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"‘ Z 4 jr -‘4 ` . .041, fiLL ..:.; 4 - .: 1 t . f ..41,6... ‘ ; i - ,!.....: ; .:„ . ...,.. ) ,1ty,..• -. .„4. -, •'. --, v, - ... 4, ..„--„.., 4' J rect. .a. „. 1,..,:iit,...!:....dX1 - ,,,t,',% , .t•-,,5....,,...t'te; t. 4 it".. `.-- . 1tt,., 77.,..!, ,, , , 4 ..tii:''.....:;:..t ' ,' -=', '-• mar2o 't,` 0 "t.N-t,-t.14::'.4-11:Ftt,t.;, .fiz-t, - 4i - ' - '..t - ' ~..4;..;,..,_,-,..-- . ,.'1 / 4 ° -•,: g- , , - "t e l. i .' - * ij .'"- COFFEE—TS h. . - ' - . - -1 / 2 -- *4 ' '4-'-/- "I . o' , 't-i- . 4 , . 2 ;': 1,,.., ,-......,}. ...,.,,..•,' 14., ..,,-. ,--f....... '1,,_,/ in store and,,,fet - r . r.4 , :it. r ' ::',., , il. ' ~: t ..... r'' ,• 1 ` s .l - 4.):', , x4 4 ' - V. -."4"'''- *,'"- ‘.- , - ..,,g,,:ur .., N-4 +: ,-. , :s""t4.1;•10 4.:: ,. 'r - Z. i,1:4,r, -..'; I_,. • ''',l... ‘A * J:......"" '.,',...,: . 1 . , : 4 ' ' ~.' mar2o No 3/ . Lt... , , „, 4 ....t.. 1 ,„:,-4 , ~,, ia..+1..- -, . - __:`..,,yt, .-.47., 0 7.... :, -.'„,1 A ,.'" ' --- -- -. ‘, 7 ;1, t...',.."'t 2 :.;,e.F?-i'i-f, '';l';‘".•.;';'-` frEAS-30 halrChests aad G.. ,tet1"..1.' . ..i.' 1 .1. -- 4 - t l f: 4= % ` ' 1 1 . 1Ni l lF.- c4. t'.i .4. '" .::412 e.- 1 - .',. • ,i.' , ..1 ~,,. ~, J h.. Ifi :, K I. Imperial and Gan Powder, ii, .. .. . • 1 ., ."` l, ell , m'f ti 14.4 ,n,.i.45.....: , • '''.: , '..' 4 " . : 1 • L. S. WA . -, --4- - - .tz.-t...-fity.., .te:.... ~•• ~.---, , ,4-;..,; , ..,. ant.,,i,,.p„, 11-- t, . , No 3l Water and St‘. ..t,L , • ••- ` - ."'r . i.= 41 . ., ,-7 1 4 7 - ,:it ..,..' 4:',.; :,,,11.,„. , , , ,r. ~..:1, , -1 gvni ,.. , . 1 ..1'1 ,i i r,,,,,,t, 1 N t „, ~.„ ..„.... , "k IrADDP.II,.-1 !Ad. Ombra, in store ano r - 1 4 1 , :e tit.t. - ..t e',4,.';,.;,,,,d,,, !1--,i-.-!'- Ai by . , L. S. WATERMAN, .i . 4 ' .:T't ;t.:454410',0-' 4:13;7'? . naar2o . ,No 31 Waterand 62 Front at. ~ _',4-,..k.4."..ca1ret - i . t=le r --1•1,,E,P-,tt,....- ''.l tn:, • r - t p. v . ttti v.,f.,,,:: , ,N „ .. , , , ,,;: , 44 ,, , , ii.,,i15 ,. . •,t,.,. .....,..gr,.-.4,v4,,,,,.,/t,......4÷,,,,410 ...(4_,f;r;0ri.A.,„,,,,,04..4i.i,''it5ji'..,0,4r. it . • .4, ‘.e...17•4‘,01:4,,..e.,.4 4Put 4it•i c , - ,,,? :,:. 4- A, F v • o e J u r U r s: h t r 6 , t r e .4s l . - 4 .64.1(eWiritt°1*VOir'/* "t,,-ar t'^ri lF4r -- ! 11%. iv ,...4it t „,,, ; :t . if11,r - at.l 4 ; r ,i,,,,.. i , ~.1,„ .... klqAtt'4 : 76tlt 4 P41 , 10,,1ti04V - ] . . : . tames " .11 ... 7-°f) tet.. l-4 9. ',.., :07•-•tkopi!.' , ..4,.'i t tAb , 0,* -- r ....i . -r,:a.:...*,,.At c 4 ...,*`•-m0t,!,.....4r0tak..01* 4.4...4.1i,1n4,14,,:„A„,,,, 1. • ', 11.; . -r-4A.- 8 ..;* - ti.t=1:4 4 * - 7 . " '' '-'4#' 7 3`-'''`V 9 V.._/.. -;. • 'O---;:; , - , ...,„„• „,,,.,43 ,, (45c.,-;T:q - 4 . 1 . 4 -* 474 ; , • 1 .4..t1 , ;%,4.-sti,„2-.,;-.1 , : , 1 , ,74 li,. ~„;,1',"....,,n , . . ..1'84"....,. .-:,P-c.e - * /t.-- ,, ...... ,- A , „A.A.: A .lifiW*;„l l " 6 :_.... 8.,44:,t;t4.'F.?,!f7698:4i...7CW1-4'8.17:8‘8..,. ~:7'''.v.,:.r., ,r +=1,,, , 4 . - wt, r t - ..- --, - 44--o - ... -.— V . t..'•:--,,Wta:‘,4,,t.tt.441,t0.-. wVt , ttt z.:< -, f.' i - 4t"7 , ..,' --',.. 4 ;7 4 ' ..:r.V,'''r ",..-.: ,'''''''''. ,*-- ''.,•"*-,..,-4,.4....''''T'-'"'" ~ 17 -., -7 4 7 , - 1,. ' 3, 4 " f''' ' ,•;',2.1'''',,..114,V.,.4....a.,f .0 - , .. k: t. . 1 ..„..,- i ...„, i .:;.;.,;;.; I. : -... -2: ... , rl, N.',... " 1. ; .-,,t'.4,i , .; -bap 46,161.! -' 14 .t -t ~., ~ ~ t „-„, .., , ~. , ~, , , ~, ~. X4*:`''' ...0-,iN--'f, ''-I.ll'`t-NI t '' .1.,..%,,.- ' ': ''*V" *.'9'l' •,....**r:' -'.r...:2: .*Af':7;*,'.:,:.4.?.475,•''-i!,*.-}..iifeiVri.ie4-I.*N.-4.,0..:4 .;,:,.''!, ..„;,..- ~,,,, , 4.4 c,..V ., -.•••.,• t--; , ....;..,„ .-- - ••;, ..', -•:_ 1,.. - - , •• • tV . ....!l '.!'...;`,', ''''=V -- ..4,i;; . ..'..- . .4 ::"te4.1.8..;80"*.-4 , , i.' 'if , &'.4. „:1„: -:-..1 ~', '- -z• -- ....... -' 1- .. ft %--f' , -r 4 , . - ~ ' ; , : .. • '.,... e 4 - , .„0...1. - - 4,-.?.,.', ~`• ft ~ o'7o l, A' 4-kN , '? , -.' 4 t' r'll,' ''. ' '-'. '1 . " ,. ' 4 .:' ''':''-' ..,' ' ,4 - - ..'''' r -e , ' +;, .• , ''', " Fay [ ''''.- r ' ' ''' '' • n:.- .2 .,...; --_,"-4":'.f , ' I:. 4i6,,,k.5.',,,?„''..•....4',15r ;".„-,,!:,,`.. ';' :4•Ze. 7; ~,, ,:„.: r ~,. ~.:; ..,- . , r „,,,,-,,,,-......, a. ......,.,,,,.....,. : . . ~..-:1•4t..-7;-:'?-:.7.:,,-,-,-;-';.--t.I.Z --!-;-.....'-',l:.•?';'44:':'4•'.'-ft 4'';',.; -'' J.:- .: •- i . ,. i,. - ••:.. - ~ -,...---: -- •,......:. MBINJ - -,' - . ~. .i.w..z.,,,,,r,k...„-, A. ; tp!,'...z..,,,--;:,-,..„=.,_„,._-_,-. 0 4, :, _ 4 - itt ~,,,,,- -.4,Z.--_-,:.;!,...:-_-::.,-.,, .. ~, __•-.--t.;-,-..' ,_,-;---,._- • . ro-- •_w-,..??,,,ART.;e=7:-.---.:,,.- :-.,.. • _ -..-....._ ~ ' ,-t,--,°:--_,-......- -..,.- 1.,.,..- i„,„, ..;.1 -4..-"*..."--::=.•--".:.'4'''''-'- O,rt,,:;l;'''''----...''-'.;;..:-.:%;,-'''''':!':', •:-P -.*.d....t:-:;•.-:':1-V:',:••"",3,--'4'`-';: ;: IT -,,i-:,-V4.:". ;''',;:.l'.',--,---Icr--T,.-',. .. -s ' - '"7-,J''',7-4''''' ' • , , - w.. P--., --''',;,-,'l') ,‘4:-",-,-,%%Z• ,- ' , - =''":.. -•' - E- ,- :""'f.':•' • -7-:`,l'"''' .'l.-...'-'''' ''':;.7,-'4 r.... - ..., ~ -,- Y. '-. - '.... ~.,-: '-= 's • -- 1 - _- -.-. , -.:.'"-:,.-Tc-w r -,.1, ,---.:‘.. ;,.. ..... ,-._.. - ~ ;.," 7 , :' .- ‘,:i.S-:,, .- # .• • - .ARRIVED. Hibernia, Klinefelter, 011. I.'ureks, Crozier, Louisville. • 3. B. Critteiclin, ----, N. 0. Lake Erie, Beaver. . t 'Michigan, Boles, Bearer. • Consul, BOvvii!an; Bross usville. Louis All..ae.e, Bennett, Brooville., • • DEPARTED. 'Lake .Erie, Hoops.; BeasCr. Mononguliela;-Itone, Cin. yrallow, Turithill, Wheeling. - - - Irene, Grocery,Vratit nut Provision Store WaOLESALE AND it ETA No. 111 LiZEMTY STr.ztr. RNLIMIN 133WN would respe , :trally inform 11D , his old frieudl, au I tit:: pa);ic gnaerta y, that e _has agaiu Conn aced business is tlia above -branches, uutt door !to his old stind, %viler:: he topes, by keeping a.sa,rply of good irtiees, low for cash, and Flyit; strict :Ittentom to his pat- IOW!, to merit a share of public patronage. in r9.2-I MEE ' • .f s'" 4. t N.:T. =al - ,t MEM IMEN =ME IV.APOLEON and hie D 7 ball, by Headly; History of L4erature; • I and 114.11adt with for sale hvi 11., S. BpSWORTH •4 , • CO., ,:sitar2.o No 43 Market st. r• • - ' ~~_:. ._,~Yi COMMEROLIL -11E13011D. rreparod and corre c ted Aftnruoon. FITTSBURG4,:BO.A.B.D OF TRADE.. COXICITTST.you 31.111t1:11. J. Mars Bell; 'J. ShToon PORT OIL TSBtilto IA! 14 FXST MIAS'S DL AXD 11391NG - - . 'Michigan", 13o)es, Beaver. Ccaisul,,BoWit an, 'Brownsville. Lauis Jr.Lano. Bennett Brownsville. OFFICE OF THE POST. y . March, 23, 1347. The weather' was 'yesterday cold and unplea sani. Businesi:howei.er was rather brisk. On the wharf affairs looked The river is in excel lent order and stood last evening at 14 feet water in the ;channel and; rising. - There is' but -little change in,prices; our table was revisal and cor rected yesterday afternoon, nnc it may. be depend ed upon. The canal lines are doing well. There is a siren: tendency:in - the iron market to an ad vancein pekes rit iron and 'nails;, pig Metal has gone rip - considerably: eItY.,PRICES ct • antqwr. - ' mazer= ,r,,i;.e.nir AFTEILVOON. Flotft-LtroM river and 'wagon...4 oozo oo 4'641 . 7-Cl6wet% froria.wagon, 3' 370)3 SO - : From store 3 73 , :a0 OU . ;; Timothy. 1 75;02 00 ! . rlax ••_ 1 0001 10 Beans - .. . . - - , Sital-00 , . ,...... aihes=-Scorellitig*:. ...........: .4 - 5001 , 73 . , •- ' Pots • ,i. - 404 50 ' Penrii. • -, • 6 000 , 0 00 Butter--R011..... 4 WOO 11 Ke. , i . 11.7.fa OS Gram—Wheat. 4 ' '' . 70 . .) 00 ,Corn. 37,,g0 40 Oats 2Bsk) 30 , - Rye. '' 4tiii 3 O 00 • . Barley 37a0 1 40 Scitmr—New Orleans.... 54.00 Si Moterssci--=New Orleank. 3stiO 40 blitesc.,-IVe . iteip Reserve Ozir ) GI Icathers—Kentucly 2iloo 28 litiachatv Glass—Sslil . . ... ..... 2 23130 00 • lb:(12. 2 30..0 0 .) 0 430 . 0 00 1 25;01 37 •Corree—Rio.... .... J.. . . 84100 00 • BulkMea!— 51 , 00 06 ..Bacoh—llog round : . U7.thi 00 Hama ' seo S'i Shoulders .._ (1 , 21 Cl sides ' 70) 7- .Lard . 710.) 73 .. -.lk. 7 OC}..;i9 Ull ..lion—Pig Metal ( Allegheny) .... :30:aJ 30 Bar Iron (Juniata) 3 13" a I 00 Nails (lud) 3 7:I:a.) 00 Corn Fruit—Dried"Peaches Apples. Books. IRISH Girl and other Poems, by Mrs. Ellis; .. Forre.st Minstrel.; by Mrs Pierson; Ilulsreet Miscellanies; Burnap's Disraeli's , " of Literature; • :Mackenzie's Works; Smollets"select Works; • Moore'a Works; T. S. Artkur's Works; • Fredricks Brenfer's No. els; tFen tbousand a 'year; tiartia CLizzlewit. For sale by It S. BUSwoirni S. co., Tamp Ni 43 Market St 13.1:514 T T E S . ; " e t; fs' • V. 'II norn. DZAKF.LY dt utTcuEL, -A g ents for the old .13 Black Ball line of Liverpoid and New York packets, also for a line of American Merchant ships, :nations to nolo remivances to ENG LAND, :I;4EL AN D, SCOTLit34 D. and WALES, with pro pt nees and.aciipatiik akreduced rates. Apply at eith er of their alines, on PENN St., near the Cana) Bridge, orSnaithneld st. o. near sth. rrn the Honorable the Judges of the Court olQuar- L ter Sessions of-tie Peace, in and for the •Coun ty of Allegheny.. , The petition of Ilsinses - Claik, of Th.t lowmhip, in the county aforesaid, humbly sheweth, That your petitioner bath provided himself with materials fur the accommodation Of travellers and,pthers, at hie dwelling hoimoia the county afbresaigond prays that your Honors will be pleasulto-grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And your petitioner, as in daily hound, will pray. JAMES -CLARK. -117 e, the subscribers ' citizens -of -ma township, do certify, that the above petitioner is of good re pine. for honesty and temperance, and is well pro sided withlionse rOom and conveniences for the ac commodation of travelers and others, and that said tavern is necessary.. Thomae Farrow,- Geo. House, Ralph Reed, Ren ben Tustin, James Tustinir., Francis liniton, Jacob Thomis M'gain, , E. D. Gazzatn, R. Palmer, Jno. House, James mr22-d3t" MUSTARD AND BPICE FACTORY. ?Co. 27, Fifth sired, between Market and Wood. rpHEsubscribers hare constantly on band, of their OWN .MANUFACTURE, (which they offer to. Grocers and Druggists, at "Eastern wholesale” pri ces: ' Mustard ; Gro. Pepper; Catsup; " Cinnabion; Syrups; ~ Alspioe; ]lice Floor; • " Ginger; Prepared Horse Radish; ~ Cloves; £LSO OR 1//iNI:., Nutmegs, Roaste4 and Ground Coffee. mart 4m RHODES As ALCORN AVINDOW GLASS-7x9: SLIO :10x12: 10x14 12316; and 12:18; in store and for site by • mar 22 L. S. WATERMAN. 13 ATTING-40 bates Ratting in store and for sale by____ [mar _ 221 L. S. WAEERMAN. LEAD. -100 keis pure White Lead, in store and for sale by . •L. S. WATERMAN, 411 mar2o - ;No 31 Water and 62 Froni. ft. DYE WOOD -25 Bbls Chipped Logn.eod; 5 " Ground Camw,god;. lo store and for sale by ' L.'S. WATERMAN, mar2o • No 31 Water and 62 Frontst fIOPPERAS-36 We, received and in store, fur 1 1_, sale by L. S. WATERMAN, mar2o !No. 31 tauter and 62 Front at. TIAINTED ISUCKETS--50 dozen !Seaver buckets, jr - in store and for sale.by L. S. WATERMAN, mar2o .:No 31 Water and 62 Front sts. a prime article, just fILOVERSEED.-12 bane, ‘,./ received in store, end for ma Ie by L. S. WATERMATI, mar2o No 31 Water mill 62 Front ste. nOFFEE-75 Atga Rio Coffee, partattrictly prime Nj in store and,flitr sole by L. F. WATERMAN, mar2o No 3t Waterand 62 Front eta. TEAS -30 balfCbests aad Catties, Young Ilyson, Imperial Stud . Gan Powder, in store and for sale L. S. WATERMAN, No 31 Water and 52 Front sta. by mar'2o DDM.-1 Ohd. Ombra, in store and for sale Al by L. S. WATERMAN, mar2o No3l Waterand 62 Front et. COTTON YARNS-60013 lbs. in store aad for sale by ' ' [uiaiYi] L. S. WATERMAN. % :; 'kTir ' ~ K v Yep (, MEE ERNE NCNB . _ o:7Wrmorixo• Couca.. 7 .'ilesirs Editors-1 ob. Perved some time ago -a communication over the i'arlriature.for Parent," stating that Dr. Jamie's Indian Expectorant had been._ the.means of saving ti4lices of three of his children, ‘il,o were sufle,.. ing se Vete ly with...whooping congb;_and having: but La short time - beft;re, lost one of, my children by that,dreailful compldint, and having another. and I sofa - 1y child, suffering the Ltreitte=4 .agony with the same disease, and in hourly, expectation of its death, I was induced to purchase a bottle of it,and commenced using it according to the direktions— and - to the surprise of all it began to merit in fit: teen - minutes after we commenced using_kand the child haS now completely recovered._ I have no acquaintance with Dr..Jiyne, but 1 herchy return him a husbands tail a father's gratefol acktiowledgmeuts: J. L. SIMPKINS Philadelphia, April 1e43. Jaynes Flair Tonic.—We commend to the atten tion of those desirous of restoring their hair o• im proving its beauty, to this' elegant preparation We hear it every where highly Spoken ot; and es pecially by all who have made use of it, as omatly efficacious iti stimulaling the growth of the hair, and preventing and curing many afibctions of the skin. . Its virtues are amply and suilleiently prov ed.-N. Y. Sign. For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,•72 FOURTH street, near Wood—and at theug Store of H. P. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny City; - mar.' Part..insumnt, 'April 26, 16.13. ,11eirig afflicted for some years with that most disrregsing, disease. the asthma,, and -or the last 3 years much of 'the time confined to my room, and at several different times my life was des paired of; I concluded to obtain some of Ma- Sieiliam.Syrup; whteh was recommended to me by a friend from New York. who stated that it had cured some of the most inveterate .cases known to the thedie . al profession. Sullice it to say, that, after ustng• the above medicine for abOut 4 weeks, 1 was entirely relieved, and I believe radi cally cured. Yours with . respect, - - OLIVER W. OWF.N, No 175 .'..Bertraut St., & Brockway, Wholesale and rtetail Agents; see advertisement. te 62:2 Galvanic Remedies for all kiuds of nervous affections they have been used with entire success in all cases of Rheumatism, acute or chro nic, applying to the head, face or limbs; gout, tic (Meteor, bronchitis, vertigo, nervous or sick head• ache,. indigestion, paralysis; palsy, epilepsy, tits, convulsions, cramp, palpitation of the heart, neu ralgia, general debility, &e. In cases otdyspepsia, which is simply a nervous derangement of the di• gestive organs—they have been found equally suc cessful. These applications are in the form of Rings and Magnetic Fluid, Bands, Bracelets. Belts, &c. a . ,'See 'advertisement lor further particulars on le outside of this sheet. For sale at the only agency, 57 Market .street dfc 9 Ty. "Important to those who are afflicted with di*efatred . Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar. This specific seems to deserve all that the vender claims for its all henliug virtues, we have FPvti a very emphatic certificate from Dr. Cis, late professor in the inintati Eclectic• College, oho ref reients it to he a very different art / itele from . the pievailing nostrums of the day; and as very valuable in the treatment otahat insidious class of diseases which are the bane of this variable climate:" If physicians of Dr. Cox's character in the pro tession give their testimony in favor of this cele brazed medicine, it must be valuable. N. i. Notice the certificate of Professor Cita its another column, also, one of a rctriardahle cure froni Mr. Gabriel Whitehead, under the head 01 Liverwort and ter. • rAN Wednesday morning the l2•lth inst. at 9 o' clock, at the Store or .Vin: No. 10/, Market street, will he sold his entire stock of flats, Caps, and materials for sdia n u tu ri Hats, among which are, superfine braid zaps; fine silk and common quality, do flue plush cloth trimmed; do plain glazed, Common and fancy; do fur and oth er description oiCaps; in great variety; a urge quan tity of fine Hats of various qualities and descriptions; Black and white wool hats. Also I case Gum Shellac ; I barrel Alcohol ; to :tether with a variety or articles vsually kept is e Hat and Cap store. JOHN D. DAVIS, Vaivenble Household. Faarnitnre, ha Alle gheny City, at. Auction. ()N Friday morning, the 26th inst., at 10 o'clock. \.# at the dwelling house or Chas.ll.lC.ay, Esq., on Canalstreet.„ will be sold his entire stock of house hold and kitchen furititaro,&.c., among which are: 1 doz mahogany chairs; 2 mahogany rocking.chatrs; I centre table; card tables; side tables; dining and breakfast tablets mahogany snit's; commode , tables; bureaus; work and wash stands; mahogany and ma. pie bedsteads; wash stauds with marble tops; dressing bureaus; trundle hod, crib and cradle; parlor, cham ber, entry hid istairearpets; parlor and venitian win dow blinds; astral and ball lainpst fenders and ash drawerS; common chains, &c.; the principal part of which has been manufactured eastward, and all iv good presersation. Also, I cooking strive; wire safo, a .go - eat , rxri - ety of kitchen utensils, &c., &c. mar2o' JOHN D. DAVIS. Anct,r. i tn , • CAPS: CAPS:: At 'Wholesale Prices. 1 HE subscriber, thankful for past favors and de j_ airous to accommodate his numerous customers, has reduced his price to the lowest wholesale prices. De constantly keeps on hand the largest and best assortment in town, of his own manuacture. Any person phichasing a cap, may have his money refund ed, by returning it, if not satisfied; Those furnishing the materiala can have their caps made to their taste at 1 or 2 hours' notice. Silk oil cloth caps sf the very best mcterials will be sold for 75 cents,. Plush, oil cloth, velvet and cloth caps ()revery description, constantly on hand. The public may rest assured that any thing sold by him will be of the best materials and workman ship. Cap trimmings, always on baud, at reduced prices. t_ - A. NAItDI, No: 35, Marite:betvveen 2d and 3d streets. Five or six young girls wishing to learn the trade, call have an opportunity by applying as above. mar2o-Imo OF TIIE EEAJOSI AT COOK'S Literary. Depot, 85 Fourth street. Bultand Blue, or the Privateers of the revolu tion:'' novel by C. F. Sterling. Mysteries of the Heaths, or Chateau De Chevalaine; front the French of Frederick Simile. Next of Kin; and Temptation and Atonement; tales by 'Mrs. Gore. Weiiderthl Adventures of Capt. Roberts ; a novel Ellen - Monroe, 4th part; Sequel to Life in London , The Black Mendicant; a novel by Paul Treval. leitzhenry, or a Marriage in High Life. Will Watch, a tale of the Coast ; a novel. Carilla, or the Indian Enchantress ; a novel by B Barker. The American Wife, an offering to Truth and Loveliness. Chambers' Cyclopedia or English Literature, N . ,p, G. Chambers' Information for the People, No. 13. infant Treatment, with directions to mothers; by .Dirs. BafWell. Tffe Horse-Keeper's Guide ; Stable Management, &c., &c. Living Age, M. Modern 'Chivalry, or the Adventures of Captain Farrago and Teague o"Regan ; by 11. 11. Bracken ridge, Esq.; second edition sinOvho author's death, with illustrations by Darley. Lady's Book for April—beaulifully illustrated. 14r:just received and for sale at COOK'S, No. 85 Fourth Street. awn. AND MORE NEW BOONS: T COOK'S LITERARY DEPOT, 85 Fourth at. MODE*KIVALEV, Or: the Adventures of Captain Far and Teague ('Regan : by H. H. Brackenridge, Esq.; second edition since the author's ,d eath, with illustrations by Harley. Lady's Book for April ; beautifully illustrated. Knight of Gwynnc, part 3. Pictorial History of .England, No. 19. Major Jones' Courtship; new edition, with addi itional letters. ...lack Hinton: the Guardsman ; new and cheap edition; by Charles Lever. Atlantic Club Book, being sketches of I'rose and Verse ; by Paulding, Haleck, Cox,Bryant. Just received and for sale at ook , s, No. 85, Fourth street. in ar2o WOOL-4 Sachs prime Wool, for sale by feb9. JAMES MAY MEESE ;...:;.. 4 11i4'..!...,, -- '..;,. , . ~...... . ............ _ ---'•1 . ....,44 - ...•* - .7......;',,-:;.,. , ,.. - -:,-,.: -,-,•,;..'...,,,f1,-.=:?..:-.:-..--'4.,,r--,,14.':-.' REVENEI ?,' , .&:;: - .g. - 4 : , .;: , ,;' , :' - i , ig. . -?v, •GREAT ITALIAN REMEDY Cincinnati Murning Hats. Capt;icta. at Auction THE LARGEST ARRIVAL Dladern Chivalry, 1.-adyfs Book, - ".• ~.-„ .. _~'IJ 'N f~~ .. t+- ~ ; ESSENCES -10 Gross, in Store and for ease by HAYS sti BKOCKWAY, maxlS . I No 2. dounnerctal Row, Liberty et. ATERVE awl Bone .Liiiement-4 gross Butler's, 11 fur tittle at thy Drto , wilrehoost of HAYS &BROCKWAY, triarlS' Liberty st. ne.ir Ciitutt 4MPtlrtll ,, -.1 Barrel refined; thr sa:o at the Drug warehouse of- ILVYS & DROC.KWAti, i Liberty st. near Canal Basin. Plt. TURPENTINE-9 Barrels, fur gate:at the 0 Drug wareliouso of , HAYS &BROCKWAY, marl 3 Liberty st. near Canal Basin. IRESII Garden and Flower Seeds, from Russell' Garden, received and for sale by • HAYS & BROCKWAY, marlS Liberty sL near Canal Basin. ri LORIDE LIME-2 casks in stare and for sale by HAYS & BROCKWAY, mai 1S Liberty st. near Canal Basin. CI HOE Blaelting-5 gross, Fatman , s, fur sale at the Drug warehouse of HAYS tk BROCKWAY, marl 8 Liberty st. near Canal Basin. LAMP BLACK-1 case best English, ibr sale at the Drug warehouse of HAYS &BROCKWAY, marlS Liberty et. Pear Canal Basin. TNDIGO-2 c e rcoos Spanish Float, for sale at the Drug warehouse of HAYS & BROCKWAY, marlS Liberty st. near Canal . Basin. tAR.B. A11401%3,1-4 Jars, for sale at the Drug I,_) warehouse of HAYS 4- BROCKWAY, . marlB Liberty et. near Canal Basin. jAINTS, Oda and Varnish, of all kinds, fur ,ale at the Drug warehouse of HAYS & BROCKWAY, marl. 3 near Canal Basin, Litany et. Cigars. Common Cigars, for sale by I'soooo FRIEND, 1t 3 HEY St CO., marl 7 57 Water street QUGA.II-34 hLds. prime IS. 0. Sugar, received per steamer "Northern Light" and for gale by IRIENTL; .R.HL'Y it. Co., marl 3. ' :57 Water street. COPPER.AS-25 bbls of Well's Copperas, first quality, received on consignment, for sale by GEO. COCHH.-AN. marlS No 26 %Vnod street. Qcy - rae SNElTHS—Rcecived and fur sale by GEO. COCHRAN, taarlS No. 2ti Wood street VlCES—Wetherill's bright Vices for sale by GEO. COCHRAN, marlS No. 25 Wood street T_T AY FORKS-50 dozen Hay and Manure Forks LI fur sale by GKO. COCHRAN, nyirlS No 26 Wood it. 2i. O. Sugar. 48 ITltds N. 0. Sugar, just receive.' and for male by . , mar 13 MILLER & RICKETSON. COltll JACKS-200 Corn Jacks, for sale by marl 3 MILLER & RICKETS.ON WHITE FISII-70 Bbbs., in store and for sate by V marl 3 IttILI.ER ItICKETSON. • M A 3 C o *K lJ E a i r t :e' L eTu N S o tO r 3 e , a L n a ti rg ro e; r iale marl 3 MILLF:It ItICkETSCIN PICKLED HEItRING-30 Barrels Pickled Her ring or alewives, is store and for sale by . . . 'll - R ESN FRUIT-100 drums Smyrna Figs; 40 Las XL R Raisins; 1 cask Zante Currants; 10 bxs Plait* J. 1). WILLIAMS & Co., 110 Wood id For sale by mart ALERATCS-10 bxs Prime, for sale by mar 2 J. D. WILLIAMS & Co., 110 Wood at D F.:ITER—ZS hags Peppeirejd and for ;are by Ji• mar 2 J. D. WILLIAMS & Co., 110 Worid st lIOLESALF. Grocer, Corninivi , n and For fr jj V warding Merchant, dea!rr iu Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Nos. 31 Water, and 62 Front streets, Pittsburgh. feb23 T UST received and fur sale lovr-2 Ws. Smith', IP) best quality New York Coach Varnish. Also, 1 qr. LW. Leather Yaramis, for vale by leb2o ROBERTS & KANE, S 2, 31 et. 911131—5. Copal Furniture Varnish, Nun. I and 2, Smith's, Net. P ork make, en hand and l.r sale by the gal. *r 11.51.-, by ILUDEItTS & KANE., feti2S Nu. 52, ad st. A LAII.G-L: lot of Mahogany Plank and Veneura, for sate I , y ROBERTS & K.I.NE, fel)24) No. S 2, 3d at- *I flew FEET best quality Rosewood, on hand lit !kJ sod for sale by IWUERTS & KANE, No. 92, 3d st. Auctioneer AR-2 Barrels , Nu.l, in good order—fur sale IA by MARTIN 6: SMITH, inars 56 Wood o.'l C(LOVER SEED.-75 Bushels, iu store, and fur safe by feb26 56. Wood id. POTASH -2 casks, in wore and fur sale by feb2s. MARTEN 56 Wood st. BAR LEAD---12,000 lbs. par Lead, for sale by feb9. : 'AXES MAY. LRD A , 100 kegs, No. 1, Lard on eunaiganuna; And for sale by F. SELLERS. sep:7,4. No. 17, Liberty street. Conkling's Improved Lard Oil. l'"+" BARRELS Winter Lard Oil, lust received -from 11 the manufacturers and fur sale at Cincinnati prices wholesale and retail, by FRS. SELLERS, dec2B No. 17 LibertV SianArie.. ~.\ Tierces fresh Rice; I ci 14 bids Coe/lams improved Lard Oil; 1 10,000 lbs. Bacon, Shoulders. On hand and 1 for sale by ,- F. SELLEItS. sep24. .. No. 17, Liberty street. I)itomcE-6 Ws and 5 kegs Lsrd; 5 do ltoll Butter; 3 do Cloverseed; 60'J lbs Feathers; 4 bids White Beans; 3J pairs Woollen Socks; Received and for sale by LAMBERT & SHIPTON, feb4 133 and 135 Wood et 1 4 11611-65 bbls Nu-3 Large Mackerel; 10 bf bbli: do do; 6 do No 1 do do; 15 bbls Nos 1 and 2 do; 6 do NI, 1 Salmon; 2.5 do do Herrings; 6 drums Codfish; for sale by LAMBERT 4- SIiIPTON, fch4 133 and 135 Wood st ArpLE SIIGA R— L k B OL : b r : :r re k c a H n i , p l T ib o r ; 1 21e by feb4 133 nndl3s Wooclit.' STATIONERY. --Just opening, a large and splen did assortment of French, English and Ameri can Stationery, which we invite the public to call and examine - . JOHNSTON & STQCKTON, oct29 Stationerc, Market et. TATIONERY FOR LADIES. Papeteries, Port-folios, Note Paper of all kinds, Note Envelopes, Motto Waliirs, Motto Seals, Writ ing Stands, and Floral Wafers, Spangled Sealing Wax, Embossed•edged Letter-paper, Card Cases, Visiting Cards, Pocket Rooks, Ivory Tablets, Note Clips, &c. &c. For sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKI'ON. dec3l corner of Market and Third eta. ri OLD PENS —Bagley's celebrated ever pointed VT Gold Pens, just received and for sale at reduced rates, by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, oct:29 Ilooksellers, Market et. !/On lIIILS. Pitch: 50" Rosin; frio Boxes Tobacco, various sizes; 10,000 Seed Leaf Cigkrs; On consignment and will be sold low- for Cash, or exchanged for Pittsburgh manufactures, by seps TAAFFE & C),CONNOR Latest Improvement. BEDSTEADS of different kinds with Gazzain , s iron patent fastenings, superior to anything now in use, for sale low at the furniture warehouse of ang,l. T. B: YOUNG'ar. Co, Hand street.. POPLAR BOARDS, well seasoned and for aale by [novlB.] L. WILMARTH. Bras.ler's Bellows. T UST received an assortment, large sizes,Braziei , s Hand Bellows; also, Parlour and Kitchen, do. Wholesale and Retail, 'MIN W. BLAIR, decl6. 120 Wand st. R e m OT IA R. ROBERT SNYDER, has removed his office J to Fourth street, hetweett Wood and Smithfield sts., nest door to Rothy Fattersonts Livery Stable. .. ....- .. . ';.•-•''.':',.: , ,i....:''''`i 1 i;:-:if'.•!,,7':'-e.i.'. IV. ;.' ' ..':.. i ..• '.k..,,...7:;...,;•.:4-:::. j~'. ;':' i :. . ~,l- MEE E. ~:t.:--:--,.:','..,---„,; ~ '':',-•--- ;-- 2 it'R''.' .,: ': - tz .!';':;?•.,.:':, ,-:-.'7':::',;:i•::-':'-':',•',_k:-:':".ii':..`:.I' 'l''•.-!'''''' -37.,;•‘:,''k.:;',!.-.-..,:Ti-:..:...'' ' ..".,•,..,,,,;:,;,,".....i..,:,-..-:•.:,-,..:.,,,'',i,. ~ - '~` : - . ,- ,;•i,,c.- . •!.:'..4...,, - ' , •• , ;: ; :. ,. MILLER & RICKETSO L. S. Waterman, .e`FY% YY..i - F 4 ' ` f, rJ;"i~"~sl.`.t°:'+?~.c+J-~{%+ ems KV= '_l ',',' „._. ~.---,,-, For St. Louts; GOleitia s o.o.ritabucitte'. - , THE newsteatrier DUBUQUE, E. H. ...WE -Li BEr.er.,:Maste.r.:will , leiv9 for the above and intermediate - prts; 'off WedneCay noxt,.`24th inst., at 19 o'clock, A. M. -For Freight or P.lssage (having superior aceoiturrodations) apply...on board, or to [niantl .1.1.M1-...:§" MAX. CIXCINYATI.;PAcKETS: 1841. SUNDAY PA.CICET.. 1817. .THE'Blail and Passenger Steamer IS AAC- NEWTON, Capt. AS. G: -Mason., wW run Zia aregtilarpachet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving Pittsburgh every Sunday. at 10 o'- clock, A.M. . • •'•• ' The Isaac Nowinn was hnilt-thia spring, expressly for the trade, and offers to passengers every condor; and superior accommodations. • ICh/ 3 MONDAY PACKET - land assen eriteaMer CAMO T lll r N a t i la n ft, ;t - S Stone, rut: as a regular Pabkethetiveen . Pittibu ' rgh ; and; Ciocin nati, leaving this port every Monday at and Wheeling-at 10, P.M., the iimo,iliy. Ifiturn ingt she will teivoCiticinnag every Thuinday, at 10, A. M. For freight or passage apply,:an hoard. The bloating:theta was built expressly for, this trade, and offers to the passengers comfort, and su perior accommodations. Mar 31 1817 'rupsday Packet. 1847 ArThe. regular mail and pasiengir steam- Pler HIBEItNIA, No. 2, Capt. J. Kurt- Etyma, will run as a regular packet between Pitts' burgh and Cincinrutti, leaving this port every Tues day at 10 A. M., and Wheeling nt 10 P. M. of the same day.' Returning, she will leave Cincinnati ev ery Friday at 10 A.M. For freight or passage ap. ply on board. 2:7'The Hibernia No. 2, was built expressly for the trade, and offers to the passengers every com • fort and superior accommodations. jan 12,1847 . 1847. Wednesday Packet. 1847 THE NEW ENGLAND, No. 2, Capt. S. DEAN. will leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday- morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening at 10. P. M.; and Cincinnati eve ry Saturday at 10 o'clock, A. M. 1040 1847. TIIIIRSD AY PACKET. 1847. THE WISCONSIN, Capt. R. J. Ga.i.cr., will leaid Pittsburgh every Thursday morning. st- 10 o'clirOk; 'Wheeling every .Thursday evening at:,lo P.M. and Cinciuwati every, Sunday at 10 otildck-; A. M, • :.- • leblo SATURDAY "PACKET.- 2 .. The regvilar mail passeageisiteames hIESSENGER; CaFt: Linfordi waren as a regular packet beterearaittsburghand cineinnati; leaving this port even!". Saturday .at 10, A. - M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M 4 the same day. 'Retiirningi she will leave Cineinnati every Tueidiyi AO o>clk A. M. For freight M. passage apply eti , board. The Messenger was.built - expressly for thietrade, and offers to her pavaungera every' comfort and sto , commodation. mar 23 B.ITURPAY PACKET. MtzThe regular mail arid p!ssenger steamet CIRCASSIAN; Capt. _lsaac Be.nnett, will run as a regular. Packet_ between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving thiii port every Saturday, at 10, A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. -M., the same day. Returning, she will Leave ciDeinnali every Tuesday, at 10, A. M. For freight otpassage apply on board. The Circassian was built expressly for this trade, and offers to her pareengets every comfort and ac commodation. " mar 23 THURSDAY PACKEI TUE neer U.S. Mail steamer ACADIA, M. E. Euc;as,Master, will run as a regu az passenger packet bet Ween Patcheth and thy andre port during the season of Ikl6, leaving ever) Thursday at 10 o'clock A. M., The Acadia is new and has superior accommoda tions. For freight or passage apply on board, or to apo J. NEWTON JONES, Agent. MONDAY PACKET THE regular mail and pasenger steam UNWN,Captain Maclean,will run at a regular paeket tretween.4,, 'ittsburgh and Chichi nati, leaving this port e c gery Monday at 0 o'clock, P. M. Returning she will leave Cincinnati ever 3 Thursday at 6 P. M. - The lfnion was built expressly for, this trade and affords every accommodation. For freight or passage apply onborrd. may.; For Clnetnnzitl and Lou The new and splendid passenger steam er COLUM II I A, O'NEIL, Master, will leave tot the a 10173 and intermediate ports, regular- Iv. For freight or passage-apply on board, or to je I D. WILKINS, Agent. k For elnielinsusilk.insid. St..Losair, The passenger steamer PALESTINE:, Capt. Waltman, wilt lease for the show and al intermediate ports regularly. For freighter passage apply on board. jc9. Tumidity Evening packet. The new and splendid passenger steam , boat DECLARATION, Capt. Vortices. will run age regular packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday evening at 3 o'clock. Returning ihe will leave Cincinuat, every Friday evening at 3 o'clock. The Declaration offers superior accommodations to passengers. For freight or passage apply on hoard. jet For Cluarinatt The well known last running steanie: CAMBRIA W. Forsyth, Master, will run as a regular Packet, leaving every Wednesday morn ing at 10 o'clock, and Wheeling, at 10, P. the same day. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Saturday, at 10, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to YORSI"T11 es Co., Agents, a p 16 No. 30, Water street. weiblvine itegutar Packet Tint steamer ARENA, firms C. Fr.rx •-.-. sox; Muster, will leave Pittsburgh for Wellsvi Ic and all intermediate landings, en Mon days, Wednesdays, and Yridaye, at 0 o'clock, A. M.; and Wellsville for Pittsburgh on Tuesday's, Thurs days, and Saturdays, at 9 o'clock, A. M. For height or passage apply on board. deco Vor herling.....o..cgatilar - Viscket. Tim splendid light draught steamer •'• l7 - DOMINION, S..Trtsit, Master, will run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Wheel ingt leav ng Pittsburgh fur Wheeling every Monday, Wednseday and Friday; at 3 o'clock, P:M.;and leav ing Wheeling for Pittsburgh every Tuesday, Thurs day and SaTurday, at 9 o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage- apply on hoard. nov.s TO TUB PUBLIC. Maubacriber tenders his acknowledgement to the public far their liberal patronage in times pant, and Rol icite a continuance of ElyorS, and -promis es to merit the same by' selling all goods in his line .at as favbrable prices, and keeping as general an as sortment of school books, account books and all kinds of paper as it to be found in Pittsburgh. A tow leading articles are as follows. Now in store: 750 reams cap writing paper, different qualities. Post as 9 300 " crown tz tnedium wrap , irg paper- "- 120 gross bona et- boards, a superior article; Cap -Pay Books and Ledgers, e bound. 2,3, 4, h and 6 Vs long and broad, folio , , Cap Day Books and Ledgers full ' bound, 6,6, 7,8, 0 and 10 yrs long and broadt folio; Remy Ledgers and Journals, 6 to 10 yrs; Medium • do ft lined for records, sto 9 Cap Books ft lined, to 8 qrs. full and 1 bound SCHOOL BOOKS Eclectic series, complete; Cobb'„ do " new and old edition; Emerson's do " Sander's do " Elementary Spellers, United States Spellers; Frost's,Willard's, Hale's, Goodrich's and Rus sell's U. . History, large and school editions; Olney's, Smith's, Huntingdon's and Mitchell's Geography and Atlas; Olney's, Parley's and Mitchell's Primary do Morse's Geography, Quarto; Mitchell's Geographical Reader; English Reader and Introductory to do, together with a general assortment of Bibles, Psalm and Hymn Books. Also, constantly on hand, Printing parr of Rob ertson's manufacture, different sizes for News and Job Printing. Printing Ink of Prescott 4- Co..s man ufacture—fine and common; all of which will be sold for cash at moderate. prices. WANTED 100,000 pounds good, country rags, for which cash, or merchandise at cash prices, will he given at highest market prices, at the book and paper ware. house of LUKFA LOOMIS, Agent. marlB No. 89, Wised street, Pittsburgh- E . ,XCH ANGE ON NEW YoIIK, PHILADELPHIA, and BALTIMORE for sale in sums to suit purchaiers. N. HOLMES & SONii marl6-rf Exchange Brokers, No. 55 Market at. COLLECTIONS r o CINCINNATI, Louisville, St. Louis, and all LJ =erasable points in the United States, made promptly, and upon the lowest terms, by N. HOLMES & SON, No. FMS, Market st. nunt6 dtf ~:~;=k-- •_z:=emu- , ~~r,~.:•.s ~. . j , :;:; ?. EMI ;.~.~;~~ rr HE undersigned;'a committee appointed at `a 7. meeting of the Conimissionera of the Pea va ma Railroad, held on the 201 h di'v of May hist, with' power to convene the said Cominivsioners, hereby give notice that a meeting of the Cornelia:dont is ap pointed by the Act of the. General Assembly of the Coniinuitivealth of Pennsylvania, entitled An Act `o incorp4rate the Pennsylvania Railroad Comparv , who have been qualified agreeably to the provisions of the said net., will' be held en Thursday. the 25th day of Match,. A. D. 1847, at 10 o'clock, A. M. in the room of the Dow] of Tride, N0.'28 Philadel phia Exchange, i.O the city ofPhiltidelphia, to receive the reports of the committees appointed at the aforsaid locating of the.Commitisioners, and to transact such frailness as shall come befure them, in-conformity with the proiiaious of said act. HENRY WELS', ,c 2, ToI,AND,' DOEIERT ALLEN, 5 R. It, lIINCtIMAN, marl7-td - • 'THOMAS TUSTIN, g . 1 ACCOUNTANT'S INSTI - - ) . ) j TUTE, N. E.oorner of sth )i.and Market sta. The only , Institute in the city where a thorough -and systematic course of instruction can he 'Obtained' in mercantile and steamboat BOOK, KEEPING. Writing Classes day and evening at the usual hours. - Mr. Duff has a few spare hours to devote to!.assisting in arranging Merchant's or steamer's Books, in any case of difficulty. flours of business 10 to 12, and 2to 4, day Classes.' Even ing, do. 7 to 10. mar 4 Notice to Cosatrootoss. OTFICE Or TUT MONONGAHELA. NAP/DATION CO., Pittsburgh, March 3d, 1847. PROPOSALS will be received' at this office up to 3 o'clock, P. M., on Monday the fith day of April nett s for the construction of an additional ,cut stone Lock, at darn No.l, to be fifty " -siz by two Imo dred and fifty feet in the chamber:' Proposals. will state the . price for Cash payments, also, for payments' in Certificates of the Company payable eight years after date with_interest. Plansand specifications of the work will he ail:Wai ted at the °E we ten days previous to the letting, and information. respecting the same, will be given by Sylvanus Lothrop, Esq., Engineer. • PROPOSALS will also be received at the same time and place, fur loaning the Company Twenty thou sand dollars, upon the bonds or certificates afore said. J. K. MOORIIEAD, Pres.t. tuar3,dtab (Gazette and Journal copy.) . BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Count, of Allegheny County,lrwill expose to sa/e, at the Gitlin Rouse, in the City of Pittsburgh, on the 4th Monday, (tho'2l3th day) of April nexti it 10 o'clock, A. M., and self by public vendee or outcry. to the highest and best bidder, a certain Let aground, sit :uatedin' the city of Allegheny—having a bent on Jefferson street, of 25 feet, and extending back pre serving the same width 200 feet, to 'an alley 16 feet, on which is erected a two story double frame house, with stone cellar, about 20 feet in front by 32 deep, being the same lot which is marked in George Led. lie's plan of Lots laid out in said city, number 114; said house and lot will be sold subject to a certain Mortgage, which is recorded in said County Mortgage Book 1., vol. 9, pages 7 and 8, given by John Whim ry to George Ledlie, bearing date the 21st of June, A. D., 1812, to secure the paymentorthree hundred and twenty-five dollars—one-halfin five years, and the other half in ten years, with lawful interest, pay. able half yearly from date. Persons intending - to purchase will have an opportunity of examining the premises and the said hluring,e, before tha day of sale. Title indisputable. Terms at sale. JAMES D. KELLY, marl9-d3tawtd Administrator. hardware, Cutlery, Sadie ay, 4c. JOHN WALKER, T - MPORTER and dealer in Foreign and Domestic I Hardware, would respectfully inform his friends Ind the pul.bic generally, that he is now receiving its Spring supply of Hardware at the old' stand of Walker do Wood well, No. 8 Wood street, which ne will dispose °fon the most reasonable terms. He will be continually receiving fresh 'supplies direct from the manufacturers in, Europe and this Country, which will enable him to compete with any estab lishment either East or West, Western Merchants nre invited to call and examine his stock before pur chasing elimwhere. mars C9l - INF.II of Fourth and Market street, has now en hand a splendid assortment of Gold and Sil:. ser Watches, of various patterni and qualities suita ble for Lill uses, and at prices us low as can be had in New York.. Also, a large and well selected stock of fine Jewelry. giber Ware, Lamps, Military and Fan cy Gouda. A superior stock c - Gold Pens and Pis tols. Ig:r Watch and Clock repairing done in the besl manner, Jewelry made and repaired tolorder. ALDANE on the Romans—Exposition ofthe _u l epistle to -the Ttomans,. with. remarks on the' Commentaries or Dr. hlicknightProressor. Moses . Stuart, and Prefessor Tholuck: By Ruben Haldane. Esq., from the fifth Edinburgh edition, I vol. Bvo, 75U pages, price 82,50. The Wickliffites dr England in the Fdleenth cen tury: by Mrs. ColMiel Mackay, :tether of the "Fam 7 ily at Heatherdale." Personal Deuleceirip and Revisal of Religion in the soul: by the Rev. Octafius Winslow. Jane Tay lor.eContributions - orti. q, , 2 vols. ISmo: Memoirs and correspondence, by Isaac Taylor " " Essays in Rhyme and Poetical Re mains. " " Mothers and Daughters, U it Original Poems. ' " Display. tale. Tales of the Scotch ' Peasantry: by Rev. Henry Duncan, D. D. ELLIOTT & "mnil7 No. 66 Market st. LADIES AND GENTLESIEIst . , who design per chasing Venitian Blinds, or wish to get their old Itiurds renewed and made better than when new, will please tale notice that AndreW White is now permanently situated on the corner of Wood and 4th sic. Show room on the second floor ofMr. Ben nedy,s 'splendid . Booking Glass and variety store; entrance on 4th at. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. 'Please call and see be fore purchasing elsewhere. marl 3 - nnorosAis will be received until the Ist day of J: April, 1347, for the sale of a Lot ofground, con taining not less than one and a half acres, or more than seven acres, situate not more than,two miles from the New Court House, and suitable for a Hos pital. Each proposition will contain a brief descrip tion of the size and location of the Lot as well as the price and terms. Proposals may ho addressed, post-paid, -to the Chairman or any member ofConimittee. THOMAS BAKEW ELL, Chairman. Comnattei---Jelin Graham, John 11. Shoneberger, Wm. Larimer, E. D. Gazzam, 'l'. M. Howe, lt. S. Calmat. naarl6-dtapl ANOTHER IMPORTANT CURE.—Miss Mari. anna Reader a highly respectable lady from Harrisburgh, called to-day at our office for the pur pose, she said, to express in this public manner, her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Java m. No. 8, South Third street, for the unparalleled benefits she had received from the use of his ALTERATIVE. She stated that site had suffered fur several years with Scnortme and had had the attendance of five physicians at dif ferent times, all of whom finally told her that they considered her disease Incurable. She therefore de termined-to try the efficacy of DR. JAYNE'S AL .TERATIVE, from which she foug4 almost imme diate relief, so that by the time sM. had taken thir teen bottles, she was perfectly cured, and, now en joys better health than she has for several years be fore. Fnr sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA. STORE; 72 Fourth et., near Wood—and at the Drug Store in H. P. Schwartz, Federal st., Allegheny City.. febl-d4 , w HANDSOME assortment of Pianos, of a varie ty of styles and prices, with the latestimprove ments, and selected by subscriber, will be receiv ed in a few daitand offered for sale at eastern prices. Persons intending to buy this spring are requested to call.and examine these on their arrival before ma king a purchase, as they may rest assured that the prices will be low and thrthuality unsurpassed in this market. 'JOHN H. MELLOR, mari9 SI Wood st; A LARGE and splendid assortment of Mahogany and Rosewood grand action Pianos, with me take frame and with all the latest impfovements, which for durability, tone and touch, are warranted to be equal to any made in the country, for salo low fur cash, by F. ULIAIE. marls No 112 Wood ct, 2d door above sth.. A LSO, ono olagant Rosewood Piano, with Cole 1-1. patout<Eolcznattachmerlt t low for cash, at IRAJME,S, .marlS 1c0732 Wood at. _ . 3e00n.t.1 Hand Pin 'VINE second hue i rianos of ditemt,zuntoirs,n -r 4°6444 fat *8143 F. BLUME'S, marlS No 112 Wood st. To. Printer's. FRESH supply ofJohnton , s Superior Printign AL ink. Just received and for sale at the office of they iitaburgh Morning Post. L. HARPER. '' - :.,,. - MEM MIA ~l :~:i:.~.,:, OrphaiVa Court Sale. W. W Ilso ri, Books. Hospital Notice Plano Porter. Pianos. MIME - Mi' o44 AVV* ** *Ve ' ""' _ f."4-"?' corn wrOimns, for silo - • 124 cot.' tlAt. 4l 14 ' pitarl9 • corer Smdlifield and *want all Crab ..C.ld;er. G g bis, c t o Cider, clarifiedi for; sale by • cor of Smithfield and , vanrig 1 KITS,. vautaiDing: BO put up m X•of psossly fur faulary use; for male bY - • - • P. C. MARTINv., marl 9 calmer af.Smithfiela,andltout sta.. . Dried Avpirs rind Peachiest. ..- fy . ,BUSHEL§Aried ipidra; - Pi%) 50 do do peaches' For sale by ,-*•. c, MARTIN, -• marlS corner cif Smithfield Itiel Front sts Oranges and /44111' 9:1141 1 boxes Oranges. ,• - . ;. : 1 SIA. 50 do•• Lemons to arrive and_ for sole :-• • . C. ALIA-TIN, t Corner of Smithfield and.Ftnnt drutes,,Swyrna figs, fore lets, P C. MARTfig, inarlS corner of .Srpitlifield*aud Frontete D ONIA.NITE APPLF, bbls. Sup. -Romanite 11 apples a in good shipping order, tor sale by • F. C. MARTIN, marlS corner of Smithfield and Front sts. • DURE PEACH BRANDY...-5 Lbli. l'resh , Feech JL Brandy just received per S. B. Swallow, from Nashville for sale by P, C, ALARM, marlB . • Corner ofSmithfield and Front sts. S IIOVELS, SPAD.EO FORKS -20 doz Canal Shovels; 10 4 4 Coal t 4 Nos4and 3; 10 4 4 , Devonshire; 6 # 4 Spades; .. 3 44 Grain; 4 " 4 pronged strapped, Manure Forks, in store and for sale by L. S.IVA.TER.M . 4II, No 31 Water.and 62 Front.st. 13 ROOMS-190 dos Corn Brooms in store and for JOll for sale by L. S. WATERMAN', ' Insr2o Km at Water - and 62 Front sta. Dlll ED. P,EACII 2 X-0 blbla dried. Pe4abea; 73 sacks; recoil in store sad for safe. by L. S. WATERMAN, Na 31 Water and,E2 Front at. STAR . CIAOTIII3O NO, 70 WOOD STUEET, PITIniCRGII, PA. A CK E kr. MAYER have been compelled, to 4 .11, suspend business for,tbe bat two weeks, in consequence of their Store undergoing repairs, take pleasure in announcing to the public generally, that we will re-open on Monday, flflth inst., with an ex-. tensivestock of Spring and Summer Clothing, snipe rior iu all respects to any ever before otrered to the public. Thankful for the very liberal patronage we have heretofore received, and to deserve a cuistinn'ance; we will endeavor to sell •as cheap as any other estab lishuicnt in the city. Our stock is entirely new, all of which have been recently made in New York, by one .uf the largest and must experienced houses in that city. We will be weekly supplied, which will give usthe a.ilvaiit• age of baying, at all times, a full tuir `fashionable stock. • Merchants and others who Wish to get a selection of handsome clothing, would do well to gjie us a call before . purchasing elsewhere, as we a.rts deter mined to sell low for cash. ' ' ANCK ER & MAZER, marl 9 Sign "Golden Star." NAVY Reresmez.nr, BUREAU OF CONSTRUMON, EiaT:IPMENT elm RE rents, March 60847. STALED PROPOSALS,-endorsed "Proprisabi for chain cable iron," will be received cull's bureau until 3 u'olock, p. on the lbth day of April next, for furnishing and delivering at the earplard, Wash ington, all the iron necessary icr the ligke x shackles, ciao/els, boxes, acd pins, to make . aline cables with links of 1 15.16 of an inch diemeter, Nine do do 1 43-16 • • do Twelve do do d 11-16 do: Twelve do do 1 10-16 do Twervo do du 1 8-16 •- • do Six do do 1 4'16 , do. Six do do' I 2-0 tlo - Six .do do 1- ' dd .., '• I Each cable to be-of one hundred and fitly . fathoms. All of the said iron must be entirely oe American manufacture, of the best qualitY, freedom admtiture of foreign iron. It must be hammered from -blooms into rough bars. That for the litiki must then be cut, piled, and rolled to abunt an - inch in thickness; then again cut, piled and rolled to the required sizes, :Ind cut td the required lengths. That portion for the shackles, swivels, boxes, and pins, must -all be wrought under the hammer to sizeaand shapes which will be furnished to the contractor, The whole must bp delivered in Ftraig - ht lengths, free from all. !laws, ragged ends, or edges, or other defects, sub ject to such prim& add tests as the bureau may direct, land behr all resjsects to the entire satiadection of the commandant of the said navy-yard„ or chief of the. bureau, or it will not be received, nor will any be subject to test and proof, unless satisfactory evidence is produced to the commandt of .the yard that it has, been manufactured as herei required, i dtit )itil The quantity for ono-third of all e different sized I cables must be delivered on or before the fifteenth ' day of August next ; for another-third of all said ca bles, on or before the first day of December next, and the remainder on or before the first day of May, 1 1848. Separate proposals will - be received for the 1 iron embraced in each of the said times of delivery. 1 Persons desirous of offering to furnish the said iron or any portion thereof, (should further information I be required to enable them tomake their offers,) are referred to the commandant or coinmanding officer of the navy-yard, Washington,-Distriet of Columbia. 1 To those persons whose offers may be accepted, particular schedules, drawings; and models, descrip ! tive of the several parts-and portions of each kind of iron required, will be furnished when contracts are - prepared for execution. . 1 Bonds, with two approved sureties, will be moi -1 red, in.one-third the amount of the contracts; and ten per centum in-addition, of the ammo:it of all bills will be retained as collateral sneer ty fiir the faith ful performance of the contracts, which will only - be paid on their satisfactory.completion. •Ninety per contuse of-all deliveries will be paid- on bills properly authenticated, in triplicates.; according to the provisions of the contracts,: within thirty days alter their presentation to the navy agent." The of fers must state at what agency -the contractor may desire payment to be Made. . • - - In case of failure. on the part orthe contractor to furnish and deliver the aforesaid iron, ofthe quality and at the times specified above, the officers or agents at the navy-yard shall be authorized to per chase Such qualities as may be necessary to supply the clefficiencies; and any. excess of cost over the price agreed to be paid by the contract, shall be charged to and paid by the contractor. - Every offer must be accompanied by a written guaranty, signed by one or snore responsible persons, to the effect that he or they nndertake that the bid der or bidders will, if.his or their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation within five days after receipt ofnotice, with good slid sufficient sureties, to furnish the iron as proposed; and no proposal will be Con sidered unless accompanied by such guaranty. marl7-taw-lw Fresh Oyster•. THr. subscriber will receive km& Oysters. daily from Baltimore, which he will seise np in all the different styles, at the Franklin lrotel,Fenuth Bt. , between Smithfield and Grant. • • . 0 Yes, 0 -V,es ATM; eau always And at G, Schnee:Jo, on the cor ner of Fifb and Smithfield sts., fresh Oysters served up itt every style, on the shortest notice. Also, Ground Nut Candy, Fruits, and Pastries of the choicest kinds. Call and see. nosi The lialf...Yearly abstract of the Medi. eat Sciences. ' ' FANG a practical and analytical Digest of the B contents of the principal British apt,lpuntitierital Medical works , published' tluriaig the preceding six months, together with a series of critical reports on the progress of Medicine and the collateralsciences during the same period embracing the .various branches under their proper heads ' eta. Edited by W. Ranking, N. . D., Cantab. Optician to the Suffolk General Hospital. V 01.2; No. July to Ootober, - 1845: Jost received and for sale by feb26 LUKE LOOMIS, Agt:, 60 Woci3 st, El MI ~ ' .1. - ..P.'''.'zt....41 • ';;.: .i ...i'. - . '.... :.',......:-..1 - 4.:::-, , ..: . ..' . ..- "-"''';Y..-1,-.;.:".!'i,....,;!..:::;•.!..;--.,.. ~'Y ; y t~'; 5.~.T~ MEM ...: ., : : : : , :' , ;:y - , , ,- - ' , .'_''' l ';' : '' MEMII c, SqINERTZ ... i._i' Via t.~; :4`z.:P ..:....i_! .: . ,,, , ,.:i; : „0 -- .-,..); . :..,:ti f :,,„ . „,,, MIMI „,:”; ..(~,`;' =OE Varperlizitti -very - cotrds *Thsrisb9stsis •- 11 1 (1...MARICE'r STREET. • 4cOics*4ll , -XIi t •WHONS , SON, kiSPrCTF.VIi4Y ioforme his friends and flip • --; .I[%; publielimerally, that he is now receiving ik . large and aolealljit assortruent of l'itts STS CA311.2. .erritcp,Oiecternts, &s„ direct from the Itp?piletti and Manutksturers, composed ip part 9 1 Super! me Brsasela cafpeth • • ••••• do, TapestryArusselscarpetingi • Super Imperi2l ; ply • do; gltra tt• . ' Superfine Ingraii dot " ' Fine del ••Common dot • .• - 0-8, 3-4 and 4-4 Plain Vcnitian doi •• • ft-$, 3.4 and 4-4 Damask do; ; 4 and 4-4 Tapestry • 40; • ; tglP 2 B l -1 1 9 at Triln l o'll4: • Brown Drillings; 4 4,14 atid 01 Sheeting' • 7-4 - 8.4. Tsble L.tans; : •'• :• _ tinen Ntplap'; • ..• Crash' and Diaper; • • , . . ; 11uckahoek Totyaliog;- . • ••• . varpet Stripes ; - • ; • New Style Table Coiers•u• - ••• •. '.•.. . Oil cloths from 27 inchet 4 44 ' o feet teldo g 'itliklp guy size; . "'- , • . . Tt'qfrl , P , 1 6 7 3 7. :•• - • Rich t:...nibroidered and Priiittli:Tvri""n and . rs• • . .. • . • covers; . v:•.• : . -• • • ' . ;Figured Victor cloth o; •• • ~. • . :Chenielle, Brussels, Tulled, • and *Mon Ittigs I. • re. ; - .• :Tatted, Ckenielle, and Sheepskin Door Martin 411 d 0134. do dP • Brass Stslr. Rods, flat spa pya ; : • • Dairgok Ivrtsl Striped Stair I. : * ci • • • Ifr * .eltreet• . • •. - •'. • 4-4 and qv; Plain arid gaited /444 , 41 4 , 1410011 i• •.!.. • Colored Spsnish hlatting, &c. ;Cc. Person" fitting up Peapt 13(4 pfitids, or Private ; • • Houses, are requested to gall,' as by reels 4 : 0111 4nont they will find it to their adtantage to; do so befog'. • • • purchasing elsewhere. . ' DRY GOODS, • - -•• lie would also invite atietrtioo to his extensivo Stook of Nl4ll/ seance, Dity copus, - (e F o r sd o t- every thing in that line,) now ivening at the above •• stand Celr'lslo. 110 Market st. ' maro-3padaw PITTSBVII.GII- STEEL WOIWS AND , BPitlNCir AND Alig. ?AC ISAAC .101(ES: .7°Nl" 41' 41316°4[1 iliStelltl.634.': Itneli F gt ‘r /C U F l Lf. ll :l 9 lll B 9 P u r t g P - Co a c h g IN mugs . ,,an . : Eliptic Sluing*, Ilatnnterad Iron Aaltse aniffloaliti ix -Malleattle Castings, and Coach Ti4miningai ge5,....i. rally, corner of Ross and front streets, Pittsburgh,' Pa. ' • . I eb26-d2na . :. titorage, Av . 15G very large amteoutmodiqui'itaret ~house,..wg,gro prepared to; icceive ( io fiddly tion to freight M shipment) alaegetmount of Prq• duce, on storage at low/stag, jy23 C. A. MeANULTYBr. CO; Canal Bashi. Steak anti .3.lpuTrtactOri• T . TIE subieribeis having enlarged their eitabliahr went for 'the manufacture of Steel ' and on the corner of (Pftura 'mid Liberty, itreets,:Fiftii Ward, Pittsburg Is 7 .,are prepared to tbruish Mee of • every description, of the tiest. quality; and being:do, termined to mike itthe ,interest - of eon_cupieni to eliase Elea from them respectfully invite ihit . pairwitl age of an who dee the ajticle, tnaritl-y = J: ANKrtrmfr. co, , Freida Arrival of Spring.a,ed• t. FPIIE subscriber would respectfully invite the r m, tention of his customers, and•public genera/ly, to Lis present stock of goods suitable tbr the. ap- ; proaching spring busineis,- consisting of Frencb, English, and American cloths, a the must. fluilderi• ala colors such as Cetron, Olive green, Olive bres* . . . Muss green, Claret Frer.cli black, blue, aryl bre green, it aplc , iidid ussortineut of American, Eng. lish, and French Cassigiores,•entirely new styl--71" ! . • handsome assortment of Vesting', new and : 1483 Z% ur which will be wade, to order, at the shortest nobse; in the most lashieualde manlier, at .1 moderate prices. The cutting departnicnt. attondeil to by Mr. Jame* C: whose skill and long pray. ; nee of the most fashionable cutting in the Eastern •• cities, renders him capable- orplearing the most fastidious. _ Jklarge assnrtinent of /maps - "Wiz cr.arlinsta is constantly on Landoduch. neatness,for , and darns . bility, is net surpassed . Py any in the city, silk "and '- satin handkerchiefs, scarfs, cravat", and stocks; in •; -• great variety; shirts, is hitb :And colored, latest pats ', erns; suspenders, gloves, ands every astiele' suitable ".'• • - for Gentlemen's wear, can be tonna at this °stab, lishment. • • - •- • • P. DELANY, . • •- • •Nti. , l9 Liberty street, tuar6-daw4m . Pittsburgh,. N. 11. To TAlT.olls—Watt , d Graduating ',besides' measure system' of garment cutting fur sale-,price - invariabrY $lO, • . ; AIACHLNIC CARDS, LOOM. FINDINGS, R. ; • 111. Cummins, Smithfield St., above 3d. ANUSES. James..SMith Co.7s•yachice Card .111. ..itgericy, - Manufacturer's finding Establish- - ment, and dealer in Clocks, Looking Glass Plate., Prsuncu Glass:Sic. - • no,. 18—feb23ilatar. EORG E UIIDDt CONVEYANCER, OFFICE in Avery how, Zith,.strect, - above' Smith. field street, Pittsburgh. Drum, MORTGAGE:3, Acatx,rxixtrrs, Bonne, Itramaini and ether lustruniEnts of writing drawn with nen, legal accuracy and despatch: lie will alaciat tend to drawing and , filing Alrcuaarcl Liam, dn . ' MAWS qf Ereentors,Adininistralors,Sc., Examining .' tiles to 44iii k;staie, Searching Records for 1.111131. From tali; long experience and intimate acquaint..; ante with the maims, of keeping the public records, ~ he expectf to give satisfaction to dingo who may en • trust tluvir bus ness to his care. • • deel6-detw For gent. . • • - A FARM containing two hundred acres sittiato• A about nine miles from Pittsburgh; The lgts pruvements are a large and comfortable bonne and barn (60 feet long,) 100 bearing apele trees, 6Qacres, cleared land, about 12 of which is meadow:. The. farm .ie well 'watered, on a good road and will be rented remarkably low--apply to • IiLA.K.ELY & MITCHELL, janiS Peues , h, a 1- _,„. 11 q, ft ) .E.8 011 . 0 . • Y.;:. , ve lei s ale a small Farm of Land in Pisa Township, containing sixty-oneeacres---about Twenty-five acres cleared and under fence, with a • comfortable de elling b0u..8 and other improvements. Title good and terms reasonable.. Apply to feb4 BLAKELY fir. MITCHEL. • For Rent,. A N excellent du'elling house, on Bedford Ittreet, . Proaprct hill, Siith Ward, with seven rooms • basement, fruit tress, garden and otcellont well or. water. Kent, 0125. Enquire of fehs I3I.2LEELY S MITCHEL. Wood St Property for Sala, :I THAT desirable lot of ground at the foot of Virobfi! street; occupird at the time of the greatfuro by, MessmiKiiig fi. Holmes, is Offered for sale. • Enquire of laugh] J. K. MOORHEAD, • TO 'Lett • THE Baird story of a Brick lionse..pn the corner- cerath and Uniun streets. Apply to maril -.MAUS MAY. . vole mile* TILE light . diangla strainer Aursra, Ire. good running order. She carries about Mr limu : Cm, as goi.id iluil and-Engines, new boilerooi comfbrpible plain cabin, and - is wcll._a4aptpd f Towing. ghe will be sold at a low prise, 294 pop: . satiable tams for good paper. Ap , l, to • niar9 • All Et; MAY. Por FOUR LOTS--Poundosl by Penn, Liberty and its sts, pitch lot baying 24 ft. front, and extendin4 back 110 R. Two of them are corner lots, and the pokition . of eari whole property is one of the most air: santageous in the city. For further information ap. ply ao t :34f SWART;WF.t.tor.R, Fourth bct. Wood and Smithfield. Coldttry Residence. , . . RAY•l,loitittOtriititt to the-City—for conTcniestelS ' tii preiteisioiel betteese•-1 will tent 1127 Mut. /ion Honsc aid Its iearettliim 'ettetolitign i sitiseeNeti the Bluff. 'o? thf tfi)riug . ilkel,3; tae' mile above Pittsburgh. - ,•• ani.4-3tkrtz ' , ' ' JAMES R. CRAFT. . ..•. - • Musqpietolfetts. GEO. S. SWARTZ ham on bcnd a lot of very ?slice white spd colored Musqneto Net‘e which :w . rill•be 644 chey at No. 106 Merkot attest:' 'I - . . v„,, „ the mayor s , jan ; " OWN, . • n-y t tiWr MEE BENCE =ME 7oinf r gc76a :j. .~,; :=i`-: ~;. ,-,1...„... , - : • . ,;-,. -...„,,,, -, . ;I i,,, -.-,.- -.)'-'•:?...4 ,".. ..: .-- .;',' -•``- . A - •' .- ~." , - .' :*'. ; ' -'. --'-;.--•-...-t. -':,-..-' . 0 , , • ., ...-k'; . .. - -;:', -,- •'. " ,- e? , -;,.,;,: -„-:-,',. • -.. ~...:.,;!„;,--'...-,1- • ..::.- ,-,', ••;,.,;'.'.:.....•.: , .., r- -,, - ..` t: . -,- .'..j . .,. --.`2.,; ,. ,..A • -1.,'; :.. ,- ..,1.,: 2 '',.''.. 'C,,,,'-'.*'',- - ‘`.' -,".5;,-;,..,- . , '=' : - .}- s•.:, •- - ,:-.-, ---.4. -'.- . ' . 1 . . ..- • -A- C y ....,:: N , .--,. • NY - ---.-- '' : - _ ,l / 4 .-•-. N .! - .."..--, 1 . • ...-,. -• „.:•-,5,...,:::., ~,.::: • -,-,- - <J, !,~ {_ .-~g~. ~ 4 - . ...: 3, t :"a' •"fk • ..=-1,-...1-7;:4 ~,I- '4; ' 1 - ' 2 ;'2 ,--“-'^4'l"Wri..VZ?..t,.., `,•-,71-,., _....,'"•''...' 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers