EAftM PO_ HOUSEHOLD Plowing hod The manurial value of a sod plowed beneath the surface very much depends upon the manner iti which it is turned ander. If the furrow is turned in a eon tinuout strip unbroken and made to lap npoti the 'prectetlitig furrow, the utmost valueirf :tite bud is securecL For it, icon. I ly as it becomes decomposed and fornisli es food.for the isucceeding crop that it is of any value. If the furrow is irregu larly turned anti broken into fragments a large portion of the sod is unburied ; :t simply dii s upon the surface and re mains useless. Besides a furrow turned furnishes a poor seed-bed because ;t ie not comp:tot and solid. On the nott• trary, a prop,rly turned sod forms an ex celen t seed-b. d. The aurlace of the field when plowed: forms a 8111CC810171 of ridges of soil' exactly parallel with each other. When these ridges are burros ed down the sod beneath is not torn up, but is evenlv coveted with aline layer of soil 'usual' ifeient depth to form a seed-bed beneath, .where there is stored every particle of the d in the best condition to furnish fond for the young plants. the roots of which penetrate the soil "exactly where their f:od lies. • Unfortunately we possess few plows that are capable ..t turning such a furrow ais desired. The mould-boards of our plows are in general too sheath turn a per teetly unbrokez furrow. The better tartn• leg of our neighbors, the Canadians, and Vie English farmers, is to some extent due to the extreme care with which they plow. especialv sod hold. With ns the yield of corn depends greatly upon the manner in which the awl is plowed, and the kind of plow we use becomes a very im portant consideration. The ,plow we recommend fur this purpose, is an iron beam English one, of the Scotch pattern, haring a share about four feet long. Its great length enables it to turn the fur rows with perfect r. gularity, leaving the soil in the best condition.—.lgricufturist. Illoweaulde Bug". ——o— There is in every 11,es:hold a great quan tity of worsted and flannet pieces that are of small account and can he of no crevice as garmen's, but if Paved they can be ren dered useful and beautilut in the mann fixture of hearth rugs or mats, to lay Le kre bureaus, sofas or organs . Take a piece of hemp sackings, and draw some pretty design in the centre—a bouquet of flowers, a wreath, or some shinial ; mark a border with nchain or heraldry patter.; sew the canvas into a frtme like quilting frame , only smaller, so as not to occupy too much room ; have a hook made like a crotchet hook or needle, oue can be maufactured easily by taking a purisol brace and filing the end into a proper form ; cut the scraps of cloth into strips of half an inch in width—if thin fa brie make it wider ; pass the hook through the canvas with the right hand, have the cloth under the frame in the left hand, insert a loop on the hook, and draw it to the upper side about ahree-fourths of an inch ; leave about two threads apace and close another loop ; regard the selection of colors,.so as to shade them nicely, and keep the foam of your pattern— it is quite. easy and tacinating work : work the figures first, and then draw in the filling up or ground work with some hrnten nr t after evenly but not too close, and you hare a fine substantial, durable rug, that will last a lifetime, and du more service and be prettier than an imported article that would cost anywhere frAn ten to thirty dollars ; and the best of ail is, that it iE homemade.—Country Gentleman. Salt and Its Office —o— II one modern a g ricoltnral writers have doubted the nece.sity of giving animals salt ; and yet most. persons put salt In their own plating and= allow their cattle N 1 little now and then. The wild buffalo and deer fr, qn-n t the salt licks of !Corth Western America ; the wild animals in the central putty et S nth .Africa are w ire prey to the hooter who (...tinroiS himself behind a salt spring ; and our domestic: rattle run ergs-rly to ii e hand that offer. :hem a taste t.t this luxury. From time tram.-nt..risl it ha: beer known that without salt man would mis .)rably perish ; and among other horribl, puntshmenta t p-riatn death :hat of feeding criminals on saltless food IS stud to have preluded iu barborou. times. Maggots and' curruption ore !no -ken of by a,cient writ re as the d'st ass ing symptoms which sa'tless food engen ders ; but no ancient or uneh mical mod em could expla.n how such sufferings' arose: Now we know the cause. Upward of half the saline matter in the blond(s7 per c,nt.) consists of common salt ; and OS this is partly discharged every day through the skin and kidneys, the twee's- sity of containing supplies of it in the heik ty body le ow, a suiricieuzly obvious Sheep iVarhlng. --o-- In the English Agricultural Gerette. in an article headed "A S Pep Run D. _New Zealand." by James A. H. Caird, we see described a fine wool-shed and Sheep washing apparatus, on one of•the eta lions, which seem very efectual : "To supply the sheep wash in summer, several great reservoirs bare been made by 4amming up a small stream in three or four places. The sheep are washed in 7sot water with soap in it, then they go under shower baths of cold water. from which Abey emerge generally as white as. silo* ; fhis is called spout-washing. An other way of Washing sheep is called bat tery-washing; in this, after leaveing the hot miter bath, the sheep goes into a box 'With a platform that mores op and - down From both sides of the box cold water is turned on through narrow horizontal slats - with emense force, so arranged that when the platform is moved up and down no part of the animal escapes the shower,"j Char:es Prince, of Livonia, hay lost three cows by eating clover , chaff, and several others in that vicinity have died from the same cause. The last cow of Mr. Prince's that died was opened and her stomach was found to be full of chaff which seemed to be baked' harb,and there was no queati /11 SB to the cause of her *ea. So says the Nauda News.. • • 'Eor catarrh in horses feed warm Iran -mashes and scalded oats, and give pow dered gentian root and sulphur in the feed. Keep in a warm, well ventilated tctable. Penilaylrattik has flyer fini. hundred and Elly ikst-uniFticacu. HMOROUS. Loire's Labor Lost. Mr. Bellows bid beeiipaying attention to young Miss Snively fur some time,- and a few evenings ago he called for the purpose of making a formal proposal. Miss Snively, it would appear, has had other and rather unfortunate love affairs in the past, and a melancholy experience has made her singularly cautious. After talking with her fer a while, Bellows hemmed and hawed and blushed, then suddenly seizing her band, he was about to plump the question right oat when Miss Snively interrupted him, "Ah, excuse me for asking you, Sir. Bellows, tint are yon going to propos: ?" Amazed and somewhat bewildered, Mr. Bellows replied:, "Well I—that is I should say that— that I did, perhaps, cherish some—some —as it were, some—idea, that is to say— ' well, yes." -oh,very well, "rejoined Miss Snively' "very well ; but just wait a moment, please, while I call my runt down stairs." ' ll it m h-wh-what for ? atk d Bel:ows in astonishment. "Why so that I can have a - witness in care I'm obliged to sue von for breeh of promise,of vourse. The last man who pro. posed got off ;bnt I reckon you won't if I know bow to tht things. Waits minute." And then, es Miss Snively went ont in search of her aunt, Bellows emerged into the entry and glided through the front door. And, mashing his bat down over his eyes, he dissipated his love's young dream, stilled Ws grief, bit off an inordi nately large piece of tobacco and went home to bed. Miss Snively will not sue. A Hard Joke. —o-- The Kansas City Villa published an extra containing telegrams from the Louis ville lottery,ratinonucing the number ot the tickets drawing the capital prizes. Some of these extras found their way to Olathe, Kansas. There some wicked wig renumbering that the following day was All Fool's day, conceived the idea 4 Play ing a yractical joke on the devotees of Fortune of that burg who ',ere holding tickets in the Louisville lAtery. He took a copy of the extra t. the printing office and bad a large number struck off, add ing the numbete to the coupons held in O'athe. These were distributed through the towii. The number 3,028 was pub fished ott drawing the $75,000 prize. This ti c ket was held by a club of ten persons. It was soon discovered by one ot those interested ; the coupon brought forth, and there was the No. 3.028 as drawing $75,000. The club was immediately called together. The scex t e can better be imag ined than desenbel Each member sup posed himself the possessor of $7,500 (no trifling sum these hard times.) They laughed, almost cried. They shook hands and embraced each other. They began speculating as to what use they should put their sudd. nip acquired wealth. Some, proposed to erect elegant mansions ; oth ers would take a trip to Europe. Visions of luxury and ease danced before them, and just while in the midst of their re joicing and hilarity an unfeeling wretch shouted. "April fool I April fool !" The effect beggars description. Indescribable blankness sat upon every countenance. From the mountain top of worldly honor and bliss at one dash they fell into the Til ley of hopeless doverty. They tell a story of a jolly sugar plan te. who , in the days of spice and shivery, found himself in New Orleans with the i.roci ells of his crops in his poeketa anx ions t, incest then in the uursuit of hap. pawls. Having duly prim. d himself at the St. Charles, he was wandering along the streets in search of a faro bank, when his attention was attracted by an Italian who was turning the crank of his hand or an, on top of which danced a number f puppets, one of which held a elate fur contribution.. Taking this fora Doe. eh game of chance, the planter, wholly nest phisticated and more than half ine briated, resolved to buck the tiger, and plucA aAS piece on the plate. The Italian. ground on, the figures dexterous tilted the money into a basket, the Italian sol emnly placed it in his pocket. "Here pee to get even," said the planter, as he planted a ten, which stared the same fate. "Fifteen out ; here's a twenty." The impermeable Italian pockoted the twenty at d still turned the crank. The disostec . planter departed with the remark : Well,l never was lucky but blamed if ever I si.e a game before where all the percent age was in favor of the dealer !" ..-.--",...01..•••••-• A Novel Co:viewed. _o_ Moonlight nights—shady groves—two lovers--eternal fidelity—young lady rich —young man poor—great obstacle— young man proud—very handsome--veq smart—sure to be wealthy—young lady's father very angry—won't consent--moth er intercedes—no go—rich rival—very ugly—very hard hearted—lover in a bad 6x—won't part—lie first—moonlight again—garret window opens—rope ladder —flight—pursuit—too late—marriage-- old man in a rage—won't forgive them— disowns them—old man gets sick—sends for his daughter—all forgiven—all made up—young man getting rich—old man dies—young couple get all the money— five in the old mansion—quite comforts, ble—hUve some little cbildren—mnob happiness—finis—Danbury Newt. WHAT HE Icsx.—A few years since they prevailed Chicago a speculator in grain the boldness and magnitude of whose op erations were worthy eren of that city. This gentleman, Mr. Richard had gone into one cornering operation in wheat by which be became slightly "hurt" In alluding to it a few weeks ago he re marked with characteristic blandness and Fran knees— "I lost in that Epeculation one million five hundred thousand dollars, and the worst of it was that 'fifteen hun • dred dollars of it was good. money that I put in on the start l'" A young lady who entered a Broadway music store, and asked theyouug man in attendance, "Have you Happy Dreams ?' was astonished when be replied' "No ma'am, I'm mostly troubled with the nightmare." He didn't know why she went out so hurriedly andslatamed the door after her.. " "Do try and talk a little common apse !" exclaimed a sarcastic young lady to her suitor. "Ohl but that would be taking an unfair adicantage of you," was • the Filly. 4111 When n Indy !Mut t , h a t 6 ? a r . a . .4z! 0. Y.. , )n rrt n! hr nn.IER 4i atacellaneous. - 12ILUNGS QTROUD, Amaral 1 INSURANCE AGENT, 1, TaeosaArCommo. Nwes. Capital Represented. .146,090,000 MBE, LIM AND ACCIDENT ntausuroz : Home Int. Po.. N. Y., Capital and Simplot. s4,tio,oeo Ilartford Piro lna..Co..f.aptialanddarplua 4 , 3,000,004 Li rrrpool, London .4; Olobo " $20,000,001 Ins. Co.. of North America " 113450,000 Peon. F Ire ins. Co, Philr" . 81.21u.0ie National. Yhll'a. " $300,000 Ins. Co., Sento of Pa nita ' " .. Union Mutual •41 L 4 rooming Sire herragansett,P.orldeuce,lt. E. Merchants' Clay. of New Port, Sty. Newtown of Backs Co. Aim:amnia of Cleveland, Lancaster litre In,. Co. Fire Asaociatlun of Phila. Home In.. Co—Columba*. 0., " Lehigh Wiley Fire. Allentown. " Milan's' Piro Ins Newark, N.. 1." Booth Blde Alemmanla of Pittsburg. " The understood Is SPECIAL AO ENT for the follow: tog comvanies for Northern Pennsylvania: Firs Association of Philadelphia. National Me Insurance Company or PhiliAlPh_ic The Insurance Co. of the State of Peillghlinia.al Philadelphia. Xii I TF• ZI . Conn. Marcel Life Ina. Co., Amens American Life. Phil•s. $4,600,000 .a.oolcrizasTir. Passenger* MUMRailTrav w ele ay rs Ins.Cet.Mart.ford,Capplael Sniplass2.Cal.CCO Thenndersagned bajbm yell 'mown In this eonnty.fer the past nyean,as an Insegnee Agent. Losses enstetned by Ms Comoslntes have .Iways been promptly pald. tarOftlee Arstdooreast from Bulldog °Mee or W a, Cooper a co.adrsplke mt. MouttoSS.PL BILLIBIGS suoup, Agent CHARLES 11. emir% solltitom Illonanain. - Dee. SC Im. mer ce Coats DEALERS IN FLOUR, GROCERIES, and PROVISIONS, • scaly STREET, AGraastx.c•mic.. Isis. Jane IS, 103—tf. THE LVDEPENDEST Sewing Machine ! TIIE 0118.kTELT AI.:III.EVRit Jai T OF Tax AGE I Sews from lint One Spool of Thread. It has but six working parts, is noiselers. and sews mum rapidly than any 3111Liktlot to am Mirka, Has a self-setting Straight Needle A FIUST•CLASS 111ACILe18 A BLACh WALNUT TABUS FOR $35. ". saaa.Us , VVeliaa t a cl . tntND MR CI R SIZE INDEPENbrm sEwING &AMINE C( Dec. 24, ma, EAGLE COAL 1 7- AEI)! At Coon's Crossing. (N=llollll of the Montrose Ma 14.44) Mllse Meat Coa.l Ever offered to the people of 'Montrose and Vielnhy, signed guarantee had long experience In the busineea, the undo, ge'ran'l'dein't6cor.'"alliYrteezlA°. free PLUCT.S—Terms eapb: Eoo, Ei.6o. Sroys, $1.80• CIILVIIWIN $4.80. 0. D. STEBBINS & CO. Feb. IL 18 4.-tf. W.lo"Vcr .V"I3E1.3111 In Lanesboro. HOBERT & MAIN, I.V.lfileZl,l"troTtPitlTTl:Ol prepared NEOli 1011111 E 3 BlacismithiiE FROM A WHEELBARROW TO A COACH. REPAIELNO IN ANY PANT OP THE BUSINESS will receive prompt atter. toe. HOBERT O. Rim Lanesboro. Pa.. Oct. 15. Marble Works. a. H. }Worn. i 0 8. Buzau. I a.O. 13sasinsf —o— MARBLE WORKS. (Emma= re Mel BARNES BROS. & BODING, DEALERS IN AND NANDPAdTIMEIIB OP Ntaliau & Amtrican*atblco, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH DRANITES, _Marble and Slate Mattes, 26 Clienango St., Near Depot, Dar 34. 1873. EMIR DAIMON. N. Y. BINGHAMTON MARBLE WORKS. ALL 8t WS OP MONUMENTS. EtEADSTONES, AND MARBLE MANTLES, 314. DE TO ORDER.. Also.. SCOTCH. GRANITES on , hand. PECICCIVING , is CO., J. mum° I.°o Court Street, 0. wanraszn6tr. 4. P. ;MOWN. BErigbatotort, Y 1:(1: THE BOTTOM Sias Fallon Oat of 1, - .) stinonno scow ow two.= 450,000 180,000 800 .000 400,000 800,000 0,000.000 soo.ono 100,040 SOO. 1.40. 403,004 C. B. PERRY & CO.'S, BINGHAMTON, N. Y An Immense Stock Just Bought from THE GREAT FAILURES of Now England, at prices CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE KNOWN INagtuniton. No•. 12.1M.-tf 3EC. 3ErCr .IFLX9Eur , Would call atteoUon to bts Now Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, 10,27 00D29 LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SHAWLS, WATER-PROOFS, FLAN NELS, BALMORAL, AND fIOOP SKIRTS, VELVETS, HOSIERY, HEAVY WOOL GOODS, CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS. BUFFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS AND CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, HARD W A RE.I RON ,N A I LS, STEEL, STOVES AND GROCERIES, ETC. In great vanety, and will he sold on the most favorable terms, and lowest priLea. H. BURRITT. New Millard, Jan. 213th. 1874. pAINTS /CND OILS A FINE STOCK AT B. IL LYONS Sc Co.'s Montrose, Xs; 11. OM. C aIIPETS. —Less than N. Y. Prices— May 11, '7B, For So', by B. 72. LYONS 4 Co. fariscocierle, Bial:bamton, N. Y WALL IND WINDOW PAPERS. A Large Stock, And New Pattern* Reretved Elm Week hired* From the lanutheiory. B. R. LIONS 8. CO. S roc.cbl Ty/a.z. a es,cll. and Jo'n Ciark'a Spoof Thread Witae Black. and Colored—from Nu. 8 to So. VA at 73 .n/toner dozen. Pan rain by IL R. LYONS A: tO Montrose, )14. ti, Imn,-4f p ROCLA 2 SA*TION 1 yeAll ,good petmle having anything to do be fore the Honorable Judges of «hat is good eat and drink come loath and give your attend anon, and your wants shall be supplied; and al men and rumen who are summoned as Juror to try the good qualities of our goods please no swer to your names at first call and save you; lines. And know ye all that A. N. BULLARD is constantly receiving large additions to has dock of Choice Greet:Tits and Provision, such a: Wheat and Buckwheat, Flour, Corn unit Oat Meal, crushed Wheat and Graham Flour.'lams. lard, and fish, dried fruit. and herries.fresli fruits and vegetables of all kinds, their season.) sugars, (manic.) also molasses and syrup, teas and coffee, of the very best qualities, s l ices, soaps, salt, crackers, and cheese, raisins, figs, geletine candles, candles and nuts, books and stationery, yanked notions, tobacco and Lii„nirs, canned goods, a yew large stock of thu very best qualities, and all at extremely low prices for cash or ready pay. A. N. BULLARD. 3fontrose. Jan. 7th 1874. C1D21 , 2m:1;1;7:1_, , i,1310).iN, PIANOS & ORGANS, At L. B.Usbell's Jewelry Stuild. Where* larger and Antler stock of the following , goods wall he found than elsewhere In Northern Pennsylvania: PINE Atizawert WATCHES JEWELRY a CLOCKS, SOLID SILVER A PLATED WARE, ELNDS,) FLUE TABLE CUTLERY, (OF ALL DIAMOND SPECTACLES, end i gem crates tortatent of quotes' Merchandise, . Sheet Id .de, 'Mlle String., etc.. etc. All Floe Welch &pelting Sewing Mathieu and Ot. dorm, as anal.] by gene Repaired by L. it. Isbell. B. llethaish. Isbell & Victibuish. dept.lo. 1672.-Iy. /itxmlrois, Pa. V . IISCEIION & BIIOTTIEII, General Undertakere DEALERS•L*7 ALL HINDS OF COF FINS, CASKETS, ETC., 43-1‘.111.431.,T UZlp,T3D.Wiogis-weet " &UMW PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. * z►, tort—u. V: Imo" & Sao. Clothing, etc. fiNt fga Now 00 sale, In new Miscellaneous and ether At Law Flores at rfemi rt! nEnn re! Drugs and tedicines. a pmelyVeget preparau.... made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal pro- perties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is the causal of the unparalleled success of Vrxsout Brr- Tsns? " Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recov era his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vntross %Trims in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic , relieving Congestion dr In flammation of the Liver and VisccralOrgans, in Bilious Dise..a' If men will enjoy good health, let them use Waxman Bcrums as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants in every form. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyer by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vniuosn Brrricas the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking bystem. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermit. tent Ferem, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mis sissippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Bra zos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah,Roanoke,James,and teeny others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during this Summer and Au tumn, and'remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no catlutrtic for the purpose equal to Dn. J. Wataxis's VINEQUI BrrrEas, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restor ing the healthy facetious of the digestive organs. spepsis or Intl igestion, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bil ious A ttacks,Palpitation of the Heart,lnfilam• Elution of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bot Lie will prove a bet er guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or Ring's Et il, White Swel lings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Merenrial Affections, Old Sorel, Ezations of the Skin, Sore Eyes, thniaiDiseases, WiraLsmis Vctnasn Brrrens have shown their great cdrative powers in the most obstinate and 'intractable cases. For lallannuatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters hays no equal. Sash Diseases are caus2cl by Vitiated Blood. Methanical Diseases. Persona en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such an rlumhers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, an they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard, against this, take a dose of Wen's Van-. Loan Btrri..rs occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tatter, Saltltheam, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pus tules, Bells, Carbauelc.% Itingworms, Scald Read, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Smarts, Diseetorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dng up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurk. lagm the system of so many thousands, are effecttudly destroyed and removal. No sys tem of medicine, no venninges, no anthel- MinitiCA gill free the system from worms liko these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of worn. auhood or the turn of life, these Toni* Bit ters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Jaundice.—ln all cases of jaundice, rest Assured that your liver is not doing its work. The only serutiblo treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor its re moval. For this purpose use VIHEILLII Brn 31}3.3. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples,Eruptions, or. Sores; cleanse it when you lnd it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your fenlings will tell you when.' Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. B. 111..71cDONALD & CO., I,lrnrl. and per. Waalle.Aou Lied Quenon Rt. New York. Bold by all Druggists and Dealero. Sept. ltrth. IYB —ly. 1 ABEL TURRELL, DRUGGIST, Tacsamve - ratele. Is continually reselvlng NEW GOODS, and keep. con. thstally on band a full and desirable award:mot assn. nine DitUthi, MELIeINES, CHEMICALS, VoinuOlile Dyes! ulTs t 6pme, and tabor grunoriaa etude. were, wallpaper. glase.ware. fruit Pus, toirsors,'lnsups, chimneys. km:wells'. =lnhaler, elle, tal.ntre• oil. neat.. foot ull. reload Whale till , oil for labterne, oil for s.wln4 machine:, Olive 01 I,Spertn tot, spirits Turpeo• On e.lf arnlahca.Canarytieed, V inegar.Poinsh. Cub con totted Lye. Azle grease, Trusses. supperterOittlicro fustrtimants.Shoutder Brace*, Whits, Guoe, Pistol, Cartridges, Powder. Shot, Leack,fL oh Cape, diastint Powder and Pose, Vlulabs,Striups Lturre,etc. Vidor*, Fifes.ete.,SlahllookrafdLlDer4Enr.ll.l TollatSonpr Carr Oil.. Hair Restorers. and flair Dyes. Dresher, Pocket K0h1,., Speetaelso, Sliver and silver Piste. Spoons, Ports.Knir ea, Sc., partial A:deles. a getter al aszortment of FANCY 00CDS, JEWELRY. sod PERFUMERY All theleading and best Mud. ut • PATENT 81EDICINES. The people are Invlta to call at the Drag sod Variety Store of ADEL TOMO:LI. Pet). 1, In& XatabilahedlB4B Miscellaneolii, S. S. CAMPBELL & CO. VllOl2 4j.Z 1143vr4crrattani Ol PINE, 'PLAIN AND taasSES CANDY. Importers and Decers In 'FOREIGN fi=IIITB Ntrs,te Fire Works Constantly on Hand. Nos. 422 *arkot Bt. and 1172tarchstin St. Phil's Ilareb /6,1974. w. p LASTER ! PLASTERS We hi:Lilian unto supply of 6inii;t:Plaitter op kited M. circle • 'TIFFANY warn. Drrot. Much le. Drugs and Zedichiesi CONSIr 'PEON which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand-, and preparation, as hag been' proved by the hundreds of testimonialS received by the . proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many proMinent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in» troduced for the relief and cure of all Lunn' complaints; and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of•aver forty years. When resorted to in season it dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis; Croix Whoopinc: Cough, ap, . ,431/... 16 agn, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar s Balsam does not dry up A Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. • • - PISUPACIED DT BETE W. FOWLE SONS, Bortan, 2Bq And sold by Droursts and Dealers geerally!. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For the relief and cure of all derange. merits Inthe Item. aria, liver, and bow. eLs. They are a Mild Mra11•44% aperient, and an t excellent purgative. „ Being purely sego. table, they contain no mecca:For mine rat whatever. Much t serious sickness and • aufthring II prevent ed by their timed y use; and every fo,rnily should have them on band for their protection awl relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be the oaf -4,1, surest, and best of all the Pills with which the market abounds. By their Occasional use, the blood is ruined, the corruptions of the *yr tem expelled, obstructions removed and Wp whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by Ayerrs Pills, and stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease Is changed into health, the value of which char when reckoned on tho vast multitudes who en oy It, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coat g makes them pleasant to take, andpreserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly Although searching. they are mild and operate without disterbance to the constitution, er diet, or OccOption. Full directions are given on the wrapper to ggy:jtgx t ply So ipso them ea a Fan:Ar):W . Pins rapidly cure:— wy For Dyspepsia or Indlocuflon.Lbrarell. semi. Languor awl Loss of Appetlte.thef should be taken moderately to stimulate the atom. itch, and restore its healthy tone and action. Far Liver COMphlini and Ito various symp. toms, Diller. Headache, /Heti head. lack.. Jaundice or Green Sickneus, lona Colic and Milano revere, they should be judicionsly taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which came It. For Dysentery or Illarrbeea, but one mild dose 1.1 generally required. For Abysm:autism. Goat, Gravel, Pal. Dimness tke Arum, Pala in tit. Slide. Back anti Lobes, they should be contin uously taken, an required, to Grange the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Uromiessil fiervitlOrrs, they should he taken In large and frequent dolma to produce the effect of a drastic purge. „, For Suppreaalon, a large dote should he taken, ts it produces tho desired effect by Dray putty. As a Dinner Plfl, take One or two Pitts to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates tbs system. Hence it Is often advantageous when no serious derangement exists. Ono who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Pills makes turn feel decidedly better, ftmwthetx cleansing and renovating effect on the cllgestlys apparatus. mctuaso ny Dr..r. C. ACTED 6 CO., Practical Chen,lats, LOWELL, MASS., 11. 8. d. ; TM BALL DT ALL Dauccusts EVEIITWID:BII4 r z4 , - , .: , 11.0 - 71 0 vx. -, VEGEMBLE SICIIII3 - i. \MU 1 V.,"'. 42LIA: Nurcvn. 11141.", e; HAIR .-- 11.,_- - .0 ,e.....-,-,‘,....--=-'•-__ Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation ; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfect ed preparation for restoring GRAY ORFADED HAIR to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff., and, by its tonio prop. orties, prevents the hair from falling oat, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and. stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco nomical Hem Danssnra ever used, as. it requires fewer applications, andgives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, State Assayer ofMassachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and care fully selected for excellent quality; and consider it the BEST P/LEPA• RATION for its intended purposes." Bitt Ivan Drugglds, and Dealers Ds 21[04 Aq. react One 04.15 r.. ' • Buckingham's Dye. von THE masprcas. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a. time;•and, too mach care, to restor gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared :this dye, in ens preparation _ ; which mill quylify and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a, colt* which will neither rub nor wash oT. Sold by all Druggists. , Price Fifty Cents: IlfsaUfactured by R. P. HALL. 4 co., zresatra. N.U. H,IND BLLLS PRINTED AN 'IIIIB .county B,!usinot9s-Dlitetory, two data fa this Dltettotr, one ear, $1.504 /sal ad altional Ilse, as east.. • • ; • - ;' ;DIONTROSE ; ` Jialit E. CAICItAt.T. Attorney at Lew. (Mice elm door tend TdtbBll Upon. rablie Avenue. a WM. dobesre .t CO.. Denten. Bell Verelgn Pu sage Tickxts andDralte on Snitand. Ireland and 14411, land.* . BILLINGS STRGUD. Gemara Plea and Life (prat" alma Apol. ; ateo , iell ltallroto and AtchlettTliketr td Ydrk and Philadelphia. °Mee one dooreast either Bank. • ' • W3l: nAtuntwout, Slater, Wholesale and lletaL dealer In all kinds of Wets roo9n;, .Nostrosc, Pa. • BURNS NICIIOLS. the place tn get Bregaandidedl clans: blgers, Yollseco, Pipes. Pocket. Books, Specta cles Yankee Notion*: &C. Brick Block. • WM. L COX, Hammel =Oar rod dealer In all irtleled novelly kept by tho trade, oppoalte the Bank. • BOYD k CORWIN. Dealers In Stores, Hardware: and Mennfacturere of Tin and eheettron wars. corn et of Id ern and Ternplke attest. &. N. BULL:A.IW, Dealer In uroeerfee, ProlLtoa• Books, Stationery and Yankee Helton/6 in kelt& Public Avenue.* NEW MILFORD. L. L.LitiOlt. Drain! lit all kinas of farming Davis: manly. messing machine,. well] curbs. dog powers; , Dale St., appetite Saving, Bank. Lem* CAYUG4 PLASTER—NICHOLAS StrOE3ISEEB.desz; er In genuine Cayuga Plaster. Fresh ground. SAVI?,4OII BADS, NEW MILFORD.—fix per cent. lei tercet on all Deposita. Duo a general Banking Bei nes.. -nil-ft b,ll. pien A. F. WEBER. Carnage Slater and Undertaker. 1 Main titneet. tiro doors net er Henley's Store. SicCol.Lint BiIOTIMBS. Dealers in Granules ad Provisional on Main etreeL• I.GARRET .t. SOD. Dealers In Flour. Feed. teili Salt, Lime. Cement. Groceries and Proving:la rut Male Street. on.poalto the Depot. •AINEY db FIAtZIEN. IJimers in Drags andSfedfleg th and Manufacturers of Cigars. on Ba Street. tai 'ho Depot T. incitgnuaN. ia., Dealer in general merthandisa and Clothing. Brick Store. on Men Street. GIBBON. • U. If. TI lalLST—Deater In Stoves. Tin. Copper. !Was and Shoetiron Ware, CllPtillr../te. Also, mannfnetnt er of She.•t Met al. to ander, Eva "fronghand Lead Pisa business attended to at tale prleea—Glbsaa Ballo*. Pennarlvarda.-17. GREAT 'BEND L. B. LENIIPIIM. Manufacturer of 'Lennie?. and drain . In.georral Merenandlra. on Maln Street.* CI. P. DORAN. Merchant Tailor and dealer In Real Made Cluthl ng. Dry Cioods,(lrocerfas and Provhdoas ' Main Street.• Zhcellaneons. HAllltiVo 2d42 Mfi.2lBo TIIRVAIR BOYD & CORWIN, Corner of lain and Toropika 3ts., DdXOI.I , VrIFLO6ZI, 3'Y`OV~~f, IR' AND SHEET-IRON WIC Builders' Hardware, CUTLERY, ETC., Thnnke to Otlf Friends for Vast Favor' tre %Mehl he nine thankful .o one and 01 who knov, thiee h.tre qns , lt led gcchuntp with tu.ll they would call .n 4 .ett le by she mldtgle of March toxt. Vet, 4. SOUTH SAVINGS MK, 120 Wyoming Avenue, RECEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT FisoM coMPANIEs AND INDIVID LIAL:s, AND REt URNS 111 E SAME UN DEMAND WItHOUT PREVI OUS NOTICE. ALLON% ING INTER- Es I' AT SIX PER CENT. PER AN NUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY, ON THE .FIRST DAYS OF JANU ARY AND JULY. A SAFE AND RE LIABLE PLACE OF DEPOsIT FOR LABORING MEN, MINERS,ME CHANIC-;. AND MACHINISTS. AND FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS WELL. MONEY DEPOSITED ON Ott BEFORE THE TENTH WILL DRAW IN PEIIEST FROM THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. THIS Is IN ALL RESPECTS A HOME IN sTrruTioN, AND ONE WHICH IS NOW .RECEIVING THE SAVED EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF SCRANTON MIN. ERS AND MECHANICS. DIRECTORS; JAMES M.A . % SANFOED-GRANT, GEoI:GE Fl 1 . ER, JAS. S. SLOCIIM, J. H. SUTPII N U. P. MATTUEWS, DANIEL IRA . ELL, A. E. HUNT, T. F. HUNT, JAMES BL AIR. PRESIDENT; 0. C. MOORE, cAsIIIER. OPEN DAILY FROM NINE A. M. UNTIL FOUR P, M., AND ON WED NESDAY AND SATURDAY EVE. NINGE UNTIL EIGHT O'CLOCik. Feb. 12. 11373.—Di NEW GOODS, T h :ei tin t e. :d .i ro e . d otobrae'l, rrd ttea , E l er Moibjerieaotpitrgalles(d'eeisrat=ll?""° fern DRY GOODS! GROCERIES? BOOTS if SHOES! HARDWARE!! CROCKERY! ceci,cfc._ • As can be found elieirhete, and at as 'Desirable Prier* 0.14. Crane. Lainville Vatter.. IsrA, FIRE, .LIFE; 41ND ACCIDENI Insurance Agency. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER Inomoo,epL. C. 11. SMITH, - ktouttime. P.. Dec. IS. laTh. Bows noun, n°7R Vor sale the store et Witniediticett Li. no.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers