FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. Cattle Breeding. Mr. T Wood, of Chester county, sends to the Germantown Telegraph the follow ing paper on this important subject; In connection with farm-management the keeping of cattle is followed quite extensively, but in few Cases with any system calculated to improve the chat-ac ter of the stock. Let good judgment be mrcised in the selection of animals, and any breed can be improved, provided the care and keeping to which they are eubj.ct is such us is adapted to their wants. Do not breed your stock too young if you would have thent bring and ma ture an offspring superior to themselves. I would not advise any man, who has not resolved to cure well for his stock, to purchase any already highly-improved animals, for their j osterity will detei 'or ate as readily as a hitherto well kept farm in the hands of a negligent farmer. In fact herds are just what the care of their owners have made them. In Texas, with a superior climate, the cattle are long-legged and have mon strous horns. In the more northern states, where the climate is less favorable stock is a shade better, tfecause receiving better care. How cammon it is to see toe marked difference in the stock of the neighbors, all the result of breeding and inns-, and perhaps at no greater expense with one than the other, yet making a difference of one-third in market value of the animals. How fully these things prove, that care of animals has very much to do with the improvement at the breeds by care I mewl the choice of parents, keeping of the herd, as well as leeding whilst young. Ido not believe it possi He- to keep any of the thoroughbreds up to present standard of excellence by the care given the Texas herds. I lay it down as a rule that the keeping of the animal must fully equal all its wants if improvement is to be the result. order to .continue and perpetuate the good qualities already engrafted in an animal, it is indispensibly necessary that the same discriminating judgment in the selection and management of breeding animals, which bus accomplish. ed the present improvement, be cumin ually ex.rcised. The improvement of a breed ut animals—no matter bow fur it may have been conducted surely roll buck whenever the art and skill cal ica give it progress shall cease to ape. rate. Persons who avail themselves of the improvement made by others in pur r•hasnig animals, mint+ by jirlicions and 1 ~,g continual effort on the pal t 0 bleed• els have be-n brought to a high b un, o f pe..fection. sheuid recollect that cure and ki I are Aid uecessa-y to the mainte nance of such stuck in its present im pr..ved c. udition. It everone• who makes the attempt were qualified to conduct the business of breeding animals in the beet manner, the present high prices for superior breeding stork roald not be ob , ained. Thirty and forty thousand duller cows would not be often seen ; but the fact is, comparative ly few are possessed of the knuwli dge uud skill necessary to succeed in breeding stock. The stock in their bands, instead rf improving as under proper manage- ment it would do, fall back, and resort must be had to the stuck herd. 1 presume f.-w animals receive Ps much feed as would be profitable to the owner ; I also believe much is lost by the uncom fortable condition iu which many keep their stock, Close and unventilated sta bles and cold and dirty stys are too com mon. An Ice House for Five Dollars. A neighbor of mine, says a correspon dent has an inclosure of about six,feet square in his cellar, and six feet high.— The walls are formed of old refuse tim ber thr wn closely together, with no re gard to form or comliness. The roof made of hemlock boards. The entire cost of the building did not exceed five dollars. and practically considered it is a success ; not ambitious of containin g thirty-tire loads but simply five loads of ice. Ten years this little unfiretentious house huts been used for ice, and never yet dishonored a drart upon its crystal deposit. About six inches of saw dust was spread ab,mt the ground floor, and in packing a space of about nine inche, was left between the walls of the build ing In sawdust, aud - i•about nine iticties of sawdust was spread upon the top of the ice, and the thing was fixed. The three main principles observed here will always insure a plenty of ice, viz : good dr.tittage, and, plenty of sawdust. With ths-e rules attend, to, a corner of an old pen shed will prove quite efficient in pre serving ice. To Destroy Lice _o_ There is no really effective method of destroying lice upon any animal withou. oil or grease of some sort. In some re ern t -experiments in England, a mater, of one part of sulphur with three parts of Lird, and a mixture of one part of o I of tar with three parts of linseed oil. destroyed the lice to which they were applied -aim immediately, while corm five su 111 m: te,tnercunal ointment, arsen ious acid. and carbolic acid were withou any effect at the end of two hours, and tobacco water destroyed the vermine at the end of an hour. We have found a r - ..:xture of lard and kerosene oil to com pletely destroy lice, both upon chickens and calves, without any injury to the an - inial whatever. Kerosene oil alone will severely injure the skin. Boys, sons of farmers, who are now re their education and whose future is :o be employed in the noblest of all occupations—the tilling of the soil— should be preav thoroughly educated in Wang.. It is not only one of the moat pleavink and instructive of all the bran ches of education, but it ti one ot the moat useful. particularly to a farmer, who will find daily and almost hourly need ot it. He inconstantly facing its repreven tatives su some form, to understand which is frequently of the utmost impor, Vince. Not a plant, especially a weed, can be grown or obtrude itself upon his premises but what will be familiar to him, us much so as the plants composing the leading cultivated cmps. He is thus brought face to face with well known ac quaintances, be they friends or otherwise, and will give them sub a reception as' they may respectively deserve. Hundreds of acres in New England are going to waste, and might be devot ed to the pasture of sheep if it were not for dogs.—ln the Connecticut valley, the ,farmers in a number of the towns have given up tobacco planting and gone to raising mote useful sops Elecellueotus. The Doubt Dispelled. Vito. lisplea. New IlLford, Pa.. I. now offerlogae claim new stock of DRY GOODS mrcltdly selected for Spring and Bummer Trade BOOTS AND SHOES tho largest and best Variety In Northam Penneytrams. Hats dc Car's, TRIMES, TRAVELING Baas Gents' Furnishing Goods, Yankee No- tions, etc., etc. Every article Warranted as Represented. No Variatior In Priem New llllfewd. May IFeb MJ33EVEr S'i/1/111224282 M MEI 1 2 ' C=o Pt ITT MS ! The ondesstencd will heap constantly on hand and for tale, very low, 3P33.etetcorus, PLATFORM WAGONS (for one or two bonesj TOP & OPEN BUGGIES TWO-SEATED CARRIAGES, And Lumber Wagons 'Teary opting wagon.. second Anna carrtagea end of en and tophngeles. for sale cheep. will makr to order to nett parties. all t Inds oft a Hegel. Work Wanantea. Repairing done neatly. Slum at Sprintreilte. Pa Enquire at D. L. & W. Express Omce of D. D. BEADLE. Moutrore, Pa.., Or at Springville of B. H. CI.7I.VER. Mootrore Jane ft, 1874.—t1. pALNITS AND OILS. A FINE STOCK AT B. R. LYONS & Co.'s Montrose, May 14, IS:3. CARPETS. CARPETS AT SO CENTS AND CPWARDP. —Less than N. Y. Prices— May 14,1'3, Par Sale by IL H. LYONS &Co SVGAR, TEA, COFFEE, and other Groceries At Low Ficaree et WALL AND WINDOW PAPER 6 A Large Stock, And New Patterns Received Ever) Week Direct From the Ilbutulttetory. B. R. LTONS ik CO. Spool Tkur IDEbCi. and John Clark's Spool Thread. White Black, and Colored—from tt to NO. 14u, at 15 cents per Musa. Fur sale by B. H. LYONS & CO Muntrose. May 14. 1S .—U I)ROCLAXATION I lIEAE yr. ! ELMS YE All ye good people haviug anything to do be. iure the honorable Judges ut wind is good to eat And drink collie turth and give your stleuu ruce, and your wants mall he euyinted; and ail wen and women who are 811111111taleli air Juror:, to try the good qualities of our gouda please an swer to your 11041ta at Mai Call and wore your Anna. And know ye all that A. N. BULLAILD is constantly receiving large additions to his stuck of Choice Groceries and Provision, such Wheat and Buckwheat, Flour, Coin and Oat Meal, crushed. Wheat and Gm= Flour,Lbuns. lard, and fish, dried fruit, and berries,fresh fruits and vegetables of all kinds, (in their season,) sugars, (man(%) also molasses and syrup, teas and coffee, of the very best qualities, shims, soaps, salt, crackers, and cheese, raisins, figs, gelatine candles, candies and nuts, hooka and stationery, yankee notionv, tobacco and ugara, Canned goods, a very large stock ut the very brat qualities, and_ . _ol ,at extremely low prices for cult or ready pay. Montrose. Jan. ith 1874. A. N. BULLARD HUNT BROTHERS, SCRANTON . Pa Wllataule m Retail Dealers 121 HARDWARE, IRON, ti EEL. NAIL, SPIKE'S, briotiElz, rTILDER% HARDWARE, MINX BAIL, COUII TEitdtali Q T"AIL APIXdu 4LAILBOILD d dILATING krUPPLJB.B. OdlUildOE SPBINOb, Azuat, azziss AN/. DOSES. 1101.78, NUTS and n4BitER.B. pi,471111 BALMY. d'ALLISABIZ 1110"1trB8. BPORZB, MLOES.WEAT B PINDL.&d. BOtra. de. ANVILS. VICES, STOCKS and DIES. BELLOW,. HAMMERS, SLEDGES. ruzs.& cutomAß AND MILL SAWS, SILTING. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS VEMENT. BLAIR 0 RINDSTONES. um= WINDOW GLAS S S. LICATLIBM Frump ; 7.111218ANC0 11010,28. NEW JUST RECEIVE) UV GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & COMPANY Out Stock has been selected with great care and bought at Borrom Pnicia To nil in search of a good bargain we extend a cordial Invitation to call and examine our stock. and take prices. We arc prepared and willing to do well with you, and it will undoubt edly be to your interest to call and give us your custom. il=l , t7FL IBTCPC,33; Dry Goode Department. Clothing Department Dress Goods, Domestics, Flannels, Rose Blank- j Ready-Made Clothing. Men's, 'Youth's, and Ms, Shawls, Cinakings, Gloves, Hosiery, Merino Boy's Suits, Men's, Youth's, and Boy's Over- Underwear, Dress Trimmings, Corsets and coats, Talmas, &e. Buck, Kid, and Wool Skirts, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, &c. ' Gloves, Merino Shirts and Drawers, flannel and White Shir s, Knit Jackets, Hats and Caps, Trunas, Umbrellas, &c., Bows, Scarfs, Ties, and Mufflers. Full line of Millinery Goods, Zephyrs, Worst- A fine variety of Cloths, Castors, Beaver, and eds, Germantown Yarns, Furs, and Cassimeres for Custom Work. Meas. Furnishing Goods, Carpets urea taken, and good lilting and and Oil-Cloths. Workmanship Warranted. 2312t.freLlop .111.4allcacus, Lisp taszcl Xlcoreic. 331..micar-otea. disc, Montrose, October 21, 1874 Binghamton Advertisoments lb. 0 olorAvillb * *lO Li I=l Poor (r. frairkErp Merchant Tailors, Si COURT STREET, 3321%74131-321C.A.MILETCPINT, N. lir Opposite Exchange Rotel ARE NOW OPENING A LARGE STOCK OF MEN'S & BOIS' MAIN Gets' Farmslifia Gook CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC extend a cordial Invitation to toe public to ea and txrualoe our STOCK AND PRICES. glfr Our Motto le, Not to be Under.°ld. _all rio=llll Binghamton. N. Y., Oct. 7th. /h 74 The Cheapest Place i ~ ~~~ ~ CROCKER, OGDEN, & CO.'S Phelp's Bank Building, 332.1 , 474:31,13.ALT1LETC01 4 47. N. "Jr WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS. BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. OAK 'FANNED LEATHER BELTING RUBBER BELTING AND PACKING, ETC., ETC., ETC. lIICSRY nITSOZI d. BONS' CIRCULAR ADD GROSE-CUT SAWS AND JOHN ROTHERY'S Celebrated Band•Cnt Files, The Best lo the World I Binghamton. Oct. 19th 1874. At No. 33 Court Street, BENGILSDITON, N. Y. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, Ao we hare just rettuned frond the City of New York after porebaelng a large and well oelated stock of FALL AND VirLVFER GOODS of all kinds bought trom drat hands, we are now pro pared to tar, r goods at prices thrt will "allay the f:ltterat boyar. We bort also added fl,t OUT large aock of Dr Gumbo, an laiturlirt stork of t LUTD, BEAVLRS fur Mon and Win wear. K•earo now prepsted to Make SUITS FOR ALL who will give us a call u we hare lint class workmen imaged or the sumo. Ladles sod Gall TYM•II. you will please call andel - sun Inc our noels before you pun hare elsewhere. Thankful for pa.t talon. we hope for a confirmation of the same. We remain. Yours Respectfully. C. & A. CORTESY • Binghamton. Sept. 181.4.-41. Binghamton It!atlas Works ! ' MI kinds of .Idoutnente, lifedillolllllB, and Marble/ Mantle., chide to order. Also: Scowl Ormolu.' jot hand. I.P/CKABING .t CO . , .t, immix°. .t 116 Com EOM, a v, xvitazEOlV, 4. T. =m». OeL X/9, IMIL Guttenberg, Rosenbaum Et Co. i'skao,asocli FALL AND WINTER GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM & CO M. S, Smatter, Managing Partner. 13=1 We are Agents for NEW GOODS Elogtamtoa, N. Y. GOOM!.: Binghamton Advertisments PORTER CARTER. & JOHNSON, FINT% -- YVal WHO E=l HARDWARE IRON, STEEL, AND NAILS, Blacksmiths' Supplies FARMERS' AND lISCHAPICS' TOOLS. &gen is for Sweet's Si it et ca SEAT SFRINGS, STEEL TIRE TOE CALKS and CALK STEEL. &c BURRETTS CORN SHELLER And the Improved BURDICK FEED CUTTERS LTC.... ♦sD Sri 1.7., 87 Washington St., gliNGlialtToN, N. Y Oct. 14th, 1811.-15-. 1:00)13I IV Si ®N'.% Southern Tier MITER EMPORIUM! 88 Washington Street, 13122.611.a.m.t0za., N. 'lr.. You will Find the LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OP YUL2HIWVIIII OF ALL 111;:d' )8 At.the Lowest Prices of any Store ii Southern Lew York All ()cads bold are WARRATED a. Represented E. D. ROBINSON. El=l THE LVDEPENDENT Sewing Machine I THE GIREATEET AtIIIEVE If HST OF THE AGE, I Sews from bat One Spool of Thread It haw but alz working part., la nolaelera. and newt more rapidly than any liarbine to the Market. Has a self-sating Straight Needle t Combines Durability sell b Beauty and , Ms all the liotleau lcupruvemrete. 13'A FIRST-CLASS ►IACIDNE ON A isi„ WALNUT TAbLE FOE SU AL.sozi.ta. W/47aaates:I. BEND FOIL CIRCULAR. Addreu,_ . . THE INDEPENDENT SEWING haCIIINEC• Dee. 21, ISM Binghamton, N. I J.ll. Datum. 1 0 B. BAstr ca. I B G. BLAND - MO — o— MARBLE WORKS. 1840.1 BARNES BROS. & BUNOING, DBALIIIIB IN ANTI MANUFACTURERS OF 4tatian & ,gmtrican giarbits, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES Marble and Slate Mantles, 26 Chenango St., Near Depot, Mayl4. 2 Bra. man H AMON. N.Y. HAND BILLS PRINTED AT TRW OPPIDE Drugs and medicines .il her s - nn•q,ar Bit 1 Veßot al •1, - , prep:mitten. made chi. fly from the native herbs fonwl on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. the medicinal pro perties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily ayltwl, "What is the canna of the nutiambeled mimeos of ViNtlial Brr- Tr.inel " Our answer is, that they remove the cam , of disea , e, and the patient recov ers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigonitor of the system. Never before in the history of the world has o medicine been eompo inded po sensing the remarkable qualities of Vtstosn Brrrzns in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to They rre a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or In flammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. If men will enjoy good health, let them use VINEGAII Ilrrrms ELF a medicine, and avoid the use of uleoho:ie stimulant, in every form. •a.. 11. lic.N i.. 1) 1'4)., urrym..“ 4.. A la .u. Lsal ...... 1 .1.114ri1. hArlt Nex • Y". l d by ^II I . 4 •"guiwia. and Druters. Srpt. 10th. 1814 —am. Ira-111-Im. THE EAGLE LIR L. ST till E„ B & I'RoPLIETOEs SION or 1 . 116 GOLDEN EIIILY AND SNOTArt Sriolc 13.1c:.C.1.r... Morttroeso —U "or of ' , MC'S and Medicine,. I• romplete. and . - are taken To Lave evety long of the rood quality. Ti public toil te.l aorur d nil nu dicis.e. Iliac I (1, mr nu, re the, arc repregoutol. purr and an .4tholleraled. PATENT NIF:11 ("INES •f ell kinds called lor. on hand nm.onal Ic price! . ❑p poreunal end sto•ct anent lon to bo.ihr.. • al all Imu•. we hope to merit the coulldruce and tarot of the Mont rose. April 1, 1>;73 ABEL TURIIELL, DRUGGIST, cassio, Conlitatull) rrevlN Otr• LP.r. ul,u kaept co, lou Ill)IanDU ut.elital•lr 21"01110ta.1 01 gra lt/Cl:ltrt utillts . Mt./AL 111.3.11 A Lt. l'etetr,Olie i..t)t,e LW., '1 L.A.', NoltAte, no 0110.-1 ttre. mutt, tiltjure, to lent, luttspe. lters,eut . thactilet ry .•11.,a1l !tent. .44 all, !lull lot Itio.lettle.oll lot Ia 'e,tl,rtt 01•,petu. 011,w/tie l'oritee e.Variti.tore.t../ttsztr, I hurl,: e'aucee. rated L3tt .111, •.s Cru ',vett. e..e. , upportere „Mettler, Ulut ttr..",.. it Lit -. ttuar. ...artrlclgte Powder, Shot, Leitti tree Cap... Mutate,. ..o.toei alto Fuer Viont., e ,t.lo rill, et, etc k 11001... a, OLI 1,, Mu I .1 TuilrlSOtltir tiro] 1./1.1, Hate lie-wren. anti 11,1, Utrr itruntier, Knier, htteetttl.,. alPti titer C.atcu pt,. eurtt, Anklets. a getter 1) drurttert.l al ' , AMA 601. JEW FLU Y. nod l'Ett1 , 1)1E111 - All thei emit ug ant. beet kisitin ul I'ATF.NT %ILI/it IN h.:, Tim Itortle are I netted to chit 41 the ['meant! Varlet) Itore al AHEI. ruitttELA Feb.l.lB;:t. Dttaltliehett I 048 . . . _ Printing. THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT For 1874 CONTAINS MORE LOCAL NEWS, MORE OE.VERAL YE WS, BETTER STOIZIES, BETTER FAMILY READING _WORE CHOICE POETRY, MORE FARM _ILI 1 TERS 133X33 Better Paper THAN EVER BEFORF. Subscribe for It Yourself ! Ask Your Neighbors 10 Subscribe SI per Year iu Advance THE 1J m vv. "DEMOCRAT" AB PRIM% OFFLE Will compete with any other in this section in cheapness, promptness an•.{ quality of work. Its stock has Just been replenished with In NUM of various styles of beautiful letter. Posters, Show Bills, Hand Bilk, Programmes, Dodgers Blanks of all kinds, Business Cards, Visit In Curtly, Book Priming, etc. M' Attorney's Paper books printed with neatness and din. patch. Cull on or address E. U. EIAWLEV.4c CO. MONEY SAVED ! NEW FIRM, NEW STORE, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES GRIFFIS & SAY RE, Have opened, sit the old location rf M. S. Wilson. ID the Brick Block Montrose, and we shall be pleased to / nil 0. nor uld friends nod the many new ones we hope to gain. tow stock will consist of Iron, Nails allil Hardware. CROCHNEtY 4 GLA BWARE, In large quantitiesand variety. Stone Ware, War. Ware. iluuse-Ftnulehtne Goods and Groceries. We snail air e part color attention to the Orneely Trod, and keep a Intl assortment of Teas, Sugar, coiree, Funs ity Groceries & Provisions In fall v.triety. Salt and Floor. We shall keep CUD otantly on hand fine bra , d• of flour at much Icon that old prices. and rerrant It to please. Goods &divorce ortroptly to our town customers. TEltlib.. Our terms will be strictly es.h or pentium. This It will he well to remem ber. a. tide will he the secret In our low prices W. arc mold on! that by calling •od ezomluing our good 'nor will find Slott It 1111 be for your Inter. est to try nnr $40011. , awl tern.. .71.rnittPani Warns, S. M. Some. Montrose. May. 13/b, "74.—11. BILLINGS STROUT), General INSURANCE AGENT, } WEcoss.ltarckasep, X. Capital Represented, $100,000,000: FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT insult kNCII Home IL, Co., N. Y., Capital nod ourplue. $4,000,0th liar Loom sire no.. Co.. C opital,LudSorplus $3,000,1XA Li ierpool. Loudon at Globe Ins Co., of North America Veen Fire fur Co., Philo Nutmuel. Phil's. loe. Co., Suet, of Poon't lE=MI Na rr.t;osiret L.'', ovtdenea. R.I. •. 6 114 P :. Ol . 11..reltrtn: n . 450,Ut0 Cie), of New Port. Ky. 2.511,t0 Newtown, of Saute Co. &1001. A I cal man la. of Cleveland, ... 4f10,04 Isoclinic, Fire lor. Co. 30.1.1 4 FIN' .4•61•41.11111141 of Phila. 1.000.11. 11..nie los. Co .C11111M1;111, 0.. '• 5 0.10 Leotteh Vnllsy Flee. Allentown. " 200,110 citizens' Fire Ins Newark. N.J... 11110.0tO south Side or Co. Pit tsburg.Pa " 100.00 Ala•II111111[1111 of Plttaborg, '• 400,01 s The undereigned le SPECIAL AO *7T for the follow I ri g companies for Northern I units)lcan la: Fire Aeenclatiou of Phltodelphia. Net Ions) Fire I ortirsnt e Company ot Philodelphot. The losurotme Cu. of the State of Pennsylsonto,ot Philotielphtn. A. B. HUHN'S. A UOA NT1(• Conn. Mn cal l.lfc In, Co., Afeette mmon,Pc( American WI, POI'. •• $.1,50t ,(14P a a I—la Trareieni I no.Co .llartford,( npltalond Ifni I nny l'aseengent $250.001 The underrigned tine been well known in thliicoonty.fio the peel 17 yearn,. on I •ornnee Agent Loeecernetelne , hi hl- Conmaln ler bare always been promptly pain r — Wrier fleet door earl from Banking Ofbce of W 11. Cooper & Co., Turnplkeet Montrose.ra. BILLMOS STROUD, Agent CrIARLIELS IL SMITH, Solicitor.. Montrose. Dec. 24 107* P' - - u.re_ At W. W. Smith & Son's N:•onelce Furniture War zronm yea vrfillhol, the large atock of FIRST CLASS AND COMMON 3F°"1:7.1t.N - I TYRE To be found in this section of the country, of his owo manufacture, wd at prise that cannot Mil to give anti. faction. Th. 3. make the very best EXTEN.sION TABLES In the country, and WARRANT them X/ la l. co las tory W 43, rl3< 01 all tunds done lu the nent...‘ mnnotd. PURE NO.I MATRASSES, AND COMMON MATRASSES UNDERTAKING The :.übscriber will hereafter make adertaitlng . specialty in his foulness. (laving Jo.t completed NeAr and the mu: el. of MARIE to the butte, al needing his sem ices will be attended to promptly and a• satisfactnt, charges. WEL W. SISITH Et SON. Montrose. Pa.. Jan. 3 , . 7q. --t r. G ET THE BEST, TAKE NO OTHER COLE BROTHER IV Restorative Balsata ASTHMA, COUGH, COLDS, CROUP, SPITTING BLOOD, PAIN IN THE SIDE AND BREAST, KIDNEY COMPLAINT, SCROFULA, &C., Also,—A sure Cure for the PILES. No Cure No Puy Address all Orders to the Proprietor. CriARLES L. CRANE. Now Milford, Pa. Sep t. 30, 1014-If NEW FIRM In Lanesboro. HOBERT & MAIN' having entered into co-partnership. are now prepared to do all kin. s of work In the toe of Wo[on lakkge Blaciailthiilg, FROM A WHEELBARROW TO A COACH REPAIRING Re ANY PART OF THE BUSINESS moire prompt attention. • HOBERT & MAIN. Laneaboro. Pa.. Oct. 15. 1678. tl. . S. S. CAMPBELL ft CO 11110Lite4LE MASIV7ACTV7ZEJ. f.r FINE, PLAIN AND 310LASNES I Via. im ea and• in FOREIGN FRUITS NU Fire Works Constantly on nand. Nos. 422 liszkot 81* am 417 Rentiant star* 10. Miscellaneous. MEI= PLatscl - p.1.'0. - y, $ -I) uvu ix t il 250,0U4 2.• I N. XII . IME=I WILL ACTUALLY CURE .County Business Directory, rwo ❑nee irk title Directory. one ‘4 of. 1112( ; tort, h ditiottal Ilstv,l,o cents. • 310.N711,U5E xm. nnuartworr. Stator. whol -sale and Itetai dealer la all kinds of slate melte:, slate paint, ei 0. Roofs repaired with •Into paint to order. tiro 'late paint for sale by the gallon tar barrel. Mont rota . Pa. diLLINGS STROUD, irenera Fire and Life I non ranee ACCalti‘; also,rell hallrona and AcClOvhrritk. I to New York and Philadelphia. Ub Co or.r door ea a t oft,. 'Sauk. BURNS S NICHOLS. the place to get Draraurol3l•dt robtieeo. Pipe*. Pocket-Books. Spect dee YankeeNuilona.&c. Brick Block. SOYO N CORWIN. Oettlerii In Stovee, hardware and Manufacturer. of Tin and Sheetiron ware, come , of Hain and Turnpike Weal. A. N. BULLANU, Mater in orocerfes. Proefelon. Books.Scellone and Yankee Notion,. at bead of Public Arcnoe,• .V3l. II COOPER & CO.. Danker.. tell Foreign Pa. sage Tlck..te and Drafts on England, Ireland and Sea land. • •NM. L. COX. Harness maker sod dealer In al I attlefe usually kept by the trade. opposite the flack. • FAMES FL CARMALT. Attorney at I.w. °Mac cae door brloorTarbell Hoare. Public Avenue. • NEW MILFORD. L. L LEROY. Dealer in all Moos of farming Imple meets. mowing Machines., nein curb, dn.. ' Nicer. etc.. eto.. Main St., opposite Saving. Bank. into. iAVINGs DANK, NEW MILFORD —Fix per rent, in tercet on all Deposits Does a general Dot.king 13a. 18,56, S. D. CIIASE d. Cu. ARRET S SON. Dealers In Floor. Fer.S. Des Salt, Lime, Cement. Groceries and Frov - etc or Main Street. opposite the Depot. tINEY S IFIASDEN. DeoJere In Dree.endMerheit.en and Manufacturers of Cigars, on Main Street, Pea •hc Dopot Kill PER. Carriage vaker and Undertaker Main Street, two door. nelow Hawley'r 3AYUGA PLASTER—NICHOLAS SHOEMAKER,dea crin 1,,11111110 Cayuga Plapter. Fre-13 ground. 4cCOLLCII BROTHERS. Lk%!era in Grocerlca and Providont. on Main atrect.• t. DICKRILIIAN. dn.. Dealer In general inerettandlei nod Clothing, Brick Store. on Main Street. GIBSON. H. M. TINGLEY—HeaIer In Stoves, Tin. rapper. Moo. and Sheetlron Ware, Castings. de Also, mannfactur er or Shea Melilla to nrd.r. Eve Tmnah and Lead Pint. kW.. Intended to at lair prices--Glbson Hollow. Penaltylranla.,—l7, GREAT BEND Ft P. DORAN, 'Merchant Tailor ond dearer In Rose) Mode Clothing, Dry Goinle.Grocorles and Provtiiionii Main tltreet.• Miscellaneous. N AILS, TINWARE, HARDWARE BOYD & CORWIN Corner of Maio and Turnpike SO. 4or gx.rt. EiE, ~. rIl C> 17 . TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, Builders' Hardware. CUTLERY, ETC., IV - trills, by tame Meas. Thanks to our Friendr for Pant Furors We would he more thankfal to one and all who knew they have onnett led account. with or. it they would cal and Fettle by the tuldule uf Match next. Feb. 4, 1874. SCROTON SAYINGS BM, 120 Wyoming Avenue, RECEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT FROM uoMPANIEs AND 1N LIVID UALs, AND REI URNS SANE ON DEMAND 111111 OUT PREVI OUS NOTICE. ALLOwING INTEit- EsT AT SIX PElt LENT. PER AN NUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY, ON TILE Fiu.r DAYS OF JANU ARY AND JULY. AsAFE AND RE LIABLE PLACE OF DEPOsIT FOR LABORING MEN, MINERS, NE cIIANIcs, AND MALIIINISTs, AND FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS 1 7 DLL. MONEY DEI'QsII ED ON Olt BEFORE THE EN'I II WILL DRAW IN i EltESr I.l{oll THE FIRST DAY OF 'I HE MONTH. THIS Is IN ALL RESPECI S A HOME IN s ITTUTIMAND ONE 11 Mull IS NOW RECEIVING THE SAVED EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF SCRANTON MIN ERS AND MECHAN DIRECTORS ; JAMES BLAIR, iANFOLD GRANT, GEORGE ER, JAS. S. SLOUU ill, J. 11. SU'I PHIN *. P. IkIATIIIEWS, DANIEL HOW. ELL, A. E. HUNT, T. E. HUNT; JAMES BLAIR. PRESIDENT ; 0. C HOGUE, CASIIIEH. OI'EN DAILY FROM NINE A. M UN FOUR P. M., ANI► ON WED. NEDAY AND SATURDAY EVE. NINGS UNTJL EIGHT O'CLOCE Feb. 12. 1873. HERRING & FARREL, 8617 13 rociciwa.3r IV. 1r MANUFACTURFAS OF ALL KINDS OF /Pls.° inizi.cit .13‘1.z - Gles.r .V. roof ~.~~~Es. Tho oldeol and mop& rolloblollnn In I/lel:flailed Stales rbey Ceo theorize turtial swami. at the WORLD'S FAIR.AT LONDON I 1111 Bates are warranted free from dampness and tor ruslou. 1111.1.1510 S nTItOOD , Ageut Montrose. May 5 Y • IIaU6UUW a I.llWTllkat, General Undertakers MU/ DEALERS IN ALL HINDS OF COF FINS, CAsliels, ETC, Gi . 11.111141.7r. 33331N30, imeriza'a ALLOUDERSPROWiLYAT.EmEDTO %. RECKER,/ at 0 lic Aiwa! 211. I nt—tf FIRE, LIFE, AND ACME:NJ Insurance Agency. OAPITAL REPRESENTED MR EED,CCOMC O. Li , 82.117 U. lloatoon. ra. Dor. IL Inn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers