Winne 32. p..*:4.ii.t 7 H,-o,,ii.ofiL• Crept*lonifitereashos TWE. IC at Foot a any Paper Au northern Pennoyirotita. Gold py& in New York, on Saturday at 11q., km( 0 Q. 44 ArA 2 * MA:4V FOR Govairsou; tr.:mini:e rd. - - , of Schuylkal County. - ' • ‘ l.O z - oit blwrx ftitAtitTßltt,. VICITC 3I: t 7 4 , - PXOLLET, Bra4ford County. DR3fOC/L4770 00 YAW TICKET. VIAP/DENT ' ,:ruP 4 aE, 1,14.1.142 t B. TIT TLE, ;OF movritosE: • you, airgutFP, - WItiLIAISS WH ITE, MEE PQR RpHaTER ANPOI3CORDISE;' 'OttirriS C.. t GI LBElt i r •OF 'GREAT BEND. • 'P'!;),A;TRAsci.REA,, lifas - #:K:C . ,...:TYLEt, :ov::11(01iTROSEt, POE COMMISSIONERS, • -IMATEIRW E. RYAN, AP9LACON, '.LIVANDER GRIFFIS ',:•:'''[ , •:. - ._ .5 .: .'.98,1•49*4.*:. FOR O BRIDG;WATER I IigWIS VDOWD I . ,t4 ' 'OP IXTTLEIEADOIit& • • •: ' • TOR CORONER,-' orat . 'RICHARDSON ,MONTRoSs: The', Delpoo'rats have . ' a ‘,clea n sweep ' i► WyOlumg, territory,. eiething eliren 01, thirteen : members of the couo ail and eighteen of twenty-kV en mem ' bets of the house. , Grant, 18772 the Republican tuajorit,y for Grant in. the sista. of Califoruia was 18,- 302. 1 . 41870 the Democratic majority ovt-r the,tipublican candidate for gov ernor in that state is 34,603. - ' . Colonel Piollet _gives a • letter of accep , ~ • • ;twee that is' ,wisely tuned to the popular ear;anti goes directly. to -the issues of the' battle.' It is clear that doesn't Pro pose to rasa any trisika when trumpS . are in order, nor' ( leave aay. • public want. without the, promise, of a remedy ,in case of liiswelectic.n. llis. , •coutrace may •be, a little large, bne . that's his business, and, as his theoriek are in tfie line 'of the popular title, he evidently proposes to take charge of tW,strong ke,ya ofthe Staie when the _ hlossotheot M again throw ont"their iragranee.on the Capitol grountls:—Phira XI Morris tendera ) hislaprviee to the' Repablieah party, tiecatise . the Erie platforni7leads to repui l liat!)on, na tional ilishonor,,atid'iiniversal batikruß ey:', Now will. he tell us - what . the Lan eaater platform bade ,to.? •,Here is Lan-, Frki banking; a safe an uniform na tional • currency, adjusted' t o the growing wants of the huntress interests' e f the rekntry; and a steady reduction of the - national debt.- , • And Sere Is EriC: We'deinabd: that - the I , oli/the of eur— )lrencv be made and kepeegua/ io 110' 1017118 v/ trade, leaving the restoration et' legal ‘`. tenders to gold to be brought about by prortiOting the industries of 'the couptry, and riot by destroying- them. • Will -Mr. Mitts tell US how many • thousabir millions could be - inflated under -- the LBncaster 'platform; and What . time \ ce this ninry Or the, next it proposes to 'resume vow payments ? Mr. Morris should tracl. • both platforms before: he rites any limit letters' OrTemti'ree ' a speech; fof he is too highly. respected to make childish blai l ders ' Phird2ymes..., . ' 'The Insurance .Advocate (Labor Organ) . , !anyg : • ;I:. • . • • ohlayor'ltaivie had, some .silver . `plate and' spoons ,S 1 his .home in Erie, which he kilpt wifbin ,the Walls of bill domicile Kha protfoted by the usual bolts and bars A tramping thief broke' into the elegant . mansion and carried the silver away. He' has been' ciinght; and Judge . Vincent; horrified 'at,the ' audacity, of the scamp who laid , iiii thieving, hands upon the ;property et ihe mayor elect Ihimvelf 'at tending vainpmeetings and lairs in die fereot pavt7.l of the '' 'state with , a ' view of 'state .zzefkillrershiP , Y. aenteimed 14,1 to ;y Years' imprisonment in the petii iry.. ,ite find no fault with,the pen.. But, al Mayor Battle ,should be dee a ittate treasurer, ; ',and if Awhieb Bea en forbid l''' ye; "'siiiili i ,:, things have hap pea) qiir appropriating the inte rest on the money of the people, which, aceonlidg to radical': practice; belongs to him ass: peninisite e he should steal the whble siyiking fund of 'the state, and Judge ' A Vincent should bring, , liiT to:book' for it, illFow,pany Y434* wouhl be. give him .I: s justice is usuollyadmiuiatered to, public peculators, Mr. Bawler would walk (Alt of court: free pun, - and prob ably set tili a'hanii aid praiper. :SO tri flirig i tail t iii tO fr ,ro,b one 'millioutiien who , have trusted ; the keeping of, ihgir, two I tent taty A COUNTY RETRO SANCTI VE • - ±.1.11e Democracy this county in theik platform gi4Tortli t re . key •note et .true ref9r°l4 beiiminot home. Pitt Y •OUr in .-iorder•- and then call upon your -neigh tior.',..The "Contiginuse, • , • are afteniptingio enear'af,,"it try Mpg ' I F 4 1:4# `9111). efiying thnt its tiienue polkki n i;* the -Plopc*.y.wlAen ,they get the- oflicui wdl the Montt.* 44,0/leo .tecnue month! got, pay any attention 41 , the platform, at ago _ that jai was , reportee ti:,righteotia judgmeritkbyluaging 44he:PPitO Y by Thiq. will viski iiiich4Pok-Pilioe 4 ° l'he , 'ithg . oo t Ai: 1:14i 1 :c10414t ! :44 44° :*c° ui t r rtor t 6 at °f the P00P10. , ,,.. iVileP lititv:itiiresei43,koti.4.iiiin t sgworit t bonaeittly. shall tirke-lheir fusitinsi meonrC•iiiir 3o,riut in t AMilllstrutwa of 'the airisiril of proparkr 40 0 public. uervailt, and ao y g lielootigt tul offense to \ rab asrogl nal whit puts do tiugt, in his robberpbut \bi‘ b /iglu " ° suit ‘BtBCU•tei#oa ,~ 1 , ~ `~ ~, ~. ‘• ik ' . "' r , kr,----v. --...? ~ i‘mti,'„l. 4 eopie) o ',this 'Snotty will read seeiiiiih - qolicy"::'af the, inelve.-- Shit,.;tsA't :felt; by ttakDitiool4'r paiii 4! „ . ati 1' i'e*'4 6 ‘',.:l3 1 , tlikt s '- and only hope lies in the watchword "hush." The masses can, appreciate their sagacity in this matter and will fully agree that the Ilss tlierelS'srild about - their record; the better for the'Ring. They dere : not face thgfabiti,lilidtAnte •Itate,, his to bi. at SO-. quehanna county their"Smat-machine" the IRiug organ of Montrose is at bay. Thsword of truth is being wielded iu :the columns of the ' DEMOCRAT with so kee an edge that.the "court" dare not all w Homer . to take it into his hands, eve i (} to examine it for fear of 'it! cutting both wil,ye - , ; 1 ' f:`- ; - ,::4.,. - - 'l2tomer is not allowed ; (and thlidems. -.iontwas adopted, at their laSt meeting at' ttweditors house). to use his,. Only argu- Mtn t "You lie, girl" for • the truth is so lt,ti init . the' evidence' 80 clear that elyeri that would bZ, whittling, toward : 'themselves, which would surely cut the` Ring , ~ It; was remarked. last week by one of their most active politicians, that the ' platform - of the Deniocra(py would tint hurt them very much be6.ause . the Republican would not be - allowed to print it i and thus a' large;number of their par ty 4 Would.not 84% :Do the 4ing. spp : pose that:they, caii , , suppress''' . the tide of reform by a course of sneaking,driVeling, Ituitredwar4ice in the management of their county. 'panvass ? Do , they. expect , to meet burning and convincing truths by a systein of 'sly and slanderous wins perings in the. ears 'of the maSses, when they dare not meet the - facts l bbld ly, in their county 'organ ,? ' 13radford enmity Ring polities', : has succeeded ,iri - litud z • ford : coutitY ft a time, but it as got Sick and "ni li tato death" in that county, and a removal of it into Susque litmua county will not prolong its life.— The'climate ur the year A. 11: 1875 is not 'adapted to restore a party afflicted with : such a pestik'ntial disease. . ; OUR C'ANDIDAThiS.c As we said last -Week B. Little esq needs no biography from us. He has stood among the Arta attorneys at the bat of Susquehanna..pqb ty and . .of the State for a nuinhet _of years. lie is one of the heaviest tax=payers in the county ; -having all his means -invested in real es. tate..He is nothere'frimid3radford coun ty, simply" to he elected judge, of this dis• trict, withhis carpet-bag packe4, ready to turn his heel upon .. usif defeated. His carpet-bag, has been unpacked for forty years or more,, anti` he will remain in. this comity and continue to bear hare of its burdens of 'tikaatiisn, 'whether elebted 'or defeated. ' • ot Aubtqn ()ar . "Ai.. date for Sherif . is . who fully an swers the terms. , of: the Jeffersouiaii dOc— trinfei and where he is the most intimate.+ l 11 known therehe is held in the 'highest/ esteem, and whoever lives to see - the votes °Minted on the seaond day, Novembfx next, will . se%wtl'iit his 'ieiglihore at borne think of hira, the "Court ...douse iting" cindidaie - to the ,contrary ,notwithatanti— ing." - The people,' of, .this ..county need just such a nue is Wm. White' in the ' . C. C. Gilbert,"the nominee for 'Register & Recorder, is'a son of Charles S. Gilbert of G-ieut Bend and 'a young man, of ex— •trtiordinary. . good character among the people of his .native town. We 'are told in tha Great. Bend Rtportor that he will receive a , fery "large Vote irrespective-to( party, as a reward-of his known integrity, and , tuiblemithed ,character,: We con gratulate ti.:e young Democracy of G eut Bendon,their worthy representat . e. 1, Henry C. 'Tyler, candidate for treasur er, is a sou of ,Judge, Tyler of Montrose, and is must assuredly the . right man in the right place. His . extensive . business relations as Laurance agent, bas brOilght him in contact with a great many turn:- sera in different Sections of the county, . . and a very universal sentiment is expres ,sid that he is. just the men to inaugurate , the-advent of , Democratie retrenchment in the Treasttry-depnitment, . L Mathew . Ryan 'mid Lancler Griffis, candidates for the offices of couitnission er,.: are, both men .peculiarly fitted for that position, ht this time. lir. Ryanlias been honored' by the people or his' town iyith an elsction,tO the. office ~.of Justice of rthe ,Peli6e, 'and ',stands remarkably Lughla the. tEtteerli of ills neighbors. Has. , honesty and capability is unquestioned by, any who knoivihinzi. , Mr. Griffis has long 'been' esteemed by the people of Jackson and other sections of the county as_a, maa. - of sterling. wortii and inttgrity awl—business ability, mid both ' he and Mrs Ryan; if elected, will call down hoh Or'oPon themselves 'and upon thi WWI— . The nominees f 0 Auditors Auditors are Men who, if elected to the. positions for which they are named will "(it assuredly Jain- IT the accounts of this cot/city. Men who ate not only abundantly, competent to the duties.4A th 4,.. iiffice bun men who will. learlcselY lind`lionestly discharge their duties and take/the necessary time to do It: 1 ' - ' ' 4. G . . -‘' Dr; Wm. t.ltichardson, our nominee, for coronv.r is a• man of large experience in 'mt.dicxue ,:and surgery,, and Has ibe necesenq i exeouilve ability aiivelf as scie n - title 'ltne*iledge to 1111 . -that important of: floe with lioner to himself and the:Co-Mi. . 1 . TMO'• OSE DEMOCRAT, SEPTEMBER 049"*4 40. • this' Minty;- pedple ' , will see that the "Court Louse Rit'g" not Only taltify,- the .. pinit. record - ,of to Demoorauy, but ;,tha t Alley a presented their Own reeOrit, by charging • mereedary ', motives , ( upon the party which now IdemuudS, , 8:444 4hA will of ilLe tax budefred masses, prloses to ut-a , needed retrenchmentland reform i 'l thidisbUrsemetitiand executl- itures of the axes of this county. ;The platform o the Dinnociatie party ofltis it county ancl . !Pate lin convention ass - bled, A. D., 1875, Was unanimously Oo - ttd before any lamination's' were Mad and every candiiihrte 'Who ac c epted a nom ination :under those resolutions, is as thoroughly bound' by `themas he could be by Personally inibscrbinvo than up— on oath, and she* lone of them , at— temptito evade it, he will surf.* meet the -fates ut ourhaiidSiof the Ittr!presentative of this diArict in the - ler•slatu n' of 1,1 r 1873; Who seerued. to think that platforms on the usury., question, in Susquehanna county, were simply made to tie broken. Let his fate he “a 'pillar of salt",to - tall who came after him. , s 1 The honest masses, of Susquehanna couuty'are heartily tired of supporting tinge and cliques for the simple 'purposei of, placing a few men iu office to ; wring from them their hard earned productions in exorbitant salaries:lnd feee, 'and bur— den' them with a hea t vy debt, which;untler "Ring" management, is accumulating by ,uniattfu,i and; usurious robbery, pail tau,' party who' bears not one - cent-of the bur dens, nor has nne.doller of interestio the' welfare of tin bounty. : This is . no idle tale . - nor electiesneering twaddle,: - It' is what the 'pe4ple Of this county shonld understan i 4 and be prepared to meet and we.chilllenge i the.Ring to truthfully "deny it.. There are $lB4OO. in bolds agitiist this county in the hands of 1:1'. - 111:. Red, a capitalist 'a :the city of Philailelpina, upori.wiliich the peOple are payiug..monzr PER. CENT. INTEREST .. . We have this from a source which'places tae truth of 'it be— yond a doubt, ahtlikwe Ceti 110ii:thoSe who hold the hooks 'end who are :respell- Bible to t tliepeoplei to. core t.. this state ment if it be Wrong: ' . . . Now Das We ' said ~.hetbre if any office seekei iti the ;,,Dera‘cratic party or „any other Thirty supposes for one niotoedt that the Democracy of this ,couuty do: not mean _just what their platform• Says, we 'pity:him, foribe will find all his attempts tl., hereafter to giiitriiificial po itions -tor the purpose, of making a fort ne out of the laboring masses, to be. utte _ly futile. Ile will find' that the {,twills" o pure Demoe— racy `p..ind slow, but they rind exceed in sraall." There iii,an, ttempt , made. also by the Ring; to hoodw uk die people with the idea that theisala ies ,cannot be changed, which ' are referred" to in . the Deinocratic platform, .;sk.cept by 'legisla tive enactment. Any one who .asserts this is either a knave or a :fool, far .the- cern:. missioners oft ustineliatina cotiiity,bai , e lull power to regulate .411 the •isalares which are specifically mantronedliti ; the, platfOym. The fees of. the Sherift- PrO . tholiotary, and _Register sand Recorder, being established by legislative enactrileiit which are referred to in the. lait - resola-- .tioni ' That the neople ot this' „county may know (as the, nnaoubte4Y, alreinly do) to, whom they are indebted„,,fer this enormous increase of fees and - ealari(is;, we will take a. restiospective view of the condition .of things, when' the Peooe placed] the adminilstrution of. this menu in their hands. We will only go back to • 1861.; and compani the siateipeOt of thlit year Wit 6-187 4), and 'all know that. one dellarweild. not purchase any more tlin than iewill-now. ,&tainissioners; 1841.1 Commissioners, 1874.'1 M. 0. Stewart, .3240.00'0: Washburn'Wo.o6 J. B.4Cogswell.; • 240,00 L. Blakeslee, 400. Levi S. Page, . 214,50 E. G. Ball, ' , 400. Total, . d $694.50 Total, ..$1.21)0.00 , • • • 694 ~io , Differenee or increase yearly, . Comcnissioners% Cie i k, ' 1861. Wm. A. o'ossrpan, I i ' $396.00. : $ I ; , Difference or incise-yearly,,.. F.; ' Baldwin, Polk Crler, .1874. ' 5. Creasman, Wart Crier,..lBol, • , Difference,. ' '.54 The:'whole nuionuti of printing in 1.861, vas $230.00.:: In 1874 itt wai $692 rO, of which H. It. Frazier refieiyed $441.1 , and ..E. 8. / Hawley L-bo., *251.40. :, In sdg,' the Republican Legislature .0 :Taub- . , I led t e tees of the Sheri rot 'ono.- iary, o th at the Sheriff makes a lean - proer l t of from $6,000 to $8,600 pc an /\ num in'``d. the Pretlionotini from' $• AO r Co $7,000 in the Same time. We as all of the tax ciayerti of" this county wh • halo a file- of either ,Cif 'the county • palt;re to continue the cnmparison of-the t,ate- Monts, of which We have mentio ed it small. part, and;lwe think sOirie fu tiler . . .: : i t startling disclosures will dawne , utxm thei r vision. Just letlyo l ur. children §k.: t e few differences to which' we have:::all • did andapply "StOcid '' d' Mental" an • see , . ar s • bow much Of tbeslB,ooo of bonded del i it and 'iltrrest.',:of this county will- remain in the next ten years by appl yi ng, ;n 's new rule, 'but the old time hones t y ant economy of the 7iDgmberatie, r administra tion ete Counts*, as reproduced in thei platfor of 1875. - ' • \ ' 1 Whil the people ; by;virtue " of, 1: 11 timei, bronglit abotxt by ofneis l re and car-option, are called' upou to4oi tpise, almost 'tci pfivation; ,to '„keep tl wolf from' their dOor'and save the iha • .earnings of 4)ifetinie from the cluteh, 'the Shylneks rii)er: Ole sliqiffibanime they ,are prepared lo enrich notthe o t , l r ,ficial servants by exorbitant safari an' this increase the power of Rings, en Maio Mean' =by `icentralixod power, an compel them to 'stand aunt deil , rer -their constant , salary grabbiogs. : ' 11. ( Oeopl „ ar . ,. in, einiest; and polificitiO. an ' pliiceihunters oi all parties will Sam lre'4 Ise it: .” . ' .. -' —1 Col. 7ort'i Letter of.: Ateeptanc . c : ' Y ox. Bradford co. Pa. Sept.. 20 ,11 418ri; Ptak..l.s(itilidtr4 ,ff. B. Ilefole , —. 8:4 444(ingi. Km.. Patton . and: „B. i, _, &ui'yer, Ommitife of: 11$ :bintobral . c .. `Bituti, Cipr,ivetawn„Opoipti4-, ,=to noi i *ii Af tne UN 520 innialie0 all a aurclidate I r -. '' State Trea mfrfr,:'esxTLE - AcKtr-40K ti e kind 1 V0r,6 Piii tinP%Y in the ditic,l l ,4l: •Y ,6L tins 4nty, Winn' the to Cm* you. -Inuccepting, as I. hereby do,-the-bonor able position of andiaiste for state Tretts• alinw nie to. say there 01 - - nothing itersonall .in this entire prtioiOng.' 'My ifilmination was the unsolicited, and. free 4 w.ql- offering of the representatives, of that portion of the people of Pennsylva nia who.areanxious, nay determined, to .arrest: and finally _overthrow the ruinous measures that have loaded our people with 'unnecessary, taxation,lind . prostrat— ed the industrial pursuits -that-afforded the lubor.iug olasa employrnint and the, -means - of 'support . for .theinserves and Ahose dependent Upon them. • The ad— miiii#tration'. of the State, and the ;Na. WOO gOveritriOntS has. been and cbs,itt dirkt donfliCt - ivith 'the'ttner interests of our. laboring, ,masses, cannot be upheld ,hythe exercise, of 'official power or the ,foree of iiirty...hor will an intelligent and, thotigh tip I people .(such character/se our,Stant) forego the principle of sound inOtalitylin the conduct of 'public affairs. 'The - MasSes of.-the people ,of : Pennsylva-i ;LI la bare; lor . years persistently, demanded a true c chibit. of the condition. of their State Treasury. My nomination is wholly due to gelieral, belief if intrusted.with the: Oftlee , there would be no concealment fcojn pieLptiblie of,,its exact condition current Operations. :rho resolutions ea bodfand set forth the real purposecif the earnest and intelligent gentlemen ing the convention, ."composed of true representatives . in , : svinpathy with the thonskuda whose enforcedidleness:is fast reducing theta to ;penury and, want; whose ocenpations and. pursuits, should: bei.bionored and , not overthrown. 'out further coniment, derstoedies giving my unqualified ~and hearty, eoneureneeto all these resolutions and I' :,firmly believe, if adopted . by the American,. people its a governmental measure, , we will attain .immediate relief in all branches of - our:prostrateindlietries and enter upon a, new career of prosper itY. , am, most respectfully, your friend, New Advertisements. riSTRAYS,—CAVVII4TO, THE RN 'I.OBIIRE "1:4 the enbeerther.lnitrldgewatir. on Saturday. the 18th inat..three yearlings.. The owaer .te requested to prove property, pay charges. and lake them away. Z. C. BRIM 2dontrose; SeptomLur 20.1878. N 0 TIC 1?. Hatt Rond•Ticketri for PIIIO by the undersigned. front Mentroee Depot to New York and return, and from New Milford and to lbgharnton and retnen and to all points on the D. L including rilladelphia. ' - • BILLINGS nT/tOIID. September 23th, ISTS.-Iyr. • • "LIIEVUTORIi NOTlClL—Letters testamentary to J:4l the estate of John Conboy, isto of Middietowa. doe'd. having been granted to the tmdersigno, all ;pr eens Indebted th the said estate, are requested to make immediate payMent, and all -,persona having claims against said decedent will present them without delay. •1 • • - • • JOHN CONROY. . MICHAEL ! CONBOY September 1875.--6 w. ' Executors. • 1• MiIINISTRATOIet3.‘ - Sale;of. Real Estate. The undersigned administrators of tlO estate a Ne aten Snow late of Franklin Township, deceas ed, purspance Of au Act of the Orphans' Court of the Coun ty preitisquehanna, will expose 'at public axle on the premises, in Franklin; oh" . . • 'Wednesday, Octiitier Nth. At one o'clock P M., ta the tolloiving'tiescribed piece of land in the township of Franklin. County of — Susquehanna. and State of Pennsylvania, bounded as follows to wit: Be gifinine on the North by landsof Warretrßanis. on the emit by the highway, scuttt by lands of T. 0. Williams and on theNcst by lands Of Charles and Blomn How. ard. containing nacres and :21 1-2 perr.hes. more or, TIMMS : ' - -one handrea dollars down. bundred s on contr. Inacion of Bale. and the balance in one yeattbereaftar with interest. raDkiin, September 29, 11378.-3 w VALUABLZ Fasai For Sale. The oni3scrlbe . s offers for male valuable Alsip blimp , 38112.232.3=C;rai1S Islifiboo : - Said farm is one of the most desirable tarots-In the connty. and is beautifully situated in the Village of SuMmersville., Suentiettanna county, Pa. ; there lea gobif store, flouring mill, saw' mill; 'plaster mill, and blacksmith and waron shop in said village. The farm is Situated directly on the D. L. 'flr. W. IL R., one mile and a halt from the depot at New Milford. and mar -crates from the depot at Greatilend N. & Erie LE.; coetains l9ii acres of land, INI acres improved. Is well I* lered, having a lasting stream of- water running th net It and water conveyed. in pipes ' to the hbuse , ban and cattle yirds, it is well fenced, and under cultivation; Itift well adapted to growing grain, an is fitted for stock or dairying' ' there is a large and convenletirdwetling and wood honse, well painted, and treintifur lawn, with shrubbery.a large horse barn, car riage bonze cattle barn, with two tattle yards and sheds and stables for feeding stock or stalling-cows, and two 'ore.hards of grafted. fruits. Terms of payment made eh iy,.. • .R. L. SUTPHIN. - 4 . ; - New Milford, Bug's Cci 1 4tember ..19,1875.--iin, .7' - * - Pa. r 13el3tcore $,101: 874. . . °°° 00. 77.p0 . H. & D. SAYRE, °COUNTS MUST BE SETTLED they will be eallecAad by lon • I . • , COOPER. LATKR,OP• & COMSTOCK.' opember 29, 1872... Assiga!mis , , • . LAMING I LUMBER YARD! In order to better accommodate the community; the undersigned has established a depot for the sale of Umber, Ma iniditettired at hit iiewipeteCted bit-141M co the Old Eceier,l'iutueii bite, in the. witexe will be kept consiantli On Mud.- kill stock a WHITE AND YELLOW PINE, 'EEMI.4OOI, OAK ABB MAPLE AND BLACK WALNUT LUMBER,: . , f, whlebovitli the aid of the most imp:owed nutehlueiluid Locwapeteut worktueo. is prepared to Owes to meet the yeah' Of Vartomers. 4 , V4ll )4 B l(llV(Pjfit l l n e.' I S N M( CLIT OTir l atr iN • LATH CONaTAN,TLY One_UNIL. 'biatchhkg. /taulangs. and ficrell Otltt to order. - !4* . : cogo,'-;.*1110 DILLNUI'ACiTORT, in . 12latiection'w the Above titAbltehutest. It ßette Auonagozoitutut Rogerit: Ex. mains qur work. before Imtving your ordOis thew - keit: -• AVOW dote' .. prO!tiptly.:- • •.- , ? ; , A. 14TilitoP. „ti g ntrose. Ikritethbox %Lb, ^ ==fflMsfsM Vicrou PioLLET. LUTHER SNOW, JOHN G. SNOW. Adminfiltrators. Are aotitlei that clla,t4sl7s MILL InLiRT .0V .TOWN 'Attitie *on Wrerrluit nay • - ="7 -7 ` .. "7 . 7 .° 1 141E7:,i3TOOK' OP, . • • PALL. WINTER,GOODS !, gibilliorE 4 Resdati & Col WOOLENS SHAWLS, MAKINGS; CAsSIMEREs, BEAVERS ,AND CLOTHS, la treat variety. ',At G. R. & Co's. PLAID AND PLAIN WOOL AND' MOHAIR DRESS GOODS. MKS, POPLINS,. CASHIMERES,'• DRABTE DES ALPA OAS, BLACK AND COLORED, In_ variety a:idiots! bargabis • At G. ILI Co's. FLANNELS, ROSE BLANKETS .liiARCEILES BED SPREADS, ' WOOL TABLE SPREADS, , TABLE LINENS, TOW- • • ELS, NAPKINS and houiehold • Furnishing • ' . Goods, .aurg. assortment, atttl cheap. : At G. R. 'it We. ••. . , LADIES' AND CIIILDItENs' MERINO UNDERGAR MENTS. MERINO AND WOOL H 08E. FELT AMIETS. GLoVEB.*9._. ac. ALL ziERB ! •. AND QUALITLEd. Prices v• Ur stilt, ' ' ' At G. E. MCo's. • . . . If.ILLINERT GOODS, RIBBONS, FLOWERK;IPBATB , en, BLACK AND CULORRD, BILK AND COT TON V.6l.Vll'b. TRIMALL'iO SILKS. . . . . , A Sae iarletr, AS GL , N. 4 C.o.'s., DRESS AND CLOAK' riummizia_ i s LACES, _ taiai - OBS, iIUTTONS. SILK' TIIO4 cuIiSTS, - , • DROIDEULKS, ZSPIIYD., WoRsTSO AND VANCY CAN VASS, NOTIONS AND • STAMPED -PAT. • . k T ERNS , Always it great varlet", - At O, R. & Cies. DOMIVATic GOODS, DLRAcITED AND titoWN I OLIMETI,NOs , AND SMIRTINGs, CANTON ELAN -1 , CALLICuIts, ; DKNIMS. , TicKINGS " L AD vtigVoTT SDIDTINGs. AL-' I ' , . • WAYS A FOIL AssuIiTMENT • - ,i • TliS MOST PoPOLAIt • - , ' ADANOs. 4,nd juice:to snit the ti ea ' At'G. R. & Co',. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS; MATS. DIWOOETING I PLIES FORS. FORS, 13TFFALO ROBES, HOUSE • BLANKETS, LAP LWOW, • • 4 . lteap • .• , At O. Co'r . . . Itadm ;; adt . . .titothtag. -. Xesi and boys' ready-made snits, a large stocii Com blew assortment of best goods, war r anted to give 'sat- Prates t 4 Ea UM times at.Q. it a Co's. . . OVERCOATS I OVERCOATS I I For Boys", Youttis' and Men. Alt eortti. Qualifies And Mee! Rom $3 to ON tluppi7 your WlUltal at G. IL A: • Our Oustom.:Depaftment. • • _1 Large stock of dire eassinicren., Cloths and Beavere Measures taken; good fitting and workmanship guar intend. Prices fully 9(1 per centd less than oat of town Call and leave your I:llcllatife at G. lt. & Ctrs. • . • • • • PUBNIiiffINGt• GOpla t • I. 1 Gents tarnishing goo de. White and-colored cctton Shirts; Wool and Merino Wrappers and Drawers, rime' and iseHno Hose, &an Jackets; Comforters, lles..Boies. Mullets. Gloves, Thinks, ,bstchele. de., , the largest' variety in to at G. R. Co's. IL4TI I' HATS' 1 1 atia ?'CAPS'f 1 ITTTENTIMEG.I9SENBATTIif,A CO. , m. &DESSAU/LH. Mazagtng rigtaer. Yontrcise, Beptltatiar ; 2814, 78T5. j , ' , A DITNIBTRATOR. : .m. . • . 1 . • Stile 'of. Real retate. tiie. By 'virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Sus otaanna Count,to me direetat,l will expose to sale on prendicein Jessup township, In said counti4 on , 1 Tueiday; October . 26th; 1117iS, 1 JO one o`ciciCk Ar. m., of that:day: all that /certain piece ,i r parcel Of land situate in the township of Jeastip, in t e County of Scisqueluunti and State of Pennsylvania, estribed as follows„,to wit : • . ' ,` - •.- • . Beginning at a point in the Wyalusing creek r oad, the centre thereof at the north corner of Jackson's barn thence in a southerly direction about two hundred and Altrelght feet te :John Dlmon's Übe ; -thence in .4 north- easterly directioh along said :Dimon's-bind etie hundred and fourteen feet to a corner.. line formerly of 'A. J. Prate. thence in a north-easterly direction siing the line Of raid last mentioned land about two band ied and Afty tight feet to the centre of the' W,yaluaing creek read . thence in a north-west direction along the centre of said road about one hundred . and fourteen feet to the pliant beginning. containing one hundred and nine square rods of land, more °flees, with the appurtenan ces. one Tavern Horse ligrivand outbuildings. • Time :—Two hundred donate down. One- half, the balance on Anal confirmation, and the remainder in one Year thereafter with interes.. L . - 1 . !J. B. McCOLIaM Adimer ' :,. 1 • . • of the estaurof Jacob •Decker; dee'd September tad, lei3.-3w. ! - , 0 . 1 . , jp. I P . a. . 975 :•!i • , • • • LL'A connariz ABSOIMOINT 167 Within G1)1)4101E1 BOOTS SAO SHOES, Sm. . , ; . 1: ~ ~, - 12*0.:4 sittativii. topimise.September 1876•.4w. 4 CHEAP CASH STORE! We pay Ciett tor Oixde, end len Or and would PEOPLE FROM BINGHAMTON iknit lontror. to 7':..G . i - VE-lti.S! .:A. CALL idare sastdaiing elfrewbtivo it telierall7 'Omitted that wa eeV the some, autoirqol Good4vfor 'aVEktilbOttkisi , • v 1 I . that they acaluillingeSalmfOr twiPat.Y. 4l r 4 t 4,11F11. Now Goods Airjvint -Evert flay;!; ._, liCeitOtealOT ii 14 4 1 " AP #1# 4)1,, PP Exmarma illi t ' EOM --.-• .."-.•= ' !f- . . -- ; i ..,fi: -- -.1 . :2 . ...„ 011. 4 . 1101"11:00 X . - ' - i I , 1 ..„!..-4 t- • - -t. 1. • l• - , r - '.r..' ':.,,t` . 4 4 i„. 4 • balumteralriell au eitortriptinatiaby theOrphau'a Coati of( tpospehanasteatttljti the estate of. Lillie X nikgeriOt *tor ebilifoif iatitiarlr. /Wier*, deed cou ex iliv cotton eld, to Itigilor&itetotagte of .loulthan X. 8a1d ,4"*.10" fir'P 4 3 AA/ 3 d' MZ /WOK* iir4ll bear the parties on t e acePtif on* bled, at .ithavitlee blon,roso on rrictay, ctober rl, 181 A, at mr o'cl p. m. Ali persons interested will lease tare once. i-4_ W. lilt! TLIO , Auditor. Septetaber.224l, 1875.! ""4- ~. ....,...._........................._,__ _...l___. ' ' SPRING -UMME4 CrOc•dls • i Receiv&l ; t ' "J - WILLIAM HODEN. - , STAPLE .& .F#ITCY DRY ' , GOODS, . BOOTS eSI.IOES,i BEADY= ; • , , • • RATS Sr, CAPS, • Dense floods, a good itaaartmeni. new and fancy Patterns thei market. , White, Goodsi great variety. . - . • - • • . • BLEACHED AND 11N BLEACIIED COTTDNADES, >t DENAIS. TI, KS, - • ' • :4INtN • - TOWELING, OA,RPET WARP, kia. BOOTS i 6 SHOES, !' • t • The largest stock In' iovirh. Ptrei cites 'goods at leis prices than can be blught .of ant o,thar.pattlests..the E. lIATS' CAPS, it tho latest styles. _READY-34.D. CLOT RPM 4, • • - a fill Hue, and good rod' well Made And: • • Call and Examine nly atom before puitharlng else where. not be andersotd for the sataiegualltf of gone*, by acy one In Or out of town. • • Butter shipped. Prompt•refurni , at the• highest mar; net price, sales guaranteed, bills 'tnatied ai.socon'as re, koived., ; • ; . - 7 ,4 . HAYDEN.. New Milford, June #l,: r 4 18i3.—tf.,1 Ww Th, :great-. ellt, 43. ATel .. .act It ory as ever. revtures gr a y or faded boa to jonthlld color. It removes all eroptiona; itching and dandruff: and the scalp•lnt a ; usel,hecomes,white.and clean. DP its tonic proport It!restores the. capillary glands to their norinal vhor, pinventing baldness, and.making the hair grow thick a& strong. -Ann dreislnjg bathing has'been found so eteatual. or desirable; • • Dr. it. A:, !lapels, State Assayer is Massachusetts, says of It: ••I consider it the beat' p oration for. Ito intended par. poses.". ! Buckingham's Bye,_ FOR TIW This elegant preparation may be relied on to eiuMge the color of the beard I mgray Or any other undesir able shade,, to blown k, at discretion. It Is easily applied, being in oncp eparation; and quickly and factually producesa_pe manent color whfcti yilineithet rub no wash off. . • ; - • . MAN I' ,ACTUItED BY -li. P. Co., Na` shoo, IV. H... OLD BY ALL DB3P , IGGISTS AND IBL!LLERif -LC NELI/CLNE. "July 14, 1875 Ayer's Cathartic' .Pills, FOR A 142 114P C I PN 3ES OP A CURING lativeiess, Janndlte," ,rata; indigestion. Dysen 4y,Poul Stomach andßreath, otdache, Erysipelas, Piles; mumatirm. Amptiona and in Disease*, Billlousnessi. ter CoMplaint, Dropsy. Tet • Touters and Salt . Rheum. rrms, (tout. Neuralgia, as a mer.. p ill, anl Purifying the nd, itive yet perfected . Their much they excel all other Pills. They arc - safe and 'pleasant totake, butpower , fa: to. cure. They purge out the', foul hunters of the blood : they stimulate thcAuggish or disordered organ Into action ; and they; i r art the health and tone to the who!e being. They cum no; only the every day complaints of every IMO.; hot formida.blo and danger ous direltrer, Most skillul physician*. most eminent clergymen, and our bi•rt citizens, rend . certiticaten, of curer performed end of great benefits they have derived from there Pills. They ate the- i.areit and Vesty h ysic for children, li s evause• Mild , as well is effectual: •Being sugar coated, they are easy to tako ; and being purely yegetable.tliey are eutirety:lisrmless. .., • . PREPARED BY Dr. 4. C. Ayer Co., Lowell Mess., Pracacal and AtielyDta!: Chemitte. SOLD DX ALL DRDOGISI'S .4.ND ' WALRUS Di 311.klettiE, July 14.1575: 5 • • • • a • ExeOutoesh Sale. The rindershrned exiientor of the estate of Erl Greg ory. late ot Bridgewater, Susq4 - Co. Ps,., deceased, will fed at public ve.ndno,pn the premises, the farm kni.wn as "the Eri 4 Gregory farm," 'CM:Raining about 100 arta, ." Sattirdai'October 24, , , • commericlng at 9 o'cloCk, 41.. M. I • -, • TERMS OF SALE 4-$lOO 110 ear tor Tale; V= an delivery of, deed, and the balancei in five equal annual payntimte with interest on thrkwitttle amotoltddtr. " 1 — l* 1 • . ALSO, Ole followin g name d, r,- . Mkorasicoraieta l'ircsiztorty" Will be avid at the ramie time indiplactit 1 . , 4 , One yoke of oxen. 9cows 2 two-year-old heifers, 1 mare. 26 sheep. finning 111,'eultivator, 2 forks ; shovel, 2 ox-yokes, 2 dells, 0ft 1ed,..2 , chairs, ,scalding tnb, 2 saddles, 3 hoes, manure ork. two harnesses. churn dog coresheller. basket, dog power, !3 trontettles, griniP stance, two plows. train cradle, quantitylhavadatiln. glee, seyth n. 3 sap puis.labpat 75 sap to q, market wag on wheelbarrow, quantity 01 Mintier. hop bugtry, cat-, ter. sleigh. 3 axes, and other articles not enumerated. Twigs :—All came, under $5 !care; $5 and over, one year's credit. with interest and approVed security. , -- [Property to remain till telputi of tale Are complied witti.l - i - 1 , A3ll. ELY,Agecaltor l September 8.1313.-4 w t , ' - ' I6IIhIY ''".1:1-417V7 L . 35 ) ' ' • .I'.' -:= svh . t?N' • and'he 117W.2 1 ,:itq1/N' . l'. for s buyinir i . • .1 J: •'. OttitliO OttitiO - Olticlifitts lye hill fern.odt anY kind t ritei '64 Oreglil and Xachtnea at a dtacoubt that Wilt pay yob to 'nut before purchasing.. Save 25. per rent for.canyine Inatv mentraround on trld.. Jill natrumen4 nd Marittnea 424 . I" " tilLed " ••1 - B.D. • LUIASH. 'Montrose. April 7, 15.-tt ADa.DtISTR4TO)3I3' Sale Q "Ily 'Moe of an'Ord 'of 'Orphairs out of 801 ,quehantur County. the under gnat satin gator of the. esietelorßoanne 11; flay l deed; wal 'sellon the promisee dearibed. on , . 5.2 ;Saturday, •tlietobtp -18th 1876. - • •. it One'i'dock p, nt • the AA fagdt ert 1 tot of lap All that ce'rtaltiloi Of land tutte in township of Lenox. Couttty of ettennetni 'Ent and .13 "'Of relaneyl• ',ionic bounded on the northnand of Judson Devicon the out by land of Eldrldg ,L 'nyder, On the south by , land 4 Hannah ltakeyotad On; the west labditef 111.. obael.Beleber along the alltp . F4 and .Tarnpae.:. t° l - 01 VOIng tweet,' Itrf; moi mir 'let s ; 'the spoor.' ,„riinni4i to so order or tipv ihrPhons 0444,4 8 4 r quettannit County, the nide txted 'admits Motor of the oatate:qt,thgen MCISIMUO4 1151'4,;. will, sell , at ;44 'endue on the premises, on i , ! -, , • . lialiurditY. Pet* O.,P , Sdi . kri. Ai ,at (map:clock P. nrii ttif , folio i t frhlg dedsril'fr-Pe# e state to - ww: ' - - , • • All that certain farm or int of • laud 'Situate' in: thu township of Middietenu, co J o t of ituthasum and Striae of Pennsylvania; boast', on th north b_y, binds' -of Johanna) , .9n 1 1 0 4447 Mild 01 4 1 8 414 0010 17 1 4 r ounh 'Thomas Bo es. on ( a south , ads of Rob. eat PorterVind -ort' the wept b lands lot trick iteDo2l. l oßgit, couLintog one hundred and serge el Am or: les*,:with the aponinsuan•es, [ - ~ __. ~_ Tamoniea—Two hundred dollar : downr.4: itt,ooPcra"linal. mitirsPfitfoisAnd, IttiNbahu{coopl, : fei4rttberaktlifF•4l , 44 ,Attuest. front'final ruotirniatier“ , ' -1 -14.:d ~,' - x 3i . 114WW1 'AttEMOßOliii44l ,l r.t;ii Oeptammr W. 411: 1 , M , .. ;.-41W ' „ , . raw = areloldvintionients; NEWAS AN lli s 2 s .2 - • Tim Poollo's Drug Stores I. N. BULLARD PROPRIETOR. IQ4OI. y • • ICSNA:011. &Apothecary. PATENT NEDIOINE EIIIPOIUIIN ! • The undersigned would respectfully announce to an the people every Where, that to his already- extensiv stock and rarlety of Merchandise in the Grocery. Pm tision.and Ilardivare line. Re has added av 4 ry choice assortment PURI DRUGS. 'PATENT MEDICINES. BRUSHES, PER FUMERY, &e. . lirlt leb litrilattere him If he can assure the public they will find it to their advantage to exam- Inn before purchasing elsewhere. Push 1 Physicians in this 'section of the convoy be would respectfully an nounce that he has secured the ilervides of K. Kenyon._ as Doman and Apothecary. a hose long exnerience and 'acknowledged care and ability, entitle him to your en tire confidence in the line of compounding medicines or preparing pregerlptions, and who would awl esteem tt au especial favor to receive calls from any of his old "Astomers or new ones. Will make the Patent Medi- Suess epecialty.l Also Domestic and Foreign Mineral' Wittere---111 extensive stock. Also tine Groceries— „ . L EMIG'S EXTRACT OF BEEF, , FRESH , SALMON PICKLED & z CANNED CLAMS. LOBSTERS,' PEAS. COILN. BEANS. OYSTERS. &c.. dte. 1 , . Defect, ailythlngand everything thit is ordinarily ed.: Respectfully soliciting a - call remain • • • • 4. - • • • - 1 I. N. DULLARD. • P . owdoo Powlor Powder Blasting, liltlo:sud.not Powder, Bbot, Lead, lion Tubes, Capt. Pooches.,Plasks, Putt', &c.., "sc.. ae., by I. N. BULLARD. Ilcontriisti. Sept. 9.1874.4 f. • - Zgures Do Not Lie ! BEE FOB iOUREdr.LVWEI. OUR - NEt • PRICE LIST FOR ,SPRIN AND SUMMER OF .. - - . 11370: • . . • , . He cottonsde:Mote. 1 ~ :: • $ t.oo Swot, woolitolzetipaqta. : •- , $ 2.73 to - 2 . 30 Good 01l wool pitjaa. 3.00 4.00 French casslir.ery pants. . 5.00 • 7.30 He*vy woriilogioep'e suits, -. , .. -- 7. 0 0 /000 ch .. , .. . . Bcotcli otlislineiri.itilte, .. ... ' . . ,- 8.00 12.00 Harris calsonerdsults. - - 1-- , ' , '. . , ! .....,. 18.00 11.50 Fancy-theta - srol-.4stripe salts. 2 '-' - " 10.00 20.00 Black frock coats. 6.0. 9.00 Black dress costs. li:cmH: : ..,.....-„ . . 10.00 • . 14.00 Black cloth vestal, - - ' 1;15 4.00 Who linen ves t, - 1.25 - 9.50 ~ BOYs Su/T2,.3 to 9 yestra. ~ " ;• Boys' cotton sults, • • .-• $ 2.00. $ 4.00 Boys' mlxrd sults. - . , - • - 4.00 6.00 Buys' frincrwoul stilts, ' , ' i 5.00 10.61 i ' •'• BOYS' 1 SUITS, ' 9 t o ' ls 3eara. Boys' schord'snita,' • - $ 4.00. $ 7.00 Boys' fancy snits; 7.00 10.00 Boys', onset-cassintere snits. 8.1 X) '14.00 Youtbstsuiti. sikstyles, •. 5.00• 90.00 Good cotton shirts, Good overalls, s 60 Good rubber suspenders, , . 20 •Attd sittother Goods in propewtion. The above priris are for cash only, and are quoted for customers from a distance. $lOO FORFEIT if the above price Batts not fulfilled: which prices are gneranted l, per cent. ittwer than' those '01: ,any' other house in this city , or vitinity. • I WEBSTER, The Clothier. Binghamton, Doti lith,lB73.—t! : • D 0 lit* Y:.CASEY, No: tit !c -50 Wash pig-ton st, Y. Y. ' Would respectfollicall attention to their 'Atli , MO of ' ,W" 113'1EIL .N" X "4'17 3EL 30 c . whiel - tiey are skiing at from 15 to' 20 per cent.. I than hesecofore. is full usortment of . . . PARLOR„ DINING BOOM and KITCHEN YURNI Parlor Bette, hold $6O upward. Chamber Setts from 440 apward, Mattresses from .$4 upward .. Pure Wool Mattresses bona 4111 - 4.0 Oak s . Ash and Walnut Extension Tablesi from $6 to $lB. , You-oan do better by purchasing yoer goods of us than of any dealers in ;this section of the country. We will not be undersold t)y any one east of New orb No extraelune „ter par-king or delivering goods at the depot. . • . • OF VCR 1 . UNDENOWINIK We deelre to•enya word. In ' this line we have Stein's` Patent (lake% and a variety of other styles. Butte 'pubes. Shrouds. Ute. Therbeaese and ;Carriage attached to our establish ment cannot be surpassed in this section. These will be furnished to those who • reqiilre, at a reasonable fig ure, anywhere within a radius or. twenty "miles from this city. ' Give tie a call, 11111201.18:75,--tf TtI T UNT B , ROTRERs SCRANTON YA Wbbleialei Retail beslereln - HARDWARE, IRON, STI4.IEL.: NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS 371ILDER'S HAF i ld WARE, MINE RAIL, (IGt`ll TEICSUNK T RAIL appals _ • RAILROAD ce MINING SUPPLIER. GARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, - SKEINS AND BOIES,'BOLTS, NUTS old WASNERS, PLATED BANDs. MALLEABLE IRONS, NUBS,BPOREs, • FELLORS,WEAr SPINDLES, BOWS, *c. hlorms. VICES, STOCKS end-DIES, BELLOWS HAMMERS. SLEDGES, FlLEttac.tte. lIIRCULAR AND lAILLSAWS,BELTDIG, PACtING TACKLE !BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS. _, ___- CEMENT HAIR & GRINDSTONES. IPERNCD WINDOW GLASS,LEATTIRK &FINDINGS i.- . ' 14-MBANK% SCALES... - . . . .ITIATLOWS FAMILY wthicuiis. .. J. , . Pain and Lameness rei.leied in • abort time by the nee of Taylor's - Celebrated Oil. The great Rheumatic' and Neer*ligic Remedy. This medicine is not t cure all, brit is warianted to cure more of the ails and ills to which flesh la heir than any other metPcizie ever dis, c•vered.. Give its trial; if you do not And it so. it costa you nothing. it may be used ; with the utmost* ltdvailtage.for any, kind of Pain. Lameness, Wounds or Bores upon man or beast. Will not smart the rawest wtsundot sore. Pen directions for use around each bottle; 'Ask year Merchant for a free vial. No Cure— No Pat. • : Taylor's Syrup or Atxpectorant, for all Throat and Lang,disessis. le eery pleasant to the taste and contains nothing injurious. Try it, and stop that cough and take: the soreness from your Throat and /013 r Merchant fora freo vial. No (lure— • Taylors Conditim Powders for all kinds of stock and parultly. Warrantei the heft renovator of the system of run down or diseased stock. that Las 'ever been dfs. •Covered. .Try them for all disease' incident to the brute ertration.Directions for use around each e r ick • 'age Me Care -qio Pay: . • • • Ail the above medicines, for Sale by Abel Terrell and Barns& Michela. of Montrose. and all Druggists and Dealers throughout the country. ! ' ' • H. BROWNING TAYLOR. 'Chabot SI: • • . : cagia7273VILLS HOTEL. .THIS4 I .IOTEL TS FINELY. SITUATED on the Elver , triad, lending. from Ell ngisamton to Montroao to Conk. lin fitation on the D. 1.. ds W. R.^ It ,Parties stop. pincet this eMtion'vrill And convenient to rail on 111e.41f. have proper conveniences to carry, parties to• any place they vial to reach, / Welwyn 'slitting my house and barn; neking them more convenient to en tertian the public- Thankful. for past pstronnge of ;: my old (donde, I shall be ;happy to greet them and tne,pulolic gekerally *ben this vicinity.' • , D. J. M.URPIIY, Proprietor.; ~.Cerblettivilie. Aimed 31.1n75,--tf. - • • : - . err:Loll:rap _ Eentiif-Expreas Ofice to.Cobbhi old 'stand. Express mittet folaarded and Staked tO,and Rota all points, alit Montrose R. E. mid Lehigh Valloy R. R. Direct rout to ,t3eranto, Wilkes Bane. New York, .fidtsditplds. • - . .• Fortitritig or t frele4promptly attended to. " J. B. it/LT . sBl l 'o=2 Atli. '-;,linntrOse. - A.measi sUth. 1873 ; '...411 3 ,. , . . . *6 to $2O ger day. Agents wanted. All class es of working genie ot both seam young and old,inake more money it work for us. In their own localities, during their opus moments, or all the time, than et any thing else. Wit offer employ ment that will ply handsomely for every hour's work. Full particulars, terms. Ae.; vent free. Send air your address at once.. Don't delay. Now is the lime. Don't 3.k for work 4w- business elsewhere until you hare Mimed what we offer. O. STWSON £ CO.. Pottiess I' " • - : I. * "1; , :tti i . MCNEC- . tie. of l t.. Mime. it Limits , t`bar: wldcb Is 'sot so eap at others. , some at twice the money. , TIIIDE Or THE IiIITLIEN" beats !eat ell. , , . ..._if &unit 18, '75.-4is . j LYONS & ARAN EKES it _ROASTED COFFEE,. 300. Ifsokts bt / 00P11 lirosiodtOr nit. nrAnitug "'• Zi6148 DUNN, , OPTPWP ,mt1741t1,464*. 41;1 46 cea4 i Uon. ARMS tfis "A• 0411/ !LYONS II D 1411414. STOVES, TIN. COPPER & SHEET IRON WARES, HOUSE FUN ISHING 'GOODS, AND BUILD. ERS XLARDVIARE * &C. Agentsor BLANCHARD, BARTLET' -'& CO., SASH. BLINDS, - FORS., WIN DOWS; CORNIC MOULD-: INGS„- a; . latch we will MI Bievehard. Build at di Wiwi. NAILS; SCREWS, LATCHES; BUTTS, SASH. AND BLIND: FASTEN- . ERS AND HINGES, HOES, • FORS SHOVELS; BAKES, WIRE GOODS, &O. Special inducements on ying Pans Goods., Pails, Coolers, and Dair IRON CLAD, FIRST PREILIII,M. ~MILE: PANS. _ HA.TVEN, General Afoot.) OTSEGO COUNTY LUMBER, PLAT. FOWL:SPRING AND. BUG ' • GI .WAGGONS. ueurpassed for Style and. Durability. We-bare recently added to our selection of Ilkmile made by Rathbone. Bard a Co., Albany N. Y.. and the Amend Base Burning Parlor Stove, and Cunard Cook Stoves. man MUM= Perry & Co., Alban, N.Y.' We also keep the cult: DIAMOND BASE - BURNING AND FEARLESS COOKING STOVES. • Ratttbone, Jewett a Ransom, Ranges, with Cropper Reverent.* and Nickie Mountings or the latest improved rhen's. Repairing promptly done and ordeni foe obbing solicited. . o .. si rimr AT .I ' 4l t THE OLD STAND. a The Understgned would resileetfally aanoutee to the citizens of Montrose and Vlclnity . that. they bare added to their establlstunent a drat-eaws under the direction of JAM°. BRIDILINENER, of New York City. We CH keep constantly on' hand FRESH BREAD, BISCUIT, RUSIC, CAKES, COOKIES, PIPS, ETC.,. At Wholesale or Retail. j Roilles Supplied Reason bly. CONFECTIONERY, NUTS, FRUITS, TOYS TOYS}... TOYS SPLENDID OYSTER DINING ROOMS DONLEY & CASEY, SYRUP, mop/mos AND SUGAR—A THE ASSIGNEES OF A. H. a; D. IMPROVED MEADOW MK Every Stowe) , Warranted I The skimipesi sod best— Save time, .1 . ave,utormy.same sanayants,by baying bola manticture. evving Machine ! THE (MUTEST ACHIEVE It ENT' Or TIM AO Z I Sews nom but One Spool of Thread. • .• It has but six worklog ;Arts, is oomelets.attil sows more rapidly tban'auy ilsoblus in the Masks'. • Has ai ssfr•sstiir.Strisight It Comb / Mee Du the trial Bea utsatid Simpikitiotud WM all he Modern Improvements,. • FIRSIT47LA6B MACIIINR ON . A MACS WALNUT ItAULIC 1 1 141586. • " Asidreis, Tag INDEPENDINT &ALCM= C(5„ Dec. 24, , Bipgbiimtou, N. Y NEW YORK TRIBUNE. "The Jading American newspaper." BEIBT ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Deny, $lO it year. Semi-Weekly, Weekly,sS Posttga free to the Einhserlber, iipeeltann copies and Advertising' Rates Tree, ' Weekly, In club! of all '3t more, only }l, Po ' patch Adores& ... al-Y1 TII TRIBUNRM T. • Ure. llolniest.respeetfulli announces' to the bodies of. Montrose and :vicinity that she to prepared to do elf kinds of lisir Work, in the best style, Prisite MOM far fitisto_poping -ladles end children. Room* over ; coats TUrrells' Grocery, Souls llama Street:. ' -,tioptember let, lina.---aw• „ • IDV snitsrsti r: 4.**41. doot1: - blystestatitc. , --A 411. Persona whotoonteloplite outlaw ortolinuds with Newspapers , for thoioutentoo of adrefttssatouta, should wild coots to Also. Kowsli&to 41: wk. Row 'New York, for thelt PAIIPHIET-130 lwi 0K y onth editiottj oorttaltdog Thai of over dm istwepspors , and estitotttstit shOwlog the cost. Advil ftisethilthlt thk• au for testilog papers usury butes at s tnsiwooducts ddlif,tloll 'fold publialsarie tre4. Get the Wok. 131 Nurn.ber 39. New 4dvet HAYDEN & Deslas la THE CENTENNIAL COOK, • • HAYDENB LUNT "'New Milford, Mai 12th, MA--tf. • ALSO—a large and attractive suede:tent of Etc. Etc., as usual. ~.,.......l:)... call and St,e • -o--- Up Stairs Most Revealldly, E. BACON & SON. Monirilsa. Sept. 15. 1875.41. • ' dom. Prima kinds. Low Flees. ATIVIniIVIS.-41, " LYONS t DAAKir. SAXER- OFFER FOR SALE MOWERS ! Ono hundred Dollar Vowel. foi Manufactured and invade by ' • EL U. I D. SAVA. Sal Allaltufah brantroia , Jima std. 1615. US THE. INDEPENDRN7 - VGratap.iteel. BEND FOR CIRO:7I4Ii. •U'exir ~;~~: - - ements. 1 FUVUNWUNII EIN!I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers