplied uith all articles in the pro. Cession. All ordeß from aitroad must be accompan ied by the cash. Platina always on hah d. covls-y James Blakey. Alderman. OOFFICEcm. Penn st., opposite D. Leech ft Co',s. packetttnaOffice. Office hours from 7 o'clock A., ~ to S o'clock P., .- .M M •Dr. DAszatei O . , FFIOE on Smithfield, t hree doors from Sisal at., Pittsburgh. ; declo-y Dr. Gliorgo 117 atl, niFFICE, No. 77 Smithfield street, near Sixth st., L" Pittsburgh. sug2l-y F. ~Bldn~~~ 'IIO.A.NO FORTE nt,anuriEtnrer and dealer in, l:Mu sical Instruments, NO. 112 Wood Street, near nftb. . j nor 19-1 J. - Dryar, RECTIFYING DISTILLF.II, and wholesale deal er in Foreign and Doniestie Wines and Liquors, N0..114 Liberty street, and' 53 Diamond Alley, Pitts burgh, Pa. llugh Artery, SURGEON DENTIST, LIS Liberty street, a few doors below St. Clair st., Pittsburgh. ap2S.y Ogden & Snowden, cj UCCESSORS TO AVEI4Y,OGDEN &Co., whole sale and retail druggists, and manufacturers of white lead, red lead and Iltharge, corner of Wood andlilecond ats., - Pittsbnrgli,, Pa. novl3-y John 111 , Closkey, 91.1.1L,011 AND CLOTHI,ER, Liberty at., between Sixth strei3t and VirOAlley,south aide. seplo-y Jr st'ctunissat, O. M. sr.cMtact, 3. KIHICPATRICK S. 31 , CluriCan it. Co. UTIIOLESALE . GROCF.ItS, Commission Mier VY chants, and dealers in Produlo and Pittsburg, Mannfactuins, No. 143 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. doe 3-y • roux ninon. I.- utststont. C4riost & VlEntght, WIIOLESALEGItOCESS and Commission Mcr chants, Sixth street, between Wood and Liberty, Pittsburgh, Pa. dec 4-y 'IXT.III..GLENN, Boolibin i ier, has removed to the ,corner 61. Wood and ;Third eta, above C. 11. Rah where ho is prepared to do every description orlitiling and Binding: dec2-y J. DlNCollliiter, HOLF.SALE and retail. dealer Tobacco, Snuff', and Segura, NO. 2.1, Fifth at.; between Wood and'histket Ws. Pittsburgh. toct2B-ly. • D. RIZ-LIAM EROS. SISLLER J. D. Williams & Co. IXTLIOLESALE and retail grocers Forwarding e allklll commission ,Ixtechants, and dealers in eouutry produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. rio. 510 'Northettat corner of I,Vood and Fifth streets. ",::'sap. 8. j . P. C..llla:rti .. lITHOLEALE and retail Grocer and.dealer in .I , ll'. 'Foreign and . parriestic Wines' aid Liquors, „Foreign andllcesiestin Fruit Nuts, dm., No. (10 Water Strel34 sepal , , Lighttqaeriket, Lipton, I L ITHOL,PAT-E; FORWARDING & COnaninsicaililOrchants, 'dealers in ~produce sad .Pittsbutli inninificturet, Nos. 133 and 138 Wood 1 • reb2-y 4. ie.. J.lsll;levltt, ••IIQLESALE GROCERS ,_ dealers in produce Vir 't V find , Pittiburth • mantifactures generally, No. 224 Liberty, opposite 7p,ltrieet, Pittsburgh. ap2B,y, John , IXTHOT.ESALE, and retail. dealer in Music and Musical Instruttienti„ Piano -Forte*, School Books andlitationery; . 2*To. ',Wood street; Pitts burgh: Joinoig Park, ,Ir., & \II• 3 IOLF.SALE GROCEOS, importers of tin plate and 'queensware, and dealers in _copper and Pittabnre manufactured articles, Nos. 112 and 114 2ud at, I. stweenyirood and Smithfield sta. jal4.nl 4-y JohnAiscrtt. & Co., Dr: Witi.ll; Wright' illip= ? .s. • DtNTIST .01fice and residence in St. .ClOrit.. t ia row doors below Lib . 410 Orty,roar.the grebe:ice Hotel. marl l=7' A•4 l . iv,sT. coR.oRiTARYIANP WATER .ST REETS - • '- IPTSBUR -IT, PA. figr.d."6131,51;" -$ * ACTI . Pr:PßTl4ll°ii. ~ t,.. EIM HONONHA.HELA. HOUSE, On the corner of Water and Sinitkfield streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa THE undersigned Proprietors of the MoNoscAnE LA House announce to the Public, that the House is open for the reception of Visitors. They are conscious of having spared ne r expenaa in fitting uut the Esthblishment in such a style as to render avery comfort to the Guests.' They hope by con stant care and attention to business to merit the pa :romp so liberally bestowed on the late Mononga uela House. magi , JAMES CROSSAN & SON. Washington Hotel, TAMES, ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Corner of St. tl ` Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the proprie tor begs leave to return his most grateful thanks to his friends And the public for past favors, and hopes, by attention,; to merit a continuation of their patron age. The houise is pleasantlyvitunted near the Ex change; it has accommodations for travelers, and a large room for public meetings, dinner or supper par ties. Refieshments always Wady, or prepared•on the shortest notice, with the choicest the Mari.et will af ford. Gysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell Oysters, received every day during the season. The greatest care has been taken in the selection of wines and liquors. A variety of newspapers are regularly tiled in the establishment, • P. S. A Hot Lunch served up eiery day at 11, A ap 18-y. Exchange Hotel, fIORNER OF PENN AND ST. CLAIR STS., AL !Li BROWN, PROPHIETOII.-=-Tertt/9 $l,OO per day. Thcu ndersigned, formerly of the Merchants Hotel, corner of Wood and Third streets has leased this superior establishment, and furnished it anew throughout, ,with new beds, new baddine and new furniture. Great care has been taken to fill his cel lar with the choicest viands. A handsome omnibus and a baggage wagon arc provided for the use of his guests, and a Porter will be in attendance at all hours to meet the demands of the traveller. The long ex perience of the undersigned in this business, assures him that his easnest purpose to satisfy all who call, cannot be unsuccessful. He feels altogether at lib erty to promise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly abode, liberal entertainment, and a hearty welcome, at a moderate expense. ALLEN BROWN. ap3.dtf Dus-u.t District Do 4;• TSNAC MUItDOCK, tbrinerly of the Union lintel on Water street, haring been burnt nut, has built a new and handsome house expressly for the accom modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and Smithfield stz4ets, which will be known as the Burnt District Hotel. Ile is now prepared to offer every accommodation and every comfort to the traveler ' at very moderate chairs. Ho is provided with ample and convenient stabling. decr2-y Canal Boat llotor, BY 11. DOSSETT, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna. Boarding and lodging, by the day or week, on tne most reasonable terms. Strangers will find. it to their advantage to patronize him. Persons travelling east or west will Lind this house a convenient Inca non—it is within one hundred yards of the canal basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses. Eve!) , information given to Iron 3lanufacturers in all branches of the business. [tome brewed ale can at all times be had at the bar. novlo-y Frauid lu House. Pourth street. Bcticern Smithfield and Grant &reds, Pitlssburgh scummaz, Proprietor, respect fully informs his friends and the public general ly, that he will open the above splendid house on the Let day of May nest. The House being new, and finished in she most commodious and convenient manner; and having it tirnished with the newest and most beutiful style of furniture; flatters himself that he will he able to ac commodate his friends and the travelling public, inl manner not inferior to any similar establishment in the city. As the flause is situated near the Court Reese, ar rangements have been made to serve up meals at any hour in the day, this will be great convenience to those who are in attendance at court. 1:0 - Refreshments of all kinds can be had. Boar ders taken by the week nr day. Ca - Luncle every day at 11 o'clock, A. M. ap3o Engle 5a100tt.....1,V00d Street. Fr lIE PROPRIETOR of this well known establish. ment respectfully annonnces, that he continues to supply at the shortest notice, and in the best style, Balls, Parties, Families and Weddings, with Fancy Cake, Ice Creams, Jellies, Pyramids, &c. &c. Managers of contemplated Balls arc invited to see his arrangements fur suppers, at such entertainments. In his large saloon he is able to seat almoat any num ber of persons at once. The terms in all departments of his business, he assures the public will be reasonable. lan2ll New Drug Store. JOHN D. MORGAN, ttlalcsale and Retail lir Druggist, No. 934 Wood street. one door South V Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber has just received from the Eastern cities, and is now opening at the above stand, a full assortment of articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dye Stuffs, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals, &c., together wilt all such articles as are usually kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store. His stock is entirely new, and has been selected with care. He is confident that his articles, both as to quality and price, will please such as may fa vor him with a call. m y9-y. Co-Partnership. WILLIAM COLEMAN having, on the first day January inst., associated with him Jas. W. Martian and John F. Jennings, under the name and style of Coleman, Hallman & co., will now halieln creased facilities for manufacturing Steel Springs, hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel, &c., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully solicited, and' hope by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance to the new arm the favors so lib erally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair et. --warehouse 43 Wood st., opposite the St. Charles Hotel, where can be 'found a good assortment-of Springs, Axles, A. 8,, and Spring Steel, and Coach Trimmings of every description, together with Iron, Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. [CrThe highest price paid for scrap iron. jan22 A. Fulton, DELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and commenced business at his old stand, No. 70 Second, between Market and Ferry streets, where he will be pleased to see his old customers and friends. Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of tha most approved isioilels, and warranted to be of the best materiel/. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, &c. &e., together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner. A.F. is thesole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction Metal, so justly celebrated for the reduction of fric tion in machinery. The boxes and composition can be had of him at all times. novl3-y G. W. Biddle, Dentist • HAS removed to No. 109 Smith . - field et., where he will perform all ' . a • operations on the Teeth katisfae '.i. torily. .—H _ls.. Baving lately made one 0 • thegreatest improvements in l e forceps that has everappeared be . fore the pnblic, he has been able to extract teeth 'with such ease r• as to astonish all those who have availed themselves of hisservices. Pittsburgb,July 24, 1846-ly GENTLEMEN LOOK AT THIS ! STAR CLOTHING STORE. No. 70 Wood it. , Sign qf the Golden Etat, Pittebitrgh AMMER & MAYER, HAVE on band an extensive and Complete assort. "meet of : gaihionable and extra made New York Clothing, which cannot be equalled by any . other es tablishment in the city.' Our stock being at present very large and anxious to reduce it as much as pos- 1. sible before - the drat ofJanuary, we are determined to offer such' ,6 hargains ,, as will enable us to effect ,our,obJect. S. I. ANCKER, n0v241 . ._ A. A. MAYER. X4lr*st imlvnitt EO. S,SWARTZ has on.hand.O. lot offine Lawne which willtno told:at the VOW low price of 184 cents per yard i peroone.who want a good article; at a teyr pprice, wp-old do well o soon, Also on:ltatid'a good stock of Nanoook crinoline for LidielDreesen very cheap at . " iel3 - • No, po 5.144 et street. ,>•• _ ~.,;. '' }°.~ 'Y~ E,AULE SA . L 00N. TO PrtIENDS AND.PATRDNS.7-I,have disposed of milEakery, in Diamond alley, and for the fu ture will receive orders at the counter of the Eagle Saloon—far limey cake, confectionary,: calf feetjet ly, ice'creams, pyramids and every other article ne tessaryfoenuppers, parties t balls; 'weddings, &e. The Saloon will be open for ice cream; on or.before the let day of April. A large amount of.inoney has been expended in order to make the Eagle the most attractive-and pleasant place ()Insert jn the west for the approaching season. ' Proud ,cif the-patronage we: have received we will endeavor to deserve a continuance of it. is SPRING STYLE.. .nATs A-ND cArs. THE subscriber would inform his customers and the public, that he has received-direct from New Yuri!, the latest and mast approved style of Hats and tops for spring and.sumrner wear. He is also daily manufacturing Hats and Caps of all . descriptions, and he pledges himself to furnish his customers %kith an article that, for neatness, duri, bility anecliespness, cannot be surpassed. Western Merchants are inviteiL to,eall anti es'. amine his stock, as he feels confident of being able to please boih in quality and price. G. W. GLASSGOW, 102 Wood st., ...- Third door beldw Davis' Corn. Auction Rooms. N. a—Persons preferring Fi Pittsburgh manufac tured Hat to Eastern Hats, with Pittsburgh names may rely on getting the same - by calling as above. ,marts-13m G. W. G. 'New tikat and Cnp Store. jaPOULSON, (late ,of the firm Poulson & Gill,) having opened -his new store at No. 73, Wood street, next door to the corner of lourth,is now. manufacturing and recei ving from the Eastern cities a very large assortment of, ham and caps of, every description, warranted to be made it the best manner and of the best materials. Otter, Seal, - tine and common Muskrat, Sealette, Hair-Sea4Tlush and Glazed Caps. Also, a fine assortment ol' ladies, furs, such as Lynx, Fitch; Genet and Coney _Muffs and Tippets and fur trimmings, all of which he offers for sale at eastern prices for cash, both wholesale and retail. Country merahants will please call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. CHAS. 11. POULSON. N, B. The Fall Fashion for Hata and Caps receiv ed. septly. sttc”,:s, SHOES, SILO S. NEW FALL AND WINTER SUPPLY [,. j Chea'rr than Ever, t FOLLtNSI3EE &HAYWARD'S, new Boot Shoe and Trunk Store, 'O. ISti Lib-' t erty street, nearly opi)02:to tho head of 't to Wood street. . F. & H. would respectfully announce that they have in store and are roCeiving,their FALL AND WIN fElt SUPPLY OF BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &c., consisting of upwards of five hundred packages of all kinds and qualities thr Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, IPiya, youths , and children: , wear. These goods have been manufactured to our order, and expressly for the Pittsburgh market—all of which we are deter mined to SELL VERY LOW, as from our facilities in porchasmg goods we are enabled so to do. We wouldsulicit an examination of our stock by all in want agenda in our line, either at wholesale or retail, as we feel confident we shall be enabled to please, both in regard to quality and prices. The most of our goods are frum manufacturing es tablishments with which we are connected. We shall continue to receive weekly from those houses, flesh and dmiirable goods, made expressly for our salcs.. FOLLANSBER & HAYWARD, ectl2. lil6 Liberty street. Wholesale Skyo'e StOre jH. CIIILDS dt Co., are BOW receiving their spring supplies, consisung acme of .alc a t the largest, cheapest and best assort- Mem of Boots and Shoes that they have ever been able to firing to this market. Also, Ladies' and Misses' Florence Braid, and Straw Bonnets, of the latest style; together with a Splendid assortment of Palm Lear Hats, Men's and - Boy's summer Caps. Also, a large lot of New York Tanned Sole Leather, all of which having been purchased at the lowest rates, and selected with great care for the western trade, will be sold at a small advance abore cost and charges. All merchants wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. . mar27.tf PITTSBURGH CM OD UABINET WAREHOUSE. No. 113, Third Street, Pittsburgh. rpHE subscribers would respectfully return their thanks to their friends and the public, for the very liberal patronage bestowed since the commence went of the new firm, and would earnestly solicit a continuance of the same. They would respectfully invite those who want to purchase anything in the furniture or chair line, to give them a call ano examind their extensive stock now on hand, consisting of some of the most spies: did Eastern and French patterns of Rosewood and Mahogany Futniture. Flattered by thu very exten sive patronageleceived in their business, they have, at-considerable expense, made arrangements in Now York, by which they will have the latest Eastern and French patterns forwarded monthly, thus giving the citizens of Pittsburgh an opportunity of patronizing home industry, and finding in their own city What they formerly would obtain only in the East. Having adopted the principle of small profits.and quick sales, they will be able to sell at as low rates as any of the establishments in the Eastern Cities. novl9- ROBERTS & Henry W. WHHetras, • A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 1 . 1. (successor to Lowrie ez Williams.) Office' at the old stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Henry W. Williams, Esq., and myself, M the prac tice of the law, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 20th.ult., and the business will hereafter be con tinued by Henry W. Williams, whom I most cheer fully recommend to all for whom f hare the honin to do business, as a gentleman every way worthy of their confidince. WALTER H LOWRIE Landreth's IVarranted Garden Seeds, DIRECT FROM PHILADELPHIA. • Each paper bears the label and warranty of D A VID LAN , DRETII. For sale by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. '2O Water at., at the stand formerly occupied by. Geo. A. Berry. Extract from the 'Report of the Viliting Committee of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society,' unani mously adopted and ordered to be printed. LANDRETH'S NURSERIES AND GARDENS. "These extensive grounds are on Federal street, near the Arsenal. • • • • The earliest collec tion of Camellias was made here. Some of those now in possessiOn of those distinguished nurserymen are ten feet high. • • • • The selection of oasts-sot's ritarrs is valuable and extensive. "The Nurseries are very correctly managed, sup plying every part of the Union, a detail of which would occupy too much of our space, we therefore content ourselves with stating that the stock is very large, and in every stage of growth, consisting of FOREST AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, EVER— GREENS, SHRUBS, VINES AND CREEPERS, with a collection of herbacceoun plants, fruit trees of the best kini and must healthy condition, large beds of seeding apples, pears, plums, B:c., p stocks for bud ding and grafting; n„plan very superior to that of working upon suckers, which carry with them into the graft all the diseases of the' parent stock. * • "Wanner SEEDS of the finest quality have been scattered over the country from these grounds, and mayalways be depended upo'it.' The seed establish ment of these Horticulturists is ono of the most ex tensive in the Union, and its reputation is well sustain. ed from year to year. "To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina of thiplants of the same family, they have established another nursery at a suitable distance, so that degene- . ration cannot take place, and which secures' to the purchaser a 'genuine article' _linowing thus the age, quality and process of culture , of every plant, the supply from their grounds is recommended with great confidence." . *Since the date of the 'Report,' from Which the aboto is extracted, the entire establishment has been greatly enlarged. The collection orCamellias em bitices all the finer kinds, andconsists6tsomo thou sands of various sizes; so likewise with; Renee, and other deairable •plants, both - tender• and hardy; frult. trees, : - , • The • Seed Gardens alone cover ay acres, and the whole is, melt has been for more thanitalf a century, under the successive management-errethey and son; the mostproptinent in 4ierica. 61.• Orders received' by F L. ',SNOWDEN, from whom catalogues may be received - 0411i meal "i` _ - -Stearn ), : "on Railing Paciniro Ridge Road; - hem eZtittonteood street, Philadelphia: T this establishmOOday be found the greatest AL, variety of Plans and ii.eautifill Patterns for litorr &Ammo in the United States, to which the attten tion ofthose in want cif any deserntion, and especi ally for Cemeteries, is particularly ihvfted., :The principal part of all the banditti:Ml:Railings at. Laurel Hill, Monument, and other celebraled Cede: teries in the city and ' county of Pbiladelplifit, which hate been so highly extolled - by 'the public press, I were executed at this manufactory.'; A large .Ware-Room is connected with the estab lishment, where is kept constantly on hand a large stock of ready.inadc IRON RAILINGS, ORNAMENTAL Inort Szrrtrs, Icon CHAIRS, new style plain and or= namental IRON GATES, with an extensive assortment of "non POSTS, PEDESTALR, IRON ARBORS, 4.0. Also, in great variety, Wrought and Cast ,Iron Oniva strirrs, suitable for 'tailings, and' other purposes. The subscriber would also state that in his Pattern and Designing .Department hehas employed some of the best talent in the country 'a-Misc whole utten tion is devoted to thc:•besintsit—="biniing altogether' one of the most complete and systematic establish ments of the kind-in the-Union. • ROB&RT WOOD, Proptielor Ridge toad, above Ruttnawood St. Philadelphia, March 12; 1847-dBtoo. PORTER'S City Daguerriars Gallery, Philo Hall, Third st., Pittsburgh, Pa., and Franklin Build ings, Baltimore, Md. Mr. Porter respectfully announces 'that he has at considerable expense fitted 'up apartments, and ar ranged light for llsperreotyping,purposes. His long experience in this art 'has' enabled him to overcome many of the objections too common.to pictures taken by this method. Mr. Porter is aware that the Impression has gone abroad (owing, to the many failures . to produce gond pictures,) that clear and distinct Daguerreotypes ca& not be made in -Pittsburgh. His experiment., how ever, since he has opened hie Gallery, fully warrant him in saying that as good pictures can be made here. as elsewhere. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and ex amine specimens. Instructions given, and instruments and materials furnished uppn reasonable terms. All orders from country operators promptly attend ed to. nuv2s-tf fI Y. . M.. McDONALD, Bell and Bran ;!,,,„ Faundrr. First street, near Nlarket, is 'lli ‘,....=prepared . to make Brass Castings - and r. - 3 sz, Brass works generally on the most ~.-..,---,-.. l reasonable terms and shortest notice. - lie invites machinists and all those using brass works to give - him a call,. n.s he is de termined to do all work in his line very low. may Q7..1y . . .....___ RILL as. witoi,vbiE, Successors:lo Holdslikp do prowne, EANUFACIVILEELS AND =POUTERS CP PAPER. HANGINGS, . . . 87 Wood Street. rpm: increasing demand fur American Paper has I induced them to enlarge and improve their Fac tory, and their fatalities for inanufactnring are now equal to any in this eastern cities. having adopted the eastern scale of prices, they take pleasure in in viting their friends and dealers-to examine their stock, which is now larger than at any former period, and may be found as follows; - French, American, Satin, Glazed and Common Paper Haligings Gold, Velvet auttimitation Binders; Landscapes, Statutes and Fire-board. Prints; Curtain Paper, yard wide, plain green and fig'il; Transparent Window,Shades ; Writiug, Printing and Wrapping Paper; Bonnet Boards, 4.e. maiS•d,i'm "WALL VAPER, GLAZRD AND I.7:4GLAZED Of evcry variety of palter:is, cut from the letest French Samples. 13,000 PIECED SIMEIIIOR GLAZED PAPER. 1 HEY will he sold for cash, at less price than they can be purchased in Philadelphia or New York. THOSE having houses to paper A:71:1 omens buy ing to sell again, will.find better article of WALL PAPER, for less MONEY than has been ever offer ed in this market before. Call at the Wall Paper Store of J. SHIDLE, fub22-2m Smithfield st., Pittsburgh. Window Blind Paper, 30 INCHES WIDE. 200 PIECES of great variety of P.sTrrens, at eastern prices. • To be had by dozen or single piece, at the Wall Paper Store of J. SIIIDLE, , feb32-2m Smithfield at., Pittsburgh. Samoa Howard& Co TTAVE,the pleasure to announce to their friends lET that they again Occupy their old stand at No. Is; Wood street, where they have opened an exten sive WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, and will bare contantlj on hand an extensive assortment of Satin glazed and plain PAPER HAN'GINGS, - Velvet and Imitation Borders of the latest style; and most hand- some patterns for papering halls, parlors and cham bers, - They manufacture, and hare on hand at all times, Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper, Bonnet and Fuller's Boards—all of which they offer for sale on the most accommodating terms, and to which they. invite the attention of merchants and others. ALSO.-.-Blank Books oral' kinds and the best qual ity, School Books, &c., always on hand and. for sale as above. • 'atm 2. Book and Job Printing °aloe, N. W. CORNER OF WOOD •ND FIFTH STREETS rrillE proprietor of-the ,Morning, Post and Mer l. cury and McinufaCturfr respectfully . informa his friends and the patrons of these papers, that he has a large and well chosen assortment of JOB TYPE, AND ALL OTHER MATEMIAT.S Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that he is prepared to execute ' ' LETTER rams FRENTLYG, OF EVERT Dxsenximon. Books, Bills of Lading, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards, Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat. Tips. All kinds of Blanks, Stage, Steam oat and Canal ,Boat win appropriate cuts, printed on the short est notice and most reasonable terms. Ile respectfully asks the playmate of his friends, and the public in general, tu this bravelt of his busi ness. taept 22) - L. HARPER. A CARD. XITE subscriber having ilisposcd of his'Bookstore in • Pittsburgh, to Moisrs. Elliott and English, would recommend them to the patronage of his for mercustornere. ROBERT CARTER Prrisnunolt, October 201 h, 1346. THE SUBSCRIBERS havingpurchased the Book store.of Mr Robert Carter, will continue the lanai. ness at the old stand: Thoy will at all times havb on hand a large supply of Theological, Classical and School Books....:Also i Writing, Letter and Wrapping Paper, Slates, etc. Westorn,hiercliants whiting purchases in the city, are invited to call, exatnino buesio - ck, and ascertain our prices belbre'purchasing.eltowherc. • • ,ELLIOTT ENGLISH, oct26 No. 66, IVlerket'st., bet.'34 and 4th. William RicKoe.. TILL continues in his old business efmanufactur 0 ing Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels, Trucks, and,Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, where he keeps constantly on hand, or Made order in'the shortest notice, any ameunt of, work, by,the beat of workmen and good , materials, and at prices to suit .the times. Those engaged in the Santa Fe -trade, and Furnace men, are requested to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. apl-y Fall'aiid WE:4er .Go6da. . . j K. LOGAN' has jusereceired' the balance of hia 0 • fall and winter. stock 'of Dry,Goods, at No. S 3, Wood, et., consisting in part-of, super Ft:snai and Wait or Ilnalatiii . Brohd Clothe rind.Caasitrieres, Sat halts from 25 to 75 cents per yard. WelnliPlannnls, red and white Flannels, ;twill ed;rod and green Flan nols, plaid and, plain Lironvs arc. MackinaC and Whitney blankets,Woblien Shihs and Drawers, COM forts, Mitts and Gloves; - Terkeri, Thibet and Wool. en Shawls; Calicoes, of:the latest atylear Twilled and. Manchester _Gingham's; ,Irish . l nen, Fable Linen, Counterpanes, Scotchloiapeis, Cheeks,'llre. Alio, an assortment of;Drestf Goods,'consiating of Silks, Gala and , California Plaids, barred Cashmere, and Rcibes' Mous. de - LaineOnirred' and figuredi 414 ck and fancy Silk Cravats, .all -of which hei will sell wholesale and retail, as low foi cash as any other house in Vie ' • pos2l -7 . , Silk oil cloth caps of the very best meterials will be sold for, 75 cents.- plush, oil_ cloth,. velvet and cloth caps,of every description, constantly on band. The public May, rest sivittred that any thing sold hit:Twill be of the best-Materials and 'workman ship Cap tri ratings, always on Baird, at reddced prices. =A. NARDI, No. 25, Market between 2d and 3il streets. Five or six young girls wishing, to Matz the trade, can have an opportuniy by applying; as above: . mar2o-Imo , - PATTERSON'S BAZAR: AND LIVICItY lIORSES AND CARRIAGES-FOR HIRE. • Itody Pattersou, • , . TTAYJNG dissolved partnership with his brother, the undersigned now informs the public and his friends that he is prepared to furnish ut his newly erected-and extensive establishment on , • Fourth ttreet, between. Wood and . Horses and Carriages for hire, and for all other Branches connected with his line of businees, ' Hirrhortes, -- whether for szuhtle or feyness are of the finest' description, as they lase • been selected anti, purchased, with great care and - expense for this' purpose. Bin Fldch are of every description are new, costly, and have the tnost modern improvezrients. In short the aubderiher flatters himself that his 110119 ZS, SULI:MS AND CA ItUrAGIS will be foetid unexeeptiunable,and are let at reason able rates. o He is roily prepared to receive horses et Liyery, by the day, week, or year; and Drovers and dealerswho may wish is dispose of their Horses or Carriages, can ho accemtuudated, aslio is well prepared with stabling and sheds far the purpose. . , C A AG Can be left on commission for sale, or on storage. For those who wish bit Mer to buy, hire or sell, he is now able to give complete satisfaction. • umrl3-dGmo It. PATTERSON. ISi !NV Goods 'Now Goods 2 or . LATEST SPRING. STYLES, 11.75 T arcEtvati ill No. 62 Market 'sr,' Slmpson's Row, Let 34 end 4tlt. ; . . A A. MASON begs leave to inform the public A L . that he is constantly receiving, and is now in ' receipt of a large and sell selected' stock of rich Spring Dry Goods,- amohgst which may be• found 1, and 4.4 rich heavy, dress Silks, imported-under the new Tariff of 1847, and will be sold at much less' than former prices; also g 3 dozen ladies extra super Notite and Badols light colored Kid Gloves, com prising every shade.. A large lot of Alpacas and Al pines, Cashmeres, Mous de Laines and Ginehams, end some as lovv,as 121 cents.; Calicoes of superior colors and style,: including' another entire cave 01 thorc Orange and Blue prints; 1 'case of rich Eng lish - Prints at I,SI oz. `Our stuck of bleach , d and brown Mettles is 'complete. and were-purchased pre vious to the great advance of: cotton goods, which will enable us to sell thcm ut 'former prices. Pur chasers will please.bear in mind.that we do an en tire cash ,bui.iness, which enables us to sell Voodsi from 10 to 15 per 'cent lees trig, the - credit systam,,i and they will find-it to their advantage to give us a i call at NO. 62; 'Market street. fan. A. A. MASON. Ural Estate Agency. and General Intel. ligence °nice. ITE Subscriber has opened at the Publication Of.M •flce e the Morning Telegrapti l lio. 50 Third et., a Real Mtn Agency and -General Intelligence Office. A R gister will be kept in*liich persona can re cord, without charge, real estate which they wish to sell or et:Ghana, houses to let, &c. 4-c. Titles to realestate will be examined-,=and .deeds of sale or exchange will too executed and all other business connected with a Real Estate Agancy, Will be trans, acted with promptness-and fidelity. • Ile will also attend to all the business belonging to a pectoral Intelligence Office, such as , procuring situations for 'persons out of employment, supplying families with male and female domestics, 4c. The feed will in all cases be small and no charges will be made except for cervices actually rendered,. The subscriber is pennitted to refer to the-follow ing gentlemen of this city. : • - _ • Hon. Gabriel Adams, Mayor. - • James Howard 4- ,Co., Mood st. C. B. M. Smith, Attorney at Law. • J. -Rutledge, Wood st. • James Irwin, Diatnond alley. , ' W. J. Howard 4- Co.,Wood-st. - W. Cook, Fourth st;.: - • . L. Harper, c gditor of Post. Whitney & Porter, *Editors of Chronicle. • t White & Harriir,Editers of Gazette. 1 .J.,Herrou Foster, F.ditor of Dispatch. I'. F. _Boylan, Publisher Catholic; - R. R. R. Dtiniars, & Co.,•Fourth et, Wright & Bryan, Publishers Telegraph. , •••• - feb3-tf L. A. 'CLARK.- Situations Purniched. r HE undersigned will attend to the procuring oi situations fur young men in stores of all kinds and fur every capacity, such as clerks, salesmen, book-keepers, assistants, and laborers, also, fur men on farms, driving carriages, end wagebs, and men fur families, and for all kinds of mechanical business. Families supplied with male and female domestics, on the shortest notice. By applying at CLARK'S General Agency and Intelligence Odice, No. 60, 3d at., two doors below the Post Office. feb3-tf • RHODES Sr AkCORN, (late of New York city,) No. 27, FiftH between Wood and Market, Manufacturers of Mustard, Ground Spices, Catsups, &c., pill open during thc present week a largo assortment of articles in their line, which they Will wholesole in quantities to suit dealers, at ,Eastern wholesale prices. All articles sold by them warran. tell. Merchants intending to gb east would do well to call before leaving the city. They may bo found at thi it warehouse, No. 27, Fifth et., in liyan.sbuild ing.. sep7 Copartnership. trim subscribers have this day entered into Co partnership, in the name of Friend, Rimy & Co., fur the purpose of transact mg a general Grocery and Commission business, and have taken the house oc cupied by M. B. ahoy & Co., No. 57 Water street, whore they will be pleased to receive the patronage of the friends of tho late firm. P. F. FRIEND, (4 E 0 . ItIIEY, JAS. WOOD. .• Pittsburgh, November 2S, 1846-dec2 NVatchea : Watches II • . . • . ! f il JUST RECEICED, this a'fine - ,- - assortment or best quality English tjlk.: • GOLD and SILVER. Patent LEvE Ley GOLD A. TC II Et S . „Basing imported these Watches direct frouiLiierpo * ol, 1 ani enabled to sell them at reduced prices, cud as low as the same qualities:can be bought , Sar in the Eastern cities. Ilavingtdetor mined, by told prices and a large and well selected assortments or Watches and other articles in - my line, to make ii the interest of Western men to deal at home, I reipectfully invite" attention. to the largest and best selected - stock of Watchesevor, offered in this city . - . W. W. WILSON,. iiirech and Clock terairing dciut.* . the' malAncr• . Notice to Contractors. OFFICE or rum MottoNoArtr.LA NAvioArior Co., Pittsbu;B 4 ; March 3d, 1847; IMPOSALS will he received at this office npto a *o'clock, P. M.; on Monday the sth day ot April nextvfor - the,construetion of an additional cut stone Lock, at dam No.l, to be fiftylix by two hun dred and. filly feet in the cbamber.. Proposals will state the' price for Cash payments, also, (or payments in Certificates of the Company payable eight years after date with interest. Plans and specifications of the work will be exhibi ted at the office ten days previouti to the letting, and information respecting the same, -bo given by Sylvanus Lathrop, Eng., Engineer. •,:, PROPOSALS will also be reeeive44t the same time and place, for 10 4niag 011.CPIeliiq'siriventy thou sand *Wars, upon the bonds or:.ceitifientee afore said. -• .7.. K.' MOORHEAD, Pres,t." maia-dtas IGazette an 4 Jgctr.no .c9pj..) . . . . .7 7 r7 • - =NM MENEM ' car 4th tttitt Market sts. ...;.';'. 4 '....'5",..:T. - ...:- .. .' .- Y:o. ~. ... ! ;=; . :.:-i' , .'.,;::: -. :i-,:c : - . 4:- EMEI ; ).% • YVALUABLE VEGETA BL E 'To us! sick. an d - Aftttotott . W IVY N .- -F f a.zr I co:Aro - um) stn,trP - OF witnctitinnv The Original and Gensine...l?rtpiraiiMft.-'... , ..!--,!. CoUghd, Colds, - Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Cousldajbti Spitting Blood,: Diffieulty *.:af . :Vrreathing, . Pain 'in the Side aid Break, Pal pita Con of Pie.iteartiiMitt.: enza,Croup, broken con! .. stitetion, Born Threat,' all diseases cf-ThrOat,. - Broast, and Lungs; the most effectual and ' speedi care ever known far any , i)r. sl i; e - - .: the shoys.disesaes is • = . , z DR. 211isiYN.E'S • , compon: on - Sr o TT: E O T F Es I T VI im t o D N :I7RRY. TAE ontorsAi. srin'Orx. nL PnmAns.l,,PurA,January,2s 4 2847,, Dr. Sentyne—Mear Sir: In justine'te'yourself and •: a duty I owe to :iffering hurneuitYr cheerfully giver my testimony, and declare to the world - the moat astonishing effeetsp . and the( great eure your 'COM. POUND SYRUP O.F-WILD GHERltyperformed on me, under the most unfavorable cirennastaneei. was taken witire. violent Cough, Spitting Bleod, sus ,vere Pains in the Side and Breast, which seemed to, break down and - enfeeble my'eenstitetion scrthsgMje , .;-4, 2 , physician thought my ease beyond the power of licine, and my friends all gave me up:to die; brit thanks to you and the effects of your great diseosery,'" I now feel myself; well man, and raised from - a • mere skeleion to as fleshy and healthy a man tag have been thr, years, and shall be, pleasecltogive , 'any information respecting my case, bY 'calling a; my residenne, Mechanic etreet, third ; door tialow . George street, Northern Liberties. ' - - .TAcou Pi k urrsa. ft:7'The only safeguard against impusition is to see that my signature is on each , bottle. ' z• DR. IL SIVA:YRE. Curner of EIGHTH and RACE sts.Philada. ASTHMA OF 11 YEARS , STANDING permanent. ly eared by Dr.. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP :OF WILD CHERRY, qftcr All other remedies htus - • cr,,,mc..... n , Feb: 19; v 347. Da. Stva:iirr.: This, may certify that tilevetrSespi ! age last Fall, I was troubled with the Plithise which !increased upon me in defianee of 'all the remedies I. Icorld hear et; until the year 1839 3 40, 'I when was ---, obliged to leave ray Native New England, for a mild, er clime,: Which had the effect to mitigate my Stiffer- ' -..• ! inga for three or four years, after which the disease - increased - until lasi winter, my, sufferings were in- ;ferae, almost beyond endurance, being obliged to ~ I set up night after night, from inability to sleep in bed. Last Fall 1 felt thaeymptoms earlier thanmsti- . - lal in the season, but hearing that Da. &WAYNE'S I COMPOUTND Sven" , or Wiin , Cnr.any, was: a wrier. !eign remedy for' Dieeases ofthe Limm,,limmediately . ..- I commenced its use, and the result was almost im. . '. ;mediate relief; r- Fothe last six ' , Weekti •1 hive not I relt the leagt symptoms of the Asthma, and feel con- - . 2 ? ifident that I am well °fit; and that' haVe heti cared .. --. , by the above named medicine.: • - ' . l',ours respectfully, . • = J.. W. E teac nr, ...",±i ,- - ' Walnut street hetween.3dend 4th. „, '.--• T ilsit beware the bate impostors Who, would,deselrnite. • ??...,,' I- • this tree, • • t -,, • 't - ,A , : - . ,. ..' ` Beware ißy their Paragoric cares and thyming ribaldry;.; . ' , ." , ' .. 1 " of him who burr - the tighl.to 2 tam :•.;, with tamer ;,...= , ~.. ,c-- - your health; - • '': ' - .•",--•-•'' , , -....;; Who adds .4 Wild Cherry," to 103 - name-by treachery . . .... and stealth; - - • ' -, , .., ~s t ~,.., ... ~,,,',„:„.•. !Who bottles :Paratrie, and-thenjialleloluhugh' • - I The "Italsarn Of Wild Cherry!" . Old beware of ouch ~ -. 4- -. , If yon would shun this renal aralt,liehealthl and be .-•';, Take “Dr. Swayne's Wild Cherry ? ° . the . original I and hest. •• ' • - •'' • • • ---. . Read the most remarkable cure ever regarded! -., Dr. Staayne—Dear Six: -1 , feel called by eaense of duty I owe to : suffering' hurnanity', to icknewledge imy grateful• thanks for the wondertid effects cityour .. ~ ;Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry on me, after stiffer. ling month after month with theMost'affliclizivf all l iseases, Consumption, The fast -symptoms were ::•" of a very heavy cold Which settled err ray lungs, !which gradually grew _Worse,' with:'profuse "eight !debility: a hacking cough, spitting, blood, with great. My constittition seemed broken down,and , !nervous sy - stem very much, impaired. I went to I Philadelphia, was treated there by physicians of the highest standing, but received mo benept whatever. „ , ' - !from them, but gradually grew worse,-until my . phy- .. 2,•,'• siding, - its - well as myself, gave iip•all hopes of re- -2.? covery, and I felt like one who is about. ;to,: peas through the Valley of the Shddovi of Death. Attila • •-. ' , awful juncture" I heatd ofyOur_Compound.Syttp of Wild Cherry, of which I, purchased sizbottles, =' whicb Tani happy-to say entirely curedicce, and I :,, am -now enjoyeighetter health than -I everhave bore fore in my life. PhysiCians who witnessed - CV elate - •l f . Gee highly recommending ,. it in similar Cass*, and I :- wish you to make this public, so that all may know where to procure it remedy ateimewhich willieach " -y their disease be'fo re ta mp ering_withth the Many "quack ..'il nostrums" with - which tho countiy is flooded. -My. : - residence is, at 45 Alin etreet, where I:shotild be 'l.•, happy to have the above substantiated by a personal -'''.'":,,, love:View: • • ' A/BERT-A. :Ross, ' Wholesale and/letail ' Dealer in •• •-•- • Cigari, 45 Ann street N 'lf Be, not deceived by thematty ispuliout and Worth._ ~,. less preparations of Wild Cherry, ushered into notice by ignorant pretenders,huteee tharthe aignairtte . of _ ...... , 2 Dr. Swayne is on each bottle s which Is the ox 4 guar antee against imposition. ' Prepared only by DIU SWAY.NE, N.W., ' corner of . -•''. Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia and for sale by'respectable Druggists in nearly all the`principal - ••• towns in the United States. ' .--; FOreale Whalesale - and Retail, by WM. TRDIPI, '' ... 53 Market streettL. JONESOSO Liberty street,end ' •• ' ~..,." OLDEN a: SNOWDEN, corner of Wood and 1/d sts., - :: ''' , "•l SOLE -AGENTS FOR PITTSEURGIic PA.' ,:-% ';; Mien -,:,1. -,•;" ' .'-- ACCOUNTANTIS'INSTI TUTE, N. E. cerner of sth and Markel'its. - Tie only Institute in theeity where . a thorough and systematic course of instruction can be obtained in mercantile and steamboat .11 0 0 IC. KEEPING. _Writing .Classes day and evening at the usual bourn. Mr. Dutrhas a fetv spate hours . 1 to devote to assisting in arranging Merchant-1a or ~ / 1 steamer's Books, in any case of difficulty. Bourg ofbasiness 10 to 12,.a0d 2 tit , t ; day Classes:: ±- Even. 1: ing ; do. 7to 10. . . _n?ar4 ' ' MIR ITAtI TOTHE 'MELTE:. 73E subscriber tenders his acknowledgement to the public for their liberal patronage ih times pant, and solicits a continuance of favOra' s mut pronto es to merit the Same - by - selling rill geode in his line at as favorable prices, end keeping as general an yr nortnient of. school books, .accuant books snd all kinds of paper as is to be found 'in Pittsburgh. A. few leading articles areas follows. Nowlantore; 750 reams cap writing paper, different qualities. 200 • " Post • ' " 800 " crown It. medium, wrap'og paper 41 ' 120 gross bonnet boards, &superior article; • .. Cap Day Booki and Ledgers, k b0und,2,3,11,10 and longand broad, folio; Cap• Day Books and *Ledgers', full hound, 6,6, 7,8, 9 and 10 . qrs long and broad; folio,. Demy Ledgers and Journals,, 8 to 10 qrs; Medium "' - • • do ft lined for records, 5t09 ,r „ Cap Books fr lined, 2 to B qra.n full and kbeititd. - SCHOOL 8.0QE.8. • Eclectic series, complete; Cobb's do . Blew and old -edition; Emerson's do I' Sander's do " •, Elementary . Speilers;United States Spelloisi Frost's ,Willard , s, Goodriefi's and Briar. sel 1"s D. Historj; large anciiichoel idattops; , • Olney's, ,Smith's, Iluntingden?sand Geography and Atlas; '!Olney's, Parley's and Mitcholl'ilFrilnarydq ,Morse's Geography, Quarto; Mitchell's Gccrgtaphi6taltexelier z 7•Engliah.lleader rind Introductory to do, ••'' together with geneial'assoirtinCrit . firPpflen,Veta li a and Hymn Books. . -.Also, constantly on hand. - Printing paperer - Rob. ertion , o triannikture; differ-entllics,for'Hemi 4 J,ub.Printing. .Printing /*of Prescott t.en . .,"treivi., - ufacturo—fine and common; all 'of • WitiCh: km, , sold for cash at moderate ' • ';'' 7 )1 '. 11 44P-• i 00440 'pounds good; country iajp:Ai whir. 4 caalt;.or merchandise at cash prices, will:tn.gieeti highest market prices, at tbe,book,and paper swat , * house of - LURE LOOSIIK'AgagE. marlB No, 89, Weal street, Pktbitutillikt ',.!%• . .;:..7:. .•;,..., i•••:'4: - .- -: , r , :...;:- . . . . f il tll 4 • r. - q '.:.,..- -,•.....',„_ . < 1' , - . :,z...:;:. , ,'.'..1'.4A,...V....
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers