THE DEMOCRAT. E. B. Hi WLEY ell CO., Editors Wednesday, Nov. 18, 1874. Gold closed in New York, on Saturday at 1101. There has been a marked advance in the prices of Southern and Western State 'blinds !int , . the late election. The Phil adelnhia butler nntine this fact says: 'it looks as therezli the Smith and West anticipate a general revival of business." Three and a half tons or silver were deposited on T •esdav by a hankioe firm at the United States assay office in New York to h coined at op Philadelphia mint into fifty e•nt pieces for genth American market Sines paper is a feint tender in this eonntrv, the mir tis Only as fnl for this kind of bnainesa, good mnne7 being driven out by poor. Nothing brings out the brntalitv of re publicln policy in a more glaring light thin the spectacle of the affrighted ne ernes settle south selecting from among the whites new masters in the faithful belief that a Democratic .-intory is equiv. al nt to the reiewal of the slave system. Is it any wonder that these delnd 11 and ahns•d peopl , , naturally the most social. (Incite. indolent and lighthearted of hn helm's, have her driven to the commis sion of crime by the apprehended calami ty vhich Wll9 ti overtake them if their Democratic neighbors sneceeded at the e'ectioo ? It is a pitiful story . The day of vokon,og for the southern carpet-bag ger will indeed be a heavy oue. We recall but three instances in which Masagebusetts has gone Democratic since the origin of the Government. It voted for Thomas Jefferson for President at his second election in 1804. In 1839 it eject ed Marcus Morton. Governor by two votes upon the issue of the fifteen gallon liq. nor law. The law prohibited any sale of l,gnr r under fifteen gallons, and was popularly suppneed to discriminate against the poor and in favor of the rich, who corld buy large amounts of liquor. Mr. Morton was again elected Governor by the Legislature in 1841 2 by one vote, no choice having been made by the people ; that is. no candidate having a majority over all other candidates, the legislature elected. That was thF time of John. Ty- ler. Tn 1850 the Democrats again car riod the state by a coalition with the Ina Batt part v, electing George S. Boutwell— now n Republican United Staten senator, het then a Democrat—governor, and Charles Sumner United States senator. Since the hater year no demneret has been ct peen to a state or federal office —4n-Massacbusetts, except at the late elec tion. A Herald interviewer ran across Hr. L. P. Payne, the Broad street (New York) banker, who is largely identified with southern bnsiness. and asked him what his views were on election. He said : "The recent election can only be view ed with pleasure by every patriotic gen tleman. 1 met a prominent representa tive from one of the Southern states to day, and he told me that he felt thrilled with patriotic ardor and fraternal feeling for the north, the first time in ten years when he heard of the grand vote which had given the Democratic party victory. As for myself. I had almost despaired or the Republic, and felt that constitutional liberty was endangered under the military ideas of Grant. Corruption was the role and honesty the exception. As sure a the Republican ticket had been elected we should have a startling spectacle of Grant's ambition ; the intrigues of office holders and the distribution of patronage for the purpose of favoring the President's vi-as would have been a humiliating speetscl , for Republican America. As it is now. if the Democrats are wise, and •ake a br..eld, sta.etemao like position on tl.e great ques'n.tir agitating the country they can retaiet the power the people have ciiiifet red upon, them. The north ha' harp hot jllst to the smith. Now let the south do tier diify in all thinzs, at d we have a eon wry one italetnt. more glorious than ever he sun siione upan. Ti e D,•mocra•s of New York, says the Pairtol, acted wisely to giving appropriate re.ognitiOn to the liberal eleopiit in that state. Tile call for the de nocratic state convention which nom- Mated .vernor Tilden was made snf ficient'y eotopt,h-ns•ve to enable the to send deltrate3 to the b•ds.— The czn , eynence was that prominent alld intim-wild public tn-n like Dewitt C. Little' -hn, William Dorsheinier, and ottie..s of like character who hail never aced with the D macratic partv in their lives. were sent to the convention and participated in its deliberations. But the New York democracy did not stop will, an incitation tothe liberals to take part in titer cenvention. 'fhvv canc,-d -ed their allies the secithd place 'on their state ticket, making Mr. Dorsheimer their candidate for lieutenant governor. The liberal course thus pursued by, our brethren in New Yoik had, und.ubtedly the eff et of swelling the Domocratic vote in that state espescially in tht. :urat dis tricts. We are of the opinion that the Demoetate of Pennsylvania may profit by the example. There is a coiondriatile liberal element in tins state ;Web made its itifltielice flt at the tate election. In deed 'we owe our late victory in a great measure to the independent voters who broke V.W7I . from st.e radical orgaitizstion and cast their ;sufruges fur the Deutiicrat- . to ticket. Their purposes, their bopee, their political faith are really the same as these of the Democracy. Thee may call themselves by another name, but they a re neverthel e ss Democrats in all things save the name. We believe it wise and proper that this element should be given fair and full opportunity to unite itself with the Democratic organization. State Senator Homer, of the Montrose Republican, seems to be a man of remarkably limited memory, about these days. He forgot (?) last week, to mention the fact that Fel kenbury and Williams had larger major ities than his pet senator. His memory having been sharpened by the friends of Mr. Falkenbury, he gives it this week.— When be did so, be should have repub lished his flaming (or "lying," as be termed such before election) hand bill, of last week, exulting over Watson's wonderful "ran." The comparison how ever, we will admit, would not be very complimentory either to Frazier or Wat son. Mr. Falkenbnry's majority in this county is 847 and the majority for W.W. Williams is 741. The Hon.W. W. Watson, 1 on the same ticket, receives a majority over E. B. Hawley of only 305, a slight discrepency (?) of about 500 votes against senator Watson in his own county where hP is beat known. Mr. Watson's major ity is the smallest that any Republican tuts ever received in this county since the assemdanoy of the party, which is twenty years, their maj•iritiea having ranged from 1,500 down to 800 on the came poll of their vote as this year. H. M. Jones last year, notwithstanding he was elected in the district, by only FIVE majority. yet he hail 539 majority over E. B. Haw• ley in this county on a very light vote.— E. BAlawley has never asked for a non, inatio4or has he asked any man. white or black, to vote for him, neither has he been a "political acrobat perfcrming upon the bar to please the populace," but with the above endorsement at heime,he should be content. If the Radical “11-rmit' . of Susquehanna county, burrowed in his stone den, can gain any consolation, or feed his spleen toward the senior editor of this paper. by sucking h e claws, sweet ened with such figures as the above, we certainly have no disposition to disturb him in the least. All other county, state or national disasters. scent to have been obscured by the grand demonstration and exultation in Homer's sanctnm or. r the election of the Him, W. W. Watson, sen ator elect, from Weer e county. We are pleased that the editor of the Republican or - take such a broad (?) view of his par ty disasters elsewhere and be so easily satisfied with such a victory at home.— He has our congratulations. Repeal of Leval Tender Act. "It needs no profound wisdom to see that a res :mption of specie payments cannot be reached in this country by any direct method of forecasting and pr"vitl log for it by law. If Congress. upon com ing together, ehinld enact that, by any proc-ss whatever, the greenbacks will he redeemed in gold on the Fourth of July next, all who can hold on to them would do so, in anticipation of their increased value. Everybody would be a seller and no one a buyer. A few weeks cf this ex perience would tie up all the floating cap. ital. the screws world tighten upon bor rowers everywh .re, and long before the Fourth of July was reached the outcry would be so great that the project would be abandoned. "13utsuppos3 that Congress enacts that on the Fourth of March the greenbacks shall co longer be a leg .1 tender. Every body would be a buyer. No one would care to hoard the money, and all kinds of produce. merchandise, real estate and ot'aer securities would become Immedi ately saleable. All chases of industries would be stimulated to fresh activity.— Up to and over the day when the curten cy would lose its legal tender character, there would be such a met ment in the market, and a dteposttion to invest in property of all littide. that the clia. gr in the legal relations of this currency would hardly shock the prevalent - pr , sperity.— For all maturing indebtedness tLe parr or a check c^ the hank representing it, would he taken a• before. Precisely as the busineNs •,f I Dal nt re has often been done during hank suspe-sion. so would it he after the date was reached. *Pi-ople would he dealing in a depreci ated currency, but ?hat noel* bringii panic or creates a depression in trade. The on-is is alwaye past when the hanks suspend, for , he pre,sme is then relieved. the screws relax.d. II Ld ihe s rug le is 0 V r. 'The standard will then to specie, and the citralati.l medium a depreciated currency. Tile first 8 v-p towards resume tion will invoke no pressure. hut, on the contrary, will insure a:miiist ir„ and the remaining steret,'heing wholly voluntary, will he easy and natural.' . - Provision should, of cones... h , mud to found the greenbacks. whew' oft red for this purpos.., in a mi.ernment Loud hearing. say, 365 per cent. inieresr. The banks mizht be permitted or fora while redeem their issue in eitinr the green hacks or the bonds thns issued." "An extension ot the banking system would be a natural sequence of this change. Under proper restrictions we should t avr this as free as the model sys tem of New York, the is , me based only on trovernment b••nd. and redeemable at par in Boston, New York •rr Ptulatlilphin at the expense of the institutions they represent." "If the Government will lift its hand front the industries of the coutitry and no longer force its promises mto.eircula tion at par, and will thus leave gold to be the nominal as it is always the real stand urd of payment, the people will soon, in their own way, and the best way, end a solution of the quektiou of resumption. They have done it many times heretofore and are lunging for the day when they can be left without coercion to try it again. —New York Journal 01 Com merce. How the South Reviewed the News. The Southern States have recieved the news of the triumph of the Democratic Party and their political redemption with great calmness and magnanimity, There has been no undue exultation, no evi dences of a bad spirit. The Radicals said that if ever the Democratic party should be succeisful again, the South would become insulting and aggressive once more—that they would again preach their secession doctrine and immediate ly enter upon preparations for another attempt. to dissolve the Zillion. That northern men weuld not be safe any where in the section. and that the ne grnes would be abused without mercy or orotemion. But how ditferert is the reality. The South rejoices with great joy, of course, over the result which enfranchises ,hem, and n glad feeling pervades tie whole section from one end to the other, but there is no had conduct. no overheating or aggressive spirit. The Radical propli etiCA have not been realized. They have fallen still born, and their makers been proved liars and slanderers. The rocent victories of the Democracy have given joy and hope and confidence to the people of the South, but they have not suggeeed to thorn even the idea of another rebellion. Such a supposition is all nonsense, and the Radicals themselves never believed there was any danger of another conflict aga'rist secession. All the lending pnblic men of the country and all well informed people everywhere concur in the belief that the South is now Mat as much devoted to the Union at} the North. All that section waots is r[l it d rights in the Union, and nothing more. We reinie^ that the people there hove so completely given the lie to the Radical assertions by their a•'mirahle t.rnidnet over tha joyful intelligence of the disastrous defeat of t' eir enemies. To the Democracy of Pegneylvanla. 7P,A pQrA RTERS STATE 11E110(11 AT' CMiIIITTEE. N. , . 1014 WALNUT STREET. 1 1 PHILADELPIIIA. Nov. 9, 1874. The battle is over. The enemy left the field at dark on Tuesday last in full retreat, beaten at all points. The Democracy, with its ranks in per fect order. recruited from patriotic peo ple, attacked th' fortifications of the Radical party and carried them by as. The setting sun lit up the banners of the Democracy in light as victory made them glorious We encampel on the field of battle. The Radical part' abandoned its amn nition, and lett its frauds, schemes, jobs. v i a nd corruption, the civil rights hill. and the gag lay scattered along the line of its retreat. It took off its n , gro allies in safety. We have captured the divisions of the enemy commanded by Errett Dix, Frelinghnysen, Halsi. Carpenter. Butler Kellogg, a :d Talbot., besides large num bers of brigadier's. The rout hag been complete. This, fello 7 citizens, is the peaceful victory of the Democratic party defend. ing the "essential principles" of consti tutional government. The Coustirn ion of the United States os pro•ectei by this victor 7, unimpaired and nod. filed. The %%ote r .ce in this Stats has risen up in its majesty to assert its suprema cy. Pennsylvalia mice again assumes her place as -The Keysione of the Federal Arch." ! The D meersey of the Keystone State has won the gratitude of the people. She salutes her vict.rions siso rs as equal sovereien States in the Federal Union crew. d and continued by the faivereien power of the peolde of free aed independent Commonwealths. I Let the In and c rnsoler the corn , primer.: of the policy of the Radl , eal par y. It or .strated industry; plun dered the p...iple: overturned State Leg islatnres ; tnp the military over the civll power; !warped powers belonging to the Fltate.: prostituted the judiciary for party FC'.. mes; oppressed trail.-; dolleri the while rice ; I instated for the benefit of speei it interes's gave paper currency for cold nnd silver. This the Raple in these great and peaceful victories have most emphatical ly condemned, and have risen rip and proclaim-d that they are the sovereign source of political power and are deter mined protect themselves against their agents. We hate carried the State ticket, elect etl s ;err teen, m. tubers of Congress, and have a majority inn j ant ballot la the - Legislature. I saint« von. greeting, Jortte MILLER, Chairman. A Romance to Real Life. A Bltort tim. anti a young man, Jana twenty yea if age, arrived in Baltimore from Eng!nod, w•d commenced to look for work at his t i rade. After several day's fruitless starch. the Gazelle says, he en tered a large factory on Lombard street and inquired for work of tne superin t.•udeut. The latter qtrstioned him.ask ing him his name and where he was from. and tither particulars about his family. lie told the superintendent that his tnother resided in England and bad reared him, his father having qulrreled with her when lie was an infant and had abandoned them, it was supposed that be had come to America, but no tidings had been reeived from him. When the young man bad concluded the superintendent, who, for many years, )iatl been employed by the firm with whom he is at present engaged, said to the astonished youth, "I am your. father." They discussed fa miliar matters at length. and the father, hearing from his son that his masher had never ceased to mourn their unfortunate difference and his absence, determined to proceed at once to Europe and bring her to this country and endeavor in future years to atone for the mistakesand errors of the past. He secured employment for his son, and Jbaiti'og the necessary leave or absence from his employers, he sailed last week for England, intending to bring hack with 11:m on hie return the wife from whom he had been so long telt. erated. Special Notices SCEIENCER POTATO:VIC EiVRIIP, POTt TUC CCRE OF CONSCIIPTION, Cocoas, Alin Comm. The great virtue of this medicine Is that it ripens the matter and throws it out of the sys tem, purifies tho blood, and thus effects a cure. SCDENCEI3 SEA WEED TONIC, FOR THE CURE OP DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, atC The Tonic produces a healthy action of the stomach, creating an appetite, forming chyle, and curing the most obstinate cases or Indiges• don. &RENCK'S MANDRAKE PII.LS, FOR TEE CURE OF LIVEIS COMFLAINT, &C., These Pills are alterative, and produce a healthy action of the liver, without the least danger, as they are free from calomel, and yet more efficacious in restoring a healthy action of the liver. These remedies are a certain cure for Con sumption, as the Pultuunic Syrup ripens the matter and purifies the blood. The 'Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, create a healthy Idle, and remove all diseasesof the liver, often a cause of Cot.sumption. The Sea Weed Tonic gives tone anti strength to the stomach, makes a good digestion, sod enables the organs to form good blood ; and thus creates a Maltby circula tion of healthy blond. The combined action of these medicines, as thus explained, will cure ev. ery case at Consumption, if taken in time, and the use of the medicines persevered in. Dr. Schenck la professi...nally at Ilia principal office, corner SIXTH and A ncn ST$., Philailel• phia, every Monday, where all letters for ad. vice moat be addreased. New Advertisements IMPROVE ViIIR BWIIE —The nn ereigned has n Berkshire Boar. and alsoa Poland China, or may, gle, for service ads fakl, NOT . FOR SALR, LEASE. OR CO-PA RTNERSIIIP. TRH new dtone buildtog,(Sox2A, two atmies and Idan &owl )at Mack'. corner*. vouch Brooklyn— in a pros kerna• and worthy community. much needing ronven nee of a atom. Apply on the premittec or address the an becrlber at Brool Fyn. Sup'a county Pa. ENOCH MACK Brooklyn, Roe. 18,1874 —2w. XECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Wrtenzas Letters testa E4 mentaly to the estate of Edward o , thatitatnessey hit. of Ow.arnac. Y..dee`d, have been prattled to the undersign° , ali pers. , . Indented to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment add those having cLa me against the same, will present them without de lay. JOUN MADDEN. Executor. Nov. 18. 18T4-Bw. NOTICE. My Books and Notes are in the hands of George G. Shoemaker, of Rush, awaiting pay. trent. MI accounts and overdue notes not paid within thirty days, will be left with the proper officer for collection. M. G. SEMEMAKER. Nov. 18, 1874. 40—w2. G OOD NEWS, FREE TO ALL I For A. N Bullard ham on hand a lot of the choicest Pear, you ever paw. the very beet Cremberriev Ia the market. a co tot ol Prime Sweet Potatoce, Onion,. thtbbagt and 411.MT:tile of chol,e FRUITS AND VEGETABLES In theicseason. A new stock of the best Wheat and Buckwheat Fkntr.Corn Meat Oat Meal, and Feed. Fish, Packing Salt. Wane. and Dried Beef. Dried and Canned Fruits. - Teas. Coffees, Sugars, b piece, TOBACCO, CIGARS AND SNUFF A new stock of School Books and Slates, and a lino stock of pocket mazonals2 3't1.11 tletkl and iota of other goods quite to numerous to mention and to any one making a bill the name sine they haunt ly mate When they go to Binghamton. t win %Tree to boat Binghamton priced at least lb per Cent. Try it an • you will be convinced. A. N. BULLARD. Montrose, Nov. 18, '74.-3w. BILLINGS STROUD, General INSURANCE AGENT, IllatoextriDise. X. Capital ftepresciated, 9100,000,000 FIRE, LIFE AND ACCID /NT INSURANCE : Liverpool. London & Globe " $2O Ofeo,M) Ins Co., of !Conn America " 53.250,000 Peon Mire lon Co., Phila., " 45.i.0. 0 fsatlonaL Phil's.JO , lon. Cu.. Stets of Penn's `• E 0 Futon . otnal __ao ," ... . . ... .. Lreotolog Fire .6.000.00 e " Murchinue 450.000 Newtown, of Boas CO. 300 Ono " Laseuter Firs Irs. Co. 330.000 Fire Assoristirin of Phila. " szoomou Lehigh Palley Fire. Allentown. " MOM Alemmaola of Pirisbnre. " 61(.00. Pernsylrania ins co.. Phila. I AO 00 , Farmer's Ins. r'o.. of PLOW 250.00) riry Fir Ire. (..o. Providence. It. I 20,10)0 Roger Wllllems Ins, Providenee, It. I 3:0,1310 Watertown lOs Co.. Watertown. N. Y. MA 00 Limos Ins. C 0.., N.Y., Capital and heroin*. /4.000.000 Mks Fire .ns. Co.. - Hartford. Cr. ito.ois. ilartforti Fire ins.. Co.. Capital rudSarplor /3,000.000 Some Ins. Co .Colunihos. 0.. " 8. 0.10 Citizens Fire Ins Newark. N.J." 300.030 The ondervlgned le SPECIAL AGENT for the folios• lute companiee for Northern I enneyirania: Fire iteroelation of Philadelphot. Lancaster Fire Insurance Company of Lancaster, The luenrance Cu. of the Slaw of Penneyis anis, o Philadelphia. XJI 16 . El • Conn. Memel Life Ise. Co., deserts American Life. Pill'.. CIC: 1 1 - 32232V 0 1 1 . Traveler.lna.Co jiartford,CapttalaLld Hallway Passengers $350,000 The unde reigned bee been well ko own to t bla coo the Peel II Yea an free ranee Agent. b) his Compainles have always been promptly paid. 01rtilitee dratdoor ea/4 from Rankine Office of NV C. Cooper &Co.,Ttompilkest. Montrose-Pa. BILLTDIGS STROUD, Agent. CHARLES H. SMITH. Sanction. Montana Now IS MC pZIPULETS cosTenoaco TIM O'Mara Murder Trial, FOIL SALE AT MIS OFFICE. NEW 111711.708 D MACHINE SHOP. JULII:7 4 SHULTZ. Practical Machinist. Tweet :ally solicit, the et•tronsor of all whrt mew went Engines. Millwork. °hafting. Mangos. Pallergeera the. N. 11.—liw.tal attention ;kid malting. New M.UlArdoltat. 10. no-tr. Dlhcellaneons DON'T READ THIS! Bat be pore to come to 0 'OL'e. STATION, on the Montrone Iteltwor, and Ask For What We Have Not Got. ant we will sere° to have It to-morrow 17711a,t Virco =am vro Gk-cot is / /PLC 48/011TEEST Or Drd 7 VO P.) D 2 8 GROCERIES, rnovisrONS BOOTS AND SHOES, YANKEE NO TIoNS, IS AND CAPS, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, A fine lot of DRUGS and MEDICINES, all of which %yin be sold as Cheap as tbejJhenp est for READY PAY. All kinds of Country Produce Taken In Exchange fur Moods M the hhtheet Market Yriees CASH PAID FOR PORK. RUTTER AND POULTRY. or *Mutal to responsible eau salon elerchaata In Nos Yore. Give us a call. JANT-9 MARTIN. IsA.IIIUAL JUNTA. MARTIN & JONES. NEW ARWANCEMENT TIN People's Drug Store. I. N. BULLARD, PROPRIETOR B. KENYoN, Drags:let d. Apothecary PATENT MEDICINE EDIPORIUM The undersigned 000ld respectlully announce Lo all Innpeep). u, u herr, tlott to hie already catenate stock and earn 0 of Ikletuhandb, lu the Gruwerv, Pro 015100. and Harlin:4, lion. Ile has nd oda V ry choice assortment of Pt RE DELIUS. PATENT MEDICINES, MRI.SIIEI. PElt• Ft:MEDI% ate . who h he flatters lams It he can assure the public they will find it to their atiVillitage 10 clam- Ice befit. purchasing els...where. To all Ftlyeicians In this •ettion or the o Tway he tcould rt•pa nuttily e - nonnce th it b. ha. snor d the services of It Kenton. n. Druggist and Apothecary, in hone long . goalie.° and acitnowiedgeri can and aldlily. entitle him to your en tire confidence It. the 1..01 nom minding rnedlcln. or preparing prescriptions. and who would .also esteem it an eepecial anon to ri tem. calla from tr y .fhb old -.tomer', or new ones. Will tunke. the Patient Medi /Wiese specislty Also Domestic nod Foreign Miner. Winttra--an CZ.I.TIVC crock. Alen fine Uroenriev— LEIBIO'S EXTRACT OF BEEF, FRESH SALMON PICKLED d. CANNED CLASS, LOBSTERS, PEAS, CORN. BEANS. OYSTERS, de., de. In fuel. anyth uDd c vrt , thing t hat I. ordinarily ed. Respectfully soliciting call I reruulu I. N. IieLLARD Powder! Powder! Powder ! Blaatto , Rifle and snot Powder. Sbol. Lead, Get Tubed, Cape, Ponehee, Mete. Pape, de., See. etc., ior ea& by Montrose, Sept. P. 1873-0 MANHOOD: How Lost, How R. , st, Ted 11 Just POl/3113t11/0, 0 new edition of Dr. Culver weire Celebrated Enna, on the rndluit cure (with out anedieim I of erne:nu-riven or aeminal weak nose, Involuntary Seminal LOrnei. Impotency. brutal and Phy ival lincenpaciti. Inaknednment to Mar- Hag., e c ; &100, n 'oust:gap; bin. h-pt.epny, amid Fits, in duced by self-In dung...nee or anxin .I extravagance, etc. . rice, in pendent envelope, only ail cents. The celebrant d Author, In thin admirable Enemy.clear y demonstrate, (corn 11 thirty yearn' oucceenhd pree n Ice, than the alarming connequeucee of nelf-abune may he radically eared without the d undo-roue ace of inter nal medicine or the appll.ithin of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure 11 0 re ellnp.e. certain, and offer' tool. by mean,. of which every nufferer, 0 1 matter what bin condio non mat be, may cure bonnet! cheaply, pri vately, and radically. This Lecture should be lin the Wanda ot every youth and every man In mite land. Sent uneter real. Inn plain c!.-elope, no any addrvast poet paid. 0/3 receipt of iils cents ur tic, Intent etampa, Address i he Publishers. (.111.i J C. ELIMA S CO.. I.TI Bowery. New Y rk: Net ODIC° B. 4.588. - BLATCELLE'r 8 Improved CCMIBER WOOD Pt NI I' ' Tentelens. Durable, Efllctent. xi and Ch eap. The bent Pnthp for the leant money. Attention Iv eepecially C)_invited to Thatchlef I , Patent Int petit ed ars Let and New Drop Check t dive a Itbout removing the Pump, or dir e- to , li.; the Joint.; Alen.[Do Cop p- Chamber which never cracks or '7 Berle,. and u'll reliant any other. 'F: ' yor ,sic by De ions the Trade :1 venallypnd 4":?::: 70e %al,rß. b ln `c h lyeZ.*: K. x town rend direct to CILLO. 0 BIATCHLEY, 76.nufartnrer. ion C•onn , n - ^ Si., Phiinnelphilk, Pa. Anril ••• v ,- 1 ~•• FASHIONS. A Smith'e Illustrated Pattern Bazaar.° The ONLY Nicotine that DEPORTS STYLE! mad MM. ' i of theni. thtly O NE LOLL & TEN CENTI3o YEAR tinheßyl=4Mr , Bisizabrbgeor )1 + .4 an 2011 N: '20111(.1-, „ ~,' . '. l i t : - -int . ,1 3 ,JA ..., .4 , • vtr's' ~. 0 4,....,„ . 4;.,,... - ....,, .., - v - -;,,,:. ;,...‘ 30111 f!.. DI S.:IUPTION OF i' iesuitAvrems. -- 3010. Polonalso-Ver. LI,. -,tylbh-All Slr..e.-price of Pattern. with Cloth Model, ELM. 2018. Putonaise-A2 iitze -I oil, With Cloth Model, to emus, 2014. Magic Coittione-linique-Thaw Stith !wane-Pattern, • ill Cloth Model. 2li oat& 1307. Loire Waist-Letoot dmigo-All Biwa-Pater, with Cloth Model. OD auto, NO& EU 8 2 , 112-812eS, 2to 6 yearn-Pattern, with Cloth M 0801.44 et= . •. -. ',. '4 .-.-. 4 4 216 ~• .4. 1 t 4 i. . . 1 4. [,.:: . t• ' ‘' 7 t . . ~...• 't - 7. t - .42 . y .CF . ' ' , ' 1 :',2,4,35 .•. •••• •-: • -.7'4 ~ ,.V • ' 4 ,. - 44 4• , ..-: / 281 261 S'' .' - .•u , -to ''''' zing ! If soi gat& 'mooed Waist-All Paces-Pattern, alth Cloth Biedel,ls ants 2815. Greek Over•kirt-tieaetlful-Patter, with Cloth Model, 28 Oiltto 1210. Litily'sl),rek'il --izi,4 and Most Styileh.Pattern, with Cloth Model. 2916. Barque C:olk --,r;et , ses all othern-All Sizes-Pattern with Cloth Ifodt..- _ pool. Wes W.01,:e., , .:t or Jacket-41i Blue-puttro, with Cloth Model.= titOtt. We glee a perfect 4.! t.ol' 3 MODEL with 17 ,,,,, p3tterrt. which shonlejEstlloartopri2 the Cm mint together, alter being eat by the revtlein. They are rEarzur CIMLW. Any Pattern on tide page maned upon receipt of marked price. fon% "Us= 21t21 }MINN." WHOLES"' i E For $2 worth of Patterns at the _ ita, t marked rice Vona most.. 1. ~ ,oN 0 worth Send 22.25. Fork' worth Send fa. Tlio person who 1 wto • sends 23 for i 4 worth ofjotterns, will be entitled tO the '4,8.; Bazaar '',".;.1, SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR 4.0001'00 64.60t,001 SMITH'S ILLUSTRATED PATTERN BAZAAR, On: y One Dollar end Tea Crate a Year. And a splendid PREMIUM to each Sub. scriber FREE! See below. c;^ AarTwo of the abOre pattern. end &nimble In. emit Orono Elevator alit be maned MIA as no. I mp warn, or ONE dollar's so:it'd PatierneF to be seeded when you receive your Magazine, or et any. t o St i fi . 1 M e Er ' l i ra; ID ff_ta pt i)til Vlß l ike i gi _ , 2 . 'IIARY AND FIER P Y iTLAanin,"CfR _the "tIATEOo,. e. ii ITN WELCOME VISITOR,. These C mROIIIIOB are ,Cc- ly tenown, end EELL MOLLY for Iron:LSI to each. eon eon GM'I l VIP .. C1X.a1733. no". We am Ci , e one Chromo extra to the panes was ma in wade us two eubeerihere (WOE= eta Marva for porrace ~.s. you A ix = on Cuomo., and ItollecOatorte than. Waal'. Fr".., ir 4eliarit-. We willgire two Cloomoe eartnifortre entatilbeis: theca cocoa atm forsami: four Chromoe extra for efglit, or YOUR CHOICE of an enormous meager of heautifhl PrOMIUMIM gee BAZAAR .) Each Etubootlbortanuen4 throeose todixrellv,,,q, 4 , a , ata, 3 C 0 L O .if , 50.00 In 00111 Coln to 113 so persons who 1ar . .....th0 wM.= doh ror rho &Woo, between n ow salty Lni tot arnarp, 1 napalm w l. lk2migra {, err rat CM 17. 1 3 M tg 5 Inc:MI:oh; eit Premium on Every Bo L. IN. izi E si,ooo to. iNeko °whist 64/I.IA ta2t prams vrtoTa maws and addaxes Le to ibis Ha7.o AR, wi th Up number that an. amt. Beta copy and sea. Sample Mailed 02113 te ats . w Smith.' Xasuactloa Book.° or "Beam at Zarw.,,,,J3wirixt%/2arl• inilicd iearV - TED _ las rm.. — .E.76.l3ihroDitt Ul4 Croaaway. now York Olth OB PKIINTIN Dancny Et Co. DEES SAMPLE to Agents. Ladles' Combination I? Needlo-twok. with Cbromos. Sand stamp. DEAN A CO., Now Evllbrd, Maas. 45-4 w. 1111/MITED—AGENTB fen the beet selling Prize SW TV [lnner, Package oat. Sample package, peat paid ferric. 13.rculare the. J. 13121118, 43-4 w, 1 . 67 Broadway. New York. A 01M9 WARTED for the PEOPLE'S JOURNAL. Pour megalaceat Chromes free. The moat liberal offer ever made. Sew' * cent *temp far amnia And wimple. P. W. ZIEGLER E. C 0,1318 Arch et. Me. 43. A GENII) WANTED : Diploma Awarded for LE HOLMAN'S NEW PICTOUVAL enema 1309 Illactratlat, Addre.. for circulars A. J. lIOLMAN ft CO.. 43-4 w. 930 Arch Et., Phlla. COPIRTAAT EMPLOYMENT- Mate or FerosW ticolg r an ' dt lus ' lllo elmlie: o re c A P lree t* r i u ddre;l with 6 sent return stamp, . C. 2068_ 43-4 w Winlameburz. N. 4. WOBIC YOB ALL At home. male or female; $33 rend . e ,Cr w le eek. day or erode:. No Capital. We eab package of goods by mall tree. Address with .1z cent return stamp, M YOUNG, 43-Iw. 173 Greenwich St., N. y ff ipasYetIOTIANDY. or R tiIIARAMO."—ROW e I liter .ex may lascinate and gain the lows and affections of any panful they chow. blatantly. This pimple mental acquirement • ll can polaris mall, for b et...together with a marriage guide Rowan Ora cle Dreams. Hints to ladiai, Wedduiss.Niv'it Shirt. etc. A 4 %Etz w r book. Addreas, T. WILLLLY C-)., P 404. Xl' %RYLAND EYE AND EAR !NATIVITY& 68 P. Cheri' Street. DaMin ore. Md. George Realisec N. D.. Late Prof . P of Eye and Far Surgery In the Wash. legion Univer•ity, Surgeon In Charge. The large handsome residence of the late Charioteer. roll has beer fitted rip with ell the Improreme• lB ednpred In the West School. of Porope. f r the !Teets.) treatment of Lble class of diseases. Apply by letter to GEORGE REULING, M. D.. 43—in Surge= In Charge. I(,;WEBYBODY'S OWN PITYSICLIN I .Ifly C W. GLEAt.ON, 311. D. A macnlflcent vol. LIMO of 408 cietavn pager—beantlfttlly Illnerated andel. eenntly bound. Contains mutter Jaet adapted to the vrante of Corry fatuity. Over tiO engravings. Doe *Runt .old h b conk+ to one week, snirber 30 to Dares days, and another 45 In four thy. Circulars free. AGENTS WANTED. dire. , at once. U. N. Mcg..NNICY CO., 713 tiatteom St., PhD, FOR coucilis. COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DIBEABES WELL'S CARBJLIC TABLETS. PET RP ONLY IN. HUM ROMN. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Draggles. 43-41. LIFE OF DR. LIVINGSTONE. A new honk. comp ole authentic and ndtahle, eon t•lnt et, hie explomtfork• and dlecoveHes In the wilds of frka re Oils at low prices to ettl! the animals° the Messiah by Rev. Wm. Id Willett. for all denomi nations. •r. eseellent work bard In • handsome styl e. Orr Fe. BIM,. am unequelted for styles &Flees. Agents Wanted to work no these nooks so open. tit t er.' terms. Address Quaker City Publishing Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. T TITTNOSTONE IS DEAD. For 90 years MHz-toss base intently watched the ...among a*Tnerlea nod GRAND achievement/. of this w , 1140 ..EleoWN2l) rirno.and now eared, deafen the enern.cre Lint! ,roar which unfaltia slaw the wealth and cnrineiries of a wild and wondertal conntry. It 1. now READY and canine To BEST aTinTTELISO. Mow AoINTS Waerzo AT ONCE. Adders. ETUBBARD TIROS., Pub!lsbprs, 723 baneom St., F1 , 11a., Pa. AGENTS WANTED roa TDB TRUE MP HISTORY TM= BROOKLYN SCANDAL The astounding revelations sod startling discourses made Jo this work are creating the most intense desire In the minds of the people to obtain It. It hives the whole Inner history or the Great Scandal. and Is the on ly foil and authentic work on the subject. It sells at right Send for terms to Agents an aWA description of the work. Address National Publishing re,. 44 4w. Phila.. Pa. P OSTPONEMENTS IMPOSSIBLE! I=l FIRST PREMIUM MORTGAGE BOND N. Y. Ilifistrial Expoglloli Co Authorised by the Leglabonv. all the State of N. Y. Premium Drawing, DECEMBER 7th, 1874. 3d Series Drawing, .1 ANUARY 4th, 1875, EVERY BOND will be redrawn!, with a premium. mean equivalent for Internat. CAPITAL PREMIUM, 1,100,000. Ad drew. for Bond, and fhli information, MORGENTILAO, BRITN. 0 dr, CO., Financial Aeenir, 43 Part Row, P. 0. Drawer, D. New . York. 41-nr. Applleationa Inc Agencies received. H AVE YOU TRIED ert3IFI.I:7I3MI3.EIL ? Weak, Nervous, or Debilitated ? Are you so languid that any exertion requires more of an effort than you Isel capable of making ? Then try .111103BEBA. the wonderful tonic and fuvtip orator, whim act. so beneficially on tho secretive or gans as to impart vigor to all the vital forces. It Is no 'catholic appetizer. which stimulates fora short time, only. to let the sufferer full to slower depth of misery. but It is a vegetable tonic acting directly on b e I I ver and eplerv. • It l'egellatell the Bowels. Quiets the nerves, and gives soch a healthy tone to the whole system as to soot. make toe reel likes new person. Its operation Is not violent. bet Is characterized by great gerllenens; the patient experisno a no sudden change. no marked result. bet oracle/ally his troubles — Nola their tent. like the Arabi, And ellen - Hy eteal away." This to no new and untried divcovery, but has been long usrd with wonder%) remedi results, and is pro. noonc d hj the highest medical autnorities, "the most powerful tonic and alterative known." Ask yonr druggist for H. For sale by JOUNB EON, HOLLOWAY & CO.. 4A-4w Pniladelphia,Pa. EMOCIIAT OEM rikwellaneons. COAL ! GOAL ! COAL ! The best Coal In ttiarket to Nitta ■t the Dunn Station. The undersigned. having WI long experience in the Coil - trade, guarantees istlifictloo. K. C. STAMP. I. R. BOLLARD. OR AT BTROUD•B OFFICE, PM too promptly attended to. Cuu be teen at E. P Stamp% eyantoge, from a to 8 o'clock.. 0. D. Stebbins Montrose, Nor. 4. '14.-4m. 11. M3II:TFI. rt. IT 9E", Would call atteution to by New Stock of FALL AND WINTER Oi;011S, Now on este, In new DR Y DOOM., LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SHAWLS. WATKR PROOFS. FLAN NELS. BALNIORAL, AND HOOP SKIRTS, VELVETS, HOSIERY, HEAVY WOOL GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS. BUFFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS AND CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, H.ARDWARE.IRON,NAILS, STEEL, STOVES AND GROCERIES, ETC. In great variety, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, and lowest pries. H. BURRITT. New Milford, Nov. 11, 1874. CHEAP CASH STORE! We pas Cash for Goods, and sell for Cant, and would recommend OPLE FROM BINGHAMTON and vir.nlty, vistung Montrose, to GIVE US A CALL before purehaalng elaegabere.aa ft Is generally admitted that we sell the same amount of Goods fog TWENTY DOLLARS that they sell in Binghamton for twenty-dee dollars New G 30113 ArrivingAvary Day! READ & STROUD Montrose. Nor. 11, '74.-13r. Throe NOW Sinn BeOkS TdAT SHOULD BE ENIVERSALY USED THE LEADER. For ChoirNlConve..tions and Singing CI . By U. R. PALMER. esabted by L. 0. Iif.MEMON Price, $14.03 per doz.. lILIS per copy THE SONG MONARCH. For Ringing .choobs. Cul:mentions, Yritlced naulezole.. ac. By 11. fL_PALMER, applsted by L. 0. EMERSON Price $7.50 per dos., 75 cis, per copy. Perkin's Anthem Book. Bet pieces. Anthems. Bymn Anthems. Sentences. Re., ha. Choirs. By W. 0. PERBINB. Price $13.511 per damn. SCRS per copy. Specimen copies rent post-paid for retail pries. OLIVER DITSON C 0.,. MOON & Co,. Boston. Irdway. N. Y. DUI "-8.1874.-ll.] Hcoinsin. •I.POSIti Titi COURT 1101211; MONTROSE. PENN' 6. JOHN S. TARBELL. PROelt. Nine Stage. and Hacks leave thle llonae daily. eon nettltut with the tlentreee Hallway. the Lehlet Valley Its Dread. nod the IL L. £ W. Ha April lot, 1813.-tL Legal Notices. 10111/OCLAXIATION.—SUSQUEFIANNA COUNTY, SS !—WILEREAS, I. M. a Below, Sherif:l'ot said County, having been informed Or the existence of such contrivance's for the catching of fish as are commonly called or known as fish baskets, eel wires, kiddies, bush, or fascine nets, and other permanently set means of taking fish, in the nature of a sieve, in some of the atreams end rivers in aid county Now, in pursuance of the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the 24tti day of may, A 1). 1871, notice is hereby given that such contrivances are known to exist, and are declared by the said Act com mon nuisances; and the owners or managers of any of the above named contrivances are here by ordered to dismantle the same, so as to ren der them no longer capable of taking or injur ing the fish of the streams of whatever kind in said Susquehanna county, within ten days from the date of this notice ; and if, at the e - ofration of said ten days, the dismantling shall not have taken place, 1 shall proceed to destroy and dismantle the name In the manner provid ed for in said Act of Assembly. M. B. flexatz. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, Oct 14, 1874. AUDITOR'S NOTICE —The undersigned. an Audit or appoiuted by the Court of Camino , : Pleas of qm-banns Conuty. to distribute the Mous In the Sher- Era hands ariolog hum the sale of real estate of Martin Conrad, will attend to the duties of his op points/lent at his Uhler in Montrose. on Monday, Nov. 171. la:4 at 7 o'clock. p. m. •t Which time and platen)] persons interested in said funds must present their claims or'be forevernabarrea from coming ir on said fund. W. LE JESSUP, Auditor. Montrose. Oct. 21, 157/. 4d—w4. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—In the estate of WO. st Utz , deceased. lettere of Admits's- Dation in the raid estate baring been granted to the undersigned, all persona owing said estate, are requested to make immeduite sayment, and per eons baring claims lumina said estate .oe reqneated to present them without delay. SARA'S! L. DIY, t J. H. lat tilt, Adminiarators. Ararat, Oct. 41, -we pd. EEcirrows NOTlCE. Whereas lettere testamen tory to the estate or EN Oreanry late of Bridge water tuaroship,dre'd. have been glauted to the ender slp.d. all potWati Indebted to Said 4 State, are r guest Co to MAW, bettnetiale payment. and muse bowleg claims against •oe UMW, aro yew/mood to ;men them without AB[ ELY, Bieutour. Brooklyn. Oct. 10, 1874. —we myrics ...The Supervisors I Springville LL tots noble), ensrptensone .13.411. ben by give DO lice, Out 'hos inten t to apply to tho fl -IL General As setebly of l'oninfornins. lot the elisainrot al a law egttUni e•aiu Ae. to eboog. lb., umoOrt God Mode of I, pairing rows in ton tesruship tit 'prier - ilk, in the nici noway of IS inonsuns."lot uNocis sot toctli Its UNA. tiffignrithift arm 4ert,
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