n t. ," ' . , 1 , f u: ...- u E. B HAWLEY & Co., Proprietors. VOLUME 30. SELECT POETRY; THE MOST AT -o It was nightfall in the city, There was silence on the street, alai anon the sound of sobbing, And the tmad of hurried feet; Sluggish wings of mist were stirring Through the pestilential air, A.nd.the meek cross bearers perished Fri= their sacrifice and prayer. ' the dull and hissy. twilight . Lay a boy of tender years, Where the scourge was knocking hourly For its dole of death and tears; andlie felled hfapalid mother - Through the shadows to his side, While his lace was like a vision. trf the tams glorified. •2Lave 'had a dream," he whispered "Just the snitingesi Mit could be— That Lehouldn't die like Neil tuiddl but yitu and rue; ' 4 For 1 &tailed= angel stratchmtm,, Willi 11'68 . 111110 soft anti White, Walked through ailino streets at midnight Mamma; will - bit Came tamightl" Then the wan and weary mother Hushed her child to quiet sleep, With a solemn - wonder dawning Of the watch the angels keep; And she listened as one listens To the music of a bell; Thmugh the rushing of the river -To watchman's cry, 'till's well!" It was morning, and the people, In the hushed and reverent air, Bowed to earth in silent rapture— Touched the sign of healing there. For the Angel of tho City Over every threshold crossed, With a silver veil of moonlight, And the footsteps of Cho frost. Amur. Himassarr MISCELLANEOUS READING. The Ventriloquist on the Deck. Quite an exciting time, says a reporter of the Cleveland Hemld, occurred at one of our wharvfa recently. , The liana of one cif our steamers were engaged in rolling off a cask, when to the surprise and consternation of the persons performing that operation, a voice was heard in• ide the atsk. "Ro I is trey; thes , :platkung nails lihr ratiwr pay up my passage than stun 51.1.1:tbitt7, _ 'Holding up their hands, their eyes ex. pit ding to the size of two saucers, the two lal,orers ex&s.oned— "That Seats Dickens!" The mate. coming up at this moment, and unaware: of the panic of delay, emu mowed scolding them for their dilatori ness, when from within thecask the voice came forth : , • nobody i , Met me out: of this r e:4k." ‘'What's That?".said the-mate. -"Why, it's me," Euid the voice. "I min . t to get out; I won't stana this'any longer.' • ',Upend the &ask," said the mate. "No, don't,' you'll kiil me;" said the voice. "0, limv these nails prick ! Look out—don't!" again said the casked-up in dividtial. as the men were turning it over. "U roper," said the mate, "uulanal that casivantl take out that man." As the adze sundered the hoops, and the head was coniing out, the voice aguill broke forth : "Ile easy, now ; is there any one about? I don't wan't to be caught." Quite a crowd had gathered round no. scene of action, when a low guttural laugh tiroke, forth, which made our stand on end, and the cask wasfilled with "What does that mean ?" says one. It hea?-5 my time,' nye the mate. We enjoyed the joke too well to tell what it. meant, as we waked off arm to arm with the ventriloquiat What They shot At. I have 'also just bleitid a charactenstic story of orir Irish fri \ endss 132 0 .811 Lo d"n correspondent. An Englishman took a "shooting" this year in Tipperary, for which he paitra large.sum upon the nn derstat ding that he should have the sole right .sporting over - the land. Snipe were advertised as especially numerous. and thtiugh he knew that Englishmen were. not popular in that part of the coun try. he •would hive risked much for snipe- Oil the first day he went - oat be came to a river.on the other side of which (ihongh that also was includtil in the property) half,* dozeirmen were Sririg grins. • "Why,' . y;in rogue!" cried he to the game keeper, "it was expressly. stipulated that tio 01ip,51101114 iihuut game . • over: this laud but myself." • "That'll true, and we have not de ceired you." . • "But tbe senundrelsoyey the wateryon der ?"; ; • "Oh. theere'aiit shooting' at gathe at all, at all. They're shooting at you, yutir , Lunar. • • And so they were. nncliiinT• ' —4)=: - Uncle Peter, who floorishes in the snittnitiniar Vernoint us a horse dealer, was called upon the other 4ity by ah'iuma teur judAft of canine, who was in search of something fast. The result is ,tqld• follows: "There," said Urele Peter. pointing to an auinial,inthc meadow bettiw thehousei "there sir s i a Mare who would trot her tmle in two minutes and seventeen sec ondimeMit.fitit Air one thing." -Inclretir cried his companion. "Yea," continued Uncle Petit." 'The' is femr years old this spring; is in good cop:- dition ; looks well; ur s 6rst-ralemaye; and Ehe could go a mile in two-seventeen if it rrere.not forone "Well;iirhaiii Wit r "That mare,' resumed the jockey. "ia in : every l way's good _pima or property. T , She has a heavy: inane, a switch tail; and yet there - is nhe thing only silly Oho can't go a mile in.two , sevei3teen.": . : , filial : in the 9la 14.17 _then?" rued the timatedr, -- ''Thu distance ha too great I:4F the time," was the old wars reply. •c r'! T • . •`o‘ . . A • " . ..s - , • TR • * • , • 1.. a,„ • • 4 4 . • 5 r • b. '"Boy, may I inquire where Robinson's drug Store is r "Certainly, sir," replied the boy, very respectfully. "Well, sir," said the gentleman, after sailing awhile, "where is it?" "I have not the slightest idea, yer hon- or." said the urchin. There was another boy who was accosted by an ascentic middle aged lady with. "Boy, I want to go to Gayer street." "Well ma'am," said the boy "why don't you go then ?" One day, at Lake George, a party of gentlemen strolling among the beautiful islands on the lake, with had luck, espied a little fellow with a red shirt and straw hat, dangling a line over the side of boat. 4 -giallo, bay!" said one of them, `'what are you "Fishing," came the answer. "Well, of course," said the gentleman "but what do you catch r "Fish; what do you suppose ?" "Did any of you ever see an elephant's ,skiu ?" inquired a teacher of au infant class. ' "I heve," exelaimed one. '•Where?" asked the teacher • "Oh the elephant,"said the boy laughing. Sometimes this sort 'of wit &generates or rises, as the ease may be, int(' punning as when Flora pointed pechsively to the heavy masses of clouds in the sky,saying : wonder where those clouds ate go• ing?" and her brother replied: I think they are going to thunder." Alsh the followiug dialogue: "Belloa, there! hutv do you sell your wood ?" "By the cord." "How long has it been cut ?" `Tour feet." _ "I mean how long has it been since you cnt it ?" "No lonrer than it is now." And also when Patrick O'Flynn trap Peen with his collar and his bnsnm sadly begrimmed, and was indignantly naked b) his officer: "Patrick O'Flynn! how long do you wear a shill ?" "Twenty-eight inches, air." This reniipds one of an 'mi. once which is said to hai'en&iiirecl - reZei:t'y in Chatii arir atteet,,Ncw Yiirk, where a cotintry• elsthorofiely besieged by &glop- "Rage you say fine •hirta.-?" askrd the cr:uutsyman. • • "A splendid assortment. • Sep in, sir. Every pric..! end style. 'The cheapest in the market, sir." "Are They clean?" "To be sure."' "Then you had better put ; on 'tine, for puu..ueed it," teas ttfe'reply. '„ (oJleia?.] ——o— ligor Cositrrvrtor: rtiorOsso Iv Tun, Cm- ZE or tans ColusagwrALra FOIL THEIR ArrAtowq. on I'En:ems, By. TUE COMTI :TUTIONAL CANTENTION Piablishett. by order of . the Secretary ol the Commonwealth. in. purEnane.ci of the 4th section of •ru act of the Gee- eral Assembly, entitled "An aet to pro :vide for wiling a Cenyention to amend dlte.Constitution," approved the 11th day of April,. A. D. 14 . 2. PREAMBLE. We, the people of the Commonwealth o. Pennsylvania, grauiful to Almighty God for an !twinge of civil . and religious liberty, aut h umbly-invoklng Ills guidance, do ordain anti isstablhh this Constitution. ARTICLE L DECLARATION OF .linitrati _ . . . That the general, gnat end essential princi ples of, liberty and free government nifty beinc- Knitted and unalterably established, we deduct Una., . • • Rlttnuns 1. MI men -are bo!n frr, and independent. and have certain nihopent'am indefeasible.Hgbts, umang which are those, 0 entniirm mididefending. We and liberty, or. fte qturing, possessing - and protecting propert) and reputation, and of pursuing theirown hap piness. power ii inherent in the people and all tree gout:Nl:nem& are. founded on then autberitydutd institutial. for their peace„ salvo ataLbalvinesg.' 'Fur tht, sulinneement of , the° ends 11e,VInve:nt all.timm am inalienable and imitO ,I msible sight to alter, reform or abolish theirgouentmentizi such manner as 'Limp - niay think proper. tixpik•Aß men have a mituraLand.tridcfeasi ble ritlit-to - aworship•-Almighty (hid • eiceoraing to ,the,dictoteit ot their own consciences; no map can' of right be conipeltedjosiitend, erect or support any place of worshiportoniaintain anyminletry,umiinst his consent; no „Inman itufilloilii.can, la any case whatticet;;Ctintitil or interfor. With the right of voiscielite:filid no precereocrshall ever boiriven 137-IsTito oil , re .a.iAllsbnaMit. -or oiodiis of' worshito. Ssc persoii who aeloSowlirmillie being of is God and a future elate of rewards end' pun ishipmniti orr sksiaint of his religiolie-sett tinienteNri:dis. qualittsi , lo:tuld-any °Mee , or place of trust ox profit under this Cowman , by c.s shin Velma and :espial; and no pouvr i civil or military; shall s,at, any thne intelfere to pruvrmttlic tree exerr.ise cif, the rift .sigtrage. " • • • • fiec.:& , Trial by jury shalt be. as - heretoth!c, atutthe rift! thereof ser o uirklntitotate. '; Mte printing' Pretss bilreito iv cry -person. who may undertake to examine the precut:C.4s of the Legislature or tier' branch of govrntnetil,Midti la* allitli.ever: he mole to restrain the right thereof Thetree cumnanniea• lions thoughts and opinions is one of the in valaahle.,rights ottnan, and.evcry eititerimay freely ipeak.- write and print on nny subject, be ing responsible for the abuse of that liberty., No conyjetionAhall he had,la anyiiitoseerillerl fer the public:St` tiOttl;of papers reistiassui the official conduct of •efficetwortrm in public capacity,br to auy,otliertriatter properlbt piddle lnyestida tioa.nrittOrtruttlett..w,here,the laelit b et such publicatiomarastrosmalitionsir • , orinegligently mathiytdPill be establifhtattd-the - s-tfillfoetiOn'bt" 'the P.M.': t',44 1 9 al_ritidietintaiti fur libel's. the jury shall nave - tue right to determine the law andeite heti, tinder - alit tbecourt, hs Bxcoll;The:peo' hie shall" tie secnre —, in-their persons, , houses, 'papers; and :,I)COSLIMOD.V limit:kk:table searches and saturea; - it ad* vier ranf to search any place erselie any person. or thingmilddlissise.wititout desefiblitilt-thtri,as nearlyaS inay,le,mer srithoitt . .prebabie - mute, supported by bath orufflimallan, aubseriers.l to turtles fallout. • •• • - - • -• • . 91,1 12 4 A criminal,sc prosecutions, tho - ented bath ;n AG heard 4:himself and his comma, kodernand the mtnre *ad mute of the sccoastirit spinet- hirmto 'Meet tho', witneises Acefo:kaCdi to, have' imrepottery.pro6esifor ob tataloßwitneasen:inbis.favnr.and in lions' by indictment .or Infornmppn, epee dy pubßoiriat by : 'tiff ImPaittalliarr yighaaqe he eannot be compfllo.togiwgeibience against Maw:Ko be he 4ieprired,of Aktiber ty. or pro untestby,dia judarnent of bB peers or t hrgr . ibit tan& egiVEO.T:N9 mean shall , fcrr any bulkiable Literal Ansuors. —o_._ Et= TROTS ztavro xtxampirt I CirCPX) .a.avro cozrist, cosrArrximr: MONTROSE, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY,: DEC. 10,1.873. offense be proceeded against criminally, by in formation. except in caws arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service. in time of war or public danger, or by leave of the court, lirr oppression or misdemean or in office. No person shall for the same of fense be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall private property be taken or applied topublic one without authority of law, and without just compensation being first made or secured. - SEC. 11. All courts shall he open; and every man for an *jury done him in his lands, goods, person, or reputation, shall have remedy by duo course of taw, and right and justice administer. ed without sale, denial, or delay. Suits may be brought against the Commonwealth in such manner, in such courts, and lu such cases as the Legislature may by law direct. SEC. 12. No power of suspending laws shall be exercised unless by the Legislature or by its authority. Sec. 18 Excessive bail shall not be required,nor excessive tines imposed, nor cruel punishments Mulcted. 0- 8t c. 14. Au 'prisoners shall be bailable by sufficient sureties. unless for cepitni offenses, when the proof is evident or presumption great; and the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus Shall not be Suspended, unless when the case of rebellion or invasion the public safety may re quire it. SEC. 15. No commi.sion of user and terminer or jail delivery shall be issued. SEC. 16. The person of a debtor, where there is not strong presumption of fraud, shall not be continued in prison after delivering up his estate fur the benefit of his creditors, in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. SEC. 17. No . ES roar FACTO law, nor any law impairing the obligation of con tracts.or making irrevocable any grant of special privileges or ImMunities,ithall be passed. SEC. 18. No person shall be attainted ot trea son or felony by the Legislature. Sec. .19 No attaindershall work corruption of blood, nor, except during the life of the of. fenderforfeitarcof estate to the Conuuon wealth; the estate of each persons us shall destroy their own Irvin shall descend or vest us In caves of natural death, and if any person shall be killed by casualty, there shall be no forfeiture by rea son thereof.. Stx. 20. The citizens have a right in a peace utile manner to assemble together for their com mon good, and to a apply to those invested with the powers of government for redress of griev. MIMS or other proper purposes, by petition, ad dress or remonstrance. SEC. 21. The right ofsitiztins to bear arms in defense of themseivm and the State shall out be. questioned. SEG 22. NO standing army shall, in time of peace, be kept up without the convent of the Legislature and the military shall, in all easel. Ind at all times, be in strict subordination to the civil power.. SEC. 2:t' No soldier shall in time of peace be quartered in uny house without the consent or the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner to bo prestribed by Mw. Sec. 24: The Legislature shall not mint any title of nobility or hereditary distinction, nor cratteany ()Mee the appointment of which shall be for a longer term than during good behavior. SEC. 25. Emigration from the State shall not be prohibited. Sac. eft. To guard against transgressions of the Ligit powers which, we Inter delegated, we declare that everything in this article is except old of the general powers of government, anashall forever remain inviolate. ARTICLE 11. TIM LEGIRL MEE. SECTIoS 1. The legiAtaive power of this • ',nusuoutveallti shall la: vesh.l is a (lettere' .11tenthir.tehich 51)511 A:1111,4a Senate and Hou,e ul Represollutives._ Ss:c. 2. Members ~f the General Assembly shall he chaser at the general ciection every iecond year. Their tern, of service shall begin on the first day of December tmxt atter their election. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in either House, the presiding otiteer thereof shall issue a writ or election to fill such vacancy for the remainder of the term. Sec 3. Senators shall he elected for the term of tour yusra and Ileprusentutivm fur the term of Iwo years. SEc. 4. The General Assembly shall meet at t %viva o'clock boon, on the first Tuesday of January every second year, and at other tunes When CUSlVellrd by the 6OVOIIOI, hut shall hold , mluljourned annual session liter the year one , Imusar.l hundred and seventv-eight. In .•ase of a vacancy in the iilll.-e of United States 'Senator from this Commoawc•lth, in a mews :ietween settAollS, the Governor shall convene The two huuay by proclaniation on notice not cace6ding sixty days to till the same. SEC. 5. Senators shall bd it least twenty-five vesrs,of age, and Itepresentotives twenty-one veers of uge. Thopshall have been citizens and inhabitants of tbeState 'bur years, and inhatd ,ants of their respective districts one year next lerorc ORA election Ontlms absent no the public , m.si nes...Of the United States Or of this St ate.land 4.111 reside in their - respective districts during their terms of service. SE& 0, No Senator or Representative aliall, turite , rho time for which he shall have becn elecia-heanponaltal to any civil tit:Una under this Coinmonweultli, and no member of Con gress or other.person - holding any Mike (eleePt attorneN-law fur in the: militia) under the United Staten nr this Commonwealth shall be a member of either Wiese dining his tonlinuance iu Mike. Sm. T. No person hereafter convicted of em- . herzlement of public moneys, bribery , perjury or other infamous crime. sholi be eligible to the General Assembly, or o.tpable of holdimg any office of trust or profit In this Commonwealth. See. 8. The members of the General Assem bly shall receive such salary and meleugc !Or regular and special sOsions as shall be used by ;ow, and no other eomitensation whatever, whether fur serviei. upon committee or other wise. No member of either house sin.li, during the term for which he mac have been elected, !ea...Weeny increase of salary, or milcs.go,ur.der any law passed during such term. DEC. 9. The Senate sholl,at the beginning and close of each regular session and at such other times as may be necessury,elect one of its mem bers president Pro tempore, who shall pas form the duties, of the Lieutenant Governer, in any pane of abomace or disability s.t that °dicer, and. whenever the said odide of Lieutenant. Gover nor shall be vathabt. The House of ltepnesents flies shall elect one of Its menthers as Speaker. Earl house shall ehis)se-.1.4 other officer, and Shall judge of the election and qualitiv..tions of Its members. 520. 10: A. majority of each Manse shall con stitute a quorum, but a smaller number may ad journ from day to day, and compel the attend coca of absent members. house shall have power to do. termitic the rules of its proceedings and punish its members • or other persons tot contempt or disorderly behavior in its presence, to enforce meolience to its process. to prated. its members against violence, or offers of bilks -or private Solicit:l'4mi, and - with the concurrence of two thirils,to expel a member, but not a second time tort he same cause,and shall have all other pow ers neittistitui foilhe legislature at a free State; A member expelled for corruption shall not thereafter be-eligible toeltlicr bouseanci potash went for contempt or disorderly behavior shall not bar an indictment for the same offense. - SEC. 12. Mach house shall keep a journal of its proceedings and from time to tare, publish the same. except such - parte as requiretweet-Y. antlflthe-yesi and - hays of the members on any question shall; tit the desire Olney two althea?, be enteretion the-journal. . . • S=l3. The sceslops tack hope and of committees of the whole : shall he open, unless ivtien the brisitidsi' is suelt ea ought to ho' kept ' Sec. It STeillierboatioaluilLwithout the emu- Sent of ilia other, adjotirn fur more than three days, nor taanyother place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. , Sae. IS.. The,lnembers of the General setnidy'shall In. all exits, except- treason, felony ViellaLlOtt of their oath of office; breach or surety of 010, ,pesetylie•prlyslegeil_ Aiun arrest during Stile ;0404 co. antic sessions of their. resPecare houses; and iliwoing. for land return ing from the same; and for anyspeeolt a-116r bate in either Louse; they shall not, be ques tinned in any other place. Sac. 10. The State shall be divided Into fifty Senatorial districts or compact and contiguous. territory, its nearly equal in population its may be, and each district shall be entitled to elect one Senator. Each county containing one or more, ratios of initiation shell be -entitled to one Senator for each ratio, and to an additional Senator for a surplus of population exceeding three-fifths of a ratio;, but no county shall torus a separate district unless it shall contain Tour fifths at a ratio, except where the adjoining counties are cads entitled to one or more lien:t uns, when such county may be wssigned a Sena tor on less than four-fifths, and exceeding one half of it ratio, and no county shall be divided' unless entitled to two or more Senators. No city or county shall be ratified to separate rep resentation exceeding one sixth of the wholes number of Senators. No ward, borough, or: township shall be - divided in the formation of a• district. The Senatorial ratio shun be uscer-, tamed by dividing the whole population of the: State by the number llity. Sue. 17. The members of the House nt Rep-, resentatives shall be appointed among the sew oral counties, on a ratio obtained by dividing the population of the State as ascertained by, the moat recent United States census by two . hundred. Every county containing less than, five ratios shall have one representative for ev-, erg full ratio, and an additional representative when the surplus exceeds half a -ratio; but: each county shall have at least one representa tive. Every county containing five nitios or more shall have one representative for every ratio Every city containing a population equal, to a ratio shall elect separately its proportion of the representatives allotted to the county in which it is located. Every city entitled to more than finir representatives, and every county haying over one hundred thousand inhabitants, shall be divided into districts of compact and contiguous territory, each district to elect ita' proportion oh representatives according to its population, but no district shall elect more than tour representatives. SEC. 18. The General Assembly at its first session idler the adoption of-this constitution, and immediately after each United States de cennial census, shall apportion the State into Stn itorial and Represostative districts agree ably to the provisions of the two neat prece ding sections. _ _ AItTICLE lIL LEGISLATION. SEC. No law shall bepassed except try bill, and no bill shall be so altered or moulded on its passage t laritugh either house as to change its original purpose. Sze. 2. bill 511311 be considered unless re ferred to a committee, returned therefrom, and printed for the use of the members. SEC. 9. No bill, except general appropriation bill., shall be passed, containing more than one subject, which shall he clearly expressed in , its title. Sec. 4. Every bill shall be read at length on three dilTerent days in , each house; all amendments made thereto Shall hr printed roe the use of the members before et6thial vote is taken on the bill, end no bill shell become a 1aw..1111k.i.4 Oil its final passage the vote be taken by 'Yeas and nays, the names of the persona vot ing fur anti against the same be entered on the journal, and a majority of the members elected to tacit house be marded thereon as voting in its faior. SEC. 5. No amendment to hills by one house shalt be ebneurred 1n by the other, except by a vote of a majority of the mutant* elected there to taken by yeas and nays, and the names of those voting thr and aguinst recorded upon the journal thereof; and reports of Committees of conference shall he adopted in either house only by the vote of a malt - diva-the members elect el thereto taken by. It toes m loose young recorded upon the Jour- ; naL EEC. 11 Nn hr. shall he revited; .atoMdtal; or the provisions thereof extended or conterred by reference to its title only, but so nmell there ol as is revived, amended, extended, or cunforr ail. shall be re-enocted and published at length. Sec. 7. The General Assembly shall nut lease any local or special late: Authorizing. the creation,. extension or ka p:tiring of liens; Regulating the nffitirs of conntiesycitles,town ships, wards, boroughs, or school districts. Changing the names.. of persons or places; Changing the venue in civil or criminalcssVi; Authorizing the laying ant, opening, altering, or maintaining roads,bighways,streets or alleys; Relating to terries or bridges,oe . incorporating terry or bridge companies, except ttir the erec tion of bridges crossing streams which: form bouLdaries between this and any other State; Vaiating roads; town plats, streets or alleys; Relating to cemeteries, graveyards or puyie grounds not of the State; Authorizing the adoption or legitimation of children Locating or changing county seats, erecting new counties, or changing county lines; Incorporating cities , towlO, or Tillages, or changing their charters; For the opeoing and conducting of elections, or fixing or climbing the place of totinr; Granting divorces; Erecting new townships or boroughs, chug. ing townshiplines,burough limits, or school dis tricts; Cresting offlees,or nrescrihing tite,pareni and duties of officers in counties, tdties, 'boroughs, townships, election sr school districts; Changing the law of decent or succession; • Regulating the practice or Jurisdiction or, or changing the rules of evidence In any Judicial proceeding or inquiry before tcurte, abletntc•n, Juszicez of the pesce, sheriffs, commissioners, ar bitrators, auditors, masters in chancery, or oth er tribunals, or providing or changing methods for the collection of debts, Or the enforcing-of Judpicnts, or prescribing the effect, of judicial sales of real estate; Re,platittg the foes, or, extending the jxneers and unties of aldermen, justices of the peace, magistrates, rr constables; Regulating the managnment of public schools, the Geniis' or repairing or school Minim, end the raising of money for such purposes; _ Ft - An* the fate of iuterest ; , , laecton: the e.tate of minors or poisonun der disability,, except after clue notice to all• par tient to Intr.est,ta be recited in tbespeclal enact ment ; ltemitttng - rates. penalties and forfeitures, or refunding moneys legally paid into the Truett-. ry E. - ..ernpting property from taxation ; „liegelmam; labor; trade, mining, or manufee. luring; - - Cicating corporations, or rariending,renewing or extending the charters thereof:- Grunting to any. carp:waling, association, or Individual, any special or exclusive privilege or immunity or to any corporation, aisociatian or individual the right to laydown a ralltead track. Nor shall the General Assembly ifidireeti;,•. enact such special or local law by. the” partial repealer li general law, but, laws repealing local or spec-, MI Sets may he passed. - Thar shall Way law be passed granting .powers or privilett , le ant'• case where the granting of such powers and privileges shall bave been provided tbr by sea- eral law, not where the iouni have jeriWiction to grant Massone or give the relief.asked kir.- See, S. No local or special bill shall be passed. :Ming, notice of the intention to apply Mercier . 'shall hove been published in the locality where the matter or the thing to he effected may be situated, which net ice shall beat least thirty ileya . prier to 'the Introduction MU: - the GaierallAs strubly..ortuch bill., land In the Manner to be ' prtivlderl py' law; the evidence of such notice Miring been publish:A Sliall be ethlbited in the. General - Aim:W:ly before, sash act :Mali be pass- See..a. The . presiding Mgcer 'ef ellen hense shall, In die prescoceor the houSe oiler: which he presides, sigwall , hills end Joint resoltitiona revised by theGeneMl 4.asendily, ,After tbelrAl. tle; hate been publicly read immediately before signing,. andthe fact of signing shall, be. entered ors - tee journal. ~. Sec. 10. The PeneralAiielublkelusll prescribe byAaw. Abe number, duties and compensation of the Mlicersond employees of each Lotto:, anttiut payment ebi t l . l be made' fromthalitalnTteniury, pr be In 'any. fray autboitiato anylparsonpar, cepAto an Actlng - gytteer erempltrace,b,Tted yr , I tippolated bipurnituee of , taw,' , ." , - SEC. li. 110 filll shall be passed giving nay extra compensation to any piddle °nicer, sen aunt, employee, agent or contractor, after ser vices shall have been rendered or contract, made nor.pruvida tontla, paytuvat of any claims against the 'Cloufinunwetthlr without previous authority of law. Sec. 12. All stationery. printing, paper, and fuel used In: tin; iegislative and oilier depart ments of government-shall be furnished, and the printing, binding, and distributing of the laws, journals, department reports, and all oth er printing hnd binding, and the repairing and furnishing the halls and rooms used fur the meetings of the General Azserably and its com mittees, shall be performed under contract, to begiven tu the lowest reaponsible.bidder below such Maximum price and under such regulit- Clone as ,bull be preherlbed by law ; no JILICM. her or officer of any department of the goy emtneut shall be In any way interested in. such contracts, and all such contracts shall be sub ject to the approval of the Governor, Auditor General and State 'Treasurer. Suc.l3. No law shall extend the term of any public oincer, or increase hr. diminish his salary or emoluments alter his election or alt poluttnent. SEO. 14. All bills Tor raising revenue shall originate in the House of Reprentutiyes, hut the Senate may propose amendments us in (Ab er bills. SEC. 13. The getiend appropriation bill shall embrace nothing; but appropriations for the ordinary expenses of the ex.w-utive, legis tive and Judicial pepartments ot the Csamoom wealth, Interest on the public debt, and for public schools; all other appropriations shall be made by separate bills, each embracing but one subject. SEC. H. No money slug be paid out of the Treasury.eicept upon appropriations made by law mid on' warrant drawn by the proper oal cer In pursuance therrof. Sr. 11'. No appropriation shall be made to any charitable or educational institution not under the absolute oni trot of the Commonwealth other than normal schools established by law for the professlonal training of teachers l r the public schools of the State, except by a vote of twolhirds of all the members elected to each house. EEC. 18. No appropriations except for pen sions or gratitudea for . military services shall be made for charitable, educational or benevolent purposes, to any person or community, nor to any' 'denominational or aeetitrian histitallon,cor poratlon or'arouchitlon. Sec. 19. The General Assembly may make anpmpriations of money to institutions where in the widows or soldiers are sepported or as sisted or the orphans of soldiers are me.intain ed and educated; hut such approprietion shall be applied exclusively to the support of such widows and orphans. Sr.c. 20. The General Assembly shall not delegate to any special examtnission, private ani-peration or as.sociatimf, any power to make, supervise or interfere With any municipal Lur provement, money, property or effects, whether i held in trust or otherwise, or to levy taxes or perform any municipal function whatever. iSec. 21. No act of the General ,Assembly. shall limit fbe amount to be retovertal 'for in juries resulting to death; or for Injuries to. per ; soos or property; and in eacusif death such in f juries, [be right.of action shall survive, and the General Assembly shall prescribe for whose benefit such actions shalt he prosecuted , no act shallpr&scribe any ihnitatimas Of time within which suits may be brought ugainst 'corpora ; thins for injuries to persons or properly, or for other causes different from those fixed, by gen t era) lows vegetating actions .against natural persons, and such. acts now existing axe avoid el. • • . '. l Sec. 22. No act of the General .Assembly ta-sli-sailiosias the lavcatuxent of trust fluidally executors, administrators, guardians, or Otter I trustees, in the bond's or stock of ally private corporation, and aneh eels now existing are avoided, saving, iuvestments heretofore made. Sc.g 22. The power to change the venue in civil and criminal cases shall be vested in the courts, to be exercised In 'snob manner as shall Ibe provided by law. , • SEC. 24. No obligation or liability of any rail r.edd or other corporation, held a..ownett by the I Counntinwealth, shall ever be exchanged, trans ferred, remitted, postponed, or in any way di-. minislied by the General Assembly, nor shall I such liability or obligation be released, except by payment there)! into the State.Treastuy. Sac. 25. When thePeneral Nisembly abaft be convened hi epezial session, there shall be no legislation upon subjects other than those distig nated in the proclamation of the Governor, cal ling such saliden. ER6.20. Every order, resolution, or vote, to white the concurrence of both houses way be neeLLNiary (except on the, question of adjourn; mutt) shall be presented to the Governor, and before it shall take edliet be appluvel. by him, or being disapproved, almilbe repassed by two- " Olivia of both hotista, according to the rules and I limitations prtsicribial in case of a bill Sec. 27, ,t(e. State office shall be continued or ereatcil for the inspection -t.r measuring of any merahand.se, maoufactute or commodity, but. any county or municipality new appoint scale ollicers when authorized by law. SCAI,2B. No law changing the location of the eanitol of the State shall be valid until the same shall have been submittedto the qualified elec tors of the Como ton weal th, at a general election, and not Wed and approved : by Giese. Sec. 20. A member of the General Assembly who shall end ice, demand,. or. recti re, or content to receive. directly or'indirectly, for hininfr or for another, flow any company, corporation or peraon, any money, ollleesppointruent,employ merit, testimonial, reward, Gong of value or en joyment, or nt personal advantage or promise thereof. for his vote or offieial Influence, of fiir withholding; tire,samt; Ordvith antunalerstand iug. expressed or implied, that his vote or .nil(-. cial action shall be in any way influenced. there-, by, or who shall snitch or &wand any. such money or other advantage, matter, ordbing aforesaid toranother:aa tlittenasiderelloicof his tote tired:Wel induenee;or foi withholding the saute, or shall give or withhold-hit vote or, intht ince Inconsideration of She payment. or !won-rise of such money. advantage, matter, or thing to another, shall be held .guilty of bribery- within th e racanlme or thla r .,,....i...• •a d.thall In: cur the disithilitim p pvidial thereby tor said of lenSe, Una vateli additional punishment as is or shall be provided by law. a - , . - ; ' Sgt.. 20. Any petrol echo she)], directly of, in dlieetly, 'offer, give, or Protonie . any money, or thing of;value, testimontal„privilege„oeperson al advantage, to any_ executive or jinni:tat On Ce - r or mianbef of the General Assembly, to in-, floence him in the performance of any of his fribliiturollielal dulle4,tdiall beg .illy of bribery, and be punished' di oxen' Mannal. as shall be preivided.bY law... .... . , . .-, _ Ege. 31. The offense ni l corrupt soltcitalron of trietalkm or.the General Aruleinbly . or a ptblio ofileura ef the Stute, °rot' any municipal divis-: i to thereof; and itiir,Occapstioti or practice of sollAndlon OfAucit memberi or officers,. totnttu mice their cdl ill actin:l,ol4 be defined by law, And 6114 1 1 . 1 )e tn.MiOied hy fine and imptiannment. 6ge.. Amy person may be compelled, to ln tify any lawful investigation or judiefal pro eediolt.4l,traluqtrlVierson..with May. befell:lrv:- wittrhevirecdrinidttedllieeffetWof tdibery or corrupt solicitation; or practicts -of snllelatt don andOall notle4Vlnitte3l .vtithliald,his teilMiditufbil the gronnethat' lt - finty`chini= nate himself or subject him to public infamy; 'hut such testimony shall not afterward be used against him in - tiny:judicial linitei , ding, except der perjury in giving such testimony, and any person convicted of either or the Wien ;es afore said. sitoll.rtut part-pf. , lho omtialdnent• therathri lie di-4101104d fionlhuldidg 'don of houidl.thlati, cd-4)r.i)llt SEC. aa. A member, who lids a personal, or private intemtio an4,lnosure,orAtill pmposed or pending befoit'the trenletal'Assthilhly shall Aiselose the feet to the house of whit!' ho is a Member and swi not,vote thereon.. r ... "ARTICLE'TV.•'' ' • ! Tnn rxEcr.TUrt SecrioN 1. Th6 - ,riOri,tive . , peat of thin VomriitinwAtith-bball. 4anrast, ara Governor, LientetreliP , Ghtenant,:;Stere terra? the Coinmonvrealtb - ,LAttritriey Geifir.sl; Auditor 'General, Step Treasurer, thertatuy 4 0f tilmilat Termst 1 . 1;ro °DLL nit PER IficALD In A DV* sem t Nor PAID 111 ADVANCE, 60 Ma ?alma. Affairs. and a Buncriateadent of Putdla lastruc . . , "SEC. 2. The riopreine execntitie power shall he vested In the GOvemor, Whit shall take . care that' the laws bit faithfully executed: he shall be chosen on the day'Of the general elec tion byy, the qualified electors of ,the Common wealth, at the places wide they shall.vote fur Reprtstentatives. • The 'thtitrus .or every elec tion for Governor shall lid sealet up and dans• milted to the seat of government directed to the.Prealdent of tho" Senate, who shallopez . scd , publish them In the prese_nece of the members of both houses of 'the General Assembly.. • Thd' person Living the hieheat n wither of votes shalt. boGovernor, but if ft - rt. - dr more he' equal hod highest in votes, one of them shall be . Outsell Governor by the Joint vote of the. itavtabersOt both houses. Contested elections shall be 6dc ferruined4ty a committee, to- be selected frran both houses of the General Assembly . ..and formed and' regtileted each - Mariner as shall be directed by law. Six. 3. The Governor shall hold bra office during four years frond the'third Tuesday: of January next ensuing hut &tette% and shall not be eligible to the gill s far the neztsucceed leg }arm. SEC. 4. • A Lienteiont GoirerniOr .81M11 be chosen 'at the same time, in the same 'man ner, for the came terms, and Subject tri the seem provisions es the Governor; be snalf.be prcsi dent.of the &nets, but ishidl have no vote on= less theybe squally diVirletL • Sec. u. No person:Aull ho .digitdo. to the office of Governor or Lleutetnl Governor except citizen of the •Gnited Stet ;who shall have attained the ago of thirty ye ‘.and have been seven years next preeeeding • his eleetion an inhabitautzf the State, unless he/hail have been absent on the public business of the Unit ed States or of this Stale. SEC. 6. ..No member of Congress .or person holding. any office. nntizr the Unites! Slates or this State shun 0zer..6 , 2 the etiee of. Governor co: Li,altenuat Governor, . ' SEc. 7. The Governor &hail be corn mander.th-rliter of the army and inrry:tt the Cesium! wealth....nd of. tit.: militia t ecept then they shall ba culled into the actual acrvlce oi, the *mitt;! States. See. S. H shall noininateond by and with the adVice and consent of two-thift the members of the Senate, appoint teS,ecretidrk of the Ccannannwealth and tin Attorney 'Gener al durinz pleatire, a Superintendent of Public instruction for tour years, and such other'olli emu of the Commonwealth as he is or rhay•he authorized by the constitution or by-law to ap point ;• he shall juice power to fill all lam:mucks that may happen in of to 'which lie may' appoint during the recess of the 'Senatehy granting commisaions which shall atrpini tit the end of their neat session ; its shall 'have OW, or to fill any vacancy that may -happen during the reeeaa of the fenato, in the office' of • Audi tor Germ:lL - State - Treaparrer,:teen:tem of • in. ternal Alfalfa or Saperir.tentlent '.V . nitilic• In struction, in a Judicial oaks, <Sy -in any 'other elective office whin he is or mayterafillierlted to fill: If the vacancy shell happen doting- the aes slow of , the Senate, Ibis Governar • ehall' , nomin ate to .the Senate„befdre.theielinal iditatenniet., ,a proper person to fill said recency. But in any ands cese of vttraney, itt •elee-. tire ornee, a person ehall be' chalice to. sal& of- , flee at the next getierni election, unless -thsvvt eancy happen telthin , throe odeedar months immediately ',recording ielch - election, in .which case the Aced= •kir said offlee shall be held at.the second stmeceding - generll , elee. lion : e. , In acting on Execati;e nomcianonl, Senate shall sit with open doors, -and - iu cOntlrwirig.Or rejecting the nUniins - tions - of the Governor; the 0,3 ti ttittett'Dy - 7#6 and. Cays4und atoll be enterud on •the journal - SEc. 9. He Winn 'laic ,power ' to 'ye'tifit Sties and forfttures: to i grant reprieves., 'Corn -mutations of sentence and pardons, eiCi.bt In cases of * impeachment, but no pardon :eball.b , 3 - ranted, nof siintence ,eoninured, 'ttithu the I'm:on:lute:W*lox 111 writing, of the Lieutenant Governor, tietroars of The Coriirnnnweabrir, At. tr.rney Generai and s.neretitrf of Internal Atrdia. tu any them, alter full 4rarie4, due public notice tnd stk.') recommend:tan:3,ooTh We reasons therefor at lei,gth, >halt bs reenr&ed and Died itilife'nfilce of the beeretnty'of the Conttuonwel:tli.;,':.,-..' SEc. 1.0.• nF may reqiiire ibloittrA'ti * Oif ih irr“lng &orri the otatem: of tho'l.'xi.6tle: rk partment,upn,pialy r:Litiuir:ttp taVi ..e, of their r6speetive. (offices... • • • Six. 11. lie to t3 . rii(.l give to tie General .1..44.em1ny Infoeuratinn of 11e state 6t the Coninbni - ehitlE furl' teteincrie.fto their coresideritivii nleAurcv u'uvr trjge expellent. SEC. 12. lie me.v, on extraoplirittry ne, mionx, convene. the Gez.. end ticki in case of diugreerne:nt between the. two bower, with rii.e.,l to the Unit -of it.ljGernmcnt.et',j;"nro them to such that p, he eball - think Draper. not exceeding four ninothx. lie t•h,li- have ;MTV , . to convene the *nein in eatraorrlinary by procLatnation.fur the treaanetion tiectiti , .e tininetis. • S. 13. In C 191) of Ihe death. conviction on impeachmenk.faihne to qualify, resignation,. or other disability Of :the gov , rm.er. the polders; duties, and emoluments Of the office for there. , rusinder of the terni,or until the remoren ' shall devolve upon the ideate/An t.Geiv. E SG. 14. .1 n Case of. a vae.incy , iu. the. (duce of Lieutenant governor, or when the Lieu tenant Governor shall be impeached' by lthe' ;louse of lieprosentatirmor shell be unable to escreise . the duties 'of his utlive,the , -powers, (intim, and• emoluments thereof , . for the. remainder of the • term,' nr unlit the. disability be restored, devolve - upon the President PRO 7531r0nt.- or the Senate; and the President pro tempo :o; .the Senate:shah in.like manner become dacvrritor•it+o vacancy or disability. shall occur fbeefhee of govern. or; !Assent Mkt Setattorshall hem mart:rant when. ever be shall beTount, Goieraor, und- shall he filled by eitxtion' as any. other Every'. Aja Haver}bOth .hout.es'ahattLl4.St - '14. - tr ! ,:i*; Governor; eoprocre, lie isbnienii,lo it bet I it'. he shall ndt 'lmprove; he shall: retttrii:it "tv4lir'! his obi ecti o the Louie icli phallbuiiii' orkfinateil, Wlifeli house enter tlicrotiJec th ins nt'letge upon tbettibin'nakunti,proctectfo i rootino , l Jr. ettet'inich ttiirito of all the taytobeni bt(i4terl.tO, Volk hays& shall igrce to pea. ,11/0 bill, it iitaflhe'kbt..!ivith' the nt ! ,:entions : by:wlAeb,late.: svi,•ll ilic7eelnego,Fr,e(l. ! nail: . if t hifde - un We: liers eluded tiAbaf, tonne, it be a_ 4iieb votes of both h ti 3 Olfbe 'And nays; and 111 b;inte4.lar thlitfitlinter•syo,ll4ll, for end ttptinst, the b!.l.l.slll,l,b;bnie.:itil' on: the joontalt of 'Oull ! liinbti'FilpCcti!.r , Ty;:.` hKKy hill' shall ^9t be roturnydoy . .the Ciovrnor , ten - dep.:4 . 110 it,' 'pllitlV.burp in` preintqd to', hini; the .S.lne sfkill he 'a hat In litse, toittitief.4 if,nurO4tbelle4er.4), by, their 'ttf olitniii,int, inui'ent its fetiirrt; width coin It lies thilet.3 7 lte gird' . f3le the ape," with Els bbjetiOns; . !ti the etlee oftha . Seerot4ry bf the Corn:Ude teeiltlr,'mtid !.tire yd..; publielkgbblatithtionivititin thit ty'riaya'atterrnehailjauHantnJu SEC: -ThP oviirn to 'ti - apprriirebf or !tents n,f any= Intl irotklng - ipprripriations • tif:stienUjr,• Uirititucink dlittnet - twits' and th 4 }tart 'pant of - the'llll Aptirriveit . i.bil I- bathe levr,ond. thyltent •appropriAtibiektiskitirovedolill tie void. mpti%ietf aeon rdingto the rtiletutintl Ifmite stout preserittell for tho:p*:sgri of other bin's ore WO 'excetitive veto:' •,• •:; - Sift; .11'. The Qll4l uriic6; of the ,Sn prine Pri. , ,,lde upon the•trial of any ronte,to electiOn of Governor or , Lieutenant Governor, and shall decide, nu6tlons the ofievidenen," and nhad,,up,m, requmt of the tontudite , ,. Pronotlore his opin. Inn Upon `ot herquatlon, of. titiltivoired, in ilia' trial.", • The Governor'shd Lic-trtitiant ,GM*43/114r, eXefelge, tjie 11101 . rt • - 4 pePlitb.oll. (40 thelr nucengsars be duly ithaliged: SW:18;211e. §cnygpx.i 'at' • thia Coin irstellh'slrall'di ", "' : NIINRER 49. and rimeofngs of the Corernori aiid,r.fien, re . cnilred`lai the Janie, with all. paper!, ' inintites and Voitiliers , "„taliting , therete: 'beibttl - elthir branch:oS the tienernt , Astetribly. , and:perform such other duties u tnay be etildand.2lPO4.lllba by law. SEG. "lirTfre'Sni l eriff or" Interma Af fairs grail etereiii , eall the *weirs ant) 'Perform all the duties or the Surveyor: Gleneral, , suldect to suet' 9hatutes as shall be made by: law, flit department i lia!! embrace bureau of; 'Aqua trial aPitisties.abd :: , .halltlieebergeaUlt (lutist relating to corporstions,to Itie 'charitable' Watt. Unions:We Oriculturali inanutheturing,' btu. bhu, mineral. tlinber,and 004:Fa:material ;Debt:. mess' interests of the State liAlpity,bepresefib eu by law.- lie shall annually, and at such other flrnes'U Lady Tie i'diluired by law, males yeport.lo,lbo Gtaal:al .4settiblY4.l , -1! linotritit b• tic Instruction shall, exercise all theßoweuterat peribini all the duties Of ,the Superintendent of Comraon•SelreOls,iubleet to such clusigU` as shall be hinds ny law. • • . J 4-1 The tent) of the Seerkars:of Interns? Affairs, shall he funk seam of -,'the! Au ditor General. three, years.. and of :the-sw. Tretisiirer two veare. These °Steers ,ehill she eliosen elector,s of tbe'Sliteat en e rat electlons.--No person-deeted to the or• de:: of Auditor General or Sple,,Treasurer shall -he rapable of laildh,:g 'thi.; Utnii'orlod.foi .tp• cubfecw.ive '" • •", ; ' .• Tho present •-Giecit •Seitt•lor rennsylzaula shall he-the'scarof the'Statn,is All, commissions shall be:ln 3111 naive and lbt hority of the Com monWealth iy.Ppentlylyn rils:iindb4"seitlecl with t e Stitil seal anq cd hp the Eltivefnef: • • - n' ARTICLE V. '•" 1 '• E •••:Tlar. itatictUtt, . , SECTION ; ..ipoirw, rower,,t This Cnirithoimealth &LAS lie jested in the Su. pretne Court, in conettoteommon pleas, courts of oyer. and tivininer and general Jail 51alivery. cgnirts'ii? cif tailiT sessions id he Recce, orphans* courts. rnagistrntes' ..rourts; and in smelt oltser courts us the General Assembly may- frintrtlins to time establish. - ; ; S EC. . The Sr!p'!ilne _ Cnurt,ehall„,~oa est' seven„lntilrea. xyLis trended electors of State .nt Thar shell hold theii. oftlceet the - terns 'e' twaispoueTears.: if:titey se tong behatota that • F.elves,stell, but fJpgi not he stiSln eligible. :The jadie whose commission shall drat expire 54411 A chief hand "therealler ,etielt judge, whose - kirool.sion ; ; irsplre , shad trc tom le ;shier —'••• • Enc 3. jti:tisiliet of- Sitet.l,Sil pren-a COUTtlball - PltruiriM±ribe State, and the , Jiniaes thereof shalt, by virtue of their cea,be XstTheleof Qyar!linit - tel•miner iinai gen. peal tall klnlivery inAlmeeeeral. cotsticsr•they shall .haye orignint jarisdietipp In. pat at, In • jtinetkn l / 4 and where a cgriwjrattAin la a party de. fendantl ' habeas' eorpus.•':(ir ncessisvol* 4nreriur jatistfiettun - ; had 4ir : STe6s .1173413.1240 14i'411:nMearS, 4110-,esnornon ,w,aitipiliowe..juriAlictio* extenda .State ,hut shall ci ey, eseielie s any, nth el....original jurialibtfpn COIOI3IOI have appellate, japadic• Mimi by iv t :reat ckirrloit'ent or grit of entifilta -all eases. as Is now or snap , bereatteby ~iigrl• Sea 41' - - .5ce..,44.: Until .ptltexteiat..by.tliteelPd fate the courtsof common pleas Calif. anti:Mi.; luo at present establislietl„Alej•xt an herein clang. ed. ; not todrEtTßiinbur coutitie:a shall, at_any t lateche Inclotlett in ,00F,judicial ...tiateklibrgan iz-'d.fur 1 44. enV-i, .- i -.: '...... • i:: i I ;,.._.7 •e: ,*o'. s; i lllieneVo , it crrtn'tv..elf'all. ennr iikfit' furty:tinibsandlitlinhitatitlifshall cots i• tute a ireviliteluitiefal dhrtribl, and 'sliall'i•l ea one, jah.le. learned in. the !Agri end the' t'en'ered . 'A rembly sl42lll.proticitaistitli t ion tilludzetai .h 4 hi t iiiteva o ).•tuttil districts. auty,require. , ;?; einfraira CalltellitiOg. a, itopolation Less than Is liihrdeient• to con; Rote sena nakfdii.triets.sho) by formed .intil.:eonvertient single 'di - Artois; 'ot; . ,..if necossuy,...roay, •be -.attached ' to. c untlilarnui "ed. trirts uq - lbe.vntrid deseinGlyturapproilde44. The; tialLe oir. a . .asoctate jAdge not loatoed.totho s'it law; ItieMlierf hi coiantles' forming ,separait districts; 'tit. ;the iivehtt utspelifte ',ltidat.i . fa efflco - whati.this ebnalifottoit.'sihiill 'be•adoikect shill serve forAhei.esmezpirud terms. Sg.C. ,6. lu. Ihe o , ..lttkleS tif PI) .111(10yhi& eibi:A.liegnekr,:en the 4 iiiii lictian . aid powers now rested in tbU District 'Omits and CourfAilf CoMmon Ens; snitiett to 'auckeliantes ailtiey ,he ,tnnOe pv,ihis tain,d (lotion only law..sualltui le, Philadelptiikiested Ih, iourotrol in 41:egiterm i,:i tan distinct tind wiefrate riourta.of co s tal tiad eti ertliiiide . jurtelirtltin; Cianpnaed 'of:three ltniato each ; the sill courts in Pitirlidripbq sh;dibu thash o n* fed ottlimtlvely as the.Contt or Coo,woo lie nomher one; number Arm: num! bt;rifiree ,ind'inthiber fonr, - sturm..A.llegheny but'' thz Omer *oretinimon Pleas - nuriiher one, ong nuteber twil, hur the , ntauber• 'Of 'saki coOrti .. nese bc, by- law ;fnermital;; (WM; tints tri firbect ' anti shall be in ; filo nianner,dcsiznated be: suee, v t....sir - p: iilnubers ; , iii:e., numb :r. of ,Jutigto In;Firlli . Of said eourts;or in 'lry coVniy where the „ea..., tahligiment Oran'nAtlftirraill - conk' tri.4 'he's,l4 l ,. thOriztal.bY, law, nuktr.ne - liwreis&l - from ihne' to; time/ mid.vrh •nereraveh inenMseshallnthorititt in fle,wh,lo to th.ree,,such : triree, kidges.hsitt 'co.nixisil 'a (11,4 inet•noil irorate,court XI, atOml 113jd,'WhRli shaltbi intinbertarni'lirorgiihr In Philadelphia all sails shall,,be Institute. In ttitt' said Courts ofemowPwrPletrs;olthout designs thr t h e r u oth e r, or 1 4 11 i coUrt,. and Iheasjaywal Tani vtotirilli,l Pbrift , ,,itinl :ii,nrioriiiin I he, otisir, :neis ahiongtlithn; iii - inch' MUldiez; ak Shull he' provided by rules of...evert, ...atoVetteb;:totittzbs L. telt let, apt'. suit. ato9l he treat rtashmed shalt hems', eseitiAreptri;die: ion thereof, subjeettothinge.; of venue. as shift 6e Ordrhied 'by '141%, . IL:Ain i high'eny'each ezierfihnii 'lnch etcluslie Jurls,-, illaion , ot•allldottedinaa at 1-visin) 'in — equity ' . . commencetf therein ; sohjevt.to.ehatigt:of arenas' ... , us inay,he. proyidel by Jam. n. ~, 7 , ~ . y, ~ i il :' r 'Mk 7 F 11l I• i 0 1 ; .. C. . • ~., T. , i ;II 31 011 1111, ...erp.fitiltii Ilitti dne: OrOtlnio‘rary'.ollle,and one Prothone, , fm , all inti3'eikits:lo beltopt lilted by.thii„ituhtcs,, orrisht edurtk`and . to hold Offfee'.f.ir threte year .4.'" subJkit so.-raziov.ll,by- a .inajority of the , .ta ix! ' „Ittlspt ; 4 the: said , • Prothonot tr 7. alien OPPliirliT I etch aeS , Statll6o ttit,ES hell ecktteuy,:in its it therja.. ;! ed 4.4. 'said &Aires, and ha and his:tails tilt t s Oft% i tt+:kitt.'lffeil*aLifes,'-iti'•lie'Wte it - tined' hi , Crlit , indlpatti 4; calif; toiait?; ail' na.... , dillee t c , dln''. saki office: eke wt stivhota;mwr -belor laW /Nilo?. r the Ctoninonttcaltit. shall. I,- linitl,be. then Vim!) tliOnotn' ry'int fy then ~. n.itvreasury.•:E,neb aturt ) shrill have its at”lnCittidi - aitels. etcept .thejupg- nient . ditiMl'irlifebsirill contain' the. jadgem fill andillens of ialbtliessid einfrts,.teS le . OF osurtiii;;l ' dlrected by lats ilk .../: r... ,, ,,,!:.f 7111 14 ... It , at 11 ' SEC: 8. -,Ti r ge, tittitLptar thin the nottlitica of l'hiladelplifiOnil Allegitenr . resiwotivelv shall. :trues time to time, inlVerlailail mien: more of 'their :Judgcs ,jo. liold ' Even to eoorts.Tf. Qyer mildmild;Terinbier grid rho tootle of o:ltFait' er. : 1 / 2 3.4014,0 k!r ,'tha Pace a sild 'coati th . '' 'hi su6ll.mianier`sS, tots , - diti‘nted , hrihn , .'' , .., ••• '.l !.; • - ..t ..' , 1i , ... . ', ! SEM. tr. ljutigt3-tif.--tt4 , CortrriLfiefint.;-) moo ,Nmas imanorl intthearkii. shilli be Judgt h:.V , I Abe conite)f. gyer, mu' .T,trittiner:Alnarter:.6ea-1 , 'atoitiof 'the Babe, nal 1315ne.yaklail Derrtery.! , - and oeltiii Oft buias C4nrt,, and'lsildit - theirre- ;., ',Dpeettvo'sli:Triefa Willlut ticii tlf the Vista 4." to critional tio l tera_2.. ... ..;. .1... ..,-;; ....•..:., : - . ia SO. jil.The,l jail itesi inf. •tii 0 en ftrtii -4, (ii 1 ,c04..il pot., wis bin: their r4s.perftire count les;!:: •simiofertipw oer,,tulmo ; svr th..pr ce.wrrAtorn 4 . to Strpittis or 11if - ;'pink , e iinO:uilfer Inferior tom ts 0 'not (it reen're. - And ail iittisie; their' proceeditt . tit' be•hrinv,ht , before Ahern nud.riiht undjithikel , ,n''' ';be tb)de. , ~.; , .= .; . ~-4 , :, • !,:,....; ~ 1 f; . e ,:; . ..i. r. • ;Sfic••: 1 1, if:NC-ph, na;drifertrise prorirled,,i In this Constitution, inatiem, f i r .th r Altrtroot, %l aldenaciti'eleill htCleeted.l4,Pie; percnal.wrl4..,, iltairlets;titirenkihs - nfal 'te‘riishills, aphis Stint° i'ir.,,, tboeleelhat of; catistablea„, by the nualifieilefee:‘- 'tors thereof; in aucictianner us shell betitretied '% by l4re atoi stualleennunksinned, by thi Gnic.,l ero Or for 6 jerm.;of - Pn, Yen rat , --.N 0,40 w44 1 ,P, !i ward, dialect dr,binongti shall .ellet,OOtre than , • twdjatici-4'ilf tligikeate'!br iiloernittn telthoue '',.• fr. the carmen Vols. turn tjuti iy . ize 1,14 qfialiffeill.l6er ,,l ` , ,itors. Fif ii in enels tp.',wasltite wart or burvarglitml.. o , per:ion:A:tit ke..elegted to. stich,o3lco ,onlesailtal.;. , shalriutve 'fro (led .41thlii the toirnshimbnrousth l ,.,, Ward ot;;llsiriet.fif brie yanti. ties( PrseediftiChts : , eleetton: In eititi 4 edidalultigio = ceilliTtbdnitatid. , ' InbabituuM:notAm neatisM oneluldermhn Shull' bo elected In eaeb_vranl or dlatritlyr4lir-st oz.in revere! at Vires*-11V171 -", .:..,' .1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers