The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 13, 1875, Image 4
l*ri:'.~ ~~r 111=Ell p_ooo4notio..._-,:., , • All Sorts. , "S_ A dehberate•bady-ra slow man. StVoetness and light-41ov° match.,,.. 'Whim is an'Egg oval? When oii turn it. rOutid.' ' . , . ,hailtioniiiti—OrreaG.iri the ';`, • " Sotoethii* that will soon bele'sving' • : .ne—the leaves. _ . . . _ good . 1))* rrolna and Tabbica— , Cat-aloue-w .„' Bakeri are a crusty lot of .fellows, - aria fond of loafing. , , •, ttirlsatitNte to:vico—they (1(i • , :!‘ loesn't tike long,forumanwlti a avail MU rnaKelat, up. lingo :was alitiut, tie only Victor. the. Anterican !4api 'pet ahroad. Wh i l is the sunail good loaf Be, it'Tises. • The pi,entc season and spiders and, bugs• wilkiseen 'join .the invisahle, host. ' All honest men,.will bear watching. It is the rascals who cannot stand it. , , , . .• Tills only m, en. who don't ' , get out - of tience doctorp. 'Croqtiet players abound in the , • • . . west since the. resent heavy rains. • .•. . . , A rain of terror—the wide• Spread tains among the weatettirain drops. • ropyjatoet: act,. .sqiiare; the best,ibiug.k. - tddeaLicaindly 'with The.alligator that swallowed a corset k • dead.: , . iit4ol.l on .h 46 'stomach. ' Babies Are dOieribed as ootipons ed to t,116 , bonds oUalatrnuopy. Whenshmoker *going to make a boot, thtfirst tiring he, uses is tli,9 last. • • • . When a man's breath is liable to fail .him hs , shotiid.,eatoniogla, and make it "strOng, A liberal iise ot printers ink makes the fortuies °full but lhe printer. To prevpiit hair from tuning grey— Cat it •off4tid.lailt away carefully- It is cousolin,t Olin ugly mall to have a charitable lady- say he is nut as had as he loolr'a . • Many people giVe such soft answers that they continually 4pimir us if tryiug td tarn asiay writth. : , A. shrewd, little, boot-black wears green speet4elea. ! ., Ile sues the shine he puts ou lkurts his eyes .-,-- The' New York'. critics are rather se vere„on Wolfs new drama "The DOltar."-: •They can't ace • any centa,ut it. • ' • . • "Cidd'attleake; pliyed tag down my back;"•is the way a hull Ypalant.i(Alich.) girl described Ole approach of an ague The compOsator .;who accidentally . sub t stitutetl ap 'pr' for a 'w,' in speaking of a lady trinbled with 'swelling- of the (vet,' .accomplished 'the greatest feat on record. The Easton Pree Press says thatJosh'- tut ivies tlizl;.ctrat tri,un.:who ever 'stopped stopped stopped ,newspaper.. He opped the daily sun.— 'We suppose' he did, so because the war news did not suit' him. , "if Smith 'undertakes' to pull Iny ears,": said Jones "lie 'will just have his • hands - full, 'now." "The 'crowd looked at the man's eur g o,, and thought so too. A vireos 'Vier' is'rearaiug arOund Bra zil, and men who never stayed at borne ovening since they can rernern , her•are now to be found in the bosom of their tatnilies every night. . ° • A young nu in Leuticaster, sent tar t.oa.firm in New York who advertised a receipt to prevent bad dreams., He re °area a.sinall slip of ' paper on Which was Printed, "Don't go to sleep." ' t As a eopvinolng proof that tie grass . hoppers read the papers, it is said that they !lava this ieasou entirely avoided .a certain county lithich was mentioned lait. `year as raising the : poorest . , quality , o 1 wheat in Kansas. • , • .k . gentletean i when making his will, aidtki chino that ,his wife should 're marry; which he explained ,was' to insure Oitt he 'witild,'have one person at least tiidt.:plore his death.' ' , A---*usquito, buzzing - round. where .TonAg lady Was singing, "Ootne - to Ins in beautiful dreunts," said hal, would provlA— edlth ere was no bar. = °' 'Cis an old saying'that "it is never too - ' I *-t0 . .t0e110,” and the man _who makes `n, hilliivite situp in 'a hot 'night to lil . hie of g Clothes - while. he snores undevthe niestinit&-bar, is the person to say it.., , Thetorristown Iferald says • A you r.g , . 14 . 47 i!I ',llinntfickia_ boasts . of haying ton ' grown ' 11 1) ° :-brotheii3- to wat c h over her; btq U Norristown girl prefers to have on ty lime'brcaber to ',watch over. Wer—pro ',.vi4e(.l'.he - is the - brother, of l some other irL. :Church at Ticonderoga has been con. vetteds into a cheese factory. The mite society will - meet:there as usual. ~. -, Mark , Wain, speaking Of. a new iier 'l,uhle:liiOß WO oettitkg, writes: -40 111 - eAtv is looming when we shell sit under, our 4, l efa.iti church 'and slutabe'r peaceiullY, Irbile the (I:Bootrifitted flies club together. ,i and :take it out:of the, minister: _ ,„; ~, '4,l•rate l elia girl had a beau the other r .... n . ight,,it the next mornitig'sho told her sister - Ith tbe .tried to kiss-her. "What did..y.iin ti,?"''Was the inquiry. "satstill - iii - Ilionld,iie'he Wouldettlie r scared," was , '''''4 - iti4 c . 4 .443r.: '-'•:,,.> - , ,-.,' ,' '' • ''t ' ''', : • -. faoed en'o6:oo' - fergOr Ill(liiired an 'nehmen of . ii-fartnei..'on , the other is" -- 100lied j -.014; farmer!, '"'"1 . (loie.t: care 'bow -le. ie. I Vonici like' to buy bi 01.," .re• , ~ .tinaTiattsays c When e. playful boy 4e #R3,1,1, hank, with a iort tuft'o eaitle7eBo464, dna. a pair of annuner '‘4l)l. l 4,t,tkvll9tlliug bore :quieklY tbat to - elide on .- • - ; A konAktMo aid :;to on old lady who Amiaglir-nr, tomily I , ollll4cen meor, fivei " 4 1' ehould think y9a ,would Have •;;lifeittiil'scong ',tear that aome no; ''off' Oaly dust : tivoe , Ar. four:Allot wlty,,/'.xeplied - 4 4t-P,PILIOY-• feahlt of Moody and 19 16a,0a 'lotion in kingla,nd _ara'-,4lnit,eityB !ilon ,of th tito,agtiosikiain b,G• t.iQ itqui-mboi;ed 11);it ~,: •*"4:;Ar l iknoilzqo.4l 4 l4,oBl) 0 0 1' . .,e seine' leity 44 BC 030* '1N....V 10 4 1 4.4% 4 P4011attl • :Alituiiiiid . :gitiustuot. ;f - , Y;.,,,,,„;!• •:, , ....;:" , ;'. • Tune, Greenland. From O'er the 'Rocky Mountains,. - :...l`olZiaand's rugged strand"; From North to Southern's fountains Which wash old Ocean's panda . ; . From eire6 , ' heart or Patron, 1 / 4 From sunny, nook and range.; ,Come,words of warmly. welcome— _ Come join oar FornaGranO. All bail Glad social measure +. 'To free a.wasaYd race Aid acid to Labor's pieasurt IleSneilaerit's seal of, grace. What though brief time's too preeloas ~„ For aught but gath'ring change ; A. litthi leisure's glorious It spent' within the Grange. - = What though proud Envy tease us.- On Partners'•rights and wrong 'Awl agents strive, to please us With their per eeathke song? 14)1)1k qleir story; — And give them wider mug% While in the glory , Sited - from the Fanners' Grange. • • What thongh harsh words decisive, Among our I)eacetttl clan ; And propheti'Aire, derisive Pronounce their seorntul' ben ; —But he : whg guides thefteasons, ' And merits. the planets range ; Can.,keen secure from treason, , ac b Patron in the Grange. All bail I tbe'teeming legions. *he . gtnee pur hails to-day ; - They furnishseeiltl regiimS • Where hearts delight to stay. ' • Ilicp onward I gland battalions, ' , With Right's own banner range, And han'tts - ,•upreared to Pray God to blots ,the Grange. . , Respectfullyaddimed 'to Auburi Grange; No: 101. P. or 11., by M. It FRANCE. About Fattening Cattle. . . The••price of .cattle futtaed 'for market depends on the eyminetry.of ttie annual as.well as the "fat" style as shippers term k it. Good - h loodis important, but not ii.4cessary to Make a good seller. In ord.; er to. fitlten a - steer to bring the highest market price, he`must be kept in •a• grow iug condition froni a calf; and in no case . alleWed to'go himgry. It is the Starving the first and second winters . which wilts and shrivels itp a steer that causes him to he sold at a reduced price.. 'No amount or feeding .:will make him a first.class seller, 'no matter what , his color or blood maybe. ,lt,n animal, well fetrofan,y' blood from calf until the spring he is three'years old, will be smooth, with bones well cov.:, ered,•and will sell at a s- picifit; while ftibalgi starved animal beeoMes Creokedriiin•the hack . hones projecting and sfiikeled. up, Owe 'the' beet part of summer to' At ,in condition to live, and will not in cons formarket. until he four years old and then bring'a price which. is un• satisfactory to the prod twer and to every one that handles him. This iapo theory brit a fact deduced from close observation, as I • have tested the. plan for several year. It It will Old does par to feed, corn :to calves and: yearlings, They - start out 'totrasS swing strong and vigor— cur, You are then able to: market your. cattle he . spring they are threw years old, 'weighing 1.400 -pounds, whidh isr .heavy . enough to bring the first. price. ~The best Steer I sold in '72 was a common,•• native. He had all be .Could 'eat .Ircint a calf. and. was oever 'hungry. lb was a handsorde animal. and . vas worth.. more 'per pound than shipped'tn 1872. Ile - weighed in 'Chicago, 1,350 poundsy.agedthree years I now'. have a steer calf,•,eleven months old, from a'vefy ordinary cow, and it now weighs 660 .pounds; II think it will, at three years;.weigh I;soo.pounde. A correspondent of the Germantown Taleßraph offers the following.hints "It 'doesn't pay_ to reset that wheel tires. The chief strength of the wheel lies in the • "There is • great economy in soaking the !aloes of husiness wag,on wheels with raw linseed oil.; it will preserve the wood and save the ,necessity: : of: 'frequent tire setting, an operation to be avoided. "When you buy a new fork or hoe, good farming requires that you oil the handle.. coats but a trifle, and your tool loOks better and will wear longer. "Good harness kept - soft with neat's; Emit oil°is a credit to.'-the owner. and a comfort to the animal that rears it. Soft harness ;s stronger than dry one.: It is slightly elastic and bendi Without break:- "Horse stalls argil. usually made . toO 'flax rfAv. A tired horse needs room , to turn over and stretch • limbs...fatal injuries come from confining spirited horses. in short, narrow stalls. A -friend had the best one of a:valuable span kicked by a strange-horse in :a short stall, which broke a leg. 'A pair of handsome wes tern • horses- were ,btought; to take the place of the bays, atid. one r"of them m one year knocked down a hip, perhaps by the narrow stall, and, is now of trilling value." ' Timely Insit. , • After much experience with compost, five tind the best time to spread it is in the after the ' tecond crop of grails has been mat. ana before ihe autumn rains come. If the compost is well made, little loss by e vaporation of the gases, and the rain will carry the precions fluids down-to the roots of the grass, giv4 ing them a fine start in the fall, and great.ymor f for the next par's growth.--1 The compost will also Serve to absorb` the gases which are constantly• floating in the air and descending in the dews, rains and senses. When -we hear farinigs complaining for want of manure, we ways fear that the trouble is not in their : resources for fertility, hut a knowledge of .tlib best inode of <lufihzing those they ,'• : . Take a pound of salt beef or pork, and, cut it Into very small Tieces'iato the iron snuespan, - Pjur six , quarts of water offer it, and let it boil over :a-• :very.. slow' Are three muarters of au hour. When this it tinne„, t e. som . carrots,. , turn ps, pota toes well - cleribed, - ruid a cabbage, all cut, into.sliies.- Let this boa slowly another hour, and ,then thicken it with a pint of oatmeal, stirring it after /the oatmeal is put In, to keep it, sinoothe and Lice. Sea- , Tepper and ealt,i'ami there is a noble dinner for ii, large family. It Any soup.temains' when an , have done dinner keoplt . i a earthenware dieh .or pith ill' ,the, next day,, When; it. cart be warmed up again. witsli olio° withopt, ,fuding, infuse bl Atrit hi roui lourts ot WltteS. Put in .the egico while' tinsolntion is. hot and I ;rtir,p latter 0)1d; It; is- Oia'thaf‘ wily the :tolors arc jittgA,ternitylejit;. unit - Ade by subilelueat ~vtisliin o=== Our Welcome., Somo Good Excellent, Soup. . . Wail)lug . +Oalice. ME= IMEI and it rho ~ a ongeks 4 was the second. tune" 11 /8 P oB t panted; the young,lady. hem truth , tholie little social parties 1 es:, upi On; up to bring fond beads' . L e t to each ether. , . 1 . .. ,- ~_ ,• _...., :.4 _,„ When they,reaChed , the Ante she asked MO if, he.wouldn't comelin. - rvaai he vionid,and he roll Wed her into the house. "It was a calm, still night," and the' hour we so. so late that h had no fear of ae?ing th et iold folks. Sarah took his hat; fold hint to sit;down,; d she left the room tb lay "off tier things. She was hardlyigone before her Mother time in, smiled sWeet., lj i .iind. dropping own beside the young a man, she saidt' l ~;- . . , i always . did4 say that if a, poor respectable young man fell in love; Saxh le should have My consent. S. mothets would\ i sacrifice Itheir deugl, halPlUeserfor richesiltit I am not on thatclase;"' I . 1 1 1 The! gave a start of 4 Re 'didn't kutior i Whether ' he liked Sil otnot, and he hadn't dreamed of Stu "thing 'al iiiiiiriage. -• I 1 , "She has - pekneivledge 1;04 You," cliitinited tt, Wh4tever - is fur !her . ii mine." -. , . - The young man gar alarm this time a(3.- he grow pale. —I haven't "he ta tum ; , _t_ "lered,a 1J she' said ; . • ". - . .! 1 I "Oh I never min 6 . I now yon ha; much money, but f "to will with me. • We'd t ake i boartlers 1 I'll risk ' but tha - we'll : get along right." ' It was a badsittiation. Ile hadn'tl yen looked love at Sarah, an he felt tal he ought to undeceive the mether, , "I hadn't no Weis, of—ol=-"'he 4 1. m• mered; . when she held up her hands and, said : . - , i • „ 1 I 1 "I know you, hadn't,. b t it's all right. With your wages and whattfle'bearders bring in' we shall get . along as snug, as'" bugs in a rug." ' -"But Madam, But—but--" . G.Alli I ask is that •yott be good-to ler," interrupted the mother. "Sarah has a Mender heart and and a loving nature, and if you would be , cross and:, ugly it would break her down' within a week." The you:4 manta eyes stbod 'out like cocoanuts in a shoW window, and he rose . up au tried to say s'cmething. 1 He said : 7: . . -Great heavens l. madam, Ican't pnr- . mit-11 - I . "Never mind about the' thankst" she .interrupted. "I' don't- believe- in Tong courtships myself, and let me suggest an IlarVilay for the marriage. Toe 11Th of September is my birthday, and it would he nice for you to be - married on 'I that titti." , , , • • • ' toang • "BritLhhnt—but,-=-" he gasped. "There, there, I don't expect any speech in reply,".sbelaughed, "Yon and Sarah Ax, it up to-night, ..and I'll advertise foz twelie isnarders right away. I'll 'try and be.' ,[Model mother-in-law.' I believe' I'n) a Oa.tempered and kind hearted,thOugh I did once tollow a young man:two• hun dred. miles atia shot Ihe. top of his head off p , ir agre i eingtci marry Sarah, and then jumping the.bounty . . She patted him. on.the head and sailed rout, and now the young man wants . ad vice. Ilei wants tb know whether he had better get in,the way \of a loComotive or slide of the wharf. • . ' That Casior: 011: . . _ . . She ha lad her mind made up for two or thr9e days, that ',the boy 'needed- some castor' but she , knew that she must 'appro h bin gently: She placed the bottle igihre.he could see it, and when he turrie4 up his nosey She; said': 1 "Ire just li•V hurley, my darling." Us Seemed tu,dciubt her word and she continued : ; f - ' ‘ . , "if .srou'll take Berne I'll' let you go to the, cirptis." . , ! ' ' "How much ?" he cautiously inquired; ' l Ol4 only s fpoprifitii. just one spcAon ful," she replied as' she uncorked .the bot tle'. 1 „ ; • ,- f‘And Vail give ,inelmme sugar, be sides:?'. he asked. ' , "01 course I, .will—n big lump." , gd :waited until she I began pouring I frOm the bottle, and then jled 1,2 "And you'll. In give e,wii, cents, too ?" "Yep, of, course" I 4 ‘Arld you'll buy' me a , shoo-fly kite ?" he, went on, seeing his adyantuge. I guess so.'' _ „,, - • I , qie kite—no ile,"%e !said, as he'drew back. ,E- '' - , i 'Virgil, I'll buy you the, kite,"i she re plied filling the Spoon clear up. "Ands velocipede ?" 1 ' "I'l think of it." I , Y6treliu'i think no castor oil dovn tie I" ie - ex Claimed looldipg around for. his hat. .1 - , , • , ~. - .. "lidro-,--I ,will, or I'll tease father to, and „t know he wilL co' ` e, now, swal low ittdown." . 1 ,;And yout,ll buy" me a •goat r. "Atid - twollmndrelmaktles ?" , „Yes. NOw take it right down." . ' ,Arid a witch 'dog ?'' i ' • ~I thin% promise that." • "All righ t+- ; tio dog„ no, ile l" "Wel), 11/itisic yoUr fatlier."., .11.nd youll buy.'tne a pony ?" . `loh. I cdUldn't ‘do that. ,NR . w be a *good boy and swallow ittlown." - '.oly yes,4 I'll swallow that 'stuff, I Will!" and lie slid' out .through. the cellar and Whigtied for Tomy IGreen to go' ;'a Oshillg. ' i ... 1 i I 1 A Newspapet4 Man. • Ile n had seedy _clothes on 'tvlien he sp peared hifor:o the Detroit! police court.— Re had a' hungry look. Fie bad an aux. ions linik:and an empty Wallet. "YUung Man, who are you, and 'how came you, to!., falter by. the wayside ?" ask ed the murk I 1 a said be. was'a reporter looking for a situation, lie had been looking for a place for intinths, and Moulin, but all appheationsiwere unsueoessrul. ' All the situations seemed- taken c up; and• he had thought'sottie of turning Ins attention to driving omnibus. , "Would , Yun tell a .lie?" asked ,the court."l- • , : t ~• "WoOld yOu 4aggerate "Noitir."Y - , "Would ion pervert or deCeiveß" air." , _ .."Then Oh convinced that you' are not a journalist,"'adoed his honor. ‘.‘You are:' some 'fraud, traveling; around on cheek, and ill putrjott to 'Work. The, sentence is three months."... ; "It's-,p retty bard, opr, for an innocent man tto he sent up," protestql,the . prison; fiev'er beard of • but one such cue, rid. I never hdieved ;gas the reply, rythotivo# int 9 the cutritior. - • • reply toik young' wiiteri who wished to know wlOoh inkukinn. will givelne t fie highest pos4lou quickest ?..ip cam oora—.. t• vae a powder: inagname, if you ecutiilukta ft.-fiery artiolei‘. i. • • iN1122=111:11/1 O E OSE DEmooß We are unal4e,p tale *bole _subject this week; hiti• we will take,the "head" tirat, and .we :riust ,be paripuo: for only art outline• sketch. 4.tidie *l4et er was burn rt hit& taiteCitia nouribhment - from all parties and bus en ' deavorefl to -fasten himself , on the - oue that bad the most "milk in the cocoa— ::franc. bfiateti Its Medical Properties an. ALTERATIVEi: TONIC, _SOLVENT' - ',,ANO .DIURETIC.:- item:dine in -made exclusively from the Meta of area ruby *elected bark*, roots and barb*. strongly concentrated that it will effectually eradiate Item the system every taint of Scrofula, derotatona Humor, Tu. more. earwig, Cancerous Uninor.Erysipclas,Salt Rheum, Syphilitic di eases, Canker, taint-neat at the Stomach and all liNettfee‘ that arise irom impure blood. Sc./Mice Indainatory and Chronic' Ithenmatisni; Neuntlgia, Gout and nplualComplainte, can only be effectually cared blood. Fair Ulcers and Erupative Diseases. or the stin. Pus tules, Pimples, Blotches Bolls, Tetter, Sealdhaid and 'Rhurteorm, Vegetlue ha; never tailed to drat a pennon. unt cure but ith tern e of . . For Pains in the back, Kidney Complaints, Dropsy Female Weakness, Leucorrhma, arising. from. Internal ulceration, and uterine diseases anti... General Debility, I v Vegetiim acts directly ripen the se: pi . these com plaints. Itirivivrates and streugts tkthe wool° sys tem, acts' upon secretive organs . allays_ nilateatlon,cureit .ulceration and reeulates the bowels." rm. rah h a For Catarrh. Dyspepsia. Habitual Costiveness, Pal- Mbition of the Heart. Headache. Piles, Nervousness and 'General Prostration of the Nervous System no medi cine has ever given enclaperfect satisfaction an the Veg. Mine. it purities the blood, cleanses all of the organs, and possesses a controlling power eve r the nervous s 3 0- - • I - 'rho cares effected by Vegetine have - ni ne ed many physicians and apothecaries whom.we know to prescribe and welt In their own fatuities. , In fact, vegetlne Is the beet reinedy.yet discovered ' for the above diseases, mot is the only reliable Blood Purifier yet placed herore the public: Are not the Many testimonials given, flit the different complaints satisfactory to any reasonable:person suffer ing from any disease, mentioned above. that they' can be Cured? Read the different testimonials:-.Vid no one can doubt. In ninny of these cases the us say that their pain and ended rig cannot be expres , as' in gases of Scrofula, where, apparently, the whole body one mass of corruption. If vegentine whi relieve pain, cleanse, purifyand cure- such caseates, restoring the patient to perfect health atter trying different phy- Means, many remedies, suffering for- yeare, is it not conclusive proof, if you are, a sufferer, you can be cured. Wt yis this medicine performing Foch great cures Y It corks in the blood. in the clreniailng fluid. It can tru ly be called the (treat Blood Proltler, Thereat rearm. 01 disenee ortginatee in the blood: and no-medicine that does not aerdirectly upon- it, to purify and reno- vate, has any jast claim upon public attention. When the blood bocomes. lifeles, au suignant, eithei front change of - weather or of clima e, .want of exercise, Ir. rtvnlar" diet. or from any mbar can e. the 'Vegetal° will renew the biood,carry off the putrid humors.manse the stomach, regulate the bowels, and impart a tone of vigor to the .whole body. The Conviction is, - In the pub lic Mind as well es in the medical profesalon, that the remedies - supplied by the. vegetable Kingdom are more safe, more Successful-in the cure of diseases,lhan oral medicines. Vegetine is composed of roots, barks and herbs. it is pleasant to take, and is perfectly tale, to give to an taint, Do yon need it ? Donot hesitate to try it. You\ will never reject it, 'abe and fur fo ine thlti •mothe,r,i , oppitiedB. two Aftirit' !felt his iii'l dive, hind ' all The great benefit I have received from thy use of Vag:. Cline induces me to give my..testirriony hi Its favor. I believe, it to be I.c:tinily of great value for festering the health; but a preventive of diteaseft %peculiar to the -springand summer *falcons. .1 would not be without it for ten times Its cost. 'EDWARD TILDE"*.T. Attorney and General agent fOr Massachusetts of the Craftsmen's Life N Assumnce Company, No, 40 Sears -, building. ihyston. Mass. c Scptembor 22d, 1673.—)131 Sold by all I)ruggistp Everywhere. pAINTS AI OIL S . o • A FINE STOCK AT B. R. LYONS do Co.'s. Montrose, May 14.1873. CARPETS. Idzy 14.'73. For Axle by B. U. LICONS • •-• , _ SUGAR. COFFEE, BIL LYONS CO NVALL &TM wisl),o , c,r)E. ['Eva A Large Siock,' 'ftid New Patterns Received Eve Week Direct 11'mm the', !Manufactory. B. R.; LIVONS,&: grlar;aercll,,-- / Jotsi Clark's Spool Thread. 'Waite. Black, arid Colored—from No. S to N 0.130, at 13 camas per dozen. Fur saleby • • • .B..Iit.ILITONS do CO. • Montrose, May 14. 1873.--tf • 3E11:71=i1=1.1.90"1"0 Would call attention to its New Stock of . SPRING AND "SUMMER GOODS, :Now on rale, in now • 'Dial?' 'et OD4, LADIES! DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SHAWLS, WATER.PROOFS, FLAN NELSEBALMORAL; AND HOOP SKIRTS, VLVETS,-HOSIERY, HEAVY WOOL GOODS CARPETS, Off CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS. BUFFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, HARD W AREIRON,NAILS, STEEL, STOVES sism - GROCERIES, ETC. In great variety, al d will be sold, on the most lityorable terms, and lowest prices. H. BURRITT. ' New Milf9rd, May 100871 • - • • where Nciw WHY TO A. If. BULLARD I B • . _ At' THE -HEATh OF NAVIOATION, SPRING' SEED WHEAT , • 'CLOVER AND - TIMOTHY SEED, - • Garden - Seeds of all kincle,the very beat Flour, Sugar - • -Tea, Coffee, Fish. Huns, Lard, eta.. etc.- Potty cases of choice canoed good, ; consisting In part -of 'Potence, Pears, flume . Cherries , straw r ries...Pine Apples. Corn, Deans, Tomatoes, Peas, Dock, Turkoy„Lobster. Succotash, Peach, Qutnee And Apple Dauer, Deviled Dam, and lots'of other thing quite top 'numerous to mention;ell of which will be sold tt art kinds of "PATRONS" tor ready pay et priees tbst '41',,e024,0 'PCo3:ll2rSedlitliaii:ll. and strictly upon the principle.of live Sod is,. live. •Call and see at - • -A. It B111.1.4121PS: . ontroo,April7,lB7ls. • . _ I)ANHOOD BOW LOST, HOW RE-. STORE)) i "rjrii-sc4, /ix a saded.entetoPe, .• only sit ante. . , Just published, a new cdition of Da,, Crtmr4Orzu.'s Cumin/au Bamlx . ob the raelkal mint (Waimea medicine) of Spermatorrhma or Seminal Weatinese. voluntary Beininat Losses,julpotency • fifcritsi - au° Plibsical Incapacity. IMpediments to Marrittge; etc. ; also Consumption. Epilepsy 'and Tits. tattooed by Beg- Ar.dujgence (matzos, extravagance, ' • - The celebrated author, in this admiribki Zisay.clear. ly demonstrates. from a thirty years` succesefel praCtice that the iikrming coosecuences of sellabliee tit .rialicullY cured without the dabiNrol/4 use of intern•il medicine or the application of the knife; poluttog out mode of cure at one simple, certain, and effectual. by. 'Means of which every sufferer, no mutter what tdi conr dition may be, nurture Itimselftheaply, privately, add "-Ora ths 'MC , ere should to in tho hman in t ime land.a ,rda of every bent untle x iical. Ili envelofie. ltdategih. -poet pal& outeceipt of sixsumuktor I.wopust tstatups.- Address the Publishers.' " ' 'cues.l. C. itt+lNX *CO; ": ' / 271 ;kiWerY:tfew ri,wk; Ptiat Oface f 34,486.:. APril :A 1871 , -44 , - • • . WOULD NOT 11$ WITIIOUT VEdETINE FOR TIM TIRES ITS COST. CARPETS AT 30 CENTS AND UPWARDS. --Less than N. V. an - d othar IG.3rciae•ries , At Low Figures at Coate, Clark's 0. t1:1' • ' li;AT.':•OOTO • - .13 -5 • , 187 • 1L105122/1 9 47 , I - Hu just returned. from New York with a large an 4 complete essortmel I I do° s 84 sil 'eats and Caps, Notions,' sSio., 4ze., Filling his large "temporory" 'the Nations. hotel grounds. remain hero until our f L I DRT:GQO.D; Our stock is new and-bought with care., We will, us h'er'etofore, offer , , t .„,., u . • . , assortmeutand best 'bargains in the county: " Butter l aud, .Produce shipped. Highest- price until prouipt returns gu Nutley advailard when, desired. • ; • i • Great Ben 4, July 7th, 187 p. EVERY , Bronze - Lamps , Opal Lamps, -All Glass Lamps, Hand Lamps, Ilarnera l .Wisks, Shades - , Shade Holders, dice, I ALSO, 31.A.NII$A.CTURER iOP i . AND JAPPANED WARE. 7 .1 14ers Giud, i nteed as Low as any House in Southern Yew York. tn Orders by Mdl Proptl Attended TO. 'Meal 31, 1575. . 1 poszi writ JOB . We aro ccoutinuall Large Stock of Both in Price and Quality, PREPARE FOR NEW sTooK OF PALL Bi, WINTER GOODS! GinlißE.,lo4om, - &..C.o's. WOOLEN SHAWLS, CLOAKINGS, CASSIgERES, BEAVERS AND. CLOTHS, In nrentmariely. t At G. ii. k Cee. PLAID. - AND- PLAIN WOOL' Anf ' :MOHAIR DRESS, GOODS, - - POPLDTS,- CASHIMERI, DRAB TE D3S: ALPA • CAS. BLACK AND . • COLORED, In variety and great barg U FLANNELS.<" ROSE BLANKETS. MARDEILES BED SPREADS,: i WOOL:FABLE SPREADS, . 4 TABLE TAX.ENS, TOW • - ' ELS, 1 NAPKINS - - and bdnßehold m . • Forshing Gonda, A large aseortmoni, and cheap. LADIES' AND CIIILDEENS . MERINO UNDERGA&i , . AIRNTs. MERINO AND WOOL-ROSE. FELT '. . SKIRTS, GLOM: he.. &c. ALL sIZIIS. . • ' AND. QUALITIES, Prices to stilt., MILLINERY GOODS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATII en, BLACK AND COLORRD, SILK AND COT- • TON. VEISBTs. TRIMMING BILKS. • At G. R. A tine Tar*. DIUMR4 ANDI.CLOAK. TRIMMINGS, LACES, FRIN GES BUTTONS. SILK TIES, CORSETS, ESP- : BROIDERIES. ZEPIIYR, WORSTED • •AND- FANCY •- YARNS, CAN- - • VASS NOTIONS AND,' . • STAMPED I • TERNS,: Always ligrigit vaiiety, DOMESTIC GOODS.'BLEACHED AND DROWN SHEETLNGS AND SHIRTECOS. CA-NTO'N PLAN NELS. CALLICOES, • DENIMS: TICKINGS AND CHSVOTT SIHRTINGS, AL WAYS 'A PULL ASSORTMENT TE' MOST POPUL,AR ' 7 BRANDS, Mid prices to suit the time . .. . . CARPETS, /OIL 6LOTEN. %kW., DR traGwriNG FURS, FURS. FURS, DTPPAT..O ROBIN, HORSE BLASKIITS, LIP ROBES, &c..&c, -- At G. R. & Co% .',..i1 . g0t4i40414 :. ::,f4*1.1,6.., Men and boys' wads-made setts. a large etoek.. 'Com pieta assortment of beat woods, warranted to give sat- Straction. -Peter to' suit the times at G. R. tit Co'.. , 0,VER00.:42, 0 3 .1: _ OVERC6AT 1 S ' 1 Far Bop% Youths' and idea. MI eorti. Qualities and prices from Sa to sze. , !3dp.ply ,, ,your wants at G. R. & Cosa. • , • . _ • ..• • Our ~Onstom-Departmentf Large stock °Untie carsinterce. - Cloths and Beavers. Measures taken, good fitting and works:n:lo4lp guar anteed. Prices (0y kOper cent. lees titan out of town: Call and leave yourmessure at O. it. Co.. • I • ; r 71:12lNI;SILara 000.D5.. . . Gents furnishing goods. • White and colored ccttok Shirts, Wool and Wrappeis and tinterers,' ?Laurel und sneetub ilose,l Suitt Jackets, Comforters, Tint, flo*s. &Willem, Gloves, Trunks. Satchels, 4e., a.c.: the hugest rakietr.fa town,44. G. R. & Co's, ::.:SATE'' HAZY/ & C.:1,P1/ , dUTtgIii3EIIO,IIOSENBATIMt .m, 8. DIR4A.UIM, Max!iigingrutnor: 29214 - - , tiEnitING.,Ift"TAIIREL -1 , 1'207 4113Ficitisiclxv;itry )11.141p7AcTUIRPRE , 08 ALL KINDS OP' 1114ProiihmatAla.• 33•42..1rg1i5r .1 3 z;•ocd I ' - The ohLeitiadziost relleble Arm In theUnltodS;ht.e* •The,l44l4!4llPrig.° medal ev!erge 4 * the, _ • P .4 0 3 4 1*- 0/. 4 DONt `. AUfiihkelerc,wxtrrztodlieu fiolii:chpipeles and CO; Jni s LlN9q:l3Tltoll6,'Agup'!, , -M44Reeeadiel 4 "30-4, • = 111=1111Z2 .• -.-- ~ - • .:..;,..:-.,.. ..... f...4...c. - t - ,::. ~.-Itliscp!lamootis.._..B.dvertisettie . . .04.eivet , ql3l-exi: GEORGE' ` — .L . LEN EIN s 1 CLOTWN4; • 4 1; BItICI~` STORE IS. COMPLETE ON ~`ll l l l .O OLD GROUNIi . 1I ITIrBINGITAHAITION I *N. , 6T1 7 11 OF nil 'AND CONlllrd CHIMNEYS. SPECIAL IN'DISCEIIENTS IN 4 , Avr 'TIM IC LOWEST RATE I,ir adding neat material to r, offictii and without li==; byi 34:41 At Cio'd At G.E. & Co' s At G. C9lll At 0, R. t Ceir. .G. E. Co's: GE©. L.' L and FOUR PFintingi Presses, wo Defy Competion or ..7oljired SPRING & SUMMER ]arockas,' vni4i . km . HAy6El4i STAPLE & FANOY"DRY GOODS, BOO F P.S & SHOES, . READY- - . MA DE CLOTHING, 1 HATS & OAPS, - &C. Diora Doodej a - good itisortmenf: ' Prtati,'.e.o the new , and Lucy - pitterns La -the , market.. White Goode great varietyl ' :* . • .• . BLEACHED'. AND UNBLEACHED , . SIIIRTING; COTTONADES, • .• DENIMS, TICKS, - STRIPE AMMO; LINEN, TOWEI..MG,' CARPET WARP, &C. •. r - ~• -., The largest stock in, town. First dm goods at lasi prieet than can be honght of any other parties in,the all the ;atert READY-11,1DV, ..GLOTEfi 11 full line, and good gcxxlsAfell made and trimmed. Call and Eiamine my stoeit bereft)* purchasing Wee r where. I will not be *undersold for the same quality of goods, by an 3 one in or out. of town.. . Butter shiptied. Prompt returns at the highest mar eat price, sales guaranteed,' bills cashed as soon as re halved. '1 Wir..IIAYDP. • 341 w 3111fortl 2d. 18TS.—tt. tit • . 3P-19.0r39Littire... 1, At V' Sox es • Extio nsfcoFtikill tuie War Iroom you wipAsd Jae 1 tritest 1.. - stock CI . • CLASS. AND COMMOF virtria.w x Exircrytm 1, E ` : , . . 1:9 besoand' in tbis section or the conatryi of hit owe inatiortara,!tad at prices alit CannOt - 101 to give *OP Outt o . TOO , nuke the very beef ,- .: . , , -! 1 ' • . , . . . EXtENSION 'ItABLES 1 1 , 1 , 4.• • tbe Coteau, thd WMlll4 l4 l' them, I i - 031 is tory Vir I Of all,itiuts done in the ile!sioat - , M 3 ' Et. XZT thIS XCIX:II3 -;1 OF V 41 4 .0138 RINDS. „ PULE N0..1 31AgritASS1.',S, A 1) COMMON MATRASSEB • ' . , . , _ -.0 'N. , E R .T. A.K I tst.G The subscriber will hereafter Pisaitia.; adulating a vectaity,,`ibia business.- Itsvhutjust - completed a EN In and the cs t elegant REA.UI in the fitate, ad needing his cervices will be attended to plamptlyand — l l / 1 11: 8111T11 - 11030N.'. ' MO14(0044 Oa:, Jan. fis _ . jPrnitrir Tug 00 , iwinoris. . • : -.• • • • - lIONTROSE,PaNtrit. - -, • JUST S. TAiIIiELY MIMI= /*lfni 8440tt itiut7lAcks Truro itiii , •ifoitse daily, !tau nettOile witil itiollontrtio Italliimi t j4hlgli-itiWoy . #4lroo atattLtAW44l l 44,i - , • • ~~,~1.t ~w_ ~,~~_v,.~ ~ ti.._ f ~ ~ IoianDITTOI A. A. NINES. 11..f1WLZY- & CRURER. .; . Just Received 1!OoT3 - SgOES, HA.TS & CAPS, MM=M 41iiiiHardware, iiia' ..., _. . MQNEY SAVED 4 NEW STORE: GR.TP.FIS:.,& : .,i : 94YRK OES . . , - nave opened.•at• the •old locattou -"1 M. 8., Wilson. ill the Brick Block Montrose. and we • shall be pleased to see all of oar old Meade end' the - many new one* we hope to ifaln. Oar. stock Will Conellit at • 1 - Dot lialls and s. CBOCICEarIi & OLAISWARE, e shall ..., ~. • . • . . ia l largo quantities , and variety. Stono•Ware Wooa . Ware. tionfte-Putnirbing Goods and (troeerlea. Wr: shall give particular attention to the' Grocery Trade and keepa fall alsortment of Team, Sugar. Cerealr. famili y , • - • Groceries & Provisions, e lariest In full vaineti.lialt and Floor. We eball keep tort stantly op, band line brands of floor at math tone than old,prtcea. and warrant it - to please. Goods delivered promptly to OUT town et:Women , . - TERllB:—Oar terms will be etrictly an teed. Mteacip•X:owy: * . . . , (mtab or )irrodilee.) .This it' will be well tn. btri ar . tahis will be ,the peeret to our low prices. We, are confident that by calling and examining .twir geed* and prices yonr,W 111 find that it will be for ydat inter. eat to tryout. goods and terms, antlatia cot Onlrtni, --- s R. M. BYRE.. - 11oatrose.lifay: "14.—tf. ' ' Y., CARTER, ABBOTT, JOHNSON, • • 0 U . A.RI)W AR IRON, STEEL, AND NAIL.% Blakksmiths' ..Supp4es, I . P4I3I23B'IAND XECELNICS' TOOLS. Ellocripothp 'Stool 1 12ktoads, BEAT SITINGS,STEEL TIRE, TOE CALES . ArdCALK STEEL, ac„ DUROTT'S CORN ,SHELLER. . And the Improied ,• BURDIaK FEED CUTTERS. Firciu. AND Six Us, • • 87 Washingto4 St, ; . BINWIARILTOIII,N, Oct. 14.111; . . • The Cheapest Place MTAL3EL TZl"lint MMS! MOHR & OGDEN'S, Whelp's Bank Building, , larw:chazirowas.frorr, err. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS I ' HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, • iCARRIAGE GOODS, • BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, OAK TANNED LEATHER BELTING gIIBBER, BELTING AND` PACKING-, ETC., ETC., ETC. ,:' lIBIiRY DISTON 4 SONS' OMOIi'LAR AND GROSS-0 'SAWS, op dOlr( ROTHE , Celebrited Hand-Cut • ;, 'Pie:Best iit thq . World!; ' • Bingo mton . OcC.l3th.i6Si, - • -i= Ltic4a-:'iiii...r We front the City IvieliF Torlt with it eploneld 'to* of pods, consisting! of • ! - -,ip..41.:1':::-.6,..c) : p:T04 - , - • 'GROCERIES, 13550T8.; snoEs t r. DRUGS, MEDICINTS, CROCK . ERY, IIAIt,DWARE, 'St o &11.' And all other gond' [tonally kept in a• country kora. •Conle One also all and *misty . joareetvae that we are aelllng ! as cheap as the cheapeat: We ire always, wil ling to *hoer our goods. 'f• : • . - ' W. in' P. iNitICRLIED. Xtrackiny, Pa.. May 11:th 1815.—tf, 1 , - .: . ThOlOe to Get:.Yout .i. ORligSLtga:s - .MEDIOINES :A. Lyon's • - • . Where ion willtind a Sall assortment of-1 ura Ilrn ds Etedicinea, tinumleale, Dye .joitielty. i'er ftimery4 Violins and Violin Ettringe:Yaney atom's, Yankad•Notions, Pootot Boon*, cstgag "Aiipieee. Pine Toilet soaps, Bruitttea, -Table Cottle:l7. tilyounai Plated Spooixe, Krivoi and Forka,ftnns, Pis tols, Aniunition, dhpaldat Bratei., .Tetusees, &tattiest inettuntenta; Mitts!. Materials, Lamps arid; Lamp Chtmtl Titt.lipicetr,. Baking Powders Ses Louw. Fiuine;;tiolatlue s Tapioca, otc., etc. • • • • A full - Assadmeneet Machine Oita" and all kinds of • :--' NazAtiti A L kept constantly ' We,4110 kelling opt Wail Paper at cost. *ud ire alto = • - Cloolve_ out our Olatawatr. at s . :-* . .-!, yerY.LoW .:; Oet s qui .of faxed chemical, MOE - load, for pa do your own painting.!, .; • wftb put largo stock or goiala, 'we tool ionedeit that .treryoAc Irleting Montroao, will And it for thalr tutor eat to 'all rad cantatas 4)r - therattolvne,botoro- pgrelvan-. Int '• - • ". --; ihiootrose• 4nne _ • , - 17xxclertetirazta. • ' • - 11145 " F " "lir* mate ' , Uudiftaktur 4,1 pedant.) , ,- • in thFit !:140 , 111 01 ` 10 .- I ltdi.a t t Moir servire* will 1.4 prii)inptly , attim4c4 T , ,ht.A.71711(4ye 4,14 DOCK,. ism xzw NEW MOM', OP ALL NMI, Nagr.Aix.. DEALERS I 2 Agents for TO im' 4 1No Oro I,gento for Emma ====l NE.xtitiftar 41. , Miscelltuteoul. garble kt4orlis =EI '4. • • We wouldeell the attention ot the Public wan ANYTSTNQ IN THE MARBLE LI to 0= WORKS SUSQUEHANNA DEPOT, PA., rarßoingthe only Atarblo Works 41 the County All Work luranted a,s Represen ^k9R YOU. CAN- SAVE HONEY By eilling on tie. ', • WILLIS IieLONG. Iteir DeDof,l'a pri I 141871-Iy. C1121;121263g PLATFORM WAGON Ppli. - etetrosa.s, LUMBER WAGON Manufactured, on tab. Jtion, and fol sale at SPRINGiILT 1 OR MONTiCiSE. Monh °se. March 10. 1873 I. 11. akurgs. a, S. tiA:La 11 a. 4 0 BINGRAMTON - NARBLE Wi VgarAillueniar Z 1810.1 BARNES BROS. & KIND ' DP A tßaf3 IN 4.ND lIANUPADTUREIIB titati4l%4 par AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRAN! Nubia and Slate gentles, 26 Chenangii St.;NearDept lITI6HAMTON Masl4. 1873 OMNIBUS TAN Tha undersigned has sri omnibus line running ery train on.tte D. L. & W., and Erie Dada, Great Bead, Pa. Any order for Shipping or Re• Shipping Ba at either depot will bo promptly attended to " The new river brldge:ls now completed, hence le no Ferrying. CLEILRR.X.A.CFMLIEI always on hand to eoniey paszengera to any poi the annum:ding country. IT. BUCHANAN. NI Great Bend. Aar. 1). 1874. —tf. .A. New r I=2 .SAVE MONEY end he' YOUfl OWN AGENT for ,buying &Into Aiwiuditachi We will furo.olt any,kind of Fitet Clara Or gm Ilttehinea at a discount that will pay you to tell parehaairer. Save 25 per cent for.earryine I matte around on trial. MI Inotruturpte tad Mai tally Warranted. • • MOntrose. Aptil 7, Dimcky k Co. , 4 N'EiV BOOK py MAAIK TW.A.I hat reilitY for eidivarrani. Now. then is the limo Tkrritorr. Don't stop to eperintent on other N 'rake one you know will tell.- • PromPl'aCtiou wi you choice of Md. and golden - genitor. Get c cootie at once and you will win. Ontat roots no everything l'imirha. Stud in your barges. ant' you want, °riot ps rttr nth at once. Address AMERIVAN ruausnnia Co., Hunt( MTimyr, A;•ECNICX 'WANTED. - ARTI ‘LDREDS OF PICsINSYLITANIA Over It® Imperial Octtvo Pages- .Boantifoll) tratett. Ihrodeonicly bound. No Nadler ehoo'd he oat IL &Net tribute to'dletingniebed *tervlcee.- Curtin. 'lour account of Gettyrburs•ii the &met eel, and very best htetory of 'the created battle of ern times,—Cot P Itilcholeott, Phila; The most plete account extant.--14) Gen D Batter tell, Send' for cfrculars and terms, • • 4th Edition just from the Press. T. 11. DAVIS 4t CO., rubs., 74 sanmitaBt„ PLUe COUGHS. COLDS, HOARSE - • AND .ALL THROAT DISEASE' WELL'S CARlikle 'TAB pur IIP oxixi 111,1111 t BOXES, • A. TRIED kW) ILEZEDY. Sold by Drorgirla generally, mad Johooton, nolloway it- Co. . Phlladelphls, $ slitirrpci.r i slii, i l,TAF.,,cr i Terili io will pay larva Prodts, RaWoad . 1111 ' . Stock*. Roads and Quid bought 5 F r i , , , t,„..:6 , , , , id01nnt5-..,...-titi,e.r_. Jett to alght draft. 111.TEWAL- % TER a C 0..• Bliakail and Brokrre, NO.IO Van New York, P.O. Box 017. . . irtit- -. $504900 no*. : s e 0 -, .1 . 8 7:!t e . .4 .. . w o,1 1 4 , 1 11! sl iz . ;,J . . - ..Add r gea I'EIIDLETtiV di IIEA'D, • . as Wau Street t Nrw Tr 014onis 'Wanted. ectAls and Diplomas A secw 10TORIAL nnip'lllnstratibns. Address to; Pep Circa ars. 11045142 i & 00„ 030. MU Street, tin t• ti) r a daiguarartetti. aoliig , our WOLL Ai 1 }.lt, LS. $lOO a mouth paid lagon 4d.0., hi Augur 170 Ireo. e • , . AlItiNS 131. LOUIII, SI,2OO.P„,ROFIT ON $1 - Inflratett In Stock 'Privileges In Nye] St. Jima( Cifffartre "How dcrao; mit free. Jul Baxter 4 Co.; llokera, .17 W4ll 6t.i.N.1. to $lO,OOO tea been' foliated In Stock Paylbre end pati 1%11 . HEW - •• . • if:. fet )1 , c.itaw-tri no It." if boot nu Wall Street. sent ft TilittUttlittS.iti CO, itainUts and Woken, I Wr NM York. • . EKE 'L A. COLVIN, Ag' D. D. BEI