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' I :'bile irisertioni• • eo 55 One month, ' B5 00 •.. TWO AO 075 Two do, - 000 ..Thrbe do ,l 00 'Three do, 7 00 .'One week% 150 ; Four do, • 800 Two do, •3 00 kir: • do, • IQ, 00 Throe do, 400. 'Cne year, 15 00 . f it early Advertisements, • Cl 2 AN GEAPILE AT PLEASURE. 1 One Square.' • - 'Two Squares.- I Sir month, , 616 , 00 Six months, 820 00 One year, • :29 00 One year, 30: 95 Larger adyortinentdillf iii iiivortion. . . tr.77CAnon'of fodr 111'44,0'E DOLLAAII a ro ar. i 1 . . . TTORNEY AND "COUNSELLOR AT tAw; Office in Lowries Fourth, strciet; • ribose Smithfield. ter Collections and other professional business aneruled to in Rutin:l'nd Mercer Counties. Joseph- /Essok, - ATTORNEY LAW, Pittsintrgh, Pa., lias resumod the . practice only profession, in his odic°, Nu: 7,.Bake.velPs - Buildings Grant strdct, ocinpied during his absence by T. J. Bigham, ind J. Christy, Esq. jan2S-dandy • " • ltia4ard Cowan, A TTCANEY AT. LAWi''othce in Stuart ' s build -111.: ' lugger above Wood. junol9-4wy THOMAS M. MARSHALL, A ITTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Lowrie's Build ingi, Fourth street. • • • jan7-19. ;Joseph, O. 31 , 1Eibbisa, i A . TTORNEY AT.LAW,office in Wallace's build -1 Mg, on 4th se.'i between Wood and Smithfield streets. , ' nov IS-)! iI AZL DAN MAGEILAN Magehan ea: Shanuon, A TTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law. Office A Fouith street, between Wood and Smitlifie)d, and tidarly opposite the Mayor's office. no'vfi-y, _ •'-% • William 31Parahon, . • A TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chanceb% A Office in Mar.'s new building, Fifth street, be :wisest Wood and Smithfield. augl , • ... 41agraw & MULnlght, AourT,:rOtiSEYS AT LAW, Office removed to the" residence 'of 11. S. Magraw, on Fourth st.,uite fromCherry'Alley. ap:11-y Wlll3 & Donue . . Aina'ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAY, Musburgh, P. Office on Fourth st., bet we n hGeld and Grant. . ruati4v Edmund Snowdon, • ATTORNF:Y AT LAW, office in the budaing the North East corner of Fourth and Sinitipiid streets: ' ' notll.-y • • R.-Morro‘v, • •• • • L DERIC ffi AN; oce north side of FitTh ntret, Aboittweei Wood and Smith:mid, Pittsburgh. - f 5e416.1 . • -• . • .. . • 41..fidtrew Iturku, • ATTORNEY AT:T.A.W; olfMe, Smithfield strmit, between Fourth street and Diamond Alley, op posite Mr. Get.. Wcyaiait'i tOliatico manufactory. aplS-y ATTORNEY AT LAW;Office the chambeis occupied by Aldcmian ItrMaiters., on Film et., between Wood and' SmitbSeldl aplSiy ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, - office oia Fourth street, opposite R. S R. D. Pattersou's Lireri Stable, Pittsburgh. seplNy • A TTORNE YS AT LAW, Fourth strectbepeeen „ti. Wood and Southfield; ofipoiite Patterson's cry stable. ap7l Ge;orge F. Gillniore; z I • TTORNE.Y AT LAW, Mee in Breed's 6t1i1.4- 11_ jogs, 4t.15,t., above Wood, P;usburgh, Pa. p 2 fly • - C. Orlando Loomis, A . R_N TTOEY AT LAW, office Fourth rd., above Smithfield. - julyl4 A BEELEN : dias removed his commission and • warding business from the Canal. Basin to his auw Warehouse on Third street, nearly opposite thh Post Difice. tnay3o4• A' • , . John W. Burrell, TTO.RtiIIY AT LAW, having returned front 11 his European tour has taken an office on the north east corner of Fourth and Smithfield sts. Peir sons 'having had business and papers in the hands .of _ Samuel Kingston, Esq., deceased, will call on tl4 shove, as all the unsettled business of Mr. Kingston has been left in his hands. mars 4 TTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa: Com' r inissianer to take the proof and acknowledge fitent of deeds, leases, contracts, depositcs or (Wick writings -to be recorded or-used in the States of • ;Kentucky,. Indiana and Tennessee. Office No. SO., Stuart!'s building, Fourth street. marl 24 Janice S. Craft, ATTORNEY, COUNSELLOR AND NOTARY:, Pittsburgh, Pa., having resigned the office of ecretary P. Nay. and Fire Ins. Co., will attend slie• :Lally to collections and business connected witlp nayigation,insurance, accounts and real estate. Sur siness hours, 9. A. M, to 9 P. M. -Office, No. ituart 3 s buildings, (No. SO, Fourth st.,) second door east of Wood street. fab34 ' Edwin C. 1,71.150 n, TTORNY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW; 11., Franklin, Veriango county, Penna., will attea4 Tiromptly.to all business entrusted to his care—colt , ections made in Warren, Clarion and Jefferson co.'s: REFER TO J. A. Stockton &.Co. Murphy, Wallin! Sr. Co.- Pittsburgh. - I John Bigler, non. James Kinnear, Franklin. HMI. Alta. Mtalmont, -Hon. James Wilson, Steubenvi le, Ohio. juy23-y LDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, between lA_ Walnut and O'Hara streets, where: he may be ound at all times. Those having houses or the nroperty to sell or rent,-can have the same putictui Illy attended to; debts collected, and all the duties : al an Alderman will receive prompt attention. .oct27-y :1 • N. Holmes & Sou, ANKERS and dealers in Foreign and Domestic 1011 - Bills of Exchange, certificates of deposit, bank poles and specie...Drafs and notes collected, and omittanees.made to any part of the United States, AT.o, d 5 Market ;street. jan7-y - • ' Jolanston tt: Stockton, . BOOESELLERS, PRINTERS AND PAPER NIA' KERS, No. 114 Maiket ,street. sep 10-y: • . Victor Sorlba, BOOKSELLER, - STATIONER AND BINDER, ,. No. 115 Wood street;three doors below Fifth, jan7-3, James Patterson, Jr., eI ORNER of First and Ferry 9itreets, Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of lobks, hinges and bolts, tobaedo, faller; mill and timber screws, batmen screws for rollinglaills, seplo-y . _ Wm. A. Ward, . 1 pENTIST, has removed tothe place of hisfor. f mer residence in Penn streeti two doors beloW twin. . . . . • • • . anlB l M. Ciliiinilas, Siniithlield at., above Third, ' IThEALEIL in Loom' 'Findings, embraeintill the • JLIF Wants of Hand and Power Looni Maniiracture in all branches. Also: Looking GlaasPlaisiti, Clocks, ---' Frames, Glass, Pictures and Variety Goods. novlBll .:' I''. .... MEE EWE ~.'~~ 'tr y %` ~ ' -`i .!~, `.i ' EGIONIII •.•,....-.~.:...-- - -. •- :- - ...." -...-;'•-•.• ' •—• ••••• •.'"-' . : ':r• — •.' , . , r:-....! . •-....: . .. - •. - ---::: - .:: -. '. --- ...1:".7- . ' . .':- . :: , . - .:,-. - -,- , --- - ---7 . --- . .....:—.......... - ..:-..7.?2-: , ...: , .. - -. ,. .; 7r rft r .YL''': :• ' • ' ‘ 4 ~,-.-... : _ - • .. : --=- • •• ! - , -,. ..•- • • • ••, , ,......... ; , ..7:... ,• , ::::...7,-, 7 , ,, .....,. -1,.....-! , .- . .--........:•..f,; , .... , -;,...1 . ....- • ,,: : .....4;•:-...• : ;-" , ..$ : :::.:...... : -,...• ..•;:,••::-..::: 1 :-Z-..•:.C . .:•• i. • . '' -:-•'......'••:.'"..;' . 7 • .: •;:.'!..:•' : 5 . . 4 . •'•• ', %, • ' ..- ' :,.' ..L: :•::•-•.":•,.... ..-....::. '.... ••• .• . .... •••••,.. ::: f :' 7 •• .'.: t. '''• .. .:- :, . 7' --- • - •1 , , ,- : -.1 - . obi:, .. • •.:....... . ... • . . . . _ • ..•••••..• ••••• • . • . •• • ~......-„,..,!,.-... ,:;••••,,.• .., li ,-. . ~.•..-14 • IA . 11. ~. •., .1.4 , , . • e<'; - :. • .• ,, 5'i.' , ..,‘.:.•-:,•• •.-,.. •••••• .. ••,... • m.„ .-..- •;,,,.. • .-..... 4 , :.7, - ' . 4. 4 .' 4t „ *, •'. •! • ~,, ...: .. ' •• . .. ;, C • ' .- .. , -• • , 4 , • . , • • •••' Ak.. , • •;, ; , , , ,.. - 4 ;;' s a i.l . •'•••-." • '' I , . e .".. •.. . ~-.174 p• .• 4: :. 0, - ~', 11 :::.• . , .A . , . • . • ..„; a .• • ~..:„; ~:: , i : .. ' ..' ' . .• .! . ~.. ,9 . ' . • . . •,;,;% :. . . "!.. 0,-,:i '. I ~;',; • - . ~ p•.. 0 % 1 ,,':., 5... r , • . • _. 0 L ~ „ p... . . . ~ $ .. ; 4' , .• ' ,. 0 ., ..r . .k , „, ~,,.....:...•::... • ........:,..... ~..,.. m....:.,„ ~ • k.. , • ~ • i..„ . p • ~,...., v .,„..1 . . ••••. . •-• ... - :-.4:01.,, t 1;.,. i 44 —-.- • 4 - ..1, a ti ~•,,. • •• ;, • i•-, _ Sa:• A - •.. : . I >' ) ," - ,' ,. ,i - •'. ...,.. E ::: o -,,, 1 , ..._,‘,.__( , .:, , .;•✓.. , -::y • • ~:, .-- .... 4 *-0' : •••-• • ••••;•6- . ~, , z, \ o, . , , • -,:;,,...,,,,, ~-,,,, , ~,,. , Az > ..- v-4•• 4 ~ .., • .i.. •.. l` ~..z , : • ,:•". ••• ...... , i ,„ N ••: • . : , • ,•- .. • :...;•,...-- ' '7' ... '• : • ' ~.-. li - e• 4: . . • _ . . • . • . . . • ..,.,...„.-.7-4,-„„-- ; -. . . . . .. . . .. . , • • ; , •: . •• . . . . . .:. . • . . . ... . ..- :. .• .- • - . .. . . ._ . .. . .• . . • . .. . . . - • -• • . . . . ...... EMEMS 11.--NO: .181; IML2=I Janie/ eallitzt; liVea Forsynril Svvartzweldor; Rcmora2. Chat'les M. Ilays, Johla'A. Parkinson, . ... • • • ki;,•en.r... MEE ^.;.3i. ,• t...; • • , •• • •;:•11:: • 'e3i . • • ••,••• ; - • ..::. - .1.• !.{...,.,...,i• . .. .. ~ , !•r%.•.:•-1', .. 47!: '.':•.'L..--:' ,` ' ~., MEE Biovynavillo Junlsts Iron Work'. • DWARD HUGIVS ,iniduldcturet of iron and .12.4 nails, warehouse; Satigifield above Fourth et. suplo-y C. A. 31 , Anuity & Co.; ORWARDINC & COMMISSIa MERCHANTS Canal Banal; Pittaburg&i, ta. mar3dy . • .. Martin Lytle, 0.011:LI 'GROCER, Smithfield itreet, next dijor to the Filth Presbyteriyu Church. . Pisa FORWARTHNiI f COMMISSION MERCIIANT No. 26 AVood st.; Pittsburgh. nor27-y New Book !tore , . rir6. BOSWORTII & CO., No. 43 Market street, 11• neat door to Third street, are just opening a now and extensive osSortinent of Books and Station ery, which they .sdll sell; wholesale and rend, at the ,lowest prices. • np2A-y . Wm. O'Hara liobinsost, LATE U. S. Attorney; his reuioTe4l his onice • to No: S St: Clair et. cept4-y LUMBER MERCILSIcTi office on Penn street, between Irwin and Hand sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. All commissions will be promptly attended to. mar4-y School Book and Piper Worehoneei, T UKE LOOMIS, Agent, publisbor, bookseller and L bookbinder, No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh. inar2S-y - • Pilliintonia Unrivalled Blacking, ItirANUFACTUrtaI. and Bold wholesale anti • tail Smitidichl at:; between Sixth and Virgin -ort2ll .ArANUFACTUREIt of Lard Oil and dm:kr in 111. Star Candles, Filth street, near .larket, S. W. side._ • inar24-y MI. COLEMAN. JOJIN F. JENNINGS. JAS. W. 11.1111L31.1.1T Coleman, Hallman & Co., TA.NUFACTURERS of Carriage Springs and .1.11 Ailes; A. 8., and spring steel, and dealers in coach trimmings of every description, manufactory on St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 .Wouti street, op posite St. Charles Hotel. jen23-y Flint Glass Establirnment. AILYLVANY & LEDLII- manufacture and keep constantly on hand cut, moulded hnd plain Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse corner of Market and- Water streets, Pittsim rgh.— Our works continue in full operation, and we arc Constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to fill orders with promptness. Purchasers ere respect fully solicited to call and examine pnccs and terms. seplG-y P. C. 611A1C:401; TANcrAcruitEß or Itsconnuermt TEETH, 211 . 1 . Smithfield street, two doors below Fifth street Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a full assortment us Plate and. Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades, as simple Plate, Molars and liisciaimidatties, Gam teeth, Screw Pivot teeth, Sc. Teeth and blocks made to order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro fession.: All orders from abroad must be accompan ied by the cask. Plaine alwa . 9 on hand 3inites. Dinkel, ' Alderman. . . OFFICg - ost.Penn st„ opposite D. Leuch & packet lino office. • Office hours iron. i o'citact: A, Id., to S o'clock P„ M. r I FFICE on Smithfield, three doors from Sixth st., IL,r Pi ust) writ). Dr. George Watt, OFFICE, No. 77 Smithfield street, near Sixth st., Pittsburgh_ - 11.1 NO FORTE, ninnunictuter and dealer in 11.10. i li cith sical instruments, No. 112 Wood 6trect, norl9-y RECTIFYING DISTILLEIt, and whole nle.'.cal erlll Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No. 114 Liberty street, and 53.11iamond .Mee, Pitts burgh, Pa. jy9l—y UTIGEON DENTIST, 118 Liberty street, a few ►J doors below St. Clair st., Pittsburgh. a1.28-y QLICCESSORS TO AVERY, Oil DES & Co., v.-hoic k) sale and retail druggists, and manui:lcturcrs of :white load, red lead and 11th:tip; corner or Woud ifad Second sts., Potsherd', Pa. no% 13-v UCCESSIVIS to Irvine 6r.. 111,irtin, wholesale gro cers, produce and commission merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh maneractured articles, No. :A, Wood street ; Pittsburgh, Pa. aph-y John I.lt•Closkey, TAILOR ANDcLoTHIER S Liberty st., betv.een S:xth . street and Virgin Alley, souiti side. seplo-y S.VCLt G. EI. F1.E31/NG, J. Ii.ERICI'd MICK. S. M'Clurkan tt. Co. NATITOLESALE GROCERS, Commissinn Met., elt.tntz, and dellera iu Produce and Pitt3burgit Manufactures, No, 142, Liberty Street, l'atalJurgh. dee 3-y JOSiaY cAlt,sor. Carson & 141 , Knight, AATIIOLF:SALE GROCERS and Comtn;sion chatitm, Sad' street, betweest Wood and Liberty, Pittiburgb, Pa. dec 4-y NITNI. GLENN, Bookbinder, h.ts removed to the corner of Wood and Third sts, above C. 11. Kay, ivhero he is prepared to do every description ofnuline and Binding. J. 11rCollister, TITIEOLF.S.I.LE and retail dealer in Tobacco, y y Snuff, and Segars, ICn. .2.5, Fifth st., between I'Vpod and Market sty., PitLiburg,b. toct:18-1y. •I. D. WILLIAMS. THOS. DULLER J. D. WlLDarns & en. • • • HOFESALF: and ng ~~ and commission retail ln g n r h o ; ce r a s n , d F ‘ o k r‘ ,,, v i a e r r ..l i in country produce and Pittshurgh Manufactures. No. to, Northeast corner of Wood and Fifth streets. sap. S. • • H F OL re E i S_ n A.l . ..F n : d a e n d r m e e t o ,, r ‘ ? i e n e o r s a!)l l de L /le rin i l io r Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., No. tit) Water tr seet. Lambert Shtpton, • NTROLESALE GROCERS; FORWARDING &v C OMIdS iOn M erchatsta., dealers in prnducr and Pittsburgh manufactures, Nos. 133 and 135 Mani street, Pittsburgh, l'a. 01,2- • J. U , Dei•itt, WHOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh manufactures generally,- Nu. 224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. ap2B-v • • John 11. Mellor, W IT iu L s E ic S , A , L l E n ' st a r n tm l ernettsail Piano Forks, s ki d i a o u p d i linoks and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts burgh. j an 1-y James! Park, Jr., & N r a O n lif ti S u A ce LL ?a l r t e oC a E n l d t je i a m ie p rvi e n re c o o r p t i i e n r pl a a n t i . Pittsburg% manufactured articles, Nos. 112 and 114 2ndit., 1. iLtreen Wood and Smithfield sth. jal4-n 14-y W l s f; e L r l;TA l L tti E N G ,O II.C. , I 7 C c E .o RS i;i /i er lN , 'D a COMMISSION etrnet, Pittsburah. al9-y . • Dr. Wm. D. I,Vrtglat, DRNTIST, Mine and lenitlence in ' St. Clair at., n rflw doting below Lib , win nem' the Itltelinnee Dote:. marll-y John Cartwright. CUTLER and Surgical Triatrumout Tvrauufaigturar, No. 140 Wood street, two doors ttom gin al. ley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand an aslanalvt , 'assortment of Surgical and Dental inslremonh". Bankers', Tailors', Hatters', Hair Drudmerm. a nd Tun tiers , Patent. Shears. Saddlers , Tools, Trusses, ft 4. _1024 SEVEN BIG - CLOTHING STORE, 6SIXTH STREET, NEAR LIBERTY. • • JOHN •YA.TiII.EIV, nov24 y .<,::.;,...,,,: - ;f...., , ::. , : - , , ,,. , : , 1.- , c,i< -t . :V:'-i4 . ..';', , :i!-1..:.i'-' l ' l. '• i" • =WI •,-- ---,.,'r ~.... ,vrt. -4..,... :i: - .;.--,:::', - -;•.:! , ...•••,• , _ .- , 1. :.., :,... ENE MEM George Cochran, 13110=1 M. C. Edey, Otto Kuittx., Dr. Daniel 31,?Irial P. Blume, J. Uryar, Hugh Arters, Ogden & Snowden, Martin do Stialth, P. C. Dlartlix, John Scott ._z . ,:.,-4-.T..,.,,„i , ..,•.,:,4*,.... r .4 ,. .,.t.:,... i . , ,, =ME ...., -, T -- .,. - .. - ' , ..%1. - % - ,' , 5-‘ , .. - '..i:'.."';. , zi,•{:.t: . n‘ , •..-.' c' - ;' :i.. , -5 , i4 . `g7isg , :::§7. , ,t• - ,,f . .. - ...., ,. ... i!" . ..,',: - ; : .;r.,....:.;!':; , ,, , .4:1;.,.,7;,:,.. - -' "... -. ..•"-;.':1P.:'.......ii,'' , ..:.-.:; . ..•?;. :: .:::i' ..: : -- '-' - '1' 4 " ...,:' -...' '..1.'- 1 - - - ',..' , ..,7*:.!: , ...7 i....j,..•.: ; ,. .'.; , .' r tv.. , : , ..j:, , : , :- . ,...,-i . .., ...... i ,:..:..----L; 7tZ • _ .i,':'•;;;:;:' ... 4'' . !::.',, ,- ,:: I.,4':'',:':'z:'''--'-' :.'y~..:~~~ ... •:' , "'i,Y . : . : . ! , f , • , :•'-• ...:.-.. 1.•;•:' . •: , .17 , - , . i..-'• ." - . 7 . ':' , ',' 7 A .,. % ." i-.(7,', .i( yin ' , 1 , 1g64+ PITTSBURG II O ,I IItatiIjXY, FEBRUARY 18, 18V. =Li= iletween Smitkfiehr and Graht Streets, .P4issburgh . %IfILISTIAN SCHMERTZ, Proprittor,• respect k_f fully informs his friends and the public general ly; that he will open the above splendid Muse on the Ist day of May nev. • . The lioube being new, and finished in she most commodious and convenient manner; and haring it furnished with the newest and most beutiful stylo • of furniithre; flatters himself that he will be ablo to ac commodate his friends and the travelling public, in a manner not inferior to any similar establishment in the city. As the House it situated near the Court Hotiee„ ar rangements hate been made to serve up meals at any hour in the day, this will be great convenience to those who aro in attendance at court. ik/"Rerreshments of - all kinds can be bad. Boar ders taken by the week or day. o"...rLunch every day at 11 o'clock, A. hM. ' ap3o Washington • TAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Corner of St. ti Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the proprie tor begs leave to return his most grateful thanks to his frienda and the public for past favors, and hopes, by attcntibn, to merit a continuation of their patron. age. The houise is pleasantly situated near the Ex change; it has accoutimodations for travelers, and large route for public meetings, dialler or supper par ties. Refreshments alwaya ready, or prepared on the shortest notice, with the choicest the Mari.et will af ford.' Gysters and Oyster Soap, also Fresh Shell Oysters, received every day during the season. The greateat care Ilse been taken in the selection of wines and liquors. A variety of newspapers are regularly filed in the emhlialiment, P. S. A llot Lunch served up every day at 11, A up 18-y. Caual Boat House. )Y R. DOSSETT, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna. Boarding and lodging, by the day or week - , on the most reasonable terms. Strangers will find it to their ad vantage to patronize him. Persons tra% ing east or west nriil bed this house a convenient loca tion—it is within one hundred yards Of the eauld basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses. • Every information given to Iron Atanufacturers in all branches of the business. Home brewed ale can at all times be had at the bar.norlo-y Burnt DbOrict. Hotel. I~AM: MUItDOeN, formerly or the Union Hotel Liu Water street, having been burnt out, has built a new and handsome house expressly for the accom modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and Smithfield streets, which will be known as the Burnt District Hotel. Ile is now prepared to offer every accommodation and every comfort to the tiaveter, at very ine.lerate charges. lie is provided with ample and COU VOlll t stablisitt. Etc Lange ;iota, ConNErt W PENN AND ST. CLAIR STS., AL. LEN BROWN, Psioniteron.—Terrus $1 . ,Q0 per day. Then roiertigned, formerly of the Niorchants I Hotel, corner of Wood and Third streets, has leased I this superior estuhlishinent, and furnished it anew 1 throughout, with new beds. new baddine and new !furniture. Great care has been talea to fill his cel -1 lar with the choicest viands. A. handsome omnibus and a baggage wagon dre provided for the ace of Ilia guests, and a Porter will be in attendance at itil liodrs to meet the demands of the traveller. The !ones. prrience of the undersigned in this business, assures him that his essnest purpose to satisfy all who call, ieattuot be unsuccessful. Ile feels altogether at *lib ! I en) , to pronthe los visib,rs a comfortable and cleanly abodc, liberal entertulument, .mil ti hearty welcome, at a moderate c.tp , ...nae. ALLEN BROWN. 1 ap:i-siti rC'evc Drug Store. .1k IIN D. MORGAN. trizolcsule Ractil ka: Alit - gist. No. 1 , 36 Wood street. one door south thrill Enid Alley, Pittsturgh.—The subscriber has just received i'rurn the Eastern cities, and is now opening at the above stand, a full assortment of articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dye Stuffs Paints and . Chemicals, together wih all such articles as are usually Lept for sale at a Nwhoichate and ret a il d r ug st ole . his stuck is entirely new, and has beets selected with care. He is confident that his articles, both As to qualify and price, %sill please such as may fa ior him with a call. Co-YartnenshAp j irr day llatlman and John F. Jennings, under the name and ,tyie of Cokrtaa, Hallman & en., will now lean in creased facdtties fur manufacturing Steel Springs, hammered ascii, American Buster mud Spring Sire!, &e., to whioh the attention of dealers is respectfully solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to merit a 0/MIIII3:WC° to the new font the till ors so lib eraliy imstitwed upon him. Factory on St. Clair st. —warehouse .13 WOOII St., opposite , the St. Cinirlei Ifotel, where can be found a good aessrtruent of Springs, Aides, A. 11., and Spring Steel, and Coach Trimiounts,pf every description, together with Iran. Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. 117 - The highest price paid for scrap iron. jan2.2 ,V. F ult on, IML AND BRASS rouNDErt, bas rebuilt and 1,11 commenced business at LUs old stand, No. 70 second, hut ween Itlarkkt and Ferry streets, where lw will be pleased to see ins old caatoutera and t; fends. Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cart from patterns of the most approved modell, and warranted to he of the hest materials. Mineral .Water romps, Counters, Railing, &c. together with every varlets. Brass Castings, if re turned and finished in the neatest manlier. . . A. F. to the Foie :kneel. fer Babbitt's Anli-Altraction Alclat, so juntly celebrated for the reduction pf tii.- tion in machinery. 'file boxes and cometontien eau be bad of him at all tIM , R. ov I 2.-y 111.11.11 c, Drt:ll,l. LI AS removed to No. 109 smith . 1 er›,:- fi eld st., %Own: lie will perform all f -;". ~,-.:;,-.! • 1# operations on the Teuth satisfue . V; .171 i?, tqtiiy. -N. B.—Ha r ing lately made one p' '',Z, of the greatest improvements in e• ,11:14 . t'oreeps that has ever appeared be t 7 ' -I'l' fore the publm, he has been able ~,,/ ti Eti . to extract teeth with such cave L. , as to astonish all those who have availed themselves oflosserviees. Pittsburgh, July 24, ISW-1y ENTL Em EN LoOK AT Tills STAR CLOTRI7iC3' STORE: No. 70 (Vood 41., Sign of the Gold , n Star, Pittsburgh A Nen: E & MAY E Fre ' In on tnt' made c"r n p New e tea 5 1% r r k Clothing, which cannot be equalled by any other es tablishment in the city. Our stock being at present very large and anxious to reduce it as much as fo3s. Bible befiire the first of January, we are determined to offer such "bargains" as will enable us to Oreet OUT Obj Ca. S. P. .ANCKEII, • novil4-y A. A. MAYER. Henry W. AVillinius, TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, to Lowrie Sz Williatns.) Office at the old st t ud, Fourth street, above Smithfield. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between . Henry W. Williams, Esq., and myself, in the prac tice ot' the law, ,was dissolved by mutual consent on the 26th tilt., and the business will hereafter be.con filmed by. Henry W. Williams, whom I most cheer fully recommend to all fin_whom I have the honor to do busitte4s, as s gentleman every way worthy of their conti:lsnce. WALTER II Low RI E LlftWilA S Lawns CI I:0.S. SWARTZ Into on a lot °flint: Lawns 1„ X which will be sold at the mire low price of 18i cents per yard, persons who want a good article, at a low price, would do well to call soon. Also on hand good stock of Nanscnak muslins fot Ladies Dresses very cheap nt lel3 100 Market street. Pianos A* SPLENDID assortment of Mahogany and Rose. wood Pianos, just finished. These instrument aro well made of the latest paterna and best materi niv and will be fold low for cash by F. BLUME. No. VI2 Wood et. 2d door above 6th. N. 11. Those who . are in want of a good instrument Artsrespontllillylnyited to call and examine these be fore parchasingelgewliere, as they cannot he excel led by any in the country, and will be tiold lower than any brought from the cast. One elegant Itose. wood Piano with Coleman's Patent /P.olinn much meat for sale by F. BLUME. f . Ef.. ,-, .. - 4; , ' , . , ..i•••E=-.... - 'l',f:.•_.'--,fl ONEIIII - - : „-,-. iMmmiawamkkAdmm=adumsommiimai EMfOi NUMMI MUSE ‘,....:.:,...;?. T e:.'"-fl-:':''':. 1 A 'CARD. • RE subseitheihating disposed of his Bookstore 1.1 ; •id Pittstiiihihi.to Messrs. Elliott and English, 'would recommend theta to the patronage of his for mer cuPtOMVIS. ROBERT CARTER. Prirstuaosi, Ociakr 20th, IS4O. • THE SUBSCRIDHSS having purchased the Book stole of !Jr ItobertVarteri -will Continue the busi ness at the old stasis!. They will at all times have on hand a large supply pf Thcological,Classicalend School Boota—Alloy;Writing . , Letter and Wrapping Paper, Slates, , Western Mercbnntg making mire:hates in the city, are invited to call; ex:indite our mock, and ascertain our pricca before perthising elsewhere. • ELLIOT I` A...ENGLISH,- No. - A Market st., bet. 3d and 4th. Ornoso!iktol Hair Work „ e fA -, 44 ,/ fy).:!tv4 - ,t,c•A tt.: MRS. , RE;NTEtt, Wig Maker. Ateghinyeilyi sir dbors from the Aqueduct, opposite the Collector's Office, wishes to inform the pub lie. that she has just commenced the Ornatnetitat liair business, and has e very superior stock, re ceived from the Eastern cities and I'arisrond she is prepared to fill 'tat, orders at the shortest • notice, and in a manner that cannot be a.ercelled by any similar manufac turer in toe country, She has on hand and intends keeping, a large its 7 sortznent of Ortiarnilital Hair Work' such as Ladies' Wigs,Lands, Braid!, Curls, Necklaces, Guards, -Braceets, r ingot things, &c. Gentlernams , Wigs, Tanpries, Scratchcii &c. Mrs. Ik. has been for many years engaged in the business in Franco and the Baited States, and from her long and experience, she feels,confident in being able to give sails-fie:Mu to•ull ylici will fisvor her with their patrosage.• lien prices die mere liberal than have heen virered in this try horetiare. ; mar ly e...,..&..,,..t Lie : ::::( 1 ).: c 1. 1 1.: i ...... -", ' Found.O. First st re et, Market, is prepisig to make This: Castingsancl i;.l I - Ifrass.isorks geiierally nn the most ~.Ze reasos4le te rm s and shortest notic e. ' sts ik a li n:l l ' a l l a l li t h r o a l using, brass workilVgive him a call, as he is de ) termineti to ido.4l4 . dtk in his hue very lox•. may 27.1 y °7t. : R . . Londirct AVrilvassated Ossoaeas Seeds, i 111:-ECT rflirSit AILIDELPIII.4... llach,paper bears the laberauti warrautY of DAVID LAN- Ducrra. Fur sale by L. Sic uWU N , N 0.29 Water Ist., at the stand foinuirly occupied by Gee. A. Larry. Latract from the , Reyort of the Visiting COVIIIIittee of the Penn.YlValtlLl IfOrtiCHILUMISOCitay,' unaui mou'd y adopted and' ordered to ho printed. LANIiItETWS N UltS EItIES AND GARDENS. .•Thesc extensive grounds arc on l'etlntal street, scar the Arsoual. • • • • The earliest collets : ton of Cumultias was made hero. Sonic of those nor. in posseusion of those distinguished nurserymen tars ten fact high. *. • " The selection-of j erar-rikweE Pt..tsrrs valuable and es tensive. ''Diu Nu:series iota: very correctly managed, Onii !plying every part of Union, iidetail of which wouid occupy too tatsita of our space, we therotioo I cootooi noose, yea wide hating that the stock is very ;large, and in every al6:ge of growth, cousisting..of !Plitt EST AND ORN.II:IIFATA TREES, EVER— tlltßENS,ts.littl; VINIZS ios.ND CR EEPEItS, with la collection of ha:duce-zoos plants, fruit trees-of the fillet king: and most healthy conditiou, large beds of totriisig apples,.pears,plutas, &c., is stuelssfdr bud din7 and ivaft.ing; a : plan s cry repot-it,: to that •f eot-king upon suckers; which Carry witiithem into the graft all the diseasei f the patent stool:. • • °GARDEN NE7a5 OflIte• finest quality have been scattered over the coesttry from thenti grounds, and may always ho depeliddd upon.. The seed ostahlish Picot of untie litortuliunvi..t. is one of tee most ns tot:sive in the Union, iii4lts reputation is well sustain ed from year to year. "To obviated charice of mixture ofthc farina. 04' the plants of the sionqVantily, they have established anetliseettrarrrot ........11Mt4calmtareseefae thividegentk ration cannot take place, and which secures to the purchaser a .genuilie article.' Knowing thus the age, quality and preezi:s or culture or every piant, suppie front their groundu is recointnenticil with great cotiti(h.nee." V Since the date of , the 'llrport' frog which the abo,e is extracted, the etitire establishment has been enlarred. The cuilettion of Camellias em brace. all the finer kinds, and enusis,ts of sonic thou sinds of various sires; so likewise with Roses, and other desirable plants, both tender nnd hardy; fruit trees, &C. Seed Ga:tiens alone cover fitly acres, and the whole is, os it lox been I'vr more than half a century, under CAC se,ter'ssive management of futher anB son, the m 05 :14111411CII: in America tyrdera received by F. L. SN6WDEIC, from innlt catabr.,4l,6 f 1,,, he received gratis. mar9-y liownra S , Co ir A L r n i t; :linrc oid ht.h. rrank utieNni.l4, v. here they liallo opened an extant spco WALL PAPER IS'AttI:IIOUSE, anti will hatq col/Tandy on hand an ext.mdivii asnot tonna of Satins trdazed and plain PAPER I,IA NGINC.s, Vel ve t and Imitation Borders of the latest s.tyli.; and most hand, 50ine patterns for papering, parlors and chain nnrs. They mannfllcture, and hate on band at all time= Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper, tionnet and Potiers Hoards—ali of which they oiler :..r sale on the most accommodating terms, and to whiel, they invite the attention of merchants and others. ALSO—lllank Books of all kinds anti the b . est qua]. ity, School lteoes , &e., always an hand and lid sale as above. aur, Coparinerillhip F.' subscribers have thin' day entered into Co partnership, in the name of Friend, Alley & Co., for the imrpose of tran&acting a general Grocery and Cotinuission business, and hare taken the house oc cupied by M. 11. Riley & Cu., No, 57 Water 'Arcot, where they will lie pleased to receive the patronage of the friends of the lute firm. P. F. FRPEND, OEO. RH EY, JAS. WOOD. Pittsburgh, Noi•ember £S. IS.IS-dee2 Pittsburgh uudConuellsville l.atl }toad Company. - ATOTIOE idhereby {;iron, that in pursuanrc of a ill resolution (Witte Stoekholders of the Pittsburgh and Conseil bike Railroad Company, authorizing, au increase oi'ti.e capital of,aid Company, and directing an additional subscription, boobs will be opened for receiving additional emb:::cription to the stock of the. Company, at the Mike of Wm. Lorimer, jr, in 4th street, between Market and Wood streets, Pittsburgh, on Friday the 4th day ofSepteniber. The books will remain open from 9 A.M. until 3 o'clock P.M. of said day; and nom, day to day (Sundays excepted) until the requisite number of shares be subscribed, or until otherwise ordered. fly order of the Directors. WM. 11013INSON, Jr. Presq. • Allegheny Cemetery f)ARSONS desirons of purchasing, loth in this I: Cemetery are referred for information to the Superintendent on the grounds,lor to E. Thorn, Druggist, corner of Penn and 'nand streets, Pitts burgh. By order of the Board. J. CEISLETT, dee II Superintendent. John M. Townsend, TARLIGGIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 4.5, Mar ketjuf street, three doors above Third street, Pitts burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most_reasonable terms. Physi cians sending orders will be promptly attended to, and supplied with articles they may • rely upon as genuine.. Physicians' prescriptions will accurately and neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hoar of the day or night. Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good erfainerydee 30d . . . REAL ESTATE AGENCY. JAMES BLAMELY, JOIIN J. MITCIIEX., Aldsrtnan, Attorney at Law BLAKELY & MITCII-EL, CONTINUE to attend to the selling and renting of Real Estate in the City of Pittsburgh and vi cinity. Having determined to devote - a. large portion or their time to this branch of business, they .with confidence solicit a share of the patronage of the public; from the agility, they meess,and the experi ence they have (the Senior partner having been en gaged in the Real Estate Agency for near 20 years,) they behave that they will give general satisfaction. Office on Penn et., near the U...S:EotelomdSniitti: field pt., between Diamond Alley and Fifth street. sc.• ••• • , :;< ;. - S S. ~. ~ .~ 3 _ i j ..:Y EMEEMI Ladies and gentlemen arc invited to call and ex amine specimens.. Instructions giv . en, and instruments and materials furnished upon reasonable trims. MI orders from country operators promptly attend ed to. nov2-541 . . rplir. subscriber has received on 'consignment a few of Oliver Evan's celebrated Water Filters, manufactured in Philadelphia, such as are now gen erally used in the Eastern cities. They are warran ted to purify, Pump, River, or P.ain Water, eleaqs ingit 01 all Mineral, Animal, Vegetable or other Un wholesome matter—rendering' it equal to the finest Spring water, otherwise on failure, (if Jaed as direc ted) the price paid will be refunded. The subscriber, having been appointed agent f . p,r zu the sale of the above, will recoivo orders and furlli them at mauefacturets wices. • PITTSBERGII Ch AIR AND CABINET NO. S2l, Third Street, Pittsburgh. subscribers would respectlblly return their thanks to their friends and the public, for the very litmral patronage bestowed since the commence ment of the new firm, and would earnestly solicit a continuance of. the same. - . They would respectfidly invite those who want to 'purchase anything in the furniture or chair line, to giro thein a call ancvexaniina their•extensive stock now ou hand, consisting of some. of the most splen did Eastern and bench patterns of Rosewood and Mahogany Furniture. Pluttdred by the very eaten ' sive patronage received In their business, they have', at consldcrable expense, made arrangements in New York, by which they will have thelate,4 Eastern and French patterns forwarded nietrthlY, thuS giving the citizens of Pittsburgh an opportunity of patronizing home industry, and finding in :their own eity'what they formerly ettmld obtain Only in the East". tiering. adopted the principle of small profits and quick sales, they will he able to sell at as low rates as any of the establishments in the Eastern Chien. .1101rEitT3 - di KANE. • • .Xew Hat- Cap Store. CHS. R. POULSON, (late of the firm at _Poulson 8: having opened hid uew store at No. 73, Wood street, next door to the corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing and recei ving from the Eastern cities a very large assortment of hats and caps of every description, warranted to be made in the best manlier and of the best materials. Otter, Seal, fine and common Muskrat, Sealette, Bair Sea (, Plush and Glazed Caps. Also, -a line assortmefit of ladies, furs, such as ' Lynx Fitch, Genet and Conil,-Aluffs and.TippZts and fu r trimmings, all of which he offers for sale at eastern prices for cash, both wholesale and retail. Comity merchants will please call and examine my stock befitre purchasing elsewhere. CHAS. H. POULSON. 'N. 13. - The Fall Fasb4M for Hats and Caps receiv , Motley . - Wa4tecli in croltaitige for flats and 4 TUE. subscriber would inform the pu4lic that he has .received his fall stock of Caps, all of which have been principally' made .to his order, and as his purchases hai bcou made On. the cash System, he is enabled to sell .his titock.of flats and Cii.ps at ; unusually low prices ror cash „..1111; stock does not consist of the cuttings or astern' tint' aiu all fresh . Manufactured article:: scititcr is .his establishment replenished with the old steel: fiom eastern markets. The Proprietor I..ciug a hatter and Cap manufacturer, by trade; es well as profession, he is also daily man umeturing flats and Capa of all descriptions, and for their neatness and durability, caneut be sur passed. Aii of which he offers at wholesale and retail, and at such prices as cannot fail to please the purclinter. G. W. GLAssGow, No. 10.2.,_W00..1 street, third door below John D. Da via Commercial Auction Rooms. scpl.l,2:' MOE% SHOES, SHOLIS. NEW FALL AND \\INTER SUPPLY , . ••• Chcapdr than Ever, et' VOLLANSBEE & HAYWARD'S, new 'flioot She and Trunk Store, No. IS6 Lib rtreet, nenrly opposite the head of Wood street. & 11. would re!pectfully announce that they have in store and are receivin g their FAL4t AND WIN TER SUPPLY DP BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS,kc., consiethig'of upwards of five hundred package-9 of all kinds and qualities for Ladies, Gentlemen, IVlities, Boys, youths , and childrens , wear. These 'goods have been manntlactured to our order, and expressly for the Pittsburgh market , ---all of which we are deter mined to SELL VERY LOW, as from our facilities in purchaAing goods we are enabled so to-do.. .. We wont , ' solicit an examination of our stock 11y all in want of eeuds in our like, either at wholesale Or j retail; as wc ti.el confident we shall be enabled to please, both in regard to quality and pricer. The most of our g0(1113 are from manntlicturing, es tablishments with which we are connected. We shah! continue to receive vtackly from those houses, fresh and dasirable goods, made einressly air our salet.. FoiA,ANsDr.i: & HAYWARD, No. ISCi Liberty street. TILL eiplainuesin his old business of manufactur ing Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels, Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, where he keeps constantly on hand, or made to order in the shortcut notice, any amount 01work, by the best of workmen add good materials, and at prices to suit the times. Those engaged in the Santa Fe trade, and Furnace men, are requemed to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. ap7-y K. LOGAN has juSt received the balance, of his T . fall antlwinter sock of pry Goods; at N 0.83, Wood st.; consisting fin. part of super French and West of. England Dreafi Cloths and Cassimeres, Sat twits from 25 to 75 cc is per vard, Welch Flannels, red and white Flannel:, twilled red and green Flan. nets, plaid and plain ILinseys, Mackinac and Whitney blankete,WoOl len Shirtsand Drawers, Com fiats, Mitts and Gloves, Terkeri, Thibet and Wool en Shawls; Calicoes oilthe latest styles; Milled and Manchester Gingbainsi Irish Linen, Table Linen, Counterpanes, Scotch Diapers, Checks, Sc. Also, at, assortnient of. Dress Goods, consisting of Silks, Gala and California I l laids, barred Cashmere, and Robes, Moos. de Laine, barred and figiired; black and tansy Silk Cravats, nil of which he will sell wholesale and retail, as low for cash as any other house in' the city..., - NATAL MOODY respectfully announces to his old V friends that he inteudsop.ening a Select School in this city, on the first Monday of April neat, in the basement of the Third Presbvteri4nChurch. rnar2l-tf ;avaungli, Ja AS JUST received from New Tork, a large ad dition to his stock of goods; such as double barrel Guns; Revolvers with six barrels; single batrel Pistols; table and pocket Cutlery;: Racers, Scissors, Sprions, & e .; Gold and Silver Pencils; . Diamond Pointed Gbld 'Pens; Gold Draceletil; ',Breast Pins; Kings,. Shirt Studs and Crosses; Read Dag* Silk:artiil Velvet Purses; Steel Beads; Acaordeons 8, 10 and 12 plain semitone inlaid; Musical Boxes; Toys and Fancy Goods of every description. No. 61, Market st., Siinpson's Row, between Third and Fourth sts. octB Eugle mad Street, rinrE PROPRIETOR olthis well known establish ment respecttlillyannonnees, that he cohtinues to supply at the shortest notice, and in the best style, Palls, Parties, Families and Weddings, with Fancy Cake, Ice Creams, Jellies, Pyramids, &c.: &c. Managers ofeentemplated Balls are invited to gee hisarrangements ftir suppers, at such entertainments. In hisclargo saloon he is able to seat almost any num ber of persons at once. • • The terms in all departments of his business, he assures the public will, be reasonable: jan22 V...,7'.• - •: , : .::,..,:',',.. ',, , ,-, : •'.7.:, : ,'? .4,r.',.,-::,:;,.,1::.:,, - , ,,,...: .. ... , ; .i.:-.,-,,,.... :; , , ,-..-. .'-.::-..,,...?...::,!..,:::,,',.- '.:::•:',,:',..- '';',l„ _ . ::t;i3:~:~r .. .. ~s'~~ ~.:~,. .1 • • •:•• • . .. ~x: < -,, '-'7:'.- ., :c: ':7•'!..7.•.*:.-.,;7'::•i',-:?,,: =IN ''' ' --,', : HUME . . .1,10RT.E11. , S Daguerrian Cial42l,Philo Third st., Pitteborigh, afiald lugs, Baltimore, ' . • . . . Mr. Porter respectfully announces that he has at considerable expense fitted up apOrtmente, and .ar ranged light for Dagnerreotyping purpose's.. Itiolong experience in this art has enabled Wn to overcome inany•of the objections too 'coinaton tir,piclures taken by this method... . . . . Mr. Porter is aware that the impr ession bria gone abroad (owing to the many failures to produce good pictures,) that clear and distinct Paguerreotypes can not be made in Pittsburgh'. 'His experiments, how ever, since ho has opened his Gallery, fully warrant him in saying that as good pictures can be made here as elsewhere. Water Filters. NV 1111 am 21/ IC.c e nAd iWitater Goads Select. School. Janie a' , C M=l= OEM u s :r'J- -. ~~.~. `.3 T'. h. I._ =EI =LE The celebrated Itallan Remedy- .. . . r.•-': . , •• FOR THE CURE OF - CHRONIC DISEASES: I MAZOM'S SICILIAN &MCP QA TROPICAL . - - __ • 1 " .. :. •;. • .111%.1kNE. ' - OW .41-3 Discovered by Dr. Mazoni of Italy in the year 1845, . . and intrcduced into the U. States early in 1896. --rt MIIIS unrivalled medicinefor the radical cure et •;A ' , OA' 0 -1. Chronic diseases has ipread th siughaut Europe .. 1 V . 1 .4. with the must unequalled speed and triumphant Sue- . • cesa, effecting the most astonishing cures ever known or recorded intim annals of Medical History. Shine its introduction into the United States it has equally sustained the high reputation if so justly received in the East; curing here as it has dune there, the moat inveterate and long standing diseases with WhiCif the human Sunnily are afflicted. The l'hysicians of Eu rope and America (as tits as they have become ac quainted with its mode of operation) together with the thotisands who have been restored to health-by its superior efficacy with one united nliCt proclaim it to be the most perfect remedial agent ever offered to suffering humanity. . It is now an established ilia "that Consumption may be, can be, end has been cured by Dr. MagenPs Sicilian Syrup or Tropical Hygiene. This is the only medicine that has ever been dis• covered that has achieved a cure whore this disease had gained a settled and permanent hold upon the system. For the truth of this assertion; wo have the certificates of some of the meet eminent Physi .chins, of Europe and America ' expressly .declaring that they have prescribed it in hundreds of instances where . the patients were considered beyond all hope of recovery, and, to their astonishment, has effected the most speedy rind perfect cures. No one who is unacquainted with its action can imagine the won derful success that attends the administration ofthis medicine in every variety of chronic disrase, par ticularly Consumption, Scrofula or kings evil, Asth ma, Plathisie,Ptlcs,(see eases reported in pamphlets and circulars) Cancers; Liver -Complaints, Costive- nese and Indigestion' lnflamed Sure and Inflamed Throat, I Bronchitis,.Dropsies, Chronic Indarnation. of the _ Kidneys, Gravel, Great Debility ind . lratibility -of the nervous . system ' Spinal. affections, Parnlysii, Chronic Diarralisea, Pain in., the breath and side, Coughs, Colds; Chronic Itheumatism,Diseases of the Stomach and Dowels, ihward weaknesi. and falling down of the womb:madalithe chronic diseases pe culiar to females in their various relations in life. Thismedicin,e is prepared only by Dr..Mazoni him son f, and is compoyd entirely of vegetable materials containing the extract of 92 of the most rare Tropi cal plants but few of which ire known to the medi hal Profession generally. . 1 It has so tar surpassed every other medicine ever I offered to the World in eradicating disease, that it. !has not only' enlisted many of the most. talented medical men in the world in 'its favor but what is Inure estraordivary,the government. where it. was discovered "tins nave it en offence punishable with death to attempt counterfeiting it or'eiaiing sale of i any spurious article purporting .to .be the same or representing, it to be genuine. -And this Govern- Iment has also made a liberal provision for the pro- tectinn of it here, To the afflicted we say let none dill : Pair, though you may have been given up by I your Physician sod considered by sour friceds as I beyond all hope, try a bottle of this medicine and you may rely upon the fact, that if you hare physi cal strength enough 'left to endure its action, you 1 will dint certain and speedy relief, for this has been I the case in thousands of instances, in proof of which we can produce certificates from individuals of the. most respect:tde character both of Europe' aid' America. This medicine will he offered for sale only a the tounty seats of each county owing to the =al naant yet Imported 'anti the anxiety-of 1 1(. 1‘44.. the proprietor to place this 'valuable remedy within the reach of all throughout the United States. Hays Sr. , . ~ Dru Brockway , tgis No. 2 Commercial . Row, Liberty strge;, w hol etsil e 11 retail Agents for Allegheny county: Sold also, by _ft.. li,...Sellers, No 57 Wood st: • - . • Re2o49rr Book anti Job Printing Office, GEO. COCHRAN, No 26, Wood at It.. W. CORNER Or WOOD ♦ND FIFTH ST/CCETS proprietor of the Morning Post and• Mer l' 1 curt' and Manufacturer respectfidly informs his. !friends arid the 'patrons of these"paperi, that . It has a large and well - chosen . ..assortment - of JOB TYPE, AND ALL OTiIkER MATERIALS Neceszary to a Job Printing - I)ffiee, and that hf phpared eat -cute:— . ILEITEPRISEOE EVERY DZSCRIFTION, it Books, Bills of LLlin , u , Circulars Pamphlets, Hill Heads, _ Cards, Handbills, Blank Chdcks, Hat Tips. All kinds bf Blanks Sbige, ..,'.tearnhoat and Canal Baal approp;iate culs,.printed on the est notice and most reasonable terms. re4ectfully asks the patronage of, his friends, and the public.in . 7;aneral, in this branch ex his busi ness. , inept 22) L. HARPER. LE , XANDEIt & ISAY, take great pleasare in in tbrrning the inhabitants of Pittsburgh and the surrounchng-country, that they have just- received a splendid stock of New FallCioodn,.of almost- every description, a lar ge ‘ portion of_ which having been bought at Auction , at a great sacrifice, and from the Importers 'and manufacturers at unprecedenteilly low_priccs, enables them to offer great indummets to Cash buyers; they would therefore, respectfully invite them to call and examine , their stock, being _confident that they will.'be pleased with the goods and prices. - - . Our lima of Ladies> drent - gooilii ia veryiuperior and cannot be .3urpa.ssed, consisting in part or , Super Sa/in striped Caslnere, Umbra shaded, do.;, Splendid lured. do. in great variety; 'California and Clermont Plaids; Gala Plaids; Chusaus; Plain and figured and Satin striped illouslin do Laines; Super French and Scotch Gingbams• ' new 'style Embroider ed do; splendid Cashmere and de Laine robes; Ameri. can, French and English Chinrces - of the latest styles,. &s. • \Ve have a very handsome assortment of Silks, such as super Black and. Dia Black, Fitrd andstrip ed Silks; Super Plain and Figured - changeable, do.; Or Shaded and Changeable Striped, do.; "Plain, Black and Blue Black Satins; Wicle,ludia..do; Plain . Black and Blue Black 'Silks of extra quality and width,,suitalde for mantilla s , In this department we can °Ter great bargains, front J1.0 , :7 Li on sales of importers in 'New York.and Philadelphia, among NOlieil 'pie splendid 7l'erkerri Shawls; Super Cashmere, do.; - Embroidered TeOreE ri, do.; Plain and Embroidered: 'rliitiet, do;• Super heavy Ottiormn Sill', do.; Splendid India Saki 'do.; Extra Dernani, do.; Heavy 'French Crepe, do.• ' Plain and - Embroidered Cloth, do.; Plain affd Em broidered De Laines, do.; Sp!entiii,Frillert Bracha; do. all- wool; llrocha and Cmfinnere Lung Shawls; and. an immense variety of different desci'iptior.s or Fall arid Winter Shawls., many of' them-will be sold at half the cost or importation. , ._- . .- • CLOTHS 4147) CASEITERES. ' Embraced iu our stock , of these are Super French, Wyst of .England, and American Cloths, of almost everveocor--Heavy Tweet; Cloths"; Beaver and Pilot Clods fur over-coats; Super IBack Cassitherca; Fan cy Striped, do. ingrent variety, Extra American Premium Dlaukets; Siiper Whit ing, do- heavy Twilled, : do; foss ; 40i and a num ber of other makes'of extra quality. • - LADIES , - CLOAKEVOS.• • New style Gmbre Shadnd Cloakings; handsome Plaid, do; Heavy Gnhi do. for do. ALPACAS AND MERINOS. ' no;21-y A very large assortment of Alpacas and Meridoe, of every quality and, price. French Merinos and Bombazines, both Black and colored. ALSO, Caninctts; Red, White and Yellow Flan nels; Tickin , gs; Checks, Diapers; Brown and Bleach ed Table-Linens. Sheetings,• ,Tahle Cloths; Canton Flannels, - heavy Gloies; Linen Mkt's.; Scarfs;--Stocks; Collars, &c. fic., all of which we are selling much lower than me hate ever berme been. enabled to do. • !Tailors, Clothiers, and Country Merchants are especially inviteiTto examine our stock - of French Cloths, Cassimeres arid' Veelings, as we arc prepared to sell Goods to those is ho buy to sell again, as lo to as they can be bought, in the regular way. the East ern Cities.' and by having a buyer resident in the east, attendant upon the Auctions; we have rare fa cilities for procuring new and desirable Goods,, at the litteest possible prices; we are regularly receiving new Goods every few days'through the,year. . ALEXANDER.t DAY, , • oct6 75 Market st.; N. W. cor of the Diamond. JIIST received. from New York, a large quantity of. Havanna and Principe Segirs of the most popular and .suFerior brands now in. use Also, an excellent article of chewing Tobacco and several bales of superior Cuba Leaf Tobacco forsalef B. E. WINCHESTER, No. 50,Thind street; tWo doons from the Post Coined; .4i40; ...-..,...,?:. i':.' ."' - .;,•.;:;4.' , ,.%.0. :..-..:'''.. EMIEM ~;~- "`fie ~.{ =MEM .~',. . SPLENDID STOtl: OF • NEW FALL GIOODS'. LADIRS , . DRESS GOODS. SILKS! SILKS!! SILI WLS! EILIIVLSiI BLANKETS! :BLATAKETS! U=l:=l =Zl==a i .-,.....,,,..,-..-.:.,.-,:k....„-;;...;,;,. ?,.1.; !. i ".-.---,',-.-1!'.'..:,,':'..-.4J.:,:i.;.,,7-.'•;',',.;:-..i:::;.'--.. .f*-.!_:,;.:.-.,,t--‘-' r'= -'''' S,. , - ,- , ENE s • '• '.• • ; • • •• • •• , , MEM MOE PRICE, TWO' CENTS; wk.s;r.ErtYir tikw YORK • -. , COLLEGE 'OF .11E ALTIII' - -.1 • !toi. main street, Buffalo; 'Sieve WM* ' ',-- 4 ~ If G. et VAUGHN'S VEGETABLE L1T202 4 1., - ....:: If TRIP= ADVERTJSkW ENT F0E1841.7:4;"4- - ' , t 1 ti.t3ty, I S.l.i", I COINVEILED;" is most emphatically. .; • the ease with this article. Disease' has ever yielder( ',.:' ' ,to its most Maryollons medieinal power. Wherever: .. lit has gone, and South America, England, Canada.; ,:-.7 sand the United Staten have proved the truth of this :, .: • 'statement, the abuse quotation in a strong and pithy '.....: . . sentence, tolls the whole story. invalids, the. print. - i'l ~.; ciple upon which you are. ured may not:be known .'i l : toyou, but the resoli of a trial of the - a.rticlelli sad* ' -,..:, factory; you are restored; and the secret of the cure :;.-1 - - remains with .the proprietor. The Medicine is a....-. 11 i col:quitted of 22 distinct vegetable agencies; each„ins - _I t: •. dividual root ins its own peculiar , exclusive, me di •-:" ' eintqiiroperty, conflicting with no other compound —each root makes its awn cure—and as a perfect '.', .'. combination, when , taken into the system, it, does"- - -.,, ' the Work which NATUDI when her laws were ,first, i. I --:.' .....: established, intended it sbould do—P U RIF I E S;_:„ . . - _ • ''.': STRENGTHENS, AND RESTORES the, brokeliCri.ir down; debilitated constitution. Llnorsy, in all its '' .;.5 , characters, Will be Completely eradicated from the system by its use. See . i'i' pamplets in agents' bands,' . for free circidationthey treat . - Oen oil, diseases;;:- . :; ; a and sbow testimony of cores. ' Gatityr.4 aita all coin" .;:1::f . plaints ot the urinary organs„ id; form also the eaus'-'.,t 4 of great sufTFring, and Vanities Lrritortynirrte hasit.....! .acquiretfno salon celebrity over the country; by thit.. - . 4 3 .,1 4 ::5.. cures it has made in this distressing class of- siilieii::•l'` '• - thins. .So famed, it-seems, is ibis medicine, - -- . : ''...' • . 'lids thus attracted the notice of dite-of our idle= . • ' :-.. r',- ••. publications... In the 'November . No. 1846. of thia. , l.l",,i i . ~ '-!';•' . .'t -.2 "Buffalo Journal and Monthly Review of bledica i l,,'l,o and Surgical' Science," in as article upon ealculonsf'.:4!-Ar -, • '' diseaies, and '‘‘solvents," the writer, after hoticingf•:'As ? OA fact that the. English government once puroliased- , -e..:: a secret reinetly, and also noticing the purchase in - . ,; .17•J•7 5 .'5;i....1pj;it i , .. , ....... ?....:I:,, i . r y,...,tis":tvit.il.r:, 1802, of a secret remedy, by the:Legislature 0f11 . evi,.,;.;' . : ,1...'•• • ~...,1..,.%•„ • 74.!;14;e:5v.. , 7 5 •!.. - a1,: , • 7 . t....:: ; ,.. , f,,.,t 11 ,..„ . .tr ,y. ,.... ;. ;4-:. ,: York, thus pifys tribute to•tbe fame of the Medicinel .. ... A ., ; „. v.: _.... ~ ' ......t sr4‘ ••• ..: - .:!. , :.;.r.:.,,! 4,_ % "Why do not. our . Representatives in Senater.and"'.7lt, l'• . '•-• • ••- ...• ••c•_.'•";; ; !;I: ', „' : .-. ;:71.1 11 7.. Assembly cense:fed, enlighten and. •disiolvel the - , :••••':i `'. '• :;: I 7 7:•:•:' 1 •;:•, '.' '.- *. I:..v_• if 7 ..,;. suffering thousands of this country; by the purchase! ..,, - . .., -•-• 7 !..5.,_ ... ....„..,...„.:_. ..:. _ .. , „ .. .: ; of Vaughn's liegetablc Lithentriptlei. Man which no "-V... : • '':,;" --'.'' ". ••, : i -, .. - • - ! 7 .'7 . ' , ......! . ~..:1. : .....› . 4' a t solvent since, the days of Alchemy has possesaed.ona - -',.,•:.,• •. • •,.. , ' ' -:.'„ -• ;. '1 ;::.,•;:::-..' - ' '''' ,'''' " . 2t - ' - ,A. half thrill:mei:: Reader, here is a pertotlical of high - .7•:' . 7.-,' . '....., ~ ,;-....,..: -.. .'... •-• . ~p standing, standing, acknowledged throughout a large sectiott • •-.T•cv '- • ;. -.•-. ::.,....-.... ~..„. _ ~.... ....._, ...2 . ...., •! .. .;,.W.f i i of this country tube one of the besteonductedjonr 7 •_;-;?„.4•. • '.. . ";... ,- .• • ••• '.• -- -- 1 - -•J . , ..„ •..:,W•gt x • oafs of the kind in the United States.- - exchanging -' ' : r" ''. .„ '." ... 7 . -: .-: ... 4 l file. with the scientific works of Europe to our certain..V l . V;;;:'' • ••''' - v:?•-,' v.," IE-.vvi-.•••;fr,•". knowledge, edited by Austin Flint; M. D.; and • ion-.•?. .4 4 - ' .:••••:-.. •:•:,_.:: .... •...,..,. 4 : .7.4 ..,...t: : :-.;„ ..... , ~..;•••1',1, . ",!. tributed to by men of the highest protessional.abiW -:';(;•:" ....• „.7 :- . - , , ,•. •:-.'...,-.,.; ~ : ... -: ..-... • '.... .... - :,1*;34,„ ty, thus stepplog aside to notices • • secret remecty l l;.;.,:,... • ..v. 't• -1 :-. - .......'-• : ` - ' 7 ;,";: . •;:-:;..•; :',..:''., .... - •,1•' - '-fl' You will at once understand no unknoten and inotl/14 - 21, , ;• - t. .• 7: ..." .. - t; . - ...;:i . ...... - , . t• fiq'A fen nostrurn, could thus extort a comment trons 40.7 :,, ' , ' .t' , 7 -, ~:....:.. -.- - ,:.- s „: .; !':: . .::"-. :;., „VT high a quarterr-and tousequently,unlets itdirectlx ~• 4 1 ., '. ' '.; '"' • ''..., -...• si , s.c... •- '' v; '••; - .''.; . :,..,•..i. ;•••,,• .r . ,i conflicted wish the practice of the faculty, ifteust ::;-:-;,, ":',,, ': ' _ ;•• '.. .. - . V. : ' •,.; ':1 1:::... - S.7" have -been it:event •Tanfs:: which has caused it to ,• :-..„... . - , „;........ ~., ~.,... .-,,:-;,.....,..:...-. - • ,' -., .;-' receive this passing nod. NIDNEY diseases, meak. .., .... ••• ..i.,.t.rc,..,_,. ; ;;;.tet: ,„ „..• nest of the taa anal spine, irregular painful . osisf,"; ; ;; : :' " . . , .' :. ....z . .• ...:-: ' " - ...t . zh. " ' ".•:: : , y2.1 ,- ,,, - ,' , L L , suppresiedkenstbiatian, Flour Allots, and the en, ';' , ...1: ...: : ; .....:':' •:••7••:....... : ,•„. . ....f.'.4.4,kif,Z."4.1;'.,3;1 tiro complicated (rain of evils which follow a deter:- . ;:.::;:t .: ". ' ~••• :, v . :,•" . .,,...,?.;...,• . VJrzti'zi . ft .. g ; ' :4 lA tenet system, are at once relieved by the meditine. '-:-... .::- . .. : ,• ... f : .... ; •:'•;,...f . ;,,.. - . 2 . ;': .: - .,: v -P . ..' ; ,,,',•`, i...-t -t- -, - ! , ,K.:, ( ;T Send for Pamiihlets from Agents, mid you will find.. .- ..N -....: :* . I.:, ....t., , ..2.; ':.:.: -• v :..- . 4 1Z: ', . . ,..'-'M evidence of the value of the •Lithontriptie there pet.' ..•-• ~.,,, • .. .. .: :•;',. ~'"•..,...:: .......• r . r, 4 , forth. its a remedy fur the irregularitiea of the ; fe l lr, - f,,;:.i:: ''.' ' ' ;;,'"' 7 - ;•••' - ••'"• - ••'.. ....•-• _ ...• p• Male system, it has in the compound a ••root'vsitich...;', , ?,‘4 -.,,. ~. ,v,... •,.. ..- ,-..--• .....:•:.., has be remitted to in the north of Europe for ten :,_ .. ~ ...... . : ..:,,,.. turies- 7 as a rare Cure for this complaint, and a re!. ',:: - ...;•,.47 - : . .7 ' ; •:". - ' 'y'' ' storer of the health of the entire_ system.. LIVEZI, "..'"i',. - 7.* . .' , . '''• :."'i.' .... :, ' ' ' CCiRTLAINT, JAUNDICE, BHIGEG ,PESEALES, Ste., are • .., A ,-. • ~ ', , •. - tv :•;•••`' ..- 4g'fl;:..,,'' ‘l instantly relieved. People of the West will find tt..,...!;•..... • ' 7. '-; ",•:...- ..,.... .;.- • .•:•i;. - -f,"•;.?2,'I; ;; ;; the only , remedy in these complaints, as well, apvli'tileci.g.,, •' :. .v. __ v. .......'.: _ ..,.. 4 ,-..: , '..,,,.; .... - .7".Z.',... , .7:. , :p9f,f . c:14 . A VER . AND Acim. There is tio remedy like it; and ite1%: ! 7 .. ..'....,.-....7..;.,.. . ~... ....:, ..7,,,- ; ',.,,, .... Q414;01'477E.! calomel or quthine forms any part. of this mixture... , 7.••- 4 '4.., '. •• ••••".' . "-.;:.:''..,..-...,... •,.._,'Weff- #l '-;: .1 - .....111..4%:%. No injury will result in its useiand its active proper l - ; ..: , , ~. 7,4 ...7i , : .:: ...;-:;;;.- ~ • .; ..... .. ~,.4,;.•", :ii1T'..•,,Z,: , .!•";,:; ties are manifestedin the use of a,r4ngle 30 oz bottle. _•4, r. '' - • ' :-.-_.-,.- ~,:•••••.....• --•-',.." , " "•,.. - 1f•'„1“ : :' ••••;'-'•:•: F'oa - :Virzi:: atro'ACtim; Bilious Disordeis, take nit' .- .:.i.d .: 4 ; • "." v .• - •.. • *. ';'• -.•••'. „.•""•..!..,".,; other Medicine. Rhettstsrzsm, Gout willfind reliif. .-:.„-•' 4 , - • ' • '.'':.. -, i 'l r 4 ': ;;I:' - -.. 'flue action-of thinse4iGja gpn,'the . change the disease-7which ortginatcs to the blood :;•;.;,••;g: '• •"‘ - ••, ... ••••••._ ... • •••• • ~..; Is . -[,..-, ,.. ,.•:::.4.:t —and a heattlii• result will follow:. DvserestA,,lttst;t v ::•`",' - --- - -:' ' •• ' -- •v ''.." v.' .' -.-•; - '' ' ' ~'.../.t:.: DIGESTION, 8.c.; *Win a fen. days Imo of this Medi:. - . 1- „ , .;;`';,i,:. ' ' :• • ...;•• - • :'..‘; ....• .. •; . , :f. ,, ...; 1 4):1:: wine. .10.7121U11011011 o' TILE Losses . COUGH, CONI.:.*-1...- - • • .": .: " '''. '.:'.,.,', P.,?,.......'''.. itnieriori plso,' has es cr found relief. Scnorift44.,V4',,_ : -.. .:... - ...- • ...., - ~. .... •• ...... . - ......,,. 4 .-;; ; ,...„...... ,, RaysiPELAII, P 5432, Inflamed Eyei—all caused . I .yllitt-t.:74.-• . s - •" 1 ,;.'...!: - ';': "• • - ..'",:v . v i':•:: - . 1. j 'i' ` .....•'' s •-•• - - C ,, , •?.: pure blefed—wlll find this article the seinetly. . Th:lfl. - S ' t ' - :-.••• ".• • ...! .• -!:- 'f.":: : c... •••-...vri- 1 .;"!•:,..• .. system, completely acted upon by the twerity4ww,„ „ . ~ ...• . -_„ .... . -•,:-;••..., t;,..,,...;....,.,15.,.... different properties of the mixture, is .purifiefiremr;;;W•i"•:. • • • ' •• -. ' .'" .'",...- fr; l .',', ,:' - .•‘...1-C:1 restoreil—as a: artial turn will. not follow. ; Yllift44•o . - • - •_•• ;; - :; . ;... ,. : . .,. ,. ':j . .i. , , 41 , 5:7 , train of common .complaints, .Palpitation of, Iliev.:••:; . .1";;;?"41. -:-. . ..:„ '...-;-•,'''..;•,...,;,i,.i.5*;•••'..1;:•41,;:,--.4%. Heart, Sick Heckdache, Debility; -c ., 4 are:all the r0W;;;,3•2 q •_•, 4 ; -... ' • v,•''.'.''',. 7; --....•;".%1,!1...'•••...:-..70„-;..iii suit of 'Some deranemet Aof the systcm and this x • ' . '..-.• •••, ~••••':',,,;••....7. , - - 1',...:i t . K *,?; GREAT RISTORER wi ll de, its work. The promiserh:ko-4 . •.• ... .., • ••• ~...:... ."'•'- :-. •,.... ~.•,4•'•,'"•! set forth in the advertisement, are based upon thset, • ;&,. proof of what it has done, in the pas& font yeam,• - 1r . :•...:*:r• - _'•: . , ..., ... • .:- ''.. .!.:- .: ~....,:.;. The written testimony of 1000 Agents, in Canad‘.Aikc,ir ":- - - ••••'.. - :•,••:?...: - ...:'•1.....' : '' .......; • ' : ' , -:••-;.7.' .... i the United States, iitiginnd and South America, - 10( - , : cr'.... • -, -'. . • * . ....'' . 4 . : "...-:.':' .:,:":“ '..-.::::. i-i l 'il . `,..;'-•:. the posseesion of the proprietor—and can be seenef.'",:!.••••••:: - • ... •• • - ••• .. .• ..- by all interested — is 'a sufficient demonztration thaer.,,,:-,----f :;i • • • ~• .-- .. •-•,. . r ..,,. .T.•, ; ;• it is the best lldsdiciise ere,' (* . ere,l to the Timid.. -,•:;;;;..:";'. .. - - . ...', ..-:- • :,....i , ..f.... - ..' - ',.. : '4:-. 7 .: Git. the„pamphiet, and study the principle as theres: .7 7?•:l::..,"-' '••• .. •'. .......' • ... 1 •• - •,,..,,...‘..• ,. ..... • ••,..... ; •:: , , tate down, of the method of cure, Put up in al:, 02. - :- , ±,- , 4:: . • ... . ~-:...,.: .• .. , ... - : , .:i , -- :,:-:.; bottles, nt $2;12 oz. do at $1 each—the large; hold.; ' ,;; 5i..:.. •:" . ._ ~: ... .. ' - ,-!-.- -...":!..,„;.!: i ing-0 uz. more than two small bottles. Look old and•;•:;'..,..t::! ' • not get imposed upon. Every bottle has I• Vaughltll . : -;;; -.,,.- . . • ••• • ' .. .• '•';•: '•• • 1:••,- • • ;-• ''';• Vegetable .I.ilhontriptie Mixture" blown upon . Moe; •••••••;-'';',:•-.?' . glass, the written signature of •:G. C. Vaugit" enttts- - •:::: ;...' - _...• - r. . .. ....::. . , :' - '-' ~.--.::....-, directions, and ‘G. C. VaUghnl buffalo,: triamPedlk v .....'::::• , " ' • - • 1 .. -, .:0: 4 ' 'he cork.! , None other are genuine. • Prefittredd4 -,'::";:-.' ,• - :77 . ...- - .v,..., : ,..;",i, . - '-' - s'••: . -.. Di. G. C. Vaughn, and sold at the Principal 014% 7 . - : - .lf.'( ' : v , ‘.....". ~ :-.:..:..77:: : .„., ~,... .. . 207 Main street, Buffalo, at wholesale and retiil;;•'".": .."•••- -''• ' •; - •'••... .".;-. •• 1 ' ' - ,•,'...';'r t .: dNo attention given to letters; unless post paid-;-or- ' , .:•!..,...5. - ...:1. : ...::' ......•' -:',...ii•••,' , ' , .... ,' ' .-. - '7: ens from reguicrtoeonstitatediTgents exceptedl..poit. •7•••,;•,...,...••• ' -. ' ' .1 , ..',..',.. •.:- - ;;;g_;:.7 . - •'....;, - _•••,:. - .;1,r.r. paid letters; or verbal coreinuniCations solicillng ad- •: . ...,...t4.., . . • • , . :, :*':'-':, ''.... '' ' ' 7 :', .::.....';‘::, vice, promptly attended to gratis. - - •''..,.:..-;-.;,.. t ,,- .- •.'„ ;.... .......'!..... i . ~ ~., - Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of this art.i.:: - .7. ... - 4 ,, - ..‘::. •-• r'' ' '''' '''' . • ''''.. 7 ''''''' : ` cle-132 Naswin st., New York city; 295 Ef 6 e*ift..?"••• , ..‘!-1 - - - •: • .„.. ' :'....,...--:.;',..:': s 'l•'..: ;:: -•••, Salem;l:lass.;andbyt he principal Bruggistsibrottets-v''... -- . . '...• •'.'. - ••'.' .::;;•;...:•;'-., -, .. - •• • ••::,.;Z;::" out the United States and Canada, T. 3 advertised In - . . 7 . it,, : ..''' .:. ...-' ;' ...-.......: ''' '' .: the papers. ! . - ' ''''''o' - ••••:•4 1 . .' -;• •"- •. - •-•,.. 1 ;;-.••••.:.;.t . Agents in.thiS cit.:-:-...- . • . •;• .. .;.;•:..1••• Hays& Brockw,ay, Wholea:Tle ancl Retail Agents, . -•• '' '':, • '• : • '' • ••'-r;,l - •••?:_.!'•.:):_‘; 1 ' 0: 1: ,., ," ': . : ., -, .. , : ....i..,....,.. ; ,,.. :; , • . : , ! .i. ~._. - No. 2, Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. ..., •:7::•: • ' . .., . - ,:::f.• ; i.;•' , ;: Alin, It: E. Sellers, 57 Wood street; John Mitchell, '':',"l-i••!• • • Federal street, All egheny city; John Barclay, Dearest ' ; ...,: - ...•,:rt :., • :::: atirs.ii"o John Smith, Bridgewater. jan3o-demly. •,. ' i - : '' !V; 4ohn D. .Drisiti, . :. 7 •••.;# .. •., .r;,. , . 4 bCTIoRI:11. le ,illitaltllSSlON ISIERCIfANT: ,t::;' , •,.,, .. 4 i„ Corner of Wood and Filth streets, Pittsburglr . :: ' ''.*:- . 1, .::: .s ready to receive merchandise of evcry.desciiPtion :. -•. '''•_-, ' • : - an consignment for public or private sale, and &Om ! ':,;,41, --• ~,,,,g cipericsa k e in the above husines, flatterihimielf - . .. - •:•c2',.' ' • ' that he will, be able to give ebtire satisfaction t0i1.1. -- _,:.7,:,...4 - 1 - who may favor him with their patronage. • • -.' :-:- •• • ••! - .7.'s •; ' RegUlar sales on Mondays and Thursdays of Dar', _ . 1:::...."-" 3 .. .... Willa ilitt.l Taney articles, at 10 o'Climk, A.M. : • ....."... s: •• Of groceries , - Pittsburgh Manufactured, Articollif , ........., few and second hand furniture, & c., at two o'cloe4, -• . Z., - •• P.M: - . i • .• • if .y.:l' Sales - _ every evening at curly gai-li.tht. • aug1.f.1.7:. --;.• -_. • • •• • Fifth Ward LiceryStisble. - "'`". ' -v • lit-r.g . 711 E subscriberillaiini bought out the well knosvn Eivery•Stable kept by F. I.l.Doty,in. i the Filth Word, respectfully, informs Mats:ends and • ~.. them:bile generillyoliat.' l llo will keep at all times a -,•:.- tack of the best descrip*lt of riding horses, bug- : -.II' , .!. its, carriages. of all kind's, and in short everything - reqeired in. his lice of In:Lite:B. A coniiderahic portion of Ilia stock is new, and be i 3 confident no stock in the city wilt be superioi-tO:: ...• . , . • Ilia terms Will be moderate . Ms stable is nn LiJi . erty st.,.n for, ddors above the canal. bridge, wheto be respectfigly.colisixp sbare•pc. pdbliepstreonage; CLIAItLES •Otelle is aliis provided with .an cicsint jiearie; which will be furnished when required.`: Wisoleesie,Sasoe Sitozr-as.7 .i , -..--.. .1 , IL 8i - . C0., - . C0., are . nose l e f swo g ;hey - spring supplici, consiiting af.,Otte:tif the largest, cheapest and beiteiiitist;;r••••—••• .. ... ment of Boots and Shoes that thejefiave.eser bein able to , bring to this market. Also, •Lndies' .arni Misses' Florence Braid, and Straw Bonnets, of the latest style; together with a splendid assortment of Palm Leat Ilats, Men's and Bars summer Caps. Also, a large lot o 1 New York Tanned Sole Leather, , all of which . .having been purchased at the lowest ' rates, and selected with great care for tho western rade, will be sold at a small .adva n co•abore cost and charges. All merchants wishing cii, purchase; will find it to their intbrest to call and essmioe their stock before purchasing elsewhere. Mar27-tf 1 T}ITTSBURCaI AIABUFACITIRED TORACCAk• 20 kvga P!ug Tobacco; .• ' • 6 •.." Lathes* Twist, do; 10 " Va.' " do; 10. " Caro , d, is Lump, do; In store ; and for sa l e by &J. APDEVITT,.. ; • an/Wert,' 80 =BEE MHE E -,,, ,, , ,i :.. - f,„ . , , ,, ,..„ -- ,. s •,. : .,.....,.... f r. ‘;: •,. . i.... ......: t r, 0 , .'...1, --:::::-....,.,.;-•'..t; 4 , 1- , . .Ip,, jp, .. - -v : . r .•- . ... :‘,..,. .c,::- 5,, ,,1, ,, ,c ,, .. T.!.......,._!;-.;),:.;',...!;:i....:..2..,...::::: s 4qez.:4:4....0:....V..... dl e --' -. • 7.. '.: ---• ;* ;. -,<,.;.4-...."t/"L1 . .-. 4 ' ' 4-7kp. . '' ... ‘,'"•!:—.... : 1-... 'f.:-,;-'',t:,:,1e.'"..k1-:./rAr.,,,, ;.;::". -:.,-..-,.. :..,.' -....;;.:-..... '...... "> ' ' .1' ?;' ,:; -"`;i! )s Y , :;''.•%.''t "- ' .--)''; '?- 14 ''''05 Litoz. - ....... . .. .•• f ...... ~.::? 4,... -‘-. ..,, .:7.., -.•..,,:'.',.„-,:i...'!..:;_..-;7;1?;t.-:.,.,:::'.-;fq.,*4 ~.., ~, ; .:. ~:,-,--,..,1.,,..:7,:',....0,...:ii:-:-..c;!...e•.,-,.'..',f11-villi . --47-,f.-..--.-,- : -: : - .':: :•- :4 • :: ( 4 .5 3:;6*. - 4 17 . Y14.4t 1 - '; -,':::: ''.,':- ::- •••":;,i,-2::.t:;,;,,174'4-e_..i . "; , :q . : 4; 4 ;1itl I i - t .. .' ;:, '• - :'. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers