Juniata Sentinel Short Comments on the Chicago Plat form. - f 1 a r !C,.i:i..i: ... . 1 '. J-t -vi -CI- I VWIlMillllHMI. OCC. The following extract, printed in large type, are taken from the Pisiform adopted by the Ftate Democrats at Chicago, We append a few comments : u vThat in ilia future? ni fa the we (tjie Democratic ttSrty) will adhere with unswerving ri- lelity. to the Union under? the ij I Tien t are tajudge , of SWjWWrji future by wh"aTw know of J' i j vm offak, mid t wik'ou of lands, them in the them, in the past. Let us look at their past. 1. Democrat Calhoun's Nullification,... 5 2. DcuiocratViercc's Leconipton swindle in Kansas.' -. ',' 5 3. Demo . u jcree a scIIafe?7T7r ' 4. Secession of seven Democratic States, Justice, humanity liberty, and the public Welfare, denitad that immediate efforts This is the firs time-in fckty C-t. compromise with traitor i art 3uost the Government wm declared jtmaUer of "Justice:" All nations of all lima, have pronounced and punished treason M,t1t highest crime, but niodefn Democracy teachea that instead of subduing thorn and forcing them to obey the Constitution and LW8, ' Justkq ; demands an imlneiaU eessation ofostiliticj'.ia . order WQffei terms to the "hi. Strang lMiBf''ifc4ttjyH---- - 1 jCesat.ti CJtiostilities" and a " iaie" mean die Yi say to the Sooth, as the Demo- of e party iail at Ckieago" You have JB-wj force, and we have Mf "'.peace' we are simply gu-' in c.UA swum can uicutie tflJEV-r" Southern leaders havJ Oflo.rj; themselves i V.-P IT" their only their hands. They are determined that the blood and treasure which have been spent shall not hive been spent in vain. They hare had enough of war. They hav leirilpil that rnliollinnr .to Waf s failed. - -.uli .fci. i! iiiW K,, IU ptJa4 ; wj n l'f "iJF rr aaav - THE LATH ELECTIONS. f irowbled witKanotbcr..They want peare L- Maryland has adopted the Free Cmisti so liiucti, thiy aroeiermincu u uuvc a pcaC5 which will lat tlirogh their time an that of th?ir cliildrtn A -r";7 ADlr '-jOV TlIK irjUON'STiTfc .4 cm'o.i n Knott- shall seccr: uudar the very nose of a Democrat io Ad- A Milan, tif ftftirf ntttl im. mi itut jit h;i tirf AH ' : .i" !;! . . , J ) : U11U13U dUUUi And tue Aiiici'u'Uti Lntnij, jorcccr! M I r F L I Jf i' U W N: - ri ; Wednesday .tlorumg, October 2C, 584 "FEARLESS AND FJJEH" A. L. Cfi3 i W.H!1A VIS, Editor. '-5. ' Seizure of ' the arms, ordinanco, mint, moneyVfora tyjha.Rcbels, and in bbottof all tba tnilitary and financial strength of the Unltod 'States all under Buchsuan. ' 1 ' ' v "' . G. A Confederate ' febivc Government - jforracd, the Uaion disolved as much islforcal thrmiyhna its tcholc extent, ice Ltv. ll J 2o. j was pObiibla, war levied against the Lnit- vpMql our. hearty and nnivntftdiiippTt TbwulliMt j-la'd ! ed Stac, the nation bankrupt and dis-! l? the FtJeral .Uovtrtment the cnerjet- ALL tile. JT-Jt : r'd mi! tliiK vhiu tfio I fiirernmnnf. t V. .. Header can yotr voe for Ibis f latfortuf T be-continued. J SOW AND TUK, Inhsbitsutj Thcrcuf. -its. fcjr rr ;dv.i r.i sextisei. I was in Democratic hands. j 7. All this apologized for and justified .. . In July 1G2, the Democr'atiji, party of Pennsylvania m State Convention adopted the following resolution in regard io the war: " v ' ' ' Tint to the end tfult Mi ! Unlmi he re ttor&f, und the Vouetitution and laws ca In Jane 1S63, they met at llarri&bur- j while the lUhels were jut aorws the riv- has the Largest CrrJatian cf ?.:;y p cr p.i!j- ; b t a,t anj cncour.J;:i;d tv Buchan- I cr auJ their Banners could be seen from ore ite ' . - . . ,u c . c,,,. n- Pr, truly I an, EiYing, "1 nav e uo power given tue in lul- vj'ii v mi ..... .vnw li;hed in this Couuty. It is therefore the loyal, uwy eonduc.td. a. tr4t cUis Lucaust, t tjjft Constitution to cuereo a State which ! 'oows in regard to tue war : and weU worthy of the patronage of every' , ' ' ITumHoiJimghumnothm.jhlmnothing- Vyal cr.uen in tlie County. , lias seeeae 1. . o mi l- i n . and Ituit thru ere in faror of thixthinn, rhTTr j.' j.' 8. Ihe disrofcitiou of the Democratic ...... ' . .v 1 ' . 1 1 .1." . . t 1 tfmt thing, and the other by trhirlt thy UUR NOtVllrlEES. I is "pressed in these words sJopted to ui't rtot thv arc o,,i,rd to the j by Jbolr State Convention, Tcb. 22, I ilTh-Ztce itUl, hy all proper and leg- other thing, this thing, and that ! In August 1864, they met in Chicago FOIl J'HESIDENT, rillV 1 l.'k' 1 IM II I I 1 I Jll ! I .... tjruvj..' tlMtVMntrn,TiHp ft llii V'jZr.W otmpt'lu the prtofthc resolved as follows in regard to the ft iLUXoia. i KtyMlavM i ftrrr to wnik. any arm-1 war : . t , j ed agjrcisioii njxi (he &juthern States," j That tills Convention doe fjjih'citly de- U,.v 'JvnPIMr'imiXViiV i With this nefarious record and history j Me f i . I w ; xrrir the I ninn fi OF TENNESSEE. I n 10 11 State iilcetontl Tick t i iac paM. .jay uou .u"a"y .ut.- (.(( ilmeaiate effurtsbe made fur a crs ' cy ou our Government it' it jallt into tho ' cation of Inutilities. in the re- f sr.X.VTiltIAf. Morton M'Michuel, Philadelphia. X Cuuuingiiam, lkavcr county. RtnttSLMATI VE. 1 TInbcrt P ltinr, 1;; Klias W Hale, i 4.orpe .M i.'oates, 1 l uar.es !I Mirier, rv William H Kern, 1'! Uarid M Conauby 6 Cirl.m 11. Jcnks, 17 Parid W Woodi, 6 Charles M. KuuV, 1H lsaao 7 Robert Parke, John Patton, S William Tnylor, CO 8ainiitl It. Iick, ,r x, "-en-nrnl. at rrrd Picrcr, 10 Kichard ii. tVrycll '-'L' Jobn r. Vmay, 1 1 K.lward Naliday, 2:1 Kbcuez'r M'Junkin, 12 Charles F Keel, 24 John W Elanchard ! haudd of these men who giory . cords of their shame. Their pasC is Trea i son and disunion they jtrutniec notti.ng ' better for tbc future. Voters shall these J men have power again to ruin the coun- That this Convention does ex plicitly declare as the sense of theAiuerican people, d'c. " Had they not better waited until after the election when u,ft American people wouM have explicitly declared that they did not bUiece the war a' failure, nor go in for a compromise with traitors. knows thcahpvc to be false. Ajjain a Thai after Ibur years of failold Jake Kngty, , Chairman of tai lire to restore the Union bv the Davis bounty CommitJpc, Bays' tbc Ui ! experiment of war, I'nion Standing County Committee t Milllintown, Jeremiah Lyons. W W Davis, Fermanagh, C B Uorniuj;, B F Schweier, Fayette,-John Ilnffuinn, James Davis, Monroe, A. G. Shellenberger, 11 S lioycr. ;n'urvV ate efforts be made for a ccssa Delaware. W Suippen Thompson, Jon rrey, ( lion OI llOSUlltlCS, 4C Kristy's Address. For cool, down-right swindling we refer our readers to the ' Jeff. Davis organ, in Lvvrn this week. - Is it not shameful to see an gray-headed cider in a church come before 'he public with un assertion like this : We have carried litC Sl.l on the home vote by a handsome majority, and in all probabili ty will carry it ou the fait' vote of tho so diers. . -. How pcrsistantly thry do liO m orc to swindle the ignorant and keep up their coura"cV Every honest, intelligent, hjan ben nion Walker, Col John X Moore. John Mother, Patterson. S K Walters, II M fironioger. JlillorU, K A r.oliiiison, Arnold iirne.. Every iotellifent reader knows that the war for tbc restoration of the Union has 1 urVtt, m M Robinmn, D W Flickinjer, i v r ' e . PerrySville,JWI.aghlin. TMWagenselleHn0t ,bee? a f'l- Ct Its 8UCCSS Spruce Hill, J K Patterson. Jame S I'm ton troubles the Democrats more than its fuil lieale, W m. Young, Jonathan P Doyle, Ul'C. , Tnscarora. II H Behtel, Thomas Morrow, j In lgC2 tte T)cmocracy 0f tb;g g tete Lack, Jotin Patterson. I.phrnim onn. Black Log, Kobert Mclntyrc, William Kops, 1 lodged themselves to a "hearty and un- JEREMIAII LYONS, Chairman. Mjualificd support of the Federal Govcrn " 1 in in. 1 ruCUt in the energetic prosecution of the TTnrTdfTSJ" j existing war," but now they ask fur the ljiinij;i,vi Bajiug. v j uur master jcu, ? Bfc I we havft aftpmntnil fj-i wlilr. .,! I 1 " ' J uv wua ua I u ! failed. We are now willinc to bett for l'lease let immedi-J mca want t0 make "white "cn slaves 10 free negroes," and that they a0 tnc friends of cegro equality'," he assert iT"hat he knows to be a willful, malicious, dirty, cowardly, traitorous, wicked, scandelous, silly, infamous, infernal LIE, and we rub it under his nose, and that he is a low po litical calumniator. ' ica on its knew9Jin and, begs -f,-o-......'.-.v...V. v. ::; 'K'ft'' ''j . '"t- 'r ' ' 1 , - i! - , KICKS, men cj the rural regions : warjt peace, You dislike taxation. 0 oat admire the draft. , How much pca will yoOJluve whin Virginia is a forn country. I ' V hca a Bucctssfal rc belltj has made the two nations irrooon ikt enemies, each ' eager to' wipe out the collections of .its lueses and suffer ingstn the other's blood ?' " AVhcn at uoy moiiit Gep(ml Lee may lead h;s armiett ijtour fertile valleys and eoiwrt your liarvit and bains into smoking desola tion lj When you will nover know hi long dliollow truce may last or how noon tho uraudcts resy come to reap tho crops! Wiat will yonr taJtos lie when ,. , . . .... uiviacacnutitrv nos to Lear the Imi.ico which iould be borne by the whole? When sanding armies to protect you must be fed nid paid aud clothed Tor ever ? WAt the country's credit is destroyed, c'ryl is expenses w vv pniu vy ibact : Vhat will b draft be to keop- up those aniiia in tho waste of pcrpctnal war ? Evry mau who can -eariy a musket will be wiled upon, and every irihu Rint srrve not for one year or three years, but for fiv3 years or ten years, as often and ni lot" as ho may be wanted. . Men or Labor! you dislike high prwe and - conscription. A Democratic peice must' be 'followed1 j' constant war Tk peace may bring low prices, but it wiD destroy industry and you wilf ge( bo employment. . With wages at fifty cents a dar, it will matter little to you what may bethe prices of coal or bet, for you will beablc to procure neither the one or the otlcr. ,Tho waf which will follow that pai0. ill iniia conscription constant. Th T'pQhrnf chance to fill quotas by $ Jsjr quotas, will never be full, a vvott M.irsbhl'a wheels will ba k' there ia i name rrTHezPiiicuwstlJlKT vi- Indiana givei Morton, Union, 21,000 f r Qoyetiicr, with several counties to hoar froraf whjth will increase it probably 1,000 ' Ojie Kcs over 30.000 on the home tVte fr "the Union ticket, and will givo tully wO(Cift) ad litional from tho urmy tution by over 5iW idnwriiy, and nomina liOris.iiavo bfeu' niauts fvr..tpe;Sr.tte Klec tlimanuder tho Xi.-.T Constifiition. ?ebr i!;.i has, rlcctel a L?otilt Md'-itte U-Congrvt Hy wor on lpmdrc4 nfij.tri- 7;---i;'"if 'l:.;'-? . Irf I enuHvl.'ii tl'rir is (T-tmnll Luioif il iLrJttaj'frlfjt1 tlM ine vols wliirh-lhe ar my vo-e vin -rM8e i" at leaaP 11,11110. Wc bavs paia!-'J tit l-:itfire l.'nioii Coit-' jTrsnnion r-hve nv,e tuajori'y in the Sta'e Sctlatt -;i'i1..2,l t.ij'joitiy 'in ibe House, uch U ibp-vcflivt ol our State on 'V l-3!lf..t -if bostjlitiv. li;iibT, staii' j aside ai!-1 t-t tho iiiniiriHTi 'r!s:. I i L litK a t 7.1 r: ui 1 E.TiiiiMos. vincni- By authority of the Chairman of the ! f ace and kis.s fuet us have a cessation, a convention of States and a dissolution of tho Union or any other peace." Every fool in history or. statesmanship County Committee, Te arc enabled to an nounce the following series of meetings, where the IViucipIes of the Great Union i'artv will bp diytf !issi?. nrfrl its (M.iiniH f urged upon the People. The friends j lr,ows tLat 8 nation of hostilities would of LINCOLN aud JOHNSON will please j "Stably result in an ultimate disolution make all ueccsjarj arrangements and se. of the Tnion and many leading Demo cure a good attendance, crats desire it. . Col. J. J. Patterson, Jeremiah Lyons, . TIie Constitution itself has Esq., A. L. Gus, Esq., A. 11. Weidman j disregarded in every part. E.j.t W. W. Davis. Eso., Prof. David What a fake andsillv stnrv ! H, ,t, Wibon.and o'her speakers will attend , provision to eect a Presidcnt this these meetings at least two of whoinii., q- , , A True report of a Conversation between two old Democratic lenders of Walker TowBship, as heard by a ltcpublican, - A, What do you think of the result of the Election? r ' B, (drawing a long sigh) Things look gloomy on our side; that votiug a gaiust the soldiers, is cast up tome so much. I hate it. ' ' Mv A, Well. It was our best policy at that time. Could we have deprived tho sol. dies of a vote, we would have won the day. . ..... : , ...... . B, True but we failed in that and now they say we are not their friends and vote J a gainst us, do you see the eausc and af-land mean itself, it thinks that the people aerting7 for every ' able-bodied 0 uniform will be knowu to be a Ji dad will be, seized wherever he fF v ."i," V, '' SvkH is thejpeace that you will vote for if jja jotc the' Democratic ticket. The rebellion nearly destroyed It is hold ing out in hopt?" 'hat the election of JIc. Clellan and Ftsnditfn will show that tho North is tired of the war, and anxious for pease at any price. ' If lancdu is e'elcct- ed, It will see that' its last cbance is gone and it will make one final desperate strag gle. That over, t will yield, and the 4th ot iUarcu, levo, will dawn on a regen erated country, where from Maine to Tex as there will be peace and unity, and a peace that can never again be brok en. The Democratic party eccLs to difgu.t the (eogde with the war. ; It talks of draft aud eUugbtcr. expenditure and taxation, extravagance and high prices. Sordid my iwiiri'ton O'llhtltUI li ; they "it iii The smoke of .tho int .cugagetnfiot has cleared away, and upon her-vote ot her citizens at home PcnosylvBgin "stands ly the Government of our' fhthera aV'1'? ner brave jwns in the beJJl jfiU uot ftilivs than twelve thousand majority for the good cause. - The 'ast hope, tlicnforr. ot" the supporters of Gen. McClcllan lus ..nAr.4f4 anj rl,A inttf .G;iilr Vif r:titll1ti ' ' ingTo ;;;in hinils W give aid , ,,v, 1 1 "" "f V'" fort t tte rebellion by incroaiing tbc sp- qiv six llious md iu;.j rity f,r th- 1 iin.if pearnnco of disunion smonr; ourselv-i. jTiekt. Twr yrarw a-, tli two dm- G-. fShridpndrilf: a ferrible blow oj rc.--sioiiat dr.frirf it H.oriili'.ti t-ouniy treason Wrcfjay. al evcty l;"ri'd C;, j,,;tm.rlf ,,j.,;,y r!.2.-,. .V heart thrilled with toy . 'tp'tn , l-"iin;r it , . .,. - , , , , butagrr-a maiorlty IW Abraham lottch, j "r "'' "''" l"-m- t fl.r in reunaylvauia willk far m.ro UA 'j i"!Trrh- I c-u lid -in far . i e Pp sid. nt, the armed eonspirary .aj-.tinst the I'mon wilt Tuiv.'nr the )re -it urMvsi- ,tilir:ibl and tho Constitution. Every Vole I'or 1 ,.v..l --.Mr.' Cliain.i ri." t-nid Geoi- II. . our trien huh Milium n.M'"-iii. t.iu tain- i .. . : 1 - t ' 1 1 1 1 ' j ? ; . 1 ' ' I.'v.y en,', urm rii.y,-ii til shoot. ilo'.TII till I a' ....'A. I... . ... i.O- III I render at Chicago, and the m-n who ear- ".'; ''' "' Ti loi.i .las'.iidly as- ry it3 white fine, will encourage sumo reb- j 'ri.' ii of i!h- of ilie poltio..,i J'tujlti"n( cl to bhoot another Northern wbli'tr. --T tbi: t'Copk ' d t l.io ..ivo wpli'.l, in ibnn The ticket nominate-! 'by Vaniiiidhaia. i (i,t ln,,.. ,. t w,r TRAITOK V Wonl and Meyntour in now MaeL witfl I . 1 - : -. treason, ami after it is voted will be red LsD. YarioiM Demccratil f injarrf?! with the bloud of our brothers Cghtinf: j an assiittiuent ' .f f 't for us. Ths war has cxi-itcl f.x the last uu, ,CVftM, ,c,m.ri A . 1 t .. . , . ,t , .. . ... .. 1 ' - '. , t.t .. 11 or w ot JViiiKi-rifiC AswnMvni.in, an I eontttiuarc to-'by 13 solely owin to the - ' a. Civity of the disunion party of the I thousand ot lVmo;-i-ue stddiw wh-r North and the platform of its convention. I Wfr? cxpecfed to make th" Nation re.do While any hope remained of the election ; lent with tl.i inn-dr of -Tire m bar-k our of its candidla., ible excuse' mi-bl nI.i (:,,.)n,e,.- b i'Jo d'h-appeared be found by miwuided men for qrvini ! . . . . . . . . , it 1. e .1 1 mo't v?atn i.y snd mot 1 filuut-v Within them their suffrage ; bit, after the vfir- ' " 3 dicta , Maine, Vermont. New Ilamp- two troeks. Fairly information 1 shire, (hio, Indiana and Pennsylvania, ; much wanted, and W"t..d grejtly relieve all sensible persons know that tho election i icver-l aWieted !'.: tii.tti-. Address Kri.-fy. is already decided by the people, and that) - it only remains to ascertain the mnjoiitie. Head. Head. Frllow itlims Ite.idf It follows, therefore that every vote for . ,. McClollan and Pendleton h an earnest in- i at'; r"'"'""-' " "-e he !o.h.w. vitation to JeffermwKDsvis to continue ; iiie; e!tvtet from -v lotfer vrriftrn by , this fearful war to waste more of our j J. K. . Hobinsmi. itc-ul it and wit! treasure and to murder others of our ,((. ai.tmsitC,i tiat Wl, laVe mrn ,0. , r- X' e t' ." jT US SO L'noiant or so wicked as to vote for The sublime peeUcIe" of a Lmfed , North will end the war. We 'invoke all MefJcHan, thy I rand of too armed lie. Democrat ie I oncrres- ra'.ic Senator, a senre may confidently be expected. Jlcxico, Monday evening, Oct. 31st., Patterson and Wilson. BichSold, same night Guss aud Davis. Johnstown, Tuesday evening, Nov. 1st. That the direct interference of the military authority in the recent elections held in Ken tucky, Maryland ' etc. was a shameful violation of the Con- Oak I Davis and Lyons. ! gtitutioil JUd Mills, same night Wilson, GusslWnom did the jnUiiarj ptwent nponstown, Wedmcsday evening, j vot'nS ' Rebels and disloyal pers Thorn Nov. 2nd. Davis aud Guss V'anwcrfame night Lyons Si Weiduian. WtAlittersville, Tbursdtiy evening Nov. 3 Lyons and Davis, MoCoysvillc, same nigbt Patterson and Y ilson.' AVaterford, Friday evening, Nov. 4th Patterson and Wilson. Spruce Hill, same night, Guss &. Lyons. Pcrrysvillc, Saturday afternoon, Nov. 5th A Graud Mass Mectipg. Bed Bank. Milford Monday evening, j .ov. 7th Wilson and Guss Mifflin town, same night. from persons none others. To prevent such men from voting is a shameful violation ol a Demo feet? A, We muni persist iu saying there is fraud iu the army vote. B, But we won't be behoved -t for we told the people to vote against the solders; because negroes and minors that were sol diers could and would also get a vote and, tliey now sec by the returns that we de ceived them and some of them' will vote lor Old Abe now. A, Wo must tell the young men that if Old Abe is Elected, that then ' they will be drafted ; we must work on their fears. '' B. I'll do no such thing because I can't prove it. But I'll vote for Honest Old Abe myself and leave this Hypocritical . . . . , i a. I , UVUIUK IU I wumcstc 10 ' UU- nrit m .."mat ! tTilinn I Tlin At 1 J 1 J - . .t jm.t.ji unpuuses uic I easy. - P . 1 . 1 r ,. , n . . 1 eausu ui mcee uisiraocnireu lie be Is; ' Is not the idea- 5f giving to'lhf-ibe- mies of our GoVernment a legal right to destroy it by votes, whilst we resist their efforts to destroy it by violence, a glaring absurdity inconsistent with the distance ofa Governmenf TZ SVHIIw resisted with all tlmi i.i I'apers. Five cents per pound will be paid for old newspapers at this of tier. Don'l wast your paper at that means and power under our control. , - This is a frightful threat ! Eira Par ker and McClellan, are to inarch on Washington to hurl old Abe. from his scat Mac. on a Gun Boat and Eziawith his breast plate sewed in tho scat of his broeehftR will , apt to sear jtfiinhodr. i - " '.' "' ' tner "-i,,. The Jeff. Davis organs are blow ing lustily over the prospects of another draft. This is all for political effect. There never was a draft made that was not caused by the leading members of the democratic party. And should there ever unfortunately bo another draft it will be srlcly because tho rebels arc encour aged to hold out a little longer by the same party which now says the war is a failure. McClellan aod his party arc the c .1 ' r ,, 1 r ' n.. cause ui tue necessity 01 an u rails- Juc blood and destruction . of this war arc on the head of this party. Wc challco'-e dW,i:, ' ' are serrJid, and mean, and that they will abandon . the Union aud tho priceless blessings of freedom becau.se beef and and calico cost more than they did before Buchanan aud Breckinridge, Jeffersou Davis and Pendleton, Cobb and Lloyd and the Democratic aristocrats pfanged tho country into strife for the purpose of spreading slavery over the territory of freedom. The people are not so blind. They know that the price they pay for beef aud calico is jhe prica they are paying for the presaryajoa of toeir institutions. It is the prWof future peace and prosperity, when lti et 4n of the United States shatTte to cay his labor into Texas, Kansas, or California. t c4ncaUaar.ati'J liberty, u.-a- lOM, fie despoti of patriots to lend their efforts ttnceasiuelv ; els : to produce this result. By perfecting '.he wi-d anilfowjinorjanizationg ; !y ihe circullfioTrTJfcinitents ; by pul lic ad drewes, especially by local speakers ; by earnest personal efforts with honest but mistaken men j by making arrangements to bring every loyal voter to the p51 : by sending tax rceeipfr-o every soldicr.Trd L sailor by the immediate fornfation of cam paign clubs in every borough and commu nity 5 by great meetings of the people by daylight and torehfisht," and by all the honest agencies ot an aetivc and throng h 1 canvass, appealing to the patriotic xeal and kindling the patriotic enthusiasm ot a great ftnd loyal Commonwealth, wc can at. test the fealty of our State to the n;ig of the Uniou by a majority wt.riby of tbc I historic character ot the contest and .t. . : .1 . 1 mu. teiii idiie uejieiiiicriL u'ou .... rorward, thcu, every lover ot his conn-1 J try, i me goou wurs . juaieg not 10 . , . TT 1 1 thriPi.it but tbc future, forgetting el! per-j I He HClMo 1 I III II sonal cflii5.'Jcrations, and appreciating the I . privilege of f'U'e sacrifice for libtfty and. C CTJ- Itictll. DOtli the Uuiou. let us relax no effort until the I 4 , I a, nolis are closed. 1i.:s conimitte will con-; cli llUiJlU 9II13 III llffj HrsnOis?. ltlitPn'" r I'.nt i.n 1 iik nri.n, 4 .kh.k rnM r I'.tsiiuu, V.. lUtij 1 liU 16'.l. t The prospect c V ending the nar soon is vervaootu H'yoii Union sneii at home can only whip the Copper ilea ds. we can otjsoon lick the Ileb- arinies out in jariity ouht to go -mm mm .wiiil witn an ins propose ir was'istopped to stop it, that It and the 4 Tk as thc .. taxes Wouju-njij atop, nor prices return to old rates. ;They kww that they must pay the cost of' the last, three , years of war aud that the war has so nearly accomplish. ed its purpose, they are ' not going to throw away , its results whilo they still have to pay its bills. They know that war is a terrible and costly thing,, and they are going to carry this th rough so as not to Lave another andjfl auother upon tinue to do its whole duty, n;l relics upou yonr iimtant, earnest, anil constant assistance. Grant's march of valor and of from the Kapidan to the James sealed j 4 fllit! fsall the fate of the rebellion. Since then II 1 1 1 1 1 Mla Jtlll Sherman has turned its left wing. Far- j rgl ragut is closing its aveottcs of escape, j -1- lLI l 1 l VtvCitj bheri'lan ha3 tent its vanguaru a'-mi , .1 . I x . , . , I , in coin's peace. for X,iii p.an of The lie b els are as much whirling down the valley. It only remains for us to sound the charge along the whole line, and wrapping our ballots around o ur brothers' bullets, march to the peaceful, filial triumph which awaits us iu November. .- Proclaiming the war to be a fail are, George B. McClellan is himself the great failure of the war a genera, without a victory a statesman without a record gfrttftK 'llaraiff andifwe are faithful history will add to " 1 1 11 C" his epitaph that he wasa candidate for the 4 i dfi arai a irk Presidency without an-Jectoral VuteU! ICCllOll IS W C Iiet ua all, therefore, labor without cc;utng. In memory of our buried martyrs, in regard for the wounds of our living heroes, to guard liberty from its deadly peril, and the Uuion from its treasonable foes, in the interesrbf fr,-e.'and in the hopes -' lb Kepubfte tf C? Xtture, "ToyaT mou lVnnaylvanii,fotwartrio victory. , In behalf of the Committee. ' SIMO CAMEKOX, Chairman.' W ib Forney, J( It in an easy thing to ealla person a liar, but is rather difficult to prove- him such. Demoerni. - . ' i ( jJ ' Some men are so palpably falsifiers of the truth that it needs no proof to ' con vince intelligent men they are given to lying. - Plcace don't bring up that origin al joke about the ostrich agaiu !! . It cuts iv- mm m aver-in tnc last .fight our Divis ion had, f hilicb els would hurrah for McClellan ami our boys for olil Jibe. ; think that any man that cares anythinga hout his ' country won't vote for McCIeHau. S?" Bti Jut, -be brave wid fear not. I 4T Euowkde L wt'ii.fL and power.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers