M=Ml V.oluxngi 32., tarn', ;Inl MOUOtitalai t. 4 4 'Pimham . Lid OP THE TWENTY—NINTH ANNUAL FAIR bF TIIRSUSQUERANNA COUNTY AGRI— CULTURAL SOCIETY, TO DR HELD IN MONTEosE, ON THURGDAT„ ANDIII.O.L• DAY, SEPT: 23D. AND 24211,-1875. •- ,-PrVISION L-,-rforses. BistiletilY draft atallfori; itte`iir • best four'colts $6.26`53 Best quickldraft 'stallion, sire of best four colts 6 3 Best stallion, four years old and Best brood mare and c01t..., al.. 3 " gelding over 4 yrs. obi. raised in the , vouiity... 5 Best single mare over.four years oldrsied in. thq 04 1 !tY•411r.. I nei'keiAtw:homi Igoe *8,4 : - • he county 3 Best pair of horses or mares rats ed in the coduty • Best pair of horsoB or mares not raised in thecountv 5 Bestlpair thrft *44.1:44 - toltsi.. 4 pair two yeifold`Calts . ."... 4 " 3,yr old. colt (gelding or • , \Best two year old colt ,713 4 one year oil' colt. • • 14 . \ sucking colt Fask4st pair walking horses in harness, twice around track • 5' ,' Fastest single w.akking• horse in ' harnetwtsiieo around track Judges=-Charles Oafferty, Bingham ` tor,-.W. ; H. F. Handrick, Foreot lake ; L. Beebe, Franklin. DLVISION 11.---o Jan I.—Durham& Peat beid sna five fe-.. larkf, • • q.•.• • 11. , •.. •** $ lO Best'DUrbam bull two'years old and upwards • s6'2d $33 Best Durham cow four years old, and Upwards . 5 .3 Best DurAam bull one year old. 5 3 " DUrbam 'heifer '3 yrs old.. 3 2 "., Durham -btifer.2-yrs old.. • 3 2 " Durham heifer iyr 01d... 3 " D,urbarri bull calf.... .. . . 3 Drirbacd hcifer calf. ;, 3 Clasi 2...--Grade Durban3s. Best 4siiet aid five fe. 'males r $5 Best buil 2 yrs old and , upwards -3 " .. co* 4 yra Old and upwards 3 " 'heifer three years old 3 "' heifer tiro years old . 3 " - four yearlings 3 1 a ',four calves 3 . " ''' ,',bull calf.' q . -1' !leiter calf . .. 2 lodges—Christopher Burns, Wends - - vine ; Abel- *Patriek, Montrose ; - L. T. Birehard Birchardville. • "Class.3.—Devons. Best herd of six,bullind fire, fe. .`. . - 316 Best hull'2, n yrs 'old and upwards 6 24,3 , bull i o year 01 d ::.,, ... 3' . • 2 "' ' cow 4 yrs old 'and upwards 5 3 " heifer three years old - - 4 2 " heifer , two years old. 3 -2 " ; ,heifer one year Oki 3 . .... .. 3 - • - .- ".'bull calf. ;• :Bent herd of six,bull and five fe. malep..,.. • , Best holt 2 yrs old and upwards 3 - cow 4 . „Jul _old . and upwards.. 3 < - 7 luVer area ' 3' 1 ,• flair& two years old ... .. • Mier one' year old 3 • four yearlings • 3 •-, four calves. t . • 3 bull calf heifei calf Judges —Dish& K. Rill, Silver Lake.; Wm. T. New Milford ; Fowler Peek, iiiirford.. Class s.—Oxen and Steera Best pair Working oxen 4 yrs old 6 2d 3 steers three years old.. 3 2 .:1 1 1°1.9.ftTs°/cV - 3 .2 one year old .. 3 calves broken by boy.. 5 fat cattle - 5 pimor 3 , erneva, Best Iford of :sit,bullAnd .6414: ... 10 -bull ' , e, 3 .• • .... •• • • 5 , 3 ..'.-0141e.t. three Tiara 01d...... , 2 3. ; 2 ono year old. „ 3 . .2 t ref: . . . . 3'" ' . Chula 1....-7.44olbires. oalf' , 3 he Grit 44 Alaler4eys, and fireleineek — - -5, Boit4ientof eiribuit mid Svcs fe; , Beat b;ull.-4' Y'" ' • 3' 4 ... -5-- 3 issi,testlii*yeirebta 3 2 AWO yelin , '3 2. 3 bull calf. . 3 i liket herd ftnd live - 4'6140v; audge# 4 4lt.., layylin tßriilgelititer ; Bury . 1-4 440 11 :t 4244 # 111 ,e t , ° .*C1J f.V* R. Jeilsupe ltiontro,e; — , •, M.—Ohlea l:—Ste ep 134firie'lreol, . i;Ahrei t Stie vitel :1 • 8 2 8 . coige 2 three **aft :wool ewes..... 3 2 wool 2 "- middle wool..triveb.',i'.'. 3 - 2 Javags.,„ -8. , r , Class • . a . 5. ;3 Pie +uver .3.inii*ho old- 3 . ' Judges-=St4omotk , tdmgdoni Moutreiae; ThosAgsttop, Wan Small, .100041 v, j aue Se- , -Pottlt,rg. • Best i tiOo aitrrbia)mat........ 2 b —. l isl4,brnkns•'• • • A mex vanish ' ilorkirig4"; - - • 2 • 03. h • •• • -• ,• • , hondirns.a e •• • • 414A'AtaL:;.%.1....41" . 2 d u tk el , •••,• , • 2 ,..t -„f " • Judgcl--1..9: 4 11td0ep M. D.; Anthony Beck l MotifivtooiiiikWatfottil *idle ° mate* : 4• • . • oriasA • .',Sti:kAti):*;4ol4'o';di4** :tolittieffiikid - ' t'lo maple 8u: tOtt • it 8e4.1 0 lbs fionek: 41, el a sa4,—&eas, • Best bctslietetorn in kd 16 bushel white winter wheat.. 2 bushel spring„wbeat.... 1 , I ' bushel oats ,Ousbel borley , ." .`l2t.ettrii,eweet , oirn. .. 50- Class 3.—Fruit and vegetables./ Best: and greatesti vartetY, riot less than six, of .ozinter $2 " rand greatest -variety, not. sand: greatest six, of fall. apples '5 • and. g reatest variety, not . •, lettAban three,'Of peara.; and greatest variety quine greitest,Yariety plums 1 , " and greatestvariety 'of gropee,,not lees than three,g . rawn, L in the Coniati . "' - 2 2 50 Best and greatest-variety of vet. etWes ' ' 3 , - 1 5 , , T ifivicAbbaie lierlds " 12 rntabegas. . s.equashes -" 12' s, l heads cauliflower: ." 1 tomatoes..... " 1 bushel potatoes " - 5 field - iquailiel4 " bushel, . 50 " bushes, wrirtzel... 1 50 " bushel sugar 1 50 " 12 garden . - 50 Judges—Tracy Hayden, New Milford; J. 0. Bullard, Brooklyn ; N.' P: Wheaton esq., Franklin. . , Class 1.---Carriakes and. 'Cabinet , Work. Made in the Cpykr4Y._ Best amble parnag . e.;.. .. " singlearringe ! , • •' lumber . iiigen 3 " " , delmet*t..varu.. .. . • " sitgte . " chaMber set , " !2 ' elms 2, —Leather, •- • Best paiTi•firke boots 2 • ps,,ir common . 1 " five aides 'Women leather.. 2 . ` O , 5 aideti upper leather... - .. 2 • 5 sides sole` _ leather , 2 " set, aorible.brirnitts., 2 • fing/e harness 2 Class 3.—Totptetnon ts and Blac.ksartthing. Best .. 113 • ha r iv* ... •. • • " cultivator:.-2 " corn ..... . 2 " straw . .. " churn p0wer..:...........2 ' " horse 1 • Avashihg machine , 1. " hatter pail " rsepower and threster 5 - " 1 horsepower and thresher 3 „ " farm mill and Our.. 5 " inowink trinanne.l, .6 2a ", . - 4 3d 2 Beat bay' tedder...... . , Judges—Guy Wells„ . Bridgewater ; Al: T. Stephens, Brest - Bend J. H.lSinnger, 'Franklin. 'r Class 1.--Demeitio ManufactuFies. Best ten yards flannel,, . 50 " woolen carpet... 2 50 rogcarpet " 1 50 " pair- wool socks' :50 " " • " mittens........ ,50 " 10 yards linen-cloth 1 " eassiniere cloth:..' 2 .c • “'• toweling 1 " bearth nig ass, 2...-Fine Arts, Ornamental Needle pest photographs, Diploma... : . ‘, quilt of any kind 2 " disPla.t ,of: faPuY arLiclea..,, 2 1 " spread 2 " tidy ...... • ..71. " fine •.eintroidety.... ' " chait cushion . " knit' 5haw1............. " collection •of flowers..... 2 '4 ‘ 4 vase of flowers..* • • • b 0 * " boquet..... - 25 ; ‘r exhibition • of engravings.. 2 " lanai? Qf Nlirsted " oitnameniikwork _ _ " ..... 1 Judges—larn.4.l3. - Moi-net.Pitendsville ; MraN'Aft X:.skinner„ I §irs• Wm-. ji. 3101 .. Idonticiee. 'anis rn in u merated. Jtiages--Wm. M.. _Post, Satre' Pelken bu', Susquehanna Depot, ; M. L. Ars. J. C. Hollister. , • • . • SPECIAL PREMIUM. st Product of butter from any dal— . ry ; less than . $lO • Persons competing for this premium rutrO - present a written statement of the number of nova, their breed, amount and kind of feed, 'the, manner, of setting the niilk,*ittid kind of pane or cane, with a fall description of 'the manner of , making the butter, *ad • the kiwi of churn and utensils lied. These statements are to `be furnished on or before Den. let 1815. Thoprentium to be awarded'Atthe an- Dim]. rieeting'in 'January. . 11eet aci:e of -winter wheat raised on • t • ' , old ground ; . $25 acre of spring wheat raised on • old --gr0und..:.:...... :... 25 Sampl of wheat to be exhibited, and pieniirmr_to. be, awarded at Fair of 1876. iecin peters to give full statement of mode 'of culture,Umount of seed euwn and ler . tilizer used, bow ebd when iiipplied;na tire- and condition of the Soil, ender drained -or not and such other bib:lrma lien 'es may be required by the - - Judges -that maybe of benefit to the public, etc.' PLOWING MANIL The Miring Match _will be belci on the. farai of Chart. J. Hollister, in the toir - nahip.Of Dimock, Tuesday Sept. 44th • • atone :.:o'clock p. To. _„ First prOmiu •• • • 9 * 2a , do 3d. do ith do JiidgeB Tin yid Th °trial; Awes EaSeW/ Springville:" F. M. Piroodhougp., Dimock. The Oomniittee And Secretary have 4n boide- tut the ,Grouudi, where the 'Judges-ire itclatEito toszaeet o'clock . ota ettie 211`drv, when their mimes will be Wilted ittfair isouncies filled and that will '1:16 . Iftwhiahv 4 with; - the Boolts Entry, :,..iithen they will proceed to deride upon, 'the merits of the articles and :iiiitinale en: terid 10P'1krettli131114 and ieport in writ l, 7 onin'elaek; seine,‘lny. 2. It laiinpOrtaut the, all persons sp- OintPd'ol AA:warding.ooinniitteetihotai PreeetAt thl4.-.hovili, - The Indites den i*lnfr,elo r instructions wild , t4v Snake out reportif4ihi'offine t , - :Any animal itared. for eitubitiOu 1111111 -~—:o: ,;; ..,. . , T O 1 1 1 E OSE DEMOGRAL HE - M vick r - .5 1 PTEvr-Pe.; - .., '' in _one cannot compete in an 7 Ai oraclew except as one of 'a herd. ir-,, 4.z.Thedtt.iges sliall'in 'all caseCitat 'hold preMiUMß,whenittie animals or, ar ales arenot worthy, thOfigh there'be competition. '. 1 ' 5. Exhibitors wishing to compete remitns are remiested to: have their - tieleiiiii anima's entetiecl in the Secre ry's Book before the 'close of the fl day of the Fail.. ,INTO ixpimalo,Oliti can takikp Prerucum not entered for co petition previbus to tile Books going I to the bands of the Itidgen, and, thi must he on the grounds for 'exhibiti' by 9 o'clock a: tn. of the: second 4 day, they cannot , take- a premium. •• No at, c i i mat or article call be removed before t close of the exhibitio without' the co sent of the Executiv Comtnittee. 6.. iSuperinteuttentsof the differs departmente will have all animaletin4 i tielea l f ilystemiitically.l-airanged: - ..Thell teen; 'or the Society grid Stiperintendet wilj be'knownby•-aheir official badges. , , 7, No premium will be awarded any pers2n exhibiting articles or aoirni not entaed in the i name of the bel Artif,,Orner of the same: • ' 8.. Persons exhibiting full blood ai male for premiums, .Must leaye•the,pv "forof their stock tialth• the Secret "for theConSideration f the Judges the on,' • I „ , , [ , 9. • Premitims not 'cialled for :tie' re January let ,vvill. by i considere&d. ted to the,seeietY. , 4 1 10. • -,Persoike ritit4Lisitlen ta of thitieo t• ty exhibiting)initiMc - ),r articles des ei ~. . „ - _.. s'). 50 • 50 50 Eto 50' 50 50 )) :, ;:the- ~- i, I worthy of a Mitt - 1 s 2 A,til u ges,sha I only be entitled to ti,dipitima theretor A iinfficient - police farce *II be in a tenatmee, dat'and ,`•pight, 2 to,Protect t promirty of ex,h,itrittiti,i -•':, Arrangements lite.tkade - inr4Veel stook over night itiOyoria "Ittliqi4 There will be ,a ;eiiiimitiegf **the trance of 'the, Fair ttOti# l : lB, o4irect persons driving-in sfOlt"tivii nigit, • _ttitri4B can be ! II:Ai - at aify - kiple ti vions'to , ohe "'Eciii ,, bi!',leiiiiiig:lrtird v or Writing' to ' tte 'Sacretitti, 1 R. Lp Mtintrosie, , r‘ l. • Judges and auperintendents. that present in tithe will', i, receive *ticket dinner. ' , ' , , :, , Daily Orde;""oriftarlingenientsi The ga tes wi il be lock a. m. midi SP. M., ei.ch day. Septerriber 23d, first day; at). p. ,M., a trial of speed for the fastest walking , horses will fake pliMe. Fasteat double team, premium $5. .Fastest single horse,' ' premium, $3.: , At 2'p. ip.. horseback riding for.gentlemen, Promum :or. Wt.' tiding .1 . 3;..- At A o'clock, horse,back riding by ladies, Pre. 'Minn' for 'best rifling *I.: _ : I Th'e' second ~day,: !Septet:Ober .242 h, at 1.4'.i ' o'clock a. m., a , grand cavalco' ' of f li belies - in harness will;' take place 'on the tracki At 120*Ifclock; 'at the cOl IN 1 the Superintendent, class first viill:asayble 1, 1 in fro t of ilthiges' stand tor' ex Mi.: tion and final inspection: At ill. o'c ock single and matched horses. At 11-f o'clock colts. .= At 2 o'clock !i f *, 6'9 adAresa.—, _ At 4 o'clock,nonouncement of the award of-,Premlutus; , `, To- conclude with anex bibitinn of general dri*ing OA 04! track. Prace_ or, Admission. , .1 There will be , no' badges or exhibitors' tickets issued, but all; animals and, articles entered for coratition free of, charge, except horses. t• For _each' adritission of , andults 25 cents will be charged, (except to life memberS) and 15 cents for children underi2 years of age.l ., Also 25 flints tor each' admission of dotible, teams, and 15 cents for single liorses. Sotieriuseioderas. , ;• General' S perinteddent—F. Cr. War ner;tl Montros I, , . . Ass't Sup' Oise A. Summens,- New Milford; ' I ' Stip't of Cagle-- . --BdlL.Frink,. Bridge water. ' . • \ I I ' 'Sheep and Swine--1. Harris; _ Franklin. , Poultry--Anthony Beek, Montrose. , Dairy Hall—g.. P 4 Bobbins, Bridge= Water... .. i i__ it‘ ' , -,. Agricultural Ifial—p. Slterman, Mont, rem , t 'Vegetable lialli—Edwin LathroP;Mont- - rose. „ . ', I i - , Fruit—G, F. F idham, Montrose.' -Floral Hall— rs.i George Lathrop and it - Mrs. Martha Km pp,. Mentroie. - A . AVERY FP.INE, . ' -. .t - - '' HENZYSHItiIIiAIc, Ex. 'Co -,„ • ti.:C. *TOILS, , 1 Montrose; • 5ept:15,1875. ' to 50 50 How ti keep MeaL: s••, • •_ ; • ' A farmer's !tiller Wrote 'from yeniON Cayuga , _con uty, 1 Nc:w tcirikk• taing••• - tbii• farmer's club hOs:r . keeßmeat a long time'. • - " 'There is no . lzeroo • ,why!.".fartners and their families - eat ing,so much salepork,l leaving ill the fresh meat; to. the tants of eitiese4d jailliagrOt_Wben.ths fol-, lowing riietliiid7willskeep :meat freslrfor, weeks,- evee in the weathe4 know, for I. have tre ed "it for reoio 'than toil' years. „As Avon as ,t,he, anitrial.bent is, out of thernimt up ready "for'ebok ing. Preparee bY'soalding yiplC • with hot salt and water:- !Ali salt , !and pnlierized,Sajtpeter. to' one. lettilposprtitOf, • salt. • Cover the bottoteol the 'jar, witli,e irprinkling of. salt and peppei: - .Put-dela Isyer,of meat, sprinkle with. Salt- and pepper, ' addle as if - just going ,to he table, tind.'cOn tin u e in manner' until ,tbeEold Cloth 'or tows et and and weflt in Strong stilt. tioivate4 b witich! a little saltpetre is dissolved. Press 'the. cloth closely . over:..the. meet 'and set in aeOOI place. • sure and press the chith -ow tightly as each., layer !_id ternoved, - _Ao . year tneut will keep for ;months._lt lie good plan to' meat lie over' bight' alter. it i¢ before. packitig. Then'• drain' oaf the blood that . oozes from It o. , will be necessary to :eb h . ange the clot or oft.:end Wairlr,lt; in cold water,theneeildie silt and water ,se at firaG In, Obi . WaY•"fartrieri fresh meat the yea ;round...•:• c :l-have. Inept . beer .that.'iviiiffkilled " the \ i2tliof:lr.ebt'u r till ,the 22d of Judea •Theri I Ocked laige.gnaiter of veal in the Swine-wait" during: the' . 'anal it I.'ept weeks: Thit-rempe. alone fig . 'Werth _ the pribe . of:aniiieivirdipet in' .tire livid. 50 4 50 50 'FM thepodding dish _two-thirds full' ot Aiiples blieed,And then mike a . buseuit crust and lay over the' top, or , use light bread tlongh with : A little ahortening in it; Set on top "of 'the' stove 'and letii 11 steam until " you. t ink'; , the apples are done - Then put it In tbe, oven ;only to ein ssin until you th iik the crust ie doile t , R c ior.it bottom side' upward : on a dish and eat with -milk and Sugar or a s.suce. The crust sbould lie '..abeat . One half 'an' inch ;thick , when rolled out. Gash. thy =pat as you would ,a, pie. , .. ~. 'fire Ole app)es A *Sive Agat - ccite thpin; put boil watt,: a little water goal ono capful of white sugar.; , Whea' the apples Sre cocikea,iift them out withauktreak— iu ; boil down t pup Oa pour over. On t4e , top place ifewsp_ooutibi while ,u 1 eggs. beat'eti tit:a:lolr- froth and 'tem.w Aloited - with' lemon. 014 , ..Itteldhi Pte. Apple *Ow. =33:111 Miscellaneous; jlt r vi i dE ; Tik ' * • i• • tr. , roi4apt iba 14901,,Reficlite• I!#lt s mites 2/1%.*.4,fd0 1 i , . 1 i Its Medical Mpertles sui. ALTESATIVE, ,, TONIC, .SOLVENT AND iOIURETIç Vegettapts • iaideexclualvelY . frtitii the, anises of ,care, fully,selected bark*, roots and herhp,"end so strOngly tnneentratedikat it NM effectually Lersdltiate iron - tbe system every taint of Scrofula, Scroftiletts' Berner, Tu mor*, Canter, Cancerous Ilumor.Krysipelas,Saltlthertm, Syphilitic di dues, Clinker, faintness 'tit the Stomach , and all diseases that arise from impure blood.• Scistica - DllattlatOrY and Chronic Ithentnetiain, Neuralgia: Gloat and SpinalCoMplaints, can only be effectually cured blood. '- For:Meets . and Brnpative.Disenoes of the sititt,'Pee- Dila, Pimples. Blotches, Bolls, Tetter. Sealdhead and Ringwornf, Stigetine3nas naves: failed to effect a peewits eat cure ' • • , YOr Pidrii in -the back, Kfdney' CoMpliintS, Drcipsy, /female: Weakness, Leucorrhcea, arising from intenill niceration;and uterine diseases and. General „Debility. Vegettrof acts directly upon the cause of theoe cool plaudit,. It invigorates and ottengthenr the weele sys tem, acts upon secretive owing Aulays Infiansition,cures ulceration and regulates the bowels. For Catarrh,. Dyepepola, •Ilatiltual' Costiveneso, Pal' pitatlott of the Heart. Headache; ?Bei. Nervnesneos and General Prostration of the Nervous System,- no medi cine Mae ever given such perfect satiofargion as the Veg edit°. It mingles the blood, cleamiep all of 'be organs; , and poseesseswcontrtilitnig power over the nervous eNts- The re eat kable mires effected by Vegetlnt have indite ' ed many physicians and apothecaries whom v.) know to (prescribe lind'ulie it in their own families, In fact. vegetine is inc best remedy yet discovered for the above diseases,and is the only reliable Blood Pei I dee , yet placed helot° the public. Ate not the many. teettmonials given for the different complaints satisfactory to any reasonabie,person suffer, dfirrom anyllisease mentioned above. that they can bo .cared? Read the' different testimonialo given, and one can doubt. In many of these eases the persons say that their pain and suffering cannot be expressed, as In cares of scrofula,_ where, apparently, the whole body ws.one mass of corruption. If vegentino will relieve pain. cleanse;purifyand cure such diseases. restoring the patient to perfect health after trying different phy `siciansonany remedies, suffering for years. is it. not conclusive proof. if yon are a sufferer. you can be cured. WLy Is this medicine performing pitchgreat cures ? It works in the blood. in the circulating fluid. It can tru ly be called the Great Mood Purifier, The great. source of disease originates in the.. blood: and no mediclue, that . dam, not act directty aped It , to ''pnrlfy and rents . rate,tms any justelaimmpon - pute attention; "Wheal Atte blood bocomea Wiles, and et plant, either from change of weather or of climate, ant of exercise, ir 'realist diet , or from auf,cittter c u -e..the Vegetme wili renew the biood, carry off the p trid humerceleanee the stomach; regulate the bowels, and impart a tone of vigor to the whole hody, The con lean in, in the pub ll • lie mind as well as in the 'medical PrOfesitoti, that the .reatedies - supplied by the vegetabl Kingdom are more safe, more successful in the core o , diseases, than min erataiedletnes. Vegettne byeatripotedotrooscbarka ,and herbs. It is pleasant to rake, and la perfectly sate to pits to an infant, Do , you need 1 / 1,.? Do pot hesitate to try It. Yon will never rejeet it, ' I .. re . ith I - WOULD ROD BS W 'I, I EGETI FOR TEN, TIMiS - , • Tt•'ereat tielett I Hive rocelvell front th UM) of. Veg- etlxte 'induces me to gore my test mony hi Its Decor. I belles° it to be not only ofgreet net for restoring the besltb; but preyeative , .peculiar to the ?spring Mid Answer *moons. • — - ' I.would not be without it for te times its cost,' .E,DWititD TILDSN. . • ilttorik7 And General limit' tOrlldusacttneetta tit the Onittamaa's Life Asstunate CoMpany, No. 49 Seats . bnilding,Boatoa, t*es. • September 1:141,1946.\-1m $43111 by all Druggists P AINTS, Ali`) 011.4. S PINT. awc. Xottrose,Xsy 14, IST& camarift, CARPICTII CXSITB ';I7PWAitDS —Lem than N. Y. Pricea-! • I Ray For Sale - by 0.! P. LYONS Or C . • . smut; TEA, CONTEE, C:tirc)c.erless ITHE=I WAIJJ "AIIID. _ Stock,r P• _ • And. New. Maseru* Received, Every Week Direct From the , •Blittrictory.. • , • ' ' B. LYONS' dr. CO. cfAiki , and John Clark's Spool Threa d. '445* hiie,}3l.4,4,l4Cololred--traus;io. 8 to N o. 130;st ccusk Per 4 0 q44 . For . „. .; INCINSA • Mbuircute. 316.1.41:102:—,t1" • EE Lo udcAllatexiloAlo N 1 ew X fito •l rk 7 o l f SPAtig MD SUMMER GOODS OD sale in ne w, D R .7t alijaa . t4DiEs , DRESS . GOODS, BLA CK AND ,COLORED ALPACIA NEVir, STYLE OF FRINTS,. SHAWLS, WATER-PROOFS, FLAN— NELS, BALMORAL, AND 1100 P SKIRTS;VELVETS, HOSIERY, B,EAry WOOL! GOODS. CARPETS, ; 011 'CLOTHS. PAPER HANGINGS. BUFFA. LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS Alm CAPS] BOOTS AND SHOES,;' HARD WARE.IRON.NAILS, • STEEL. STOVES aim OROCETALEB4Erek•;' Ia giestviiiiiety, and will be sold on the moat tit'vorable terms, and lowest prites.` H. BIIRR.PrT. - ow...V*o.llolst, 1875. • • • Where Now P , • ; WRY TO A. N. BULLARD'S; • 41:,;,1WaraD, NAvAu4llo4'; - • • L to get some . . • . . • WHHAA;CLOVER • s AND TIMOTHY SEED, Oars 146 hthieP .• • en al s,t very beat lour. opt . Tea. Coffee. Plattaiama, Lard. etc.. etc- . H • • 'Piety eases a elsolee emined goods. consisting' in part otPeacher, Pears , Plums. Cherries, quinces. StllllWW lies, Pine Apples. Coro, Beaus, Tomatoes, Peas, Dock. Tarkey.Lobstor&meotsorktiosAVlnlettatc APP fitter, Deviled Marl, and lour or other tail:lo4oe too otimerous to Mention, all of which will be sold tt all k.:Ado of "PATRONS" for ready pay at prices tttat will 7 1 *P, 4 Pfli r P C O I X I P E Of, t4 Ai rVi. AiniistrioAt coon t)f.:1110#01 , 10i,4, . • 641 . 1e4 ascent ' : .16'XZEOW/DISIA ontrose, Aprill. 1E4%. • • i irA.wnooD Vow-UE.4'i ROW, RE' BTOII.VD =I tiikPrias, tit, a azakatatio** , only sit cents, • . , • r , Just nublisied, a new edition at Dn. Cinmenwrzz'a ext,reniaran MOSAY on . , the- Oadica . intre (without asediCltie) of BPerulateutte*Orteinitial Weakness, in. voluntary. Seminal Loisee. • Ittipotene ,y Menial and Pbbeltai. Incapacity. Impedimenta to Xsrrlsge. etc. ; also Consumption. Rpileps4i v ind Fits, induced by *ell- Ar.deigencralseihie valet neeei f c,.,;.- , ' •,,ri VI The celebrated author, In its idmitable Essay. clear -341i9emonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice t the alarmina consequence* at self-abuse may be cell,' curelor Shout the imuhrerygp_ woo of igloatia -foci/Wine or tlie platten •of iho knife : -i)ofatfog On k 1 4.mode of care at tine slat le, certain , and etreetudi by :l MOY Of sr PYcrY a oreri ndeatter what OW c.opt ' 4l °°;" lo * PI- OtC! It P it4l4l l, 4 ? e 9, l7 4P' t f# , ATO ;sr alidevcre iliocait b‘ilit 'the' iodide' of 4ihid man In the land.- . - ..:i .;.., Sent Under Seal, In is envelope.- to any adieu,. wit g id.vo r frecomoro i ts orco - ptraii ~r , Ad elufato:Nbittficre,. • • __.' __. - - ' • '. = . • • ', t liAk it kr. ILLINC`O4 . IO4I.: • : 197•13entir2. ISM York; Peat 01409! We . ' ' • , r I ..diSl 4,3 1, 1814'.—ilit. • - TROUT Everywhere. Air ONS Oo)a. and other. Ingiuta'at 13, LTONI4bO,se INDOW ; -;. D-Mbitallaneois AdvertisergestroL ') zramftztztaaesi wximittaJaalr, :t' t ~•- • • arr el:Let a P • , • =MI GEORGE . ~ . r:~ 5 i,. st : g a s,just 4 s a turpo. troii-.Nelf.,York with large atnl eokopleteossortment of r ,p,„ • • • • • , • •,„ IrlY. GOODS • ' LIAM I t11;INIG ,800 TS= , 411-:-S-HOES i .. 4 ; t • 5 •I .1 Hats • " . • and , otion:s t ,& ace:; ...., .., ' el . ‘.. , ,IliC -'.l '• i . • ' . Filling , hie larger , "temporary :'on . thei •NtitionsV” , liotek•''greutidtr.. We ihall I , ' ,''' ", '!' retniOn hike 4atit bur new r' . • ' ~`°t . . •'"- l'? -'', - .- ' ~.., • , tip.:,is• ,: .., ',,,, . . r. 1 BRICS.:STORR , IS 'COAIPLEIT, ON .TZLE OLD: GROUND. ' 0 , .. ;. . " '• • ' ' , ~‘!-; • ' . 1 - , 37! 1 , - ,i ~,, • - - . - 4 . Our stock is new and bougnp with care. :% I Te will,e. as I,iir,etplo,re,,olTeithe Targest assortment Audbest bargitinti irt i tho . `coun - - , ~ • . "1 ' ,-,• „ ' - VBF - BU tter it 34, P . , rodpco.shippeil., highest ptioe proraptiettuns juaranteed. Motley tayauced , Arbon defired., Great. Bend, ,July A.. 8 .: MINER, .13ING-I-lAAITON . Vo rl-104.: P"!i"- 7 .v 1 ; PE-44.0', 1 4 , *:±:K• •I•• • 1 • INERY . STILLOP VIIINTAND COMMON CIIIMNRYS, • IXp r ITCEMEXTC IN • , 'Bromic Lamila, Opal Lamps, All Gtal Lamp ßand " Lampe, Burners, Wicks, Shadesi;Shade , UOlders, itc.; &c . , • A Lt 36, 31A.;iti,ACItitElt c' OF" ; TIN''AND, -JAPPANMD -WARM' Price Guaranteed at Latvia any House it &utleerm .g.yeii:Vrk. • i. 4i . Oer! , by la;ka - , , r , ortipt t .l3; Atte ad 4 •-• • latr;ls 31'; 187 C ^.A. 8. MINER. BESII.IOO PREVTINEf': AT TUE LOWEST RATES We ere continually - adding • new itnatertal ,to our, otllce, and with-our Large Rtac. of, JOB, TYPE and FOUR Printing Preinici We Defy Cempeikin Both In Price and quality, either to Platn Bla q h , or Colorcd:B - oFic. . CBUithati,t SPRING:. i & .sfiliotp.. SET GQ9§, - i .. • : 'ESP-GOODS;: GOOD:i: ?, Min REM & Coe Ie the plat* #.l - .3rre'Jiiti iilll 'Elnd Lbw best sSortinent, newest scyles. imaloliest prices In biri r i,G 4 SOD:S. • IItiLLIN - Bliy_,GOtibs, _READY-MADE CLOTHING; • • HATS;: CrAlt•;' • PETS, C ' • , .„, E mbrolderlers, .ii~;pncss.(Rlu and Colored, _ GoOdiot 411,1;05cliptiVils,, g illti said -Milt Umbrelliralid Parasote,:•-• •• • • I • Afrjantic SbectinitOdtd,limigr .14, 1 1 18 e. Ribtx", Flower, Ana Stray Good 4: Linea, ?Tawellag,-Itapthihi,'• 11, '; .•' I k E afilleb and Preach Crepes. drawls Shisi•hi. pilSehit eXpitt4 sod alored),) 41 „; : i. • 9,Wzbuts azi”!",l4fg. 4,- - —i e" , - • . It4sals 144141fer534 Rofrsrf) f• - •,*,•• • ..; e•tr,'.l ; ~ .fi...:. en/ Stinfillefr, corsets, \ . llieriesilul4loll..Vl4fi.i4 L-3_ “' • 0 4614 Eabeis► and Dgetkrt, _ i filches; Sllki iLisle 4hread,' '• , ' ii ':' '"' -; i , •- ‘A Alesouldrio gzulliandlerabssiit - idst , i 1 :”2 ; , r4ltitinr,illaW D .P. - .. , 4. - - 4 ~,, ~. ;I, 1 ' . " . • • - •- - 1 'i • ' }!hook stM utt s , O ise IlialiWiggns,. • '-'. 4 . 1 . ' • • -' ' ''' Ir ' sPein ers.'Collsrs,' Cats:46lM, 101; 1 , ~•:- -.alat...ltAk.f.L.oltr., ..,.: 0. • 41 ..“. ~,7 tvt, 6 abort of e keep a very. Extensive Stock of a inleatiosed goodg gad many bore.; `• Webuygerye. I V !Afar cash, ire Ike-Wore -vjobjed. to etli, at so CIA 0 F)01711$13 as'Sny panty. rioutr. call ar l d Fqlropp.79l;ll.- •eklisArvie tut. - ..- -• • ' " 1. maerchant*Tigiaring ‘";,tang t istiorWient. of *V: gi i ii'jif4 ) ji4Sglikiia:'da ;r, yod = .I;ivit! i' GIIIISIO3tIW4OSEX I ) , 4 • • • 7 tics: pluatimpti mausgit3. IfLreatrode. 1611,19tbillet:i =ME --.......---________ • '- • - - t . • •-. ; : .i -;...;;;--„ II'ERItIN 0 ' :,' .& I •-•• FIARRWL ' • ~. , • - -t" • .., -, •: ...*:::1: .-0; -.. ~-.. :::-.: ',: -:-.,-'4,', may cm . 0 1, d.wir w s r ';-. , 1,7-:•_71Z1- ;:. ; • i; ... ‘,P,,..-. ,-: -.; .1'; ...; 1:i.., --... . ..- •( 1-.. ,- '.'.. ii, -:.:1; '4+ :e. i • ..i.. MANLIFAiIit*IiS OF ALL IfINP4 pr;: . -,-:, . iz-eibx l -4.*S l Wriiotifior*X oo . 4 . . - . ~ . 1 ~.„,.-:.1 iiA ., i0 ... 10 ,"-. dirt ;.,-) , -,il;, : .1.0 1 1 11+10.. -.!i.1t.4 1,.;111-;. 1 :... :1 01 olii4Y4Ao4o.*lrefisi4ofirzfisßtue up*;iislf.- c9=.l!4. l .4v,,TATlA} l, .__ ; jj-•ii.ol ,, :ii , ir ' t.:: t, i : 2 -„ , :, 1. - .1:$1 ) ./4 1 1410:P*UX AT:4 4 ,PADOiI . 1. 1- )P.. : •:. !. it.4ll.l3o:4l . 4iriiiinii4fl4o.9 l ):ll'4 l * l os 47 iinto ;i: "'''f' 17 - r '-9 : 4 ' - - 1-- :::J -1 4Vi ili V iL144.*4-'44.-; It?lb...lii' - „ lIANYrArD BILL* .1., PitiNtisD AT Tauvisintor.!: - 4' - . ; ,• ;:, ,•1 ;1 • ; :•• iL, l:cU: i s IEW .GOODS. • ry: 1-111 • si i =WS t ' , ..;i , i r} 4 : • GEO. L. -LENHEIM. FOOT, & H.A.WLET, Court 57 Catut Street, ARE NoNV PEIYING AN i MEN STOCK OF MENSI OTS' CIOTHING. eLoTists, CAS,SI4E . N r. EtIMG GOODS •• , AND TRUNKS, • ) is an , isluaraer mac. , ForSprit; zn .Department e, •-ge, of .S. und,.ferm— a4, Cu., which , it full .e eau of be. beaten by, city. I, prises all the late styles, t bettbm prices. ;21:04 fe.Ghist • •-• • • . • r a ,F luv Y )IPiler COCK, 14PriXe ~rlF.'citE Gall P Ia T I4I 4FI. / . ) f at ! • any 11°,10,/P; thi OCK , ACOCk I CO ksOld' 1 • , o i l et th place, • '-',.' .ILL ge hotel.} arPon) for •,:. (0 podia JOLINc.poO. rfel At',. V At P ~; '••; ExtonldverOiltine " ' • _. ~. -~.ff ~.~; 1f . =~r= ~ . . 'W,7:CI* ion of eAtbs , every bie folio d In . 04' 21 1 1 4P4qure• 81161 " Jactiou. , ,TbOy Pia& .! Egos .. ~~ .a. '7l IME=2 1;r4A.13,1:a.0. ' 1 ~.f1,4 . 0 1 4: 1 4 1, 5: i ~,,.......i. IT Ov': 'ikiiiyjfi - : ., :-.,1,,!:, , i , .,, , ,-. J• , ~• -,,,, :, ; ,.:,.;• 1 , ~, := . -.2l.ND't itidi) s ''llielltASS.2B „:..:;-! ,!!!. ! ~,..,-- .1 . -- ~.---;;',,, - ,!,?•- i. ; !:, .... ~ISAIR.,_: ,'- Thtratibstribtre 4111:. eritut6r 7 make ti;c ' dderfsittogg it. Ipectalty In Ws! but ..ttitc.,.i - Itlyttlitlfrt CAo o .ooe° 1 1 'ME it s tinO.thia,ulttt, - ant.Og IZAlizz -in the totstsot I need g tiLs roll tee .01 be atttoaded to womptlyiuta at eatigactory cluqyp,: I„.: ~. --,..) -.. . .., ~ , ..,-. . . . , , :i.! ', !:.i '1 . i,W n:; ,. Wi. SMITH 1L : 10,.... - - i *antral's. Pi..; .413 tt:liriii. ' nob—tf. •-•' - Q!.: - • -., ' • 17:„ . 64.-zipn. za ,-11,00170100. . . . . .. . .. :41m,th.• ;., t I" 10 , , •;;;,; tsL it; Fiatt'w, • re liiOt Olt I/ Aoctl.4v vOth' ifia toe , 10ci3823-t! Af'.ONEY' - i,';'[;s - A3T.E.I) - :,1 , „ NEW 'FIIOII, • 'SEW STORE, 1,1 BIFIFIS . : - .'&::::SATItE,. nave el:toted, at the old Incatlon-t 31.13, Wilson, In i the Beer Week Montrose, and we hall be pleased to see all of our bid friends and the many new ones we, hello to gain.; Our stock will consist of • . • llsllar . ftilarge quantities and variety: atone Vote, Wooo - tioose-Fmnishintr Goods and arciter'eLr We ehallgivepart:ealar attention to the Gror Trade. and keep a fall assortment of 'TeAs, Sugar, Coffees', Famlty Groceries &- Provisions, tri full varlet"; Salt and Floss. ,We 0611 keep con 'stnntly on band fine breeds of doer at much less than old prim:lc/And warrant it to Seism,. Goods delivered promptly to Our town customers. TElt3l5:-;Oar terms will be strictly (cash orProdneel - This It will be" well to remem: loot, as thia 1011 he the secret. .our low prices. We aro confident that by calling and examining our gtiods and prices yotir will find that It be for your Inter net to try our goods and terms. JRIPPERSON p 11127115, S. M. saxas. Montrose, May, lath, '7l.•=tf. ' CARTER, ABBOTT, `❖..r(•3 II R D 'Et 3:3la,cksmiths!•:Supplies aviregivo BrinETT'S CORN• SHALLER iiit - u s, • 87 W 1111146611 St.; i BINGHAMTON, N. Y Oct. 14th. 186.-11: mrALPLl:" . *nru%.x-cm - CR00:1" & '33x.M•G•ritai2Uesrcowr IiEAVY: AND_ .PIIZLEBARDWARE, • CARIgAGH GQODS; BLACKSMITHS! .SUPPLIES. 'I!ANNED IzAtEmt, BET,TwG, _ • RUBBER, BELTING, AND PACKING, ETC. trAWLEV: pril =Si cmouL6' Jab -6Rosa-01Jii SAWS, . th & giffi's - • 7o!4'110 And *!lVinNgt • - t.. •~ COMMON We hift It return .from the City , of Slew_York %glib i spletidid stock of• gobdit, Consisting of • 117.1t133 L0:57C:'..‘, 1 4.,0-4..1D 1 51,i)* be iotintn . , ct bla ova' cannot tf; step situ' et ~. • - BOOTS. 841000, ORTTOW.,; MRDICINF.Bi CROCK - ;ERY, nititDWAHZft- .otu. T.e4d)I4VIS Aittl.sitsither gods sosalltlkeirt is , s -tonstrj* , store. , Comp moan d pll and, satistr ' , ourselves, ;Mkt Is"; ITR selling as cbesp as the cbetpest. . are awsTs w d ' 1i0g.41 Alp, oar 094. •••• ~! • . r.pinsmas. -• Ps.. May Mb 1E44 iEA~*l`ihe~ni:' -Jr ViT 14% IC;. ileetaii4p,l9 , ll .114 rif , - .11: EM144,1` i Faun ~.u dotolu. ... ... ..... .. . „.,. * 4.. ~' d win maim thetill' OPeCtiatt y 9.in tkadA timir 'fitylgedi w 'be .-pro Itt l4 iiiVirttisod 4 ?.r;'.' - 4 1 ,4W 01 1 Passau:oda:6 ti ' b , - i - *, 4 ~- 1- .4, . n'iTu 4, ra. , I , Pril 7, 145. 244 j .• WAi3h6• MIME hob, RardWiretete. t t NEW '4001)S, . , , • t; NEW PRICES. OP-ALL diohmv & oviiiw&RE, iFlLcoad•y4Pea,v, er: JOHNSON. Az' Ii.SatiLITA DEALERS tirli IRON, STEEL, ANp i NAILS, FAILICERSTAND TOOLS. Agentslor SEA 1±: S PRIN . 6 ,:STEE.L,tTIii*; TO CAMS and CALI STEEL; ,„ 1 i .did the Improved BURDICK IrEBD CIAVERB The Cheapest Place TO BITIr Baulk Building, , wno4sALE -.B:p':IIETAIL?),E.Oits ICe,are Agepge for BENET DISVOI - 4 saw ti,‘ - • ao • • Celebrated Hand: at; Files, !The Bat in 14World BlaglisAttoOn. 0ct.14th4874.:, • -I=Leist ATK.12166.1 iIIEEM=II Gitibqg,iliEfik; the ,Placsio Get - Your DRUGS & 'MEDICINES 4 ' 111 1 / 2 , A Lyon,'s ~, Whereyen will tint.a, fait assortment of rare Drug* *Madielnes: Chemicals. Dye Stuffs, ,Jewelry, Per , fUmety. ,and Yfoiln Strittgi, krancy Hoods, Yankee Notions, Pocket. Books, Cigars Tobgcco. Fine Voila Soaps,' Brushes, 'Table cuttiery. tsolld silver Spoons. Plated Spoons. Kelves And Forks. Gans, Pis—, tots, Amunltlon, Shoulder Braces. Trusses, liedleal /snail:DWl. Mutat Materials, Donut' and L.un Chin:mops, Teas, Spices. Ilakion. Powder, See Most Farina, Gatatine, Tapia's. etc., ete A full assortment of Itaettlno and all kindi of ,Vitrultb, kept Constantly on lour. ,• We-era stmllog our Wed rat: at cost, and ate sue oavonr &wawa . , cry, lo w Plante. (fist IS can of our ?dived chemical Paint, reedy for, axe, and do your own pidUtillg. With oitriarge stock. of goods, we noel contideisa that everyone vlaitiug Montrose, will And it, for their tutor .itst, to tali and exatallfo fur lituatAelvei hefore partluus tog eitewitekc. • Montrosa, June 0,18 Z. tructerlatv 1 71 iig. =;=EZ arbit Wo would.call tho iltention'at the rnbile 'wasting AN YTHING INIiE MARBLE LINE §IISQUERANNA DEPOT, PA., ram e rig the out/ Merhle Works In the County.mal All Work Warranted as Represented YOT CAN, AS'AVE MONEY StiskOt be . oeit, Pa., April 14 1275.-17 C41,2421/11 ago NM, PLATFORM LUMBER WAGONS, ltgintitactired, on citation. And file at Nontl Nardi 10,1= ll.BiLaim. G;B.Muunts. 1 13. G. BLAlnnss BIitIGHANTON lIIAABLi WORKS. - tifirrAw.imAD lir 160.1 i IRKES.BROS.&BLANDIKS DEALERS IN AND SIANCFACTUREItt3 giatiatt 4Atutricatt,glavbtro, AMtRIC . AN AND SCOTCH GRANITES Marble and Slate Mantles,' • '• •- 26.Chioang6:St.,lyler Depot, 'S May 14.1813. " BINGHAMTON. N.Y a ! ig OM.NIITS LINE. 'rho un dorsi vied has an omnibus lino - running to es. try train on too D. L. a W., and Erie Railways as Shipping pi: : :* I-Sidiipint ' liaggago:, The riew river brldgesiow• completed, heiteitber e no Planing. ➢EN'S always on hand to convey passengers to 'any point in thu surrounding country., U. BUCHANAN. Prop*r. Hreat. Bend, wog. 19, 1£174. . TRY Oggi-NEW-TEAS. . Only 50 cents 4 pound. Green and Japan.— The best yon ever bad tor the _ price: August td;'so.-4w ' LYONS & DRAKE% ; an (Amos tantlfal in style Ise ever made. :0 STOP', le the insets In any Or. a - minced 60 an ex. t , Of seeds. Dees. :Weed, the I 41? . etc/de/I f ;MOST MING andSOUL totillo Its tTION of the OE. VOICE ISWATE SC. R So IRCIIESTRAII I.2.(:RANG and 3TE ORGANS. itt French t FITIUTI aI a _ tone; sidtsido pAIMOR t's . 1 11VATEltS`'IiIi'W SCALD PIANOS hate ;treat powei and a fine slualnotnnis with all modern Improvements, and ars the BEST PI. ANOS MADE. These Organs and Oft srstrraittedfor six Years. PRICES EXTREME LY LOW for cash or lam cash ana balance in monthly payments. Pcconti.fined instruments • Cie street bitritnlns: Plano* and Ontinta go rent DORI bald for as per contract. AGENTS IVAN. 'IED. Sancta) Wave:neat* to the trade. A Ilk. crud discount to Thsehera Minium!. ChturAra,Srioni; Ledgm,ele., ILLUSTIIATZTCA2•ALOCtrittMAILED. 11011. 4 10 E WATERS A:: SONS. .441 . ifroadway, Now York. P. O. ilex 3307. • • - ..t..:NEW 1300 K BY • MAIt fr IVA I N Just - ready for Catirs , wers. Now then 1$ tho time to get Territurv. lion't stop to experiment on other books.— Take one yop know will tell. Prompt action wit; give yott choltio•of Acid, and -Golden Retorts. Get on the coarse at once, and volt will win., Outfit cat.* nothing, - everything tarnished. Send to your name, and you want. or for part lonia,* st once. Add min ftiwa • AMERIC&N rtrilLiiiniNfi Ilartford, Ct.. 1/101htlit ASENTR ;WANTED: IVA ARTI.i I, DUDS OF PhpIisYLVANTA. Over MO .Imperial Getty° Piero. Be:tar:folly Illus. Crated. Ilhndaomely bound.- itio tiold ler rhou'd be with out IL A pot tribute to diatinenished aervlces.—A Curtin. Ibtur Account of Gettyibrtre ii the tined, fbli. rat, and very beat hidory of the erected bcdie of mod eruttmee.-Cott P Waterton. Phila. The moil com plete account 'extant. —Nal Gen D Liottertteld t ..s. Y.— Send for circulars and term*, ildwt 4th Edition jest from the Prem . T. U. DAVIS CO., rstbs,,l4s San Om St.. Phila. AGENTS WANTED FOR 'THE HUMOROUS WORE. • . °QUAD S ODDS." • . Ey the "OlR*lllollr FREE Whose /113/30 has reached everywhere,- Aral homorittliet is acknowledged to be the peer of Irlif IX • and us sketch writer has no equal to Ws count ry.— Tbe.biggest thing yet, wilfsell at sight. even in these dull time* everyluxiy wants and will hare it. ino psges of his Heel *Hicks and 2rAi cumin eats. 'Territory go. ,114 rapidly, . Agents apply at once for circulars to IL. - N. hieti.lutteY .h Co., 1 .4 4 Sanwa: ht., PAUL Nett Pleasant, and Profitable litaployment. r: • ~ t :henolug 1" "Uh. how lovely r$ "What am they worth." Sur:hare the exclamation of theft who IM.e the largo, elegant new Chrumos , pro duced by filo Eu•opean and American Ultimo Publish ing Co.. Every one will want them. It requires no te well the pictures, they tor hernswires. fg‘nte.aittl ladies and *ot t toman out of em ployment, *ill and this the.bert opening ever offered to nutirn money. Fut full particulars rend *tamp for con eireuler. Addroe ULEA6OZi C. 9., 7,13 •Washington Street', Boston 314 g a. Avg MIND READING' PSYCHOMANCY, FASCl aatton. sow chßming, .Nemerbm, bigreiso Guide, *bowing tieW tither acs may &Minato ands eld the lore and Otreetieu of tidy permit kitty: choos In stantly Price - by' mail 50 cruts. Ilecasnablyr. this is not 4 ntertt circular, but a book of , 1041 pip s, Addteps, -RUNT & MI &Mitt ith dt.. l'ottadelptita. Pa. Or - _ L. . . *1,200 . PR0 F I T-‘Ol4. $lOO lxivastad tat gnat thigairgeo fa Watt St - 'Rooks and Circular* Wang, "Itow...kaan." Kat 11,1., „Addpba SiXter a Ca.,- ..:. Dankart4 all' et:, )r. T. Sawa -,-.. le . -- - . .:--14 . ..1, ~,, .4:.4-...«44,:kai -Alime 4 Mt. -in Tt - aIAAM X 116; I* ini Number 38. NisceLlaneous. Rafts 'r - - to OUR ,WORKS at oa iro SALL By enilLng on us. WILLIS- DoLOIIG. M. A. COLVDT, Ag`t, WAGONS, Filaaetc•iis, SPIIMGVILLS XOI.tiTROSIL D. D. SEARLIZ. Greatßend, Pa.: .ikuy °raw , for at either depot will be promptly attended to C7ALML.ItI.A.CI - 11119 Danchy k Co. • . for Vor, - Mader AGE 1 4111: .WAFED.,: tire t SCEN 14 Ii *ad a mognlncleut Z48.161100K jtko, froot.Prris: 4 w Address. Matif 57 It Lo.; Pltilsostpitis.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers