SZEINE %'',::::::. - '..violpiriie •••sip. ti • • Penultrat--,lntortal. . Oir9?1;411.410.• Intireastait w scv, a • any. Paper 141/4orshtin Peiktoylitaulliu G 61.1 6losed au - New York, an Saturday bnipplATlO STATE TICKET. • • PowiiovEution, .€1 .sohywa.,o -county s'" • ' , PCDIt brAilt .".rattOtritra, • NrrerCat' InOraiAtirr, of Thytipt:ff Cout4y. ,b4x:lOOA TIC-MUT. iOII.I4I,PAIDENT J1:110t. ', - RAT.II ) II' - LITTLE ) - • v_ MOrtROSE. • FOR 131IERIFF, WILLIAM WIIITE,• ° ' ; . OF. AUDI liN: 041.1tIAIM7t 7ANDll 7 .c , , onpsrat, - ' - ' , ti,sl4gAT -BEND. Volt •TREA.StutEtti , tit.lNny o. TYLER, s OF MONTROSE. ririmrPommis§ioNtlts, ItyA .e.F,.Alic ! L t :e ff x,,,. ~ ..-., ~ ,..L,111.4x,,p,g4 G..4144'14',..t ON , JACKSON'. FOR. AUDITORS, ROGER S. SEMILE,‘ OP 4IIIIDGFAVATER, ::'- LT AVIS O'i3OWD; op urn,g MRADOITS',‘ Mil Fon , c()novnif , Dn. Vim. .1.4 . Thollontrosa . Reptallign says that , . be cause Pershing does hot resign. the Judge 7 shift it ia, Stip' vilvidenee that he' has. no confidence in hrseleotion. It must be the Futile with Hartiatift' and Judgb Streeter. Putting ail joking aside, we don't believe the-latter . - two gentlemen. have any . too much • . the anly hOpeot . the to niake , , . • . • out '••eVery persou just as easy . his .virtue as:they are, This IS n, .very small • 'hole. fOr-theni •to ` . erawlOut athut'' they , , have glYt• - tcl compress ••themselves • so 4s - to . - (to that or stand Mitivieted, The pt,'Ople. hole . W' r ill stop t te., up in 'November:, , have,l - ttlopht - hat ,that they mace, wtsh -:titnei. that the PEMOORAT Jpid jointi the quium • society:''-' .1.. Ekvt the ,Ring ticket and pit must I pay at of your hard earnings sec ) , 1 4=o c t o in nine years ,to pay your • debt - , of $lB,lOO. Elect the Demo ' erotic .*forin ticket and you , itot only save Oat but reweave, by the •reduction' of p:darit.s, the' paying of the jail .debt of $lB,OOO and Interest nuwiipon the coin ty,and thi sum also,making a diffvrence bf .I.4taftcs,47.socb in nine Yeng• This is by Patrick Ll.eury's rule, quoted the: litipublitan of this - week "judging the Int ure,by:the • ' READ "TgE TARUL.dIi STJT 'ME N 2: , . ', The Ring,' organ' wants the people. to rt• _ ad the \ !:tatilar st l titetnetit" of the 'state debt. Jr shows a redaction ' since .1828. -r ;.,to does the "tabular 6tittenivnO! Of Sus queliatina tpintity. alum .1867 sliaw'u re dnittion of our jail debt *20,000, but un. AiritintiNly for the'Ring ,the ThAr --...0011.A.T hacked bY the fai'.4..4 shows that they have eoilected,*oo,ooo to ~reduce it With 'and :undoubtedly if the.' truth ..was known, the sanity might be said of tin. stitte debt: We ask the peoPleto read a tabular state. zne;tit in another / luniii . whiulr will pip the slfi,loo bond of the county, out osr .erusury at 8 per nit., Without , ct 'Noting ono eeut. inere taxes..' This% is 4 what the .134s:would Say ",ttleans bnai ri e s a." 'The Only Objection which the' lino* rt.publicaini ofMaryland malt+ to the detnocratio can :lidate for governor , of that,ltate is that be la a descendant of the eminent revolutionary patriot, Charles teitrrid, 'of Carolion. When the great ! - ,rardiftither,of 'John Lee Car'roll fixed hie •Signature to the declaration of iudepend once and pledged his life, fortune 'and ' , Etteredlioner in ils,sdpport objeotion vras . Made*by his cni onatriots' oh the around that. , • be Wile .a Catholic. But , after the lapse . of a bundled years this is Made- the, only, ground. of hostility to a Worthy deseendant olCharles . Casrol, Carroltou •It may well be asked whether the doctrines of religionsliberty andtol , eratiOn hilve nnide an); progress since the :yxv,irafw,thss shatuclul in . 40 , 130 e 0(1)4041.ind -intolerance. , What is ,eVe,n yet:mere disgraceful is that the „eq4iny,:t4undtd. Leonard Calve - R.l4lin • his"stimciates., which were first pro . claimed acrd enforced the gloriouS princi• ~ides - af religious liber:ty, has become the c ia4 ernsude nplua children. The Ring, presi of this state have Jill 'inutfe`-,tlietnielves hoarse, howling Judge Wishing to ‘‘‘isigii,e', jtist beelitpkt, 6fs ••deeined it 'lke that he should do so, in ortlei to take 'Ole - V:0111p uiitlniake u"jEir.4.ll-lrltertiv etillBf! tliNttgt the .state, to confute, the him tuirrepresintatiott the Ring press eirithlatiug., judge, Persh ng saySStliat tkiepeopls esire 9411 biro, train 11.8 preient jsmition .11199 will L so und be 4.100 m , ut ! :ndo io go about 'l,lle.Pountiy l)eggiiig R them fur . Now MO, so truf - ' kind of latt'44t 47111 With Vi9re forte upon the Wilk; Vitcy.d()il't Mrtruttft r 4.491411? diYeiners 41 VYLAtg:Viototla 641 AtYs' 'Mr. Year, patrei . !4r.e et titt>attete to itelect Witt- belt ittd.r4tutipirg it be6it es. wito, titittOholite, why .don't Mr,eter r r klge-ti 4 1 4 tlidtAirbius *‘the iAlrity"tifllle ter .;61.i).e.bydraggtog, iti tip' raid trow.o ort*te butlon-holipg - every -imat coiner' into our borough t4:i‘,04160i hint and: he Ring ticket. Why didn't 4tidge derner_risign when be run for congress in this district and not -dravibis pay for Judgetia he 'did Up' to -the - 'verfd,y hiii term commenced s Now , if Homer is going, into tbis resigning business' to make - a success of it, he needi to call on eVerybotly to resign froya Grant doWn; and, we think they all wilLassoon as the people i3an t e nder them a priiper: resigna— tion' at the ballot-box. We calculate that therq - will be some first-class iesignations about. November second. Our advice to liomei, is not to invest too much in rooster& "What does 31cCiiire think of that Fishing t , Creek .episode, which Piollet Helped' , to organize armed resistance to the draft ami counected himself with: a conspiraCy which established ,a_ reign of terror among thelloyal.people of'Comm.u bia county. --Bulletin. Let. the ' Butititin b t show that Col. Monet either partiCip ted in, or in t any way cunhived. at or aided the .so;called Fishing Cret!k . rehellion,ana The Mies ti Aenounce unworthy of . the suffrages of the people,. Tho'participaats in that affair were tried; convicted and punished, and the prooeedings.are awes .Sinle. Will the Bulletin 'either ahoy v that Colonel Piollet was guilty, cry have the manliness to confess its error? course it knows, that • the 'accuiation is Lillie, and it is left without excuse for its falsehood, for if there is a shadow of truth in the charge it - is susceptible of postive demonstration, It admits, in a covert cowardlyway,that, it falsitiedJudge Persh ing's record on soldier 'suffrage and then returns to its vomit dr ' suits, when, it ,--took from two "to three; yearS'to bring a 'case to judger:neut. 'Ail .tit, once. it dawned upon: the 'Court and thei.Btio ford .that, the Work' was too hard and , .the pay too small for oar Jtidge,2itud thereforei a fat place, 'might be . naadifor one of their nuniber,' by 4 "sitteeure, Law Judge. , :Theo cornes theLsecond coipiet ! . • ting of4titige, Streeter. tells the bar of this coanty...and through thetir ;he.. peoPlethat:he "loves theta stirL" That 'his. old flanie for .them hnd returnedand he gives them to understand that he will come back tor the' county and their' arms, it they will sign a petition to the legiala• - tura for a sinecure.Juilke and an increase of - esoo',on salary, and he then drags the "erniine" into the ,dirty pools . of ,11.arris• - bure4olitice 'and lobbies the bill through making Judge Morrow {snottier Bradford 'conntfman) a fat place. - lie come . back' %Susquehanna county then ?. Would it. be , a good electioueeringdocu, . rtieut4n county if what our atter peys. said about the . Judge on '.. that Sc count Was printed in: pamphlet.knit. and circulated about the county with his lite- Lifre,ort the cover ? • ,"" ..:When, did he return'; to Siliquelianna county ?' It mast be known to every Vo ter thathe did so wheb:he conld not go anywhere else. When the Radical Lt..g. islaturechopped .the state up into !title districts and said to Judge Streeter you Must elect whether you will stair in Brad-, ford or go' to' Susquehanna he,-at first said, "I will stay in ' Bradford: .But 'he found that: he had I hatched a' ;chicken there to i pick his. own ' eyes out:. ladr,„e It . cirrow' gets rip and . shows him the. le gth of his, spurs, and says, "If 'you. (I. re attempt to stay here on my dunghill ,I Iwill resign and drivelon off," and the I restf the ,Towanda Rine, then fluppe d their 'wings - and "crowed" tco, and. the Jiige curled,down hie, head like a.whip• pedj roosters, packed :his carpetbhg, and . came to Moutiose, hired , Alre. C, D. ta throp's barn to store his goods in fOr a , year or two, whre they still remain, 0,11(14 asks the people to elect Lim Judge and h will heard with them and draw anoth-, e i t 40.00- to pat on interrsi. .Judge BOitley G11;1.4 -to come back herq and \settle'on the same terms, but the, people did. not like the style. Whai reason have t 4 pi;tiple to, believe that, them - is nut a bargain With Senutor.Watson to have the constitution changed this winter (if Judge Streeter iireelected)l so that ht. can go , . , bit i ek to Towanda an i d live' aftpr'eleetio h . Judging the future' :by the past . is it an mireilsonable . conclusion ? We think • . the, people will say November - second that he might - as well_ :ea.back= Tosvan. dpi and live, as he will be more at= home there - . , - 7 - , New 4.oo.rlllements, ENIZEIXBII3;. A practical Worbasil'. et• • , • ' 83E30-IEIIIIX - Catra - • hee Opened a imp ander E. L v Weeke 4t, Co's store. rin Public Avenue, where he Is mady to do ull kfr,tdi of wort in his line. Can excel in new work, and repair • with seatnestand dettpatcli. , • • - JAMES BIit,NEY. Montrose. October SSIGNEES biOTICS. • , A WESTERX MiTIAICT OY PERVISTLVAUIA.,, At 'Montrose the 12ttrday noticebe, A.D. DM Tbenudoreiped hereby.givea of his appolut meat ae samignee of 'William James, -Igo of pilronl, townehip, in titeCounty 0; 4 Uagaebanatioi and Stater of reousyivania, withlr. auid IRetrict, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon We creditor's petition. by the... District Court of 'aid Dietrict., .r• ' G. B. ELDRED, Aaeignee. Oc!ober111,1871-43w • , • • . NOTICE IN.DANKRUPTCT7. tern the Matti ct court of the United States for Brainal • tern Dhatrict of l'ennavivanie, to Re Lewie rd bankrupt No. 2't2 in RankraPtcY- • — Notice ia hereby given that there will be a second general intektirtt; of the Creditors orate above-parried Bankrupt. for the purpose contemplated in tie Hon of the Bankropt Act: on the 23 , 1 day of (towhee. 16.15; lit 10 o'clock a. so_ at the *lnce of lidward N. Wil lard. Register in Bunkruptcy. ,Seranton, P.. and all creditors who have preyed their debts' are hereby nod- Stud to be preven' said meeting, and at the ache Brae and place I abut! settle ray account.% and the atom will be audited.'l. •O. LATLlttoP,,teialguae. . ikrunton. October la. 197,itiXABGE • . ,• ,:ssy . goii:viir . -:soi . Viket AmOneribas odes_ . for. *ati the valuablehrm icuorrx _Andrew.catifielci frartni. , • *Moak TO the tomolitli -Or •IX)ddletosii:- tiostveltanna C0 ,• ..1*,. 4 4401.711u55...tf0x,cre.5,, Allostly creek - Mkt, 'A) acrra itootoved ; Ilt7 ( 11 0111•,) ,, 4tee Itemlock and pike Cot - 'l)er, Well tedoxl, ilayiil lUt todttot eume wall, and wolf AvAtfolvq. spit sboaotlat Por , alo, ;Engo ire or:.. • • . 1)11(141101a% d4ttrO. _ itAsb. IZ *ma al Isupl talitilsilogi • Mostly - cieek Oat, wad ,ieorcit ;140 anoer,a .g4od .xl4.te of coltlvAtiou. with go 4 Wl,ll/144,41 /al two good °Moir& ttod In cooneeion ~with tha abovo wmtitt loako s lint c 4444 dairy tarot ,writ be void with it or MdpctatOfy to *nit pdtchhitets. For fu.ttber particularil call 14)04 or addrevs, • • . • /4: A IttOVFADIa 0 . or spl3EltD . K. T}III.I)WELN Otfolier io.orts At • --- . , —...-... , .._ . . -, .. -,•:.,. • J. -L. •.••._•,-... .- • ~-f.-1 , - ..-,--..- 1- ; ,-.•; - ,t , - • . ':',.. , 1•1 l ~...".•'•-'; .: t it ~. -,.•• ... - - .•,..-* .: - . •- 110.9110tTEli i ..S:4'-rllOlO/V0 3 :4.4P:01.11416:1;4e0te,.54 . ittO ' ;111tinee nottlii7B degreits oast .. , '..ll.LlitknOre, la liere y - ,glv.invlottwitetaouts'eon • - ;.11:S; .. ie/Ktit, , soutirl, L. degrees - . aftst 8 rods eernf 4 , iLiAll ifiiipwl*g . -Pltife,Fo4:lolft , i r ii. . -- 1 4 11t14 1 31teipill „ot•rktild. road, Ao-.tli” place - of letatitoi ‘..'lther33.wiiiintasi tatdot 144 4, 1 41 -. 4 ' . iiiii* . _...,13ey4..;" ../.1 0 4 1 ,u11.1,itg . ~ i lt i). l) .ol . i.illg,lBo, 50uat,d .. , rtl:ds: b 0 I , " • detaPnl3attl i Editon. WI Tanta Egeta `. -, • ~?.... • -,..1 , _attain tig; , 4119, wf,t-0.. tan appliftenaneea, ono E#ta O. J° 0 v er..11.0 01....13.. *twil.,*: -. ..De7/ --. , - .404-4 toil 133t.ltnt33trAnt.. Counci:l-I:Atli - 1 barn. -. 1104 ' :1400 ; 611 / I.ll " zew #9r 4 ' I- ' t4 • 5747,- : - ..- - ' l: ‘ - -- •- - ' i ifit.l 4 the - r'iitit -tt Filgs,;-:,stitnel fruit tree anti ti. iit Ittat.:l:tl x i m L n . 4 a tic Tr htt . o l,o ,- -- n l i a l t t a i : , f irn r f o rt re l :::: : nec _ .. ...f . -- . .::: , .7.- iii; . i : ...... - ~. :- : • ze e wi lt - . 6 recuto i ,.. . , ~,.- - . i 1 ,-- , t dill 1511 p tO - 1.._". . Amen exeet thin at tau suit En or Benjaniin W.! fils, into of -Ararat; 'Alec d.; (It D. I. t Ilkley ' Va. Car litni:.)l. - :. Tiffany and ti L. Dl.' - ' i • - . '!. - - '' --.- I !Jerome a. , 7.0060 ); 'Row nr. ibbort. idnonit% Into of Anhum deed ; 1 34,711; ~ ,-. At.,80-4',, tr 2certnitt picto :or parcel id •Biliwit,.Rxerotto. ~. . . : -. .-- .1 Rani: situate . in. he .township of -Harmony, in Tatif -fito-titteoitntnrtift,--havit-lettieri'iliFirite':! Itltiret'itiiint liaTS'iciiiiierilitiiii - ariiirstaiiiirminv - rolviitit iii - thii"Reegter'a Offiee . in - .unit :for' " - ylehnia 'bounded and describettao fo`dows•;- 7 enmity of,Rtigoktellntta.tlnd Illnl V! R I IIIP t‘ WIII ' egihning 1t,.11 point in tint initlole.ot,po,rivg iliviltreittlititerlat.ttlititt:lncW.4,...the • Ornhatr' , iatl, them; along lands oQ JuelititttitriM*lo,lll: Cntirt. - on 'Time:ollli - November 11. iS7S; for if 2 degrees ltutt.l6 miniver east Aiast. t 7 nu!! 5-10 ct3tiff rm talon and illoranea. . '.- erdeg to t ttpctt64.;.thertee by -.Ant west. aide of z 4 ..; -....-, - .... ‘_......-_ „ Tr; il.:Troß.Am-Reol.ter: . -- 4 feet kitreet•noetti• - 4 tlegrers• west:lS - anti-HO 4 , Ilezistcr's Office!. o,etober 18, -'75.•• arches tol it postl, thence north 80'dettrees east 0 10 i fecti to jtipo t sti t iAbenett by lots of Willow .Ity . .• • noi - Zilt)rait!,:tl)4 t '''said •Taylor. nnrth , 4 degrees ''iltist•lls litnttilittrtCor a point in the middle: of said tSarrueca ;mad sail:. 69 degrees WeSt. 7 and -1 - ; .10- ticrette*J and , itlitdit•As. by • the' Ailiddin of said rivet: road': 1 south 1;0 degrees anti 45 ininnt6 Wcst 10 ..tya,:l-I . ol'pqrcitas, 43 the placa•nt 13ea•in• ningf b:oinAlhillp . ll.;f:,• - trtfre by est itnnatfonjhe,the. same Inor4 i t . t.r• lesN.with the.aiptillennucks,,,o ft e, tkk'fil...!`ihiki'se; ItiutAiiil , lrtif,4, di itt iAl 4 .4iiiiirovetf: [Taken itillxecitiiiin at the suit °Ulf 0n340 I'er-. „iittn..tts, Itikr Lin -o,:st el lb.. •', ....'L i ''=',-.: '.' , l'" , ' . . ,AX,Bo.4.ll:th,“...certnixt lluiltling:lnca:fed on 11,' lot or Wee of voynnd §ltu,,to on the •alorthf. west evril l t! of I),ritik•Cr anti grospect-Vrcets.,in. , Alit? liorriti!..ll of Susquehanna • rieplif,' efairtty of,. .Stisquehin•n•a-and'State alrlenitsvivitubtlponn t l-• eti tout gleitCrithltli as tollowEi : . Ott thc-tlast'b.- •Dritilieti'st'rlitt:'oi! the' Smith . by'Prdipt•Ut Meeet,',' on ,tae Ack•st byi lot Or Mrs. Tierneyoin ,the, tt:t7.4 . 1_,11y Ilot pfl-E. Ilyne , 3,.,haying'Alicteon. ti , frame building 1-. vo stories, - kigl with ti stone basement nuclei:ft-all] for foi• storc,heing 1.18.1643t 'a, ide !by 40" ftiat ;hack ' tin (1.2 I: fettl: bit tliaet ili.rz ther.harilt;i , atitittlic'curtlisge tbetet43, -pert tAin-,- ing, [Thlt6n nt , the of . 4. 'Young-y:34 Afaily Tirney;•iikt•tv4- Ad Corti itictoi" '' " • - Y • , • '••Taltit• NO tc i"4-Al I. b ids'iadptVs it'irefie.l f,on' thtt day Of 'saki. I 1„': -. • .• . ,:-.t ;: If :• i ~,---- ... :1".•• -, .j. ,- • zAI,;;Sqrifr. ' lierifrs•Oillce;,l3ronto:',c 0CA.,13 1875 ~.. - . T . ' r7v• t : _,.. - 1- f- ts; ... 1 - : ' 7 7 ~,- •, , .-:' 5 , Istrbiiti 'Lvtrz:,'oasi.. - 15, 1 5, ... . F I RST A 1 ,711 ettiT,T. -APPP, hirtAllol 7 : I 1 nt. ti,,, rOgaent And loot Pap:tint' Sneaker In ,A ntrrtrn, M iss in fl ,1„ :i 1' M 1 ! ~ .i 0,., 'will Zinc tmr I Oft kICIP lIISTOTti..-41,0 ftlr.PftriSiCyyNripil nr 4 ' 4. : :EY 9 ° ': AX : t. larlivtiftt.4 smite r 5i;m1ier,pt1d,..,41,446 not' , T. , ''- tom. ft la n I..r , ntlfni 'tient ten 'in Min `net. antert . it," nen Trilitit2t nettle &fall pg a profonntleenaltlel every- Tte•u!'rc . ,.4 nentn nre r.' pnlint IV: D. T)enr,en",:filnk,' qtrire. A dinlimion. 50 S 0 4 teittorveit' SortaPt.7 : S.