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'"L'' ‘ l,...l4ft'',‘ . ..;:..,,V!,fof -4Tl' 4 11 . 1:p .. ,,„ .........i ,„: , -S:;:4"iallti . - ~.16.14,te.,,,..*""' ~ „, x - r.v....,... .„2- , * 4 ~..,4 0,-> . i 4. . . e•*4 11.740 V a N li tIP r:, . 4 ,• .^ ci. !„.:.,.4,,; ~,;,, .^:,,,ft,:,.,'%C,:.z . : ' ''''' 4-e" - I* 4ftr 4t ..i.'"' w' . ' ...-i77,-,!`•Z,..-=e ',,..,, ."-77", w.„.,Pt'--.. ' i , - ill'''S t,, b . q. ..',..- A . .: ' • ? " 1s v'Zik.' •tr ' -`. ''71.,%:-4,"i'''' ''' - ' ''' '' ''''' ' 1. 10 4 1 •-••• =OP. e transportation or freight between Phut. P btlnd the Atlantic cities, avoiding tranship. - 'remits on the way, and the consequent nak of delay, ".damage, breakage and seperumen of goods. - PitOPItIETOR.S: .Thninarnan g CASII, - 21S Market et., Philadelphia. TAAfr/f, & O'CONNOR, cor Penn and Wayne eta., Elittsteugh.. ,; 44 x ....,. `. ~:' :~~. . ~' ::&;.:,;.-4,-.. ... : ; r ;,...:-,7 . . .... ;,- 'ai7l - ." , .. - 1•it . . , ::t,_!.'4. , ,:r..'-',f .... ' ,. .,` . . -. .t', 1,-- ....N - ',.!4.' 1,- .; A , ..,,. . . - .. Y: ~a ...''O '.'4'.. , :::5, k, -.,L ',',:-.f:.1, EMS r,p~, ~9~SL-~ USNINE =BM • • ;• AGENTS „,. • . 10CotrrioRs. & Co.,'North street, 13altitnore. & J. T;Tweseorr, - 75 South street, New York ,Encouraged by increased business, the Prolific . lots bare added -to• and extended their arrange ments daring-the winter, and are now prepared to forward freight with regulirity and dispatch, unser _ pFeed ' by any other Line. Their lung experience as Caniers, the palpable superiority of the Portable Boat i system, and the great capacity and convenience of the Warehouses it eazli end of the Line, are peculi arly calculated to enable the Proprietors to fulfil -their engagements and accommodate their chstom-. Hers, ,and confidently offering the pasta guarantee ,for aa the-friture, they respeetfidly,holicit continuaneJ of,that patronage which they now gratefully auk -Issowledge. moissign vents to TaatTe & O'Connor will be re eeived and forwarded, Steam Boat charges paid, and , "Bills'nf : Lading transmitted free of any charge furl "CoMmission, advancing or Storage. Slaving no inter, -Mit directly or indirectly in Steam Boats the interest' of the Consignors must necessarily be their primary , objectin shippinq West; and they pledge themselves .to . forward aU Goods consigned to them promptly, "and on the most advantageous terms to the owners. - "Illokuor - 9x , s: Nir ay. Fret gilt lane. 874 N A1i ,., : ,„ 7 ,.. k.. ._,--, 5 „.,--...1 t , ylo 4 '"Ji 1 • .........., NCLUSIVELY for the transportation of wayl jll.ll fibight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johns-1 tOwn,Hollidaysbusih, Water street, and all intertne-1 diate places. : - Oae boat leaves the Warehouse of C. A. 3lcAnut- 1 Co.;lyda o Pittsburgh, every day (except Sundays) awl Shippers can always depend on having their goods forwarded without delay and at fair rates. This Line wan formed for the special accommol . datieti of the way business, and the proprietors re. .::-jipectfally'solieit a liberal share of•patronage. -• • - ,p, . , • . ... , •: , : • Proprietors. - . `JOHN PICKWORTII, JOHN MILLER, • iDAISPL. H. BARNES; ROBERT WOODS, ---, --_-, '-- - WILLIAM FULTY. • - JOHN MILLER, Hollidaysburgh. - • R.'H. CANAN, Johnstown. Agents.' C. A. MeANULTY &Co.,Pittegh. • • • ‘. IIEFERtTiCE.S. 3. J. McDevitt, John Parker, Robert Moore, Dagat• / 1 14 Scratit, Pittsburgh. mare., ludepenaent Portable Boat Line, 4 .. /A 63 - ZPV,,,,mt 184 FOR TELE TRANSPORTATION OF moDucg AND MERCHANDISE , TO AND FROM -PIT tS BVRGLI;PIIILADELPAIA AND BALTIMORE. - . • Igr Without Transhipment. Goods consigned to our care will be forwarded, ssitiiontedelay, at the lowest current rates. Bald or Ladipit transmitted, and all instruc ions promptly at tended, to; free from any extra charge for storage! or CianitidasionT Address, or apply to • - - C: A. MeANULTY & Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. , . STORAG FL ' 1 - Having a Feet, large and commodious warehouse, we are prepared to receive (in addition to freight fiir ahlpment).a large amount of Produce, &e., on *Ur tige at low rates.. - marB C. A. 111cANtLTY & C 9. ..._—_..---- St/MILER ARRA.ZiGEIII.3I1 4 i TS • 1847. gazirlk— non'eugahela Route, VIA. BROWNSVILLE AND CUNIRMILAND TO BAL TIMORE. AND P.B.LLADELPHIA. Time torßaltimore hours: Time'to - Philadelphia 40 hours. tortlx73 MILES sraninu.3 HE Splendid and fast running steamers Consul, T Louis NPLane and Swatara ' have commenced 'making double daily trips. One boat will lea%;e the Monongahela wharf every morning precisely at 8 o'- clock. Passengers by the morning line will arrive irt:Baltimore nest evening in time for the Philadel phia Mail Boats or RaiL,Road cars. The eviTint: Boat will leave the wharf daily at 4 o'clock, except Sindays. Passengers by this boat will lodge on board, ionomfortable state rooms. Leave Browns ville next morning at 6 o'clock; cross the mountains lightf'sup and lodge in Cumberland. Thus avoiding night travel altogether. The preparations on this route are ample, and the connection ',coin - 'plete; so that disappointments or delays will be un known upon it. - , Pas.senprs can stop on the route and resirmO their seats again at plenum, and have choice of Rail (toad orSteamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia. - Coaches chartered to parties to ti ave.' as they de sire. ' ' Secure your tickets at the office, Monongahela Houser or St. Charles Hotel 11pnghisn's Transportation Lii% --aataal CONDUCTED on strict Sabbath-keeping Iprinci- Ales, though not claiming to be the only line that is soconducted. The proprietors oft this old estab 'fished line•have put their stock in the most conipl etc order, and are thoroughly prepared to forivA-d pin. dace and merchadize to and, from the Eastern cities on the opening of navigation. We•trost that our long experience in the darrying business, and zealous attention to the i uterestei o cos: tomer!, will secure to us a continuance and increase a the patronage heretofore bestowed on 'Bingham's Line.', Our' arrangements will enable us to carry freight with the utmost • despatch; and our prices shall al wage be as the lowest charged by other responsible linei. • Produce and merchandizewill be received And for warded cast and west without any charge fur adver tising, storage or commission. Bills of lading forwarded and every direction prOmptly attended to. Address, or apply to, WM. BINGHAM, Cand Basin, cor. Liberty aml Wayne ins., Pittsb'g, BINGHAMS, DOCK 4- STRATTON, No. 276 Market st., Philadelphia. JAMES WILSON, Agent, ti 0.122 North Howard st., Baltimore, WILLIAM TYSON, Kgent, No. 10 West st., NeW York. Blakely and Mitchell, Offices on Penn and Smithfield eta A,,GENTS for the Old Black Ball Line of Liver pool and New York Packets. tenuttances made as usual to England, Ireland, Scotland arid' Wales, in sums of ono pound sterling Nstid,uplivards—payable•in any town of importance ;A latent Britain and-Ireland. Persons wishing to send for their friends can- have theiabrought out by the above splendid line, on the 15th and 16th of any month. - jy7 Fifth Ward Livery Stable 01: THE subscriber, having bought Out tne well known Livery Stable kept by C. D. Doty, in the Efith Ward, respectfully informs his friends and thiptiltlic generally, that he will keep at all tittles a stock of thebest description of riding horses, bug- gies, carriages of all kinds, and in short everything reqiured in his line of business. A considerable porbon of his stock is new, and he is confident no stock in the city will be superior to his. • .. His terms.will be moderate. His stable is on Lib erty st., a few doors above the canal bridge, where he respectfully solicits a share orpublie patronage. CHARLES COLEMAN? tr4r He is also provided with an elegant hlearse, which will be furnished when required: ...qact2:7%tf NOTICE. 'HAVING sold out my eatablishtnent to Doctor William F. Irwin, I cheerfully recommend iam Well my former *lends and customers. ; " EDGAR THORN. -11rsa , oge Drag Store. The undersigned having bought out the store- or EdgarThOrn, corner of Penn and Hand streets, so ofthe drug and medicine custom of the city,,ned t envoundingcountry. A general assortment of alb tlietnost valuable Yledicines, Perfumery,Oiis, oaps, Fan.ey",Uticles, Brushe_s and - COMNI will al. /ways be kepl.bnihand. Physician's prescriptions at curately-Coroounded. The Stolle wiltbe open at all lia4a of thetlay and night. : , _ WILLIAM F:..TRWIN, corneiofrenn and Ilind.Sta. -•-_-.=------•------------._.___m_ ! Important to Old Oonntrymen. 'II.A.II3IDF.N & CO.'s EM!ORATION OFFICE. THE Subscriber 'having now t- . . . . el LICHEN ER'S. SUGAR EOATED;VMETABLE the sole Agency in the west for A POSITIVE AND PERMANENT CURE FOR, IL,I PILLS :ate the ' first and only ..Ateditine' ever the above House, is prepared to RHEUMATISM, • , said or bring out, passengees ; on the most liberal ' 'AND ALL NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. , known that Will post rely eure -- • ~, . terms, and with the greatest comfort and despatch, , , Headache, t idi ness, ' t Measlesi, - -Salt Rheum, -• "What though the causes may not be explained, Rheuniatism, Piles; . l Heartburn;WOrms; • aS they have the best vessels sailing every week, , (built erressly for this line;) 'and will invariably give Since their effects are duly ascertained, • . , Let not delusion, prejudice, or pride, psages secured on this side this water, the prefer- Induce mankind to set the means aside; D S t i n sP al e l P ;P si o a x% S .l c a t i t i r n v d y i ' c ' e .. , ' : Cholera rity ! , Pains in the Reck Whooping Cough, oncec of berths, and will attend to passengers' lug-1 , Means which, the , simple, are by Heaventlesign'd , „Inward Weakness , ' • Conaintlition,fits, - gage on landing through the;Custom House free of To alleviate the ills of human kind." Palpitatinu of the Heart; Liver'Complall, - - - expel's°, and will also forward them to their friends in any - part of the United Slates, thus protecting the • tia. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC RINGS AND AIAG- Rising in the Thrtiat,- Erysiperae,Tleafriess, emigrant from all the mrangS and vexatious frauds NETIC FLUID. Dropsy, Asthma, " ;Itchinge isetbe!kin, • Whichthey have heretofore had imposed upon them. I ITIIIIS remarkable invention, which has received Fevers of all kin d s, -toldS,Gouei:Gravel, .• Messrs. Hamden & Co., are also the Agents for I . ' the tieiversal approbation of the medical proles- Female Complaints, - Neriouit Corriplaints, • ,-. the Royal Mail Steamers. OF PHILADELPHIA. The Franklin Fire Insurance im. else bloat. - sion of Great Britain, coniprises an entirely new ap- - Arnd all other diseases originatlng from Intparities of , . Remittances b y drafts nt sight—to any amount 1, J fi ce 1631 Chesnut st., north side, near Fifth.— ! S 1 pliclition of Galvanism, as a remedial agent, by means payable in an art p of England, Irelaud, OHARTER PElspz-ruAL. $lOO,OOO paid . in of- I f:c",r They hate Oured, since their Introduction; or Yates. Aplication to the subscriher personally 11. I ! , ..over 2 000 cermins; Who havelbeen givetl tts hope , Lt ts f' fourth amount o real . the . ~ ..f ..,. ,c.ertiticates of positive I and Magnetic Machines, &c., are entirely dispensed Scotian[ ITik • I isurince either permanent or limited, against , offered to any person wh o will . produce . o . ne I of which the ordniary Galvanic Batteries, El ec t r i c the most; cures in cases 01 LONSI,III. ......, or PI PIN DISF.ASEDI with, and the mysterious power of Galvanism applied leas cpsess y . the most eminent pbysteiafis m . , • Lion., Office, Third street, foie door west of Wood; llverY or by letter (p ost paid,) will meet with every atten-i loss oid:,,lacmriia)tgieonb,yiutirteo,aoiiii oprrocteuruttycynnodu effect ri .. , without ealtbe any , c e r t . ' ti mo d e e l ! i c o t , t ‘ o . n i n s t i v i s h e i . c h i a . r i e w i strong t a r e: n e a r adbol: er - They. are, patronized...and. recommended by, 1 has made in this city or any Ci 1 p street. JOSHUA ROBINSON, tlec24-d&-w3in European 4- General Agent. I reasonable terms. Applications, made either 1) 0,1 Lungs as DR. ROGERS'men of the highest diStinctiOn, einong - Whoixt are•-• Hen: David R.;Porteri' ' - • Hon; Henry Clay; - :.--- C. N. BANCKER, Prost.. I been intnidueed. Although it baa not been puffed es, and irregulat intervals, in which Galvanism is ap sunnily or by letters, will be p ro mptly a ttended t o . lin the city papers in EprromAt. FORM by the . plied bv the 'Machines; has been pronounced, after a Hon. John . Q. Adams, ' - Hon:Daniel Welislet, Tespacottre General Entigration Ofti - c - e - • C. G. SANCKER, Seev. . L " fft i r t W I aC i e tT w h a e n r d e i T t. ' ll .l a ß s ' I Hon.:Martin Van.lluren,. • .llau.. .CnLalhottli ? , ~.. 4 ). REAIITI'ANS :old pasmag to :Lei .,.. .. I 1)111.11C•fORS : . I PROPRIgTOR for the SOLE purpose of GAIN, (a s ! lair and . impartial trial, to he decidedly injurious, and I inost' medicines arc without regard to their Winthl! it was to remedy tins radical defect that this new ap- Gen. Winfield Scott, , , .ICol.ll - .M.,,feliallaiii.'. ,;• Hon. James K. Polk • Gen. Lewis Cada. - ' .' ,;• m -7..... • and from Gar BRITAIN AND O•'. 42 'I Charles N. Rancher, Jacob R. Smith, Ittetarmo, by \% & MI. T. Tzipscott 1 Thomas Hart, George W. Richards, !yet the demand him been enormous. In the city 01l plication was projected; which, after unceasing toil, tr. 3 -• Their virtues are so infallible that tbirineney 75 Smith street, corner of Maiden Lane, New York, ! Thos. J. Whzirton, Morilimai D. Lewis, I Dayton alone, wherethis medicine has not been ad- Land perseverance, has been brought to its present will be.reternedin as they not Ova uniter,. anml 96 Waterlmio road Liverpotil. l Tullius Wagner, Adolphi E. Bone, I vertised to the antenna LI ten dollars, we reeeived ; state orperfection. The Galvanic flings minsv.er all sal SatisfactiOn, ' - Althlittgh'but two - and a tialf years . • The subscriber* bating accepted the agency to 1 Samuel Grant, David S. Brown. \an order from Messrs. Ells,. Cln & Co. to the l the purposee of - the most expensive Machines, find have elapsed since these celebrated 'Pills were first, - amount of one TliousAND BOTTLES. And this in many other respects are more safe and certain in the . above house, are now prepared to make arrange-I PITTSBURGH AGENCY. sou, in the summer season. when there is compara- accomplishing the desired e ff ect. introduced •to the public, the•sale ofthette-influs ' merits upon the most liberal terms with those ilesi- i WARRICI: MAneiri, Agent, at the Exchange Office i mm :i little or no demand Cur medicine of this ells[- ! The Gatteinic Rings used in conne.ctien with the Eastern and middle - States- has far - ' exceeded the rous of paying the passage of their friends from the , Clickener , s moats anguine cx.pectations, ~ Durinethe .r.• , I acres. 3fagnetic Pluid,.are confidently . recomm'ended in all i f . .....„., . trail, " pun year, alone, ne.less than iopuo gross of..bexes 4,UT 4 ;V* old Country, and' flatter themeselves their character • ket streets. of \Warrick Martin, 4- Co., corner of Third and Afar-1 I o:7This medicine still performs CrRF.S that vets ; ,liserders tchich arise from an enfeebled and unhea/t/ry and long standiug in business will give ample ar-i Fire risks taken on buildings and their content.. ;lass[ incredible, but as they are here, and are tont state 'y the nervous or rite! 'system, and these cent- pot . 47 t ,., 4 have beensold in the State-of liew, - -;740r,k,- . o,oooirt . S / fie I surance that all their arrangements will be carried . in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding semi I plaintsare among the most pandill and universal to ylvan4 WO itiSliirvlanal.,3,oooin•New'Ser - out faithfully,. , est n neighbors wloise testimony can be had from their ( .e..T 4- 9 1, t•J' . 4: - . '-' ""." A. V 9 T94 1 . - P se c y n , u 2 s ;ooo hi Del ' aivitie, arid ~.060 iitiliONetv England I own mouths, it must convince the Most SeeptiCal Or' Which We are stiliject. Thee arise, withoht Mcception, Messrs.'W. &J. T. Tapseott, are long and favors i ma g i I v try. No marine or inland navigation risks taken. - ,the werill or this tnedieine. ' i from one simple ea use—a'derangement . of the Nerv- .. . ' States, impiring - the' 'ebbsiarif "erimileYhaeitt . of 27 - 1. blv known 'for the superior class, accommodation ,- - - -- • • 'as. s ,_ -.- 1 4 - s 'se. - ss hands, imps printers' and ,eegrave, ;11tAtte. • NATIONAL FIRE 'l'. ; Another REi\lAltliAlil.F. cure of CONSUMP- i ous system—an d it was in these cases that other '''s l'' 3 . '' 2 ' ' , ':_li , l 5 r2; 7•' nil saillng qualities of their Packet Ships. The ' : \t.i ) . I gej rams+ period', upwards ;of 2005000 copies .of die .. E COIIPANY, TI ( 'N• Mr- Gabriel Whilldleadt " dull ell'Yl"a s i 'reinedies" haying so erten failed, a new agent was siass QUEEN or THE wEsT, , SHERLDAN; HOCH ES- • AND 3IARINE INSVI.I.ANef .i . see''' . rsFamily Doctor"- have ;heeri'oiderbd by agentstin TER, GA.RRICK, HOTTINGUER, ROSCIUS, LIV-I New lore. i reduced SO lOW that ALL II IS FRIENDS, and even ; greatly ueeiled s -fkliich it is confidently believed, has . WESTERN NEw YORK . every section of. t he euntiy , . -These; facte must , T , • • own And respectable company is re eIIPOOL, and SIDDONS, :two of which leave each HIS well In.!___lc AGENCY P 1, s PHYSICIANS ! lii , . _ . . , , Na. A.L. Stnetil..—As I one my bile to the use 'oh Galvanism. COI L. OP BEM Tu. 1 Cost show, conclusively, that Dr. Clickenet's Sugar. Port monthly, from New York the 21st and 26th and! pared through their Pr(' ISBUI ' ... d . A ') eel Pills, besides being„the terysbesi.medicine Hi the from Liverpool the 6th and 11th, in addition to which; make insurance el c .) -ver kind connected with risks! ' 'of DR. ROGER'S LIVERWORT and TAR, I feel it a Tlie Galvanic Rinks have been used with entire 207 Main street, .Huienlo, New York. ; world,arefichlitithe higheitcstimation by the public. St. Geor , e and. of transportation andiii they have a: ran with the t. . r,, ' laud navi(oition; to insure ' a duty, and shall without (mater delicacy give my ; :muccess in all cases of RHEUMATISM, acute or chronie, .... . . _ 1 -- IR. G. C. VAUGHN'S VEGETABLE CITRON - I We might extend this eib,lication to an indefin- Onion Lines of Liverpool Packets to insure ,m depar-* against loss or damage ty ire, 1 I I) v mlI e h ouses, i test i mony as evelence that others male, may be afllic-! apielying to the head, lzice'or limbs, Gout, Tic-nolo jj TRIPTIC ADVERTISEMENT FOR 1547.—°c1 ! its length, if we deeined it expedient to publish, I 1 L ili- i led with CONSUMI r rioN or diseased Lungs' may I rear, Toothache., Bronchitis, Vertigo, Nervous Sick lure front Liverpool.every fie winos being thus net ; Warehouses, Buildings in general, Goods, • • • tersimonials we have ree.eived, net onlyfrom agents War" ' know that this medicine is NO III.:31Bt:G, but is! Headache, Indigestion, Paralysis, Palsy, Epilepsy, ' E. I ''isyw, I CoNntimten;" is most emphatically CAM , . , mined, their facilities shall keep pace with their in-, and Merchandise; and every desert of persona(! but individuals and fanailies, who 'have experieuced • the case with this article- 'Disease has ever yielded , ~ ereasing patronage, while Mr.W.Tapsecitt's constant property unithe.ionst favorable terms. I worth ten thouaand ph) sierins• prescriptions for the I fits, Ciemp, Palpitations of the Heart, ' Apoplexy, I Ito its most marvellous medicinal power. WAererer the. benfietel effects of Clickener , s • Segni . Tented and the L imited States have proved the truth of this contestible :evidence of their Unprecedented success, iersonal suneriutentlance of the business in Liver-, Apt-die:aides fur Insurance attsii , • aecconimodation of the passengers will be pareen., Imes attended to. • t S. The subscribers lining (as listed) extensively enga- • , ded to without de- 1 4. SPIRNGER HARBAUGH AWL n ones : At iin Election held at the o ffi ce in N. Y.; chain[ hc Transportation Business b e tweenTittsburg ! 2th. the folloWing named gentlemen Were chosen ' l t Jon and the Atlantic Cities. are thereby enabled to take ; Director. of this Company, for the ensuing year,; 5 disease fur v. Inch it is reciimmentled. 1 Stiffness of Joints, Spinal Complctints, Lumbago,' . I -Lust slimmer I was. taken with a 'most DISTRES,-Ill?euralgia, Nervous Tretnors; Dizziness of lime Head, i gas, . . - lIC COL1:11, and about the first of.Thly My Lungs 'pain in the Chest and Side, Geftral Debility, Deficient , so diseesed that I. hied in a short time several I et, of Nervous and Physical Energy, end all NERV- 5 • , ,l earls of bleed Y. hich reduced me so low that all I tiCS DISORDERS. hicaseS olconlinned Dyapepsi .1 May l' i l liv friends, and ' civen in- physicians thought I must; which is simply n nervous derangement of the dig,e a s: I DIE with CON'Ulaivrlos. Aly brother, how- : nye organa, thve have been found equally successful.' t has and South America, England, Canada, Pills, but, we deem it unnecessary. - The Most . lus re ' which mtenteat the above quotation in a strong and pithy are thefiumberlesslrriltationg and .Cottriter.,its sentence, tells the whole story. , . Invalids the prim- have already appeared, notwithstandingthe brief pe, eiple upon which you are cured may not be knowril riod'they have been bbre tle public.- :Even scone r I ' if maker. ) 41.1SERRIftlie d' et ' Ito you, butltie result of a trial of the article is satis- of . otir - sitaunc lest in_ ._. '_,' . 0 .. ~.. ~.?.. ,I;!. Y 4 Front sta . h - porll is an additional security that the e ninfort and r lay at the utile°, No. 31 Water and 6- • y heard; • .o f ' df 1 • made ls 'TI • • r irthe • ; mus t b i ever, we of some the wan ;rider u cure, Y I icir extraort inary e ects upon system e l factory; you are restored; and the secret or the cure to imitatethe Capsule Ul . Sugar, th reef, to ittispisis charge of and forward passengers immediately oil ! vie:: -:th roprietor. The Medicine is a the ingredieiats of•their vile eemptlyedir,•,Ond al their landing, without a chance of disappointmeut o- 1 j o ,,m r s tv,s,,, g o, Stephen ITolt, • ; this niedicine. and procured a bottle, and before 11, avitnessed to be believed, and as a certain preveativel remains wi the. • Such al • compound of 22 distinct vegetable agencies; eaeh in- them off for the "real sitnon Tate s " . p Sty delav,and are therefore prepared to contract for pas- I John Bree net, John McChain, lad taken one halfhottle, it seemed 1.011,0 1.0 the v ery 1 for the preeedin„e complaiets they are equally recom di yid i rent has in ON l' s' II • poet t shirts cannot last long without expo iia r awn pecu iar r .,e-e U.lle,intii- • sing theirbideone sage from any sea port in Great Britain 1 0, -relaild In ' William G. Ward, Wm. W. Campbell, i seat ef/he disease and raised a LARGE QUANTITY mended. The Rings are of different prices, being . cinal property, conflicting with no other co deformity. Truth and honestY_ rulat inevitalily Fe- this City; the nature of the filminess they are engaged ; John Newhouse, Jacob Miller, ! o f mATTEs and PHLEGM, and my COUGH mas , made of all sizes, and of variout ornamental patterns, ! iu gitina them facilities lot carrying pasaengers i 0 , Williain S. .locum; Marcua Spring, I • •topp'ql i's n charm 1 lmmvi; state use d some two or' and can he worn by the most delicate.fernale without I per ect sat ov r rase 1 a h A k ; own cur and as a f • I e al i t • Ind deception'. —eac . roo ma - es its . -r , ale in Pittsburgh• by' WM IJACKSON at ' s . - Si - ' * combination, when taken into the system, it-does Fes ... , , .. . tar inland not otherwise attaniabie, .titil will, (if lir-. John E. Mackie, Joseph S. Lake, I three bottles, and am now able to attend to my busi- I the slightest inconvenience. In fact, the sensation I the work which NATURE:, when 11.0 laws Nt• cre first 1 - a. P rent Medicine kl'areitstise,lio. 0,, X,iherty street,e, cessary,) forward passengers further West by the , John J. Herrick. ' ness as well as ev er. . lis rather agreeable than otherwise. ,I , head of Wood st, Pittsburgh. Price, 26,c., per box., best mode of conveyance svithout any additional ' • And at a ealiseellellt meeting of the Board, ~,. bar: . 1 I. • • • •.; • , '.. to he inventor ofthis triedieine • T . JO- ' I Co, I tem shans,ul t —•, he Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, .. l established, intended it should do-m-PURIFIES . , Ban. "' I SI" REN GTIIEN S , :AND it E.STO RES the broken ! . D.Clickener , s prieciphl office is 81 Barclay strdett .* charges for their trouble. Where persoes sent . , ~ , „ l•: an., .il medicine I t for' •••: - Pll W SAV WS* Fan was unamtnemils re-elec. • re , l! it net been "r '"'" ,o ' all Powell . ' , Garters, Necklaces, oic. 1 down 'debilitated constitution. Dnoesv, in all its l New :l'ork. • . . , . decline coming out, the amount paid Cm pm/sage will . ted Presalent ibr the eusueig year. 'to have raised the m atter-met phlegm, and healed 10 . ) , ts a som e ' eas es of a very severe character, and of ! i ' • ilsr s d from I Otr Beware of: an , •haracters, will be comp.ete y err mate the , imitation.: artiale called,:lm be refuatied to full. I Wm. J All Fs 1;01,1;e„ t lung shoal.' without doubt have now been in iny I( s e standing, the power as applied by the Galvanic' „men). by . b .... e. see palliplets in agents'llands,' proved Sugar Coated Pill s,:purporting to be patented,' ; REMITTANCES. . au 4-1 v. !Sec relarv. , gi;“•-• I Rings is not szillicieutto arrest the progress of disease i te r free circulation—the . [scat - upon all diseases,' as both the p il ls and the pretended patent are•Torw.. y - - - - • ----- - ' ! If iii, one will call oti me . on Catharine street, half; and ultitnately restore health. The improved modi _ The saliscribers are also prepared to give drafts at , Insurance. I and show teitietuniofeurei. C l upon anti all tom -leeries, got op by a miserable .quack.'in New!lrerk,., i a s q uare below hum, will - give them the particulars i 1 fication in the Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, &c., entire- I sight, for auy amount payable at the principal Clue., MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE C0.7.1P AN Vof I and refer the in to numeroua friends who y•sdect Inc ; rildoits or the .urinary organs, form also the Cau se ; who; tin- the last four or five years,' has ran. 44418.7 and TOWSIS in England, feel and, Scotland and • ; ;lv remedies this objection; any degree of power that v or ,' • l'.. a , .i . , great suffering, :le ALMS •El ITIMICERIPTIC has ~ Philadelphia—Charter perpettini—Capital 500,- d ams , s t e stems, 1 is required can readily be obtained, and no comp l a int t -'. Wales; thus affordirig a safe and espeditious mode 0 . in) e - . I acquired no small celebrity over the country, - be the I 'firY• Remember, Dr. C. V. Clicketter lather:alma!, paid in. omfice in Philadel p hia , No. 72 Walnut I Jan. 13th, 1e47. GABRIEL WHIT Ell EA D. 1 which the inssterlolle agent of Gs.lvanism can effect' Remitting funds to those Countries, elect. perso ns , c• .' d.Y. d' ' 1- f Air - inventor of Sugar Coated Pilfs, aid that nettling. or. turea it has ma eln t la istresaing c ass u a lc street—Win. Davidson, Pre; Frederick Fraley . •STA TEME.."CT OF DR. HIS AM COX. I will fill to be permanently relieved. These articles i ii..... .. .. .So famed, it seems, is this medicine, that it the sort was ever heard'of until - lie introdueed them. [requiring such facilities, will find it their interest to f ni . s; y. This old and well established Company c on- • bee PROFESSWI inrthe Cincinnati ECLECTIC! are ittlzipted to thewaists,anna,avrists,limhs,atelea, waists, arms, wrists,limba, ancles,l avail themselves or. , 1 has thus attracted the notice or one of our Medical in June, 1893. Purchasers should, iherefore.,alo(tif ; tames to insure Buildings, Alerehandire, Fur nitUre. l essynes s ts . ,(..m..LEGE, an d, a physician trell knotca.l or any part of the body, v.ith perfect convenience.. I Application (if by letter post paid) will be prompt-. and Property not of au extra haz.irdous character, r: h o 11 , “ an c.:t.uns:re ;wart ice., in relation to the ra,;e I The Galvanic Nee:sleet:a are used with greater bene- I i.,1 0 ,- • • • • I nahlicatioes In the Novem b er No. 1516, of the ask for Clickerier s Sugar Coated Vegetable Pille,and , I ly attended to. ; !against toes or damage by Fire.l • . I M (1 . I take uo other, or they will be made the vietimis of; i:o Journal and Mont ily Itcview o e ice TAAFFE. &O•CoNNOR I of Miss Bolt. after haring' been noon up to DIE with lilt in cases of Bronchitis or affections of the throat I . and Surg l cal Science," in an articleeplin celeritous fraud. . ,_ _ oct 19-illjf I Apphcations for Insurances in PttLiburgli and its Forwarding and Commission Merchants. Pit la s t sla-r • ! ff CONSt.MYI'ION, by a number i; f { generally; also in cases of Nervous Dealnesa; and , disease. , 'and "solvents," the writer, after noticing • neighborhood will be rem' ed, and risk:. take - .- ' • - • 4 ' ' alde PM SP 1.4 NS. I with alines: UniforM'sUceess as a preven ti v e, l'or ape- ! , ntar27d&wy. Pittsburgh, Pa., n s !Lie fact that the E ng li s h g overnment once purchased icier perpetually or Mr Ltnited periods, on fa rota-' • . des, - };file tic Fits, and similar complaihts. _ . . _ . , Ale terms, by GEo. COCHRA, Agent, i a. A. L. Scovint :—llowever reluctant I have I- .1., 1 . a secret remetly, and also noticing the perchase in „ Tessittein Blinds.l been to pr runt .1111 : narne i r e appear, atiaclical to a Ger- ' - Gar laile's , nlaguetle Fluid IIS 02, of a secret remedy, by the Legislature of New I dec 21 Nu. 26, llood street. . ,i • WF.STERVELT, the old and well known ! -- ' [:(:cafe recommending Potnt Aledicines, Nostrums ' is used .111 connection w•itli the Galvanic Rings and 1 y oek , thus pays tribute to the lame of the Aletliciue: IA: Venitiau Blind maker, lormerly of SecollCl ' scam A" Kz?"'• J• FINNEY, IR. lor Cothe:ir ir,...5, 1 neserthialess think it my duty, nut ; all their modilicatiolia. This composition has been ( "Why do not our Representatives in Senate and • and Fourth St.s., takes this inethod to inform his !slant ' KING & rucNßy, . ' „ a l. t o u t v patrons, but to the communitr, and, ail , pronounced by the French Chemists to be one 01 . the i Asselbbly convened, enlighten and .dissalve , the friend. or the tact that his Factory' is now in Mil op- : .4genis at Pittsburgh, for the Delaware Medea/ • •;• .c m . i dim -ease . -;11 te I w . ti requiring Cough Meduenes to , most extraordnuiry discoveries of modern sMence. It suffering shous.ands of this country, by the purchase ermion on SL Cl s eir st., near the, old Allegheut . Safe! y insurance Company -rf Philadelphia. I r.a.sl, , tws". co th•c,: rartscular vases ofincipieut CON- is believed to possess the remarkable power of ren- lof Vaughn's yegetable Litliontriptic, than which no Bridge, where a constant supply of Blinds of varioes ; r IRE RP:ES upon Bei'dines and 51erchandiet• ef . " Cl 11.1rf to N , u's: Miss Belt, step &Igniter ofMr. • doing them:Tees sensitive to galranic a . ;:t ion by this! solvent since the days of'Alclienly has possessed one colors and ilualitied, is mins:antis kept on hand and ' .4 • . . ~. • - a . , . , • RI. :AS ' ''', John ,:arr of CI, city. a Mins Binger, Sister-in-law oft means eausittg a coucentration of the influence, at the I half Cie latne !" Reader, here is a ihriudical alit,' meet, diacription, nd Itiar.n. Itska upon belle , at all priced, from twenty-cents up to stot customers. V. W•inder , butcher and Mr. R. K. Cox, one of; seat of disease, thus giving rapid and pennaneut re- standing acknowledgeci throhout a large section 'Or cargoes of vessels , taken upon the most thvorable i lire. , .' N. B. If required, Blind's will he put up so, that our ( it , ( "titled, Mat Pr. Lont-Rs O.IIPoLN 0 .I • Rt P !lei. io otter somposition in c tenustry 18 noen oett is country to be one o rho es con uc e Jour ''' ' ' •'C -• S• '- ''' •"i I; • • ' '-I '.. ' k - A 'h" ' • fb i. dt d' -I I torins. ill Case of alarm by fi re., or othesw.se, they may be i °ince at the ~,,,„.,,,,,,u se of King & Holmes On 'or Livenivonr AND TAR Operated more LIFE A = - f E• produce the same effect,. or to impart a similar pro-1 nets of the kind in the United States. exchanging! . removed without the all of a screw-driver, and with . ;'titer ni., neammarkei street, I.,„,hurgh. ' circ, than any remedy o f a si n i dar cliaracti.r in its i perty to the nervous sa stem, Ity means of an outward I with the scienti fi c works of Europe , to our certain the same facility tlvit any other piece of furniture' •N. B. King & Finney invite the confidence and I T mu " '" • .. , ' .• •. o llian (have - The Magnetic Fluid coutains B o t h- 1 knowledge, edited by Austin Flint, M. D., • and Con- can he removed, and without any extra expense. ' ' • '' o f the easss above; viz: Miss flea, appeared to be! imp capable of the slightest injury; its application is! tribute.' tii by men of the highest professional abili- I I patronage of their friends and cornintinity at large te jetl4-:18,:wy, . laboring under the last stage gf Seorfatous Consump- ' agreetable, and it Is as handless in its Gilboa as it is ty, thus stepping aside to notices "secret remedy.Pl . the Delaware M. S. I nsu rance Company, as an insii __— I tioo, as prolioltra. , ht by iteveral PHYSICIANS %situ! beneficial in its results. Full explanations and direr-I You will at once understand no one/wit:nand worth- I CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! ! CLOTHING ! !! Haslet Ilia— : tenon among the mem flourishing in Ph p ! e ere in attendance prey - Mita to. my being calltsl to; tions accompany it. The comlnned inventioneare in h-ss nostrum, could thus extort a comment trom so ; as having a large paid in capital, whoa , by the oiler s , , The Three Big floors vs. The Wester:. 'heal. ' • lie co- I every wag perfectly herr:Mess- they are sold at Prices it aquarter—and consequently, the case Size ma at this pres. nt time In t ... • • , •t . - ,I ' It IS unless it directl l World :It ration or its charter, is constantly increasing—a . ji,VMeill or as appittently good ligaltlt, and from ap- I within the reach of all and the discoverer only re- conflicted with the practice of the faculty, it must I yielding to each person insured Lis due share of the , • 150,000 WELL SELEcTED GARMENTS ;'• ‘• i - •1-i.• i • - ' peacLi ce. as likely to die with any at , lier disease, as : quests a hum trial as , a test of their surprising e ffi cacy have been its great: fame" which has caused it to,. I profits Co the Company, wit iout itivo y tog iim tu aril' o ter yourw lady of this city,. As it respects the ' and permanent benefit. receive this passing nod. Kinxtv diseases, weak- NTOW made and ready to be offered on the [float; a ny reaponsibility whatever, beyond the premium , he .. ).10) ~i• ' the o `ti m s'iwo dimes, IA liberal terms to my old customers and the pub- ', actually paid in by him; and therefore as possesaine ' , all th e, threatenue I . Christies Galvanic strengthening Plea - l ROSS of the back and spine, irregular, painful and am- avniotetes' scent to have subsided truer I ters e i suppressed Mensturation, Flour Albus, and the en- IA in general. The Proprietor or on. far lamed atl 3 ; the 'Mutual principle ( live:tied of every Olnutaions ' l',".M° eta' ..- • .: d i- . . Um Ilse to, baLies the syrup above. I These artieies form :neither valuable application I tire complicated train of evils which follow a &stir:. extensive• establishment. has now, after returning . feature, and_in :hi most attractive form. nov I-tl r from the Eastern Mtn:B;M much trouble and expnse, -- - I Very respectfully, &e. iof the nivsteneus influence of Gal ye:etym. They :ire; acted specie, are at once relieved hy the medicine. • of the Franklin Vire 111611ralIee 11111.12 d COX, Al. D. !an iitipoi - tant adjunct to the genuine Galvanic Rings' Send fur pamphlet 4 from Agents,and you will fi nd l ust completed Ms fall s and winter arrangements to : A ge"er comvany of phii.delphin. „ • supply his thousands of customers e ith one of th e , _ , , Jail. -AI, ISA . I Cineilm ti • `" 1 - 7 1 a nd their moilitieations, acting upon the samerinet- , evidence oldie value of the Lithontriptie there put V I corner of Third and /Food streets ! Pittsburgh.' most dew nble stocks DI - clothing 11.. t 1,.. ever been , r -.,-,: tier o Call at the agents and obtain a pamphlet contain - ' pie, but having the advantage of more focal applica- I forth. Ass a. remedy for the irregularities of the fe i . assets of dr: comeany °tit ti he first of Janua-' treat • . tom. They are confident; recommended as a Yalu- I male system, it has in the,compound a "root , ' which offered in this or anV other market W eel Or tile Menu- i ' • • . tug cert,ficates 01 WOilderibl cures from a lii.lll . y . . „ •llry IS 1.1 as published in conformity with an act b . . . b , . I ~111.„„„.„, ~.i,,, ,able addition in the speedy cure ofllleuniatisni,acute , has been resorted to in the north of Europe for cen mina. For neatness in style anal work Manslttp, cone. ,- t. •', I - tr al redress, ,t. and W . 11 I nosy wa nts Legislature, were bined with the very low price which tlery well lie ."- the '' --.. i e A. L. SCGV ILL & t'o., !'or chronic; in all timpani:4 complaints, anti as a post - I tunes—as it sure cure for this complaint, and a re tains. and Mortgages, sot for, mast certamly render the, mid unrivalled I 5t100,613 93! ars s i es 1 eW f- i I cite remedy in cases of Pain and Weakness in the i starer of the health of the entire system. LIVER ..1 e agnnts or file est, cur o m i and Three Big Doors one or the greatest attractions of Real l';''' te, at c " - " t, 100 , 907 77 I , r• , i ...lee •1111.,..iaeltotati. . Chest or Back, Pain in the Side, in .4smatic Affections, COEIPLAINT, JAuseurce., iltuotes DISEASES, fke., are, It grata] tug to re to be Atte western country. .is .. Temporary Loans, Stocks and Cash, ... 7l 9 .2° ~/ I 71. ! D. C. Kneeland, principal Agent Mr Pittsburgh, a t and 'n Weakness or Oppression of the Pulmonary Or- I instantly relieved. People of the West will find it `able to announce to My numerous friends at home . I o tri, c ' heel`' , I bans, In Spinal Complaints their effects are of the ' the. only remedy in these Complaints, as well as FE •at on ...rant a., one 00t/I r Li . • Malting a total of and abroad, that notwelistanditig time extraordinary ' 5909,653 42 I Al so r ot . sa le by JAKidd & C 0., 0 -, corner or 4th and , most:decided character, and they have often been PER AND Aces. There is no remedy like it, and no • ; A ff ording certain aasurance th a t all losses b ill lie I efforts which I have made to Meet the many calls in I , Wood sta., Pittsburgh. • , used ,e,itli complete success. They are also of the calomel or quinine forms any part of this mixture. rometly met, :ma giving entire security ;my line, it is •..vitli difficulty I eau keep time wial the IP i i . t° an w h o ! John H. Cassidl, nth ward, Pittsbur h ! grea test advamage in Pains and Weakness or the No injury will result in its use,and its active proper. I•.. f th • Coin at • R k .. ;ten 1 .11..11, rote 1 . p. 1 1 )• - 48 - S take" I 11. r. scho:artz, Ateegheily. I Breast,and are highly recoMMenlled for maxis! of those ties are manifested in.the use of a single 3.0 es bottle.' constant rush that is made nn this popular establish- • meat. It is a well eatablislied fact, that my „ 1 ,,,,,,,,,' as low rates as are consiStistit with secUrily. i Jolin Ninlit, Porminghatn. mai- o ,llv. i'Coltiplaints to w tech feinales'pre especially liable. As FOR FEVER AND AGUE, Bilious Disorders, take no , oft S WARRICK MA.WILIs. , Agent. 1 . eight or t en tunes larger than aey other house in the I . • - ' ,an effectual means for strengthening the system when other Medicine. Itneustartsx, Cour, wilily:A relief.' • - - . _ Medical and Surgical outer. trade, and this being the, case en the amoun t silt , I ' I debilitated with disease or - other causes; as a certain the action of this medicine upon the Blood, will Alicia Kramer, ' Health is the charm of life, without it gold. can alTord to sell at mach leas profit than others could s s • I aid in Constitutional Weakness, ns a Preventive of change the disease—which originates in the blood; . -' 11, X CHANGE BROKER, corner of Wood and 3d I Love, letters, friends, all, ail, are unenjoyed. possibly think of doing if they wished to cover con- i cola, and in all atrections of the Chest, generally, I —and a healthy result will follow. Dvsreests, In- 14 streete. Gold, kaiser and current; hank 'motes , DOCTOR lIROWN, a . the Galvabie Strengthening Plaster will be found of eicesrlor, &c., yield in a few days use of this Medl tippet expenses. I intend to-make a clean sweep 1 5e..".-ss-S. ;ought and sold. Sight checks on the eastern cities' ' of all my present stock before the beginning of NGS COUGH Coto, ee'f'll?".". , regularly educated physi„, great and penremeet advantage. Ina few words; it vine. /e/bintinaiireghe rime d ays . , next r for ale. Drafts, notes and bills collected. ; ! embracea all the virtues of the best tonic preparation, sene - rtun also, has ever found relief. SCROFULA,. ye.ar; coming to this conclusion, I will make it the, , •-te r s l, '"" . . from the eastern cit. ; ...s, - elan REFERENCES. 5',..,';7;••,...,, - ;.•••% - ' , , s,„ i with the important addition o f galValliC influence, ; Ent/sleet AS, Puss, Inflamed Eyes—allr caused by ins interest'of every man, who wants a cheap winter I I Id respectfullv an• 41 . 7.A',.'llt.vr',,res:•/''''` v" , •.., • I which is neither impaired nor elhatisted, w h im }... t h e t pure blood—will fi nd this article the remedy. The unit, to call and purchase at the Three Big Doors. i __,,.. s tsal 51•11.g.(e . ,..t.5et F-s' nounce, to the cut:teas o(, at . . r .i • • 1 • ~ • I Pittsburmth Pa , a ' n . Iv free Gout those objections . which are a constant ' Sulerent properties of the mixture, is purified and oct2l-attar JOHN AI•CLOSIC EY. / ; G-7. - ..,--,e; • .:"../ ii•-' . 0... - A."? 's.?•;•,, - 4 . '''''-st Pittsburgh, Allegheny 1 betel ' toted •by the twenty-two •tion continues. r. ileee articles Wil be lobau entre- system, compy ac upon, . . General Commission Iltu.iness, ' ' * I k,a' - g4 ** M`' 1 ..... 4 vicinity, that he can Le ' ri - ource er la• t with the ordinary plasters in I comp in relstored—as a partial cure will not follow. The Heceirirt"'FF Forumrding House, al F 1 IslelMfil , ' 4. 0 ' 7 , conmulted privately y 111111! common use. train of common complaints, Palpitation of the' LlN, ' Venango county, Penn., risktt ,, i,Pti, 1 4-, ' . tiidentiall , ever da • ' -- C All TIO N . Heart. Sick Headache, Debility; 4-c., are all the re ...t. ~ mi.,. , ~......... • con , "1'44`0 - .p _.,, suit of some derangement of the system and the l a. MESICIMEN With a Receiving 4- Forwarding House, al FRANK BY NICKLIN & BRYDEN. N It. JAS. 111riD&N haring ittircbaaed a lot at the LY.L landing, (mouth of French Creeko and erected thereon a new commodious and substantial waer house, the above business will be attended to prompt, and correctly, if possible, by us. Our friends and the public will please remember us when they have any c onsignments to make to or from this point. Franklin, Oct. 24,1846. td&wGm PITTSBURGH nOSPITAL. UNDER THE eilmeGi: OF THE SISTERS OF IsiEßCl.—Drs. AmnsoN,o BRHCE and AlcAlExi., General Attending Physicians; Dr. WEE. nauuno, Physician for the Germans.—The liestitution is now open for the reception of patients. RECEIVING DA YS—T u esd ays and Fridays, from J to 10 o'clock, A. M. Cases of accidents can be re ceived at any time. CHARGES—Th ree dollars a week in the general ward; five dollars with a private room. Medical at tendance is included in these charges; payments to be made two weeks in atlvancV Any physician can send patients to the Hospital, and continue to attend than there, and any patient can engage any physician lie chooses. In these cases the Institution will , not be responsible for the physi nian's fees; each person will settle with such physi cians. Leeching is an extra charge. As many free patients will be received as tin_ means of the Institution will permit. Persons with comagi ous diseases will not be received until accommoda ['VlM can be prepared sufficiently ample to prevent any danger that the other inmates would incur. All the physicians will attend twice a week to visit the Hospital, and Will depute one of their number to "attend the sick in the meantime.. Advice will be given gratituously to out-door pa tients nu Thursdays anal Fridays at 10, A. M. pecuniary arrangements will be attended to by a committee of the Brotherhood of St. Josephs, which for the present -consists of James Blakely, Esq., •Jardee May ,John S. Cosgrave,John Coyle and Arthur Tiernan. jan.5.4 VE would respectfully call the attention of our friends to OIL MA ZONI'S SICILLIAN SYR UP, which is at present attracting so much attention throughout the Uttited States. It was but recently introduced to the Inotice of Pittshurghers, but the rapidity with whith it has commenced selling, con firms the statements made in the pamplets, many IN which are of the-most astonishing nature. A com mittee were appointed by the Medical faculties of London and Loublin,' to investigate the properties of the medicine, the result of which clearly demon strates that there is one medicine, Which is alt that it purports tote. Pamphlets, containing the certifi cates. of the faculty as well-as those of some of ihe most respectable Citizens of Ohio, can be,bad at our store, where - the:, medicine is sold' wholesale and retail. ! lIA.YS & BROCKWAY, jan27 No: 2, Commercial Row, Liberty st. "- -1,1; ti+ "~k'~^RS`i .. F ; -. ci '.t ~-~i'. t 3notranti anipitiTit - Fire land'llltsitne . lnntrasier. T". , . Insurance Company of Horth-,Anierica, of Philadelphia, through its duly inithcirlied Agent, the subscriber, otters to make permanent and limited Iniurancd on property, in this city andittriicinity, and on shipments by the canal and river - s. : 1 DIRECTORS. Arthur G. Coffin, Presq..• Samu ro el Boks, Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor, Samuel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith, Edward Smith, Ambrose White, John A. Brown, JacobJac M. Thomuv, John White,R. Nef, Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Henry D. Sherrard ,Seety. This is the oldest Insurance Company in the Uni ted States, having been chartered in 1794. Its char ter is perpetual . , and from its high standing, long experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks of , an extra h azardous' character, it may be considered as offering ample security to the public. MOSES ATWOOD. At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co., Wa lter and Front streets. Pittsbu rah. oct23-v. .. _ .. Win. Bell & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorenze, J. Painter & Co., Joseph Woody, ell, James May,. Ales. Bronson & Co., Philadelphia. John 11.11rown & Co., James M'Candless,Cineinnati, 0. .1: IL. M'Donald, St. Louis, Mo. W. 11. Pope, Pres't Bank orKy., Louistitle To Householders. ICERTIFY that I have had two beds renovated in Kelly's Steam Renovator, and I moat acknow ledge that the process brings the feathers to a more buoyant and pure state than when new. With the greatest pleasure I recommend it to the public. -ov2G-tf MARTIN LYTLE. TO ARMS! TO ARMS !! THREATENED - Invasion of Western `Pennsylvania by Col. Swill, with 10,000 i men, notwithstanding which, J. M. White will con tinue to sell clothing cheaper than any has heretofore been offered in the Western country, having the largest establishment in the city, fronting on Liberty and Sixth sus.- He is now prepared to show to his numerous patrons the greatest variety of cloths, CatitliMeres, vestings, and clothing of all descriptions, suitable for the approaching season, that has ever been oflercd in this market, to which all can have the Right of Way. Observe the corner, No. 167, Liberty and. Sixth sts. J. M. WHITE, Tailor, uvarf Proprietor. To my Clients. ATI' PARTNER, Mr. Liggett,,and Win. E. Ails- AI tin, Esq., will attend to my unfinished busi ness, and I recommend them to the patronage of my friends. I ant authorized to state that they will re ceive the counsel and assistance of the Hon. R. Bid dle. Office 2d story ofllurke's Buildings, , ithstreet, between Wood and Market. SAMUEL W. BLACK. Jane , * Italian Chemical Soap'. P ERSONS, in purchasing this, must' alWays ask for Jones's ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOA.P; and, per haps, as many have been cheated with counterfeits will be too much discouraged to try the genuine, we say to such, Try this once—you will not regret it; but always see that the name of T. Jorrrs is on the wrapper. Price•so cents a cake. For sale by W. JACKSON, Agent, coiner of Wood and Liberty: streets, the only place itt Pittsburgh where the Genuine can be obtained; ALL omens ARE COUNTERFEIT. jan22 Jones's Coral Hair Restorative. IHEREBY certify that my hair was falling out in immense quantities daily, and Was turning gray, and that since I have used Jones'sTotal, Hair Resto rative, it has entirely ceased falling—is growing fast, and has a fine dark look. BeforeJ.usecl Jones's Coral Hair Restorative, I combed out •handfulii.ot hair daily." W. TOMPKINS,92 King st.N. Y. Fos sale by W. Jackson, Agent, coruer of Wood and LiberiS streets, the, only ',Lace, in. Pittsburgh ;share the ortcUl E C.6.2C be obtained. jan22 'f I:fw 4 ~ - ge.-- ,,, . ,., •:,-' - ' , . , :f--' '..-'41c,'14'4,•,::;;..-L..:,;'' -- " , . --,- . 7 .':mv , ....- , .. ,, ,:ii , , , ; • : ...• .:.:. -,:;.:r-:':•...:1-,*,'''.t-','.','''.:,'5--<:!',"..'-.1.' - . t. u $lOOO REIVARD r; 4,:,..)47;49, J,' • - . .. , .:....\ :: I :Wee: _.., and evening at his office 1 irr The greattelebrity and success of thesci-arti " 1 -- 1 ...-..r.-A. 4 on Diamond Alley, a few ; des have caused them to he counterfeited by iliprin ;:--- doers from \Voud street : cipled persons. To provide against imposition, Dr. wards the market i Clunsrir , has but one authorized agent in each city of to Dr. Brown gives his particular attention to the ,' the Union. The only agent in Pittshnrgh W. W . IiILSON. reatment anti in% estigation of the following disea- ! ... CERTIFICATES AND TEsTuloron.s,: ses:or the hig hest and most respectable character, are ; All diseases arising fromlmpurities of the Blood.l : constantly received, regarding the extraordinary scrofula, syphilis, seminal weekness, impotency,l value and success ofthe above articles. It is believ nail rheum, diseases of the eye and ear, rheurnatism,l ed that in the city of New York alone, upwards of piles. pali-ey. • I EIGHT THOUSAND PERSONS during a period of Dr. Brown has much pleasure in announcing to i less than a year, have been entirely relieved of the The public, that lie is in ,pirssession of the latest in- I most painful chronic disorders, some of which have , (Omani - in and improvrint in the treatment of i c ompletely baffled altal former efforts of medical art. 4ecuntlary syphils,pract s .d at the Paris Lock Hos- i • ; disarove of the Galvanic and Magnetic Machine, ['ital. The modern re arches on syphilis, its 1 Complicaf ions and cons uences, and the improved constantly !tice, modes of practice wlij I have been mad e . known i 34 le indeed many uf h rst physicians of this city, who recommend this application in their prae- i and with the exception of those who are too . prejudiced to give it a trial, the invention has re to the public but recen , I y, and to those chiefly I ceived unanimous favors with the most intelligent who make this branch'p Medicine, their particu- among the American Faculty. Dr. Christie is at all . tar study and practise: i times ready and most happy to give every facility to Many new and valteible remedies havebeen late- i physicians, and all intnrested, tbr testing the truth of 1 ly introduced, whichseintres the patientbsing mer.l his assertions and the ellicacy h of his d e i r scovery h . curi al izcd out of existinice Strangers are apprised I Only agency in Pittsburg , corn of 4t and k Market street. octl4-dly that Doctor- Brown 1.1; been educated in every - branch of medicine, and regularly admitted to Dr. Emauuel's Lung Jelly. practise, and that he now coldines himself to the, T WOULD speak an honest and conscientious word study and practice of this particular branch,togetli-i i 1 of advice to those of you who are not too wise to er with all diseases of n private or delicate ,nature, , reason, and who can appreciate and distinguish be incident to the human frnme. No cure, no pii.y. 1; tween the cruel and dishonest pu ffi ng of the day, (in Recent cases are relieved in a short tinie„ with reference to pulmonary diseases) and the following out interruption from business. doors from sotirraeirghat-forward statement, by one who would not . ntisresresentation to you,. where life and trYoftice on Diamond klley, a few death are.,so early concerne das in any of the dis- Wood street, towards the." market. Consultations cases°r ailments which lead to Consu '. aion. trictlyconfidential. myl2-18wy Lean assure that the remedy lerWorc d, has —A. __ given a heavenly !pilot; and often effected a perma nent cure, when &cry : tither remedy has It is pleasant, intlecd,limaggiful to taste; and for those who are weak, languid, and emaciated, it will form an agreeable article of food, as it is in the form of a beautiful, flavored balsamic jelly. It can, there fo'e, in truth andltonor, be offered toall those afflic ted with Bronchitis, Asthma,. Obstinate or Common, Coughs and Colds, spitting of Blood, Bleeding of the! Lungs, Whooping-cough, Croup, Difficulty Of Briath- I ing, -Sore Throat, Hoarseness, First Stampf Con sumption, and all other '.Pulmonary and. Alt Corn- plainti. It is known as DR. EMANUEL'S BAL SAMIC LUNG AND .- COUGH 'JELLY- The materials of this Jelly are purely : Vegetable! and balsamic, and are the invention of an eminent! physician, from which the proprietor has purchased the recipe. It is certainly worth its weight in gold;l but is put eta price to be within the reach of-rich or poor. . , SOld by , WM. JACKSON, at his Boot &Shoe store, No.S9 Liberty street; head of Wood St, rittsbUrgh. Price 50 cents - and SI per bottle. ' tied). Can't be Beat 1 M. WHITE has just received at his large 4.11 establishment, fronting on Liberty and Sixth streets, a splendid assortment of TWEEDS for summer; also, a superior lot of .French Satin VES TINGS, all of which he is ready to make up in the latest fashion and on the most reasonable terms as usual. Observe _the corner, No 167 Liberty and Sixth streets. . myl4 J. M. WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor. - ' Dissolution of Partnership. T "E Firms of Geo.-R. White & Co.' :and White & Brother, are dissolved by mutual consent. The business of each store; will be settled by each partner at their respective places of business, on Market street. .- All persons indebted to. either of the 'Firms will please call soon, and settlel.their accounts. • OFOIIGI.I R. WHITE, THOMAS WHITE. Pittsburgh, February Ist, 1547. .feblo-d2na _ ,7„ , • 4 !=MM k r ',. , :*k",f , .... , , , :: , =';•:::. , . , ..,.it:::, ,''''_:.:t,::-.-.7-41%'.::,:i..'.':':-'r,',l:l',f,-4.''.'..--.i",,•!!:':''..,,1'-:!',-::Lr:'.4;',,i7.•11.T.-'''..!.,''::', '-'-',i'v:'::o _- ,:-- ;~X~i~ittt~. MmaiNg n 4, 4: - 4 2 4-,05 • Sprains, Strains, Pains 'of the Breast and Side, an/ diseases •of the spine, C " tsßEl4ndret:ilY relieved b : t : eusf Na ob tainedu:e?°wsrendYtheAMtgieAN3l; fromi:ellin Keniucy, SsfetbellWth xrhssueac ii lid ; in t enteywas ,: r o of a Spinal Disease, which had 'confined her fo•her bed for many weeks completely helpless, by the'use of this remedy, after various tither remedies had been tried in vain. Read the following testimonial: Prrrsturtsx, August 22, 1846. This is to certify, that we have used the Anent- CAN OIL for the whoopingbough among our children, by giving them from 20 drops to a small tea spoon full at night, which always enabled them tu rest well through the night; I its° applied it to one the children thatgot her arm burnt; the child ceased crying by the time the arm was dressed and bound up. I also was afflicted with a pain in my side and breast, and have been so for 16 years. Lcommenced using the Oil by taking a teaspoonful twice a day, and in 2 or 3 days using the Oil.have been very much relieved, and do believe that it is the best family medicine I have ever seen—one of; my neighbors used it at my request for a Sprained .ancle, which re lieved her in a few minutes; we have also used the Oil for a strained joint in our own family, which gaii. ease in a very short-time. We five on the east side of Penn st., 3 doors _south of Walnut lam now as well as ever I was in milife. MARGARET A. SMITH. Sold wholesale and retail by Win. Jacksn, at his Boot and Shoe store and Patent Medicine Ware house, SO, Liberty street, head of Wood at, eet,Pitts burgh. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Wm. Jackson being the exclusive Agent for Western , Pennsylvania, NONE IS GENUINE but what is sold by litre on ms' appointed agents. N. 11. A pamphlet containing ample directions, with the Names and Addresses of the proprie tors and principal Agents is enveloped in the wrap per of each bottle. wig 23--•feb 15-dtkw6m GREAT RESTORER will • do its work. The promises set forth in the advertisement, are based upon the proof of what it has done in ' the _past four years. The written testimony of 1000 Agents ' in Canada, the United States, England and South America; in the-possession of the proprietor—and can be seen by all interested—is a sufficient ,demonstration that, it is the best Medicine, ever qferea to the World. Get the pamphlet, and study ,the principle as there] laid down, of the method of cure - . Put up - in 30 oz.] bottles, at $2; 12 Oz. do at $1 each—the larger hold ing 6 oz. more than two small bottles. Look out and not get imposed upon. Every bottle, has "Vaughn's Vegetable Lithentriptic Mixture" blown upon the glass, the written signature of "G.C. Va a gn" on the directions, and 'G. C. Vaughn, Buffalo,' stamped' 071 the cork." Ngne other are genuine. Prepared.bi Dr. G.C. Vaughn, and sold at the Principal Office, 207 Main street, Buffalo', at -wholesile and retail. No attention given to letters, unless post paid--,]or ders front regularly constituted Agents excepted: post paid letters,.or verbal communications soliciting ad vice, promptly attended to gratis. Offices devoted excfusively to the sale of this arti cle-132 Nassau it., New York city; goo Essex cr.. Salem, Mass.; and by the principal Druggists thrOugh out the United States and Canada, as advertised in the papers.- - Agents in this city— ] Ilays & Brockway, Wholesale and Retail Agents, No. 2, Commercial Ito A', Liberty atrCet, Pittsburgh'. • Also,ll. E. Sellers, 07 Wood street; John Mitchell; Federal street, Allegheny city; Joluillarcl ay, Beaver, John Smith, Bridgewater. jali3o-48`wly ' A UCTIONEER & COIIIMISSION MERCHANT Corner of Wood and Filth streets, Pittsburgh is ready to receive merchandise of every description on consignment for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above busines;fiatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on Mondays and. Thursdays of Dry Goods and Fancy articles,at 10 o'clock, A. M.• Of groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new and second hand furniture, &c., at twoo'cloek•, Sales every evening _at early gas-light.: augl:2l N-the Upper Rio Grande, by Briant R. Tilden, O Jr., explored in the mnnth 01 October and No vember, 1846, on board the U. S. str. Majorßrown, commanded - by Capt., Mark Sterling ; 6 f Pittsburgh, by. outer of Maj. Geo.' Patterson, U. S. A., com manding - the xecopd division of Army ,of Occupa tidn, Mexico. • The above-work can be had from the agent, G corner, of. dlarburx Mid Peon streets: Alsd from the Booksellers. . febia-ti "r 7 4" , i" Z. John A. Davis, ~: ~ ~: ~ ~:..3- Security to Purelitisere; G -- a asikasaway,o l , ...;isU GAR OATED- 1 ,:CITABLETI Ti,,, Most Astottnatiag Discovert„ A BLESSING I A DIIRACLU.! 1-LA WONDtli. To cure Eruptions and Disfiguren.ints of the Pimples,; Freckles, Sunburn, Salt Mem: 4 Scurvy, Sore Heads, c-c. OUR years ago last August, the capital acme,* was astonished in consequence of a discovery made by an Italian Chemist. Manydoubted,-itseen , ed almost an impossibility that any thibg Made by the hands of man, could have such singular powers as that claimed -by Atsvorito Vzseritrvi for his . 1/1Ve11... Lion. ?Many classed him and his'invention as a hum bug, (arid, alas! many foolish . persons without trying, do the same now;) at length, after testing it Willis hospitals, the Medical Society of Paris, (the best, chemists in the world) delivered the !idiocies' repoi!t , to Signor Vesprini : " We have now minutely and carefidly eaamined the singular invention of Vesprini. We have ed its component parts—we have used it in ifeveral cases, and we hesitate - -not to pronounce it Anus Italian Chemical Soap) as a great blessing, and a truly wonderful remedy for nuy.cutineous eruption or disfigurement of the skin.. Its inventor ire con sider the true philanthropist of suffering mankind. (Signed) LEOPOLD DUPREY, Pres.,' Then comes the report of the "Societe Musts• tote," of scientific experiments': "We a re astounded," exclaims the aged president, "at this singular preparation-Vesprini , s , Italian Chemical Soap Where, indeed, will science stop! , Here we have a preparation made-in the fOrtll oft beautiful piece of soap, `whicdt. we knew: ectual practice, to cure every -cutaneous eruption, every disfigurement of, and even discolored skin 'Wkeres will its magic and singular power cease : I' The 'Ne gro, the Creole, the Yellow Raee of the east, and the Red Man ofthe Far West, arealike under the lluence of its extraordinary powers of- clearing yel low or discolored skin, and.mak.e it white and beau:. tiful; and of changing the color ofdark r or black,;:or brown skin." (Here use -oral persons were.brought forward by the president, s - bo had used it, in proof of his assfirtionsd REAR THIS! , FROM THE INVENTOR lIIIISELY.TO rarstrir raoralston In consideration of the sum of $3600, I have di vulged tol\ln.T..Jcirms,:residing in the City of New York, N. A., the whole proccsS of manufacturing, together with a statement oldie ingredients dempos ing, uty Italian thetnical Soap. to ntanurac., turn it for,sale in the United Stites only, and to, have the privilege of naming it “Ttines'a Italian Chemical Soap." . Witness, Henry .T.Holdsworth. : ,(Sigued) ANTONIO VESPRINL There are probably, few persons'of iytelligencee, who, after reading the - above, will doubt the quali- ; ties. of JUT IC3' a Italian Chemical Soap, in: aunog Eruptions, Disfigurements, Treckles, Salt Rheumi Scurvy ' Erisypelas, Sun-burn, Moryhety; Telt. T. low orßrown &c. Should, there be Such per sons, perhaps 'the' following reconimentlitions,:as t ., , well as hundreds from otliers,,may convince them ;Kr For sale.hy NV: JACKSON, Agent, Corner o 1,3J00d r and 'Liberty streetti,•fhe only place in burgh :where 'the -Gr.autwz .C.A.N. be. obtained; ALL OTUERS RUE COUNTERFEIT. Real- Estate Agency and General 'tract_, ligenee . • - '• riinE Subscriber - has opened at the Publication Of j_ lice of the Morning Telegraph,Nu. 50 Third at. t a Real Estate Agency and - General lntelligencq , A Register will be kept in , which persons can re: cord, without charge, real estate which they'-wish tq ' sell or exchange ' houses, to let, &C. 4c%, tq real estate . will be examined, and deeds of sale or.. 'exchange will be executed -and all other. bailment coariected with a Real Estate Agency, will be tr?- 06 1 acted with promptness and He will also attend to all the btisineselielonging., to a"General Inteiligenee 05 - ice - such as procuring situations for persons out of employment „ supplying . Amities with tnalc,an rn d,feale doniestiew,4e.. -•-• The fees will in all cases be small and no charges . will be made exc ept- fur services actually rendered; The subscriber is permitted to refer to the folloiapi log gentlemen of this city. lion. Gabriel Adams, Mayor. Jantes,Howard ,Wood at. C. D. M. Smith, Attorney at Law - . - t: J. Rutledge, Wood at. James Irwin, Diamond alley. W., J. Howard, . Co., Wood at. W. Cook, Fourth st. . - L. Harper, Editor of Poet. Whitney & Porter; Editors-ofChninielti White &.:Harris, ,Eilitarri,of Gazette. J. Herron Foster, Editor-of Dispatcho. Boylrin,Publisher.Cat ho l ic. R. R. R., Dumars ,& Co Fourth at: Wright Bryan', l ) ehlishers Telegraph r e hg_tf- • L. A. 'CLARE. • George , Cochrome COMMISSION AND F,ORWARDING MERCHANT, ^ • No. 20. Wood'Street,-,PiltoPargli. -• general Ccimmisoion Ch N O T ei l nenn U*: :eip t° 6e 4 iall n rtn ct th a e fairi:46o 440 American: menulii.Miceg'smil,Katlireetiimtia reeeiv- • ing.ano furrrardiggd.oas,Cousigiaci.ito-14a Mae:, - As 7. neat for the z onnufaetimert;ho, , vtin.:lte ,- .coritalitiy, .supplied 'with the, ~a „ ,,ratw e It ;the 190;00 v , ,40143410:4_135er5.,. Orders ifd 6011340-tants I - I •- • :i,f': rs 1 -.. -:''.: . :7:.i:;is-'.7,'.4..;:1' , ',: - , 1,::_:.4--•'...-:;;',',',:;,'::''''.. ==E =• • • Piiris,AW 4, 1840 =EI f ~',.._
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers