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Counties.: 11.41issil•Cowinai, 4.-TTORNEY- AT LAW, office in Stunt's tad ' ingn, Fourth at., above Wood. jueel9-4” 7k i iiik1KA5,11,1 , ..4A1341:11A1.71;, A,TPAINIAY AT L4W.-officeiLovinle g-M 1 34 1 ..1114,1441. 2 ,...FaititA ; street., ~ . ja.n77.ty AII.TTORNEYS' AT LAW, - Office removed to the revidence-ot ll.S.3dagraw, on Fourth st.,one ;loot , tiom Cherry Alley. - • ap11.7 • Wills 4V. - • ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAN .• _Pittsburgh, Pa. Officu cia Ppurth betwOun inalifiehl and Grant. , . marl - • ICdmandliinowden, „, - A 7TOILNEY AT LAW, office in the building on .11: the - North Fast corner'o' Fourth and Sglithtield stteebi.. novll-y, .11. Narrow, Cade north side of Fifth cuter, VOtivecrt Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh,: - Andrew Burke, TrtratiEY'AT:LAW, often, Smithfield street, betweenTourth street and Diamond Alley; op ? Mute Mr: Gett.-Weylitan , i tobacco manufactory: . • Jaime IC '4llau, A TTPIiNkeY AT LAW, ofAce in _the chambers occupied by - Alderman 3l'Mastern, on .riith at.; est weqa 14noci and: Smithfield., , e0&1 3- -' 3 31 , 0 azaleas klUCltrie. TTORNOtS AND COU A N. iELLORS .II 1 T LAWS offide on Fourth strief;oppgaita' - . " lk It. 11 - .:., Forward d...Swartzwelder, A-MTORNILTS LAW, Fourth street between Ask: Wtiod saviSmithfiiitt, opposite Patterson's lir- jacorge F.OWiaore, A TTOJOIEY. AT. iAW,,.office in - Breed's build ings,, 4th at s aborie Woad; Pittsburgh, Pa, -sep2-ally C. Orleintio °Oafs - A utaceYourth:st,,Atiote "IL Slpithfipld. ' • . • • julylr-y• A jzzis removed his commission and for bushiesee from the Canal Basin to his aew warelbiuia an :Third streatotearlpopposite the Post Office. . . • maY3O-y ISOM pltss INTAlntrreil, : • —TTORNItY . Alt LAW; having—returned front „L - L,liiallairopean ^tour has. 'taken an - office on the north east corner of Fourth and Smithfieldats. s Per sanwhaving lutd hitsiness and`papers in the - hands. o gunnel' ,Kingaton, - Esq., deceased, will call on the above, as all the unsettled basinestof Mr...:Kingsten haabeerileft iit his hands. . ' mars-y A - 11 1 01INEY A 1; Coin- F+0- 1 0 . r to take t)ae proof and,-aekuourbedge mbat= of detids, deposites. or other writingl to , be recorder:A:a used. in the States o Tennessee. Office No, SO, Stuarve buildings, Fourth street. .. ,marl2-y A TTORNEY; COUNSELLOR'AND. NOTARY, J% Pittsburgh; Pa., having resigned the office Of ecretarr.P.Nav: and Pirellis. Co., will attend -tco:collections and -business connected with navigation, insurance, accounts and real estate; siness hours, 9 .A. M. to 9 T. Offiee, 'No. 'l, Satan , * buildings, (No. 80, Fourth, st.,) second door editor Weed street. -_..-.. "feb3-y _ . lea!twin' C. , -„ 110111TET dONSf,LI.I3II: -LA* ireaango County, Vezina., *ill atten preeigly3a ellybeisiness- entrusted to Ins.-e.are—eo actions made in WarreniClarion and Jefferson ee.,s =NM A.LDERMAN, Fifth 'Ward, - PeUe 4 streeti.betweiti , :Walnut - and O'Hara iplreets, where he nity be .ountlitt - all times. Those:laving ltouiret or - other oropeity to sell'tit'rent, aui have the" same .punctu eityistten`didlm debts collected; and ell, the;ldiee of on , Aldertaarivill receive prompt:eiteatiori.' " oct/7-y ERE 'N. Itolmes & Son, and dealeri in Foreign and Elonie!itie F.xchange, certificates of, deposit, bank licitCe and 'specie. Drafte . add notes _colleated, a4d ''inittanCei, made to any'part the United States, pre?.%55 Mirket street: - • jan7-y "";Johitato"' db. Stockton; . I.IIIOOIISELI.EDS, PRI3II 4 ERS AND PAl'Efr MA KRIS; No- lit - Market Atiett. ' sep 11:1-y • IriPt9T, sor.ww. -- BBDTidog.sEtx.E4'; 33EN3)kg, No. 115 Wood itrect, ihree tioore.below,Fifibi fq4 ll Purghl.P 4l .: ; . • ; •." • Lel Patterson, Jr.v" Colol4ll'ailliernfatui'Peilystreets, P~ttaburgs~' inanttracturer oriockti,hingeg'tita bojte a tcpbarcr.siw - fiiiier,-n ill and timber' scrthrp,'_liousen Fcee:oltiffne vi , 4lliiik pillar, ace: - igeplo-i ... ill*, haa'retnoved io the - liter.° of his fo - ..niing.rAiiidenee in Penn street, two doors bt•iow ir - 4- . apla-T • - • - ' • ' - . ' • --- -.-• . ~. . . .-, ..• -.;•- 1,, ` - ':- - .s . . • '-': —; -' -.....-:- -•-- •"-«- ..- •I' - ' - ~•--.:',4 ,t'44,-.11%.2f...5-3 • . , ' . ~,. ; ' ' . ''H .: •'' '' ''''.''' . t . . "': . • -•-, - .. ,. "'" ;. ' -4. -"'",',..-.','.; •. . 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'''-'• :' ..- -' -r .'...- ' .. . - . :•, .- ,-.- .. ,'-, i : • ~-.: . , s•.:•, ,m tts ' z.• - • . -.. , ,r .. -'.., '' c , ':',--:, ;,.. .‘:-. : . ..I , . .: , ,__ ._ . , , .. •_ , IR - : ,:.: : • .... - - ':' ''..-‘: . , ... . . . .. .., . .„: .„,.•,.. . ... .. . . !<ghvr .xRR f -''- +~+• C ; :~:;f{ ? :~... :sto‘i• ~ :•VOII,-,.ii:11,... - -,.N0:'...: : :?', - ,202 -- =man' sy„ N, W:.corner qr-Wood and Fifth. e Sta.f claljara a, year,. payahle.ia . ad li cance. Six 441api..i41:inygihly, ba,raptiitat . if, aot u pild Single copies.:l;iiararicirßile at the counter cc Akei Mee, and by:News Ti[4,ollll Y.MORTADAMIMMISr- Ii t p,p4444II.Ikthe same et0cei404d9.11 1 49 wad nmt sheet., at TWO . 111 S Advance; aw CIO cn*esi,ntn...carers. • art; 1 7 iv rils,s'nt 12=== 1 . '° 4 :o** : '' ' ''. ' 'raze qcitt4r I' ed. - :" Mit letibliti ''''' ' $15;00'. §iitittntlisi , , 1120'. Ott Olte yeab_ -• 20 - 00 Otte year; ...= ' ''.lo 00 1411140. advertinenneatt proporiian. .Igr'Sgs(sars.ef four lines, rlrr. DOLLARS a year . Joietoh 'Knox, AieggY. AT LAW; .Pithibetih, ,j - jLreourned - the practice of his profeesionyin his mike, tie...-7,,,aalteetelPsßutplingswGrant greet, or-S#44-4uring abseece,by.T...Jbliigham, and E4q: - jan'.ft:4l.2wll*, •. A TTORNEY AT L.A.W;offtee in Wallien.eilitiajt; .„Mtieg, oi, 4W - tit., between AVood • -tintl , giiiiliiiield "treats._ • , . - - eacium. MAN MAGXHAN• 11[0140U:1a dr 191tamziL144, . ; 1701tIlEYSI at Li*. Office on b`onith street, beiweett W ood aid'Smitbfiehl; and nearly opposite ihiMayoi , s each. • - tio*fq 111 , 31alkon. TTOR24EY AT LAW. and Solicitor-in Chanpery. 011 ice iii Bares new building, 'Fifth street, be. weep Woodard Suifthfield. . angll Magreav & WlLialght. Removal., Charles DI. Hari James -S. Crafty , ~:as~ca xo' ---,.,-, , 3.4.Stockto . nl - i- C r' o.' '' . . ' • -...-. .' --ttfnrOhy; WiltolleCo. . Pittilurga 'lohr-Sigler, Hon: James Kinieit# Franklin Hat: Ales Walmonti , ion.lnik*s Wileoz;Stsllenvlle,Obiii:jiy2 s• 3•1 Scrbis.- A.. Parkinson, SEVEN, 74E t.0911.13_ •••• 01 ( 741:2 sr # , :: 1! Xi:O,,R , NO No • Asirf,g-,4271RET, NEAR titall7ll: : , n *•.i110 PE.OPRIETOR, nov24 prrpuruiar ! • ;'• MEE 1111ciiTyyiville Jt u ft Iron Wprif.q ! , Iffiikettte ( HerGli s 'ES iikartutitEtueii or iron and 124 nails, warehodse, SnVithfield above Fourtlt'st: seplo-y . . . riliWAßTiliiOrd ". 6 . * lllt lSSitsZEß CitANTS PittanirglGlNl: - ansuldy Martin. • ORCCElC,*pithfol3. - str . ect, next doer U . ' tct t4el - PiitYPieitipterimi . Mixt6h. june6 aeoige COtihraii, . _ T A IORWARDWO .COMMIESAON MERCHANT Boswormi ess:Cio: 43 Market street, - FA- neit.clpoiita TWA:street, arp, just opening 'new and extensive aisortitieat ot". gooks and Station ery, whieli r thoy will sell, wholesale and retal, at the :lowest prices. ;1 ; ; ap2s-y :Wm. 01liar's. Robinliii ii, ~,, , T ATE U. S. Attorney, , hairamoved his office" - to AAL No. 13 . St. Clair st. .: -----, sept4-y UMBER MERCHANT, Oleo. on Pena strait; lietvrcen arivin And liana etc, Pittsburgh Pa. sll commisaionawiß be prilmptly attended to: School 1100.11 C 443,1 L piiiser Warehouse. • jMLR, WQMIS, Agent; publisher, bookseller and A bookbinder s 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh.- mar2l3.y, - . PliWiseipsasorxtlaselvaitted Blisektrkg, Air .AIOI7.FACtUILED and sold wholesale and re. .tailitilsdithfield /Li between Sixth and , Virgin oct2l-y ICrANUFACTIMER of Lard Oil and dealer in IN.L: Star Candles, Fifth * street, near Market, S. W. aide.. mar24-y .. ...p: . r,~r, , , . ~_.:colcuiaot, HAllman & C 0.,. . AjrANUFACTURERS bf Carriage Springs and „In Axles, A. 8., andiiitintr steel, and dealers in coach trimnaingiqat erary description : rniatinfaCtory on. St. Clair wee; - watehquie; 43 'Wood Street; 6p posits SElChfirles Hotel. jan23-y Flint Glass .F.4.ablitillameut. ULVANY & diEDLlE•Manufacture and keep .11EL:coustantly harid-eut, - Indulded and plain Flint Illatswareim :Mita darieties, at their warehouse corner of Market and _WAIN. streets., Pittahurgk„— Our _Works, Cor‘t.46oj4 operatien;and we are corataistlaraddin't to` our' stock, which smithies us to fill orders with promPtneet. Purchasers are respect rung solicited' tti ?mill And examine prices and ternss. septa-y . , _ rA,..Nu n FAcTurat oit:iNcoamyrrur. m TEETH, 1. Smithfield street, two doors below Pith street Pittsburgh, Pa. -Always oh' hand a full assortment or Plate 'end - Pivot- teeth, of a. variety Of shades, simple Plate; Molars and diseuspidatoes, Guru teeth, Screw Pivot teeth, &e. 'Teeth and blocks made to order; Dentists Bundled wttli - all irticres pFo- TeisiOn. All orders from abroad must be accompan led the ash.' tttr Platina, always on hand. novls-y James - Blakely, Alderman. I fIFFICE On ` Ponn rt., Ifiaposite D. Leecb tr. Co's., in a ket line office. Office boors from 7 o'clock A..,111.; to 8 o'clock. Dr.Datkia. 31 , 31ca1. jriFFICE on Stnithfiebilithroe doors from Sixth et., TILY, Pittskurgb. . declo.y George Watt, OFFICE, No; 77 Smithfield 'street, near Sixth st., Pittsburgh. aug2l-y DIANO- FORTE manufacturer and dealer in ittlu- A: -steal Inatrtinannta„ r iSood atroct, near Fifth. nor 19-y 101 ECTIFYING DISTILLED„ and wholesale deal .lAo. er in:Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No. 114 Liberty , street, au ci 53 Diamond Alley, Pitts burgh, Pa. - - xrugh driers, URdEON "DRINTIST, )18 Liberty atrect, a few do - ots below St. Clair it., Pittsburgh. ap2B-y Ogden & ffnowden, CIIICCESSORS TO ANERY,OGDEN le Co., whole 'ialo.and retail druggiSts and manufacturers of white lead, mil:lead and litharge,corner of Wood and .§ec:ohd ens:, Pittshitrgh,'Pa. noll3-v , : I,ln:rthi Smith,- I.7CCESSORS- to Irvine fir,liartiri, , wholesale gro -1,) writ, produce and commission merchants, and dealer's is Pillsburea..manufactured articles, No. 4.6, Wood street, Pitteburgh, Pa. apS..y John ItPetoskey, TAILOR, AND CLOTHIER, Liberty st., between / Sixth 'street and. Virgin Alley, south side. seplo.y . . s.x , ctugu.sx, G. st. Ft.r.uteto, ic.macri.rnicii. . 4r. Co. WHOLESALE 'GROCERS, Commission Mer chants, and dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, N0... - 14. - niborty dram, Pittsburgh. dec3l 4-1= Jo!rst c.ealsox. Farsim & WHOLESALE: GROCERS and Commission Nor . 'chants, 'Sixth street, between Wood and, Liberty, Pittsburgh, Pa. j dec 4-y Ttris4. GLENN, Bookbinder, bas removed to the aortierorWood and Thirdsts, above C. 11. Kayi'vritere'lie ispiefinred"tai do every description of ating and ' dec2-y J. 11.0 o:111 is ter, - UTHOLF.SALE and retail dealer in Tobacco, yy Snuff; and pegars, lit., between Wood and'Aterket eta., Pitkainirgb. Loct2S-Iy. bD« WlLiposs, • TILOS. MILLER. J. D. 'Williams dr.. Co. IaTIIOLESALT. 'and" retail gro c ers; Forwarding V .and conitnission 'lnercharits;* Ind dealers iu country produce and-Pittsburgh -Manufactures. No. .110, Northeast . corner of Wood and Fifth circlets. d• kW?, 'GiOcer and'dealer in 1, 7v7For:iSgAnLAfridanriOniestic Wines and •Liqiiers, Forplizrind•pottiestic Triii,Nnto,4ta., NO. GO Wider etreit.sepsl _ . • ..._ 'Liatinberi dt, Shipton, /1 EDS: FORWARDING - AAr. ir a L m ES E . zion Merc hants„ GQ & q deniers in ' produce and Pittsburgh manufacture s , os. 133 and 135 Wood :orient, Pittsburgh, Pa, . feb2sy 'GROttlio,, gett dealers . in , produce lry end; Pittsburgh liinufactitres eializ a , 1 224 Liberty, opposite 7th !treat, Pittsburgh. .ap2.434 IEITHOLESALE-and retaßbdetlee in Music and VIL Musical. Instruments, Piano Fortes, School Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts . Jamsea Parli,.Jr. j _da Co, ESAI d t,GROCE RS, importers of tin plate {sand queencware, and dealers copper and 'PUNT:II4N manufactured_ articles, Nos. 112 and 114 2nd at.,.t. itween Wood and Smithfield sty. jal4-nl4-y 'AIrIiOLESALE GROCERS AND Commissiopz vv Merchants, No .1' Pomraercial Row, Liberty stretf,Tittsbnith: " - al9-1 Di..Wm.D. Wright, -DENTIST; Office and residence In St. Clair at., a few•doora belcrw Lib r• vrty r ,near the Exchance ' Calopre.fight. ' • fIIITLEIL and- Surgical tustritment Manufacturer , k_./ No. 140 Wood streets two doors from Virgin al ley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on -hand an extensive assortment of Surgio2l,-- and', Dental. •instruments, Banhere,„Tailors 9 ,lfatterst,liair Dressers , and Tah -ners'ratent Shearx„ Sattdlers! Tools, TrtussespBm. , - • lIITTSBURBEI, MANUFACTURED. TOBACCO, . 20,Icege Plug Tobacco;. • 5. :Ladies! Twist, do; , .- • . do ' • 'lO -" Cavil ' , le Lutop, do; ' In store end for sale by J. &J. IIVDEVITT ap2O 422 Liberty et. - ...7 ., 7'-,. - -`:-: 7 ..ii-.!;'.4 - -:::: , : . '., - ,, ,. :t.' , . -..- .:...' - ' , -.,1-::'..:'.•.:,.=--'5:z4,•!.;',-",!.:,-',:1:..:,--,,.., are.wilt Mb*lit Stole& n. C.:Edey, Ott ; ts, EMB=I J. Biyar, s. a. iCuraa-ur J. &j. Diqtevitt, John M; Mellor, .3'ot . kn Scott 6r, MEE L .., .• .. .„ .... • . , . ~ ~. - -• =IN ~{,~ . ~'µ .. t•, PirrSBILIWIIi- SATURDAY, MARCH 13. 1847. Nrarakiiu souseir4Lrth street Between "Siieithfizid Mut Grant - Streets; l'atitttntreh SCIIMERTZ;•TrOprIeterp. respect- J fully-informs his friendkand tho public general.: ly, that he will open the'above splendid Xlout3o. ou the I'vt 'day of May next • - The -House ,being new;and finished- in - she. Most commodious and-convenient manner; and-having it furnished with the newest and most beiniful style of fund - Aire; Hatters himself that he will be'atile , to llC comp-iodate his friendkand therraveiling'public, -in a manner not inferior to an !ilmilar.establishment in the city. Astheilense is situated near the,Couttlionseylar rangetnents have been made to servfkup meals tit any hour in theAlay, this will ibe i ,great, convenience to those who arein attendance et court' • - I)Cir'RefreAffienta• Of - iill kindecan'beltid. Bear den taken tiy the:week or day.' • , irrLunch every day fit It o'clock, A. M. iip4 Waughtlgtoit - ' TAXES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Corner cif St. •Clair and Penn streets, PittsbUrgh, the proprie tor begs leave to return his most gratefulrhanksto his friends and the public for past favors, and hopes, by attention, to merit a continuation.of their patron age. The bouise is pleasantly SituUted neat' tite,Ex change; it has accommodation* for travelers, and a large room foryublic meetings, dinner or supper par ties. • Refreshments always ready, or prepared on'the shortest notice, with the choicest the Mainet will af ford. Oysters and' Oyster' Soup, also Fresh Shell Oysters, received.etery day during the season. The greatest care baibeen taken in the selection of *lnes and liquors. A variety of newspapers are regularly filed in the establishment, . P. S. - A Ilot Lunch served up e tery day at 11, A. ap 18-y. Canal Boat Howie. BY R. DOSSETT, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna. Boarding and lodging; by' the day or week; on the most reasonable Writs. _Strangers will find it to their advantage to patronize him. Persons travelling east or west will hnd this house a convenient is Within one hundred yards of the canal basin, and convenient to the forw - arding bowleg.. Every information given to Iron Manufacturers in all branches of the business. Home brewed ale can at ill 'times be had at. the bar. - littrrit District Hotel I SAAC MURDOCK formerly of the Union Hotel ' on Water street, Lacing been burnt out, has built a new and handsome house expressly for the accom modation of triteelMe, at the corner of Second and Smithfield streets, which will be known as the Burnt District Hotel. He is now prepared to offer every accommodation and every comfort to the traveler at very moderate charges. He is provided with ample and convenient stabling. decl2-y Exchtingo7llotel, eIORNER• OF PENN AND ST. CLAIR STS., AL .LEN BROWN, Paorairren.—Terms $l,OO per day.' Theu I:R6i-signed, formerly of the Merchants hotel, corner of Wood and Third streets, has leased this superior establishment, and furnished it anew 'throughout, with new; beds, new bedding and now furniture. Great earn has been taken to 611 his cel lar with the choicest viands. A handsome omnibus and a baggage wagon arc provided for the use of his guests, and a Porter will be in attendance at all hours to meet the demands of the traveller. The long ex perience of thlf undersigned in this business, assures him that his earnest purpose to satisfy all who call, cannot be unsuccessful. Ile feels altogether at lib erty to promise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly abode, liberal enterthinment, and a hearty iKelcome, at a moderate expense. ALLEN BROWN: ap3-dtf New Drug Store. JOHN D. MORGAN, Who/ask and Retail Druggist, No. 94Wixid street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh.—the subscriber has just received from the Eastern cities, and is now opening at the abovestarak a full •.assortmentof articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Uye Stuffs, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals, &c., together wih all such articles as are usually kept fur sale at a wholesale and retail drug store. His stock is entirely new, and has been selected with care. He is confident that his articles, both a; to quality 'and price, ili please such as may fa vor him with a call,. , triyiLy: Co-Piiktnerslatip, 'WILLIAM COLEMAN having, on the first day Vl' January, inst., associated with him Jas. W. Hallman and John F. Jennings, under the name and style of Coleman, Hallman & co., will now have in creased facilities for manufacturing Steel Springs, hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel, &c., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance to the new firm the favors so lib erally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair st. —warehouse 43 Wood at., opposite the St. Charles Hotel, where can be found a good assortment of Springs, Axles, A. IL, and Spring Steel, and Coach Trimmings of every description, together with Iron, Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. CC:r-The highest price paid for scrap iron. jan22 A. Fulton, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and commenced business at his old stand, No. 70 Second, between Market and Ferry. streets, where he will be pleased to see his old customers and friends. - Church, eteamboat,•and bells of eveil size, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most - approved models, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, &c. &c., together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction Metal, so justly celebrated fur the reduction of fric tion in machinery. The boxes and composition can be had of him at all times. novl3l G. W. 111.1.11 e, Dentirt. HAS removed to No. 109 Smith . • . . field st., where he will perform all „,_ 111; operations on the Teeth satisfac -7; Pt_ - W , ily. Vo•- - N. B.—Having lately made one / , 1.... ilk of the greatest improvements in , i ', 't forceps that has ever appeared be ',/ -' , fore the public, he has been able i to extract teeth with such ease r. as to astonish all those who have availed themselves of his services. Pittsburgh, July 24, 1846-11 GENTLEMEN LOOK AT THIS ! STAR. CLOTILING STORE. No. '7O Wood st., Sign of the Golden Star, Pittsburgh ANCKER & MAYER, r_T AVE on hand an extensive and complete assort 11l meat of Fashionable and extra made New York Ciothing, which cannot be equalled by any other es tablishment in the city. Our stock being at present very large and.anxious to reduce it as much as pos sible before the first.ofJanuary, we are determined to offer such "bargains' , as will enable us to effect our object, S. P. ANCIOER, 'n0v24.1 ' A. A. MAYER. Henry W. Williams, • A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, A (successor to .Lowrie & Williams.) Office at the uld stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Henry W. Williams ' Esq., and myself, in the prac tice of the law, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 26th ult., and the business will hereafter be con tinued by Henry W. Williams, whom I most cheer fully recommend to all for whom I have the honor toll° business, as a gentleman every way worthy of their confidence. d - wiltt-ty WALTER H LOWRIP. C=l= EO. S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot offine Lawns Ur which will be sold at the ver' low price of.ISI cent's per yard, persons who want a good article, at a low price, would do well to call soon. Also on hand a good stock of Nansook moraine for. Ladies Tresses very cheap at jel3 • "-* • . No. OS Market street. Pianos. . , A SPLFSDID assortment of Mahogany and Rose wood Pianos, just finished. These instrument are well made of the latest Warne and beat materi als and will be sold low for cash by F. BLUME. No. 112 Wood at. 2d door above sth. N.B. These who are in want of a good infitrempnt Are iespectfully invited to call and examine thesebe fore purchasing elsewhere, as they cannothe'excet led by any in the country, and will. be sold lower than any" brought frorn the east. One elegant Rose wood 'Piano with Coleman's Patent .iEolian attach ment for sale b 7 F. Pi•VivlP. • L. _ - ;IPHh; 8 4 uheeriher he 4posea othis Etpolistovi in Pittsburgh, to Menke: Elliott and English, ~would'recontinend them to the patronige of Ills foi !nierctistouiern. ' • ' •iROBERT CAETER... l'rrrsztraeu, October' 2Oth 1846. THE SUBSCRIBERS having purchased the . Book, stOre of Mr Robert Carter;,wiiecontintie, die . : busi ness at the old,s;aid.,, , __They will at, all t;urree have on hand.a large supply.of of. Chemical and School Books—Also Writing, Letter and• Wrapping Paper; Slates, etc. . • , Western'ld . ercha*Timil4 purchases in the city,. are invited to call, eituninii'our stock, and ascertain our prices before puichaling,elieWhere. ELLIOTT-& ENGLISII, oct2d, No.-560,1asket st., bet. 1.1 Find 4th. OrtiletWilattatllettr Wbtrle Iffo4ltElNlklit, Wig Maker, ill Cali, six doora from the' ;0; opposite the Colleetor , s ashes to inform the' pub she has just commenced 3.lamenfai Hair business, a very superior stock, re 4tom the" Eastern cities and she is prdiared to fill 'e, at the shortest notice, a: manner that cannot be "by any similar inanufac , iteruls keeping, a large as sortment of Ornamental Hair Work,such as Ladies' Wigs, Bands, Braids, Curie,Necklaces, Guards, Bracelets, Finger . B.inge,-'11&- Gendemens , Wigs, Tanpries, Scratches, &c: Mrs. It. has been for ninny years engaged in the business in France and qui:United States, anti from her long and experience; the feels confiderd in being able, to give satis4itetien, all Who will fiver her with their'patronage.-,-Koyrprices are more liberal than have been offered lu.tini city heretofore. ' mar 17-ly M. ItroDIALD, Brit and 4iass Founder;:Ei street, near Market, is • - prepared to 'Brass Castingi and • Bass works!;generally on the - most reasonable terms and shortest notice. Ile invites machinists and all those using brass works to give him a call, as he is de. termined to do all Work in his line very - low. low may 27-ly L analreql;ssi arrintsteil . Citirtliis . Seeds,' rilltECT FROM PHILAHELPHIA. 'Ea6b paper 13 bears the label and 'warranty of DAVID LAN /ALE:M. For sale by F. L. SNOWDEN;No,29.IVater et., at the stand formerly Occupied:by Geo. A. Berry. Extract from the qteport of the Visitint CSnurritfee of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society,' unani mmody adopted and ordered to be printed. LAATRE:ritos NURSRRIES AND GARDENS. ••Theso ostensive grounds are on Federal street, near the Arsenal. • • • • Trie earliest collec tion of Camellias was made here. Some of those now in possession of those distinguished nurserymen are ten feet high. •• • • • The selection of (iIIEEN-noust pi crs is valuable and extensive. "The Nurseries are very correctly managed,-;sup plying every part of the• Union, ;Aetna' of which Iwould occupy too much of our space, we therefore , content ourselves with.stating that the stock is very large, and in every stage' of.growth, consisting. of, FOREST AI)N ORNAMENTAL TREES, 'EVER.— ' GREENS, SliltU RS, VINES ANDCREEPEAS, with a collection of herbaczehus plants, &int trees of the best Lima ana most health4coudition, large beds of seeding appl es, pears, plums, &c., is stocks. !lir bud ding and graltintr a plan. very superior - to , that of working upon suc kers, which carry with them into the graft all the diseases of4he parent stock. • * "GARD= Sates of did :finest qaality haie seen scattered over the-country from these gran:Mrs, and may always be depended ;Upon. The seed establish went of these porticulturists is one of the most ex tonsmi in the Onion and its reputation is well sustain ed from y ear to year. "To obviate the ' &mice& mixture of the farina of the plants of the same family, they have established I another nursery at a suitable distance, so that degene ration cannot take place, and which secures to, the pureliasec.a !genuine article.' Knowing thus' the age, quality and process of culture of every plant, the supply from their grounds is-recommended with great confidence." •„• Since the date of the 'Report' from which the above is extracted, the entire establishment has been greatly enlarged. The collection of Camellias ens braces all the finer kinds, and consists of some thou sands of various sizes; so likewise with Roses, and other desirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit trees, &c. The Seed Gardens alone corer fifty acres, and the whole is, as it has been for more than half aeentu,ry, under the successive management of father and sbn, the most prominent in. merica. ' 0:7- Orders received by F. L. SNOWDEN, from whom catalogues mny be received gratis. mar9-y REAL ESTATE AGENCY JAMES lILARELY, JOHN' J. stirrizEt Alderman, Attorney at Law. LY & 'MITCHEL , CONTINUE to attend to the selling and renting j of Real Estate in the City of Pittsburgh and vi cinity. Having determined to.devote a large portion of their time to this branch of business, they with confidence solicit a share of the patronage of thel public; from the facility they possess and the experi ence they have (the Senior partner :having been en gaged in the Real Estate Agency for near 20 years,) they believe that thiry give general satisfaction. DifiCe on Penn at., near the U. S. Hotel, and Smith,. field at., between Diamond Alley and .Filth street. 13'7 Wholesale Shoe Store lillf. CHILDS & Co., are now receiving their spring supplies, consisting of one of digi i i the largest, cheapest and bestassort went of Boots and Shoes that they have ever been able to bring to this market— Also, Ladies , :and Misses' Florence Braid, and Straw Bonnets; of the latest style; together with a.splendid assortment of Palm Leal Hats, Alen's and lloy , s summer Caps. Also, a large lot of NOW York Tanned Sole Leather ; alt of w hich having been pureharied at the lowest rates, and selected with great care for the western trade, will be sold at a small adiante above cost and charges. All merchants wishing to purchase 'will find it to their interest to call wide:amine their stock beibre purchasing elsewhere. mar27-tt Jamo's Ilowtird & Co. TT AVE the pleasure 4o announce to their Giends 11 that they again occupy their old stand at No. 83, Wood street, where they have opened an eaten.. sive WALL PATER WAREHOUSE, and will have contantly on hand an extensive assortment of Satin glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and imitation Borders of the latest style; and most hand some patterns for papering halls, parlors and cham bers. They manufacture, and have on hand at all times, Printing, Writing, Letter ' Wrapping and Tea raper, Bonnet and Fuller's Boards—ill of which they offer for sale on the most accommodating terms, and to which they invite the attention of merchants and others. ALSO—Blank Books of all kinds and the best qual ity, School Books, &c., alWays on hand and for sale as above. aug 25 Copartnership. I - VHF subscribers have This day entered into Co l. Partnership, in the name of Friend, Rhey & Co., for the purpose of transacting a general Grocery and Commission, business, and have taken tho house oc cupied by M. 13. Rhey & Co., No. fi7 Water street, where they will be pleased to receive the patronage of the friends of the late firm. P. F. FRIEND, G ED. RI 1 Eli', JAS. WOOD. Pittsburgh ' November 28, 184q7d&c.2 Allegheny Cemetery. PERSONS desirons ,of purchasing lots in this Cemetery are referred for information to the Superintendent on the grounds or to E. Thorn, Druggist, corner of Penn and Hand streets, Pitts burgh. By order of the Board. J...CHISLETT, dec 11 Superintendent. John M. Towuiend, RTU:GIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 45, Mar ketitreet,, three doors above Third street, Pats, burgh, will hare constantly cirthand a well selected assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. physi. cians sending orders will be promptly attended to, and supplied with articles they may rely upon as genuine. • Physicians , prescriptions will be accurately and neatlyprepared from the best materials, at any hour. of the day or night. Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good erfumer7 dec 30d . , ~.-T '- ,•,',,',;',' -- : . ,i., - ,'„', e , , ',..4'.,:',,': : . '-',,',! MPRTEp.)B CitilDagnerrianSGaikry, - Plii)i) Han, Pittsburgh, Pa:, and Franklin lialthitbm,'Md:. - • Mr: P.ortcF respectfully announces that be has at considerable expense fitted up apaitments, and ei ratiedlight for Dagnerreotyping.purposes. His long expessiiiice in -this art has enabled him to .overcome many of the objections to 0. , ,.c0nam on to pieta cgs taken by .thjsaiiethod. . . Illi:POrtcria aware that the impression has gone abroad (owing tia,the many, failures to orolitic - e',goo . o pictu re a,) that clear itTifdistinet Dag uerre othles can not be made in Pittsburgh. His expeiirnents, how, ever, since he has opened his iGalleryfullyWariant him in saying that as good can be thadalleie as elsealiere. . _ .; Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call ; and,:ex-, amine specimens. : Instructions given, and instruments and,material s furnished upon reasonable teims: . MI Okders from country operators proMptly attend ed, to. - nov2s-tr tiVntei .PLlters., . . . Milt subscriber, has received on consignment:4 few of Oliver, 'F 4 vari's celebrated , Water Filters, manufactured /LI Philadelphia, such as aro now gen erally usedygthe'Eastern cities: They are warran ted to pull!, Pump - , River, or Rain Water, cleans ing it of all Mineral, Animal, Vegetablemr 'other un wholesome matter—rendering it equal to the finest Spring water, otherwise on failurei(if ised as direc ted) tho price paid will be refunded, , The suhsciibei, having been appointed agent for the sale of the above, wat receive orders and lurnish them at manufaciurers pfice.E GEO: COCIIRAN, Novl4 ' No 261 Wood at. I'ITTSBURGH CHAIR AND CABINET WAREHOUSE. 82, Third strekt, Pittsburgh. THE subscribers would respectfully return • their thanks to their friends and the public, for the veryliberal patronage bestow 041 ai nee the corn al enee went of the new firm, and would earnestly solicit a continuance of the same. - They would respectfully invite those who want to purthase anything in the furniture•or chair line, give them a call ana examine their extensive stock now on hand, consisting of HOMO of the Most splen t did Easteria'and F'reuch patterni of Rosewood and lahogatiy Furniture. Flattered bythe , ':very exteir. live patronage received in their business, they have, kit considerable:expense, made arrangementain'New- Yoyk, by which.they will have the latest.Easterti esti, Frencti patterns fOrwarded monthly, thins givial'ilier citizens of Pittsbur g h an opportunity of patrtini4rig home industry, and finding . in - their awn oity 'What they formerly Would ohMiti otilyiettie East 4 1-laving adopted:the print lAebratnaltprefiti'end irtiek sales, they will bellttlite - selFhttuflow ittesin any of the establishrtie4in the Eastern -Cities,'- - • • —nlavl9;l ROBERTS it SANE. New Hat. and Cap Store. 4 CHS: H. POULSON, (la:e of the firm Poulson & having opened his new store at No. 73, Wood street, next door to the corner of Fourth, is now manulacturingand recei ving from the Eastern cities a 'very large assortment of hats and caps or every description, °warranted to bermacle in the best manner and of the besarriatcrials. Otter, Seal, fine and Common Muskrat, ~Sicalette, Hair-Seal, Plush and Glazed Cape. Alen ' a. tine assortment of .ladice, furs, such as ' Lynx Fitch, Genet and Coney Mutlk and Tippets and fur trimmings, all of which he offers for sale at eastern prices for caili,:both wholesale ani retail. Country merahants will please call and examine my stock before purchising elsewhere,k- : CHAS. 11. POULSON. N. B. The Fall Fashion for Hata and cape receiv ed. °: sepf2.7y. SHOES, SHOES, SHOES. : NEW FALL AND WLVTER SUPPLY. - - Cheaper than 'Ever, at j , FOLLANSBEE & HAYWARD'S, new Boot Shoe and Trunk Store ~ No. !SS 'Lai . .., erty street, nearly opposite the heed , ' of F. & IL would respectfully announce that they have in store and are receiving their FALL. AND. WIN TER SUPPLY OF BOOTS, SHOES:, TRUNKS, &0., consisting of upwards of tivo hundred packages of all kinds and qualities for Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys, youths" and childrens' wear. These gOods have been manufactured to- our order and expressly for the Pittsburgh market—all of which we are deter .mined to SELL VERY LOW, as from our theilities in purchasing goods we ore enabled so to do. We would solicit an examination of our stock by all in want of goods in our line, either at wholesale or retail, as we feel confident we shall be enabled to please, both in regard to quality and prices. The most of our goods are from manufacturing es tablishments with which we arc connected. We shall continue to receive weekly from those houses, fresh and dmiirable goods, made expressly for our safer., FOLLANSBEE & HAYWARD, octl2 No. 156 Liberty street. William McKee. STILL continuesin his old business of manufactur ing Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels, Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street,between Wood and Smithfield, where be keeps constantly on band, or made to order in the shortest notice, any amount of work, by the best of workmen and .good materials, and at prices to suit the times. Those engaged in the Santa Fe trade, and Furnace' men, are requested to give him a call before purchasing .elsowbere. a p7-y Full nud Winter Goods. T E. LOON has just received the balance of his • fall and' winter stock of Dry Goods, at No. 83, Wood at., consisting in part of super French and West of England Broad Cloths and Cassimeres, Sat ti n etts from-25 to 75 cents per yard, Welch' Flan nels, red and white Flannels, twilled red and green Flan nels, plaM and plain -Linsey', lke. Mackinac and Whitney blankete,Woollen Shim:and Drawers, Com ll.rts, Mitts and Gloves. Terkeri, Thibet and Wool en Shawls; Calicoes of the latest styles; Twilled and Manchester Gingliams; . Irish Linen, Table Linen, Counterpanes, Selma Diapers, Checks, &c. Also, an assortment of Dress Goods, connoting of Silks, Gala and - California Plaids, barred Cashmere, and Robes, Mous. do Laine, barred and figured; black and fancy Silk Cravats, all of which ho will :¢ell wholesale and retail, us low for cash as any.xteher house in the city. nov2l-y Select School. ATM. MOODY respectfully announces to his old I V friends that he intends opening aSel ect School in this city, on the first Monday of April next, in the basement of the Third Presbyterian Church. mar2l-t Eagle Saloon—Wood Street. TFIE. PROPRIETOR of this well known establish ment respectfully announces, that be,continues to supply at the shortest notice, and in the beat style, Balls, Parties, Families and Weddings with Flinty Oake.4cq.Creams, Jellies, Pyramids, & c. &c.' Managers of contemplated Balls are invited to see his arrangements for suppers, at such entertainments. In his large saloon he is able to'seat almost any num ber of persons at once. The terms in all departments of his business, he assures the public-will be reasonable. jan22 Dissolution of Partnership. HE Partnership:existing between the undersign ed,, under the firm of SCRIM, fk SCHEIBLER, was dissolved on the 3d inst., by, mutual consent. The books of the concern are in the hands of Mr. Scriba, who is authorized to settle all accounts. The Bookstore will be continued at the old stand by Mr. Scriba; the Bookbinding by Mr. Scheibler. VICTOR SCRIBA, GUSTAVUS SCHEIZLER Dec. 25,1846 Boolce anit'Siatlonary. .T_TAVING just returned from the East with a most I — l elegant and extensive stock of Fancy Station ary and Books for Christmas and New Year's Gifts, I would call the attention of the public to My store, No-115, Wood at. Prices extremely 10w..1-Among a great selection of Books for old and young, I men tion - The Boudoir Annual, for 1841. " Diadem, 4t " Baguet tv " Mass Rose, " " Amaranth, " " Mayflower, is " ' Forget-me-not, cv " Leaflets ofMemory Rainbow, " Lady's Album, " • The Tortoise Shell Kitten, for 1847. " Annualetto, Christian Blossonis, cs • The'Book or Naraery RhyMee. • Together with a great selectioncif Danko for Child ren, Games, Portfolio., 11;c. VICTOR SCRIBA, dc2s /15 Wood at. -~-~-•-- ~ Y .~. _.~ SEE The ciel.e.brateel.lteilliaxa Remedy,. , -- • FOR THE CURF OF. CHRONIC DISEASES. MAZONPS'SWILIANSYRUP OR•TROPIC.str: -HYGIENE. - ; Discovered'ky 14,...bdartani, of Italy in the year. 15457 and introduced into the S t ates earlyU: in 1546., .• , . /111-11 S unrivalled medicine for the radical cute et drunk diseases has spread.th oughoutlurope with the most unequalled opeed,and triuMphant suc cess, effecting the most astonishing cures ever linovin or recorded in the annals OfAlealleal Dietary. 'Skied ite introduction into tlie United:Stated it luirieqtfally , inetaihed the"higli - repittationitsoitistly received in • the East,tnring here nsit lies dolts therei:the most . ."sladerateanalopglettinding.dieehjtee withsvhiclathe hue* liimilt;nreitolliciecl.,-TheThysicians*of•Eu eepes,m4te far as .they' have becortia ac- Viainted.wW4Mode of operation) - together with the theuainakitafe jave been restored to . health by its superiorofficacy with one united voice proclaim it 'to be tho most perfect remedial agent ever offe - red to stiffering humanity. It ie now no established Tact "that Qmsumption may be, can be, artd has been - cured bi Dr MazoniwSicilinn Sys* or Tropical Ifygiene. This is the only medicine that has ever hee& dis covered that has achieved a cure... Where this disease had gained a settled and permanent hold upon the 'system. For the'fruth of this assertion, we have the certificittes*of ectind'of the-moit emineht Physi cians of Europe and Amerfaa, expressly declaring that they belie prescribed it in hundrede of instances where the patients were considered beyond all hope of recovery,' and; to their astonishments has effected the most speedy and perfect cures. No one who is unacquainted with its-action can imagine thesVon derful success that attends the adrdinistration of this' medicine iu every variety of chronic 'disrase,par-. ticularly Coneumption, Serbfulixif lingo; evil, Asth ma, Phthisic, PilesAsee cases feportecl in pamphlets and circulars)* Cancers, Liver Conmlaints, C014.1Ve.. nese and Indigestion, Sere 'andle‘amed ' Throat, Bronchitis, - Dropsies, Chrenieclnflarriation.of -, :the* Kidneys, Gravel - , Great:Debility and. liatibility;,ol the nervous system, alfdetionii,• - Paralysis, Chianti& Diarrahred;"Pattr is the Briast and. eide r Cpughs, Colds, Chronic Rheumatism, Diseases of the Stomach and Rowels inward weakness and falling• down of the writieftlf.the chronic disedees* pe .4l3liar tO ferllltleg thele . eariems.relaticres in life. Thisinediciue 'is t preparetionly by Dr. Mae* him tie-14.1i1d is contposed - dittirely of vegetable materials containing hOrpii:et of 42 of the most rare Tropi cal plaiibaliatfitivAlf which are Iknown to the medi cal-PrekilieWgenerelly. ' Ithas so Tar surpassed: every other medicine ever l ofthreaUto'the.* ,w - orld in eradicatin g disease, that it. hit not only enlisted many of the most talented medical men in the world in its favor but *what is more extraordinary the government where It was discovered made it an offense punishable with death' to attempt counterfeiting it or making sale of any apuriout-artiele purporting to be - the - 'same or representing it to be genuine. And this Govein ment has also made a liberal provision for. the.pro teetion of it herd. To the afflicted we say-let none .diepair, though you, may haee been given up' by your Physician and cOnsidered by your friends ae beyond all•hope, try a bottle of this medicine and you may rely upon the-fact, that if you have physi cal strength enough left to endure its action, you will find certain and speedy relict, for this has been the casein thmulands 411 ' . instances, in proof of which we can produce certificates from individuals of the most respectable. charieter .both - of Etir'ope and America. This medicine . will_be :offered 'for sale only•at the county seats of each county owing* te the swell amount yet imported and the anxiety of the proprietor to place,this valuable., remedy.within the reach of all throughout the United .States.-' flays & Brockway, Druaglste; No. 2 Cominercial Row, Liberty street,: wholesale and retail Agents rot ! Allegheny county. -Sold also by 11.. E. Sellers, No 1 51 Wood ot. '• • ' dec294l9tr , HooteaxidJob,Prixating.oilloe; R. W. contra-or WOOD AND FIKTII STREETS. ~ . . T" proprietor of the Morning_ Post and /Ifer 'cury and illanufaCttirtr respectfully informs his friends and the patrons of these papers, that he hat a large and well cliiisen assortment of AND'ALD - OTITESMATERIALS Necessary .to .a Job Printing .011iceoind that he is prepared to execute - . LETTER rams rnitrrino, OF ivEnt nescurprimi. . Books, Bills of "Lading,. ' Circulars,: Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards, Handbills, - Blank Checks, ; Hat Tips. . All kinds of lillanits,,Sleast,..Rettnpqatf.gnil. Canal Boat Bills lath approfi riatt! cuts,. printed - on theshort est notice and inostrealennbldiernii; He respectfully-mike - the patronage of his friend's, and the public in general, iu this branch of Ids busi ness. % sent 22) L. HARPEIL. SPLENDID STOCK OF nEw FALL oopros. A , . LEXNDEIL DAY, take great pleasure in in=A. thrilling the inhabitants of Pittsburgh and the surrounding country, that, they havejust received a splendid stuck of New yailtionds; Or alniost every description, a large portion of. which having been bought atAuctiou, at a great sacrifice, and frowtho linporters and manufacturers at. unprecedentedly low prices, enables them to great iiiduceinets to Cash buyern•they, would; therefore, respectfully invite them to call:and will their Attach, being confident that they will bepleaied with the goods and-Deices. • .•.; LADIES , - DRESS GOODS.- Our stock, of Lailice dress viods is, very superior and cannot ba stirpassedieOinusting in part o 1 Super Satitustriped Cashmere, Ombrn shidedolo.; Splendid Figured, do. in great variety; ; California and Clermont Plaids; Gala Plaid's; chusans; Plain and figured and Satin striped 'Monalin de Lames; Super French and Scotch Ginghams; new style Embroider ed do; splendid Cashmere anitle Lalne robes; Ameri can, French and English Chintzes of the latest styles, &c. &c. SILKS! SILKS!! We hare a very handsom e assortment of Silks, such as leper Black and Fig7.l find Strip ed Silks; Super Plain and -Figured. changeable, do.; Ombre Shaded and Changeable Siripcdi,do.;Plain, Black and Blue BlaekSatinii.Wldeladia, do; - Plain Black and Blue Black 'Silks ,extra ind width, suitable fur mantillas, tee...4c,, , sa.4wLv In this department• wei Carl caret great bargalthi, from Auction sales: of importers New.York•and Philadelphia, among which_are.splenlid..Terkeiti Shawls; Super,Cashmere, do.; EnibroidermitTerker ri, do.; Plain and Embroidered Thiber;el4 Super heavy Ottommx.Silk, do.;iSplenditl-India Silky tin.; Extra Ilernard; do.; licay ; y,Frenel ,crape, and EMbruidered Cloth; do.; 'P11611;1'101. gad' nit. broidered DeLaines, do.;:•Splendid Frenclrlirocha; do. all wool; Brocha. and I..islizeire .Leim ; and an immense variety or diflemrit descriptions 'of Fall and Winter Sharwls,-inany of them will be sold at hniA'thecest of importation ." CLOTHS AND .C4SSIMERES. , Embraced in our stock oilhesenre Super Preneli, West of. England,. and'Aincrican Cloths,. of; al iiinst every color—lieavy:Tivoed:Clodun Beaver add Pilot Cliat lbr - over-coats; Super Blacl_Cassigieroisi Fan cy Striped, do. in great variety, &c. is c. BLANKETS! B.LA.MiLETS:!! Extra American PremiuM Blankets; thiper Whit ing, do; Heavy Twilled,.flo; Reseido; and , a tim ber of other makes of extra.quility, ... LADIES! . CL0.4.K.111198..., ;,.. l ew'style dmbre Sliade . atEroaltihßBl, ll; lll 4serrte Plaid, do; Heavy Gala tle:bsr • ALPAEAS'AND MERINOS. A very large assortment of Alpacas. and hlerbfoi; of every quality and price: :Freneli Meeifteexind Bombazines, both Black and colored. ALSO, Cassinetts; Red, White and Yel]ow.Flati= nels; Tickings; Checks, Diapers; Biown and Bleach ed Table .Linens. Shectingr Table. Cloths; Caidott Flannels; heavy Gloves; SA .and . Llnen Scans Stocks; Collarti, Sr.c. R.c., all of which we are . selling much lower than we have ever: belbte been enabled to- do.'• - • • - Tailors, Clothiers, and Country Merchants are especially- invited to-examine our stock of Print* Cloths, Cassimeres and restiiigs,. as we axe prcpaied to sell .Goods to those who buy.to sell again, as toil, as tlieU - can be boughtWharego/axway,inllze.f.asf ero Cities. and by barb a buyer, xesideot- the east, attendant upon the Xtietitis; we hive.rare,fa, cilities for procuring neyiand desirable6oedl,at.the lowest poesible pricer, Ote are regularlilreteiviog new Goods every few days throughlhe year. ' • • ALEXANDEIt octe 75 Market at.; - N. W. cox , ofthe Diamand.'' rfiegari t • _ Jl7§T received from Neu York,' a large anti4r - of HaimendandPrincipe Segars:Of the' most , popular and sukertor brands ndw in use.. excellent uticle !al 'chewing. Tobacco; and' seireial bales of superior Cuba Leaf Tobacco for sale. ' 'B. E. WINCHESTER, No. 50, Third sUeet, two doors from the Post °Rics, • ma 79. N4l -:::,;.;,.,-.„- : : .. ;,-,- ;:......, , -„', , ,,....- :: ,4- ' 4 . -, P:' ,.., ;;- , -,..- '..ti77- ' -i i,:, ,, ,i,! . : , ..--'- = ~' --..;::-.-;.1,,.-:,;,--",.*:-:,,,,t-.--F'-',..-7,1.-::,,'.-•.:."_' ~„.,, MOM PRICE, -TWO . f 3 .. Pc ust a sit s• sitii!s& Ria. l 4:Sitlß;iCrapstsky*' . ; ..., . r EfTERS Patent bearing..dute the 20 th- day, .4t--. du 'February A. D. 180; harii% been istieiti, by'Clltt. . Overlies of the C'ommotitvialtli of Penneylsgbish i , pF ci suance f, the prot.isions of in Act of the Gettersk , . - • Asseinbly'of "aaid•Commonwealth, entitled "Aii,Ait - : to iiicoit.oeaie the Penrisylva Melts ilicrritl totopaq:lt . Notice ; is hereby given, ?het, the .tind‘ecsigited - •blt• : ing a, majority of the acting Couimiesioners,..bmr, and' do hereby appoint a meeting of - the sabUdriitefe -i to therCopiral Stock of said,Company to liehildjaiikt '''.. Tuesday, the 30th day : of March, A. D. 184,, a ,...., o'clock A. M., in 41 the Room of the toard : ,;''.::: No. 2S,'Philidelplin Exchange; iititiii:Cifyii:f -,',"_, i • delphia,- in order-. to organizViedsVeculaplitt4,i then and there 10. eleet thirtranilooo 4 41. '-. • Conipeni agreeably to the proylaliiiM ofitiiid'•• Asicanhty...-:_ • - - .."._u'1...:'.","•',..:;.....,; . .. z. 1,P1,*4„-t, ! Thomas.P.Cppe, T Dr:Pettit, - A.:::::7;.?• 4. 41.0044 ItobortToland • ..; 6, -'- GecirgeMJiirotid-..;. , ..k.F;;. ,. ...,' David S Brolilt • H M Witte ''' '', •-. '• ''''' •'''.. James Magee • Phillip M P1ice....... -....: • . % George-W Poland ltobert Flinti,Jc-,,:. , -..f ,7 Fisher Learnin g. . Wni Muiiier • '• -.' II A Rumors ' • ''— TV RoCkhill -'• -' " ' Geo W Carpenter . • :—.4ohn 8 .Cash .. -- ..,:- ' Elliott Cresson . , .1C G•Childs .. . • Robert Allen • - - Riblike' Steen Charles &Wood -. •:. I :lC•Mieelester - ' .= •• : - Hugh Campbell .... ....R.A:Pegatisian • 1,..;,- John 13 Myers ..... • 'Mei Fullerton !A G Ralston - ''Edward Sitir - - ' • r -''. :Gideon Scull .' .Aichitralii Wright- .." -:' A S Roberts • friary Welsh:. - ' ' WniCrattericin :300 , 111.Atwooil fi hrHiethinan - • John W.elah, Jr • NotbariiekTrotter . r . . Townsend Sharpie's • ...tames Martin* . Thomas Sparks - Joffe .r.bteCashen ' Chitties Humphreys • •Hagh.Catgetwood - - Jou!e,s „Steel. . . .-Llepry 'Febtliaty . 9.6 1a41.--411 - 241. , • - hew Ne:or . Gto,tis it OF THE LATtgT Pliii4ci"StiriES;"" . . 'Allis . ctli .. AtiTket et. Simpson , . Row, bet 3d Mid 44. • .., # A. MASON begs leave to "inform the public AL. that, he is constantly receiving, and is noW. la receipt of a. large and well selected stock of rich 09ting'Dry 'Goods, amongst which May be' found 4 .1 and 4-4 rich heavy dress Silks, imported under . the new Tariff 0f1897, and will he sold at much leas than former prices; also 23 dozen ladies extra super Norite and Badois - light colored Kid Gloves,' corn- • . prising cvery.shade. • .A largo lot of Alpaca* and A. 4, pines, -Caslinteres, Moue de Laines and Gingbams, and some as low as 121 cents.; Calicoes of superior ' . colors and style, including another entire cave •or the. a Orange and Blue prints; 1 case of rich Eng. lish Prints at 184 cts. Our stock of bleach , .4 and :brown Muslins is complete, and were purchased pili. lions to the great advance 9f cotton 'goods, which., will enable us to soli them at .former, prices., Put;.'' - chasers Will !Aces° bear in mind .that we do an en.; . tire. cash business, which enables us to sell :goods. '•-•:; from 10'to la per cent less than :the credit systnin ._-.;'. mid they will knil it to their idvantage to give us.a , ' call at No. 62; Market street.. '! -: ''- '- ''. 4.- • • " • HAVING 'sold out my establishineit to l:lottoi William F. Irwin ,I Cheerfully 'recrisonteitif luzu to alltojfurri.er frivithrarnil enstomerit.. . • • ' ' *GAR 1110/IN. •- - Drag Store. • • ._ - The undersigned 'haring bought out the story, of Edgar Thorn, corner of Penn and Hind iO; ' 1103 a sharo of tlredrug and inedichie iustootofthil eity,end surroundingsmintry- -A gencralsmortment Oran the moil valuable Medicines, Perfumery i . 94, Seepe,• Fancy Articles, Brushes and Combs way. be kept on hand.: Physiciatft preacriptioatrie: eurately compounded. The storejviktre.ppenat all , hinire of the day andnight. WiLLIAtTP. . ,norneuttamtazadAtastdate:.;:. County and Tame ship, rinitEATASE un : .the duties.of Officers in PennsyAcazia.. DUNLOP, Dag'. • Pmer .lirt-r-Containing ihe'dtttiee•ofeiitaiitiCine':•32 :pis/inners, Assessors and .Collectefte:Of :Tacos, •Osiii • m'odes of assessing and collectin g tho tones.. - 1- 4 Ilaving purchased from the' fitailfshine the bilaeoe • of the edition, of the • above nsofol , ilublieition art' . roduccd.price, A am enabled, so:sell tlipm nAttgliin &ref half the 'Original 'priee. - 'This loiqcshoOckPß: in the hands Of every proper t y holdei'in the com-. monwoaltti.„ .Worrale at the itook . and'Papoews* house of .LUNg LOOADS,.Agent, feb2 • •• • - sp woo et: , S.:hint) Venteinn allude CN be had at ANDREW WHITE'S Bhnd Fan tory,. - in, the reir:,af Joseph - J.trwrioir: Cabbie% Ware room. Ladies wishing to get Winds:will pleas! call atIT,II. Ryan's Wareroom, Fifth st„, near WO - Exeltange-Bank; wbere . l will - be irrattendatilpi and if I do- not- please you both in price and - qualitY,eF will forfeit my reputation as a blind maker, . dc_24l4- Sacred Nasty Booker rca. ems. Its,,. • . . . . , JO lIN-11..BIELLOR, -NO. 81 " WOOD-S - Ty • • Between-elle-street and Diamond Alley. • EOiik Psodisi, by: Hastir‘itcltradbitryi . - larmin a a, Suer a, by• Lowell Mason; ,-, • - `The Psaltery," Maion 4 Webb; tThe Odeon,'«= Masan trWebb; • • Western klarPs. Satnuel Wakefield; Mpsic, ;by Hickock -Missouri Harmony, Patent noted; < • Masons Sieved- Harp, round mites, 24ifi.eiditiMit ' . Mason's Racr Harp and.Pateat notes; • . Cautualkclesise by parley & Standbridge;_ Music ofthe - Church, by Dcictor :Pair:right; . li,inga/ey ; 'n-Sacred Choir.. - • • .Turenile Music. 800k5:,.. Tfacion , s Juvenile - Harp; • •:- The.YoungCbcrfr"bylladbury and Emi derneJ Young iChim,Companion. . • 'A large supply of the above works consguttl,y,M4 - hand and Ranale wholesale or retail; by , JOHN H...ME.1.L0R; 81-Wood `fe4s Ivetween 4th andDiainondAlley.,: _ ,- 7EXTR.would respectfully call thit'ittention' of mkt friends toiD.R. MAZONDS SICILLLIN SYID. UP, which is at present attracting en muctiatte.ntims through Out the United States: It Was bet:recently introduced to tho notice of Pittshurghers,lbire the rapidity with which it hats commenced selliog k oorri firms the statements made in the pampleta, many tit • Which are of the most astonishing.nature. A coin- . mittee -were. appointed by the - Medical faculties"" of London and. Dublin, to investigate .the propel** tif the' Medicine, th'e' result of Whicliclearly. strides' that there - ii one , mmliclie, which tir - 4.1t . it purports to bp.... Pamphlets containing the cestifi- Mites of the fhcully as well as those of acine;of Alm Mime rearieetable catiz eat of cihio; can be had .at Our. store,. where the medicine is sold wholtisilis:nitik retail. HAYS.& DRUCIfWAICiy.t..; jaC27 No. 2, Comiaercial Ravi, Liberty s!.. lllsl<ely innd kivehniti • Offices Pe,ilPenrr. ainkiSent/ifieird stet : A GENTS Coi the ()Idillaick Lino: A.' pool and Xew York Packets. ,Rentittanene' triade al tint arto Engl icon:land and Wales, in stimieof One-pound eterliv tad upwards—payable in _any' town of iteportnnee' Gritat_Bi'itain , aad Areland; - • Penone withing sendlor their fr iends CIA .hailie dteW brought out by the above splendid lino,,Orkthlt 15th and 16th ofany month. ..; - : StoraSe. FTAViNG-e. very large and Ccesuadiiiiul4ols.l 11 honse,'we. are prepared to -rectiitie twn. to freightforahiptuantyala% eao3un!..:cify* duce, &c . on atomic at lowratee.: -_ _ 1123 1. C. A. rdc,ANULTY & CO„ . CanplßaeinJ ~ Tiit.b*ard L Swots , . 504iie.. • - " - ;TIDE subjeriber„having hOhohiont.,the well .known Livery Stable kept by t. B. Doty. in the ]•uth Wird,icipg,ctfully informs his friends L6600)110 generally,-tlinthe Will:keep:eta trines a stnqb.„ogther,host - desoripPon.or harses,-,hua l giee,:cartsisges of ' all binds, and in !beam: erytkinli requited in bibudinege.-- oonsiditable portion of insitookitinivriiinipig •. iik,nonfidentsto stock in the 'city :-• - • ' 13is terms will be esti at.; a foiriloori obeys ihdlianat bridge;' , WO* he respectfully, ngle/ a share-of pnblicisatriniOst s in:l' HARLES COLEMAN.. Otrlfe is also provided with an elegantfietrie tt which will be furnished w h en reouirctl . 1445 - : • • • -lc • r Y; . 4 . ;44 1 - %? 4 ,4•1, • •.° • :•44:t. 4 . - •:41R, -*'• © • Nrt4:••• ;:hre 1 , • .'A ,1 : "... , • % ..• MASON-.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers