The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 13, 1875, Image 2

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%'',::::::. - '..violpiriie •••sip.
ti • •
Oir9?1;411.410.• Intireastait w scv, a
• any. Paper 141/4orshtin Peiktoylitaulliu
G 61.1 6losed au - New York, an Saturday
• • PowiiovEution,
.€1 .sohywa.,o -county
s'" • ' ,
PCDIt brAilt .".rattOtritra, •
NrrerCat' InOraiAtirr,
of Thytipt:ff Cout4y.
,b4x:lOOA TIC-MUT.
', - RAT.II ) II' - LITTLE )
- • v_ MOrtROSE. •
; .
041.1tIAIM7t 7ANDll 7 .c , , onpsrat,
- ' - ' , ti,sl4gAT -BEND.
Volt •TREA.StutEtti ,
tit.lNny o. TYLER,
.e.F,.Alic ! L t :e ff x,,,.
~ ..-.,
~ ,..L,111.4x,,p,g4 G..4144'14',..t
op urn,g MRADOITS',‘
Fon , c()novnif ,
Dn. Vim. .1.4
Thollontrosa . Reptallign says that , .
cause Pershing does hot resign. the Judge 7
shift it ia, Stip' vilvidenee that he' has. no
confidence in hrseleotion. It must be the
Futile with Hartiatift' and Judgb Streeter.
Putting ail joking aside, we don't believe
the-latter . - two gentlemen. have any
. too
much • . the anly hOpeot . the to niake
, , . • .
• out '••eVery persou just as easy . his
.virtue as:they are, This IS n, .very small
• 'hole. fOr-theni •to ` . erawlOut athut'' they
, ,
have glYt• - tcl compress ••themselves • so 4s - to .
- (to that or stand Mitivieted, The pt,'Ople.
hole . W'
r ill stop t te., up in 'November:, ,
have,l - ttlopht - hat ,that they mace, wtsh
-:titnei. that the PEMOORAT
Jpid jointi the quium • society:''-' .1..
Ekvt the ,Ring ticket and pit must
I pay at of your hard earnings sec ) ,
1 4=o c t o in nine years ,to pay your
• debt - , of $lB,lOO. Elect the Demo
' erotic .*forin ticket and you , itot only
save Oat but reweave, by the •reduction'
of p:darit.s, the' paying of the jail .debt of
$lB,OOO and Interest nuwiipon the coin
ty,and thi sum also,making a diffvrence bf
.I.4taftcs,47.socb in nine Yeng•
This is by Patrick Ll.eury's rule, quoted
the: litipublitan of this - week "judging
the Int ure,by:the • '
'ME N 2:
, .
', The Ring,' organ' wants the people. to
rt• _
ad the \ !:tatilar st l titetnetit" of the 'state
debt. Jr shows a redaction ' since .1828. -r
;.,to does the "tabular 6tittenivnO! Of Sus
queliatina tpintity. alum .1867 sliaw'u re
dnittion of our jail debt *20,000, but un.
AiritintiNly for the'Ring
,the ThAr
hacked bY the fai'.4..4 shows that they have
eoilected,*oo,ooo to
~reduce it With 'and
:undoubtedly if the.' truth ..was known,
the sanity might be said of tin. stitte debt:
We ask the peoPleto read a tabular state.
zne;tit in another / luniii . whiulr will pip
the slfi,loo bond of the county, out osr
.erusury at 8 per nit., Without
, ct 'Noting
ono eeut. inere taxes..' This% is 4 what the
.134s:would Say ",ttleans bnai ri e s a."
'The Only Objection which the' lino*
rt.publicaini ofMaryland malt+
to the detnocratio can :lidate for governor
, of that,ltate is that be la a descendant of
the eminent revolutionary patriot, Charles
teitrrid, 'of Carolion. When the great
! - ,rardiftither,of 'John Lee Car'roll fixed hie
•Signature to the declaration of iudepend
once and pledged his life, fortune 'and
' , Etteredlioner in ils,sdpport objeotion
vras . Made*by his cni
onatriots' oh the
around that. , • be Wile .a Catholic. But
after the lapse
. of a bundled years this is
Made- the, only, ground. of hostility to a
Worthy deseendant olCharles . Casrol,
Carroltou •It may well be asked whether
the doctrines of religionsliberty andtol
eratiOn hilve nnide an); progress since the
:yxv,irafw,thss shatuclul in
. 40 , 130 e 0(1)4041.ind -intolerance. , What
,eVe,n yet:mere disgraceful is that the
„eq4iny,:t4undtd. Leonard Calve - R.l4lin
• his"stimciates., which were first pro
. claimed acrd enforced the gloriouS princi•
~ides - af religious liber:ty, has become the
c ia4 ernsude nplua
The Ring, presi of this state have Jill
'inutfe`-,tlietnielves hoarse, howling
Judge Wishing to ‘‘‘isigii,e', jtist beelitpkt,
6fs ••deeined it 'lke
that he should do so, in ortlei to take
'Ole - V:0111p uiitlniake u"jEir.4.ll-lrltertiv
etillBf! tliNttgt the .state, to confute, the
him tuirrepresintatiott the Ring press
eirithlatiug., judge, Persh
ng saySStliat tkiepeopls esire 9411
biro, train 11.8 preient jsmition .11199 will
L so und be 4.100 m , ut ! :ndo io go about
'l,lle.Pountiy l)eggiiig R
them fur . Now
MO, so truf - ' kind of
latt'44t 47111 With Vi9re forte upon the Wilk;
Vitcy.d()il't Mrtruttft r 4.491411?
41 VYLAtg:Viototla 641 AtYs' 'Mr. Year,
patrei . !4r.e et titt>attete to itelect Witt-
belt ittd.r4tutipirg it be6it es. wito,
titittOholite, why .don't Mr,eter r r klge-ti
4 1 4 tlidtAirbius *‘the iAlrity"tifllle ter
.;61.i).e.bydraggtog, iti tip' raid trow.o
ort*te butlon-holipg - every -imat
coiner' into our borough t4:i‘,04160i hint
and: he Ring ticket. Why didn't 4tidge
derner_risign when be run for congress
in this district and not -dravibis pay for
Judgetia he 'did Up' to -the - 'verfd,y hiii
term commenced s Now , if Homer is
going, into tbis resigning business' to
make - a success of it, he needi to call on
eVerybotly to resign froya Grant doWn;
and, we think they all wilLassoon as the
people i3an t e nder them a priiper: resigna—
tion' at the ballot-box. We calculate that
therq - will be some first-class iesignations
about. November second. Our advice
to liomei, is not to invest too much in
"What does 31cCiiire think of that
Fishing t , Creek .episode, which Piollet
Helped' , to organize armed resistance to
the draft ami counected himself with: a
conspiraCy which established
,a_ reign of
terror among thelloyal.people of'Comm.u
bia county. --Bulletin.
Let. the ' Butititin b t show that Col.
Monet either partiCip ted in, or in t any
way cunhived. at or aided the .so;called
Fishing Cret!k . rehellion,ana The Mies
ti Aenounce unworthy of
. the
suffrages of the people,. Tho'participaats
in that affair were tried; convicted and
punished, and the prooeedings.are awes
.Sinle. Will the Bulletin 'either ahoy v
that Colonel Piollet was guilty, cry have
the manliness to confess its error?
course it knows, that • the 'accuiation is
Lillie, and it is left without excuse for its
falsehood, for if there is a shadow of truth
in the charge it - is susceptible of postive
demonstration, It admits, in a covert
cowardlyway,that, it falsitiedJudge Persh
ing's record on soldier 'suffrage and then
returns to its vomit dr '<lefatnation again.
It has been denounced froin the bench of
this cityas a common• liar; and if it ever
hopes to recover, any measure of respect,
from decent people, it should begin to
practiee a 'little: on the truth once in
a, while to get its han4in.—Phiks., Time&
' WILL TIM RI4VO -117.XPL.41-1 7 1
Why need the Ring orjan of this comi
ty flioff in a tangent on the national
and State finance by some.Ritig figuring
that proes nothing, when the question
of county finance is staring the people
in the , face. If the people of the state
and nation are satisfied with' the Repub-,
!luau way of spending their money, they
will continue ,them in power ,but this
don't help, themeonrt house Ring" any.
Please come i right down to our county,a
thing your readers are mast interested in,
and answer the following questions:
What. has become of the balance of
t dat St) ca. Ica co levied And'
collected expressly to. ` pay, $40,000, jail
tki-bt only $20,000 of which is paid, leas
ittg ,S'7 ,c of the peo—
ples money, unaccounted for ? Why did
not the "tabular statement" or the com
missioners of Sdsquehanna county ol
1874 tell the people that 11,11 Read of
liliriadelphiu. held $18,106' id bonds
against the_county due in two years at
8 PER CENT. CtVILY ? -. Why did it
hot tell the burdened taxpayers of this
county that &cost between $45,0'00 and
4450,000 to pay the exorbitant salaries
and Ring and running expenses of the
county for 1574, and that Id& unexpend
'o.l balance iu the
.treasary to pay on
county debt is ionatui ? . *IT don't
the Ring tell,the people that the same
style of administration will cost the tax
payers of this county $90,000 more to pay
'off. their $lB,lOO bonds ? If the people
do not, bear from them, we think they /
will hear !rout the penple liovember sec•P
The Republicans affect to believe that the
Erie platform. means the repudiation of
onrnatioual debt. NO a line of it justi—
fies the presumption. So faiaa the cur
rency question i 3 -concerned we are' more
conservative than, our cpponeitis.
'Jere is Lationit6r : '
Free bunking, , ivenfe and uniform
currency, adjusted to, the grenofrig
-wants of_ the buszness intereete_of the
country, ttigi steady reduction of the
national debt.. • r
• A.nd•here ts Erie:.
We demand that' the volume of ear.
reuey be made and kept equal td the wants
of trade, leaving the. restorationof legal
tenders I to geld to be brought about. by
protuotingthe indusfriei of.thi country,
and not by destroying them.
the repndiators , come from the
ranks of our eurrties, and We wish to give
them`a sample tom Republican leaders
in relation tote-payment of the Five.;
Twenty Bonds.
"whenlhe bat i was, on its final . passage
'Me question' Was e4ressly asked 'of the
chairman f Ili e' commattee - of Ways and
Means, anti. as expressly answered by kim
that only the interest was payable in coin.".
the. holder alum: to take the
otizine kind, end o f 'Money linth which tie
p‘utiglii the , bondedte_is an extortioner and
repudiator SHERALS4C.
should ' ' dofoul iijuslief to thi
Government and tethe'peopte.of the United
States, after hare solci these bends on an
average for not more limn - sixty cents on
the .• doltair;' now to propose to make a noir,
Ontraet for the benefit o.e . the-'holders."
aravzir Y O 1 TON,
Ofilutnettt is iloneeessarY., - . ..-.•
1 0 ..448.EH00D U.NMA.S.KED.
The Ring organ of this county copied.
from the, Bradfoid Rvorier a most
mans and .seurrilous attack :upon .6oi. V.
K Planet'. Will the Streqiiehannatounty
defaintr give place to the. Billowing anti—
clute to itis poisunous falshimd viroulated
last week the same as the Reporter has
• 1:1/e,folit;wing letters from
Miller' „alit'. het , Isuilitez., lAr*
were :113t1dt.q1,t0 the editor of tbodle A tforief
promise of a ptibligation last
gentlemen - not tveling 014
same ofiliety for the dissem i of the
antidote that they ind for„ilie.poison,
wit-belt' it from .prfut on. the plea .of a
want;of Taint' in their paper. - .ILA they
bevn - 'se prompt, s to do justice; ail -they
tv"re tai 13 .qatue; or' ;had they wiited in
the lirst *stance *1 tit the defengant in
this aiet.tni eauld , file filed hifiixtisweilii
• •''''''' •'•`•" "r . .. * '..'""'" 1••• • •- r.r.r, -_ 1.. ~ --
.. „...
• • •
~. .
, 1 •
. .
. . .
. . . . . TOBER„ , : q - ''"". 4i1., - ....., • i.. i -
. ..
. .
. ..•, . . .
osE. .DE . ..0 . .
. •
.... .
..;•• ••• ._ ,I • I IE: ,,,, NEONT -- --13 , -.... . •• -...•..-, • •., -.-, ..,.. •,:.„,•.: ! ✓, .
. ..., . .
. ••• •
V*iallne, it *mil have plaoed thirtraus
Milieu in such alight as th.have ohiriated
, ;# , t_._ _
the necessity Heap comment,. • and it
would have:4a 4 these scandal-mongers
the-litimiliatie ,(if hurni us n is. pos.
sible in this case,) 'arising-out of a truth.
rid explanation the ' cireurpstanees, up.
on • whicn i. this
, Buse is pOdicated. Let
' yidgeiTo/ theu4ielvea Whether
the was any. WaVat t ftrltilo; scuruluits
attack upon - Col.c Bullet, ' l and let their
disapproval of .lis specie's of ;warfare be
made inanifest,by u merited'. rebuke at
the polls, nj mehvliese aatunit f lon ia Cal:
umny iiud(fiilseiit/od. — • 1, ,• -i . •• , . ,
1 - 0,• .i' _
Tqwifstm. §ep. 0,7,1815.
lb ilie.Editar of the Bradford Reporter:
• The : complaitit4u equity!. lashed by the
oi3urtalif Bilidfottl Co., bfaring' my sig
tiatuie,-Was begn4 withou a •full'itnowi
edie kif the situation of the,Case;aiid nil
chrintOrmatioti 'which I hivesince found
was erroneous.' ' 1, " - ' .' •‘ ' ` ' •
' Thlsentire trai &teflon has been satis:.
futurity arranged and 'sitiled
impaiiing my, confidence it my children,
Jane S. and Victo‘r .E. Pia et.' ••,
AsiyoUr,paper has given to I,the•puhlic
`whatlappeared to 'place nij inlab unkind
and hostile uttitulto towaid these 'from
whom I have always rece ved .love and
kindness, r desire you to give Elms the
saute 'circulation through . the columns of
your paper. Itfspectfull ' yours, -
• , .. • ' I Er; x;s. 4/LLEE.
i Editors .i§ df cr -'`
Masers. ra or , opc44tr;
I b - in iiiJi - • • •
3 0 serve , as,. ism of your paper
a :Poo' of a , piper . ser. ed upon `. my
husband and niyself, ,in eq ity, issned by
1 ...,
the cdurts;ef ' Jiro ford ci unty. : When
ever served with notice , to: eply, all the
allegation in this bill of 'oroplaint will'
be, satisfactorily answ e red, ndwill vindi.
sate the persouall honor 0' m husband.
Whatever he hits 'done lit any stage of
the business affairp of my tsbitud's estate
or his family-hei has don •t, my ins
tance and by my request, and f or, which
t i )
I alone am responsible. • :I` .
Having published a forth o legal pro.
ceedings, in advance of a i*pl ; to • prep.
dies my husband, (as I; au pose,) in
public estimation; I ask yoh 'give thro'
the same
.chaunel this com a unication,
only remarking , that my ;!, h Ushai,id ' has
always been reaK ttileiktlet kind rvices
to-all the , members of my. family.
I am, *Bt: respectfally you A,
fl - 801, S. 20th. /8754 . I
T : . l
E 110,0 ! 11001 OP THE, PING.
The "Court lionse Rine are shedding
many mockedile ~ t ears over the fate' of
the poor(?), officials who shall . , coMe after
them, with' such a reduced! salary, as old
time economy _demands inthe DeMocrat
ic Reform platform of 1875 "Oh ! (they
say) dreltifl shiflesal , It is s)low
that you cannot g4t a decent man to take
the office, and (wie!suppose/ they cOnsider
all decent men are comp s Bed , wholly in
'their particular Circle. row is order
that they :shall not burst their_ waistbands
with grief, we will ,say thlit if there is a
single indivittnal I around that Court
'louse who draws rnoisey Aum the coml.
ty.Treasnry safari', Or any oth—
et way, who thinks he could - Lot stand
the, rate of 'rqd.acilion upon his
salary, We can tell; him tilt ;We can fur—
nish plenty .of tlie, iptiFefat
,and most
strictly honest and c'apablei mechanics,
•farniers, or laboring Wen', in;the county
who eau perform' the 'dutiea of any posi—
tion there equal ; to anyinf . them, who
would be glad • to get ever one half the
amount for the -samelamiptinti of labor.
These laboring r4n labor tett or twelve
hoars 'per day . six days iHr week and
fifty : two weeks Per year for pop ,or less.
We should think it would iipake',Radical
officials look a'-little' sill:mit/I when they
make i i compar4cn. :The E county treas.
Urer h s been, receiving flipm $1,600 to
$ 2 1 0 60, Per, annum for forily or fifty days
labor in each year,. ' The Plesident: Judge
is receiving, $4,000 furl from eight to ten
weeks labcl. per Year. ; The Sheriff and
Prothonotary each have , hild their fees
- 4
doubled by Radi.oal le gi slati o n until they
• • •
thousand dollars; er autintr,'. The emit'.
ty demmissionere have drawn from fear
tolfive hundred`dollars pe( year. Thir
actual - services $OO per day is not
'out of' the way, but it has ti . ren• the great
estiqtfery to some of their. neighlairs, bow.
'ticittie of thein could spend from 150 to
264 . days at gontrose, and, also 250 daYs
at out 0f..365 days:in the
,year. It
niechauicecould get in that number of
'days in the year, they could - raise their
yearly salary emisiderahlY from what
they LOW get. IS\ nut . :;', necessary for , us
Io continue this compari son any - farther.
4t is all boSIL-to say thae-ykin 'cannot get
jast as good and compe l tent!men - to trans
act our county business at r]easonable sal
aries as , we ever have ',had But On the
0911ttarY, -IFer *ill get. Better
mice., These
high- salaries jinducelcoriliption ,ot• the
most- deep damning Icharacter, by
;holding out inducements r to officials and
giving them the' means togain and hold
their, places by, the basest ;and most `tor-
Supt transactions' in conventions , and nth:
erwise lon the other band, if of:-
ficiali only receive a rational 'compensa—
tion,l what th l e same 4-labor will
'mainland in,other'plarsnitp,this festering,
'reeking anti, principal 'source of corrup,..
tionlwill -be .effectually dried up. Then
the thieves suidcorruptioniste who seek of
fices for the fortunes in them; will have
no itidumuent to foist themselves upon
the people and 'Competent and honest
men will-be called to
eto the public service
as officials on - Owl: sa Cenditions that
they are put in ,n ay responsible branch of
blittipes.s in-private
' We o.A;t7tAltatiV•WkilT TO DA.Li
We have walied* a ' long <time for the
'Rios organ , oi egunti, - 0) give B° ln e
biographicid sketches of 441 candidatfs in
the bounty lie they nre neeknown ontsnie,
e'rt"their - Own niiihborlidd,d and one is
isiOlp),y lit:4v on
papkedlvictP t 'to leave elf pot eketed,
but'we yitit in • W. ;have concindvd
'thst4otdetbing demanded and , have as
surniql task add are tit a loss
head it • whethei to call it ,a - -bicigraphy.
or , w 4 bbituarYJ if any !cii tlketn.
aVotitt) squeeze "lirougli i?,ito Office. this
calif it pay be c4asidered# biogrephy l liut
if tlhey (leo it, appearctley
„will) the
day tne , itings stind id 'go; then it will an~
for attiobiivaty.'
We. are Unable AOitake `u tiler w ole
sah.fect this weelti . .k?ikive, , ;wilkKrike'.':the
"heed" first; and Wi l ainst be :,.parti*e l l
fur unly 4ti
.er Was born: has
nourishiiitut from all parties and bus:en
deavored to faSten . himself on the one
that had the 'most "milk in the-Cocoa—
t;" Ite is "a l *Wyo: . hr . 'professiou;ibut
has never practiced iti:enefigh . „ to loose
any foAke""
State Senate, thence.. appointed to a hi!
crative pointion 'at"-Washington, and -fin
ally (after hanging:o(4o on the "Mgged
edge" of privateiikroilaseitsOlq . .hq.-,yois
4 ;Itulatrey i
theta -WAS- etenleil f 44 test Years, amf -the:
.SusquebannaCcunty were :spurt,
red lip t4' a high zeal' his he
4411*,,4e4itsethey.vut.:At promised a , 'rcifi;-.;
deut.dudge.iii this county, not . knowing'.
of tfiti '"ieciet
Streeter, h had; made to
.47 edge Wilmot that
be; weittil pack
• bag:antillee to
the arms Of the Bradfordcounty. Rid„ s
soon as.he wasr'eleatek and- that - thiS'waii ...
a - part,:of -the bargain -thatgave. - liiin the
of patrieiispi,,rallied to the 0000 :of
their "resideu • judge : rind he ,alts eltet
A few - iiiiiiitthS . afterward iit purse ,
care of the apritate. bargain", with
ford fling he folded .up..his tone
and tole away : to the ;arias . ; of
his .wilyi setlacere-iu :Tawitudis; - leaving
his native county to sinother 'her . :uftec.
!ions ttri quiltt her:ifigeati,best - shelcould .
on bohu dlii „the.. perfidy` herd . gay
young deceiVer,"- gut ters. -went .44 thus
for a time, until :the trial list began to
. accumulate and . even '
neYs . of
..,Siisquehaatia 'county : b,• to
kl46l.4Oneiiiiother itl,iht fabe ; and ,ponder
Why it wt t, 'Clients :.
.begun to suspect..aV
torneys' : nudge delay> suits,
when, it ,--took from two "to three; yearS'to
bring a 'case to judger:neut. 'Ail .tit, once.
it dawned upon: the 'Court and thei.Btio
ford .that, the Work' was too hard and
, .the pay too small for oar Jtidge,2itud
thereforei a fat place, 'might be . naadifor
one of their nuniber,' by 4 "sitteeure, Law
Judge. , :Theo cornes theLsecond coipiet ! .
• ting of4titige, Streeter. tells the bar
of this coanty...and through thetir ;he..
peoPlethat:he "loves theta stirL" That
'his. old flanie for .them hnd returnedand
he gives them to understand that he will
come back tor the' county and their' arms,
it they will sign a petition to the legiala•
- tura for a sinecure.Juilke and an increase
of - esoo',on salary, and he then drags the
"erniine" into the ,dirty pools . of ,11.arris•
- bure4olitice 'and lobbies the bill through
making Judge Morrow {snottier Bradford
'conntfman) a fat place. - lie come
. back' %Susquehanna county then ?.
Would it. be , a good electioueeringdocu, .
rtieut4n county if what our atter
peys. said about the . Judge on '.. that Sc
count Was printed in: pamphlet.knit. and
circulated about the county with his lite-
Lifre,ort the cover ? • ,""
..:When, did he return'; to Siliquelianna
county ?' It mast be known to every Vo
ter thathe did so wheb:he conld not go
anywhere else. When the Radical Lt..g.
islaturechopped .the state up into !title
districts and said to Judge Streeter you
Must elect whether you will stair in Brad-,
ford or go' to' Susquehanna he,-at first
said, "I will stay in ' Bradford: .But 'he
found that: he had I hatched a' ;chicken
there to i pick his. own ' eyes out:. ladr,„e
It . cirrow' gets rip and . shows him the.
le gth of his, spurs, and says, "If 'you.
(I. re attempt to stay here on my dunghill
,I Iwill resign and drivelon off," and the
restf the ,Towanda Rine, then fluppe d
their 'wings - and "crowed" tco, and. the
Jiige curled,down hie, head like a.whip•
pedj roosters, packed :his carpetbhg, and .
came to Moutiose, hired , Alre. C, D. ta
throp's barn to store his goods in fOr a ,
year or two, whre they still remain, 0,11(14
asks the people to elect Lim Judge and
h will heard with them and draw anoth-,
e i t 40.00- to pat on interrsi. .Judge
BOitley G11;1.4 -to come back herq and
\settle'on the same terms, but the, people
did. not like the style. Whai reason have
t 4 pi;tiple to, believe that, them - is nut a
bargain With Senutor.Watson to have the
constitution changed this winter (if Judge
Streeter iireelected)l so that ht. can go
, .
bit i ek to Towanda an i d live' aftpr'eleetio h .
Judging the future' :by the past
. is it an
mireilsonable . conclusion ? We think
• .
the, people will say November - second
that he might - as well_ :ea.back= Tosvan.
dpi and live, as he will be more at= home
there - . , - 7 - ,
New 4.oo.rlllements,
A practical Worbasil'. et•
• ,
• '
83E30-IEIIIIX - Catra - •
hee Opened a imp ander E. L v Weeke 4t, Co's store. rin
Public Avenue, where he Is mady to do ull kfr,tdi of wort
in his line. Can excel in new work, and repair • with
seatnestand dettpatcli. , • • -
Montrose. October
• ,
At 'Montrose the 12ttrday noticebe, A.D. DM
Tbenudoreiped hereby.givea of his appolut
meat ae samignee of 'William James, -Igo of pilronl,
townehip, in titeCounty 0; 4 Uagaebanatioi and Stater
of reousyivania, withlr. auid IRetrict, who has been
adjudged a Bankrupt upon We creditor's petition. by
the... District Court of 'aid Dietrict.,
.r• ' G. B. ELDRED, Aaeignee.
Oc!ober111,1871-43w • , • • .
the Matti ct court of the United States for Brainal •
tern Dhatrict of l'ennavivanie, to Re Lewie rd
bankrupt No. 2't2 in RankraPtcY- •
— Notice ia hereby given that there will be a second
general intektirtt; of the Creditors orate above-parried
Bankrupt. for the purpose contemplated in tie
Hon of the Bankropt Act: on the 23 , 1 day of (towhee.
16.15; lit 10 o'clock a. so_ at the *lnce of lidward N. Wil
lard. Register in Bunkruptcy. ,Seranton, P.. and all
creditors who have preyed their debts' are hereby nod-
Stud to be preven' said meeting, and at the ache
Brae and place I abut! settle ray account.% and the atom
will be audited.'l. •O. LATLlttoP,,teialguae.
ikrunton. October la.
197,itiXABGE •
. ,•
,:ssy . goii:viir . -:soi .
Viket AmOneribas odes_ . for. *ati the valuablehrm icuorrx
_Andrew.catifielci frartni. , •
*Moak TO the tomolitli -Or •IX)ddletosii:- tiostveltanna
C0 ,• ..1*,. 4 4401.711u55...tf0x,cre.5,, Allostly creek - Mkt, 'A) acrra
itootoved ; Ilt7 ( 11 0111•,) ,, 4tee Itemlock and pike Cot -
'l)er, Well tedoxl, ilayiil lUt todttot eume wall, and wolf
AvAtfolvq. spit sboaotlat Por , alo, ;Engo ire or:..
• • . 1)11(141101a% d4ttrO.
itAsb. IZ *ma al Isupl talitilsilogi • Mostly - cieek Oat,
wad ,ieorcit ;140 anoer,a .g4od .xl4.te of coltlvAtiou. with
go 4 Wl,ll/144,41 /al two good °Moir& ttod In cooneeion
~with tha abovo wmtitt loako s lint c 4444 dairy tarot
,writ be void with it or MdpctatOfy to *nit pdtchhitets. For
fu.ttber particularil call 14)04 or addrevs, • •
. • /4: A IttOVFADIa
. or spl3EltD . K. T}III.I)WELN
Otfolier io.orts At • --- .
, —...-... ,
.._ . .
-, .. -,•:.,. • J. -L. •.••._•,-... .- • ~-f.-1 , -
..-,--..- 1- ; ,-.•; - ,t , - • . ':',.. , 1•1 l ~...".•'•-'; .: t it ~. -,.•• ... - - .•,..-*
.: - . •-
110.9110tTEli i ..S:4'-rllOlO/V0 3 :4.4P:01.11416:1;4e0te,.54 . ittO ' ;111tinee nottlii7B degreits oast
.. ,
'..ll.LlitknOre, la liere y - ,glv.invlottwitetaouts'eon • - ;.11:S;
.. ie/Ktit, , soutirl, L. degrees - . aftst 8 rods
eernf 4 , iLiAll ifiiipwl*g . -Pltife,Fo4:lolft , i r ii. . -- 1 4 11t14 1 31teipill „ot•rktild. road, Ao-.tli” place - of
letatitoi ‘..'lther33.wiiiintasi tatdot 144 4, 1
41 -. 4 ' . iiiii* .
_...,13ey4..;" ../.1 0 4 1 ,u11.1,itg .
~ i lt i). l) .ol . i.illg,lBo, 50uat,d .. , rtl:ds: b 0 I , "
• detaPnl3attl i Editon. WI Tanta Egeta `. -, • ~?.... • -,..1 ,
_attain tig; , 4119, wf,t-0.. tan appliftenaneea, ono
E#ta O. J° 0 v er..11.0 01....13.. *twil.,*: -. ..De7/ --. , - .404-4 toil 133t.ltnt33trAnt.. Counci:l-I:Atli - 1 barn.
1104 ' :1400 ; 611 / I.ll " zew #9r 4 ' I- ' t4 • 5747,- : - ..- - ' l: ‘ - -- •- - ' i ifit.l 4 the - r'iitit -tt Filgs,;-:,stitnel fruit tree anti
Ittat.:l:tl x i m L n . 4
a tic Tr htt . o l,o ,- -- n l i a l t t a i : , f irn r f o rt re l :::: : nec _ .. ...f . -- . .::: ,
.7.- iii; .
i : ...... -
~. :- : •
ze e wi lt - . 6 recuto i ,.. . , ~,.- - . i 1 ,-- ,
t dill 1511 p tO - 1.._". . Amen exeet thin at tau suit
En or Benjaniin W.! fils, into of -Ararat; 'Alec d.; (It D. I. t Ilkley ' Va. Car litni:.)l. - :. Tiffany and
ti L. Dl.' - ' i • - . '!. - - '' --.- I !Jerome a. ,
7.0060 );
'Row nr. ibbort. idnonit% Into of Anhum deed ; 1 34,711; ~ ,-. At.,80-4',, tr 2certnitt picto :or parcel id
•Biliwit,.Rxerotto. ~. . . : -. .-- .1 Rani: situate . in. he .township of -Harmony, in
Tatif -fito-titteoitntnrtift,--havit-lettieri'iliFirite':! Itltiret'itiiint liaTS'iciiiiierilitiiii - ariiirstaiiiirminv
- rolviitit iii - thii"Reegter'a Offiee . in - .unit :for' " - ylehnia 'bounded and describettao fo`dows•;- 7
enmity of,Rtigoktellntta.tlnd Illnl V! R I IIIP t‘ WIII ' egihning 1t,.11 point in tint initlole.ot,po,rivg
iliviltreittlititerlat.ttlititt:lncW.4,...the • Ornhatr' , iatl, them; along lands oQ JuelititttitriM*lo,lll:
Cntirt. - on 'Time:ollli - November 11. iS7S; for if 2 degrees ltutt.l6 miniver east Aiast. t 7 nu!! 5-10
ct3tiff rm talon and illoranea. . '.- erdeg to t ttpctt64.;.thertee by -.Ant west. aide of z 4
..; -....-, - .... ‘_......-_ „ Tr; il.:Troß.Am-Reol.ter: . -- 4 feet kitreet•noetti• - 4 tlegrers• west:lS - anti-HO
4 , Ilezistcr's Office!. o,etober 18, -'75.•• arches tol it postl, thence north 80'dettrees east
0 10 i fecti to jtipo t sti t iAbenett by lots of Willow .Ity . .•
• noi - Zilt)rait!,:tl)4 t '''said •Taylor. nnrth , 4 degrees
''iltist•lls litnttilittrtCor a point in the middle: of said
tSarrueca ;mad sail:. 69 degrees WeSt. 7 and -1 - ;
.10- ticrette*J and , itlitdit•As. by • the' Ailiddin of said
rivet: road': 1 south 1;0 degrees anti 45 ininnt6
Wcst 10 ..tya,:l-I . ol'pqrcitas, 43 the placa•nt 13ea•in•
ningf b:oinAlhillp . ll.;f:,• - trtfre by est itnnatfonjhe,the.
same Inor4 i t . t.r• lesN.with the.aiptillennucks,,,o ft e,
tkk'fil...!`ihiki'se; ItiutAiiil , lrtif,4, di itt iAl 4 .4iiiiirovetf:
[Taken itillxecitiiiin at the suit °Ulf 0n340 I'er-.
„iittn..tts, Itikr Lin -o,:st el lb.. •', ....'L i ''=',-.: '.' , l'" , '
. . ,AX,Bo.4.ll:th,“...certnixt lluiltling:lnca:fed on
11,' lot or Wee of voynnd §ltu,,to on the •alorthf.
west evril l t! of I),ritik•Cr anti grospect-Vrcets.,in. ,
Alit? liorriti!..ll of Susquehanna • rieplif,' efairtty of,.
.Stisquehin•n•a-and'State alrlenitsvivitubtlponn t l-•
eti tout gleitCrithltli as tollowEi : . Ott thc-tlast'b.-
•Dritilieti'st'rlitt:'oi! the' Smith . by'Prdipt•Ut Meeet,','
,tae Ack•st byi lot Or Mrs. Tierneyoin ,the,
tt:t7.4 . 1_,11y Ilot pfl-E. Ilyne , 3,.,haying'Alicteon. ti ,
frame building 1-. vo stories, - kigl with ti stone
basement nuclei:ft-all] for foi• storc,heing 1.18.1643t
'a, ide !by 40" ftiat ;hack ' tin (1.2 I: fettl: bit tliaet ili.rz
ther.harilt;i , atitittlic'curtlisge tbetet43, -pert tAin-,-
ing, [Thlt6n nt , the of
. 4. 'Young-y:34 Afaily
Tirney;•iikt•tv4- Ad Corti itictoi" '' " • - Y •
, • '••Taltit• NO tc i"4-Al I. b ids'iadptVs it'irefie.l f,on'
thtt day Of 'saki. I 1„': -. • .• . ,:-.t ;: If :• i
~,---- ... :1".•• -,
.j. ,- • zAI,;;Sqrifr. '
lierifrs•Oillce;,l3ronto:',c 0CA.,13 1875
- .
T . ' r7v• t :
_,.. - 1- f- ts; ... 1 - : ' 7 7 ~,- •, , .-:' 5 ,
Istrbiiti 'Lvtrz:,'oasi.. - 15, 1 5,
. F I RST A 1 ,711 ettiT,T. -APPP, hirtAllol 7 :
I 1
nt. ti,,, rOgaent And loot Pap:tint' Sneaker In ,A ntrrtrn,
M iss in fl ,1„ :i 1'
M 1 !
~ .i 0,., 'will Zinc tmr I
Oft kICIP lIISTOTti..-41,0 ftlr.PftriSiCyyNripil nr 4
' 4.
: :EY 9 ° ': AX : t.
larlivtiftt.4 smite r 5i;m1ier,pt1d,..,41,446 not' , T. , ''-
tom. ft la n I..r , ntlfni 'tient ten 'in Min `net. antert . it," nen
Trilitit2t nettle &fall pg a profonntleenaltlel every-
Tte•u!'rc . ,.4 nentn nre r.' pnlint IV: D. T)enr,en",:filnk,' qtrire.
A dinlimion. 50 S 0 4 teittorveit' SortaPt.7 : S.<lo.
Door* open tit ...oTtoc -. re.,•lttat .4to'eloolc.
-""" 1.
1 .
13 moult cir TrtEl 4 - 4,iinTrlnN of in. Plr4 'I V- ttnnal llink nt Montro.e. In the !onto 01 Pensyl
vaufa nt the CiOPO of ItAti l leot, (11301,6 r tok - le-3,
1 p,stilitCP,S : ' ; '
Lanny end dlorznnte . t .-...',... :.:kt,tni,rnc.. , :r,
Overdraft:4 ll I :, , l M. 4 -, Pa
Tr- A• 'Mandl , to lteettre I rirtinintinn„:... ... :. . . tin nqn no
rine from approved /err , neenfn ..:. : . ........ :ri. , 2oi at
fine from nther vet* ,, el That.' ..... .....
Imo tram glare Tank n. and 111 tit:Pr.!. .. -, ... :. • 111 tt2•?. t
Reel emote, fp_rnitnre,' Anti (bawl ..... ......:., 2.wril 47
Cnrrht Asttety.s'and, lazes pa 1d .... ...... ~ ve le_
P,emlnrt.• 00 , 1 !.•.', .1.• .1 ..., .2... .: .. : . ~'. 1.4,178 SI
,Cherkit tind Other eNnli itnr. ' „ „... i:l7 .15
litito of ottier_Xfittanll 71),W:A .. ~.„ \ _ ~:., ' 2'..7.41 Oa
Frlidign3l.rntrenc7 Or,r.lntlialt nicke15... , ... , t • :1711 1 1
I,nt....+l.te,tler tmirn. •., . •i f ' ~.. .... ..,...... ~.1,713 00
ttedeteTit inn !nee! %vitt D. . Tresititrer (5 ter' '
cent. of eircutationy i .... ...., i; i..;.....4,ii 1 8.375 Oft
._. , 1. ..,..:...w .. .. - .4. '.. :$8:9.1191 1.1
• i! J :t,TAIIILITIP,9. - ',
' ' ' . ir• ,
,OATAISI +sof* paid 1n....,!..'.,... .... 1 .... ,;.sl(xl,nsiriq '
clnrolus Nutt .. ..... . .....‘,.. ~ .5 000 00
tDber tindivldrif tr 004......! . :`1..'':.., ' , .'' 1 LIM (11
:')2:l'°:.ABl3:R. 6 :
Net 1 nnnt Tlonlf noun emtnranninz 51:00 00
trtittiAtt.4l tirtirott tot miniaet:to e1hek511.907"73 .
Demand neftlflenlw of dcwa1t...,..... •8.0 11 1 11 • -: ! '
T tido certiitot es '
or deoat. . 1 ... • • 11 ,0900 g. '
' . ' I , i tlo.fitM 4
nre to ntiter NO ional,llntittl 1,;..,, '.. :. '! 11 '2 101
Due to State .1311ke and banker 5........... .. • • 10115
. • - . ; - 1 . 1 • : ! • *
Tqtal _...,....;,. ... : 1 ....: 1.. .......... .....tr0.021,14
Spoepf PeAn*trania.lriraity pf StrArphaapg. 4. R.
IN. L2tattnitst.''ortlic iityr;t t e , 4lnnidd tiank4
do Folemnlt.lo,rear that the ariftro ritatoinenels true to
the bett ditty knosrlode in d,t.ot inf.. !. ,
N. L. tr.NIIRI:kr, Celhter,
, -1 ,
soh , .eritled 'anti morn hofo 1 r • • in c 11111! Sth'ellv• r octg:
her, 15:5. ! - L. tiElftLE, Jr„ Notary Ptilotle.. • !
COnnave-- . .Altett : 1 ~ ! .. I •
. . . 117: 1 1 J. erillirtrtT
,r 1:
t Ti. 1, . TIEINTLFX, • \ DlFectors.
. - ,li
•, D. P' REI4RLS, -
Matt:tie, O'ct ,
nber 11, teris..:--lii. - *" ". "
i tzlitorutnErs s • , • • •
The undersigned ailmlnistratrlx oftbe estateot Abram
Brant. bite of (treat Bend tOwnoltip. t ec'd. to prirsuanee
of an order '
of A ibe Orpletie ' Court of •Snstliteltanni
Cenntr. will calf Gees t pntl le . sale oultho premises, in
Great Bend,on li..
. . •
ThunidOy, Norember 4. ISIS.-
.Commeneng at cnie o'clockt D. to .. all the following des
eritied piece of land .-ituatd in the township of, ibeit
Bend, County oflitalcuthanna and" Nate -Pennsylva
uiit. bounded and described As .follows. to w!t :
Beginning at aistake at rife end, o f a stone WM). IL be
hat a cor,er of, li, B. l'itthlire•hital. and. thence smith
twenty degrees, ensilwentylfourchilln , nod five Bel:. n
at arcs and 1401104; another earner of B. B. Tuthill'. land
hence south twenty-tworuid a Italf'deerces, west deft
tern•chains and 'iltzty links o a stake and Itoneait.theitee
north eitthry-sixi dearws. West thirty;•nine chains and
eighty-eight links to a atake, a corner for f.raitc fleck.
how thence north eighty degrees.enet ihirty-oneehshfs"
and thirty-font Ilnktoto n title of stones, another corncr
for said teckhow. Thence: north seventecu'degrees east
ninety-eh:lit a .pile cot stoney. thArtee north •
et by-two degrebs, eal.t tin etiaina and four-rt ;link
to an - Ottk tree, thence north seventy-threw deerees. c-tat
sixschalns and thirty.alz litika:to an talk troe;Ahence
north twenty-two and a baTf decrees east. three.ehains
And sintv 7 two links to a stake and stones thente smith
• eighty-41g- degreiis. east Sixteen chains and t evefity-Avo.
Baits to the place of begin erg. crmtaining One hundred
and fifty-one acres-of 'midland three rinds Over. Thd
nhiwrr.bottudo lagiralcs t.wol reservation... MFberolonftea
rnetnioned. viz ::! F7rrf,:re4erving "to ,lira. Derlah "non-'
ell, tier rights nail privildges occupied Alubsr,i
jored by ner,naas grant to .her .by the. Court. 05,4
private road (adjoining tang' of B.' B. TnthllVenatiiiii--
fig about three- on:timid an acre) so'; long -as . tier raid
rights and privimire:ros may eizict by law., ; And Second.'
a. reserving oiat'ot•said houndatie4,- n piece of land:
adjoioirw boat Tteelitow and on tht swab sldo of tic:
highway. OCcurded ad burying; ground running tire rods•
ileng•taid•highttitly and . eight:rods :along said Ttsck
how's line. being alz 'rode! on the ,sonth end and eight
i•n da on the neat ride. etre tatithig about-one-fourth of nn
acre rat ladd,•it lifting the attic land fttruterly.diseded tO,
the salt! decedent by deed :bearing date June .I,sth."A.
Stntth et 41,'"and duly recorded - in
tte office tor re?ordlng and fur said comity bf .
So,:quntinuna, stint :ann., A D. IStid 'in Deixl, book, - \o.
: • TElNSt.—Onpf hundrei dollars on day of sale;
sl.f.tin on confirmation of slle. and' the btlance In `one
year thereafter with IntereFt,. • , •
October 11; 1515; ,
;" , • - - •
, .
L.) of writs issued by, the Court of Gtintnieli
Pleas of Suitinehanua filotnit and tit ihL direc
ted, I -Oil expose to sale by public ventlue;-Itt
the Court- linuse in ;.3t'ontrose, - pti'FriiAiy; No
vemtier 5; 1d715, Sit 1.. tn. the billow:
ing pieces or parcels or laud to wit :.; ,
certain piece or parcel Of land situ-,
aleirt the tOWnShip oi Auburn, in the County
of Susquehanna »iuY . iitate - 1 4'1;2214i ,
hOnntletl and !detieribeilifts follows; to On
the north br lands of iDharles Gity,•orr the east.
by Janda el - Daniel anti john.3ane. on the south
by land-of David Jachistin, and tut the west. ; by '
lands Of. Wini nacre, LJ U. 13 - entiltigdr.4titi ••11.n-"
tiel _Btfitz.niati:
,1913 nett*
less toift-tffer With the appurteitapcesed large
fraine.t.iwelling. Louse, . c l• large. frame Tans -and
other out builtlitiO, 2 brelßeoLiti and. *la 1 ;j 0
ac;res iniproveti:". l`raltiai in exectitien ttie,
suit or J: D. (lehilWin: TiroS;tisii - df Gutteit;'
berg, Rosenbauni kee. vs. Ansel, • •
ALSO —fly tiatt cer'tuin , piece -.(8 . parcel of
land 'situate la: the. tewnship ; of - Apolitedn, in
14, county of' Scisqueltanna anti - State ei,P,elin
syfvania, beiintled,and idestiribtrf a
Ott the nertb,cast bud South bylandsigTheirt
its lootriy,'-avid west by larida=tif John:
Crimmins, containing iihou t .12- acroj.of ktlltl be
Abe Fo•nte - uxarp,Or 1t...--s,togethinr the. api iu
lenaqces. tT i akerr in. eeecn;iop the' Stiff of
Fiaticis T. .titistiing,.:tilin'r. of
vi:.'3llcbael • • •.. •
ALSO—All.that' certain piaci: - oe.parcel,of:
lanitittuate '.the to w ip of Latihrop i , iti._the
county of' Suighetianua• tool State of eunnsii•
Tanta, bo . rind detwrifit.-d ,On'•
thej north byl- ini3ds of! Will: 4.l:traing, phi the
east by land tit -.E. Tiffany, On the ninth by
laud of ChanCer Dayie r and .the lttt t; t?v the
highway, colt Laing 4tt),(iat 58:?,2g . reel. ot
1504 be the Sitftritt Boat: lor less, with the
tenitutw, iririitue' building u...ed 'rot' a eurree , e
shot) and divellhviApue, 1 barn anti oat' btrigi
-11474, and all , iniprintall fiTaken••in` exlaceti+itt
at the suit of Curter, Abbott, tV, Johnson, vs. P
IL Whiting, ‘.1,• • • '
' ,1111
ALbO-111 that c rt
land sittlate '4 LI L ''
Pl4'ee of
"arc° '
t 1 . j otin 1 le ton nsttip 111 btlYer 1, tkv, in T° 4 by 0411 ()Pinar a; an eji.e7it ~ or h t o n . ~,.,
1 l^tor3 trier.. kr to Clair any arrp l :4t , at eliik -Matti
B l v e y
a ty of linstittehanna and Btate or Pcun
I l b i , betuldtti tat ki dtserthed los tlllotyi i— :rtlitn n t d ru ° C r tv ° ll l ' 1 I ''' of Gr"
' li
1 IC‘"lji"Fhtitti r Ihtl
Uri;, the north tIY lands of BLopkulln B ritta „,, u pnaathin • 0 11 14 u :in t ': til atu elg r lrtiVillfo rli t r " 4111
o ti t e pho ill Dy p Q tali( r Lltto, on the test by lands rf • t iLetiv•3 4" on... , table Or ench %lira 41,: t ri , cY k LV ry
Aug attt„t, tit I on the t I 41a
of win r 1 , ,
co west b., lands Y Dcpta T fit the c, 1 ,, ttqt llrc.l ;pt In p. r Int o r ;
ore or ha's watt the ttp urtenan , , 0 ho
ne subs); lli. err in
1 41* tr tocro,lkip ror th I " tint " 13
in -+ un p , , at min; 0; and 7.100rb %ar t r i t e ` -c I '' " f "lug' c
Alto that ru!t.t 4 room
d ' l'
I'4l ' t" of
and bran .nrattado_tc
r t lIN tgrad to 311(.6 tel
the .4utt ot 11 C Waincrrak‘n W I cxectitton tit
it, sat r t p t ii te , a , 4 ~ ,, ,, papLr, , ,rtaadl i lt sio u tr iti ti t e le te c i t itx e l lot in t a no a t a rl s r 4le i„ la th lt e ly r
e I eintet• tt tn it
i tl i t ti nk. p i p u i l )v. P L a rs tttek .O'Laughlin No D lurpi,), t t i n , p p a r, fi
, nl....ii i d ly n to th fi s i t t r
e oi li R 10 1 , 14 e got otNed iiiii
'Leith , it• "Tatio liiiime "' W. uenttlit onttor, franc%
‘ ALtvo—Alt ;that
ti B
3n II
otnui, 4:tiro,
„ tiny genoral or
lam! situate In tt ( imm( ur
Plmtli 91
" tu
k wt"Y6"t"
y i....t ot Al, eiiiiiii) -di pl l -
C v a n u o l u t t, t.Y h t i f un S d n e scan a l u b d an i n i i
ci a l i t t ) d ea tan i - o o u t Pt rtum lP • Atml .' 1 ; 81 i r
I % l6ua q - a "'" I I I It V l tt e r " th tVil l / 4tht l e l l:i L lit k o r r
o l i :h i lt b...ttn,a )swat,!. )fain ` - ‘'T'.. do r " 4 0
bt twem Iti i t „ e , _, . 10 11 , ...,41*
the north by lands of IP, tn l / 4 Hull ' r. ) 11. 6 1 '0 I 1 ° ( " 1 " 14 114
Th ttcht I, on tleklst tr hinds of SIV
k ~,,,, v ray the act I Vittl""at '°l.4t,Thmr am ' 3""
tr, oft the south. by lin of John 4 ' 3 " It Actyda rono, t . ' " .4 te l w' ' trotk SO, It It Is ot
the ivest by imp:ls or p v ti i nii i G h " t anti Oa fit ( Iva 1 710 tt eit •
g' ed c) l tike ensito 1j on 1
;t ill ift ti rt. t nat #ot tllt Ca ntmoraulAl 11 "('
1 "
Cowan and ()them coat t I .:. I ' r -'
... tli'Ln
testa. , ,n n, a eo nt 7,e, J . ( 1 , s ed by-tire a 0 ti . rld 440013:4% in, t int it le t ottlat i """ 1
boust 1 - titt. i ) ku t ird l C t
, in )arit and bl -U
l ii ! silo 7, f ind about, 1 ,-
5. can i,; Or ii, ttoZnetiCl4,:t.u.B L'f i /It'. Lattnnontttlith i
se . ris
.r g i roved.( I l i it r i ol 0 4, m yr., ) , 11 tilt, tri„tort,br,, t k tt otttsr, Ikutht r t .; li " 414 PP " I (1 ` 4 ""
*w.lL'lSOT—nAlti°r " ` W"t"tt• i
,i lIo l :to c te '.2l p` l4l o ti."%/0.4 wrietw.'tc:VerutrYlaittls
'it - ie+ r, rto “4.eto' ll sji L t4 ' 13 %, .. 11134 " : 31 4 "
,l s of and I. '°" 4l - ttl 01 cortatp or pax. inl i ,wi e mY . ono tiettel.TLltl i tiiivi. IX; Y ed i 6 4
in tlie j 41"""
In ill'°Will'u p of LatiktOp
_ cr. m co d i fy of 4 udrittettann 1 arid B.atd of `I .. I Tka t tl ',,lrk""cAt.lcihrtllnfo,r, Tad labqk.d • :tatd'",- , 4 07 ,h ( t r l 4ll
r ( Ylvtlfirl, the tint is Wands - it - land dcs„ hattudir ll l.7.4Jut 44 3 4 t i l air k!iin 4 .,„ ll* .a t '''' s ''' ea( ' 'A t
ec era n t) a l, n o s
t tolieuk. 13titutningiat a point m 11 1 , 3 Arguably, if voted •, n r u r ';" ' . au- leclelft.r• 'r .
d ti r i the tont lin It tA „s L b, ow Abi „ , 10 'tot% i in- out ut Itt)t'1:1" 1 , - 0 I T , int l, t4, o „ . ° l egvq , ~ it
i lit: i r,,,-Itt rainoi IA Al tou'n'il l eiip tneiceix ti i oil i l i'lit li
a tw n Vaterferd•lurnpil t,, and in fli t , lin k - iftl,l ::, , 1 ,, ,11 1 1 t°l'l3hlP,' yr . tit.met tut!! vain l'eolt t
et n lands of Liksh k Lord and e B ilail Euti "
Y i - faxi d i irr4 11 1 , 1ii i t vi t a t,1 ,, etje t, ;idled rot , nod hboli 1 1 1`o
a d inn - nig along the et»ttr of *nd
siu ll ih 12r u tlerees east iXi tong to hulls of o w ti
( t , V ritt. I 411'n
11°It I' 4
c '9"44114'111°141*"" in
W nun A tr. Thu: V
thttlot by satti Tlffsny e a lend watt, rj atltution $ r tht, tuft 1 7 ° , 3th ' Aj g uldiarnt uf the ( .en i
de l , l ets- l e% '
4 s. 44. 10143(14 Lott t,orper Ow l e t s wat t, it , ''r Atm./ 1 Tit, rt,ti r roPc 4 Nit ' l l trll s ~t i 1
,i_tr t ell tii;it. ti rads, thenen•6ttlitit tit. t i t.4lo eo t i' l ;• tv i ci to t .
i a. - tr o.hrili nat. be denial !. 1 lot tatral ik w% f l
) . : I t e ,,
.',: t , i i tIS (1) Slal'L anti Si. all thence vira l lor porn, ai t .: t lllt l 4, Yaki/ 4tlll ' nu accumit 4.r 14c i e, ) c. 1 0 1' r ,
. 1. ,* wttrt." vke't 49 rfl43 to ,stalte and stont4 1 t , sreLltm„.l. 31,,q1U1 Ite,1:,"1"1,i ti ' a• 1
Inetout smith tlo dcgil el eas t 70 T A , 1 1/‘ krtkitts ita,nandeto 1'" 1 1 t"l`Parlt° eni.ClCe
tle n n . sto the 1 iftti, liderat.t, tiot t. *, ' llt4ll°r. ?
rod 3,
be a u t 10 g, umtaltint4 16 nen 4 ito 4 . Oro 510. tkly tgml n , gt , ,fq, th,,s thlittdet4 46o . o a
Ae 6 unt more or. itts v i iti t t h o Ito t t tet Li to aro V lif i4OAI ✓ ; 1 r cira,ri 2 1 ;4, 1
, 1 , 1,,, a timd
plitictenttni es and a' goat 10 aert i ItuptoeQd F w 11 ` )14 " 1144 4 - arfiai eideeta tj ilkf I , *'". Itik 1 liligl
1 e e i t e i i Da d TaccP htlaltint l3 ,4 at. the tentm o f 71=r the ' l ' . " l 411 scaled Ajnottrlt i aga l.4l44l.
ington anti at rfornll'untr,the rooom avagko ILb it inicocitii lo t 0 ... ‘'..
78 degrees west 10 ..,,,a„ ,t ,„„ _ & jr ..t o ices , Adruo.c ( .4,1. 1 ~„/ 14 Fenn ) 1 .A 4 4-11.4 i Of
004tha At Itca
f."`""r, "WM"' 44"til 1 9"Miasintg4(4 71141 tat ClllO if 44441tc" V tgv
a I alga PAW, nth,*
, -'.:GENERAt- Et. , CTIOH: PROCLAMATIOI" . - ..
T., 0 ,..n.,,,, of. tlie provision - sjot.l l l%.Vous i `itotion -
.1." due election lleirti of. the CotattiOnwcalth 9/ Penn
..-syfraula.:l,ll, 1 , 3v11:EL11:11. Inuit fib - brie Of the ronuty
of tinitqueliantia..tio herebygiven, notice I at the electors
of stritl'etionty thht - oh election will' he helit Inuit' collo-
V °4 , l. ~ ' , i t ' , ', :.• ?, ''' •-'• •
‘ 'ltiLititlity;'`tlfte 'lir da n k Of NOiretislisoic . 8 75 i .
riving - the ToeidtV•iriMit- folliiviler;, the dote Youda.) :.
1 1 3 u, tioreatherl at wlt!g4 Limo tint, 1911elystr; officers wi/r '
lic'elecled. to ivill'• '• • • , ,--''' • , ,
One pal son to rill the off i ce of i ~ .:
'Cottrell:ter of tint Cont2'
mon:v.lllth of _Pennsrlyanta.. ~ . 1 •,. 'LI - '
l' Voo`tiers on toll)! the'treire• Of thia tiate Trcarrer of
;, the Conainonwealsh Of I?eitosylyiteirs; ; „ ~.,, -. ,
~ ,
1 ''''Otertiersrni I,6lllllthe - officioof lereillli*%Jutlge for
1 ; Eitatittelmuna;Conat,, ,, t.. ~1- . . t.
.- ~„. - ,
1 ne,pertonto fill thuotteo of "Sheilff for attl4 tiounL
, One perklit 19 All 't
iq ,oillec.' of II gii!!pr . , al l W• 4118 and
L itiet
Itecoreet - or Lerrit i aaitl'eentits...!; - i
, One p .r.,on to till , the, offi
: ce of obtitny, Try-Asa:l - er 'for
1 toga - Ocettey,• • et::. r -,!• '• ~ to t, ~ ~... r
Whree perstms to, ;All the, °face 01.(tootalVfommisslcift,j
ei for . - fsittl County. "r ' • 1 • - ; s
Mtr tiertio.Ns to flit the; °dice of entintiAlialiostfoi;
said ceitot.v. . ,
-' Otto prii:ian to fill t et iilike• n t ("arum- for'sald. Coon- t
tr. ;
1 ,11 .1s 0 , 110 7: 1 1 1 1b-1k lcnowa - .atel it ere notice tiat the
~pla,ces of tii cilf Ito g, Gilmore -aid ;len . rn ' isel , .._•ction do the.
'several wit rilti, 'boriin 'its: tits tritt if nil i i owitithip I; with-
In the C.)unt), of•' ,, ninetmeca,tteO SS ft:ilk/x*4;lo wit : -•
. TLO - Eiti , :tron (Cr the tifstriet co-.OPosetl of the t.tten
.. ship tat:Atiol.wrio;witi. he tieldeas• this , house' of JO teph •
Iteehe i IL r Lig/ 1. , ,t1113.
. The Election.for sr a dist r ict 'ecert i O'sell -of fbeitoWn-,
shin Ar.ttat will he 1 eld, nt the school house near the.
Presbytervor church la said totroShise ',•:••• • • .
.The Election for thh district eutuppted of the`toiya
ship of Auburn' will he held at iltO hen:keret larrii. 1;1%4'
In tail towashilt. - .'“ I -'' , • '.,-• ', : -..; i : ",i ,- 5
• The Election for the distriCt eoinposed iir the' t ouln:
ahip of Ilridgewater Will Int held ali,hit,Co4rp ilouit in
- the Boroueb of Mont,4-ose„' ''." .• • - :,.• ' ' r
Thu Elm:Oen for the - district composidiot tlie4Own
ship of erooklya will be held at of James
0. Bullard hi a lie it eten- , hlp. ••, ',.,:,, - :,, ", -• -‘ ~.. •
The Eiectionfor the district cotaposed of the4-own
ship of Chore:on will he h-ld at tha • sthOor Clouse near
Edward Clarles in soil township.. . • , .
Th e Electi o n fox Lao district composed of thelomi- •
ship of cijitord "will„heicl.. at ttyr hortse lath of J 0•411
Ilewelson thrtfe tosfushlli, : , '.,-,'''. • - ~ -
The Eicci lee for OW tibitrict Cohnioi , c4 ' Or thi Ber
m/eh of Dandaff_willi . lh: held at . the,..D.undatf• II tel in
said Borough. - I . t
The „Elect ion for Van a bittlet.cornposed of the townr
strip of piglet:ld will die 'held at:Nth !louse late of T. J. -
Babcock. in said tromithio.
The Election for the
.distrlct composed -of theiown
step of Forest, Lakeirill• be held et the..o?u so or „Arts ; ',
• .ifertha Nrarner in sald towtfship. .' ••- .
, "rite Election tor - shit district corripeacd; et She toivti
. stile of Frsolciinwilliba held at the .
school . house near •
J.” A:ilther's In said ;township. • ..., .. i, . ~ , • ;
The election forthU district composed of tlionorout;li
of Priends.ville : will be held at the school Music In said
The Elution for the district conipomd of the , ltc;routth•
Of '(lt. Ileild wiljbe held a.. the house lately'etecupled by .
'Davie Thornsa, ~,, -.-• . , : , '
The Elec.L . toit for this district composed' of the town
;Ship td.or,-e - Lad'l will be held at the hoOse,itettly ut
• cupiett my l- etsruitm, deol, . --. !, . ,:i ;• i . '
the elec 1 :Int , Flit, tinla (Usti ict composed of ,t he-boSongli
,:itir ". Great Ber.llNlllatie, will:be held tit theitougeilately
;occupied he. ti. irarnniro In -airs borough. ~. • ;,..„•,.
The eleril oh for tht district ecttnposetT "of the town
:Aldo of GiliAot:will: b helo la lb A Academy btaitll,t.g In
said, Ifni r.ship. , i, . • , .; , 1 - .etft e
Tne:,Elet-iihe for the tiletriet conapftSVA of thelown.,
ship of liarrerit wilt' lie held lit the boasts late of Zi-,W.
Walden in s lid"vesruselp. - •.. . - =, -- 01 '
i ';. The 'elect ieif frit , tbe ,, aist tier cot - ale:lied 'of tbe town
. ship of .littrtnoey with be held. :i t: LI/a iteisey. 3 .l
f Win-
Lets in feed triwth-litp; '' • , • '''''.' '." I -,. •
The: Ele.:tlf,a for;trtil district• colnoused.ot•Sho tours=
ship of Ile:rick Will h r i• li alit at the :derrick Contra:Vs - 01 ;
llome, ht seio to-rust - lip. • •• • • '' • I ~'"' r. , i
Thechletiort tortbe'distrletoomposeti ottho tontship
.of . Jacit.,,ed. w II; IL.I held at tit: house ut JostPlt Geary in
"aitiritoiviediip. - - ''„: ' •• • -• ''
- - ... , •'. 1 •,._ -.... - I . I .
The Ei,etion for toe district curnposelor she 'MICR-
Kiii) of 41, Ity will bbhtda at the liJiisli 'of D..n14 Hull'
.liff , alLl tewto hitt....l ,•, • . ' :, ~ - ':;; ;; l • ,
• The o..• , :etten - ferthe,diltrirt erintpesedof the towpship
of Leaws wit: he helelit•th a Leash Of grow ~t,' Brothers '
Aail'fa s
s townsitip.. !,.;
.• :• . ~ . :. . . ,•• - ,
'rite cleetion tor the district eorriPhad 'of the lowa
ship of Liberty will bp held . at the Stardbrd Schtkoito tele
.10 said township:. ~; .
.. .
.; :;.. - . , i. 1 ,
• - The Met-lion for - fhb district comPeserf of the itiiv.e. '
ship or.l.ratitrop.wlll lbe; held at .the:dial ladalo.letwool •
',house in i , ,tlil township.,
• theelection ter the!distriet eomposedor thelloiotshto
,Lit tle,Misttlows vat ifolield at ,the tiohool.liotse In
-The I.lect [On To r the; tristrict oonip Oleai a f the toehts h 1p
; of Midsllotown will he held at i he hotistfor,Otis leesd l i: -
srild thwirship:" i'• . '•. . 1 ' 2 I-,
I - - The:Li:le:Lion for (Midi:drier, combesed of the Boron!, ,
of - Montrose will be hidd at the Votfrt illonso id -salt,
Illorouth. ' r '• 'I / • '• • • ' ' • ''• —I• • l
1..• Tho'hilect ion for the district c mopes st,'of the Betni lie n
of New iiilliord tern be hell at - the litisu4a late of, Joni
'Fiume in said Bereekli. I .: '• • , t
i TlL9Ulection for-theelistricteorepoSed./tf the toetriship '
,of ,:gew .'sl Ilford will by held at the tionsld. br Philtuicter
eltinhey. In the Beret/4'4'4le -New. Illifordtl , s: ',-..- i
The elective forthd district. compote:4 Of the•Uttt-
toth - fl'ef Oaltl.ttni Mil . he Med at' thehoust, late of Thom. i
I.23:4;troptrin ctict-vivtoship. - -:, .;
The elettloo for , the-tlistrict composred orthe sown-
'ship of ittisirwill liclitot 'this .house of , 2i.dis:Suyiler In
sate town:ann. , i- , ~.,.. .t : , -.„ , ,
I , The election for Ito', distritt 'siontplidetl.'or's.Wey.owri-
liar. of Springville - will be held- at the hence -
;Spencer Biotic in salcltoWnshiP; ,” -I -- , '
I The'eleetrAn nit tlithillstilet m . 114)0 , 514 hr the '10wa... ,
'reedit of sliver Lake will he held a; Lao hotise lathtOf 'II:
~ . .
AVttiß,Tigies lit ?tau! towtlship. . -,.', t .' a :
'T...te , Election fori till; Olptrict - caraposoa or thin •Kirit,.•
-;War.1.91 the 11.4-,iiigo of .titriaettainia.lNlko twill •he I
'h e ll at theli4ns'e oeeop it'd' by enealer.G. - V haled in sai,tl ;
•:- The
~•.;,,r,;.t,oyi fir tilt tit-strict composed-of the 'Second
; Ward: of Olt Boron 4it tel Stisiptehaotot Depot Will her;
;held at the heaso Mamplect by Ambrose Jitepsen lit .ai(l . ,
•por - rta,.:li.; • - , 1.. , . • • ; • -, , • ,•c: '
• . 'nib ,110!..flon for thit district 'comp - hied, of the
1 , ,i-Op of rhovason v.- II -beheld at ilkrliliiltie lil
it,'hei , ter Sitelitard ids Id tiekositte., • .- - 9- ,
.. . • i ~ ;
I- filth Trail 'kilo li ii; MI rye ho Lica. A, ! in . m i d . 1, 5 ; E N ° .!
•Vith aoction - Jtily ~ii lall,•• directed, ••That i
!everY pgrsen 'except' Fixatives. i;f the Peoch; who) eleol . •
) 30 17 an - Obey or apeolotment ;of:profit cif, trust :notify
Site totted Stit:C4, or ;of :ea, ilea :slate, Or of any etty!or•th-',
leorpoMtee district, is•hethdr•ti tkintralselotted -blllSer. .eir
it-e. nf, who is,ur shall bh, cusp iof ed undefth e lislitti vo,
tiibelary. 'Or .esecittlie department of lliiti' State , lit
l/blted States, Cr 144 i :city or u*Orpprittedsiltitrlert and
rilso that every metubirr of cioitgre.. , s, aunt or thestoto.
T,I-gir•lattire, andOr the select Or c‘erimorekett rid! Of any . -
Ally, or vointolrsionerrt or . any It:corporals:4.4i irlet, its
lty law incapable of holding - or exercising
,at the. aarue
Or:, the olden,' Or appals:amend of Juitt•4l,lnlperior.•or
I.llerk„Of spy election ol this COntitiOntvcsitit, anti= that
ini Inspector or. Judge or uther•orlaccir'_of any, such
oyetiou, elsall Ins eligible to any wilco theis to. be voted
tor - .; ” .
... ;
Re the act of ..ts.SetAly 'Of July 8. - iF , 25,t it is-also ma tie,
othe way of every MSyor, Sheriff, - ,Aldernein,4nslich oil
. She Pe.tee; Couitahle of every city, Ceititty s .tolualiip
or district with in •;ttill tionimeowerlitb; wheriesseri9liled.
.......- . __ . -
lift r . 40 vote'
nt aye ettito by the peopte, dtany State,.Tettltery,
Aber t;cortiati.ctlytt ra risti, tuvenslp„ rtichoot dietrlet;
minitettislitytir.ot et territorial enb.divlstons. ettalt be
*Witted And ntlowed'tri Vitae akettintettelecdQuill with -
Oet filiairtet49l3 Otritane,or toter, Or prevlone'eontittton
dervitedo t:;.sity,' , Vicirietltittion;, , ,low,`..ertritaintf• Osage;
rettitretrOn elly.=-B,otte Or Tartitory, or by t tor nude: its
uthotllntO•lbe FAoOfrayftotwithetatifilio4C.'
. • - Secrierr2.4titt tt furl/ter frittered, - .= it If by or
tinder the maturity of the Constitution or laws Of eny
State, or the Idles 411, any Territory, auy act Is or *ball
berg:mired to lie dorm as a prerequisite or tittAilflcat4ort
officers tol by s utit tattoo or persenti or
are'or shall be charged with the performance el,
littion.inittralthlait to .e•til tin _ airport u nity
torn such prerequisite, or to become quelllded to vote,
'lt shell be the duty 0 . every 'each to ervoß and °dicer to
give to all eitltene of the Unite States the same and
iiitinataportiniitypi Oerforiurilich lircreticifeittb and V*
Ilietotakuallitati to vote withouttistinctioti atop:teal
or, or prey louseondithin of eetvitude; and If any, such
pt rron or nth shall rehire or knowingly omit to ghtr
tali !It cot to this xect,tou, he shall. for every it isoedema.,
forl r eit and Pay the sun of Ave hundred dollars to the per
son aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by an action On
tl tae, with full coats and mach an el lowance for elm
sty. the Soul, Shall deem J est. aad that! also, tot
every Such (fife bee, ere deviled gallty of a iniridemeanor.„
and shall on goer: kitten thereof,
.be fined not ie,,a thgar
eve hundred di4lars, or be Imprlvoned not lees than one
month - end not titord than one year, or boqi,ot tiro dis
cretion of the some.?'
•I•4n.t - irAcrew; it Is.derdired by ths second section of
Clhd V/ arliolt , AMCOonstitatledef the United States,
that "This Constitution. nail the taws of the Milted
Statea snail he at ote. In putsnance-thereci t Phan
be-the suoromulaw of the land. .• -• • anythlrg
the . Cartltie4lllo4 Or afr,tqf Wig Stated 10 Vat contrary not .
Whits,:endia.y. T.. •
;citerear,..The,i,oolattire of Oda Conortoiiwealth,
on the ism day of sp irit, A 1870,1)3140d:ill act, en
tit led,•.'A further aupplement to the act relating to Wee
•I,l,itts Iri Mitt Cinntnenwealth," the tenth section , ef
tyliteh Proefde,i, ad rattan,*
'''''SenTlaY'VVTritat so Intleh of every argot Astrembly
provoleSllint only. white fevemen satin be entitled to
vote or to he registered as voters, or as claiming to vote
Many generator spode) election of this Commonwealth'
he utilize samd is hereby repealed, and that hereafter
all freemen. withoutalistinction Of color, shall be enroll
ed and iegistered necorditnr to the pmvisirms of the
'first se . .:4oa.tporoved April Pah, 130. entitled "An Act
t,irtn-r rupplernental to the act relating to the elections
or, tide commonwealth," and whin otherwise onalided
'tinder (‘vistitet lawe,he entitled to vote at all general
and sperial'emotlone In this Commonwealth."
Thesaid above recited aniundment and acts ;lutist be
,execatedand obeytalby nil naseasers,. registers of 'vOs
MS. etert Milt:ere,. and. others,. t hat the sights and
pririegea uarran teed thereby may be secured to all the
,citiaettsof this tlatainonwetdth entitled to the same.
'"tic Cin Ithe section - of the act Of Assembly of Jana
aff„Alt. l 'll., it 14 enacted that as soon as the polls shall
-Diode, the officers of election Omit proceed to count all
tim.votes cast Ter•eantt °Redid/devoted for, and make a
fail return of tifeotne to triplicate walla return sheet
iu audithin,iit all of which the vote received by each
trowidat., shaildx: given , after his or her name, Dist )n
woOs aid again in demos, anti shall be signed by all
of said entreat and eertaled by ovetseert. If any, or If
not Ma certilled; the overseet.and any oftleerualuslng to
'sigh 'or,' certify, 'or .eliker or them, shall -write upon
' I cash of the returnable or their reasons for not elgaing
or eert'fying them - The vote, as soon as countetiseall
'also he'Vfboclyand fully declared from the , window to
Citi‘en?prefent4 and 'brief elatemeut showing the
voles received:33y each.candldato Shall be made and
Hamad by Mb-election ofileent as soon as the ante Is
,counterloand tits sultan, shall be immediately posted up
; pit, tne dopr of Om election house tut- information of
the public. The irtpltente rewrite shall botaielasedin
enee'ope4 and be sealed in preicnce of- the officers,
anti nue envenom; with the unsealed return sheet,given
to tho
,contatn one list of voters,
piper,soni oaths of officers. and anotherof said
envelopes stet!' bc given ui the minority inspector, All
Judges &in.: within twelve mde.sof the protbonotary's
ogled; or \within
,twenty-four miles. if their residence
rte 14ai treat or city upon. the line of a ra , lroad•
leadiug - to 'the County seat shall, before two o'clock
punt meridian' of the day after the eice.ion , and all the
, othetjodgee shalt.before twelve o'clork meridian of the
rd'edatt daYafter :the' election, deliver said return, to:
-wills ;return Sheet,.to the Pro lionotary of the
cotietof CommOn • P?ees of the•tonnly -which said
turn sheet sban be tiled, and the day and boor of filing
markedo.itereorh-and shallbetpr,rer:ed by the Prothon
otartror penile 'lnspection. At Twelve Velock on the
eald scarred day :roltowintrany election, the Prothono
tary of the Court of Common: Pleas shall present the
;laid returns to the said Court. • * * • •
' The relarhe preSerited by the Prothtinntary shall be op.
ell by *mid Obart and c, imputed by such or Its officers
.atti sucti sworn hOOletppnts as the Court shall appotnt,in
the presence of the judge or judges of said Court, and
the . returns tertinsd, awl CM% deatea- of election tuned
meter the seal of , the Court •as is now . required to be
by return judges- anti the vote as CO ronapn
ted and certified', made a matter of record In
said Court, The ittatt!otai Of said Court are open to the
• ' I. • '•.' ,* • And tho other of
said tripliCate returns ehatl,be placed In the box and
sealed up %tilt tile ballots. • • * * • '
‘Vitettevkr a placebos been or shall be provided by the
Authorities of ally. ei'y. county, township or' borough
fertile safekeeping of the ballot boxes. the Judge and
minority, inspector :shalt after the election shall been.
Ished. and die ballot box or boxes coutaieing the tick
ets. 11,t of v0n.q . 1., and ocher paper a- have been securely
hound wite moo and Sealfd and • the signature of the
judgcaud inepo.:tors affixed thereto, forthwith*.deliver.
rims:one. .ogether With the .retualnlng boxes, to ,the
'Mayor and iteeorder of such city, or In counties, town
. ships or boroughs. Zo such person or persons as the
r • oltrt•nf.
CLI man Pleas.of the - proper county may des
li^orde at tiler:ace provided as are:watt!, who shall
qmstt the eel boxes and I keep the same taut.
;then a
fewer the call of day Court or tribunal authorixed•to try
;the tuerit-s of such elect Mn.
L._Olven underlay hand at my office, in toe Borough of
;Montrose, the nth day of October., Anno Daniel 1575,
tend intim year of the Couttnanweatth the ninety-eighth.
7 • . • lIELME, Sheriff.
. .31outro - .4e. October 13, Bier ,
A . DMMISTRATOR'S 1 • t ' •
saip of Real, Estate.
By virtue of ed order of the Orphan's Court of tim. , -
cotelmunu County, to me directed. I will %%pow, tO sale
the-ore:nixes In.i3ruat. Bend, on • • n
• .
, • , ".21.qr11.1y, October. 30th, .11175,
at.tvi:k o'clock a. in., of that day, all that undivided In
tertAktin all the riteres or parcel of land eituate 'in the
township of- Great • Bend and borough of Great Bend .
des•cribed as, follows, to wit :Being; the game
et Ante A 4 Lusk, who recently died intestate;
aycln .Is:••tie Eva children, to wit.: B. Jane Patrick
Lusk,.. which real estate by' the Laws of
Penrifylviinin re,titin ; to Intestates did to E. Jane PAL , .
!rick ',Lid W. D. Ltisk equally de.:cend and come:- 'The
aid D..i.uok.havlng deeded his undivided interest
; $6 arra Petrick' decd. bearing date the Out day of
ntlnry, A; .D..Pitit, recorded in Deed Book No.
aAL: : :..111-zrepting and reserving all lands Fold and
onveyed by Ezra Patrick and his wile prior to his
deatl4. - rTlie - suite containing one hundred and fifty
acfte be the same more 'or lees, out, - tenant haute. one
frame barn, and about thirty acrd Improved. Also. all
tzfilt certi in piece or vareel of land situate in the bor., °ugh of Great Bend .% Binge, bounded and deecribed as
follows. to it: •• On the. easterly by Pine Street,
01: the the southerly side by Church Street, on the wes
terly side by lands of Timothy Shaven, on the norther
ly Fide by the Susquehanna river. containing , about 3
acres. nil improved, one horse barn and orchard there
on. Terms, oitc-fourth down, balance on contlrmatien.
• • • • W. S.' BARNES. Atter. D.B. 8..
' - ' of thOest. of B. Patrick4dee'd.
• ..OctotiOrd.ls7s;- 7 :ow-1 .
- '
Palm rttti.
The'sabotrlber ar4.ra for tale tli« variable farm known
as the
scia.xim.2l2.exes - 171iictet S.
Safd, farm Is one 7-of the most desirable farms in the
cdunty, and fs ficankitnily situated in the Village of
Sninmersvill , !. Snsgdidianna county, Pa.; there is a
goo! inure, :louring mill, saw Plaster nail!. and
- blabitnith and %raven shop in said village. The farm
Is 9 Ituated directly nn the O. L. 4: W. R. K., one mile
and rt-hall front- the. , depot at Nero. liliford, and tour
miles - from the depot at Great Bend 2C. Y. dr, Erie R. ft.:
contains lfstacrtn r of land, 16) :tens; improved. well
- .satered, ha,tttirt n , ,lvtinir stream ot, water rtinnlng
throu-4h- it and water t onveyed' in pipes to the house.
barn. and. cAttle 7:yards., it is vvell fenced. and under
pod cultivation ;it is adapted to growing:grain,
and I s fitted for stock or dairying; there is a lar,,te and
ectitvenljtit dwelling and wooditonse, well painted, and'.
bentitifilkiztwn. Atith shrubbery. )31t.,.! horse barn, CAT ,
ruse h(AI) , (4 - 'cut(blarri. with two yards and sheds'.
sn.l staldes f. , r P 4 odiog stock: or staltim• cows, and two
orchard.s of grafted fruits, Terms of payment made
- " 1...4171'PL1U5. . •
, tier 111Hord, Sug'.l
Septerrib,:r 2.9 5:11:375.-41n,
' , l - fE.`IIII.II.VG- & FArt . REL,
• 057 iv. -sr
• 110 uza.cruitrit4,l*- ALL KINDS OF
tin nldpat and hlost rellAbie Ann in the 'United ti Intel
Tli 'look tile prize medal itwurfic4l :4 the
Onittre. ?Alit *AT - LOI4DON I .• •
: - ,AII Sacit arc witrratauti tree from eaisn psncys and co .
. .
.j 411.4.1.t . ( 1111 Brit° U 4, Agent.
iiatoro•ce Mai% • " .
' • 1,•• '; - , -, - - , ,;. •,-,
..--4 -- ,;--,,N -.. • . SLAT:M=B ..
' qr , • : - -Indtroved CUCUMBER
(7 ,
*" lair 7.; .. '1, 1; 1 4)01).. 1. 4 1.1.11 P. ia-- the, ac
. vs
i.s knowicdpxf STANDARD 'of
. r ; AO 4 1 the market,hy popular terdt. t
-.. f. - '\,Z ... 4 the - belt pump for Thu fratsc
45 &a1 .3 !matioy. Awutlosi 1* invited
- ....^.s. , V u ilallers Ittipeuvetl Itmeket, that Drop
alee , which can be vritivdruvvit with
!-1,,,,. .• , out disturttng-, the 'Joints, mitt . the Copper,.
4 *l„...i ''t f t li•; i r l e ri e be ii r i? .„ n it i t iei r4 : N aerflu ra e. ck l . ..o l E ca el e l e. r
. V 1 ..katersatettheltialte generiy: 1.. erde c t7.l
5'., , ,,, ~-. 1, --, „ be sore that you get BlAtchley's Pump, net
:tr - ."‘ etteeMi and see that ii has my trade-mark as
: ..
.. iehove, If ymt de nut know where to -buy
de,..eelptive .etraul.itspiegethir with the name and ad
ilte4yo .Or the az*llt tlearvet yoa., will too promptly tarn
riv'Llect by 11{Idtcri.eing t reigh caw -. ~., , . .
• ;i ~ ,..; c riA; U. SLATCALL,P.T. tdanuffiettirer. ..
'ilitro/ . 1 - I , ;' C .lji + l- uquigle" 81 "I
.. laticiptit,s, rot.
, ~5;--, l lft , - - .
nfor rim ',Court. \ Of the-Vetted .Stateis tee
,c''. , ,ittit;oll'ttrint , of Pettuaylftufht id the matter of
tlsr3ilg4itii floors of Suslueleunut County 4 844kM4 ,
'brain 144 Aet Gik Congress 'of March *I. 1801, having
api!licd Air a dienhartro from all. his :debts, and ottirr
'eittonti movable i ndt v enid by order to the Conti
Notice is herchv oven. to an presorts who have prow
their 4entfi, unit other perfoos . lntertstetl, to appal
the-Vd thty of Oqotter, tell. at 10 o'clock, a. m...b, fote
NVI It 11, ono of . the .Iteettitersl Bahr cp - Toy
of P 4 id District. to show cause, if any they Wiirt.; s ,h„
ihovalt not.ou grtutted. to the t , 414tf,,, tit. ,4,.
. U. Meek:if/LW
(let, tt, —ZwlO
,IrM4•TI!•P t . : r •
frittuA:tsl•in Mu turongit.,Or -Yi o nt so . o . A rery:des;
frAtilasPfsp:ltWFine, T argell'..irsso, good RAM Garden, Trues, in irvesriut:, / 1 , 00 ,j,w,,ii, and other can.
--11111dt ' lIck4 - 1'ut ": 141341/v 's....c4ntris ott.the prutabut,
in far. • .• • - -
v,,12, Tity;:ars 7Torfm—fo stko oo6to of
•:fil. •of -r; itte'3l, mr. tJt tlarintaly. Leiters 01
AP. i k-Nizitr 3 titt4iii the. 5414 ALtt,to b4r-ing ham gnulteti
t 41 3/ 1 - L %au, tolrectai' awlug. *414 teltAte, art
re illYiniat 744.e,lirtmestioo ,tiftymvet, Atilt all voorques
lia l itug,t l4, ll.o* - q,u'ittet .euld.-4440.0 tap 1. eqtteM , 44 PM - .
Nvktbuitt sieLty.
cluiiCr WU, 11111:1MAIA,
114-614,1 -
: •
TOYS ' . •
TOYS and;Bee. FPyy
TOYS • • . 1
Beery Mower Werranted I The cheapest and best. -r
Save time, save. money,save annorance,by hying home
maul:amine. •
"'ln order to better actominodato the vonunualty, the
.andertogned. boo eetablished a depot for the salvor
Danaher •Ideout Ilted at hie tic elptittittitoLdiog an
0101 d. Keelactsinery - Site. lathe 4
- . •11.11 ANT OF TOWN
vyttere .4111 ko kept eonetantli waked. stock of
wm'r eaci) YELLOW PINE, ainocK,
whlchavith the aid of the most improved michlney acd
competent workmen. le pr,epared to work-Uwe:ay ►hape
to meet the *suits of Customerm ' .
Planing,' Matching, Mon . and Scroll Sawing
Bond to order. •
Not Contoand SloiEli
In collimation wlta.the above astabllobtneat. tinder the
taanagerovat of Mr. E. 11., Rogers. lissmina oar work
before tearing paur orders elsewhere. Repstrtug don,
promptly. ,
' Montrose; September 40th,
Thia standard article ys compimnded with the great.
est care. Its effects are as wonderful and satisfactory
ac ever. It restore* 'gray or faded ba.r to lie youthful
whir. It removes all eruptions. itching and dandruff ;
and the scalp by its rise becomes white and clean. By
lts tonic propertlee it restores the capillary .glittidi to
their normal vigor. preventing bald:task and sulking
the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing nothing
has been found so effectual, or desirable. Dr. A. A.
ilayes. :state:Assayer of Mastisebasetts. says of it:
con•lder It the best preparation for Its intended par
Buckbleham's Dye, •
This elegant. proparatiOn may •ho onto change
the color or the beardfrom grul or any other undesir
able shade. to btoorn or .b k. disen+ltou. Is easily
applied, being in ono preparat ton. and quick!, and e•-
fectually produces a pertuanent color which Intl neither
rub 110 watt' off.
. ,
R. P. Hall & Nashuai N. 11.
Ayer s: CAthartiePills
, . - • Cosilllntees Jaundice, BY*-
, tcP. ,a, Ind stestlon, Dysen•
ey.Foul Stomach and Breath.
•I headache, Itrysmelea. Met,
; ' 1 •• Ithtrmattinn,. Eruptions and
• - Skin Disease.. Billiousness.
Liver Complaint, Drop's, Tel.
ter, Tumors and Salt 'Rheum.
- Worms, flout, Neftral2l*. to r
Dinner Till. tail Pitelfrlenthei
ar: the must euttgenhil ptirestive yet perfected. Their
'effects abundantly show how much they excel alt other
Pill*. They aro safe and pleasant to take, but power
let to cure. They purge out the foul humors of the
blood r they Idimulate the sluggish or dkordered organ
into action t and they impart the health and tone to
the wholobeiric Ttiey: cure not only the every day
complalnts of every 'body but formidable and danger.
tais dliteaffee. • Moat ski l physicians, meat eminent
elergymetriond our - beet, Citi=3*. send certificates of
savoy p erformed an d of greet benefits they hive derived
trout t hese Pills, They are the eafeit and best physic
for-cidulrenitwestsse mild as well as ellOctfutt. /seine
auger nested, they aro easy to take; arid wag , purely
vegetable they are. entirety : •
WM '' (3 '
W=iber 41.
New ..dvertisements.
vir z-114.4
1 4351
ow "
rudetslinied; would mom:trolly ammo to the
citizens of Mostrimat and Victolti thag to but added
to WO oatabilatuzioat. a arat•ciato
under the drreetton al 40E0. BRIDENDESER,ot New
York:City. .WetleAt keep e4ntatently on band
• •
At Wholes ale ,or Baal!. •
Pamir Supplied Reasonably.
4LIIO-.4 IMI/;e Inc aMicttris iumottatelat of
Etc.. Zto., aa usual.
'Up Stairs.
- Hoyt Rinectranft _ _
montrfte.elert. 115.
9ne hundred DOA': Mower for
• I .
Ninnfactired andbir sale by
& D. tiATIIS, for _Assignees.
Montrose, Juke 2311.18715. - 1125
. 7, OD) V :;? -4 1tr= z
July 14,18:5.
•• • • • - rarcuuto
Dr. I. C. Ayer Cir., well Nun., Practical and dnalytleal Chemists.
- ,
Jai) , Alan.
vv. cat:rip:A=lr, •
Carpenter. and Builder,
f lognuars to met Mindoro of ill tods, fa in!
1 1... J *region And complete them tui every della Marble
anis alitto Mantle*, Sorb, %lade, Door.. tad Window
Irtunee t Vanishes* to enter. Matt Whiles and build ,
ii 4f Paper matte spectalttee. Kinploy atme bet viper
*aced.Wetkokell, Woo) twat the liethOtitst Muth.
tlitlttzlilteeiratutry 21%,1813.-tlyl